#happy anniversary faith in the future my beloved <3
sunkissedlouis · 7 months
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new film photos of louis for faith in the future (on spotify)❣️❣️❣️
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jisungsplatforms · 3 years
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x gn! reader
Genre: angst; hanahaki au, non idol au
Warning: language, mentions of cheating, tiny tiny spoilers & allusions to some of my other fics if you squint hard enough. Some elements of Felix x reader (purely platonic tho)
Note: this does NOT portray Stray Kids’ true personalities. This is all purely FICTIONAL
*this is one of my longest fics i’ve ever written so sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
(Based off of (G) i-dle’s “Dahlia)
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(Page II)
“Signifies a lasting bond and commitment between two people;
symbolizes elegance, inner strength , change, and dignity...”
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Hwang Hyunjin is bad news.
He’s a player, he’ll leave once he gets bored of you.
Hwang is no good for you. You deserve so much better, Y/n.
That was all you heard ever since you started dating Hyunjin. Different variations of it, all with the same connotation. People warned you, left and right, whenever they saw you two together. But you didn’t care, you choose to love him anyways, despite the rumors you’ve heard about him. It was all...
...Blind love. Sure, you fall in love fast, and every single time, you’ve been cheated on; but you knew that he was different, you could feel it. You had faith in Hyunjin.
Today was your one year anniversary. You sighed at the calendar hanging on your wall, a vase with a single dahila (given by Hyunjin a few weeks ago) sat on a table beside it.
“Did you know back then, lovers used to gift their beloved dahlias as a sign of everlasting love and commitment?” Hyunjin said with a pretty smile, holding a bouquet of a dozen dahlias.
“Oh really now?” you giggled, taking the bouquet into your hands. “Are you trying to tell me something?” You tilted your head, your eyebrows raised playfully.
“Hmm. Only that I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he cheekily said. “And that I will love you, and only you, even for the our next 100 lifetimes.”
You writhed in giddiness, touched by his words. “I can’t wait then,” you said, planting a soft kiss onto his plump lips, the two of you smiling into the kiss.
That was a year ago; 3 months into your relationship, probably the happiest year you’ve ever had. Every day with Hyunjin felt magical, like it was too good to be true. He was nothing but gentle with you. He held your hand as if you were glass. His eyes stared into yours as if you had the shiniest of diamonds for eyes. His beautiful smile always made your heart flutter, but his kisses was what really did the job. You thought that you could never had enough of him. You were his princess and he’s your prince charming.
But little did you know that the magic will soon wear off...
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You stared at your phone in sheer disappointment.
Sorry, I can’t make it today. Something really important came up and I can’t miss it.
-was what was written on your screen, sent by your boyfriend. Bringing the phone closer to your face, you replied.
Really? You can’t skip it? Or even do it later?
Nope. Sorry, babe. There’s nothing I can do.
Oh...okay then.
Cheer up, babe. We’ll just go on a date on another day! I’ll make it up to you. Promise! :)
‘Go on a date on another day’ For some reason, reading that message shot a pang of hurt through your chest. To you, it basically implied that today was supposed to be just ‘another date’ for you guys.
Did he...forget that it’s our one year today? you thought sadly at the possibility as you put your phone down. Shaking your head, you tried to erase the negative thoughts from your mind. No no no, Hyunjin wouldn’t have forgotten. He was the one who even arranged the date! You held your cheeks in your hands. Sighing, you stood up to leave your bedroom to get a glass of water, feeling a heaviness to your chest. A million thoughts ran through your head as you made your way to the kitchen.
Is it possible that he really did forget?
Is he lying to me?
Am I just overthinking things again?
Or did he finally get...bored of me?
Looking back, you started to think about how lately, Hyunjin has been cancelling and rescheduling your dates. Every time you text him, asking him to come over, he’d reply with something along the line of “can’t i’m busy. sorry.” Of course you felt hurt, but you always told yourself, he’s a busy man. We don’t always have to be together.
And of course, you werent oblivious to how every month, the amount of dahlias Hyunjin used to give you slowly decreased. Once a dozen dahlias became only 8. 8 slowly became half a dozen. Then 6 became only 3. But you’ve convinced yourself that you didn’t need flowers to determine how in love you were, telling yourself how expensive live flowers actually are, so it makes sense he’ll end up giving less flowers. That’s it. That’s what you’ve conditioned your mind to think.
You’ve convinced yourself that Hyunjin truly is a good guy.
You didn’t even realize you were already in your kitchen until you felt yourself holding the cup to your mouth, the cool liquid making it’s way down your esophagus. You put the cup onto the counter, mindlessly staring at it. Maybe your were just overthinking things. That’s it.
Trudging back to the bedroom, you sat on the edge of your bed, sighing heavily, trying to contain the tears that were threatening to come out. Your lit up with a notification.
From Lixie Ramsay 🧑‍🍳🍽
Hey Y/n, are you feeling well?
Seeing a text from Felix, you grabbed your phone.
Not really. How’d you know??
Idk. I guess you can call it...best friend telepathy :D
You smiled, typing in another reply.
Well thank GOD for bsf telepathy cause I feel like shit rn.
Overthinking again?
Yes :(
Aww sorry to hear that dude :((
Wait. What happened with Hyunjin? Isn’t it your anniversary today?
Your heart ached at the message, the good mood you were slowly feeling again plummeted. Luckily, Felix noticed how long you were taking to reply to him.
Ah nvm... Anyways, I’m pretty much free rn so that meeaannnsss...I’ll take you out on a date instead!
Even though you were wallowing in misery, you couldn’t help but tease him.
You? Pass
How rude. And here I am being the greatest friend anyone could ask for, and you have the audacity to be picky?
Have fun with your pity party then, best friend
You sniggered at his reply. No no. I’m sorry I’m sorry, I’ll take up your offer LOL
Good. Be ready in about 20 mins. I’m coming over so we can go to the café together!
Okayyy :D
You got up and put on a nice, but comfortable outfit to go out in with your best friend.
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You were just sitting on your couch, awaiting for Felix’s arrival when you heard a knock on your door.
“Y/n! It’s meee~!” came his loud, deep voice. You chortled as you got up from your couch, making sure everything was secured before going to your door. You opened it to see Felix’s bright smile greeting you.
You giggled, opening the door wider. “‘Sup, bro,” you nodded your head. Felix returned the gesture.
“‘Sup. You ready?”
“Yup! Let’s go.” Before you could get out of your house, Felix stopped you.
“Wait wait! I have something for you!” he lightly pushed you back inside. Only then did you notice that he was holding a single sunflower in his left hand. Your eyes widened a little, confused.
“What’s this?” you asked.
“A sunflower!”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Duh, I know that, but what’s it for?”
Felix beamed. “Well, I knew that you were feeling sad today, and I heard from someone that sunflowers are known as “happy flowers”, so I thought that I should give you one! To cheer you up!”
You looked at the flower in awe, incredibly touched by his gesture. “Lix...” you trailed off, feeling happy tears beginning to prick your eyes. You took the sunflower from his hands and stared at it, already feeling the positive vibes radiating from it.
“I know, I know. I’m the bestest best friend anyone could ask for. Now let’s go! I’ve been dying to try the carrot cake in that new café a few blocks down!” Felix said, sliding his arm to yours, “I heard that they have one of the best carrot cakes in town.”
You looked up from the flower to look at him, grinning. “Thank you so much for this, dude. I really appreciate it.”
Felix shrugged with a small smile on his face. “It’s the least I could do. Really.” He waited for you as you locked your front door, arms still linked, then making your way to go to the café Felix has been dying to go to.
The two of you walked together, catching up on each other’s current events going on in your lives, seeing how you weren’t able to for the past two weeks. Right now, Felix was telling you about a certain crush he has in one of his classes.
“Ooh, so, have you tried asking them out? Or even just told them that you’re interested or something, in the very least?” you wiggled your eyebrows. In response, he sucked in his breath a little. His face contorted in a slight grimace.
“I...tried to...” He said with his teeth clenched. You looked at him in puzzled.
“What do you mean ‘tried to’, Lix?” you asked. “It’s either you did or you didn’t.”
Felix sighed in embarrassment, his mind wandering back to the memory. “I sorta might’ve accidentally revealed that I liked them but sorta might’ve got embarrassed and accidentally took it back?”
“What?” you deadpanned.
“Okay okay. It’s dumb. I know. But they were so SO cute just talking, TALKING, and it just slipped out, I guess!” he said, exasperatedly. “I really couldn’t help it! Honest! So, I just panicked and covered it up by saying ‘I’m so lucky to have a friend like you'”
You looked at him blankly, slowly unlinking your arms. “Oh no,” you sighed, slightly shaking your head. “Oh baby nooo...”
“Yeah. I’m pathetic, I know.”
You hummed in pity, patting his shoulder. “A little, yeah, but it’s okay. Things like that happen, unfortunately. Don’t worry though, it’s not like it’s the end of the world,” you grinned, “You’ll have a lot more chances to actually confess in the near future.”
Felix nodded, crooning. “You’re right, Y/n. Thanks,” he said, giving you a hug as he gave you his well-renowned sunshine-like smile that you couldn’t help but smile back.
“No problem.”
Topic after topic, the two of you were so immersed in your conversation that you guys arrived at the café.
“Finally!” you cheered. “That was a surprisingly long walk.”
Felix sighed. “For real. But on the bright side: carrot cake!”
“Is the carrot cake even that good?”
“Dunno. Only one way to find out!” Felix walked a few steps ahead of you to open the door for you when he suddenly stopped. His whole body went rigid. In a blink of an eye, he turned around, gently pushing you away from the building. “Darn. What a shame, it’s full today. Oh well,” he frantically stated.
You glanced back behind him to check the inside yourself, only to see that it was only half full.
“What’re you talking about? There’s totally enough space for us. Let’s go.”
Felix’s face was full of dread. His body was stiff, his eyes shook a little as he maintained eye contact with you. He was nervous, and you could tell.
“You’re not okay. Is there someone in there you wanna avoid?” you said in urgency.
“Uhm. You could say that,” he murmured, looking down. Looking back up to see if there were any shifty looking faces that were in desperate need of a beating, your heart dropped in horror and dispair. Through the window, you saw Hyunjin, your boyfriend, sitting with a pretty looking lady. You watched them with woeful eyes as they smiled and laugh with each other. You couldn’t believe it, you didn’t want to. You wanted to believe that this was all a misunderstanding. You only snapped out of it when you felt Felix’s small, warm hands.
“Let’s-uh- let’s just go, yeah?” he said quietly. Nodding mindlessly, you let him lead to somewhere else. Anywhere but here. Felix rubbed your back, trying to give you any kind of hug he could give you as you walked away. You tried your best to push back the cough making it’s way to your throat. Good thing Felix was guiding you the entire way, others you would’ve fallen due to your blurry eyesight.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered into your ear. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
It’s okay. You have nothing to apologize for, is what you wanted to tell him. But you couldn’t, for if you do, you might end up breaking down in the middle of the streets. You breathed heavily, containing both your tears and the pressure down in your chest and throat.
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You snuggled closer to your thick blankets, trying to assimilate the warm you crave for from it. Felix was by your side, rubbing soothing circle to your back. You guys never went to go to another café. Instead, he led you home, seeing how it wasn’t the right time for you two to go out. You appreciated his gesture. It makes you wonder why can’t every guy be like your best friend, your brother, your soulmate. Felix let out a long exhale.
“Man, I-I’m sorry you had to see that, especially on your anniversary,” he soft said. Felix was furious, not only at Hyunjin, but himself as well. He felt like he couldn’t protect you, like he failed as your best friend.
“It’s okay, Lix. I’m fine,” you murmured. “Actually,” you paused, “I’m not fine. But you don’t have to apologize for something like this. This had nothing to do with you.”
“I know,” he sighed. “Im just frustrated, you know. I’m mad that you’re hurting like this.”
“Yeah me too,” you said emptily. “I just hope that this was just a misunderstanding.”
“He better damn well make sure that it’s just a misunderstanding,” he grumbled. “Otherwise i’m gonna have to settle some things with him. Hope he knows that i’m a black belt in Taekwondo.”
You snorted. “Thanks, Felix.”
“I will have a ‘chat’ with him. Mark my words.”
You laughed at him. You could faintly feel the angst in your heart lessen, but not completely go away. Hearing your front door unlock, you stiffened. You tried your best to not look at it.
“Babe! I’m here!” Hyunjin’s voice rang at the entrance. You felt Felix’s hold on your form tighten. Hyunjin walked closer to you two.
“Hey, Felix,” he said flatly. “didn’t know you were coming here.”
“Hmm.” Felix nodded his head, not even trying to make eye contact with the tall brunette. Hyunjin nodded back in annoyance.
“Anyways, you can leave now,” he sneered with his jaw clenched. “Your job is done. Now it’s my turn to spend time with my beloved.”
Both you and Felix tensed at his words. He looked down to look for your approval. Seeing your unsure nod, he hesitantly let go of you, watching you as he does so.
“It’s okay,” you mouthed to him. He made a sharp breath as he stood up, still refusing to look Hyunjin in the eye.
“Goodbye,” Felix called out, more to you than the other. You felt a sense of foreboding when you heard the door shut. From your side, Hyunjin let out a harsh groan.
“Finally,” he said, sitting down as he wrapped his arm around you. You couldn’t let yourself relax in his arms like how you’d usually to. You just felt uneasy in his presence right now. “So? How was you day? Missed me?” Hyunjin asked. You couldn’t take it anymore. You couldn’t bring yourself to pretend anymore.
“Are you cheating on me?” you more declared than asked as you sat up straight. Hyunjin’s eyes widened for a millisecond, a flash of fear in his eyes, but he just played it off.
“How could you accuse me of something like that?” he said, defensively. “I’m your boyfriend. Don’t you trust me?”
You bit your lip nervously. “I saw you, Hyunjin. At the café.” His face contorted in panic but quickly masked it as disbelief.
He scoffed, “Well you saw wrong, Y/n. That was just a friend, I would NEVER cheat on you.” He shook his head disappointingly, removing his arm from you. “I can’t believe that you would ever doubt me, babe. I’m actually really hurt by this right now.”
You felt a wave of guilt rush over you.
“Oh...I’m sorry,” you muttered. “I just thought-“
“You thought what? That the rumors were true?” Hyunjin laughed sarcastically. “Man, and here I thought that you were different.”
Your eyes teared up even more as the guilt inside your chest increased. Was I really wrong? you thought. “No! I’m-I’m sorry, Hyunie! I didn’t know! I just felt hurt because today was su-”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s okay. Let me just, be alone for a while, Y/n.” Hyunjin quietly got up and walked out of your house. You walked as he slammed the door on his way out, wrapping the blanket tighter around you. You were starting to regret letting Felix leave. The air around turn colder in your empty apartment.
It was supposed to be our one year anniversary, you thought, finally letting your tears out. And yet again, you tried controlling the tickling down your throat.
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“He told you WHAT?” Felix exclaimed, looking at you incredulously. You had to shush him when you noticed some of the other people in the coffe shop giving you both tiny glares.
“He told me that it was just a friend that he had to me,” you said, quietly. “And that he would never cheat on me. He also said that felt hurt that I didn’t trust him, so I felt bad cause he did looked super upset.”
Felix rolled his eyes as he let out a sardonic “ha”. “That’s rich. Coming from him?” You let out a tiny pout.
“I don’t know, Lix. He seemed like he was telling the truth though?”
“Yeah, seemed, Y/n. I don’t know if you should trust him anymore. And besides, it even sounded like he was trying to make you feel bad instead of apologizing.”
“Well yeah cause-” Felix cut you off, holding up his hand to stop you from saying anything else.
“That’s gaslighting, bud. A huge red flag if you ask me. He didn’t even remember that it was your anniversary!”
Scrunching your eyebrows, you pondered upon Felix’s words. You knew he was right, but you really wanted to give Hyunjin the benefit of a doubt. All of a sudden, you felt a pressure in your chest. In need of relief, you coughed into the juncture of your arm. Felix winced in pity.
“Ooh, sounds nasty. You good there?”
You nodded as you continued coughing, giving him a thumbs up. Once you finish with your fit, you cleared your throat a little, grabbing the water bottle beside you to drink.
“Mhmm, yeah. Just a tickle, that’s all.”
“You sure? You’ve started coughing since yesterday,” Felix stated. “Are you sure you aren’t getting sick cause of the weather or stress or something?”
“Uhh nah. I don’t think so,” you said. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”
Felix hummed, totally unconvinced by your reasoning. He knew deep down something was wrong; he just didn’t know what. It was quiet for a while until Felix up at the window and let out a little gasp. You raised your eyebrows at this, silently asking him what’s wrong. He glared a little at the window before turning to you.
“Hate to do this but look. Behind you, don’t make it obvious.”
You slightly turned your head to see what he was looking at. Your eyes widened. You saw Hyunjin and the same girl from 2 days ago, passing by at the other side of the window, hand in hand. You watched in disbelief as the girl tipped toed to kiss his cheek while he giggles. You quickly turned your head in the other direction to avoid him as they walked by, feeling the pressure in your chest worsen. It hurt even more when you remember the small bouquet of dahilas in her hands. You felt your eyes burning with tears, sucking in deep breaths. Turns out that that was a mistake.
You calming yourself back-fired. You ended up having a coughing fit; but it didn’t feel like any cough you’ve ever had. It felt way heavier, like you were almost suffocating. Bringing a fist to your chest, you pounded on it as if it would help. You didn’t know if the tears in your eyes was from the couch or seeing your bastard of a boyfriend. You couldn’t even open them so you opted to just keeping them shut .
“Y/n?!” Felix yelled out in alarm. You felt him come up behind you, rubbing your back. “Oh shit...” you heard him breathed out. You slowly opened your eyes and turned to him. He looked frantic, but he wasn’t staring at you, rather on the floor. You looked back to see dahlia petals on the floor.
Huh? you thought in bewilderment. Last time you checked, there wasn’t any plants in the shop, aside for the plastic Swiss Cheese plants in the corners of the place, if they even count at all.
Felix noticed your gaze on the petals. “That shit’s from you,” he pointed out. “We need to get you to a hospital. ASAP.”
You looked at him weakly. “But-“
“NOW, Y/n.”
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“I- what?” you gasped in horror.
“You’ve, unfortunately, contracted the Hanahaki Disease,” the doctor announced in sympathy. Felix rushed you to the nearest hospital after your little scene. When you arrived there and told the receptionist at the entrance, she immediately paged you to the emergency room. You were scared. You didn’t know what was so urgent to rush you to an emergency room.
“Hantahapki? What the hell is that?” Felix asked, coming out rather aggressively. He was horrified; who wouldn’t be if they witnessed their best friend coughing out flower petals.
“Hanahaki,” the doctor subtly corrected, “It’s a rare disease that makes you cough out petals. Not many people gets it.”
Your heart beak was fast. If it was rare, then who knows what could happen.
“Okay, Hanahaki. So do you know how Y/n got it?”
The doctor removed her glasses and put it on the desk beside her. “Well, though it is a rare disease, we do know enough about it,” she declared. “The Hanahaki disease, fortunately, isn’t contagious and is only produced from unrequited love.”
You let out a shaky sigh. “So it is true. He doesn’t love me anymore,” you muttered. You felt the familiar pressure in your chest so you relieved yourself, petals spewing as you coughed. Felix immediately rubbed your back in alarm.”
“Is there anyway to treat it, doc?” he worriedly questioned. The doctor nodded.
“Yes actually. One option is for the patient’s love to be returned by the recipient,” your heart dropped a little hearing this “-or the other is to undergo surgery.”
“Surgery?” you both inquired at the same time.
The doctor nodded again. “Yes, surgery, our safest option. However, doing so will result in Y/n loosing all feelings of love altogether.”
“So what you’re saying is,” you said slowly. “-if I do the procedure, I won’t be able to love again?”
“Unfortunately, yes. Romantic love that is. You can still love people platonicly, like your friend over here,” she said gesturing to Felix. “Family and friends, basically. You just can’t have romantic feelings for anyone else, even if you really wanted to.”
You and Felix looked at each other in sorrow. “I,” Felix started off, “really think you should do it.”
You bit your lip as you shook your head. “I don’t know. This is a pretty big decision. Can’t I just, like, think about it for a while? Before I really decide if I want to do this?”
“Of course you can, Y/n,” the doctor said. “Just don’t take too long making a decision, okay? Because it will kill you, if you don’t decide on time.”
The two of you looked up at her in horror. “KILL?!”
She winced a little at your loud voices, prompting the two of you to apologize. “Yes, kill. Those aren’t just petals coming out of no where.” She gestured to the pile between the tree of you. “They have to produce somewhere. At first they’ll start of as a little bud, that’s why as of now, you’re only coughing out several petals each cough, eventually getting bigger and bigger until the flower in your lungs fully bloom, which could end up bursting out of your chest.”
Felix turned to you in pure terror, slightly shaking you. “I REALLY think you should do the surgery today.” You brushed him off of you.
“Okay yeah, that’s terrifying, but I won’t be able to love ever again, Lix!” you countered. He look at you like you were crazy.
“You won’t be able to feel ANYTHING if you don’t!”
You contemplated on the situation. You didn’t know what to do. The doctor interrupted your train of thoughts.
“Don’t worry, Y/n you have about a few weeks minimum to make a decision. Luckily you came to us the day you started coughing out the petals. Otherwise, if it happened earlier and you kept it to yourself, you might’ve...you know.” You shook your head in acknowledgment.
“Yeah. Okay, thank you, doc.”
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It’s been 5 days since you’ve been to the hospital; 5 days you’ve been diagnosed with the Hanahaki Disease; 5 days since you’ve last seen Hyunjin.
You still weren’t sure if you wanted to undergo the procedure. Felix said that this was the best option, but you didn’t want to listen. You still had hope in your heart that maybe, just maybe, Hyunjin still loves you deep down. You heard your phone ding from the table. You picked it up and saw that is was from your “boyfriend”.
Hey! Haven’t seen each other in a while. Wanna talk?
Your heart sped up. You didn’t know if it was from excitement that he finally contacted you, or fear that you might end up finding out the whole truth. Your fingers typed out a reply.
Yeah, come over today. I’ve missed you
Liar, you thought to yourself.
Sure! See you soon!
You typed out your final reply, burying your face into the throw pillows.
A knock was heard from your door, signaling Hyunjin’s arrival. You tensed buy quickly calmed yourself down. You got up to let him in. You were greeted by his big smile, which you knew now was fake.
“Hey, babe! I’ve missed you!” he cheered.
Fucking liar. Putting one a fake smile, you said a quick “miss you too” and let him in. Closing the door, you gave yourself a mental pep talk before going straight to the point. You turned around to face him
“You’re cheating on me,” you stated, emotionlessly. You didn’t even say it as if it was a question, you knew. Hyunjin looked panic before composing himself.
“Again, Y/n? I told you, it-”
“I SAW YOU, HYUNJIN!” you cried out, not even containing your emotions anymore. “I SAW YOU OUTSIDE OF THE CAFÉ. I SAW YOU HOLDING HANDS. I SAW HER KISS YOU AND YOU DIDNT PUSH HER AWAY. IN FACT, IT LOOKED LIKE YOU ENJOYED IT.” You walked quickly towards him to push his chest.
“WHAT’S WORSE WAS THAT I SAW THE DAHLIAS YOU GAVE HER, A FLOWER THAT YOU SAID WAS SPECIAL TO US!” you fell to the floor, sobbing. The jig was up, Hyunjin knew.
“I trusted you Hyunjin...I really did. I even convinced myself that you weren’t like the rumors said,” you said weakly, already too tired to scream. “I love you. How could you do this to me?”
Hyunjin watched as you broke down. He didn’t know what to say; how to comfort you. He couldn’t even lie to you anymore. He felt bad for you. But he could’nt deny that he’s lost feelings for you.
“I’m sorry...”
Hearing this made you cry even more, you cradled your chest as you sank deeper to the floor. He didn’t even deny it. He didn’t even try comforting you. You heard his heavy footsteps leave your house, closing the door behind him. Your heart lurked even more. So this is it, you thought.
It hurts.
It hurts so fucking bad.
You were used to being cheated and lied to, so why did it? You clutched your burning chest, trying to regulate your breathing. More tears spilled out of your eyes.
It was because you genuinely loved Hyunjin.
You couldn’t take it anymore, you started wheezing out the dahlia petals out of your chest. A bunch of petals flew out of your mouth. You couldn’t breathe. It was too much. You crawled to your phone to call Felix. It rang once, twice, before he finally answered.
You could’ve even speak anymore, the room started spinning, your vision started blurring.
“Lix...hospital...” you managed to let out before collapsing.
“Y/n? Y/n!”
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You woke up to the sound of beeping. You looked around and noticed that you weren’t home anymore. You tried getting up, flinching when the IV bag connected to you stopped you.
Ah, I’m at the hospital.
You laid back down and relaxed, trying to relive what happened last time you were awake. All you remember were blurry images of you crying, petals, hearing Felix’s panicked voice, then nothing. You eyes shot open at the thought.
You looked around the room to finally see him sleeping in the corner. You could faintly distinguish the dried tear marks on his freckled face.
He must’ve been here for a while.
The door know turned to reveal the same doctor to diagnosed you a few days prior. “Hello, Y/n,” she greeted, standing by your bed. “Seems like you’re doing well now.” You nodded. You tried speaking to answer her, only to find that you couldn’t because of how dry your throat was. The doctor noticed this and shook her head.
“Don’t. Just rest, it’s okay.”
You bowed you head as a slight thank you. She walked closer to you to pat your head.
“Congratulations, the procedure was a success.”
You eyes widened at the implication. So that’s why you’re here. It all made sense now. You have her a smile as you gave a raspy “thank you.” She talked to you for a while before deciding to leave you to rest a little more. She announced you could be discharged from the hospital by tomorrow.
You felt a little disappointed that you couldn’t love anymore, but still overall glad that you’re still alive. You glanced at the papers the doctor left on the table beside you, grabbing it to read it a little just to see that is was just your information. Beside it, you saw that she also left a cup of water for you. You gulped it down, letting out a relieved “ah” went you finished.
You didn’t want to think about anything right now, and you sure as hell didn’t even want to think about your now ex-boyfriend. You closed your eyes to think about what went wrong in your life. Especially now that you have to live without loving anything the way you want to. You contemplated with an emptiness in your chest.
Our love is-
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“...however, they do carry negative connotations;
betrayal, dishonesty, instability.”
(Case #XX1-
Name: Y/n L/n
Patient: Cured; Discharged: XX,XX,XXXX at XX:XX)
(Back to Page I)
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evermoreholland · 4 years
Tying the Knot (Harrison Osterfield x Female!Reader)
Title: Tying the Knot
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Female Reader
Summary: Harrison was lucky to marry the love of his life, especially on his birthday.
Requested: No, just wanted to write something for one of my favorite boys in honor of his birthday.
Word Count: 1.2k
Author’s Note: I don’t know much about weddings so I hope this isn’t too bad. Also I mention stuff like “your dad” walking you down the aisle, and if that offends you, I apologize. Just imagine like a close friend or brother or something.  
Today was the day. The day you’ve always dreamed of. As a little girl, you dreamed of marrying your prince charming, someone who truly loved you with all of your flaws and imperfections. You have had your fair share of relationships, no one making you truly happy. That was until you met Harrison. It was then that you knew. You knew you met your prince. 
Harrison and you have been dating for about 3 years when he dropped the question. The question that changed your life forever. He asked you to spend the rest of your life with him. You knew from the beginning that Harrison truly cared about you. Each and every day he proved that even more. 
He proposed to you on Christmas morning. You spent the morning just the two of you. You sat by the fireplace, mugs filled with tea in hand. You were having a peaceful conversation while wrapped up in each other’s arms. And then he did it. He proclaimed his love for you. He promised to love you and take care of you forever. It was perfect. You didn’t want anything too extravagant. It was everything you wanted.
You wanted to have a summer wedding, preferably on the beach. Harrison didn’t really mind where or when you had the wedding, he just wanted to marry you. You proposed the idea of having the wedding on Harrison’s birthday. To be fair, July 4th was the day the two of you met, so it did have some significance to your relationship as well. Harrison didn’t love the idea, but he also didn’t hate it.
“Darling, are you sure July 4th is the date you want?” you remember him asking you.
“Why wouldn’t I? it’s the day we met,” you replied.
“I know, I just don’t want my birthday to distract from the big day. It is a day where everyone is supposed to be looking at the gorgeous bride,” he said.
“You’re too sweet, Haz. But are you okay with sharing your birthday with our wedding anniversary?” you asked.
“It would be my honor to share that day with you, darling. You are my whole world after all,” he said as pulled you in for a short but sweet kiss. July 4th it is.
Today was the day. July 4th. It was a little sad that you couldn’t wake up in Harrison’s arms on his birthday, but you both couldn’t wait for what was coming. You didn’t end up having your summer beach wedding since you wanted to stay local, but you and Harrison decided to take pictures at Ruislip Lido Beach in West London after it was official. 
You had your wedding indoors, at a beautiful venue in London. You really liked the idea of a beach theme, especially because you couldn’t have a wedding at the beach. The colors were light blue and pale yellow. The only request that Harrison made was that he wanted a band instead of a DJ, so obviously he got what he wanted. Anything for the birthday boy. The wedding was semi-formal attire since it was during the day. That meant colorful dresses or suits. Your bridesmaids would wear the light blue dresses and the groomsmen wore a matching light blue tie. Your parents would do the same thing, but with pale yellow.
You were nervous. You hardly ever got nervous. You just didn’t want anything to go wrong. Everything seemed to be going smoothly but you couldn’t help but feel uneasy.
“There is nothing to worry about, Y/N. I just checked, everything is going according to plan,” Charlotte, Harrison’s younger sister, one of your bridesmaids told you as she made sure your makeup was good to go. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just nervous,” you replied.
“There is nothing to be worried about. Harrison loves you with all of his heart, dear,” your mother told you as she adjusts your vail for you. You still felt uneasy as you made your way to where you needed to be.
“Okay, Y/N you need to breathe. Can you do that for me?” your best friend, your maid of honor asked.
“I can breathe,” you told her, “I just need my grandmother’s necklace to calm down.”
Charlotte and your best friend looked at you wide-eyed. “Uh, Y/N… about that.” Oh no.
“What do you mean you can’t find my necklace? It’s my good luck charm. I wore it on my first date with Harrison. I need to wear it now. I can’t get married without it,” you said.
“Look,” your mother said, “Everyone’s here and the wedding is about to start. I see Harrison waiting at the end of the aisle and he’s just as nervous as you. Do you really want to not marry the love of your life over a necklace?” You shook your head no.
“Good, because if you don’t marry him, I know plenty of women who would,” Charlotte teased you as she and the rest of the bridesmaids make their way down the aisle with the groomsmen, holding a bouquet full of sunflowers in their hands. Your favorite flower.
Everyone made their way to the front and Harrison was nervous because he knew that you were about to come out. 
“Mate, at this rate, you might pass out when Y/N comes out,” Tom, Harrison’s best man, whispered in his ear, teasing him.
Everyone began to rise and you knew what was happening. You held onto your father’s arm as you made your way down the aisle, your eyes immediately locking with Harrison’s. The guests looked at you, waved at you, smiled at you, but all you saw was Harrison. Harrison, your future husband, the love of your life. He stood taller, his shoulders back and his eyes on you. You saw tears coming out of his eyes and that made you tear up too. By then, you were presented to Harrison. You grabbed both of his hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze.
“You look so beautiful,” Harrison said.
“And you look incredibly handsome, birthday boy,” you said. 
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness this man and woman join together in holy matrimony.” Vows were then exchanged. 
“I, Y/N L/N, take you, Harrison Osterfield, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and, my love from this day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live,” you said. Harrison then repeats it back to you.
“With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Harrison leaned in and kissed you softly like he’s never done it before. You were now officially married to the love of your life and you couldn’t be happier.
“Mrs. Osterfield. I like the sound of that,” you said.
“Me too, darling. Best birthday ever,” Harrison said as he pulled you in for your second kiss as husband and wife.
Harrison Osterfield Taglist:
@tomhollandsotherpinkytoe @ifilosemyselfagain @beverlyparkerr @kickingn-ames @peonyophelia @thebackoftheshed @fancyxholland @viagracex @unsaidholland @cindercock @doctorextrastrange @riz-holland-osterfield @purplepizza-summerrain @babyfacespidey @god-knows-what-am-i-doing@musicalkeys @hannahholland1811
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Fandom Newsletter #4
Today is Friday, the 26th of October, and Welcome back to another Fandom Newsletter! 
Writers: Atlas, Blackpurrl, Fyne, YoursTruly Editors: Fyne and YoursTruly 
“Oh my God, Karen! You can’t just ask people why they’re white.” ~Mean Girls
Let’s get started! 
First to YoursTruly with the Horror, Hannibal, Tim Burton, Animation, and Gaming fandoms--
Horror: Horror fans love the new Halloween movie! The movie has been a massive success among fans young and old! The movie gives off a nostalgic vibe, even referencing the older movies several times throughout the film. However, if you’re going to see this movie, stay until after the credits, there’s a little surprise at the end. 
Hannibal: The Fannibals have began trying to bargain with show runner and producer Bryan Fuller for another season. The show left off on a not so satisfying conclusion, and many fans want more. Bryan Fuller has even teased the idea himself quite a few times. Will we get another season one day? Guess we’ll have to wait and see. 
Tim Burton: Disney is offering, throughout the month of October, Halloween themed cruises. They even offer an onboard show featuring Jack Skellington and Sally. And you can even meet these characters for pictures! Now that’s a cruise! Also- The Nightmare Before Christmas celebrates its 25th anniversary this year! 
YouTube: YouTube recently crashed worldwide for two hours. YouTube hasn’t said much about the incident, but problems like this are becoming more and more common on YouTube. Many people are wondering what the causes of these issues are. 
Animation: Goretober is in full swing! Many animators have been uploading their daily Goretober art. 
Gaming: The season of scary game releases is upon us! October is the month where many creators on platforms like Steam and Gamejolt are releasing their horror games in anticipation for Halloween. 
Now to Blackpurrl with the Harry Potter and Bands fandoms, along with World News--
Harry Potter: Countdown to Fantastic Beasts: 27 days!
Bands: Did you know, about twelve hours of songs are uploaded to SoundCloud every minute? Insane!
World News: Denmark Shooting for the Digital Stars
Next to Fyne with the Sherlock, Supernatural, and Spooptober fandoms, as well as the weekly positive news--
Sherlock - Ever wonder how our beloved show even came to be? Apparently, for years, writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss took a train to and from Cardiff while working on Doctor Who, and discussed various projects they were interested in doing. One that kept coming up repeatedly was a modern-day adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. This reportedly went on for some time (with neither man making any particular effort to get it up and going) until Moffat’s wife, Sue, invited both men out for lunch. Her place of choice just so happened to be the Criterion, a watering hole and eatery in London’s Piccadilly Circus. It just so happens to be the same place where the fictional John Watson (Sherlock’s best friend) first hears of the famed detective. The two men got the hint and began working on the series, bringing us our show that we have today. I think we all owe Sue a little bit of a thank you, don’t you?
Supernatural - Did you notice that (according to Archangel Michael in the episode The Song Remains the Same) Dean and Sam come from the bloodline of Cain and Abel? So is this important? Or is this just another coincidence?
Spooptober - This year is the year that Halloween movie Hocus Pocus reaches its 25th anniversary. The premise of the movie is this: After moving to Salem, Massachusetts, teenager Max Dennison explores an abandoned house with his sister Dani and their new friend, Allison. After dismissing a story Allison says is superstitious, Max accidentally frees a coven of evil witches who used to live in the house. Now, with the help of a magical cat, the kids must steal the witches' book of spells to stop them from becoming immortal.A family favorite movie that almost everyone has seen and that is playing on at least one channel nearly every night of October. If you haven’t seen this iconic movie, you definitely should go channel surfing at some point this month.
Positive News - The words we use to talk about mental health can perpetuate stigmas. A new portrait project featuring people who have mental health issues aims to make us think again about the language we choose.
Lastly to Atlas with the Voltron, Musicals, and Movie fandoms--
Voltron: This fandom is a ticking time bomb set for December 14th. We are all going to die.
Musicals: George Salazar ships Boyf-riends! 
Movies: Who else wants a live action Corpse Bride?
Now back to Blackpurrl with the weekly movie review--
Movie Review: Hannibal Rising
This movie relays the story of Hannibal Lecter’s childhood. Although most of the especially gory parts are not on camera, the viewer eventually knows exactly what became of the victim. It provides an interesting plot, and explains why the famous cannibal does what he does. I would not recommend this movie to anyone under thirteen or anyone who cannot handle tragic stories. Overall, I’d give it a 10/10.
And back to Fyne with the weekly trivia fact and quiz--
Trivia Fact - Did you know that the inventor of liquid soap became paralyzed after he slipped in the shower?
Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist?
1. You fail a test. What is your reaction?
A. I'm stupid. I’m going to fail my exams.
B. This was just a blip. I’ll do better next time. 
C. The questions were too hard. This is where my abilities stand.
2. You have quit smoking, but you accidentally have a cigarette. Which of the following is your reaction?
A. You have been set back, so you just go right back into the addiction.
B. You have been set back, but you believe you can quit again.
C. You have been set back, so you come up with ways to avoid similar circumstances that led you to the set back.
3. You are shown a picture of a man who isn’t smiling. What do you think this man is feeling/doing?
A. The man is plotting, rude, or experiencing something unpleasant.
B. The man is relaxing, thinking, or did not have enough time to smile. 
C. The man is posing for the picture.
4. A close friend of yours sets you up on a blind date. How do you feel about this?
A. You have no clue what your date is like and you are afraid they’re going to set you up with a complete loser.
B. You have faith in their opinion and want to see for yourself what your date is going to be like. 
C. You decide to see what your date is like and decide for yourself how well your friend did. 
5. You’re a business owner who goes bankrupt. How do you proceed?
A. You see this failure as a sign that you are not meant to be in this business and pursue other options.
B. You see this failure as a lesson and use it to help you further your business in future reference.
C. You see this failure as a sign and choose to make plans to pull yourself out of bankruptcy.
6. You get a raise. How do you feel about it?
A. You don’t understand why you got the raise and you wonder if there is an ulterior motive.
B. You accept the raise happily, glad that your hard work has finally been recognized.
C. Yay! More money!
7. You’re an accountant and today you made a mistake with a number. What is your reaction?
A. You figure out where you went wrong, and then feel horrible about it for a long time afterward, questioning your abilities and worthiness as an accountant.
B. You figure out where you went wrong, fix it, and move forward.
C. You recognize the mistake and move on. 
8. You have a bad day. Which of these is you after the day is over?
A. You believe that your life has been full of hardship and negative experiences.
B. You see the bad days as part of your life that help you grow or benefit you in some way.
C. Recognize that you had a bad day, and resolve to try again tomorrow. 
9. You are struggling with groceries and someone comes to help you. How do you respond? 
A. You become suspicious, tell them that you have nothing to give them, and maybe even yell at them to leave you alone.
B. You thank them and talk about their day or ask them about themselves.
C. You politely say thank you and either accept or decline their help. 
10. You go on a vacation. Which of these is you?
A. Complain about everything you do and could potentially do, and eventually wind up not wanting to do anything at all but watch TV in the hotel room.
B. You want to experience as much as the location has to offer, even though you had no plans about what to do.
C. You enjoy the vacation and plan extensively about what you want to do and when.
Mostly A’s: You appear to be a pessimist. Always seeing the bad and negative in everything probably isn’t helping you be any happier or lead a happier life. Try and maybe appreciate things more often.
Mostly B’s: You appear to be an optimist. Always seeing the good and positive is probably helping you be fairly happy, and even leading to a happier life style. Though try not to be too optimistic all the time because it may end up hurting you in the long run.
Mostly C’s: You appear to be a realist. I guess you’re sort of a neutral character. Good for you.
(This isn’t physiologically proven, its literally just a test I made up in my free time so don’t take the results to heart and please do not be offended)
And finally, back to YoursTruly with the weekly book review--
Book Review- The Life Of P.T. Barnum is a fantastic book for anyone who loves a good biography. The book is a wildly entertaining autobiography by P.T. Barnum about his own life, starting from his childhood and following him through all his adventures. All in all, a fantastic book. 10/10 
Wish our illustrator and writer Blackpurrl a happy birthday today! Comic is brought to you by our very talented artist, Blackpurrl. That’s all for this week, we’ll see you next week with another Fandom Newsletter! 
Signing off, 
Atlas, Blackpurrl, Fyne, and YoursTruly 
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holdontohopelove · 6 years
Wow, I've written more personal stuff on this site in two days than I have in 7.5 years.
I feel like I need to get this out because I don't want to carry this around forever and I also don't want it to be apparent to my family, friends, and coworkers how absolutely messed up I am by a fictional TV show. This is a haul so read at your own risk.
I started watching The Closer in 2007, so this is my 10 year anniversary with this franchise. I inhaled it the summer before I went away to college and continued to hang on tight to it as I grew up, got a degree, graduated, got a Master's, and started working as a full-blown professional. The Closer, and then Major Crimes, was safe. It was home. Brenda was and will always be my "person" in this series, but Sharon was a close second. Sharon was what Brenda wasn't and if I had to pick, I hope to blend the best of both in my personal and professional lives. These women defined strong women on television. They gave young college students and young professionals like me something to believe in. 
As I went on to work in the field of victims services, I applauded Major Crimes for how they told stories about sexual abuse and rape. As much as his storylines sometimes annoyed me, I loved everything Rusty Beck stood for. If the kids I work with are able to overcome adversity half as well as Rusty, it would be a success. Rusty is the outcome I pray for for my kids. Sharon was the foster parent I pray for for my kids. To see it on screen was beautiful and heartbreaking...and that kept me hooked and committed week in and week out. Plus Sharon and Andy? Love after heartbreak? Finding that kind of love in your later years? God what a message. How does that NOT give you hope?
I always knew that losing this show would be hard. I also knew instinctively that it would mark the major shift in my life between kid and adult, no matter how many years I have logged in my career, degrees on my wall, numbers in my bank account, or capabilities I had to handle my own life. This was truly going to be the moment of leaving something that I started in my late teens - as I was transitioning into the adult world- behind. I just didn't expect that losing it would come at the cost of losing a character that I love, adore, and admire. 
My job is not easy. My life is not easy. No one's is. That's why I watch television and movies. That's why we ALL watch television and movies - to be entertained and to escape, for a little while, to a better world. Fiction doesn't have to mean sunshine and rainbows, but I also don't appreciate when it causes unnecessary angst. That's not what I came here for. I remember when The Mentalist ended in 2015. They were given a surprise final season and made no secret about how the final season was about "giving the fans what they want." They did justice to the characters and the stories while ultimately leaving everyone happy. They could have orchestrated a huge, dramatic, emotional final mess in which people died and Jane continued to suffer, but they didn't. They chose the fans. They chose the characters. They gave them the happy endings we long for in real life, but don't always get.
I've spent time reading the interviews from Mary and James about the decision to kill Sharon off. "It's a metaphor for the end of the show." "It was a way to release Mary from the show so she could pursue other work because we were inevitably getting cancelled." "It was a powerful moment." "I supported this." It goes on and on with the justification. For me, there is no justification for this and for what the viewers were put through. This was senseless, needless tragedy, and a rare tragedy at that, as in "most people die with cardiomyopathy, not from it". I'd even go as far as to say a "manufactured" tragedy...we've all discussed how Sharon basically set up her own demise and chose her own destiny, resulting in her loved ones losing her sooner than was necessary and not having any time to process or say goodbye. That is not the selfless, family-centered, faithful woman I know from this series. The choices that Sharon made do her character and the entire series a complete disservice. Not to mention it put loyal fans who devoted themselves to this show for years and years through absolute hell.
I wanted to be able to look back on this franchise fondly. I wanted to be able to say...this show meant so much to me and guided me through some of the toughest transitions and hardest moments of my life. I wanted to be able to say...this show is over, just as my childhood and "baby adult" years are, but it's a part of me. It made me who I am. But I struggle to say that now. I struggle because I don't want to remember the pain that I now associate with this show after the last 24 hours. I slept for 3 hours last night. I have been nauseous since I woke up this morning. My anxiety, never stellar to start with, is off the charts. I look like a raccoon on acid. This show used to build me up and make me feel like I could own the world and kick ass and overcome adversity. Now it's just reinforcing the  depressingly real world idea that all good things can be taken away and terrible things can happen to good people. That a kid who finally gained a good mother could lose her when he's barely an adult. That a man who literally waited his whole life for a love like theirs could lose his wife within weeks of their wedding. That her other kids never had a chance to say goodbye and process how dire the situation with their mom actually was. That a room full of people could watch a loved one literally up and die in front of them and not be able to save her. Don't get me wrong...I KNOW this shit happens every day. I work with this shit every day. I specialize in trauma, for Christ's sake. I didn't need to see it dramatized on my television with people that I've literally spent ten years watching each week.
I cannot fathom why someone would choose this path to walk knowing that this was likely the final season of the show. Most of us LIKE open-ended finales even if there's no chance of anyone renewing the series or carrying it to another platform. It lives on in our hearts. In our headcanon. In our fanfiction. In our memories. We can think back and believe that there was a happy ending, a long life, a sense of contentment. You don't need to kill off our beloved main character to reinforce the idea that "the show is dead" and that "it's never coming back to life." We get it. But couldn't it have lived on for us, for your loyal fans? It's like, not only did my favorite show end, but every good feeling, daydream, storyline, or wish I'd have for those characters and that world is dead, too. This is the whole TLJ "Let the past die, kill it if you have to" thinking on an entirely insane fucking level. I am not here for this. I did not spend 10 years here for this.
I'm really struggling right now. It's five days before Christmas and life should be grand, but I feel like a part of me has died. I feel like I'm grieving something I can't put into words with the people who are physically in my life because it's going to sound insane. I get that writers want their audiences to feel something, but literally all I feel is dead inside and that nothing in these next four episodes will ever make this better. I feel like I spent ten years on something I considered precious only to have it smashed before my eyes. My memories are tainted. My heart is so heavy. This show broke me in the worst possible way with no conceivable benefit. There is nothing about Sharon Raydor's death that added to this series and nothing that can happen in the final episodes that will fix this or make me feel better about this.  All it did was remind me, once again, though off the clock this time, that the world is often shitty, good people can suffer terrible fates, and love does not conquer all. This is the legacy that was left for us. This is what I got out of the TV show that I had used to keep my faith when sometimes my own world was dark. 
I didn’t need this final season to be fluffy bullshit with all kisses and no strife, but I needed this final season to be the light in darkness. I needed this final season to help me feel ready to move on. I needed this season to emphasize that these characters matter, that the fans matter, that the last 13 years of this franchise matter. I needed this final season to prove that good can triumph, love can move mountains, and that even those who struggle can have a bright future ahead. 
I think that’s all I can say without repeating myself further. Now, we have to take of ourselves and each other as we all struggle through this. There’s no way to make sense of this. You can’t make sense of insanity or find logic in grief and tragedy. But putting this out there helped me a little bit, so if you took time to read this, thank you. That’s all for now.
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pope-francis-quotes · 6 years
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21st June >> (@zenitenglish) Pope Francis’ Address to WCC Ecumenical Meeting in Geneva (Full Text). ‘What is really needed is a new evangelical outreach.’ Pope Francis on June 21, 2018, addressed the ecumenical meeting to mark the 70thanniversary of the foundation of the World Council of Churches (WCC) at the WCC Ecumenical Center in Geneva. The Full Address of the Holy Father, provided by the Vatican Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am happy to meet you and I thank you for your warm welcome. In particular, I express my gratitude to the General Secretary, the Reverend Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, and the Moderator, Dr. Agnes Abuom, for their kind words and for their invitation on this seventieth anniversary of the founding of the World Council of Churches. In the Bible, seventy years represents a significant span of time, a sign of God’s blessing. But seventy is also a number that reminds us of two important passages in the Gospel. In the first, the Lord commands us to forgive one another not only seven times but “seventy times seven” (Mt 18:22). That number, of course, does not serve as a limit, but opens up a vast horizon; it does not quantify justice but serves as the measure of a charity capable of infinite forgiveness. After centuries of conflict, that charity now allows us to come together as brothers and sisters, at peace and full of gratitude to God our Father. If we are here today, it is also thanks to all those who went before us, choosing the path of forgiveness and sparing no effort to respond to the Lord’s will “that all may be one” (cf. Jn 17:21). Out of heartfelt love for Jesus, they did not allow themselves to be mired in disagreements, but instead looked courageously to the future, believing in unity and breaking down barriers of suspicion and of fear. As an ancient Father in the faith rightly observed: “When love has entirely cast out fear, and fear has been transformed into love, then the unity brought us by our Saviour will be fully realized” (SAINT GREGORY OF NYSSA, Homily XV on the Song of Songs). We are heirs to the faith, charity, and hope of all those who, by the nonviolent power of the Gospel, found the courage to change the course of history, a history that had led us to mutual distrust and estrangement, and thus contributed to the infernal spiral of continual fragmentation. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, who inspires and guides the journey of ecumenism, the direction has changed and a path both old and new has been irrevocably paved: the path of a reconciled communion aimed at the visible manifestation of the fraternity that even now unites believers. The number seventy reminds us of yet another Gospel passage. It recalls those disciples whom Jesus, during his public ministry, sent out on mission (cf. Lk 10:1), and who are commemorated in some Churches of the Christian East. The number of those disciples reflects the number of the world’s peoples found on the first pages of the Bible (cf. Gen 10). What does this suggest to us, if not that mission is directed to all nations and that every disciple, in order to be such, must become an apostle, a missionary. The World Council of Churches was born in service to the ecumenical movement, which itself originated in a powerful summons to mission: for how can Christians proclaim the Gospel if they are divided among themselves? This pressing concern still guides our journey and is grounded in the Lord’s prayer that all may be one, “so that the world may believe” (Jn 17:21). Dear brothers and sisters, allow me to thank you for your commitment to unity, but also to express a concern. It comes from an impression that ecumenism and mission are no longer as closely intertwined as they were at the beginning. Yet the missionary mandate, which is more than diakonia and the promotion of human development, cannot be neglected nor emptied of its content. It determines our very identity. The preaching of the Gospel to the ends of the earth is part of our very being as Christians. The way in which the mission is carried out will, of course, vary in different times and places. In the face of the recurring temptation to tailor it to worldly ways of thinking, we must constantly remind ourselves that Christ’s Church grows by attraction. But what makes for this power of attraction? Certainly not our own ideas, strategies or programmes. Faith in Jesus Christ is not the fruit of consensus, nor can the People of God be reduced to a non-governmental organization. No, the power of attraction consists completely in the sublime gift that so amazed the Apostle Paul: “to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings” (Phil 3:10). This is our only boast: “the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor 4:6), granted us by the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life. This is the treasure that we, though earthen vessels (cf. v. 7), must offer to our world, so beloved yet so deeply troubled. We would not be faithful to the mission entrusted to us, were we to debase this treasure to a purely immanent humanism, adapted to the fashion of the moment. Nor would we be good guardians if we tried only to preserve it, burying it for fear of the world and its challenges (cf. Mt 25:25). What is really needed is a new evangelical outreach. We are called to be a people that experiences and shares the joy of the Gospel, praises the Lord and serves our brothers and sisters with hearts burning with a desire to open up horizons of goodness and beauty unimaginable to those who have not been blessed truly to know Jesus. I am convinced that an increased missionary impulse will lead us to greater unity. Just as in the early days, preaching marked the springtime of the Church, so evangelization will mark the flowering of a new ecumenical spring. As in those days, let us gather in fellowship around the Master, not without a certain embarrassment about our constant vacillations, and, together with Peter, let us say to him: “Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life (Jn 6:68). Dear brothers and sisters, I wanted to take part personally in the celebrations marking this anniversary of the World Council, not least to reaffirm the commitment of the Catholic Church to the cause of ecumenism and to encourage cooperation with the member churches and with our ecumenical partners. In this regard, I would like to reflect briefly on the motto chosen for this day: Walking, Praying and Working Together. Walking. Yes, but where? From all that has been said, I would suggest a two-fold movement: in and out. In, so as to move constantly to the center, to acknowledge that we are branches grafted onto the one vine who is Jesus (cf. Jn 15:1-8). We will not bear fruit unless we help one another to remain united to him. Out, towards the many existential peripheries of today’s world, in order to join in bringing the healing grace of the Gospel to our suffering brothers and sisters. We might ask ourselves whether we are walking in truth or simply in words, whether we present our brothers and sisters to the Lord out of true concern for them, or if they are removed from our real interests. We might ask ourselves too, whether we keep walking in our own footsteps, or are setting out with conviction to bring the Lord to our world. Praying. In prayer too, like walking, we cannot move forward by ourselves because God’s grace is not so much tailored to fit each individual as spread harmoniously among believers who love one another. Whenever we say “Our Father”, we feel an echo within us of our being sons and daughters, but also of our being brothers and sisters. Prayer is the oxygen of ecumenism. Without prayer, communion becomes stifling and makes no progress, because we prevent the wind of the Spirit from driving us forward. Let us ask ourselves: How much do we pray for one another? The Lord prayed that we would be one: do we imitate him in this regard? Working together. Here I would like to reaffirm that the Catholic Church acknowledges the special importance of the work carried out by the Faith and Order Commission and desires to keep contributing to that work through the participation of highly qualified theologians. The quest of Faith and Order for a common vision of the Church, together with its work of studying moral and ethical issues, touch areas crucial for the future of ecumenism. I would also mention the active presence of the Church in the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism; collaboration with the Office for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation, most recently on the important theme of education for peace; and the joint preparation of texts for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. These and various other forms of working together are fundamental elements in a sound and time-tested cooperation. I also value the essential role played by the Bossey Ecumenical Institute in the training of future pastoral and academic leaders in many Christian Churches and Confessions worldwide. The Catholic Church has long participated in this educational project through the presence of a Catholic professor on the faculty, and each year I have the joy of greeting the group of students who visit Rome. I would likewise mention, as a good sign of “ecumenical team spirit”, the growing participation in the Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. I would also note that the work of our Christian communities is rightly defined by the word diakonia. It is our way of following the Master who came “not to be served but to serve” (Mk 10:45). The broad gamut of services provided by the member churches of the World Council finds emblematic expression in the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. The credibility of the Gospel is put to the test by the way Christians respond to the cry of all those, in every part of the world, who suffer unjustly from the baleful spread of an exclusion that, by generating poverty, foments conflicts. The more vulnerable are increasingly marginalized, lacking their daily bread, employment, and a future, while the rich are fewer and ever more wealthy. Let us be challenged to compassion by the cry of those who suffer: “the programme of the Christian is a heart that sees” (Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est, 31). Let us see what we can do concretely, rather than grow discouraged about what we cannot. Let us also look to our many brothers and sisters in various parts of the world, particularly in the Middle East, who suffer because they are Christians. Let us draw close to them. May we never forget that our ecumenical journey is preceded and accompanied by an ecumenism already realized, the ecumenism of blood, which urges us to go forward. Let us encourage one another to overcome the temptation to absolutize certain cultural paradigms and get caught up in partisan interests. Let us help men and women of good will to grow in concern for events and situations that affect a great part of humanity but seldom make it to the front page. We cannot look the other way. It is problematic when Christians appear indifferent towards those in need. Even more troubling is the conviction on the part of some, who consider their own blessings clear signs of God’s predilection rather than a summons to responsible service of the human family and the protection of creation. The Lord, the Good Samaritan of mankind (cf. Lk 10:29-37), will examine us on our love for our neighbor, for each of our neighbors (cf. Mt 25:31-46). So let us ask ourselves: What can we do together? If a particular form of service is possible, why not plan and carry it out together, and thus start to experience a more intense fraternity in the exercise of concrete charity? Dear brothers and sisters, I renew to you my cordial thanks. Let us help one another to walk, pray and work together, so that, with God’s help, unity may grow and the world may believe. Thank you. [00994-EN.01] [Original text: Italian] © Vatican Media 21st JUNE 2018 16:29ECUMENISM AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE, PILGRIMAGES
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nvmlindseyallan · 7 years
@chachigonzales #GodBigDay’s on, see you on weekend, RT now. Thanks. Love, #GodsTinyDancer
Belated happy Constitution Jubilee, guys. We know, most beloved fellow yokebearers, that Empire man Washington had been sworn in as President on an April 30th, and issued his stepping-down statement on a September 19th. That precious, divinely-inspired document, had since then till now sparks and fuels to no fail our passion for check and balance here, as also are the words of all our other faithful men. Inasmuch as we had once related to you our very own experiences about April 30 this year, and moreover that we are now entering the pinnacle of #GodBigDay on September 20, Godhead's #vrday, we decided to issue this Trerise to further enjoin you with our all-consuming desire to meet each and every one of you at the Places of Safety that Godhead has prepared for all of you since the world began. First, we would like to imply here again what we are telling you days ago, that Empire really knows that they're over and done as C. S. Lewis said, by September 20-24, so as their own assuring measures, they had made some new polices laid in place these most recent days. 1. They had earlier issued the uniform mass setting to be used in all Empire locales on December 16-17, 2017 by the first days of September unlike their previous norms on this matter that they would only issue it by November, thinking now that they could at least have their one final shot against Godhead (Revelation 22) before Godhead finally strikes them #forgoodbefore December could even come. 2. They had mandated some 'if this could be our last service alive' (Ezekiel 33, Isaiah 28) contingencies in place on their September 20-21 and 23-24 services worldwide. 3. They had been implying their (1 Corinthians 15) sure destruction (2 Samuel 15,17) this forthcoming week (Luke 11, Judges 16) through their sublimal messages in their sermons since last week- they had been reading Passion accounts last week to herald the forthcoming final onslaught of persecutions against us that they would be unleashing this week, as well as the pabebe apotheosis that they would be further driving onto themselves to launch their persecutions against you (Matthew 4, Ecclesiastes 9). Now we would like to remind you guys of the present truth that we are now bringing in your midst. I would like to give you signs that Godhead has given us these past days leading up to this very momentous hour. Last September 14 I was planning to write a special Trerise addressed specifically to some of our fellow comrades pertaining to their emotional problems which I had desired to give directly to them through our pages, yet Empire spirits (Galatians 4) would deny us doing so in time for our twice a week full online paperwork. That day I was so angry and disappointed failing our folks. I rather settled with giving them another Trerise I have made before, which is not directly addressing their specific pastoral needs yet I hoped that it would be enough to be at least of help to our comrades. Rather, they had began blocking me off their online contacts. Surely this is the very bleak future awaiting us this forthcoming final stage of the Great Tribulation. When at last I was able though late to finish my specific work addressed to these particular men I could no longer give it to them because they had refused (Acts 15) to talk to me anymore. I mention this to you because prophetic things happened in line with these. On the day that I wasn't able to write my specific post to our comrades, I had this anger and disappointment all over the day within me. And why not al over that day, because my co-boarders had the laptop virtually the whole darn day hence I could (John 9) not work as much as I could. They rather had ordered me to do chores for them while they were effortlessly over the laptop all the time. I of course never confronted them on this, because I know I would in return be hampered in this work in the longer term due to the sanctions that they would be giving me should I confront them over this. Rather instead, I decided to do the chores still, but I could not get myself off the discomfort I felt (1 Peter 4, Ezekiel 11, 1 Samuel 4) on that whole instance that my thoughts had unintentionally got lost on those feelings that I had broke off a glass bottle in the process while I was doing chores (Isaiah 38-39, Psalm 110, Romans 15). I say this because after I was able to finish the specific Trerise (Acts 2-4,24-26) that I was to do on the previous instance, I of course, as you already know here, I dance all by myself (Matthew 6) for your sake before the Godhead. I really want to share those moments with you with a camera, but the sad news is that we lost it to Empire spies last year. I dance contemporary ballet fused with cabaret and burlesque, and I'm doing it as my personal sacrifice (1 Samuel 3,19) for your salvation (Isaiah 8,26,45) as my fellow yokebearers. Now as I was dancing this September 17 that followed after I was able to do lately by September 15 instead the specific address, I accidentally broke off a part of the nearby wooden table inasmuch as we don't have much room space here in our house to dance with. The link there is the broken glass bottle (Judges 7) and the postponed article (Revelation 10-11,22). I said to myself afterwards, what need further that we bother about the table, after all God's Big Day is fast approaching. (Colossians 2, Philippians 3, 1 Corinthians 6,9-11) Now we would like to imply the following to you concerning the signs that we have given. First remember that when Jewish wedding ceremonies are held, they always include a ceremony of glass-breaking. This, they say, imply that Jews should not forget why they are in diaspora (Genesis 12,15,22,27-28, Revelation 11, Psalm 144,128), which is the destruction (James 1, Hebrews 12, 1 Corinthians 15) of Jerusalem in 70 cead (Revelation 15, Jeremiah 6,12-13,22, Isaiah 21-22). One of our fellows here had just written that said destruction is set to commence again on these forthcoming days after September 20-24, and that 'on a worldwide scale', and that it would be dangerous for people to stay hence with the Empire, he further wrote, saying that because Empire would be hit by Godhead's punishments just as Jerusalem was (Romans 10,1-3, Revelation 2-3), it could not be avoided that (2 Corinthians 11) those who choose to stay with the Empire and not with the Commondominion would be (Revelation 7-9) also injured by these forthcoming catastrophes. We know that many of you yokebearers choose rather to heed the Empire instead of me. Knowing this, (2 Corinthians 5, Isaiah) we have already set in motion the Yokebearers Inclusion Policy last August built on the sure word of prophecy to plead for you and spare your souls and sires from the Empire's imminent dangers (Psalm 18, Ezekiel 18). Guys, we fittingly remember hence with gratitude to Godhead the ensuing anniversary of the matrimony of our fellow yokebearers Curt and Mallauri Esquibel-Hansen (1-3 John), knowing that you yokebearers really have to dare to be even more better than those Empire infiltrates (Psalm 137) who gave Jerusalem its spiritual and literal suicide. We dare here not to be self-contradictive nor self-persecutive, rather we dare instead to come out of this Empire (Luke 10,21, 2 Corinthians 6, Revelation 18, Isaiah 52,28, Mark 5-6,16,2) upon unmistakably seeing (Mark 16) their works against us (Matthew 23-24, 2 Thessalonians, Isaiah 44, Jeremiah 10,23, Zechariah 11, Micah 1-3). We dare hence (Hebrews 12, 1 Corinthians 15, Ephesians 5, John 15, Revelation 14,2,22, Ezekiel 16-17,19,37) to come here to the Commondominion Wright now, bringing all people here and staying here for the #restofourlives in the truest sense of the Word. We here, your most wretched slaves, dare to die for you just for you to fully appreciate and hence live out this ultimate prophetic destiny that you could ever have in life (Genesis 1-10, Eter 1, Luke 17,19). Guys, we want you to live with ensurance beyond any tomorrow. Please, come to the aid of our helpless souls, and incline your ears to our cry for mercy. Let not the tragedy of Jerusalem recur to you, and that ultimately to the point of no return and too-late regrets. Let us not fail all those who went before us in the hope that their trailblazing will clear the way pretty much for you to be able to reach us (Revelation 16, Isaiah 11,27, Zechariah 9-10). Your destiny here with us is as pressing as your duty and passion, because you are our Passion guys. See you wright now (John 4) at the places of safety. We love you very, very much.
Daniel 9 is talking about our martyrs being slain at the beginning of the last 7-year cycle (Revelation 6-8,10-11). Empire discourse denote that in the middle of that week, the 'cancellation of sacrifices' would be marked by another slain Commondominion martyr (1 Timothy 2, Ephesians 1-3, Colossians 1). This cancellation of sacrifices, inasmuch as Empire says that they would be spearheading it inasmuch as they're the ones slaughtering us (Psalm 44,100), would also include hence the Empire faking their deaths in order to gather sympathy for them against us (Revelation 12-13,17-18,1, Zechariah 12-13,1-3, Isaiah 32-38). We mention these things because as you already know and as we continually pay for till now, Empire on July 18, 2015 hacked my first online account and in turn spiritually slaughtered over 2287 yokebearer friends I had gathered (Jeremiah 16, Luke 17) for the past 5 years before that. I'm talking about this in the light of Daniel 9, because I had started my first online account 7 years ago, on April 16, 2010 (Genesis 15, 1 Samuel 11,14,31). As we said earlier, Commondominion martyrs were slain on the beginning and the middle of the 7-year cycle (Revelation 7,12,14). We would take 2015 as both the beginning and middle of this 7-year cycle (Isaiah 46), inasmuch as our Executive Minister himself was as foretold, spiritually martyred too when he was taken out of the Empire (Matthew 21, Hebrews 13) that month, leading to our creation here (2 Corinthians 5, Exodus 12, 1 Corinthians 5, Revelation 7). In fact 2015 was the end of a 7-year cycle (Leviticus 25) called Shemitah, where Godhead judgements against the Empire comes at the end of each 7 years. Remember that Ka Angel was brought out of the Empire as Edward the 9th had been nearing his 7 years as Church Administrator (Revelation 2-3). Now if we are to count 3 and a half years to 2015, we would be landing at 2011, when as per Daniel 9, 490 years had passed since Empire first set foot in the Philippines, and in turn Empire had began erecting their Constantinian Baal Arena. Time and again we refer to it in the prophetic clause of sanctuary as per Empire usage, especially to imply martyrdom (Amos 9, Obadiah 1, Ezekiel 37, 1 Peter 2, Revelation 11,22, Daniel 8). Now if we count 7 years from 2011 we would be in 2018, after we have all been either to the places of safety, in heaven, or martyred, Empire would be winding up their Special 50-Week Pentecost which they got from Daniel 9's 70 Weeks. Now counting 7 years from 2014 (it was on 2014 when the 3 and a half years to September 23, 2017 began, and this 7 year count began by 2015) this will bring us to 2021, 500 years since Empire first set foot in the Philippines, and it is noteworthy to mention that this year we are commemorating 500 years since we launched the Medieval Reformation. Hence we could be sure that Empire had its final ultimatum from Godhead as written (Matthew 4) in Daniel 9 to join us by 490 years or nothing (490 years since Reformation was at 2007, 10 years to today [Revelation 2,10,17]. #thenextstep after that, end of a 7-year cycle before the cycle that ended in 2015 [the current 7-year cycle ends one year after 2021, centennial of the Messenger beginning to expound in Revelation 7 about us, something he already fulfilled by 1918 {Genesis 7}, 100 years to 2018], Godhead plunged the Empire to a recession in 2008, and by 2009 Edward the 9th began counting 7 years in office), yet they evidently still squander it (Hebrews 12). Now you may wonder why we were allowed to experience such a lost as that. (Isaiah 53, Genesis 3, Job 1,42, Revelation 12, Isaiah 63-66,49,26,42) We must admit, and yea we admit with shame, that our priorities were not wright yet then when we joined Ka Angel in the new spiritual exodus. We were like Israel, hasty and impatient. We never saw these things coming, that Diocletianites would be eventually formed and we would be in fact finding our way back to the necessity of ministering to Edward the 9th instead. (Mark 10, Acts 16,21, 1 Samuel 30) We must notice that July 18, according to the New Living Translation, was the day when some Israelites, unmindful of our very own Jeremiah's exhortation (Acts 1) that they should rather stay at Jerusalem and surrender to Nebuchadnezzar (because later on in his life Nebuchadnezzar will repent and convert to the Commondominion- The same holds true for Edward the 9th, as well as for all our other leaders here), had tried to escape from Jerusalem upon (Isaiah 7) the attack of Nebuchadnezzar's forces but was later on routed and was ultimately massacred. Evidently I never heeded that warning- I was blatantly vocal against Edward the 9th on my first social media account- so I got all my friends then lost forever from my stewardship to the Empire. (1 Corinthians 3-4, Luke 16-17,19) So does it mean that Ka Angel led us for nothing out of Egypt? No. In fact Godhead has to filter Israel across the 40 years in the wilderness from Moises to Joshua, and later on it would be Christ, Whose Name sounds like Joshua, and Whose father is Joseph, Who would go back (Exodus 14, Genesis 50) to Egypt and be martyred, just like the rest of us (Revelation 11, Acts 12,21). That is also true for me and Ka Angel, as we related to you in past posts. We must also recall that not all who escaped from Jerusalem that July 18th were killed. Some even found their way to the United Saints of Israel of the Godhead, as our Book of Mormon attests. In like manner some who were our (Hebrews 11) friends in the first online account are now our #friendsagain here in this second account. Moreover, we have sure faith (2 Corinthians 4-7,12) that everybody else who was slaughtered virtually on my first account, as well as everybody else in Yokebearing who lived and died without benefit of my ministry, will be raised up in the forthcoming days (1 Thessalonians 4, Revelation 14,20, 1 Corinthians 15) to be able to contact me and join us for eternity here in the Commondominion (1 Peter 3-4, Revelation 11) to enjoy the salvation they need.  
It must be noticed that the quake in Mexico comes days just after its Revolution Anniversary. Although of course we could say this is a punishment to a stubborn-to-us host of yokebearers, (notice that this comes also days after Bergoglio was in nearby Colombia, lest Empire blames this unjustly to our Edward the 9th although in fact he was in Mexico only by January this year yet Empire of course would sow curses indeed on his very itineraries itself, yet we say this lest Empire again advances Bergoglio) we personally feel that the quake due to its nearness to the Revolution Anniversary of Mexico could be also yet another self-persecution Godhead had imposed (2 Chronicles 20) to the Roman Empire in Mexico, part of their calamity engineering made as occult offering (Matthew 2, Job 1). We could recall that Mexico's land is not that strong (Matthew 7). We do not question Godhead why They did this because we could understand that September 16's had came and went and yet they haven't repented yet- as Empire itself recorded, Neronians had overtaken Mexico now- so we could say that Justice is yet again served, Godhead's Way (Daniel 8, 2 Samuel 16, Isaiah 55, Psalm 103,145). Hence in account of Neronians, we would like to warn you- the Beast Law includes not only sodomy and gun control but also a uniform observance of worship, which we would like to clarify here, would not be on a Sunday, but even it could be on a Sunday, it could not be enforced if it would not also contain other worship days. What we mean is that Empire, you see, could not impose this on a Friday, because they had already surrendered all Muslims to us by the way. Hence this could be not only Sunday, but more so not really on a Sunday. What Neronians tell you about the Sunday Law is a smokescreen. It would rather be instead on a Saturday (Matthew 24), because that's what Neronians, being part of the Empire, are imposing at (Deuteronomy 7,13,23,18). We reiterate again here- the new worship day is Monday (Isaiah 56,66) and not as what Empire would make us think about. In fact Empire Radio had been already test-running this for months, doing special broadcasts on Saturdays, not to mention Empire television running pabebe telecasts (James 2, 2 Thessalonians 2, Luke 13,14,9) on whole weekends, including yea, Sundays, as per Empire usage, and altogether they do it both for occult rituals. Now as for Empire's claim on our very own Edward the 9th (Exodus 5-6), we would like to refer again to the sermon he delivered once on my city that August 14, 2015, where he was made to read Acts 13, talking about the governor whom Apostle Paul met. Empire claims that Edward the 9th is their Apostle Paul in the instance quoted. We already accept their referral then of Elimas, because we have came to know and prove that Diocletianites are no better than Constantinians, but we must mention here Acts 13 in the Old King James 1611, where the governor was referred to as a 'Deputy.' (Micah 4-5, Isaiah 44,59, 1 Peter 2, Titus 3) So it would rather be that the governor, or Deputy in this definition, would be Edward the 9th (May 6-7, 1994 [Isaiah 19]) and that the Apostle Paul in the instance is us, we repeat in Godhead, us, and not definitely the Empire, which in turn is the Elimas in the account hence. Now also in Old King James 1611, we would like to ask pardon to all our fellows whom strings we are not indeed worthy to pluck, because they haven't knew us yet, but we saw this by Godhead in Revelation 7- Nephtali, as you all know, is one of the tribes sealed for salvation in the passage, yet the rendering did Nephtali as near Nephilim, or as you had been already taught, fallen angels, which the apostles said to be (John 17, Ephesians 2) without hope for salvation (Jude Thaddeus 1, 2 Peter 2). As per the Empire's usage, this could not refer to the Diocletianites as we could see. First, recall that Nephtali sounds like Ka Angel's name- we say this because many of Ka Sykes' supporters would often refer to this phrase to describe themselves inasmuch as Ka Sykes of course shares the divine election of Ka Angel; after all we're the better versions of the Empire. Inasmuch as we refer here to Empire names, we would yet again invoke their personalities, which in turn refer to people who even more define who we are and what we do here (John 3)- yokebearers. Nephtali sounds like Natalie (Deuteronomy 6), and this refers to the wife of a yokebearer, Benjamin Millipied, and we would see Genesis 49 later where of course, Benjamin could be found (Acts 20, Matthew 10,15). Not to mention that there is a yokebearer already named Natalie Gilmore. A Yellowtard named Nephtali has the surname of Gonzales, and this redirects us to Lady Chachi Gonzales. We have told you way back then how Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 32 refers to us. As we said then, the blessings for Nephtali are reserved for Sir Joey Arrigo (1 Kings 17, Matthew 12, Proverbs 3, Joel, Habakkuk). To further drive why positive prophecy as with Genesis 49 could only be fulfilled with us here, let's first shatter Empire claims. They say that they are the 'eternal hills' referred to at the clause for Joseph. Let's leave them until last for it. Some versions render his clause to be rather like this: 'Jacob's blessings would be much more better than the blessings of the eternal hills (Psalm 140-141,26,1,17,5), even of your other ancestors.' This only means that our blessings would be far greater (Hebrews 3,7, Psalm 46) than Empire's claims, in fact, we are told to get off with the 'worthless lifestyle you inherited from your ancestors (Matthew 3,23)', which is (Isaiah 64,51), the Empire (Hebrews 9, 1 Peter 1, Ezekiel 20, Deuteronomy 24, Philippians 2). In fact, Jacob refers not only to Ka Sykes' middle name and to Ka Angel's Executive Ministry, but also to yokebearers (Isaiah 7-8,46) such as Sir Rilley Polley and Lady Drew Pronk (1 Timothy 2). Others put it this way, 'Jacob's blessings had even more expanded and elongated the blessings of the eternal hills.' 'So you see? Jacob had in fact uphold, sustain, support and advance us,' Empire would tell us. But notice, as we told you (Micah 7, 2 Samuel 5-7, Psalm 89), we're the better version of the Empire- Genesis 49 also tells us in Judah's clause that we would be taking over authority from the Empire- 'He to Whom It truly belongs.' Recall that Samson talked about lions, that Ka Sykes country has the emblem of a lion, and that I have the prophetic office of Samson (Psalm 34,104, Amos 3, Zechariah 1, Micah 1-6). Remember also that I have the office of Aser, yet I would often remind you that this means (2 Peter 1) that i have to be named after Assyria of old (Isaiah 42-43), yet let me tell you by Godhead that not only did we have Syria now, but also the homeland of Assyria in Iraq as foretold in Isaiah 19. (Obadiah 1, Isaiah 11) Jacob said that his blessings would be better than the Empire's (Isaiah 51), hence we could say that the prophetic clause of our fathers here (Revelation 10-11,22,14) are proven to be more binding and effectual (James 5). We are expanding where Empire is stiff-necked (Psalm 73,37,49,119), we are picking up where they fail to get the point (John 8, James 2, Romans 14, 1 Corinthians 8,15). Genesis 49 also tells us that we shall have the blessings of the deeps, (Psalm 130, Revelation 2-3, Matthew 11), which is precisely where the Nephilim is (Isaiah 24, 1 Peter 3-4, Hosea 13-14), and we could say that we have fulfilled this not only through the Yokebearers Inclusion Policy, but that also you would usually tell us here that some of our leaders are not yet over with the Empire. We would like to reiterate again to Lindsey and to all our fellow yokebearers held in hostage by this Empire that we by Godhead fulfilled Joseph's clause in the manner that we were born before the 110th birthday of the Messenger in 1996 (Isaiah 23,59-63,52, Micah 4-5) as prescribed on Genesis 50. Lindsey herself was born on the Messenger's 100th in 1986, in fact days before she was born Empire had been exercising an Abomination of Desolation across the United Saints of Israel with the field week there and then by the Empire's Philippine quarters. This Empire did knowing that on these exact days too in 1957 we had our field week in the United Saints. Noah's Ark was constructed for 100 years, and was completed on Noah's 600th year. On September 23-24, the centerpiece of #GodBigDay, we would be marking respectively our 1386th and 1387th days writing the Devotional Commentary. 1386 and 1387 is 600 years to 2016-2017 (Joshua 12), and should we hence expect for anything close to Noah's Flood, which is the convergence of all elements loose on the face of earth (2 Peter 3), then we should really be here honestly in this, your Commondominion of Christ, by September 23-24 (3 Nephi 8-10). I don't tell you that it could indeed happen on these days, but remember that after these days it is only sure that life would get much, much harder as Empire would get much hell-angry against all yokebearers and the ministry that we here do for them (2 Corinthians 6-7, 1 Samuel 18, Psalm 38-39,69). In fact guys, Empire is really angry against our leaders for having declared Lindsey's Birthday this year as a special non-working holiday in the Philippines. Let's not be bothered with what Empire is doing guys against you. Let's make sure that we spend well this great, gracious, glorious day in the history of our salvation. This Lindsey's Birthday let's be wright now with Godhead if we haven't yet, and let's tell this to anyone who evidently needs help and relief. We count so much on you guys to break this out to all who don't know where to run to for help and needs a break-out chance in life. Let's not waste these precious last hours of civilization as we know it, and let's make sure by Godhead (Hebrews 10) that we're not yokebearers for nothing. Let's join Lindsey here, in your Commondominion, and be ensured, most beloved guys, that as you do this, we here will always be within you, wright up far beyond the ages of ages.
Your #GodsTinyDancer for all time, JOSEPH STIRLING STEINFELD SYKES Blogger in Chief and Dance Captain, Commondominion of Christ
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