#happy anniversary TTT :)
smalldumbpigeon · 7 months
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i saw a lot of people reblogging my hunter and flapjack for TTT's anniversary and i wanted 2 draw them again :,) (also context for that old post, i did it shortly before the airing basically to celebrate it.. way to absolutely destroy me lmao)
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fangirling-heart · 7 months
Story summary: In a desperate attempt to stop Belos and save his friends, Hunter ends up in the bottom of a lake. But little does he know, there are people that won't let him stay there.
@helphowdoiusethis, the fic is ready!
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scribblemew · 7 months
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you can find the older version on my instagram (@/scribblekitty_) though I might (?) have posted it here as well, idk.
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m-iivy · 7 months
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Happy anniversary TTT!
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alithetiredartist · 7 months
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i forgot to post this on the ttt anniversary but happy late birthday to one of my favorite character designs
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cherrymoonvol6 · 7 months
happy (late) anniversary to The S3 episode ever. anyways this was so fucked up wasn't it
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k i was going to go on a huge tag rant but for once i'll do that on the post itself i guess
this is why i mean when i say a lunter endgame would make the show so much better because GOD the implications of hunter's words, the subtext of it all... "it would've been someone else" and he's right! there's been so many other people! belos HAS been doing this to all the grimwalkers and their evelyns through the years. for as long as he's created the grimwalkers in caleb's likeness, they have eventually turned against him and perished by belos' hand. and then you can read the inevitability of this cycle as destiny. this is how it always happen.
and this is how it actually happens in TTT too: hunter turns on belos, and he perishes by his hand. actually it's so poetic that belos does it by corrupting his body to the point of death. and he only stops because of flapjack (who luz happened to introduce to hunter in the first place!!!!!). but this is also because of luz: she refuses to fight possessed hunter because she's unwilling to hurt him, unlike the rest of the group. maybe, if luz had attacked him right then and there, it would've ended there. it's flapjack, the symbol of caleb and evelyn's love, who ends up breaking the cycle: this time, hunter gets to live.
this is why it makes me insane that hunter says this to luz... right now, all of their conjoint actions have led them to changing the fate of all the grimwalkers. for the first time in forever, caleb and evelyn are able to stand together against belos, and it's fitting then that hunter points that out. like, his words fit perfectly into the concept of a lunter endgame, of a final reincarnation of the love between caleb and evelyn who kicked off the plot in the first place.
and the fact that this happens later makes it 200% more fucked up btw
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it's hunter's conviction and the reminder of flapjack's sacrifice that change luz's determination to stay in the human realm. but also, like, hunter bringing up the symbol of caleb and evelyn's love as a plea to convince luz to fight by his side....... i can't make this shit up! it's right there in the show!
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argumentl · 2 years
Rough notes on Kaoru's Phalaris talk event
(addition/corrections welcome)
※Masuda first picks up on Kaoru's tshirt. Kaoru mentions a few movies of his day Rocky, Rambo etc, and says he was/is a fan of the Goonies. Masuda asks him about Top Gun, and tells him.what Shinya said about it. (Kaoru has seen it and liked it). 
※Masuda tries to start taking about Phalaris, Kaoru says he feels like he already talked about it enough already. But he says with Phalaris it was the first time he had a set aim in mind from the start, and he's pretty happy with the result. There were twists and turns along the way, but it stayed on the right track to completion. 
※He feels like the songs from Phalaris which they played on this tour were easy to get used to/easy to remember.
※They had originally planned to play 13 on this tour, not Hibiki. But if they did that it would just look like they were playing the first 4 songs in order. Kaoru would have prefered 13 though. 
※Kaoru hints that the 25th anniversary tour may be a tour in which you can feel history, and it may also be connected to the song battle, and it may also include songs from Phalaris...but they havnt actually decided any details about the specific content yet. 
※They talk a bit about the setlist for vol:1. They tried picking past songs that would merge well with the atmosphere of phalaris. 
※He feels like the rule of no noise from audience is tougher on the audience than it is on the band. 
※Masuda reminds Kaoru that it is exactly 16 years ago that they went on the Family Values tour, (Aug 4th San Antonio)and he remembers the car trouble they had. Kaoru does not remember this. He remembers the venues, but not how they got there. 
※Masuda then remembers that at the same time the following year, the were in Europe with the band Fair to Midland. Kaoru recalls how they wrote Dozing Green while they were on the road then. He remembers sitting on the stage with the members after rehearsal and discussing the new song. 
※Masuda reminds Kaoru that exactly 24 years ago was the first time the band played in Nakano Sun Plaza. Kaoru thinks it odd that as an indies band 24 years ago they were able to book two days at this venue. But as a 25yr old band, they were only able to book one day. They talk about this venue for a bit, Kaoru says they used to use a studio that was nearby. 
※They talk.about the trend of venues closing. Kaoru mentions the magazine Gigs ending too. Masuda says his first article about Dir en grey was in Gigs. 
※Kaoru wants.a bigger venue to be built in Tokyo, about 3000 capacity. He'd like it if people could just walk by and simply buy a ticket if they feel interested. 
※Masuda suggests having a Dir en grey arena where the band plays every day, like a broadway musical. Kaoru laughs at this idea, and says Seraph could do that. 
※Masuda asks if Kaoru has started any new projects or interests recently. Kaoru says he started listening to vinyl records a lot. He brought a few back from his home in Hyogo to use as decorations, but ended up wanting to listening to them, and was reminded of how good they are. He has since been going to 2nd hand stores etc and buying lots. 
※He would like to release a vinyl version of Phalaris. He was not happy with the amazon mega jacket for the deluxe version, with those two while columns on each side. 
※They talk about Shinya doing videos of him playing parts of songs for his youtube channel, and the possibility of the other members doing similar, but Kaoru says he doesnt want to appear on Shinya's channel. 
※Kaoru talks a bit about his preferences when it comes to band tshirts/ movie tshirts.  
※Kaoru says its been tough trying to book the tour venue in Nagoya too. 
※A veiwer asks about TTT in the comments. Kaoru says nothing is decided about that yet. 
※Masuda asks if Kaoru has any plans for new projects other than TTT. Kaoru says there are things he'd like to try, but as soon as he thinks about it, he has more demands from Dir en grey, like Kyo saying (imitating Kyo) 'Isnt is about time we made something new' etc. He knows Kyo has a lot going on so has to make the most of his time, but Kaoru sometimes wishes he had a bit more time to breathe. 
※Masuda asks how important creativity is for Kaoru when starting a piece of work. I didnt really catch the answer to this, but it was apparently hilarious. 
※They talk about the Studio coast live for a bit. Director Kondo is currently in the  middle of editing it. 
※Masuda says some comments have been made asking for  Dir en grey-fes. Kaoru says he likes the idea of inviting bands they are close to, but it would be impossible in reality. 
※Kaoru gives Masuda a cup of wine, and says they would go out to a bar after doing this kind of event in the past but as they cant do that this time, they might as well have more drinks now. 
※A viewer asks for Kaoru to spill some gossip. He tells a story about Fujieda going to buy the wine they are drinking now, and how Fujieda is always talking about whisky. This leads onto Kaoru talking about his recent visit to the Suntory Yamazaki Whisky distillery, before the live in Kyoto. 
※Masuda says he has visited a Scotch whisky museum in the UK. Kaoru would like to do similar, but it takes too much time getting there. 
※This leads on to Kaoru saying that the band are always thinking about when they can next tour overseas. There have been times during the past two years where they thought they might be able to, but it turned out they couldnt due to circumstances. 
※They talk about the concept of traveling with Japanese fans overseas to do a live for them there. Kaoru doesnt really like this idea. Masuda asks about doing a Japan tour for overseas fans, to travel Japan with the band. Kaoru says something similar to this was done when the band played Arche at Budokan. (I have no clue what this was). He is more open to this concept. 
※They talk about Shinya's ban on members going to his home. Masuda mentions the behavior of a particular member, and Kaoru says he didnt have anything to do with it. 
※Kaoru says Shinya wont even let anyone in his hotel room on tour. If you knock on his door, he will only open it a tiny sliver to answer. 
※Kaoru says there are not many people like Shinya. There is something very different about him. 
※That talk about how Phalaris was originally not intended to be put on the streaming sites, but after a bit of pressure from Apple music, they decided to put it on after all. 
※They talk about the band Black midi which Masuda likes, and then KISS, which Masuda likes too. Masuda mentions that next year will be KISS's 50th anniversary. Kaoru wonders what Dir en grey would be like on their 50th anniversary. The drums in Zan would be impossible. It would have to be an extremely slowed down Zan. Kaoru doesnt know how long the band will continue, but he still has a lot of ideas in his head. 
※Masuda says how talking about the acoustic Dozing Green in Sogai reminds him of when the band were on stage discussing the song overseas. Kaoru agrees.  This reminds Kaoru of an incident on that overseas tour where one of the members threw an apple at Shinya while he was asleep in his bed on the tour bus (??) They then talk about how Shinya had a fridge and a computer set up in his bed compartment. 
※About the anniversary tour, Kaoru admits that they often struggle to sell enough tickets for lives in the north and south of Japan, but they are giving Sapporo a shot this time, so he wants people to come.
※Kaoru says he is already in discussion with the band about plans for next year. 
※A comment comes in about Amagasaki Archaic Hall. Kaoru remembers seeing the Smashing Pumpkins there, but was disappointed that they played the acoustic version of Today, and cycled home upset about it. 
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zyrafowe-sny · 9 months
1, 4, 5?
Thanks so much! Questions come from this post.
1 - Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
I have never successfully finished a multi-chapter fic. I have a couple series with related one-shots, but that's the best I've managed so far.
Historically, my go-to fic structure has been a one shot with a string of very short scenes along a theme, often with POV changes. I'm better at writing dialogue and feelings than description/plot/things actually happening.
I have a short-ish multi-chapter that I am plotting/writing for Nimona, but we will see if I actually can pull it off.
(Jody Scab - you are a victim of executive dysfunction but are not forgotten and I hope to tell all your middles, endings, and post-scripts someday.)
4 - Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
My writer's block is generally related to executive dysfunction and not about lack of ideas. (I have way too many WIPs and jotted down thoughts for potential WIPs.)
I've gotten inspiration from lines in the source media ("the normal amount of face" fed into "the normal amount of parallels" in Blood Brother and "can't wait for that New Year's party" led to Party Like It's 2007), lines from other media ("You are already dead, but stay anyway" was from Naomi Novik's The Golden Enclaves and some lines in that fic were recycled out of cut lines from like a bolt out of the blue), my brain coming up with potential funny misunderstandings (World's Best Turkey Carver), things I wanted to elaborate on from earlier fics (Intervention is a missing scene from Blood Brother), and suboptimal video game playthroughs. Remember me (dance in the graveyards) was me dealing with my dad's death anniversary. arm-upgrading is a love language came from a Tumblr post about writing about prosthetics/disability aids. I have some TOH and Nimona WIPs where I want to explore some worldbuilding/headcanons.
I sometimes retell bits of canon from a specific POV (or sometimes multiple POVs) if that scene inspired big feelings (have two takes on Hunter's haircut in TTT) and/or I really wanted to get in the character's head to understand them (am I or the cop the one that's really dangerous basically came out of character research). That's usually when I write more experimentally/artistically since it's more about feelings than plot.
5 - Do you like constructive criticism?
Someone let me know about an embarrassing Spanish typo once, for which I was super-grateful.
I am open to constructive criticism from a place of kindness and respect. My partner read a couple of my TOH fics before I posted them, and while sometimes getting critical feedback was hard to hear, it's resulted in better fic. For instance, my partner was a little skeptical of my first draft of World's Best Turkey Carver, but I fought with a few scenes and am happy with how the fic wound up.
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ailendolin · 2 years
Rings of Power episode 3 thoughts:
I love the design of Numenor. Not only does it show the influence of the Elves it also has elements we know from Minas Tirith. It's a beautiful combination that, together with the maritime theme (fish scales on the armour for example) gives it a unique yet familiar feel
I'm still wary of Halbrand. There are definitely Aragorn parallels there (I swear he looked eerily like Viggo in one shot) and I want to believe he'll turn out to be a good person, especially after being guided by Galadriel for a while, but something tells me he will be another example of the strength of men failing
The reveal (for the casual viewer) of Elros being Elrond's brother was really well done. I like that they used the tapestry and simply showed us his face next to Elrond's to tell the story
Arondir's parts were breaking my heart. Why did that have to happen to Medhor and Revion? Both their deaths were completely unexpected (which I liked) and Medhor's especially reminded me of Haldir's death in TTT. I really wish we'd gotten to spend more time with them, maybe see them overcome their prejudices against the people of the Southlands
Revion trying to save the tree was so beautifully Elvish, as was the pain in Arondir's eyes when he gave in and cut it down
I see we're keeping LotR's tradition of making the Wargs ugly as fuck alive. Good for RoP and welcome to the family, Chihuahua Warg
The Orcs were great btw. I really dig the skull masks they wear (presumably to shield themselves from the sun). Also I'm pretty sure one of the Orcs was Jed Brophy which is great because I love Jed and I'm glad he keeps blessing us with more Tolkien characters. I can't wait to hear his stories about RoP at MagicCon
Also Adar - holy shit! I love that the Orcs call him that, seeing that they were once Elves. It's a subtle yet heart-breaking nod to their ancestry
Harfoots my beloved. Them remembering those that didn't make it really hit hard for me because today is the three months anniversary of my mum's passing. Seeing Poppy mourning her loved ones while still trying to be strong reminded me a lot of what my family's been through these last few months and for that reason alone this scene will always be special to me
I absolutely adore Nori's family, especially her father. They both seem very Tookish and I like that
I still think the Stranger is one of the Istari. There was a shot of him where I literally gasped because he looked exactly like Christopher Lee's Saruman. The nose was unmistakable. That aside, I really feel for his character. He looks so terribly lost that I keep wishing someone would give him a hug. I'm so happy Nori's family welcomed him into their midst at the end
Long story short - this show continues to be incredible and I can't wait for episode 4 next week.
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A Nostalgic Look at Eowyn's Costumes in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Happy 20th Anniversary to the Two Towers movie! Finally time to talk about the beautiful costumes they made for the White Lady of Rohan.
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This is the dress she is wearing when we first meet her in Edoras. Its darker color matches the rest of the interior during this dark time for her people. She wears it to walk away from Grima and to confront her uncle about his son's fate.
Best feature: The skirt configuration. It's pretty unique and could be representative of her own hidden layers.
Practicality: 8/10 She looks great sweeping around in this but it is somewhat limiting. Wearing it while she kneels before Theoden cannot be good for it, you know?
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The iconic white dress - maybe just because it was in all the promotional material, but this is what I always think of her wearing. She wears it while mourning her cousin, fleeing Grima, and then witnessing Theoden return to himself. It stands out in a way the previous one did not and white is a good color for a new beginning.
Best feature: The gold details - the belt, the neckline, the ties on the sleeves. They add a lot to an otherwise fairly simple dress and make it a warm color (which differentiates it from Galadriel's white gown).
Practicality: 8/10 Probably about the same as the previous dress. It has more manageable sleeves but a longer train. Still, she obviously can move around in it just fine.
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We don't get to see a whole lot of this one, mainly the color. She wears it to Theodred's funeral and then while Aragorn tries to convince Theoden to go to war. It looks more severe than her other dresses, which makes sense for both situations. The color is similar to her first dress and it seems to be black for morning. This is also the only time we see her hair up all of the way, and the intricate up-do is distinct from the other hairstyles (especially Elvish ones) that we see.
Best feature: The circlet looks very nice and matches the rest. I wish I could see more of what this one looks like, but even the wide shots do not show much. It retains her main color being gold, though, which is great.
Practicality: 8/10 Hard to say, so I'm going to put it in the same category as the other ones.
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She wears this dress to pack up Edoras and to travel to Helm's Deep. It has a clear under- and over-dress. The colors are earthy, which differentiate her from Arwen (we mainly see her talking to Aragorn in it). It also looks more practical and foreshadows how she is different from other ladies we meet.
Best feature: I like how she can tie up her sleeves, but otherwise this is not one of my favorites (unfortunate that the action figure wore this!)
Practicality: 10/10 I can't see the skirt, but it does not seem to get in the way at all. It's a very serviceable work dress, unlike her other gowns.
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While they travel to helm's Deep, she wears this overdress. It may (?) be over the previous dress but it's hard to tell. The underdress looks similar but does not seem to be the same color? Anyway, it looks very comfortable and good for riding and walking a long way.
Best feature: The neckline. The fur makes it pop as well as the brooch. I do wish the rest had more color.
Practicality: 9/10 Perhaps slightly less practical than the previous dress, but it is still obviously meant for traveling. The sleeves just may get in the way.
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We barely see this one, but it is her victory dress (after Helm's Deep). It is sort of a warmer version of her earlier white dress, reflecting how she now has more hope than when we met her in TTT.
Best feature: The bodice. It looks really cool (though not much on screen).
Practicality: 7/10 Back to gowns, so not the most practical. This one also is very light and shimmery, and does not seem as sturdy as her earlier ones. (I do like it better than those, though)
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She wears this to sleep and it appears that the gown underneath it is the same color, but with more detail. We obviously don't see too much of it, but it looks lovely and soft, which makes sense for the gentle scene that takes place while she wears it.
Best feature: The sleeves. I would love a robe like that. Or a nightgown like that.
Practicality: 10/10 It's for sleeping and that's what she's doing. It looks warm - she doesn't need a blanket. As well as being comfortable. No scratchy details like the other gowns.
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Interestingly, most of the promotional material had a white skirt for this dress. But the skirt is brown in the movie. With white, it seems like an updated version of her Two Towers dress. Here, it seems like a mix between her work dress and her more vulnerable white dress. It's the dark night of the soul for her in this dress, so the white touches add to that idea amid the dark, more structured rest of the garment.
Best feature: The bodice. I love it, it's quite beautiful and flattering. Wish I had more outfits with a bodice like that.
Practicality: 9/10 The sleeves are extremely long, but otherwise it seems to be quite a useful dress for being in the camp and helping with things.
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This is her suit of armor for when she disguises herself as Dernhelm. It looks much like the other soldiers' and does not set her apart (for either her rank or her gender). Which is of course her goal.
Best feature: The practicality, honestly. It is armor, after all.
Practicality: 10/10 It's perfect, no notes.
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(I skipped her Houses of Healing dresses because there aren't any good shots of those, but I do have strong feelings about them if you want to watch this video). Anyway, this is the gorgeous dress she wears to Aragorn's coronation. It takes inspiration from her iconic white dress but is a warm and happy yellow instead to imply she's no longer miserable.
Best feature: The cape. The sleeves. Just all of it, really. It's a wonderful gown, perfect for the occasion.
Practicality: 8/10 Not very practical, perhaps, but very lovely (and seems to be warm, which is nice in the cold stone city).
Check out my other costume ratings here
Please come listen to me talk about the arcs of female characters, including Eowyn (or Arwen)!
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hayuryu · 3 years
Seventeen Japan 3rd Single "ひとりじゃない" (Not Alone)
Okay, finally my "ひとりじゃない" albums arrived this morning
I'm happy
I take pictures asap. If I'm not taking the pictures asap, I'll get lazy and forget about it hahahaa
As you know I bought all versions (Normal, limited A, B, C, D and Carat version)
Actually I'm not going to buy carat ver but after seeing the cover I decided to buy it
Ok let's start~
Normal version
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I got Woozi photocard, Dino HMV card and Hoshi entry card
It's been a while since I got Woozi photocard hahahaa
For the album, actually I don't really like the color. It's looks dark and depressing for me
Limited A version
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I got Seungkwan photocard and entry card also Dino HMV card
Really, this album really looks dark and I hate that big "ひとりじゃない" in the cover lol
Pledis really need to hire designers. Also they need new stylist. That style is no...
Limited B version
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I got Vernon photocard, The8 HMV card and Dino entry card
It's been a while since I got Vernon too
Idk, in this album I pulled different member from each albums. For last 2 Japanese comeback I mostly got Joshua
I'm not complaining because I'm Joshua biases but this just feel weird for me
Limited C version
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Finally some pastel color album lol
I got Joshua photocard, HMV card and entry card
It's all Joshua~
Yeay!! Finally I got Joshua
So happy
It's the only version that I got Joshua. Is it because I changed my GO? lol (don't mind me, it's just I can't think straight because I only got 1 Joshua photocard)
And I'm glad they have pastel color album. It's fit with the song atmosphere (that's what I feel)
Limited D version
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I got S.Coups photocard, Performance team mcard, Mingyu HMV card and entry card
I think this is the first time I got S.Coups photocard from Japanese album. But I think I rarely getting S.Coups photocard even from Korean albums
Carat version
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This is my favorite album from this era. It's pink
I got Jeonghan photocard and Seungkwan HMV card
Ah, after seeing all the albums, the CD color looks all the same. As I remember usually the CD color is different for each versions but this time it's all the same. Idk why they're being lazy like this lol
Actually in this album I pulled out different member for each albums version. It's not like I don't like it but it's been a while since I pulled out all different member
I'm just complaining about the color. Most of it really bold and dark. It looks depressing to me. Maybe it's not for you but for me it looks depressing. I like the pink one though
It's soft and goes well with the mood for the song.
Ah, and for the song. It's quite good. But honestly I like Fallin' Flower better
Okay, that's all for today
I'll posting again when my going magazine and TTT comes. Idk when though. Maybe early June for going magazine
Ah, right Seventeen will have comeback on 18 June (it's their 1st time doing comeback not on monday)
Thay already start preorder for the album. I haven't preordered it yet. Still contemplating whether buy 2 sets or 3 sets...
Should I just buy 2 sets and save money for another seventeen project? It's seems they'll have another project (maybe they'll release another TTT).
Also they'll have their 6th anniversary on 26 but there's no information about merch or something. It's really weird. It's like 5 more days...
Well, let's just waiting for now
Idk if you can understand what I mean in this post. Maybe there's some sentences hard to understand... sorry for that
Okay, see you again in next post
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lesbiancarat · 3 years
Oohh true, true! Plus we do have the comeback soon so that also means it won't be very soon? It has gotten very confusing very fast thats for sure lol but your post did confirm and clear things up. I'm curious to see how it will play out, we have the new series which is not related to the new comeback but its own thing. Maybe it will tell a story? That would be interesting to see! As for the solos, we all thought side by side would be apart of it so it seems to be more random per se? We can only wait and see!
Lol I'm not alone with tbe app buying then haha but oohh yeah I also noticed that! I think Amazon used to not have the choice of picking which version for some albums so to see other stores give that option is nice! Im guessing the ones from western stores are cou ted to billboard more than Korean charts based on when bts and nct sold their albums in the states so that is good! You are helping them chart in some way (also a daily reminder to fans to please don't stress about streaming! I know we're not at the comeback just yet but please have fun with the comeback!)
*hugs you* thank you! I am going tl try to power up the game tonight and play a lil bit (wish me luck. Game can be tricky lol) I feel like once I complete the game, it will be my proper goodbye to her in a way. Indeedy, sadly what happened did happen. As much as I would like to turn back time, we have to move on. Of course healing however we can, keeping yourself positive and just keep swimming as it was said in finding Nemo lol (ignore the cheese) she was a happy bunny, a rascal as well like oh my gosh hdjabxjs she LOVED causing chaos but it made things fun! That's what's important! Remember all the happy times not the sad ones. I wheezed xD rip the papers in the house. My bunny was the same though she preferred to chew on cables, specifically headphones like I lost 4 pairs from her and she always was able to find them even if I hid them away from her on my bed lol. I swore she had some gps for headphones haha. Thats a sweet frame your mom made! Also your new meow meow, sending good vibes your way! Looks like a very cuddly cat to me in that pic
Ps happy 6 years with the 13 beans!! :D here's to amazing more memories! Hopefully we can be fans for as old as Gandalf haha. Also I read other asks about enlistment and my oh my, I never thought it was THAT quick for the boys!! Like it never clicked to me until now
yeah, we probably won't see another TTT solo until after Your Choice promotions have died down ;-; in regard to Power of Love my prediction is that it's more theme based rather than one story, bc that's how SVT tend to do things like how heng:garae, semicolon, and hitorijanai were all a part of Svt's "youth" theme, but this time the "love" theme is more official? or maybe not more official but just marketed more obviously dhfj but who knows! maybe SVT will switch it up and have a storyline for this project ^^ and i think the TTT solos aren't necessarily random, it's more just with jun and minghaos things are a bit different since they already release solos marketed toward the Chinese market (even though side by side had a kr version). like i think it's possible that jun and minghao had their solos in the works before they came up w the concept of TTT and the release just happened to line up with spider/the start of TTT. so i guess what I'm saying is china line are the only ones that might get confusing, i think if solos get announced for other members they'll likely be part of TTT
and yeah it looks like sales from most if not all of the US retailers are gonna count toward the billboard charts! i think i also saw there was one place that would count toward billboard and one of the kr charts too but i can't remember specifics. if you/anyone wants me to look into what retailers count for which charts just let me know and I'll look into it ^^
good luck with your game! i know you sent this yesterday so you probably already played some of it but i hope it went well!! but omg a GPS for headphones DHFKGJ your bunny sounds really cute even if she was a bit mischievous :')
yes happy 6th anniversary!! i haven't been around the whole time but it's still so hard it's been so long. and yes hopefully we'll all be together with SVT for a long time, here's to hoping that one caratland skit of SVT as old men will come true DHFKFJ
and yeah not a lot of ppl have started talking about Svt's enlistment yet djfkfj tbf it is still somewhat early, i think carats are right to focus on the present for the time being rather than counting down the days. i just randomly thought of it :')
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lalamediame · 4 years
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Dearheart Challenge! Happy Anniversary TTT http://dlvr.it/RXr969
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krystal-twi · 5 years
#1-15 for classicberry (from the way back into love)
I think this is the first time someone requested my boys :D
.1. Who offers their jacket when the other is cold?
Sans would be. He rather grin and bear it than let Blue freeze.
2. Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up?
Both tend it giggle. The one to do it most would be Blue though. He was rarely ever lifted by any former partners. So when Sans does it, Blue can't help but giggle. He loves it to bits when Sans does it.
3. Who compliments the other in front of everyone?
Sans surprisingly. Blue would love to do it more cause he is PROUD of his boyfriend. But his anxiety keeps him from doing it. Not that Sans minds. Sans does keep it small, he knows how flustered Blue can get.
4. Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun?
Obviously, sans.  He loves puns and that will never stop.
Blue either gives off a comment like "I heard better" or "I only like good puns, " this is Blue's joking way. Sans knows it all jokes and overreacts. Five-seconds later they are both laughing their boney butts off.
5. When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help?
When Blue has a bad day, Sans cuddles him and tries to distract him. gives cuddles and movies. It always makes Blue feel better.
For Sans, Blue gets bottles of ketchup and tells puns galore. Blue also always gets an armful of Sans when the other is feeling down, so once again, cuddles.
This couple is all about cuddles for comfort.
6. If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would another wear?
OH! Blue would already have a large collection of what he wants Sans to wear. Blue loves Sans’s female body and has black tights and a dark blue t-shirt he would want Sans to wear with his female body.
Sans would have Blue wear his jacket and t-shirt….that’s it. Just those two things…  He loves Blue in his clothes. Doesn’t help that Blue is constantly stealing his clothes.
7. Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go?
In the story, it’s Blue. both blue and Sans agreed it would be best to come out to Stretch before Papyrus. It goes well. As well as it could.
If there was never fontcest/swapcest in the story, it would still be Blue to introduce Sans to his family. It would go well in this world. Stretch would be very protective but supportive.
8. In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer?
Blue would be the customer. He would come in for a cup of coffee and sit in the back corner. Blue keeps to himself and reads a book as he waits.
Sans works there and notices how out of place Blue looks and tries to strike up a conversation. wanting to make Blue happy and feel better.
9. When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person has their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, ECT.
ALL THE TIME! They can’t get enough of one another and are constantly wanting the other’s touch and warmth. Holding hands? Check. Arms interlinked? check!  Laying on one another? Check!! Kissing each other cheek? Yep!
They really cant get enough of one another.
10. What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy?
Sans is very understanding and listens to Blue. Sans is willing to hear his boyfriend out and help him or just be there for him. So when Sans just listens when Blue talks/confess something, it makes Blue feel really grateful.
Blue’s trust in Sans is what makes Sans happy. After everything that happened, Blue trust’s Sans enough to confide in him. To know Sans would be there for him. Sans is happy to know he can make Blue feel safe enough to do so.
11. What would they do to celebrate their one year anniversary?
Ooo! I definitly haven’t thought about this…Depends on who is planning it. Blue would make a large pillow fort at Sans’s, get popcorn galore, cotton candy, and tea. Blue would pick out some movies they both love and they would spend the time just cuddling under the pillow forts.
Sans, however, would plan something in another universe. He would go to one that is already on the surface. At night, he would bring Blue to a park. They would just spend time together. Goofing off and occasionally watching the stars.
12. When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another?
It was slow but all at once. And Sans at least realized it when they went to that TTT game for a date. Sans knew he had strong emotions for Blue, but he didn’t piece it together as ‘love’ until then.
Blue was roughly the same. When he heard Sans about to utter those words, it lit a match in him. Making him realize he returned those emotions wholeheartedly. He also loved Sans.
Sans confessed his love when Blue was dealing with his thoughts about his past relationship and how badly it affected him. Sans proves to Blue that Blue is perfect and kisses Blue all over. then he confesses he loves Blue.
Blue, how,ever has yet to tell Sans, he loves him. I can’t answer any further without major spoiler for the plot.
13. Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss?
Sans loves it. He loves cuddling into Blue’s neck and holding his adorable boyfriend in his arms.
Blue also likes it I don’t think he does it as much as Blue.
14.  Who would make a playlist for the other person? What would be featured on the playlist?
I can see Blue doing this. He would do it and give it too Sans when Sans is having a rough day. Imma give about five songs that would be on it.
1. Way Back Into Love by Hugh Grant and Drew Berrymore
2. Can’t help falling in love by annapantsu
3. What that Matters Most by Delta Rae
4. Shooting Star by Owl City
5. Shine Supernova by Cody Simpson
Okay, literally any space style song. With some love songs thrown in. Blue and Sans are both obsessed with Space.
15. Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars?
Honestly, both are extremely likely to do this one. They both love stars so much.
Sans technically did this for their first date too, I believe. Well, close enough I think. Blue would be happy to do so for another date of theirs though!
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myfairestkings · 4 years
Top Ten Tuesday: Past TTT Topic
Top Ten Tuesday: Past TTT Topic
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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme that was originally created by The Broke and the Bookish but was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
Happy Anniversary! In honor of Top Ten Tuesday turning 10, there was two options: redo or update a past list that you have done…
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birdiebookworm · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Top Ten Tuesday!
Happy Birthday, Top Ten Tuesday! #TopTenTuesday #TTT #Reread #Favorites #BookBlog #BookBlogger #BookBloggers #ILoveBooks #Read #Books #ReadBooks
Top Ten Tuesday is now 10 years old. Top Ten for Ten Years.
That’s a pretty special announcement.
For the ten year anniversary of Top Ten Tuesday, the choice was a freebie of sorts. You could either redo one you’d done previously, or you could choose any past topic to share today.
I went with the latter.
I decided to (again) post those books I never shut up about, in the form…
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