#handsome devil riku
nikutsuneart · 2 years
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~smitten~ 💕✨
just a little doodle for valentines day!
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tharkflark1 · 8 months
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Happy Early Valentines from @nikutsune 's cool ass designs
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atomic-taco-muffin · 11 months
Devil ansem corrupting angel karmaline true pacifist au:
Alejandro: *coos in response*
Riku: *smiles* you’re so handsome
0 notes
minaramen · 3 years
New Year’s special story -  Werewolf Idols ~ LIVE or HEAVEN ~ Part 8: Who’s the wolf? [Day 3]
Part 1 | Part  2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |  Part 11 |  Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15
  Game master: Dawn has come
Riku: Waaah! I survived!
Gaku: And what about the victim?!
Game master: During tonight’s werewolf attack, one person was killed
Yamato Woooh. Who?
Haruka: Ah! Torao’s missing!
Touma: What!? Tora!?
Yamato: Midou…!!
Iori: Midou san has been bitten!?
Yamato: Damn!! Midou…! Midou…! Why…!
Tamaki: Yama san, I didn’t know you liked Toracchi that much…
Touma: Tora… you see, Tora? That’s good… your parting caused such pain…
*Cut to a dark place*
Torao: I’ve been bitten, then?! It’s not what I expected… man, how frustrating!
Torao: Shit, this is definitely not my day. What the hell is this place, by the way?
*Cut to the TV studio*
Audience: Kyaaaah…!
Nagi: Welcome!
Sogo: Good job, Midou san
Yuki: Welcome. There are black-soybeans here, in case you’re interested
Torao: Mh…? So, this is the place where you end up after you get executed?
Sogo: Yes. I guess you’re feeling relieved! There is also Osechi!
Torao: You bet.  I mean, that’s it?  It’s not scary at all
Audience: Toraooo!!
Torao: What?
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!!
Audience: You’re handsome!!
Torao: Thanks. You girls are very cute
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Torao: Fu….
Yuki: He wasted no time showing off
Sogo: It’s very engaging, being able to talk to the audience from such a close distance
Nagi: It really is! Shall we talk with them a little more?
Torao: You’re right, let’s see…
Torao: Did you eat Osechi?
Audience: I did!!
Audience: Not yet!
Audience: I ate Osechi!
Audience: I want to!
Yuki: She said she wants to eat it. Maybe I can feed her
Torao: Mh?
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Sogo: I don’t know. Going down to the audience…
Yuki: Is it forbidden or something?
Audience: Kyaaaaaaaaah…!
Torao: Okay, got it. Instead of feeding the audience, I’ll feed Sogo
Sogo: What?
Audience: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaah..!!
Nagi: Oh, they screamed so loud…
Yuki: Nagi kun will feed me, then
Audience: Kyaaaaaaaah…!
Nagi: Actually, I’d rather not…
Yuki: Do I disgust you?
Nagi: It’s because I was always the one being served
Yuki: You’re a prince, after all. Okay then, I’ll be the one putting it in your mouth…
Audience: Kyaaaaaaaaaah…!
Torao: Ahah…we got quite a reaction. I feel somehow better. Is datemaki okay with you?
Sogo: W-wait…. datemaki is pretty big…maybe, chorogi would be better…
Torao: Chorogi..? Do you mean, this one? I don’t really remember what a chorogi is
Yuki: Do you want chorogi as well, Nagi kun?
Nagi: No, no, no…A mystery object, the red drill of a little devil. I don’t want it in my mouth…
Sogo: Chorogi is a perilla plant, and it’s a good medicinal food, just like ginger.  They say that you will get to live a long life, if you eat it
Torao: Ah…! Don’t start talking all of a sudden!! I was about to drop it!
Sogo: I’m sorry
Torao: Can I hold your chin?
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!!
Nagi: In the first place, opening your mouth in front of other people is considered extremely rude in my country…
Yuki: It’s okay, I won’t get angry…you can just stick out your tongue. Just like you’re doing faces at me
Nagi:......Wouldn't the chestnut over there do the trick as well?
Yuki: Okay, okay. Can I hold your chin as well?
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Nagi: Oh….it’s new year’s party…okay, okay
Torao: Okay, let’s go. Ready…?
Yuki: They’re the replacements for you, girls. Take a good look
Audience: Kyaaaaaaah
Torao: Open wide
Audience: Kyaaaaaaah…!!
Nagi&Sogo: Gulp…
Audience: Kyaaaaaaaaah…!!
Yuki: Okay, well done
Nagi: Ah…I was so nervous….
Sogo: It had a good texture, with a strong pungent note… It gave me the feeling you’re going to live long and healthy 
Torao: What’s that, a food report? You’re such a conscientious guy
Yuki: Midou kun, we’ll recruit you for the drums
Torao: The drums?
Audience: Kyaaaaaaaaah…!!
Nagi: Now we have the vocalist role left
Sogo: Looks like the “New Year’s Day” may be a success. I look forward to seeing who’s the next to come!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaah…!
*Cut to the game*
Yamato: Aaah….Midou….why….
Tenn: So I’m thinking that after Rokuya san, you happened to forecast Midou san?
Yamato:....that’s exactly what I did…
Tenn: I suggest you handle your fake forecasting a little bit better. I mean, you’re always matching the killed person…
Yamato: You’re wrong! The wolves actually do kill the guys I forecast! As if you weren’t the impostor here!
Tenn: I’m the real divinator
Minami: I’m the real divinator
Momo: The real deal is me!
Gaku: Okay, what about the medium?
Riku: Can the medium come out, at this point?
Tenn: Before that, we better announce the forecasting results. Nikaido san has already ran his mouth, after all
Mitsuki: Okay, then. I’ll do the countdown
Mitsuki: 3, 2,1…
Mitsuki: Zero
Tenn: I forecasted Nanase san. He’s a villager
Minami: Izumi Iori san is a villager
Momo: Isumi Haruka is a wolf
Haruka: What!?
Touma: Haru’s a wolf!?
Haurka: I-I’m not..! I’m definitely not!! I’m not a wolf!
Momo: Too bad, Haruka. The result of my divination speaks for you
Riku: Wait, that’s not true! I don’t think so!
Haruka: Nanase…
Iori: What are you talking about, Nanase san?
Riku:  Every divinator spoke already, so I guess I can say it?
Riku: I'm the medium!
Mitsuki: Riku’s the medium?!
Ryunosuke: Oh, I’m glad the medium is still alive! What about Yuki san’s situation?
Riku: Well, Yuki san, the one we executed yesterday…
Riku:...was a villager
Mitsuki&Touma: Eeeh….?!
Ryunosuke: Momo san is an impostor, then!
Momo: That doesn’t sound right, since I’m the real divinator. Aren’t you the impostor here, Riku?
Riku: I’m the real deal! By the way, Sogo san was a villager too!
Gaku: If Nanase is an impostor, the real divinator must come out now and say he’s the real one
Gaku: Reveal yourself, if you’re here
Ryunosuke:........ Looks like there’s nobody else
Touma: So, Riku’s the real one…
Momo: It doesn't prove anything. Somebody among Sogo, Nagi and Torao could have been the medium
Momo: Don’t be fooled by a wolf’s speech
Riku: I’m not a wolf! And Haruka kun isn’t a wolf either!
Haruka: Exactly, I’m not a wolf! But I don’t have any particular role, so I can’t really prove it…
Haruka: Anyway, I’m not a wolf!
Tamaki: Isumin….
Haruka: Stop it already, Yotsuba! Watching me with such a friendly look, everybody will think we’re companions! 
Riku: Everybody, listen to me! Don’t walk right into his trap!
Riku: Tamaki used the same tactic in order to get Sogo san executed! 
Tamaki: This is no tactic! It really isn’t! I didn’t do that on purpose…
Mitsuki: Tamaki, who’s your companion? Momo san or Isumi?
Tamaki: I won’t tell you…! And don’t look at me! If you look at me like this, I could drop you a hint with my face!
Mitsuki: Dropping a hint with your face? What the hell are you saying? Iori, what do you think?
Iori: Momo san is lying
Mitsuki: Why…?
Momo: What are you saying?! Iorin!!
Iori: The result of your divination betrayed you. You said that Yuki san was a wolf
Riku: But he was not!
Iori: Okay, I think everybody got your point, Nanase san. Be quiet and listen, now
Iori: We currently have four divinators
Iori: In other words, among them there is the real divinator, the madman and the fox spirit
Iori: Assuming that Nanase san is the medium and the hunter is remaining hidden, nobody else is impersonating the divinator
Riku: Uh uh…?
Iori: Then, it’s important to focus on the wolves’ number
Iori: There are three wolves in the village. One of them is Yotsuba san. Another one is hidden among the divinators
Iori: However, if you trust Momo san’s forecasting…
Mitsuki: Yuki san would be the third…and counting Isumi too, we’d get four! Four wolves!
Touma: Waah, that’s true! You’re amazing, Izumi!
Mitsuki: Me?
Iori: Me?
Touma: Both of you, of course!
Ryunosuke: Amazing…! So, we finally solved at least one mystery! 
Haruka: How cool, Izumi…!
Iori: Fu…it’s not that big of a deal
Iori: Did you understand now, Nanase san?
Riku:....? Yes…? Yes….
Iori: Aah, I can tell from your face that you didn’t! Even if it was a good chance for you to respect me…
Riku: You did it, Iori!
Iori: Act casually, don’t poke me with your elbow!
Haruka: Ah, what a relief… when he said I was the walf I got thrilled…
Tenn: I suppose we’re going to execute Momo san tonight
Ryunosuke: Yes, but what do we do with Tamaki kun?
Iori: We’ll execute him tomorrow, there is not much of a difference at this point. Apparently we could even even get hints just by looking at his face
Tamaki: Don’t say such things about me!
Iori: Personally, I think that a clever person like Momo san is more of a menace 
Mitsuki: Yes, I think you’re right. So, we’ll go for Momo san today?
Gaku: Yes. Momo san, you’re so daring that you reached the point where you sacrificed Yuki san with your lies
Momo: I told you, I didn’t lie! I just reported the result of my forecasting. Isn’t Tamaki a real wolf, by the way?
Tamaki: I-I’m a real wolf…
Ryunosuke: You can’t fool us anymore….what? He’s a wolf, yes…
Touma: Ah, I get misled every time I look at his face. Wouldn't it be better to start from Yotsuba, then?
Momo: Touma~ Haruka is a wolf~ Execute him, not me~!
Touma: I’m more and more confused
Mitsuki: Let’s execute Momo san! If Riku is still here, we’ll know if Momo san was a wolf or not
Riku: Yes!
Ryunosuke: I wonder if everything will be fine…don’t you think that Riku kun may be bitten tonight?
Riku: What…!
Tenn: He’s got a relevant role after all. Maybe the hunter could escort him
Iori: The hunter is still among us…
Gaku: I wonder who he is…
Touma: Not sure, but I think Tora was the hunter.  I mean, he was thinking about many things in a pretty serious way
Minami: Yes… By the way, have you got any preference regarding your forecasting?
Haruka: Can you even ask us about our preferences?
Minami: Of course I can. I’d like to offer useful informations to the village
Yamato: Well, obviously the same goes for me
Tenn: Same here
Tenn: I’d prefer not to say anything else, because I feel like you’d suspect me if I talk too much. However…
Tenn: Don’t forget my forecasting. Nanase san and Gaku are villagers
Minami: What a pity we can’t trust forecasting made by an impostor. Isumi san and Izumi Iori san are both villagers
Momo: Yuki and Haruka are wolves!
Haruka: I told you I’m not a wolf! What about your forecasting, Nikaido san?
Yamato:....Nagi and Midou were villagers
Haruka: That doesn’t tell us anything new. Since they were bitten, they were obviously villagers…
Yamato: Okay, then. Tell me who you want me to forecast, and I will do it
Ryunosuke:  Are we already starting with the suggestions? We still have time left
Iori: What if the divinators forecast each other?
Yamato: I was thinking about that, but I feel like we’d just end up claiming the other was a wolf
Iori: That’s true, but you could still deathly curse the fox spirit
Minami: Aren’t you planning to execute us in order in the end?
Minami: Being the real divinator myself, I’d like to provide the village with useful information a little bit longer
Minami: Well, then. I will forecast Izumi Mitsuki san
Mitsuki: Me? Ah…thank you!
Tenn: Since there are no suggestions, I will forecast Ryuu. Is it okay?
Ryunosuke: It’s okay. I know who I am, so I’m not worried 
Yamato: I don’t think such scattered forecastings makes any sense, but oh well…I’ll forecast Inumaru
Touma: Got it. I’m not scared
Riku: Okay, with this I think everybody will get forecasted??
Tenn: Yes, but I don’t trust the others’ forecastings
Minami: Please, don’t listen to forecasting made by someone who’s not me
Yamato: Inumaru, please…don’t get bitten tonight
Touma: R-roger…
Mitsuki: If Yamato san is the real divinator, it would be quite funny if the wolves go after the people he chooses to forecast
Yamato: C’mon, give me a break….my relationship with wolves is a little too good
Minami: Oh, you can say whatever you want
Iori: Speaking of that, who do you think is telling the truth?
Riku: I think….Tenn Kujo
Iori: I trust Yamato Nikaido
Ryunosuke: I trust Tenn Kujo too…
Haruka: Mh?  Why are we calling them by their full names?
Touma: What about you, Haru?
Haruka: I do trust Minami Natsume…but Tenn Kujo sounds like the real deal as well
Touma: I see. Well, if you ask me everybody looks real. What do you think, Yotsuba?
Tamaki: Me? Uhm…
Tenn: Aren’t you a wolf?
Touma: Ah, you’re right! I forgot!
Momo: Someone should ask Momo chan too!
Touma: Momo chan san, it’s about time for you to say goodbye…
Momo: Aaah! How sad!!
Tenn: Have a good time with Yuki san in the afterlife
Mitsuki: Get along well
Tamaki: Say hi to Sou chan for me!
Momo: It’s super sad, but the fact that we both have been executed will be proof of the love between your senpai!
Momo: We get along more than Mezzo”!
Tamaki: I’m going immediately after you…!
Game master: Voting results
Game master: The executed player is Momo
Game master: It’s night time
Game master: The executed player is escorted to the execution place
Game master: Wolves, please choose the one you want to kill
Game master: Divinator, please choose the one you want to divine. Hunter, please choose the one you want to protect 
Game master:  All the others, please hold your breath and try to endure until this terrible night is over
 End of part 8
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chromatic-lamina · 3 years
class and ass
Being handsome helps in terms of gaining reader and viewer empathy. But Orochi really hasn’t done himself any favours in his actions either. But anyway, let’s have a look at these two despots: Donquixote D and Kurozumi O.
Doflamingo’s childhood story is shown rather than told, and he’s a more charismatic villain, so the general reader maybe feels the nuances of his past more deeply, but both he and Orochi were persecuted in their childhoods for reasons outside of their control, and due to their heritage and actions of others.
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It seems that it’s only luck (or not) that Orochi was not hung up for crucifixion and archery practice in the same way the Donquixote family was, but as you can see from the words above, treatment was no better, and the Kurozumi clan was “chased and terrorized by strangers who claimed they were performing justice”.
The Donquixotes were persecuted for being Celestial Dragons due to crimes committed by other Celestial Dragons.
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Possibly because of this, and very probably influenced by these injustices chasing justice, Orochi and Doflamingo inflicted very un-benevolent dictatorships (or pretty damn unconstitutional and cruel monarchies) on the populations of the areas that maybe they had a historical “right” to.
We know that both Orochi and Doflamingo (and many of the villains of One Piece) use the local people (of all backgrounds, including dwarves) as assets to be manipulated into furthering their aims, no matter the cost.
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We all know that Wano is very pretty to the general outsider if they were only given access to the Flower Capital (and allowed entry), but the wider country is polluted and in ruin. People are valued for their use in the various mines and factories, and the various mines also seem to double as prisons (or one does, Udon). The plebs and rebels are generally only ‘valued’ for this and are seen as an expendable resource.
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The above is from Dressrosa, and the dwarves (Tontatta) are talking about slavery under the original Donquixote rule of 900 years ago and then goes on to say that the Tontatta and Dressrosa have returned to very similar times.
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And of course this is not to mention the Toys who toil for the kingdom—dissenters who have been turned into wind-up slaves that their loved ones have forgotten. Dressrosa is far prettier on the surface. The actual land not as ravaged as Wano, but its prosperity stems from suppression and exploitation, just like Wano. Luffy, in this arc (Dressrosa) also mentions how aspects of Dressrosa remind him of where he grew up.
In terms of nurture, who knows how Orochi would have ended up without Kurozumi Higurashi’s influence? And we see far more how it has an effect on his life than Trebol’s possible effect on Doflamingo’s life (though the implication is definitely there too).
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And it was unjust what Orochi went through. He was running and sheltering for his life when he first came across Higurashi, but it leads us to the continual One Piece question of whether the boy who’s strapped himself into a suicide vest is responsible if he then pulls the pin? And what stops him from pulling the pin and encourages him to take off the vest?
Just before the panel above, Higurashi has declared that Orochi will be the shogun, in a similar way to Trebol declaring that Doflamingo is a king.
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And Hirugashi’s words (top right, second frame): “He who stands at the top writes the rules. And just like that a crime is no longer a crime,” echo Doflamingo’s famous speech at Marineford.
And at this point, Orochi is maybe open to even buying into his persecution, or thinking there is some outside reasoning for it. And the persecution is unjust, but Higurashi’s declaration that Orochi’s hardships are due to the birth of Oden’s father is in one sense correct, but is also at the same level of humanitarian disregard and illogic as the mob that chases the Kurozumi clan.
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Whether the madness and rage that Trebol says Doflamingo possesses was also greatly directed by adult interference, such as Streussen and Mother Caramel with Big Mom, or Kurozumi Higurashi’s influence with Orochi. will be something that One Piece forums will discuss ad infinitum, and rightly so. Cycles being broken, perpetuated, created and maintained are fascinating.
Anyway, these two, unlike Big Mom, have this very destructive life purpose in common (see below).
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Orochi (above)
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Doflamingo on the castle rooftop.
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(Doflamingo designing his own match to death (above).)
As we know, regarding the panel above, Doflamingo had physically manipulated Riku Dold into cutting down his own citizens, and the game that he designed for the Dressrosans to play within the birdcage that he set over the island, was basically murderous citizen against citizen in order to survive. He has no care for the populous. 
Both, generally speaking, from the book of classic villain tropes, want everyone D-E-A-D. Even if they also perish in the process. Though if Doff gets eternal youth (which maybe makes him immortal?) he might not.
Orochi is probably not dead. I think there’s one head left unaccounted for (also a form of immortality, or at least eight chances at longevity), and likewise, I doubt he’s going to want to spare the capital once Onigashima lands smack-dab on top of it. If he lives that long. If he’s already dead, then long live the king.
Doflamingo, in non-devil fruit form, has more strength and mental fortitude than Orochi. He has backbone in terms of being a strong character and true to himself, no matter what (maybe like Law and Luffy and Kid). We also see him take care of his Family in ways that seem surface-level appealing, though surrounding himself with toadies who enabled him in the first place is an element both he and Orochi share.
Anyhoo, I know it’s a common theme throughout One Piece (as said and said again in this meta), and that Orochi hasn’t been able to develop as a character in the same way in terms of having his own relatives and subordinates and past relationships explored in more depth and layers, but yeah. Also, that constant theme of does anyone have a god-given right to be a pure arsehole? Both were fallen nobles.
And they both smile a lot.
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As does Big Mom, Kaidou, Luffy and maybe Shanks. We’ll see with our other supernovas.
I think we’ll meet Doflamingo after Wano though, but Orochi might be contained to the past.
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shadyafternoontea · 4 years
Reconnect (Riku x F!Reader)
So a million years ago, I had this insanely vivid dream, woke up, keyboard smashed out the dream, and then just forgot I wrote it.  Fast forward 1.5 years when I discovered it in my writing folder that I was organizing on a new laptop.  This is a Riku x reader fic, and in my dream, Riku looked--idk--mid-30s? With a build like Dante (Devil May Cry). Was I reading @tehrevving smut at the time? Honestly, I don’t remember, but I probably was. But if you are thirsty for Riku, here you have it. There is like minimal/zero editing from my keyboard smash, so sorry.
Smutty smut under the cut from your girl. 
@proximitybobomb @sunflowergem sorry I kept y’all hanging since...Sep 2019. My bad.
You smiled pleasantly at the people around you headed to the same party as you. Everyone was dressed well, looking dashing in suits and flouncy dresses in an explosion of color. It was a beautiful evening outside, but you felt cold though you weren’t quite sure why. You rubbed your arms as you passed one of the rooms to your left in the venue. You glanced into the room and your gaze caught on a pair of cerulean eyes that captured yours the moment you looked that way.
You didn’t remember stopping to stare. You didn’t feel the woman behind you stumble into you at your sudden stop or the pull of the gossamer fabric at your shoulder, threatening to rip, as the woman stepped on the trail of your dress in her attempt to re-steady herself. You didn’t hear the stuttered apologies as you turned and walked. The woman barely managed to step off your dress before it genuinely ripped—not that you would have even noticed at this point.
The lively clamor of the party died to a dull noise in your ear because you could hear nothing, see no one except the one man you had dreamt about for years but had left.  He smiled, but it never reached his eyes. He had changed from the last time you had seen him years and years ago. He was taller, so much broader than before, and the crispness of his black suit accentuated the width of his shoulders. There were a few crows feet around the eyes now, but the piercing gaze was as clear as ever.
When he spoke your name in return, the syllables sounded as beautiful as ever from his lips. You were always weak for this man.
His gaze chased your face, and you couldn’t look away from their depths. He was always so handsome, but it was his eyes that never failed to capture your attention. They were somber now, the mirth you used to remember reflected within their depths faded.  His arm twitched, as if he wanted to reach out for you but thought better of it.
The jerking motion broke the hold of his hypnotizing gaze so you could see the rest of him. He looked even more handsome up close, the clean structure of his suit stretching over his solid build. He was clean shaven as usual, but perhaps you could detect the faint shadow of facial hair when there hadn’t been any when he had been younger. His hair was silver as ever, cut just above the shoulder like it had been when he was young. Your heart clenched at seeing him here, wanting something you had tried all these years to stop wanting.
“I didn’t think you’d be here,” you said.
“I wanted to see you.”
And just like that, with a straightforwardness only he had, the cards were laid out.
A disbelieving laugh escaped from your lips even as your heart stuttered at the exclamation.
“After all these years?”
It was a dumb question, and you knew it even as you heard yourself say them. You had wanted him every day for the better part of the last decade. You hadn’t stopped just because he had left without any promise of coming back to you.
“I’d want you forever.”
You swiped angrily at the tears in your eyes. “Fuck, Riku, why do you always do this to me?”
There were arms wrapping around you, pulling you into a warmth both familiar and strange now. It felt so good to be in his arms, surrounded by his heat and solidity.
“You’re the one who left,” you sniffled. It had hurt so much when the two of you had decided to part ways.
You didn’t fight when he used a hand to pull your own hand away from your eyes or when you felt the warm touch under your chin to tilt your head up. You couldn’t stop the electricity from shooting through you when the warmth of his lips descended on your own.  The kiss was short and chaste, nothing more than a comforting press of pressure against your lips, but you could feel it—the feel of your heart racing, the warmth spreading through your limbs, and that hope you hated suffuse your heart.
“I made a mistake, like I always do,” he said, the hard edge of self-deprecation creeping into his voice.  “I thought I was making the best decision for your safety, and it’s taken me this long to grow into some semblance of a man who understands that the only person who should have made a decision for your well-being was you.”
“And now you want me to forget all these years and be with you?”
He had the humility to look abashed. “No, but I’ve kicked myself for losing these years with you, and I figure I could at least have the sense to not waste the rest.”
You teared up again, hating the hope and the warm flood of emotion that threatened to emotionally overwhelming you. As you fought against the tears, Riku was already gently leading you to a small hallway and an alcove you wouldn’t have even seen, hidden by the large shrubs outside and the cordoned off hallway outside the room.  
Before you quite knew where he was leading you, he had you against a wood paneled wall, curving around you, arms holding you into his own body. He was so tall now compared to when you were younger, that he quite literally surrounded you with his body even as his heat penetrated your thin layer of fabric.
His lips were at your ear. “What can I do to show you I’m serious?”
He didn’t wait for an answer before his lips trailed the span of your neck. You could feel the smirk against your skin when the color climbed your skin.
He pulled away though before he went further. A large hand cupped your cheek, and you looked into his eyes. There were like you remembered before—clear, but they were darker now, the pupils dilated. A shock of exhilaration went through you—he made you feel alive when he looked at you like that.
You should have pushed him away and told him that he had lost his chance.
You tilted your head up instead and kissed him. The change of his grip on you was instantaneous. The hard back of the wall pressed into you as the hard planes of Riku’s body pressed into the front of you body.  He pulled way briefly to rest his forehead on yours. You were pleased to the color in his cheeks, easily noticeable against his alabaster skin, and the slight tremor of his hands where they cupped your cheeks.
“What do you want me to do?”
You gulped as the feel of his body against yours and the feel of his arousal pressing into your stomach made you feel heady and dizzy with the anticipation of pleasure.
Fuck it.
“I want you to take me.”
You barely got the words out before he mouth covered yours and he deepened the kiss. Hands left your cheeks though you could feel the imprint of their warmth still and swept down the curve of your body. The trace of his hands over the side of your body, only grazing your breast made you release a frustrated noise into the kiss. But when he corrected his path to sweep back up and graze your covered nipples with your thumb, you broke the kiss and titled your head back with a gasp.
As touches went, you weren’t ever this over-sensitive, but the feel of Riku touching you had you trembling in anticipation like it was your first time. His lips traced the line of your jaw and then trailed down your neck, stopping to nibble and suck at the sensitive skin at the junction of your neck and shoulder. You gasped at the sharp press of his teeth at the skin at the swell of your breast and then moaned when he soothed the bite with his tongue.
His hands traveled over the curve of your ass and down your thighs to the side, bunching up your dress and pulling the fabric upwards to reveal the smooth skin of your thighs. The cool air hitting your legs did little to quench the way you felt too warm.
You were flushed when he kneeled and you could feel the traveling soft pressure of his lips descend. You clenched at the sudden feeling of the heat of his hands against the bare skin of the back of your thighs when they slipped underneath your dress. You jolted when the tips of his fingers grazed your pelvic bone at the waistband of your underwear. He slipped them down your legs, helping you take one foot out. You'd have taken the other out, but he was too fast and had already disappeared under the sheer fabric of your dress. You clamped a hand to your mouth just in time before you gave a loud moan when he licked you.  
He hadn’t forgotten what you liked, and when he slipped two fingers into you, you clenched around his fingers hard, your gasps and moans thankfully muffled behind your hand.  You would have wondered how he managed to remember after all these years, but he always was very talented in whatever he did.
You began to ride that swell of pleasure right before you reached the point of no return. He slowed down to prolong your edge, and then chuckled when you gave a groan when he stopped. You twitched around his fingers as he slowly withdrew them so you wouldn’t go over. Your nerves felt frayed at being the denied the release you were craving, but you craved him more and he knew.
Dazed and breathing heavy, you watched him look up at you and pierce you with his gaze as he licked his fingers clean. When he rose, he managed to undo his slacks with one hand while he pulled your hand away from your mouth. You bit your lip when you saw his cock, but you didn’t have a chance to mull over how much you had missed it before you were lifted, your underwear still dangling off one foot rather comically.  You wrapped your legs around his waist, impressed by his strength.
He held you above him, the head of his cock brushing against your entrance. The feeling was tantalizing and you moved as much as you could against it.  He nipped your throat in response.
“Tell me what you want,” he murmured against your skin.
“Riku, p-please.”
“Tell me,” he said insistently, “and I’ll give it to you.”
“I need you in me—I need you to fuck me. Please!”
It seemed that was enough. He thrust against you slowly, groaning at the feel of entering you for the first time in years.  The stretch burned, but you wanted more of him. You wanted to take all of him. You gave a short groan of frustration when it seemed he couldn’t go any more.
He gave a soft chuckle at you and raised his head to look at you.  He gave a look of appreciation at the way your head was titled back against the wooden panel, mouth slightly agape and softly panting, and the way the blush of color had spread all across your face and neck.
“Hey, look at me.”
You obeyed, flexing your head forward and meeting his gaze, as unfocused as yours.
He pushed forward slowly and met more resistance.
“I can’t—”
“Hush, it’s okay.”
He leaned forward and kissed you, working in with shallow thrusts that had you moaning into his mouth at the sensation of fullness. You tangled your hands into his hair and pulled him more securely into you. You relaxed, and then gave a moan of surprise when he closed the last remaining distance between the two of you and buried himself fully.
He kept still for a brief moment, letting you acclimate. You let him feast on kisses while you relaxed around his length.
“I love how you feel around me,” he murmured against your lips when he finally started to move. “So fucking good.”
You made some non-coherent noise in response to his slow, hard thrusts. A fast stroke and then a slow deep slide into you had you clenching around him. He picked up the pace, burying his head into your neck, thrusts hitting harder.  The angle had him grazing the peak of your sex with every thrust, and it had you panting appreciatively into his ear.  It had been so long since you’d had him in you. Every nerve felt primed and over-sensitive. The heat of his breath striking your neck to the feel of his suiting jacket against your exposed shoulder to the feel of him inside you stoking that fire that had been quenched for so goddamn long had you arching against him in pleasure.
You let go of his hair with one hand, smoothing it roughly down his back to keep him pressed to you.
He felt you fluttering around him and slowed down, pulling away to look at you, a smile pulling at his lips at how flushed and dazed you looked.
“Better tell me when you’re coming, sweetheart.”
You managed a nod before he picked up the pace again. It didn’t take you long before you the rise of pleasure rose, and this time he kept going, taking you swiftly past that point of no return, determined to make you cry out his name.
“I-I’m cum—” you couldn’t even get out your sentence before you fell over that precipice. “Ri—” You gasped against his neck as your entire body tightened and your most intimate muscles clenched over and over and the pressure of his cock inside you sent you flying even higher.
Riku clenched his teeth against his orgasm as he felt the way you gripped him. He could barely thrust against you with how tight you had become, but finally, he couldn’t help it as you finished riding that high. He thrust hard and as your body clenched hard around him once more, he couldn’t help coming then, spilling inside you with a satisfaction he hadn’t known in years.
You barely heard him curse against your neck with the way blood pounded in your ears, but it sounded highly complimentary. You both shook at the force of your orgasms, foreheads buried into the other’s necks. It was a comforting feeling to still have him inside you as you came down from your high. When you could muster the energy to move, you pulled away, both hands coming up to cup his face and tilt his head back towards you.
You kissed him softly, warmth spreading inside you as he kissed you back. It wasn’t long—you both needed air.  Riku untangled your legs from his waist, slipping out of the warm confines of your body, and set you down, keeping a tight grip on your waist as your legs wobbled. You tucked him back with still shaky hands, wondering what he was going to do about his slacks. You looked down farther to see your underwear still dangling on one foot.
You couldn’t stop the giggles at the situation, but then felt mortified when the giggles turned into sobs.
With the acute pain of regret of ever hurting you, he held you to him, running a soothing hand on your back.
“I—miss—missed—y-you,” you hiccuped into his chest.
“I missed you too,” he murmured into your ear. He held you securely against himself until your tears stopped and you had ruined his white shirt with your makeup.
He lead you to the bench set on the far side of the room, which you first attempted to reach on wobbly legs before Riku nixed that idea and swept you up. He set you down gently, kneeling in front of you. He gently swatted away your hands from your eyes and used his own handkerchief to gently wipe away your tears and ruined eye makeup.
You looked ridiculous. You had never been more beautiful.
He hadn’t seen you in years, and here you were, looking radiant as ever, grown into your own being, and you hadn’t pushed him away. He was humbled and a little more than ashamed that he had been the cause of your sadness.
In an uncharacteristic moment, he stammered out his apology as you finished sniffling. “I’m sorry.” He couldn’t bring himself to meet your eyes; instead, he looked at where his handkerchief rested in your lap.
“Will you stay with me?”
He met your gaze then, a hand coming up to cup your cheek. His heart warmed when you instinctively leaned into him.
“As long as you want me,” he answered truthfully.
You gave a short laugh amidst the sniffles at the sheer absurdity your day had taken. But here he was, very much in your presence, willing to correct the mistake of your past.
“I want you always, silly man.”
His lips quirked up and then broke out in a silly smile reminiscent of his youth. “You call me silly,” he said as his hands ran down the calf of your leg. Your breathing quickened and the sensual feel of his hands gliding down the length of your lower leg. Until they hooked onto your panties and gave a playful tug.
You snorted, mood rapidly improving. “That, sir, is your fault. You couldn’t let me shake it off before distracting me.”
“I can’t help it when all I wanted to do was be buried inside you.”
You sputtered at his boldness. He was much more a tease than he had been before, if that was even possible.
“You play so dirty!”
“You’re calling me dirty,” he said, working your other leg back into your underwear and sliding them back up, “when you’re the one sitting there with my cum between your legs.”
Your cheeks burned as you stood up, hypersensitive of the sticky remnants of the two of you between your thighs. He looked up at you, eyes burning with desire as he slid your underwear the rest of the way. His hands rested a little too long on the curve of your ass when he was done, and then his hands were gone.
He rose and then frowned when he saw you: your hair was a mess, there was a stain on your dress, and a very noticeable hickey blossoming on your neck.  You looked hot as fuck, and he couldn’t wait until he could take you again, but perhaps this was not the best setting. He shrugged out of his suit jacket and slipped it onto a surprised you.
“Maybe we should get leave.”
You raised an eyebrow at the mark on his slacks. “You think?”
He followed your gaze and groaned.  “Looks like we both got wrecked.”
“You’re still the same, you know that?”
He leveled a cheesy smile at you. “If you mean hopelessly in love with you, then you’re right.”
“I love you too, Riku,” you replied. You closed the distance between him, settling your head against his shoulder and wrapping your arms around him. He was more than happy to wrap his own around you and secure you against him. “Don’t you dare try to leave again.”
He only smiled, wrapping his arms tighter around you. “Not without dragging you with me, I promise.”
He needed to find a way to get them both out, but for the moment, he only held you closer, content to enjoy the peace for which he had been searching for years.
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There is no romance in the Tower of God you lying shippers -_-
So.....I watched the tower of god anime and then read the webcomic…..I’ve got a bone to pick with tumblr now because there is like....0.1% romance in it. and I LIKE READING between the lines and shipping naturally. Its fun but I have nothing I can really work with. 
people tried to sell me on the koon baam romance ship but even their HUGS feel platonic friendship to me....I’ve TRIED to get on that ship. That friendship feels solid but Koon feels like he projected that he wants to protect Baam from hurt because Baam reminded him of a younger him who was still motivated with Maria until he realized through his own actions to help, he pushed Maria out of his reach. -_- koon like Shibisu had noticed Baam didn’t have the same look inhis eye of losing something like everyone else and they didn’t want him to lose that. Koon will definitely go further for Baam than he will the others but I’m trying shipers but its not clicking romance wise for me. Even after Baam got angry at Rachel and stayed angry after she hurt Koon. Just no romance between the two from my view in all the chapters I’ve read. probably doesn't help we don’t exactly have closure with Koon and Maria meeting yet.
Rachel and Baam have the most interesting dynamic because they were close friends and she told him her dreams and taught him his morals so maybe a little like family. but I don’t sense romance in it at all and even when others ask Baam says Rachel is special to him but not in a girlfriend way. god its like sora and riku, or axel and roxas but none of the potential romantic chemistry
top moments of potential romance is the devil of the right hand guy(Kang Horyang) with the skinny glasses lady(Yeo Goseng) in team sweet a sour where we get hearts and blushes from at least one of them and a semi date/dance and she doesn’t seem disinterested. both are luckily still alive. 
second in my opinion for growth potential was the spoiled prince guy named Prince with the berserk girl (yeo miseng)who even a different character shipped together. Prince actually put her life over his which was a big character growth for him. They interacted the most but that going to go nowhere unless a certain someone can unabsorb Prince. (-_-)
third Urek Mazino has a clear crush on princess Garam Zahad which I find cute but she clearly isn’t interested in him and not even in a way I could see as possible it could morph from dislike to interest at this moment.
Shibisu(purple jumpsuit guy) and Serena Rinnen(cat burgular) who bonded fighting and nagging at each other over passing the shinsu wall and the king game. Both are solid good people and in the comic the lizard princess anak implied he was popular cuz Serena visited him. but she decided to give up on the test and live her best life so that ship isn’t going anywhere.
Anak and Shibisu has shipping potential as well cuz she call him handsome and get irritated when he sees other girls. though not as much cuz webcomic him jokingly call her daughter.
Princess Androssi and Hatsu the sword guy had potential cuz she at least finds his face a cute and was flattered when he said it was his dream to eat food with a beautiful princess. but it really doesn’t go anywhere past that.
Princess Androssi asked Baam for a date on her own and jokingly implies he is her boyfriend but its hard to tell if she actually likes him romantically or if its just fondness cuz she likes she was kind and reminded her its not good to beat up on the weak or betray and stuff and doesn’t want her to be lonely. she kissed him on the cheek. and took him on a date. and she gets jealous that Rachel is still special to Baam. but she is also a princess who isn't allowed to date and more importantly Baam really doesn’t seem interested in her romantically either.
there's the princess Yuri and Baam ship but early on she just vaguely thought his face was a little cute and she was more motivated about wanting a irregular to shake things up. they pushed her to focus on Baam a little more later but it doesn’t feel naturally romantic because she has barely interacted with him.
honestly in the Web comic I think Yri has some romantic potential with her silver haired guide who has been traveling with her for years and he’s got a smidge more common sense than her. but princesses can’t date and there hasn’t been romantic hints of interest though they have a strong dynamic.
Rachel and koon have chemistry but just from disliking each other so much and their connection to Baam.
the most successful ship we have is a story of Arelene and V who were engaged and defied king Zahad to be together. Like I’ve caught up with the web comic and after a bunch of time skips later NOTHING with romantic potential has revealed itself to me a built apon! not even stuff I could properly just project and read into -_-.
Does Baam even know what puberty is? he really doesn't seem like a unknowledgeable harem dumbass when others bring up girlfriends or dates. He just seems too polite to turn Androssi down.
and hell no I don’t ship the red head guide with Baam. I’d sooner ship her with koon because they both are suspitious with the other but they work together well.
and the ship of yeon yihwa and Viole...like she disliked him due t him being part of a terrorist group and snapped about him all the time. sure its very tsndere and she gained a girlfriend wife nickname in regards to viole as well but she stopped appearing a lot. never confessed she actually likes Viole though lots of hints she does. and more importantly Viole doesn’t hint he likes her romantically back.
like...Maybe Rachel and her idol friend. the idol doesn't care for Baam very much either. Rachel was worried about her as a teammate and the ex idol follows Rachel and seems to care about her. but the idol had been manipulated by the Emily program and wanted to use Rachel to get on the train herself to figure out stuff I regards to her own family.
There WAS that girl on the train and her guy companions who all missed her and she and another guy confirmed being in love with each other but she is dead.
like anyone actually look for romance better look somewhere else. even the side characters don’t get much action there...anak’s mom fell in love and they were targeted and killed. a top princess candidate got tricked by falling for a guy and running off and was betrayed and stuck on the level of names for years.
not that tower of god HAS to have romance to be good and all of them are competing and could die at anytime or back stab each other. and others interpretations can be valid but I don’t see it and I’m disappointed
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lusifernocturne · 3 years
Fun Facts about some of my DnD groups favorite NPCs Part 2
Riku Zoldyck
-Half devil, half moon elf
-Sora’s half brother
-Also originally made for the 7 Kings campaign
-Was the tech guy for purple clan
-But ended up joining green clan
-Climbed over night to being one the top guys
-I mean he IS a genius hacker!
- Riku means handsome
-Dyes his hair black with colored bangs(color of clan)
-Natural hair is light grey
-Purple eyes
-Uses a whip sword
-He’s 5foot 9inches(or 179.832cm) and 145lbs(or 65.7709kg)
-Scrawnier build
-20 years old
-Born February 13(same day as my cat) and is an  Aquarius
-Works as a freelance  animator/programmer
-Dating  Saruhiko Fushimi
-Gay baby!
- Absolute workaholic...
-Has a love/hate relationship with Sora.
-Protective of Killua
-The least sexual of the family
-Timid, analytical, antisocial, realistic, very hard worker, bashful, stubborn
-Definitely a rebel
-Love gaming, reading, quite time with Saru
-Funnily enough, like nature
-Especially at night...
-Cat person!
-Three fluffy kitty babies
-Their names are Tadashi, Hiro, and Hana.
-Plays music with his brothers!
-They have a band
-Band has no name though XD
-He and Saru live in a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment
-The spare bedroom was turned into an office for them
-Whole vibe of the house is super comfy
-They have people over sometimes
-But usually end up going to Sora’s to hang out
-Or Homra
-Or the Alenko family cafe
-Likes both coffee and tea
-Favors sour snacks
-Miso Soup is a comfort food for him
-Sometimes brakes out in hives from overly perfumery things
-Wears the same damn hoodie everyday
-What? It’s good luck! He swears.
-Cusses a lot
-Plays the violin
-Clumsy outside of fights, mostly due to the fact that he doesn’t pay much attention.
-Keeps his surroundings mostly clean, save for his desk which is covered in notes.
-Doesn’t take the best care of himself though.....actually kinda has to be fought to shower.
-Bites his nails
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dewprisms · 5 years
Xigbar tor the character meme :D
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favorite thing about them
Where to begin? The smirk, the voice in the dub, the snarky attitude, the hair, the golden eye, the funny way he runs, the unique combination of space powers with a gun, the-
least favorite thing about them
Hrmmmmm probably the participation of kidnapping and human experiments with Ansem the Wise and Xehanort which also created the downfall of many worlds to darkness, or how he didn’t care about how the Organization was treating/borderline abuse of two 14 year olds and Namine, or him leading on Xehanort to be a scapegoat for his role, or ruining so many lives, like the Wayfinders…
favorite line
“Have you been a good boy?” “Hey, let’s hit these plot points in order, Sora. Roxas.” “It sure is. It’s too perfect. Who’d ever believe it? Which is why you idiots never saw it coming!” aka ASMR: Xigbar Leans On The Fourth Wall And Calls You A Dumbass from DDD. (Although I’m sure future games will give even better lines)
With Axel, Demyx, Xaldin and Luxord. Also weirdly Riku Replica2? Would like to see more of that one.
XigRue (Xigbar/Me) Honorable Mention: XigLux (Xigbar/Luxord) and XehaXig (old man Xehanort/Xigbar)
With Demyx without a 3rd person like Luxord or Axel to balance them out. (obvs this also includes shit like Xig/Any Minors). Atm, this also includes MoM/Luxu because we don’t know their relation + I theorize that they’re the same person which would make it Weird.
random headcanon
He’s taken on both male and female vessels, because over a thousand years you get curious and certain bodies make jobs easier. Gender? Don’t know her.
unpopular opinion
Xigbar’s great and handsome, ya’ll just like boring-as-shit pretty twinks.
song i associate with them
Sympathy for the Devil, You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid and The Song I Heard Somewhere
favorite picture of them
There’s a lot. All of them. I’ll just go with the original.
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btw If you don’t love him in his PS2 graphics 👏you 👏 don’t 👏deserve 👏 him👏 in 👏 his 👏kh3 👏epilogue 👏cgi 👏 graphics👏
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Kujou Tenn: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 2
Tsumugi: Everyone, thank you for gathering! I was thinking we could collect requests for Kujou-san here.
T: I’ll manage the chat for “RADIO STATION ‘Twelve Hits!’” . Please take care of it!
9: Please take care of me.
Anesagi: Takanashi-san, sorry to have asked you to do this. It helps that you’re skilled at keeping things moving. Please take care of us.
T: Yes! Let me work hard!
100: So TRIGGER’s turn starts from this month huh ☆ー\(*´ ∀ ‵)/\(´ ∀ ‵*)ノ
7: I’m really looking forward to Tenn-nii’s radio!
9: Riku’s on-air is first right. I’m also looking forward to it.
7: [Sparkling Kinako Stamp]
8: I worried a lot about the request. Because Tenn wouldn’t get confused by any request.
3: I get it! Kujou seems to not get embarrassed too. 
5: He would answer even the super embarrassing requests earnestly.
9: It’s the radio show project. It’s not their goal to confuse me right?
2: That’s true but we don’t get this kind of opportunity a lot.
1000: You want to see Tenn-kun confused and embarrassed right.
7: I want to see!
8: Right?
9: Gaku, don’t get carried away.
10: Since it’s your birthday, I wanted to make it a special request. I thought about this and that too much so my brain almost blew out...!
9: Ryuu tried too hard.
T: I look forward to asking for everyone’s earnest requests!
T: This time also, I’ll ask from the youngest. Tamaki-san, please give your request!
4: Kaaay
4: If you went to a deserted island, what would you bring?
9: A deserted island? I’d go there?
4: Yeah. Let’s do a survival lifestyle with everyone.
100: Ah! Maybe, is it about that recently popular online game?!
2: Are you influenced by something again? (lol)
4: Momorin, it’s that! Cuz it’s the most interesting!
7: There was also a novel with everyone living on a deserted island huh!
6: The story about the young boys drifting to and living on a deserted island? I read that when I was a kid. 
100: It’s hard when I think about it in reality but it’s a bit romantic huh!
10: If there’s fishing then please leave it to me!
3: I’ll make a fire! I was trained in camp.
5: I think I might understand edible plants a little.
7: Everyone, that’s amazing..! It seems that securing food might become something unexpectedly fine huh! 
1000: Don’t count me in on this.
100: It would be okay if Yuki was in the singer position!
100: A song would cheer us up after coming home from hunting (oノ▽ ‵)ノ:*・゜゜・*
1000: Then that’s perfect. With my song, I wouldn’t let everyone sleep until morning.
100: Darling, even on a deserted island you’re handsome..!
1: We’re in the middle of living on a  deserted island right?
8: We have no sense of survival huh (lol)
6: Then, I’ll be a singer too. With these beautiful looks and voice, I’ll heal everyone.
2: Me too.
9: Aren’t there too many singers.
8: What would Tenn do?
9: Be a singer.
3: Isn’t everyone a singer lolololol
10: I’ll have to catch a lot of fish...
T: I want to try peeking into everyone’s survival life!
T: Next is Iori-san please!
1: From me it’s “Please let me hear what you think about overprotective and overparenting people.”
8: Tenn would unexpectedly have that side huh.
10: My ears hurt too lol
7: What do you mean overprotective? Tenn-nii is nice though...
1: Wait, you’re not seriously saying that…?
7: [Sweating Pudding Stamp]
9: I don’t really mind answering but, you’re saying that?
9: If that’s your question, everyone will probably think the overprotective and overparenting person is someone in IDOLiSH7 though.
2: The most suspicious one is, your older brother Mitsu?
3: Iori, were you thinking that..?
1: N-No way!
1: Sorry, please let me change my question. I’ll think of another matter.
9: The reception is over.
1: [Fire Pudding Stamp]
3: It’s fine, Iori! Because I really understand that you love your older brother! lol
T: Since the reception has ended, let me move on to the next request… ><
T: Next is the request from Riku-san please.
7: Okay! From me it’s “I want Tenn-nii to be spoiled!”
7: Since the past, Tenn-nii has been cool, nice, and perfect. He was always protecting me preciously. 
7: So that’s why sometimes I want to spoil him instead!
9: Me being spoiled by Riku?
9: I can’t imagine being spoiled by Riku.
7: It’s not really something weird right?
7: Because there’s a possibility that I’m the older brother!
8: Tenn’s trying not to laugh. 
10: He had fun imagining Riku-kun behaving like an older brother instead of Tenn?
7: Wh-What even! Don’t laugh at me!
9: [Pudding in a Milk Jar Stamp]
2: Kujou has a cute side when he’s having fun huh. (lol)
9: Sorry for stopping the flow. It’s fine now.
9: Takanashi-san, the next request please.
T: Y-Yes!
8: He returned to how it was immediately huh.
100: He’s quick to change…!
7: [Angry Kinako Stamp]
7: Enough already! If you pull my request, I’ll spoil you with all my might!
9: If I pull it.
T: It seems the fans would be happy to see a Kujou-san that’s different than usual!
T: Next, Kujo-san, please do a request for yourself.
9: My request for myself is “Do fan service for the listeners”.
3: That’s THE Kujo-ish request…!
9: Since this is a rare opportunity, I just wanted some request that would make the fans happy.
1: Kujo-san really is steady. I knew it, but I realized that again.
1000: Tenn-kun’s fans will be happy.
5: Yes...
4: So-chan, don’t be vacant!
7: Tenn-nii is cool!!
100: Did you decide on what fan service you’ll do?
9: I can’t do something to each person, but I’m thinking of telling everyone my gratitude. So fans can feel that they are the most precious beings for us.
9: Also how I’m cheered up by the fans’ smile.
2: If Kujo said that, the hearts of the fans would be pounding.
1: He would do that unconsciously...
3: Certainly, embarrassing requests won’t work on him!
Anesagi: Even in concert, Tenn’s fan service is wonderful!
T: Kujo-san’s fan service changes a lot from cool to devil-ish!
*T: Like making eye contact and mouthing “I see you!”!
9: I do that too, but I answer the audience’s fan messages more often. I laughed at the fan’s that have messages saying “Please eat doughnuts”.
9: Since fan service is part of the concert.
6: We are getting on well, Kujo-shi. When there are beautiful women in front of us, we can’t stop loving them.
100: I think that’s a little different lol
T: Kujo-san, thanks for the wonderful request!
T: Next, can I get request from Nagi-san?
6: My request for Kujo-shi is “Please list what you like about me”!
9: Um
9: That’s a request for me right?
6: Yeah. You can list as many as you want :-)
9: I think you can be interested in me just a little.
6: I’m really interested to know my charms from Kujo-shi.
3: Nagi, you are really steady lololol
1000: Tenn-kun, you can act freewheeling like Nagi-kun occasionally.
9: Me…?
1000: Because you are too polite to be selfish.
100: I get it! Being independent is Tenn’s cool part, but I want to spoil you! Believe or not, I’m your senpai!
9: I rely on you two enough.
1000: His barrier is thick.
100: Damn! I didn’t know there is a kouhai who won’t give in to a top idol o(*>Д<)o
6: “You are an interesting person!”
6: It’s Japanese style :-)))))
T: I’m curious with Kujo-san’s answer but I’ll move on to the next request!
T: Next is Sogo-san please!
5: Yes. From me, “Please tell me about the moments where you get hyped.”
5: Kujo-san is always professional and calm. So I thought if I can hear some episodes that are different from usual…!
5: I would be glad if you told me.
1: Certainly, I can’t imagine Kujo-san being hyped.
2: Like Nagi when he’s watching Kokona?
3: Like Tamaki when he’s eating King Pudding?
4: I really can’t imagine thaaat
9: I get hyped when I experienced wonderful songs, stages, or entertainment. Thinking where can I incorporate these into us, I couldn’t take my eyes off those.
9: Well, even though it’s a radio request, I answered it here.
5: I’m glad you told us! That’s an answer like cool-headed Kujo-san.
3: Somehow, it’s a job-ish answer, not a daily one!
8: If it’s his private life, maybe when he’s eating sweets isn’t it? 
9: Gaku, don’t say something unnecessary.
8: It’s not something you hide right?
10: When Tenn is eating doughnuts, he looks deeply happy.
8: Yeah yeah. It's not like yelling “Yay” but like enjoying his happiness alone.
7: Flowers blooms when Tenn-nii gets happy!
1: Flowers…?
2: What the heck is that?
8: I get it.
10: I get it tho!
10: When Tenn is hyped, like, his happiness is oozing out from him. Like I can tell from his back.
8: Even though he himself is quiet.
8: How should I explain? Like, you know, being soft.
10: The atmosphere!
7: Like a flower right!
10: It is...
8: It is.
4: Tenntenn, you don’t speak at all huh
5: Oh no… Because I requested something like this...
T: I’ll give TRIGGER-san doughnuts for next time!
9: Takanashi-san, don’t join in.
T: S-Sorry! ><
6: Sogo! Kujo-shi spoke!
5: [Thumbs-Up Pudding Stamp]
1000: Sorry but, can we have a little break?
1000: Momo’s smartphone froze.
T: Eh! Did it break?!
1000: I don’t think so.
Okazaki: I’m sorry everyone! Can we have some time? Maybe if he reboots his phone, it’ll come back.
T: I got it!
T: Then, let’s take a break. I’d be happy if you’d tell us when we can restart!
T: Kujo-san’s fan service changes a lot from cool to devil-ish!
T: Really, it’s the “Wink and BANG!” huh!
9: You remembered the conversation from before where I said I’m good at it huh? If you come as a fan, I’ll do it for you too.
9: Since fan service is part of the concert.
T: Kujo-san’s fan service changes a lot from cool to devil-ish!
T: Like being friendly with the members!
9: It’s not like fan service, but I get hyped during the concert, so I unconsciously put my arms around their shoulders.
9: Since fan service is part of the concert.
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thej13579 · 5 years
Rachel: Sora's Gal-Pal (KH/TPTAF TG/TF)
Wanting to save Sora, Riku dives into the world he's trapped in only to succumb to the same fate.
Here's the second part of my little trilogy. Came out a little sooner than I expected, but you can surprise yourself sometimes.
If you have any constructive criticism and feedback, please comment down below.
A full year.
It’s been a full year since Sora disappeared after the final battle with Xehanort. It apparently had something to do with the Power of Waking. Riku didn’t exactly know the full extent of what it was, but he knew that he had to reunite Sora with his friends.
Luckily, after all this time, they finally found him. Kairi can apparently sense Sora’s heart in some forbidden world. No one knows why he’s still in this world after all this time, but Riku and Kairi knew that the reason can’t be good.
Riku volunteered to go. He was the best possible candidate aside from Kairi herself to retrieve Sora.
And so with the power of the Keyblade, Riku accessed the forbidden world and dived into it, ready for whatever monsters awaited him.
It wasn’t long before Riku ended up in New Orleans. He could see people walking down the sidewalks and cars driving through the streets. 
“Why, hello there, handsome. What’s your name?”
Riku’s eyes turned to see a teenage girl about his age running up towards him. He had to admit that she’s fairly attractive from her lovely face full of makeup to the bright pink flapper dress accentuating her brunette hair.
“Um… My name's Riku and your name is…”
“Sora. Sora La Bouff.”
It was then Riku looked into Sora’s eyes. They were the exact same eyes. He could see the same friendly aura in his eyes. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. This pink-clad girl right in front of him is Sora? Riku wondered what could’ve happened to him to make him this way. Who could’ve done this?
“Sora? Is that you?”
“Yep,” Sora giggled. “It’s me alright.”
Before Riku could say anything else, he could see a similarly dressed blonde-haired woman run up to the two. 
“Hey, Sora, I… who’s this guy?”
“This is Riku,” Sora pointed to the guy beside her. “He’s pretty handsome, isn’t he?”
Charlotte turned to the silver haired boy before her and began analyzing him. Lovely silver hair, fairly muscular with a pretty boy look to him.
She knew she and Sora had a lot of work to do and a lot of changes to make.
“I see…” Charlotte said. “Do you want to come over to our place? We have plenty of food.”
Riku briefly thought about Charlotte’s offer. On the one hand, there was something about this place that seemed off. It seemed a bit more empty than a city like New Orleans should be. And how did Sora become this bubbly teenage girl? She looked so different and yet he could sense his heart deep within this girlish body. There’s obviously something sinister afoot. On the other hand, if he could get Sora away from Charlotte and talked to her in private, there’s a chance that he could get his friend back. He would look less like a weirdo trying to get his friend to snap back to his normal self at Charlotte’s place than if he did this in public.
“Great!” Sora grabbed Riku’s hand and began dragging over to her place with Charlotte not too far behind the two.
Before Riku knew it, he was at the La Bouff estate with the two girls. They quickly took Riku up to Sora’s room.
“Lottie and I had to do a bit of girl talk for a bit,” Sora said. “I’ll see you in a bit. Make yourself at home for a bit in my bedroom while I’m gone.”
Sora quickly left her room with Charlotte in tow, leaving Riku able to analyze Sora’s bedroom. A large pink canopy bed, princess dolls and plushies filled Sora’s shelves alongside books of fairy tales and a wardrobe filled with princess dresses. Riku sat down on the canopy bed, wondering how Sora went from a brave Keyblade Master to a princess obsessed girly girl. Maybe Charlotte had something to do with it?
“I’m back!” 
Riku turned his head to Sora mincing into the room. She sat down right next to the silver-haired boy, scooting a bit too closely to him for comfort.
“I’m so glad that you decided to come over,” Sora squealed. “I know we’re going to become great friends.”
“Thanks,” Riku said. “Now, I need to talk to you about something.”
“Oh, before we do, how about some chocolates?” Sora quickly handed Riku a package of chocolates. She took one a piece and began waving it in front of Riku’s face. “I bet you’ll find them quite tasty.”
“Thanks, but-”
Before Riku could finish, Sora stuffed the piece of chocolate right into his mouth. He wanted to spit it out as he had the feeling that he couldn’t trust anything that Sora and Charlotte were offering. But Riku couldn’t bring himself to spit the candy out, he found it too tasty.
“Want some more?”
Riku nodded and began eating more chocolates. His instincts tell him not to eat any more, but he could feel himself getting addicted to the chocolates. Before he knew it, the package was completely empty. 
“These are actually pretty good,” Riku said. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Sora giggled. “They always have that special taste that makes them so addictive and they can bring out the little lady in you.”
“Little L-lady?”
Before Riku could question Sora further, he could feel his body tingling. He looked down to see the muscles in his body and arms slowly shrinking before his eyes. Shock overcame him as the chocolates left his body with a slim and feminine figure.
“W-what have you done to me?”
“I’m helping you become a woman,” Sora smirked. “There’s obviously a beautiful young lady deep within you and Lottie and I are bringing it out.”
“I don’t want to become a woman!” Riku yelled. This must have been how Sora got into this situation. He has to do something, anything, before this feminizing effect fully overtakes him.
“You say no, but your heart says yes. I feel it.”
“No! That’s not true!”
“But it is. You’re meant to be a woman and we’re just getting started with your transition.”
It was then Riku noticed that his body shrunk by a fair few inches. When they first met, he towered over Sora and now he was about the same height as her. What made the feminization worse was how his clothes became loose and ill-fitting on him. Riku’s shirt looked several sizes too big on him and he can barely keep his pants from falling down.
“I know those clothes don’t fit you anymore, but sis is working on finding the perfect outfit for you, it’ll be okay.”
“And speak of the devil.”
Sora opened the bedroom door, allowing Charlotte to walk in, carrying a bundle of blue fabric.
“I got the clothes and…” Charlotte gasped at Riku’s current state. “Oh my, you really need a wardrobe change.”
“No… no!” A swelling sensation moved to Riku’s chest. He could feel two fleshy balloons pushing out from his chest. Of course, he knew what was going on there. He’s developing breasts… his breasts. They were there and they were very real.
“I’m out of here.”
Riku ran towards Sora’s bedroom door as fast as he could. His run was hampered by him holding up his pants which were several sizes too large for him with one hand while also trying to run in his ill-fitting shoes. He tried to ignore how his new B-cup breasts bounced up and down with each movement. Before he could grab the doorknob with his free hand, he felt a tight grab on his shoulder.
“Oh no, you don’t, young lady.”
Riku found himself quickly pushed back onto Sora’s bed by Charlotte. He quickly got up but he found the path to the bedroom door blocked by Sora and Charlotte.
“Now then,” Charlotte grinned. “Let’s get you out of those ugly and ill-fitting clothes and into something more fitting for a young lady like you.”
Within seconds, Riku’s clothes were thrown off to the side while Charlotte and Sora got him dressed in clothes that were more fitting. He tried to resist being jerked and jolted around by the two women, but his new feminine body was very much lacking in any sort of physical strength.
When they were done, Riku was able to look over himself. He was no longer wearing his regular clothes but a sky blue flapper dress with matching two-inch heels, a feather boa and a cloche hat to complete the ensemble. Sora and Charlotte at least had the decency to latch on a bra and matching panties. If there was one good thing about his new attire is that his new bra kept his breasts supported.
“I look so…” Riku clutched his throat. His Adam’s apple was nowhere to be found. His throat was completely flat. “M-my voice.”
“I know,” Sora giggled. “Not as high-pitched as mine or Lottie’s, but fairly appropriate for a girl like you, right?”
‘Yeah, I guess,” Riku said. He was already feminized from head to toe with the exception of one area. He knew which one it is and he’s not looking forward to the change in the slightest.
“Hmm…” Sora examined Riku. “She looks great, but there’s one thing missing.”
“What’s that, Sora?” Lottie asked.
Sora took out a big powder puff and slammed it on Riku’s face, encasing the feminized Keyblade wielder’s face in a fine, white powder.
Riku began coughing as he waved the powder away. When the powder completely faded away, Riku got a good look at his reflection and what he saw, after everything else that happened, didn’t shock him that much.
His face was full of makeup. White eyeshadow dons his eyes with mascara and eyeliner accentuating them. His cheeks were made extra rosy thanks to some blush and pale pink lipstick covered his lips along with lip gloss making them look extra kissible. He had to admit that he didn’t look like the most masculine individual before this, but now it’s all but impossible for anyone to see him as a boy. Instead, anyone who sees him will think he’s a feminine, alluring young woman.
“Don’t you look fabulous?” 
Riku turned towards Sora and it was then he could feel the last change coming. His dick slowly began to recede into his body as a vagina began to form in its place. His manhood is now completely gone, now with a fresh new womanhood to take its place as some people would put it. That last change didn’t go unnoticed.
“Now, you’re quite the young lady.”
Riku knew there was no denying it. Sora was right. He was now completely a woman in body. But he’s still the same Riku inside. Maybe if he can find a way to get away from them, he can get back to the others with his mind intact. Tell them what happened to him and Sora. Get Kairi, Mickey, Aqua, Ven and Terra to help him free Sora and set him and Riku back to normal.
“Hmm…” Sora examined Riku. “You’re all dolled up with a woman’s body and the perfect dress to boot and yet… you don’t seem happy.”
“Maybe Rachel needs a little something to bring out her feminine side?” Charlotte suggested.
“No!” This place may have taken Riku’s body, but it surely hasn't taken his mind and he refuses to go by that name.
“I know,” Sora beamed. “She needs a man.
“I don’t want a man!”
“Oh, yes you do,” Sora giggled. “We both know you want a man. You want to be held in his strong arms as you stared into his dreamy eyes. You want him to kiss you and make you feel girlish. I bet when you finally get married to the man of your dreams and you get to your honeymoon, he’ll really make you feel like a woman.”
Riku could feel his mind being invaded by images of men. Lying side-by-side in the sand, their tanned, muscular bodies oiled and glistening in the tropical sun, their naked bottoms were in perfect alignment...
“That’s not true!”
“We both know it’s true. Just admit it.”
“Maybe you girls should go out and find a man?” Charlotte suggested. “I bet being with the man of her dreams would make a woman out of Rachel.”
“That’s a great idea, Lottie,” Sora pulled her sister into a hug. “I’m sure I’ll find Rachel a boy who would be good to her before sunset.”
Sora suddenly grabbed Riku’s arm and began dragging him out of the room.
“Bye, Lottie!”
“Bye, Sora,” Charlotte waved. “See you girls tonight.”
Riku tried to break his arm free of Sora’s grip, but the latter was too strong for him. He was forced down the street as wolf-whistles echoed in his ear. Riku had a strong feeling in his gut that those whistles weren’t meant for Sora.
As Sora stopped to wait for the crossing sign to turn green, Riku looked around the area, desperate for an avenue to escape. He quickly stopped upon a teenage boy just a few feet from him. He was handsome, muscular, and dwarfed Riku in physical size. He wouldn't have looked all that special to Riku normally, but with his new body and attire, he felt much more dainty and delicate in comparison to the teen standing not too far from him.
“That’s Bruce,” Sora said. “I heard he’s one of the hottest teens in New Orleans and I think he’s taken an interest in you.”
The two teens continue to stare at each other. Riku’s heart began to race as he looked deep into Bruce’s eyes. He looked so attractive.
Bruce began to walk towards the two. Riku continued to look around the area. He knew his heels would make it rather difficult for him to perform an escape and Sora’s presence wouldn’t help matters. After all, she looked like she can run in heels, Riku can’t. But he knew he had to try, before it’s too late.
“He’s approaching you,” Sora whispered to Riku. “Talk to him.”
“I can’t,” Riku whispered back.
“Oh, you can,” Sora said. “You just need a little push.”
It was then Riku found himself pushed towards Bruce. The heels made him struggle to keep his balance, causing him to stumble further towards Sora’s intended target. But before he found himself flat on his face, Riku was catched by Bruce.
“Are you okay?” Bruce asked with concern. His voice sounded deep and alluring. Fairly seductive to the feminized warrior.
“Yes,” Riku answered. After all the stress he went through the past few hours, he felt a sense of safety in Bruce’s arms. He felt like the boy holding him could protect him from all of the dangers in the world, even from the Heartless themselves.
Bruce began to lean towards Riku, his lips slowly extended towards his. Riku knew what he was going to do. The minute Bruce’s lips touched his, pulling him into a kiss something in Riku broke.
Riku can feel all the feminine feelings flowing through his brain and consuming whatever old thoughts he had left. All of his memories fighting heartless and villains side by side with his friends were completely gone. He… no she was Rachel now. A feminine young woman who wanted to get married and settle down with a nice young man. She wanted a man like Bruce. She needed to be with Bruce, and so she returned the kiss.
Meanwhile, Sora was giggling at her best friend. A sense of pride went through her body as she saw Rachel making out with one of the hottest boys in New Orleans.
“You go, girl.”
“And so I was with my big sister and we met up with Tia and Naveen. We had beignets that Tia made at her restaurant and it was the best time. You should totally come with us sometime. Their food is so good.”
“Maybe I should,” Rachel smiled. She stared at her outfit. A baby blue flapper dress. Sora had the exact same outfit except with a bright pink shade to it.
“Hey, Rachel. Hey, Sora.”
The two ladies turned to see Bruce walking towards them. Rachel could feel her heart racing as she stared at his blue eyes.
“Hi, Bruce!” Rachel minced up to Bruce and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. It’s been two weeks since Rachel began dating Bruce and the relationship has been growing strong. She can remember their date last night simply watching the stars from the park bench. It was a fairly simple date but it was good nonetheless.
“How about we go out to my family party tomorrow? I had plenty of cousins and I bet they’ll love to see you.”
Rachel was familiar with Bruce’s parents, but she wasn’t so familiar with the rest of his family. Maybe this could be fun? There might be a few girl cousins that she could bond with. She could always use some more friends.
“Wonderful. Be at my house at 6 tomorrow, Rachel.”
Bruce proceeded to turn the corner at the end of the crossing, leaving Rachel and Sora on their original paths.
“I told you he’s the one for you.”
“Yeah,” Rachel admitted. “Thank you for helping me get together with Bruce.”
“You’re welcome,” Sora giggled. “Maybe tomorrow afternoon we can go to that new salon together so we can get all dolled up for our events. I heard the employees there can make anyone feel like a princess.”
“I suppose,” Rachel sighed. She wished that Sora would give up her dream of becoming a princess and just settle for one of her admirers for which the latter has no shortage of. Rachel knew three of them who could make great boyfriends to Sora in their own right.
“Great! Let’s go and set up our appointments.”
Sora and Rachel continued to mince down the sidewalk, their skirts bouncing off of each other in a feminine dance. All of a sudden, they heard a cry.
“Sora! Riku!”
The two girls turned to see another girl running towards them. She seemed about their age and her outfit wasn’t like anything in New Orleans. Her hair was about shoulder-length and she was wearing a hooded pink-and-black dress, with two small black cat ears. There are black ruffles on one side of her skirt and plaid on the other. Thick belted black boots adorned her feet and she had thin white bracelets on her left wrist and a thick wristband on her right wrist.
Neither of the two feminized Keyblade masters could recognize her at first, but as she got closer, a name struck both of them. A name that was all but forgotten by the two of them.
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nikutsuneart · 3 years
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I can be ur angel.... or ur devil. .. ..
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yunesugihara · 7 years
JGV 901 - List of videos that I enjoyed
This is a list with JGV I enjoyed, I hope you guys like some of these movies also. Give them a try!
[CO@T WEST] STORY 5th EPISODE – MEN’S INCIDENTS – QUASI-RAPE (男たちの事件簿 準強姦) - There are few hot scenes and there is also a scene featuring Koh.
[CO@T KURATATSU – NUDE BEST C] - Kento and Toma were the cuties here.
[CO@T WEST] Sky 2 - Tsubasa/Misaki in a threesome wut? Oishi~
[CO@T WEST] - Only Shining Star Shun 1 and 2
[CO@T WEST] – KISS 3rd
[CO@T WEST] Kiss 4th
[CO@T WEST] Black Sniper 005
[CO@T WEST] Friends 2nd Tale
[CO@T WEST] Hello Arata Takei 2 - The last scene Sosuke bottoms for Arata which is super good. I think Arata really enjoyed his time with Sosuke because he was always curious asking "does it feel good, do you like this?".
[CO@T WEST] Hello Toma Sakurai 2 - Kento and Toma gosh, perfect
[CO@T WEST] Precious Haruma - here is adorable Haruma with Toma, Manato and a 3some in the last scene. I enjoyed the cvasi-date with him too. The virtual date is kinda in the middle of the video, refreshing.
[CO@T WEST] PRECIOUS SOSUKE 1-5 - all super good but in special the following
PRECIOUS SOSUKE 1 - Taku and Haruma. Taku's scene was bicurious. Haruma sensitive as usual.
PRECIOUS SOSUKE 3 - 2nd scene Naoto and Sosuke. Naoto is a cutie *sobs* last scene is a 3some and Sosuke can't believe was he managed to do with his talented body.
PRECIOUS SOSUKE 4 - it is a fact, the boys are crazy about Sosuke and i can't blame them. 2nd scene Sosuke moaning in his unique needy way and the other model is really hawt, name please. Last scene is also great, we have two good kissers. I think this video is my favorite from all the PS series.
[CO@T WEST] Precious Tomoya -first scene with the football uniforms is great! I like the other model too, he has a cute smile and he is into playing with our boy Tomoya.
[CO@T WEST] Precious Tomoya 2 - i enjoyed the last scene with his two senpai because he is in general a sensitive model, but here is another level.
[CO@T WEST] Precious NAOYA
[CO@T WEST] Precious Ren
[CO@T WEST] Precious Manato - he killed me with his dance moves, in the end of the video
[CO@T WEST] – Rock Bull 4 - the first scene caught my eye because of the bottom. He is one of the two senpai in Precious Tomoya, but there he was such a power top compared to this one. Also wanna know his name.
[CO@T WEST] Hello! Toma Sakurai Another Season
[CO@T WEST] Ace.8 – Kazuki Kimura 1 and 2
[KO - LINE] Raspberry Time 1 and 2
[KO - LINE] FULL ERECTION UNDER THE SUITS – スーツの下はフル勃起 -Asuka was in the first scene - a total hottie. I saw the neko with the tounge piercing *drooling*.
[KO - KURUU] Black Big Cock Collector 闇巨根コレクター - The first sensei is my new current obsession (name please?)
[KO - SUPERSTAR] Last Smile
[KO - DEEP] OBSCENE CAMERA 003 (猥褻カメラ003) - I enjoyed almost all the series, particularly 1 to 10. Obscene Camera had a lot of nice neko and also Takeru being there was pure orgasmic.
[KO - DEEP] Slaves Island 1&2
[KO - DEEP] Slaves Island Final Chapter
[KO – DEEP] GOLDEN DISC 011 & 012-(DVD2)
[KO] Super Star Masaki Koh – Love 真崎 航 - one hell of a erotic video, Koh and Aiki did it with Cima and another model. Foursome yummy.
[KO - SURPRISE!] Glamorous 6
[KO - SURPRISE!] Glamorous 3 - Aiki and Daichi's scene is indeed gorgeous. Aiki is a hot fella, no kidding. He is a turn on each time. His kisses are delicious, his quality bj's and the exact amount of moaning you need to get your satisfaction.
[KO - SURPRISE!] Prince World - Someone said gays and ice skating, well, I’m in. Gosh, Aiki is hot and needy.
[KO - SURPRISE!] I love Riku - Aiki/Riku yay. This is the pair I was looking for.
[KO SURPRISE!] MEN’S BEAUTY VOL.002 -SECOND SESSION- Not bad this one, Tomoya;s scene tho made my heart go doki doki. He was in the first scene.
[KO] Hot Pool Lifesaver - the 3rd neko reminds me of Kazuma and he is a cutie, note for myself
[KO] Incest - Sora in a threesome *dead*
[KO] Incest 3
[KO - PANDORA] Daydream Belivers禁花秘抄 参之巻 — 夢想転生
[KO - PANDORA] Losing A Forbidden Flower - What I should say else about this video? Koh and Nagito.
[KO – PANDORA] My Sweet Devil - 僕の彼氏はお兄ちゃん
[KO EAST] Aimed Male Student In An Express Train - i love Hachi as a bottom. He is really obedient.
[KOC] Let me Deep Throat at my home - hawt
[KOC] Scoop!! 012 Super Stars - last scene Aiki, with the bj OMG
[KOC] Addicted to Neito 24 Hours - That moaning killed me. Neito is really skilled what should I say
[GO GUY PLUS] Male Party!! - Threesome
[GO GUY PLUS] Feelings Of Falling In Love - Nagito and Sora
[GO GUY PLUS] Play More
[GO GUY PLUS] Ideal Pets - Tsukasa in the last scene, totally in love. Sora and Takeru-sama’s scene *drooling*
[GO GUY PLUS] Deluxe Disc 052 - tanana Tsukasa/Takeru trip in Kyoto. This one is an off-shot.
[GO GUY PLUS] Tokimeki Get my love - Takeru/Saku
[GO GUY PLUS] SCHOOL DAY 3 - + bonus points for the pervert teacher Takeru.
[Go Guy Plus] Good Boys School Returns  - Aiki’s scene and Toshi’s
[GO GUY PLUS] Good Boys School Returns *2
[GO GUY PLUS] Attention! Boys School – Extra Chapter – West
[GO GUY PLUS] The Last Passion
[SECRET FILM] Nagito - The Erotic Idol 2
[SECRET FILM] Confessions Of Sexually-Perverted Slaves 2
[SECRET FILM] Gift Disc 056 - Bijirihan EX - Yusaku
[SECRET FILM] Raw Cam 4 - Aiki, Kazuma and Eiji. Too good to be real guys.
[SECRET FILM] Raw Cam 11 - What should I say more about Toki and Hisashi? Toki is in the 2nd scene and Hisashi in the last scene.
[SECRET FILM] PRETTY SCHOOL BOYS CRAZY FOR SEX 2 ハメられないと狂いそうになる性交中毒男子校生 2 - The last neko is delicious. I was asked about his name, I did my research and I finally found it. His name is Yuta.
[SECRET FILM] Aphrodisiac Salon for Pretty Boys - The first two neko are loud (one of them is Yuta, precious little baby) and beside this the last scene is with Nagito. Enjoy.
[SECRET FILM] Trim And Fit 20ish only orgy party 2 20代限定!スリムスジ筋密室乱交-2 - My boy Yuta returned, bai bai pantsu, bai bai life. He is more sensitive here than he was in Aphrodisiac Salon for Preety Boys. He is in the last part. The first part is also interesting - there is the orgy.
[SECRET FILM] Sozzled Boy Act - Tokito in the 1st scene and Rioto in the 2nd. OMG such cute neko in here. Good job! It is been a while since I saw a video from KO.
[Bl@b] Sweets 1
[Bl@b] Sweets 4 - Drums please, Mitsuki aka “The new cutie” had a scene with Shin which i quite enjoyed. Second scene, Nagisa/Shunsuke, all that i want is there, passionate kisses, Nagisa bottoms. Help me, Nagisa is precious when he is so needy as in this video. Third scene, Misaki/Johji, Johji’s bj in the tube, OMG, Misaki’s position in the tube killed me. I think that he enjoys uncommon places, the kitchen in Delicious II, the car in Traveller and now the tube, good game Misaki-kun. All in all I enjoyed all the scenes from this video.
[Bl@b] Sweets 5 - What i learned from this video is that the producer should never let Isana and Hayate in the same room because Isana is always hungry and Hayate is a little precious lamb.
[Bl@b] Mr My Universe Misaki - Misaki is a sex genius in this
[Bl@b] Mr My Universe Isana
[Bl@b] Mr My Universe Shin
[Bl@b] Traveller ラボトラベラー - Misaki/Isana, in the first scene, awesome stuff
[Bl@b] Shinwa 弐 -震話- - Shin/Misaki, hawt.
[Bl@b] – DELICIOUS Ⅱ - Nagisa/Misaki
[Bl@b] - Delicious III - Johji/Mitsuki and Shunsuke/Misaki. Some hawt action from the Shunsuke/Misaki pair.
[Bl@b] – Secret Rendezvous 3
[Bl@ab] - STYLE SELECT Choice 1 - Hayate/Misaki/model from Osuinra. This was my favorite scene, but I enjoyed Shinsaki too.
[Bl@b] STYLE SELECT Choice 3 - Here I enjoyed the most Isana and Yuma’s scene and Misaki and Johji’s scene; just my opinion guys.
[Bl@b] – Style Select Choice 4 - Pajama Time - Hayate and Shin had an insane hot scene. Each time I see this pair I wonder how much hotness is in there and the chemistry of these guys.
[Bl@b] Lablympic 2016 - Hayate and Shunsuke in the 1st scene, Hayate was on top here ooo, Shin and Johji in part 2, the best combi from this video, Shin’s face when he came asdfjk and also enjoy some Misaki - Isana action, in the last scene.
[Bl@b] Lab Traveler 2016 Coupling - What the…I can’t. Nagisa and Shin in scene 2 were awesome. I think that Nagisa was great here. I am not a huge fan of him, but this is gold. Misaki and Johji in scene 1 - hot action and a lot of great kisses.
[Bl@b] Master-servant-relationship-主従関係 - Nagisa/Isana, in the first scene, love them.
[Bl@b] Fall in lovelunch 2016 - Shin/Hayate
[Bl@b] Traveller 3
[Bl@b] Poison I feat. Legna - Misaki/Shin in the 2nd scene. They met in the park. Shin was reading a book and Misaki appeared. The scene moved into one room, they discussed over the book and suddenly Shin asked Misaki if he can give him a kiss. *inner hype*
[Bl@b] Erotica - I enjoyed Isana/Nagisa and Misaki/Shin. Nagisa bottomed for Isana and Shin bottomed for Misaki. I am really sad that this video is the last for Shin in Blab. I hope to see him again.
[G-B0T] Yuma - here in the 3rd scene, the guy is the same with the model in  MR-TK289? I want to know badly.
[@CCEED] – NARRATIVE1 - (Juvenile Crime)
[@CCEED] Smash!! 10
[@CCEED] School Boys 6
[@CCEED] School Boys 3 - last scene
[@CCEED] - Flower Passage 1&2
[@CCEED] The World of Satsuki - This one is a huge turn on!. He did a great job stroking himself and kept his seductive stare at the camera all the time. *Bye-bye pantsu!*
[MR] - Premium Channel Vol. 25 Yuma - I think that some of you saw Yuma in the Justice series, besides Haruma. He is a cute guy, moans delicious and is a total show to watch him as a tachi or as a neko (he is versatile).
[MR] MR KR659 – cuties
[MR] MR-KR773 - 2 words: Sexy, moaning
[MR] MR-TK289-激エロボイスの男の子がゴーグルマンに責め - sexy neko
[MR] MR-KR1023-オシャレ系だけど超淫乱!モロ感アナルを生堀 - tattoed tachi with a silver haired neko
[MR] MR-KR1172-高校卒業したての18歳スリム男子のアナルに生チ - Why so cute?? Sometimes I just ask myself why they have so soft and nice neko.
[PRISM] I LOVE FRIENDS (アイラブフレンズ – 友達とHさせちゃいました) -suprised to see that this one is not as censored as the others.
[PRISM] Zappy You Attract Me 2 - The 2nd scene was really hot, let’s see who is going to enjoy this video.
[PRISM] 男たちの絆 Sexy Handsome Battle - 2nd and 3rd scene, needy Kenta.
[OSUINR@] SUPER OSUINR@ 02 -純烈- - The first neko was delicious
[MENS CAMP] Made For Each Other - That cuteie pie OMG
[MENS CAMP] Kiss X Kiss X Kiss
[MENS CAMP] BoB X Police Man - Gosh, so good. That model is versatile and his tattoes killed me. The exact amount of moaning,i can’t take this anymore. I want to know his name badly. UPDATE: His name is Hideaki.
[CHEEKS]– Kiss My Lips
[Hunk CH] BKG-0029 - this model is something else. His skin is pretty and his face in action is priceless. His soft moans...i can't...our guilty pleasure.
[JUSTICE] Unfair 01 Bankxy
[Teacher-先生] - third couple is dreamy *heart eyes*
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atomic-taco-muffin · 11 months
Devil ansem corrupting angel karmaline true pacifist au:
Esmay: meet Alejandro our son
Riku: *tears up* he's handsome
Riku: can i hold him
0 notes
osakaso5 · 7 years
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Iori Izumi Monster Rabbit Chat Part 4: Smalt Blue And Orange
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
Iori: Manager, thank you for adjusting our schedules so we could have our party today. 
Iori: It's been a while since last managed to spend Halloween with a smile. 
Tsumugi: Good work, Iori-san! 
Tsumugi: I'm glad you managed to spend it with a smile. Everyone was worried about you. 
Iori: They were!? 
Tsumugi: First I got a message from Riku-san saying "Iori looks down, do you know anything about it?", and immediately after that, Yamato-san told me "Ichi's depressed". 
Iori: I didn't know... 
Tsumugi: After that, both Tamaki-san and Sogo-san came to me, wondering if something had happened to you. 
Tsumugi: Some time passed, and Nagi-san came, bringing Mitsuki-san with him, and told me this. "This is a grand campaign to bring the Izumi family back together!" 
Iori: What is that supposed to mean... Anyways, Nii-san talked about this with Rokuya-san, didn't he. That must be why Rokuya-san has been trying to interact with me so much... 
Tsumugi: Riku-san seemed eager to cheer you up, too! 
Iori: Is that why he threatened to inject me? I don't understand how seeing Nanase-san wearing a blood-soaked white lab coat would make me feel better... 
Tsumugi: Nagi-san also did his best to get you in the mood as your cameraman! 
Iori: You mean all that "Good, good, ah, can I take one shot from below?" was supposed to get me in the mood..? There should have been other ways to do that, what is with that handsome man. 
Tsumugi: Still, the devil costume suited you very well..! 
Iori: That was because Rokuya-san's acquiantance George-san prepared the perfect costume for me. Who is that person? Don't tell me he's the one who designed IDOLiSH7's outfits. 
Tsumugi: H-he did not! >< It seems he is the sort of person who can do anything, just like Nagi-san. 
1. I was thinking about how much they love you!
Iori: Please stop, it's not like that. If anything, I'd say today happened because of how much they love Nii-san. 
2. How did it go with Mitsuki-san?
Iori: We didn't manage to get right into the heart of the matter, but... I feel like I got to spend a happy Halloween with Nii-san for the first time in a while. 
3. Did you manage to have a fun Halloween?
Iori: Thanks to the others, I didn't even have the time to be sad. And I'm also grateful to you for listening to my worries. More or less. 
Tsumugi: I'm happy I got to see plenty of your kind smiles today. 
Iori: That's because Nii-san said he was sorry for what happened back then, and let me put that with hat on him. I never thought this tiny miscommunication that's been going on for years would finally be resolved. 
Tsumugi: I'm so glad! Mitsuki-san was also smiling a lot today. 
Iori: I should've done this sooner. 
Tsumugi: I'm sure that as your surroundings change, there will be plenty of other resolutions like this! 
Iori: I apologize for venting to you about this so much. It's usually not like this. 
Tsumugi: There's no need to apologize. I'm glad I got to know you a bit better! 
Tsumugi: Ah, I think you should also have a talk with Riku-san. He was the most worried about you. 
Iori: That person is so soft-hearted. 
Tsumugi: That's part of Riku-san's charm! 
Iori: Well, I suppose that's true. 
Iori: I'll visit his room later. And make some warm milk with honey for him.
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Translator’s notes..? 
for the record, the colors in the title are 花紺青 (a specific shade of blue) and 橙 (just orange in general)
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