#I forgot how much I love this running gag haha
personinthepalace · 2 years
Ezra Banks being HANGRY for 2 mins and 54 secs straight - The Inbestigators
I am asking everyone to please check out The Inbestigators, an Australian mockumentary about a group of kid detectives who solve crimes around their school and neighborhood. You won't regret it :)
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senblades · 6 months
Sorry if this been asked before, but I was wondering what was your inspirations for writing FFTSR?
It’s reminds me a lot of marigolds by Colbub a bit, with the time travel and Goro’s Confidants and such.
hoo boy I have QUITE a few inspirations that I am very willing to share:
Marigolds, for sure! Marigolds is absolutely one of my favourite ng+ fics, so while there wasn't anything 1:1 that I grabbed for my own purposes, things like Goro's confidants were definitely influenced by Marigolds, as well as fics that take a similar approach
Daredevil, you've hit the wall by ez_cookie was one of the first fics I ever read, and I was definitely influenced by things like the Sumire characterisation in that fic- plus, I think it's safe to say that Daredevil was what informed me that SumiGoro friendship existed and that it's excellent lmao
Akechi Goro's love language by Ren_saxon, (correct me if I got the fic name wrong I didn't double check) a frankly hilarious one-shot, can really be given majority credit for the creation of fftsr, I think- the running gag of Sumire Not Knowing is pretty much what led me to the idea of "oh, Sumire in a ng+ situation would be hilarious," so I send my many thanks to the author for leading me to this conclusion haha
I'm something of a sponge when it comes to writing, so there are a lot of smaller inspirations and prose quirks that I've picked up here and there (special mention for A Tale of Two Tricksters' canon divergences in palaces- love all that so so much)
I also use a lot of fics as a 'reference point', if that makes sense? like, "oh, this is how this author writes this, this is how this author conveys this scenario", so even if I'm not getting inspired for plot points, I'm still learning plenty! (fics like Throw Away Your Mask and The Crow Cries at Midnight being examples of this- good ol' time travel and massive canon divergence shenanigins for me to think about)
FUCK I NEARLY FORGOT The Disappearance of goro akechi by Kupowonders is. Excellent. I've probably absorbed so much from that fic in terms of my writing style and how I plan plot points- just. I can and will sing this fic's praises forever
This also serves as a "Fic recommendations" list HAHA- if you haven't read anything I've mentioned, you should! They're all incredible!
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1d1195 · 27 days
I’m SO ready to read what you have in store for both Honey and the academic rivals!! I just know that it will be SO GOOD! And you’re so real for loving the jealousy aspect lol I LOVE reading about it but irl I will literally GAG and not in a good way HAHA
I’m sorry you’re not feeling too well rn :( it’s suck so much to constantly feel like that and it’s even worse when it amplified with one’s cycle! It’s hell for so many reasons! I’m so sorry you’re going through it :( I hope that you’re able to feel a bit better and have been able to do things that make you smile!!!
You’re so kind for even remembering!My midterms went pretty well actually! I did better than I expected which is crazy considering I haven’t been all there lol my weekend has also been a bit busy but I’m a nice way! Went out for a birthday thing for a friend so my social battery has been running a bit low but I enjoyed it which is fine! How was yours?! Hope you got in some rest after a busy week! You are always deserving of it!
Btw idk exactly when you start the new school year but IM WISHING YOU THE BEST OF LUCK WITH IT!! I have no doubt that your teaching abilities are just amazing and I know you’ll be able to have a great year! Remember that you’re doing your best and that is always enough, please take care of yourself!
The Jump tie back idea was NOT STUPID!! Bestie it was my fave moment in the last part! It just proved how even when they weren’t in each others lives they are so intertwined that even the universe was trying to make them come back to each other/not forgot their bond!! While this isn’t a soulmate au, THIS IS VERY SOULMATE CODED AND IDGAF IT WAS SO CUTE AND PERFECT FOR THEM!!! Such a lovely story and you never miss!!
OMG ITS ALREADY BEEN A YEAR😭😭😭OUR ANNIVERSARY 😭😭😭 WDYM ITS BEEN A YEAR?! It feels like a lot of time has passed yet at the same time it doesn’t feel that long?? Idk lol i seriously should be thanking YOU! You’re so kind to everyone on here and you create such wonderful stories that you share with us! And thank you for being so easy and fun to talk to. It doesn’t matter whether you’re telling me simple things or opening a bit of your heart, it’s always so lovely getting to talk you! You have no idea how insanely wonderful you are, thank you for being such an amazing person and pen pal! Love you lots!!!💗💗-💜
I had like two other stories outlined but I think they're going to go on the back burner from now. There's enough of an outline that they can wait really till whenever. I am excited about them though! I think Honey will be really adorable overall (even if I'm writing some pretty mean parts right now). Academic rivals I think won't be a ton of parts and I think it will kind of jump into the middle of their story, but I think that will be really grumpy/sunshine of them 🤭
It's okay, really. I guess it's "nice" I'm consistent. I can pretty much time when I'm going to feel kinda low. I think I hide it pretty well--not sure that's a good thing but it is what it is. I've got to do a lot of grocery shopping and meal prep today which I'm kinda dreading. Just want to keep writing 😭
I'm not surprised you did well! Based on how you study and worry about your classes I assume you're an amazing student. Like probably top of your class? We vibe like that and I always felt the same way. It takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice--but I'm glad you had a good weekend! Even if your social battery was drained.
My weekend was fine. Went for a few walks and just been writing my little heart out. I did get to rest. I wish I had read more this summer but that's okay. Hopefully I can use all the books I didn't read as a reminder to myself to take time during the school year to do something I like and need to do for me.
You're very sweet, I'm definitely going to try and find more balance--I did a pretty good job last year but some months get crazy. May/June is usually craziest (obvi) but that's a while from now so I'm not going to worry about it much until then.
AHHHH! That's so sweet. I'm glad it didn't come off stupid. I really felt conflicted by how lame it might have sounded. I think it helped that I never mentioned Harry knowing about it until that moment. 🤭
You're going to make me cry 😭 I'm really glad I came back to tumblr. Even if it's a little crazy now and things are different, I think about how I was feeling between 2018-2022 and how different I feel now. It is really nice to have a place where I can vent and chat even if it's a bit anonymously. I feel like you guys know me a lot better than a lot of my friends. But yeah. I love you SO MUCH! 💕 Thank you for being a part of my blog 💕
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snapdragons-sunshine · 6 months
Find the Word tag game
Oh boy, I really haven’t been active on here lately. I kinda forgot I even had Tumblr, to be honest - I’ve been preoccupied with other stuff and social media’s a struggle as a whole… anyway, @gltownsend thanks for tagging me! I love tag games!!! :) 
The words are reach, gentle (took some liberties with this one, because Lost Paradise does not seem to be a book with much comforts haha), ache and alarm. 
This last statement was punctuated by a glare in the direction of the younger Magro boy, who froze in mid-reach, one hand stretched out giddily towards a ceramic vase on a nearby windowsill. The vase looked rather like it dated from the Hellenic period, and it was lucky save indeed that Angel had managed to stop his brother from putting his grubby hands all over it. Some things were priceless, after all.
“You are Signor Magro? The gentleman who is registered for the midnight train bound for Firenze, passenger class?”
“That’s me,” Angel replied, and one should give him credit for how his expression didn’t waver or how his voice did not tremble in the delivery. “Angel Magro. This is my brother, Dante. We’re going to visit relatives in the New City, signor.”
The conductor dipped his head. “Of course you are.”
They ran until their feet ached, until their vision and perception had been so turned and twisted and scrambled by the labyrinthine streets and alleyways of Firenze that they had no choice but to stop. They had run for what seemed like millennia, spurred on in their flight by the sense of terror that clouded them. Cold and sore and shivering in sodden clothes (they had tripped and fallen in a hidden puddle sometime in the blur of motion and emotion that had been the last few moments), Angel collapsed against a way and held his own hands out in front of him, fingers spread, as if in this moment of relief he was silently amazed at the marvel that was both of them being all right - after everything they had been through. He may be tired, and freezing, and had splitting pains radiating from an ankle (he wondered briefly if he’s injured it, but then shrugged the concern off), but he felt that he had done more in the past day or so than he had ever done in his life up till then. That life had been a sheltered one, and he realized that, and for the past couple of months he had felt the gaping wound of loss whenever he let himself slip into thoughts of it. He still did, but Angel was quietly surprised (and not really, though) to realize that the wound was not smarting anymore.
Her head shot up in alarm, and she managed to say only a couple of words — “What did…”—before she found that she could no longer speak. She coughed, as if hoping to dislodge the sound from her throat, and gagged, but nothing was said. She was completely silenced.
“That’s much better,” Anne said, pointedly ignoring the gesture Sophia gave her in lieu of a comment and turning away. Sharply, and in an instant commanding she beckoned for George to move back a little, and he did so, the lantern lights dimming at the same time. The shadows loomed around them once more, tall and commanding much like Annie herself was. The latter clapped her hands, and the shadows seemed to slink away, bend back slightly and out of sight.
At the sound, as if summoned, the bony form of Fineas Milani shifted back into view, dragging something dark and heavy behind him. The strange thing that he was tugging along, slowly, looked like a shapeless lump of fur, all dark and night. Perhaps it had once been alive, been something akin to an animal, as much as it seemed more to resemble a monster. All Sophia could discern was that, whatever it was, this furry mass made a teeth-clenching clamour while being dragged across the stone floor.
Hmm… I don’t really know people here, so I’m gonna tag @kjscottwrites @tc-doherty @dyrewrites @isabellebissonrouthier and @italiangothicwriteblr because I’m, like, a bit familiar with you all and you all don’t seem like you bite (ish. I dunno, really).
Oh, yeah - your words are strange, red, fish and flower.
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obeymeluv · 3 years
Isnt devildom liquor weaker than human world liquor? Mc had beat Asmo in a drinking contest. How do you think it they'd act, completely hammered in the human world. I think harder liquor means stupider drunks.
Spoiler alert to the in-game MC’s “heritage” reveal. You know, the descendent/reincarnation thing. If you know, you know.
Below: Thoughts on Devildom liquor + the specific incident Nonnie is talking about with Asmo in game + THE ACTUAL ANSWER TO THE ASK. My bad, haha.
My thoughts on Devildom liquor at that point in the game:
The MC is not as affected because they are human/angel. Maybe the angel part fortifies MC and makes it harder for them to get drunk?
Maybe the HUMAN side of MC is what makes it harder for them to get drunk on Devildom liquor? Like...everything in the Devildom is made primarily for demons so maybe there are ingredients in there that specifically affect those with demon blood. Maybe humans don’t have the biology to be inebriated by those ingredients?
I am a little fuzzy on that point in the game but did Asmo pre-game? Like, a lot? Did we ever find out? I could see him being so emotionally distraught that his lovely MC is leaving that he just wants to be sloshed. Maybe he assumed MC beat him in a drinking contest because he forgot how much he already drank?
Maybe Solomon gave MC a heads up that Asmo was down for drinking and gave them a pre-game potion of their own to ward off the affects.
End hypothesis: Maybe Devildom liquor IS strong (for demons) but that potency just can’t translate in human bodies so the bros (Lucifer especially) don’t want MC drinking it because they’re not sure what it will do. They just ASSUME it will do to MC what it does to them.
Other thoughts: Because demons sprinkled little secrets to the humans over the course of history, gave them trinkets and magic and things, I’d like to think they gave humans the idea or process of alcohol-making but are TOTALLY not prepared for the end result. All the flavors, types, etc. 
As far as I understand it (at the point I’m at in the game), travel between the Devildom and human world was widely discouraged until Diavolo could make a program that united the three realms and improved the overall image. So basically everyone has been separated for thousands of years.
What if demons are equally bad at holding human world liquor? I could just see a drunk Asmo being like, “What is this? Sangria? This isn’t what I told them to call it.” as he’s trying to drink and (speed) walk away from Beel, who wants the fruit out of the pitcher.
I could just see them all getting TOTALLY wasted on human world stuff just because they thought “Ahh, we taught them this 5,000 years ago! Of COURSE we can handle it! We invented it!” (spoiler alert: they cannot). Like, I’d like to think their biology works against them here. They heal quicker and probably get over stomach aches and things quicker, so they probably metabolize alcohol quicker to restore bodily equilibrium so they probably get flash-drunk off of just about anything with a decent alcohol content. 
HOW THEY WOULD ACT (AKA: the real question)
The facts: 
They’re all going to be like drunk kittens, big bassy purrs and wanting to cuddle you or scent you. 
They’ll basically curl up in a pile together; you occasionally have to move body parts (so no one suffocates). 
Do a head count every now and then, give them some crackers/carbs when needed, and put water all around them like a summoning circle because when one of them wakes up, all of them will and they’ll act like big babies
Put a bucket near Lucifer and Asmo, they’re sympathy pukers.
Levi and Belphie need total sensory deprivation when they wake up. You may only breach the darkness to bring them things to settle their stomach and anything to kill the headache
Just give Beel bread and anything like Gatorade/Pedialite. He’ll help you with the others after three loaves or so.
Asmo will be especially pitiful and demand you take care of the others first. Once they’re decently able to take care of themselves he’s near teary-eyed, demanding tummy rubs and tell him he’s still pretty even though he feels awful. Please get him a sheet mask.
Mammon’s not functional enough to help with anything major but he’s standing the next day so he rubs that in everyone’s face. He’s the one shuffling around with a half-eaten sandwich, looking for any comfort item (heating pack, cold wrap for his head). He will demon screech at you if you touch any of the lights in the house.
As Mammon comes to, he demands dim lights and acts like a grumpy mom. He’s making porridge and they better shut up and eat it. Says it’s for him but there’s a suspicious amount of bowls nearby.
Satan just swears he’ll never drink again (like always). Dutifully waits for porridge. Spends most of his time letting cold water run over his head. Can’t spend too much time hunched over because he gets nauseous. Baby him a little. Find a way to let his head float in a bit of water where he can lay down and he’s as quiet as a mouse. 
Who can drink the most? (Best to worst - my opinions only)
1) Beel (body mass helps), 2) Mammon (party king), 3) Asmodeus (huuuge history with mixed drinks. Boy is READY), 4) Lucifer, 5) Satan (neck and neck with Lucifer - casual drinker only. Even wine is rare for him), 6) Leviathan, 7) Belphie (usually sleeping instead of drinking). 
We’ve seen little gags about how ‘Lucifer got drunk and unplugged the router’ so this guy’s either going to be super cuddly, a hot mess, or both
You know the people who fluff their hair, comb it back, undo a tie or some buttons and just get comfy as they drink? That’s Lucifer.
He’ll smile a bit more, laugh a bit more, and there will be some color to his cheeks
He’s not sloppy, just cozy. 
Drunk Lucifer is not overly loud but he is honest. He won’t throw himself into groups or pester all the brothers, but he’s up for some accidentally-heartwarming one-on-one
When he’s drunk he’ll lay his head on your shoulder and let you play with his hair
Will not win any drinking games. Is actually a lightweight compared to his brothers (see best > worst drinker, above).
GO BIG OR GO HOME! MAMMON’S HERE TO PLAY FOR BIG MONEY! (AKA: bragging rights that he can handle more than his brothers)
He and Asmo are quick to get the drinks flowing because they want to try shots of everything. 
He and Asmo are pretty good at matching brothers to drinks and tasting subtle notes, things like that
Show Mammon beer pong once and it’s done. He’s betting the brothers he can whoop them and is somehow able to pull off ping pong ball math to get Lucifer shit-faced real quick (might do it even faster if Belphie or Satan slip him some money)
The type to be like “Bet you I can hit that cup right there--third row, second from the left.” and can do it flawlessly. You have to give him head pats or $5, that’s the rules.
He’ll be one of the bros you have to chase around and make put his clothes back on. Boy will try to strip and strut
Will definitely hoard his favorite bottle (picked it on smell) and spend a majority of the time trying to drink it and avoid the bros. (”YOU CAN’T MAKE ME SHARE IF YOU CAN’T CATCH ME!”)
Not the best drinker. Not a frequent drinker at all.
His envy makes him drink because as he starts to go on a tangent about how ‘it’s not fair! Everyone’s having a good time!’ when he realizes it’s as easy as picking up a drink. Like...he can join in too.
Levi won’t grab himself an alcoholic drink because he’s a nervous over-thinker. Asmo or Mammon will just hand him a cup like the resident Liquor Fairy and he trusts their judgement
The first one to let his demon form out just because the liquor is a little warm in his belly and he feels like he’s flying? Also comfortable?
The excited drunk who goes on animated, slurred rants
The loud laugher
He’s honestly so adorably animated that anyone who knew him would be surprised? He seems far from a shut in
Trade off: he can’t hold his liquor well
Boy probably trips on his own tail or thinks something snagged his ankle to bring him down when, in fact, he just fell down
Sways when he sits
When he’s done, he just wants a nice comfy lap to lay in and maybe play with his hair. 
Like Lucifer, liquor will make him confess all his feelings. 
Watch out for the tail. It will be all over you when he starts to lose the ability to wrap it around himself.
It’s a toss-up as to whether he gets drunk before Lucifer or vice versa. I’d like to think his tolerance is slightly higher since he might run in the same circles as Asmo, but he is a part of Lucifer so I’m sure it balances out
He’s a drink snob and this is what hurts him the most. He goes to fancy tastings and random things he’s invited to, but this is a drop in the bucket
He’s never gone hardcore before because he’s afraid he’ll be prone to anger
He’s not. He’s actually a lot like Levi. He just wants to smile and laugh and have fun.
The one who knows a lot of random/interesting stuff and has unexpectedly awesome party tricks
He and Asmo act as instigators and somehow con everyone else into getting drunk. It’s mostly because he wants blackmail material, but he enjoys the mind games
He’s the one you’re going to have to carry BUT he’s super chill when he’s having a good time. You want him to wear a lampshade? Okay, but only if you call him Enlightened One (get it?)
Makes bad jokes. Lucifer definitely laughs
The one that randomly dances with someone at the party. But it’s a fancy dance or slow dance, not something crazy
Will try to prove he’s not as drunk as he is by reading or reciting something and just breaks down into snorts and giggles
Cat Mode: Activated. He wants to be all over you. Hug him and play with his hair, please.
Asmo isn’t really different from his usual self.
He’s a little social butterfly, making his rounds and checking on people
He’s the silent, sneaky drunk. No one notices he’s drunk until his face starts getting red and his eyes get glassy
The quiet cuddler. Just progressively gets closer to you until he’s resting his head on your shoulder, hugging you from the side and asking you to give him his drink.
Would be the happiest person on the planet if you literally just held his drink up to his lips and let him drink it when he wanted to. You just love him so much?! You’re so thoughtful?! He wants to cry
Guilty party #2 for ‘chase him around and make him put his clothes back on’
Next in line for ‘Liquor makes me tell the truth and my darkest secrets’.
Will try any activity at the party and will dance at least once with everybody
If he gets in a fight, that’s because someone doesn’t respect what he put on the party playlist. He knows good music, okay?!
Has a personal goal to steal one drink from everyone, drink it before they realize, and hand them back the empty cup as he slips away. Something about it just amuses him.
Wants to leave lipstick/lip gloss kisses on people. Thinks they’re the cutest accessory!
The one who loses something at the party and makes everyone look for it the next day
The one who’s passed out in a random spot and no one has the heart to move them but everyone checks on them to make sure they’re safe. When everyone’s turned in for the night, he is safely moved like the precious baby he is.
The one who takes the longest to get drunk. You don’t know if it’s because of his build or how much he ate to offset the alcohol
Unofficial baby sitter of the group. Pays special attention to everyone but Belphie, Asmo, and Levi in particular.
Not super loud. Just vibes and enjoys time with his family.
He’ll participate in the party activities because he does have that competitive streak but he’s not as invested in it as Mammon. If he wins at least once he’s proved his point and is on to something else
Surprsingly, #3 to ‘you might have to chase him and make him put his clothes on’. Drunk Beel is convinced he’ll get over the alcohol faster with less clothes because of temperature regulation and something that doesn’t really make sense because he’s slurring
Will drink more if Belphie is nearby or if he can hold onto Belphie. Taking care of Belphie and knowing he’s okay (in a tactile way) makes him a little more carefree. 
Doesn’t really confess like the other bros but he’s the one no one can really hear talking because his purr takes over everything. His purrs are so loud and deep! Big boy is truly happy
Drunk Beel is affectionate as ever and this is where you learn that demons can express affection by licking people. Most of the bros end up with a Simba-style mohawk. It’s just one lick but Beel’s got a long tongue and it fucks with hair real good.
Will jump in for a song or two if karaoke is a thing at the party. A really good singer but wouldn’t do it unless he had a decent amount of alcohol in him.
He’s the type to trip over stuff trying to help clean up. If he falls down he says he’s just ‘taking a break’ and will ‘help in a minute’. Might not get up again.
Once Beel lays down, Belphie, Satan, and Levi drunk crawl/stumble/slither over to him for warmth. This is how the cuddle pile starts.
When he lays down, if you get anywhere near him, he’s begging you to lay down with him. Wants to whisper little compliments and lovely things. A big sap. Handsy but will definitely know when to lay off and will listen if you get uncomfortable. 
Honestly, doesn’t really drink. He’s more interested in the nap.
His biggest motivation is to get the others drunk so everyone’s quiet and he can sleep. Definitely wants Lucifer blackmail.
He’ll have a few things but he prefers a lot of something mild versus a mix or a few shots of something super potent
Will try the funnel drink challenge.
The third enticer. He wants to work everyone up (Lucifer especially) and get the booze going.
Borrows off of Beel’s body mass and ability to handle alcohol here and there, but it all catches up with him eventually
The type to have really diluted drinks because he’s already sleepy by nature and doesn’t want to faceplant with a shot glass.
Will slow dance with Asmo. When Asmo starts to struggle with his weight as Belphie gets cozy and sleepy, Beel steps in and you just see the twins purring and warbling to each other as Beel just scoops him up and lets him sit on his hip like a toddler.
Another one who wants to slither into your lap and take all your attention.
The type to do random shit like boop your nose and giggle about it.
The one who doesn’t want anyone else to touch you. If he’s laying on you then the others need to leave you alone. It’s not hard to understand!
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jaehyunnie77 · 4 years
Tumblr media
summary: All the sexual tension leads up to one house party with none other than your best friend Jaehyun.
pairing: jaehyun x f. reader (featuring johnny and mark)
genre: college au; f2l!, smut, humor, fluff
warnings: alcohol, daddy kink, fingering, dirty talk, oral recieving (both), overstimulation, unprotected sex (wrap it up kids)
word count: 3.5k
taglist: @jaehyunfirstlove thank you for encouraging me <3
a/n: I wrote this for fun one night haha I tried my best since this is my first time writing a smut and fic. I hope you enjoy this as much as I had writing it <3
“Hurry up y/n! By the time we get there all the booze will be gone and I won’t get to see Johnny!” your best friend yelled from the living room. “You always see Johnny” you yelled back from the bathroom. “Not the point! I’m trying to get some dick!” You could only roll your eyes and chuckle. “Give me a second. I’m almost done!” If you were being honest, you didn’t want to go to the house party your friends Mark and Johnny were throwing. 
The two guys and your best friend have all been pointing out reasons to go out, especially after your break up with your ex boyfriend. “Y/n, you need to have some fun and live a little. You can’t stay cooped up in your room or in the library forever. That’ll just make you more weirder.” Mark said one afternoon. “Yeah, and you have nice clothes y/n! They need to see light!” your best friend chimed in. You knew there was no point in trying to argue your point, so here you are, on a Saturday night, getting dressed in what feels like forever, to go to a house party. 
You leaned over the sink to put on your lipgloss and do a glance over of your makeup and looked at yourself in the mirror. After weeks of wearing nothing but baggy shirts, sweats, and no effort in doing hair and makeup, you hardly recognize yourself. In replacement, you are wearing tight black jeans that hugs your waist and a red crop top along with black heels. You definetly didn’t recognize yourself. As you made sure everything was to your liking, you headed outside to the living room where your best friend stood. 
“About damn -” she gasped and you instantly felt panicked rushing through your body. 
“What? Is it too much? You know what I’m just going to change.” you said already turning back. 
“No! You look hot as fuck! If I wasn’t chasing after Johnny’s dick, I would be making moves on you.” you both laughed. 
“It’s not too much though? I haven’t gone out since -”
“No, here is what we are not going to do. We are not going to talk about that sore loser of an ex of yours tonight, tomorrow, or any other night because tonight you are going to find someone and get laid!” You couldn’t help but groan out loud. “Trust me y/n. You deserve a night out to have fun and just be you again. You look beautiful.” She gave you a cheeky smile. Before you could say anything, she was pushing you through the door. 
By the time you arrived 10 minutes later to the party, you were honestly speechless. Sure you’ve been to other parties before the boys threw, but nothing compared to tonight. What was supposed to be the front lawn was full of people and even the balcony was people. It looked like the entire school was here partying. Once you found the front door, more people crowded the entire house with bodies against one another, red cups and bottle of beers on every surface, and smoke in the air. Without wasting any time, you both walked toward the kitchen to get yourselves situated. 
As you were about to grab a drink, you were greeted with hugs and yells from Johnny, Mark, Yuta, and your best friend Jaehyun. “About damn time you two got here! We were wondering who kidnapped your sexy asses.” Johnny said, already tipsy. He gave you a one sided hug as his eyes roamed all over your best friend. 
“Oh yeah, what would you have done if my sexy ass was kidnapped?” your best friend flirted back. You couldn’t help but fake vomit as you see your two closest friends flirting in front of you. 
“If you guys are going to flirt and fuck, please don’t do it around me.” you fake  gagged making everyone laugh.
You were then handed a shot glass and when you looked at the owner of the hand, you find yourself smiling widely at Jaehyun as his arm wrapped around your waist giving you a one sided hug. He gives you his infamous smile and dimples as he pulls you close and whispers in your ear, “You look beautiful.” At this point you forget how to breathe because the smell of his cologne and the way he makes you feel becomes all suffocating. 
You and Jaehyun first met in your first year of college in one of your shared classes. At first it was small talk, asking questions if either of you written down notes from the last class, to studying together at the library to coffee runs and making movie nights at one another dorms. Within a short span of time, you two were inseperable and becoming the best of friends.
Sure you have found him extremely attractive, but you knew better than to let your emotions get the best of you. Plus, you were dating your ex, while he had flings here and there. You knew there was never a chance for you both to be more than friends. Or so you thought. 
With your last relationship, Jaehyun had helped you through your break up and made sure to keep you occupied. He did a good job if you’re being honest because after two weeks, you forgot all about your ex. 
One night after a heavy studying session in your room, things got interesting. You don’t know how it happened or who made the first move, but next thing you knew, you are kissing your best friend! The kiss was hot and needy and it made you feel all the tingles everywhere in your body. No one broke away and the more you two made out, the more you craved for him. You found yourself straddling him and begun to grind your hips down on him. You could feel his bulge grow, earning a tiny moan from him. He gripped your waist and started to move you faster against him. Just then there was a loud knock on your door. “Delivery.” You both sigh as you get off of him. 
You come back with the food and didn’t know how to look at him. “Um, I, that...” you stuttered, embarassed at what just happened. He looks at your flustered state and starts to chuckle. You look at him wide eyes as you let out a laugh.
“It’s okay. Glad we got that out of the way.” he said.
You scoffed and threw the nearst pillow at him, not bothering to dissect his words. His laughter booms throughout the room. He calms down and looks at you seriously. “Honestly though, it’s okay y/n. I know I’m hot.” he laughs again. 
“Jaehyun! Oh my god. Shut up!” you cried back as you start to lightly hit him anywhere on his body you could hit. 
As much as you wanted him to make you feel good and fuck you dumb, you weren’t ready to risk your friendship just yet. From that day on, you two never talk about it nor made any other moves to steal kisses or have sex. That didn’t mean you two stopped flirting with one another or the sexual tension in the air. 
With two or four, maybe six, shots downed and however many refills you had, you had lost count, you were having fun. You and Mark played beer pong and won against Yuta and Jaehyun, to which Jaehyun wasn’t that pleased. When he looked over at the table in disbelief, he couldn’t help but soften his emotions when he saw you smiling and laughing. He thought to himself that he would let this go just this once. 
After your victory, you roamed around to the living room and began dancing with a couple of people you’ve seen in classes. Your best friend was nowhere in sight, most likely upstairs with Johnny. Feeling loose and happy, your eyes stopped at the man across the room whose eyes were all on you. 
From where Jaehyun stood, he could see how much fun you were having. He loved the way your body moved to the music and how all he wanted to do was take off those jeans that clunged to your body. He was leaning against the wall and couldn’t stop himself from having thoughts of what he could do to you if you were his. There was no denying that when you two were left alone, there was always an electrufying electricity throughout the room. He wanted more and he was ready to take that risk. He craved you. 
You began walking towards Jaehyun, eyes never leaving one another. His eyes were dark and full of lust and made your whole body shiver. As if the universe was on your side, ‘Pussy Fairy’ started to play. You gave him a smirk as you turned around and started to dance on him. He puts his whole chest behind you, his head finding its way to your neck, and match your movements. You were thankful the room was dark to hide your flustered face as his breath brushed against your skin. 
He kisses your neck ever so softly, letting out a moan only for him to hear. You felt high on ectasy. He put his index finger under chin making you turn your head to him as he kissed your lips. What started off as soft and teasing turned into hunger as your tongues collided exploring ones mouth. Oh how you missed his lips. You pulled away smiling at him as he studied your face, understanding what you wanted. He put his drink down as he took your hand and guided you upstairs to a nearby empty bedroom. 
He closed and locked the door quickly and pushed you against the nearest wall kissing you. You grunt as you felt the sudden impact on your back. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this moment.” he said in between kisses. Your tongues were fighting for dominance, but you knew better. You sucked on his tonuge earning a moan out of him. Satisfy with yourself, you bit lightly on his buttom lip. 
He undid your jeans sliding them down and helping you out of it along with your panties. He kissed you up until he was back to your lips. Your arms around his broad shoulders and hands in his hair. He put his thigh between your legs as you mindlessly bucked into him. You could feel him smirking. 
“You’re so fucking sexy. Will you let me be yours tonight?” he asked looking into your eyes. 
“Ruin me ... daddy” you quietly say. 
“Say that again.”
“Ruin me da-” before you could finish your words, he inserted a finger into you. A loud gasp leaving your mouth as your eyes rolled back.
“You’re so wet baby girl. Daddy is going to ruin you tonight.” he inserted another finger, stretching you out completely as you moaned loudly. God his fingers felt magical inside you. He kissed and bit your neck as his other hand started to caress your boob. “So fucking perfect.”
“Jae, I’m going to cum.” 
“Cum on my fingers baby.” 
Without being told twice, you felt your release flowing through you. He helped you ride out your high, fingers never stopping from pumping into you. He kiss your lips and withdraws his fingers and place it into his mouth. “Mmm. You taste so good.” He takes off your top and bra and walks you back to the bed. You helped him discard his shirt and jeans, leaving him only in his boxers. 
He settles in between your legs as he starts to nibble, flick, suck, and massage both your breasts. You were so turned on by his touches and mouth, you almost cum on the spot. “Please don’t stop daddy” you say breathlessly. 
“Does my baby girl love when daddy’s mouth is on you like this?” he lightly bites your erected nipple. All you could do is nod, words completely leaving your mind. “Words baby.”
“Yes daddy. Please don’t stop doing that.” you bucked your hips towards him. 
“Not yet princess, I’m not done yet. Now be a good girl for me and don’t cum until I say so.” he leaves trail kisses down your stomach to your thighs and to your slit. He circles his tonuge on your clit making you arch your back. “f-fuck” you say. 
“Is all of this for me?” he teases you. With every lick, every squeeze he gives your breats, you felt yourself losing your mind. As he sucks on your clit, he inserts his fingers and pumps into you. 
The feeling is so overwhelming you were close. “J-Jae, I’m so close. Please.”  you begged him. That just made him more determine to make you cum for the second time. He looked up at you between your legs and see your o face and that in itself was the perfect image for him. He loved that he was the one making you feel good and calling out his name. Your hands gripping his hair a little too harshly, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was making you feel good. 
He could feel your body begin to tremble as he put his arm over your stomach to keep you in place and the other over your thighs to keep them open. Without warning, you are cumming for the second time. You felt hazy and on cloud nine, his tongue making you oversensitive. 
He lets go of your clit with a pop. “Did daddy say you could cum? his deep voice sends a shiver down your spine. He gets up to take off his boxer and his hard cock springs up. You couldn’t wait any longer as you got on your knees bending foward and taking his cock in your hands. You looked up at him with innocent eyes as you gave his cock a stroke and kisses along the side and finally the tip. He hisses at the sight of you as you put him in your mouth. You bobbed you’re head up and down before he put puts his hands through your hair keeping you in place. You take him in deeper until he was hitting the back of your throat.
“Oh fuck y/n. Just like that. You’re a bad girl, but daddy loves your mouth so fucking much.” 
You pulled him out of your mouth with a pop to get air. Saliva and precum dripping from your mouth. You giggled and take his cock into your mouth again as he thrust into your mouth. You tried your best not to gag, but the sounds you were making made him thrust harder. “Fuck you’re going to make me cum!”
He pulled you back and gently pushed you back onto the bed. Before you could adjust yourself, he lined up his cock at your entrance and thrusted into you knocking out the wind in you. “You’re so big!” your head rolls back onto the pillow as you could feel every inch of him inside you as he bottoms out. He stills for a second to let you adjust to him. “You’re so tight baby.” You grabbed his face down to yours and kiss him. 
“Ruin me Jaehyun.” you say breathlessly.
He pulls out leaving only the top in as he starts to pound into you. With every thrust felt like heaven. The bed starts to hit against the wall at his rapid pace as everything around you turned into nothingness except for him, the slapping of skin on skin, both of your heavy breathing, panting, and moaning. 
The sight of you underneath him was enough for him to hold out on his orgasm. Jaehyun wanted to show you just how badly he wanted you. Your tits bounce perfectly as he pounds into you. The moans coming out of your mouth, his name rolling easily off your tonuge. He leans foward, his forehead against yours, as he perfectly hits your g-spot. “ohmygod, fuck right there, daddy don’t stop. please don’t stop!” you pleaded as you clenched your walls around him coming undone, stars blurring your vision. 
You could tell Jaehyun was nowhere near his orgasm as he slows his movements down. “You’re so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?” he kisses your lips softly and moves again Everything was too much for you, but you loved the feeling of his cock in you. 
“Jae please, I don’t think I can take it anymore.” you stated as you have tears in your eyes. 
“You’re doing so well baby. Oh so good for daddy. Can you hold on for one more? Just one more princess.” You nodded your head the best you could as he flipped you over onto all fours. You tried your best to hold yourself up, but as always without warning, Jaehyun rams into you, making the new position feel bliss. You collpased into the bed as you muffled your screams and moans into the pillow. He grabbed your hair, pulling you up to his bare chest. 
“You like this don’t you princess. No one has ever made you feel this good huh?” your brain turned into puddle as you try to look for words. You feel your legs begin to tremble as his thrust start to become uneven. 
“Yes daddy I love your cock stretching me out.” 
“I can’t believe we never fucked until now.” he says in between breaths before reaching down to rub your clit. “Cum with me baby.”
With one final thrust he releases into you filling you up as you reached your fourth orgasm of the night. 
He kisses between your shoulder blades before collapsing next to you. You two lay there for a moment catching your breaths. 
You were the first to break the silence, “That was amazing.” You turned to face him as you see sweat glistening over his body and his hair sticking to his forehead. How could he look so damn attractice after sex. You no longer felt intoxicated from alochol, but intoxicated from Jaehyun instead. You two look at each other before he pulls you to him and cups your face. He presses his soft plump lips onto yours. From what was hunger a minute ago, was replaced with gentleness and love. 
After your last relationship, you didn’t know if you would ever fall in love again, but in the last couple of months, you realized you fell in love with your best friend without meaning to. Or maybe you had always loved him since the first day you two talked. Unbeknownist to you, he was already in love with you from the moment he laid his eyes on you. 
“I love you.” he quietly says as he strokes your hair mindlessly. You look at your interwined hands as a smile crept up on your face. You looked up at him, “I love you too Jung Jaehyun.” He looks at you with loving eyes as you give him another kiss and falling asleep in his arms. 
It was 7 in the morning as you had a throbbing headache. The memories of last night still lingered in the air as Jaehyun’s arms are wrapped tightly around you. You felt safe with him and you wondered how did you ever get so lucky to have him in your life. 
There was a loud banging on the door and you remembered that you both fallen asleep at Mark and Johnny’s house. “Hey! Get up! Come and help clean up this house!” Mark yells. 
Jaehyun groaned at the loud banging and held you tighter. You couldn’t help but laugh. “Good morning cutie” you say as you give him a morning kiss. His eyes flutter open as a smile crept on his face. “Good morning beautiful.” He snuggles his nose against the crook of your neck. You try to get up to get dress when Jaehyun grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him.
“Jae we have to go. I’m pretty sure the person who lives in this room wants his room back.” 
“Eh Mark can wait. It’s not like he can make do the dishes when I do them every night.” 
“Huh?” you look at him confused. 
He realizes your confusion and chuckles. “The guys asked me to move in with them a couple of months ago. I thought I told you or at least one of them did.” 
You gave him a are you serious right now look and pout. You smacked his chest lightly, “No they did not and neither did you!” 
He laughs wholeheartedly and pretends to be hurt. 
“I’m sorry princess.” He gives you a kiss to the lips. “I was so lost in being in love with you, I forgot to mention it. What can I do to make it up to you?” he kisses your forehead, cheeks, nose, jaw, and finally your lips. He lingers there for a second before a smirk is plastered on his face. “Want to go for round two?” he wiggles his eyebrows and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Jae I love you, but I’m sore.”
“I’ll be gentle I promise.”
Without waiting for a response, he climbs on top of you.
Far in the distance, Mark is heard pounding on another door asking for help to clean the house. 
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crazyfreckledginger · 3 years
Jason Todd x Reader - “In The Pale Moonlight”
After a one night stand, Jason doesn’t seem to be able to get his mind off you. Desperate to get you out of his head, he hesitantly agrees to go to Wayne Enterprise with his brothers for work, as a response to scrutiny from the general public. What happens when the person he was trying to erase from his memory pops right back into his life?
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Requested by anon and on Wattpad: “Can I request one where reader and one of the boys are dating but they act like they still trying to get each other so they flirt a lot and stuff even if everyone knows they’re together”/ 
“And other one where the reader is feeling herself and singing “Meet me in the pale moonlight” by Lana Del Rey in front of one of batboys and they’re like wow she cute and kiss the readeeeeeer (they’re dating and they’re teenagers)THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU 💕” /
“haha well I have another which was that the reader is harley and Bruce's kid and she meets  batboys but jason since she knew before she left  for the first time since she was away for wayne industries business meetings”
A/N: I hope you guys don’t mind that I tweaked it a little since these requests don’t have alot of depth individually!
“I’m just here for a drink.” the girl smiled politely even though she was extremely uncomfortable. 
“I am too, can I have it with you?”
“Oh for crying out loud leave her alone, don’t be such a creep.” The man at the end of the counter groaned.
“Mind your business.” the creep gritted his teeth.
“Your disgusting aura is polluting my drink so it makes it my business.” (Y/N) watched as he stood up and walked towards the pair. Now that he was closer, the woman could see how attractive he was up close, stunning eyes, sharp jaw, tall and a streak of dyed white hair, “Fuck off will you?” 
“Who do you think you are?” 
“Sorry, I forgot a world, fuck off please.” The stranger shot the man a terrifying glare and without another word, the man studded away, like a dog with its tail between his legs. 
“Thank you mister, but if he laid a hand on me I would have sucker punched him.” 
“Mister huh?” he smirked, sitting beside her. 
“Well what’s your name then?” 
“Jason, pleasure to meet you.” 
“This is your place?” she hummed, fingers running through his soft hair as his lips trailed down her neck, pulling her legs around his hips.
“Mmh hmm,” 
“You rich or something?” the woman breathed out as he sucked on her skin. 
“Something like that,” he murmured, pulling away to tease her lips with his. Jason stared deeply into her eyes.
“What are you waiting for, lover boy? You brought me here.” (Y/N)’s arms hung loosely on his shoulders, occasionally touching the back of his head.
“Yes ma’am,” he smirked, hooking his hands under her legs and carrying her to his bedroom.
Glancing at her side to the soft breathing of the naked man beside her, she shuffled, stretching and yawning. What a night, she tried moving her legs but winced, what a night indeed. 
“Good morning princess,” his morning voice was incredibly attractive as his arm slid around her waist, pulling her flush against him.
“Mmh, good morning,” the woman squirmed in his grip as he nipped at her ear teasingly with his teeth, “what time is it?”
“You have someplace to be?” he murmured, hand caressing her naked hip.
“Yeah, I have work.”
“On a Saturday?” 
“Self employed.” 
A month or so later, Jason was frustratedly sitting in the meeting room, chewing on his lip in boredom as Bruce brought all of them to a meeting at Wayne Enterprise for less scrutiny from the public eye. 
“The person we will be working on for the new design is going to arrive soon so I need you all on your best behaviour.” He glared at all the boys. 
“Yeah yeah, can we just get on with it so I can leave?” The second oldest rolled his eyes. 
“Mr Wayne?” as if on queue, the person knocked on the one-way privacy film that covered every window of the room, the blurred figure waiting patiently on the other side. 
With a last scolding glance to everyone, Bruce strutted over, opening the door and smiling.
“Good morning Mr Wayne.” the woman greeted with a polite smile.
Jason’s eyes widened, and stayed that way even when he made eye contact with the girl. She responded with the same reaction, but quickly regained her composure and greeted the other boys. 
“Oh hey (Y/N),” Dick waved to his roommate, “you look great.” He flirted.
“...Um hey,” she greeted hesitantly, feeling a little uncomfortable with his usual ways in the professional setting.
“Shall we get down to business.” Bruce glared at his eldest son.
“You don’t have to act so grumpy.” Jason rolled his eyes as they finally arrived at their hotel in Europe after an excruciatingly long flight. 
“I’m tired, I need sleep.” Not wanting to address the elephant in the room, especially when she was this exhausted, she scurried to the bathroom to slip into comfortable pyjamas and landed right into bed, “I’m having this conversation tomorrow, good night.” 
The next day came quickly and (Y/N) opened her eyes reluctantly, wanting to melt in the comfortable double bed she was in. Discreetly, she peeked at the double bed facing her diagonally. 
The woman frowned, it was empty.
“I’m right here.” the man voiced from behind her as he exited the bathroom.
“Jason!” she screeched, “what the hell! Don’t creep up on people!” 
“Well don’t try to spy on people when they are sleeping!” he threw his damp towel to her.
“Ewwwww!” she grimaced.
“Chill, I was drying my hair with that.” he walked towards his bed, and she only now noticed that he was naked -- with a towel around his waist obviously. Steam was emitting from his skin as it glistened still.
With warm ears, she pulled the covers over her face, eyes peeking out discreetly.
“We’ve seen each other completely naked, I don’t see what the problem is, if you’re going to look, be shameless,” he moved his butt from left to right teasingly, “you can see this regularly if you want,” he chuckled.
With a sigh, she buried herself under the covers. 
“I haven’t changed my mind Jason, I’m sorry, I’m not interested in commitment at the moment.” 
She felt a weight on the bed and hesitantly took a peep out. Jason was laying on her bed, shirtless but with some underwear on.
“At least give me the benefit of the doubt for this trip.” he gave her the puppy eyes. Eying him suspiciously, she sighed.
“Alright, fine, don’t disappoint.”
A few months or so later into the relationship with Jason and gotten closer to his younger brothers, (Y/N) slipped on a comfortable T-shirt, watching herself in the mirror as she tidied her hair a bit and examined the hickey on her neck.
Swaying lightly from side to side to the song that was stuck in her head, she hummed softly to herself, setting out her clothes for the day.
“You don't have to give me anything
Just put your sweet kiss kiss on my lips now baby”
Walking back to the mirror, deciding on whether or not jewelry was necessary, the woman continued.
“Think about you almost all the time, all the time and-”
 “I love you so much baby,” he breathed out from the other side of the room. 
“Hmm?” she glanced in the mirror. 
“Keep singing~” 
“No,” she stuck her tongue out playfully, “are you ready?”
“Do we have to go?” Jason whined, marching up to her, slapping her ass and squeezing it before hugging her from behind, nuzzling her hair, his warm skin against her.
“Baby of course we do, we have to hide the fact that we’re together, plus they are fun, we’re all friends here.” she rubbed her butt against his hips and he bit her ear. 
“No teasing,” he whispered in her ear, turning her around and pushing her against the dresser, “or else.” 
“Or else?” the woman chuckled, “but seriously though,” her hands cupped his cheeks as he stared at her lips, “we can’t act like a couple, it’s unprofessional,” 
“Technically I don’t work at the company,” 
“And the person I’m working with is your dad.”
“Adoptive, you have nothing to worry about.”
“Just a coffee, maybe a lunch, and then we can come straight home.” 
“Mmh, okay,” he pouted, holding her tightly as she kissed his lips and pulled away. “You sing beautifully, please do it more for me.” he pouted. She chuckled, shaking her head slightly in embarrassment.
“Put a shirt on and let’s get ready, I don’t want to be late!” (Y/N) ushered, “and the sooner you’re out of here, the less anxious I’ll be that your brother unexpectedly enters his own home and sees you in it.”
When they were ready, at a somewhat reasonable time, they drove there as quickly and responsibly as possible.
“Why is your hand still on my thigh?!” (Y/N) jumped once she realised he had discreetly snaked his hand back on her thigh when he was parking the car on the side of the road, in a surprising proximity. Slapping his hand away and giving him a look, the woman slipped out of the car and walked up the stairs, ringing on the bell.
Jason scurried up beside her, slapping her butt playfully before pushing the door open. 
“Hey guys!” she grinned, not having the time to scold her boyfriend once again as she was greeted with welcoming smiles. 
“How have you been?” Dick teased, having seen her just yesterday.
After playful banter, and not-so-playful for the brothers, over a nice hot drink, a new topic came up.
“How was the party yesterday (Y/N)?” Jason inquired, knowing fully well about it but trying to seem inconspicuous, “I hope no one stole your heart, that’s for me!” … or not.
She paused, giving him an unimpressed look, reluctant to answer “It was great, and no.” 
“No what?” he smirked. Her cheeks burned, she did not like being put on the spot to lie, especially since this was incredibly unnecessary.
“No one did anything.” 
“To who-”
“This is embarrassing, we know you two are a couple,” Damian nearly gagged. 
“Huh?” (Y/N) turned to him, feeling her soul leave her body.
“How do you know?” Jason looked at him.
“It’s been a while.” Dick chuckled.
“We been knew 💅,” Tim rolled his eyes.
“Someone left someone’s underwear in an awkwardly obvious place when I came around… and you slapped her butt before you came in here, everyone saw it.” Dick explained, watching his brother.
“I didn’t- wait, how do you know that it’s her underwear???”
The eldest’s expression fell and he blushed. 
“I might have um-” 
“He accidentally came in when I was packing my bag to leave for the business meeting in France okay?” the woman spluttered. 
“You did WHAT?”
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ssamie · 3 years
six. she likes someone else, idiot.
oikawa tooru x fem langa!reader
(hq x sk8 the infinity)
warnings: spelling mistakes, swearing, 2k+ words, u have langa’s blue hair sorry 
gen masterlist.            “snow” masterlist.
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"as promised, here we are" oikawa greeted her as she opened the door to reveal him and iwaizumi. "good morning " she greeted them with a bubbly smile "hey" iwaizumi nodded at her. 
"oh, you're not skating today, y/n-chan?" oikawa hummed "well, i don't want to accidentally leave you behind again" she said as she closed the door behind her. oikawa sweat dropped and nodded along "how thoughtful" he chuckled 
"here's your coffee, oikawa-san" she had a determined look on her face as she hands him the beverage in a disposable cup
"oh... yes.. my coffee" oikawa deeply inhaled a breath of air and took it from her. "thank you, y/n-chan. i didnt think you were serious about it, though" oikawa laughed as he took a sip of the coffee 
"oh, well i thought you'd be bummed if i forgot a promise" she said 
as soon as she looked away, oikawa gagged and shuddered, making iwaizumi sweat drop and look at him in concern. "dude what the hell?" iwaizumi deadpanned 
as y/n looked back at them, oikawa's dread filled expression quickly changed into one of delight as he happily chugged down the drink 
"haha, i was just amazed at this coffee!" oikawa exclaimed with a grin "and y/n-chan made it so its extra special!" 
"oh, that's great!" y/n cheered as oikawa gave her a thumbs up paired with a wink "im glad you like it" 
"yup! looking forward to the next one tomorrow" oikawa chuckled 
iwaizumi watched the whole thing go down with a look of bewilderment. he was just about done with these two and their shenanigans. "dude.." iwaizumi muttered as he watched oikawa gulp the whole thing down "why're you doing this.."
oikawa turned to him with a grin and clocked his head to the side "what do you mean, iwa-chan?" he asked "i told you, y/n-chan made it so its extra special!" oikawa said with a laugh as he threw the cup away at a random trash can
iwaizumi's eyes widened as he watched his friend jog over to the girl and happily start up a conversation 
"jesus christ.." iwaizumi sighed "i don't know if him being like this is a good thing or not.." 
now, its no secret that y/n was attractive. her features were head turning. and her eyes alone could bring a grown man to their knees. she was quite captivating, to say the least. 
so it shouldn't come as a surprise if boys and girls start flocking around her for the same purpose. 
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to have her as their girlfriend. what else? 
"hey, hasegawa-chan" a boy greeted her as she exited the classroom. "oh. hello.." she replied with a hint of confusion 
"are you free today? if you want, i would love to treat you to some snacks after school" the boy said with a nervous chuckle. "oh, thank you but.. i have club duties after school." she said "maybe some other time" 
she then walked away from the boy, absolutely clueless to the fact the she was just asked out on a date. 
from inside the room, oikawa watched the whole thing go down with a look of distaste. "hey, hey, iwa-chan!" he slapped iwaizumi's arm. "that boy just flirted with y/n-chan, look!" 
iwaizumi spared him a glance before looking back down at his comic. "i know, shittykawa." he sighed "its no big deal anyways. she declined, didn't she?" he said 
"it doesn't matter! people are trying to steal her before i could even exit the friend zone!" oikawa exclaimed "actually, im not sure if im even in the friend zone yet!" he pulled at his hair in distress 
"i told her we'd be best friends in the future but that means we're not right now, right?!" 
"you're thinking too much, shittykawa" iwaizumi sighed as he pushed him off his desk, since he was hitting his head repeatedly against the wood 
"im gonna follow her and shoo the boys away" oikawa perked up with a determined look on his face. "dont do that" iwaizumi grunted in annoyance. "and you look stupid. your forehead has a red spot now, dumbass" 
"actually, what if i ask her out before they do?" oikawa hummed thoughtfully to himself. 
"you did that already. didn't she say she has the 'boyfriend spot' reserved for someone?" iwaizumi raised a brow 
"whatever im gonna follow her" oikawa waved him off. "dont do that-- and he's gone." iwaizumi merely sighed as he watched oikawa rush out of the door 
"now.. who is that ugly guy?" oikawa muttered to himself as he watched a boy flusteredly hand y/n a letter 
"h-hasegawa-san..this is for you!" the boy exclaimed as he handed her the letter without making any eye contact. "oh.. its a letter" she muttered as she went to open it 
"no! uh- read it later when you're alone.." the boy stammered out "it's a bit embarrassing for me" he said. "oh, okay then" y/n simply nodded and put it in her pocket. "goodbye" she said as she walked away 
"right! bye, hasegawa-san!" the boy nervously waved 
oikawa sweat dropped as the boy looked at her with a lovesick grin even though she just straight up ignored him and walked off. well it's not like he has room to say anything. he's the exact same, if not, maybe even worse. 
"tch. hey" oikawa called out to the boy. 
"me..?" the boy muttered in confusion as he pointed to himself. "yeah you" oikawa raised a brow as he judgingly looked him up and down "why'd you give y/n-chan a letter?" he scowled 
"oh well i -" before the boy could finish oikawa laughed at him in a mocking way. "yeah yeah, save your voice. it's not like i'll listen to you anyways" he said with his usual charismatic smile 
"but don't do that again, okay~" oikawa cooed "y/n-chan doesn't need a boy toy like you! but maybe try with another girl!" he suggested 
he patted the boy's shoulder and waved him goodbye "good luck~" he cooed. the boy watched oikawa walk off with a look of dread and confusion. "what the hell, man?" the boy muttered 
"now, where is she-- another one?!" oikawa groaned to himself as he watched y/n receive another gift 
except this time, it was a from a girl in the first year who was shakingly handing her a bento with a cutesy note "hasegawa-senpai..! um- this is for you" the girl said as she shyly presented her the neatly wrapped lunch box 
"i made it myself, i hope you like it!" she said with a bow before hastily running off with an alarmingly red face. "..?" y/n cocked her head to the side as she waved the girl goodbye "thank you..?" she muttered 
she opened the bento slightly and gasped in awe at the food 
"no! don't be swayed by the food, y/n-chan!" oikawa silently screamed to himself "its a trick!" 
y/n then closed it and continued to walk away.
"yes! she wasn't swayed by the food. that was close" oikawa let out a sigh if relief as he placed his hand over his pounding chest. "maybe i should cook her food from now on" he muttered as he took a mental note for future use. 
"now--" before he could move another inch, he was suddenly crowded by girls that came out of nowhere. literally. 
"oikawa-senpai!" "oikawa-senpai, we made you a bento!" "oikawa-san i made you cookies, see?" "oikawa-san let's hang out!" 
"ah, hey there girls~" he cooed at them. as much as he wanted to leave them, he couldn't just ignore his fan girls. as annoying as they were, they were still his supporters after all. 
"oikawa-san, are you practicing later? can we watch?" "we'll bring you snacks during practice!" "i'll cheer for you, oikawa-senpai!" 
it had been roughly five minutes since the girls arrived. and it had also been five minutes since he's lost sight of y/n. oikawa was starting to get antsy. his sole purpose was to shoo her admirers away and yet he was being bombarded by his own. 
suddenly, the blue hue which he seemed to grow so fond of caught his eye. he turned to look at her, walking so casually while she frowns down at a piece of paper in her hands 
"y/n! -" sadly his voice was drowned out by the shouts and squeals of the girls, although the noise still got her attention 
y/n looked up to see the brunette waving at her with a girl latched onto his other arm. and being the clueless one that she is, she simply waved back with a smile before walking away 
"that might be the girl he liked.." she muttered with a hum. "he mentioned it at the park that night.." 
"ack! she wasn't jealous at all!" oikawa spluttered with a gasp 
"oikawa-san what are you talking about?" "do you like someone?" "what?! oikawa-senpai, you like someone?!" 
oikawa waved them off and hastily ran after the blue haired girl. "y/n-chan!" oikawa exclaimed as he slammed their classroom door open 
y/n, along with the rest of the class looked over to him in confusion. ".. yes?" y/n replied "ah sorry" he sent the class a peace sign before rushing over to her side 
"i was gonna ask --did  anything interesting happen just now?" he mused with a huff "did ya maybe get something from someone..?" 
oikawa, bless his heart, was trying to be as discreet as he possibly could. though it's not like he has to try since she was probably as dumb as a rock when it comes to shit like this. 
"oh.. i got a letter and a gift" she said as she shuffled through her bag for the said things 
oikawa dramatically cried in his mind as he looked away from her. "she has no shame! so she really doesn't care about my feelings!" he muttered to himself in distress 
"its this." she said 
oikawa reluctantly faced her with a furrowed brows and quivering lips, ready to throw the love letter and bento away. that is, until he actually saw what the 'letter' and 'gift' was. 
"uh what is this?" oikawa sweat dropped as he pointed to the pair of school shoes and a note from the dean. 
y/n sulked as she reluctantly started removing her converse. "i got in trouble today" she said "apparently, im not allowed to wear these" she said as she stuffed her shoes in her bag and slipped the school shoes on 
"well yeah, everyone knows that" iwaizumi sweat dropped. "then how am i gonna skate?" she faced them with exaggeratedly teary eyes as she uncomfortably moved her feet about 
"guess you're gonna have to make do with that" iwaizumi comforted her 
"is that all you got?" oikawa asked again 
"oh. i actually got a love letter and a bento. but that's about it" she casually replied 
oikawa gave her a painfilled smile and a thumbs up. "ah. i see." he grimly replied. "well.. aren't ya gonna give them a response?" oikawa asked followed by a strained laugh 
"i can't.." she mumbled with slight embarrassment 
"why not?" iwaizumi asked 
"i can't read it.." she admitted, her face gradually getting hotter and hotter from shame 
"i can't read it!" she covered her face with her hands "japanese is still hard for me! i can only understand certain parts!" 
"and i also ate the bento because i was tempted!" she confessed 
oikawa and iwaizumi sweat dropped and nodded along. "i see.." oikawa laughed 
"well it's no problem" he said. "you can choose not to respond. you're not really obligated to, anyways." 
"really? that's great!" she perked up. "i didn't know what to do anyway" she chuckled "i could only understand parts of the letter cus i wrote it for reki!" she said 
"im glad im not stuck in that pinch anymore.." she sighed in relief "im not used to people liking me.." 
iwaizumi watched as oikawa's face visibly fell at the mention of the redhead's name. his already pained smile quickly turned into a frown. 
"y/n-chan! can you come here for a sec?" one student called for her "oh sure." y/n replied before quickly making her way to them 
oikawa pouted and trudged over to his seat, plopping himself down on the chair and resting his head on the desk with a huff 
"so, what'll you do now?" iwaizumi asked as he glanced at his friend "dunno" oikawa replied 
"hey iwa-chan. am i ugly?" he asked. "i was gonna say yes but that'll be too mean at the moment. so no, shittykawa. you're not." iwaizumi replied with a sigh as he put his comic away 
"is that reki guy hotter than me?" he asked again. "i dunno, dude" iwaizumi shrugged "i mean, probably." 
"do ya think i have a chance? i mean, i always get with girls so easily!" oikawa huffed. iwaizumi rolled his eyes and hit him on the head with his fist. "wanna know why you don't got a chance, shittykawa?" he said 
"ouch -- yeah sure, enlighten me, iwa-chan" oikawa replied with a wince 
"its cus she likes someone else, idiot." 
oikawa rolled his eyes and rested his chin on his hand, watching y/n converse with another student from across the room 
"just how amazing is this reki guy anyway?" 
"I HAVE 40, 000 YEN AND A SKATEBOARD!" reki exclaimed as he slammed the money and the board down before cherry "IS THIS ENOUGH TO VISIT Y/N, CHERRY?!" he asked with an excited smile 
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"for a plane ticket!" reki replied "do ya think if i sell this skateboard i'd get at least a thousand yen?" he asked 
cherry sweat dropped and pushed the things away. "what is this for?" he asked with furrowed brows 
cherry watched the boy fuss with a smile of amusement, chuckling lightly to himself as reki starts listing down the jobs he's done for the money. "a plane ticket costs roughly 15 thousand to 30 thousand yen. with your budget now, you won't be able to afford a trip back home" cherry explained 
"whaaa?" reki groaned out "then i have to work more? but thats so boring! i haven't skated in forever for this!" he whined 
cherry patted his back as the redhead sulked. "don't worry, we'll be going with you anyways" he said "you can borrow money from the gorilla" cherry suggested with a smile 
"why not from you?" reki raised a brow. "because i don't want to." cherry replied 
reki sweat dropped but nodded anyways. he gathered the money and the skateboard before running on his way over to joe's restaurant. 
"JOE HELP!!" reki exclaimed as he slammed the restaurant doors open. "yo, what the hell?!" joe yelled back as he watched reki rush over to him and cling on his arm with a cutesy pout 
"hey hey, joe~" reki cooed "can i borrow money from you? i can right? right? great!" he exclaimed "i'll need 20 000 yen atleast!" reki said with a grin as he held his hands out expectantly 
joe spluttered as he stared down at the redhead. "hey, who said i'll give you money?" he scowled 
"cherry did!" reki exclaimed 
"kaoru.." joe muttered through gritted teeth. "that damn brat." he sighed. "whatever. i'll give ya money." he said. "it's to see y/n right? we've been planning on visiting soon anyway" 
"really?! great! can i have it now-" reki was cut off by joe's laughter. "no, no" joe cooed
"you're gonna have to work for it" he smirked as he pulled out an apron and a menu and shoved it into the redhead's arms. reki's expression morphed into one of dread as he held the apron against his body ".. am i supposed to be a waiter?" he groaned out 
"you're a smart one, aren't ya?" joe said in a teasing tone 
"but why do i have to work?" reki whined. "oh, cmon! it's for y/n, don't ya care about her?" joe taunted him 
reki sent him a glare and reluctantly put the apron on. "for y/n.. sure" he muttered with a blush of embarrassment as joe started ruffling his hair like a child
"hey, joe.." reki trailed off "if i have to work.. the shouldn't he be working too?!" he shrieked out as he pointed to miya who was quietly sitting by a booth. "hah?!" miya exclaimed "i actually have money, unlike you, you slime!" he yelled 
"how?! you're thirteen!" reki shrieked out 
"and you're seventeen but poor! shut up and take my order, slime!" miya hissed back at him 
"i hate you!" reki hissed back "im not letting you near y/n after this, just so you know" he said. miya simply rolled his eyes and huffed. "shut up, slime. i want a drink." he said 
"you shut up" reki muttered back in annoyance, but quickly wrote the order down anyways 
"haha, keep this up and you'll see y/n in no time!" joe cheered as he patted reki's back. "why can't you just give me money, dude?" reki groaned 
joe laughed and sent him a cheeky wink "gotta milk the opportunity, you know?" he mused 
"so you're just using me!!" 
ppl r asking for them to see y/n skate,, dw that's coming soon haha,, and reki and the others are also appearing soon :) 
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sorry for the spelling / grammar mistakes if there are any :<
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If your requests aren't open you can ignore me, but imagine mc playing around and just doing the classic 90s anime vilian stance while yelling "SILENCE BOTTOM!"
hahaha, oh the boys’ reactions would be very diverse. I hope ya don’t mind me doing some short headcannons for the oldest four brothers because I don’t wanna be too repetitive + I feel like I’m taking too long to answer your ask haha sorry about that 😅
Some are implied nsfw ;) haha
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“SILENCE BOTTOM!” Brothers’ Reactions
The brothers and MC were having their usual biweekly game night in MC’s room when said human thought it would be a good idea to bring out their stash of alcohol smuggled in from the human world (much to Lucifer’s disappointment) but failed to realize demons aren’t affected by human alcohol...which left only MC drunk out of their mind.
Of course, to be fair, Asmo brought in a bottle of demonus for the seven of them to pass around but it was too small of an amount to leave anyone more than a little tipsy.
With every shot MC took, their face reddened more and their volume increased as everything sent them into a fit of giggles, which the boys found cute. They wrapped their arms around Mammon’s neck and blew into his ear teasingly as said demon’s face became ruddy.
“O-Oi, what are ya doin’?” He protested, but didn’t push them away.
“What? Can’t I hug my ‘first’ demon?~” MC laughed before falling over, basically body-checking Mammon to the floor along with them as he yelped out of surprise.
“Alright, that’s enough. They’re obviously inebriated,” Lucifer said, standing up. “Time for bed,” he continued, ushering the others to hurry up and leave. The others began cleaning up, getting ready to leave but MC was quick to get off Mammon and stand up with wobbly legs.
“You jealous, Luci?” They giggled as the brothers looked at them with small smiles.
Lucifer ignored them as he continued commanding his brothers to clean up faster. Beginning to berate them for letting his human become so drunk. “You know humans are frail beings! The fact that you didn’t listen to me when I told all of you to stop giving them more shots is completely-“ his scoldings were giving MC a headache so they were quick to shut him up.
Posing so quickly and suddenly that they saw stars in their eyes for a bit, MC opened their mouth with a glint in their eye before shouting: “SILENCE BOTTOM! MUAHAHAHA” successfully shutting up the eldest brother.
Everyone was silent. MC stood still in their pose before doubling over from laughter as Lucifer watched with widened eyes.
“Everyone out, now,” Lucifer ordered, waving towards the door which they were quick to oblige but right as the door closed he heard quickened footsteps down the hall before an uproar of laughter resounded from his brothers. He’d deal with them later.
Sighing as he picked the human up from the floor, who’s laughter had eventually died down as sleepiness fit them full on, he laid them on their bed before brushing aside their askew hair accompanied with a chuckle. “That was a surprise, love, but I’m sure you know I’m far from what you call a bottom,” he chuckled, tucking them in. MC had long since passed out, mouth slack and cheeks still red. “You’re definitely a strange one, but mine nonetheless. I hope you know you’ll be facing the consequences of your words in the morning,~” he whispered in their ear, making them shift, before he kissed their forehead and shuffled beside them for cuddles.
Slight revenge sex in the morning once they’re sober for embarrassing him in front of his little brothers since he is the avatar of pride after all.
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Mammon + Levi
these boyos scream switch to me soo you might know where I’m going with this
after a day at R.A.D, MC had walked with Levi and Mammon back to the House of Lamentation and they started another one of their arguments yet again.
“Mammon, you literally stole money from me last night after putting a bookcase on top of the door to my tank and watching me panic! What kind of older brother watches their younger brother almost drown???” Levi screeched, clasping at his neck dramatically.
“Wait, you can drown? I thought you were some weird sea monster thing,” Mammon retorted with a laugh as they entered into the living room. MC just face-palmed.
“Does it look like I have gills to you?? Ughh, you can just be so infuriating sometimes!” Levi groaned, running his hands through his hair in a frustrated manner.
MC shuffled to his side, whilst rubbing circles on his back as they cooed:” aw, it’s alright Levi-Chan~how about we go have a marathon of Ruri-Chan’s limited edition dvds you got in the mail the other day?”
Levi’s face lit up with both excitement and embarrassment. “You’re right! I almost forgot about that! Let’s go!” He exclaimed, grabbing ahold of their hand before pulling them towards his room but Mammon was quick to grab MC’s other hand and pull them the opposite way.
“Nuh-uh, where do ya think you’re goin’ with my human, huh? They’ll be staying with me because I ain’t watchin’ no Riri-Chan DVD’s,” Mammon shook his head, pulling MC closer but Levi countered it with a tug of his own.
“It’s Ruri-Chan, thank you very much and MC offered so it’s not your call whether they go or not, numbskull,” he retorted as MC was losing their patience being pulled around.
“Ha! If you think I’m gonna let ya get your hands on my human then you got another thing comin-“ it was in that moment a cheeky grin appeared on MC’s face before they ripped themselves from both of the demons’ grasps and posed dramatically.
“SILENCE BOTTOMS!” They bellowed, leaving the two speechless before faces turned red quickly. MC got a good laugh at their reactions before Levi spoke up.
“Th-that was kind of t-tantalizing! P-please do more! I’ve only heard it in animes and thought it was funny before this...” He begged, pushing both his pointer fingers together sheepishly.
“H-huh? What do ya mean tantalizing?” Mammon stuttered out, equally as embarrassed. He enjoyed it too, but wouldn’t be caught dead admitting it.
Well, looks like they found out something new about themselves.
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Oh boy, calling this man a bottom? hmm possibly
MC was helping him study human culture for a test that was coming up and decided to take a short break.
“So, how about we talk about some things that won’t be on the test?” Satan suggested, looking up at MC from his book.
“Like?” MC questioned.
“Hm, I would like to learn some human slang in order to use it for confusing my brothers,” he replied, a hand on his chin as he thought. “All I know of is the dance phenomenon called the dab? Levi was quite interested in doing it at every given second for a fleeting period of time,” he continued, deep in thought which made MC laugh.
“Well, lemme think,” they began before one popped up in their mind. “Ooh! Do ya know what a DILF is?”
“Oh, come on, you can do better than that. Of course demons know what DILFs and MILFs as well,” he replied, chuckling which made MC pout.
“Well, do ya know Lucifer is a total DILF to me?” MC retaliated, knowing that would rile up Satan. He visibly gagged at her words before slamming his book shut.
“Please never say those words again,” he hissed, closing his eyes.
MC chuckled at his reaction before another idea popped up in their mind. “Ooh, how about...” they began before bolting up and waiting.
After anticipating for a bit, he cocked his head at their silence. “How about what-“ he was quickly cut off with a loud ��SILENCE BOTTOM!” From MC which he jumped at.
MC watched his reaction before bursting in a fit of laughter. “Pretty funny, right? It’s a thing humans do as a joke-“ Satan wasn’t listening as he closed the space between them with rosy cheeks.
“I would be lying if I said I’ve never thought about it before~” he whispered closely, hot breath tickling MC’s face as they looked at his lidded eyes.
“HUHH??” MC blurted out making Satan looked at them in a confused manner.
“You were implying you wanted me to try being submissive during sex, were you not?” He questioned, assuming he was correct.
“W-what? No! It’s a joke in the human world!” They were quick to reply, still a bit frazzled. It was Satan’s turn to be embarrassed.
He backed away quickly, cheeks blushed red for a different reason now as he rubbed the back of his neck. “O-oh!” Was all he said before quieting down. An awkward silence settling over them before MC spoke up quietly.
“W-what did you have in mind?” they asked, hesitant.
“Huh?” Satan turned to look at her.
“I-I would be lying too if I said I never thought about having you under me...so what did you have in mind exactly,” they replied shyly, not meeting his eyes.
A smile spread across Satan’s face as only four words left his mouth: “Me wearing cat ears,”
😏 ;)
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Did ya notice I’m trying a new format?
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a-crimson-lion · 5 years
Katsuki Bakugo And Minoru Mineta Are Funny For All The Wrong Reasons
In this essay I will
No, but seriously, this is a problem. Spoilers and all that jazz. Let's start with the obvious.
Minoru Mineta
Minoru is the poster child for this topic. He's a complete scumbag, but is kept around because he's funny, when in reality he'd probably be expelled somewhere down the line.
While he does have some funny moments, there's only a small amount that don't come from his perversions, which is highly concerning.
His brand of humor isn't particularly inspired either. Let's go through some of his moments.
Hero Costumes
Minoru flashes his thumbs up when he looks at Ochako's uniform, stating that he loves the school. This is less funny and more unsettling, but it gets a pass 'cause Minoru is still relatively new to viewers.
Minoru grapples onto Tsuyu's breasts twice. He gets dunked on the first time. He gets nearly drowned the second time. We laugh... but it's not because Minoru is funny. Seriously, dark humor is one thing, but Minoru's actions are just plain creepy and borderline sexual harrassment. The fact that he nearly has to die to get us laughing doesn't help matters (he's scum, but scum should face long lasting consequences, not temporary bouts of comedic violence).
Changing Rooms
Almost forgot about this one. Minoru tries to peep on the girls. Kyoka notices and skewers his eye. We laugh. Not because Minoru's funny, but because we're suppose to enjoy his suffering. Imagine if everyone DIDN'T bash him upside the head! (There would probably be content apathy if there wasn't at least a small outcry for reprimands, to be honest.)
Obstacle Course
Minoru clasps onto Momo's gym uniform to pass the Obstacle Course, and he has a nosebleed. Momo calls him the worst. Again, relying on the fact that "Minoru sux" in order to get a laugh. That's sad.
Class Rankings
Mina says it best: guys like Minoru are only endearing when they're stupid, or something along those lines. If they're stupid, that lowkey implies that he has the potential to learn better. But Minoru already knows a lot, which os MORE unsettling than the alternative. Now, common sense doesn't equal intelligence, but the fact that Minoru is considered smart when he continually makes the stupid decision to try and get some in horrible ways is just... the worst.
Swimming Pool
Minoru and Denki collaborate on getting a view of the girls in swimsuits. (Before you bring it up, yes, Denki is also a perv character, but unlike Minoru, he actually has more going for his personality instead of just having a running gag joke define 90% of his character. And the most Denki's done on his own is attempting (and failing) to flirt with other girls.) Denki and Minoru are shocked when the rest of the boys show up, and Denki is disheartened to find that the girls are wearing school-issued swimsuits. Minoru, of course, finds the scene nice nonetheless. This is less of a "HAHA!" moment and more of a "*groan*" moment.
Hot Springs
Minoru tries to violate the girls' privacy just so he can see them naked. Luckily Kota is there to stop him. He swats Minoru off the wall, leading him to fall pathetically back to Earth. And we never speak of it again. You see a pattern with his stunts yet? Also, Tenya did not deserve what he got at the end of that scene.
Provisional License Exam
Granted, this is where Minoru is at his least perverted, but he still finds a way to be annoying. "The hierarchy is falling!" Oh gee, it's not like you had a tragic backstory and underwent actual character growth which helped you grow as a person, Minoru. You being smug is doing nothing to help your character.
Before The Interview
In the anime exclusive season premiere of Season 4, Minoru starts creepily talking about a potential female reporters breasts, before he gets restrained by Mr. Aizawa. While most of us thank him for stopping the pervert's actions, keep in mind that this is the one of the few times Mr. Aizawa ever tries to actually do anything to curb Minoru's behavior. Then again, since Horikoshi likes Minoru and Katsuki, they basically get immunity from Mr. Aizawa's actual character.
Joint Training Arc Aftermath
Sometime during the JTA, Minoru ricochets off of Mina's chest. Mina (rightfully) calls him out at this, and we're later treated to a scene with Minoru in a straightjacket with his eyes forced open while Mina keeps an eye on him. Physical punishment will do nothing to Minoru; at this rate he'll develop an immunity. What he needs are concrete consequences that will actually get him to think about not being perverted.
Izuocha Reaction
This moment is... admittedly tame. After Izuku and Ochako share a fist bump in Chapter 256, Minoru makes this weird gremlin face while asking himself what's going on. It's harmless at first... until you remember that Minoru is a shameless pervert who has a vain physical infatuation with most girls, Ochako inclued. Minoru's reaction is basically an entitled Lv. 1 gamer looking at an experienced Lv. 50 and going, "Why the hell isn't that me?"
Of course, there are other moments where Minoru is perverted, but it isn't funny, a la he hopes to see Eri again in 10 years or something like that. I've heard he's been mellowing out a bit more in recent chapters, but I'll remain cautiously optimistic for now. The fact that his main shtick is that we should despise him, and therefore laugh at his karma, is... kinda sad. That type of thing could work for a villain or a really unlikable character, but the fact that Minoru is a supporting character who we see progress with his classmates with very little growth in his character? What a waste... Moving on, then.
Katsuki Bakugo
Ah, King Explosion Murder. Most of you will know how I despise him. And unfortunately, part of the reason is similar to why I don't like Minoru:
His AnGeRy BoI tantrums get old really quick. Let me explain.
"DIE!" "I'LL KILL YOU!" "EXTRA!" If you've been paying attention to Katsuki, he says these things s lot. He's been letting go of "extra" recently, but he'll still spew the first two comments without hesitation. He probably doesn't mean it literally, but that doesn't warrant his excessive aggression. It's one of the worst character traits I've seen in a while to be honest, and it's heavily concerning that a 15 (now 16) year-old has this kind of mindset. The fact that it's played for laughs ("DIE!" or "GO TO HELL!" while Izuku states deadpan off to the side) isn't any more assuring.
Gremlin Face
Katsuki will do this for a multitude of reasons. His base appearance treads a fine line between pretty boy and disgruntled madman, but when Katsuki gets more pissed then usual, he goes full gremlin. The faces are somewhat funny out of context, but they're kind of petty in context.
Bus Ride
The kids call out Katsuki on the bus ride to the USJ. This is basically a way to tell the readers that Katsuki isn't much of a big shot anymore, but the fact that it ultimately holds no water later down the line is... disappointing. Within several chapters, people will be flocking to him, regardless of his garbage personality.
Eijiro's Analysis
Eijiro brings up how Katsuki should be all "DIE! DIE! DIE!" while they're fighting villains, to which Katsuki ironically responds in kind. It's a "Bakugo sux LOL" moment, but the fact that this is how likely most students see him and they STILL flock to him is just... wut? Plus, Eijiro was originally skeptical of Katsuki after the Battle Trial, and his sudden support of Katsuki here is... half-heartedly executed. And while Katsuki has shown that he treasures the relationship he has with Eijiro to a degree, it's pretty clear that Eijiro holds it in a much higher regard.
Less Than The Best
Gremlin face returns when Katsuki gets 3rd (and therefore not 1st) in the Sports Festival's Obstacle Course. Katsuki screams when he gets 2nd (and therefore not 1st) in the Cavalry Battle. It's "funny" now, but I fear for the day when this guy has to regularly do interviews and doesn't get the Number One Hero spot for the first few months (if he ever gets it at all).
Sore Winner
This is probably the one joke I can say is the least funny. Everybody remembers the whole Katsuki in bindings and acting like an animal bit, right? Yeah, no one is sane in this universe... And even if Katsuki's desire to reject the first place medal is understandable, he isn't exactly cordial about the whole thing (I mean, I'd be miffed if someone had be bound like that, but I doubt more growling is gonna get him out... the teachers need help). And then we still see him with the medal in his mouth sometime later, and Gremlin face show up when the class is talking internships. Where's the therapist again?
Katsuki telling the germs in his mouth to die as he's brushing his teeth. It's only funny because of the absurdity of the notion. In reality, telling microscopic organisms to straight up die in such a threatening manner is hella concerning. See "Catchphrases" for why I still don't think this is okay.
One of the more tame jokes. Katsuki's good with knives, Ochako brings it up, Katsuki is offended. Honestly, I'd prefer more of this type of humor compared to... whatever Katsuki's doing right now.
I'll Kill Him
It's an exam, Katsuki, AN EXAM! This moment during the Provisional License Exam is only funny for a moment, because when you think about it, the purple dude has a point (even if he's still a stuck-up elitist) and Katsuki would have failed if Eijiro and Denki didn't follow after him. Still, does he think he can get away with saying he'll kill villains in the actual Hero world? Good gravy...
Stop Being Nice
This is a trend we've seen post-Deku vs. Kacchan 2. Izuku complements Katsuki or makes a remark about him. Katsuki proceeds to tell him to back off in some or fashion. If it's his winter costume, Katsuki will chew the speech bubble. He'll reflexively tell Izuku to get out of his way. When Izuku mentions Katsuki's technique, Katsuki will tell Izuku to stay away from him. I know some of Izuku's habits are borderline-stalking, but he's not being overtly creepy. And in a narrative where Izuku and Katsuki are supposed to be "good friends," this does a poor job of showing it.
Ninja Star
Katsuki looses his temper when Izuku brings up Blackwhip, and throws one of his head pieces at Izuku like a ninja star. Izuku gets injured, but the entire thing is played off like a nice joke. Except it isn't. Izuku wasn't about to spill anything about OFA when he talked about Black Whip; Katsuki's just stupidly jealous and annoyed when anyone like Izuku talks for too long about their achievements. It's basically telling readers that Izuku's gonna get shoved around for having pride in himself. That sucks...
I Win
The latest incarnation of Gremlin face, and Katsuki's stupid winner's complex in general. I've already talked about it in this post, but Katsuki's assertions in Chapter 257 were highly immature and disrespectful. All Might tells the boys about the OFA users and their short lives, how they weren't chosen ones but were still entrusted with the Quirk, hoping to pass it on and hoping to beat AFO. What does Katsuki say about them? They had lame Quirks; they were a bunch of nobodies. He goes out of his way to tell Izuku he'll lag behind while mastering the next Quirk while Katsuki ensures his victory. All if that "character development" and he still pulls stuff like this. How do I put this?
A few steps forward followed by long periods of regression is not character development, that's bad writing.
Katsuki's seemingly humorous outbursts would be terrifying in the real world. He's got serious issues and he needs help. His anger is no laughing matter. It'll hurt him, or rather, continue to hurt him. It's already hurt other people, and continues to do so.
TL;DR Katsuki and Minoru's one note humor is damaging to the narrative and to their characters, and unless it's properly addressed, it will continue to do so. Thank you for your time.
-Crimson Lion (19 January 2020)
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bnha-mha-imagines · 4 years
I’m Back In Time To Fulfill My Promise
Mineta x Reader
Words: 2028
Warnings: This is Mineta so… hah. Maybe hints at spice/horror for some of you lolol
How in god’s name did i manage to get over 2000 words with this i’m c r y i n g haha if you read this, at least make it to the end lololol
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Jirou looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, leaning back as she tried and failed to hide her wincing expression. “Are you serious (Y/n)?” she asked after a moment, as if she needed to pause and actually make sure what she heard was correct. “Like… this is a joke, right?”
Your friend’s reaction only worsened your shame, and you bury your face into your hands. “Jirou don’t look at me like that, at least try to pretend like you’re not judging me right now!” At your words your friend sighed, and you look up in time to see her lean back into the bean bag chair. 
“Sorry,” she said, tone growing more serious. “It’s just hard to believe that out of everyone you would like...him.” You sneak your hands under your thighs so that you sit on them, uneasy now that you’ve confessed to Jirou your feelings toward a certain someone. “You’re just… way out of his league, you know? Like how did he even… how did you even fall for that?” 
You groaned in embarrassment, becoming growingly flustered at her words. She was confused by the whole scenario, you knew that. After all, so were you. How could you possibly fall for his over the top advances? His terrible pick up lines? His inappropriate and filthy remarks? It was a poor choice, you knew, but you couldn’t help your feelings. It was out of your control. 
“I don’t know,” you sigh loudly, unable to bring yourself to meet her eyes. “I know he’s gross and he flirts with everyone but… I don’t know.” You sigh again, unable to find the words. You throw yourself face first into your pillow as Jirou goes quiet. 
After a moment of silence she speaks again. “I mean… if this is what you want, I’m sure he’d be over the moon with even a ‘hello’ from you.” You turn your face so one of your eyes could peak at her. She had an expression on as if it physically pained her to say those words. “But just so you know I think you can do much better. Like… Kaminari for example! He’s also an idiot, but he’s better than Mineta.” 
You felt your face bloom at the name, unable to hear your dirty little secret crush formed into actual words. “Agh! Don’t say his name!” you wailed, throwing yourself into the pillow again.
Jirou threw her hands up exasperated. “How can you say you like him if you can’t even stand his name?!” You ignored her complaints, practically rolling in the bed.
“I don’t know!” you cried, equally frustrated with yourself. “Like, I hate that I like him! My feelings are all conflicted and I like him but I hate that I do!” Your words came out rushed and Jirou groaned at them, dragging her hands down the sides of her face slowly.
After she took a breath, she tried a new approach. “Alright,” she said. “Let’s stop trying to label how you feel and start trying to figure out what you want. Do you want…” Jirou paused as if she was going to gag. “Do you want to date him?”
You quieted, unsure what answer was the right one. “I don’t know,” you settled on. “Maybe? But I’m not sure if dating Mineta will actually be dating. Like… can he even settle on one girl? Would he even change his habits?”
Jirou shrugged, face strained to stay neutral for you. “I don’t know. That’s going to be a gamble for you. You’ll never know unless you actually go through with it, but seriously consider if that’s something you even want to do.” 
You looked at Jirou, for the first time letting her see the fear in your eyes. “Jirou I’m… I’m just worried about the social consequences about doing this. Like… What if people look down on me? He’s not exactly a classy or well-regarded guy. What if people start to think that way about me?” 
Jirou’s expression softened. “(Y/n), people aren’t going to stop liking you. Pity you maybe, or be confused… really, really, confused… but everyone in our class adores you. If you stay as sweet and kind as you are, that won’t change.” She crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing again. “If anything, everyone’s going to get very protective of you!” 
You look up at Jirou once more, giving her the biggest puppy eyes you could muster. “Aww, Jirou…” you say, touched. “You would kick his ass for me?” Jirou scoffed, smirking as she leaned forward to throw a blanket over your head.
“I’d do that on any normal day. If this is what you want, I’ll support you… but yeah, if he does anything to hurt you I’m gonna rip his balls off.” 
You raised an eyebrow at her. “Which ones?” She didn’t answer. 
The next day came much too fast. After talking with Jirou, you had decided that you were going to accept your feelings without any worry about what other people would say. You couldn’t explain why, but you liked him. You liked Mineta. And you weren’t going to let yourself be ashamed of that any longer. No… you were going to make your move.
You sat through Aizawa’s class with a stiff posture, forcing yourself to look confident. In reality, your thoughts were in complete turmoil. Mineta’s assigned seat was directly on your left, and sitting in close proximity to him had you completely shaken. From the corner of your eye you could see him sneaking peeks at your chest. It wasn’t as if this was a rare occurrence, but there was something about you knowing that in half an hour you would be confessing that made it nerve-wracking. 
After thirty excruciatingly long minutes, Aizawa released you all for lunch. You waited in your seat, taking your time to put away your things. With careful eyes, you watched as Mineta exited the classroom. There was no backing out this time. 
Zipping up your bag, you began to make your way down to the lunchroom. Many of your classmates were already sitting togethers at their usual tables. You saw Jirou make eye contact with you from across the room. You couldn’t read her expression, but you knew it had to be something of a mix between encouraging and pitying. 
Taking a deep breath, your eyes scanned the open room before landing on Mineta’s table. Much to your dismay, he was sitting next to Kamiari. They often got lunch together, Kaminari switching off every other day between eating with him and eating with his other friends. This was going to make things a lot more awkward for you. You had hoped that you could confess in private but… fate apparently had different plans.
The sight of the two of them was nearly enough to make you back out, but as you half turned to sit somewhere else you froze. You couldn’t run forever. Screw it. 
Turning back towards the table, you took determined strides across the lunchroom. Setting your lunch bag on the table top, you startled both of the boys out of their conversation. No one else ever sat here when this duo was together… well, never a girl at least.
Both of their eyes were wide with surprise as you cleared your throat. “Is this seat taken?” Your question hung in the air for a moment, your eyes completely focused on Mineta. He seemed to squirm under your gaze, simply nodding his head quickly and making room for you to sit. 
Kaminari was the first to break the silence as you sat down. “(Y/n)! What a surprise to see you here. Decided to switch things up and sit with us cool guys?” His tone was joking and he winked at you, but you didn’t give him any of the attention he wanted. You didn’t come to chit chat with him.
“Not as casual as that,” you spoke, turning to look at the purple boy next to you. His face was completely scarlet at the sight of a girl--you--sitting so close to him out of your own volition. “I really just wanted to sit next to you, Mineta.” Your words were bold, you knew that, but hopefully they didn’t sound as tasteless aloud as they did in your head. 
Both boys practically went bugged eyed, sharing a disbelieving glance with each other. Kaminari got quieter, partly because you shot him down and partly because your statement about Mineta completely threw him. Mineta took a sip of his grape juice as if it would help him in this situation. His eyes brows were furrowed and you swear you saw him sweat a little. 
“W-Well lucky me,” he recovered once he had quickly drained his drink. “It’s not every day that the hottest babe in class chooses our table…” His words had you cringing and swooning at the same time. 
“Keep talking like that and maybe you’ll get to see a whole lot more of me,” you replied, forcing yourself to be strong. You heard metal clatter on the table as Kaminari dropped his spoon mid-bite. You ignored it, trying to keep the color from your cheeks.
“H-H-How much more of you?” Mineta practically drooled, his eyes starting to trail over you as he got more excited. For once a girl was responding back to his awful advances, and it was like a dream. There was no way this was real.
“Well,” you said breathily, feeling more confident at the sight of how much your words were affecting him. “Maybe we can discuss that over dinner. Tonight?” Kaminari was suffocating as he watched this scene unfold, his lungs forgetting how to breathe. 
At this point Mineta’s nose was starting to leak a tiny blot of blood. His hands were shaking slightly as he shifted closer to you, as if any movement would scare you off. You held your breath as you felt him crawl into your lap, his legs wrapping over your own. His giant purple balls brushed against your cheek, which was quickly blooming pink. 
You felt his cold fingers tease at where your shirt met your pants, sliding under to barely touch your skin. “That sounds good to me.” His trembling hand rode up higher as he continued to speak. You loved the way they felt. “Then maybe we could go to my room and--”
“ALRIGHT!” Kaminari bellowed, slamming his hands on the table as he shot up from the table, face horrorstuck. Mineta whipped his head sharply at the suddenness of it, watching as his friend quickly retreated to another table. When Mineta turned his head back to you, he was startled to see that your face had changed into Aizawa’s. 
“W-What?” he squeaked, leaning away as Aizawa’s gaze burned into him. 
“Mineta,” your voice came out of Aizawa, whose lap Mineta was still shamelessly planted on. 
“(Y/n) what is--”
“Mineta,” your voice was now Aizawa’s voice, matching the tired scraggly face that glared at him. 
Mineta shook his head. No no, not like this, it couldn’t end like this when he was finally so so close! “Mineta!”
Mineta started as he felt a painful pressure smack on the back of his head. He threw his head up, gasping and looking around wildly. His gaze quickly looked in every direction before it turned upward, freezing as it came face to face with Aizawa. Only now, Aizawa no longer had your gorgeous body, and Mineta was no longer sitting on your lap but in his own desk chair. 
“Just because I sleep in class does not give you the excuse to do the same,” Aizawa’s voice grumbled, not particularly pleased. Mineta turned his gaze away from Aizawa as the teacher walked back to the front of the classroom. 
He couldn’t help but look to his right to stare at you longfully. He was already beginning to mourn the thought of never getting to see how his dream about you would have ended. He must have been staring too long, for you glanced at him and offered a timid, uncomfortable smile as if that would make him stop. Ahh… back to reality.
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ehlestina · 3 years
you’re one inch away / jaemin
☆ jaemin x reader 
☢ fluff, smut, anger, comedy (not really)
It’s 6:07 pm, you just finished school since your friend, Lee Jeno needed your help for his exams tomorrow.
“Guess it’s that hard to be smart...” You talked to yourself while walking at the street where you live with your best enemy, Na Jaemin. 
you never wished to be dorm mates with your your ex-crush, it’s never fun. you finally arrived at your dorm, you took a deep breath before entering your unit. 
“You’re here.” A deep voice surprised you as soon as you stepped inside, making you flinch. You ignored his presence.
“Are you really just going to ignore me?” Jaemin asked you, making you stop. You sighed deeply before looking at him who’s looking at you already.
“What do you want, mister I-Don’t-Like-You?” You asked him with one eyebrow raised at him.
“Showing me your bitch attitude won’t make me feel better.” He said, making you laugh sarcastically.
“Do I look like I am making you feel better, you moron?” You said, making him shocked of your words.
“You’d you come home late?” He asked, making you laugh.
“Are you my dad? I went out with Jeno.” You said, trying to make him jealous, you know his weakness.
“Don’t try to make me jealous. We are not a thing.” He said, said, slamming his hand on the wall.
“That hurts, eh?” You said, followed by a chuckle. You run your fingers thru your hair.
“If you’re here to mess up with me, I have no time for your shits, Jaemin.” You said and rolled your eyes at him, going to your bed.
“We’re not yet done arguing, hoe.” He said, pulling you to make you sit down. you sighed.
“Please, Jaemin. Just rest, you must be tired.” You said, looking at him.
“Why did you follow me?” He asked, making you tilt your head. “Eh? Excuse me. I reserved this unit first.” You said while pointing at yourself.
“But why did you let me stay here?” He threw you another question.
“You pity me, don’t you? Or, maybe... you still like me?” He said in a smile, making your stomach upset.
“Sir, Are you drunk?” You asked him with your eyebrows furrowed. Him shaking his head made you angry.
“I still regret writing you the love letter. Never thought you would make fun of me.” You said, making Jaemin smile.
“Remember when you kissed-” You cut him off by throwing a pillow at him.
“Fuck you, Na Jaemin.” You said, Jaemin still laughing his ass, making you frown.
“Look, you even don’t know how to kiss before. Haha!” He said while laughing, making you sigh.
“I know how too. I practiced with Jeno.” You said, making him stop laughing, looking right into your eyes. 
“Jeno, hmm?” He said in a smirk, making you raise your middle finger. “I know that’s cap. Jeno could never kiss you.” He said, making reality slap you real quick.
“What if he really did?” You asked him, making Jaemin giggle.
“Jeno’s type is a girl who is silent, pretty, and smart.” He said, making you nod.
“And that is never you, bitch.” He said, making you laugh. “I know. I am nobody, Jaemin. Thanks for reminding me.” You said, looking down.
“By the way, you said you know how to kiss, right?” He asked you, making you tilt your head.
“I don’t know.” You  replied, making Jaemin approach you.
“Wanna see if you can kiss?” He asked, making you widen your eyes.
“I want to, but if it’s with you then, it’s a no.” You said in a smile, tugging your blanket. You laid down
“Aha, now is my chance.” He said quickly, hoping on top of you.
“Hah, Jaemin. Don’t try me. I hate your small dick.” You said, making him smirk.
“uh-oh, not a good move.” you said to yourself.
“Get off me, Jaemin.” You said and kicked his dick, making him fall off your bed, groaning.
you are still laughing at him, when he suddenly grabbed onto your shirt, pulling you. Making you fall on top of him.
“Sup, baby?” He said while smiling, you slapped him.
“Jaemin stop fooling with me.” You said, trying to stand up, but his grip on your waist is too strong. You tried to resist, but it’s no use.
“No.” He said, making you tired of moving your body, trying to escape his grip.
“JAEMIN I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD.” you said, screaming on the top of your lungs, making Jaemin laugh. “Aww you are really cute. I wish I liked you back.” He said, still looking at you while you were busy trying to resist. “Jaemin, please. I-” He cuts you off by carrying you.
“YOU’RE RAPING ME JAEMIN.” you tried to resist his grip on your leg, but he is too strong.
“damn.” you talked to yourself.
“BDSM?” Jaemin started teasing you as soon as he put you on top of the counter.
“You have tools?!” You asked him with shock, making him laugh and nod.
“Oh god damn. You probably had lots of one night stand.” You said, making him think.
“About... 3.” He said while smirking.
“Ayo that’s... never mind.” You said in a smile.
“Go, ruin me.” You said, making Jaemin widen his eyes.
“I though... you-” You cut him off by kissing him while cupping his cheeks, after a second, you pulled away. 
“Good night, Jaemin.” You said, jumping off the counter when you felt a tight grip on your waist. You looked at Jaemin with lust.
“Want me to get you condo-” He cuts you off by pulling you into a deep kiss. Pushing you yo your bed without breaking the kiss.
“It’s been years since I rejected you, but I still know where your sensitive spot is.” He mumbled while kissing you, going down to your neck.
You bobbed your head as Jaemin moans.
“what a music to my ears.” you mumbled, still sucking the hell out of his dick.
“Ahh there, there.” He said, pulling your hair. You’re still gagging because of his length.
“I-I, I’am coming...” He said, with his shakey voice. He threw back his head. you smirk, fastening your pace.
“Just like that, little slut.” He said, followed by his groans, after some seconds, he bursted right into your mouth.
“Wait for me, I’ll get you tissues.” He said, pulling his dick out from your mouth, getting you tissue.
“Here you-” He cut himself off when he saw you playing with his semen, using your mouth.
“I- here spit.” He said handing you the tissue. You gulped and wiped your sweat using the tissue he gave you.
“N-no way...” He said, looking at you.
“Ew I thought semen tastes good.” You said, tasting Jaemin’s semen made your stomach upset.
“I told you to spit it out.” He said, making you nod.
“yes, i’ll listen next time.” You said in a smile.
“Is it unfair that I am the only one who is completely naked here?” He said, making you sigh.
He started undressing you, making you feel so embarrassed. He removed all of your clothing, making you plant your head to the pillow.
“Tsk, stop. You’re beautiful.” He said, making you look at him.
You both collided, the feeling of Jaemin made you feel like fantasy. His kisses are always your cravings.
“Hmm, this is your spot, eh?” He said, thrusting into you harder, making you arch your back.
“Sorry, baby. I’ll not do it again.” He said, stopping his actions. After a minute, he continued to thrust into you.
“Fuck.” You gasped. 
“Hey you slut! Faster! We’ll be late!” Jaemin said, almost dragging you at the street.
“Wait, Jaemin! My legs are really weak, hold on.” You said, trying to maintain your balance.
“Eh fuck it.” He said and grabbed your inner thigh, carrying you.
“psst, am i good in bed?” He suddenly asked while the both of you are in class.
“really? ask that now?” You asked, making him shake his head while smiling.
“I’m home~” He said, entering the dorm.
“Hello Jaem!~” You greeted him with a smile.
“You’re in a good mood eh?” He asked, making you nod continuously.
“Finally, dating my dream guy.” You whispered underneath your breath.
“Tch, finally, dating the girl I hate the most back in middle school.” He said while looking at you. You rolled your eyes.
“Ehmm, there is a kid here.” Renjun cleared his throat.
“Oh yea, I forgot Jisung is here.” Jaemin said while clapping.
“Let’s go now! I am fucking hungry.” Jisung said, making you shocked af.
“Did you just curse, Jisung?!” You said, pointing at Jisung. Jisung looked at Jaemin, letting you know that Jaemin taught him.
“You crazy! What did you tell Jisung, eh?” You said, pinching Jaemin.
“He is a minor you Jaemin!!” Mark said, while laughing.
“Eh quit the noise, i’ll treat y’all.” Jeno said, making you all scream out of happiness because finally, Jeno is treating dinner.
“hey you, wake up.” Your sister, Yuna woke you up.
“Eh?” You rubbed your eyes, looking at your surroundings, making you cry out loud.
“MAMAAAAAAA” You screamed while crying, making your mom enter your room.
“Oh!! What is happening in here?!” Your mom asked you with much panic.
“I dreamt about Jaemin.” You said while crying.
“I DREAMT ABOUT AN IDOL DATING ME.” you said, still crying. Yuna laughed at you.
“Aren’t you contented with your sister who is an idol too?” Yuna said, posing infront of you.
“I’LL GO SEE JAEMIN, MOM. I HAVE TOO.” You said, making you look like a psycho.
“how? in your dreams.” your mom said jokingly, making you sadder.
“yes, i know. i am just a fan but, Yuna. I am your older sister. Make me see Jaemin. Use your power.” You said, making mom and Yuna laugh.
“C’mon! At least you will not be useless anymore. Go, give me Jaemin’s number.” you said, making Yuna stick out her tongue.
“It’s okay, dear. There is someone for you except for Jaemin.” Mom said, patting your back. 
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monolithrose · 5 years
Happy holidays. Have some holiday whiterose. No, how dare u assume I wrote this in a couple hours bc I forgot. I did not. how could u assume that. Shush, Weiss’ bday is on x-mas in this fic, this is my fic, I will use whatever head canons I want . and bees have already become canon.
It was Christmas Eve, Ruby should be running down the halls with a pair of reindeer antlers on while singing Christmas carols, but she wasn’t, because Christmas Day happened to also be her partners birthday and she hadn’t gotten her a gift for either of those important dates. 
Weiss was for sure getting flowers, chocolates, and every other common gift under the sun from suitors and their friends, but Ruby wanted to get her something special. Something to show she cared more than any of those bozo suitors wearing 2,000$ ties. She had considered getting her a puppy because of how much she loved Zwei, but they would never allow a dog in the atlas dorms. Then she thought about every other animal she could adopt as a sort of loophole, but then remembered how strict the rules herein atlas are. 
She had even considered getting some new parts for mytrenaster, but Weiss would be expecting that. Ruby was lost deep in thought and was only dragged back when she heard Yang calling her name. 
“Earth to Ruby, you there?” She jokingly asked
Ruby spread her fingers to look at her sister “What?” 
“What's got you so stressed out?” Yang hopped up onto the bed next to Ruby, wrapping an arm around her shoulders “y’ know you can tell your big sis anything” 
“I haven’t gotten Weiss anything for Christmas…” She groaned
“Did you get her anything for her birthday, I’m sure you’d be able to play it off if you did” 
Ruby looked up and shook her head
Yang took in a sharp breath “Ouch. You dug yourself into a hole, didn’t you?” 
“I did…do you have any ideas” 
“Do what I did, get her some flowers and chocolate” 
Ruby groaned again “But everyone to ever know Weiss is getting her that! I want to get her something original, something from the heart, y’ know?” 
The blonde raised a brow before she seemed to understand “Something from the heart…” she placed a hand on her chin like she had a beard “Wait, that just gave me an idea…I’ll be right back!” With that, she sprung from the bed and dashed out of the dorm
“wait nooo! don’t leave me!” The brunette whined, dramatically flopping on the bed.
When she rolled over she noticed that when Yang went running top speed out of the room she flung a flyer into the room, it had bright colors and the words Winter carnival written across it in big bold letters. She stood from her bed to grab the flyer, as expected it was a winter carnival held in the center of atlas. Strange, why hadn’t Weiss ever mentioned this before? She didn’t have much time to dwell on it before the said girl had entered the room. 
“Whatcha got there?” Weiss asked, looking at the paper her partner held. 
Well, this carnival was the best thing she had birthday/Christmas present wise, and people didn’t usually tell other people what they’re getting them, so she shoved the flyer into her pocket and stuttered out 
“N…nothing! Nothing at all!” 
“Uh-huh, let me see it” Weiss held out her hand expectantly
“Oh haha would ya look at the time! Gotta go! Talk later!” Ruby dashed out the door, using her semblance so her partner wouldn’t be able to grab her.
“That was…weird” Weiss muttered, she just assumed it was Ruby being…well…Ruby and didn’t pay to much attention to it. 
Ruby ran to hide in the bathroom, knowing there was nowhere else Weiss couldn’t get to her. She opened her scroll to do more research on the carnival, she found out quite a bit, like how it was the perfect place to visit for Christmas, and probably the perfect place to buy time with fun games, rides, and popcorn so she could find a present perfect for Weiss. 
She came up with a plan, she’d go to the carnival with the rest of the team, Yang and Blake could go off on a date, and Ruby would try and find a present for Weiss while they both hopefully had fun at the carnival. 
“Okay, okay, plan to go to the carnival and find Weiss a present is a go!” Ruby whisper yelled, smiling and doing a quick fist bump. 
A few hours before nightfall was set to come and all of team RWBY was finally in the dorm. the team's leader set her plan into motion. 
“Team meeting!” She yelled out, not so gracefully jumping off of her bunk bed
“What is it? Are we out of cookies again?” Weiss sarcastically commented, putting the book she had been reading down. 
“That, and I’ve decided we are going to the winter carnival!” She excitedly announced, pulling the flyer out of her pocket “Like, right now” 
“Winter carnival?” Blake asked, sending her white-haired teammate a questioning look
“Yeah, I found a flyer for it and thought it’d be fun to go! Y’know, ride roller coasters, win prizes, eat cheap popcorn” 
Yang shrugged “I don’t see why not” 
“Well if Yangs going…” The raven-haired faunas answered, tucking a lock of hair behind her (human) ear. 
“Weiss?” Ruby questioned, looking at her partner with puppy dog eyes 
“Fine…” Weiss sighed “But only because you said please” 
“Yay! Team bonding activity!” Ruby cheered “we leave in an hour! Get ready!” 
An hour later they were boarding a train to the center of atlas where the carnival was being held and even from almost a mile away they could see the Ferris wheel built in the shape of a snowflake. Ruby was practically vibrating from excitement, shaking Weiss’ arm and gushing to her about how fun it would be. 
Weiss was listening with a little smile on her face, she only heard half of it because of how fast her partner was talking, but she still listened anyways. Yang was talking to Blake about how she used to win all the carnival games when she and Ruby were kids and how their dad kept a shelf full of plushies won from the games. 
As they were getting off the train Ruby began tugging at Weiss’ arm 
“Come on! Come on! You walk so slow” She whined
“I swear you’re still a child” Weiss teased, playfully rolling her eyes
“Hey! I just turned 18! I’m not a kid anymore” 
“But you’re still a child” 
Ruby pouted and wrapped both arms around Weiss’ arm “Weissss!” She began trying to drag her towards the ticket booth and was successful. Weiss was pretty surprised that she was strong enough to drag her, but she was worried she’d chisel down her heels. 
“Hey! Careful! You’re going to break my heels and then we’ll have to go home” 
Ruby turned around “Then walk faster, silly! Yang and Blake have already abandoned us” She pouted and muttered, “This was supposed to be a team activity…” 
Weiss felt bad, so she patted Ruby’s head and moved her hand to hold onto her partners “hey, you’ve still got me, we can turn this into a partner activity, I know we haven’t had that much time together” 
That seemed to brighten Ruby’s spirit “Yeah, that sounds nice…” she began tugging on Weiss’ hand again “Let's go, I promise no dragging this time” 
“Good, because I’d like to keep my arm in its socket” 
“Heh, sorry” Ruby chuckled, itching the back of her head sheepishly. 
“It’s fine, now, how about we go to eat cheap popcorn” 
Ruby set off towards the ticket booth, this time not attempting to accidentally pull Weiss’ arm off. The line wasn’t very long, it was pretty late after all, so they got their tickets within a few minutes of waiting. 
“This one's on me” Weiss announced, attempting to pull out the lien from her pocket. 
Ruby put a hand on the one trying to hand the bored teenager behind the counter lien, then grabbed her own money out of her pocket and handed it to him. 
“No, no, this was my idea, I’ll pay” 
“But-” Weiss protested
“Weiss, you don’t have to ‘treat’ everyone constantly” She chuckled, taking the wristbands and tickets from the teen. 
When they entered the smell of cotton candy and butter hit Weiss directly in the face and she gagged a bit and covered her nose, it smelt like a trash can. Ruby was attempting to put the wristband on…with her teeth…but laughed when Weiss gagged.
“What, have you never been to a carnival?” She still had part of the paper wristband in-between her teeth so it was muffled slightly, but released it when she finally managed to tighten it around her wrist. 
“No I have not, my father rarely even let me out of the house, let alone let me into a ‘commoners activity’” She said the last part with a bit of venom in her voice, she didn’t like the way her father described anyone that wasn’t him “His words, not mine”
 “Well tonight we’re going to make sure you have the most fun you can have at a carnival” She began fastening the paper onto Weiss’ wrist, who sent her a confused look “Trust me, you don’t wanna have to use your teeth” 
Weiss laughed “You’re a dolt, you know that, right?” 
“Mhmm, but I’m your dolt” 
“Got that right” 
Ruby’s eyes landed on something and she smiled with a look of pure joy “Ooh! Ooh! Can we play that shooter game! I bet you I can beat it because of my super awesome sniper skills” Ruby exclaimed, pointing to a game that had tiny moving cardboard aliens and nerf guns set up to shoot at them. 
“Lead the way” 
Ruby hadn’t let go of Weiss’ hand when she put the wristband on, so she dragged her to the booth. A dog faunas stood at the booth, playing on her scroll. Without Ruby asking, she held out her hand and began chewing her gum even louder to show her disinterest. 
“3 tickets” 
Ruby ripped the correct amount of tickets off the role she had been given and placed it in the girl's hand. 
“Shoot the alien. Get a prize. you look older than 12, I’m sure you know the rules” She explained, not looking away from her scroll the whole time. She pressed a button and the aliens lit up while LED’s in one of the guns turned on and began flickering
Ruby smirked and put her hands on the gun, it was just like crescent rose’s sniper form. She managed to shoot almost every single alien, all except one that was worth like 5 points so she didn’t mind that much. The girl looked up, rolling her eyes, and pointed to the stuffed animals on the wall. 
“Pick one” She looked back at her scroll and began typing
“What one do you think?” Ruby asked Weiss, turning to her
Weiss’ eyes scanned the wall of toys, and her eyes landed on the giant cookie wearing a Santa hat she knew her partner would love “I think you should get that one” She pointed to it and Ruby beamed at her
“Good idea, I like that one” She turned back to the unamused faunas
"That one” She pointed to the cookie and the girl finally put her scroll down to grab it for Ruby, then handed it to her before going back to texting. 
“Told ya I could beat it!” Ruby exclaimed, with a smile
“I didn’t doubt you” Weiss laughed “Guess you were right, this place seems… decent”
“Geez Weiss, you sound like your sister” 
“Oh haha,” She grabbed Ruby by the arm and dragged her forward. 
Throughout the night they did end up having fun, Ruby won Weiss a few more prizes, who blushed whenever she was handed a new plush. They saw Yang and Blake a few times, who both had mountains of prizes stacked mile high that just seemed to get bigger every time they were spotted in the crowd. 
“How are they going to fit that on the train…? Or in the dorm…” Weiss muttered, eyeing the gigantic teddy bear that was at least 7 ft tall hanging off of Yangs back “Or the rest of those stuffed animals”
“Awww, Weiss, do you wanna bear to?” Ruby asked, positioning a stuffed fox and a tiger so she could hold both under her arm and eat cotton candy. 
“Like either of us would be able to carry that thing” Weiss huffed 
Ruby was about to make a come back when she saw a stall selling jewelry, then she saw it. It was a necklace that had a snowflake on it, but in the back was what looked like rubies and some sort of clear cast over it to keep everything in place. There were a few blue gems on the chain as well. It was perfect, but now she needed to distract Weiss so she could snag the necklace.
Luckily a food court just so happened to be next to the booth, the perfect diversion. 
“Hey Weiss, could you go grab us some food? A hotdog is fine for me” She asked
“uh, sure, if you could grab a table” Weiss answered, a bit confused
“Got it! Okay, see you in a sec” 
Weiss sent her a weird look then walked off to get food. Ruby placed her stuff down on a table right next to the gate separating the food court from the main area, everything was going to plan. 
Ruby walked up to the booth and smiled “Uh…excuse me, sir?”
Unlike all the other people running the booths, this man seemed happy to be there, he had a bright smile and a cheery sounding voice “Yes ma’am!” 
“How much would that necklace be…?” She pointed to the snowflake necklace and the man smiled even brighter when he saw what she was pointing to
“Glad you asked! Lemme see here…” He reached back to grab the necklace and showed Ruby the price tag. 
She winced when she saw it, but it was for Weiss, so she smiled softly “I’ll take it, it’s the perfect gift for a friend of mine” 
His smile somehow got wider “Great, I’ll box it up for you, would you like a special message for this special friend?” 
“Yes please,” She realized what he had said and looked confused “Special friend…?” 
“I get a feeling this friend is more than a friend,” He said in a low voice like he only wanted Ruby to hear it “Anyway! What would you like this message to say?” He added the statement quickly so the brunette didn’t have a lot of time to process what he had said
Ruby thought for a sec before she told him, and he gladly wrote it on the inside of the box. She handed over the lien and gave a small wave before heading back to the food court where Weiss was approaching, food in hand. 
“Whatcha get?” Weiss asked when she sat down. 
“Uhhh nothing! Let's hurry and eat, I wanna show you something” Ruby explained, putting the box in the pocket of her sweater. 
Weiss raised a brow but chalked it up to her partner doing some last-minute Christmas shopping. 
Ruby had bought a bag to hold all of the prizes in specifically for this situation so she could put her hands over Weiss’ face. 
“Ruby, where are you taking me?” She asked, reaching up to hold onto one of her partner's arms, just to make sure she didn’t get ditched. 
“You’ll see” She chuckled 
Little did Weiss know that Ruby was leading them to the Ferris wheel in the center of the carnival, and just in time for her to enact the last part of her plan. aka the part, she added in 15 minutes ago. She silently paid the ticket taker and helped her into the gondola that was also very winter themed. When they were both sitting in the winter-themed cart she finally removed her hand from Weiss’ eyes
“Ta-da! Since this carnival is all night, I thought why not ride a Ferris wheel into Christmas!” Ruby chirped “Since y’know…it’s 11:50 and I DID pay for a 20-minute ride” 
Weiss sent her a soft smile “Sounds perfect” 
Ruby’s cheeks turned a bit redder and she was pretty sure it wasn’t from the cold. Before they could say anything else the gondola began moving, startling Weiss. 
“Woah, please don’t tell me you’ve also never been on a Ferris wheel” Ruby piped
“Well, I have bad news for you” Weiss grumbled, scooting a bit closer to the warmth radiating off of her partner. 
The wheel stopped at the top and those pretty cerulean eyes sparkled when she looked over the edge at the city
“It’s really…pretty” She gawked
Ruby smiled “I’m glad you like it” She glanced at the time on her scroll…almost time. 
They went around one more time and ended up frozen on the top of the wheel when the clock chimed midnight, it was Christmas and Weiss’ birthday. It was time. 
“Hey…umm Weiss” Ruby muttered
“yeah?” Weiss answered
“I got you something for Christmas and your birthday…since it’s midnight…I think it’s the perfect time” She grabbed the box out of her pocket, fiddling with it in her hands
“I left your present at home though..” Weiss confessed “I didn’t think we’d be doing this” She laughed softly
“It’s okay, I can wait until morning” She took in a deep breathe and handed the box to her partner, who gingerly took it “I know it’s not a lot…but…I uh…Uhm” Uh oh. here comes the stuttering
“it's alright, if it's from you, then it’s my favorite gift I’ve received” Weiss smiled that lopsided smile she seemed to have reserved for Ruby. 
Ruby was about to stutter something out but Weiss had already opened it and looked shocked. in her eyes, the necklace was beautiful. Then she noticed the note. It was tucked beneath the necklace, but it looked important. 
She grabbed it and unfolded it, and what she read made her heart stop. 
Dear Weiss,
I know this probably isn’t the most lavish gift you’ll receive, but there’s something I’ve wanted to tell you for a while now. If you don’t think the same way, I completely understand, you don’t have to talk to me ever again if you don’t want to. But, I love you. More than you know. You’ve supported me more than anyone else, and in my book, that means you’re my best friend, and I’d love to be able to call you my girlfriend…if you’d allow it.
- Ruby R.
Ruby was sitting, she faces a bright red and looking incredibly nervous. She was playing with the cloth on her sweater with shaky hands and was visibly sweating as she stared directly at the floor with wide eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed her it, too much of a chicken to say anything. Of course, Weiss felt the same way, and she was more than willing to let Ruby know. 
“Ruby…” Weiss whispered “I’d love to be called your girlfriend” She gently ran her thumbs over the letter, smiling softly. 
Ruby looked at her “D…does that mean…” She croaked 
“Yes, Yes it means-” She took in a shaky breath “-it means I love you…” 
Weiss wasn’t able to finish her sentence before a pair of warm lips were on her own, and she was more than happy to kiss back. 
She slowly wrapped her arms around Ruby’s neck so it looked like a moment from a cheesy Christmas movie. When they pulled away the younger girl giggled, holding her new girlfriend close. 
“I’m so glad that worked…” She sighed, pressing her head against Weiss’ 
“You didn’t need to do all of that just to woo me, dolt” 
“But I wanted to prove to you how much I love you” She sighed again, this time it was more of a happy sight than a tired sigh “merry Christmas Weiss” 
“Merry Christmas Ruby…” 
Yang looked down at her stopwatch, staring up at the Ferris wheel. 
“They’ve been up there for almost 20 minutes now…” She sighed
“Do you think Ruby finally confessed like she planned to last Christmas?” Blake asked, squinting to try and look at the two atop the snowflake wheel. 
“Knowing Ruby, probably not…” 
“I wouldn’t be so sure” Blake chuckled, pointing upwards.
Yang looked up, just barely making out the two kissing “By the gods she did it…”
“I’m proud of her, aren’t you?” 
“Yeah, she learned well from her awesome big sister” 
Blake laughed and kissed her cheek “Come on, we have to go take care of all these stuffed animals…” she turned to look at the huge crate filled with plush toys “What am I going to do with you…”
Yang laughed “Love me and give me all the affection”
“Sounds like a good plan”
Hey all, hope ya liked that, that was a bit longer than I planned, but longer the better right? It’s 3 am but X-mas Ain’t over! And yes, I will write the bee POV of this, just later.
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Yay! My school started yesterday, haha. So I’m kinda short on creative ideas right now, but I’ll try! Maybe Madix picks something up at work and has to go to the bathroom to throw up before his shift is even over. He texts Riley telling him what’s going on but he has to finish his shift because there’s an important patient or something. While Riley waits for Madix to get home, he sets up a nice spot on the couch for his boyfriend to rest and relax. Madix throws up more once he gets home. :)
Dude I had so much fun writing this! Thank you! 
The day was almost over, just two more hours and then he could crash. Just 120 more minutes of nausea, burping, and dizziness. Madix felt like he was hearing a patient list off their symptoms to him. Every ailment swirled in his head, but most notably in his stomach. He exhaled deeply through his nose and finished up the last stitching on some poor guy’s forehead. It was sloppy and the man’s breath smelt like week-old tuna, but it was over. It might as well have been karma for breathing in a patient’s face while he most certainly had picked up the bug taking down each member of the ER department one by one.
Madix removed his gloves, and quickly excused himself. His departure felt a bit hasty, especially since his patient was being so appreciative, and towards some expendable resident at that. But he had to leave. He had to get away from the crying children, and the ringing phones, and the general noise that wafted around the emergency room. Don’t get him wrong, Madix’s favourite rotation was trauma and emergency medicine, however he really wished he was further away from the noise today. 
Before a new arrival could come wheeling in on a stretcher, Madix made a beeline for the nearest restroom. Thank God it was a single one. He lifted the toilet seat as if to pee, and instead just leaned against the back wall with his head hanging above the bowl. His breath came in quick burst, as he fought back nausea. Nothing happened. He wanted to go home so badly before something did happen. By the way his belly gurgled and tossed around his lunch, he didn’t think he’d get so lucky.
For now, Madix splashed some water on his red cheeks and returned to work. The next half hour of his shift went by in a blur. He couldn’t have guessed how many arterial lines he inserted, or how many lacerations he stitched up, but he could tell you how many times his stomach rolled like an overturned car on the freeway. He could tell you that his temperature rose steadily throughout the day, as did his fear that he’d be seeing a reappearance of his lunch.
Shakily, Madix opened the curtain to greet the next patient. He looked down at his clipboard to familiarize himself with the case, but there was no need. The child’s darkened expression cracked slightly as she saw Madix. Her sunken cheeks perked up ever so slightly upon seeing a familiar face. Madix did not have the same reaction.
“Kiara, what are you doing back here?” Madix sighed, but added a bit of mockery in his tone to cheer the child up. He looked towards Kiara’s mother and kept his voice even. “This is what? The third time you’ve been here in the past two weeks?”
“She’s still throwing up after every meal,” the mother said with her arms crossed. “No one is taking this seriously, Madix.”
It was after the second trip to the ER that the family had started calling Madix by his first name. Even after two visits, the child’s symptoms persisted. Kiara was noticeably weaker this time around. Madix was sure that she had an ulcer, but his attending kept dismissing it as indigestion, or hysteria. Upon hearing that, Madix almost punched his superior. For God’s sake the kid was unable to keep anything down for ten days. This was not made-up or exaggerated. 
This time would be different. Madix ordered various tests, determined to get to the bottom of this. He’d done all these tests before and each time there wasn’t a significant fluctuation to warrant concern. Still, Kiara warranted concern.  
For a moment, Madix forgot about his own problems. He had a stupid stomach flu, while his patient had something much worse. He shouldn’t have been complaining, but it was hard to ignore the growing nausea. While he waited for the tests to come back, he had every intention of speaking more with Kiara and her mom, but his belly demanded immediate attention. For a second, Madix tried resisting the call, then he gagged, forcing him to cover his mouth with his hand and dash to the bathroom.
He threw open the door and crashed to the ground in front of the toilet. A sick belch gurgled up his throat, followed by a gush of vomit. It landed in the water below with a splash, making droplets fly back in his face. Madix breathed heavily. He wiped his damp face and prayed that it would be one and done.
It wasn’t. He heaved emptily, feeling the organ trying desperately to rid itself of its contents. Madix coughed harshly to get things going. Something in his throat was dislodged and a fresh wave of sick filled his mouth. Hopefully the doors were thick enough and the ER loud enough that no one heard his struggle. He burped up a few thick strands of saliva, and flushed away the mess.
His stomach was killing him, but he wanted to be the one calling the shots. He got to his feet, ignoring the way his insides were swirling, and immediately regretted it. His vision went dark and he lost his balance. He caught himself on the sink. God, he felt disgusting and so not ready to leave the comfort of a nearby toilet.
Madix took his phone out from his pocket. He wasn’t supposed to have it with him, but it was nice to look up some stuff when he ran into uncommon symptoms. This time, he was happy just to see Riley’s face on his lock screen. It was late in the evening; Riley would be home and definitely looking at his phone. Madix succumbed to the temptation and called his boyfriend.
Riley picked up on the first ring. “Madix?”
For a quick second, all Riley could hear was heavy breathing and sniffling. Then Madix’s raspy voice crackled in his ear. “I just threw up.”
“What? Are you okay?” The concern in Riley’s voice was clear, but there was a twinge of relief by the fact that he was hiding behind a phone. 
“I’m…” Madix was going to say fine, but couldn’t manage it convincingly, also he really didn’t want to try. “…I’m not doing so great, to be honest.”
“Oh baby, are you coming home?”
Madix squeezed his eyes shut and pretended that Riley was in the small space with him. “I can’t. There’s this little girl. I can’t leave her – I can’t.”
“Mads, you sound terrible. I want you home.”
“I want to be home, but –”
“I know,” Riley said quickly. “Deal with this, and when you get back, I’ll have everything set up for.”
“I don’t know if I can make it the rest of my shift without getting sick again.”
“You can. I know you can,” Riley tried to sound convincing but all he could hear was Madix groaning in pain. “You’re so good, Mads.”
Madix ran his hand through his hair and exhaled deeply. “Okay, I’ll be home soon. I love you.”
“Love you.”
Madix wasn’t sure if that phone call made him more determined to help Kiara, or just more anxious to be home with his boyfriend. Either way, he spat the vile taste of puke into the sink and left.
Reading the results of the tests was a dizzying affair. The numbers blended into one large inkblot in Madix’s vision, and the world around him seemed to slow down. The noises of the ER faded, which would have been nice If Madix wasn’t actively trying to remain upright.
One small bit of hope broke his nausea induced trance – the breath test came back showing signs of a peptic ulcer. This would almost certainly convince his attending to at least do an endoscopy and Madix knew exactly what it would show. Madix only wished it didn’t have to take this long to help Kiara and give her a real diagnosis.
With the good/bad news in hand, Madix returned to where Kiara was waiting. She was lying with her head in her mom’s lap, and didn’t even look up when Madix came in. It was only when he explained the true reason for her sickness, that both the mother and daughter breathed a sigh of relief. Madix did as well, and leaned against the bed for support. He reckoned he looked like shit as he delivered the news. His hands shook as he read the results out loud so that the mother could understand, and ran out of breath by time he finished explaining.
Kiara’s mother put her hand on Madix’s shoulder. “Thank you, Madix, for actually taking us seriously. I do hope your shift is over because you deserve a break.”
She had no idea how badly he needed that break. Madix wanted to stay longer and make sure that everything was sorted out with his attending and Kiara’s treatment, but his rotation was over, and he felt like passing out. With his fist pressed into his mouth, he left in a hurry.
The ride back was as one would expect. Madix struggled to keep his insides…inside. His stomach was back to rebelling against him and threatening to open the flood gates. He didn’t think he had much left to throw up, but his body didn’t seem to have gotten the memo.
As soon as he opened the front door, Madix dropped his bags and happily collapsed into Riley’s waiting arms. His boyfriend was warm and smelt like soap. It was comforting and soft for a moment, then his stomach whined again. He shivered and broke away from his boyfriend.
Riley guided Madix to the couch where there was a pile of blankets, exactly two of favourite pillows, and a glass of water on the coffee table. There was also a bucket on the floor. “How are you feeling?”
“Nauseous.” Madix melted at the sight of the comfy bed Riley had set up. He wanted to fall into the couch, but he froze. With his mouth slightly agape, his tongue became slick with saliva. His hand shook as he covered his mouth. He questioned whether he could make it to the bathroom in time. 
Before he could make the decision to run to the toilet, Riley shoved the bucket under his chin and caught the sick that splattered in the basin. Madix’s whole body shook as he lurched forward. He took the bucket in his own hands and turned away from his boyfriend. With strangled noises, he resisted each successive retch, causing his chest to hitch.
Riley stayed behind him and rubbed his back. “Let yourself throw up, Madix. Don’t fight it.”
Madix didn’t need much convincing, mostly because his body took over. He relaxed the muscles in his abdomen, only for them to spasms immediately afterward. He doubled over and vomited up more stomach contents. Each gush of puke gurgled in his throat and landed in the bucket with a sickening splash. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled between heaves and mouthfuls of vomit. “I – I can’t help it.”
Riley lowered Madix to the ground, where he knelt, still with his head shoved in the bucket. “That’s okay, I’m fine. Let it happen.” 
In reality, Riley’s hands were shaking just as much as Madix’s were, but he ignored it. He ignored the feeling in his chest telling him to cover his ears and run. He thought that if he told himself he was fine, then he would be fine, and so far, it was working. He focused on rubbing Madix’s back in big circles.
Madix finally got a moment to catch his breath. He felt like he got a proper ab workout, and probably grip strengthening with how hard he was holding onto the bucket. He shut his eyes, still feeling like the room was spinning. “I need to lie down.”
“Are you done throwing up?”
“For now.”
So, Madix practically crawled to the couch. He wrapped himself in the blankets that Riley had made into a nest and closed his eyes. He lay with his head in Riley’s lap while hugging his aching belly. Before falling asleep, he mumbled just loud enough so that Riley would hear him. 
“That patient is going to be okay.”
“Good. You’re a good doctor.”
“I’m not a doctor yet.” Madix yawned and started to play with the sweaty collar of his shirt. “There’s vomit on my scrubs.” He pouted.
Riley chuckled, a sound that Madix felt privileged to hear so well. “And it’s not someone else’s this time.”
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snapsicle · 5 years
Chalk Flu- Chapter 1
heya! finally finished chapter 1- it’s a semi-long one, just a warning! 
chapter summary: Snap comes down with a strange illness, and Rudy and Penny need to find the cure. They visit a library to try and find out more. 
TW: Illness, death mention, gross-out, germs, bugs/insects. 
the whole 5 pages are underneath the cut! 
It was a sunny afternoon in Chalkzone, like it always was, the sun’s many triangular points rotating around it in a rhythmic pattern, shining warm beams of sun onto the ‘zoners below it. Snap was busy sunbathing, underneath a tree, sighing, sipping on a halved coconut full of water. 
“Ah, this is the life, ain’t it?” He reclined. “What a lovely day.” Under his breath, he hoped he didn’t jinx it. 
Today was the day Rudy was going to visit chalkzone for the first time in 2 weeks- he was really busy with his studies, considering he was a freshman in middle school, it was a little bit of a heavier workload than he was used to. It had been another 2 years, Rudy was 12 now, a 7th grader- the youngest in his class, with a summer birthday. Snap usually waited around the portal, but he almost had a 6th sense of when it was going to open. He recalled that Penny was probably coming too. 
Snap reclined further, almost laying down now. He sighed loudly as if Rudy could hear him getting annoyed. Rudy was coming to chalkzone less and less now, and it was becoming more apparent- this drove Snap up a wall. His train of thought was interrupted though, suddenly, when he felt something crawling up his leg. He attempted to brush it off, but it seemed to cling. This is when he stopped to look at it. It was a weird little green germ, and Snap wrinkled his nose. 
“Hey! Get offa me!” He said, attempting to swipe the little circular green amoeba off his leg. It stuck to his glove. “Wha- You don’t know when to quit, do ya?” 
Before he knew it, the green thing had jumped on his face. This is when Snap really began to panic. He yelped in surprise and started slapping at his face in a desperate attempt to kill the tiny ‘zoner, and winced as it crawled into his mouth, almost gagging. He attempted to cough it up, but he was sure he’d swallowed it, and he stuck his tongue out. “BLEGH, that’s DISGUSTING!” He cried, and made exaggerated choking and gagging noises. 
“Gee, I hope that thing doesn’t make me sick.” Snap shuddered. “I’m getting a little tired of things wanting to eat me and things wanting ME to eat THEM.” Snap had lost his appetite. 
That’s when Rudy and Penny both opened the portal. Snap saw the familiar sparkling of the magic chalk in the distance, and he hopped up onto his feet, watching Rudy and Penny jump in through the magical gateway. He smiled to greet them. 
“Heya bucko, buckette, how’s life?” Snap said. “Long time no see, amiright?” 
“Haha, yup, life’s good alright!” Rudy said, scratching the back of his head. “Sorry I haven’t been here awhile. You know I’ve been really busy with work, and stuff.” 
“Nah, don’t even worry about it, Rudy!” Snap said. “You’re here now, and that’s what matters!” and with that, Snap felt a tingling in his nose. He drew back, and sneezed- a loud “ACHOO!” that blew him to the ground. He wiped his nose. “Oy coloy, I hope this ain't the start of somethin’.” Snap smiled weakly and Rudy helped him to his feet. 
“Alrighty! What did you fellas wanna do today?” Penny said. “We could visit the candy cane forest, or go to the Globetheater, or River Rafting, or sledding, or catch a show in nightzone, or-” Penny paused. “Wait.. Snap, there's something on your face.” 
“Wait, really? What is it?” Snap said, wiping at his cheeks. 
“It looks like a purple pepperoni.” Penny commented. 
“Yeah Snap, on the left side of your face-” Rudy said. “Right about here.” He pointed to his left cheek right below the eye. 
“What?? It’s not comin’ off!” Snap cried. “Ugh,” Snap’s train of thought was interrupted with another sneeze. Pop! Another purple spot appeared, this time on his stomach. Pop! Pop! Pop! More purple spots started appearing all over Snap’s body! 
“Wh-wh-wha??” Snap said. “AAACHOOO!!” He said, and this sneeze almost knocked him out. 
Penny and Rudy winced. “Penny, what should we do?” Rudy said, cringing. 
“He’s clearly sick with some kind of chalkzone-specific disease.” Penny said calmly. 
“So much for our play-date,” Rudy said flatly. 
“THIS- ACHOO- Isn’t- ACHOO- FUNNY!- AAACHOO!” Snap said, wiping his nose. “I think it was that stupid little bug i swallowed earlier- ACHOO!” 
“Bug?” Penny said. “You swallowed a bug?” 
“Not exactly a bug-” Snap said, and his train of thought was interrupted by his chalk-white face turning a brilliant shade of green. “Wha…. Anyway, It was this little, teeny tiny germ-lookin’ thing.” Snap said, sniffling. “Did it get suddenly colder in here, or is it just me?” 
“Patient 0,” Penny said. 
“Patient 0?” Rudy repeated questioningly. 
“I’ve seen it in all kinds of plague movies! He’s the first one to get the disease. They call that Patient 0,” Penny explained. 
“Something about this doesn’t feel so good,” Rudy said. “It’s like the inflatermaus all over again.” 
“C’mon Snap, let’s get you home.” Penny said, scooping him up and carrying him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 
“Are you sure you should be…. Touching him?” Rudy said. 
“Don’t worry Rudy,” Penny said. “We’re human! Snap is chalk, and so is the disease, I’m assuming. We can’t be affected by it.” 
“Oh yeah. Almost forgot.” Rudy said. 
Snap’s house was a ways away, but Rudy and Penny had no trouble getting him there, although Snap was making dramatic, exaggerated groaning noises the whole time Penny and Rudy hauled him all the way to his house, all the while rolling their eyes. Once they got to the door, Rudy located the key underneath the doormat, and opened up the door, greeted with the smell of pot roast and Blocky sitting on the couch and reading a comic book. With the sound of the opening door, he looked up and put down his comic. 
“Hey Penny, Hey Rudy! Hey Sn-- Snap?“ He looked a little concerned. “What's going on?? Is Snap alright??“
Snap weakly waved his arm up at Blocky. “I'm fine, don't worry about little ol- ACHOO- me… uahahhh..“
“Yeah, he's sick.” Rudy said flatly. 
“We need you to temporarily take care of him while we figure out what to do.“ Penny added. “But! Be very careful, because you can catch his disease as well!“
“Ah! Poor baby,“ Blocky said. “Snap has been sick before, and I took really good care of him. I promise I'll take care of him and be real, real careful, and nurse him back to health!“
“Thank you Blocky.“ Penny responded. “We really appreciate your help.“
Penny set Snap down on the carpet and Snap sneezed and knocked himself to the ground. Blocky walked up and scooped him into his arms, holding him as if he were a baby. 
“We seriously cannot thank you enough for taking care of him while we go figure out what to do,“ Rudy added. “Make sure to not leave your house or let Snap leave unless you ABSOLUTELY need to!“ 
Blocky nodded. “Can do! I'm gonna go take this poor sick little thing to his bed,“
Snap groaned. 
With one last nod, Rudy and Penny left the house, and started aimlessly wandering away from the little cottage. “At least we know he's in good hands,“ Rudy said, giggling slightly. “So. What do you think we should do now? What is there to do?“
“We obviously can't just ignore it and mess around,“ Penny said. “Out of all the chalkzone diseases i've researched i've never seen ANYTHING like this. We have no idea what it can do to a zoner!” 
“Agreed,“ Rudy said. “It could be highly infectious and debilitating, or worse-“ Rudy gulped. 
“I think I know just the place to get some research done.“ Penny responded. 
“Are you thinking what I'm thinking?“ Rudy raised one eyebrow.
“Hug Bugs library?“ Penny said. 
“Lead the way!“ Rudy said, bowing and gesturing towards the direction of the distant library. 
“Lets go!“ And so they began their journey towards the massive, looming library in the distance. 
The walk wasn't unpleasant- nor was it particularly fun, there was interesting sights to see and many distinctive landmarks that led them straight to the giant, rotting building filled with everything from shiny new books to ancient tomes. The building almost didn't look like a library, it was almost like a Victorian castle, with twisted spires covered in moss and vines and amazing curved and spiked architecture, looming what seemed like miles above the two small kids. 
“There it is...“ Rudy said. 
“I've seen it before, is the thing, but it never fails to blow me away,“ Penny said. “An amazing display of chalkzone architectural prowess.“
“A display it is, indeed.“ Rudy said. “Lets go inside.“ 
They walked through the massive swinging doors decorated with strange engraved knocker gargoyles. When they came in, the inside was just as spectacular as the outside- and there were many little caterpillar zoners running around, moving books from place to place, scuttling almost as if they don't even notice anyone else. In addition to that, there were many larger zoners browzing books, some reading, others talking quietly over coffee, and Rudy and Penny honestly didn't know where to start. The ceilings were high and stacked all the way up with books. There were little bug-assistants that could crawl up and fetch one for you, but there was also massive cream-colored ladders leading up to each section, which you could theoretically climb to find the book you need- and it was all neatly organized using the dewey decimal system. 
“Woah...“ Rudy said. “You know what we need to do now.“ 
“Find Hug Bug. Agreed,“ Penny added. “There's no way we can comb through all this information all by ourselves and still have time to spare.“
“That means we have to go into the more… secret sections of the library. The other librarians won't like that,“ Rudy said. 
“I'm not too excited about it either. If we get stopped, we do have an excuse.“ Penny said. 
Behind one of the bookshelves is a gap barely big enough for one of Hug Bugs body segments to squeeze through- and a secret door on the inside. It wasn't strictly forbidden to go inside- but not many zoners knew about it. Behind the door is where the REAL powerful books are. Books about necromancy, spells, hexes, curses- and age-old secret family recipes. Rudy and Penny silently slipped behind the bookshelf, and creeped through the massive, heavy doorway, making a quiet scraping sound, but that's about it. Immediately, they felt a soft breeze as the candles alongside the walkways illuminated instantly. 
“Gee, I forgot how creepy it is here.” Penny said. 
The caterpillars scuttling across the floors and walls all turned to stare at them menacingly. Like they were judging their every move, ready to forcefully throw them out. 
“We come in peace,” Rudy said weakly. “We’re looking for Hug Bug?” He spoke, and with that, the little caterpillars began chattering amongst each other quickly and quietly. 
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Rudy muttered, as if the caterpillars could hear him. 
After a couple seconds, the chattering turned into soft giggling, and then into uproarious laughter. All of the sudden, in the ancient, empty hall, Rudy felt a presence behind him.
Rudy jumped and yelped when he felt something soft and twice his size embrace him tightly, suddenly, almost choking him. After a few seconds, he realized who it was. 
“Hug Bug!” Penny and Rudy cried in almost perfect unison. And Hug Bug released Rudy, and he stumbled to his feet. 
“Well well well well well, look who it is!” Hug Bug drawled, “Great creator Rudy, and his genius girlfriend!” 
“Well- She’s not really my-” 
“What are you two doing in my woooonderful library?” Hug Bug said, his voice deep and cartoonishly slow. Hug Bug himself was like a giant, multicolored version of his little caterpillar assistants, little book-sized pouches on the front of his many body segments, and a little bell attached to a silk ribbon tied around his neck. The bell rang sometimes, sure, but somehow, when he was sneaking up on you, you never heard it until the last second, and then it’s too late, and you’re smothered in giant plush bug cuddles! Truly a stealth predator. 
“You see, Hug Bug, Our friend Snap-” Penny said, and was cut off by the massive insect,
“OH, Snap! I looooove Snap. He’s one of my favorite guests.” 
“Ahem. As I was saying, Our friend Snap, he’s in some deep trouble,” Penny explained. “You see, he’s sick, and he has a disease that i’ve never even seen before.” 
“Yeees, of course- a disease- and you neeeed my help to find a cuuuure…” Hug Bug rested his face on his hands. “What a predicament…” 
“Well, actually, we were just wondering if you could point us in the direction of any books that might hold the secret to this strange disease.” Rudy said bashfully. 
“Hmm… What are the symptoms…?” Hug Bug spoke. 
“Well, Snap claims he swallowed a little green germ, and then he started sneezing, got covered in purple spots-” Penny continued. 
“And he turned green!” Rudy finished her sentence. 
“Ohhhh, that doesn’t sound the slightest bit familiar to me…” Hug Bug seemed concerned now. “I think I have a book that might interest you, though…” He said, suddenly scuttling up the wall at inhuman speeds, pulling on a book at one of the highest, strangest-looking shelves in the secret room, and all the little caterpillars seemed to gasp when he did so. After he pulled on the book though, strangely, he just let go of it, and it slid back into place. Could it have been a secret lever? A strange shifting and scraping sound confirmed their suspicions. 
A pedestal slowly came up from below the floorboards, revealing a small, dusty, odd-looking bookshelf that wasn’t there before. One of the books, though, stood out, as it was resting on the top, and the cover was green and covered in purple spots- the title was “CHALKZONE PLAGUES” in a blocky, black font scrawled across the entire front cover. 
“I think this might help youuu…” Hug Bug scuttled back down quickly, and handed them the book after dusting it off with one of his mitten-like hands. 
“Uhh… Plagues?” Rudy gulped. 
“I’ve got a real, real bad feeling about this, Rudy.” Penny said. “Let’s see what we can find. Thank you so much, Hug Bug,” Penny continued, and was forcefully scooped up into a big, warm hug. 
“Take care you twooooo! Hope my books find a way to help you… You can come back anytime... And make sure to invite me to the wedding...” Hug Bug giggled, and scuttled off to take care of other business. 
Penny and Rudy laughed nervously and rolled their eyes. 
“Ahem. Anyway, let’s see what we can find-” Penny opened to the table of contents. 
“Hmm. Topical diseases, infections, transformation-type diseases- plagues,” Penny read. “I really don’t know where to start.” 
“It’s just one book, that hopefully has the answer we need,” Rudy said. “We just need to try and track down the type of disease he has. First. Let’s check in plagues,” 
Penny flipped to a seemingly random page- “no,” She mumbled. 
“What about this?” Rudy flipped to another page, and found a graphic that looked almost identical to what Snap’s symptoms looked like. They both gasped. 
“It says here- This disease- Dubbed simply “Chalk Flu”, is brought upon by swallowing a small germ-” Penny read, “And the only cure is the Chameleon Lotus Tea, found only in Barney’s impenetrable forest!” Penny read further, “And if left untreated… Victims will…” Penny winced. “So this is pretty serious.” Rudy said, cringing. “Looks like we need to take a visit to our favorite Encyclocentipedia.” 
“He won’t be happy to see us, that’s for sure.” Penny said. “Last time we were there, it wasn’t exactly a relaxing experience.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll try our best not to rope him into anything this time… And he owes me one.” Rudy responded. 
“Alrighty. That settles it. Before we go, we better check on Snap and Blocky,” Penny said. “Make sure nothing has happened. Then we go.” 
“Agreed. Gotta make sure it doesn’t spread to anyone else.” Rudy responded. “I sure hope he’s okay…” 
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS episode 11 commentary (Shin...)
Thankfully at least the Crunchyroll subs weren’t so bad this time. I mean, there was the usual weirdness, but no major mistranslations that effect the plot like that time. So.... great!!
(After last week my standards are so low....)
But anyway. A reminder that the commentary you guys are getting on these episodes now is coming from the place where I am after having two months to digest things. After seeing this in the theater I didn’t really want to talk about anything to anyone. HOW COULD I COMMENT ABOUT ANYTHING REMOTELY CASUAL WHEN SHIN IS SUFFERING. Was my thought. But... eventually............
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I should have pointed this out last week, but did you catch that they added Dorachi to the OP?
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So yeah, there are a lot of little moments in this episode that it took me weeks to even begin to think about (what with everything else that happens) and this is one of them. Joji leaves Jin so quickly once he’s not cheating at prism shows anymore. Haha I know this is just a gag scene probably but really! When you think about it in the context of that line Joji had last week that was like “He’s changed....” it made me realize that maybe Joji really does love the “do anything to win” Jin.
And since Jin isn’t interested in that right now, here we have Joji kissing Sanada. 
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Jin doesn’t care about winning anymore. All Jin cares about is Louis.
The relationship between Jin and Louis is something I have a lot of questions about. Why is this a part of the plot? For what purpose? 
My only guess is it’s here to show that Jin can still love? Because he seems to really, truly love Louis. (Could you imagine him cradling one of the Shuffle boys after they failed a jump....) 
And this is all despite the fact that Louis also reminds him of his worst enemies, Hiro and Hijiri................. 
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All of my past comments about how Shin changed things for everyone and how much everyone loves and believes in him have all been leading up to this moment. 
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Even after what just happened, they all run to him without any sort of hesitation. They aren’t afraid of him. They all still love him. Edel Rose.  
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For people watching this on TV, the titles of the episodes are all spoiled in advance. 
But for us watching in the theater, we didn’t know.
When I saw Part 4 the first time, I chose a bad seat in the theater on purpose. Front row, far right. Because I just wanted to be alone, and there was guaranteed to be nobody sitting next to me unless the theater sold out. The theater sold out. And there I was in the right corner craning my neck up at an angle to this GIANT screen immediately right before me. Watching this happen. Small and helpless. Terrible chills washed all over my body and I think it was the most horrified feeling I have ever gotten while watching fictional media. I will never forget it......
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When I first watched this, I got the feeling that Shine had been floating in a void for a long time. (Maybe even the 1,000 years they always talk about.) But recently I realized, maybe it was just the amount of time Shin’s Mom was pregnant for? Since Shine wasn’t sealed that long ago (recent enough that Yamada-san knew him) it could be possible that he was sealed the instant Shin was conceived....?  
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One of my biggest questions about Shin for the longest time was whether he was actually..... born or not. Since the date 2/29/2001 does not exist. But he was. And I am glad about that. 
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This is the first time we learn Shin’s name is written 新.
Also Shin, when will you accept your megane destiny. 
(I guess he did in the last episode lol. But really, does he wear contacts...?)
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So this is our Young of Prism reference. 
Shin did meet Louis on a night at his grandmother’s house when he woke up and saw sparkling light. But Louis didn’t exist yet at that time. It was Rinne. 
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FUTURE 4TH PLACE (technically should have been 3rd) IN PRISM KING CUP 
....ahh Shin................ I love you......................
His childhood was just so normal.......... 
(Shine must have been so bored...........)
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This answered another one of my long-time questions about Shin. Where was he going? Why would he be out biking at night in casual clothes (not school uniform or sports uniform) in the middle of the night far from home? 
At one point I was so concerned about this (and his birth date not being real) that I wondered if he didn’t even exist before he was biking along the river. But he did. Shin had a normal, happy, real childhood. Ahhh........ 
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Christmas live! I already talked about this in my post about Leo’s episode, but yes it’s both an analog for the real life Music Ready Sparking concert, and a big part of the main story on Prism Rush: https://prism-rush.tumblr.com/mainstory
I’m so glad it was confirmed to be canon. (Well, it was already briefly mentioned in Pride the Hero. But still.)
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Well, we finally got the answer in the last episode: Because the prism gods found out and changed Louis’ mission. 
But you can kind of understand why Shine was..... pretty pissed off at Rinne/Louis when he finally resurrected in the last episode...................................... to say the least........
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So this was weird. Shine said “Rinne” before Louis said his line from Pride the Hero “we’re the same now”, but the subs make it look like it’s the same line....?
This is honestly the only thing in this episode which I think is flat out wrong though. There is some other weird/inconsistent wording of course but I mean seriously FUCK IT. THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT NOW.
Crunchyroll A++++++++++++++++++++++ job this time.  
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I didn’t realize it at the time, but..... 
Subconsciously, in the back of my mind somewhere....  at that very moment when Ace says CHOU YABEEE..... he became my favorite member of the Shuffle. 
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Just like..... Look at them. They’re all so happy. They didn’t look like this when they were with Joji. The best part about this episode finally airing on TV is that I can finally watch the new Shuffle’s performance on its own (without having to be forced to also watch.... the suffering....). 
I can’t wait for this full song to come out. Even though we only hear it for like 10 seconds it’s actually gotten stuck in my head before. 
And I don’t know if it was intentional, but I think having Ace perform in this episode is very ironic and incredibly significant. Because here we have Ace at his highest point while Shin is at his lowest point. 
Ace doesn’t know about Edel Rose and why they needed to win this. He’s on the top of the world. This is his moment. He’s finally getting to perform. The Shuffle is finally free from Joji. For the Schwarz Rose boys.... Ace is the hero. 
Since I am already on a roll talking about them, I guess I’ll bring up something I forgot to mention in my episode 5 commentary. When Part 2 premiered in theaters, nobody knew what Ace’s color was. People were actually using red, which would make no sense because Kokoro is red. You can’t have two members of the same group with the same color. But gradually people realized, due to the light blue A on his shirt and the light blue wrist band he has in some official art, that Ace is actually light blue. And here it was confirmed.
The interesting thing about this is, up until very recently Tsurugi was light blue. Only since his art for SSS he suddenly became pink. 
So when we first saw that SSS concept art.... was it hinting all along at this very performance? That Ace would become the new center?
I don’t know. 
What do you think?
No I’m not stalling. 
Why would I be stalling? 
Well okay.... I guess.... the next scene we have to talk about is......
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Where do I even begin.........................
So, a little while after this was shown in theaters I made a vague post containing my raw emotions about a particular prism show in Part 4:  https://lunawings.tumblr.com/post/184802787153/okay-i-am-ready-to-talk-a-little-bit-about-king-of
So if you read it at the time, I’m sure now you know I was talking about this. 
If you were scared or uneasy about it while watching it on your computer screen, imagine what it was like in the theaters. This performance effected me to the point where I had nightmares for about a week. And I’m not making a joke either. They weren’t the kind of nightmares I could describe, it was just like.... seeing bits and pieces of this show over and over again. I’d wake up panicked and have to watch something on YouTube, anything else, to try and get my mind off of it so I could sleep. 
And like I said in my original post, the thing is, I just cannot get over how good this prism show was....... at accomplishing exactly what it was supposed to do. Which I’m assuming is, to make you feel VERY VERY UNEASY. It is just...... I can’t even..... I......................
And of course. The worst thing. The worst thing was coming to terms with the fact that I.... liked..... it..... ?
Because if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t be thinking about it so much. 
If I didn’t like it, it wouldn’t have been stuck in my head FOR 24 TERRIFYING HOURS after seeing Part 4. 
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It’s just it.....
This is so frighteningly real. 
It actually worked. 
I actually felt like Shine had some kind of power over me which lingered for days and days........... 
I guess..... I can understand why Rinne loved him........................
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He meant like consecutive jumps. 
Shin(e) is not doing a chain of consecutive jumps like Taiga, Yukinojo, etc. did. Instead he split himself and is doing a whole bunch of jumps at the same time. 
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So, I gotta take a moment to make this clear. Since, to my horror, people were actually referring to him as Shin in this scene in the livestream chat. 
He used Shin’s body and Shin’s voice. But this was not Shin’s prism show. 
Shin does not perform in this episode. 
So, people who don’t actually follow me and/or just stumbled upon these posts may not know this. But Shin is (and basically always has been) my favorite. 
After Part 4 premiered in theaters, I had multiple friends in Japan send me messages to check if I was OK. It was even the immediate reaction of a girl I just met in the theater after I casually mentioned that Shin was my favorite. Like practically grabbing my shoulders ARE YOU OK. 
Am I OK?
No, but..... yes. 
By that I mean, I am not bitter that Shin does not get a new solo in SSS. In fact, I can recognize the irony, since up until this point Shin was the only Edel Rose boy to perform a proper show. And now he’s the only one who didn’t perform a new solo in SSS. So it’s even. Technically. 
So that is not what upsets me about this episode. What DOES upset me is how this emotionally effects Shin the character, who now thinks this was all was his fault when it wasn’t.....................
I personally have known for a long time that something like this would happen, and have basically been emotionally preparing myself since the Pride the Hero era. No, scratch that, even since the first movie era when I suddenly noticed the dark moon mark on the back of his neck in Over the Sunshine (which took me months). I just had a bad feeling. Something told me that loving this character would someday bring me pain. 
So if I truly loved him, I knew would have to be strong.
If you take the good, you have to take the bad.   
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King of Prism SSS premiered in theaters in Japan after Taiga’s episode aired on TV, and right before Kakeru’s. In that gap, I came back a changed person. 
During the week of Kakeru’s episode I was just trying to feel normal again (while all y’all be sending me anon messages about whether we should pave over Africa or not FFS guys......). But from the next week onward was when I began to recover and was starting to want answers. You may have noticed, that was when I suddenly started talking about scores all the time.
Yes, part of it was trying to understand Taiga’s score and hoping it wasn’t lower for mathematical reasons since it later gets cut in half. But the truth is. The actual truth is. All that time I was trying to understand.... this. 
This zero right here has been weighing on me for a long, long time. Every time I brought up scores, it was always there. Looming at the back of my mind. 
For example, when I wrote “ I guess no matter what someone has to be last………………………….. ” in my episode 8 commentary, I wasn’t talking about Yu. 
So. Let’s discuss this. How can someone perform, as actually get up on stage, but end up with 0 karats? Clearly the audience did have a reaction to Shin(e)’s show..... 
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But Kakeru said there wasn’t a system error. So it’s not that. 
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According to June, if I understood correctly, it was judged based on Shine himself. There was no heart in his show. 
This lead me to question if this could explain some of the other character’s shows. How much does your own heart matter?
(According to this, it’s everything.)
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No, I do not know why they still released a periodical update for a discontinued program. I guess there was a miscommunication in the prism IT department. 
(But I suppose it’s possible other Shines still exist in other worlds....? But I really don’t want to touch that right now.)
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So, in case you didn’t fully understand the gravity of this, with the way the score is now it is mathematically impossible for Edel Rose to win.
Even if they get a perfect score with their unit show. 
Edel Rose has lost.
It’s over. 
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So this was the moment when I forgave my idiot son Taiga.
Even after Shin got a zero, he still blames himself. 
And this may be a terrible way of thinking, but... I’m kinda glad they included this debacle with Taiga. Because it made it so this situation is not entirely Shin’s fault. (Technically it’s not his fault at all. It was Shine. But they don’t know that.) 
They treat it like everyone’s fault.... oh Edel Rose..... 
Also, my favorite moment in this episode and it has nothing to do with Shin. 
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Kakeru offers Taiga his support.... 
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And Taiga actually takes it. 
Also, I may be wrong but, I think this is the first time we have seen Kakeru cry. And not just in the main series, I mean like in ANY King of Prism media. 
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I find it interesting that he doesn’t mention Kouji here. He goes right to Hiro. 
Despite their “rivalry”, he felt Hiro was counting on him.
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I can’t believe y’all actually pointed this out in the livestream but it’s so true now that I think about it. There may be intentional symbolism with Hijiri’s hair here. 
There are a lot of scenes where Hijiri is trying to pull his hair back. But in this scene he pushes it FORWARD. 
He’s finally realized what really matters, and why he’s done all this in the first place. 
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Oh Shin. Baby. It wasn’t your fault............................
And that’s basically it. For now. We’ll talk about their gay unit outfits next time. 
So to answer perhaps your most burning question: Yes, next week is the last episode. 
Next week is the finale of King of Prism SSS. Yes. For real. 
EDIT: OH MAN. Junta Terashima just confirmed in a Tweet that this is the outfit Leo originally made for Shin’s show. Ahhhhh.......
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