#hansel and gretel ouat
hannahhook7744 · 2 months
Ouat Next Gen (Part 1);
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Henry Mills.
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Jacinda Vidrio (also known as Jacinda Mills, Ella Mills, Cinderella, etc).
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Lucy Mills.
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Grace Hightop.
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Violet Morgan.
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Gretel Ava Zimmer.
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Hansel Nicholas Zimmer.
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Wendy Darling.
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Alice Jones || (but as a Captain Swan baby).
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Hope Swan Jones.
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Neal 'Leo' Nolan.
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Gideon Gold.
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Margot Hood-Mills.
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Roland Hood.
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Prince Philip || (aka P.J).
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Alexandra Boyd.
Look, I'm not the biggest fan of season 7 but I am a fan of a couple of the characters. So. Here we are. This is canon divergent because in this version of adult Henry is main Henry and Lucy is his daughter. Alice is Hope's twin here. Robin didn't die. And the descendants characters may or may not exist in this world (I haven't decided yet). Inspired by @ouatnextgen .
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poisonappleeater · 7 days
the scene in which the story reveals nick to be hansel/the killer is STRAIGHT out a horror movie. acting, directing, sfx team on POINT. most chilling scene of the season at least. the subtle way in which his demeanor changes and becomes that of someone who is genuinely so fearful that they were getting caught for murder… the unsettling music following the silence. the clips of his scars… CRAZYYY
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jarofchaos · 6 months
[November 25 - December 6, 2020]
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Some pieces from a dead project about a city of fairytale characters with the timeline set approximately around 1960s-1970s, whose stories collide and mix in all sort of strange ways <3
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mariaalrox-blog · 1 year
I would love to read fanfics about other characters of OUAT because, especially in first season, there are many characters I like and I would like to know what happens with them, but we know nothing.
I love Nova and Grumpy, and I would like to know more about Abigail and Frederick, or about Hansel, Gretel and their father... or even Ella, Thomas and Alex, even when of them we know a little more...
I think that some of them could have appeared more in the series, and not always the same six.
Like, for example, the queen of darkness arc. I would love to see more about Aurora and Phillip, or Ariel and Eric on it. Or the plot with Ella in s6 could be longer. I would have preferred that to the evil queen again. I always feel that they told us so little about the untold stories when there were a lot of people there.
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adarkrainbow · 1 year
Fun fact: In both versions of “Hansel and Gretel” in Once Upon a Time”, there is no wicked stepmother in the story
Huh... I had never noticed that. That's actually an interesting point...
... And it just made me realize, in the first Hansel and Gretel version (True North, if I recall the name of the episode?) there is actually a "wicked stepmother". Or a "wicked stepmother would-be". Regina! I mean think about it... She already has the "wicked stepmother" status thanks to being the Evil Queen. She purposefully sends the siblings in the dangers of the wood with no care if they will be killed or not ; and once they succeed she offers to adopt them and to become their new mother... I never noticed it until now, but in this episode, the writers of OUaT actually did write the wicked stepmother character, but reimagined as Regina. Plus, Regina has strong connections to the witch of the candy house, being a witch-rival of hers with business to settle ; the same way the wicked stepmother is connected to the witch of the tale in an ambiguous ways (since the wicked stepmother is found dead upon the siblings return, right after they killed the witch, which acts as a double of the stepmother/mother figure...)
I had never thought of that before...
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This rewatch of ouat what I've been noticing the most actually is how much of it is about doing good without any reassurance it will work out. The sending away of Emma is a terrible thing to have to do especially as there's no knowing if she'll survive, if she'll grow up, if she'll be able to make it back. A promise was made, a prophecy, but it still would have been so much easier to try to keep her and halt the curse, to try to take control of the situation. But Snow and Charming didn't, they surrendered control if it and that's what saves them in the end!
And consider the Cinderella episode, where everyone's saying this young girl can't be a mother, and from a certain point of view they're right, it would be incredibly difficult for her, she might fail at it. But she chooses to keep it, to raise the baby, and Emma believes that she can because it's about having faith, faith that even if you can't see a clear path forward, if something is right you do it. Hansel and Gretel's father! He can't be a father, he says, he's barely holding together life as it is, he doesn't have the skills, he doesn't have the time or it's implied the money, but then he takes his children anyway, he chooses to do the right thing even if it could be catastrophic because you have to believe it won't be.
That's what Regina and Rumple, the two main antagonists of the season, fundamentally both do wrong. They grasp for control, they're desperate for some kind of power over the future, they have no belief, only need to shape the world exactly as they want. So they turn to atrocities to obtain this! The curse literally gives Regina control over everyone, but because she needs that control when it starts to slip away she can do nothing to stop it, she has no way of acting when she can't direct everyone else and that's why she loses to Emma. Emma does make plans, but she's actually surprisingly impulsive, she does so much in the moment because she sees a situation and she does what she thinks is right immediately, there's no choice outside of it, she just believes it's right and damn the consequences because all we have is means! We can't control the ends, only the means and so the means MUST be good.
(This is also btw why Neal leaving Emma doesn't feel right, because rather than saying right now I should keep my promise because in this moment that's right, he tries to plan her future for her, which of course can't be done.)
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winters0689 · 4 months
I’m surprised that in all the seasons of OUAT, in which they have had so many characters, ranging from Snow White and Cinderella to Bo Peep and Hansel and Gretel to even Frankenstein and Jekyll and Hyde that they never had Dracula!
They had werewolves and witches and Frankenstein’s monster, but not the big bad iconic Vampire man himself, Count Dracula.
This makes me think how they would do it. Rumplestiltskin would obviously be involved somehow, Dracula would probably either be related and/or a love interest to a character at some point.
I also wonder, if they had adapted Dracula into OUAT, what characters would they keep? Would Mina and Jonathan be involved? Would Renfield still be a servant of Dracula, or something else entirely?
So many possibilities, and as a fan of the book, I am both shocked yet somewhat thankful that they didn’t adapt it, especially with how they treated a majority of their characters.
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insane4fandoms · 1 year
Back with one more for today! And we gained an ally? (Or did we?) @crazy-obsessed-enby @neons-trash-blog
You got saved by Riding Hood (Played by Pamela Horton), and need to fall back to get to the others and away from one of the bounty hunters.
Take a guess on who Hansel and Gretel, Rumplestiltskin, and Hatter are. I’ll give you a hint:
Who loves being the more insane characters, who is one who can change reality, and who gives out sibling energy?
Would you choose:
“We need to help Mark!”
“Okay, let’s meet them up!”
Also I may or may not be referencing some OUAT with this whole series lol, and I gotta admit, Pam as Red makes my heart go 😫💕
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 51
Bedtime Stories/Fear Her
"Bedtime Stories"
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: omg stoppp, they’re doing a three little pigs thing for the opening??? And the one hiding behind cinderblocks gets to live?? Maybe?? No. Turns out I would also just die. Anyway, think we’re getting more hellhounds stuff
Fun fact: thought this was the one I was watching last night for about half the episode and couldn’t figure out how the episode title fit…it makes sense NOW
I mean…he’s NOT gonna let it go, Dean, but sure.
Oh!! He DID live! As he should have because…that’s how the story goes, but it really didn’t look like it. Also it’s not…it’s not hellhounds
Love it when the victims give the brothers an excuse to actually say what they feel without saying (or yelling) it to each other
Oooo, now Hansel and Gretel (you can see why I originally loved OUAT when it came out)
Omg omg omg this is such a fucking fun yet…gory episode. Watching this sweet as pie looking old lady ruthlessly stab a guy is admittedly funny. I can’t wait to see what’s causing it
Fellas, is it gay to have a working knowledge of extremely popular mainstream fairytales?? I’m sorry you didn’t get to have a childhood, Dean, but this in no way determines Sam’s sexuality
Making…a weird half prediction now. Since we’ve spent a decent amount of time in this episode at the city’s hospital, maybe the little girl is in a coma there? Being read to? Making her a sleeping beauty or Snow White figure. Still don’t know what’s actually CAUSING the fairytales to come to life, but I’d be willing to put a little money on this
Snow White it is.
Are…are they gonna somehow convince this doctor to…let…his daughter…die? because of their (completely right) theory of what’s happening in this town? It just seems a little far fetched.
BITCH ARE YOU FOR REAL??? This fucking doctor. I cannot. He KNOWS his daughter is some kind of spirit and just played it off like he didn’t????
Omg of COURSE. The huntsman(/hunter/DEAN) is going into Little Red Ridinghood’s grandma’s home to go take out the big bad wolf…this shows so dumb. I love it.
HELLO??? Sammy? Where are you going?? Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me. No…come on. NO.
Well, at least we know everything they did to modify the colt was a bust and useless. Well…not completely useless. I guess Sam did find out that killing the crossroads demon doesn’t release Dean from his contract. So that’s something, I guess
"Been On My Mind...": Nope...
"Fear Her"
This is one I remember as being properly scary the first time I watched it. Like not "quaking in fear" scary but just...there was an unease. This isn't "Blink" we're talking about.
Ah yes, the 2012 Olympics. Another fun fact: I went to a convention in the summer of 2012 and Hank Green, dressed as the Doctor, ran in during the opening ceremony with a (probably fake, right? like we were in a hotel in Chicago) torch as one of the big moments. (Unless he did that at the 2011 one, but the 2012 one makes so much more sense). That was very fun.
I can't remember why this girl is always indoors.
This goof with landing the TARDIS with the door facing the wrong way is fun.
Man, why can't my side ponytails ever look as cool and effortless as Rose's here??
I'm glad the super old lady is the one with sense. Does she know HOW this is happening? NO. But fucking hell if she's gonna just let everyone turn on each other and point fingers at the innocent road construction crew. She wants the REAL answers.
WHY IS THIS LITTLE GIRL ALL ALOOOOOONE??? I can't tell if she's being COMPELLED to draw or if it's at all of her own free will.
Ah yes, a box is an easy place to disappear a cat without having to use any CGI
Because they blew the whole CGI budget on the scribble come to life
Ohhhhh, she thinks the drawing in her closet is her dad...and I know there's some sort of alien ship in the spot where cars keep stalling, but I can't remember any of the motivations.
Seeing this little girl cry from the loneliness of HER life and the alien's life is...heartbreaking
OMG I forgot that she starts drawing the stadium and temporarily empties it. Amazing...
Genuinely love how seriously this guy takes his job. He truly loves laying tarmac and is proud of the work he does, and good for him.
Also, I'm so sad that this guy's hard work went to waste and the moment they're filming the torch on this street is when that pothole is wide open. Poor thing.
"They keep trying to split us up, but they never ever will" I am DISTRAUGHT. Doomsday is so close...
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12freddofrogs · 10 months
So I haven't really touched the ouat fandom more than a few gifsets that came onto my dash, but I am assuming this little detail is something that (a) the entire fandom knows and is freaking out about, and (b) the writers did not intend.
Is Henry... the only child in Storybrooke that ages?
Time stopped in Storybrooke. Hansel and Gretel have explicitly made clear that they are also from the Enchanted Forest, and have therefore been 12 years old for 28 years.
Henry is 10 years old. Henry has not been 10 for 28 years. He was born 10 years ago, as a fairly major point. He has gone from a baby to a toddler to a child. He is quite likely to be the only child who actually changes classes each year.
No wonder he worked out there was something going on. I dont know why Regina is at all surprised.
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dentpx · 2 years
Ugh OUAT is so funny. The Evil Queen can’t just make the poisoned apple. She has to enlist Hansel and Gretel to steal it from the gingerbread witch’s house because ~it’s all connected~
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lvcygraybaird · 11 months
wait….did OUAT really do like 3 different Hansel and Gretel subplots sgdhdjsjsjskslls
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enchantedtm · 1 year
Where can you see Lana Parrilla fitting? Is The Evil Queen too obvious? :')
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you  could  bring  her  as  the  evil  queen,  as  long  as  you  ensured  you  weren't  just  writing  ouat's  evil  queen.  but i  asked  our  members,  and  one  of  the  many  reasons  I  love  them  all  is  their  willingness  to  help.  so  from  them  :  mother  gothel,  maleficent,  the  red  queen,  the  queen  of  hearts,  lady  tremaine,  one  of  dracula's  brides,  sybil  vane,  elizabeth  frankenstein,  the  enchantress  from  b&tb,  fairy  godmother,  the  blue  fairy,  baba  yaga  /  the  witch  from  hansel  +  gretel,  jack's  mother  from  jack  and  the  beanstalk,  madame  carp  from  the  princess  and  the  pauper,  queen  leah  from  sleeping  beauty,  the  wicked  witch,  or  thumbelina's  mother.
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lesbianreginas · 2 years
as much as i adore ouat s7, there are a couple plot holes I can’t get over
in season 7 episode 8, henry tells Lucy “this book ends with henry meeting cinderella.” we know this is his only published book, because he says as such. but while they’re trying to find the candy killers, henry finds hansel’s copy of the book and says he wrote hansel and gretels story into it. in his annotations, hansel talks about avenging his sisters death. however his sisters death happens after the events that end the book. so how would hansel have written his sisters death into it?
we also see artwork of the jolly roger, that leads to a flashback of the night where wish realm hook takes henry on an ‘adventure’ to find jacinda a ring. we can assume, in the way that the artwork shows the exact start of the following scene, that they’re meant to be one in the same. this also isn’t possible, because this also happens after the events of the final chapter.
this flashback image is seen in the middle of the book, also aiding in it making absolutely zero sense. because, we’re lead to believe the first half (at least) of the book is what we see in the first 6 seasons of ouat. and if this is true, the image of the jolly roger being in the middle makes no sense, yet again.
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capturingdisney · 3 years
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Once Upon a Time caps per episode: 1.09 - True North
“No matter what you do, no matter how you're tempted - don't... eat... anything!”
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treatian · 3 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  Breaking the Curse
Chapter 20: The Magic of the Lamp
So far, so good. Or at least "good" in a sort of way. Emma Swan had been Sheriff for a week. In fact, today marked the conclusion of her first full week on the job. And so far…no major developments. He supposed he shouldn't be disappointed at that. He had to remind himself to take things one step at a time and then sometimes rest in the step that had been taken. Emma was the Sheriff, the holidays were next week, and the weather centers were issuing warnings already that the weather would turn nasty before then. He knew he shouldn't expect much at this time and yet he was disappointed.
It was desperation talking. That was all it was. He'd waited for centuries, and now that he was standing in front of the Savior, the idea of being here in the same world as Bae for months, if not years on end, without being with his son felt like torture. The logical part of his mind knew this needed time to breathe; the parent in him didn't want to wait.
But Dove had been following her almost constantly all week and had nothing exciting to report. She'd done what he would have expected her to do in a new position. She'd started wearing the badge, responded to a call about fresh graffiti some kids had left, dealt with domestic disputes, and according to Dove, she was currently working on a case that involved two homeless children. Nothing exciting, nothing that would lead to the Curse being broken. She hadn't even been by to see him once, not after the confession he'd left her with, which he had to admit, left him just as disappointed as her lack of progress with the Curse. No, after telling her exactly how she'd won that election, he hadn't expected her to come by and want tea and crumpets. Still, he'd figured that a woman like that, the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, would take the weekend to cool down, get her head together, then come marching in to tell him that she wasn't going to stand for anything like that ever again. She'd try to put him in his place, he'd remind her exactly where his place was and where they stood, and they'd part with a timid arrangement to stay out of each other's way until they needed one another, and that would be that. But it hadn't happened. And that was a shame.
He was ready for something to happen. He needed something to happen. As he rubbed and polished the once magical genie lamp to perfection, he dared to wish for it. He wished for an idea. He wished for a way to jump-start things once more. He wished for Dove to report something that might lead him to cross paths with Emma Swan and let the Curse begin to crack again. He'd take anything; an idea, an action, anything. Anything! He wished!
And then the bell on the front door rang, and he looked up to see none other than Emma Swan coming through his door, their first interaction since after the election. He smiled as he set the lamp down upon its cloth, trying not to let her see how his hands shook. He wished…and it had happened. Wishes from a genie were just about the worst way to get what one wanted. There was no magic here, the genie of this lamp was free, nothing had happened, it was all coincidence…but that didn't exactly stop his mind from racing and his hands from shaking as he tried not to think about it.
"Emma," he piqued just as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. It was probably Dove, warning him too late that she was on her way in. The question was why. He knew from Dove that she'd been busy the last day or so trying to find the parents of a couple of children who tried to steal from Dark Star Pharmacy. What that had to do with him…he didn't know. But he'd take anything that got things going again.
He had…hoped…
"How lovely to see you. I'm flattered you'd take time off your busy schedule for me. What could I do for you, Sheriff?" he asked politely.
She glared at him but unhappily stepped forward and set an object down on the red velvet he had in front of him. "I'm looking for information on this old compass. Any idea where it could have come from?"
Yes…and no.
"Well, well," he sighed, allowing Mr. Gold to evaluate it as he might have before Rumpelstiltskin woke from his sleep. "Look at the detail. You know, this is crystal. This jeweled setting…despite the rather unfortunate shape it's in, this is actually a very unusual piece," he concluded, laying it out on the table for her. "The person who owned this obviously had great taste."
"And where would someone like that buy it?"
"Right here, of course."
It was a half-truth. He had half-memories of it in his shop, hazy memories of it being purchased when he'd first bought the shop. Still, because they were fuzzy, he knew it was a false memory, something that had never really happened, only something that the Curse wanted him to believe had happened. So yes…he knew its Storybrooke "history," but he also recognized it from another life. And sadly, in that other life, he'd been too busy at the time to pay close attention to the meaning behind it. He'd seen it in the hands of two children, the two children that Regina had been seen with in the Enchanted Forest. She'd taken them from their father. Odd…Dove's last report said that Emma was helping two children today. Children separated from their father. That wasn't a happy ending. But a reunion would be. And a happy ending could only mean one thing…the Curse continuing to break. That would be a good thing. He'd tried hard not to be too hasty after the election and just to let things play out as they might, but it had been a week without any significant progress or event. He was ready for one.
"You know him?!"
"Indeed. A piece like this is difficult to forget."
"Do you happen to remember who bought it?"
He chuckled. Yes…and no. His half-hazy memories of the compass didn't help him, and he knew there was no paperwork on it simply because it had never really been in this shop. But, the woodcutter that the children had belonged to in the Enchanted Forest, his face was familiar. He'd seen him before, every time he took his car in to be serviced. But he had a role to play here. Dove had told him that Emma had gone to the Sheriff's office and the kids that she was helping had been caught with Henry; he couldn't rule out the idea that Regina had her suspicious little nose in everything. He had an illusion to keep intact. So while he might remember the individual's name right now because he was familiar but he knew that the memories of the compass were old enough that no human would. He'd have to fake it. There were just some things the Savior wasn't ready to know.
"Well, I'm good with names, Miss Swan, but maybe not that good," he smiled, heading for the box he kept his notecards in. There wasn't one for the compass in it. But Emma didn't need to know that. And he…he needed to get back on her good side, to regain her trust after what happened in the election. He wanted this Curse broken. Having her angry and at a distance to him in the last week obviously hadn't been the answer to that. Therefore, logically, getting back into her good graces might change that.
"However, as luck would have it, I do keep quite extensive records. And…yes, here we are!" He plucked an empty notecard out from the back of the bunch but kept it close so she wouldn't see his bluff. Emma didn't miss a beat.
"What's your price?" she asked maintaining that glare that he was certain she'd inherited from her mother.
"How about tolerance?"
He smiled. Start negotiations low, counter high, meet in the middle at the compromise. T'was the pawnbroker's creed, right up there with "Buy low, sell high." He should have asked a bit more from her by all accounts, but he found her counter was acceptable…for now.
"Well, that's a start. The compass was purchased by a Mr. Michael Tillman," he dutifully informed her.
"Anything else?"
He shook his head. "Just a name. But I generally find that's all that one needs," he smiled. It was enough to lead her to the car shop and the children's father and from there…another crack in his once-perfect Curse. "Good luck with your investigation!" he called as she turned to leave without even a "thank you." He was okay with that. He didn't need things like gratitude. He needed his son.
The second she was out of his shop he glanced over at the lamp still sitting where he'd left it when Emma came into the shop. He shuddered as the memory of Emma Swan's reappearance rolled over him once more. It wasn't the lamp. He didn't want to believe for even one second that it was the lamp. There was no magic to spare here in Storybrooke, and there was no genie inside!
Although, distant memories of another life reminded him that of all the magic in the world they'd once belonged to, Genie Magic was perhaps the most mysterious and dangerous. No one knew how it worked or way, only that it did. And however it worked, it had always been clear that the lamp of a genie played a role and was imbued with its own brand of magic. All magic came with a price, and the price of genie magic, the cost of whatever magic that lamp might have held, was often not worth the wish it granted. And this place, Storybrooke, in a World Without Magic, he knew it was made of pure magic. The Curse used magic to keep it going to keep it stable. The Curse absorbed any extra magic floating around this place, but even then, he knew powerful magic could be activated even for a short time…
He turned away from the lamp, refusing to give anymore attention to this ignorant fear of his. It wasn't the lamp that made Emma Swan come into this place. But, while he was thinking about it, if he was planning on bringing magic into this world, then he might need to do something with that particular object. He wasn't superstitious, just cautious. He knew better than to put his faith and trust in wishing.
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