#ezra banks video
personinthepalace · 2 years
Ezra Banks being HANGRY for 2 mins and 54 secs straight - The Inbestigators
I am asking everyone to please check out The Inbestigators, an Australian mockumentary about a group of kid detectives who solve crimes around their school and neighborhood. You won't regret it :)
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brandyllyn · 1 year
Lucky Stars
Ezra x GN!Reader 
Summary: “And are you a good man?” “I like to believe myself a man of good intentions.” Words: 3.3k.
My Masterlist
Rating: Teen. Warnings: None? Canon injuries.
I asked for some inspiration and Jen came through with “A kiss for luck” with Ezra. Also, I’m like 80% sure I stole an Oscar Wilde joke in here somewhere.
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The first time you met Ezra was coincidentally your first time out on the sling. As the drop engineer, your job was to oversee the operations of each drop ship. To ensure ships weren’t dropped into the same flightpath and to time out the release to be sure that all ships could make it safely to their destination at whatever planet was below.
You’d worked a few of the inner rim planets already - mostly dropping pleasure cruisers onto sunny tropical paradises you could never afford to visit. But the money was crap and the competition was almost always the nephew of some contractor who needed a place to stash their busted ass relative.
The long-haul flights paid bank. Mainly because no one wanted to spend spans at a time out on the circuit. The time, however, suited you just fine.
Your work station was central to the shipyards, a view of all forty-eight pods docked for this trip available between sightlines and video feeds. It sat a few feet above where the corridors came together. Visitors weren’t uncommon, a few credits slipped into your hands to get a better place in the drop zone or to get picked up first on the trip back.
You didn’t handle pickups but their chits spent all the same.
All that is to say that when a shaggy mop of brown hair with a blonde tuft popped into view just below your desk you weren’t surprised. The Green was coming up - a mining planet that had been attracting people from across the eight reaches for some time now - and you’d already had three people asking for advice or information on where to land, where lodes might be and whatnot.
“Well I’ll be,” his soft drawl crawled up to you. “You’re a damn sight better looking than Old Rodge was.”
Checking your monitors once more you leaned forward, giving a smile to the man standing on the platform below your workstation. Handsome, recently groomed - probably his last haircut for a while - and wearing a faded set of work overalls.
Definitely not his first sling.
“What can I help you with, sir?”
“No need to stand on formalities, starshine, we’re all friends here.”
Cocking an eyebrow you gave him an appraising look. “Friends huh?”
He nodded solemnly, taking a step up onto a cable buttress and settling his forearms on your desk. He wasn’t quite eye to eye but it allowed you to lean back in your chair a bit. “I think it would be a singular pleasure to be counted as your friend.”
“The first three drops are locked in.”
His eyes narrowed and he cursed. “Do you think my attentions are so mercenary?”
“Oh, were you just saying hi?”
“Hello. Bonjour. Nǐ hǎo.”
Both of you looked at the man coming down the corridor, although your companion’s face was far more disgruntled.
“Did you get us a new drop slot?”
Your lips twitched and the man who could only be Ezra turned back to you with a sheepish shrug of his shoulders.
“It is possible that I arrived with an ulterior motive, starshine, but it is only secondary to meeting you at this point.”
“Prophet’s nutsack,” his companion grumbled, shoving at Ezra and forcing him to step down from his perch. A hand appeared, dropping a small array of chits in front of you. “What’ll this get us?”
You glanced over the pile quickly. “Fifth.”
“I thought you said the first three spots were spoken for?” Ezra cut in.
“I did.” With a sweep of your hand you palmed the chits, tucking them into your own work overalls. “If you want better than fifth it’ll cost more. I already moved you up a spot for being cute.”
Ezra preened, mouth opening on what you were sure would be a lovely soliloquy about your charms but you cut him off with a quick jerk of your head to his partner - who was paying no attention to you at all.
Giving a mock huff of indignation Ezra bowed, sweeping his arms out and adding a roguish wink.
“Until we meet again, starshine.”
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The second time you met Ezra was another drop-off, four sling rotations later. Yours wasn’t the only sling working the route, each pass taking months to complete.
“Missed you on the pickup, starshine.”
Frowning you pushed your chair back, leaning around the edge of your pod to see who was standing at the step up. When it didn’t spark any recognition for you he pouted.
“Do not tell me you have forgotten me so quickly - such disregard is likely to drive a man to commit acts of singular madness.”
You may not have remembered his face but the voice was impossible to forget. That particular cadence and slow drawl. Giving him a grin you motioned him to step up and he did, finding a place he could perch and nearly look you in the eye.
“An invite into the inner sanctum? I am honored.”
Snorting you flipped a toggle to realign a drop pod. “That is my outer sanctum at best, cowboy.”
He grinned in return. “And yet sacred nevertheless.”
“What can I help you with?”
Another pout. “I seem to remember you doubting my motives on our last meeting as well, starshine. Have I really made such a poor impression on you?”
“Miners only ever want three things. Stone, stim, or-” you cut yourself off, shifting your eyes away and pretending to be busy with a screen he couldn’t see.
“I beg of you to finish that sentence, starshine.” His eyes were glittering with mischief, the corner of his lips twitching up. You shook your head and he laughed. “Well seeing as I am on my way to find stone, and I do not partake of the stim, I suppose all that is left is the…. presence of a lovely companion.”
“I bet you say that to all the crew.”
“A blow!” A hand flew to cover his heart. “You are whatever a moon has always meant - and whatever a sun will always sing is you.” At your confused frown he sighed, “You are not a connoisseur of poetry I suppose?”
“There once was a man from the rim…” you started and he laughed.
“A person of refined taste,” his brown eyes twinkled at you. “A connoisseur of a much maligned art form.”
You couldn’t help your answering smile. “You have any luck?” He raised an eyebrow and you clarified, “On your last run, to the Green. Any luck?”
A heavy sigh. “A few small stones, barely enough to make the run worth it.”
“And yet you’re going back,” you pointed out.
“Ah, but I have a new crew. And a special charm for luck.”
“Oh?” Your eyes caught on an alert and you cleared it absentmindedly. “What kind?”
“Why, an utterly captivating dropship engineer.”
A snort escaped you before you could stop it. “I seem to recall seeing you off to your last drop as well.”
“Ah, but I came to you then with questionable motives.” He spread his hands wide, showing you open palms, “Now I am but a supplicant, worshiping at your altar and hoping for your favor.”
“Do those lines really work on people?”
A casual shrug, “They don’t not work.”
Your console gave a beep and you nodded at it. “Gotta take that.”
He nodded in return. “Until next time, starshine.” He hopped down and started away as you reached for the button and then paused.
He turned back, a bemused look on his face. “Yes?”
“What was your name again?”
He made a small bow. “You, my dear, may call me whatever you’d like.” You rolled your eyes and he grinned. “Ezra, starshine, my name is Ezra.”
“Ezra,” you tried the name out and his grin deepened. “Interesting name.”
“Well I like to think I’m an interesting man.”
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The third time you met Ezra you could not really be said to be meeting him per se. You recognized him and remembered his name so it was really more of an acquaintanceship renewal than anything.
“Ah for you are yet the symphony of the stars.”
You couldn’t help the smile at the sound of his voice, turning to see him waiting patiently at the edge of your work pod. You motioned him and he bounded up like a man half his age, finding a place to stand where he could perch a hip on the edge of your desk. He looked positively smug and you couldn’t help a laugh.
“Hello Ezra.”
His grin was wide, a new scar cutting across one eye. “starshine you are as captivating as always.”
“I take it you had a good trip?”
The Green was a few spins behind you, the last pickup locked in as the sling made its way to its next destination. You didn’t really need to be at your station, but you liked getting a head start on the landing patterns.
“A fruitful conquest,” Ezra was saying, his fingers tapping on one thigh. “Enough to whet a man’s appetite for more.”
“That good, huh?”
“I could certainly treat you in the style to which you are accustomed.”
You glanced around at the dirty workbench, the ancient equipment, your ragged overalls. “Low bar.”
“And one I am happy to clear.” His cheerfulness was contagious, eyes bright even with the sharp red scar cutting through one. You wondered if he expected you to ask about it.
“You sticking to the Green then?”
He shrugged, picking at one nail. “I have a new crew and some ideas as to a new excavation, although I suppose you’d have more information than me about that.”
Nodding you reset a fuel calculation. “Someone found a motherlode, went back to the Ephrate for supplies last I checked.”
His attention was suddenly fully on you. “Is that so, starshine?”
“Mmhmm,” you pretended to ignore his intense scrutiny.
“And is the location of the lode information you might be willing to share?”
“Well,” you tapped a button and glanced sideways at him from under your eyelashes, “that would depend.”
“A share I take it?”
You snorted. “Like I could ever hold you to it.”
“Ah,” he demurred, “you have not had much experience with good men I take it?”
“Out here,” you gestured at the ship, “I’m lucky to find mediocre ones.”
The tips of his fingers briefly touched the back of your hand before he pulled away. “The good man watches our bogus roses, our rank wreath.”
Another quote from someone you didn’t recognize. “And are you a good man?”
He hummed thoughtfully. “I like to believe myself a man of good intentions.”
“Yet you’d rob some unsuspecting miner?”
“That my dear starshine is just good business.” He looked so affronted you had to laugh. “And a business opportunity for us both.”
He paused, head cocking, considering you. “How much?”
You cupped your hand a little. “Just one, yay big. And I’ll drop you dead center of the guy’s camp.”
“You wouldn’t lie to me would you, starshine?”
You gave him your most innocent expression, fluttering your lashes for good measure. “Who, me?”
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The gem was plopped onto your desk without ceremony, the messy head of distinctive hair soon following.
“I likely would have gifted you this for a chance for your company, starshine.”
It was a little bigger than you’d asked for, the center a beautiful gold that caught even the dim lights of the ship. With barely concealed awe you cupped the aurelac in your palms, feeling the warmth that naturally emanated from it.
“Are you serious?”
He’d stepped up, leaning on your desk. “Were you?”
You pointed at the holo of the planet, “Just north of there, about five clicks. Like I said, I can set you down dead center.”
“And you say there is a bounty of gems there? Just how much is a bounty?”
Carefully wrapping the aurelac into a kerchief you tucked it safely inside your shirt. “The guy was going back for a crew of six, so enough he didn’t mind sharing.”
Ezra nodded thoughtfully. “A worthwhile venture then. And you are sure you do not require a cut?”
“I got mine.” You patted your chest, noticing how his eyes lingered on your chest for a moment - as though imagining what was beneath. “‘Sides, I might never see you again.”
“Surely the universe would not be so cruel.” He clutched a hand over his heart, giving you a pleading look.
“Do you annoy Laquon with your attentions when it’s not me here?” you asked, mentioning the drop engineer working one of the other slings.
“Laquon will not speak to me,” Ezra replied. “Not since the night I took half his wages in a sharps game.”
“Did you cheat?”
“You wound me!”
“That’s not an answer.”
“No, I suppose it wasn’t.”
The console beeped, announcing you were moving into orbit around the Green. “You should go get your crew ready.”
“Ah, a too quick end to our lovely repast.” He leaned towards you, eyes bright. “A kiss for luck, starshine?”
Giving him a nudge with your foot you shooed him away. “You make your own luck Ezra.”
His amused chuckle stuck with you for some time to come.
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It was the last of the day’s pickups at the Green and you were absolutely not supposed to be working. Pickups weren’t your job, drop offs were. You’d already let a dad and his kid down yesterday - two people you were sure you’d never see again - and they were the only people dumb enough or desperate enough to take the trip down to the Green on the last sling.
The last sling ever.
It felt odd, the end of an era. You’d spent the better part of five orbits on this route. The Green, Delphi VI, an asteroid that had a long string of letters and numbers but the miners just called Dave… pit stops and drop ships. The sling’s crew of nine would be dispatched to new routes. You were planning to take some time off - maybe back to one of those paradise planets for a bit.
Yesterday’s drops should have been it. No more work. Just hanging out in your too small bunk while you dreamt of how to spend the credits you’d been saving up.
But that was without the alarm. Or the Captain’s voice on comms.
“Bay 26 has an emergency beacon on.”
Groaning, you punched the intercom. “How is that my problem?”
“Janus is down with whatever flu he caught from the last scrapyard we were at. I need you to check on it.”
With a grumble you knew the mic would pick up you grabbed your pants. “Fine, but I wanna be paid.”
“Yeah yeah,” the intercom cut out and you squeezed out of your bunk to the hallway beyond. Bay 26 wasn’t too far, and there was a shortcut through the anterior cooling room. You moved a little faster than you might have let on to the Captain. It was an emergency beacon, although odds were it’d been hit by accident or was a malfunction.
“Occupants of pod 438-Alpha, are you in distress?”
You waited while the door to the ship sat silent.
“Occupants of pod-”
A face appeared in the window and you yelped. Young, blonde… the kid who’d dropped yesterday. She tried to get the door to open but the safety mechanism held it in place.
“You have to decontaminate,” you told her through the speaker. “Unless it’s a medical emergency you-”
“He’s dying!” she shouted back, hand scrambling at the controls on her side and suddenly her voice boomed through. “He’s sick and I think it’s infected. You’ve got to let me get him to medbay.”
“What kind of infection?” You tried to ignore her frantic movements. The safety of the crew came first. If they had picked up a virus or something you wanted nothing to do with it.
“His arm,” she was making an effort to sound calm. “He got hurt but it’s infected. He needs antibiotics.”
That didn’t sound too bad. Fairly normal - not like some alien chestburster. “Are you sick?”
“No, it’s just his arm.” Her eyes met yours through the tempered transparisteel. “Please, he needs help.”
You weighed your options. The Green was considered a toxic planet, requiring a decom before disembarking. But it was because of something in the air that could stick to clothes. People lived down there with minimal protections. Worst case you’d have to take some antihistamines.
That was assuming this infection was what she said it was.
“Into your suit,” you announced through the door. “And get him into his. Neither of you breathe our air until I can check you’re not contagious. Deal?”
The girl nodded emphatically and disappeared. A few moments later her head popped up again, covered by a helmet. You could see the edge of someone leaning heavily against her.
Regretting it already, you punched the override code for the door. Practicing an abundance of caution you stepped away quickly as they stumbled out. “Follow me to medbay. No sudden movements. Nothing comes off until I give it the all clear. Got it?”
The girl nodded and you led them down the narrow corridor as quick as they were able to pace you. Her dad was in bad shape, head hanging down as he seemed to concentrate on walking. He wasn’t as put together as the last time. Something must have happened to his suit on the Green and he’d scavenged a new one.
“C’mon, just a little further,” you heard the girl encouraging him.
The medbay was empty, no surprise, making it easy for you to find a spot for the girl to set him down. “I have to make sure you haven’t brought anything on board,” you told them, gesturing for her to join him near the scanner.
“I wouldn’t dream of bringing you anything but jewels, starshine.”
Your head jerked around, meeting his slightly hazy gaze. “Ezra?”
“In the flesh,” a sigh and a groan, “such that it is.”
You picked up speed. Not that you’d been dawdling, but your hands began to fly over the controls, waiting until you got the green light before rushing to his side and helping the girl remove his helmet. “What in the seven seals happened to you?”
“A small accident,” he sat up with your help and you pushed his suit down to his waist. A soft curse made you stop and re-evaluate.
“Ezra,” you asked as calmly as you could, “are you missing an arm?”
“A minor inconvenience.”
“Prophets balls,” you muttered, turning away to find the anesthetic. “How long ago?”
“A spin?” He cast a look at the girl and she seemed to be trying her best to not look guilty. “Maybe less.”
“Okay, well, this is going to hurt.” You didn’t wait for his reply, setting the hypospray to his shoulder and injecting it. He hissed through his teeth and then relaxed.
“Much better, I thank you starshine.”
“We’re not out of the asteroid belt yet, hand me the scricorder?” You gestured and the girl handed it to you. It made several alarming noises as you put in a small sample of Ezra’s blood.
“I believe I did warn you of this, starshine.”
Working on autopilot you gave him a quizzical look. “Warn me of what?”
“That something dreadful was going to befall me.”
You rolled your eyes, inputting the medications needed into the replicator so it could spin you up the cocktail you needed. “I seem to recall you being quite cheerful about your prospects last time I saw you, Ez.”
“I believe I did inquire as to some spare luck, however.” The man was an unrepentant scoundrel, twinkling at you even as he fought not to sway from the drugs in his system.
“Are you suggesting that if I’d kissed you you’d still have an arm?”
“I suppose we will never know,” he shrugged. “But I must insist before I go anywhere else that you indulge me in my superstition. Losing one arm can be chalked up to tragedy - two reeks of carelessness.”
A full laugh burst from you as you readied his meds, setting the hypospray to his neck and pulling the trigger. “I’ll tell you what. You come through this all right and we can have a whole conversation about luck. Over drinks. How does that sound?”
“Well that sounds mighty fine, starshine. Mighty fine indeed.”
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For updates on stories please follow and turn on notifications for @brandyllyn-writes
Tagging in Jen specifically though for coming through with the inspo:  @writeforfandoms​
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basicallyawoodnymph · 8 months
Here to remind you that Israel is IN FACT commiting genocide on Palestine.
Israel has commited ten out of the ten recognized steps to genocide. the first one is classification, which is traditionally done using stereotypes to create an "us" vs "them" mentality, israel has done this by saying all palestinians are terrorists/uneducated and have furthered it by calling them animals.
Stage 2 is symbolisation, to differentiate between the people from the group they wish to exterminate and others, israel has done this with colour-coded identity documents and car licence plates in the West Bank, yellow for the settlers, white for palestinians
Stage three is discrimination, israel has done this using specific legislation such as the pre-Nakba denial of the right of return, constraints on political parties and trade unions, the demolition of homes, the deprivation of essential services like electricity, water and roads in the Naqab desert, refusal of permits for the construction of wells, the implementation of segregated school systems, the denial of access to agricultural land, extrajudicial killings, forced removals and the expropriation of land.
stage four is dehuminisation, which entails the desensitisation of Israeli society to the looming prospect of genocide. This desensitisation is evident in various instances of dehumanising rhetoric. Notably, in 2014, Israeli politician Ayelet Shaked, who later became the justice minister in the Israeli coalition government, advocated for the genocide of Palestinians on Facebook. She characterised the "entire Palestinian people" as "the enemy". She explicitly called for the "slaughtering of Palestinian mothers who give birth to 'little snakes". Such dehumanising language has also been echoed by Yoav Gallant, Israel's defence minister, who referred to Palestinians as "animals", justifying their inhumane treatment.
step 5 is organisation and includes arming militant settler groups and motivating Israeli soldiers to act with impunity. The Israeli army has provided weapons to settler groups, and there are instances of incitement to violence against Palestinians. This includes individuals such as Ezra Yachin, an Israeli army reservist, who has urged fellow Israelis to "erase the memory" of Palestinians. In a video featured by the news website 'Middle East Eye', Yachin is seen encouraging "every armed Jew" to take action against Palestinians, with a stated objective of obliterating their presence. Yachin, a former combat soldier who played a role in the Deir Yassin massacre, was called on to "inspire" Israeli army personnel amid the ongoing bombardment of Gaza.
Step six is polarisation. This includes spreading hate propaganda and fear-mongering to the extent that people believe that "if we don't kill them, they will kiss us". It also works to justify all violence against Palestinians and creates the false notion that the israelis are the victims. Additionally, the israeli government has implemented emergency regulations that allow the suspension of foreign news channels.
Stage seven is preparation and involves making plans for mass exterminatiom. In the past months Israel has called up more than 300 000 reservists, the US has sent two warships supplying Israel with ammunition and military air and Israeli Occupation forcez have amassed around Gaza while other IOF, together with militant settlers, are perpetrating crimes in the occupied West Bank in places like Hebron and Jenin.
Stage eight is persecution, which mirrors the harrowing circumstances witnessed in Gaza over the past 16 years. The Israeli apartheid state has laid siege to Gaza, imposing a gradual genocide by depriving its inhabitants of essential resources such as water, food and medicines. The systematic confiscation of land, forced displacement, and the enforced confinement of the population into segregated areas showcases this.
Stage nine, denoted as extermination, is already upon us. In a mere six days, Israel dropped 6 000 bombs on Gaza, resulting in the erasure of 47 families (and counting) from official records. Hospitals, schools, refugee convoys, mosques, churches and residential buildings have all become targets of bombings. While all eyes are on Gaza, Israel settlers have attacked the West Bank. Additionally, Israel has used white phosphorus and tested new weaponry, leading a Gaza doctor to describe the horrifying effects as "4th-degree burns", prompting urgent calls to halt the genocide. Antony Loewenstein, author of The Palestine Laboratory, adds that we must not ignore the reality that Israel has spent decades utilising a wide of tools and technologies on Palestinians to exert control over them.
Step 10 is denial, and Zionists are already helping bring this step forward by denying the very existence of the genocide and israel's war crimes.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
lskajhdjkal ok i've been messing around with an incorrect quote generator for my Star Wars OCs/AUs and here's some highlights
Problem Children AU
Esme: Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve. Jadan: I think you mean cards. Ahsoka: She did not. Esme, pulling out knives: I did not.
Jadan: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?! Esme: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence. Jadan: Oh... Ahsoka, from across the room: I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.
Ahsoka: Stop setting things on fire because you're curious about what will happen. What will happen is fire. Esme: But what if something else happens just this one time.
Jadan: I have a problem. Esme: Kill it. Jadan: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
The Time Heals 'Verse
Obi-Wan: Can I get a waffle? Sabine and Anakin: *fighting and yelling at each other* Obi-Wan: Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
Sabine: *sighs* Anakin: You bored? Sabine: Yeah. Anakin: Wanna start drama for no reason? Sabine: I thought you’d never ask.
Obi-Wan: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? Sabine: Put spaghetti in it. Obi-Wan: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. Anakin: Put spaghetti in it. Obi-Wan: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two. Ezra: Put spaghetti in it. Obi-Wan: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Ahsoka: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait. Jacen: You and me! Ahsoka: *tearing up* Ok.
Ezra, talking about Anakin: Is this a friend of yours, Sabine? Sabine: Kind of? Not really. He's in my life and there's nothing I can do about it.
Anakin: What has the galaxy ever done for you?! Why would you wanna save it?! Sabine: Cause I’m one of the idiots who lives in it!
The Rebels AU With The Time Traveling Padawans
Ezra: *eating a cinnamon roll* Derriphan: Cannibalism. Ezra: *confused chewing noises*
Sabine & Derriphan:*Playing video games* Daesha: You guys woke up at 5:30 in the morning just to play games? Sabine: *silence* Derriphan: *silence* Daesha, finally figuring it out: ...You two never went to sleep, did you? Sabine & Derriphan in shame: Yeah...
Ezra: Why are you like this?? Derriphan: I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
Ezra: When I see really attractive people like Daesha, I just laugh because I know if we lived in the Aztec culture, they'd be sacrificed for their beauty. Sabine: I mean, that's one way to cope with not being attractive. Derriphan: Works for me.
Derriphan: I love the term 'partners'. Are we dating? Are we robbing a bank? Are we the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies and are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit? Who knows.
Daesha: Hello friends! The Squad: Daesha: You might be wondering why I’m taped to the ceiling
Teenage Rebellion AU
Youngest Brother: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was changing her name to Leia.
Sabine: That's ridiculous, Youngest Brother doesn't have a crush on me. Youngest Sister: Yes he does. Katka: Yes he does. Youngest Brother: Yes I do.
Sabine: I'm having problems with a guy... Leia: Like his dead body won't fit into your trunk kind of problems, or you like him kind of problems?
Luke: So, are you two friends? Katka: Yes. Sabine: No.
Luke: You're violent. Youngest Sister: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
Things With Rune In Them (Mostly the Numbers AU)
Rune: We have a problem. Ezra: No, YOU have a problem. I have a daughter who keeps making them.
Calina: You made enough pasta that you could take it to lunch tomorrow. Put it in a container. Rune: Shovel the pasta into your face. Do it. Put it in your face. The future is meaningless but the pasta is now.
Rune: *wearing full Mandalorian armor* Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down.
Rune: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.
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khakilike · 1 year
I'm surprised there aren't more videos like this on YouTube. Having Carson Teva show up for this mission without Zeb is a bonkers storytelling decision that left me scratching my head for the rest of the episode. It was the perfect time to introduce everyone's favorite Lasat, and the idea that Dave Filoni is saving that introduction for a more impactful moment later on defies logic.* But it looks like that's what fans are banking on.
*The writer of a tv show knows that X minutes into episode Y there will be a perfect opportunity to introduce a character---but the character doesn't know that. If Zeb's loved ones are in danger, he would try to help them now, not wait for an epic moment he doesn't know is coming.
I have my own ridiculous theories, but let's address some of the other explanations offered up in the comments. Zeb isn't in the episode because ...
... he isn't an X-wing pilot. Why would he need to be an X-wing pilot to come along on the mission? There are other types of ships he could fly. Or be a passenger in.
... he is a Y-wing pilot, and they didn't think they needed a bomber for this mission. If I know for a fact that the enemies I'm going up against are collecting Star Destroyer parts, I want to have a bomber on my side (though Ahsoka, Sabine, and Huyang are at least mildly surprised that the Eye exists, so maybe everyone forgot they were tracking a giant hyperdrive core).
... there wasn't time to wait for everyone to show up, so Hera needed to settle for the people who were immediately available. Carson Teva and Zeb are deployed in the same region, and are probably stationed at the same base. If Carson made it on time, Zeb could have made it on time.
... this episode takes place before the Mandalorian episode Zeb appeared in, and he hasn't joined the New Republic Navy or met Carson Teva yet. If that Mandalorian episode takes place after "Fallen Jedi," why does Carson spend it acting like he has no evidence of a plot to restore the Empire? His dead wingmen didn't convince anyone that *something* suspicious was going on?
... there are already too many characters being introduced and Zeb would have been the straw that broke the camel's back. They could have brought Zeb in instead of Carson Teva. Same number of characters, but using the one intimately connected to Hera and Sabine and Ezra, not the one who didn't even think of talking to Hera when he wanted the New Republic to help defend Nevarro. And if anyone is concerned about needing to spend time explaining who Zeb is to non-Rebels viewers, it only takes a second to have Jacen call him "Uncle Zeb!"
Filoni probably has something brilliant up his sleeve that will make me feel silly about getting so hung up on this. I hope so, anyway. Bring it on.
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wwwewsworld · 1 year
- [x] Ciao Adios- Anne-Marie
- [x] 2002- Anne-Marie
- [x] Sing- Ed Sheeran
- [x] Back To you- Selena Gomez
- [x] Dont- Ed Sheeran
- [x] Mad Love- Sean Paul
- [x] No Lie- Sean Paul and Dua Lipa
- [x] Summer- Calvin Harris
- [x] My Love- Route 94
- [x] Cool Kids-Echosmiths
- [x] Red Lights- Tieso
- [x] Ain’t my fault- Zara Larson
- [x] Wasted-Tieso
- [x] Blood// Water- Grandson
- [x] A sky full of Stars- Coldplay
- [x] Wake me up- Avicii
- [x] Stay the night- Zedd, Hayley Williams
- [x] Rolling in the deep- Adele
- [x] Ugly Heart- GRL
- [x] Beating Heart- Ellie Goulding
- [x] All Falls Down- Alan Walker
- [x] IDGAF-Dua Lipa
- [x] Budapest- George Ezra
- [x] Runaway (U & I)- Galanatis
- [x] Hello- Martin sölevge
- [x] M’en Aller- Canardo, Tal
- [x] Solo Dance- Martin Jesen
- [x] Nightmare- Halsey
- [x] Somebody to you- Vamps
- [x] Colours- Halsey
- [x] Ready to Start-Arcade Fire
- [x] Kiss me more- Dojo Cat, SZA
- [x] Save your tears- Weekend, Ariana Grande
- [x] Be Kind- Marshmallow, Halsey
- [x] I love it- Icona Pop
- [x] Slow down- Why don’t we
- [x] Bad guy- Bill Elilsh
- [x] Wild Heart- The Vamps
- [x] Eat them Apples- Suzi Wu
- [x] 911-Lady Gaga
- [x] East side- Benny Blanco
- [x] Hair too long- The Vamps
- [x] Send my Love (To you new lover)- Adlele
- [x] Juicy- Doja Cat
- [x] Stunning- Harm Franklin
- [x] Electric Love- Borns
- [x] Banquet- Bloc Party
- [x] You my Everything- Ellie Goulding
- [x] Hymn for the weekend- Coldplay
- [x] Style- Taylor Swift
- [x] I like it- Cardi B
- [x] Oh Cecila(Breaking my Heart)- The Vamps
- [x] Can’t you out of my head- Kylie Minogue
- [x] A-Punk- Vampire Weekend
- [x] What you Know- Two door Cinema Club
- [x] Can we Dance- The Vamps
- [x] Rose-SAINt JHN
- [x] Don’t give up girl- Clare Grogen
- [x] Wildflower- 5 Second of summer
- [x] We can’t stop- Miley Cyrus
- [x] The Passenger- Jolly boys
- [x] Portion for Foxes Rilo Kiley
- [x] Watermelon Suger- Harry Styles
- [x] Easier- 5 Second of Summer
- [x] Animal Neon Tree
- [x] Get off- The Dandy Warlos
- [x] 212- Azealia Bank
- [x] She look so perfect- 5sos
- [x] Polarize- Twenty one Pilots
- [x] Chelesea Dagger- The Fratellis
- [x] Time to Pretend- MGMT
- [x] I can’t get enough- Benny Blanco
- [x] Jingle Bell rock- The Vamps
- [x] Gecko(Overdue)- Oliver Heldens
- [x] Royals- Lordes
- [x] Confident- Demi Levato
- [x] 34+35 remix-Ariana Grande
- [x] I Got U- duke Dunmont
- [x] Driver License- Olivia Rodrigo
- [x] Last nite- The Stokes
- [x] Sexyback- Justin Timberlake
- [x] Talk- Why don’t we
- [x] Adventure of a lifetime- Coldplay
- [x] Pony- Ginuwine
- [x] Diamond- Rihanna
- [x] R U Mine- Arctic Monkeys
- [x] blow me-pink
- [x] Gimme More- Britney Spear
- [x] On the floor- Jennifer Lopez
- [x] Migraine- Twenty one pilots
- [x] Undercover Martyrs- Two door cinema club
- [x] Me- Taylor Swift
- [x] Just Dance- Lady Gaga
- [x] Cake by the Ocean- Dnce
- [x] Elastic Heart- Sia
- [x] Viva La Vida- Coldplay
- [x] Move you feet- Junior Senior
- [x] Sunflower- Post malone
- [x] Yellow- Coldplay
- [x] Fluresontce adleonces- Artic Monkeys
- [x] Daddy Issue -The neighbourhood
- [x] Umbrella- Rihanna
- [x] Candy- Robbie Willard
- [x] This is what you came for- Calvin Harris
- [x] Still don’t you know- Labrith
- [x] Someday- the strokes
- [x] Reptile- The stokes
- [x] You only live once- The stokes
- [x] Mr Brightside-The killers
- [x] Outside- Calvin Harris
- [x] Snap out of it- Atric Monkeys
- [x] Why do you only call me when ur high- Aricti Monkeys
- [x] Video Games- Lana del Ray
- [x] National anthems- Lana del Ray
- [x] Lolita- Lana del ray
- [x] Stay high- Tove Lo
- [x] Endtapes - They joy Formidable
- [x] Boss Bitch Doja Cat
- [x] Midnight city- M83
- [x] Somewhere only we know- Keane
- [x] Sweater Weather- The neighbourhood
- [x] Kids- MGTM
- [x] Little talks-Monsters of men
- [x] Girl from mars- Ash
- [x] Uprising- Muse
- [x] All for us- Labrith
- [x] Anything could happen- Ellie Goulding
- [x] Maniac- Conan Gray
- [x] Good for u- Olive Rodrigo
- [x] Lost Cause- Bille Elish
- [x] Trojans- Atlas Genius
- [x] Are you bored yet- Wallos
- [x] Girl like me- Black eye peas
- [x] Rare- Selena Gomez
- [x] A little bit Dangerous- Crmml
- [x] Give yourself a try- 1975
- [x] Satellite News- Feeders
- [x] Gimme Sympathy- Meric
- [x] Lloyd I’m ready to be heartbroken- Camera Obscura
- [x] Greek Tragedy- Wommbats
- [x] Under cover the darkness- The stokes
- [x] Tonuge tied- Group Love
- [x] Postition- Ariana Grande
- [x] If I ever leave this world alive- Flagging Molly
- [x] Instant Crush- Daft Punk
- [x] One more time- Daft Punk
- [x] Holding on to you- Twenty one Pilots
- [x] Semi Automatic- Twenty one pilots
- [x] The run and go- Twenty one pilots
- [x] You right- Doja Cats
- [x] Welcome to New York- Taylor swifts
- [x] Can I call you tonight- dayglow
- [x] Chinese new year- Sales
- [x] Sign of the time- Harry Styles
- [x] Welcome home- Radical face
- [x] Tear in my heart- 21 Pilots
- [x] Summertime sadness- Lana Del ray
- [x] Meet me at out spot- the anxiety
- [x] Campus- Vampire Weekend
- [x] Deadhead-The Montreal’s
- [x] Honeypie- Jawny
- [x] Paradise- Coldplay
- [x] Commè ca- south of France
- [x] Oops-( oh my) (feat tweet)
- [x] Deja Vu- Olivia Rodrigo
- [x] Are you satisfied?- Marina and the diamonds
- [x] Delicate- Damian Rice
- [x] 1234-Feist
- [x] Touch the sky-Julie The Sky
- [x] Young Folks- Peter Born and John
- [x] Middle- DJ Snake
- [x] Therapy- Andrew Garfield
- [x] These days- Jess Gylane and Macklemore
- [x] Waiting all night- Ella Frye
- [x] Dark Red- Steve Lacy
- [x] Freaks- Surf Curse
- [x] Goth Babe- Surf Curse
- [x] I’m not making out with you- Surf Curse
- [x] Young- Vacation
- [x] Jealous-Eye Dress
- [x] New Flesh- Current Joy
- [x] Kids- Current Joy
- [x] Fear- Current Joy
- [x] Television-Current Joy
- [x] Always forever- Cults
- [x] I can’t handle change- Roar
- [x] My kind of woman- Mac Demacoro
- [x] Disco- Surf Curse
- [x] Money- The drum
- [x] Fake plastic Trees- RadioHead
- [x] Weekend friend- Goth Babe
- [x] In till my head is dead- Surfe Curse
- [x] Paradise- George Ezra
- [x] Fake you out- twenty one pilots
- [x] Dog days are over- Flonce and the machine
- [x] Running up that hill- Kate Bush
- [x] Don’t you forget about me-Simple Minds
- [x] Come on Elieen- Dexy midnight runners
- [x] Whip it- Devo
- [x] Should I stay or should I go?- The Clash
- [x] Funky town- Lipp inc
- [x] I’m gonna be (500 miles)- the proclaim
- [x] Hero’s- David Bowie
- [x] Crown on the ground- Sleigh Bells
- [x] Born to die- Lana Del Ray
- [x] Me myself and I- G-Eazy
- [x] La Devotee- panic in the disco
- [x] Decode- Paramore
- [x] What the hell- Arvil Lavigne
- [x] Wake up- The Vamps
- [x] Arabella- The Arctic monkeys
- [x] The best damn thing- Arvil Lavigne
- [x] Don’t stop- 5sos
- [x] Mr Blue- Cathrine Feeny
- [x] Hey Beautiful- The Soilds
- [x] Oh Heart- Tanks and The bang as
- [x] Heartbreak girl- 5sos
- [x] 7 rings-Ariana Grande
- [x] With a little help from my friends- joe Anderson
- [x] Wish you were mine- Philip George
- [x] Misery Business-Paramore
- [x] Lone Digg- Cavan Palace
- [x] Teddy picker- The arctic Monkeys
- [x] Back to you- Louis Tomlinson
- [x] Last night- The vamps
- [x] How to be a heartbreaker- Marina and the diamonds
- [x] Seven nation army- The White Stripes
- [x] Everything shine- The push stars
- [x] Still into you- Paramore
- [x] House of Gold- twenty one pilot
- [x] 3 nights- Dominic Fike
- [x] I’m not a Robot- Marina and the Diamonds
- [x] Knees Sock- Arctic Monkeys
- [x] Chinatown-Wild nothings
- [x] Dancing- Krono- Remix
- [x] Prayer In C- Lilly Wood
- [x] Secret- One republic
- [x] Not Fair-Lilly Allen
- [x] The Violet Hour- Sea Wolf
- [x] Alright- Supergrass
- [x] Tropic Love- Diviners
- [x] Mardy Bum- Arctic Monkeys
- [x] Vindicated- Dashboard Confession
- [x] Heaven- Walkman
- [x] Black Sheep- Brie Larson
- [x] Hard time- Paramore
- [x] Ode to the Bouncer- Killer Studio
- [x] Soul meet body- Death cab for cutie
- [x] Feel good inc- Gorillaz
- [x] At least it was here-The 88
- [x] Him and I-G-Eazy, Halsey
- [x] Reflecting light- Sam Philips
- [x] Forever- Chvrches
- [x] Ong Ong- Blur
- [x] Oh no- Marina and the diamonds
- [x] Threshold Sex- OMB
- [x] Lights- Ellie Goulding
- [x] Brick by Boring brick- Paramore
- [x] Lolita- Lana del Ray
- [x] Ava- Famy
- [x] Bitch- Plasticines
- [x] Foundation- Kate Nash
- [x] Pink and white - Frank Ocean
- [x] Hey girl- Zoey Dechanel
- [x] Summertime Sad (non remix)- Lana Del ray
- [x] Rare- Selena Gomez
- [x] She’s a rainbow- Rolling stone
- [x] Do I wanna know- Artic Monkeys
- [x] Blue Jeans- Lana del Ray
- [x] Take me home- Bebe Rehxa
- [x] Rhinestone eye- Gorillaz
- [x] On melancholy hill- Gorillaz
- [x] Waves- Robin Schulz
- [x] No surprises- Radiohead
- [x] Karma police- Radiohead
- [x] Paranoid Androids- Radiohead
- [x] It aint me- Selena Gomez
- [x] 30/90-Andrew Garfield
- [x] Jealous- Nick Jona
- [x] Team- Lorde
- [x] Suddenly I see- Kt turnsell
- [x] ET- Kate Perry AND KANYE WEST
- [x] Boom clap- Charlie xcx
- [x] Blitzkrieg bop- Ramone
- [x] Can’t remember to forget you- Sharkia
- [x] Hot N Cold- Katy Parry
- [x] Good time- Owl City
- [x] Alone- Alan Walker
- [x] What else can I do- Encanto
- [x] The Family Madrigal- Encanto
- [x] All of you- Encanto
- [x] We don’t talk about Bruno- Encanto
- [x] Surface pressure- Encanto
- [x] Concanio Sunday- Eyedress
- [x] Woman- Doja Cat
- [x] Hollywood- Marina and the diamonds
- [x] Baby- Marina and the diamonds
- [x] Wait a minute- Willow
- [x] Reflection- Lea Salonga
- [x] Ain’t it fun- Paramore
- [x] Prom Queen- Beach bunny
- [x] How far ill go - Mona
- [x] When will my life begin- Mandy Moore
- [x] That how you know- Amy Adams
- [x] Hawaiian roller coster ride- lilo and stitch
- [x] Friend like me- Will Smith
- [x] Stranger like me- Phil Colin
- [x] Son of man- Phil Colin
- [x] You to a friend in me- Randy Newman
- [x] Love is a open door- Kristen Bell
- [x] Colour of the wind- Judy Kuhn
- [x] Where you are- Mona
- [x] Married life- Up
- [x] Dig a little deeper- Princess and the frog
- [x] I won’t say I’m in love- Hercules
- [x] A spoon of Sugar- Mary Poppins
- [x] Supercailfraglitic- Mary poppin
- [x] The incedit- Michel Giacchino
- [x] You’re Welcome- mona
- [x] Sing me to sing- Alan Walker
- [x] Empire ants- Gorillaz
- [x] Ignoreance- Paramore
- [x] XO- Beyoncé
- [x] Whistle while you work- Snow White
- [x] Bella Ciao-Manu Pilas
- [x] Johnny boy - Twenty one pilot
- [x] RollerCoster- Bean
- [x] Love runs out- One republic
- [x] Le festin- Camille
- [x] East of Eden-Zella Day
- [x] El Mañna- Gorillaz
- [x] The only exception- Paramore
- [x] Vertigo- Anya Marina
- [x] Something that I want- Grace Potter
- [x] Cold Cold man- Saint Motel
- [x] Stick and stone- Jonsi
- [x] The clapping song- Shirley Eiles
- [x] Goodbye Horse- Q lazzarus
- [x] He Mele no lilo- Lilo and stitch
- [x] Smells like teenage spirit- Nirvana
- [x] Song 2- Blur
- [x] Take me out- Franz Fredinand
- [x] American Idiot- Green day
- [x] Teenagers- my chemical romance
- [x] Holiday- Green day
- [x] Girls and boys- Blur
- [x] Basket case- Green day
- [x] Welcome to the black parade- my chemical romance
- [x] Dirty Harry- Gorillaz
- [x] Dare- Gorillaz
- [x] Doncamatic- Gorillaz
Humility- Gorillaz
- [x] Little Wonder- Rob Thomas
- [x] Something good can work- Two door Cinema Club
- [x] Pump up kids- Foster the people
- [x] Ode to sleep- twenty one poilets
- [x] Lnd Lily Allen
- [x] Boulevard of broken dream- Green day
- [x] Ready for the floor
4 notes · View notes
nerdykeith · 2 years
I'm surprised Fantastic Beasts didn't die off sooner. How anyone in their right mind can support JK Rowling now is beyond me. Not surprisingly the latest Fantastic Beasts movie didn't do so well.
On top of the already transphobic ramblings of Rowling on social media, actor Ezra Miller has been involved in a lot of controversies as well.
In 2020, a video circulated online showing Miller apparently choking a woman outside a bar in Iceland.
Last March, they were arrested in Hawaii after becoming aggressive with the patrons of a karaoke bar. 
A couple who bailed Miller out of jail for the earlier arrest filed for a temporary restraining order against them after they allegedly burst into the couple’s bedroom, threatened them, and allegedly stole a social security card, wallet, passport, driver’s license, and bank cards.
It should be noticed that Miller is suffering from a mental health condition, however that in no way excuses their behaviour; it only explains it. I can only hope they get the help they need. But these are just some of the controversies surrounding Miller, please check out the article for more details.
Then there is JK Rowling who apparently doesn't promote the Fantastic Beasts movie on her own social media, which is quite frankly a little odd. She won't go on camera, won't talk to journalists and won't allow any photographs to be taken of her. Rowling still has not stopped attacking trans women since 2019. She still writes very long essays totally and utterly dehumanising them. It's a wonder Ezra Miller was willing to work on a movie series based on her books at all.
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sorrowon · 14 days
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SORROW FOUND ME. independent and private multi muse with extremely low activity and way too many muses loved and sometimes ignored by lacy.
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❝ sorrow found me when i was young. sorrow waited. SORROW WON. ❞
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rules and muses found under the cut
01. my name is lacy and i’m 25+ years old. i’m an aries with my moon in sagittarius, cancer ascendant and i have no idea what any of this means. i'm not affiliated with netflix, the show outer banks or madelyn cline or anything.
02. the psd i’m currently using was made by pinkinnards and icon border was made by me, but i’ll also use various psds from various creators. all credit really goes to them and none to me. i’ll probably use psd’s by venuscommissions, plutocommissions, calisources and more. if you ever have any questions, please feel free to shoot me a message. i promise, i don’t bite.
03. i will probably practice exclusivity and mains and affiliates, but at the moment i don't have any.
04. i ask that you please not follow me and then unfollow me to follow me again and try to get me to follow you. that will not make me follow you, it’ll just make me softblock you and then hardblock if it continues. also, please don’t like my starter calls or send me meme’s if we’re not mutuals. i am mutuals only.
05. i don’t usually write smut, but if i'm really comfortable with another person then i don't mind giving it a try. i do ask that you please tag your smut though and don't try to force me to write it.
06. i will not follow people that use certain faceclaim’s. gal gadot, chris pratt, ezra miller, scarlett johansson and more probably. if you have questions about why then just send me an ask and i’ll let you know. i’m uncomfortable with them and i just want to be comfortable on my blog.
07. i am extremely slow and i honestly can't help that. i have a full time job and at the moment am only getting one day off a week. it's exhausting, but i'm doing my best.
KDRAMAS: naksu/cho-yeong - alchemy of souls - go yoonjung ahn min-hyuck - strong woman do bong-soon - park hyungsik kim shin - goblin - gong yoo cha sunghoon - business proposal - kim minkyu shin hari - business proposal - kim sejeong ryu sunjae - the lovely runner - byeon wooseok bae rona - penthouse: war in life - kim hyunsoo oh injoo - little women - kim goeun na wondeuk/lee yul - 100 days my prince - do kyungsoo lim jugyeong - true beauty - moon gayoung lee suho - true beauty - cha eunwoo han seojun - true beauty - hwang inyeop
THAI DRAMAS: kinn anakinn theerapanyakul - kinnporsche - mile phakphum payu - love in the air - boss chaikamon
TELEVISION: nancy wheeler - stranger things - natalia dyer sarah cameron - outer banks - madelyn cline nancy drew - nancy drew - kennedy mcmann clarke griffin - the 100 - madelyn cline elena gilbert - the vampire diaries - nina dobrev josette 'josie' saltzman - the legacies - kaylee kaneshiro willow rosenberg - buffy the vampire slayer - alyson hannigan kara danvers/zor-el - supergirl - melissa benoist mia smoak-queen - arrow - brec bassinger louis de pointe du lac - interview with a vampire - jacob anderson lesta de lioncourt - interview with a vampire - sam reid
ANIMATED: charlie morningstar - hazbin hotel emily - hazbin hotel stolas - helluva boss millie - helluva boss
VIDEO GAMES: jessica riley - until dawn - tbd
LITERATURE: nesta archeron - acotar - tbd elide lochan - throne of glass - emily bader manon blackbeak - throne of glass - tbd ariadne - crescent city - tbd sathia flynn - crescent city - tbd danika fendyr - crescent city - tbd isabel 'belly' conklin - the summer i turned pretty - jung chaeyeon elizabeth bennet - pride and prejudice - keira knightley sophie beckett - bridgerton - tbd hyacinth bridgerton - bridgerton - tbd
0 notes
ezraproduction · 1 year
#FemaleFilmmakerFriday: Liza Voloshin, Commercial Video Director
New Post has been published on https://ezraproductions.com/femalefilmakerfriday-liza-voloshin-commercial-video-director/
#FemaleFilmmakerFriday: Liza Voloshin, Commercial Video Director
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Ezra Productions is committed to fostering diverse talent in the video production industry. As part of that mission, our Female Filmmaker Friday series highlights best-in-class diverse directors, editors, and DPs from across the globe. This week, we’re excited to present Liza Voloshin.
Liza Voloshin is a NY-based commercial video director dedicated to spreading joy through video production. Liza’s work spans from directing commercials for beauty and fashion brands like Estée Lauder and Barneys, docu-narrative branded content videos for brands like American Express and Nike that feature women’s stories, to narrative film installations that explore the senses with institutions such as the Whitney Museum and Philip Johnson’s Glass House, to music videos with artists such as Adeline and Katy Perry.
We had the pleasure of sitting down with Liza to get a peek into her world and how she got to where she is today.
  How and when did you decide to get into the world of video production?
My road to film was anything but typical. As a young refugee growing up in the United States, I was raised in an environment that encouraged safety and pragmatism. And in my case, that meant studying economics and going into investment banking. I felt stuck and uninspired for much of my twenties. My only outlet for freedom was to surround myself by creative people and a close group of friends that encouraged me to pursue inspiring projects. I began first by painting and then photography until I bought my first 8mm camera on Ebay – an old, but sturdy Canon 310xl. But that was it, I was hooked. I knew I wanted to tell stories through moving visual images and to share the way I always try to see the world no matter how difficult it gets – with a little beauty and joy.
Check out this video Liza directed for Nike Women, entitled “‘Zahra Lari: A Moving Portrait.”
  Do you have any advice for other women who are in different fields but thinking about getting into film or commercial video production?
Just start. The world of film can often feel like a technical gauntlet, daunting and uninviting, but don’t let the noise deter you. Make a safe space for yourself to experiment and play without judgement – especially your own. Grab a friend, go to nature, wherever inspiration finds you, and have fun. See the work that will come out of your joy, and let that guide you.
  What it like being a female in the video production world? How about specifically as a female director? Do you have any funny or horror stories to tell?
There is a French phrase one of my clients told me I remind her of the saying “Main de fer dans un gant de velours,” which means “An iron hand in a velvet glove.” I spend a disproportionate amount of time thinking about the kind of leader I want to be and how I want everyone on the set to feel. My goal is always to create a collaborative environment in which everyone on the set has a clear objective with space to be creative in their role.  But the reality is, I’ve been called a bitch and told I don’t know what I’m doing – all by men on the crew. I bet a male director would probably just fire those people and never think about it again, but I do contemplate those moments and what I can do better in the future. And that is a pretty feminine trait.
This reminded us of a hilarious episode of “Flip the Script,” a series written and produced by the amazing Tessa Bell and Meredith Riley Stewart for Women in FIlm:
    Do you think it’s important to help other women in the film industry?
Women were the first ones to take a chance on me and support me. I wouldn’t be creating film today if it wasn’t for the supportive women in my life, both in and out of the film industry. The barriers to entry are high in film, and you do need help from those in spaces of power to show you the way. And that’s why no matter how little much or power you have, you use it wisely and give back to the community around you. I love it when I get an unexpected email from a young woman that wants to explore her career path and talk through getting into film. I always make time for that. Also, I love the men that support women, they are just as important in getting more feminine energy into this industry.
  What video production project are you most proud of?
I love what my Director of Photography Chevy Tyler and I created for our triptych called “Join the World: Burgundy” for American Express x Departures Magazine. We had 5 days to film three different stories about next generation winemakers across a large region in France, with a crew of just the two of us and a wonderful camera assistant Archibald Vienot. It was pretty hectic with uncooperative weather and daily long drives to set, but it is one of my favorite documentary shorts I’ve created to date. And it was like bootcamp for wine! I love learning and I think I translated a little bit of that into a final beautiful series.
Take a peek at the video Liza directed for American Express x Departures Magazine:
    Do you have any advice for other women filmmakers trying to break into the commercial video production world?
I love you, sister. Let’s shine.
  We’re so appreciative of female commercial director Liza for taking the time to share her story with us. As a woman-owned branded content studio and creative agency, Ezra Productions is committed to working with women, minorities, and young people, and helping them thrive in the video production industry. Whether you’re looking for a production company in Los Angeles or New York, we’re experts at creating engaging video that promotes your brand and social change. Contact us to learn more about our services as a commercial video production company.
0 notes
dicapriho · 2 years
the truth is most men couldn’t give a shit about male domestic abuse victims. they don’t even give a shit about women who are victims of domestic abuse. not the stats , the commonness and normalisation of it all. nothing. the depp/heard trial made it okay for men to jump in on the misogynistic videos, ripping AH apart through memes, parody videos, because they saw so many women openly and happily taking part in it too this time. most of them didn’t even give a shit about depp, and probably don’t still. even after the verdict. where was this level of support for brendan fraser, terry crews, for all the male victims of kevin spacey, of bryan singer? where are the petitions calling for ezra miller to be removed from the flash?
all this meant was having the chance and excuse to be openly misogynistic for views, and receive praise, clout, hoards of new followers from it, because there was such a huge following for depp (the person they think he is because of his films/roles). to openly hate, despise, troll, and tear apart a woman finally. it was only about their own stats, their new found grasp at popularity. they knew they wouldn’t be called out on the sexism, the misogyny because it was fair game. it was amber - the liar. the crier. amber turd. the lies, the jokes about abuse and rape. the misinformation spread like wildfire; public opinion formed from biased tiktok, twitter bots. the lack of critical thinking staggering. “our capn’ jack!”. none of these meme pages, the bots, faceless accounts had any intention of learning about the truth - not about the evidence given in the previous trial. how he lost because the evidence against him was staggering. they have no intention to learn about the domestic abuse statistics. sharing charities, gofundme’s. most of them don’t even understand why the pair were in court in the first place - the legalities of the trial and what that means to other victims of abuse (past, present and future). they couldn’t give a shit about any of them because they didn’t care before the trial in the first place. they even ignored that #metoo counted male victims of domestic abuse too.
his supporters don’t care what his win means to victims, and how it’s stripped them of their right to call themselves victims of abuse. even his ‘fans’ who hailed themselves as victims of abuse, ironically don’t even understand that they can’t even call themselves that anymore, without threat of being sued - because of his win. they don’t care about the victims that don’t have millions in their bank, with no way of escaping their abuser, unable to divorce them, move to another country. they’d do it all over again online to the next woman who this happens to so publicly. because social media reeks of misogyny and society allows it. this trial has set back women decades, and men have jumped happily in on the trend too because women were so prevalent in tearing AH down too. all for that shrivelled red-wine-stained-teeth wrinkly ballsack of a man - * who by the way is back in court for assaulting someone on a fucking film set.
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theinsiderrp · 3 years
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WATERMELON SUGAR, clyde aarons
BITTERSWEET, taehyun, jiseok & darcie
RUIN MY LIFE, evie harwood 
SUCKER, park & wesley
GOOD 4 U, alanı santiago 
DEJA VU, dreamcatcher
MONTERO, caleb kingston
BOYSHIT, imogen hamilton
POSITIONS, ruby rosini
FINE LINE, clyde aarons
LEAVE IT BEAUTIFUL, charlie barham
SO GOOD, evie harwood 
SOUR, alanı santiago 
LORENZO ROMANO (EP), lorenzo romano
LIFE SUPPORT, imogen hamilton
CHANGES, dallas jackson
ADORE YOU, clyde aarons
SHE’S ALL I WANNA BE, blair sloan
DRIVERS LISCENCE, alani santiago
IN MY BED, everleigh james
BLOW YOUR MIND, riley james
LOVE (SWEET LOVE), little mix 
MONTERO, caleb kingston
DEAR SOCIETY, imogen hamilton
WONDER, louis powell 
PEACHES, dallas jackson
CAN WE DANCE?, the vamps
WHEN YOU NEED A MAN, the driver era 
DAPHNE, BRIDGERTON, charlie barham
NICHOLAS SCRATCH, CAOS, wesley higgins
MADDY PEREZ, EUPHORIA, rosalie harrington
MARTA, KNIVES OUT, natalie castillo 
BUCKY BARNS, CAPTAIN AMERICA, theodore carmichael
LOVE QUINN, YOU, stephanie coleman
JOE GOLDBERG, YOU, anthony henshaw
RUE BENNETT, EUPHORIA, charleigh davies
PENNYWISE, IT, marcus carmichael
NATE JACOBS, EUPHORIA, dominic romano
NICK, BEAUTIFUL BOY, daniel coleman 
JULES, EUPHORIA, ramona holloway
ELODIE GWAN, true beauty
PARK JUNG HOON, true beauty
LORENZO ROMANO, high school musical the series 
JUDE BAKER, stranger things 
HEIDI NAPIER, peaky blinders
AXEL COLEMAN, stranger things 
NERO HAVEN, guava island
BELLA CARMICHAEL, the corpse bride
EVERLEIGH JAMES, savage x fenty
FELICITY CALLOWAY, swavorski & adidas
DICKINSON, luna romano 
PRINCESSES, mason carmichael
THE LIFE SUPPORT TOUR, imogen hamilton
VALENTINES COLLECTION, alexandria cortes
HAPPY ENDING, seventeen
SOUR, alani santiago
FINE LINE TOUR, clyde aarons
WINX, annabel powell
PLANET HER, producer (kobi) & naira (musician) 
POSITIONS, producer (kobi) & ruby (musician)
OLYMPUS ACADEMY, mason carmichael
THOR, felix kim
THE FALL OUT, ivy winters-brown
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Hi its me!
Gentle Hank900? Its starting to get cold and slick out and Hank is getting hit hard with his grief/guilt over losong Cole, and Nines is doing his best to be there for him?
No pressure though if you aren't feeling it. And i love you Maya <3
That time of the year
Hank rested his forehead on the cool glass and closed his eyes. The view of the darkened street outside was enough to send his mind into another spiral. The only cars he saw were parked and there wasn’t much movement overall. While it wasn’t due to snow for a few more days, it was this kind of weather that Hank found the most troubling. When there were no obvious obstructions on the road… and it was still warm enough to be out and about… oblivious to dangers that had already crept in.
His hand curled into a fist at the memory of his own recklessness. He hated himself for forgetting the one thing that everyone would warn each other about as winter set in. His driving instructor had drilled it into him as a teenager and then his fellow cops would mention it over the radio when they were on patrol duty. Black Ice. Black Ice. Watch out for Black Ice. Check your tire thread before heading out. Turn your headlights on even if it’s a bit early in the day. Even if you can’t see the ice, you might see others swerve because of it. Keep your hands on the wheel and don’t steer. Don’t hit the brakes, just slow down. If you go off road, stay calm and try to move the vehicle into a clear space.
Hank was distracted that day. Nearly seven years ago. He’d had another meaningless argument with Ezra. Rather than evoking sentimentality, the last few months of the year tended to make her more disagreeable than usual. At the time he blamed the pressures of shopping and decorating and planning various family gatherings, all while taking care of a young son, but with hindsight he understood that it was the combined product of the perfectionism and nihilism she suffered from.
He’d just hung up on her, tired of the flaws she found and the added demands she heaped on him while their bank balance was running low. There was a lot going on at work as well. The Red Ice statistics kept going up in tandem with the unemployment rate and the dealers were getting bolder and bolder. Hank’s mind was a minefield. He could barely keep it together to smile and nod at whatever Cole was jabbering about in the back seat.
It was one of the rare occasions that Hank picked him up from school. He’d been so busy, either leading drug raids of national importance or running countless petty errands for Ezra. He swallowed down his adult problems and tried to remember what life was like for a six year old. Halloween was coming soon. That was still something kids were excited about. Right? So he asked, and Cole responded with enthusiasm. He wanted to dress up as a video game character that Hank hadn’t heard of, but he supposed every generation had their fads.
His eyes flicked up to the rear view mirror fondly… and that’s when the world ended. Hank only wanted to remember the pair of brilliant blue eyes. Not the sudden halt in traffic. Not the oncoming truck that lost control. Not his failure to react in time and steer away. Not the impact, the roll and tumble. Not the blacking out and waking up freezing on the side of the road. Not desperately calling emergency services and having an autonomous ambulance roll up…
Hank’s breathing constricted with the guilt that only seemed to grow stronger every year around this time. He shut his eyes tighter and gritted his teeth in an attempt to steel himself. He had to keep it together. He couldn’t lose it this evening. Not now, after all these years, when it seemed like there was someone who wouldn’t judge him for all his past sins. He counted to ten in his head… but before he could reach five… a pair of arms curled around his middle and lips pressed against his neck.
“Hey Nines.”
“Hey you.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you alone with the turkey. I was just…”
“That’s fine. I just basted and sent it back in for a little while longer.”
They stayed as they were. Hank pressed up against the window, with Nines pressed up against his back. The android was more than perceptive and Hank didn’t doubt for a second that he knew exactly what was going on… but Nines didn’t say a thing. It was his quiet commiseration and empathy that Hank loved most about him. Outsiders freely passed comments about their ‘age gap’ and Nines’ good looks, but in reality it was a deep thread of understanding that bound them together.
Nines stayed by Hank’s side while he processed several years of grief and regret over things that weren’t his fault. Hank stayed by Nines’ side while he navigated the world and tearfully repented for things he’d been designed for but had actually never done. Their relationship was full of trust and functioned as a safe place… and it was also a lot of fun… whenever they both got out of their heads.
“My love?”
“I hope you’ve got a timer running in that supercomputer brain of yours.”
“Of course I do. Why?”
“My nose is telling me the bird is done. A minute longer and we’ll be better off getting KFC for the kids at the orphanage.”
“Oh please! I assure you that the recipe is perfectly on track. I even turned down the heat to budget some extra cooking time for your seasonal brooding sessions.”
“Hey look who’s talking. You’re the one that had an existential crisis over using a knife to gut the damn turkey!”
“Don’t worry, I budgeted time for that too.”
Hank laughed lightly and leaned backwards into Nines’ embrace. The android held him even tighter and Hank once again found himself wishing bitterly that Cole was enjoying the evening with them. It would never be alright. There were some things that one could never recover from, human or android. But at least there was someone with whom he could always share the pain… the grief… and all the love still persevering…
Much love to you @rjhpandapaws <3 thanks for the ask. I hope my tropical self did a decent job describing winter in Michigan XD
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jennyboom21 · 2 years
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“Will Smith isn’t the only Hollywood star facing career backlash in the wake of a public outburst.
On March 30, Warner Bros. and DC executives held an emergency impromptu meeting to discuss Ezra Miller’s future with the studio following The Flash star’s recent arrest for disorderly conduct and harassment. According to a knowledgeable source, the consensus in the room was to hit pause on any future projects involving Miller including possible appearances in the DC Extended Universe.
The studio has more than a year before it has to make any hard decisions about a potential sequel to The Flash. Warner Bros. also has avoided making any key decisions on tentpoles ahead of Discovery taking control of WarnerMedia in a $43 billion mega-merger. WarnerMedia chief Ann Sarnoff announced on Tuesday that she is exiting the company as AT&T spins off its entertainment division to Discovery. Last month, Warner Bros. moved the Andrés Muschietti-helmed first installment The Flash — a production fraught with drama — from Nov. 4, 2022 to June 23, 2023.
One insider says Miller had “frequent meltdowns” during production last year on The Flash. While the insider stresses there was no yelling or violent outbursts, they described Miller as “losing it.” “Ezra would get a thought in [their] head and say, ‘I don’t know what I’m doing,'” the insider tells Rolling Stone.
According to the March 28 police report, Miller became agitated after patrons at a Hawaii bar began singing karaoke. Miller shouted obscenities and grabbed the microphone from a 23-year-old woman as she was singing and allegedly lunged at a 32-year-old man playing darts. The 29-year-old movie star was arrested and charged on both counts and was released on $500 bail. The incident took place at Margarita Village in Hilo, Hawaii, the day before Miller’s Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore castmates were celebrating that film’s world premiere in London.
Even more troubling, a local couple filed a temporary restraining order against Miller on March 29. The couple claimed that after Miller’s arrest, Miller burst into their bedroom and threatened them, with Miller saying to the man, “I will burry [sic] you and and your slut wife,” according to the report. The petition also alleges that Miller stole the woman’s passport and the man’s wallet, which included a social security card, driver’s license and bank cards. A judge granted a TRO the following day. The judge is expected to make a decision on whether or not to extend the restraining order by the end of the month.
The Hawaii incidents are the latest in a series of troubling events involving Miller. In April 2020, footage of the actor apparently choking a woman at an Iceland bar circulated on social media. The Justice League star was kicked out of Prikið Kaffihús bar, but no arrests were made. (Miller has never commented on the incident.) Sources say the Iceland footage gave Warner Bros. pause at the time, but Miller was not kicked off Secrets of Dumbledore like castmate Johnny Depp, who lost his libel case against a British tabloid, which had referred to the actor as a “wife beater.”
In January, Miller posted a since-deleted video on Instagram threatening a North Carolina chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. The actor told members of the chapter to kill themselves with their own guns, otherwise “we’ll do it for you if that’s what you want.”
Miller shot Fantastic Beasts and The Flash back to back for the studio in London in fall 2020 and spring 2021, respectively. Given the positive buzz on early footage of The Flash, the film was expected to catapult Miller into a rarified group of actors who can carry a major box-office hit.
But the Hawaii incidents are expected to cause PR headaches for the star and Warner Bros. In the TRO petition, the couple noted that Miller “is famous and wealthy; this makes access to weapons much easier; as well as sending associates to harass the petitioner.”
Miller is known to have a fascination with weapons. During a 2018 cover interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Miller offered to show this reporter the crossbow from the film We Need to Talk About Kevin, in which the teen actor portrayed a high school killer. “You wanna see the real bow and arrow from Kevin, man? ‘Cause I got it right back there. I really do,” Miller said at the actor’s Vermont farm. “People usually don’t want to see it when I ask them. They usually say, ‘No, I prefer to not see that bow and arrow.’ And I say, ‘OK. It’s up to you.'”
During the interview, Miller also defended gun rights. “People need to protect themselves,” the actor said. In fact, Miller, who identifies as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, said they don’t have a problem with people owning semi-automatic weapons. “Nope.” That passage initially appeared in a sidebar story on the actor but was pulled at the behest of the actor’s publicist following a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue.
Miller first burst onto the scene as a teenager in Antonio Campos’ 2008 drama Afterschool, which centered on an Internet-addicted prep-school student who captures the drug overdose of two girls on video. The actor quickly landed at the top of wish lists among the major studios and was paid low seven figures each for both Fantastic Beasts and The Flash stand-alone. But Miller‘s behavior has become increasingly erratic in recent years, putting their career in expensive tentpoles that require lengthy publicity tours in jeopardy.
A source says Miller was never expected to attend the Fantastic Beasts premiere because their publicity plans for the film were limited given that they was saving contractual promotion commitments for The Flash. Fantastic Beasts hits theaters in the U.S. on April 15.
Rolling Stone reached out to Margarita Village, Prikið Kaffihús and the couple who were granted the restraining order but did not receive a response. Reps for Miller and Warner Bros. declined comment.
As for Smith, who also is a part of the DC Extended Universe as supervillain Deadshot, Warner Bros. and DC had been developing a Smith-led stand-alone film for Deadshot but had put it on the backburner long before his Oscars assault of Chris Rock. Smith, whose price tag was $20 million for Warner Bros. King Richard, priced himself out well before his controversy. Despite Smith’s apology to Rock, studios are reevaluating the actor’s involvement in various projects around Hollywood.
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jadenjace · 4 years
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‘ kiss the sky ‘ - a quiz of jaden lapointe . ( roswell, NM task 001 )
Full Name: Jaden Jace Lapointe
Reason for name: His mother loved the name Jaden, and ‘Jace’ is similar to his father’s middle name of ‘Ace’ — it seemed the Lapointe’s were a fan of alliteration. 
Nickname(s): JJ, Jay, Bug, J-dog
Date of Birth: July 23rd , 1991
Age: 29 years 
Gender + Pronouns: Male + He/Him
Place of birth: LaFayette, Alabama
Parents: Ashton Lapointe + Hilary Lapointe (née Pollock) 
Siblings: None
Relationship with family (close? estranged?): Jaden is very close with his family. They are back in Maine, but him and his father are best friends and they call each other once a week if not more just to catch up. 
Pets: Buffy James Lapointe (pitbull), Legs Lapointe (frog). 
Height: 6’0”
Build: Broad, Athletic 
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: English, Welsh, Czech, Swedish, and Cherokee Native American. 
Distinguishing Facial Features: Inch long scar across his forehead, high cheekbones, strong eyebrows. 
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Usual Hair Style: Messy, unkempt, impossible time style so he doesn’t bother. 
Eye Color: Brown/Hazel
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birthmarks, scars): Freckles when it’s sunny, tanned skin tone, no birthmarks, scar on his forehead.  
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): Transtibial amputation of right leg, PTSD
What do they consider their best feature?: Cheekbones or his butt 
Worst they’ve ever been injured (what, how did it happen)?: Jaden was a victim of a car accident along with now wife, Ezra. The car flipped when he was trying to avoid an animal in the road and rolled down a bank alongside the highway, crushing the lower half of his right leg to the point where he needed an amputation. Following this he was in hospital for the best part of a month, and has only recently been graced with a prosthetic. 
Favorite outfit: More often than not Jaden wears an open plaid shirt with a graphic t-shirt beneath, blue or black turned-up jeans and either Doc Martens or Converse sneakers.
Glasses? Contacts?: Jaden needs glasses, although he rarely wears them. 
Personal Hygiene: It’s a struggle, but he showers every morning and shaves every few days to a week (depending on whether Ezra complains about his velcro-face or not).
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: He wears a black & rose gold wedding band as jewellery. For piercings he has a hoop in one ear, and three tattoos - a roman numeral of ‘12′ on his wrist, a skateboard on the other wrist, and the initial ‘e’ on the inside of his index finger.
What does their voice sound like?: Deep, soft and kind, a little more rugged and raspy in the mornings.
Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): Loud & clear.
Accent?: A slight Southern twinge which gets more pronounced when he’s angry, or turned on. 
Unique mannerisms/physical habits: Nail-biting
Left handed or right?: Right handed 
Do they work out/exercise?: He tries to work out as much as he can, but his disability makes returning to the gym rather difficult.
Known Languages: English, broken Tsalagi, as much Thai as his phrase-book taught him. 
Zodiac: Leo 
Gifts/talents: Basketball, surfing, skateboarding, 
Religious stance: Atheist 
Political stance: Left-wing
Pet peeves: Self-depreciation, arrogance.
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist 
Extrovert or introvert: Extrovert 
Relationship status: Married
Sexual orientation: Bisexual 
Ideal mate/qualities they look for in mate: Petite, blonde, kind, good sense of humour. 
Ever been in love?: Yes 
What’s their love language?: Cuddling, attention.
Most important person in their life?: Ezra Jean Lapointe
Level of education: High school level
Profession: Works at Forbidden Planet comic store. 
Past occupations: Delivery driver, Surf instructor, Convenience store worker, 
Dream occupation: Professional basketball player 
Passions: Sport, video games, movies.
Attitude towards current job: Apathetic
Spender or Saver? Why?: Saver, they have to be. The Lapointe’s still have huge hospital bills to pay off which leaves little wiggle room for treats. 
Which is more important – money or doing something they love?: Doing something they love. 
Phobias: Cars, clowns, isolation. 
Life goals: To follow in the footsteps of his parents and live a nomadic lifestyle with their future kids, to learn to drive again.
Greatest fears: Being in another accident, losing a loved one.
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: Jaden peed on a nurse during his extended hospital stay, a mishap with a replaced catheter.
Something they’ve never told anyone: Some of his stranger kinks.
Biggest regret: Not marrying Ezra sooner 
Compulsions: Exploration.
Police/Criminal/Legal record: Clean
Vices: Casual marijuana use.
Hobbies: Basketball, skateboarding, video games, paint-balling, movie marathons, urban exploration .
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite smell: Citrus, Ezra, rainfall, clean sheets 
Favorite food: Pizza, pasta, french fries, candy -- anything unhealthy.
Favorite book: Jaws - Peter Benchley
Favorite movie: Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Favorite song: To The World - Kanye West
Coffee or tea?: Coffee
Favorite type of weather: Sunny, warm weather. 
Most prized possession: His wedding ring.
Most used word or phrase?: Totally, super, for sure.
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greengay · 5 years
how many concerts have you been to?
hoooooo boy. well. i used to keep an ongoing list of all the shows i went to????
All Time Low, We The Kings, The Friday Night Boys, Hey Monday Philadelphia, PA - The Electric Factory - Glamour Kills Tour - 12/6/09
Never Shout Never, The Cab, Hey Monday, The Summerset - Philadelphia, PA - TLA - AP Tour - 4/23/10
Cash Cash, The Blue Pages (Now American Authors), All Night Dynamite, The All Ways - S. Hackensack, NJ - School of Rock - Robots in High-Tops - 5/8/10
Never Shout Never, The Maine - Philadelphia, PA - TLA - 11/14/10
Bring Me The Horizon, August Burns Red, Emarosa, Polar Bear Club, This Is Hell - Sayreville, NJ - Starland Ballroom - 11/26/10
Metallica, Arctic Monkeys, Modest Mouse, Cage The Elephant, Fucked Up, +, - Atlantic City, NJ - Orion Music + More Festival - 6/24/12
Soundgarden, AWOLNATION, Silvers Pickups, Capital Cities - Washington, DC - DC101 Chili Cook Off - 5/4/13
Panic! at the Disco, X Ambassadors - Silver Spring, Maryland - The Fillmore - Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! Tour - 1/28/14
Governor’s Ball (I got drunk + dehydrated so I only remember J. Cole, Tyler The Creator and Earl Sweatshirt’s sets) - 6/8/14
Radio 104.5 Summer Block Party - Left Early - 8/2/15
Marilyn Manson, Smashing Pumpkins - Camden, NJ - Susquehanna Bank Center - 8/2/15
Panic! at the Disco, The Front Bottoms, The Wombats, Joywave - Philadelphia, PA - Festival Pier - Radio 104.5 Summer Block Party - 9/13/15
Taking Back Sunday, frnkiero andthe cellabration - Philadelphia, PA - XFinity Live! - 9/19/15
All Time Low, Neck Deep, Sleeping with Sirens - Liacouras Center - Philadelphia, PA 11/21/15
All Time Low - Starland Ballroom - Sayreville, NJ - 11/22/15
The Academy Is…, Partybaby - The Fillmore - Philadelphia, PA - 12/12/15
Taking Back Sunday, frnkiero and the cellabration - Starland Ballroom - Sayreville, NJ - 12/19/15
Panic! At The Disco - Le Poisson Rouge - New York, NY - 1/14/16
The Front Bottoms - Privatclub - Berlin, Germany - 2/23/16
Panic! At The Disco - SJU - Philadelphia, PA - 4/20/16
Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, Weezer, Panic! at the Disco - BB&T Center - Camden, NJ - 8/5/16
Green Day, Dog Party - Starland Ballroom - Sayreville, NJ - 9/28/16
Taking Back Sunday, Acceptance, Gates - Starland Ballroom - Sayreville, NJ - 12/17/16
The Front Bottoms, Screaming Females, Brick + Mortar, Ezra Furman - Webster Hall - New York, NY - 12/18/16
PWR BTTM, Mal Blum & The Blums, Naked Giants - PHILAMOCA - Philadelphia, PA - 2/18/17
Against Me!, Green Day - Barclay's Center - Brooklyn, NY - 3/15/17
Frank Iero and The Patience, Dave Haus and The Mermaid - Union Transfer - Philadelphia, PA - 4/19/17
The Mowglis, The Maine - Webster Hall - The Lovely Little Lonely Tour - New York, New York - 4/27/17
Milestones, Knuckle Puck, Mayday Parade - Starland Ballroom - A Lesson In Romantics 10th Anniversary Tour - Sayreville, NJ - 5/12/17
Frankie Cosmos, Real Estate - Union Transfer - Philadelphia, PA - 5/19/17
but then I started shooting shows (mayday parade was the first show i shot) and going to them 2-3 times a week and then i got a job at a venue and got more into the DIY scene and would see like....basement shows so often, like 3 times a week in addition to shooting shows at normal venues that i lost track....but eventually i want to count up all the shows that i’ve shot and look through all the videos i’ve taken on my phone and add them to The List......because i’ve literally followed the front bottoms across europe and followed the longshot etc and that’s not even on the list lmao
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much-brighter-ink · 4 years
21, 22, 23 and 24 for the watt ask game
21: Dreamcast?
(doing this as an all-American cast but I can do a British cast if wanted) Ashley De La Rosa as Riley, Veronica Otim as Cairo, Olivia Kaufmann as Kate, Courtney Mack as Chess, Sam Pauly as Farrah, Mariah Rose Faith as Annleigh, Roman Banks as Clark, Tiffany Mann as Reese, Andrea Macasaet as Mattie, and Kalyn West as Eva! (Mallory Maedke as alt. Riley/Annleigh/Chess, Isabelle McCalla as alt. Kate/Eva/Farrah, Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert as alt. Cairo/Reese/Mattie, Ezra Menas as alt. Clark - would also lowkey like to see Sam as Riley but I need Ashley Riley in my life please and thanks)
22-23: Which Alexia/Caroline cover are you most disappointed we never got to see?
This video should speak for me!! 
24: Which Hudson cast member’s take do you most wish we got to see? 
Hmmm I just want to see the whole cast (but either Cailan!Kate, Jade!Cairo, Rachel!Annleigh or Talisa!Farrah)
ty for the ask!!
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