carlyraejepsans · 2 years
(Honestly, I headcanon that Gaster is the dad of Sans and Papyrus lol
and you're far from alone in that, kid. though, the more i think about it, the more i think he's going to be a third brother instead. they'll be related, one way or another, it's been that case with all monsters of the same type/design we've seen so far (and font name = skeleton).
but him being their father kinda opens up the question of "then who was their mother/other parent?" and it's just... never been brought up by the lore, y'know? NOTHING. and I really, really doubt the handholes theory is canon XD
that problem would be entirely avoided with broster (or i guess "papyrus is gaster"), because then their parents are just never brought up at all. they'd be background noise at best, like with undyne or alphys or mtt.
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syntymatitahna · 11 months
re: this
Smth else that annoys me is that many of my fellow Finns don't give a flying fuck about Finnish culture until it is about something that isn't actually Finnish culture. Like the Karelian pirogs/kalittas/šipainiekkus, like, if a Finn is making them at home with a recipe they learned from their Karelian grandma, how is it away from the Finn that they're partaking in a Karelian food tradition? They obviously have the ""right"" to that tradition even if they exclusively identify as a Finn, it is their family tradition. Doesn't make it a Finnish one. Why do they get so butthurt about that?!?
I kind of wanna make some kinda guide to people who feel like they "don't have their own culture" that forces them to acknowledge their culture so they can stop whining about how disenfranchised peoples are sooo meeean for not "sharing", weeeeeh. 🤦
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eosphoria · 3 months
Deeply tormented by the fact there's only 4 chapters left of MHA and
Remember how deku was chasing Bakugo even if he had nothing in return? Bakugo is in that position now and what if that is his biggest punishment. He had this dream, this lifelong plan, crushed, not by deku not having a quirk anymore or bakugo needing rehab, but just himself.
"what did I do to you?"
This endless sense of loss and grief because of his own actions, that seem to have been forgiven, but what can he do for izuku to stop controlling his damn heart and put it all on the table?
Be it utter rejection, be it accepting bakugo's dream of fighting together for the rest of their lives, WHAT IS IT, IZUKU?
I believed I was gonna feel at ease with a damn handhold but now that bakugo is so so forward and out there with his care for izuku, HOW CAN I BE AT EASE WITH A FUCKING HANDHOL-
Please my child cannot have this stress on his heart rn, and by my child I mean myself (and also katsuki but MYSE-)
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ghoulgirlwrites · 1 year
So Don’t Hate Me, Trust In Me
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Pairing: Frank Iero x Female Reader
Era: Danger Days
Requested by: Anon
Word Count: ~1500
Summary/Request: So I was thinking about a Frank X fem!Reader (she/her) during Danger Days era, where they are really close and it's obvious they like each other, and Frank is more forward with liking her, but she's insecure bc she doesn't have any experience with relationships and intimacy (even just handholing and stuff), and is worried he'd be disappointed, maybe even something like she's not good enough for him. And he gets her to talk about it to him and is really understanding and reassuring, and willing to give her time and space, but she feels better after the conversation and wants to try. So basically angst to fluff?
A/N: I LOVED writing this one. It was one of the first fics I worked on in getting out of my hiatus and it was just everything I wanted in a request (particularly Danger Days Frank). Enjoy!
You’d just started a new job as Frank’s guitar tech. It was a dream job for you, since you wanted to work with bands and travel around the world, but you were too shy to get onstage yourself. MyChem were currently on tour promoting their newest album, Danger Days, and you were excited to work for them, since you’d been friends with Frank since shortly before Revenge had come out.
But the best part of the job was getting to work with Frank. The rest of the band was super nice and welcoming, but Frank was so generous and he seemed to care about making your job easier whenever he could. Every time you switched out a guitar for him, he’d grin at you as if you were his personal savior. When you’d first started working for Frank, you’d been nervous that it would affect your friendship, but it had only brought you closer.
However, you were trying to be cautious because you knew you were starting to fall for him. You figured that he was just nice to you because he was nice to the rest of the crew, but you often caught yourself wondering what it would be like to kiss him or to run your fingers through his hair, which he’d taken to wearing longer, down to his shoulders. You knew you couldn’t act on these feelings because you figured he’d never like you back and saying or doing the wrong thing could put you out of a job and you really wanted to keep working with him, not just because of your crush.
You were just about finished setting up before MyChem took the stage for tonight. You handed Frank his first guitar and he put his hand over yours on the neck of the instrument, holding you in his hazel eyed gaze.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“You’re welcome.” You felt proud that your voice didn’t tremble and you prayed he didn’t notice your hand shaking beneath his.
He turned to head to the side of the stage, but then ran back to you.
“Did you forget something, Frank?” You asked.
“Yeah. I just wanted to say you look really nice tonight,” he said.
Your cheeks burned as you averted your gaze. “Thanks.”
You watched him play his heart out, still bewildered from the compliment he’d given you. It wasn’t the first time, but usually his praise was about your work. Your stomach fluttered at the idea that he noticed how you looked. You usually dressed for comfort, in jeans, band shirts, and hoodies and you weren’t dressed that differently tonight, apart from the fact that you were wearing your favorite hoodie. You liked it because it was comfortable, but you also thought that it brought out the color in your eyes.
The show was nearing the end, when Gerard started walking around the stage as he spoke into his microphone.
“So before we play our last song, we wanted to give a big thank you to our crew who do such an amazing job at every show. Thank you to our merch, our lights and sound people--”
Frank cut in. “And I just wanted to call my guitar tech, Y/N, to the stage for a minute. Y/N, where you at, girl?”
Your face burned as you shrunk back, but you saw Frank walking over to you, his guitar still slung around his neck. He lifted one hand, beckoning you gently with one finger. “Come on,” he mouthed, his lips curling in a sweet smile.
You sighed, walking onstage to a crowd of thousands, who were all screaming for you. ‘Bet they’d scream for just about anything if Frank told them to,’ you thought bitterly to yourself. But all thoughts went out of your head as Frank took your hand and led you over to his mic so he could talk.
“This is Y/N, my amazing guitar tech, she keeps me in line all night, can we give her a big round of applause?” Frank asked the crowd, lifting his arms up towards the pit. You blushed over his comment about “keeping him in line all night,” and hoped the stage lights didn’t show how red you felt.
The crowd went wild once again and your face burned even more as you felt Frank wrap his arm around you and pull you into a hug, discreetly kissing your cheek. It was such a quick peck that you were almost sure you’d imagined it, but when Frank pulled away from you, he was blushing too, but grinning, the corners of his hazel eyes crinkling.
Frank finally let you go and you escaped to the sanctuary of backstage. You hadn’t wanted to hurt Frank’s feelings by running away, but it made you nervous being in the spotlight. And that kiss on your cheek had made your heart soar, but now you felt nervous. What did it mean?
After that night, you tried to keep yourself busy and limit your interactions with Frank. You didn’t know what his intentions were and you were scared you weren’t good enough for him. You had never really dated anyone and you knew he’d had quite a few relationships, so you were also afraid that your inexperience would be a turnoff for him.
It was hard to totally avoid him though, especially since you worked for him and you’d seen his face fall enough to know that he’d noticed and wasn’t happy about it, but you couldn’t help it.
Finally, he cornered you one day backstage while one of the opening bands set up for their set.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he murmured.
Your heart stopped. You were caught. There was no avoiding the conversation now. You swallowed hard. “Frank, I…I’m sorry. Can we talk about this somewhere more private?” As you said this, you saw Gerard out of the corner of your eye, looking over at the two of you, his eyebrows furrowed. Gerard was hard to miss these days, with his bright red hair.
Frank nodded and you let him take your hand and pull you away from everyone else. Once you’d stopped walking, he held your hand in his still, loose enough that you could let go if you wanted to, but tight enough that you could sense that Frank didn’t want to let you go.
He sighed. “Look, I--I’m sorry if I scared you off that night when I called you onstage, but I just--I wanted to show you how special you are to me and how much I like you, I just didn’t really know how. I didn’t plan on kissing your cheek, it just happened, so if you’ve been avoiding me because of that, I’m so sorry. I never want to make you uncomfortable and I want you to know that we’ll do whatever you want. If you want to pretend this never happened, we can do that, if you want to leave tour--”
You’d been listening to him ramble, your heart fluttering in your chest as he said everything you’d hoped to hear from him, but when he mentioned you leaving tour, you had to stop him. “Frank, I don’t wanna leave tour.”
His face lit up with a cautious sort of hope. “You don’t?”
You shook your head, offering him a small smile. “No, I don’t.”
He sighed in relief. “Thank God. So what is it then? I miss you and I want us to be good again.”
You sighed. “I like you too. I like you so much that it scares me. A-and I could tell you liked me too and that scared me even more.”
He frowned. “Why? You never have to be afraid of me, you know that.”
You bit your lip. “I know. It’s not that. It’s just that…you know I’m not very experienced when it comes to this kind of thing. And I’m insecure that I’ll screw it up, or that I won’t be good at…you know.” You trailed off, blushing furiously.
His full lips curved in a slight smile, his hazel eyes full of warmth and love for you. “Y/N, you’re going to be amazing, because you’re amazing. But we can slow things down, I can…I can back off a little if that’s what you need.”
You nodded. “Not too far back though,” you whispered, smiling slightly.
He reached his hand out to yours, linking your pinky with yours. The simple, gentle touch felt amazing.
“Better?” He asked, his eyes searching yours.
You nodded, reaching up with your other hand to brush his hair out of his face. It had grown down to his shoulders and you loved the way it looked, even when it obscured his beautiful eyes. “Thanks, Frank.”
He smiled. “Of course.”
The two of you took things slow over the next few months. Frank was unendingly patient with you, which made you feel brave enough to progress your relationship. You still worked for him, since it gave the two of you the chance to spend a lot of time together and travel around the world. You loved watching him play music and jump around the stage like a maniac. And after every show, he was yours, and that was all that mattered.
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radialhighway · 1 year
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will be reposting some of my old edits here from twitter, starting with this one lol. just to clarify: this is an edited screenshot, not a mod or a glitch. mentioning this because i've seen people assume this handholing arrangement can somehow be replicated in the game itself — and i can't say that's 100% impossible because who the hell knows, but that's definitely not where this picture is from. i just flipped Shadow and put him on the other side, this also isn't how the characters sit on the bench when there's two of them (though i think not being centered fits these two better so that's on purpose).
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xiangqiankua · 4 months
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I was perusing this sign today while waiting for the traffic light. 路基改善 sounds all well and good, but what exactly is 孔蓋調降?
First off, it turns out there are different kinds of 孔, 人孔 and 手孔:
「中華電信臉書粉專「HiNet光世代」曾說明,道路上的孔蓋有方形也有圓形,兩者之間差別在於,方型叫做「手孔蓋」,圓型的才叫做人孔蓋。 手孔蓋比較淺,主要是讓線路能夠擺放,但人下不去;至於人孔蓋則比較深,可以讓工程師下去維修。」
As for 孔蓋調降, this handy video reveals all (with soothing music and subtitled, slow narration, no construction noise):
Basically they lower the manhole (or handhole) by 20 cm and then cover it up with a metal plate and asphalt, because otherwise there are too many accidents caused by people either driving over them or swerving to avoid them, especially in the rain. 平整度 píngzhěng dù / flatness 飆高 biāo gāo / surge, skyrocket 銑鋪 xiǎn pù / to smooth over a road surface. As I was looking this up I came across a video of a reporter by a traffic sign interviewing embarrassed locals baffled by 銑, if you've ever wanted to see native speakers trying to figure out how to pronounce an unfamiliar 字) 消防栓 xiāofáng shuān / fire hydrant 水閥 shuǐ fá / water valve 寬頻 kuānpín / broadband 垂直 chuízhí / perpendicular (or vertical) 水平 shuǐpíng / horizontal 瀝青 lìqīng / asphalt 分層 fēn céng / to laminate 夯實 hāngshí / to tamp down
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queer-irritator · 2 years
A New Neighbor | Kratos x GN! Reader | Chapter 5
Content Warnings: Adult language, mention of death and loss
Word Count: 1,148
Chapter 4, Chapter 6
You stepped outside into the warm sun, a nice contrast to the cool air. Atreus passed off Mimir to his father, who tied him to his belt. You followed Kratos as he began to walk down a well-worn path, it flowed to the entrance of a building that was locked up tight. Atreus seemed familiar with this route, he automatically began climbing up the side of the building, Kratos stood at the first hand hole and nodded his head toward the wall. You approached the wall, looking up and Atreus was already half way up the building. To be honest, you had zero upper body strength, but you took a deep breath and began to climb up the wall, following the path Atreus had taken.
Your arms were burning by the time you made it to the top of the building and you, less than gracefully, rolled yourself onto the landing. You heard a chuckle and looked up to see Atreus laughing at your expense, but you couldn’t be upset with him. “I guess it’s pretty obvious I haven’t climbed a building before.” You said as you stood up, just as Kratos pulled himself up.
Atreus nodded at you, “Yeah..” he admitted, “But you’ll get used to it! It gets easier with practice.” 
Kratos kept on task, leading the way to, great, another larger wall. You took a deep breath and followed Atreus’ lead once again. 
About halfway up you were breathing heavy, your fingertips were numb, and your biceps were burning like never before. But you were determined to not let your lack of experience slow the boys down. As you grabbed onto the next handhole and began to pull yourself up the gravel under your fingers became loose, and before you knew it you were falling. You didn’t even have time to process what had just happened when Kratos had grabbed ahold of your arm, saving you from a nasty fall. Your heart was beating out of your chest for, multiple reasons… 
“Thank you.” You told Kratos, out of breath. 
“Mmh.” A reply you were becoming familiar with, “Hold on.” Kratos instructed you as he pulled you up and put you on his back. 
You clung onto his shoulders and hooked your legs onto his waist. 
“Thank you…again.” You spoke softly, coming to terms with the events that had just unfolded, and how hot your face had gotten since getting this close to Kratos. 
But, Kratos simply continued to climb up the rest of the wall like nothing had happened. 
As he came to the top of the wall, Atreus had been observing the situation the two of you were in. And of course, he had an amused smile on his face he wasn’t even trying to hide. 
“You guys alright?” he asked, and, god, you hope your face wasn’t as red as it felt. 
Kratos grunted at his son as he pulled himself up, and you hopped off his back, trying to compose yourself.
“Because it seemed like-“ Atreus started to tease his father, but he was cut off.
“Quiet.” Kratos instructed. You caught a glance of Mimir and Atreus exchanging looks. 
“I’m sorry,” you began to apologize to Kratos, “I just… I’m not used to climbing up the sides of mountains… But, I’ll get better.” You promised. 
“It is not your fault.” Kratos replied, “We will help you improve.” He turned his head towards you with his last words. 
You smiled and nodded at him, “Okay.” 
He gave you a nod of his head in return. 
“Come on, we’re almost there!” Atreus said, he was starting to get restless just standing around. 
He began to follow a path that curled around the outside of the mountain. Kratos followed him, and you lagged a little behind to chat with Mimir. 
“Sorry if I kicked you, Mimir.” You had been so terrified, you don’t know if you injured your friend. 
“S’alright lad! I get thrown around by Kratos all the time.” Mimir assured you. 
After about ten minutes of walking and hopping over some fallen pillars, Kratos and Atreus stopped at a landing and walked towards the edge to look over their home, you followed behind them and admired the view from so high up. 
“I can barely see it…” Atreus said sadly. He looked to his father, “Can you fix it?”
Kratos stared out at a very thin, glowing yellow semi-circle around his home.
“Perhaps.” He stated, “But it will take time.” He looked to his son. “Time and resources we do not have.”
Atreus looked defeated as he kicked a pebble off the side of the mountain.
“I could help,” you chimed in. “If you know the spell used to create it originally, I could help you restore it.” 
“It was my mom’s.” Atreus explained. “She died a while ago, but she kept somethings to herself. This being one of them.” 
“Shit.” You thought to yourself.You couldn’t think of anything to do or say to comfort them. 
“I’m so sorry… I’ll let you have some time.” You excused yourself and walked a little ways down the path and found a rock to sit on.
“We should seek the dwarves help.” Kratos proposed to his son. “They… have ways.”
Atreus nodded in agreement and quickly wiped away a tear that had escaped, “Yeah… We should go now before any more damage is done.” 
With that, he left his father to stare at the last thing Faye had left them. 
(Kratos’ POV)
As he stared at his home, memories of Faye flooded his mind. The day Atreus was born. The day Faye had set up the protective barrier. The day he and Atreus burnt her body. It was times like this when he needed her the most. Keeping their home safe, trying to comfort Atreus. Not to mention that Atreus had been dropping hints that he has seemingly found someone he “liked”. He had no idea how to explain those types of things to him. “Close your heart to it.” His own advice echoed in his head. 
“Mimir.” He had to turn to the other friend in his life now. “Do you think the dwarves can repair it?”
“It’s hard to say, brother. Haven’t seen it in this rough of shape before.” Mimir replied honestly.
Kratos grunted and turned around to see where Atreus had went. As he headed down the path, he could see him sitting with you. You had your hand on his shoulder and you were talking to him. He couldn’t hear what you were saying, so he continued to walk towards the two of you. Atreus noticed his father approaching and stood up, mumbling a ‘Thanks’ to you. You smiled at Atreus. Your smile… no. He cut his own wandering thoughts short, it was just a smile. 
“There is a gateway nearby.” Kratos stated as he led the way down a narrow path that revealed a mystic gateway.
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e17omm · 3 months
Im so tired of hoyo handholing me through menus with 2 options
imma just play elden ring today and prepare for tomorrow when the dlc drops
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doublegoblin · 1 year
Tormented Conception
He gazed upon the broken and battered husk before him. Laying slumped against the ground, blunt instrument lodged deep within the face of that…thing. He stood at what he thought was his triumph, his everlasting factory; so he turned but frozen at the resonate weeping of life. He heard the keening of the shattered frame, yet he saw no movement. The hole where the weapon lodged was falling into itself, soon too did it, into an empty chasm of nothing. A new sense filled the man, no, the boy. A creeping and clinging tightness of his stomach and palpitation of heart. He had to look away, to run, his instincts were screaming FLIGHT FLIGHT FLIGHT, yet he froze.
From within the spider webbing of the shell it seeped and pooled, not blood, but light. The man feel to his knees as the world was overtaken by the agonized screeches and wails of countless voices. The light around the figure burns the grass in cold fire. Then as suddenly as it began; an utter vacuum of noise. Thinking the death knell over the man waited for his head to stop pounding and his wounds to finish healing. What a pathetic creature. Was this the last vestige he had hoped for, was this really all it had-
A thin and brilliant white arm erupted from the face of the figure. It’s seven fingered hand clawed in nails of black obsidian. It flailed slowly, unearthly delayed, as it searched from some kind of anchor. It found something invisible to coil the gnarled digits around. Finding a handhole several more limbs sprouted from the same orifice, light dribbling out like a dammed stream. Then they began to lift the broken chrysalis up into the sky, more shards falling down the ground and melting away. Looking up, the man could see the runes of empty black dancing across the flesh, swirling and writhing. Once more there was stillness as the limbs spread and bent at hateful angles and the shell hung limp in the air. With a gut wrenching crack the limbs snapped to a new position as the shell shattered away. There was no sight for the emergence of the body as the man was blinded by hateful and oppressive brilliance. His vision returned, he beheld a new figure, humanoid in shape he supposed. It was hard to tell as the arms had wrapped themselves around the thing like a shawl, or, a mourning outfit? A singular arm raised upright in the air clung to an invisible thread. 
Had this thing been inside this entire time? This…thing, the size of a mountain…contained in such a fragile and diminutive shell? 
The titan swayed in a breeze and the arms not stretched writhed along the mass, in a…self comforting way? In a language that burned the man’s mind the being spoke in multitudes of voices, no words, only feelings of rage and betrayal. The titan stopped swaying and the world was filled with the snapping of sinew and bones as the fingers shielding the face split away, light cascading and crashing on the ground. Where in eyes should be, mouths twisting and contouring in agonized silence. In the place of a mouth, several more hands suffocated. Before shattering away as the beast screaming the ur-despair and the sky turned black. 
This was the birth of a new god.
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indiacabex · 13 days
Flexible Conduit Accessories: A Comprehensive Guide
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Flexible Conduits Accessories are essential components in electrical installations, providing a protective and flexible pathway for cables. To enhance their functionality and adaptability, a variety of flexible conduit accessories are available. This article will delve into the types, applications, and importance of flexible conduit accessories.
Types of Flexible Conduit Accessories
Purpose: To connect two sections of flexible conduit together.
Compression couplings: Rely on mechanical compression to create a secure connection.
Set screw couplings: Use set screws to clamp the conduit sections together.
Push-fit couplings: Offer a quick and easy installation method.
Purpose: To protect the cable as it enters or exits the conduit.
Standard bushings: Provide basic protection.
Strain relief bushings: Incorporate strain relief features.
Liquid-tight bushings: Offer a waterproof and dustproof seal.
Purpose: To securely terminate the cable within the conduit.
Compression terminations: Create a secure connection using compression fittings.
Set screw terminations: Use set screws to clamp the cable in place.
Crimp terminations: Utilize crimping tools to create a mechanical bond.
Purpose: To allow the conduit to change direction.
90-degree bends: For sharp turns.
45-degree bends: For gradual curves.
S-bends: For complex routing.
Purpose: To provide mechanical support for the conduit and prevent sagging.
Hangers: For suspending the conduit from overhead structures.
Brackets: For mounting the conduit to walls or other surfaces.
Clamps: For securing the conduit in place.
Pull Boxes:
Purpose: To provide access points for pulling or repairing cables within the conduit.
Standard pull boxes: General-purpose boxes.
Junction boxes: For connecting multiple conduits or cables.
Handhole covers: For underground conduit systems.
Applications of Flexible Conduit Accessories
Flexible conduit accessories are used in a wide range of industries and applications, including:
Industrial Automation: For controlling machinery and processes.
Building Automation: For managing lighting, HVAC, and security systems.
Data Centers: To protect critical infrastructure and data.
Renewable Energy: In solar, wind, and hydro power installations.
Transportation: For electrical systems in vehicles, trains, and ships.
Marine and Offshore: To withstand harsh environmental conditions.
Oil and Gas: For equipment in hazardous areas.
Importance of Flexible Conduit Accessories
The selection and proper installation of flexible conduit accessories are crucial for ensuring the safety, reliability, and longevity of electrical installations. They offer several benefits, including:
Safety: Protecting against electrical hazards and preventing fires.
Reliability: Ensuring the continuous operation of equipment.
Compliance: Adhering to industry standards and regulations.
Cost-Effectiveness: Preventing costly downtime and maintenance.
Environmental Protection: Protecting against environmental factors and reducing the risk of pollution.
Flexible conduit accessories play a vital role in safeguarding electrical installations and ensuring their optimal performance. By understanding the different types, applications, and benefits of these accessories, engineers and technicians can make informed decisions to select the most suitable options for their specific requirements.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Beer Events 7.23
Mug-House Riots (London; 1716)
Beerhouse Act went into effect (England; 1830)
John Hoffman patented a Frame for Hop Scoops (1907)
Max Norkewitz patented a Bottle Carrier for Bottling Establishments (1907)
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association registered "Budweiser" trademark first used in January 1876 (1907)
William Peacock patented a Self Sealing Bottle-Stopper (1912)
Harry Barker patented a Handhole Cover (1929)
Richard Reynolds patented a Beer Keg (1974)
Elton Kaminski and Carl McEldowney patented a Pull Tab for Easy Open Can End (1985)
Justin Ward patented a Draft Beer Tower Cooling System (1996)
Brewery Openings
Kennett Diamond Brewery (California; 1999)
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partsfeca · 3 months
Cleveland 100335 Handhole Plate/ Cover Assembly | PartsFe
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Order Cleveland 100335 Handhole Plate/ Cover Assembly today! Shop Restaurant Equipment Parts & Accessories at PartsFe with same-day shipping, available at the best prices.
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Cleveland 100335 Handhole Plate/ Cover Assembly | PartsFe
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Order Cleveland 100335 Handhole Plate/ Cover Assembly today! Shop Restaurant Equipment Parts & Accessories at PartsFe with same-day shipping, available at the best prices.
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laurafan13 · 4 months
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Fiber Optic Splice Closures (FOSC) CH015A
Capacity of FOSC: Bunchy: 6—96 (Cores) Ribbon: max. 216 (Cores)
The scope of application is aerial, underground, pipeline, and handhole. The ambient temperature ranges from -40 to 65℃.
Outside dimension (LxWxH): 450x216x110 (mm)
#closure #spliceclosure #fiberoptic #FTTH #FOSC #Telecommunications #Telecom #FTTX #FTTB #FTTP #waterproof #underground #networking #ISP
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qocsuing · 4 months
Understanding Flange Metallic Gaskets
Understanding Flange Metallic Gaskets: A Detailed Overview
Flange metallic gaskets are essential components in various industrial applications, ensuring seamless connections of piping systems. These gaskets are designed to fit between two sections of pipe that are flared to provide a higher surface area, creating a secure and leak-free connection.Get more news about Flange Metallic Gasket,you can vist our website!
Flange gaskets may appear simple, but their impact is significant. The quality of the gasket material and manufacturing process, as well as the correct selection and installation, can greatly affect the performance of the piping system. A poor-quality gasket or incorrect installation can lead to leaks or even premature failure, resulting in costly repairs.
Flange gaskets come in a variety of materials, including rubber, silicone, and metals. The choice of material depends on the specific requirements of the application. For instance, rubber gaskets are used in a wide variety of machine and equipment constructions, while Viton® and silicone are often used in the chemical and food industry due to their superior resistance to chemicals.
Metallic gaskets, in particular, are made by winding alternating strips of metal and soft filler material, such as flexible graphite or PTFE. These gaskets are ideal for standard flanges, heat exchangers, boiler handholes, manholes, and other high-temperature, high-pressure applications.
When selecting a flange gasket, it’s important to consider the type of flange, the pressure and temperature of the application, and the type of fluid or gas being transported. It’s also crucial to ensure that the gasket is installed correctly to achieve a tight seal.
In conclusion, flange metallic gaskets play a pivotal role in ensuring the efficiency and safety of industrial operations. By understanding their function and how to select and install them correctly, industries can enhance operational efficiency and maintain optimal safety standards.
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mxswell · 4 months
does the handhole of a muppet count as an orifice
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