#hanzo would probably get settled in fine
alphagirl404 · 7 months
Dumb Subscorp AU Idea
During the events of MK 11 Kuai Liang & Hanzo (who didn't die at D'Vorah's hands btw) somehow got wrapped into the MK 1 Era. Through some arrangements, Fire God Liu Kang found them a spot his era's Lin Kuei
Long Story short: Hanzo & Kuai ends up becoming father figures to that era's Kuai, Tomas, and (especially) Bi Han.
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cyberrat · 2 years
65th Batch Of Fics: 5th Fill
Hanzo/Cole – Rough And Tumble AU – Part 1/? – older Hanzo; younger Cole; virgin but cocky Cole – Hanzo is a wealthy business man who often is very stressed and needs to relieve that the way you think Hanzo 'slut' Shimada would relieve it :) Cole is a young guy whose balls are way too big for his own good.
(This will be a short and sweet AU with the potential of occasionally adding short porny chapters to it whenever me and the prompter feel like changing things up :) Trucker AU will most likely return next batch; or the batch after that. But it is absolutely still being worked on. We just need to finish Minotaur AU up nice and proper.)
The car halts and without turning around his chauffeur mildly states: “We are here, sir.”
Hanzo hums. He sits for a moment longer, finishing up the mail he is typing on his phone, then lets it slide into his inner breast pocket.
“I will contact you when I need a ride back. I don’t think it will be too soon.”
“I understand, sir. Have a fine evening.”
Hanzo pushes the car door open by himself and exits. Usually the kind of clubs he could easily afford have people to wait hand and foot on him but he decided to go with one of his favorites which does not provide such a service.
Hanzo wants to relax which is paradoxically exactly what he can do in this establishment.
He takes a moment to make sure his suit is sitting perfectly before he steps into the side alley where he has to climb down a short flight of stairs to get to the entrance of the club proper. There are no garish neon signs advertising the place which certainly is another plus. He does not like the gaudy.
The club is discreet for the most part and the owner is just a tad afraid of him which he does like a lot. It provides him with an extra layer of security.
He nods toward the bouncer who lets him pass without question. Hanzo is a regular here. He likes the… ah… rough and tumble clientele that is usually being drawn in. They amuse him to some extent, squabbling and drunk and occasionally fighting. It does wonders to light his mood when he is buried beneath deadlines as he is now, with another company breathing down his neck threatening legal action over the misconduct of one of his employees.
His lawyers will deal with it, but it still provides him with a modicum of stress. It’s enough of an excuse to indulge in sitting in a private corner and watching young, muscular men dancing for his amusement.
Despite the stony facade of the bouncer, he must have given some kind of signal as soon as the door had closed behind Hanzo because his usual seats are freed up as per usual and the club owner himself is waiting for him with a thin smile on his face.
“Evenin’,” he mutters. Hanzo just nods back. They have a kind of mutual… understanding, so he backs off after that, gesturing for Hanzo to take his seat and get comfortable.
The club is not filled to the brim but it certainly is nice and lively and loud enough to drown out his own thoughts after just a few minutes of settling in. He’s brought some wine that could be better but is probably the best that they have in stock, and just lets himself enjoy people watching the crowd around his space. Nobody dares to try and slip into the corner with him other than a few of the boys that are employed here.
They’re all suitably cute and rough around the edges like Hanzo enjoys, but they’re also shy and quickly scared off by his demeanor. They might not be highly educated but they can tell that he is far more intelligent than they and tend to be… cautious as a result.
Little, nervous critters that all have the same airy laugh and tend to jump when Hanzo reaches for them and curls his hands around their bicep to pull them closer.
Not as rough and tumble as the usual boys who tend to just power through their nervous unease about him so clearly out of the league of their usual clientele.
He can feel his mood starting to drop as yet another little birdie flutters away before he can ensnare them completely, when he makes an appearance and draws Hanzo’s interest.
At first he thinks that the kid is working here but he’s wearing too much and his clothes are… questionable at best. He’s got a cowboy hat on that casts a shadow on his face and makes it difficult to see anything but his broad grin and slightly crooked teeth, so Hanzo looks him up and down briefly as he makes his way over to him with intent.
He’s wearing a belt buckle that looks so heavy it should be pulling his pants down his slim, coltish hips. His chest is broad and round already, though; just waiting for the rest of his body to catch up with whatever growth spurt he must have gone through in the past few months.
The kid has reached Hanzo’s table, no speck of survival instinct (or tact) to be seen, and puts his hand on it as he leans in and tips his hat up as if he were in some kind of western movie.
He says howdy. Hanzo is perversely fascinated. It’s like watching a car crash happen right in front of him… only that this car crash has a surprisingly nice, deep voice.
Before he can continue whatever horrendous thing he is going to say next (Hanzo’s cock is already twitching), he’s grabbed by the scruff by the club’s owner whose face has gone a surprising shade of red. He pulls the kid somewhat upright – he’s tall and gangly – and shakes him like a wet dog.
“The Hell do you think you’re doin’, kid?!”
“Wait, what? I ain’t done anythin’. Yet.”
“You can’t just waltz in here and annoy Mister Shi-”
“It’s  alright. Unhand him.”
Both of them eye Hanzo with some modicum of surprise. Hanzo waves his hand a little. “I am… interested. He’ll make for some good amusement, if nothing else.”
The club owner looks doubting but he lets the young man go after a moment, watching him hurriedly sit down on the bench like he can’t be kicked out if he gets his ass on the pillows.
“How old are you even? Show me your ID.”
The young man’s mouth pulls down in a pout as he shifts to pull out his wallet from his back pocket. “The Hell? The big guy outside already checked it.”
But he does flip the ratty looking wallet open and offers it up to the bar owner who leans in close to peer at it.
“Cole Cassidy…” he mutters, then ostensibly stares at his birth date because it looks like he’s furiously doing the math before he rolls his eyes. “Just turned 21. Figures. Don’t annoy Mister… don’t annoy him. You got that?”
“Sure thing, boss. Didn’t plan on it.”
The owner looks at him doubtful for a moment longer before he wordlessly turns and stalks away, leaving them alone in their little bubble of privacy.
Hanzo weaves his fingers together and puts his elbows on the table, looking at this Cole Cassidy with a modicum of interest. The fact that his name fits his whole… thing is so ridiculous that it gets him curious despite himself.
The kid looks disgruntled for a moment longer before he shakes it off and notices Hanzo looking at him. He grins and immediately starts shuffling closer on the bench the both of them are sitting on.
“Well then. Kind of took the wind outta my sails but that ain’t gonna stop the two of us, right? The name’s Cole Cassidy, in any case.”
Hanzo, charmed despite himself, can’t help a very thin smile. “Hanzo. A… pleasure, I am sure.”
He’s interested to see where this will lead.
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
Hello! I hope your having a wonderful day, and may I ask for hanzo, kuai, fujin, and raiden react to their s/o disappearing out of the blue only to come back home and tell them they just had a quick family emergency? Again please have a good day!
These are alot of fun making and I am having a good day. I hope everyone is ok and having a good day.
This took such a long time to make becuase I kept lossing focus and in the end I just wanted to get it finished but I hope you all enjoy.
Hasashi Hanzo
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Hanzo had come home late, he had been helping Kuai laing with a mission and it had taken longer then they both anticipated. It had been a long mission and the one t hign he was truly looking forward to was curling up in bed beside his lover.
As he walks into the house it's dead silent, something that he hasn't experienced here in a long time. A knot forms in his brows as he looks around for his Ume.
Hanzo calls out their name as he walks thought the house. He finds himself in the kitchen, food is left on the table. Everything is cold and he sees their phone on a bench.
Hanzo moves thought the house even quicker looking for some sign of his partner only to come up empty handed as he searches.
He calls out their name multiple times looking despreatly for his lover. It's to late for them to be out and there isn't anywhere they could really go without having to call for Raiden...
As if hearing his name a crack of thunder and lightning echoes and illuminates the fire garden, Hanzo is our the door as quickly as he can make it. He is met with a sight of his lover and raiden walking towards the him.
"Thank you Raiden, don't know how I would have gotten to the hospital without your help, so thank you again." They thank him, their eyes flick to Hanzo who quickly makes his way to them.
They smile to Hanzo as he reach them his hands go to their face looking for any sign of injury. "Hi hun, I'm ok. Sorry for disappearing out of the blue. Family emergency" they say eyes closing gentle.
"Forgive us Grandmaster Hasashi, they needed to go to the hospital, I was the quickest method of transportation." Raiden apologise giving a small bow, he nods to them both before disappearing in another bolt of lightning.
"Are you alright?" He ask lightly, his lover nods before resting their head against his chest. "It's been a hell of a day, my Dad ended up in hospital and I got a call. Scared the hell out of me, I'm just glad he's ok and that I'm home now." They whisper.
"Let's go inside, you look tired" he replys earning a smile from his partner. "Cuddles on the couch?" They ask earning a small laugh for Hanzo. "Yes, cuddles on the couch then bed. We both need sleep"
Ume- (Japanese) Apricot
Kuai Laing
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Kuai tries not to pace around yet all the Lin Kuei members can tell he is on edge. No one had brought it up but they all know something is not quite right.
The grandmaster for two days now has been in a tissy, his lover missing and he has no information on where they are, if they are alright or anything. So to say everyone is on edge would be an understatement.
Kuai had been thought every inch of the compound looking for his lover after he found their phone left in their room. But other then that it was like they just disappeared into thin air. He was desperate for anwsers.
He had to get one of the younger members to help him navigate his partners phone, it was something he didn't really have a use for until now. The phone had five miss calls on it.
After being showed the basics he decided to call the number. It's quite for a moment and Kuai almost thinks it isn't going to work. A voice of the end of the line nearly makes him jump, It's not someone he knows but he can hear his lover in the background.
"Hello is this Kuai?" It's a older man's voice gentle as he answers the phone. " Yes..?" He anwsers almost shyly. He can hear commotion in the background.
"Dad let me have the phone, he's probably worried sick!" He can hear his lover say only to hear a laugh from the man.
"Ok, ok. I'll let you talk to your man, heaven forbid I try and meet the boy" and wirh that the phone is passed over. He can hear his lover this time.
"Hey Kuai,sorry I disappeared. I was hoping you found my phone earlier and called" they laugh lightly. He can feel relief settle in his bones finally.
"Where are you Wǒ de ài?" He ask. "At hospital with my mother and father. Ahh my mum got rushed hear two days ago and I got a panicked call from my dad. So I left in a hurry, I'm really sorry I didn't let you know" they say over the phone. Both ends go quite.
"Is your mother alright?" He ask back finally sitting down. "She will be, she just gave us a massive scare. I should be back home in a few days, I miss you" that makes him smile lightly.
"I miss you too, Wǒ de ài. Please stay safe. Don't scare me liek that again, please" he pleads. A smile rest on his face.
"How much pacing did you do?" They ask as a joke. "Far to much Sweetheart". They share a small laugh. "Sorry Kuai, I have to go again but if I can I'll call you back later" they reply let ting him know.
"That's fine Wǒ de ài, just please stay safe and come back to me" he says before they both say good bye and hang up.
The next day Kuai isn't pacing and seems to be in a lot better mood, the rest of his clan seem to be alot more at ease now that he isn't freezing everything, everywhere he goes.
Wǒ de ài- my love (chinese)
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Being a god meant Fujin had duties all over, and it meant he didn't get to spend as much time with his lover ad he wished he could.
But they always made time for each other. Fujin finally getting out if the sky temple and having a day free, it be by your side. And today happened to be one of those days.
So it didn't supise him when he arrived at his lover home to find them not there. After all they also have thing they must do. So in turn he made himself comftable.
And enjoyed the silence, it wasn't often now that he could just indulge in such thing like taking a nap, So that what he did.
He hasn't expected to sleep until late. But when he woke up it was to a gentle kiss on the lips. "Hi Fujin, how long have you been here?"
His glowing eyes flick open gentle meeting his lovers gaze. " It was still morning, I must have had a longer sleep then I expected." He smiles to them.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here, I had to go to the hospital." They sigh lightly moving to lay against the God. Fujin wraps his arms around his lover, pulling them to rest against his chest as he rest his cheek against their head.
"Why did you have to go to hospital Himawari?" He ask lightly. Eyes closing lightly as he cuddles closer to his partner.
"Family emergency, my sibling ended up there and well, I was the one they wanted called. So... I had to go make sure they were ok so my parents don't kill them." His lover huff who a light laugh.
"Your family is lucky to have you Himawari. And I am also very lucky to have you." He hums lightly kissing their forehead.
"And I thought I was the lucky one to have a literal God as my boyfriend" they chuckle. Fujin continues to leave small kisses agaisnt their skin.
"I'm glad your alright, I'm sorry I haven't been around much, alot have been happening at the temple" Fujin says, his lover rolls over to rest their chest agaisnt his.
"Well I'm just happy to see you again, I missed you and right now I just want to stay here. I enjoy cuddling with you." They hum running their hands up his chest and then runs a hand thought his white locks.
"I love you" he says with a smile, his lover presses a soft kiss to his lips.
"I love you too Fujin"
Himawari- sunflower (Japanese)
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Raiden knows just about everything that happens in the sky temple. And then one day it was like he knew nothing that was happening there.
Is lover had been missing all morning, they had missed today's meditation and training with Raiden, something they never did. He had wandered the temple, he looked everywhere and still no sign of his lover.
Normally he wouldn't be to worried about his partner but it has now been five hours of him looking for them. He has asked Liu Kang, kung lao and many of the monks if they had seen his partner. The only other person he could not find was his brother.
Raiden had nearly given up, on the verge of going to the elder gods, hoping that they could shed some light on his situation. But then his eyes land on his brother as he walks towards him with a smile and his lover follows behind.
"Fujin?, where have you two been?" The worry in his voice shows, Fujin just smiles and disappears. His eyebrows knot as he looks to his lover.
"Sorry we disappeared Raiden. A family emergency happened, Fujin was the first I could find so I asked him to take me to the hospital." They reply wrapping their arms around Raiden.
The thunder God sighs as he pulls his lover closer. His head rested against their shoulder.
"Are you well?, why were you at a hospital" he ask look ikng his partner over for any injuries only to find nothing.
"My sibling did themselves in good. Had to be rushed in to the EMR so well, I had to go make sure they were alright, I'm just happy to be home now" they sigh. He can feel The tension in their body fade away.
"Can we go and lay down, to days been alot" they say again, Raiden doesn't reply just picks his lover up and begins to make his way back to there room.
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nevaryadl · 4 years
bihanzo fluff
"Are you... alright, Bi-Han?"
"Yes. Forgive me a moment and let me lie, Hanzo, I haven't shadow teleported in sometime, let alone that distance," Bi-Han said, laying on the ground inside the Shirai-Ryu Fire Garden. He was pretty sure he was lying on a lot of fallen petals. Saibot was sitting next to him, watching over him as he tried to quell the dizziness and sudden tiredness. They gurgled happily and waved at Hanzo excitedly, to which he indulged with a chuckle and waved back at them, much to their delight.
"Are you well?" Hanzo asked, turning his gaze back to Bi-Han.
"Yes, just very dizzy. Give me a moment, I will recover."
When the world stopped spinning, Bi-Han lifted his hand, Hanzo taking it and helping him to his feet. He wobbled just enough for Hanzo's hands to shoot out and gently take hold of his elbows, helping him remain up right until the lingering dizziness faded and then it was just him and Hanzo holding onto him still. He, as he always did, marvel at how hot Hanzo's calloused hands felt against his skin. Pyromancer or not, there was just not getting used to the man's warm hands.
"Yes well... that was embarrassing..."
"Hush now. You accomplished something quite great. Teleporting between the temples is a feat and you are still technically recovering," Hanzo said, briefly squeezing Bi-Han's elbows that he was still holding.
Bi-Han decided to keep it too himself to say something about Hanzo being able to do it easily and quickly. 'Part of recovering is being kind to yourself while you are doing so. That means lowering your standards for feats that were once easy,' Kuai Liang had told him. He needed to pat himself on the back for this one, he figured. His first attempt at shadow teleporting in a long time and he had managed to get to the Shirai-Ryu temple in one go, that had to be worth something, he guessed.
"Right... shall we?" Bi-Han asked as Saibot stepped forward and into his shadow, melting back and giving him back that strange 'whole' feeling that Bi-Han usually got when Saibot was back within him. He bent down and picked up his overnight bag from where he had laid it on the ground and followed by his dizzy being.
Hanzo smiled, probably being able to tell Bi-Han had stopped himself from self deprecating and proud or happy that Bi-Han was there and honestly Bi-Han was flustered by both. Regardless, Hanzo let go of his elbows in favor of taking one of Bi-Han's hands in his and leading him into the temple. Past students that quietly murmured greetings to the both of them, past the stunning warm hues of the Shirai-Ryu temple and warm and welcoming halls that spoke of a well fought for and well loved home. Bi-Han would always be awed by the Shirai-Ryu temple, he was glad to be able to see its beauty up close, glad to feel welcomed by its warmth.
"Are you sure you're alright with sleeping in here with me? I can still arrange a guest room," Hanzo asked once they neared his room.
"Half the appeal of spending the night with you, Hanzo, is being able to share a bed with you," Bi-Han said.
"Just checking, dearest," Hanzo chuckled softly.
"Yes, you do this insufferable thing where you care about my wellbeing and comfort."
Hanzo laughed and Bi-Han smiled. The sight of Hanzo smiling and laughing was a blessed sight. Bi-Han himself was blessed to know it so well at this point.
In Hanzo's room, Bi-Han settled down his bag down where he was bid.
"Would you like to rest now? I can't imagine teleporting was too kind to your body," Hanzo asked.
"I will be fine so long as I don't do anything else strenuous for a few hours."
"Come then."
Hanzo offered his hand and Bi-Han took it, taking a moment to self indulgently marvel at the warmth as he always did, before following Hanzo's tugging. Following him outside to the Fire Gardens, going along the edge until the found a group of students doing some sparring for the day. Hanzo beckoned them towards a bench and sat the two of them down there.
"You've mentioned wanting to watch the students train before."
"Hmm," Bi-Han said, thumbing the back of Hanzo's hand still in his. "Suppose so... tell me about their training, I do so love hearing you talk with passion."
Hanzo just gave him a smile. Soft and insufferably in love. A cherished sight, truly. Bi-Han looked forward to many more.
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rosa-berberifolia · 5 years
The Party|Mortal Kombat|Kombatants x Reader
A/N: This was just an idea I had sitting in my head for a while. I know its shit, no one needs to point it out okay. I know the ending sucks, lets not be dicks about it.
Warning: attempted date rape, general asshattery and crassness
Word Count: 3600 ish
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The party was in full swing when you arrived. You didn't really like parties, but Sonya and Johnny had just re-kindled their relationship and signed nuptials again and had a big party to celebrate. Why they picked the bar that the Black Dragon frequented was beyond you, but you were really good friends with Sonya, Johnny, and Cassie, so you felt obligated to come. 
You were wary of the Black Dragon members present; it seemed like some kind of truce was made between them and everyone else, because none of the SF members seemed to give a damn the some of the most wanted men were at the bar with them. You shrugged. Whatever, not your problem. You weren’t a fighter or anything. You were the archivist, cataloging and recording all of the mission reports that were brought in. You read every single one to know where to place it. This meant that you knew almost everything there was to know about SF intel. You usually had someone with you while you were on base to protect you, and a bracelet that when the bead on it was pressed, help would come for you, just in case someone tried to kidnap you and force you to give information. 
You went to the bar to get a drink. You didn't really like parties. Too many people behaving like idiots at once. You made sure to tuck away some cab money in your bra to make sure you wouldn't accidentally spend it on the booze you would most certainly need to make it through the evening. 
“Rum and coke.” You said to the bar tender. He started to make your drink and you started to pull some money out of your pocket.
“Put the pretty lady’s drink on my tab.” A smooth Texan accent said from down the bar. You looked to find the one and only Erron Black eyeing you from a few seats away. You scoffed. You thought that he was only doing this to try to woo you and give away some information.
“The lady can buy her own drinks, thanks.” You said trading the bar tender some money for your drink.
“I like a woman that can take care of herself.” Black said in a low voice that you would never admit made your pussy quake just a little. You just shook your head and went over to where your friends were.
“Y/N!” Johnny said a little too loudly at your approach. Sonya turned around and bounced excitedly. She took steps toward you and met you with a big hug. Your eyes widened in surprise.
“How much have you guys had to drink?” You asked noticing the very open behavior that was very unlike Sonya. 
“Almost the whole bar.” said a familiar voice. You turned to find Kenshi sitting at a nearby table. You laughed quietly to yourself. You let Johnny and Sonya mingle while you went to sit at the table with Kenshi.
You sat with Kenshi and caught up with him about things for a while, just trying to relax and enjoy your drink. As you finished it you felt yourself relax a bit. Kung Jin and Takeda came and joined you not long after you sat down. It was nice that there were people close to your age there.
“Where are Jacqui and Cassie?” You asked. Takeda sighed and thumbed over to the small stage that was in the bar. You saw the two girls standing up there, clearly three sheets to the wind, singing their heart out at the karaoke machine. You laughed and shook your head at their antics. You knew that when they saw you there they would ask you to sing with them. You’d bet money it. 
All of a sudden your attention was redirected to a server that came to the table and placed what looked like another rum and coke down in front of you.
“Oh, what service! Thank you!” You said reaching in your pocket for some money before the server stopped you.
“Oh no, this drink is already paid for.” She said. The look of concern and confusion that happened on your face made the server giggle.
“By whom?’ You asked.
“The glowing red man at my seven.” She said. Your already furrowed brow creased deeper. You found yourself looking at Kenshi and then behind the server to see that it was Kano that had bought you the drink. No one had ever bought you and drink and sent it with a server before. You figured that the bar tender  made it and then the server brought it over, so it was probably fine. You watched Kano and he nodded at you and tipped his glass in your direction. 
You had never met Kano before, but you had read about him in plenty of mission reports. You knew he was a bad guy, but the scene from Wreck It Ralph appeared in your head: “Just because you are bad guy doesn’t mean that you are bad guy.” Kano smiled at you charmingly and you found yourself nodding back and mouthing thank you to him. You picked up the glass and were bringing it to your lips when a voice sounded in your head making you freeze.
“Don’t drink that!” Kenshi said to you telepathically. You looked at him to see a look of fright and distress on his face. “He’s put something in it.” He warned.
Anger ripped through you like a chainsaw. Who the fuck does this asshole think he is trying to roofie you? You immediately came up with a plan. You got up from your seat, bringing your drink with you. You walked over to where Kano was sitting with Kabal. You nodded politely to him as he looked amused that you came over, wondering what was about to go down.
You sat down next to Kano, a sweet smile gracing your face.
“Thank you for the drink.” You said kindly.
“Anything for pretty lady like yourself.” Kano said smoothly. You couldn’t help but notice Erron still at the bar watching in complete befuddlement at the interaction unfolding before him. It made you laugh to yourself.
“I’m sorry to be so forward,” you started, leaning in and placing a gentle hand on Kano’s arm that was on the table. “But what is your endgame here?” You did your best to give him your bedroom eyes. He leaned in as well to give you his reply.
“I’d like to show you a good time tonight, sheila.” He admitted. You leaned back quickly.
“Okay.” You said shocking Erron and Kabal, who threw his head back in astonishment. “But I have two conditions.” You added quickly.
“Anything, doll.” Kano said.
“One, we don’t leave until the end of the night.” You set your first condition. Kano nodded. “Two, you have to drink this whole drink.” You pushed the drink he had bought for you towards him. He looked from you to the drink, and worried expression flashed on his face for a second. Then, deciding that he could take it, he turned smug as he looked back up to you, took the drink and pounded it back in just a couple of sips.
“I’m gonna show you the time of your life.” He promised. You just smiled at him.
“Tell me what you’re going to do.” You leaned back in and asked in your most seductive voice.
“Oh, i’m gonna merblmentab...” He started to say but already started to mumble his words. You looked at him questioningly, surprised that whatever was in that drink was affecting him so quickly. Kano started to sway. Kabal and Erron watched with amused smiles on their faces as Kano wobbled in his chair before his head fell to the table with a hard thud. 
“You got a pen?” You asked looking over to Kabal. He reached into his jacket and showed you a marker. “May I?” You asked as you went to grab it. He nodded and you took it, opening it, and then pushed Kano’s head to the side so that you could clearly see his face. You started to write on his forehead and then on his cheek. You stepped away and admired your drawing before handing the marker back to Kabal. He laughed as you left the table leaving Kano with a penis drawn on his cheek and the words, “I suck monster dick” scrawled on his forehead.
Later, after you had finished another drink, and slowly nursed a third, Cassie and Jacqui found you at the table with the boys. 
“Oh Y/n, you just have to sing a song with us!” Cassie asked as he hugged onto you from the side. You laughed. You were on your way to being drunk, and a little voice in your head (not Kenshi) said, ‘You can totally sing!’ But you knew you weren’t drunk enough to do it.
“Kay, but after you buy me a couple of shots.” You said almost kidding.
“Deal!” Cassie said excitedly before giving you a tight squeeze and a kiss on your cheek, and then running off to the bar to get you your juice. 
Then you noticed two new men come into the bar. Two men that you had read about numerous times but never had the honor of meeting. Two men that you knew to be honorable and good, and never thought that they would come to a bar. Hanzo Hasashi and Kuai Liang stopped just inside the doorway and looked around very unimpressed with the scene in front of them.
‘Holy hell that guy is hot.’ You thought to yourself, and you hear Kenshi laugh.
“I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you think that.” He said to you. You looked at him with derision before you smiled and said:
“I thought that about you.” You said cockily before your gaze went back to the man in blue. The two men looked around and then smiled when they came up to Johnny and Sonya, talking to them about who knows what.
“Okay, here we go!” Cassie said happily as she and Jacqui set down six shots of something something brown.
“What is it?” You asked suspiciously.
“It’s called Four Horsemen. It’s delicious.” Jacqui said picking up one and Cassie followed suit. You sighed and then shrugged, picking up one of the shots.
“To my mom and dad!” Cassie all but shouted and everyone at the table cheers and you shot back the alcohol. It hit you like bus, but it left a rather pleasant after taste. You looked surprised.
“Right?! It’s good!” Cassie said before picking up the other shot. You did the same. 
“To being some bad ass bitches!” Jacqui said and the three of your cheersed and the drank the shots. You exhaled slowly allowing the drink to settle into your system.
“Alright,” You said, starting to feel that perfect buzz. “Lets go make fools of ourselves.”
It took you a while to find a song that you were willing to do. But after finishing your third drink that you had from a while ago, you were feeling pretty pumped to sing anything.
“I got it! I got it!” You said over zealously pointing to a song on the list.
“Fuck yes!” Cassie said.
You were on stage ready to sing your part to the song, watching Kuai Liang with lust filled eyes. He had not noticed you yet. He only talked to Johnny or Hanzo at the table they sat at near the exit as he slowly sipped what looked like plain water.
Your part came up and you were killing it. But your focus wavered when you said a particular line that seemed to capture Kuai’s attention and his head turned to watch you suddenly. You did your best to keep singing.
“ I got one girl, I got two wheels She a big girl, that ain't a big deal I like a big girl, I like 'em sassy Going down the backstreet listening to Blackstreet Running around the whole town Neighbors yelling at me like, you need to slow down Going thirty-eight, Dan, chill the fuck out Mow your damn lawn and sit the hell down”
It seemed that everyone in the bar turned to watch you sing. Even Erron watched you with lustful amusement as he sent a whistle out for you. You couldn't help the smile plastered to your face. A surge of confidence ran through you as you finished your part.
Then you, Cassie, and Jacqui all sang together at the end of the song, each of you bouncing to the music. You had the rest of the bar singing along with you.
“DOWNTOWN!” Everyone sang and you laughed, taking in the incredible high that you were riding.
The song finished and the bar clapped for the three of you. You left the stage to have people patting you on the back. You immediately went back to your table which now had Johnny, Hanzo, and Kuai at it. 
“Never pegged you for a singer, Y/n.” Johnny teased. 
“Meh, I’m not much of a pegger.” You joked back making Takeda, Kung Jin, and Kenshi almost spit up their drinks. You laughed and winked at Johnny. You looked over to Hanzo and Kuai, letting your gaze linger on the cryomancer. “Who are your friends?” You asked.
“I am Hanzo Hasashi, Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu.” Greeted Hanzo.
“And I am Kuai Liang, Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.” Greeted Kuai. You nodded politely to both of them but couldn’t help but keep your focus on Kuai. 
“Is something the matter?” Kuai asked awkwardly after a moment of you staring.
“Oh,” You shook your head in embarrassment. “Sorry. I was distracted, you have a bit of cute on your face.” You launched your terrible pick up line. Johnny looked like a proud parent, but everyone else just shook their heads, embarrassed for you. But Kuai just looked concerned and picked up a napkin and started to wipe his face. You tilted your head, taken aback with what you were witnessing. Did he not know that it was a pick up line? You laughed at how adorable he was being. 
“Do you find me amusing?” Kuai asked, not sure why you were laughing at him.
“Don’t worry, I find you amusing in the best R rated way.” You said and winked at him, still feeling the confidence from your performance.
“Jesus.” Johnny’s voice was barely audible over the din of the bar. Even he thought that that line was a stretch. But Kuai, seemingly completely unfazed by the line, just turned back to his water and started up a conversation with Hanzo. 
You frowned in disappointment. Actually saddened by Kuai’s reaction you got up and found Cassie and Jacqui again. “Ladies.” You addressed them with a sad look on your face.
“What’s wrong?” They asked.
“The guy I’m into doesn’t like me back.” You conceded bitterly. 
“His loss, lets get you shit faced!” Cassie said.
“That’s the best damn idea I’ve heard all week!” You shouted before going back to the bar.
Erron still sat there watching you. You eyed him quietly as you waited at the bar to place your order. Then, still feeling the acute heart ache, you thought to yourself, ‘Fuck it.’ And turned to talk to him.
“Too late for that drink?” You asked. Normally you wouldn’t go for a guy like Erron. You never liked the idea of a guy with zero sense of loyalty who was likely to be a ‘one and done’ kind of dude. But you felt like you just needed some lovin’, and Erron was hot as balls, so you decided to go for it. 
“Never too late, darlin’.” He said smiling at you. He signaled the bar tender and pointed to you, showing that he wanted to get you a drink.
“What’ll you have?” Erron asked. 
“Something strong as hell that I can’t taste the alcohol in.” You declared. Erron looked shocked but ultimately smiled and chuckled at you. The bartender concocted some pink drink for you. You thanked him and then thanked Erron. 
You sat at a table with Erron sitting across from you. 
“Okay, so you have to start with your hands on the table. You have to do an action every time. You can either shield yourself, load your guns, or shoot. But in order to shoot you have to load your gun. If we both shoot at the same time its a draw. If I shoot you while you’re loading then I get a point. If you shoot me while I’m loading then you get a point. If you get shot, you have to take a shot. Person with the most points after ten moves wins. Understand?” Erron explained the rules of the game to you. You nodded that you got the rules.
“Okay, lets go.” You said eager to play the game. You played a few rounds and found yourself actually having a really good time with Erron. You had to remind yourself often though that he was a ‘wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am’ sort of fella. Your gaze kept going to Kuai, who you sometimes found was already looking at you when you went to look at him. Why was he so interested in you all of a sudden? You couldn’t help but feel the disapproval emanating off of him. Did he not want to see you with someone else? What was his problem?
You must have been stewing on about it for too long because you suddenly felt breath on your neck and Erron’s voice in your ear. “I can make you forget about him.” He reminded you. And damn it was getting harder and harder to deny him. You knew in your mind that Erron was only trying to use you to get information about SF, but your heart still burned from Kuai’s apparent rejection. You were sore about it, and it was starting to anger you. If he didn’t want you, then why the fuck does he seem to care so much about what you were doing?
There were still two shots left on the table for the game you and Erron were playing. You took them both in hand and pounded them both down, one after the other. Then, gathering all the courage the alcohol had given you, you walked up to Kuai.
“What’s you’re fucking problem?” You asserted your question. He looked startled. He fumbled with his words, trying to answer you, but unable to find the ones he wanted to say. “Why are you watching me? You made it clear before that you weren’t interested, so why are you constantly eyeing me up?” You all but yelled.
Kuai looked at you sternly. “You should not associate yourself with the likes of the Black Dragon.”
You gave him your best, “Excuse you.” look. “Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me who I should and shouldn’t hang out with?”
“Someone who has your best interest in mind!” Kuai shouted, now getting upset with you.
“Why do you care?!” You shouted angrily.
He looked at you then at the ground. By now, almost everyone in the bar was watching you. You could feel all of the eyes on you, but you didn’t care. You just kept your glare on Kuai. Then a voice entered your head. It was Kenshi again.
“Because he likes you, Y/n. You’re even more blind than me.” He told you. You looked shocked at Kenshi, then back at Kuai. All of a sudden it added up. You felt stupid for not realizing it before, but man, you had an art degree for a reason, you were really bad at math. 
“I-” you tried to speak again, but it was your turn to be at a lose for words. “I’m sorry.” You said, now feeling ashamed by your behavior. You noticed Kuai looking at Kenshi. You knew that they were having a telepathic conversation. You sighed, feeling like you blew any chance of being with Kuai out the window. “I’m sorry.” You said again quickly before turning around to go back to Erron.
“I would like it if you would join me for tea sometime.” Kuai said rather fast out of nervousness, but you still managed to catch it. You stopped in your tracks, surprised by what he just said. 
Erron came up to him and glared at him. “Sorry partner, I’m afraid this filly is otherwise accounted for.”
You turned and looked at them both. Before your outburst and Kuai’s admission, you had every point of going home with Erron, one-night-stand or not. But now, upon hearing that Kuai liked you back, despite being a drunken mess this whole time, you weren’t sure. You knew that Kuai was more the type of man that you wanted. Someone who would be faithful to you. Who would be in it for the long haul. That was who you wanted.
“Did you just compare me to a horse?” You asked in a tone laced with annoyance. Erron looked at you, eyebrows furrowed.
“I-” He started to explain but you interrupted him.
“This filly is prancing in a different direction.” You said arms crossed around your chest. Erron sighed defeated. He tipped his hat in your direction before glowering at Kuai and turning around and leaving the bar.  
You looked at Kuai. “Perhaps sometime when I haven’t consumed my weight in alcohol.” You said playfully.
Kuai held a small smile for you as he nodded. Your face erupted in a giant smile that made Kuai’s heart flutter.
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Kombat Krew and dating them would include;
Some fluff to break up the smut. Because I can write nice things. Yeah, I already wrote for Sub Zero, but I had fucking more to include. Love that Frosty man. Please enjoy.
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Sub Zero/ Kuai Liang;
·         So, his personality is warm. But he isn’t. Please be prepared to wrap up around him.
·         You ever wanted to share a bath/shower with your boyfriend, because hell that sounds cute? Not happening with him, unless you’re a fan of coldish showers.
·         He would happily talk to you whilst you have a hot bath though. He just wants to talk to someone, who won’t ask him if he’s related to Elsa.
·         He is really soft and caring when it’s just the two of you.
·         Dating him would make you become that couple that act super old but aren’t old yet.
·         Deep conversation, philosophical debates and chatting bubbles before bed and in private.
·         Reading the same book and having conversations about it after each chapter.
·         In Winter you’ll have to banish him to his side of the bed, but in Summer you literally beg for him to spoon you.
·         He’s not really had a proper relationship, so he’s a bit awkward at first but he gets used to it and gets better. It’s more like he doesn’t know what to say/do, rather than him being a bad boyfriend.
·         He has a soft spot for having his hair played with, he actually loves it when you rub his scalp and run your hands through his hair.
·         A lot of hugs in private. He loves wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling into your neck or resting his chin atop your head.
·         A lot of peaceful silences, holding hands and meditating in private, or maybe reading. If you paint, he’ll love to watch you create. Intrigued by everything.
·         Ultimate hype man, who is supportive, loving and caring. And is also so proud of you.
·         I could write more for him but like I have to stop.
·         Will make you warm drinks to keep you warm and wrap a blanket around you.
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·         In his Black Dragon days, he would spoil you rotten. Like whatever the fuck you want you can have.
·         He can’t take you shopping because something crept up? Fuck it take his card. You’ll have to show him what you bought though. That’s the deal.
·         Hope you like someone who can’t drive, because he can’t fucking drive. At all. Terrible. Speed limits are just a myth to him.
·         Speaking of Speed limits, he once, for the shits and giggles bet you he could trigger a Speed Camera. Why did he do something so stupid and pointless? Because he wanted to make you laugh.
·         Dating him is just one giant fun rollercoaster. One you don’t throw up on, but you will lose your sunglasses on. It’s fun all round.
·         He’s two modes you need to be aware of. He’s a lazy shit for someone who can run so fast. He just wants to lounge about all day when its his day off. Like you don’t even need to get dressed, you can just lay there in his t-shirt and look fine as fuck for all he cares.
·         Speaking of which, he’s a sucker for you in his clothes. You wanna lounge there in his hoodie, fine by him. He loves it when you fiddle with his necklace. Its his good luck charm and would attempt to find one for you to wear.
·         Second mode is more like, get up we are going for a drive. Type of guy to drive three hours at night, to get pizza and to see the ocean, even though its fucking dark.
·         He totally watches trashy TV. He can’t sleep? Well good, because fucking TLC has a My strange addiction Marathon on. Hope you like trash filled TV.
·         He will totally let you do a facemask on him. Pre and Post burn.
·         You wanna braid his hair? He is down for that, drag your arse over here because he wants to braid yours.
·         Lush bath bombs are his guilty pleasure. He will steal yours. And then invite you in to share a bath with him. Just an excuse for him to be cuddly to be fair. Will try and scrub the glitter off before he goes out. It’s clearly shards of glass, and not from an intergalactic bathbomb.
·         Is just generally a big softy.
·         If you’re sick, then he’s getting sick too. Like he would literally spend all day in bed with you trying to make you feel better.
·         After his burns he’d love for you to help him with his mostueriising and taking care of him.
·         If he can’t sleep at night after the accident, or wakes up after a nightmare, he’ll just hold your waist and bury his head into your hair. He’ll whisper about how much he loves you and how much you mean to him.
·         He is the proud boyfriend to take a million photos of you, all candid, and post them everywhere “Hey Kano, wanna see a photo of Y/N making coffee? I couldn’t give a fuck what you say anyway”
·         Won’t accept anyone saying any shit about you, unless they want his foot or a hook sword up their arse.
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·         This Poor man needs a hug and pronto. At first, he’d feel guilty about your relationship. How could he move on? But then once he settles in, he becomes a pretty sound and well-rounded boyfriend.
·         He is extremely protective of you. Nobody is saying anything about you, looking at you the wrong way or anything of the sort. He’ll give them a warning stare before frowning at them. You’re always blissfully unaware of this.
·         He acts grumpy but he’s really not on the inside. He’s just using it to come across grumpy to make people not want to talk to him. You’re different though.
·         If you’re creative, he’d support you in whatever endeavours you were doing. And if you made him anything, he’d cherish it like it was worth millions, because to him it is.
·         He loves to hold your hand and kiss it. One of the few displays of PDA he will do. But it’s really discrete in public. He’s just a traditional kind of guy.
·         He sometimes can’t sleep so will stay awake reading, listening to the soft sound of you whilst you’re asleep. Watching your chest rise and fall, your face scrunch up whilst you dream. Listening to all the noises you make. Your precious when you’re asleep.
·         He’s a Grumpy bastard around everyone, but less so around you when in public. People notice and make comments. Not so loud he hears mind you, because pissing him off is not advised for them.
·         Will give probably call you something like Sakura, I’m so bad at cute pet-names because they aren’t pure filth  He won’t call you it around others, its just your thing and your thing alone.
·         He gives into you too easily. You want to braid his hair? Fine but he’s not going to smile about it… okay maybe just a little, don’t tell anyone either yeah?
·         He can cook and doesn’t burn things either. Who fucking knew? You sure as hell didn’t. But yeah, he’ll totally cook for you!
·         Takes good care of you when you’re sick too, will become a human heater and hold you tight. Making sure you’re hydrated and well fed. You aren’t getting out of bed either, you need to rest.
·         Becomes a mother hen when he looks after you. You’re a bit drunk? Puts you to bed with a glass of water by your side. Will say he won’t give sympathy for the self-inflicted hangover, but he does.
·         Also, meditation together and cute walks in the fire gardens. He just wants a bit of love.
·         Would boast about you to Kuai. He doesn’t mean to brag, but since they became friends they have this friendly rivalry going on.
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Erron Black;
·         Yeehaw motherfucker. Don’t ever say that to him, he will not be impressed.
·         Will give you whatever you want at the bat of your fucking eyelashes. He’s a fucking sucker for them. And a sucker for you.
·         Very boastful boyfriend, whatever you do, he will boast and brag about you. Especially in his Black Dragon days.
·         Is a massive flirt, always and forever. Be prepared for some inappropriate work place flirting. It’s going to happen.
·         You have a pretty cool couples costume prepared for Halloween. Like he’s down for seeing you dress up. Just don’t imitate his accent, please for the love of god, don’t do it. Kabal’s impression is the worst and he’s done with it, before he even opens his mouth.
·         Said it before and I’ll say it again, louder for the people in the back this time. Fucking. Pet. Names. Galore. Sugar, Sweetie, Darlin, babe, Honey, Sweetheart, Doll, Honey. You name it, he’s going to call you it. In his accent though, he gets away with them all.
·         Can’t cook but can BBQ? You aren’t sure, but he does it well.
·         He’ll teach you to shoot straight and be proficient with firearms. Ain’t no way in hell he’s leaving you if you can’t protect yourself.
·         He is not a neat person. Expect guns on the table, mud on the floor. He is not neat, accept it. He tries, he really does but it does not work.
·         He isn’t into reading.
·         Dates include, going to a bar, maybe some dancing and he can tell you what most of the constellations in the sky mean. Just keep it hush, hush, he has a reputation to maintain.
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 Bi-Han; (Going with Pre-Noob and kind of an AU where Subs tower in 11 happened)
·         Is completely different to Kuai. He isn’t too bothered by people’s opinions on your relationship. He’s the Grandmaster, what are they actually going to do about it? (Arrogant as fuck)
·         He’s fun to date, a bit of a tit at times but fun.
·         He knows when to calm his banter down.
·         Him meeting your parents/family is going to be tense. He always has this smirk on his face. It’s like a really smug owl. He does charm everyone however, because as much as he’s cocky, he’s a charmer.
·         Lives to embarrass his brother. Always and forever. You’ll have to put up with it.
·         Will give you his jacket when your cold, drape an arm over you and kiss your forehead when you walk along.
·         He’ll train you to be proficient in hand to hand combat. Protecting yourself is key, because he can’t be there always, and dating him puts a target on you sadly.
·         He teases a lot, its all playful and friendly, but he has a very big ‘Make me attitude’
·         He’s more laidback than Kuai. PDA isn’t a massive no-go for him, he won’t be making out with you in front of others. But he will let you sit on his knee when he’s working.
·         He gets Jealous fairly easily. Someone checks your arse out? His arm is around your waist.
·         He’s a little less serious in comparison to Kuai, like he has more jokes, more banter. But he is a lot less mature.
·         Has a good balance like I said, he knows when his banter is getting too much and knows when to be serious.
·         Nobody is going to disrespect you. You’re potentially the future spouse of one of the Grandmasters. You deserve the respect that comes with it.
·         Hope you like walking and hiking into the middle of bum fuck nowhere, because he sure as hell does.
·         He enjoys camping with you. Because it’s just the two of you. No Lin Kuei, no responsibility, no Tundra.  
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overdrivels · 4 years
Free as a bird
“How’d a guy like you get a name like ‘Sparrow’ anyways?” 
The question doesn’t come as a surprise to Genji, especially not after the latest fight he had with his brother. The memory of the fight is not as raw as he anticipated. It’s almost laughable now. 
In just ten years Genji nearly forgot just how childish Hanzo could be sometimes. No, he never forgot--he just never noticed it in the first place, too focused on living his life and getting away from the stifling control of his family. 
Hanzo has always been like that, getting hung up over the stupidest things like the perceived favoritism in the form of a single word. Sometimes he can't believe he had such anger toward someone as petty as his brother. (Though anyone would be angry at nearly losing their life.) 
Genji turns away from McCree, staring out past the balcony of the seedy hotel. 
Yes, the same type of seedy hotels that Genji would have found himself getting dragged out of by his angry brother. 
Going back home is always a bit of a spectacle. The morning would still be gray and the streets filled with the elderly and people who have to walk their dogs or other pets in the morning. Very few people dare look the racoon-eyed Hanzo in the face (especially if he had a fist curled in Genji's shirt collar--if he was lucky enough to have one on), subtly making way for the two Shimada heirs and the occasional guard who trails along, pretending to do their job. 
It’s a routine almost as old as his puberty. 
Genji would fuck off in the middle of the night after training, hanging out with whatever ‘friends’ were fearless enough to accompany the second Shimada heir to a club or bar or whatever he felt like doing that night. It would be near dawn before Hanzo would bust in, signalling the end of his fun. Genji never really knew how Hanzo found him--he was so sure to destroy any tracking devices he found on his belongings (sometimes dumping everything but his underwear and pants into the river all together, sometimes putting it on a stray dog or a bird, always checking and making sure his fun cannot end early). Genji chalked it up to ‘mysterious older brother senses’. Either way, Hanzo would drag him back home to their father. 
This time was no different than any other. 
The two of them stood in his father’s office, Hanzo at attention and Genji still yawning with his pants unbuttoned and Y-shirt crumpled from people grabbing at it. Without even a greeting, their father waved his hand at Hanzo in dismissal.
「You may go.」
Obediently, Hanzo bowed, taking his leave with a deep scowl. The grinding of his jaw echoed in the room and Genji could even swear he heard Hanzo’s fists tightening. Genji didn’t really care that his brother was annoyed or lacking sleep--it was Hanzo’s decision to come after him instead of sleeping. If only they’d leave him alone, maybe neither of them would have to suffer so much. 
The door shut quietly behind Hanzo, allowing silence to settle between Sojiro and his youngest son. 
Sojiro put both his arms into the sleeves of his happi.「Out late again, young dragon?」
Genji put his arms behind his heads and grinned despite the glare his father was giving him.
「You know it, old man.」
「What caught your fancy this time?」
「Hah. There was this great DJ playing over the net at the club owned by Yashiro. He looks like he’s twelve, but he’s good! He’s going to be big one day. 」
Genji rambled on and on about the club and DJ with reckless abandon. It wasn’t as though his father was curious about Genji’s night--he just wanted Genji to feel bad and say that he was ‘sorry for being irresponsible and he’ll be more prudent in the future’ or some bullshit. 
He held up a hand.「Genji. A dragon does not indulge in such frivolous activities or mingle so easily with...those people. When will you learn to be responsible?」
‘Those people’ was Sojiro-talk for ‘plebians’. He was still adamant that their blood was superior because they supposedly descended from ‘dragons’. It’s a well-practiced and well-learned speech that Genji has heard enough that he could probably recite it by heart and would probably find it carved into his gravestone if he happened to die before their father. (Not that he’ll let that happen.)
Rolling his eyes, he decided he no longer wanted to listen and put up a middle finger. "Kiss my ass, old man.”
One of his English speaking friends taught him that. A useful phrase if only for the imagery. Genji could feel a little proud of himself for rendering his father speechless. Sojiro’s eyes widened and breath deepened, a sure sign that he did not expect whatever Genji said. 
The swell of victory is accompanied by the song of birds outside the wooden window sill. 
A sparrow. Common in these parts. 
But Genji could see the light in his father's eyes. He curled a hand beneath his jaw, settling a little deeper into his seat and Genji almost wanted to roll his eyes. His father only ever did that when he thinks he's thought of something clever. (It's almost never clever and usually spelled out humiliation for many people.)
Father never used English if he didn’t have to. Or any other language. Of course, he was perfectly fluent in English (and Mandarin, and Cantonese, and Korean, and Taiwanese, and a little bit of Tagalog, and at least four very different dialects of Japanese--all standard in this household), but he preferred to keep his cards close, skillfully showing one at a time when the situation calls for it. (Watching the blood drain out of the face of a rival gang's leader after Sojiro laughed at a snide comment delivered in Tohoku-dialect was extremely satisfying.)
‘Everything a Shimada does must be done with purpose’ is what his father taught him when he was young. His father calling him ‘Sparrow’ in English is no coincidence. 
「What, Father?」 Genji didn’t hesitate to throw the slight back. 「Forgetting how to use Japanese at your age? Unsightly.」
「Hmph.」 There was an amused twinkle to his father’s crinkled eyes. 「The words of foreigners are good enough for you, Sparrow. If you feel that you cannot be a dragon, then you are no better than a common bird.」In Genji’s ears, he only heard the sounds of a line being drawn. 
A sparrow is nimble. 
A sparrow is free. 
A sparrow can be crushed in one hand. 
Fine, if his father wanted to ridicule him with a word like ‘Sparrow’, then he shouldn't mind if Genji took one of his teacher's lessons to heart. 
The best way to disarm a weapon like that is to take it as his own and wear it as his armor. 
Sojiro called him ‘Sparrow’ at any chance he got. Genji wore the name with pride. 
‘I am my father’s cute, little sparrow.’ 
Not a fearsome, powerful dragon of legend, but a weak, common creature of insignificance. 
The imagery is powerful. 
Ever since the name became known, the notch between Hanzo's brows only grew deeper, the scowl almost permanent. It’s almost hilarious to see, and since Hanzo didn’t bother asking for an explanation, Genji never bothered clearing up the likely misunderstanding that was developing in Hanzo’s overactive mind. 
The name spread to the other employees within the Shimada’s employ. Without knowing the meaning behind it or the origin, they all parroted it, taking small pleasure in the seemingly cute nickname. Genji encouraged it, referring to himself as ‘Sparrow’ in place of his own name. 
It’s another thorn in his stern father’s side. 
Genji didn’t expect his father to put up with having his own jest thrown back in his face. He was always every bit proud of being ‘descendants of dragons’ as his brother was. 
So it came as no surprise when the daily morning routine shifted. 
「I was just in Kyoto. Did you know what I found in the stands there?」
There was only one real reason why his father would mention Kyoto if it’s not work-related.Genji shrugged, feigning ignorance. 
「Was it some cute maikos? You know, if you give them my name at the Gion Hatanaka ryokan--」
Sojiro ignored his son’s nonsense and produced a small take-out container with--he guessed it--a gnarly display of two perfectly grilled sparrows. Kyoto was the last prefecture to still sell skewered sparrows on sticks, after all. 
But the message is clear: Keep it up and you too will end up like that.
How unsubtle. 
Genji just took one and bit into it, the crunch reverberating in the room and he stared his father down. He’d love to see his father try. 
Luckily he didn't have to. 
Their father, Shimada Sojiro, died in his sleep not too long after--a more graceful death than anyone who acts like him deserves. 
(Flipping off his father's gravestone as he escaped the castle is almost a habit.)
As everyone expected, his brother was designated the new leader of the Shimada clan. 
Genji took to his namesake more than ever--disappearing and making a home out in town more often than he stopped by the castle. There was nothing tying him down. He could be free and live his life however he wanted and actually be a part of the present, a part of the world, not tied down by decrepit ‘traditions’ or the stories his father so desperately clung to even in his final moments. 
His brother did not take kindly to Genji’s absence, claiming the household is in shambles because of Genji’s flightiness. Apparently there were still some idiots left who clung onto the hope that Genji might still possibly lead the clan. A stupid thought that offends Genji as much as Hanzo. 
Each time Hanzo would grab Genji and bring him home, Genji would say, 「Don’t you know it’s illegal to keep wild animals like sparrows as pets? 」before slipping out again. Escaping was almost second nature to Genji by this point. Everything he’s learned in his training for assassination was being honed just so that Genji could finally leave. 
The final time before Hanzo’s attempt on Genji’s life, they sat down (well, Genji wasn’t there by choice) to talk. Hanzo was clearly fed up with the disrespect and overloaded with the responsibility and mocking whispers of his incompetence (“What sort of leader can be trusted to control a clan when he cannot even control one person?” “Maybe Hanzo is the wrong choice, maybe the position should go to someone else.” “Why does the leader let his brother debauch the Shimada name? Is he looking for the family to fall?”)
「When will you stop being a child? You have all that you could want here--power, respect, wealth--why leave? If you took your position seriously, we could rule all of Japan, we could have an empire.」
Hanzo was tired, Genji could see it in the way his tensed shoulders slumped, could hear it in his voice. He didn’t look like the proud dragon he’s always boasted himself to be. He looked like the shadow of their father. But only that--just a shadow. 
A dragon stays within its castle walls. Mighty as it is, it will only ever know its palace and the bottom of the sea. A sparrow, though small and insignificant, can make a home anywhere and fly anywhere, free of obligation. Though the name was supposed to make fun of Genji, he thinks it’s probably the best thing his father has ever said about him. 
「I don’t want any of that. I want to be a sparrow.」Hanzo snarled, a hateful look crossing his face.「And a sparrow does not belong in a crumbling castle.」
「This Shimada castle, crumbling? Foolish.」
「Which of us is really the foolish one, brother?」
It was one of the last things he said to his brother before the night Hanzo decided to end everything. In a way, Genji almost became a dragon again--consumed by hate and revenge, he was trapped in a crumbling castle known as his mind. 
But now, things are different. He is different.
Genji takes a thoughtful sip of his cider and waves the bottle at the scenery before them. 
“My father, Sojiro, called me that as an insult.” He meets McCree’s sudden incredulous look with a cheeky grin. “I’ve grown to like it.”
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youre-in-my-sights · 5 years
Huge Hanzo Ask part 2
Hanzo was happy to have you back in his life. All the years of regret and torment that littered his mind meant nothing when he could be in your prescence again.
Too bad you hadn't the slightest interest of returning his affections.
You were stuck with Hanzo, yes, but you refused to go down without a fight, and since you know a show of strength or ability will be one you lose, you try and take a different approach.
You try and piss him off to the point where he realises he doesn't want you anymore and let you go, but his will is much stronger than any insults you fling at him. However, that doesn't mean you go unpunished. When you get like that, Hanzo isolates you in a windowless room for the rest of the day. On his particularly harsh days, he'll leave you without light or water to try and force a lesson onto you. It never takes.
Most times you try to annoy Hanzo as much as you can so that he isolates you. You'd rather be alone in the darkness than be forced into enduring Hanzo's romantic advances. Besides, the alone time gives you a chance of thinking of a way out.
Though the "relationship" between you two is dicey and unstable, you two do agree on one thing: everyday at noon you two sit down and talk to each other. Hanzo hasn't had you in his life for quite a while, and is more than interested in catching up with you. In exchange for telling him your secrets and past life, you ask for a pack of cigarettes.
You'll tell him everything he needs to know except any questions he has about the clan, for if the clan finds out and you do manage to escape Hanzo, your life would be on the line.
You are sitting at the dining table across from Hanzo. As usual, Hanzo begins conversation.
"Y/N, how are you this afternoon", Hanzo begins.
"The usual..." you reply in a snap. Hanzo is silent for a moment, then he speaks up. "Yesterday you spoke of the hobbies you had to pass time when you were in the clan. May i ask what they were?"
"Thats against the rule, Hanzo"
"It is not. I'm asking about your hobbies, not about the clan-"
"My hobbies are interconnected with the clan."
"....very well," Hanzo finishes meekly. Another period of silence fills the air.
"So, Disregarding the clan, what were your normal passtimes"
"...well, I jog, birdwatch, kayak, hike, you know, anything I can't do inside this house", you say sarcastically. Hanzo lets out a low and terse grunt.
"...I swim, build models and crochet", you finish weakly and honestly. "Those were my solo hobbies. I did a few other with my-" you stagger, for the next word you know will upset Hanzo.
The table grows quiet again and Hanzo lowers his head
"May I ask who your boyfriend was", Hanzo asks, breaking the silence. "I-it interferes with the rules-" Hanzo slams his palm onto the table with an echoing thud.
"Then I demand you tell me!"
You flinch at his words, but oblige.
"Fine. My boyfriend...was your brother. Genji Shamada."
Words fail to explain the expression on Hanzo's face. It seemed like a mixture of betrayal, anguish, sadness and sheer rage.
"So how long were you two seeing each other", He asks.
"Around the time I've became a business associate of the Shimada clan."
"So this has been going on since we've first met?!" Hanzo stands from his chair abruptly. You knew where this was going, so you decide to use this moment to your advantage.
"How could you do that to me, Y/N? I loved you!"
"Wait, what? You love me? Oh Hanzo, I've never saw you anything more than a business associate!"
Both of Hanzo's fists slam into the table again. A brief pause and Hanzo escorts you to your isolated room. He's rather rough with you today, probably because of your confession. He practically throws you into the room, and you await the three sounds you've always heard. The slam of the door, the rattle of the padlock, and the click of the padlock locking. Today, though you only heard two of them: slam, rattle, where's the click?
You figured that Hanzo was too angry to lock the door properly. This could be the chance you were waiting for.
After a while you begin rustling with the door until you hear the thud of the padlock hitting the floor outside. You slowly open the door and hear grunting and furniture tumbling in the dining room. No doubt Hanzo was fuming. Nevertheless he wasn't in his quarters. You sneak into his room in search of the firearm he's taken from you. His bow was displayed on the wall next to his bed. You yank it down and throw it out the window. Then, you rustle through his drawers and there it was, the pistol the elders had given you to defend yourself from Hanzo.
Now you'll get to use it.
Right as you turn around Hanzo enters the doorway. He's obviously caught off gaurd, and you take that opportunity to strike. Aiming for his heart, you shoot Hanzo in the shoulder. He doubles over in pain as you try to slip past him. He grabs your ankle, which makes you tumble head first onto the floor. Miraculously you still hold on to the gun and you reaim it at Hanzo's head and
You miss.
You settle for kicking him away and making a run for it. You ran down the stairs straight to the exit. Your legs carried your body effortlessly through the house. You reached the living room, and thats when you felt Hanzo slam into you from behind, tackling you onto the ground. As he tries to wrestle you into submission you point the gun at him. Wasting no time, he snatches it from you and points it at you. That's enough to stop your squirming.
"I've sworn off using such archaic weapons", Hanzo begins still on top of you. "That does not mean I am incapable of using them. Do not make me use this, my love."
His words came out harsh and spiteful. If he was angry with you before, he must be beyond furious now. You still kick and squirm, but Hanzo is keeping you in place. Soon his patience is worn thin, and his fist collides with your cheek. Your head reels in the opposite direction and teeth fall from your mouth. You look back at Hanzo shocked. Apart from him abducting you, he's never laid a hand on you. Shortly after, he pulls your face towards his for a rough kiss.
"I wish to be a good lover to you, and I wish not to hurt you." He kisses you again. "But if you like it rough, you should have spoken up"
You could tell he was being cynical, but truthful. He jerks your head to look him in the eyes.
"I will prove to you that I can be a lover more worthy than Genji. Even if i have to be cruel to you."
You look at his bullet wound, leaking fown from his shoulder.
"Especially since you leave me no choice", he finishes with a sinister tone.
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kerfufflewatch · 5 years
quick HC about their feelings on marriage that turned into a 1700-word fic, whoops whoops
“Somethin’ wrong, sugar? Went a bit quiet on me there.”
Hanzo blinks, and his eyes burn as the ceiling swims back into focus. He glances down at McCree, draped over him with his chin propped on Hanzo's chest, then out the window. The sun had still been setting, its golden rays still sneaking through the blinds of their dorm to dapple across their sheets and skin, when they had first settled into bed in the pleasant exhaustion of post-orgasmic glow; now, it is simply dark.
Hanzo affects a smile as he looks back to McCree. "It is nothing," he says, but McCree's worried frown only deepens.
"You sure?" McCree presses gently, and Hanzo is helpless to do anything but sigh and fall back against the pillows.  Damn McCree for his perceptiveness--nothing fools him anymore.
"It is something Genji said to me earlier," he admits to the ceiling, unable to meet McCree's gaze.
"Yeah? What'd he say?"
"He . . . asked when we planned to get married."
It had been an offhand comment made earlier that day--a joke more than anything else. They had been discussing the mission that McCree himself was out on, as well as half of the rest of the team, over cups of tea in the dining hall. Hanzo doesn't quite recall how the conversation had transitioned from the mission to McCree to Hanzo's relationship with him, but nonetheless something had prompted Genji to tease, "So when are the two of you just going to get married and get it over with?"
The question had caused Hanzo to sputter on a mouthful of tea, making Genji laugh. After wiping his mouth on his sleeve, Hanzo had replied, "We have no plans to do any such thing."
"No?" Genji had tilted his head a little, looking both thoughtful and thoroughly amused. "I admit I don't know how either of you feel about it, but it seems like something that should have come up."
"It has not," Hanzo said shortly.
Genji shrugged exaggeratedly and the conversation moved on, but the idea had stuck in Hanzo's head. True, he and McCree had been together now for some time--just over two years--and it made sense to wonder if they would ever take that step. But the thought of it alone had made fear curdle in his gut, and he had left his cup of tea unfinished. Once the announcement came over the comms that the Orca was arriving with the team, Hanzo had forgotten it entirely in favor of meeting McCree at the hangar (and wrestling him into bed for the first time in two weeks), and he wished that had been the end of it. The memory only came back as they lay together now, and Hanzo would happily have never said a word if not for McCree's damned perceptiveness.
McCree sits up slowly, sliding off of Hanzo to prop himself up on his arms at Hanzo's side. "Don't think we ever talked about that before," he says slowly.
"No. I told him as much."
McCree's brow furrows, and he clears his throat. "But it's still buggin' you," he says slowly. "Maybe it's . . . somethin' we should talk about?"
Hanzo sighs deeply. He does not want to have this conversation at all. Everything about their relationship may be unconventional in some way, but McCree still has the more romantic heart of the two of them, still has better ideas of how these things should go,  and Hanzo is certain his answer will ruin everything.
"Hanzo?" McCree prompts. "What—"
"I do not want to get married," Hanzo says.
There is a pause. "No?" McCree asks. Hanzo waits for him to say anything else that might betray more emotion than the single syllable, but when nothing else is forthcoming, he swallows and turns his head away on the pillow.
"In my family, marriage was a tool," he explains. "Most marriages were for convenience, or power. Those that were not were few and far between. I in particular, as the future head of the family, was expected to marry whoever would provide the best relations. Eligible women from other families were offered to me, and I suspect I to them, as though we were meant to choose our favorite toy and hope we tolerated each other. My feelings on the matter, or even whether I cared for any of them at all, were not important."
Hanzo hunches his shoulders, as though it will protect him from McCree's disappointment. "I have never been that fond of the concept overall, regardless. Perhaps because of my upbringing, the assumption I would never have a truly loving relationship. But I cannot shake that association, that feeling that marriage is nothing more than an inescapable contract done for the benefit of others, even if I know better now. I do not think that will ever change."
The bed dips as McCree shifts. Hanzo grips handfuls of the blanket in tight fists. "Can I say somethin'?" McCree asks.
With great reluctance, Hanzo turns his head to look at McCree. "I don't think I wanna get married, either," McCree says.
Hanzo blinks. The tightness in his chest loosens so abruptly that he feels lightheaded. "You don't?"
McCree shakes his heads. His mouth twists with an uncertain frown. "I did, once upon a time," he says. "When I was younger, when stuff was . . . well, nothing was all that stable in Blackwatch, but that was probably the closest I was gonna get. Wasn't even sure I'd live to see my thirties, though, let alone long enough to have anyone. After that, well . . . I've signed enough contracts that have fucked me over, lost a few other folks, that the idea of gettin' married proper just makes me nervous. Too much shit to deal with if it all goes south."
He shrugs, but the motion is forced. Hanzo turns fully to face him and takes his hand on the bed between them. McCree gives a weak smile as he threads their fingers together. "And all that's assumin' we even got it all cleaned up to do it legally," he continues. "But even if we didn't do the papers and all, I never really wanted to make a big fuss about spendin' my life with someone if I could just do it. Especially if it might not be all that long."
The relief that Hanzo first felt evaporates, replaced by a sour feeling of dread in his stomach as a new thought occurs to him. By the look on McCree's face, he has thought the same.
"Then where does that leave us?" Hanzo asks softly.
McCree blows out a breath. "Dunno," he says. "Guess that does sort of leave us without the usual end goal, doesn't it." He worries the inside of his cheek as he thinks, while the weight of their realization hangs heavy in the air between them.
Eventually, McCree says, "But, here's the thing. Does it really matter?"
"Does it not?" Hanzo counters. "If neither of us wants to marry when that is normally the end of a relationship, does it not matter? I would have thought you, more than I, would want this."
"Does it have to be the goal? It's not like anything else in our lives is normal. If neither us wants it but we're still happy, ain't that enough?"
"I am happy," Hanzo says emphatically. "I just fear that this means . . ." He trails off, unable to voice the words aloud, but the meaning is clear enough.
McCree shifts his grip on Hanzo's hand and brings it to his lips, pressing a dry kiss to the knuckles as he thinks. "I don't know what I want in the future," he says softly. "It was only pretty recently that I even started thinkin' there might be a future for me, let alone one with someone else. I'm so used to movin' around, doin' something new every day, not banking on anything stickin' around. I don't know how long we'll be in Overwatch. I don't know if I wanna stay here until I can't do it anymore, or move out to a little house in the middle of nowhere, or go back to takin' bounties, or what."
He meets Hanzo's gaze, his eyes wide with sincerity. "What I do know, though," he concludes, "is that whatever I end up doin', I want you there with me." He offers a tiny smile, which Hanzo returns with a wobbly one of his own, the emotions clamoring in his throat making him nervous to speak. "However we do it, I know I wanna spend my life with you, as long as you'll have me."
Hanzo's throat tightens and his eyes begin to burn traitorously. He swallows past it all, refusing to let himself be overwhelmed. "I want that as well," he says thickly. McCree's smile breaks into a grin, triggering a swell of confidence in Hanzo as he continues, "Likewise, I was never able to envision a future for myself. Sometimes, it still feels like wishful thinking to imagine there is anything after today. But I cannot see myself without you, and if there is a future to be had, I want it to be with you. Even if it is not by the route we are expected to take."
Hanzo feels better when he sees McCree's smile wobble, too. "That sounds like a plan to me," McCree replies, the casual response belied by the tears that he rapidly blinks away.
Hanzo chases that answer with a hard kiss--graceless, barely more than a press of lips and teeth and soon broken by matching bouts of joyful laughter. McCree pulls Hanzo into a tight embrace and Hanzo goes willingly, muffling the last of his laughter in the hollow of McCree's throat. He sighs and melts into boneless contentment as McCree's hand comes up to stroke through his hair.
"I love you," he murmurs against warm skin. He only hesitates a fraction of a second before he does, and it occurs to him just how strange that is when not long ago, he could barely admit to himself that he had feelings for McCree at all.
McCree's hold tightens as he buries his face in Hanzo's hair. "Love you too, sugar," he breathes. "We're gonna do just fine."
As they settle in for sleep, it's on the tip of Hanzo's tongue to point out that it's still early, and they never got around to eating dinner. However, wrapped up as he is, warm and heavy, in awe of the potential futures that lay before them, Hanzo decides they can wait just a little longer.
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overwatchworks · 5 years
Rejoining Overwatch had been the easy part; making the decision, finding the location, convincing Zenyatta to join him, making the long trek by foot to Gibraltar--that was simple. 
What was difficult was seeing the old faces, old friends.
Specifically Jesse McCree.
Rejoining Overwatch had been the easy part; making the decision, finding the location, convincing Zenyatta to join him, making the long trek by foot to Gibraltar--that was simple. What was difficult was seeing the old faces, old friends. 
New ones were fine, Genji was happy to meet them and encourage their hopes for making a positive impact with Overwatch. It was what he wanted to do as well, something good for the world now that he was able to in mind, body, and spirit. 
Noticing how many people were gone was distressing in a way, same with those that were back but changed. Like him, Genji supposed, so not all bad. It was difficult to describe, the sense of disconnect even though these were people he had known for years. It was like it was in another life, though.
And seeing Jesse McCree again had been really, really difficult. More difficult than meeting with Hanzo. More difficult than leaving in the night, without so much as a word. 
Genji regretted the way he had left, thought about it over and over in the weeks following the recall message. He knew he had left many strings untied, and one in particular that happened to lace around his heart. 
Jesse had been all smiles and easy-going banter when they had met up again, more mellow and calculating than when he was younger. Tanner, broader, a little more rough around the edges, but his eyes were softer, more understanding. He seemed happy. Content, even.
Genji had been expecting at least some awkwardness between them, but instead, he had been given a pat on the back, the cowboy telling him how happy he was that he’d found himself. For some reason, it left Genji feeling a bit empty. 
The first few weeks in Gibraltar went by smoothly, everyone getting to know one another through training and shared stories in the cafeteria. Genji liked a lot of the new recruits, but he always ended up standing next to Jesse by the end of things. Old habits and all. That’s what Genji told himself. 
They had been teammates in Blackwatch, old friends reunited, the slide back into familiarity comforting. They still knew the ins and outs of one another, still fought and trained together like a well-oiled machine, the cogs fitting right into place and working seamlessly. 
It worked like that until Genji started getting sick. 
Everyone was gathered in the training facility, waiting for Winston to divide them into teams and start the simulation. Genji stood at ease, arms crossed over his chest and weight leaned into one leg. He’d had a bit of a scratchy throat for a while--nothing to go see a healer about, it would clear up on its own--and either way, team training was too important to miss for something so trite.
“Alright, gang. Hana, Brigette, Baptiste, Genji, and Mei will be on the red team. Angela, Lena, McCree, Lucio, and Reinhardt will be on the blue team. I will observe from above, and Athena will be recording the session and stats of each member. Good luck, everyone!” Winston told them, adjusting his glasses before turning and heading up to the observation deck. 
Genji waved to his teammates, the group of them moving to the left side of the training grounds.
“Now, Reinhardt will probably come charging in, knowing him, so we should focus him.” Brigette started, Genji chuckling to himself. Not much had changed with the old warrior.
“Well, in the case that he listens to his team or has Angela with him the whole time, we will need to go after her and Lucio. They will be most vital in taking out everyone else. I can flank them if Hana and Brigette distract them from the front. Baptiste, if you could help me with distance healing, it would be appreciated.”
Baptiste nodded with a little two fingered salute.
“I have your back.”
“But what about McCree? You should be careful of him, he knows how to deal with a flank attack, right?” Mei piped up, fiddling with her training gun. They would only provide a small shock and a marking as to where someone had been hit.
“Don’t worry, I can take him.” Genji grinned behind the mask.
“Attack begins in thirty seconds.” Athena announced, the training room shifting and creating a holographic setting they could practice in. It seemed that they would be in a warehouse today. 
Hana suddenly stuck her hand out, face a mix of excited and determined.
“Everyone put a hand in!” She demanded, Baptiste and Brigette hardly needing any encouragement. Mei laughed and stuck her hand on top, Genji huffing in amusement before adding his hand as well.
“Alright, go blue team!! We got this!” Hana cheered, throwing her hand up and leading everyone else to copy the chant. It felt good, uplifting even. Genji was reminded why he was glad to be part of a team once again. 
They got into position, Genji looking behind him to make sure everyone was ready. His shruiken slipped into his fingers, ready and waiting.
“Five, four, three, two, one. Attack commencing. Stop the red team.”
Genji hopped out from behind his cover, hearing Brigette and Hana right behind him. He climbed up to higher ground, looking for the enemy team before whipping back behind cover as a stun bullet whizzed past his head. 
Only Jesse was that good of a shot, and only Jesse would know the ninja liked to scout things out first. Genji grinned, speaking into his comms.
“Lucio, Reinhardt, and Angela are coming in fast through the choke! Mei, can you wall off Rein from the healers?”
There was the sound of Lena’s pulse pistols going off, then Baptiste’s immortality field.
“Get in here!”
“It may take me a minute, but I’ll try my best.” Mei replied, the soft ‘fwish’ of her freeze gun making it a bit difficult to hear her.
“Alright. Hana, Brigette, you keep Rein busy, then. I will go in from behind.”
Genji jumped to the opposite ledge, then dove into the back line of the blue team. Angela moved closer to Reinhardt, Lucio immediately skating over to boop him away. Genji felt a stun shot on his leg as he was pushed back, and he turned to deflect the shots that were suddenly coming from Jesse. 
The ninja ran towards him, throwing his shruiken in an arc to follow where Jesse would likely roll back into. He was right, the stars connecting and lighting up the training armour they were wearing.
“Shit...” Jesse muttered, looking down at the glowing blue spots on his chest.
“You always do that move, even when we spar!” Genji called, doing a double jump as the cowboy continued to try and shoot him back.
“Yeah, well, Talon ain’t gonna know that. I think you’ve got an unfair advantage here, pumpkin.”
Genji grinned, then felt the itch in his throat grow suddenly, like he’d swallowed water the wrong way. He coughed, slowing a bit and getting hit by one of Jesse’s shots. Stumbling, still trying to keep up with Jesse. He couldn’t. 
Genji got hit two more times, enough to bring his health for the round to zero. Still, he was coughing. It felt like something was lodged in his windpipe.
“You okay, partner?”
Genji shook his head, holding up a hand as he cleared his throat to no avail. Jesse came over and put a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m fine. I...I’ll be right back.”
Jesse watched him as he walked off the training grounds, concern in his eyes. 
Genji took off his faceplate as soon as he made it to the bathrooms, frowning as another bought of coughs overtook him. Something landed on his hand, wet and sticking to the synth fibers of his palm. He stared at it for a moment, plucking it up between the fingers of his other hand. 
A petal. Genji tilted his head, lips pursing. It was bright red, the texture registering as soft and smooth to the delicate sensors on his hand. 
He didn’t know what the flower was, but he knew what it meant. 
Genji leaned over the sink, setting the petal aside and running a hand over his face. Jesse...It was Jesse. It was always Jesse. Genji grit his teeth, chest constricting with pain that wasn’t from his coughs. Of course it had to be now, and here, of all places. 
Genji took a deep breath before straightening and washing the petal down the drain. He went back to the training room, pretending like nothing had happened.
The petals were from the Hatiora Gaertneri, or Easter Cactus, Genji found out later that week after coughing up more petals and examining them. The flowers looked pretty in the pictures, but the petals that came up always looked somewhat withered to Genji. Not as vibrant, little bruises present on the tips and sides. 
Genji kept the trash can next to his bed, had to keep his mask off while he slept so when he coughed more petals up, he could just spit them out. It interfered with everything he did, and only got worse whenever he was around Jesse. 
The ninja began to avoid him, just to keep his coughs hidden, his feelings shut tight beneath the surface. He hadn’t felt this way in years, not since before he’d met Zenyatta. 
When Hanzo arrived, it was a good distraction, a good excuse to be away from everyone to help his brother settle in and get used to things. Hanzo wasn’t exactly ready to be apart of a team after being solo for years. Genji helped him as much as he could, tried to make sure everyone was welcoming. 
Not everyone felt the same, especially Jesse. Genji had been dreading introducing Hanzo to him, but it inevitably happened. 
Evening in Gibraltar, too late for dinner, and yet, Hanzo had insisted on having a quiet one by himself in the commons room. Genji hadn’t let him eat alone, the two sharing a simple dish of leftovers and some rice Hanzo had made.
“Anija, you’ve been talking to Hana and Mei a lot recently, right?”
Hanzo huffed softly, eyes cast aside to look out the window.
“They are better company than some.” He murmured, Genji taking a bite and humming thoughtfully. 
Angela had not been very keen on Hanzo when they had first met, nor had Lena. They warmed up to him quickly enough, but the initial impression had been made, and Hanzo was looking for reasons to keep himself closed off behind his protective walls. 
He was trying, though, and tonight seemed to be a good night, the older Shimada more open and talkative. Relatively.
“Just give it more time, Hanzo. You’re part of a team now, and whether you like it or not, they have your back. Oh, Zenyatta also said he’d like to speak with you again tomorrow.” Genji told him airily, waving his chopsticks a bit as he spoke. 
A small cough slipped up, the ninja hastily covering it with the back of his hand. Hanzo frowned.
“I will meet with him, but you’ve had that cough for a while now. Maybe you should have Dr. Ziegler look at it?”
“No, it’ll clear out--”
And of course, Jesse walked in. Of course, of course, of course. 
He seemed surprised to see the two brothers there, brows lifting slightly before his eyes darkened upon landing on Hanzo. Genji coughed for a different reason, waving a bit to the cowboy.
“Ah, Jesse. Have you met Hanzo yet?” Genji tried for casual, though, the look in Jesse’s eye was sinister enough to negate the attempt’s effect.
Bitten out and cold. 
Genji could sense Hanzo bristle at the tone, but he stayed quiet. The ninja stood, Hanzo doing the same, food forgotten on the table.
“Then come here, say hello! Hanzo, this is Jesse. We worked together a lot before I met Zenyatta. Jesse--”
“I damn well know who he is, Gen. You don’t have to sugar coat things for me, because I sure as hell ain’t going to for him.”
Genji put a hand to Jesse’s chest when he stepped forward, Hanzo taking a slight defensive stance and glaring right back at the cowboy.
“Jesse, don’t...” Genji warned, even just the small bit of contact making his throat burn with the need to cough. What a damn inconvenience.
“I’ve been waiting a long time to see this Hanzo you talked about. The bastard that tried to kill his own brother. You’re lucky I don’t have my gun on me, Hanzo. I swore I’d put a bullet in you for hurting Genji the moment I saw you.”
Genji closed his eyes, suppressing a cough. Those words were sincere enough, Genji remembered him promising it a long, long time ago. Back when the ninja would have been happy to see it happen. Back when things were different, especially between him and Jesse.
“Jesse, stop.”
“You know nothing of what happened!” Hanzo hissed, Jesse laughing dryly and stepping back.
“I know enough, buddy. More than enough to make my impression of you. So, let me promise you something; if you ever even think of hurting him again, I will blow a fucking hole between your eyes. You got it?”
“Jesse, that’s enough!” Genji growled, pushing him back. Jesse glanced down at him, the fire in his eyes calming down just a bit. 
He shot another look at Hanzo, then turned and left the room without another word. 
Genji immediately coughed into his hand, eyes watering from having to keep it down for so long, breaking the oppressive silence in the room. He doubled over, coughs bringing up half of a flower bud. Genji cursed and crushed it quickly in his fist, sitting down heavily. 
Jesse clearly still cared for him, just not enough. He wasn’t loved back. Considering everything that had happened between them, the years spent apart, it wasn’t surprising. But it still hurt to have it confirmed time and time again. 
Hanzo knelt next to him, face wiped of emotion besides the deep furrow of his brows. Trying to keep it together.
“Are you alright?” He asked softly, voice somewhat dull. Genji sighed, then nodded.
“Yeah. That actually went slightly better than I was expecting.” He muttered, wiping his mouth. A light sheen of red smeared over the chrome on the back of his hand. 
Genji frowned, wiping that away quickly. But not quickly enough. Hanzo’s eyes had followed the motion, darting back up to meet Genji’s when he’d seen.
“What’s in your hand.”
Genji shook his head, fist tightening as he pursed his lips. Hanzo took his arm cautiously--he was always cautious now--tugging gently at the fingers closed to his palm, leaving slight indentations.
“Let me see.”
The tone was one he always used to take when Genji was little, getting into trouble or getting hurt. A slight reprimand washed in concern. Hanzo had always tried his best to take care of him when they were boys, and it seemed now he was remembering once again that he was the older brother. 
That effort was enough to make Genji slowly open his hand, eyes downcast as Hanzo stared at the revealed flower. It was quiet for a moment, too quiet.
“I’m fine.” Genji hissed, throwing the flower in his mostly empty bowl and standing abruptly.
“Genji, do not walk away from this.”
Genji tossed the remains of his bowl out, leaving it in the sink.
“Please.” Belated and soft, stopping Genji in his tracks. Hanzo came up to him, placing a tentative hand on his shoulder.
“Go see Dr. Ziegler.”
“Why not? You must get this treated before...” Hanzo trailed off, Genji gritting his teeth.
“Hanzo, I don’t want to get it treated. I already lost him once, by my own choice. I can’t do that again. It hurt enough the first time.”
“Genji, this can kill you if it goes untreated...!”
“I’m not giving up another chance with him! I just can’t do that.”
Hanzo pursed his lips, looking at Genji for a long moment. He then took a short breath and nodded.
“Okay. I...Understand. Just promise me you won’t let it go too far?”
“I don’t want these feelings to just...Disappear. I have to at least try.” Genji murmured, coughing lightly. 
He wanted to talk to Jesse, tell him how he felt. But if he didn’t reciprocate it now, why would he suddenly change his mind? Pity wouldn’t do the trick, and guilt would only make them both feel worse. Genji needed to earn his love.
“You can’t tell anyone.” The ninja whispered, fists clenching as he stared at the floor.
“I will not. However, if this continues to get worse, I am going to have to let Dr. Ziegler and Zenyatta know. I cannot lose you again either, Genji.” Hanzo told him, hand slipping off his shoulder as he stepped back. 
The younger Shimada bobbed his head, opting to stay silent.
“Alright. I will let you rest. Think on my suggestion.”
Genji nodded again, slipping out of the room silently with his arms crossed, form hunched slightly. His breath rattled in his chest.
Another two weeks passed, and Genji’s illness was being noticed by the team. It was hard to miss when Genji was skipping practices and meals to keep away from Jesse. The coughs were getting difficult to manage and keep down, even when he was alone. Blood started speckling the full flowers that came up. Genji was emptying the trash can every day, the bottom of it covered in petals. 
He went to go see Angela when she requested a check up for him, no longer denying that he needed help. The ninja was losing sleep, not eating, and isolating himself in ways that were far too similar to his Blackwatch days for his liking. 
He walked into the medical ward, body heavy with exhaustion. Angela gave him a worried look before motioning to the examination table.
“Thank you for coming, Genji. Please sit.”
Genji sat. His fingers curled on the edge of the table, crinkling the paper that was laid on top of it for sanitation purposes. He coughed.
“How long have you had this cough? I noticed it a while back, but it should have cleared up by now.” Angela asked, hooking Genji up to a machine as she spoke.
“It’s been a little over a month.”
“A month? Why did you not come to me sooner?”
“I know what it is.” Genji sighed. The doctor paused, glancing up at him, understanding dawning in her eyes.
“Is it...”
“Hanahaki.” He nodded, Angela placing a delicate hand over her mouth. The other went to Genji’s shoulder, but it did little to comfort him. Genji despised the pity in her gaze.
“Who--No, you don’t have to tell me, forgive me. I’m sorry, Genji.”
“Do not be.”
“Alright...Well, based on the time scale you gave me, I would give you two more weeks before it starts to become fatal. Would you like to have it treated now, or wait a little longer?” Angela inquired more matter of factly, face slipping into a more professional façade after hearing Genji’s tone. 
It was quiet, Genji staring at the floor as he thought about it.
“It is your choice, Genji. You do not have to have it treated at all, but I would highly suggest it if things do not work out. I do not want to rush you, either. If you need more time to decide, just tell me.” Softer this time, understanding. Genji shook his head.
“I need more time.”
“Then please, take it. But as your friend, Genji, I ask that you do not let this go too far. You have many other people who love you and only wish the best for you. Please remember them too.” She murmured, squeezing his shoulder before letting it go. 
Genji let her proceed with her testing, staying quiet and pensive the whole time.
“Master, what do you think I should do?”
Zenyatta hummed, plucking a petal from the small pile Genji had coughed up during their meditation session. Of course Zenyatta had known from the beginning, no surprise indicated from the monk when Genji had shown him the petals. Only concern, and an offer to talk about it, if Genji felt inclined.
“I think you should speak with Jesse. Tell him how you feel, and let him know what is going on.” Zenyatta told him, head tipping in Genji’s direction slightly.
“But...I do not wish to make him feel guilty, or the need to love me back out of pity or urgency.”
“Distancing yourself from your problems will only make the walk towards to fixing them even further.”
“I know...”
There was a pause, the sound of waves crashing against the cliffs a pleasant lull. Then, Zenyatta spoke up once again.
“Tell me, Genji. If someone was suffering in silence for you, would you like to know, or remain ignorant of it?”
“Of course I would like to know.” Genji muttered, tearing at a petal.
“Then you have your answer.”
“It cannot be that simple, though. It isn’t that simple!”
“Maybe it is. Maybe it is not. But, you will never find out if you do not try. However, my suggestion is to speak with him.”
Genji sighed softly.
“I am sure you are right, as always.”
“That would be my guess as well.” Zenyatta chimed. Genji chuckled a bit at the cheeky tone, staring out at the water before tossing his petal aside. 
He stood, then bowed towards the monk.
“Thank you, Master.”
“Of course, Genji. Good luck.”
Genji sat down on the jut of the cliff, legs crossing into the lotus position. It had been enough time, had made his decision. He had his mask off, Jesse standing behind him with his arms crossed over his chest. The cowboy’s hair was moving with the wind, the setting sun casting a golden hue over everything. 
He looked handsome, as always. Genji tried his best not to stare too much. 
Angela had given him some medicine to help suppress the cough, and it was doing its job, to some extent. Genji still felt the itch in his throat, the catch in his breath, petals getting stuck in his airway. With Jesse right there, lowering himself down to sit next to Genji, it was hard not to cough. It was always hard.
“You been kinda quiet lately. I thought I’d done something wrong, with the way you’ve been avoiding me.” Jesse started, his tone light and teasing. 
Genji smiled ruefully at the waves below them, fingers fidgeting in his lap.
“I did not mean to make that impression. You have done nothing wrong, I assure you.”
The cowboy gave him a side glance, gaze resting on his face for a long moment.
“What’s wrong, then?”
“Technically, nothing. I am just...Unwell.”
“Gen, you’re lyin’ to me. I can still see it in your eyes. That much hasn’t changed since the old days.”
“I said technically.” Genji repeated, holding up a finger defensively. Jesse chuckled, tilting his body to face the ninja more.
“Tell me what’s on your mind, partner. I’m always here for you if you need me.”
Genji grimaced as a cough shuddered through him, eyes watering as he gripped the flower tight in his palm.
The ninja sighed, opening his hand and setting the full flower between them. Jesse’s eyes dropped to it, brows furrowing. Genji pressed his lips into a thin line when Jesse looked back up at him.
A nod.
“...It’s...It’s me?”
Another, more slight nod.
“Gen, I--”
Genji held up a hand, lips curling into a bittersweet smile.
“I just wanted to let you know what was happening. You don’t have to do anything, change anything, or say you love me back. That’s not what this is about. I just. It didn’t feel right hiding it anymore. You deserve to know.” He murmured, gaze downcast as he waited for Jesse’s response. 
It took a minute. The cowboy finally took a breath, shaky and uneven.
“I’m sorry, Genji. It’s...I care about you, and when you left it was definitely more than I--I did love you in Blackwatch, but you left, and I was able to forget, for a while. It’s really what I think saved me from getting hanahaki myse--”
“Jesse, I’ve always loved you.” Genji interrupted, taking Jesse’s hand and running a thumb over his knuckles. The gunslinger’s eyes widened slightly, surprise clear in the honey-brown irises.
“You...You have?”
“Yes. I only wish I had been better at showing you, that I had been better to you. I was hoping...If you are willing, I was hoping you would give me another chance to be better.”
Genji waited patiently as Jesse seemed to gather his thoughts, eyes never leaving the ninja’s face.
“Yeah. Yeah, I can do that.” He finally whispered, a small, soft smile upturning his lips. Genji let out a quiet sigh of relief, grinning.
“Now, I can’t guarantee immediate wellness, but I have always had feelings for you. I still do. Can you just give me a little more time? It shouldn’t take much.” Jesse followed up, more of a playful lilt to his voice once again. 
The ninja laughed at that, taking Jesse’s hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
“Of course I can.” 
“Thank you. And thank you for telling me, I...You mean so much to me, Genji. You always have.”
“Oh, Jesse. You mean the world to me.” Genji murmured, reaching up to hold the cowboy’s face in his hands gently, pressing their foreheads together. 
Jesse smiled, and the weight that had been pressing on Genji’s chest lifted.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Sidewinder: Volume I - Budd (Kill Bill) x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: You’re a member of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. Budd is just what you need, but do you need more?
Notes: This is part one, and there will be a part two! There's brief smut in this one, there'll be more in the next. This has most of the action :)
Part Two Here
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You enjoyed the name Bill had so fondly picked out for you. Taipan. The world’s deadliest snake.
You had only been working with the Vipers for about a year, but it was a seamless incorporation into the team. You got along well with each member—especially Sidewinder.
Budd could never keep his eyes off you. You were talented at knowing exactly when a man was picturing you taking off your clothes, but with Budd, it was all the time. The looks he gave you-- like he wanted to devour you, just like his snake of calling would prey-- intrigued you.
See, the first thing you did when you joined the team was assess who you would sleep with, and who was off limits. A girl's got to have limits when travelling in a close knit pack of attractive assassins.
O-Ren? Attractive, but too dedicated to her work to probably notice you in any other way than a confidant.
Vernita? Straight. She's made it clear.
Elle? A fucking knockout, but a dangerous one. She's OFF limits.
Bill? Well. We won't go there yet.
Bea? She's different.
And then there was Budd.
Although he came off as a tough guy, he got some of his older brother's charm with his own little twist. He was different, and frustrating-- serious when things were light, and funny when things were serious. He didn't take himself as serious as the others, but you got the sense he was dumbing himself down so he wouldn't stand out as the best.
Tonight, Budd runs a damp cloth down his arm, where a deep gash runs down.
"Fuck," you hear him grit out, and stop on your way by.
"Be grateful it wasn't a Hattori Hanzo. You would've lost your arm.” He looks up, and huffs.
You stare at him a while as he switches to stitching, and he looks back up, staring back.
"Why do you do that?"
"What?" he hesitates expectantly. You fold your arms.
"Let yourself fall into those situations. You could get out of them."
"You think I wanted someone to tear my arm to shreds?" he scoffs, going back to his work, "You are one crazy bitch."
"Hey," you stand square in front of him, "You're not the fucking palooka Bill and the others think you are."
"Thanks. I'll remember that next time I'm crying alone in my room, sweetheart."
You roll your eyes, and brush past him, knocking the previously-sterile needle out of his hands. "Fuck," he repeats gruffly, and you feel his eyes on you as you walk off toward the pit, where you know Beatrix is.
"Hey," you say, opening the door. The blonde whirls around, nearly kicking you in the face, but you grab her by the shin, twisting her. She lands on the ball of her foot, spins, and kicks again, twice to your knee. As you fall, you flip her, and the two of you crash to the floor.
"Draw?" she croaks out, reaching behind her. You shake her hand.
"Bill's best assassins," she huffs, taking off her gloves and laughing. You help her up. 
"Ruthless trained killers."
You go over with her as she sprays herself with a bottle. "Sorry about that. Thought you were Vernita. We've had this thing..."
"Yeah, where you try to kill each other every time the other one enters the room? We’ve all noticed. That glass table in the living room didn't shatter itself."
"The carpet's still covered in her blood," Bea grins in sadistic satisfaction, and you raise an eyebrow, handing her a towel.
"Which O-Ren practically had a meltdown over when she had her new slippers on, let me just point out. But I have to admit, the red goes with that vase on the mantle.”
“What can I say? I have an affinity for decorating,” Bea smirks, and you two walk out together into the long hallway of the flat. The penthouse suite here in Shanghai that operated as the main digs for the seven of you was the most expensive property in the city, but Bill didn’t care. The luxury was worth it, he said, as he loved to spoil his girls.
“Aw. Does that make you my sugar daddy, honey?” Budd had joked, and Bill had resisted the urge to whack his brother upside the head and settled instead for a long, annoyed glare.
"Watch this," O'Ren stops you two, "Elle's got a dime coming my way in fifteen seconds."
"Like, a 10/10 girl, or an actual coin?" you joke. O'Ren cocks her head.
"I could slice both in half, so it doesn't really matter." A coin whizzes by her face, and in the matter of a split second, she slices the dime in half with her
"Did it work?" Elle asks, sauntering in around the corner. O'Ren smirks, opening her palm to reveal two halves. The two do a secret handshake, and you and Bea keep going.
"Did you see what happened to Budd?" she asks, shaking her head.
"Yeah," you mutter, "He's slow on missions."
"I'd say he's just clumsy."
"That too."
That night as you go to sleep though, staring at the shadows of the skyscrapers outside on your wall, you think of Budd. His deep, drawling voice... the way he looks at you. Your hand slides down between your legs, and you close your eyes.
"That was a shit show!" Elle announces, and you all collapse back into the flat. Two weeks from where you started, you'd just acquired the head of a crime boss... who knew you were coming. While you had succeeded in killing him, his hundred other acolytes had definitely run you out of there fast. So, somewhat of a success. Somewhat of a failure. Two guesses as to which one Bill considered it.
"Fuck," Budd huffed, using his gun to support him. A bullet had grazed his knee, and while it tore open his pants and skin a little, he was okay. Vernita had gotten one in the shoulder... Bea had taken it out, with your help. You had knife slashes all over your neck-- but at least you're still breathing.
"Taipan," Bill says, nodding to you, "Good job." You look down at Bea, who gives you a reassuring smile. She knows what's coming for her, the usual chat.
While the others are recovering, and Bill is giving them a calm 'talk' about the importance of working together, not going rogue (this last anecdote was directed solely at Beatrix) you slip away.
Walking fast, you get to an empty corridor, and close your eyes, resting your head back against it.
Fuck. Sensory overload-- assassins got it too. You just needed to breathe.
"You okay?"
You open your eyes, and see Budd blocking the light from beside you.
"Yeah," you answer, too quickly. "What makes you think I'm not?"
"Don't fuckin' shoot me, but uh... you just seemed a little off your game."
"I am not off my game," you growl, cocking your handgun, "If I was, I'd be dead." He chuckles, putting his hands up.
"Okay, wrong words. You checked in on me the other day... this is me, checkin' in on you, angel." You sigh through your nose, and glance over.
"How are you?"
"Fine. Just a couple scratches." You laugh. It's actually funny to you how this life teaches you to pass these injuries off. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing. We're just fucked up."
He smirks, sliding in closer to you. "Well, we... knew that, didn't we?"
You breathe in his scent-- cigarettes, leather, gunpowder, and liquorice aftershave. It's all too much-- he's too close, and you have too much pent up energy. Your skin is positively electric, so is his, and Budd's lips are so fucking there--
"Go ahead. Kiss me," he groans, and you do, pressing your lips forward. Your hands go to his chest, and you push him against the opposite wall. The two of you make out like that for a few minutes, before he lifts you up. You wrap your legs around his hips, and reach down to unbuckle his torn up black dress pants in a hasty rush.
"Fuck, daddy," you moan, finally receiving him. He groans something similar, burying his face in your neck, and you're pinned against the wall, bouncing with every rough thrust he gives you.
"Daddy's got his girl. That's right... fuck, mmm, baby girl..." He's big, and everything you had imagined. Each and every pound of his dick erases one kill you made that night, one target, one bullet, one slash.
Forget it, forget it, unffff...
Your blood hums in your ears, heart pumping. You're still feeling the adrenaline from today, and you need this, you fucking need to come so bad, god Budd is so good...
"Come on, angel," he rasps, holding you tight, "You're perfect. Be a good girl and come for me."
You cry out, grasping his big shoulders, and he fucks you through it, rocking you. He pounds in a few more times, then pulls out, coming against the wall.
A few seconds of silence pass, the dull chatter of Bill's passive-aggressive admonishment still floating from the living space. Budd looks like he's going to try and say something. You want to hear it, but you don't allow yourself to.
Budd cleans the wall, and rubs a hand up your inner thigh. You grind your hips a little, and stretch.
"I needed that." It was your version of thanks. He nods, smiling softly. Then you walk past him, back to your room, and curl up, hugging a pillow.
"Budd. Sit."
"What's up, big brother?" Budd asks, slouching on the couch. He's got a lot on his mind, but he never lets it affect his work. He had a lot of problems with what he did, and not much of an outlet for the pain of it except you. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little nervous... his brother was good at finding out about things, and with Budd and you right now, there was a lot to find out.
"Black Mamba."
Budd relaxes a little. "Mm? What about her?" he asks, lighting a cigarette.
"She needs to be taken out."
Budd gets serious, leaning forward. Normally, he would never ask questions, but he knows how close you are to Beatrix... and how close Bill is himself.
"Can I ask why?" Budd asks, voice barely above a whisper.
Bill doesn't turn around. "No, you may not."
You and Beatrix sit by the campfire. It's the Mojave Desert nighttimes that get you sentimental, and right now, you're feeling it under the stars.
It's about two months since you and Budd started sleeping together to help beat stress after missions. Each time, he'd find you, in the kitchen, in your room, in his room, in a closet, on the balcony, wherever, and fuck you until you sobbed. It's always hot, and it's always satisfying.
You always want more... but each time he asks what you can become, with those hopeful, lovesick icy blue eyes, you respond with the same thing:
"It's not personal."
You hate the crestfallen looks more than anything, but it's self defence. It's probably best for him, as well.  What good did feelings ever do you? What good would they ever do? It's a weakness you both can't afford to harbour.
"Hey," Bea interrupts your deep thoughts, poking the fire. You look up at her through the orange sparks. "Is there something going on between you and Budd?"
Your defences go up. "No."
She just smiles. "I had a thing with Bill once. It's okay. They're attractive brothers. Can I ask you a question?"
"As long as it's not that one."
"How many scars you have? Physical scars."
You smile. "A lot."
"I mean... ones that aren't from this."
You feel your wrist deftly. "I fell when I was six, split my thumb. Fell when I was 10, split my knee. Fell when I was 13, split my elbow-- see where this is going? Then Bill came along to get me, I met you, and hell-- I'm one big walking scar now." She laughs.
"I only have one from before." She reaches down to her wrist, and clears her throat. "Tai, I've... (y/n). I've been meaning to say something."
"Yeah?" You take a swig from your beer bottle, setting it down. You wipe the dust from your hands off on your low rise jeans.
"I wanna say... I know friendship is discouraged in this line of work. But you're the closest thing to a sister I've got. And I wanted to say thank you."
Your mind stalls a little. You don't say thank you in this business. You just don't. But this is different, you can tell. No snarky jabs. No teasing. Just...
"You're welcome," you answer, and the two of you clink your beers over the fire. She looks down.
"I'm pregnant."
"What?" you choke.
"I want you to be the godmother."
You stay silent. If you even mentioned this to anyone else, you'd both be dead. But despite all warnings, you can't help but nod.
"Listen to what I'm telling you, honey."
Your tears fall silently on your hand, and you wipe them off before Budd notices them. "I don't want to hear anything you have to say. Or Bill."
"If you don't do it..." he murmurs desperately, "He'll kill you. He'll make me kill you." You know this. You know it plain as day.
"You're going to betray her."
"I'm doing my job. You do yours, and we come out clean. We can..." he sighs, holding you closer to him, "We can even get away for a while. You and me."
You calm yourself down, and let Budd kiss you down to the pillows. Don't make attachments. There's no reason why you can't carry this out. Every snake for herself.
Beatrix stands in the middle of the circle, looking around.
"What is this?"
You try to look her in the eye. She glares dead ahead at Bill. You're all standing in the middle of the desert, by a church.
"Has to be done, Bea," Bill says, and everyone gets out their guns.
"You know I can tear through each and every one of you," she snarls.
"Not her, honey," Budd speaks up, looking at you. "You two are matched. If you tear through all of us, you've still got her." The blonde looks at you, hurt evident in her eyes.
"You may call me sadistic," Bill continues, "But I'd argue that right now, I'm at my most... masochistic."
Budd rubs your back softly, and you squeeze your eyes shut.
"Bill--" Bea tries to plead. "It's your ba--"
Unable to bear it, you turn your gun on Bill, and start firing before he can shoot her. You know Budd will help you. There's a flurry of bullets, and Budd looks over at you. You look at him, and he goes to make a jump for you... you think you see his gun pulled, and you're stunned. Would he really do you in for Bill?
A bullet clips you in the back of the ribs, just grazing vitals, and you fall over.
O'Ren stands over you, and prods you with a grin.
"It appears the Taipan can be outmatched."
"You sick pieces of shit," Budd whispers under his breath, turning away.
Beatrix screams, Budd drops his weapon, and the guns are turned on the Black Mamba.
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huckleberrytm-a2 · 5 years
* romance headcanons.
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name:          jesse mccree.
nickname:          mccree, ‘cree, jess, joel (either in reference to his middle name or morricone ).
gender:           transgender male, he/him.
romantic orientation:          i suppose the best fitting definition is panromantic honestly. his romantic love knows pretty much no bounds in terms of who it is exactly, he just has a hard time of really opening up to someone enough for something like that to work. on the surface, however, he has no real preference.
preferred pet names:           jesse doesn’t really expect or desire pet names, but they make him feel nice when he gets them- someone giving him a pet name in and of itself means enough to him, he doesn’t really care as to what the name specifically is. he is an absolute fiend about using them with his partners, even non-romantic relationships. the more common ones are darlin, honey, pumpkin, baby, but he also has ones that are specific to the person that usually have something to do with their names.
relationship status:           very verse dependent but in his main he and hanzo totally are married and live their retirement in an old farmhouse with their dogs and their kids and their horses
favorite canon/fandom ship:         i have a shameless love for mchanzo, i do. it has to be written a very particular way though since the ship is so chock full of racist stereotypes and other nasty things, but i was graced with @uchitoru​ who has blessed me with a mighty fine characterization of hanzo to plot an in-depth relationship for our boys. i really do love them as a pair for so many reasons, i could go on for hours.
favorite crossover ship:           the only in-depth crossover ship i have is with @torturewon​ and her bucky, which is a fun ship because jesse and bucky have such an... interesting dynamic. theyre both extremely rough around the edges so it makes for really interesting romantic interactions considering how they are.
opinion on true love:         honestly i think he would like to. i think a part of him really wants to believe that somewhere out there, there’s one person who will just be... the one. the thing is he just hasn’t ever been able to experience some genuine, pure love without some sort of terrible occurrence in such a long time that he’s pretty much abandoned it.
opinion on love at first sight:         no, not really. he can definitely be attracted to someone at first sight, but not love.
how ‘romantic’ are they?:           when he gets comfortable and settled with someone, he’s a hopeless romantic. jesse is really very affectionate when you get down to his core; he very much wants to show the people he loves how much he loves them. he’s not really a poet- he won’t go on and on about how much he loves someone and all that. for him, it’s really about gestures. simple things like making his partner dinner, tucking the blankets around them if he wakes up first, little goofy gifts that he randomly finds on chance that just remind him of his partner. he’s a sap, it just takes a lot to unlock that part of him.
ideal physical traits:           he doesn’t pay much attention to physical attributes, really. generally he loves the physical traits of people because he associates them with the person.
ideal personality traits:         someone that he can continuously depend on. jesse has abandonment issues- he worries a lot about being left high and dry. he really looks for someone to just have his back, and obviously that’s very mutual. he also really appreciates people with a sense of humor, who are laid-back and easygoing. he also really appreciates when people accept him for what he is, instead of criticizing his past and telling him what he should be.
unattractive physical traits:           like i said, he doesn’t pay much attention to this. he would feel incredibly unfair to judge someone else’s appearance considering the way he dresses, his shaggy ass hair and beard, etc.
unattractive personality traits:         genuine meanness. like someone who is just a jerk for the sake of it. people who are overly childish, or selfish. most of his personality turn-offs are pretty run-of-the-mill and standard. he doesn’t like people he can’t rely on or people that treat others like dirt.
ideal date:           there’s almost no preference. he really likes being outside, playing music and thinks like that. he would love a simple meal and a movie at home, but he’s also okay with going out on the town for some drinks or what have you. he just doesn’t like to do things that are really fancy or elegant, like a fancy black tie party or something. it makes him feel awkward, it’s not an environment he enjoys. other than that, he’s down for whatever his partner would like.
do they have a type?:        not really? he says that he doesn’t but there may be some subconscious repetitions in the people he’s attracted to, even if he doesn’t realize.
average relationship length:         one night stands and short flings are pretty much his realm of focus. those are rare, only when he’s feeling particularly lonely, but he would not at all be opposed to settling down and committing to someone he really loved.
preferred non-sexual intimacy:         if not hand-holding, probably resting his head on someone’s shoulder. jesse is really starved in terms of kind, gentle touch but his past with abuse and fighting and what not can make him feel smothered or threatened really easily by physical contact. he likes being able to just sit with someone and lean on them a little, it makes him feel safe and comforted. he also gets really weak about his hair being stroked or played with, and he gets really emotional really fast if there’s any sort of tenderness with his arm stump.
commitment level:           if he commits to someone that he loves, he is absolutely committed to that person and no one else. he hates cheaters and honestly it’s disgusting to him. it can be hard for him to commit himself at first in a relationship, just because he is still scared about giving someone that kind of access to him and sharing that level of vulnerability. but if jesse commits to you, he’s not going anywhere unless you tell him to.
opinion of public affection:         it depends. he doesn’t like to be over the top with pda, like he doesn’t want to be all over his partner or vice versa enough that its like annoying and irritating to other people. but he will absolutely hold hands, give little kisses, murmur soft little things if he has the mind to, maybe some light snuggling if its applicable. he gets a little bit shy about initiating it sometimes, though.
past relationships?:           nothing of relevance. one night stands and nothing that lasted beyond a few days.
tagged by: @incnspcuous​ ( thanks dear! ) tagging:  steal it, punk, i dare you
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amelie-shimada · 6 years
First attempt at a fic
Alright folks, here goes.  I’ve literally never done this before.  I hope someone likes it.  WidowHanzo. Angst. Realization.  Sweet.
4 am.
Maybe this would be early enough.
The sky was clear and cold as Hanzo stepped out of his quarters.  His footsteps echoed among the quiet buildings.  Not many people were up and about the Watchpoint at this hour.  That was a good sign.  Finally, hopefully he could get a decent workout in before the other agents stirred.  
It's not that they were unkind.  In some cases, the kindness was worse – polite conversation with forced smiles.  Hanzo could see the tension coming off those poor saps in waves.  It virtually shouted, This the guy almost killed Genji!  At least Commander Morrison didn't try to pretend they were friends.  The quiet disapproval he felt from him reminded him too much of Sojiro, so Hanzo tried to distance himself as much as he could.  But the worst was Dr. Ziegler.  She tried, for Genji's sake, probably.  But Hanzo would sometimes catch a look in her eyes, and he knew.  She had seen first hand what he had done to his brother. She had seen the gore he had left behind.  That memory was probably seared behind her eyes, like it was his.  Hanzo had never been in danger of forgetting what he'd done.  If that day ever came, there would be plenty of Overwatch agents to help him remember.
Dark thoughts. Shake them off.  Genji and Zenyatta would want him to.  He sighed as he pushed open the door to the training facility.
The lights in the hallway were half turned off, but golden light spilled out from the entrance to the gym.  Hopefully they had just been left on.  If that Lena woman was here for some inexplicable reason, he was not ashamed to turn tail and run.  The last thing he needed was an overdose of cheer and chatter.
No sounds of chatter, or of machines being used.  But as he got closer, he heard soft music playing. Classical.  Was there a maintenance worker in there? He could probably handle that.  No small talk, and he could ignore the stares as long as necessary.  He turned the corner and stopped short in the doorway.
The music was not coming from a maintenance worker's cart, but a small speaker connected to a cell phone.  They were on the floor next to the mirrored wall, along with a small gym bag and a towel.  A woman was poised in the center of the open floor, dancing in slow, precise moves.  She was wearing black athletic leggings and a pink tank top.  Her skin and hair were blue – literally blue - but that barely registered for him.  Because when she moved again, the back of her tank top shifted, revealing a spider tattoo.
Widowmaker.  He had heard the name in whispers around the Watchpoint.  People probably whispered about him in the same way.  Amelie LaCroix, stolen from her husband only to be returned as a Talon sleeper agent.  She had killed him, they said. One night she had woken up and stabbed him in his sleep.  That old image of a mangled Genji resurfaced, but he forced it back down.
“....headphones if the music is a problem.”
“What?” Hanzo asked, hating how disoriented he sounded.
“I said, I can put in headphones if the music is a problem.”  Her voice was velvet-rich and heavily accented.  She stood there quietly, awaiting his response.  Her golden eyes blinked once, twice.  She seemed in no hurry.
“No.  No, it is fine,” Hanzo said.  “I do not wish to disturb you.  I can come back later.” Disappointment settled in his chest.  Maybe 3 am would be early enough next time.  He turned to go.
“It is alright,” she said. “Please, stay.”
He turned back and looked at her again. There was no fear in her eyes, no judgment.  Just stillness.  
He nodded and made his way towards the first machine.  Impassive, the blue woman with the golden eyes turned back to her phone to restart the music.
Hanzo watched her when his workout allowed him to catch a discreet glimpse. Every so often their eyes would meet in the mirror.  She would look away just as quickly, but seemingly not out of embarrasment or annoyance.  He wondered about the conditioning Talon had put her through.  Was it true she couldn't feel?  He watched her move across the floor with otherworldly grace. It was hard to believe someone who could bring that much beauty in the world would be unable to feel any of it.
Down the hallway, a door slammed. There were footsteps and pleasant conversation.  Hanzo began packing up to go.  Their peaceful time was coming to an end.  It had been nice while it lasted.  He looked over at Amelie. She was packing up as well. She met his eyes, and the faintest expression moved across her face.  Was that...amusement?
4 am.  The perfect time.
Each morning, Hanzo would arrive just as Amelie was warming up.  A quick, wordless acknowledgment and then on to their own pursuits.  The companionable silence only broken by the sound of Amelie's music.  Her dance routine became familiar to him.  He learned the parts that came easy, and those that she struggled with.  He silently cheered her on as she improved over time.  They stayed until they were interrupted by other agents coming to work out.  Once, Hanzo almost got her to smile as he anticipated their arrival almost to the minute.
By the end of the following week, they were taking water breaks together. Hanzo would sit on the exercise floor with her.  Their conversations, if any, were usually short exchanges.
“There is something on your mind,” Amelie said, laying back on the floor and stretching.
“It is no matter,” he replied.  She arched a brow.  He huffed a little in frustration.  “Not important.”  
She sat up and watched him, cat-like eyes blinking patiently.
“It's about your rehabilitation,” he said.
“My rehabilitation is unimportant?” she asked, and he saw that tiny flash of almost-amusment again.
“Whether or not I know about it is unimportant,” he said.  “It is your business.”
“It is fascinating.  You are the closest thing I have to a friend on this whole base, and yet the one most reluctant to ask about it.”
He looked down at his hands.  Had he always been this awful at conversation?  Probably, at least when it came to personal matters.
“You dance beautifully,” he said, cringing inwardly.  In the past, his name and clout had done the talking for him with the few women he pursued socially.  Stripped of that, he felt his shortcomings must be plain for her to see.  Again, as on the first day, there was no judgment.  No disgust.  “I thought dance, and other arts, were rooted in emotion.  I've heard you were conditioned to feel nothing, yet you dance as one who feels deeply.”
She looked away, and for a heartbeat he feared he had offended her.
“It has been a long time since someone reviewed my dancing.” she said.  She turned to him again. “As for the conditioning, you are right.  This is part of my rehabilitation.  Dancing used to bring me such joy.  In addition to all the treatments and therapies, Dr. Ziegler advised me to try dancing again.  She's hoping it will help bring more emotion to the surface.”
“Is it working?”
“I think so,” she said. “Oftentimes, it is as if my feelings are there, just underwater. Sometimes a little bit breaks the surface here and there, but I'm still waiting for my whole self to come back.”
“I look forward to that day for you,” he said sincerely.
“You say that now, but if my therapy experiences are any indication, it may be a very ugly day when it comes.”
“Well, as the closest thing you have to a friend on this base, I consider it my duty and honor to be there.”
She nodded, her muscles twitching into an almost smile.  The way his heart reacted, she might as well have handed him the moon.
They were assigned to separate missions, scheduled only days apart.  With their similar skill sets, it would be a rare occurrence for them to be on the same team. Amelie's mission took her away a day before his.  The gym felt infinitely emptier without her presence.  He didn't even wait for the louder people to arrive before he was gone.  When he was away, he thought of her.  At 4 am on the day she was supposed to be back at base, he lay awake, picturing her there by herself.  He wondered if she had gone at all, or if she did, would she notice his absence as he had hers?  He chided himself.  Her work had nothing to do with him.  No use imagining he was more to her than he was.  It was bad enough that she meant so much to him now.  Heartbreak was near inevitable.
As the team disembarked from their transport, he found himself looking for her.  What did he expect? He chided himself.  Ridiculous how excited he had been to return.  When had his thoughts started running so wild?  As he made his way towards his living quarters, he glanced up at one of the metal walkways above.  He was just in time to see the swish of a blue ponytail as its owner walked away from the railing.
4 am felt like way too long to wait.
Finally, Hanzo made his way to the gym. He couldn't decide how to greet her this morning.  Should he say something specific?  Or pick up where they left off, as if nothing had happened?
Nothing had happened, he told himself. She went away. He went away.  They both came back.  This was normal life here.  But didn't feel that way this time.
As he turned into the gym he realized he was smiling.  A genuine smile for the dancer with the blue skin and yellow eyes.  But then he stopped short.
Because he was alone.
No gym bag, no cell phone.  She hadn't just stepped away.  She wasn't here, probably had not been here at all.  He sat down on the nearest machine.  What should he do?  Was she alright?  Should he go looking for her?  Stupid question.  He knew all the members of her team had returned safely.  She was under no obligation to be here each morning.  He was foolish to think their time together had been anything but light camaraderie.
He tried to go through his normal workout routine, but he was too distracted.  When she was on her mission, he knew she wasn't there because she couldn't be.  He didn't want to think why she wouldn't be here now.  Throwing his gear in a locker, he headed back outside.  It had been a while since he'd gone climbing.  The vigorous exercise had been good for his mind and body when he had needed to get away from people.  He hadn't gone out there since he'd started spending his mornings with Amelie.
The climbing did its job.  Hanzo felt his mind clearing as he focused on the rocky terrain.  He tamped down the memory of telling Amelie about his climbs during one of their water breaks.  He focused on the burning in his muscles instead.
Finally, he hopped up onto a familiar small alcove in the rock face.  He used to come here sometimes to think and meditate.  Today seemed like a good time to renew that habit.
She was there.  Sitting on the ledge, her legs crossed beneath her.  Her grappling hook sat off to one side.  
“I'm sorry,” she said.  “I remember you talking about the view from here.  I figured I would watch the sunrise.  I don't want to disturb you.  I'll go.”  She started to stand.
“It's alright,” he said. “Please, stay.”
She slowly sat back down.  He walked over and settled beside her, feeling more awkward than he had the first day he had encountered her at the gym.  They both stared ahead to the darkness and the ocean.  
“I missed you at the gym this morning,” he said.
“I'm sorry, Hanzo.”
He stared at her.  It was the first time she'd ever said his name.  He was not prepared for how hearing his name in her beautiful accent made him feel.
She darted a glance towards him, then looked forward again.  “I wanted to be there.  In fact – I was looking forward to it.”  She looked at him now, waiting for his reaction.  
Then it dawned on him.  She had been looking forward to something.  And that something had been spending time with him.
“Anticipation?” he asked.
“Yes.  And then...fear.  I did not expect...this,”  she took a shaky breath.  “I don't have the words...I'm still so underwater...but there's something...”  She shook her head and looked back out towards the ocean.  The sky was lightening ever so slightly.
She was so brave.  After everything she had been through, and everything still ahead of her, she was opening up to him.  Her words were few, but he understood their significance, and what it must have cost her to say them.
When he reach for her hand, she looked back at him, startled.
“Amelie,” he breathed.  Her eyes widened slightly.  Speaking her name must have affected her, too.
“I did not expect this, either,” he said.  “We both have a long way to go.  But I promise you this – I will be there to help you come to the surface.  I will not let you drown.”
She squeezed her eyes shut. The most emotion he'd ever seen from her crossed her features.  She started leaning towards him, and he quickly moved closer.  He put his arms around her as she pressed into his chest.  Together, they watched the sunrise.
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nitewrighter · 5 years
Mccree seeing Hanzo in his summer skin?
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Whoops this turned out really long. I want you all to know I had “Moving in Stereo” by the Cars playing on repeat when I wrote the “Hanzo emerging from the water” scene.
“Sorry it’s taking so long…Angela’s better at this than me,” said Genji, having to raise his voice slightly over the buzz of the razor.
Hanzo’s neck hurt a little from tilting his head for so long. “Because letting Angela go at my head with a razor is a wonderful idea.”
“It is, because she’s a surgeon, and she touches up my hair all the time,” said Genji, there was a smile in his voice, “You’re not… afraid of her, are you?”
“Afrai–” Hanzo huffed, “I’m just able to pick up that she’s clearly uncomfortable around me and protective of you,” his voice dropped slightly, “And you can hardly blame her for that.”
“The worst she would do is shave a dick into the side of your head,” said Genji, pushing hair off of the back of Hanzo’s neck. Hanzo shot him a glare from the corner of his eye that he could manage to see Genji in. “Which…” Genji added, “Obviously, she wouldn’t do.”
“You would do that,” muttered Hanzo.
“Which is why I’m amazed you asked me to help out with this,” said Genji, that smile still in his voice as he continued to shave the back of Hanzo’s head.
“How is this so easy for you?” the words fell out of Hanzo and Genji paused, the tickle of the razor and the sound of its buzz against Hanzo’s scalp ceasing.
“What do you mean?” asked Genji.
“You can just say, ‘Let’s go to the beach!’ as if we don’t have decades of trauma and centuries of our family’s crimes to deal with,” said Hanzo.
“You’re finally off probation,” said Genji, “I thought you’d want to celebrate.”
“Yes, let’s celebrate your friends no longer pointing their weapons in my direction if I so much as sneeze suspiciously,” muttered Hanzo.
“Talon did ask you to join them 3 times–and you did have that whole thing with-”
“Baptiste defected,” Hanzo cut him off, “And I don’t know how many more times I have to tell you that was years ago.”
“You know it isn’t personal on their end,” said Genji.
“Except for the part where they all mostly know me as the man who nearly killed you,” said Hanzo.
“It’s gotten better,” Genji set the razor aside and put his prosthetic hand on Hanzo’s shoulder in a comforting gesture, but the reminder that that arm was prosthetic just made Hanzo’s guts tie up in knots more, “And it’s going to keep getting better. You know what I think?”
Hanzo’s shoulder’s slumped and he rolled his eyes, “What do you think, Genji?”
“I think you’re just getting anxious because this is a chance to see my teammates when they’re not on duty. This is a chance to let people get to know you outside of your skills on a mission–and you should have a life outside of missions–outside of…” Genji gestured between them, “Outside of trying to rebuild our family. When was the last time you were able to just… be with people? In a group?”
A long silence passed and Hanzo furrowed his brow.
“You know you left the entire right side of my head unshaved,” was all Hanzo responded with.
Genji just shrugged and turned the razor back on.
The Rock of Gibraltar loomed over the beach. McCree never really thought of their watchpoint as ‘looming,’ but looking at it now, he could definitely understood why locals kept their distance from it. You couldn’t even see the Watchpoint from their angle, but the knowledge of who was living up there, what kind of trouble they could bring to civilians in the area, was enough to make McCree’s stomach tense up slightly as he looked around the beach. Still, it felt freeing to feel the water rush up around his ankles with each wave. Overwatch duties could wait for now. Everyone needed a break eventually, even rogue vigilante peacekeeping organizations, he supposed.
It was a hot, crowded day, and a handful of Overwatch members were taking advantage of the crowds at the beach to slip in and try and snag a few hours of relaxation for themselves. A good amount of them were either off-watchpoint on missions (Like Pharah and Zenyatta) or looking after their own careers (like Lúcio and D.Va). And of course Jack was probably obsessing over Reaper’s next step, as usual. McCree itched for a cigar, or even a cigarette, but he was at least not enough of an asshole to subject crowds like this to secondhand. If he was, Mercy would probably knock it right out of his mouth anyways.
“Ahh,” Mercy stretched her arms high above her head, her seersucker swimsuit cover-up ruffling in the ocean breeze, “I can’t remember the last time I was able to get out like this!”
McCree shuffled behind her, sand finding its way between foot and flip-flop, tilting the brim of his hat back with his thumb. “It’s good to see you gettin’ some sun, Doc,” he said, looking out at the water.
“I could say the same for you,” said Mercy, “Finally off those ‘probationary agent’ duties. I still think it wasn’t fair of Jack to saddle you with all that—”
“They weren’t all bad,” said McCree with a shrug, “He’s–” McCree nearly said, ‘He’s not all bad’ but caught himself. Mercy was still probably the toughest nut to crack with regards to Hanzo’s presence on the Watchpoint.
“Finally settling in,” Mercy said crisply, “He’s finally settling in.”
One corner of McCree’s mouth tugged up in a smirk.
“I know he grew on you,” said Mercy, adjusting the brim of her own wide hat, “You don’t need to act like he didn’t for my sake.”
“He didn’t–I mean, I just figured it was too much energy to keep being as pissed with him as I was—”
“Jesse,” Mercy’s shoulder’s slumped in that almost motherly conciliatory way of hers.
“He’s really…” McCree started and then itched at the brim of his hat, not really sure how to finish that sentence. He shook his head, deciding to take the focus of the conversation off of himself. “You think he’ll ever grow on you?” McCree tilted his head and Mercy followed McCree’s gaze out over the sparkling waters.
“I don’t know,” Mercy admitted, “A part of me wants to trust him, for Genji’s sake, but so much of me just… can’t.”
“For Genji’s sake,” said McCree.
“Yes,” Mercy tucked a bit of hair back from her face.
“Heeeeeyyy!” a familiar voice yelled across the beach and  both Mercy and McCree glanced over in the direction of its source to Brigitte and Torbjörn a couple dozen yards away, sitting on a few beach towels with an umbrella and cooler nearby. Torbjörn was busying himself with rubbing on another layer of sunscreen, but Brigitte was waving her arms above her head, signaling them to come over. Mercy and McCree exchanged glances, then picked up their pace to close the distance between them.
“Angela!” Brigitte’s voice was bright, “You’re out of the lab!”
“I should probably be concerned with how surprised people act when that happens, shouldn’t I?” said Mercy, smiling a little.
“Probably,” said Brigitte, opening the cooler and handing them each a packet, “Here. Take these quick. We miscalculated on the cooler’s insulation so they’re melting.”
“I didn’t miscalculate anything!” Torbjörn blustered, still rubbing sunscreen on himself, “These are clearly inferior and cheap popsicles!”
Brigitte rolled her eyes, “Just take them,” she said, as McCree and Mercy opened their popsicles. McCree’s was strawberry, Mercy’s was orange cream.
“I see you two actually came all set up,” said Mccree, licking at the bottom of his popsicle before red could drip onto his knuckles.
“But of course!” said Torbjörn, “We Lindholms work hard and play hard!”
“Don’t believe him,” said Brigitte, “He’s got a nannycam on the watchpoint anti-aircraft turrets. He’s been checking his tablet every 5 minutes.”
“Stop calling it a nannycam!” said Torbjörn.
“Stop calling the turrets ‘babies,’” said Brigitte with a smirk.
“Why of all the–” Torbjörn huffed and seized another popsicle out of the cooler, muttering as he unwrapped it and bit off a chunk of it.
“Where’s Genji?” asked Brigitte, craning her neck to look around, “He didn’t come here with you?”
“He’s coming, he just had some things to wrap up at the Watchpoint first,” said Mercy.
“Guess he’s gotta babysit his brother now that Jack let me off the hook,” said McCree with a shrug, sliding the last bits of popsicle off its stick with his teeth.
“Don’t tell me the probation’s over already?” said Torbjörn.
“Congrats on the new team member?” McCree shrugged.
“So he’s actually staying?” said Brigitte, “But he’s so… ‘Hmph!’” she passed her hand in front of her face and her expression theatrically shifted to a furrowed brow and deep frown. Mercy snickered.
“Well, the only sniper we’ve got is Ana, and she’s focused on medic stuff half the time,” said McCree, “I mean, I don’t think it would hurt.”
“Huh! I guess you would know,” Brigitte shrugged, “I mean, you spent more time with him than anyone here.”
“Well, yeah–that was my job,” said McCree, a bit more harshly than he meant to say.
Brigitte blinked, “Sorry, did I come off as rude with that last comment?”
“What?” said McCree, “No.”
“It’s just you seem a little agitated—”
“I–” McCree huffed and cut himself off, “I’m fine. It’s fine. You got anything to drink in that cooler?”
“Thought you’d never ask!” said Torbjörn.
“I can’t do this,” said Hanzo, as they walked across the beach. Hanzo’s stomach was still twisting at the sight of the scars that scored Genji’s arms and face. Genji’s prosthetic legs were on full display with his ridiculously short workout shorts.The way Genji talked about the shame he felt about his own body in years past, it was a bit of a relief to see Genji walking around dressed like he did back in their youth, but it also faced Hanzo with his own mistakes. But what could he do? Ask Genji to don a full wetsuit for his own comfort? When every scar on display was Hanzo’s own doing? Hanzo tried to focus on scanning the crowd for potential threats rather than look directly at Genji.
“It’s really not that bad—” said Genji.
“Why am I doing this? Why are you wearing that?!” said Hanzo, gesturing at Genji’s open-sided tank top.
Genji glanced down at the words ‘BAE WATCH’ splayed across his chest in large block letters. “Because it’s fun?” he suddenly perked up, “Oh! There’s Angela.”
Hanzo followed Genji’s line of sight to a small gathering at a beach umbrella. McCree and Mercy were facing away from them, blocking out whoever was under the umbrella. McCree was still wearing a cowboy hat with his swim trunks. Of course he was. They all seemed to be having a pleasant time talking, and Genji started walking towards them when Hanzo suddenly stuck a hand out in front of Genji’s chest.
“What?” said Genji.
“Hold this,” Hanzo handed Genji his vest.
“Sure–” Genji started but Hanzo split off from him and started wading into the water, “Wait–but the others are–!” Genji cut himself off as Hanzo submerged his head. Genji’s shoulders slumped a little, still holding Hanzo’s vest, “It’s fine!” he called out to the water, “I’ll just tell them you’re swimming!”
“…but you guys are still sharing the dormitories?” said Brigitte, slipping a cozy on her beer can.
“We aren’t sharing the dormitories–they’re dormitories–there’s like 12 beds down there, not exactly sharing,” said McCree.
“I’d say it’s sharing if there’s no walls,” said Torbjörn.
“It’s not sharing,” said McCree flatly.
“There is still that last admin apartment,” said Mercy, “You could take that.”
“God, no, I’m not pulling that ‘odd couple’ shit,” said McCree.
“…I mean just you. You singular. You would take the apartment and Hanzo would stay in the dormitories,” said Mercy.
“…Oh,” said McCree. He took a long gulp from his own beer then.
“I mean if you wanted to take the apartment with him, I wouldn’t stop you–” Mercy started but McCree sputtered and coughed.
“You okay?” said Brigitte as McCree coughed for an awkwardly long time.
“Fine–” McCree coughed, “Just–fine—” he coughed some more.
“Yo!” Genji’s voice rang out from behind him and McCree swiveled on his heel.
“Gen–” he coughed, “–ji! You made it!”
“Of course I’m here,” said Genji, tossing a white vest over his shoulder and swinging an arm around Mercy’s waist, “I heard a certain doctor would be in a swimsuit and I came running.”
Mercy snorted and rolled her eyes before leaning into his embrace and kissing him on the cheek. “I can’t believe you’re wearing the tank top,” she said, grinning.
“You love this tank top,” said Genji, returning the kiss.
An “Aw!” fell out of Brigitte while Torbjörn just rolled his eyes and grumbled.
“Guess Hanzo chickened out, then?” said McCree.
“Oh no, he’s still here,” said Genji, “Just decided to cool off. He really is looking forward to spending time with all of you!”
No one really had the heart to tell Genji when it was painfully obvious that Hanzo had said no such thing.
“Well,” Brigitte offered helpfully, digging through the cooler and tossing Genji a popsicle, “When he gets here, there’s popsicles and beers and sodas with his name on them!”
Hanzo’s eyes were squeezed shut beneath the water, he could feel the salt clawing at the line of his lips and the creases of his eyelids.
You can’t stay down here forever, he told himself, Literally. You have to breathe.
He permitted his head to break the surface only slightly, letting his nose rise above the water to breathe, and blinked a few times to get the sting of salt away. On the beach, Genji was eagerly chatting with his arm around Mercy’s shoulders, McCree was looking on, and the Lindholms were sitting on beach towels beneath an umbrella. Genji said something Hanzo couldn’t hear from that distance and all five of them laughed. What? What was so funny? Were they talking about him? No, don’t be an idiot–they all had lives well before he came to that watchpoint, it was ridiculous to assume he’d be at the center of all them just by being there. None of them even looked over in his direction.
When was the last time you were able to just… be with people? In a group? Genji’s voice echoed in Hanzo’s mind and no small amount of resentment came over him.
There’s always a bit of bitterness when one is an older sibling and one watches something come more naturally to their younger sibling. Genji was always the more personable between the two of them–Hanzo could hold council with the elders of the clan, but Genji could actually talk to people and not come off as stiff and unnatural. Hanzo couldn’t stand how naturally it came to Genji, and for Hanzo it just became a vicious cycle of throwing himself into his training and clan traditions and then wondering why people only seemed more and more distant to him. Brigitte said something this time and McCree cracked up, the lines of his stomach and ribs tensing with his laugh. Genji glanced over his shoulder towards the water.
Don’t look at me don’t look at me don’t look at me— the words ran as a prayer in Hanzo’s mind.
They made eye contact.
Shit, thought Hanzo, Don’t wave to me. Don’t point me out. Don’t–
Genji waved to him and then glanced back at the others, pointing out Hanzo in the water, saying something inaudible from where Hanzo was.
“Shit,” Hanzo said the word with his mouth still below the water and it broke the water’s surface as a silent bubble. Well if he stayed out here any longer it would just get more and more awkward unless he made a big show of doing a backstroke or something–but no, he was in the water and he was staring so he had to come out now. Hanzo brought his head up out of the water and took a deep breath. “Very well, Genji,” he muttered under his breath, wading towards the shore.
“See?” said Genji putting his hands on his hips, “I told you he’d be happy to join us.”
“So you really had to drag him out here, huh?” McCree smirked, mindlessly chewing on his popsicle stick.
“I didn’t have to drag him–he actually does like the beach. He was always better at fishing than me,” said Genji.
“Sure. Ten bucks says he’s going to fake being caught up in a riptide before he…” McCree trailed off as Hanzo got out of the water, “comes…” Water was dripping down the dip of Hanzo’s collarbone and glistening over the curve of his pecs, “Over.” The last word fell out of McCree as a murmur, an afterthought as Hanzo brushed water from his brow and swept his hair up off the back of his neck, revealing a freshly-shaved undercut. The sun glared off the water’s surface almost blindingly behind him, leaving the silhouette of his body outlined in blazing gold and greenish-blue, Hanzo’s eyes were downcast–apparently he was attempting to look as casual as possible in coming out of the water, but the result was an inadvertent visual homage to every 80′s movie slow-motion coming-out-of-a-pool scene. With his hair swept up, Hanzo wrung his hair out, sending more water dripping down onto his shoulder muscles and running shining down the lines of his torso, dancing along his ribs and obliques.
 The popsicle stick fell out of McCree’s mouth and landed in the sand. Mercy gave a glance down to the popsicle stick then up at McCree, still staring, utterly transfixed. 
The dragons tattooed on Hanzo’s arm shifted with the muscles of his arm as he tied his hair back in a not-quite bun and he circled his arm in its socket as he closed the distance between himself and the group, his eyes now focusing on them. Genji said something that sounded like ‘How’s the water’ and Hanzo responded with what McCree assumed was ‘Good’ or some equivalent, but if McCree was being honest, whatever they were saying was blurred out of his conscious mind by the extremely distracting visuals of droplets of water running down the contours of Hanzo’s chest and abs. Hanzo dug through one of the pockets of his Hokusai wave-printed swim trunks and took out a strip of white cloth, twisting it and tying it into a headband to keep a stray bang of hair from his face before he made eye contact with McCree and said something.
“What?” said McCree.
“I said ‘Do you have a towel?’” said Hanzo.
“Yeah,” said McCree, still staring.
A long pause passed between them.
“…may I have a towel?” Hanzo asked after some time.
“Oh!” McCree snapped out of his haze, “oh–yeah just–” he looked around, and saw Torbjörn holding up a spare towel. Hanzo reached out for the towel but McCree grabbed it first and then caught himself at how awkward that just was, “Sorry-just–” he stuck the towel out to Hanzo and Hanzo hesitantly took it. Hanzo ran the towel over himself briskly, pressing his face into it and getting under his arms. McCree didn’t really realize he was staring again until he felt Brigitte’s eyes on him and he snapped out of the stupor. Brigitte snorted and McCree made sharp eye contact with her, but she just sipped her beer to suppress a laugh and glanced off before digging through the cooler.
“I…” Hanzo cleared his throat, “To be honest, in spite of how aware I was of the proximity of the sea, it did not occur to me that the Watchpoint would be so close to a beach.”
“We forget about it all the time, ourselves. Overwatch is busy like that. Popsicle?” Brigitte offered.
Hanzo warily took the popsicle and unwrapped it. “Thank you,” he said, blue raspberry already dripping onto his fingers.
“Speaking of the Watchpoint, we were just discussing sleeping arrangements now that you’re on the team,” said Mercy.
Hanzo broke off the end of his popsicle in his mouth. “They’re subject to change?” he tilted his head.
“Well the thing is, is that both you and McCree are in the dormitories, which while, yes, they do have all the amenities, are dormitories, and there’s one administrative apartment left.” 
“We don’t need to talk about this now–” McCree cut in.
“You could take the apartment,” said Genji, looking at Hanzo, “We could be neighbors!”
“That’s hardly fair to those who have been living here for some time,” said Hanzo, “McCree should take it,” Hanzo gave a glance back to McCree, “I know you were concerned you would just ‘trash the place,’ but your teammates obviously value you, so you shouldn’t downplay your—”
“We’ll play it by ear,” McCree blurted out.
Mercy knew she could push for an actual resolution on the matter, but noting McCree’s face she decided not to. 
“You said I was on the team,” said Hanzo, looking at Mercy.
“Well your probation is over,” said Torbjörn.
“But we don’t have to worry about missions right now,” said Brigitte, tossing Hanzo a beer can, “Right now, it’s about relaxing, and taking a breath.” 
“Hm,” Hanzo gave a nod. “I…” he started and then cut himself off.
“Yes?” said Mercy.
“I know… my coming here has disrupted a lot of things, but… it… it does mean a lot to me to get to know all of you.” Hanzo awkwardly bit off more of his popsicle then.
“Han–” Genji started but McCree cut him off.
“It means a lot to have you here, Hanzo,” said McCree.
Everyone’s head swiveled towards McCree.
“Because… you’re… Genji’s family,” McCree tacked on awkwardly, “It’s good to have family here. You two know all about family, right?” said McCree gesturing at the Lindholms.
Brigitte and Torbjörn just stared at him and nodded awkwardly.
“Don’t worry about disrupting things,” said Mercy, swooping in to McCree’s rescue in the awkward silence.
 Hanzo perked up and looked at her with some surprise.
“We’re vigilantes,” said Mercy, “Disruption is a natural state for us. You should just focus on settling in.”
She felt Genji’s eyes on her and she glanced back at him and gave him a little smile. Genji squeezed around her waist a little in response.
“Thank you,” said Hanzo.
There was a brief lull in the conversation and Hanzo’s eyes trailed across the beach. He glanced past several people playing volleyball and his eyes widened.
“What?” said Genji, following his line of sight.
“Fishing pole rentals,” said Hanzo, a bit mindlessly.
“We should get one!” said Genji.
“I’m terribly out of practice—” Hanzo started but Genji broke away from Mercy and grabbed his arm.
 “Come on!” he said, leading him off, “You could catch a mejina! Like the old days!”
“We’re in Gibraltar–The fish aren’t the same here–” Hanzo was protesting but let Genji drag him off. 
McCree watched as they two brothers went off, the muscles in Hanzo’s back, sparkling with salt and shifting as he tried to keep up.
“You’re staring again,” said Mercy, as soon as the Shimada brothers were out of earshot.
“What?” said McCree, snapping his eyes away from Hanzo. “Who’s staring? I wasn’t– Look, I was his probationary officer. It was my job. It’s all force of habit.”
“Wow,” said Brigitte.
“What?!” said McCree.
“Wow,” Brigitte said again.
 Mercy and Torbjörn just cracked open new cans of beer.
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cardinalbones · 6 years
here have a short piece about hanzo and satya being autistic and gay and friends
It probably said something about Hanzo that Satya didn’t bother to text him before coming to his room at three in the morning, after her date.
He was laying on top of his sheets, staring at the ceiling and debating the benefits of going for a walk against the risk of running into another nocturnal inhabitant of the base when his thoughts were interrupted by a quick, smart rapping at his door. He closed his eyes and let a long breath out through his nose before asking the empty room, “Athena? Who is that?”
“Doctor Vaswani,” the AI replied in her usual bright tone.
Hanzo cast his eyes to his prosthetic legs, propped against his side table, and grunted in acknowledgment. He slipped off the bed and walked himself over to the door on his hands. It opened with a soft whoosh when he palmed the controls, revealing Satya, her arms overladen with softs toys and a cheek-splitting grin on her face, standing before him.
“Please tell me you said goodbye to Fareeha before coming here,” he deadpanned.
It takes her a moment to readjust her focus from where she had anticipated Hanzo’s eyes being, but once she does the look she gives him is warm and lovestruck, her cheeks dimpling with her smile, “She walked me to my door and kissed my cheek goodnight.”
Hanzo quirked an eyebrow, “Only your cheek?” Despite his attempts to control his expression, he could feel his lips pulling into a smirk.
Satya tsked in response and motioned – as well as she could, overburdened as she was – behind him, “May I come in?”
Hanzo slid to the side and Satya breezed past him, toeing her shoes off next to the wardrobe and flinging herself onto his bed with a giggle sight. “It was so wonderful,” she began as Hanzo made his way over to the side table where his legs stood, “She took me to Adults Night Out at the Zoo so I wouldn’t have to worry about overstimulation, and she got us an extended, private viewing of the reptile room…”
Hanzo hummed in response as he checked the charge indicator his legs – only four fifths full. Usually he preferred to charge them completely to keep up a routine, but if he wasn’t sleeping tonight… the kinetic chargers could kill the difference. “Yes, Fareeha mentioned something like that.”
Something soft hit the back of his head and dropped to the floor. “Hey!”
He whipped around to see Satya glaring at him over the top of her plushie collection. “Let. Me. Gush.” She took a moment to bask in Hanzo’s taken aback expression before gesturing at the item on the floor. “That’s for you.”
A mottled grey and grey lizard plush lay on the floor, a pink felt tongue sticking out of its mouth, and it rustled with pellets when Hanzo picked it up to inspect it. When he didn’t respond, Satya added. “It’s a komodo dragon.” He could practically here her saying Get it?.
“You got me a present while you were on a date?”
Satya shrugged and turned her attention to sorting her pile of toys, “I have never had friends before, but I read online that a common expression of affection is through gifts.”
The thought that Hanzo didn’t deserve a friendship with Satya washed through him and did his best to stamp it down and shove it away before it could drag him into a downwards spiral. He could deal with that the next time he was lying awake at night in the empty silence of his room. “Thank you.”
The bed creaked as Hanzo hefted himself up onto it.
“Fareeha told you where she was taking me?”
Hanzo briefly looked at Satya, and then had to do a double take as he settled himself on the edge of the bed. She had wrapped herself in what looked to be a ten-foot-long snake plush, its teal fabric decorated with a shimmering scale pattern. “It’s full of beans,” was her only response to his raised brow, and she kicked her legs joyfully where they hung off the bed.
“She wanted Amelie’s and my opinions on whether or not you would enjoy it.”
“Oh,” was all Satya said, and Hanzo began the process of reconnecting his legs, hissing at the uncomfortable sensation of plugging additional nerves into his system.
“You do not have to – I did not mean to disturb you,” Satya protested, sitting up to watch him, but he shook his head.
“I was intending to go for a walk before you arrived.”
Satya pursed her lips, but said nothing else, and a silence fell over the two as Hanzo collected his music player, clothes, and bow and quiver.
The silence was broken after a few minutes by Satya’s soft voice, “Do you think I’m a good person?”
Hanzo started and turned to Satya with confusion written clearly on his face, “Pardon?”
“Fareeha is such a good person,” she explained, staring down at the plush snake head resting against her clavicle, “Fighting for just and – and defending humanity. But I-“.
“Have spent your entire life working towards making the world a better place for its people,” Hanzo interrupted, probably a bit too meanly if Satya’s flinch was anything to go by. He lowered himself onto the edge of his bed and picked up the komodo dragon to fiddle with, knowing that neither of them particularly liked eye contact. Softening his voice, he continued, “The people who raised you lied to you about their intentions but that doesn’t change that what you hoped to achieve was good. And look where you are now. You are a good person Satya. Just because you were lied to does not change that.”
He let her absorb his words for a moment, rolling the stuffing of the plush between his fingers, only to be startled by her voice again seconds later, “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“The people who raised you also li-“.
“I never believed that what I was doing was ‘good’ or ‘right’. I have never been so blinded by my family as to think that we were good people,” he interrupted sharply. Satya’s eyes widened and Hanzo found himself once again swallowing down the bile of his thoughts telling him that Satya was too good to be his friend and look at how he treated her. “Do yourself a favour and don’t compare yourself to me.”
Satya pursed her lips, looked like she wanted to say more, but then thought the better of it. Hanzo turned away closing his eyes and breathing deeply through his nose.
“What if I’m bad at this? Dating someone.”
At least that was something Hanzo could laugh at. “I do not think I am the right person to talk to about that. I don’t suppose Amelie is still awake?”
Satya laughed, too, and something tightened in Hanzo’s chest. “Perhaps you are right.” She sighed, and then sat up, untangling herself from her nest of plushies, “I suppose I should get some sleep – and leave you to your walk. Will you be alright tonight?”
“Yes, Satya, I’ll be fine. Thank you.”
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were-dragon · 5 years
The second and final chapter of Life's a Game, and the prompt fill for day 3 of Peapod McHanzo Week. This time from Jesse's point of view. What happened after they got back to their own world.
You can find chapter 1 here
Words: 4+ k
Rating: T
Pairings: Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada
Tags: alternative title: from their universe to ours and back again, Getting Together, Feels, Dimension Travel, Crack Treated Seriously, this was supposed to be a fun trip, oh boy was I wrong, Team as Family, Jesse is a bit broken by his past, but then again who of them isn't?
Jesse led many missions in his time with Blackwatch. Not all of them successful but that came with the territory. Not even Morrison had one hundred percent success rate. Not even Reyes. Things just don’t work that way. You win some, you lose some. And you learn to accept it; learn from it if you are smart enough.
But this was the first time he came back with a team broken in a way so new and unique. And they were.
Hell, he was.
Handing over his report to Winston, the scientist let out a huff. “I will be honest with you. After reading the reports the team has handed in, I am not sure what to make of it.”
McCree snorted. “Welcome to the club. Anything new about the element?”
Winston shook his head in a rather defeated manner. “Plenty but nothing that makes any sense. Miss Vasvani is helping me but neither of us is expert on dimensional travel. I doubt one even exists.”
“Talon probably got someone.”
That soured the atmosphere even more.
“Yes. They probably do. It makes the failed mission even bigger loss for us. There could be more about it in that compound.”
McCree shook his head. “Not anymore. They are too smart to keep it in there after we tried to get in. They’ll move it if they hadn’t already.”
Winston took off his glasses then pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes. McCree understood. This was a whole new level of bad and it felt too big for a ragtag group of vigilantes. Because that’s what they are. There wasn’t that many of them, plus they had little to no resources and the PETRAS act was still hanging above their heads.
They were somewhat of a public secret nowadays and the only things keeping them from prison were several carefully hand-picked missions caught on tape and the public opinion leaning in their favor after they helped stop the Russian omnium, which halted the second omnic crisis in its tracks.
It did not help matters they housed people like him, who were still wanted in certain parts of the world. Or all the parts - luckily no one knew about Bastion.
Still, there was no one they could count on their side. Helix might be willing but they couldn’t afford to discredit the only security company they were sure wasn’t in Talon’s pocket.
It made them all feel rather hopeless.
The debriefing and the following meeting was one of the worst McCree had attended. And there were some real shit ones in his past.
Winston sighed and put his glasses back. “I’ll ask Zarya if she would be willing to get in touch with her acquaintance that got us intel on the Maximillien business in Monaco. And we can monitor the compound. Athena?”
“I am already working with Echo on a surveillance network that will alert us if any of the known Talon associates is sighted within a hundred miles of the Tri-Cities compound.”
“Thank you, Athena.”
It wasn’t much but it was something, he guessed.
Winston turned to him and his eyes softened. “Take a break, McCree. You all went through something unimaginable. It’s understandable you all need some time to compartmentalize.”
McCree tipped his hat up and flashed a smile at the gorilla. “Doncha worry about me, pardner. I’m doin’ just fine.” His smile slipped off rather fast as he asked the next question. “You spoke with Lena?”
A pause long enough to give McCree all the answers he needed. “She is… copping,” Winston went with in the end. “I think Genji and Zenyatta are a big help, or so I gathered. She took it hard when it happened and being reminded of, and it in this way, well...”
McCree felt for her. “It wasn’t her fault, Winston. There wasn’t a single thing she could have done except die and even that would only delay it.”
“I know that!” Winston growled angrily before wincing. “Sorry.”
“Don’t worry, I get it.”
Winston looked so tired right now, McCree felt almost guilty for bringing it up. It reminded him what they saw in the other world. His fight to protect them from Talon. His unmasked loneliness. Good god, this was making him feel so much worse; he needed a stiff drink.
“As we are on the topic. Mercy’s report had mentioned something I wanted to talk to you about.”
Dammit, Angela! McCree thought. He should have left when he had the chance, what a rookie mistake!
“Thank you.” Winston interrupted his inner tirade. McCree waited for a bit but nothing else came.
“Um, yer welcome.” It came out sounding nearly as a question. Was he not going to ask why McCree chose not to join Echo?
Winston chuckled. “That’ll be all. Go rest, cowboy.”
Relieved, McCree tipped his hat to him and get out of there as fast as possible without it coming off as rude.
But he was still moving fast enough that when he collided with another body outside the door, they both ended up losing their balance and Jesse only so-so managed to twist them so he would be the one cushioning the fall. That meant he was now sitting on the floor with a pang in his ass and an armful of not so pleased assassin.
Well, it wouldn’t be the first time.
“Hello there, darlin’. Fancy seein’ you here.”
Hanzo scowled at him before detangling himself from Jesse’s arms and pushing himself up.
“Sorry about that,” McCree added a smidgen more sheepish. “Didn’t see you there, archer.”
“I noticed.”
“Well, yer in a mood today,” McCree grumbled but he guessed he couldn’t quite blame the man. In all honesty, Hanzo was about as much out of sorts as the rest of them. Well, except for Satya, she was far too excited about their discovery to be frazzled by something so mundane as a shift of paradigm.
Hanzo dusted himself and picked the gourd McCree didn’t notice lying next to them.
Ah. “You heading to the roof?”
“...want maybe some company?”
Hanzo peered up at him with narrowed eyes and Jesse tried his best not to show how much he wanted to hear a yes.
“Alright,” Hanzo allowed in the end, gesturing for the cowboy to follow. And follow he did. He hadn’t had much trouble with Hanzo’s brisk pace as his legs were longer but it gave him a hint about Hanzo’s state of mind. Clearly, he wasn’t the only one in a need of a drink today.
They got up to the lower roof where they usually met for a drink. Normally it was a nice and sunny with one or two spots of shade for when it was too hot. Today the sky was overcast and the wind was tugging at Jesse’s serape.
Hanzo waited for nothing; settling down and taking a long swing from the gourd.
Jesse joined him a bit slower, leaving enough space between them as to not disturb Hanzo’s personal bubble but close enough he wouldn’t have to lean sideways to reach the bottle.
As expected, Hanzo thrust the gourd at him not thirty seconds later. McCree took it with thanks and drank.
Sake. No surprise there. And not even the good stuff.
He waited before they exchanged the bottle a few times before asking. “Wanna talk ‘bout it?”
“Not particularly.”
That’s fair. “Alright. Mind if we talk about something else?”
Hanzo turned to him, head leaning slightly to one side. “About what?”
McCree chuckled humorlessly. “The shit creek we are paddlin’ up in.”
Hanzo frowned in understanding. “Talon.”
“Talon,” Jesse nodded, reaching for the alcohol again. Hanzo parted with it without protests. “This is big, Hanzo. Maybe too big.”
The archer hummed.
“I mean, we have no idea, none, about how far they are with it. They could be doing it by themselves, probably are. But look what Symmetra could do with it on the spot. If they join up with Vishkar?”
“Their rhetoric would fit well with it,” Hanzo allowed. And wasn’t that another kettle of fish altogether.
“Yeah. I just-” He cut himself off. He hated himself for thinking this. But this felt too familiar. Last time he felt this trapped, this hopeless? He left Overwatch because of it. “This might be a bite too big for us to chew.”
Hanzo did not reply, instead, he stared at the dark sea on the horizon, huddling into himself as the wind picked up on strength and passed the gourd to Jesse in silence. McCree took it and drank.
What the hell are they going to do?
When the knock on the door came McCree was, so to speak, knees deep in old reports. He asked Athena to get him all Blackwatch reports bound in some way to the Tri-Cities compound she could get her figurative hands on. He even suggested her, with no small amount of trepidation, to ask Morrison about it. After fours days she downloaded a hefty load of data on his personal tablet, yet it was only a fraction of the reports he hoped for.
But he was not surprised she couldn’t get to them. They were either kept as evidence under air-tight locks or destroyed. Either way, he had to do with what she could find.
He meticulously combed through the pages upon pages, trying to find anything that could be useful to them but so far no luck. The only things he got from it so far were sore back and tired eyes.
He very nearly ignored the door in favor of finishing the last report of the Reykjavik incident but then put it away and with a groan got up from the bed.
When the door opened, no one was there.
“What the-” He stuck his head out to look around but the short hallway in front of his room was empty. He wanted to go back in when he glanced down and noticed the tray of food.
Chuckling, he picked it up, took it in and put it on the bed, pushing the tablet aside for the time being. It was a couple of thick sandwiches, apple, a bottle of water and next to it a steaming hot cup of coffee. Oh, and a small cup of red jello with a sticky note on it.
Eat. Fool.
He grinned at it. Guess a short break could do no harm.
Jesse almost jumped out of his skin when a sneaky green cyborg ninja dropped out of nowhere right next to him. He coughed up half a lung trying the get the cigar smoke out.
Genji next to him had the gal to laugh at him.
“Whaddaya want, asshole?” Jesse asked eventually, snuffing out the rest of the cigar and tossing it into the bin next to him. He lost his taste for it.
“So rude,” the ninja tutted and McCree scowled at him. The man was missing his helmet, his green hair sticking out in all directions as if he was running his fingers through it. “I have wanted to speak with you. Can’t I miss my best friend?”
Jesse squinted at him. “Whaddaya want?” He asked again, this time much more suspicious.
Genji rolled his eyes. “I wished to ask you how you’ve been. We haven’t had much chance of speaking since-”
Yeaah, that was true. But Jesse knew from Hanzo Genji was doing fine. He would’ve talked with the ninja if he suspected the man needed it.
“I suppose we haven’t,” he allowed. “It’s been busy. I don’t think Winston slept at all in the past week.”
“I suspect you are right. But have you?”
McCree laughed but when he looked around Genji’s expression was serious. “What? Do I look that terrible?”
The slight hesitation made him internally wince. That would be a yes, then.
“I am worried about you, Jesse. You have been spending most of your time in your room, going through the old reports - yes, Athena told me. I am not sure when was the last time you joined us for a meal.”
“Genji, I appreciate the concern but-”
“You stopped going to the shooting range with Hanzo.” Genji interrupted him in a deadpan tone.
“This is important, Genji,” he tried again but less sure now. Damn, he didn’t even realize he missed the standing meet up on the training range he had with Hanzo. Was he at it that long?
“It is. I know it is. But you do not have to do it by yourself! Let us help, Jesse.”
He kicked the ground and sighed. “Ya can be real pain in the butt, ya know that?” he said to Genji but anyone could hear the fondness in his voice. The ninja certainly did as he flashed a bright grin at him.
“I have been reliably informed, we both are.”
Jesse snorted. He could guess who said that one. Jesse will have to find a way to make the missed training up to Hanzo.
He found the archer sitting in the sun in a quiet part of Bastion’s garden where the omnic made a space for any visitors who would decide they wish to spend time there. It was a considerate thing to do and Hanzo took him up on the unspoken offer of quiet space rather often.
Most of the time the omnic could be found puttering about, beeping softly at the plants and insects in there. This time it was only Hanzo there.
“Howdy, pardner.”
The archer did not move a muscle, his back straight and eyes closed, despite the fact he had to hear Jesse coming. The only thing moving was his hair and the golden ribbon holding them up.
He rubbed the back of his neck with his flesh hand. “I wanted to apologize. Fer ditching our practice.”
“You have been busy. I understand.” Hanzo’s tone was mild as if he was only half paying attention to him. Which was fair, Jesse supposed.
“Maybe, um, I could make it up to ya?”
This time the archer did move, turning his head to look at McCree. “What do you propose?”
McCree smiled at him. “What would you say on a sparring session? I could do with some exercise.”
Hanzo arched an eyebrow at him, his eyes falling lower before snapping back up. He nodded curtly. “Very well.”
“Great! Let’s go then.”
“Right now?” Hanzo asked slightly startled.
McCree grinned at him. “Why waste time?”
They made their way to the gym where McCree already prepared the mats in hope of Hanzo saying yes. The archer gave him a look and Jesse just shrugged, unrepentant.
He was already wearing his sparing clothes, only taking off his hat, so he gave Hanzo moment to take off his sweater and toe off his boots. For some reason, the archer preferred wearing his armored boots over something more comfortable, only scoffing when Jesse suggested it some months back.
He caught himself lingering on parts of Hanzo’s body as the archer stretched before they got to the sparing itself. The way the muscles of his arms moved with the stretch, how the hem of the shirt rode up and revealed the waistband of his trousers but nothing more when he raised his arms, making McCree both grateful and regretful.
It made him think about Hanzo shutting him down in that convention center. They didn't talk about it. Probably should have but didn’t. Hanzo seemed to chose to pretend that part of their mission never happened and Jesse didn't want to push.
But ignoring it didn’t make it disappear. Especially, when they were spending time together one on one.
“Ready?” Hanzo asked and McCree forced himself out of that particular headspace. Not the time, not the place. But damn if he didn’t wish it was.
Only much later when they were both tired and sweating through their shirts, and he watched Hanzo take his things and head out of the gym to take a shower, he let himself consider maybe he should push.
He bent to pick up his hat from where he left it but something shiny caught his attention. On the brim, there lay a small metal keychain. It was shaped like a speech bubble with text reading ‘It’s HIGH NOON somewhere in the world’ and it had what could only be a Peacekeeper next to it pointing up.
And as much as the other world weirded him out, he couldn’t stop the pleased grin spreading on his face. He should definitely push.
He walked into the mess hall where the dinner was about to start, today courtesy of Lucio who promised them feijoada. His great-grandfather's recipe. ‘Best in Rio, cowboy!’ Most of the agents were already there.
He looked around, noticing Lena was one of the few missing ones. Probably on the phone with Emily. McCree hoped so, at least. He wished Emily could come down but she was halfway across the world and in the middle of a job.
A loud, delighted noise caught his attention. At the table, Genji was showing Hana something that clearly excited her.
“Oh em gee that is so cuuute!”
Genji chuckled. “I know, right? I showed it to Master Zenyatta and he loved it.”
“Duh, look at him being all adorable and glowy! Man, how many stickers do you have?”
“Sixteen. I lost count at the time, they just kept giving me stuff. Look at this.”
He pulled out from behind him a small green- was that a plush dragon?
The sound Hana made was more for dogs ears and McCree arched his eyebrows.
“They really gave you all that stuff?” He asked in hope of being distracted from his own gloomy musings.
“They did. Clearly, my costume was exceptional.” He was smirking behind that mask, McCree just knew it. “Oh! And look at this. It’s the best one.” He pulled out a small sticker with cartoony looking Hanzo that- wait.
“Are those chicken legs?” McCree asked incredulously.  
Genji choked on a laugh, his shoulders shaking a little. “Absolutely.”
The whole thing was made in that over the top cutesy style, a wide-eyed Hanzo with honest to god chicken legs looking up at a row of text, ‘What is a leg day?’.
Hana snorted.
“Oh come on,” Jesse felt the need to defend the archer despite the urgent tugging in the corners of his mouth. “They aren’t that thin. Maybe his ankles are a bit delicate but not that bad.”
They attracted some more attention now and even Lucio came over to look.
“Oh man, this is great! Do you have some more?”
Genji obliged, showing again what more he managed to squirrel away on their last mission.
McCree stepped back with a shake of his head but he was smiling now. It was good to know at least some were able to shake the experience off.
“It is good to see you smile again, my friend.” Zenyatta’s voice came from behind him. He turned to look at the floating omnic and gave a nod in greeting.
“Looks like Genji’s doin’ well.”
Zenyatta hummed in agreement. “We had talked about what happened on your last mission.”
“You doin’ okay?”
“I have come to terms with what happened to my brother. I mourn him still but unlike our future, past cannot be changed.”
McCree let out a breath. He wasn’t sure how Zenyatta helping Lena would impact the omnic. “Thank you. For helping Lena, I mean. Can’t be easy for ya.”
“To ease a friend’s pain is one of the few uncomplicated things in one’s life. Though not always easy, I will grant you that.”
“Yeah. You talked with the others as well?”
Zenyatta moved to be able to see around McCree; Genji was still laughing at something and now even Ana, Mei, and Fareeha joined in. Reinhardt took over the food, bringing the prepared dishes to the counter.
“With some.” The monk turned to look at him. “Did you have someone particular in mind?”
McCree tried to tell himself it was just the hot air coming from the kitchen that made him feel warmer. “Nah. Not really.”
Zenyatta hummed again and to Jesse, it sounded perfectly neutral. Which meant it was anything but.
“How are you feeling, McCree?”
“I suppose as well as can be expected. Not gonna lie, not too keen on the whole parallel universe thing. And even less on the traveling part.”
“Understandable. It is not an easy thing to accept.”
“Oh, I can accept it. Just not too happy what it could mean for us.”
“You believe us to be in danger?”
McCree scoffed. “Aren’t we always?”
Zenyatta nodded, looking down on his intertwined fingers. “I understand. We are to die then?”
“What? No!” McCree very nearly flailed. Where did this come from?
“It must be dire if it weighs so heavily on your mind. From what Genji told me, and from my own observations, you are not one to lose hope easily.”
“I never said it’s hopeless, just shitty, is all.”
“Well then,” Zenyatta perked up next to him, looking at him with his head tilted to one side, “there is no need for you to worry so much. As you said yourself, it is not hopeless. You have beaten worse odds, haven’t you? As did many others here. Trust in our combined strengths, it is not only up to you alone.”
McCree stared. Did he- Had that sneaky omnic played him? He huffed out a laugh. “Well said, Master Zenyatta.” He tipped his hat to him. The omnic patted his shoulder in a consoling gesture and floated to the laughing group, leaving McCree to shake his head after him.
Maybe he has a point. This wasn’t the old Overwatch. This time his family wasn’t turning against him.
Jesse stared into the fridge at the neatly packed plate of crepes with a sticky note saying ‘COWMAN’. He pulled them out, setting them on the counter next to it and starred some more.
He’d been awake for twenty-six hours now and his brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders but that did very much look like the highly coveted crepes Ana made every once in a blue moon.
He counted. There were four.
Four delicious, succulent, jam-packed crepes. With his name on them.
He kept staring.
“Alright, that’s it,” he huffed when his brain finally took in everything it could, then he forcibly overruled his stomach and put the plate back into the fridge, walking out of the kitchen, and heading straight for the shooting range.
He could hear him before he saw him. The irregular sound of arrows hitting their marks as they appeared. It was too early for anyone else to be in the range so he didn’t even pause, just stepped right in. Walking towards Hanzo.
“Ya know,” he said when he was close enough. “Yer doing it wrong.”
Hanzo turned to him with an incredulous expression. “I beg your pardon?” He let his arms drop a little.
“It only works when you don’t know who the secret admirer is.”
Hanzo turned to him fully, putting one end of the bow on the ground and gripping the other end with both of his hands. He gave McCree a searching look.
“It was not supposed to be a secret.”
Jesse’s heart did not make a celebratory somersault. It did not.
“What’s it supposed to be then?”
Hanzo’s forehead creased, his gaze flicking away before returning to Jesse’s face. “I may have spent some time thinking.”
Jesse was about to make a quip but Hanzo’s narrowed eyes shut his mouth right quick. The archer let out an exasperated sigh and Jesse grinned. Just a little.
“You are impossible. And reckless, and loud, and stupidly self-sacrificial, with atrocious fashion sense.”
“Hey! I have a theme, ‘s different.” Jesse felt little stung but still, the grin wouldn’t go away.
Hanzo’s expression was wholly unimpressed but he continued.
“But I think they were right. We are good together. Despite our flaws and our differences. I do care for you, Jesse.”
Jesse tried to swallow the lump in his throat. It took him two tries before he was confident enough to even try and speak, his voice rough.
“Was hoping you would come around, darlin’. Didn’t expect it to happen this soon, though.” He crossed the remaining distance between them, putting one hand on Hanzo’s, pulling the bow out of the way and with the other raised Hanzo’s chin. The archer let him and wasn’t that a complete rush.
The kiss was chaste and soft. Barely a promise. But it made warmth spread through Jesse from head to the tips of his toes. Hanzo huffed in dissatisfaction and Jesse couldn’t stop the laugh. Leaning in a pressing another, more substantial kiss to those lips. “Guess the mission wasn’t a complete failure.”
In retrospect, he deserved that bite.
Five months later, when the team with the mission to bust Talon’s secret scientific department was boarding the Orca, Jesse had Hanzo at his side and his family at his back.
They would be just fine.
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