#ouat does that to a gal
This rewatch of ouat what I've been noticing the most actually is how much of it is about doing good without any reassurance it will work out. The sending away of Emma is a terrible thing to have to do especially as there's no knowing if she'll survive, if she'll grow up, if she'll be able to make it back. A promise was made, a prophecy, but it still would have been so much easier to try to keep her and halt the curse, to try to take control of the situation. But Snow and Charming didn't, they surrendered control if it and that's what saves them in the end!
And consider the Cinderella episode, where everyone's saying this young girl can't be a mother, and from a certain point of view they're right, it would be incredibly difficult for her, she might fail at it. But she chooses to keep it, to raise the baby, and Emma believes that she can because it's about having faith, faith that even if you can't see a clear path forward, if something is right you do it. Hansel and Gretel's father! He can't be a father, he says, he's barely holding together life as it is, he doesn't have the skills, he doesn't have the time or it's implied the money, but then he takes his children anyway, he chooses to do the right thing even if it could be catastrophic because you have to believe it won't be.
That's what Regina and Rumple, the two main antagonists of the season, fundamentally both do wrong. They grasp for control, they're desperate for some kind of power over the future, they have no belief, only need to shape the world exactly as they want. So they turn to atrocities to obtain this! The curse literally gives Regina control over everyone, but because she needs that control when it starts to slip away she can do nothing to stop it, she has no way of acting when she can't direct everyone else and that's why she loses to Emma. Emma does make plans, but she's actually surprisingly impulsive, she does so much in the moment because she sees a situation and she does what she thinks is right immediately, there's no choice outside of it, she just believes it's right and damn the consequences because all we have is means! We can't control the ends, only the means and so the means MUST be good.
(This is also btw why Neal leaving Emma doesn't feel right, because rather than saying right now I should keep my promise because in this moment that's right, he tries to plan her future for her, which of course can't be done.)
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cartoonjessie · 6 months
*slithers down your chimney* It's Santa again, hello!
I have a plot, a plan, and a visual inspo for Belle's dress. (As one does.) Now all that's left to do is FINISH IT, which does remind me, two little details to iron out.
1: I am undecided if Belle's Dad should be Crazy Old Maurice with his whimsical inventing skills and Good Dad powers, or Disappointment Moe with his lack of respect for autonony and "Why in the Underworld did you invite this man to your wedding, Belle?" vibe. He is an offscreen background character, but in case of small talk, do you have a preference?
2: What sort preteen literature could you associate with Belle? Like is she an Animorph gal you think? Harry Potter? Lemony Snicket? Babysitter's Club? This is oddly more important than her father, for plot reasons.
Hiya Santa, hope you been well! I been drawing a TON of Christmas trees the past week, which means Christmas cheer is in my heart and in my sketchbook now! Your questions are good! 1. Just gimme disappointing canon Maurice. He sucks, and Disney-Maurice is so much cooler, but Belle (in OUAT) is who she is in part because of disappointing Maurice, so let's just stick with the dude. 2. Gosh... I think she would sooner read things like The Secret Garden from Frances Hodgson Burnett or any of her books, a touch of magic and old charm and mystery, set in the English country. I don't think she'd be into Animorphs or Babysitter's Club (I did read the latter myself as a child because my sister collected those books) but Lemony Snicket and HP could probably appease her too if she was a zoomer or millennial. Hope that answers your questions!
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coramills · 3 years
OKAY GUYS (and gals, and everyone inbetween): it is FINALLY TIME to talk about the parallels between two of my very favourite TV characters:
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Here is the analysis absolutely nobody asked for.
1) Of course, their main defining feature and basis of this comparison are their relationships to the "heroine with a dark past" TM. When Xena first interacts with Alti (a shamaness), it is to learn her craft and eventually become "destroyer of nations". Regina goes to Mal (a sorceress) to also learn dark magic and thus facilitate her revenge on Snow White. Both Regina and Xena are initially drawn to the power and the darkness.
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2. But Regina eventually gets too powerful (or maybe Mal just doesn't want to fight her), taking the dark curse and 28 years later having a hand in killing Mal (by sending down Emma with a sword to defeat the dragon). Xena, too, eventually kills Alti, and for both her and Regina this is now an indicator that they are one of the "good guys", since they defeated an evil influence.
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3. But BOTH ALTI AND MAL COME BACK TO LIFE, complicating the heroine's journey. Alti comes back no matter how often Xena kills her, and Mal is resurrected by Rumple in season 4. Both of them rock the modern style by wearing very fantastic power pantsuits. However, this is where the parallels begin to fade in canon. Alti stays bent on world domination, Maleficent shows a softer side and is semi re-entering the community (while Alti once again dies).
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4. Both react with the essential "IT'S GOOD TO HAVE YOU BACK" when they meet Xena or Regina again. Mal literally says "it's good to have you back, Regina", and Alti says... this...
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5. Both Alti/ Xena and Mal/ Regina definitely have chemistry and subtext. "I've always wanted to be inside of you Xena" and a whole episode called "enter the dragon", anyone? Both Xena and Regina are bisexual icons.
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6. Both of them see that their former mentee/lover is now with an irritating little blonde. Unfortunately, XWP goes there more than OUAT does, but still, it's a funny coincidence.
7. But honestly, the biggest similarity for me is... the SHEER VIBES. Messy hair, flirtatious gaze, a smirk that is nearly inerasable. Both of them are taller than the heroine (and in Xena's case atleast, that is saying something). Both have seemingly been around for a long time. I could get into film analysis about the villainisation of female knowledge and power but actually, my main point here is: they're both hot and I'm gay.
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Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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blackbyakko · 3 years
Cruella has potential
Okay, I just saw the Cruella trailer and .... well it's not great. However, I keep seeing people saying that Cruella is a poor choice of protagonist, and I actually high key disagree. I actually think that she'd make an amazing protagonist, all without comprosing the character that we all love to hate. Now before y'all take up your torches, hear me out here, because Disney's actually has made Cruella a protagonist before, and they did it well without making her redeemable.
First off, please repeat after me: a protagonist doesn't have to be a good person.
A protagonist is by definition, merely the central figure of a story. They don't have to be a hero or a villian, just the character at the heart of the story. A good example? Din Dijarin from the Mandolorian. He is not a hero (I will fight peeps on this with a foam sword), he is a protagonist. He does good things and is a good Papa, but he is a bounty hunter. He will and has done morally questionable and possibly disagreeable things for a paycheck. My DnD brain would call him something between a lawful and a true neutral but that's a WHOLE different essay.
If you want a more villanous example of a protagonist, I would like to direct the class to the Artemis Fowl novels. Artemis is a little d*ck. He openly kidnaps, extorts, and threatens the lives of multiple characters throughout the course of the first novel (I've only read the first book). He is not a good person, but he is an excellent character. He was a little shit and we loved to hate him. He had goals, obsticals to overcome, and actual character development. And no, I don't think character development has to be an upward development to be good. They character can be bad, and all that matters is that it's interesting. That's why so many of us love villain origin stories.
Now, what Disney did with the adaptation of Artemis was horrible. Like gag me with a spoon horrible. Like I'd rather sit through It's a Small World on loop for 8 hours straight horrible. And the reason? Artemis was stripped of all interesting characteristics in favor of being a more santized 'traditional' protagonist. They made the villain of a story a hero, without any preamble of how he got to this point. Now, how does this apply to Cruella you ask? Well, I'm more than happy to tell you!
A Cruella Adaptation that Worked
Now, this is NOT the first time Disney has made Cruella sympathetic, in a live action, or a protagonist.
Does anybody remember Once Upon a Time? Well I do and I will never forgive the fact that Swan Queen didn't become cannon. But that's not the point here. Once Upon a Time was a show dedicated to exploring the nuances of Disney's fairy tale characters as just that, characters. We get the stereotypical, "oh but there lives were so hard" sympathy bait, but here's the thing: when they do it, it works not because the charcter is misunderstood, but because they don't have the character turn away from what they have done. They own up to it and for better or worse, it pushes their character forward, and not always in a moral good direction. They literally had Snow f*cking White of all people murder a woman, for, by her own admittance, purely selfish reasons. She killed because she wanted to do it, the neccesity behind it merely a justification. And she actually owns up to it and it makes her a more compelling and interesting character. Now on to Cruella.
Cruella DeVil was the main (main not only) protagonist in the OUAT episode, Sympathy for the De Vil. We go into her backstory and basically learns what makes her tick.
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Or rather, what we think makes her tick. This is Cruella. Looks like a nice gal right? Maybe a slight case of crazy eyes, but hey, I get the same look whenever I'm hangry. We are set up to believe that Cruella is simply a victim of circumstance, with an overprotective and abusive mother, a forcefully sheltered life, and the simple desire to see what lies beyond the walls of her suffocating cage. Pretty sympatheic backstory for a would be puppy killer right?
Well, in the same episode here's what we learn: she's locked away, not for her protection, but for others. Cruella has killed people on multiple occassions, with no rhyme or reason other that she could. She tricks the man who sought to save her from her 'horrible mother', steals his source of power, and uses it to kill her mother and skin her dogs, giving her her signature coat. In the present day, her whole goal was to actually regain her ability to directly commit murder (as the man she tricked used magic to rob her of that ability). She was not sympathetic. She is cruel for the heck of it, and loves every second.
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And because she loves it, so do we. Or at the very least we're much more engaged. This is how you do a villanous protagonist right. They don't need to be sympatheic for us to like them. Honestly, they don't even need to be relatable. Hell, we don't even have to like them! They just needto be enjoyable, and able to provide us a connecting point to care about (or hate) them. Most people like to fantasize about indulging in our inner villian, so let us. It's okay to have problematic characters as our main characters as long as the rest of the story (through other character's reactions, setting, ect.) makes sure that we know that they're problematic.
Cruella De Vil is a horrid, reprehensible diva who we all love to hate. So let us hate her Disney! Cruella could be such a compelling movie is that's the direction they choose to take it. They have the potential with this character and as we've seen from the example above, they've done it before. So do I have a lot of hopes for this film? Eh...not really. But it does have potential, and I hope to god they take advantatge of it.
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melancholytimes · 2 years
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I posted 8,479 times in 2021
1309 posts created (15%)
7170 posts reblogged (85%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.5 posts.
I added 3,134 tags in 2021
#kw - 1106 posts
#the l word - 424 posts
#kat watches the l word - 423 posts
#personal - 297 posts
#ouat - 198 posts
#video - 191 posts
#kat watches ouat - 166 posts
#falcon and winter soldier - 111 posts
#tiktok - 110 posts
#harry styles - 108 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#back when i was what i thought was an ally i probably said something like that nonsense but i know better and it's not the case
My Top Posts in 2021
i didn't realize I hate PDA until this show
24 notes • Posted 2021-03-03 09:39:51 GMT
So last night I went to watch Encanto with my mom and brother. We went to watch it in theaters it's my first movie since the panny so it was a big deal to me. I weeped for a lot of it because I'd just started my period.
Anyways I absolutely loved it. I'll be screaming below. Spoilers below the cut (duh)
I cannot express how much I loved this movie.
First I'll start with that short that played at this beginning. What an excellent visualization of how generational trauma can manifest with those raccoons.
So yeah on to Encanto.
first of all the music is excellent. the visuals were amazing. the animation was so beautiful the hair the skin wow. from what I understand they're supposed to be Colombian and the skin tones and hair textures are so diverse and different its fantastic. (I know basic diversity) oh also I just realized that a cast of poc stayed human the whole time!!
okay on to the story the main character Maribel is the only one in her whole family without any kind of power and shes kinda ostracised for it. there is a whole ceremony where the house is supposed to give them their gifts and shes the first one to not get one out of 7 people. the movie starts with the youngest about to get his power but since maribel was the last to go there is an uncertainty if he'll get a power but he does.
maribel tries too hard to be viewed as helpful, useful, special even without a power. she sees cracks in their magical house that was built out of the magic from this candle that their abuela received after their abuelo died sacrificing himself to let their village flee the raiders.
okay okay I'm giving a synopsis and I don't wanna. okay actual feelings now
the feelings that are brought up throughout the whole movie are so valid. the generational pressures that are passed on are so visible. abuela hammers home how they need to be worthy of the gifts and help the community and they do, they do wonderful things for their community and build it up.
the first "crack" we see comes with luisa. i LOVE LOVE LOVED her song. first off she was big and strong but still sensitive and feminine. her song was about pressure and guilt and bearing the load of being strong all the time (I was crying during this) (also side note the donkeys during her song were so excellent). so yeah she was so burnt out from feeling like she had to be strong for everyone else. poor gal needs a nap and therapy.
okay so bruno bruno poor guy. i love him so much. the gift of seeing the future is something i'd never want. during the song "we don't talk about bruno" people were complaining about his visions like they were bad things but they were very normal things. that ladys fish died that guy got fat. like of course that happened those are regular elements of life but even isabella and delores their fortunes weren't necessarily bad things and they did eventually come true. also him and the rats were too much. i could scream about him for days I think. just know I love him that's all for now.
now to Isabella first of all damn that eldest sister stuff really is powerful huh. so she was supposed to get married to this guy from town to continue the family madrigal. however during her song to maribel she says she doesn't want to do any of that. her power is to grow flowers and shes always blooming beautiful flowers but during her song she blooms a cactus and it sparks something in her. she can make beautiful things that aren't perfect, things that are odd shaped and pointy and unexpected and those things can still hold beauty. also shes giving very lgbt all the sisters are tbh but especially her...i'll move on
okay as much as I loved maribel and her sisters the character that actually really touched me was pepa. her power was that she could control the weather but it was based on her emotions so if she was happy then it was clear skies but if she was upset there could be a hurricane. whenever we saw her and she was getting upset and her little storm cloud would form she'd try to calm herself and brush it away by force. the lesson with her I think is to feel your feelings. we can't always have clear sky days and its okay to let ourselves rain every once in a while. let the storm come because there are rainbows after every storm. the thing i loved too was that her husband loved her in all her weather and throughout he was trying to show her that (great now I'm crying about it)
omg this post is so long. if you've read this far forehead kiss for you.
okay on to the resolution
so the lesson to learn from this movie is that it takes all kinds and that no one is more or less special because of a perceived gift and that we should feel our feelings and that we should let others help us and not take on too much and also that grandmas can give everyone headaches lol..jk sort of. the pressure abuela put on everyone because she thought they needed to deserve their gifts so that they could keep their house came from a place of fear and it really shows how generational trauma can manifest itself one, two generations down the line. she was so afraid from losing her old home and her husband that she pushed her family.
okayokay I'm done for now. i will probably rewatch at home and i'll definitely have more to scream about
oh also I absolutely loved the community coming together to help them build their house. that made me weep a lil too
omg also MARIBEL GOT HER DOOR. it the front door to the house. shes the glue
25 notes • Posted 2021-11-28 06:20:24 GMT
I'm trying to understand why the HELL Ginny feels that she needs to have this conversation NOW. Max is literally performing a show on stage
30 notes • Posted 2021-03-04 06:13:52 GMT
so I'm reading the house in the cerulean sea and all I'm imagining is Linus quitting his job and living in the house with Arthur and raising the kids as a little family and now I'm sobbing
36 notes • Posted 2021-05-24 06:48:36 GMT
I have made the radical decision that I would like to hold someone's hand please
37 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 02:35:38 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Hi Liza, I keep seeing references to drama in SCK fandom around Aydan and Ayder actresses. Can you explain what’s going on? In Oncer days I always came to your blog when things like this happened, hope you can explain (love your blog always)
I think you’re talking about the posts that Neslihan (Aydan) and Evrim (Ayfer) made earlier today? You can read translations of them here.  I’ll go through what I know, but bottom-line I don’t think those two actors have ever dealt with this kind of large and passionate fandom and it shows. 
Also, if you don’t want to wade into the drama, don’t read. 
Neslihan has also made a couple of subsequent posts, one totally cringey one about how fans should get a life and follow the example of her teenage son who watches documentaries instead of thinking about Hande and Kerem, and then a video post saying she had been joking. (facepalm)  A series of bad decisions on her part. She has made several cryptic posts over the last couple of weeks about the direction of the show starting at ep 29, including one she had to delete because it implied there would be all new writers. Those cryptic posts have incited a LOT of drama and hand-wringing and freaking out, especially, I think among young fans who don’t know how to channel their emotions.  Her post about her son was basically telling those fans, the ones who reacted to her in dramatic ways, saying they couldn’t sleep etc to get a life. But many people in fandom took offense. She later said in the video she’d been kidding and was talking about the fans who DM her (close your DMs, lady!) worrying over the fate of Edser and who let it affect their lives.  
A lot of bad decision on her part. She might want to just lay low and stop giving teases, and mostly stop allowing fans to DM her. (Especially since her antagonism has now lead fandom to dig up old IG likes of hers where she liked posts that belittled and bullied Hande. She may have just bite of more than she can chew, since Hande tried to sue the guy who made the posts that Neslihan liked... and all of that is very personal to Hande because it was happening while her mother was dying of cancer. YIKES, I’m sure Neslihan would prefer those stay buried). 
The Evrim post I think is aimed at fans who have been hard on the gal who runs the mfyapim production company twitter account, Sefkat. (Who also apparently liked some of those anti-Hande posts two years ago) she ran afoul of some on twitter after the way she handled the fan outcry after 26 when they included footage in the fragman (sex scene) that was not in the ep or released as an internet extra.  I think some fans thought she was flippant and throwing shade. Then yesterday, I think fans got aggressive with her over how late the fragman was released.  I’m guessing Sefkat went crying to the actors and then Evrim made this very ill-advised post. 
Were fans too aggressive? Yes. Were fans obnoxious? Yes. Did they make me cringe? Yes.  Did it warrant an actor on the show wading into fandom. NOOOOOOO.  
Since you referenced OUAT drama, you and I have lived through the worst of fandom, and here is not near the level of toxicity and bad behavior we saw there. Not even in the same universe. Mostly because  for SCK there is no shipwar. This show is about one couple and there is no reason to watch this show if you’re not a fan of the couple, so therefore no shipping madness cloaked in social justice outrage. The drama in a fandom without a shipwar vs one with a shipwar is like an angry kitty vs vicious rabid alien monster.  So SCK fandom is like an angry kitten in comparison. 
Also, we all know that you can’t control or discipline fandom, so they need to rise above and ignore. The admin could just post and leave and stop engaging with fans. Easy peasy.  Aydan can close her DMs and shut up. Easy peasy. 
Getting pissy with fandom is an especially interesting tack for the cast of this show, since there are really only two reasons it’s a huge success.  Hande and Kerem’s chemistry and how hot they are right now, and the giant online fandom which has propelled international sales and put the show first in every social measurement category for the year 2020.  
That’s it. International buyers are interested because of the popularity on social. Full stop. And Fox doesn’t keep buying it because of Ayfer’s catering business storyline (If Evrim is working too hard, I’d be more than fine if the writers cut Ayfer’s storyline way down so she can rest) and the ratings are borderline so what puts it over are those two things. So scolding fandom over something as inconsequential as fans complaining about a fragman on twitter is a little like biting the hand that feeds you. Which I grant you is a two-way street and fans often snap at and bite the ones feeding us, but they’re the professionals and a passionate fanbase is something all shows covet. They have it, they should probably appreciate it, instead of lashing out at it. 
Also, not for nothing, there are several cast members who try and capitalize on the social power and immense popularity of the show and our two leads, and Neslihan and Evrim are in those numbers. Neslihan’s constant teasing about Edser is obvious and Evrim was the first person to post the engagement photo, WITHOUT CONTEXT, which launched Hande and Kerem into an entire gossip news cycle. She’s also the one who, yesterday, posted the photo of Kerem arrived to set early, laying on the floor, taking photos, which set off a avalanche of speculation and rumor. Soooo... maybe sit down with your scolds and complaints about fandom when you’re blatantly trying to up your own social profile. 
It goes without saying that I think the fans who are acting badly should tone it down, relax and stop freaking out about every little thing. I’ve mentioned many times my dislike for their temper tantrums. Me taking the actors to task does not absolve their bad behavior. I wish they’d all cut it out.   
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distant-rose · 4 years
And if you're up for yet another gratuitous ask, do you have a favourite oc? What do you love best about them?
I know this was meant to be a simple question, but it’s not. I’ve been making original characters since...birth really. I know there’s like many a couple thousand of them running around in my head and they’re all difficult and wonderful. Like the amount of universes I have...un-fucking-real. To be honest, like my OUAT and Marvel universes are really just two out of like million prjects I’ve been working on. So, I have like an infinite number of characters I hold dear.
With that being said, it really depends on the mood and what kind of love favorite are you asking? Because there’s also sorts of ways to answer that question. 
Like who is the most aspirational one to me? Jim Hawkins, hands down, has the patience and understanding of a saint while being so stern and sensible about who he is and what he does. I love Jim. He’s the fucking hands down one of the more fascinating cooler characters I have for LP verse and I regret not writing him more.
Who is the most fun/favorite to cause pain? God, I wanna say the most fun to cause pain is probably a tie between Beth Jones and Wes Jones because they’re both absolute shits and most of the time they get what’s coming for them and honestly, their solutions to pain make for interesting storylines. They’re so viseral in their reactions to things that they’re incredibly fun to put in painful situations.
Who would I want to be friends with? @justanotherwannabeclassic and mine’s character for Marvel - Sylvie LeBeau, who is the youngest child of Rogue and Gambit in that universe. She’s incredibly sweet and I don’t think has a mean bone in her body, which gets her into a lot of trouble. She’s blind but has the ability to see into the past and future when she touches things. So, I feel like just being her old things would be interesting to hear what happened with them. Also, she’s an artsy gal so I feel like it would be fun to just chill and make pottery together. 
Which character do I want to protect the most? Again, another character from Shea and mine’s Marvel AU, Olivier LeBeau, who is based off his canon counterpart in X-Men: The End. We gave him his mom and kept the family together, but we kept the trauma from Sinister and kept him in charge of the newest X-team. This guy can’t catch a break really. He weathers it all, but to say he goes through a series of unfortunate events is an understatement. He had him struggle with his mutation, go through a five-year angst fest with his love interest, nearly lose two of his younger sisters, lost six members of his team on a mission, his fiancee gets taken, etc, etc. As I stated to Shea, “he’s never gotten anything handed to him without being shot six times.” We put him through the wringer but he gets a happy ending and a lot of street cred. #WorthIt
send me asks about my writing process, wip/fics, or headcanons today
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seriesofopinionspod · 4 years
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Faith's favourite ship on this week's episode was Captain Swan from Once Upon A Time (I mean, come on - what about their first kiss does not scream meant-to-be-together-chemistry?)⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #podcast #gals #gossip #podcastersofinstagram #pod #podcasts #podcastlife #podcastinglife #media #tv #movies #books #tea #dishing #opinions #quality #humor #truecrime #feminist #bodypositive #truth #episodes #seriesofopinions #seriesofopinionspod #captainswan #onceuponatime #shipping #otp #couples #ouat https://www.instagram.com/p/CHWIpi8gRK1/?igshid=18f0te57z2xgd
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countarganan · 5 years
rules:  tag  people  you’d  like  to  get  to  know  better tagged by: @yurick tagging: @thighhighsandgoldeneyes, @thewhitepoison, @inechoingsilence and anyone else who wants to do this XDDD
who are you: Myst favorite colour: dark green (foresty~emerald greens are a fave), black, pink, red, light blue, *continues to count many colours from here* top 3 favorite ships: Arganan/Dagran from The Last Story, Yurick/Therius from the Last Story, Zael/Calista from the Last Story...oh, wait...does this mean top 3 of all time or just within a fandom O_O lipstick or chapstick: Used to be a chapstick gal, but started getting into lipstick lately.  last song/piece: ??? I don’t know, I listened to way too many last movie: ??? What is a movie??? (I don’t watch a lot of movies, to be honest) currently reading: “The Devil Is A Part-Timer! Volume 12″ by Satoshi Wagahara what celebrity are you most like?: I have no clue what fictional character are you most like?: A mixture of Ingrid from OUAT, Therius from The Last Story, Nobutsuna Kamiizumi from Bravely Default/Second and Count Arganan from The Last Story? (I’m aware that sounds really weird, but I honestly have no clue if I’m completely like one character or the other)
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flipperbrain · 6 years
Salty Ask List
Since @killian-whump​ is contractually obligated to tell everyone to DO THEM ALLLL!!! and I wouldn’t want her to get into legal trouble, here’s my complete salty ask list. No one else is paying attention anyway so thank you Shari! ❤️😂 I put in a cut so it’s not too annoying though it’s not super duper long.
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* Swanfire or whatever it’s called. Neal was such a minor character and a coward imho, that I don’t get why people still cling to the pairing and ignore 85% of what actually happened on the show. But whatevs.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* Is HookedQueen popular?? I can definitely see the sex appeal and I’ve toyed with the pairing and had fun with it in reblogs and artwork, but I really just see them as friends… though who knows they may be dating now, never say never.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? If it was a non-stop rude opinion that was not properly tagged? Definitely. People have unfollowed and blocked me for far less. i.e. criticizing Leanne Aguilera about something she tweeted pertaining to another fandom. I’d do it again because it was shitty, just fyi.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* GoldenQueen, I don’t think it’s popular, is it popular?
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* This is probably a question that I should take the fifth on but, the response to Season 7 by some fans wrecked captain swan for me a bit, I’ve come back around now that some time has passed and I’ve cleaned up my dash, I can enjoy them and write about them again. It’s not quite the same but I hope eventually it will be.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* I saw a lot of hatefulness from some $Q fans for a long time on twitter, I know that doesn’t represent ALL fans but it was what I was exposed to. I didn’t like how Killian had to be this awful person in order to make the ship work, like just do your thing and leave him out of it. I can’t say I enjoy it per se, but I’ve come to understand why folks like it. I’m a ship and let ship kind of gal, if it makes you happy and you’re not tormenting other people, then go for it.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* There’s some scenes that at first blush I loved, but the more I’ve seen them and thought about them, I can’t stand them now.
8.Have you received anon hate? What about?* Season 7 definitely. Hatred for Wish!Hook and KnightRook… And that time I dared to make HQ art, well I won’t even mention that.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why? I think Belle is boring but I don’t dislike her. Gothel is pretty universally hated but she was a great villain, she didn’t get all soft and fuzzy, she was a jerk to the end. So I disliked her yes, but in a good way.
10. Most disliked arc? Why? I didn’t like the All Saviors Die thing in Season 6. Emma just looked stressed out most of the time and cried a lot, there was too much angst between her and Killian and not enough happiness because this trauma was always hanging over their heads. it wasn’t a pleasant ride for me. The wedding was great but it ended up being kind of rushed. I wish S6 had been calmer and happier so we could enjoy the engagement without all the strife, but that doesn’t make for good TV I guess.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I don’t like Neal but I loved little Baelfire. I thought he was a great kid, not sure what happened there.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I’ve seen a lot of things disliking the Frozen arc, that it was shoehorned etc, I hadn’t seen the movie when the arc began and have since but don’t see the thrill tbh but I liked it on OUAT, and I LOVED Anna. She was super cute and funny. I felt like overall Frozen was done well.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character? Most of the issues I have are more to do with writing that I felt was OOC, I can’t think of anything specific.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom? I don’t know if it’s unpopular but there’s a lot of very set-in-their-ways rigid fans in the fandom who are unwilling to let people enjoy what they enjoy. To me it’s like the news, if you only live in an echo chamber and listen to the voices of likeminded people, you never grow in your thinking and learn to understand other opinions. You don’t have to like it but lashing out with hate never helps anyone.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? That I loved it from start to finish. I even love the things I hate.
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? I would put more focus on the characters and their backstories, and less on action for action’s sake. There was too much unnecessary drama imo.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… Oh gosh, If A&E’s intention was to make Regina a more sympathetic figure, and it seems like it was, I would have dialed back on some of the dreadful things she inflicted on people. I ended up really liking Roni, but you have to ignore a lot to make her Queen of all the realms. But hey, the people have spoken.
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? Nope, unless you are in denial or biased.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? When fans shit on the actors and go after them over their own ridiculous fantasies about their personal lives. I really, really, really hate that.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom? Hook x hook of course!! They are beautiful and pure and I love them so much!!
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships? See 20. :D
22. Popular character you hate? I don’t hate any character. They’re just out there doing their fairytale jobs.
23. Unpopular character you love? Henry? He really annoyed me but grew on me in the last 2 seasons. Plus Jared is adorable in person and so is Andrew, I have to love them.
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? Would I recommend OUAT? Absolutely!! It gave me something to hold onto when I really needed it, and for the most part it has a wonderful message. There’s always hope!
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? I would get kraken on ending the curse way earlier in season 7 so KnightRook had a little time to be together. I loved that many of the stories were wrapped up in the series finale and all of the familiar faces we got to see, but it was packed so full that it felt rushed. They had all of 7B to fit bits and pieces, why it all had to come to a conclusion in the last 2 eps I dunno.
26. Most shippable character? Killian Jones. He goes with everything, even himself.
27. Least shippable character? Happy. For reasons.
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immortalxdreamers · 6 years
🎰 hi bb!
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships   |  @disturbxnces
( accepting )
1. Sakura & Mal • two fighting gal pals? YES! I don’t know in which universe this would be set, but I imagine their relationship could be v interesting. 
2. Astrid & Ruby • I think strong fighting gal pals is a theme here on this list, but I have absolutely no problem with it tbh! Again, I don’t know in which universe this would be set, though Ruby the werewolf girl set in a world that does not look kindly on anything that could be dangerous would be quite something. Astrid meeting Ruby stuck in wolf form, possibly injured, having kind of a Hiccup/Toothless moment? ( also Astrid meeting Mal o.o )
3. Haruka & Tigress • the first thing that comes to mind is how funny it would be to see how poorly Tigress/Tailan deals with Haruka’s charisma as it is combined with her being v strong which ofc earns her more credit in Tigress’s book. Also… Tigress/Tailan as a Sailor. Amazing. 
4. Sakura & Garrett • would they possibly have a Kayley/Garrett relationship, only Sakura actually knows how to fight from the start? possibly yes, and I think it’d be great! Just imagine Sakura gradually coaxing Garrett out of his hermit lifestyle and show what he is made of. 
5. Emma & Ellis • can you believe this is actually a very likely combination? Emma meeting the son of Tarzan and Jane? Come on! And think of all the angst you could get, if in ouat setting Ellis lost his parents for whatever reason, and Ellis and Henry become best friends so he’s kind of an extra child there. 
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capeshifters · 6 years
all muses
All muses shortly
italics - pc   bold- canon   normal -oc
some muses might have verse specific ships or they are not shippable at all
Nedra Surana //  mage elf warden- hof | multiship | pansexual | FC: Lindsey Stirling
Narya Lavellan // dalish inquisitor |Single ship with @thebloodychampion​ in her main verse, other verse open  | heterosexual | FC: Emile De Ravin
Merlyn Lavellan // Narya’s cousin, archer and hunter | multiship- | homosexual | FC: Eddie Redmayne (inquisitor verse available)
Litriel Lavellan // mage, necromancer and dreamer, also Narya’s cousin and Merlyn’ sister | multiship | heterosexual| FC: Alina Kovelenko
Nova Lavellan //dalish Inquisitor, has a very bad eyesight, necromancer, dreamer and uses wisps to see. loves dragons |  multiship |heterosexual | FC: Lauren De Graaf
Lesi  Aras //the master of smith work. Has her won shop, very inspired by Dagna | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Isabela Moner
Rin Ril Seraya //born to be female, works as a body guard of an Orlesian Lord. Disguised |multiship |undecided | FC: Winona Ryder
Aila Synelis// young elf, has a two years old girl, waitress,sweet but too trusting |multiship | heterosexual | FC: Dasha Sidorchuck
Armando Fiorenci // ex first enchanter o the circle in Dairsmuid, Rivain. Escaped death. jolly and a good mage. mage rights supporter.| multiship | pansexual | FC: Sam Elliott
Francesca Fiorenci // Armando’s sister, made tranquil. Whereabouts unknown  | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Oona Chaplin
Kai Kresge // magekiller, from tevinter |multishp| pansexual | FC: Ian Bohen
Kaisa Kresge// Kai’s little sister, mage and healer and herbalist, blind.| multiship |heterosexual | FC: Elise Aarnik
Sherborne Guyader “Guy” // professor of history and arts at the university of Orlais. born in Antiva | multiship | bisexual fc: Eoin bailey
Anna Alerion // mage ,dalish, slave, servant. Now Marquis tool for his twisted desires. Secretly when able she plots to free elves.- | multiship |bisexual
Regina le Bail // ex slave, run away from tevinter, mage but uses spear to fight, companion with a wolf | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Maia Mitchell
Alan Bearhold //avvar warrior, hunter, tall man, grumpy , protects his little sister |multiship |pansexual | FC: Manu Bennett
Valerie Bearhold// mage, talks to spirits, healer, herbalist, skilled. - | multiship |heterosexual | FC: Rachel Weisz
Millicent Cadash // Inquisitor, badass rogue, thief, spy, dwarf and what else.| multiship |  heterosexual | FC: Amy Manson
Devon Trevelyan // mage. from Ostwick Circle, born as a bastard son to a servant of Trevelyan family. Skilled mage, flirty but good mannered. | multiship |pansexual | FC: Richard Madden
Bella Lupus // Dragon Age - Tevinter mage, black mage, small woman, good at magic- multiship-heterosexual
Marcus Lupus // Bella’s little brother, warrior, has prosthetic arm and leg | multiship | bisexual | FC: Matthew Daddario
Janus Lupus // Bella’s and Marcus father, magister, master and killed by his brother.|single ship with @thebloodychampion​ |homosexual | FC: Luke Evans
Alceon Lupus // middle brother , brother of Janus, evil and mean magister. |no ship | bisexual | FC: Ansom Mount
Adrian Lupus // youngest brother, magister at the seat, divorced, likes elves | multiship.| pansexual |FC: Tom Pricone
Luca Lupus//Adrian’s son, rogue, likes training and solitude | multiship |pansexual | Fc: Adian Gillen
Gigi Trevelyan (Auriel// mercenary and Inquisitor - burns scars on her hands and feet - assassin || multiship |heterosexual | FC: Sarah Bolger
Rufus Trevelyan //  ex- templar , Gigi’s uncle - mage friendly- never too old for fun | multishipo | pansexual | FC:Rufus Sewell
Adam Hawke // Hawke, shy dork, loves his dog more than people- | multiship | bisexual | FC: Garrett Hedlund
Anders//he feather mage merged with spirit, not so mage rights obessed- loves cats | single M!Hawke ship with   @thebloodychampion​ (other muses okay to ship) | pansexual | FC: David Garrett
Dorian // the sassy one From house of Pavus- the lost son- the failure | multiship | homosexual | FC: David Gandy
Hampus Luck // archer and companion , noble but hides it, a flirt | multiship |pansexual | FC: Jamie Dornan
Appius Trius  “The Architect”// High Priest of Urthemiel, a bit dork, but lovable, magister from the ancient times | single ship verse with @thebloodychampion​ other verse open |  pansexual | Fc: Hugh Dancy
Hay // slave from the ancient times - traveled through a rift |selective ship | heterosexual | FC: Hera Hilmar
Nellie Cousland // hero of ferelden, badass redhead |multiship | heterosexual | FC: Rose Leslie
Jacob Rivera//  pirate, thief, treasure hunter | multiship |bisexual | FC: Jarod Joseph
Albany Perdue // non binary, young magister , better than you- | multiship | undecided | FC: ErikaLinder
Lisetta Walgan // chasind scout/hunter - wild and untamed| multishp |pansexual | FC: Karen Gillan
Lilah Bearhold //  Lady of The Skies- goddess/avvaar/ - immortal | selective ship| bisexual | Fc: Julie Kennedy/Rachel Ward(old)
Mario Albergotti lamberto De Villacorta // rogue, noble, mercenary |bisexual |Pentaghast Blood |likes dragons | FC: Matthew Mcnulty
Vixten Adaar // Inquisitor - ex-mercenary | has a twin sister |mage |pansexual | kind giant | FC: Mahesh Jadu
Veran Adaar // Vixten’s twin sister | rogue |bisexual
Seranna Trevelyan - Inquisitor and templar | fears magic | bisexual | andrastian | FC: Michelle Alves
Quiet // Metal Gear Solid V // sniper and bad ass, does not talk- |multiship |bisexual | FC: Game face/Stefanie Joosten
Diana // Marvel DCEU // Wonder Woman, badass but sweet        | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Gal Gadot
Mei // Overwatch// climatologist, blogger, Overwatch agent | multiship | bisexual | FC: Game Face
Catwoman //Marvel // Selina Kyle, the catwoman  |multiship |heterosexual | FC:Camren Bicondova
Belle/Lacey //OUAT/Disney// Belle from both Ouat and Disney and Lacey from Ouat | multiship | heterosexual | Emilie de Ravin, Cartoon face, Emma Watson
Red//OUAT-// Red from the series Once Upon A time - werewolf | multiship | bisexual | FC: Meghan Ory
Nagini Nabila // Harry Potter // Voldemorts’ Snake with a canon divergent story, reborn |  multiship | pansexual | FC: Nathalie Emmanuel (young)/ Angela Bassett (old)
Augustus Rookwood//Harry Potter// Death Eater, Prisoner in Azkaban, a bit of coward |  multiship | bisexual | FC: Tom Payne
Neville Longbottom//Harry Potter// student, later professor, not married yet | multiship | heterosexual | FC: Matthew Lewis
Ailla Longstar // Star Wars // twilek, bad ass pilot, spy | multiship | pansexual | FC: Milla Jovovich
Zara Andromedra // Star Wars //  mandalorian warrior, arms for hire, skilled fighter , bounty hunter | multiship | bisexual | FC: Cladia Black
Lilo Young // works in the ministry of magic | FC:Nyakim Gatwech |  - Harry Potter
Lassie Young // ministry worker , lilos brother |homosexual| FC: Jordan Bolger |  - Harry Potter
Simon Wolfe // Deathh Eater | bi, homoromantic |FC: Alec Secreanu |  - Harry Potter
Salvia Pepper // werewolf | heterosexual | FC: Natalia Ramos - Harry Potter
Gilda Gloomsdale // vampire , not dragonborn but can be // FC: Aiyana Lewis - Skyrim
Nedra Shepard//Shepard , biotic, paragon, earthborn, war hero-| multiship | pansexual | FC: Emily Browning
Nigel Shepard// Nedra’s twin, more evil and drunkard and a gambler |multiship| bisexual | FC: Eddie Redmayne
Nolus and Tunar Abgius // smuggler brothers even if one is a turian and other a krogan | multiship.|  Nolus is bisexual | Tunar is homosexual | Nolus FC: Brandt Daugherty | Tunar Fc: Aleksander Skarsgard
Lisell Avequa// Asari assassin, Has a adopted son Han.|multiship- |heterosexual | FC: Tracy Ifeachor/Danai Gurira
Jirida Avequa//Lisell’s grandma, a bit crazy old asari |no ship- |bisexual | FC: Whoopi Goldberg
Nyx Avequa// an asari consort at Citadel-, not using biotics, kind |single ship |heterosexual | FC: Yaya De Costa
Han Xanis Vas Astra-//LIsell’s adopted son, quarian. Good in tech |- multiship |bisexual | FC: Logan Lerman
Vivia Bonisis // pink turian but good C-sec cyber crime detective - | single ship with @thebloodychampion | heterosexual | FC: Penelope Mitchell
Camilea -// pretty and deadly turian Blue Sun assassin |-multiship | pansexual | FC: Cara Delvigne
Salla Ryder //-  female Ryder , biotic | multiship. |bisexual | FC: Emma Watson
Garrus // the one we love. does a lot of calibrating |multiship| bisexual | FC: Andrew Garfield
Liara// the blue doctor and Shadowbroker | multiship |bisexual | FC: Yara Shadhidi
Drack // the old grumpy grandpa | multiship |heterosexual | Fc: Jeff Bridges
PeeBee // the joyful and happy asari explorer|multiship-|pansexual | FC:Senait Gidey
Avitus Rix// turian pathfinder, loves Mason  |single ship  with @thebloodychampion Mason | homosexual | FC: Charlie Hunnam
Tibesius Suldonis  // a hastatim unit leader, gay , married to a woman, manipulated by his friend and ex lover Cosna |  Single ship with @thebloodychampion | homosexual | FC: Nathan Fillion
Quitilia Suldonis // sweet, Serlio’s and Silia’s mother, dead  by Cosna | no ship | heterosexual | FC:Bridget Regan
Lucius Suldonis // the youngest sibling, model  turian, bit of playboy, skilled pilot | multiship | pansexual | FC: Tyler Hoechlin
Serlio Salvilus // Actually son of Cosna’s brother Caius . good in politics, future turian councilor  | multiship |  bisexual | FC: Josh Bowman
Silia Salvilus-//blind. Serlio’s little sister, had many hardships, works in Citadel , not daughter of Cosna, but born from a relationship her mother had with Haral Nyras. | multiship| heterosexual| FC: Lyndsy Fonseca
Cosna Salvilus // the evil mastermind, took his brother’s life and played him -|no ship-|bisexual | FC: Christian Bale
Caius Salvilus // got in an accident and was in coma and memory loss for decades. Real father of Serlio | multiship | bisexual | FC: Christian Bale
Tokol // pink, hanar and definitely not someone you should trust | no ship| asexual | Fc: game face
Anaya Kiuk // a young drell assassin, suffers from deadly illness , works for Tokol- | multiship | bisexual | FC: Naomi Scott
Sunip Molane // a salaria assassin, scientist , works for Tokol |multiship |demisexual | Fc: Allyson Hannigan
Bono Baffabar-//batarian mercenary and assassin, works for Tokol -| multiship | bisexual | FC: Jake Gyllenhaal
Luc Laxius// turian business woman, mother of twins | no ship-heterosexual | FC: Meryl Streep
Maxius Kryik // son of Nihlus Kryik, C-sec officer  |multiship |pansexual | FC: Sebastian Stan
Titus Faion // thief and turian, disguises as a male | multishp- heterosexual | FC: Charlize Theron
Tasha Tissel // ex asari assassin, now a doctor  | single ship with @thebloodychampion  | heterosexual | Fc: Chrishell Stubbs
Magnar Shepard // the viking, tall and blond, gets the job done-  | multiship | pansexual | FC: Chris Hemsworth
Camephilia  Octatus// Camilea’s little sister, young, raised on Omega | no ship, single ship in the future times  with @thebloodychampion |  heterosexual | fc: Anna von Klinski
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slythrnwrtes · 6 years
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Hey there!! I finally have the time to write again, so I’m currently looking for new plots + partners. I’ve put a list below the cut of some stuff I’m interested in doing, so if you’d be down with doing any of these with me please either shoot me a DM or like this post and I’ll come to you. I am currently mainly looking for f/f and m/f plots !!
Disclaimer: Some of these are recycled plots I never got the chance to do in the past but I still wanna do !!
A city witches plot where two witches are roommates in New York and they use little spells in their everyday life to make things easier, but they have to hide it from the world. While Muse A is really strict with their magic and makes sure to always be as careful as they can be, Muse B could care less and is very free spirited and risks exposing magic to humans on a daily basis. It creates a lot of tension but they’re best friends (or lovers) so they try to work through it. Inspired by this.
Some modern mythology plots based off literally any of these would be lovely!! I am weak for modern mythology plots in general (some of my absolute favorite pairings are Dionysus x Ariadne, Ares x Aphrodite and Hades x Persephone).
A modern Disney princess / slightly OUAT inspired plot ( or mumu ) where all the Disney princesses live in modern day New York but are still highly influenced by their Disney counterparts.
I am currently in love with the Marauders era of Harry Potter and I’m willing to do almost anything related to that (my favorite characters to write are James Potter, Rita Skeeter and Bellatrix Black, but I’m open to writing anyone + any ship).
With that said, Harry Potter plots are my kryptonite and I am always down to do any hp plot !!
A plot where Ares and Aphrodite walk the Earth and they’re both women and in love (dibs on Ares).
[drug/alcohol cw] An f/f plot slightly inspired by Elementary where Muse A is a rich and successful businesswoman that struggles with drug/alcohol abuse. Muse B is hired by Muse A’s company to be her sober companion and basically keep her on track, although her job is soon made difficult by Muse A’s moodiness and high demands. I think this could be a classic “thundercloud x ray of sunshine” sort of thing.
A con artist plot where Muse A and B are roommates and rivals, always trying to upstage the other’s most recent heist. It does not occur to them that they could work together and achieve even greater success, because they’ve always been at each other’s throats.
A fallen angels plot inspired by this. Muse A and Muse B were kicked out of heaven and are now living in the big city, both doing their best to move on ( but never quite knowing how ).
A city witches plot but with gangs. Muse A and B belong to rival witch gangs, and should definitively not be friends. Yet, they feel drawn to each other, and eventually end up hooking up.
A bad girl x bad boy plot !! Or a bad girl x bad girl plot.
A plot based in the Harry Potter universe where Muse A and B both work in Hogsmeade. Muse A owns a small bakery, while Muse B works as a bartender / barmaid in one of the pubs. They form a habit of meeting after work and discussing their days and lives, and eventually start falling in love.
A gold digger / age gap plot where Muse A is this young and bright-eyed college student who marries Muse B for their money. Muse B is older, experienced and can kinda guess what Muse A is after, but marries Muse A anyways because they’ve been looking for love for years and never finding it so what the hell, right? People will finally stop asking questions at the very least. A few months into their marriage, Muse A starts falling for Muse B but Muse B is kinda hesitant because they have been hurt before.
A similar plot where Muse A needs to marry someone to stay in the country, and Muse B agrees, despite barely knowing Muse A. In order to pass all the inspections and to stop the authorities from exposing their marriage as a fraud, they are forced to move in together and pretend to be happily married.
Another marriage plot where Muse A and B are acquaintances that go to Vegas together, and end up getting wasted and accidentally married. Both are dirt poor and can’t afford an annulment or a divorce, so they stay married. 
A plot where Muse A is a news anchor / reporter and Muse B is a police detective. Muse A is always hounding Muse B for the latest story and Muse B is lowkey annoyed ( but Muse A is also really cute, so sometimes Muse B will let something slip ). They kinda always butt heads because of their jobs but deep down they really like each other.
A plot where Muse A and B broke up months ago, but they are both pretty poor and can’t afford a new apartment right now, so they continue living together. They also haven’t told their parents and friends that they broke up, so they have to pretend to still be together a lot.
A plot where Muse A and Muse B are actors working on the same tv show, where they play the main and most popular couple. On the screen they have insane chemistry, but behind the scenes, they hate each other and can barely stand being in the same room.
A medieval plot where Muse A is a prince/princess of Country A and Muse B is a prince/princess of Country B. It has been a hard couple of years for both countries, but a union between the families would benefit the economy for them both. Thus, although Muse A and Muse B have never actually met before, they agree to get married.
Another medieval plot where Muse A comes from nothing, but has managed to work their way up the social ranks using only their charm and their looks. Meanwhile, Muse B is the bachelor king/queen who hasn’t settled down yet (rumor has it that they sleep around a lot). Muse A’s plan is to get Muse B to fall in love with them, but Muse B - although enticed by Muse A, is easily distracted. After a while, they become friends, but both want different things from their relationship.
A Gilded Ashes inspired plot where Muse A is the crown prince/princess of the land, and Muse B is a disgraced heiress. Muse A does not believe in love since they found out that the supposed love of their life was only using them for their title. Muse B does not believe in love either, because they are haunted by demons who threaten to punish anyone that hurts Muse B. On the night that Muse A is supposed to choose their husband/wife on their father’s orders, they run into Muse B and feel an instant connection. Still, neither Muse A or B believe in love... But they continue to see each other.
A witch plot where Muse A and Muse B are childhood best friends. Once they reach puberty and pick their paths, Muse A chooses light magic, while Muse B chooses dark magic. They drift apart due to their differences, but 10-something years later, they both show up for the same job interview and get the same job. 
A ‘The Little Mermaid’ inspired plot where Muse A is a marine biologist who’s studying the coral reefs. Muse B is a mermaid who lives very close to the reefs, and is a little too curious for their own good and often observes Muse A while they are working. One day, Muse A is in trouble and Muse B decides to save Muse A, even though it reveals who and what they are.
FCs I currently want to play / play against ( in no particular order & I’ll play both males and females ):
Joe Keery • Katheryn Winnick • Jenna Coleman • Alberto Rosende • Gal Gadot • Melissa Fumero • Candice Patton • Melissa Benoist • Matt Daddario • Lily Collins • Rosamund Pike • Charlie Hunman • John Boyega • Amanda Seyfried • Leighton Meester • Phoebe Tonkin • Katie Stevens • John Krasiniski • Alycia Debnam Carey • Emeraude Toubia • Taron Egerton • Kat McNamara • Virginia Gardner • Lily James • Lucy Liu • Keiynan Lonsdale • Gregg Sulkin • Deborah Ann Woll • Margot Robbie • Madchen Amick • Amy Adams • Sarah Shahi • Daniel Radcliffe • Franz Drameh • Sophie Turner • Dominic Sherwood • Troian Bellisario • Dave Franco • Diego Luna • Rachel McAdams • Tessa Thompson • Jeffrey Dean Morgan • Ryan Gosling • Cody Christian • Natalia Dyer • Violett Beane.
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Bex Mader, Victoria Smurfit, Jamie Murray Panel--OUAT Chicago 6/11/17
Bex, Victoria, Jaime
--This question is for Bex.  You’ve played heroes, villains, and even a dominatrix.  Apart from Zelena, who was your favorite character to play? Charlotte from Lost.  Not only did Bex love the character, but they also filmed in Hawaii.
--This question is for Victoria.  You’ve been on a lot of shows.  What was it like to kiss Katie McGrath on Dracula and who’s the more flirtations character, Cruella or Lady Weatherby?  Cruella is interested in everyone, but never really gets anywhere, whereas Lady Weatherby is basically completely depraved.  She talked about how she and Katie told the director to just let them go for it.  
--This question is for Jaime.  Your character appears to be dead [Victoria broke in to say “all the best people are, darling, don’t worry]. What would she have done if she’d succeeded in her curse?  Rule the world, be evil, get her own way, the normal for a villain
--Could the 3 of your ever be roommates, and what would happen if you were? Bex said that would be a perfect fairy tale sitcom spin off.
--If you could have a dynamic duo with any villain from any season, who would it be? Bex answered that the villain mash up would be the three of them (Wicked Witch, Cruella and the Black Fairy).
--What’s your advice for going into acting or another field that has lots of rejection?  Victoria: “Anytime someone says no, think in your head f*** you.  Apologies for the profanity.  I’m Irish; it’s what we teach our children at age 3.”  Bex: or you could take an acting class.
--If your character had a cocktail, what would it be? Bex: Definitely would have ginger in it (a Molotov Mule).  Victoria: I’d be the entire bottle of Bailey’s.  Jaime: Sex on the beach.
--If you could pick any character for the Black Fairy to have a relationship with, who would it be? Jaime: Hook, just to mess with Emma.  She doesn’t think she’s attracted to him,  it would just really hurt Emma, and that seems to be her purpose.  Victoria: Does Cruella have to choose?  Can’t she just have everyone. (Bex: That would be a completely different show). Bex: Thinks they should have a new casting call to find a hot guy for Zelena.
--How long does it take for Bex to get greenified?  In total, it takes 3 hours to get Zelena’s look.
--This question’s for Bex.  You’re playing an iconic character.  How did you get inspiration for playing a Wicked Witch who’s so different from what we’re used to? She just kind of made it up.
--How are Charlotte from Lost and the Wicked Witch different? Charlotte has some issues and could probably use a little counselling, but Zelena’s totally of cuckoo.  
--What’s your favorite part of being on OUAT? Jaime: the costumes
--Why wasn’t Henry affected by the Black Fairy’s curse?  He had so much belief that he couldn’t be cursed.
--This question’s for Bex.  Several people on set have stolen your dog.  How does that happen more than once?  She has to leave her dog in her trailer when she films scenes.  It makes it easy for others to sneak in and steal her. (Victoria: you could always leave her with me darling, I could use another set of sleeves for my coat.)  Bex talks about being a big fan of revenge.  She finds creative ways to get back at the people who steal Bella the dog.
--If you could bring a prop home, what would it be? Bex: I’ve stolen my broomstick, but don’t tell anyone. Victoria: talks about how heavy Cruella’s coat is.  What would she take home with her? Robert.  Jaime: I’d take Giles, but that would be weird because he’s my grandson. I could take the mirror; it would be useful.  What about hair pieces?  The Black Fairy’s hair pieces are pretty.  All of them finally decide to take the costume that makes them look pregnant so they can get on planes faster.
--This question is for Victoria.  Cruella’s in the Underworld.  What’s her unfinished business?  She just wants to murder everyone.  She’s down in Underworld being mayor.  She also, though, wants to get back to the above world, because gin there.
--Who’s your favorite badass female character? Bex: Charlize Theron.  Victoria: Gal Gadot.  Jaime: cat woman
--If Henry had brought Cruella back from the Underworld, would she remain evil, or would she be redeemed?  She’ll always be evil.  She’s the only character who was born evil.  She’s a proper psychopath.  “You can’t tell a dog not to lick his balls.”  Bex sings “quit while you’re behind.”
--When the Black Fairy was trying to recruit Zelena, was she trying to steal baby Robyn, or was she just trying to win an ally? She was trying to win a wicked ally to her side; she’s not really the maternal type. “Two British witches are better than one.”
--If you could have any OUAT set built at your home, which would you choose? Bex: Granny’s.  She loves American diners.  Jaime: The mayor’s office.  Victoria: Mr. Gold’s shop.
--What has been the best plot twist for your characters?  Bex: learning Zelena and Regina knew each other all along.  Victoria: Cruella got to be truly evil from beginning.  She was the only exception to the rule that evil is not born, it’s made.  Jaime: when she learned she was having Rumple as a baby.  She watched scenes of the other women on the show giving birth and decided there’s no attractive way of doing it.
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averagecurlyfangirl · 7 years
Hello Tumblr :)
Trying to be a bit more active on here, so why not start with a new post!
I’m Caitlin! I’m 18, a female, and lover of pretty much anything that you can fangirl over. No. Seriously. I watch something and then I low key get obsessed with it. Here are some of my likes:  
Music: Umm at the moment I haven't really listened to anything I guess you would call “normal” other than all of the single One Direction bops, so yes I stan all five of those sweet, sweet boys! My fave is Niall!
Movies: I watch anything and pretty much everything. I love Marvel movies, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Fast and Furious. 
Books: I’m like super behind now on my TBR pile, but my faves over the years are anything Cassandra Clare, The Selection, Hunger Games, Harry Potter. I’ve sorta read some Sara J. Maas stuff, so I’ll keep you posted on this update. In case you wanted to know, I’m a Gryffindor and I love Draco Malfoy. HE DESERVED BETTER JK ROWLING DON’T MESS WITH ME HONEY!!
TV Shows: TBH I haven’t watched a lot recently. It takes a lot out of me lol. Either way, I love Downton Abbey!! One of the best shows out there! Please watch! I also love The Crown! It’s going to sweep the Emmys this year. I like Gilmore Girls, OUAT too!
Celebs: As noted before, I love my 1D boys, but I have some room for more loves (sorry boys). I’ve recently acquired a great obsession for Spiderman, a.k.a Tom Holland, but, alas, he does not hold the title of my fave superhero-that’s Captain America, my friends! RDJ is probs my fave actor, though. My girl crushes are probs Miss JLaw, Gal Gadot, and Emma Watson. 
Theatre: So this is probably where a lot of my blog might consist of, but I like to keep myself open to anything else I might feel like reposting. I LOVE THEATRE!!! I have not participated in like any productions in school, but dream is to be a theatre critic or somehow do some journalism in NYC for some theatre companies. 
I've been to NYC three times. My first Broadway show was Lion King. On my second visit, I saw Sierra Boggess, my fav bway actress, in Phantom and Fran Drescher in Cinderella. I just came back from my third trip and I saw Miss Saigon, Aladdin, and Anastasia with Ramin, my fave bway actor!
I also have an insane Playbill collection that I have built up mostly due to my obsession with writing letters to basically every show on the Great White Way! If anyone has questions about the process or how to get started, I’m here for you!
Also if anyone wants to just talk or ask questions about anything, my ask is open! I have had this blog for so long (if you couldn't tell by my super old pic of Niall Horan, which will be changed immediately) and I just want to try and be more active and connect with some more people on here and update the blog a bit. 
I’m also up for suggestions to put up on the blog. I can do reviews of shows or cast albums I’ve seen and/or listened to or I can share with you what kind of Bway mail I get! Just looking for some feedback and friendly interactions folks!
Thanks for reading this long post, but I will follow back for your troubles!
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thesschesthair · 7 years
would you say that Colin's habit of commenting on the chest baring qualities of the EQ/WW costumes & his tendency to insinuate less than platonic relationships between Hook/female character he's paired with (for example belle during the roomies question in today's panel with Emilie) is disrespectful & anti-feminist? in our current world of political correctness i fail to understand when such comments are considered inappropriate. contd ..
 i know he doesn't do it out of malice, he seem like a decent enough guy but maybe he does fall in the trap of not thinking before saying stuff?! but like i rmmbr him always saying that he would always love to play the EQ coz he loved her extravagant outfits & today he just mentioned that the EQ/WW outfits would allow him to continue to bare his chest like his Hook costume does .. 
at what point does one cross the line? like i rmmbr JMo always makes comments about how sexy/spicy Hook is or how his pants during the CS movie episode were too tight! she was the one that publicized that the wench costume is a favorite of Colin's or when she made that comment about sucking Hook into the darkness with her or when the tv line journalist made that comment about DE raising Hook's mast .. both instances which were then played up by other cast members 
i am asking coz i have seen people crucify Colin over the comments he made in today's panel at the OUAT Denver con! & like i just found it weird that I found them funny & not at all disrespectful whilst other people seem to have an issue with them .. i like your opinion & i was wondering if you could give your two cents
Phew. Firstly, thank you for liking my opinion, it’s oddly flattering lol. 
secondly, I haven’t seen the supposed backlash so I might be wrong in my answer... apologies if that’s the case.
Thirdly, you’ll have to bear with me because i’m a simple gal who’s not very articulate but i’ll try to answer the best I can. (also it’s 3am and a migraine is looming)
Ok. So. I may not be the best person to give an opinion or judge, because I literally run a blog that shamelessly celebrates the man’s finer attributes. 
For me personally, i see it as this. The actors are adults. The actors are clearly very comfortable and close with each other. The actors have now worked and known each other for years and have said they’re all pretty much like family. The actors are human and are allowed to have fun. So, to me, it’s perfectly normal and expected that they can joke and tease each other with sexual jokes or flirty banter. My personal theory is that they have probably said a lot worse to each other in private (i don’t mean in an assaultive way) in jokes and are perfectly okay with it and can laugh around. Some may understand it, some don’t. each to their own. 
I’m sure the comments about Belle and Hook today were not meant in the way they’ve been made out to sound, but if in the rare occasion they are, I see it like this: regardless of whatever ships are on this show, the actors are open to everything. When they’re given questions, i’m pretty sure they know what sort of answer the askee is wanting and probably sometimes allude to what they feel the askee is after? For example. When that whole hookedqueen thing went down. Both Lana and Colin joked about them hooking up or whatever in the past. It was never written, it was never discussed, it was just two actors teasing playfully with fans because it’s probably the answer they were after. Also with some of the CS questions. Like asking him if CS should have kids. He let the askee answer the question and decided to go with it. He was giving the fan what they was after if that makes sense? I’m not saying they just say whatever to keep people happy, they all give their personal thoughts and opinions and answer correctly when they know the answer, but I do think a few times they do like to side with the fans to keep everyone sweet if that makes any sense whatsoever? Mostly in the case of when they don’t really have a serious answer to give?? They like to play up to fans every now and again.
I’m sure if Josh was up on the panel with him they’d be making naughty captain charming jokes or headcanons, same as if it were Bex and Ginny- they’re human. They can have fun, you know? 
I personally think some are just going to find anything to hate on regardless of who or what it is, and if i’m being perfectly honest, certain anti’s have been waiting years for any excuse to jump on Colin and attack. So anything he says will be twisted, chowed up and spat out as something completely different to what it is. 
Look, i’m not very social justice savvy, I admit that. I’m fine with tasteful sexual innuendo, I can understand what a joke is, I can deal with inappropriate humour, i’m fortunate enough to be able to shrug it off, which is why I say again i’m probably not the best person to ask an opinion from. 
So for me, I don’t see any problem in what the cast say to each other to be honest. I think they’ve been around each other long enough to know what they can and can’t say about each other, and I honestly think some take what they say far too literally and way too serious. Not everything needs to be dissected and taken so figuratively. 
Now, if it were a case of one of them saying “man, your tits looked amazing when they fell out your dress” or “his dickprint was on point! 8 inches for sure!” or it was painfully obvious that whatever comment was said was clearly not appreciated by the other and they were visibly unhappy or uncomfortable with it... then of course i’d find that crossing the line. But in my eyes, they’ve all been coy but respectable towards each other, and have all been jokey and laughed it off. I’m sure there are many out there that would disagree with me but that’s part of the fun in having separate trains of thought, am I right??
I’m not even sure if this answered your question but it’s all I have in me lol. I hope it somehow helped?? 
DISCLAIMER: I’m well aware that my opinion will probably be frowned upon or disliked and I completely respect that others may think differently. But if you could please refrain from attacking or reblogging with hate - i’m a lover not a fighter. I’ve been asked for my opinion and i’ve given it. I’m not going to argue with others on the subject. My posts stay untagged and out of them for this reason. Thanking you kindly. 
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