#happy belated Halloween I guess LOL
bluecoffeebeanz · 11 months
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Little gouache study (scanned) from Spirited Away 💫
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cinnamonghost · 2 years
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my god. happy two year anniversery for my first invader zim reblog. i am deeply sorry for my mutuals seeing my iz posts u___u (NOT!!!!!)  ꉂ ʱªʱªʱª(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗) 
AND... thank you for 100 followers?????? imagine me giving you little candy bags as a belated happy halloween party treat.
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(i am. hoping someone unfollows me , that would be very funny to me  i think) 
silly how this blog was literally for me to just. look at south park fanart and see what my friends are up to (hiiii whippy !!! ) Werid knowing that theres a small handful of you still follow me for 4 years plus. I. am So. sorry. Me hitting the post limit on invader zim spam that one time is like. oh god i am so so sorry for your dashboard. ANYWAY! I met some really cool and nice people here! I will not. Name you .(out of me being embarrassed)  But you guys are way too cool. and i love seeing you pop up in my activity.!! :D 
rambling to myself.....
IDK ... if i want to stay archiving IZ posts i still really enjoy finding invader zim art but its so time consuming =____=
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(nearly all of these is invader zim art!) 
I actually finished tagging like. A few months ago but while tagging i had an epiphany! I’ve seen this south park archive blog have a tag for the date when that specific art was made! Like! I should do that! That would be cool! And Also! I should really be properly tagging art. like if it was a swap AU i should tag it as a swap AU! if it was a irken!dib AU i should tag it like that! And if it was a comic! I should tag it as a comic! BUT idk if thats really a good idea...  that would be extra extra time consuming considering me having to go back to my whole invader zim tag and also update them all (if the post was deleted, changed url etc....) its alot! but a part of me feels determined to do so! (in a way) but.............  =_________= if i end up actually doing that i feel like I should just make up a new blog just for specifically archiving IZ art but also ...No! this is MY blog so i get to do whatever I want! very conflicting but oh well if I make up my mind on whatever i want I will just.. do it i guess lol 
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lazy-kitsune · 2 years
I just had a busy weekend doing lash training. I am so happy I decided to just go with it, even if I was spending more money for training. My trainer was so patient, kind, and sweet. I feel more confident in this industry. I am excited for what's in store. Last Thursday at work, I had a conversation with him about my birthday. I explained to him how stressed I was about a work injury with a construction worker. He joked and said it was my fault and I said he was rude and then he said jk lol I grabbed my happy birthday card from nordys/zach. He watched me open my card because I saw in my peripherals. I asked if he was sick because he had sniffles. I told him I was sick for halloween too and he said hell be okay its just sniffles. I asked if he wanted my chocolate and he said yes. I said happy birthday, and I said youre a gemini? and he was shocked and said "you guessed that correct" I said I can tell. and he said how so? and he said I can't tell if thats a bad thing or good thing. I said its a good thing, we get along, my fellow air sign, i love geminis. He said happy belated birthday and I said happy belated 6 month birthday and he said or you could say happy early bday. I said youre a gemini, so may or june? he said may 27th. I said ill remember that if im here still. he laughed and repeated what I said. He said I would ask how old you are but it's not nice to ask a lady how old she is. I said I'm pretty sure I'm older than you. I could be your mom. lol He said, Im pretty sure youre not 60 but if you are, you have aged well. I told him he can guess, and he said I don't want to, and I said Im giving him a pass. and he said how many? I said hmm how about 3? he said 23? i said okay then thats what I am. hes like 23? I was like no but thank you. he said up or down. I said up. he said 26. i said no. I said you have one more chance or else Ill be mad at you and never talk to you again. He said, well I don't want to risk that. lol He said 32, and then I forgot my age and said wait how old am I. lol then never answered. I guessed his age and made eye contact and I think I made him nervous because he looked away. He said he was tryna change his face to look older. I guessed right and he was like you guessed right. I told him I was good at these things and he's like I guess lol He was requested by my lead to bring two ice packs downstairs but he never got to meet the injured dramatic worker lol I told him I had to go back to work, which I did. I didn't want to leave but I'm sure he didn't want me to either, so he said okay see you later. I later saw him on my floor, and I'm pretty sure he was observing me from a far because I did not see him. I went to lunch and I ran into him again, and I have a feeling he was following me? maybe or it was just a coincidence. I said bye and he said youre going home? and I said, no. I'm going on lunch. Regardless, he told me to have a good lunch. ahhh lol Idk I still feel like we prolly knew each other in a past life because I feel it? I wonder if he does too.
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jvzebel-x · 3 years
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i'm the love witch...
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i'm your ultimate fantasy.
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rayomz · 4 years
im surprised this time of year doesnt bother me as much as it probably should considering i was homeless this time 9 years ago.. but this time 10 years ago was also not great bc i was so scared about living alone with my mom.. yet it was also a nostalgic time so....??? lol
10 years ago when we moved to our own place.. it was renovated so it had that New Smell.. new wood... i loved it and now i associate the wood smell with moving... but i also played SO much sims 2 during that time, i learned how to make custom content. i was getting better at utau. browsing piapro a lot for new songs i couldnt find on yt or nico. i downloaded pocaloid that halloween (happy belated 10 year anniversary to that) and i would use that a LITTLE bit but not much since i didnt really know how to use it yet. and while my mom was shopping she would drop me off at the movies to go see whatever
9 years ago when we were staying at His House (not *his* house. he lived with his mom lmao) it sucked and i was missing so much school. like i was glad i was missing school lol but i wasn't in ideal conditions, you know. not a lot of good going on. one night my mom got drunk and kicked me out into the cold night, then He came home. He knew i didnt like or trust him but i guess he wanted to get on my good side lol so he took me to walmart and bought me sims 3. so i associate thanksgiving with playing ts3.. and ts2 i guess?? thats where the nostalgia stops though bc the rest of the year SUCKED and just kept getting worse lmao
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purplesurveys · 5 years
First things first, did you have a good year? I would say most of it was good. I did most of the stuff I said I was going to do so I’m giving myself pats on the back for that. Things just kinda took a turn for the worse by the end of the year what with an ambiguous end to my most recent semester (I don’t have two of my seven final grades yet because my prof likes seeing her students suffer, I guess) and losing Nacho, so it all balances out.
How old did you turn this year? I turned 21. Which means legality in the US, but I’ve been legal in the Philippines for three years now so it doesn’t warrant much of a celebration lol.
Do you feel your age? I guess. There are days where it’s very tempting to feel inadequate because there are many 21-year-olds in my social circle who have their own business, are grabbing opportunities here and there (they’re in a successful band, are junior radio jocks, hired as emcees, serve as UAAP courtside reporters, to name a few), already make their own money, etc., but I just have to remind myself that everybody is moving at their own pace and that in my case, at least I’m not behind and that I’m moving remarkably fairly for my age.
Did your appearance change in anyway? Nah I BARELY did anything to my look this year. I did not go for a haircut at all in 2019 and now my hair is crazy long. I’m keeping it untrimmed until my grad shoot, so the long hair will stay with me for a while.
Post your favorite selfie. I would but Tumblr doesn’t really work the same way as Twitter where I’d feel more free to share photos of myself haha.
If you traveled, where did you go? My family went to Pangasinan, Bicol, Tagaytay, and Cavite this year. I also took my friends on a day trip to Nasugbu shortly before school started in August as sort of a last hurrah for our summer vacation.
Which fashion trends did you love? Which fashion trends did you hate? I initially liked chunky sneakers until everyone bought their own pair solely so that they’d feel like they’re one of the cool kids – it quickly became uncool after that. I was a fan of mom jeans (still am), high-waisted jeans, culottes, and tops in muted colors and had cute little bows in the chest area. I hated bike shorts and scrunchies, and slowly got tired of off-shoulder tops by the end of the year. I never understood tracksuits and never bought one of my own, and was also never a fan of hype fashion like DBTK shirts.
What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible? I looooooooved the floral romper and the two-piece ensemble I was both able to snag at Feliz.
What song sums up this year for you? Buwan by juan karlos, the two reasons being that the song exploded in 2019 and because it was Nacho’s favorite and he made a million jokes about it.
What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then? This question is a little vague so I’ll answer it in two ways. In my case, I definitely played Beyonce’s Homecoming album TOO MUCH last year. But radio-wise, it looked like Ariana Grande and Camila Cabello had stellar years.
What was your favorite movie of the year? I had several favorite movies, but here they are put in order: Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Midsommar, and Toy Story 4.
Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year? Florence fucking Pugh. Also I just realized how attractive Timothee Chalamet is, although I’ve been aware of him way before 2019 and haven’t watched any of his material.
Favorite new TV show? I watched the first few episodes of Stranger Things but I found it too slow-paced so I let it go easily. Other than that I didn’t really get into any 2019 shows because I’m not a big TV person, but I did recently get into Descendants of the Sun so that’s new for me! Queer Eye will also always have a place in my heart.
Which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears? I’m a little too old for that now but I did heavily get into the Try Guys. I don’t ship any of them together but I just genuinely love each of them, them as a group, and all the content they put out.
What food did you try for the first time? Ooh there’s a lot. Foie gras, aligue (crab fat) ramen, Bloody Mary, pistachios, a vanilla frappe from Starbucks, Tim Hortons food, ji pai (Taiwanese fried chicken) and pad thai, to name a few. I’m so so so pumped to try out even more new food in 2020.
Did you make any big permanent changes this year? I stopped talking to my brother.
What was one nice thing you did for someone else? Being one of the only two people in my org who can drive, I’ve always offered lifts to my friends. I don’t say anything even if where I’m taking them is entirely off my normal route, which frustrates Gabie, but honestly I just like helping my friends and making their commute easier for them. I also checked up on Nacho a day before he passed. I regret being too civil, but at least I checked up on him. Not a lot of people did that in his last few days.
What was one nice thing you did for yourself? Ok so one thing my org does is hold journalism workshops to schools across the country. The org is a bit small and not all the members are reliable, so what usually happens is that the same group of people attend the workshops and teach and facilitate – me being a part of that same group of people. Given that we have class during weekdays and these workshops happen on weekends, the schedule can be very demanding, especially if these schools request a shit-ton of topics for us to teach them. I sort of looked out for myself more this year by declining to go to a couple of the workshops, so that I can experience actually having a full weekend to myself.
Did you develop a new obsession? I discovered a YouTuber who is insanely good at Mario Kart 8 and I watched a ton of his playthroughs in 2019. Oh, and MUKBANG ASMRs. It’s an insanely unpopular opinion but I love chewing noises, dude.
Did you vote? It was the senatorial elections this year and yes, I did vote. None of my votes got in, of course, because unfortunately the rest of the Filipino electorate don’t know any better. I was part of a real-time fact-checking group that day for extra class credit, and I will never forget the collective groan and moan that came out of that room when the first batch of results came out on the news and we saw the same corrupt, power-hungry, money-hungry, anti-poor politicians top the polls.
Did you move? No. I’ve lived in the same house since 2008.
Did you get a job? I did not, BUT I did get an internship which I was pretty stoked about.
Did you get a pet? I did not. I don’t want anyone else but my dog, who I’ve had also since 2008.
Do you regret not doing anything? Sure. I have never taken Gab’s mom out on a girls’ night kind of date, and I always told myself that I was going to finally do that in 2019 – which I didn’t. I’m so going to make sure we do it this year. I’m also sad that I didn’t get to see Angela more times last year. And that I didn’t do more for Nacho, so now I have to live with the loss of him forever.
Do you regret doing something? Nothing is coming to mind so I guess nothing major. <-- Pretty much, thankfully.
Have you done anything that scared you? Tried vaping, did shisha for the first time, walk alone in Katipunan, be stuck at a restaurant table with Gab’s (very stoic) dad while she went to the washroom, to name a few lol. On a deeper note, I was a bad girlfriend several times over 2019 and it rocked the relationship quite a bit.
Did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days? Yeah absolutely. I hated the people who went too far when it came to Nach, especially his ‘friends’ who didn’t hesitate to turn his back on him. And when things finally crashed and burned, I was too fucking pissed at everybody to even say something about it.
Did you lose anyone close to you? Yes.
Did you fall in love? For most of 2019 as with 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, yes.
Did you fall out of love? Nope.
Did you start a new relationship? I did not.
Did you go through a break up? I almost had to, but we sat each other down several times in the year to fix what had to be fixed, and it’s been very smooth sailing since.
Did you have to cut ties to someone? They weren’t people I was close to in any extent, but I’ve blocked several people from a certain elite school because I hate that school.
Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year? No one strongly comes to mind since I basically just retained my circle, but I did meet Gab’s closest cousin this year for the first time, and anyone who’s family to her is automatically important to me, so I’d go with him.
Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year? This is going to sound completely awful, but I guess my college blockmates. I was always sort of the ~black sheep in our small batch of 7 while all of them are incredibly close with one another. 2019 was the year that I stopped trying to hang out with them, because I realized that no matter how hard I try, we’re really just on different wavelengths and I can’t keep faking my expressions and mannerisms just so I feel accepted or so that I can survive a day with them.
If you could have a do over on one thing you did, would you take it? Yeah, I definitely wish I cut some of my classes much less.
What was the best moment of the year for you? What was the worst? There were a lot of high moments from 2019 if we’re being honest. I liked taking Gab and her dad out for a ONE Championship pay-per-view back in January, I liked being invited to her dad’s birthday dinner, my road trip to Nasugbu, every day that my dad was here, going to the beach, partying for Halloween with friends, seeing old friends again in our org Christmas party, that one night Gab and I went to BGC just to bar-hop, our fancypants date that was also in BGC, and I’m sure there’s a bunch more that I’ve forgotten to mention. The absolute worst moment came at the very minute I pieced it together and found out *surprise surprise* Nacho was gone forever. I don’t think I was able to speak for two hours. When I did, I ended up crying the rest of the night until I passed out.
Did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn’t? Not-so-serious answer, but I thought I was gonna live my entire life without needing injections to my mouth, but lo and behold I went to the dentist in December and got THREE. I thought I was going to pass out, I thought it was going to hurt, I thought I was going to thrash around my seat in terror... I ended up not even feeling anything. I dunno if it’s because I got a lower dose of whatever, or if my dentist is just better than others, but the whole experience went much better than I expected. This may sound shallow but I have the biggest needle-and-any-sharp-object phobia, so this is a lot coming from me hahaha.
Did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did? Watching Portrait of a Lady on Fire. Gab just needed a companion to the cinema that night; I had no idea what the movie was going to be about and even read the entire plot while trailers were showing – in the end, it’s been me who’s been talking about the movie way way more than she.
What are you most proud of accomplishing? Not killing myself. The 2010s was just me internally betting on when I’d finally pull the plug, but I had what it took to get me to 2020, apparently.
What have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior? That everything you do and say on the internet is permanent, and you’ll forever have to live with the the consequences that come from them.
Did your opinion of anyone change for the better? Andrew. Before 2019, I found him so horrifyingly clingy, so chatty, and he was always trying to be close to everyone (he still does). It drove the introvert side of my ambivert-ness absolutely NUTS. At one point I realized he wasn’t going to change, so I just gave him a chance and turns out, he’s a great friend and an even better co-worker hahaha.
Did your opinion of anyone change for worse? Everybody who claimed to be Nach’s friend but didn’t find it hard to say vile stuff about him.
If you make resolutions, did you complete them this year? I told myself I was going to make a one-photo-a-day private Instagram dump for 2019, but I stopped as early as January 27 LMAOOOOO. I’m doing it again this year and I’m much more determined to keep it going.
If you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year? Keep my 2020 Instagram active, be able to travel... and be happier, basically.
If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do?  Who would you go this? A little too late my dude. I’m typing this out in 2020.
What do you wish for others for the coming year? What do you wish for yourself? I just hope everybody on here feels a little bit more warmth and happiness, dude. We all deserve it.
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My Rockland OC Sasha Holmes in an Egyptian costume of sorts.  
This is basically a very belated Halloween drawing.  I didn’t have time to draw it earlier.  I was walking through a costume store with my friends on Halloween and realized Sasha’s natural haircut actually works well with an Egyptian costume.  She’d just have to dye her hair black :P
I’m sorry, but I can’t do any written posts right now for The Misfits: First Blood horror game.  Not until after the full public release on November 22nd.  I do have PLENTY to talk about though, trust me.  This was all I had to tide things over until then *shrugs*.  If I’m in a drawing mood again, maybe I’ll be brave and try to draw an actual Misfit.  But I feel better about messing up anatomy on my own character than someone else’s, haha.
I’m gonna tuck my personal notes below on how I’m going to use her in the future.
I’m sort of back to square one with Sasha in regards to backstory I guess.  I wasn’t expecting us to get a solid Misfits game so soon, but I’m so happy we are!  Now, I’ll FINALLY have at least some idea on what the group is about.  Maybe not everything, considering the game is called first blood.  That means we’re probably going to get a lot more in the future.  So far, I can say we’re definitely getting a very thorough look at some of the main players though.  
Well I’ve said this before, but Sasha mainly what I’ll do is have these journal entry posts written by her, regarding HER thoughts on the Misfits.  It’ll be good roleplay practice, as well as trying to think of how a character IN universe would view the situation.  For instance, she’s not going to know all the details of what these characters do in their private life.  Just...what kind of rumors and gossip pop up in the town/city about them?  I also still have to think carefully about WHY Sasha is interested in the group.
I can either just keep her as a pretty simple character who gets a little too curious about anything that seems out of the ordinary, or I can give her a backstory that explains her obsession a little better.  For example, I thought of a backstory where she’s actually trying to figure out what makes the Misfits ticks more-so because her dead/missing older brother started to change drastically from a good civilian to someone who was...doing questionable things.  In other words, she’s more interested in the comparisons and the “why” even more than the fact that her brother is gone (though yeah, that still eats her up).  I don’t know if I’ll keep this backstory.  With how the game seems to be playing out so far, there’s things that I think I’d like to change about Sasha.
I’m still planning to keep her as a strict NPC with no interaction with the canon characters.  That’s probably a pretty smart idea.  I like to keep this all in the realm of canon if I can help it, and make sure I never view the canon characters in an OoC way.  And if that’s the case...I’m gonna tell you right now that Sasha would NOT last if she met a canon character XD  Not just because of how specific characters are mind you.  No she’d have a strict disadvantage when it comes to interacting with...well most any of them because she’s basically on the opposite spectrum ideal wise.  And THAT...may irk some of the characters.  So yeah, I don’t feel up to having to construct a brand new OC yet lol.  It’s too much brain work for me.
Well, whatever the case, I don’t really have to worry about setting her up right away for journal entries.  After Nov. 22nd, I’m sure I’m going to have a lot of post ideas to work with.  Sasha only exists if I start to get stuck and need some filler content.
Some small stuff I’m trying to figure out at the moment:
Basic Philosphy:  Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want done to yourself.  Aka, she would not be down with the idea of people being brutal and sociopathic to each other because unless said offenders expect the SAME treatment in turn, then you just have a messy an unfair society.  Yeah just consider her a “good civilian.”  Not sure yet if a goody-two shoes really.  Maybe not that far. [Hence why she would likely NOT agree with some of the Misfits characters, but something may cause her to get curious as to how they came to their mentality.  Bad curiosity lol.]
Age: 20 (only if I want her as a college student), 22, 25, or 28 [I might want to see what the age of the canon characters are first, as well make sure I’m happy with her backstory and/or occupation]
Occupation: College student, lifeguard, karaoke host, pianist, daycare assistant, data entry clerk, secretary, minor author [ONLY ONE lol, I just don’t know if I want to go with something I have experience with, something I don’t know anything about that seems interesting, something that requires a college degree, if it even relates to an occupation goal of hers, etc.]
Talent: Singing, piano, running/used to run track, pool/billards, yo-yo, shooting marbles, juggling [I’ll keep the running so that she has like...ONE line of defense if she gets into trouble aka she can and will bolt if she has the opportunity, and then I’d like to pick ONE OTHER just for fun]
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gwydionae · 6 years
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I am posting this to show 1.) how big of a nerd I am, 2.) what KIND of a nerd I am, and 3.) just how much I went through to end up in complete agony, lol.
I really like facts, concrete evidence that something is true. I also like a good puzzle, being given some information and travelling down the rabbit hole to try and piece said info together. You know what else I like? Fictional universes and their concept of time. The Dice, Camera, Action! fandom might know me as the insane lady who carefully tries to construct a proper timeline for a DnD show with no official timeline whatsoever, going simply off of in-game clues.
You know what show gave me a character’s birthday, another character telling said birthday character “happy birthday” seemingly quite a bit after his birthday, and then proceeded to dump an actual, real calendar on me? Mob Psycho 100, of course! So what did I decide I wanted to figure out? Just how long HAD Mob and Reigen been apart during the “separation arc”?
Now, I actually DO have a pretty good guess! See, based on Reigen’s character profile from the manga, along with the email his mom sent him on his birthday, we know that he turned 28 on October 10, 2012 (if he was born Year of the Rat and is using a cellphone in present day, he had to have been born in 1984, thus it being 2012 on his 28th birthday). According to the above included calendar, this would be a Wednesday. He had already been separated from Mob for a little while previous to that, though. The first day could have been a school day as Ritsu came home in uniform and said that Mob was “home early”, but it couldn’t have been a Monday as the day before that was definitely a school day. So that would likely make it either Tuesday the 9th or Friday the 5th. We then see Mob in class/club, out shopping with Ritsu, and out again in a different outfit (this being Reigen’s birthday). If his birthday is on a Wednesday, their first day apart couldn’t have been Tuesday as there are at least 2 days in between their fight and Wednesday, so likely they fought on Thursday the 4th, meaning that October 5, 2012 would be the first day of their separation.
So! Reigen went 6 days before getting his serious Mob withdrawal symptoms. Ok, how much time passed after that? Well, I figured it couldn’t be TOO much, as while Mob’s belated “happy birthday” is said in the past tense, it’d be weird if it came, like, months later, but there’s only so much actual evidence to go on. We do know that Reigen started going all out with work, and one job in particular - the video game player killer - had him staying up “many nights”. But that one job made him go viral, essentially, and he got interviewed for a magazine. “And a few days after that” he got asked to be on the TV special, which took place “one week” from when he was asked. We then see people reporting on him being a fake the next day, and the day after that Mob is at school and being told about it for the first time. This gave me my first clue, making me think the special must have been on a Saturday night, with Mob finding out on Monday. After this, we get the line “in three days, being the ultimate evil had become Reigen’s public image”, which would put us on a Tuesday as the day he gets cornered into holding a press conference the following day (Wednesday). And, of course, that’s the day he finally sees Mob again.
So for sure we have 4 days since the night of his social collapse, and before that 8 days between which he got asked to be on TV and then he appeared on TV the following week. So we’ve got a confirmed 12 days total so far, but obviously that’s not counting the “many nights” playing the video game plus any work time he put in before or after. The earliest possible date that he could have been contacted for the TV would be Saturday the 20th. This would give him about a week and a half to get big, and it would put the spooky exorcism special the Saturday before Halloween. But that’s not a lot of time to build up his name, and it would put his press conference on Halloween itself which seems a bit odd to me (though maybe Japan isn’t too big on Halloween specials). So I figured the best bet would be to say he got asked to be on TV Saturday the 27th, appeared Nov 3rd, and held his press conference on Wed the 7th, exactly 4 weeks since his birthday, and a total of 34 days since he’d last seen Mob.
BUT WAIT! Why did I say I was in agony over this if I’ve got a pretty decent idea of how much time passed? Oh, Studio Bones. I love you. I love you a lot. I do. I really, really do.
You just HAD to put a REAL calendar in the very next episode, didn’t you?
Ok, so admittedly at first I was pretty excited about this! After all, at first glance, it actually seemed to line up pretty well! It looked like it could be a calendar for Oct 2012! But then I noticed that according to that screenshot, the date is supposed to be the 1st. Well, ok, fine, maybe my first guess was correct and Reigen actually DID get popular in a week and a half and held in press conference on the 31st. But... no, that couldn’t be it either because this month has 31 days in it - that doesn’t even work for November at all! Could it possibly be December already? Did that much time actually pass?? In what year did December 1st fall on a Mon- WAIT! NO! THAT’S NOT A MONDAY! THAT’S A TUESDAY!! THIS CALENDAR STARTS WITH MONDAY!!! That means that even my theory of “they had the right calendar for Oct 2012, but just marked the wrong date on it” is debunked, too!! Wait wait wait!! Hold up! Just what month/year IS this supposed to be a calendar of, then??
It’s January 2019.
They just used the dates from January 2019.
How dare you, Bones.
I trusted you. I trusted that you would actually pull through for me, that you had given me concrete evidence to support my hypothesis. That you put so much care into your animation that SURELY putting in the proper dates wouldn’t be hard.
I was a fool to be excited. I will never trust your dates or calendars again. You have lied to me with false facts, and now every time I see that calendar, it makes me upset because it is simply factually wrong, and I don’t like it.
...THIS is what kind of nerd I am. XD
Now if you’ll excuse me, my sister is about to watch the latest episode, and I am going to make myself happy again by enjoying her pain, because she, like me, is an anime only, lol.
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shoutoscenarios · 7 years
Anonymous said: I'm so sorry about bothering you but could I request a lil romantic scenario with a vampire!Todoroki and a fem!S/o?? I would write it myself but I'm very b a d at this kind of stuff, haha! Thank you and have a wonderful day~
You’ll never bother me, Anon. Thank you for requesting! I wrote this for Halloween, but kept polishing it up til today, and it’s based off of some Halloween art I saw for BnHA, where Todoroki’s dressed as a vampire. I think I failed on making it romantic though, Anon.. ugh I’m sorry, lol.
And happy (belated) Halloween!!!
Warnings: None
He looked ridiculous.
His hair slicked back, Todoroki peered into the mirror, something that he was thankful he could do, despite that one myth about his kind and reflections. Tilting his head back, Todoroki felt at his fangs with a hand, cape falling once more over his shoulders, before he took a step backward, taking in his appearance in the mirror and the costume he had on for that stupid party. The party you'd convinced him to go to with you. Since apparently everyone, even Bakugou, in the class was going.
And costumes were mandatory.
Todoroki’s costume was fine, although ironic and your idea.
But the fangs were far too real-looking for it.
Because they were.
Todoroki stood in his room. There was less than a half hour until the party would start, and he was already wishing he’d gone with another choice for his costume instead of the obvious one. Being himself, a vampire. Soon to be at a party full of humans, where no one else but you knew what he truly was.
"…You really think they're going to believe this?" Todoroki asked you, feeling unconvinced as he finally took his hand away from his fangs to see what you were wearing for your costume. Honestly, through his fixation on his own, he’d forgotten what you were going as, only remembering you’d said something about not wanting to go as a vampire couple, or else you’d “steal his thunder.”
If that was even possible, Todoroki still doubted it anyway.
You redid the knot holding his cape together. “Of course! No one will know, Shouto,” you said breezily, making a satisfied face and looking at Todoroki with an easy smile. “They’ll just think you bought some pricey fangs for the party, to keep up with your vampire appearances and all.”
“Now, no more worrying about it,” you scolded, pushing open the door. “I can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes!”
Todoroki wasn’t feeling any less restless about the party than he was before you’d scolded him, but he followed you out, hoping he wouldn’t have to answer any strange questions that night about his costume.
It was just his luck that at Yuuei’s annual Halloween party, you’d both run into Midoriya, surprisingly not dressed up as some version of All Might like Todoroki had half-expected, and Midoriya, with his keen appreciation for the minor details, was already shooting questions at him, one after the other. His head and green- black curls bobbed up and down as he looked over Todoroki’s costume thoughtfully.
Fortunately, Midoriya didn’t pay much attention to the repeated nods and hmm-ing Todoroki was giving him as answers, letting Midoriya mumble to himself.
Until his eyes dropped to the two fangs peeking out from Todoroki’s mouth.
Todoroki tensed.
Midoriya broke into a wide grin.
“I never would’ve guessed you’d come as a vampire, Todoroki! Your costume’s really well-made!”
“Isn’t it?” you agreed heartily, matching his grin, and both you and Midoriya glanced at Todoroki’s costume, as if appreciating it even more.
Todoroki shifted uncomfortably in response, also making sure to mention the costume was your idea. Not that he hated it though—no, no!—but it was definitely drawing attention.
To his relief, however, Midoriya remained cheerful, saying goodbye to the two of you before he sauntered back to a chatting Uraraka and Iida, thinking nothing more of Todoroki’s vampire costume or his “plastic” fangs.
It was later during the party, while he was with you getting punch at the food table, that Todoroki heard his name, rather, his nickname, being shouted, and he knew full well there was only one person that called him half-and-half.
“What the hell are you supposed to be?”
Todoroki turned around, just in time to catch Bakugou stepping closer, until they were both at eye level.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Todoroki said, quietly setting down his cup. Behind him, he could sense you were moving to the side, trying to find out what was going on.
He couldn’t have known why Bakugou (wearing some sort of dog ears??) decided that now would be a good time to pick a fight, but if that’s what he really wanted, Todoroki wasn’t completely against it.
“You don’t know what a werewolf is?” Bakugou spat, his tone angry.
“Just like you don’t a vampire.”
Todoroki was aware of the small crowd beginning to gather around them now, curious to see if there really was going to be a fight in the middle of the party. Somewhere, there was probably even a teacher watching them closely, ready to step in should things go beyond harsh words.
But Bakugou was silent, staying put, eyes narrowing. He focused them on Todoroki’s fangs suspiciously, before finally turning away and walking towards the food table.
“ …fucking cape,” Bakugou muttered.
Todoroki pretended not to hear it.
And with that settled, the gathered crowd dispersed, interest lost on the situation, and a cup of red punch was pushed to Todoroki.
“See? Even Bakugou couldn’t tell,” you said, looking a little smug. You wiggled the cup in front of him, holding yours with your other hand. “Reminds you a lot of something else, right?” you teased, and Todoroki couldn’t help his slight smile as he took the cup from you and sipped, being careful not to poke it with his fangs.
When he looked up, he noticed your blank stare.
“What is it?”
“Nothing,” you said hurriedly, now seeming more interested in your punch than ever. 
“…you just look really attractive like that, with your fangs out, Shouto…” you admitted, going in for a long gulp, but Todoroki stopped you before you could, placing one hand over yours.
He traced his tongue over his fangs.
Todoroki knew he wouldn’t make it through the night if he couldn’t have them in your neck at least once.
“No more punch.”
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jeinous · 4 years
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It's Sherbert Day, Mickey Mouse!!!🎉🐭🍭🐩🧡
Nov 18th
In honor of Mickey's birthday, I changed out of my old-lady velour(?!) holiday jammies, and put on this Mickey tee. That I bought from the little boys' section at Target. I guess I'm officially not a size 5t from the kids' section, lol. It fits more like a 'schmedium', but I mean when else am I gunna wear a tie-dye Mickey t-shirt if not today, right? I also told myself I would not be posting it on Instagram, because any time I post something, I get literally 4 likes, ahahaha.🤣🤷🏻‍♀️
Aaand, I did it..I posted it on IG..and got 1 like, haha. I also made Gingy wear mini Mickey ears that are actually a keychain I bought at Disneyland a long time ago. But again, if I don't use it today for Mickey's bday, when else would I use it (amiright?!).
I usually get really excited with anything Mickey related, but this year is just well, yea. I'm actually surprised I even had the motivation to put on lip gloss to take a pic, and earrings too!
Anyhoo...Happy Birthday, Mickey!!!
FB & Miss Ginger
p.s. The toaster oven caught on fire last week. And I've been meaning to post more (belated) Halloween pics, but this year is just well, yea.🤦🏻‍♀️😩
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jjkfire · 7 years
Happy Halloween! 👻🎃👻 Did you do anything for Halloween?
welp i just saw this! but yes! happy belated halloween hahaha. my fave day is the day after halloween bc candy is like half off and I can get all the reese’s pieces i want :3 
I guess I went out the weekend of halloween haha which I regret bc I have an exam tomorrow and I’m stressin when I could be chilling if I studied over the weekend. but ehhh it was a good weekend. I had some drinks with my friends and went karaoke-ing on saturday (and one of my friends drunkenly elbowed me in the eye 😪) and so on sunday I was like aite im out, no partying today! but my friend pulled the i’m a senior!!! and this is my last halloween here!! so I got dragged out at 12 am to a party where I didn’t know the host or half the people in there and I was like ok fine wtv party but I won’t drink! but I somehow ended up drinking zzzz. lol just a head’s up, if you see a four loko, don’t drink it. don’t do it man. idk what’s in it but i didn’t even have a full can and in 30 mins it hit me like a truck and suddenly I was drunkenly adding everyone on facebook lmao. oh and I went to a dj khaled concert the next day and it was atrocious…. and hilarious at the same time 
how was your halloween???  i feel like you were expecting more of a short reply of I went out and had fun but I like to ramble sorry hahahah
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swankylesbian · 5 years
I got tagged by @microwaveddrabbles
Nicknames: Bear, DAMNIT HANNAH is my personal favorite because it came with laughter and quality shenanigans.
Zodiac: Leo. Happy belated 8/20 to me being 21. Quick maths
Height: For the longest time I thought I was 5’5 but my ID and health person says 5’6 so I no liner have to believe hard enough to be an inch taller
Time: American Corn Standard Time (CST)
Favorite Band/Artist: I don’t have one, instead I have my Spotify premium with thousands of songs in one playlist god bless em
Song stuck in my head: Zero to Hero from Hercules. People sleeping on the music from that movie
Last movie I saw: Yesterday, it was cute and it took me a hot minute to remember if I saw a movie after endgame and turns out I did
Last thing I googled: 2019 movies released
Other blogs? Naw sorry just me reblogging stuff
Do I get asks. No but I don’t creative on tumblr and I don’t think I have them open oof
Why this username? I like Natasha romanov even though I wanted to change it a few times but now that I think about it I don’t have any real idea what to change it to oof
Do you have a following? I don’t think so but who knows lol
Amount of sleep? lol my sleep schedule is so messed up I have no clue
Lucky number. Idk 20 or 21 cuz age I guess
What am I wearing. Captain America tank top and Halloween costume pants for Hamilton like person
Dream job. Idk I don’t have my life together or anything I am super passionate about.
Dream trip. Somewhere pretty and below 70 F
Favorite food. Cini Minis from Burger King I love having food return from when I was a child.
Instruments. None but if being loud af counts than yes.
Eye color. Brown but they almost black as my soul KappaRoss
Hair color. Dark brown
Aesthetic. Comfort but occasionally other things like My Pokémon go character.
Language. Yikesalicious American.
Most iconic song. GOAT bohemian rhapsody by queen don’t even fight me on this.
Random fact. I like Destiny as an video game franchise since 1st games beta and I still play on PC. I am excited to redownload it to steam.
Tag you’re it (I don’t tumble often so frick me I guess)
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