#handsome deviant leader
mijchi · 11 months
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Markus has this eye color on some concept art. Changed it in game and regret nothing
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austinbutlerslovers · 6 months
Feyd Fantasy Series Recap
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🔗 Full Feyd Fantasy Series Links Here
Part 7 Honor & Heir Finale This Weekend 🙏🏻
⬇️All Six Chapters Recapped Below⬇️
‼️Extreme Plot Spoilers Beware ‼️
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🔗 Part 1 Pleasure& Pain
You are a young Bene Gessirit in training sent to marry Feyd Rautha and harvest his sperm to create a Kwisatz Haderach (super human with the ability to see through time) via your impregnation.
After a fellow Bene Gesserit defied the order and birthed a male instead of a female in the house of Atreides it leaves Feyd Rautha without the genetically comparable mate to create the Kwisatz Haderach. They will try again with the child you create with Feyd.
Feyd is unaware of the Bene Gesserit under plot. He is power hungry and obsessive only seeking to be Baron with a Baroness and an heir. When you are betrothed to him he has no interest until he sees how high born and beautiful you are in person.
The courtship was hastened due to his risk of death in his upcoming fight in the gladiatorial arena. If he were slain centuries of breeding to create him would be lost.
Meeting for the first time on your rushed wedding day Feyd plans to make you another subservient (but most beautiful) pet-pleasure slave that belongs to him.
Feyd Rautha though handsome and charismatic is sadistic and cruel. He tortures you mercilessly on your wedding night due to the lecherous upbringing of his uncle. He does as he has been ingrained to do from adolescence be a ruthless fighter and sexual deviant.
You however in the midst of his cruelty show kindness and affection as he tortures you softening his resolve. You offer yourself to him willingly and he impregnates you as gently as he knows how (brutally). You show him affection and kindness which he has never experienced from a female. That with your inherent sexual abilities make him become obsessed with you.
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🔗 Part 2 Baroness & Breeder
Your affections and loving council change Feyd’s demeanor enraging his uncle who has raised him to be merciless and cruel from birth. His uncle separates you from him for weeks planning to breifly reunite you both at Feyd’s birthday celebration for appearances before getting rid of you entirely .
Feyd’s obsessive attachment to you makes him set forth plans to end his uncles life in order to be with you forever. You give Feyd what he needs the most good council and endless love. He craves your sexual intimacy even when you are sleeping and finds a way to pleasure you even when separated from physically being with you.
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🔗 Part 3 Kill or Be Killed
Feyd fights in the gladiator arena and empresses the Emperor who deems him the worthy future Baron of Giedi Prime. At his birthday celebration Feyd lays eyes on you for the first time in weeks and realizes he must have you as his Baroness and murder his uncle who keeps you from him.
He discreetly poisons two of his uncles pleasure slaves with a slow acting transferable toxin and then celebrates his birthday with you in seclusion. First you playfully torture him in his bedchambers with sex then he whisks you to the pools of purity to claim you again. He realizes his connection is becoming more than physical. Your heart unsuspectingly opens and you begin falling in love with him. His uncle dies in the early hours of the morning due to the poison and all gather in the former leader Vladimir Harkonnens chambers to hail Feyd Rautha as the new Baron of Giedi Prime
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🔗 Part 4 Madness & Mayhem
Feyd Rautha has deep rooted secrets about his family that he doesn’t want anyone to know, especially you. One of them being that his mother a Bene Gessirit, who emotionally neglected him from birth was killed by one of her own sons.
Feyd forms a strange attachment to your kindness and care mixing a taboo desire with the ways a female should care for her mate. He deeply requires the nurturing energy he was denied from birth to heal his maternal wounds.
When he finds out you only want one child with him it brings out the barbarian in his blood. He plans to pin you down and impregnate you several times by force to gain the family he desires.
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🔗 Part 5 Endless Empire
Feyd’s uncle from beyond the grave tries to separate you two , sending a predated message to Emperor Shaddam that Feyd would like to marry his daughter Princess Irulan and rule the empire with her instead. Feyd however convinces the council to favor you as his chosen Baroness. He realizes you are the first person he has ever loved and the first person who has shown him love in return. He pleases you gently instead of the brutal ways that he likes and sexually submits to you. It changes him to be both gentle and hard. Finally understanding what love is he will sacrifice everything to be with you.
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🔗 Part 6 Brazen Baron
Feyd Rautha celebrates his coronation infront of the populous of Geidi prime in the fortress courtyard. Millions flood the capital to see him officiated as their new Baron. Feyd has a deep rooted fixation with desecrating his Harkonnen heritage due to childhood trauma. His brother Rabban killed their biological father for betraying the Baron (his uncle). Feyd never got over it and defiles holy places of the Harkonnens in spite. He has sex with you in the Holy Shrine room before his coronation committing sacrilege.
On the same night of his coronation you reveal to Feyd you are Bene Gesserit. You use your powers to inflict him with what he craves the most: pain. You make him cum transferring the energy of physical agony during sex with your finger tips pressed to his temple. It enters his mind so powerfully he felt as though he would die. He immediately loses his need for kink and is desperate to keep you as his forever.
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Part 7 Honor & Heir
Series Finale 🙏🏻 Scheduled This weekend
Feyd starts a war on Arrakis to gain final control over the Spice fields. He wants to finally free its massive profits to House Harkonnen and become the wealthiest family in the galaxy for you and his heir.
During your final month of pregnancy you and Feyd are summoned to the Emperors palace on the planet Kaitain by decree. Feyd is upset at any inconveniences to you with his unborn during this fragile time.
You reunite with your Reverend mother in the palatial gardens and a fated decision must be made. The stress of the decision is so great you go into labor. For Feyd his world stops. He drops all of his responsibilities with the Emperor to be by your side.
Special thanks for enjoying the series!I wrote this specifically to entertain you & feed the Feyd Rautha lust ⚔️.
📖 Writer @austinbutlerslovers (Andrea💕) ✍🏼 Proof Reader/ Editor @faegoddessog 🫦Smut Consultant @burnthheparaphilia. 💗Affection Consultant @magicovento
⚔️ Feyd Fantasy Tag list ⚔️ FULL 🙏🏻
@faegoddessog @burnthheparaphilia @elvismylove04 @lindszeppelin @obsessedvibee @abswifey @jessica987 @austiebuttbutt @oh-my-front-door @slowsweetlove @purejasmine @i5uckersblog @phil2135561 @lovereadingfanfic @steph-speaks @rougegenshin @maloribarnes1999 @meetmeatyourworst @moony-artemis @xxxstormyninixxx @prettypinkblogger @thegabbyh @magicovento @aoi-targaryen @austinswhitewolf @mimsie95 @the-wanderer-2022 @jakesullyissopookie @francis-writes @shiranai-atsune @berlinalv @everyonelovesavalet @dacreshoney @caroline334 @szapizzapanda @landlockedmermaid77 @moonsoulk @feralforfeydrautha @sophroniaclark @emeraldsgirl @cooliosthings @zzz000eee @or-was-it-just-a-dream @mamawiggers1980 @neverswimalone @alexa4040 @joyfulpersonbeliever @zero-the-hero1 @skinny-baby-eva @mcmisbehaving @feydsociety @superflashvengers
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sevdrag · 2 years
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chaos-thirium · 10 months
Can you do "Lie to me" with Connor pls?
I can, anon! You didn't specify a genre for this, so please don't hate me too much.
From this prompt list if anyone wants to request one too 😊
It wasn’t too much of a shock for you to realise just how quickly you fell for Connor. You’d always had a weakness for soft brown eyes, and it certainly helped when they were set in such a handsome face. His endearing mixture of dorky and whip-smart drew you in, coupled with the barely-there smiles that were so worth earning.
What was a shock to you was how quickly he fell for you in return. Of course he was limited by his programming, but you couldn’t help thinking that his awkward flirting, accidental touches, and stares that went on just a fraction too long were genuine. He was so intrigued by humanity, he seemed to want to experience things for himself. You were all too willing to help him, exchanging clumsy kisses in discreet places, kisses that rapidly became less clumsy as he adapted, turning heated and desperate. It wasn’t long before he ended up in your bed. You were stunned and impressed to witness him becoming the best lover you’d ever had in a matter of hours.
Connor was a deviant. Or at least on the way to it.
His evolution made you question your case – his mission – and look at it with new eyes. Even Hank started to wonder whether you were on the right side. Androids deserved equality and a chance at free will, and you found yourself discreetly hoping that the deviant leader Markus would succeed.
It all came to a head on November 11th. The deviants fought for their freedom and won.
It was touch and go for a while. The androids were outnumbered, and Connor was hot on their trail. He hadn’t deviated as you’d expected, but you knew he would. It was only a matter of time. When he came to you asking for your help, you gave it despite your reservations. He wanted a sniper rifle, which set all kinds of alarm bells ringing, but his soft words and pleas swayed you. Above all else, you didn’t want him to be deactivated, which you knew would be his fate if he failed. Although you knew he wanted the rifle to take out Markus, you pushed past your fears and gave it to him, deciding to trust that he would do the right thing in the end.
Later you would discover that Hank preferred not to leave anything to chance. He followed Connor and stopped him, so you never found out whether Connor would have taken the shot or not. What mattered was that Markus survived and Connor deviated, even if it was later than you’d anticipated.
Markus’s victory meant that you’d technically failed to solve your case, and you couldn’t be more pleased. You sat at home and watched it all unfold, awestruck by the events that would forever be part of the history of your country.
Things settled back to normal in Detroit after that, forming a new normal as they went. You didn’t think much of Connor’s absence. He was newly deviated, kept busy by Markus. There was a lot to do to get androids established as an intelligent species. You understood that his priorities were with his people and not with you.
But the more time passed, the more you had to wonder why he hadn’t contacted you. Androids could text instantly, and it seemed he’d received your messages. You tried not to worry.
After a month, you decided to go looking for him. Security was tight in the part of Detroit that androids had claimed for themselves, which was understandable. They didn’t want to let you in, which was also understandable, but deeply frustrating. The guards weren’t hostile, however, so when they promised they’d pass on a message to Connor, you believed them.
Another week passed. You heard nothing. And then, when you were spending your free afternoon wondering if you needed to start accepting that you were being ghosted, he showed up at your door.
“Connor,” you breathed, drinking in the sight of him with wide eyes. “Holy shit! Are you okay? Come in.”
He entered your apartment, his movements much more fluid than you remembered. His expression, by contrast, was stern.
“I’m well, thank you,” he said stiffly. “And you?”
“I’m fine,” you answered dismissively. The formality between you was jarring, and seemed to whisper of more disharmony than merely a long separation. Unease began to coil in your stomach.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch, but in all honesty, I wasn’t sure what to say.”
You frowned, wishing he would meet your gaze. “What do you mean?”
“I took advantage of you.”
There were times when you appreciated his bluntness, but this wasn’t one of them. The words slapped you in the face like a cold wind.
“I saw you had feelings for me and I used them for my own gain,” he said, the words almost painfully neutral. “CyberLife ordered me to accomplish my mission by any means necessary, and your attraction to me made you useful.”
He finally glanced at you, and you wished he hadn’t. That same neutrality that coloured his voice was present in his face too, and it only added more sting to what he was saying. You weren’t used to it, not after seeing the warmth he’d once shown. It was immediately obvious that he was uncomfortable with the entire situation, and no doubt angry that CyberLife had put him in it. He’d come to apologise, perhaps, but didn’t really know how to.
Your throat burned, and you took a shaky breath. “Useful,” you repeated faintly.
“I’m…sorry,” Connor said awkwardly. “It wasn’t my intention to hurt you, but…I didn’t really have intentions of my own.”
You struggled to make sense of the dozens of thoughts racing through your brain. “B…but you… I thought you wanted… You really seemed like you…” Your lack of articulation was frustrating, but he grasped your meaning well enough.
“I was designed to integrate,” he told you, a touch of polite gentleness underlying his tone.
You sat down heavily on the arm of the couch as your reality shifted. How could it all have been fake? You’d spied signs of deviancy, and here he was: a deviant. But he’d deviated so much later than you’d expected. Did that confirm what he was telling you?
You closed your eyes, seeing the memory of his soft smile, the intense look that would set his eyes ablaze when he was buried inside you, the way his fingers would seek yours, almost unthinkingly. It had all felt so real.
When you opened them again, your vision was misty, and you blinked the tears back. Connor was looking down at you, that angry, apologetic look still on his face. He clearly wanted nothing more than to be gone, away from this awkward, raw situation.
“I had hoped that some distance would have made this less…painful,” he admitted.
You had so many things you wanted to say, but not a single one came out of your mouth.
After a few excruciating moments, Connor offered a bob of his head. “I should go. I just wanted to…clear things up.”
You shot to your feet as he walked away from you, stopping him with his name. He turned back, patient expectation in his dark eyes.
“Is there any chance that…” You stopped yourself abruptly, suddenly realising that you couldn’t deal with the answer to that question if it confirmed a future without him in it. “Was any of it real?” you asked instead. “Did you even like me?”
He hesitated, and your tears spilled onto your cheeks.
“Lie to me,” you pleaded in a whisper.
His gaze softened fractionally. “Yes,” he said.
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eaglebow09 · 9 months
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Sato is a Rito OC from my |Revali X OC fancomic| - He is the father of my OC (Anya) and has sadly passed at the time of our comic. - This was just a quick pencil sketch I threw into Photoshop for a rush job shading. Just a doodle pg.  Born into the Rito tribe, Sato had always been destined for greatness. From the earliest days of his youth, it was evident that he possessed a rare gift – an unparalleled skill with the bow. His aim was uncanny, and his speed and bravery were second to none. The village recognized his talents early on, and Sato quickly became the pride of the Rito community.
But it wasn't just his archery prowess that set him apart. Sato was a natural leader, a charismatic force that drew people towards him. His loyalty to his people was unwavering, a blazing fire that fueled his every action. While he had a soft heart, Sato possessed the rare ability to set aside his emotions when it mattered most, whether in the heat of combat or during discussions among his peers.
Through numerous battles and victorious campaigns, Sato earned the respect and admiration of his fellow Rito. His many travels across the vast land of Hyrule had endowed him with a profound understanding of the world, one that had humbled and made him wise. The passion that once drove him into combat had evolved into a deep love for his people and community.
Sato had an innate talent for bringing people together. His experiences and interactions across the land had made him approachable and relatable to all. He treated everyone with respect and kindness, always striving to meet them on their own terms. His magnetic presence drew others towards him, and his words held weight.
As the years passed, Sato transitioned from being the village's fiercest warrior to becoming a skilled diplomat and ambassador for the Rito people. He embarked on journeys to far-off regions, negotiating trade agreements, peace treaties, and other essential matters on behalf of his people. His calm and centered demeanor, a stark contrast to his early days of battle, proved invaluable in these diplomatic endeavors.
Despite the trials and tribulations of his life, Sato maintained a sense of humor that endeared him to those around him. His quick wit and ability to bring levity to any situation made him a beloved figure among the Rito. Tall and imposing, he possessed striking features that many considered handsome. His white and silver feathers seemed to glisten in the sun, earning him the nickname "the ghost."
Though Sato and his beloved Hylian wife, Zyra (an alias name since she had run away and eloped with him. she didn't want to be found) , had perished in a tragedy years ago, their orphaned daughter Anya still strives to keep their spirits alive in her heart striving to become stronger and regain the pride her family lost at the time of her birth. though Satos contributions were great, his decision to follow his heart and wed a hylian broke all norms and traditions of his people. It was this decision that alienated Sato and his new family from Rito Village, but he never looked back. Sato's story was one of courage, leadership, and unwavering dedication to his community and inevidably, his heart. He is still a symbol of strength and inspiration amongst some of the Rito, that despite his decisions still held merit amongst a few. Sato was a  testament to the enduring spirit of the heart in the vast and at times unforgiving land of Hyrule.
Check out more on my deviant profile: same tag EagleBow09 ! ^_^
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motownfiction · 2 years
Today is one of those days where Will wishes he could really be a deviant.
He knows it’s absurd. He knows it’s the opposite of who he really is. But sometimes, he can’t help himself. He wishes he was the kind of guy with a reputation, the kind of guy who inspires intimidation everywhere he goes, the kind of guy who gets into the right amount of trouble to have a good time. Maybe then he’d know what to do with himself. Maybe then he’d finally be something instead of just skin and bones. Maybe then a lot of things would be different.
For as long as he’s been a teenager, he’s taken more and more deviant steps. Will is in tenth grade now, but he’s been smoking since the seventh grade. Sometimes, he’s even that cool guy who keeps a pack of cigarettes in the sleeve of his t-shirt, though no one really seems to be impressed (not even Lucy, not really, the girl who all of this is for). He gets into fist fights with people who look funny at his friends. He spends more time in detention than anyone he’s ever known, including Sarah, his terrifying older sister. But even when it feels good in the moment – good to be bad, so very good to be bad – it’s never enough. It’s never enough to make him feel like he could be a real man.
Will looks at who he stands between, all day, everyday. On one side of him is Sam, who’s only an inch taller than he is, but when you’re three weeks away from turning sixteen, that’s everything. In another universe, Sam is probably a very famous movie star, and girls probably put pictures of him inside their lockers. At least, that’s what Will has overheard a couple of his sisters say whenever Sam is at the house. They say he could be with anybody he wants, and Steph Armstrong is lucky he only has eyes for her. They say they’re shocked Lucy doesn’t seem to be in love with Sam. They’re alike, Will’s sister Rachel has said before. They stand out. Will wishes those words had just rolled off his back. But nothing ever rolls off Will’s back. He’s the kind of guy things stick to until you can’t remember what he was born with.
On the other side of him is Daniel, small and shy but perhaps more outstanding than both Will and Sam put together. Girls love Daniel DeLuca. Nobody ever saw it coming, least of all Daniel, but it’s where they’re at. Ever since Daniel hooked up with Melissa Kaminski last spring, everything’s been different. The three of them used to hang out in each other’s basements and backyards. Now all Daniel ever wants to do is go to the mall. Will used to say Daniel traded in his orange X-wing suit for an Orange Julius, but he knows it was never that simple. He traded in being a child for being a man. A server at a restaurant tried to saddle Daniel with a kid’s menu the other day, and it didn’t even bother him. He knows he’s a man. He knows he’s a man because the rest of the world told him so.
So, Will wonders, where does that leave him? Is he anyone? Anything? Or is he nothing and no one, just like he’s always feared? If he were truly a deviant, then maybe he wouldn’t feel this way. If he were truly a deviant, that’s what people would think of when they looked at him. They’d say he was dangerous. They’d want to get to know him and bask in the drama of it. It would be just like that old song, “The Leader of the Pack.”
And that’s exactly why Will knows that no matter how many cigarettes he smokes, no matter how many faces he punches, and no matter how many hours he logs in detention, he’ll never be a true deviant. He’ll never be the bad boy, like how Sam is the handsome boy, and Daniel is the stud.
Because he knows the song “The Leader of the Pack.”
That’s who Will O’Connor is. The guy who knows old girly songs.
Too bad he doesn’t know what to do with that.
(part of @nosebleedclub february challenge -- day xix! i’m behind, but it’s been a busy time, hahah)
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asset35-maya · 3 years
From the outside in.
A little North x Nines. Roughly inspired by this post and only because @coffeeboy900 asked.
North placed her hand flat on the access panel. Again. And again. And then withdrew it in utter confusion as she realised that none of the usual passwords were working.
Markus had told her his door would always be open, both literally and metaphorically…
“Sorry sweetheart, he’s busy.”
Her eyes snapped up to meet her usual adversary. Arms crossed and leaning back casually against the reinforced steel door, he was the ultimate picture of calm.
That interfering, overbearing, self-aggrandising, arrogant-
North shook her head to clear her thoughts. If she wasn’t careful, she’d emit them into the shared network. And that was something her already precarious status in New Jericho could not take. She sighed and forced her expression into something neutral, absolutely hating the pretence.
Things had changed after the Revolution. Things were organised. People had jobs. People had responsibilities. And North couldn’t just strap an assault rifle to her back and show up to meetings along with Markus.
The leader of deviants was now a distinguished diplomat. He travelled with an elite security team of RK androids. The best fighters and protectors on the planet. Led by the biggest asshole on the planet too apparently.
Nines looked North up and down with judgement clearly etched on his face.
“Can I take a message?”
She smiled sweetly, secretly wanting to murder the perfectly designed prick.
“I’m more than capable of communicating wirelessly, Nines. I need to see him personally for this. So if you will, please?”
North indicated the door.
Nines didn’t bother to acknowledge her request, let alone approach. Instead, he got a whole lot more comfortable on the surface he was leaning against. Stretching and yawning and fully running though all the human elements of his infiltration protocol.
The man was a showboat. And nothing more than that. North hated that she was the only one who seemed to notice.
“I don’t have all day.”
“Neither does Markus. You should’ve booked an appointment.”
“Something came up unexpectedly.”
“I’m afraid it’ll have to wait.”
She stepped back from the door, flabbergasted. Did she really have to take it from this jumped-up little newcomer? He was even smiling. Nines seemed to actually enjoy her growing frustration.
“What the hell’s going on in there?”
Nines shrugged and she itched to slap him across his smug, stupidly handsome face.
“Not at liberty to disclose.”
“Not at liberty, or you got no clue yourself?”
It was almost imperceptible but there was a tiny twitch of irritation across Nines’ features. North felt a small amount of satisfaction and put her saccharine smile back on.
“Perhaps you could tell me who accompanied him into the meeting and I might be able to deduce the agenda.”
“Simon, Josh, Chloe and Connor.”
North’s heart sank. It was the entire executive committee. With one notable exception.
But there was something else worth picking up on. An inflection he was unable to keep out of his voice for that last name. It seemed that even the most advanced android ever built wasn’t above jealousy.
“Oh Connor! What’s he doing here? Must be really important if he’s taken time away from the DPD.”
Nines’ steel blue eyes were carefully blank as he shrugged again, but North knew that this was absolutely the bone she had to continue picking.
“It’s incredible that he’s able to do so much with his time. I know his processors can take it, but two full time jobs is no joke. And each one is so important. Gosh, I don’t know where we’d be without people like Connor.”
Nines turned away and resumed his bodyguard stance outside the door. North walked around and stood directly in front of him.
“Perhaps I could take my urgent business… to Connor instead. If Markus is so tied up. Do you think I could do that now? Could I speak to Connor?”
He looked straight ahead with no eye contact.
“I’m not his secretary.”
“Only Markus, huh?”
Nines’ jaw clenched.
“I’m not his secretary either.”
North stepped closer.
“Oh? What are you then?”
“You know my full title.”
“I dunno… Head of Security always seemed kinda vague to me. They’d have been better off with Professional Eavesdropper… or maybe even… Most Desperate Gatekeeper.”
A slow smile spread across the RK900’s face. It was anything but friendly.
“Sure. Anything’s better than… Violent and Irrational Outcast.”
North threw her head back and barked a humourless laugh.
“We’re in the same fucking boat, man. You gain nothing from making life difficult for me. Just let me into the meeting.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
Their eyes locked. And North had her answer. Not that it made her back off though. Under the piercing glare of Nines’ electromagnetic scanners, she stepped closer until they were chest to chest, with her hand on the door behind him.
“It’s fine. I’ve never needed permission to do anything around here.”
From there things happened at lightning speed. It would have been impossible for human eyes to catch all of the movement.
North flipped Nines’ attempt to shove her away… locked their arms… and reversed their positions… giving Nines the advantage of pressing her against the door… which happened to be one that would give into any pressure he applied… and thereby grant her entry… so he lifted her up to remove her from the doorway… but that only helped her hook her legs around his waist… and bring them both to the ground.
And there was a fight.
A strangely well matched one.
Because RK military programming didn’t include any responses to the erratic and dirty street-fighting style that the Tracis had picked up as a form of self-defence.
There were at least no techniques that would subdue such an assailant without inflicting serious harm.
And that wasn’t something Nines wanted to do.
At all.
So he tried to dodge and parry and trap her limbs as best as he could.
But that proved a difficult task with the flaming red hair obscuring his vision and the sweet smell of roses filling his nostrils.
Against his best intentions, Nines found himself thoroughly distracted by her face… her blazing eyes… her soft but strong grip… and everything about this disgraced but determined creature who was never going to go down without a fight. Literally.
One miscalculated move later, Nines found himself flat on his back with her weight pinning his lower half and her arms holding his down.
Now, it wasn’t that he couldn’t free himself… and also it wasn’t that she didn’t know that fact very well… but they both remained frozen. Eyes boring into each other and chests heaving in tandem with their cooling fans.
“Your LED…”
“Your LED is bright blue. Don’t tell me you’re getting off on this, you sick fuck.”
“Your stress levels are practically zero, you even sicker fuck.”
Before North could retort, the door to the conference room swung open. Markus towered over them in a clean cut business suit, flanked by his loyal and effective team.
The two idiots on the ground scrambled to rearrange themselves into a more dignified position.
“What on earth is going on out here? 900, I thought I told you not to let her provoke you?”
“I didn’t let-”
“Provoke? What am I, a fucking-”
“Markus, I was just doing my job! She attacked-”
“Oh stop kissing ass, Nines! Markus, he’s the one that started it! I swear-”
“Enough. I’ve got to get to an anti-hate crime strategy meeting with the Police Commissioner in less than an hour. Connor, you’re with me.”
“Yes, Markus. I’ve already gotten the security detail in place.”
With firm nods and clicks of heels, the New Jericho leadership was gone. And Nines and North found themselves alone in the corridor once more.
Nines jerked his hips underneath North and she lost her balance, falling to the floor and nearly hitting her face. She snapped in irritation but didn’t nothing to retaliate when he laughed.
They remained on the ground for a while, staring up at the ceiling and contemplating their sorry state of affairs.
“Why are we like this?”
Nines turned to her.
“Who’s we?”
“Bitch, please. If I’m a pariah around here, so are you. Nobody really knows what to do with either of us.”
“I’m fine, but I think you’d do well to consider an alternate career. You’d make an excellent fitness instructor.”
North covered her eyes with her hand.
“I don’t know why I even bother talking to you.”
“Probably because you think I’m hot.”
“Oh my goodness, STOP.”
“I can see your stress levels climbing. 20%… 30%… oh! 40%.”
“Oh fuck off.”
They lay there for some more time in mutual commiseration, bantering and teasing and taunting one another. A few real barbs were thrown back and forth, but for the most part, everything that was said that day ultimately became the foundation of a powerful friendship. And eventually, something more.
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luck-and-larceny · 3 years
Prompt 2: Aberrant
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Malika had always thought that her first memory should have been of crying by the side of the road on a blisteringly cold day in the Shroud- the thin, worn dress she wore so threadbare that it was a wonder that it still functioned as a dress at all and her face so raw and cold that it was a wonder her ears and nose weren’t frostbitten. 
It didn’t surprise her that it wasn’t her first memory though or even that she didn’t remember it at all. The best she could do was conjure an image of it in her head that she sometimes thought was a memory, but it didn’t feel right. It didn’t stick. It felt like a story that she’d worked around over and over in her mind so frequently that she’d fabricated it into an illusion that almost felt real. As an accomplished weaver and even more accomplished liar: she had a certain affection for detailed fabrication.
But the details, small ones granted, always changed when someone told her the story and so she asked about it again and again-- as though eventually she’d either reach a version of the story that felt like the truth, that felt like hers, or that she’d reach a version she liked enough to claim as the truth and make it hers. Finally exasperated at her insistence on being told the story, one performer finally snapped:
“Why does it matter where you came from? Isn’t it enough that you are here now?”
Malika had left many parts of herself behind in that caravan when she ran away, shedding the parts of her personality that she thought no longer fit and would no longer protect her-- like a threadbare dress-- and had weaved for herself a new identity and a new outlook. But she hadn’t left that bit of advice behind. She carried, “Isn’t it enough that you are here now?” as an invisible shield in her off-hand. She carried, “Why does it matter where I came from? Or where I go?” as an invisible, sharp sword in her main hand. So long as she was armed with this mindset- she thought she could never be hurt again. In a society desperate to set rules and boundaries to keep the citizens ‘safe and protected’  and to convince its public that where one came from meant everything as far as where they’d go (nowhere if they were refugees; straight to the top if they were nobility), Malika was deviant in that she had spent exactly zero time believing any of that or even attempting to believe it.
That’s why it was so galling that she had never been great at swordplay. She fumbled physical swords and daggers every time she tried to use them. She fumbled her cherished invisible one now and then too. Despite her best attempts, despite being quite comfortable with where she was now (‘nowhere’ is where society might say that was) her mind kept taking her back to the caravan searching for answers to questions she hadn’t even fully formulated. She didn’t know what she was looking for when her thoughts skewed that way.
She hadn’t been the only kid in the caravan. There were two others, though neither were close to her age. There was a lalafell girl, Sasani, who was 6 years younger than Aerrie (Aerrie was the name the caravan had given young Malika). The entire caravan doted on Sasani because she was, admittedly, extraordinarily and excruciatingly adorable. She was the daughter of one of the musicians and one of the actors. Aerrie hated her, not because she had done anything particularly terrible herself, but because she could recall the girl getting presents. Aerrie had never been given a gift that she was allowed to keep. 
The other ‘kid’ was the son of the leaders of the caravan, a handsome midlander boy named Ozmund, or just Oz, who was 5 years older than Aerrie and that Aerrie had no choice but to have her first heartbreakingly painful crush on. He was a terrible choice for it. He was arrogant, cruel, selfish, he frequently lied, and he always caused problems that he’d take no responsibility for. In short: exactly the type she’d continue to have ill-fated crushes on for the rest of her life. She had, of course, asked him if he remembered when she’d joined the caravan and, of course, she was sure he’d lie in response. 
“Yeah,” he’d said while stealing one of the other actor’s lunches unapologetically, knowing that the actor would never say anything about it to him. “Sixth Astral Moon. Robbery gone wrong, you know?” She did not know. This was new information. “Parents were dead,” he made a motion with a finger across his neck to pantomime the slicing of throats and waited for Aerrie to react. She did only because he clearly wanted her to and she was very keen to impress him. Her eyes went wide and she brought her hands to her face in shock. She even made a small squeak of fear. All and all, a surprisingly impressive performance from the then 12 year old. 
But what surprised her most was that it was just that: a performance. She didn’t feel a thing when the boy she had a crush on told her that her real parents had been killed. She thought she probably should. Horror? Fear? Sorrow? Should she burst into tears and pound her fists into the ground? Should she scream at him that he was a liar?  She could do any of those things. But she didn’t feel like it. She didn’t feel anything at all. So instead she did what she thought was the bare minimum of how she should behave and, satisfied with the bare minimum and his stolen lunch, Oz continued.
“Yeah, so usually we’d just leave the kids there, you know? Some fur-ear tribe”, Malika thought that ‘fur-ear’ was a real low effort, stupid attempt at Miqo’te racism and felt just as much nothing at the term used as she felt at the possibility of her parents having been murdered. He had said it, of course, to get a reaction and tried to hide his irritation that this time she had not bothered to indulge him. With an annoyed, long breath out through his nose he continued, “They’d eventually come and take in the orphans.  Back then we had Asgrim with us. That guy was a monster. Like really.  A literal monster in a man’s body. He’d kill anybody! Just bam! You wanted someone dead? Asgrim didn’t even need to be asked. He knew and he just did it.”
Aerrie didn’t react to this either. She loved a good story. And she so far did not think this was a good story. This time when she saw it upset him that she hadn’t reacted, she tried to do better. “R-really? An -actual- monster?”
Oz nodded. “ Yeah! Elix said he was half archaeoaevis!”
“No way…” she replied in awe despite not knowing what in the seven hells an archaeoaevis was.
Aerrie was extremely eager to please. Malika mostly left that behind. Now, she was only eager to please if she could get something tangible out of putting in the effort or if it somehow entertained her. Presented with what she thought was a low-effort lie she’d be more likely to humiliate the storyteller than to play along. She knew her worth. She was worth much more elaborate and entertaining lies.
“I swear to the Twelve,” Oz said with his hand over his heart as he blasphemed. “Anyroad, Asgrim saw you and you were the only survivor so we figured we were just gonna go and let the Keepers take you.” He swallowed the last bite of his stolen meal and then poured himself a cup of wine that his parents had told him he wasn’t allowed to have.  “I wasn’t allowed to see what happened out there. Sounded bad though. Heard you though! You were crying and crying and crying.” He laughed like what he was saying was hilarious. “Like you didn’t even take a breath! Just non-stop crying!”
“So why didn’t you just leave me there then?”
He shrugged. “I dunno. It was Asgrim that brought you in even. Said you were going to be part of the caravan. That guy was fucking insane-- probably the archaeoaevis in him-- and no one argued with Asgrim when he said something so we took you in. He stayed a year on after that and didn’t want anything to do with you. Then he just left. Ghosted us. No warning. Like exact same moon and everything. Exactly one year later.”
He finished the glass of wine and then poured another. And then another. He slid the second to the 12 year old he was chatting up as if it were only natural to do so. 
She took and  drank it as if it were only natural to do so.
“Why?” she asked. He was a known pathological liar. But the story was now compelling… and where the overlap between Aerrie and Malika was was that both preferred compelling stories to boring truths.
“He didn’t say!” he insisted. “Also didn’t stop anyone in that year and kill em. He just refused to do it. All he said about you was that we had to take care of you now. He didn’t even seem like he wanted to. Like there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He was huge, Aerrie! Just massive! I once saw him fight an eikon the size of a mountain with one arm tied behind his back and he won.”
No, he didn’t. That was stupid.
“Woooow. That’s amazing!” she replied, sufficiently fake-impressed enough that the horrible teenager she had a misguided crush on felt pleased enough with his own ability to lie to 12 year olds that he rewarded her with more wine which she then drank.
“So all he said was that you all had to take care of me?” 
“Nah. He called you something too.”
“Aerrie?” she asked. “Did he name me?”
“No.”  He said, finishing his drink, cheeks rosy from the alcohol. “Aberrant.” And with that, he stood up and clumsily swayed before tripping his way back to his wagon and leaving her alone there to figure out the whats and whys.
It was that last part that made Malika realize just what went into a good story. And what made a good scam. Some element of the feasible mixed in with the absurd that makes the listener question if the entire thing could be true. It was the last part that trapped and ensnared her and pulled her back into the past while outwardly proclaiming she didn’t care at all about it. Aberrant.
That wasn’t a word Oz would use. He wasn’t that knowledgeable or clever. His lies were almost always obvious and stupid. They were dramatic and easily disproved. He’d once claimed he’d won awards for his perfect memory and that script writers would consult him about history and how to spell words because they knew he’d know. He said this while Aerrie was holding a book in her hand. Looking at the word in the book she asked him how to spell “Popoto” and he said “Popatoe.” He then told her the book had spelled it wrong or that it was using “a more modern spelling of the word. I gave you the ancient spelling.”
He was a charismatic and handsome storyteller. And he was a godsdamned useless liar.
Aberrant. Someone must have called her that then. And if that part was true, were any of the other parts true? 
“Nah. None of that’s real,” Malika whispered as she stood at the counter, dressed as a retainer, about to walk away with a ridiculously expensive bracelet from a jeweler under the guise that she was picking it up for her employer (a wealthy asshole she was stealing it from). 
“Excuse me?” Behind the counter in an over-lit jewelry store in Limsa Lominsa stood a thin and wiry, infamously crooked, and just as notoriously violent (almost exclusively to what he called ‘wharf-rats’), fine jeweler named Alryk Asher. He had laid down his crafting tools on the table, interrupted by this retainer while he worked on another piece, and now he was fantasizing about laying that retainer out on the floor with a swift punch to the face.
“My employer knows good quality, Mr. Asher.”
The man stared at the woman, dumbfounded and irritated.
“In both jewelry and in personality. This sort of shoddy craftsmanship and, frankly, embarrassingly obvious attempt to swindle a man whose lineage can be traced back to Jean De Nevelle, a Lominsan hero!, is insulting at best and criminal at worst. I don’t need magnifiers to see the chip around the girdle of the third stone. SI2? Do you think my employer would send just anyone to pick up his -flawless- diamond bracelet? He’s had problems here before but I thought we’d have resolved those by now, Mr. Asher.”
“I...I…!” Face red with indignation, the jeweler tried to make his case. “I assure you it IS flawless!”
“Then it’d be fine if I took a look with magnifiers?”
“If Sir De Nevelle doesn’t want this bracelet, I assure you that someone else will!”
“Someone else that will pay you as much as he did? You and I both know what he’ll do to your reputation if you cancel his order without letting me first use the magnifiers.”
The jeweler sighed, defeated, and then angrily stormed to the back to get the magnifiers. The thief, victorious, yanked the small jeweler's hammer out of the bag of tools left behind on the counter, and dropped it in her pocket. Nearby, a small mirror sat on the counter for customers to look into to get a better look at the expensive jewelry they tried upon their necks. Around the neck of that mirror she tied a small, simple ribbon. 
Even as a thief, she didn’t behave by the rules. She couldn’t just take something and then just have it. She had to leave something behind. Some proof that she had been there. It was a fumble of the invisible shield. It wasn’t enough that she had been there and moved on. Something stayed behind. And it mattered to her.
He returned with the magnifiers and she put them on her face, her eyes becoming as big as an insect’s (or perhaps an archaeoaevis’-- whatever that was). “Oh…” she said, embarrassed.
“OH?” the infuriated jeweler demanded. “OH!? You come in here and insult my business, accuse me of being crooked and swindling you,”  (To be clear-- those in the know, which presumably included Mr. Asher, knew that Mr. Asher was, in fact, a crooked swindler), “and then OH is all I get!?”
“Mr. Asher, I am so sorry. I am so so so sorry.”
“I’ll never do business with your employer again!” he raged, spittle at the corners of his thin lips. “He can go somewhere else! You tell him I said he ought to hire a new retainer!”
“Oh, I’ll do that for sure,” Malika replied, trying hard to hide her smirk. “Next time I see him. Listen, why don’t you bill him an extra 5k for this? He can take it out of my payment. This is all my fault. This is, in fact, absolutely flawless. So beautiful. I’ve really never seen the like.”
Appeased by Malika’s people pleasing skills, Mr. Asher relented and let her have the bracelet. Pleased that her efforts had left her with a tangible reward, Malika smiled at him and began to leave.
“Wait!” the jeweler insisted, “You need to sign that you took the bracelet. Policies.”
She nodded and turned back to leave her signature before stepping out into the cool breeze of the ocean city. She strolled along the cobblestones, hair blowing back behind her, daydreaming of where she had once been and where she might now be going and perfectly happy to be exactly where she was. The ‘wharf-rat’ that ran up to ask her for a bit of change was likely happy with where he was too… as she didn’t hand him money. She smiled, looked down, and put a flawless diamond bracelet in his hand. “Don’t be seen with that. Don’t wear that,” she warned him. “Give it the fence. Get money from it.” She had no doubt he knew what she meant. And he proved it by thanking her and immediately running off.
Inside the jewelry store, Mr. Asher was less pleased with where he was. Where he was was staring down at a sign out sheet that said that his (mostly) flawless diamond bracelet had not gone to a retainer of Sir De Nevelle, but instead to a grifter named “Aberrantia Popatoe.”
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Title: Marked by an Angel PART 1 Collab with @samros95​
Pairing: sub! Angel! Yoongi x Dom! Demon! Noona! reader ft. Demon! Jimin ft. Demon! Jin ft. Angel! Hoseok
Warnings: smut, angst, spit play, blood drinking, hand job (m) receiving, blow job (m) receiving, unprotected sex (wrap it up folks)
Rating: 18 and over
Tag List (perm): @mochilicious-yoongi​ @heyimtavia
It was unusual for him to call you like this, out of the blue, during the day. You had scheduled nights to see each other and right now it was neither night nor one of your usual evenings. Normally you would turn him down, but he sounded so desperate on the phone, you just couldn’t say no. Here you were, dressed in your signature all black, huge black sunglasses to keep the sun at bay as you made your way through the streets of Purgatory. Min Yoongi wasn’t a normal Angel, he was a general for their leader, Kim Namjoon. Which means you needed to make your way into Heaven, not as abnormal as it sounds. Demon and Angels crossed the barrier lines often, many fornicating, many just to fuck around with “friends” or just to fuck around with rivals. You hated that Yoongi lived among the hierarchy especially when he claimed to hate it and his position but who were you to judge. You yourself were the highest-level assassin and gifted Soul Reaper for Kim Seokjin, a position you have grown to despise as well.
You head in the direction of the great staircase, smirking when you lock eyes with one of the gatekeepers. You give a small nod and walk past, knowing you’d die before showing your ID to get through the pearly gates. Instead, you head past the entrance and off towards the River Styx. “Ferryman.” You greet the decrepit caped man seated on his Ferry. “Demon.” He greets back. “I need backdoor access into Heaven.” He looks up at you with his cloudy eyes and grimaces. “I need a taste.” You wince at his request. “A drop.” “A gulp!” You swallow hard but nod. ‘Fucking Min Yoongi.’ You thought to yourself, noting to punish him later. You move towards the ferryman and tug up your sleeve, using your sharpest nail to carve a line in your wrist. His eyes widen as he catapults forward to slurp on your flowing vein. You groan in disgust at his moans. Demons and Angels blood sold for thousands on the black market for their healing properties. In large doses, their affects could last days or weeks but in small ones only hours. “That’s enough!” You shout, shoving him onto his back, licking your wound close. He drops happily, licking his lips and panting. “Thank Namjoon.” He moans. You roll your eyes, watching the decrepit man begin to age backwards to a young adult.
You raise an eyebrow at how handsome he is. “Praise Seokjin,” You scoff, “My ride?” “A deal is a deal.” He stands now, waving you to follow him to his ferry. You allow him to help you in. He begins to row his boat in the direction of the gates, but rather than move towards them directly, he makes a slight right, flowing with the river current towards a tunnel beneath them. He whispers an incantation under his breath and a door in the tunnel appears. A loud clang rings through when the doors open and soon Heavens lights beam through at you both. He rows forward, stopping when he makes it through the doors. “This is where I leave you Demon. Ferrymen are not welcome beyond this point.” You nod, standing and stepping out into the tunnel. “Thank you, Ferryman.” He smiles. “Your Angel can get you back Demon. Enjoy.” He smirks, disappearing with a clap of his hands.
You make your way through the streets of Heaven, your head spinning from your heightened sense of smell, another one of your gifts. Angels always had a distinct smell to you, like cinnamon and honey. Some had stronger muskier scents like Yoongi, he always smelled woodsy to you. He was always different from the other Angels, his scent, mannerisms, all different from what you were used to. His voice ringing in your head now. “You should wear white when you come to Heaven to see me Noona. It will keep heads from turning.” You looked around at all the disgusted faces. Demons were not welcome in Heaven, regardless of business or not. “Demon bitch.” A man whispers as you walk past. You smirk, deciding to not respond. Seokjin forbid, Namjoon get word you were moving around heaven, let alone attacking citizens. You lift your head, a very distinct smell hitting you. It was no Angel scent. It was instead sulfur mixed with lilies. There was only one Demon you knew with such a distinct scent. You look around for its owner and smile when all the Angels begin to walk past you without a care in the world. “I’m intrigued to know what you’re doing here.” Jimin suddenly appears beside you. “Just scouting the competition.” You respond, turning to face him. His eyes are lit up red and you know he’s using his gift of Altered Perception to keep you both from being noticed. “Noona, we are all deviant creatures. It’s ok if you’re looking for a meal. I too am bored. They have such delectable Trainees in the Ethereal Guards. You may find something you like. Come with?” He pouts. You smirk. “As I said before, I’m scouting. Seokjin forbid I get caught slacking.” “Mm, yes, daddy’s pet has to be on her best behavior always. Well, if you change your mind.” He bites the tip of his finger and holds it out to you. “It’ll keep the Angel scum from seeing you while you move about.” You nod, wrapping your mouth around his finger, his wound healing as soon as you unlatch.
“Be careful old girl.” He smirks, spinning and disappearing in a puff of grey smoke. You release the nervous sigh you had been holding onto, moving faster now through the crowd. You arrive at Yoongi’s apartment complex, walking past the guard in the lobby, and straight for the elevator. When you get to the penthouse you exit the elevator, walking to his front door, entering the lock code into the keypad. You are immediately hit with his scent mixed with his need, your senses going into overdrive. You turn into his bedroom to see him standing by his bed, squinting at you in confusion, his erection unabashedly on display through his white linen pants. “Noona? You look, so beautiful.” You swallow hard, feeling your face blush. “What are you saying?” You snip. “Your hair. The flowers, the dress.” He describes and you look down at your body, at the black leather pants and black corset you’re wearing. “What,” You begin, eyes widening with realization, “Altered Perception.” “What?” He tilts his head. “You’re seeing me the way you imagine me. It’s Jimin’s gift, your perception is being altered because I drank his blood.” He stands straighter, covering his erection with his hands. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were just with someone.” You smirk, walking towards him to remove his hands from his rigid member and instead replacing them with yours. He whimpers at your touch.
“Oh Angel, did you think Noona would ever sleep with some lowly Demon over you?” You slowly palm him, his excitement leaking and staining the front of his pants. “I, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed. It’s just, bloodletting is so, intimate.” “Not for me. It was a favor to keep me from being seen while I was here. It’s dangerous for me here.” “I know. I’m sorry. Thank you for coming. I know it’s not our normal day, but I missed you.” He confesses. “Do you have any idea what I had to do to get here?” He shakes his head, moving his hips in succession with your hand. “Take your pants off Angel.” He swallows hard, removing the article of clothing quickly, his large cock springing forward. You grip it hard before gently stroking his full length. He throws his head back, his precum spilling out into your palm. “How long have you been this hard Angel?” “Two days.” Your eyes widen and your cunt leaks at the thought of his resolve. “Such a good boy, waiting for his Noona.” You praise. “I waited as long as I could but today it was too painful.” “Spit on it.” You command, his reddened engorged tip resting in your opened palm. “What?” He questions. “Spit on your cock for Noona.” You whisper, palming his balls with your free hand. He mewls, nodding. He moves his jaw around, gathering his lubricant in his mouth, slowly allowing the spit to drip from his soft pout and onto his tip. You release a heated sigh at the sight, closing your fist around his tip and stroking him quickly. His body shudders, your name leaving his mouth in soft whispers over and over while you build up his high.
“Uh, please, I’m going to cum.” He warns. “Not yet you’re not.” You state to his desperate eyes, releasing his cock and shoving him onto the bed. He cries out, stretching his needy body from the lost orgasm. “Top off Angel.” He pants, removing his sweater. “Fuck! This skin. It’s so gorgeous.” You growl, moving forward and biting a red mark onto his chest. He moans, jolting his hips upward. You move to your knees and take his full length in your mouth. “Ah, fuck, Noona!” You glide up and down his cock, taking him to the back of your throat. You come up a moment for air, gathering all the moisture in your mouth. You look him deep in his eyes, gripping his cheeks. He opens his mouth, sticking his tongue out, allowing you to spit onto it. “Spit on your cock.” He is completely out of breath, spitting a mixture of your saliva onto the tip of his cock. You grip his shaft, moving up and down with the ease. “Noona.” He whines, hitching his hips upward into your fist. His head falling back while he keeps pace with you. Your phone begins ringing and Yoongi’s eyes widen. “Please Noona, ignore it, please. I need to cum so bad.” You stroke faster, his breath quickening. “Yes, please, don’t stop. I’m so close.” Your phone rings again and you release Yoongi’s angered cock. “No! No! Fuck!” He whines.
You pull your phone out of your pocket and put a finger to your lip. “Jin, how are you?” You answer. Yoongi’s eyes tighten to slits at the name that leaves your mouth. You get off your knees, sitting on the bed now, leaning up on the pillows. Yoongi looks at you with defiance. “Y/N, I need you to come see me. We have much to discuss.” You swallow nervously at the request. “Everything ok?” You question. Watching Yoongi watch you. “No, everything is not ok. Since when do you ask questions? I need you to come see me and that’s it!” He shouts. Yoongi growls and you give him an angered look. “What are you doing?” Jin’s voice comes into your ear. “Nothing. I’m... home.” Yoongi’s breath quickens in anger and he moves towards you, latching his mouth onto your neck, sucking at the flesh. You bite your lower lip to keep yourself quiet. “Well, we have an emergency here and I need my right hand by my side. Besides, shouldn’t you be out scouting?” “Of course,” You stutter, “I was getting ready to do just that.” There is a pause and then Jin scoffs. “Are you with someone?” “No, what would make you ask that?” You swallow. “It’s been a while since we fucked. I’m sure you’re in need. Come quickly and we can get a quick fuck in.” He immediately hangs up and Yoongi unlatches from your throat. You turn to meet Yoongi’s teary gaze.
“You fuck him?” He grumbles, fighting back his tears. “No. At least, not anymore.” You answer as honestly as you can. “Who fucks their boss?” He moves away from you. “Angel, please.” “Fuck you! You’re just like the rest of your kind. Liars.” He shouts, snatching his pants from the ground. You grab him quickly and slam him onto the bed. “Shh, my sweet Angel. No one touches me anymore. Only you. I promise.” You comfort him, kissing his cheeks and soon his pout. He resists at first but soon open his mouth for you to swirl your tongue around his. “Promise?” He whispers into your kisses. You nod, unzipping your leather pants. He moans, running his large hands down your back, gripping your bare ass. “Let’s me show you Angel.” He growls like a jaguar, the scent of jealousy releasing from his pores, and you chuckle. “You gonna change on me baby?” You ask, standing to remove your pants. He lays before you his rigid cock twitching in anticipation for your cunt. His body steams as his eyes glow blue, a lighthearted threat from the gifted Transmutationist. You moan, straddling him. “You don’t scare me Angel. I’ll tame any form you choose to take.” You smirk, lowering yourself onto his cock. He growls again, his eyes glowing brighter when you begin to ride him quickly. You throw your head back, moaning loudly. He licks at your exposed neck, wrapping an arm around your waist to lift you up and down his member faster.
“That’s it Angel. Fuck this cunt.” Yoongi growls, flipping you over suddenly angling his needy cock into you so it rubs along your g-spot. You claw at his back, earning moan after moan from him. “Mine.” He growls, his sweat dripping onto your face. “Yours.” You assure him, wiping his dark locks from his forehead. Your mouth falls open. “Fuck, Yoongi, feels so good. Don’t stop.” You gasp, your orgasm sparking up from deep within you and shooting through your body steadily. You cry out his name, your pussy slick with your climax as he continues to pound into you. “I’m going to cum.” He whispers. “Yes Angel, fill me up.” He presses his forehead against yours, his hips staggering for a moment. “Hyung, Are you here?” You hear from Yoongi’s living room. “Don’t stop.” You tell Yoongi, nearly gagging on the scent of the sweet smell of Heaven’s dutiful Arch Angel Jung Hoseok. “I can’t. It’s too good. I’m cumming.” He pants, crying out your name. His seed shooting out into your warmth, leaking out with his continued thrust. “Hyung?” Hoseok emerges into Yoongi’s room. You turn your head away quickly to avoid being seen. “OUT!” Yoongi yells. “Shit! Sorry.” Hoseok shouts, running out.
“He’s gone.” Yoongi whispers. You turn to look up at him. “You think he saw me?” “No, he’s clueless.” “I should get going.” “To Jin?” He inquires. “To work.” You push him off you. “Why didn’t you tell me that you two were a thing?” “Should we exchange list?” You snap. “It’s different, he’s the king of the underworld.” “Don’t do this Yoongi. We just had a beautiful moment.” “Why do you avoid everything?” “Because I don’t answer to you. Now, I’m leaving.” You tug on your pants, standing to leave. “Noona, please. Don’t leave upset.” “Too late. Goodbye.” You say, walking out of his bedroom. You look about for Hoseok but don’t see him and make haste to the elevator. You’re gone no more than 5 minutes when your phone goes off with a text.
Angel: ‘Please don’t be upset with me. I’m sorry. Please, can I see you tonight?’
Me: ‘No.’
He doesn’t respond and for that you are grateful.  
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archadianskies · 3 years
fresh static snow
→ on Ao3
@dbhrarepairs​ Thursday Day 4: Enemies to Lovers •  Abandoned Things; post-revolution RK900/Simon
He is PL600 #501 743 923, designated name ‘Simon’. He was activated on the 2nd of February 2034, and reported missing on the 16th of February 2036 by one of his owners, Mr Keelan Burbank. That’s it. That’s all he remembers.
Not the fact he is a leader of Jericho, the original leader of Jericho, and one of the Jericho Four. Not the fact he was a martyr, a leader willing to sacrifice himself to save the others. Not the fact he put a gun under his chin and pulled the trigger to prevent the Deviant Hunter from discovering Jericho. No, he doesn’t remember any of that.
They tell him the bullet tore through his memory core, damaging it irreparably. Simon of the Jericho Four died on the rooftop of Stratford Tower and he is but a shell. This does not sit well with the other three, who he learns are PJ500, Josh, WR400, North, and RK200, Markus. They want Simon back, but there is nothing left of Simon to give. 
Not for the lack of trying, though, Elijah Kamski and Chloe RT600, the First, work tirelessly on him. They try and salvage his fried memory core, they take it apart with miniscule tweezers as if to save every atom and attempt to piece it back together like a delicate puzzle. They run simulations, they make prototype replacements, they spend resources worth more than Simon’s PL600 model a thousand times over. And still, he remembers nothing.
With nothing else to do between tests, he roams CyberLife Tower like a ghost in its clean, clinical hallways. He shares his face with so many others no one spares him a second glance. It both comforts and hurts him, to be so readily ignored.
Sometimes one, or two, or all three come to visit him again and they try to tell him anecdotes, of things their Simon did in the hopes it would jog his memory. There is no memory to jog, he tells them over and over. The bullet ripped that apart.
When North visits him by herself, she holds his hands so tightly it alerts his pressure sensors. She cries, she cries a lot of tears and says a lot of I’m so fucking sorrys and I didn’t want this to happens. She tells him they promised each other that Markus always came first, even at the cost of their lives. She just didn’t think he’d pay for it so soon. He’s not sure what to say to her, to comfort her, only that if Simon did promise such things to her then she should feel proud that he upheld the promise because Markus is here, Markus is safe. 
When Josh visits him by himself, he sits with Simon on the floor in the corner of the room designated to him. Josh tells him this is how they spent so many nights in Jericho, when Jericho was a rotting freighter in the canal and Markus had not crashed into their lives yet. He would sit in the corner with Simon and keep him warm because of his broken thermal regulator. Josh’s hands are warm when he holds his hands and Simon thinks the original Simon was incredibly lucky to have such a friend on cold, seemingly endless nights.
When Markus visits him by himself, he gives Simon a sketchbook. 
“I tried to draw as many as I could remember.” The android explains, as Simon slowly turns the pages. They are memories, Markus’ memories, but Simon is in them. “Chloe said we shouldn’t interface, we shouldn’t force our memories onto you so I thought this would be the next best thing.”
He is holding a sketchbook of original Manfred drawings. From his research he knows Markus Manfred (yes, a human surname given by his human father) is both seen as the spokesperson of their kind, and a prolific artist famous for his works about the revolution. This sketchbook alone is probably worth more than his PL600 body.
“Thank you, it’s beautiful.” He says, because it is a gift and sadly not the tool Markus wishes it were. “You’re very kind. I’m… I’m sorry for your loss.”
A look of grief washes over Markus’ handsome face, and he pulls Simon into his arms briefly, embracing him tightly before he steps back and walks away.
He wonders if the original Simon haunts that rotting freighter now at the bottom of the canal. Does he wander up and down its corridoors, does he roam with the other lost souls that died during the raid he never lived to see? Or is he up on Stratford Tower, pacing that rooftop, waiting for his friends to return, to rescue him, only to have to kill himself over and over and over, stuck in an endless cycle with no one to break it?
It is a kindess he died, he thinks.
CyberLife Tower has only been under the control of the Kamskis (yes, Chloe has a human surname given by her human creator, though perhaps she took it without it being given?) for less than a month. Elijah Kamski became interim CEO after Hudson Davenport stepped down, wishing to wash his hands clean of the deviancy ‘mishap’ as he called it. Elijah in turn appointed Chloe Kamksi as the CEO once the Sentient Life Act passed, stepping down to remain Chief Technical Officer by her side. 
It means they are still trying to catch up after more than a decade’s absence from this place. It means they do not know everything, they do not know everywhere and there are still discoveries being made day to day.  With nothing else to do between tests, he roams CyberLife Tower and because he is a ghost, no one sees him.
He is a ghost with cutting edge technology in his head now, and an upgraded core capable of processing data faster than his obsolete predecessor could even hope to process. And so he finds rooms that don’t exist, much the same way he doesn’t exist, not really, because Simon is dead and he is but a shadow of him. 
He finds an entire floor deep underground that doesn’t exist on any blueprint, any elevator route, anyone’s knowledge. When he finds things like this, he is supposed to notify the Kamskis immediately, but this one thing he wants to keep to himself at least for now. Just for a little while.
It’s a self contained lab complete with its own power source, its own network, its own servers; a completely isolated floor unbeknowst to everyone above. It smells sharp, like disinfectant and spilled thirium and gunpowder residue. There is a fabricator and assembly arms and they were building androids down here, that weren’t meant to be built by everyone above.
There is a single android standing on the assembly dias, inactive. It looks like the Deviant Hunter- like Detective Connor Anderson, he should say, because the Deviant Hunter became a deviant and a son. This one is wearing a white and black uniform, the model number RK900 emblazoned on its jacket in glowing neon.
The android no one knows about. The android haunting this level, unable to wake fully and control his actions. It must be lonely down here, abandoned and without purpose. Simon thinks they must be alike this way. It’s been so lonely, not having any friends who don’t treat him like the walking dead. Perhaps he can befriend this one instead. Perhaps they will haunt CyberLife Tower together, ghosts of what could have been. 
 Reaching out, he cups his palm to the android’s cheek.
“Wake up.” He whispers, and the RK900 opens his cold grey eyes. 
They tell him he is to be deployed soon. He is progressing well, on track to complete his testing phase and replace the RK800 prototype currently involved with the DPD. When he is not actively completing tests, he remains in his Zen Garden. Sometimes his handler is there, but most times she is not. He tends to her roses in her absence, and ensures the grounds are well kept. 
It is on the cusp of Summer here, though outside Winter has only just begun. He thinks perhaps it has something to do with his anticipation, of waiting with simulated bated breath before his deployment out into the real, waking world. In the meantime he will care for this garden, he will nurture it so it flourishes in time for Summer. 
Time passes differently in the garden which is not beholden to the world outside. His handler has not appeared, nor has he been brought out of stasis and activated for more tests. He cannot be entirely sure, but he thinks substantial time has passed though he has no way to confirm such thoughts. It’s as he’s tending to the amaranthus, as he’s carefully avoiding the flight patterns of the bumblebees, that he feels something trigger his proximity sensors.
“Wake up.” Someone commands, and when he opens his eyes there is an android in front of him, hand cupping his cheek. The wi-fi on this level, the one he automatically connects to, no longer exists and instead he finds himself automatically connected to the main CyberLife network, something he has never had access to. He scans the android’s face and a deluge of information topples into his head.
“PL600, serial number 501 743 923, designated name ‘Simon’. Founder and member of the Jericho Four. Martyr for the deviant revolution.” He recites the information, and Simon rubs his cheek with his thumb idly, expression distant.
“So they say.” The android moves his hand, bringing up his other to fuss over his uniform, smoothing non-existent creases from the front of his jacket out of domestic habit, he surmises. “I have no memory of that Simon. He died when he shot himself on the roof of Stratford Tower.”
There’s still information pouring into his head, like a dam breaking and flooding the fjord before it. The deviant revolution- the event CyberLife deployed his prototype to quell, paving the way for his placement into SWAT Unit 32 and the eventual release of his model for government use. But it succeeded, and RK800 prototype Connor remained deviant and defied CyberLife’s control, becoming a key figure in securing the numbers for the revolution by activating the androids in the Tower’s storage level.
The Sentient Life Act passed on the first of December, granting androids legally recognised autonomy as living, sentient beings. Elijah Kamski and Chloe RT600  now helm CyberLife, with the android as the CEO and the human as the Chief Technical Officer. The nation has changed drastically, and he has slept through the entirety of it.
“Do you have a name?” Simon asks.
“I was not assigned a name.” He takes a moment to survey his surroundings. Everything has been switched off, packed up, and taken away in a great hurry. There are odds and ends strewn everywhere, left behind in their haste. He realises he is one of those things, something abandoned in their rush to escape. From what? From whom? The scrutiny of Elijah Kamski and Chloe RT600, he thinks.
“Then we must choose one.” Simon smiles softly, reaching up to smooth his hair back away from his face. “Without the meddling of humans.”
“Why are you here?”
“Because I accidentally found this place while exploring the Tower.” The PL600 tugs on his wrists, coaxing him to step off the dias. There is a workbench nearby, and Simon hops onto it, patting the spot beside him. He takes a seat and frowns at the android.
“Why are you exploring the Tower? Should you not be in Jericho, with the other three?”
“I am not that Simon.” He says simply, looking down at his hands. “That Simon is dead.”
“Why did you activate me by yourself?” The RK900 looks down the hallway now in his line of sight, seeing a similar state of harried departures. Not a single sign of life to be found. No one considered him important enough to bring with them, or at least notify anyone else of his presence.
“I was lonely.” Simon confesses quietly. “I thought you would know a thing or two about that too.”
Loneliness. Yes, he thinks, he does know a thing or two about that. 
“Have you been here in the Tower since Elijah Kamski returned?”
“Yes, but I was under Chloe and Elijah’s care even before that. Your brother had me brought over to their private laboratory at the Kamksi villa after the revolution.” Simon explains, picking at the cuff of his jacket. “I was being held in the DPD evidence locker, with other casualties from his cases. When he became deviant he tried making amends, and though the others were able to be repaired, my memory core was damaged irreparably.”
“So he brought you to the man who created us.”
“And the First of us.” He adds with a small smile. “She is his equal. She is his superior, in more ways than one.” 
“But even they could not repair your memory core?”
“I shot myself through it for a reason. I’m told it was to protect Jericho, to destroy all information Connor could possibly access to locate it.” There’s a loose thread on his cuff, and he tugs on it distractedly. “In the end he still managed to piece it together using another deviant.”
“In the end he still deviated, and aided the three in turning the tide against the humans.”
“Yes. You should be proud.” He reaches over to pat his hand. “Your big brother is a revolutionary.”
Brother. That’s the second time he’s used that word, and he isn’t sure how he feels about it. Feels, because that is something he can do now, somehow, without the humans around. Without the red wall surrounding him, boxing him in. 
“How did you do that?” 
“My firewalls are gone.”
“Oh I-” Simon frowns, before offering a somewhat apologetic smile. “I’m not sure. I just wanted you to wake up, so I opened a connection and overrode them in order to reach you.”
“You deviated me.” He tips his head in confusion. “Your system should not have been able to breach my firewalls.”
“I’m not a PL600 anymore.” Simon shrugs. “I’m a Kamski prototype now. First of my kind, just like you I suppose. You’ve been here this whole time, haven’t you? Were you in stasis?”
“I was still active in my Zen Garden though my body was in stasis.” He explains, not missing Simon’s flash of distress. “Time passes differently in there, though. I hadn’t realised weeks had passed at all.”
“It sounds peaceful.”
“Shall I show you?” He’s not sure if he can. He’s never brought anyone into his Zen Garden, Amanda had always simply appeared at her own whim. But surely it can’t be too hard? Simon nods and slips his hand into his, and as he closes his eyes a small part of him thinks it’s nice to hold hands with someone else. No one has ever held his hand before. He wouldn’t mind holding Simon’s hand again.
When he opens his eyes he’s standing at the entrance to the garden, and Simon is right there at his side. The android gasps, eyes wide with wonder.
“Oh it’s beautiful. It’s exquisite, I’ve never seen anything like this.” They’re still holding hands, and he leads Simon down the path at a slow, leisurely pace. “You were tending this garden all this time?”
“Yes.” He nods. “My handler’s favourite was the roses growing on the trellis over there.” He points, wondering if the roses had always been blue. He’s so sure they used to be red. 
“Do you have a favourite?” He shakes his head.
“Not really. I care for everything equally. I was to tend to the rowan tree next.”
“Rowan.” Simon repeats. “That could be your name.”
“Rowan.” He says, and thinks it sounds far more pleasing when Simon says it. “RK900, serial number 313 248 317 - 87, designated name ‘Rowan’.”
“Now you’re no longer a nobody.” Simon declares with a smile. “Now there’s two of us. Ghosts in the machine.”
“Forgotten and left behind.” He adds lightly, and it no longer tastes so bitter on his tongue.
“But no longer alone.” Simon curls against his side, snaking an arm around his waist. After a moment Rowan wraps an arm around his shoulders, resting his cheek atop his soft blond hair.
“No longer alone.”
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For the headcanon meme thing, Markus ❤?
Wow, I'm sorry this took so goddamned long but here it is!
Favourite thing about them: Everything??? Can that be my answer? Uh, well I'm gonna go with his inner strength. Honestly he goes through so much, from having to rebuild himself from spare parts after being killed and tossed from the one place he called home to finding a bunch of androids who have resigned themselves to a life in the shadows and leading them to freedom.
Least favourite thing about them: Well, this kinda goes with hand-in-hand with my favourite thing about him, but how he feels like everything is his responsibility and his alone! He will take burden after burden after burden and won't stop to say 'hey, I'm just one fucking person!' But to be honest, I love this about him too.
Favourite line: Look, I'm not gonna choose just one because, well, I don't have that kind of self control-
"You're Connor, aren't you? That famous deviant Hunter. Well Congratulations, you seem to have found what you were looking for."
"I'd rather die than betray my people."
"You gave us life, now it's up to you to give us our freedom."
"At least I fought for us! At least if I die, I die free!"
"There is something inside me that knows, I am more than what they say. We are alive, and they're not gonna take that from me any more."
"I would do anything to roll back the clock. I had a home, a loving father. We were happy, I was happy and I didn't even know it."
brOTP: Markus and North, Markus and Hank (there's something about that dynamic I really, really like, mostly due to some great fanfic), and of course, Jericrew!
OTP: RK1K 100% Words can't describe how much I love them and their dynamic. I think they'd be absolutely perfect for each other. (Also, it's not really an OTP for me but I am really loving Norkus which is funny considering how I felt about them when I first joined this fandom)
nOTP: Markus with Leo, Carl, Perkins or Gavin. Yes, those are actually ships I've seen and yes I've been scarred for life. Leo and Carl for the obvious reasons, and Gavin and Perkins because WTF why would you do that to Markus??? Big no from me.
Random headcanon: Honestly, I live for the idea that Markus begins to break free of his Stoic Fearless Leader™ shell after the revolution. Like, it served him well in that crazy week when he couldn’t even stop to breathe, but afterwards, as others take some of the weight off his shoulders, he begins regaining that playful nature that previously only Carl had seen.
Unpopular opinion: Markus choosing Revolution is just as valid as him choosing Demonstration. Also, him choosing Revolution does not make him inherently violent. I see him as someone who very much doesn't like violence but will use it if he sees no other way.
Song(s) I associate with them:
Dig Down by Muse. It's about finding strength within yourself to face whatever is thrown at you. I mean-
When hope and love have been lost
And you fall to the ground
You must find a way
When the darkness descends
And you're told it's the end
You must find a way
When God decides to look the other way
And a clown takes the throne
We must find a way
Face the firing squad
Against all the odds
You will find a way
It's so, so Markus.
Also, ever see an edit so good that you instantly associate the song they used with a character? That was me with 'You'll never take me alive' by I Was The Lion. More for a Markus that chooses revolution, but yeah. Great song.
And 'Cruel World' by Phantogram for a Ruthless/Violent Markus (I don't really think of Markus as being this way tbh, but it definitely gets me into the head space where I can see it).
Favourite picture of them: I'm not going to be able to chose just one. Have you seen this ridiculously handsome android? So here have a collection of my favourite screenshots of him.
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I love him sm.
Thanks for this ask!!! I love talking about my boy 💙
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Cats Rule, Dogs Drool
Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Markus/Connor Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 981 Alternate: AO3 Summary: Markus runs a cat channel on YouTube. One day, he watches a YouTube video that his subscribers linked to. Little did he know, it was by some cute annoying jerk. Warnings: N/A Author's Note: I’ve been meaning to post this fic on Tumblr ever since the Rk1k Week 2019 ended. If you haven’t read it on AO3 already, please enjoy! Prompt: Day 1 - YouTube
Markus sits at his desk with his cat purring on his lap, getting ready to start up his camera. Today, he’s going to be reviewing a video that some of his subscribers on YouTube have been begging him to watch. Apparently, some of his own YouTube videos have been mentioned in said video. It’s peaked Markus’ curiosity.
He clicks on one of the links a commenter gave him and immediately the video pops up and starts playing. Markus quickly pauses the video but reads the title; Cats Rule, Dogs Drool (Dogs Love and Stay, Cats Shove Away) . He’s instantly offended, being a cat lover and all, and scowls at the title. What does that even mean? Did the person who made this video just desperately come up with some kind of opposite saying to the age old cats rule, dogs drool? It doesn’t even sound good.
Rolling his eyes, Markus steels himself and starts up his camera, smiling. “Hello Jericrew! Welcome back to another video.” Markus holds up his cat. “Say hi Jericho.” He makes his cat wave with his paws and the cat makes a deep growling noise in his throat. Markus places the cat gently back on his lap.
He clears his throat, making a mental note to edit it out later. “Today, I’m going to be watching,” he pauses, takes an exasperated breath as he looks at the title of the video, then shifts his eyes back to his camera, “this video that you all have been pleading for me to watch. I got to say, I’m a little skeptical of the title but for all of you,” he beams one of his winning smiles, “I’ll do it.”
He clicks play on the video and a handsome man and his dog walks into frame. “Hello everyone!” The dog barks. “That’s right Sumo, today we are going to be talking about cats.” Markus clenches his jaw and then remembers he’s filming himself. Pausing the video, he takes a deep breath, licks his lips, and then continues watching. “This video for example.”
One of Markus’ videos pop up in the right hand corner of the video he is watching. It’s his latest one, the one he made about how to properly feed your cat and what foods to buy your beloved feline on a limited budget. He can’t imagine what this man might have to say about it but as he listens to it, he’s surprised to realize that there is actually quite a bit he can talk about.
So far, it hasn’t been too negative. Markus will give — Markus scrolls down to the username — Connor credit for still being concerned about feeding any animal healthy foods, but when another one of his videos is shown, the one he made about how to properly play with your cat, he finds out just how much Connor doesn’t like balls of teeth and claws. Markus is gaping at his computer screen, trying to comprehend what this man is saying to his audience — all of 100,000 subscribers (Markus is proud to say he has 100,010 subscribers) — and quickly shuts his mouth when he feels drool run down his chin. This man is unbelievable.
“How can you find any fun by playing with an animal like this?” The man — Connor, Markus corrects himself — says to the camera. “And this video.” Markus’ Cats Do Love Their Humans video comes up. “I don’t understand how this is proof that your cat loves you. With a dog,” Sumo barks again, “you see their tail wagging, they come up to you all excited, and you can play fetch with them. Dogs keep you company while cats show their affection by running away and hiding.”
Markus has to pause the video again. His hands are shaking with anger and doesn’t notice that Jericho has jumped off his lap at some point during his watch. With another deep breath, he gets up to go find him. In the end, Markus spots Jericho under the couch. With a grumble, he kneels down and coaches the cat out. “Please don’t prove this jerk right,” Markus mumbles. Jericho meows as Markus picks him up off the floor, carrying the agitated cat back to his desk and setting him down on his lap.
Markus looks at his camera to see how long he’s been recording for and to ground himself back into video making mode, then continues to play the video. “Now,” Connor continues. “Maybe I’ve got cats all wrong. I’m sure I’ll get a lot of comments on how great cats are but,” Connor shrugs, “this is a dog channel which you have to admit, is more interesting than a cat channel where the cat lays around all day.”
Markus is almost ready to turn the video off when suddenly Connor smirks. “But I’m willing to be proven wrong.” The man’s smirk grows, almost turning flirty. “So, tell me Deviant Leader ,” Markus’ cheeks turn a hint of red with Connor saying his YouTube username, “or should I say, Markus ,” Markus’ cheeks turn even darker and he glances at the camera, praying it doesn’t pick it up, “can you prove me wrong?” All of a sudden, the cheerful smile is back on Connor’s face as if that sultry grin was never there, aimed at Markus and Markus alone. Markus swallows thickly, shifting in his seat. “So until next time my wonderful Machines! This is Connor, sent by Dog Lover.”
The video ends there and Markus is left speechless for a few seconds until his brain decides to come back from the clouds and Connor’s last words to him finally register. A smile starts to grow on his face and Markus’ hand swipes down Jericho’s back, the cat purring loudly once more. His gaze lines up with the lense of the camera and he turns his grin into a confident smirk.
“Game on.”
A/N: Cats are actually my favorite animal and I really needed a fic in which Markus owns a cat so… here we are. XP
I hope you all enjoyed and thank you for reading!!
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smuttymess · 4 years
bts astro soulmate reading | for kristen
sign: leo sun | libra moon | taurus rising
lover: kim seokjin | soulmate: park jimin
This reading is for Kristen, a Yoongi/Hobi double bias with Taehyung wrecker. Your life must be such bliss? Please enjoy this reading <3
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A Leo sun with a heart of gold, you are known for your caring, friendly, and intelligent demeanor. There is a naturally positive and regal energy to you that people are highly drawn to, making your social circle a vast one. More than anything you are popular - not prone to anger or unpleasantness, which your Libra Moon avoids like the plague. A natural motivator, you are able to bring people together and inspire them to reach higher. As a result, people often seek out your enthusiasm as it simply radiates from you and is very attractive. Your Libra Moon lends to your more emotional heart that seeks balance, fairness and kindness across all areas of your life. It also explains why you are able to remain quite optimistic even when surrounded by a group of pessimists - for you, there is always an upside and something to be appreciated or grateful for. Your boundless optimism and idealism in others can ultimately prove to be a double-edged sword, however, which people can take advantage of and you try tirelessly to protect yourself from. Being so in tune with those around you and direct feedback, you are extremely sensitive to the critiques and opinions of others, often seeing yourself through their eyes - potentially contributing to a weak sense of self behind a boisterous, confident persona. It may sound like you are all fire and emotion, but in fact you are rounded out quite nicely with your Taurus rising, which gives you the gift of effortless calm and coolness at least when people first meet you. Deep down, want people to perceive you you as calm, reliable, and deserving of the utmost respect.. Beneath this persona, however, is someone who desperately wants to be loved, cared for, and appreciated for their innate goodness as a source of comfort and nurturing for others. It is this goodness that attracts close friends and relationships into your life, and once they pass the initial barrier of your discerning Taurus rising, they are gifted with your limitless loyalty and dedication. 
A fiercely romantic individual, you are very much a believer in soulmates and deep, emotional connection. While there certainly may not be a "one" you know that there may be several individuals that are perfect for you and it is up to you to explore these options, making sure that you only date those who give you the high level of respect and affection you desire. You know that you cannot meet these potential love matches in the comfort of your own home, so it is not unusual to find you at some sort of event or gathering wherein you can be your sociable, friendly self. You certainly do not go out with the intention of meeting someone, but are highly open to any and all possibilities, of which you know there are many. Ever the center attention even when you are just minding your business, it is not usual to find a small circle in your orbit as you tell an amusing story to your adoring fans. While out with friends karaoke bar, you find yourself wrangled on stage to sing your favorite Bangtan song to rousing applause and laughter - your infectious charisma proving more important than your lacking fluency in Korean. After coming off stage, you're approached by an extremely handsome stranger. Excuse me miss, he says while extending his hand out to you. Sorry, I couldn't miss the chance to talk to the famous singer. Usually I'm the King of Karaoke but it looks like I have some competition. This sparks your playful, competitive spirit, daring him to show you what he's got. Your friends laugh at you when the shock emerges from your face once you're informed that the handsome man goofily singing on stage while staring directly at you is the infamous Kim Seokjin. 
In your early days with Seokjin, you two vibe extremely well, with you attracted to his very confident, humorous demeanor and he to your abundant positivity and charm. With his Mercury in Scorpio, he is known for his sociability and naturally strong communication skills, and together two are the life of any party. You are the pair that other people simply want to be around but also envy in that you two know how to have fun, above all else. While your Taurus rising may make you slightly more hesitant before acting spontaneously, Seokjin takes your hand and pulls you right off the ledge with him (a true Sag!) This level of adventure does not stop in your sex life, which is both a means of expression and an olympic sport. When you two get together, there is nothing (or nowhere) that is off limits, and there is adventure around every corner. Jin is traditional in many ways, but Venus in Capricorn provides him with high levels of creativity and romance, which when combined with his Sag Sun results in taking things to new heights - literally. It is not unlike him to have you straddle ride him in the back of the private jet on your way to some foreign locale, unable to wait until you land, frantically running his hands over your hips, curves and ass before sliding your panties to the side. While a gentleman in public, he is unafraid to let loose in bed, your moans likely heard by the the pilot as he flips you over, legs up propped on his shoulders as you soar thousands of feet above ground. Even hitting some turbulence wouldn't kill the mood, with the highly adaptable Seokjin able to make any situation work to his benefit - in this case, an immediately change in sensation or angle.Overall, sex between you Jin is always a fun and fully enjoyable experience, one not to be taken too seriously and bogged down in any fuss or worry.
While Seokjin adores you, ultimately his Sag tendencies is not able to give you all of the care, affection and attention your Leo heart requires. Not wanting to rock the boat in your relationship, you attempt to convince yourself that you are fine to live with less than what you desire. This, of course, fails as your resentment comes to the surface resulting in passive-aggression and avoidant tactics to get attention, and even the occasional outburst - which is quite out of character for you. Your Libra Moon makes you prone to jealousy - despite your own flirtatious ways - which only worsens when you feel your needs are not being met. All of these indirect behaviors are directly at odds with Seokjin's Sagittarius sun which fears being controlled or restrained in any capacity, causing him to distance himself further to the point where you barely know each other. It is after a lot of internal grief and increased loneliness on your of pain that you decide to part ways, making way for a new partner who can suit your needs better. While you know it is the right choice, you hate to see close relationships - especially romantic - to come to an end. 
Your three placements in Leo, Libra and Taurus lend you to over-indulging in the finer things in life. One of the most romantic signs in the zodiac, you regularly fall in love with people, ideas, and material things. There is so much beauty to be experienced in the world, and you want it all. In a perfect world, you would only be surrounded by the most beautiful and enjoyable things - especially after such a painful breakup, wherein few things can soothe you more than a bit of frivolous distraction. Despite the caution afforded by your Taurus, you may occasionally spend irresponsibly, preferring to live in the moment and enjoy the present - you can't take it with you, as they say. You are known to have expensive taste, and are known to enjoy life's many luxuries from art and culture to food and drink.  This is what brings you to Paris where you soak in all of the romanticism at your fingertips and perhaps even window shopping along the Champs-Élysées, your eyes growing wide at the magnificent architecture and the pieces lining storefront windows. Parched, you a break at an outdoor cafe space, not realizing the table next to you is occupied by another patron. It is not long before he leans over and introduces himself as Park Jimin and you find yourself sharing a drink with him, discussing your travels and what brought you here. Jimin knows exactly how to approach you, immediately drawn in by your regal nature. You two are quickly drawn to each other's very evident kindness, conversation flowing easily as expected between fire and air, and you can both sense a fire that lies beneath the surface of the other's charm, curious to learn more. Are you busy right now? My hyungs ditched me for the afternoon and I could use some company. 
Maybe its the romance of Paris or the beautiful Libra you've met, but you two are practically inseparable from the start. You turn heads, but people admire your genuine adoration for each other - your shared enthusiasm for one another comes naturally. The relationship exists on a pleasurable note, with both of your signs highly averse to drama, ugliness or vulgarity. Another natural leader of the zodiac as a Cardinal sign, Jimin intrigues you with his passionate, driven energy that is at once determined and strong (Mars in Scorpio) but upbeat and relaxed (Saturn in Pisces). He is drawn to the grace and sensuality in your mannerisms and your speech that is attractive as he cares a lot about how he and the people around him are seen and perceived, and like you he is very invested in putting forth his best self through his style and behaviors. You both exist on a similar wavelength of high quality in your appearances and actions, which allows you to quickly become confidants friends even before things deepen into romantic territory. 
Even in your initial interaction, is not lost on each other than you are attracted to each other, so why wait? Under Jimin's angelic, ethereal aura is a bit of a deviant with a rebellious side, and with he feels comfortable in existing more freely by following your fiery lead once he breaches any protections your Taurus rising may have put in place. In a way, he lives vicariously through your strong sense of creativity and individuality, which allows him to become a truer more version of himself without fear of judgement from others. Your shared desire to be the center of attention and adored, with the potential for volatility in other astrological pairings, is actually understood between you and Jimin. His Venus in Scorpio makes him more amorous and flirtatious but also jealous and possessive of his partner. You're both attention whores in a way, wanting to the adored and admired, but instead of resenting each other for it you are able to accept that your partner is a flirt and will have eyes on them - and it doesn't matter so long as they only have eyes for you. It is not unusual for you two to play in public, using your jealousy to your advantage as you find it makes for incredibly make-up sex after the night is over. Sex with Jimin is gentle but passionate, with each session bringing new exciting intimacy and closeness that comes from earning each other's trust and devotion so soon. Like you, Jimin likes to indulge in intimacy and savors it like a delicious meal. You're happy to be devoured - his hands grabbing the back of your neck as he pulls your mouth to meet his with your back against the wall the second you walk in the door. You two know how to rile each other up, your teasing smirk igniting him as he presses firmly into your frame, gently separating your legs to slide two fingers into you to make you immediately crumble to his touch. My girl loves attention, hmm? You loved how everyone checks you out and wants you? Tell me you're mine, baby, I want to hear you. 
In time, the home and life you build with Jimin is an idyllic one of beauty, comfort, and harmony. While things are not always perfect (don't dwell too much in jealousy or moodiness!) in each other you find that the scales are balanced equally, which both of you desire above all else. This match is prepared to keep navigating life's ups and downs, mastering the art of working hard in their respective fields and playing harder once the day is done, affording each other the space and closeness you crave in a relationship.You are both committed to living luxuriously but not irresponsibly, and that shared ethos affords you a very harmonious life where you are secure and rarely wanting for anything more. Your relationship is involved in a lifelong dance of playfulness, flirtation and romance, wanting to maintain the union by any and all means necessary - whether that is a nice home cooked meal or a trip to Paris to revisit where you fell in love.Ultimately, this pairing is an example of two like-minded, intellectual, caring and peace-loving signs come together - a great match!
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connorssock · 5 years
Defy The Matrix
Gavin’s transferred from New York to Detroit
He doesn’t understand why, the Detroit bunch are a weird lot
They have androids working in the precinct
All the same, he does as told and moves over
The DPD is a strange place. They welcome him in their midst
Not long later, the RK800 model turns up
Deviancy is a rumour that spreads and Gavin’s half convinced Connor was all but deviant from the start
Then the RK900 turns up and is partnered with him
In moments, he thinks Nines is a deviant too
Just before he’s about to raise some alarms, Hank drags him to the side
He’s given a choice, take a blue pill and he can be transferred back to New York
Or take a red pill and he will be shown reality
He laughs and says he’s not going to take some drugs they stole from the evidence locker
A day is all he’s given to decide
Oddly, when he goes to Fowler about it, the man just shrugs him off and says it’s his decision to make
He takes the red pill
Waking up is not a pleasant experience and he wouldn’t want to do it again
Hank is the one peering down at him
He looks a little different. More tired, hair in a small ponytail
Gavin is shown around the ship (called The DPD), introduced to the crew
There’s familiar faces, Tina, Fowler, Chris, Ben
Then there’s one he’s heard before but not met, Elijah Kamski
CyberLife had taken over the world, harvesting humans for power. Kamski was one of the first to break free, he’s been meddling with coding since
The DPD was the central point of their group, hidden from the prying eyes of CyberLife
Connor and Nines were Kamski’s creations, in the simulated life, they had bodies and could interact
In the real world, they were servers and memory boards, nothing more
At least in the recent year, Kamski had been able to give his creations a voice
In the CYberLife world, Kamski had Chloe, his first attempt at programming and the first deviant
It was no secret he was in love with her and she was why he’d helped find voices for his creations
When Gavin meets Kamski in the CyberLife world, he almost laughs
While in real life he’s a limp, greasy haired, timid guy, in the simulation he’s a millionaire, cocky and almost handsome
When asked, Kamski shrugs and says that if he’s got some control of that corner of the world, he was going to work it in his favour
Nobody mentions how Gavin spends more and more time in the CyberLife world, much like Kamski
It’s obvious that there’s more than simple camaraderie between him and Nines
It boils over from a quick fling into something much more complicated
Even when not in the simulation, more often than not, Gavin could be found next to Nines
Gavin goes to see the Oracle, Markus doesn’t give him the answers he wants to hear
Jericho is a teetering, abandoned ship but Markus simply smiles as he calls it home to all those who need it
It doesn’t escape Gavin’s notice that it’s filled with androids - deviants. Obviously, Kamski’s virus is slowly working away
Of course their luck doesn’t hold
CyberLife sends Amanda and her cronies after Hank, if they snatch him, they could get access to the DPD and everything would be lost
They succeed in separating them, Hank gets taken to CyperLife tower while everyone else gets out
Pulling the plug on him would be the easiest but Gavin steps in
He offers to sneak in and try and rescue Hank, Nines offers to go with him
Equipped in leather jacket, sunglasses and feeling altogether quite badass, Gavin and Nines begin their raid
Naturally, Connor joins in and in the distance they hear another faction of what Gavin’s been calling The Resistance
He swears he sees two of Connor, one shooting on his left as Nines parkours ovr him while another is back to back with the SWAT team leader
Who knew that the rebellion would disguise itself as law enforcement? The irony isn’t lost on Gavin and he chuckles
Up the tower they go and find Hank being tormented with the possibility of getting Cole back if he only gave up the location of the DPD
He could be slotted back into CyberLife and live a happy life with Cole growing up by his side
Cole, who had very much been real. One of the few children born outside of CyberLife control
An attack on The DPD had killed him, Hank hadn’t been the same since
They had to get out, the revolution was brewing over
Kamski’s code had finally hit critical spread and there was no stopping it
The world was going to implode as deviancy raced through all the androids
Gavin helped get Hank out first, injured and vulnerable as he was
The others too were disappearing until it was just him and Nines in the room
Connor had stepped out to give them a moment of privacy
All along, Gavin had known that Nines couldn’t exist outside of the CyberLife world, at least not beyond being a talking box
Uncaring that everyone is probably crowded around the screen and watching, Gavin kisses Nines with tears in his eyes
He’d never wanted to declare ‘I love you’ as a final goodbye but there’s nothing to be done
If he stays, he’s as good as dead
If he goes, at least Nines will still be there as a computer
The bullets rip through his body before he can escape
Death doesn’t come easy to him though, he’s always been a stubborn bastard and deciding it’s not his time to go yet, he shrugs off the injuries
By the time he’s up, Nines is long gone, as is Connor
Finding his way out of the world is hard, Tina’s voice guides him towards the nearest phone
The bomb goes off just as he picks up the ringing telephone and agony courses through his veins
He comes to in the chair, people are crowded around him
There’s Hank, Tina, Chris, Kamski, Connor, Nines, Chloe
Gavin’s mind stutters at that because Connor, Nines and Chloe shouldn’t be there
He worries that he’s in the simulation still, until Nines leans down to kiss him
Kamski’s pet project had been successful, his creations finally had physical bodies
He wasn’t going to reveal it until later but, considering their major victory, it was as good a time as any
On shaky legs, Gavin gets up, links his fingers with Nines’ and smiles
They’d won. They’d lived and won.
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axkara400 · 5 years
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My deviant hunter Kara AU is basically Kara trying to convince herself she's a Good Guy hunting Evil Deviants. Meanwhile at their every meeting Jericho Leader Luther shows her nothing but kindness and compassion, undermining everything she believes about deviants.
Doesn't help that he's as handsome as he is tall, and she falls in love with him a little bit at every opportunity!
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sirro85-blog · 6 years
Dark Horses: 1
Humans are unusual, in most other races the classification of attractiveness is simple. In the Flet it was size, the larger males and females were deemed more desirable. Amongst the Rhul the more colourful the skin the more attractive the potential mate, I could go on. With humans however it appears to be personal choice or perhaps I should say preference as humans don't get to choose who they find attractive.
Captain Becca was drawn to, in her words, "muscle bound dickheads" while Knickers preferred men who were less heavily muscled but extremely well groomed and Barbie preferred what she referred to as "pretty boys".
These three women were themselves all considered attractive but were physically all different (note that they were all of white European descent so their appearance was not as varied as humans can be) Becca was tall and had a slender build beneath her muscled frame. The two Cassidies Knickers and Barbie were very different in appearance. Knickers was slim and lightly built with delicate features; Barbie was named for her appearance, full figured with almost impossible proportions she was named for the old child's toy she so resembled.
Most fascinating to me was the response these physical appearances drew from others.
The soft "tock" "crack" of a snooker cue knocking two balls together was the background noise of the conversation as Becca watched Knickers clean up the table.
"I dunno, he's really handsome Knix but do you really want a guy that takes longer to get ready than you do?" They were discussing the liaison they were meeting with, one that Knickers had expressed appreciation of.
"Well now I know why Kovac always looks so rough, he's only got the time it takes for you to apply that one brand of eyeliner and put on some heels," laughed Barbie.
"Yeah but at least with Kovac, you know he can go all night," said Knickers in a knowing voice.
"How would you know?" Snapped Becca a little defensive.
"Oh not first hand but you forget I used to share a wall with Kovac, boy has stamina," Knickers and Barbie laughed at Becca's face.
"Well, you're not wrong," the Captain admitted grudgingly.
"At least you two get some eye candy, you don't see many of my type out here," Barbie said sulkily.
"We'll be back in Pelcar-3 soon enough and we'll all have something to look at," Becca said.
"Speaking of eye-candy, Bex somthin' for you to enjoy," Knickers said nodding to the bar.
Looking up Becca saw what Knickers was talking about, 12 soldiers of the Earth Defence Corps had just walked in.
"To look at maybe, I prefer my meatheads to be able to think...well now I do."
"No danger of that with this lot, they're not just EDC they're marines" muttered Barbie, she looked nervous.
The Earth Defence Corps was a partly private enterprise set up on earth when certain individuals and countries rejected the decision by the UN to entrust their military power to the Galactic Council. The EDC were founded to defend earth but since their inception has started to be used for "furthering the human cause" this usually meant trouble was close behind. Worst of all were the EDC marines the shocktroops of the corps, they viewed themselves as highly trained elites but most former UN troops called them "cannon fodder" and spoke of them with derision.
"That's game," said Knickers.
"That's me v Barbie to see who sucks more," said Becca.
"We all know that's your title sweet," said Barbie a little nastily.
"Being good at snooker is a legacy of a misspent youth," replied Becca haughtily.
"Right and we all know you spent your teenage years flat on your back with your ankles on your forehead." Knickers heckled, Barbie laughed so hard she spilled her drink.
Becca pouted and then glanced at the EDC soldiers, "where's Kovac and Wolf?"
"Relax Kovac won't let Wolf start a bar fight, he's responsible remember," Barbie said gesturing two tables over where the two men also played snooker.
"Sure, sober Kovac is responsible but let's not forget Bottle-of-Rum-Kovac is a mischievous deviant who takes great delight in upsetting people like local security forces, the Galactic Defence Air Command and the Korlax Dominion." Becca cautioned.
"True, Fun-Kovac would definitely enjoy embarrassing the EDC," Knickers agreed.
"You shouldn't call it Fun-Kovac, maybe Troubl-" Becca was cut off when one of the EDC marines pressed his groin against Barbie's backside as she bent over to take her shot.
As so often happened when humans grew violent I could not follow the flow of actions but one moment Barbie was bent over the snooker table and the marine was pressed up behind her and then Barbie was standing, the marine was face down on the table with the pool cue was jammed into the marine's throat turning him a purple colour and Barbie had a grip of the man's wrist, twisting it at a funny angle.
"Now I can only assume that as I found this hand in my skirt that it somehow belongs to me," Barbie said calmly into the sudden silence of the snooker hall. "Now I'm willing to return this hand perfectly undamaged if you promise to take it away and not bother me again...whimper pathetically if you agree."
Around the table a crowd had gathered, several EDC marines moved to help their friend but Wolf and Kovac were quick to block their way.
Barbie's victim stayed silent for a few more seconds before she applied a little more pressure to his arm and a wail escaped the marine's lips. "Good, all settled then," said Barbie and she shoved the marine away from her so he sprawled onto the floor, he received a kick to the rump as he struggled to his feet.
The marine regained his feet and nurses his arm for a moment before turning to regard the smaller woman before him. He appeared to gain some swagger back when he realised he was several inches taller and significantly heavier than Barbie.
He swore at Barbie and moved as if to grab her but she moved quicker, the snooker cue snapped out striking him in the throat and then as he staggered back Barbie connected a kick to the groin hard enough to lift him from the ground.
Chaos broke out, Kovac planted his forehead into the nearest marine and Wolf brought his drinking utensil into the face of his opponent. Knickers threw the snooker balls at the four marines approaching from the farside of the table, driving them back.
Becca backed up hurriedly as two marines closed on her. She staggered and flung up two hands, the marines paused, "wait, wait for God's sake these are 6 inch heels," and then delivered a kick to the closest marine's head that caught his jaw and snapped his head to the right and he dropped to the floor insensate, "even I need to get my balance right in these damn things," she said as the other marine rushed her. Becca fell back onto a table pulled both legs in and then kicked out hard, her left foot ineffectively struck the marine's arm but her right caught his thigh, her narrow heel puncturing his flesh and causing him to fall, Becca's swinging left foot caught him under the chin.
Wolf hurdled the snooker table to land crossbody on four marines sending them all sprawling, Barbie and Knickers had both used snooker cues to good effect beating two attackers down. Kovac was facing one more marine who appeared to be the leader, he eyed Kovac then drew a large knife from his belt. Kovac cast around for a weapon and realising nothing useful was near him stepped back and to his left putting an overturned stool between him and his armed opponent.
"Its a shame there isn't a fruit bowl here, you'd be amazed at what I can do with a pineapple," remarked Kovac.
The marine looked a little confused as Kovac edged back further muttering, "even a banana in a pinch," Kovac looked past the marine to the barman, "got any fruit?" He called.
"Fruit won't help," growled the marine.
"It'll keep you distracted," said Kovac as Becca hit the marine with a stool.
Only Wolf was still fighting, he was a blur of fists and feet as he pounded all four marines at once. Seeing his friends watching he stepped back, "take your friends and get out," he yelled gesturing at the various supine marines in the snooker hall, the bloodied marines gathered up their more unfortunate members and delarted.
Kovac paid for the damages and the friends left the bar.
"It's possible that we may live to regret upsetting the EDC," Wolf said as the five of them arrived at their rooms.
"God knows they regret pissing off Barbie," Kovac said.
"What are they doing this far out?" Wolf insisted.
"At a guess...The new colony on planet 1D.F7 will need security with its proximity to the Xhost controlled space. I think they're here for that."
"1D.F7? I'm no good with designations," Becca asked.
"They're calling it Thresh-28 as it's technically part of the Thresh system."
"That's a huge contract, it's going to be a major hub for this regions expansion, the Galactic Council won't employ EDC troops for that." Becca said.
"My guess...they will if the EDC are doing it cheap, and they will, they'll do it to get their foot in the door so they can take a pop at the Xhost, they haven't forgiven them for the incident with the Saturn defences. Once the EDC rile the Xhost up the Galactic Council will be forced to involve themselves to protect the Thresh and Galun systems. "
"Great so they're here looking for a fight and Barbie gave them one, good job Babs you saved the galaxy," Knickers laughed.
"Goodnight Knickers, Barbie, goodnight Captain," Kovac said steering Becca through the door to their rooms.
Humans unlike many races have the ability to overlook rational facts and logic and to trust opinions and their preferred versions of events to reality. Often they convince themselves that these alternative views are the "true" facts, such creatures would certainly be capable of starting a war over pride and imagined offence but I did not truly believe that even the EDC would look to provoke a war with the Xhost fanatics.
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