#hannibal lecter hanniblr
How do you feel about Will Graham
EXCLUSIVE: Will Graham Is as Demented as the Killers He Investigates
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"It's not very smart to piss off a guy who thinks about killing people for a living." That was the first interaction I had with Will Graham. Doesn't it have undertones of admitting to being a killer? I have a mutual dislike for him because he's masking his actual nature of violence and deep-seated urge to kill. Who wouldn't want anyone like that behind bars? It's eerie how well he recreates these murders in his mind and is always on point. I get that they say he has an empathy disorder, but is that truly it? I doubt it. It's only a matter of time before his mind breaks and he wreaks havoc on us all and it's extremely suspicious that his therapist seems to spur on these ideations. That's how I feel about Will Graham, he's demented as the murderers he investigates and is on the verge of becoming one himself.
Til next time my crimies!
@dysfunctional-dog-dude1975 @clawed-from-marble
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clawed-from-marble · 4 months
Who do you think could best you in a fight [besides maybe Will]
Thank you for removing my darling from this equation. To suggest that I would hurt him any further is akin to blasphemy.
Now, if I had to give this any thought, I would say God. My creator could surely smite me within an instant if He sought to. The fact that he hasn't, despite the countless opportunities offered to him, ought to reveal to you His true nature.
Although, if I had to go for a mortal, one of Will's dogs would be the victor -- even if only because I would forfeit immediately, rather than go head-to-head with the most slobbery of them. I'm far more fond of horses and sheep; they have less saliva, more meat, and more uses. Admittedly, I do not see the point of dogs when there are humans to speak with and touch. A dog without the instinct to hunt is as useless as a dull decorative knife.
I've allowed myself to ramble -- I should apologise. Thank you for the question.
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vampirehellew · 23 days
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i’m sure will graham wouldn’t resist that.
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gigireece16 · 29 days
happy national dog day to this freak. god bless him
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traystreeter · 1 month
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My entry for @/ vivikenz's (instagram) DTIYS!!
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Had a lot of fun with this, unfortunate that insta ruined the quality sm hoping Tumblr is better
Corel Painter and Photoshop
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gryphonmcelroy · 2 months
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"Hey my partner and I saw you from across the bar, and your vibes are super fucking rancid, do you have a business card by any chance?."
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p1nkprincess444 · 2 months
⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ᴡᴀs ɪᴛ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ? - ʜᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟ ʟᴇᴄᴛᴇʀ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹
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pregnant female!reader x hannibal lecter
word count: 1,554
contents: angst, mentions of dissection and blood, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of alcohol, gaslighting
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You thought nothing could get worse during your pregnancy. Your morning sickness was torture in the beginning, and then followed by your insatiable hunger, but now it was smells. You had never noticed this sickening stench before this moment but now it had taken over your whole house. You sat up in your bed looking over at the empty space where your husband was sleeping earlier that night. You slowly swung your legs over the side of the bed, your bare feet pressing down onto the cold hard wood as you stood. You slowly walked out of your bedroom and down the staircase, you followed the horrible stench that was keeping you up. You followed the smell through the entryway then through the dining room and kitchen. You began to open the wine cellar door when a hand slammed against the wood keeping the door shut. You looked up meeting your husband's cold gaze. 
“ There is nothing you need to see down there love. ” Hannibal gently pulled you from the door, his hands resting on your hips as he guided you back up the staircase. “ What are you doing up my love, you should be resting. No sleep isn’t good for the baby. ”
“ It’s that smell Hannibal- it’s horrendous. ”
Hannibal only nodded in response as he lifted your legs back onto the bed before tucking you in. 
“ I’ll take care of it, as long as you get some rest. ”
You nodded before Hannibal pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead and departed from the bedroom. You tried desperately to fall back asleep but the smell was nauseating. You crept back out of the bedroom and down the stairs before you found yourself right back at the cellar door, only this time there was a soft light peeking out from under the door. You slowly turned the knob expecting to be greeted by your husband shutting the door on you once more, but that didn’t happen. You slowly walked down the small wooden staircase being met with only the drinks that resided within the cellar. You tip-toed around the cellar confused as you tried the source of the smell, you were just about to leave when you knocked over a small vase of wine that was set out to breathe. You managed to catch the glass before it hit the floor, setting it back in its rightful place on top of the counter. You picked up a towel to clean up the spill until you noticed the wine wasn’t a still puddle, it was slowly moving before disappearing into a small crack in the floor. Confusion struck you as you attempted to open the latch, you slowly opened it and the smell hit you like a bus. You wondered why Hannibal had never told you that there was a basement. Several questions ran through your mind as you walked down the steps. The stench was insufferable as you reached the bottom of the steps. The sight you were greeted with was horrifying, it sent chills running up your spine as your eyes landed on your husband holding a knife while standing over a corpse. 
“ Hannibal..? ” My voice was shaking revealing my underlying emotions that were bubbling to the surface. 
His eyes slowly met yours in the mirror that covered the entirety of the basement wall. His hands were covered in blood as he set down the knife before turning to face you. A scream of pure horror left your lips as your eyes locked on the sight of the man's organs strewn about the table. 
Hannibal’s pace was slow and unthreatening as he approached you while wiping his bloodied hands on his apron. “ My love, I will not hurt you, but I need you to stay calm. Stress isn’t good for the baby. ”
Your breathing was becoming laboured as you stared up at Hannibal with panic filled eyes. You backed away from him as tears clouded your vision before you fainted. Hannibal’s reaction was quick as he lunged forward catching you before you could hit the cement steps that led up back to the wine cellar. 
You woke up in the comforts of your bed gasping for air as you sat up abruptly. Hannibal immediately sat up to comfort you, pulling you close to him as he stroked your hair while he murmured comforting words against your head. Once you had settled down you realized the stench that had been haunting you before was now completely gone. Your husband was now in his pajamas and you began to convince yourself it was all just a dream. 
You both were now in the kitchen where Hannibal began preparing you breakfast.
“ But- it was so real! I saw the man and- and he was dead, ” I was growing frustrated as Hannibal told me it was only a dream. 
“ Love, nightmares can be vivid like that, however I assure you there is no basement to this house. The stress you are putting on yourself over such a futile matter is not worth it. ” His words were stern as he looked into your eyes. 
“ But what about the smell- ”
Hannibal quickly cuts you off by setting a plate full of scrambled eggs, “bacon” and jellied toast in front of you. “ Please my love, it was only a nightmare, don't let it weigh so heavy on your mind. "
He pressed a gentle kiss to your temple before making coffee for himself. You ate your breakfast in silence as Hannibal stood across from where you sat, sipping his black coffee while you ate your breakfast. 
You saw him off to work before straightening out his patterned tie. Hannibal’s arms rested possessively on your hips before he pulled you close for a kiss, your stomach separating you from being too close.
 Hannibal’s hands moved to gently cup your face as his forehead rested against yours,“ stay off your feet and leave the pesky cellar alone. ”
“ I promise. ” 
You desperately tried to keep your promise to Hannibal, busying yourself with any task you could come up with, but by the time noon rolled around you had already washed all the dishes, swept the floors, polished the windows, and washed all the laundry. You found yourself standing in front of the cellar door but as you went to open turn the knob you realized it was locked. You found yourself searching for the key but you couldn’t find it anywhere in the house. You took it as a sign you should leave it be, but something kept eating away at you. So now you found yourself back in front of the door with a bobby pin as you picked the lock. With a satisfying click the door as you turned the knob the door opened. On one hand you felt horrible for not trusting your husband and the future father of your child, but on the other you thought it wouldn’t matter if he had nothing to hide. You slowly crept down into the cellar looking around for a moment before you began looking for the hatch where it was in your “ dream ”. Without fail the hatch was in the same place and now you began to question if you were dreaming once more as you walked down those cold concrete steps. It was just how you had seen it in your dream but there was no man on the table, and as you went to approach it everything went black. 
You woke up on the couch in a daze, the back of your head throbbing in pain. You sat up gently rubbing the area as you tried to collect your thoughts, soon after you woke Hannibal came in with tea for you. 
“ When- When did you get home? ”
“ Only half an hour ago, when I came in you were nowhere to be seen. I soon realized with your curiosity you’d be exploring where you shouldn’t be, and when I found you were unconscious on the steps. ”
“ I- I must’ve fallen- ”
“ That is precisely why I thought it was best not to tell you about the basement, but obviously I misjudged. Did you find what you were looking for? ”
“ It- it just seemed so real in my dream.. I’m sorry darling. ”
He shook his head gently before placing a gentle kiss to your lips to your lips. However Hannibal knew what secrets laid within those four walls beneath you. He knew of your curiosity when he married you. He was sure you wouldn’t be able to contain yourself as you sent him off to work, so after you saw him off he knew he was living on borrowed time as he sat with patients. Cutting it close with his last session he headed home, quietly creeping in the door. When you didn’t greet him at the doorway he knew exactly where to find you. He slid off his shoes and set down his briefcase before slipping down the stairs with a wine bottle in hand. He lifted it above his head and quickly brought it down onto yours, Hannibal’s arm quickly reached out wrapping around you to catch you before you could fall. He carried you back up the stairs before closing off the room and laying you on the couch, and when you woke he knew exactly what part he had to play.
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jakegyllenbaalz · 3 months
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mads mikklesen as hannibal lecter (hannibal tv series)
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will-graham-coded · 2 months
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Yes I am comparing Hannibal's home to a McDonald's. What's he gonna do??? Freeze me with liquid nitrogen then vertically splice my corpse into sections to display for my coworkers but specifically that one i just had falsely imprisoned for my crimes because hes just so dang cute???
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thellurium · 23 days
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Hannibal Lecter .
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kookiekult · 2 months
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Not to be touch starved on main but this would genuinely fix me
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Got any inside scoops about Abigail Hobbs??
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In light of recent events, Abigail Hobbs, daughter of "The Minnesota Shrike" Garett Jacob Hobbs, has been adopted by Will Graham and Dr. Hannibal Lecter. However, with the allegations of the murder of the Red Great Dragon, Francis Dolarhyde, being pinned on Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter, one must question the sanity of both men as to why they would adopt the poor girl. And above that, why they are allowed on holiday outside the country when they are suspects?
Are these three individuals on the run? Why hasn't Dr. Lecter been seen with his "family"? I think they are on the run and this is a facade they're putting on for all of us to think they're normal. The Murder Husbands are definitely criminals, but is Abigail Hobbs? Don't be fooled, everyone has something to hide.
Til next time my crimies!
@dysfunctional-dog-dude1975 @abigail-lecter-graham @clawed-from-marble
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clawed-from-marble · 4 months
How do you feel about Will Graham?
Is this truly a question? To ask how I feel about Will Graham would be to ask how I feel about air, water, light. All are crucial for survival, and if the stories are to be believed, have been crafted by creatures older than time and were designed to be more beautiful than the common man could possibly appreciate.
Will Graham is a divine being, cursed by his peers and scorned by those closest to him for his very existence. To deny his cruelty is to deny his love. And I do not deny, only love.
How I feel about Will Graham is how I feel about art and knowledge; he is my reason to live and my reason to learn. It cannot be described in words.
Thankfully, only he has to know how I truly feel about him, and he knows how I feel very intimately.
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vampirehellew · 24 days
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“can’t you see that you’re lost without me?”
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gigireece16 · 26 days
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thinking about this picture, i need him so bad 😕😕
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cultven · 1 month
me posting from my enclosure
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