#hanging moxa
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Dragon boat festival (Double Fifth Festival)
端午節是在農曆的五月五日,划龍舟(Dragon boat race)、吃粽子(Rice dumpling is wrapped with bamboo leaves) 、做香包 (To make fragrant sachet)、掛艾草(Hanging moxa) 、立蛋 (Standing the egg on its end) and 喝雄黃酒(Drinking realgar wine)
(Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Double Fifth Festival, is an important festival in our history and Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the death of the poet Chu Yuan. 端午節是為了紀念詩人屈原的死。)
and The last about 白蛇傳 Legend of the White Snake. ◠‿◠
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well, enjoy your holiday for 4 days(started yesterday) this year 2023 in Taiwan and Chinese world. My daughter go to solo traveling to Thailand again lol (I guessed she meet one elephant good friend so never tired. hahaha Her boyfriend is still in military service and will be retiring in a few days. I like her boyfriend, because he respects my daughter and he's gentle more than my daughter. XD) and my son enjoys to stay home. both children are different personality, really nice and interesting. and my holiday is a secret. hehe! HAPPY WEEKEND ALL. xoxo Lan~*
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mimosapd · 1 year
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pudica wishes you to be happy and healthy!!!!! we all wish!
come on~! let's hang calamus and moxa, then have some zongzi and yellow rice wine(no realgar included of course), annnnnnd... they forgot to get salted duck egg... what a shame...!
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hoelex0513love · 1 year
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★DODO ZOO端午節賀圖Dragon Boat Festival【節慶英文】端午節,10個英文單字學起來!
1.端午節Dragon Boat Festival
dragon=龍,boat=船,festival=節慶,也有人會說成Double Fifth Festival
2.粽子Rice dumpling
3.龍舟競賽 Dragon boat race
Race 是指「比速度」的比賽。
4.香包 Fragrant sachet
Fragrant 香的,sachet 小袋子。
I used to make my own fragrant sachet on Dragon Boat Festival when I was little.
5.立蛋 Standing the egg on its end
The person who stands the egg on its end at noon on Dragon Boat Festival will be lucky in the following year.
Hanging moxa on the front door is to keep the bad spirit away.
7. 雄黃酒 Realgar wine
realgar 雄黃
Drinking realgar wine is a tradition in Dragon Boat Festival.
8. 詩人Poet
Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the death of the poet Chu Yuan.
9. 竹葉Bamboo leaves
The rice dumping is wrapped with bamboo leaves.
10. 白蛇傳 Legend of the White Snake
DODO ZOO (Kid’s Channel-Cartoons & Songs)
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kingherbs · 3 years
5 magical uses of peppermint extract in life
Peppermint (Mentha canadensis) is a plant of the Lamiaceae and the genus Peppermint. It is an aromatic crop with special economic value. The whole plant is green and aromatic.
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Peppermint has both medical and edible functions. The main edible parts are stems and leaves. It can also be squeezed into juice. In food, mint can be used as a flavoring agent, as a spice, and can also be used with wine, tea, etc.
Peppermint contains menthol, which can freshen breath and has a variety of medicinal properties. It can relieve abdominal pain and gallbladder problems such as cramps.
Mint related products:
1. Peppermint essential oil
It is a pure plant extract extracted from mint flowers. It is a good moisturizing skin care product. It has the effect of beauty and beauty for female friends. It can also shrink capillaries and improve various skin problems such as acne and eczema on the face.
2. Mint leaf powder
It is a processed product of mint leaves, which contains a large amount of peppermint oil and volatile substances, which has obvious health care effects on the human body. It can also be used in the treatment of various human skin diseases in daily life. The menthol contained in it can paralyze nerve endings. It has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects, relieving itching and detoxification.
5 magical uses of mint in life:
1. Making air freshener
Wash the fresh mint leaves to dry, cut into mint, put the mint into the jar, press a little, pour the 99% alcohol liquid into the jar with the mint leaves to soak, cover Soak the bottle cap for a week, and the air freshener will be ready
2. Mint leaf tea
Half a spoon of mint leaves, 1 lemon slice, soak in boiling water for 3-5 minutes
3. Mint leaf mosquito repellent water
If there is a baby at home who cannot spray toilet water or mosquito-repellent incense to repel mosquitoes, you can dry the mint leaves, add dried moxa leaves, and sew a sachet to hang on the baby’s bed, which is safe and secure, and can achieve the effect of repelling mosquitoes.
4. Peppermint powder mask
Summer refreshing mask: mint, aloe, chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, and coix seed powder are mixed into a paste with water and applied to the face. It has the effect of clearing heat, cooling, calming, eliminating acne and refreshing.
5. Mint mud
After staying up late, pick a few fresh mint leaves, mash them, and apply directly to the dark circles to reduce swelling and dark circles.
1. For postpartum women, if they breastfeed their baby, it is best not to consume mint, as mint may cause "withdrawal of milk".
2. Peppermint contains volatile oil, if it is cooked for too long, the effect of volatile oil will decrease.
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baby-du · 4 years
What do you know about Dragon Boat Festival
What do you know about Dragon Boat Festival muTu's Note - Read and Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes
The 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar year is an important day for the Chinese people. The day is called Duan Wu Festival, or Dragon Boat Festival, celebrated everywhere in China. This festival dates back to about 2,000 years ago with a number of legends explaining its origin. The best-known story centers on a great patriotic poet named Qu Yuan.
Qu Yuan and Dragon Boat Festival
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In the Warring States Period (475-221BC), the State of Qin in the west was bent on annexing the other states, including the state of the Chu, home of Qu Yuan. Holding the second-highest office in the state, Qu Yuan urged that the Chu State should resist Qin and ally with the State of Qi to the east. This was opposed by Zhangyi, a minister of the State of Qin who was trying to disrupt any anti-Qin alliances. He seized upon an incident with a jealous court official in the Chu to get rid of Qu Yuan.
Qu Yuan had refused to let Jin Shang, the chief minister in the State of Chu, have a look at a draft of a decree he had been asked to draw up. In anger, Jin spread the rumor that Qu Yuan was leaking state secrets. He said that Qu Yuan had boasted that without his aid no decree could be drafted. This made the King of Chu feel that Qu Yuan was belittling him.
When the story reached the ears of Zhang Yi in Qin, he secretly sent a large amount of gold, silver, and jewels to Chu to bribe Jin Shang and the king’s favorite concubine to form an anti-Qu Yuan clique. The result was that the King of Chu finally banished Qu Yuan from the capital in 313 BC.
The next year, as relations between Qin and Chu worsened, Qu Yuan was called back and named to a high office, but the clique continued its machinations against him.
In 299 BC after several unsuccessful forays against the Chu, Qin invited the King of Chu over, ostensibly for talks. Qu Yuan feared this was a trap and urged his king not to go. The latter would not listen and even accused Qu Yuan of interfering.
On the way, the King of Chu was seized by Qin troops. He died in captivity three years later. The Chu came under the rule of the king’s eldest son, later known as King Qing Xiang. Under him, the state administration deteriorated.
Qu Yuan hoped to institute reforms and in poems satirized the corruption, selfishness and disregard for the people on the part of dubious characters who had achieved trusted positions. Neither this nor Qu Yuan’s resolve to resist Qin set well with King Qing Xiang, who was in fact married to a daughter of the King of Qin, In 296 BC, Qu Yuan, then in his mid-50s, was banished for the second time. Grieving for the condition of his homeland, for years he wandered about south of the Yangtze River.
During this period he poured out his feelings of grief and concern for his homeland in the allegorical Li Sao, a long autobiographical poem in which he tells of his political ideal and the corruption and mismanagement of the court.
In 280 BC Qin launched an overall invasion of Chu, and captured the Chu capital in 278 BC. The news reached Qu Yuan while he was near the Miluo River in today’s northeastern Hunan Province. In frustration at being unable to do anything to save his state, he clasped a big stone to his breast and leaped into the river to end his life.
Qu Yuan’s sufferings had gained the sympathy of the people of Chu. In memory of him, every year on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the day he drowned himself, dragon boat races, which are said to represent the search for his body, are held, and the Chinese people eat Zong Zi, little packets of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves, which was originally thrown into the river to keep the fishes from eating the body of Qu Yuan. In addition, it is said that when hearing the news of Qu Yuan’s suicide, some doctors poured realgar wine into the Miluo River to anesthetize the fishes, hence preventing them from eating Qu Yuan’s body.
Customs of the festival
The customs vary a lot in different areas of the country, but most of the families would hang the picture of Zhong Kui (a ghost that can exorcise), calamus, and moxa in their houses. People have Dragon Boat Races, eat zongzi (dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves), and carry a spice bag around with them.
Dragon boat racing
Dragon boat racing
At the center of the festival are the dragon boat races. Competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of the beating drums. These exciting races were inspired by the villagers’ valiant attempts to rescue Qu Yuan from the Miluo River. This tradition has remained unbroken for centuries.
Eating zongzi
Eating zongzi
Most Chinese festivals are tied to a particular food, and the Dragon Boat Festival is no exception.
A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat Festival is zongzi. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanuts, egg yolks, or other fillings wrapped in reed leaves. The tradition of zongzi is meant to remind us of village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Miluo River in order to appease the river dragons and fish so that they would not devour Qu Yuan.
Balancing eggs
Balancing eggs
It is said that you will be lucky in the coming year if you can balance an egg upright during the Dragon Boat Festival. The egg balancing competition will be held at noon in many places.
Hanging auspicious leaves
Hanging auspicious leaves
The fifth lunar month is marked as a “poisonous” month in the Chinese farmer’s calendar. This is because insects and pests are active during this summer month and people are more prone to catch infectious diseases.
During the Dragon Boat Festival, the Chinese put mugwort leaves and calamus on the doors or windows to repel insects, flies, fleas, and moths from the house. Those leaves have curative properties and can prevent an epidemic.
Wearing scented sachets
Wearing scented sachets
On the Dragon Boat Festival, children normally wear scented sachets threaded with a five-color silk string to ward off evil. A scented sachet is an ornament worn on the front of the dress. The sweet-smelling sachet contains cinnabar, realgar, and aromatic herbs.
It is usually wrapped in a silk cloth and sometimes embroidered with exquisite patterns. Multicolor silk threads are attached to the sachet as decorative tassels. In some areas of China, a scented sachet is also used as a token between young lovers.
Hanging an image of Zhong Kui
Hanging an image of Zhong Kui
Zhong Kui is a famous exorcist. His picture, a fierce-looking male brandishing a magic sword, is hung in Chinese houses in order to scare away evil spirits and demons, especially during the Dragon Boat Festival.
Tying five-color silk string
Tying five-color silk string
According to folklore, tying five-color silk string around wrists, ankles and the neck protects children from evil. A five-color string holds a special significance in China, as it is thought to contain magical and healing properties. Children are not permitted to speak while their parents tie the five-color string for them, nor are they allowed to remove it until the specified time. Only after the first summer rainfall can the children throw the string into the river. This is thought to protect children from the plague and other diseases.
Driving away from the five poisonous pests
Driving away from the five poisonous pests
According to Chinese custom, the “double fifth” is the hottest day of the month, when all the poisonous vapors are in the air, so every attempt is made to harmonize yin and yang so that danger and disease can be avoided.
It is believed that five kinds of poisonous pests would harm children’s health, including a snake, centipede, scorpion, lizard, toad, and sometimes spider. People will cut colorful silk into patterns of these five pests or paint them on red paper, and then paste the silk or red paper on the doors or walls of the bedroom, each impaled by a needle.
The five pests are also often embroidered on clothing, stamped on cakes, engraved on accessories, and used for decorations. They are believed to have the power to drive away all pests and pestilence.
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from WordPress https://chinesegirl.me/what-do-you-know-about-dragon-boat-festival/
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moonlightkingdom · 8 years
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My love for this herb grew insanely in just one night. I had heard about Mugwort before, but it wasn't until I revisited it again, that I remembered and put into practice all of its tremendous benefits and uses!
Other names for Mugwort:- Cronewort, Common wormwood, wild wormwood, Felon herb, St. John's Plant, Chrysanthemum weed, sailor's tobacco, moxa, Artemis Herb, Naughty Man, Old man, Old Uncle Henry, Muggons
Mugwort is occasionally confused with Wormwood Artemisia absinthium. Tell the difference by examining the leaves. Mugwort leaves are green above and white below and have pointed tips and purplish stems. Wormwood leaves are silvery top and bottom and the flowers are more showy.
Medical uses:- Mugwort is also used to stimulate gastric juice and bile secretion. It is also used as a liver tonic; to promote circulation; and as a sedative. Other uses include treatment of hysteria, epilepsy, and convulsions in children. Women take Mugwort for irregular periods and other menstrual problems. Among many other uses!
Mugwort & Magick
All varieties of Artemesia are sacred to the Goddess Artemis who gives comfort (or death) to women in labor. Also, Diana through association and Hecate, Patron of herbalists and midwives. Mugwort is also associated with the moon which in turn is associated with the cycles of womanhood.
Mugwort is feminine in nature, associated with the element of earth, and either Venus or the Moon (depends who you ask) and ruled by either Taurus or Libra.
Mugwort can be used as a sacred smoking herb or burned as a fumigant for protection or divination. It is safe to smoke (as safe as smoking anything is) by itself, mixed with tobacco, or other smokeables in a ritual context and is said to enhance astral projection, lucid dreaming and other altered states of consciousness. Some say that simply keeping Mugwort under your pillow or in your bedroom will encourage prophetic dreams. 
Try making a dream pillow stuffed with Mugwort. If you do keep it in your bedroom, remember that it is closely related to ragweed and the flowers may trigger some allergies.
Others say you must burn it or smoke it in order to utilize its conscious-altering affects. Burn mugwort in an incense burner as you use divination tools to help open your mind to any messages coming in.
If you are not pregnant, a cup of mugwort tea before bedtime will also encourage lucid dreaming.
Mugwort is also used in protective sachets, especially those created in relation to travel. It is said to prevent delays, and other annoyances associated with traveling, as well as to protect the traveler from accidents, thieves and other dangers associated with traveling.
Mugwort stems also make very nice wands, though they aren't very sturdy.
Use herbal water made of mugwort to cleanse ritual tools, especially those used for divination.
Hanging mugwort over or on a door will keep unwelcome energies from passing through.
Gemyne ðu, mucgwyrt, hwæt þu ameldodest, hwæt þu renadest æt Regenmelde. Una þu hattest, yldost wyrta. ðu miht wið III and wið XXX, þu miht wiþ attre and wið onflyge, þu miht wiþ þam laþan ðe geond lond færð.
Remember, Mugwort, what you made known, What you arranged at the Great proclamation. You were called Una, the oldest of herbs, you have power against three and against thirty, you have power against poison and against infection, you have power against the loathsome foe roving through the land.
-Nine Herbs Charm
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thelightclinic · 4 years
Happy birthday to me! 🎊🎈This is Emaline, the person who runs this IG and brings you all the TLC goodness. 💖My husband Joseph and I started The Light Clinic 10 years ago after we moved back from Portland, OR to our hometown of Frankfort, KY with our Masters in Chinese Medicine from @nunm_edu. 10 years later, we are still rocking it at the clinic (and have grown and deepened so much), have also been co-owning @bourbon_on_main for 5 years, have a 4.5 year old daughter and are about to graduate in a few weeks with our Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from the Pacific College of Health and Sciences out of San Diego, CA. We have done SO much learning and growing and seminars and intensives in our Chinese Medicine learning world over these last 15 years. It’s really mind blowing to think about. And still on the list is more online classes (meditation, Yi Jing, Chinese Medicine classes), and actually writing some of this stuff down in book form one of these days! And continuing to try to heal and grow and basically expand into complete balls of light:)✨ And because I mainly have pictures of my daughter and flowers and food and rally’s, I’m gonna post this picture of me in early quarantine time where Joseph (husband) and Olivia (daughter) and I all challenged each other to a handstand contest. This was mine. Yep, clearly did gymnastics when I was little:) But this is definitely how I want to remember 40, doing handstands by the river on a rainy spring day with my family. Healthy and happy. Today plan to hang out in the Elkhorn Creek with my newest COVID buddies- the blue heron and turtles and squirrels. And close fam. What are some of your favorite birthday memories? Love you guys. Thanks for making and keeping this a space to learn and share and grow together in health and light and love. To another great 10!❤️💖✨🧚🏿‍♀️💫 . . . . #thelightclinic #happybirthday #holistichealing #classicalchinesemedicine #chinesemedicine #acupuncture #moxa #moxibustion #cupping #guasha #tuina #taiji #taichi #qigong #chigong #meditation #guidedmeditation #familyconstellationtherapy #craniosacraltherapy #cst #arttherapy #dreamwork #spiritualdirection (at Frankfort, Kentucky) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCdjiAegn9y/?igshid=1wcttrbn0zp9j
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 4 months
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端陽樂 日日安好/Happy Dragon boat festival (Double Fifth Festival)
端午節是在農曆的五月五日,划龍舟(Dragon boat race)、吃粽子(Rice dumpling is wrapped with bamboo leaves) 、做香包 (To make fragrant sachet)、掛艾草(Hanging moxa) 、立蛋 (Standing the egg on its end) and 喝雄黃酒(Drinking realgar wine)
(Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Double Fifth Festival, is an important festival in our history and Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the death of the poet Chu Yuan. 端午節是為了紀念詩人屈原的死。)
Tonight I’m having "東方美人茶(Oriental Beauty Tea)" 🍵 🫖Tea for you Dear friends, Please!
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👆 椒麻麵 the noodle tastes good on this restaurant (非常素食的麵 🫶 其實,平日的我本來就像和尚一樣 🤣,吃的很清淡也很簡單,因爲吃的越素,可以降低生活中的各種「慾望」和渴求。Very vegetarian noodles 🫶 In fact, I am like a monk 🤣 on weekdays, eating very light and simple, because the more vegetarian I eat, the less "desires" and cravings I have in life.) 😏 and very years ago this restaurant ever opened shop near by my studio, but rent cost too high, they're moved to other city, I found it re-open at the north parts of my city, so tonight I am so happy to eat the noodle again. 😃 Lan~*
👇 鮮蝦燒賣 Pork & Prawn Shumai (taste a bit similar with dumplings. and I love having "steamed food/蒸食" 😉)
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