#hangry ezra
personinthepalace · 2 years
Ezra Banks being HANGRY for 2 mins and 54 secs straight - The Inbestigators
I am asking everyone to please check out The Inbestigators, an Australian mockumentary about a group of kid detectives who solve crimes around their school and neighborhood. You won't regret it :)
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mschloevalentine · 1 year
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Another character (and Warlock) of mine, Ezra'Van! A Yuan-Ti warlock of the Archfey. I promise, promise this post is shorter, since he has a bit less going on. Also somebody please tell me how to do the 'Read More' thing on posts like this.
Ezra'Van, referred to as Ezra from now on, was once the child of a simple farming family. They took great interest in gardening and herbs as they grew up, and seemed to be on the path to a successful career. But Ezra had been born female. Gradually becoming more and more uncomfortable with this as they aged, Ezra eventually got desperate about their gender dysphoria, frustrated that their parents just really didn't understand their problem, and didn't know how to help.
So, by the time Ezra became an adult and had saved up enough money to start traveling, they set off, hit the road, traveling to the only destination he knew might hold the solution to his problems. A deep, deep forest, with reports of fey activity somewhere within.
Ezra knew the dangers of fey, he had grown up with stories of them. But even so, he knew what they could do. So he made his way deep inside. On his way, he faced trials and tribulations, having to dodge wild predators (mostly a particularly hangry owlbear) and weave his way past alluring but not at all well-meaning fey creatures.
After awhile, the greenery became much more dense and vibrant, but at the same time, much more alive. He had to dodge predatory plants and cruel thorny vines, eventually becoming gravely injured in the process, which eventually resulted in the loss of one of his legs. But by the time that happened, his destination was already in sight.
A Grand Palace: It was white and gold, looking like a life-sized porcelain sculpture, broken and repaired repeatedly via some form of kintsugi, and then left in the wilds for many centuries, as vines and other plantlife took hold, growing in and out of the impressive royal abode.
He knew what it was immediately. The domain of a Fey Lord, a powerful and nearly god-like being. He knew that they could fix his problem, and all he needed to do was make the right deal with them. So he forced himself to keep going, knowing that he just needed to crawl a little ways longer before he'd reach the one who could solve all of his problems. Give him a new lease on life.
When he finally arrived, he was met with a very amused Archfey, who had watched Ezra's journey ever since he entered the palace. The Archfey was a tall, huge guy really, tan-skinned and red-haired, with an exceptionally long, coiling snake body in place of legs, and a tail that rattled every time the Lord laughed.
The Lord seemed pleased by Ezra's determination, at the very least amused. After aiding him in his wounds, the Lord invited Ezra for dinner and offered a deal, which Ezra elaborated upon. They spoke for a long time about Ezra's desires, and the desires the Lord had as well. And eventually, they settled on something.
The Archfey Lord would give Ezra a proper gender transition treatment, through great fey magic. And he would replace Ezra's leg, as well as gift him great knowledge on plants, in exchange for one thing. A lifetime spent as the Lord's servant, a traveling servant at that, gifted many supernatural and magical powers to aid him as he traveled across the world to gather information for the Lord. Becoming a Warlock, with the sole mission of exploring and gathering knowledge, news, and stories to share with the bored Archfey.
Of course, Ezra accepted. And soon after, he found one of legs replaced by a golden one, tailored specially to his body, which had now been transformed into the more masculine one he so desired. He was gifted magic, brief lessons on how to use it, and some freshly tailored clothes to replace the torn-up farmhand clothes that Ezra had once traveled in.
After that, Ezra set off, ready to serve in the name of his new patron, and happy with the changes that had taken place. He was a little suspicious about his patron's intentions, but overall pleased with how his new life was going now.
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jlassijlali · 7 years
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Rebel Journal by Ezra Bridg!
Ezra Protect but also get hangry:
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Sick day with cramps and nausea, and what will I do? Probably ready some books, work on Ezra's birthday gift, and maybe eat Subways because I'm hangry
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badchoosey · 5 years
High School Story, Book One. Chapter 1: The First Day
You arrive at Oliver M. Berry High School a few minutes before school is set to start and spot a few students rushing by.
Julian: I can’t believe we’re finally starting our senior year! This is gonna be LIT!
Nishan: I know! AP Calculus is going to be epic!
Payton: And homecoming is just around the corner. Speaking of which… I’d better find a date!
Mia: Yeah. I’m not buying it. Knowing you, you’ve got a list of guys all ready to go.
Payton: A lady never tells…
Joints: (They all seem so cool… But… they’re obviously all good friends already. It’s not like I can just run up to them and say, ‘Hi, I’m Joints, and I just moved here. Be my friend!’)
You pass by the students and walk into an interior courtyard.
Autumn: Hey, you must be new! I love your look! Can I take a photo of you next to the tiger statue? It’s for the yearbook.
Joints: I… uh… I guess so!
Autumn: Awesome. This is going to look perfect in the yearbook! Bye for now.
Joints: (Say something, Joints! Don’t just let her walk away.)
She walks away.
Joints: (Come on, Joints! This isn’t like you! You’ve been the new kid at school before. This should be no big deal!)
Voice: Hey… you okay? You look a little like a deer in the headlights.
You turn around to see a blonde girl smiling at you.
Joints: Are you hitting on me?
Emma: What? No… I… I wouldn’t do that!
Emma blushes a deep crimson.
Joints: Aw, sorry. I take it back. I wasn’t trying to embarrass you, I swear.
Emma: I just thought maybe you were lost. Anyway, I was wondering if maybe you could use a friend.
Joints: Heh. I guess I could. This place is like fifty percent amazing, fifty percent completely overwhelming. I don’t even know where my room is. 225B? How many rooms does this place have?
Emma: Wait… That’s my homeroom, too! Come with me. Wouldn’t want you to be late on your first day!
You and Emma make your way through the bustling school hallways toward your classroom.
Emma: Here it is!
You enter to find most of the seats occupied.
Sydney: Yay! I got my favorite chair.
The only seats left are a few at the very front and two at the very back.
Emma: Let’s grab those ones at the ba--
Before she can finish her sentence, a girl rushes past you and flops into one of the seats.
Morgan; You snooze you lose. This one’s mine. And that one is Michael’s.
A guy following her tries to get by but accidentally bumps into you.
Michael: Like what you see?
Joints: I wasn’t…
Michael: No worries. Sorry I bumped into you. Just trying to get to my seat.
Joints: Your seat? Excuse me? I didn’t see your name on it.
Michael: You sure about that?
He gestures over to the seat, where someone has carved ‘MICHAEL’ with a knife.
Joints: Touche.
As Michael takes his seat, you turn back to Emma.
Joints: Looks like it’s the front row for us.
Emma: I… I can’t sit there!
Joints: Don’t worry. It’s not so bad… I mean, sure, you might get called on a little more often.
Emma: It’s not that. It’s just… I can’t sit next to Caleb.
Your gaze shifts over to take in a guy with a huge smile talking with his friends in the front row.
Joints: Oh, that guy? He’s meh.
Emma: Oh… I just meant… I mean… I think he’s--
Joints: Oh… you mean… you like him?
Emma: Not so loud! Caleb is… out of my league. He’s the school’s star wide receiver. And super nice. And funny. And handsome…
Joints: So, golden football god. Got it.
Emma: Just… you take the seat next to him, okay? Give me a buffer.
You sit down, and Caleb turns to you, smiling wide.
Caleb: You must be new! Welcome to Berry High. I’m Caleb.
Joints: Hi Caleb, I’m your next girlfriend!
Caleb: Wow. I’m flattered… But… don’t let my girlfriend here you say that.
Joints: Girlfriend? I didn’t realise that you--
You’re interrupted as the guy sitting behind you looks up from his phone and groans.
Brian: Bro, are you still talking about Zoe? You are way too hung up on that chick. I mean, yeah. She’s hot. Like, super hot. But you talk about her like she’s your wife or something. And wives are just… boring.
Caleb: Buddy, one day you’ll fall in love. And you’ll realise that being boring can be the greatest thing in the world.
Brian: You sound like my mom. And she’s the uncoolest person I know.
Joints: Wow.
Brian: You got something you want to say to me?
Joints: What made you this way?
Brian: What made me this way? Great genes and three hours a day in the weight room.
Joints: I wasn’t trying to compliment you.
Brian: Yep. I picked up on that. When losers insult me, I generally just ignore them. In the end… it only hurts you. Example: I was about to invite you to my awesome party. Now I’m not gonna. Sucks for you.
Emma: Why are you so… mean?
Brian: What are you talking about? I’m the one who everyone keeps insulting! FYI, you’re not invited either, blondie. But that was probably obvious.
Emma: Right… of course…
Emma stands up and starts walking for the door… just as the teacher walks in.
Ms. Maddox: In case you didn’t notice, Emma, class is about to start.
Emma: I… I’ll be back in a minute.
She runs out the door.
Brian: That. Was. Hilarious. Please tell me someone got that on video!
Caleb: You don’t have to be such a jerk all the time, you know.
Brian: Dude… come on. It was funny.
Ms. Maddox meets your eye… and then casually drops a hall pass on your desk.
Ms. Maddox: Seems like maybe someone should go check on her…
Joints: Thanks, but she’ll be fine on her own…
You stay put in your seat.
Ms. Maddox: I see…
Ms. Maddox takes back the hall pass and walks away.
Caleb: She’s gonna be okay, right?
Joints: Yeah… definitely.
After class, you join the rest of the student body at a welcome assembly in the main gym, where you take a seat next to Emma.
Joints: You doing okay?
Emma: Oh… yeah! Of course.
Joints: Good…
Suddenly a fanfare plays, and a woman dressed in brightly colored clothes runs into the auditorium.
Principle Hughs: Welcome, children, to your first day of school! Er… I mean, not your first day of school ever. Sorry! I’ve just moved here from Berry Elementary School, so this is a new environment for me. Wow. You are all so big!
For a moment, she looks slightly panicked. Her eyes search the crowd… and then lock with yours. You look super angry and on seeing your face, Principal Hughs looks even more panicked.
Principle Hughs: I… I… No one ever said high schoolers would be so unpredictable.
Suddenly, you hear a voice shout out from the crowd.
Caleb: You got this, Principal Hughs! Tell us what you want to say.
Hearing Caleb’s voice, the principal regains her composure.
Principal Hughs: Ah. That’s better. Now what was I saying? I may be new… but you were all new to this place once. And that’s the wonderful thing about a fresh start. You get to be anybody you want to be. So… welcome to kindergar-- er, I mean, high school!
Emma: That was… actually kind of sweet.
Joints: Yeah… now I feel kind of bad for making a face at her.
Emma: Don’t worry. It looks like no harm done. And the fact that you regret it means you’re not totally evil.
Joints: If you say so.
As you leave the assembly, a prim girl with a notebook runs up to you and Emma.
Emma: Eek!
Joints: Oh… Hey cutie.
Maria: Uh, what?
Joints: I think what I said was pretty clear. You’re cute!
Maria: Right. Moving on. As your school president, and chair of the Homecoming Planning Committee, I’m here to ask a few survey questions! First question… Are you currently planning to attend the Homecoming Dance?
Joints: I’ll think about it.
Maria: That doesn’t answer my question. Is it yes or no?
Joints: It’s a ‘maybe’.
Maria: How am I supposed to plan a dance if everyone at this school might come to it? Should I buy ten gallons of punch or fifty? A single bag of Doritos or a thousand?
Emma: Probably not a thousand…
Maria: It was a rhetorical question!
Emma: Sorry…
Maria: Forget it. I’ve wasted enough time talking to you already.
Maria storms off.
Emma: That girl seemed stressed.
Joints: Yeah. Or maybe just hangry. You know. Hungry plus angry? Speaking of which… lunchtime. Let’s go!
You arrive in the bustling cafeteria and stare wide-eyed at the sea of humanity standing before you. At the far end of the cafeteria Caleb and the football players are hanging out.
Julian: I’m serious Caleb. Keep working at it, and I honestly think you’ll be the best player this school has ever seen.
Caleb: That means a lot coming from you, man. You’re like a football god around here.
Brian: Uh, aren’t you forgetting about someone, Julian?
Julian: Don’t get me wrong, Brian. You’re a great QB. But no one matches Caleb’s work ethic.
Brian: I could out hustle both of you any day!
A few musicians from the school band are finishing lunch closer by.
Aiden: I’ve got a few new songs we might want to consider for the next halftime show… There’s, ‘The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs’ by John Cage… or how about ‘The Gadfly Suite’ by Shostakovich?
Ezra: Those sound pretty obscure.
Aiden: You haven’t even listened to them yet!
Ezra: Exactly. If I don’t recognize them, no one else will either.
And the cheerleaders stand nearby.
Payton: Let’s eat quick so we head out to the field and practise our routine!
Sydney: Ooh! Can I do the aerials this time?
Mia: We’ll see…
Emma: So many people! I might need to take a little ‘me’ time, but you should totally get to know some of them. This is your big chance to make a first impression. Go for it.
You approach the band. As you do, you get a closer look at a guy in a black sweater. For a moment, you stand speechless as the band members argue amongst themselves.
Aiden: How can someone self-taught be so conservative? You should be the bold one.
Ezra: That’s funny. I was just about to ask how someone classically trained could be so eager to change things up.
Myra: Let’s keep it civil. This is real life, boys, not a Reddit thread! Besides, it’s just a song.
Aiden: Just a song?!
Ezra: For once, I agree with Aiden. We’re talking about the soul of the marching band here!
Joints: Uh… hi.
Everyone turns their gaze to you, and the conversation goes dead.
Aiden: Welcome… are you a musician? Wait. Don’t tell me. Give me your hand.
Joints: Uh… no way!
Aiden: Apologies. I didn’t mean to offend. I… thought that perhaps if I examined your callouses…
Joints: Got it. But I think just asking me was the better option.
Aiden: You’re right. Next time I’ll stick with my first instinct. Please tell me you play the saxophone.
Myra: We really, really need a sax player.
Joints: Saxophones suck.
Aiden: That’s literally the opposite of how saxophones work.
Joints: It was a metaphor.
Aiden: Understood. However, it’s my opinion that an instrument is only as good or bad as the person who plays it.
Joints: So… you’re saying… I suck?
Aiden: Your words, not mine. Of course, you could prove me wrong…
Aiden: You should totally come to the band room and play with us.
Joints: I… I’m not sure about that.
Aiden: Ezra is asking you… I’m telling you. Come with us.
Joints: Not today.
Aiden: Disappointing.
Ezra: If you ever change your mind, you know where to find us.
Later, as you leave school, you bump into Caleb and Emma, who are chatting by the curb.
Caleb: … And I just wanted to say, I’m sorry about Brian. He’s got… a weird sense of humor.
Emma: Yeah… definitely.
Caleb turns toward you.
Caleb: Same goes for you, Joints. I mean… he and I have been friends forever. But sometimes, it gets old, apologizing for him.
Joints: In that case, maybe you should get better friends.
Caleb: He’s been my best bud since elementary school. I don’t agree with the way he acts sometimes, but I can’t just unfriend him. That’s not me.
Joints: I guess loyalty counts for something.
Caleb: To me, loyalty counts for everything.
Just then, a sports jeep pulls up to the curb. The driver hops out and throws her arms around Caleb, planting a kiss on his lips.
Zoe: There you are! Come on. You owe me an early dinner before we hit this party.
Caleb: I was just finishing a conversation with--
Zoe: Would you seriously rather sit around chatting with these two losers, instead of taking me on a date? You promised me.
Caleb: I know. I know.
Zoe: Now come on! We’d better eat fast. I’m going to need at least an hour and a half to get ready for Brian’s party.
Caleb: See you guys later…
A few seconds later, the jeep pulls out, leaving you and Emma alone on the curb.
Emma: Can you believe her?
Joints: I know! She’s so hot!
Emma: Yeah… she’s gorgeous. There’s no way someone like me could ever compete with her.
Joints: Whoa, whoa. That’s not what I said! Sure, Zoe is hot… but that’s not everything.
Emma: It sure seems to matter to most guys… Face it. Nice girls finish last.
Joints: In that case… maybe you need to get a little bad.
Emma: What are you suggesting?
Joints: I’m saying who cares that we didn’t get invited to Brian’s party? We’re crashing it… together!
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theexploringegg · 7 years
Day 43: Coffee, bread and (traffic) jam.
Deciding an easier morning was due, we went to one of Ezra and Tiki's favourite breakfast spots- Biku. Set in a gorgeous, high-ceiling, naturally lit Balinese style room, it had such holiday vibes. I ordered a glass of jamu (a Traditional drink made with turmeric), and scrambled tofu which came with wilted spinach, sourdough and tomatoes. I couldn't believe this only cost 2 pounds for such a London-seque brunch. I could easily have paid more than 10 for such a dish in the UK! We relaxed and Ezra ordered a cheeky piece of carrot cake (his weakness). Our next spot was just a walk away- Revolver Coffee: a very cute coffee shop, complete with revolver guns. We got a table inside (there were only about 8 places) and had a black coffee. I love how palm sugar is available as a sweetener- this is a luxury back home! It's a much more natural form of sugar with caramel sweetness using an abundant resource available here. After coffee, we stopped off at a local market to check out some crafts and wares. I did some bartering, securing a necklace for 50 Rp rather than the 120 Rp asking price...thanks dad for the training and years of embarrassment as I used to watch him do the same! We planned to pick up some sate from a famous shop that Tika had already rang and ordered. It was only a few km away, but I had really underestimated the extend of traffic in Kuta. It was total gridlock. Our Google map route turned red and we were literally sat still, maybe moving a few metres at a time for the next couple of hours. It was passing lunchtime so we decided to abandon sate plans (the store would be closing) and take a turn for "Missis Sippy"; which turned out to be a great decision. I was expecting a restaurant and bar... In fact it turned out to be a small resort with private pool, music, cocktails, pizza burner- incredible! Back to the car, we were stuck in traffic again, amusing ourselves by speaking in accents and laughing till our stomachs hurt. I was able to pop out of the car, go into another coffee shop and have a coffee, walking back to the jam on the street and hop inside again as it was so static. We sat so long and I was starting to feel hungry since I had just had a cinnamon and orange mojito at lunch and nothing to eat. As the crispy duck restaurant Ezra and Tika had raved about was just there, we pulled in, stretched our legs and ordered an early dinner. It was so good to get out of the car and the duck was delicious- I had mine barbecued- it was juicy and charred at the same time. It was served with sambals, rice, veggies and a fried egg which I cheekily ordered on the side. Now feeling much better, refreshed and less hangry, we changed our beach plans and decided to visit a resort called Finn's Beach Club. The sun was setting in the sky and it was the perfect time to arrive- darkness was descending and the place was coming alive. I went for a dip in the infinity pool, overlooking the waves crashing on the beach. Bar stools sat submerged in the water, drinks being served to people in their swimwear. The clientele were young and beautiful. They had clearly dressed up for the place and hormones were flying everywhere. Grabbing some beanbags, we ordered some drinks and watched an aerial artist twist herself in ribbons overhead; dancers throwing moves on stage beside the DJ's. We had a good time relaxing and taking it all in. What a great last night in Kuta! I would certainly miss the company of these two. We drove home straight- the traffic had "melted" as Ezra described it. I had some packing to do- the room had been a comfortable place for my bag to explode in the last few days. I switched on some anime (I somehow always find this comforting in the background) and prepped for morning, showering the pool water out of my hair and enjoying some social media time in the comfort of my jammies before sleep.
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lost-in-ivory · 4 years
Hope raised her hands to be carried upstairs, but Ben did his best to ignore the gesture by taking her hand and helping her short little legs climb the steps. After they reached the kitchen and washed their hands, they enjoyed the rest at the table. Hope sat up on her knees so she could reach everything, but Ben aided her in dressing her burger to her liking before making his own. He'd be done before all of them, anyways, so who cared if he was the last to serve himself?
Ali ate while she fed the baby, scooping what he was trying not to eat back into his mouth. Norah danced happily in her seat as she usually did after being so hangry and finally getting food. Ezra started talking about his book, telling them about the characters and their adventure. Norah barely paid attention, while Hope practically sat on the edge of her seat to hear about it.
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