#happy birthday canny
visually-corrupted · 2 years
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Flora Carter
For @ultrameganicolaokay
Happy Birthday, Canny! ♥
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xshimaeraxx · 2 days
okay ik that the fandom LOVES making logan the one who’s the cat-like mutant in the relationship and i LOVE that and it is so canon but like
hear me out here! catboy!! wade!!
a wade who was a mutant long before francis got his grubby little hands in him, wade who was a mutant but it wasnt crazy regenerative abilities or an inability to stay dead/immortality or super-human strength, but a wade who was (still is) a mutant who had the abilities of a fuckin’ cat
a wade who has semi-night vision, not entirely but good enough to help out on jobs; a wade who has lil pinprick pupils like a cat’s and who hisses damn near 24/7 on bad pain days (bc chronic pain-having wade has my entire heart and i will go to the grave w this hc alr); a wade who purrs when happy or in the middle of slicing someone’s head off during a job; a wade who has a cat’s heightened senses- hearing, sight, taste, smell, all of that; a wade who has a cat’s un-fuckin’-canny ability to jump from heights that would’ve killed a human and have at most a small, gone-in-a-day bruise; a wade who has tufts of kitty-cat fur on his elbows and on + behind his knees
and then francis comes along, and the torture happens, and he loses his looks, and then the fur grows back bc fuck but he’d thought he’d lost his og mutation when francis torture mcgee had triggered this new one, had lost the one thing that ness might still recognise him for,,,
and then the start of d&w happens, and during the birthday scene wade’s purring, happy, quietly (so quietly no one hears it half the time, and when they do they assume it’s the faulty heating of wade & al’s shitass apartment, but ness looks at him with a pleased, proud little smile when the sound starts back up after the others’ initial investigation for the source of the sound proves fruitless and it, he gets louder, purely for the way ness’s smile gets wider, prouder in a way that is purely, unabashedly so ness wade wants to go other and kiss her, right then n there) yes but he’s still purring like he hasn’t since pre-cancer-diagnosis him & ness (and also bc francis’s little angel-killer had found the sound annoying as all hell [bc wade also purrs to self-soothe bc I Say So)and so he’d rarely done so since, half out of new-born habit, half out of some primal, hard-learned fear he still hasn’t managed to completely shake, even years later)
and then the honda odyssey scene happens, and wade’s purring, purring, purring, loud and proud and rumbling and happy and he’s also hissing playfully at logan- a motion logan doesn’t notice due to how distracted he is putting his claws thru wade’s left thigh and christ, kittycat, how long’s it been since you had a good hookup for you to be THIS tense?- and logan only notices after wade’s pinned him and his minorly blood-soaked grin freezes; doesn’t drop, but freezes.
wade’s purr stutters a tad, doesn’t stop. he asks, licking the blood off of his cheek underneath his mask and for some reason logan’s sharp eyes follow what he can see of the movement underneath wade’s mask: what’s wrong, peanut, cat got your tongue?
are you- are you fuckin’ purring? asks logan, and the sound abruptly stops, and then deadpool’s stabbing him through the gut with not one word and then they’re fighting again, and while logan notes the moment to think about later, wade also doesn’t say another word other then excited/frustrated grunts and little “haha!”s for the next half hour, and for some reason that about takes up the majority of logan’s attention until he finally, finally, punches wade’s already-broken nose literally not even a millisecond after he’s broken it hard enough that it actually takes a few seconds for wade’s healing to kick in, and for some reason he feels strangely relived when wade lets out a muffled-by-blood ugh! foulplay, wolvie, foulpla-
logan interrupts him via stabbing wade and a like you don’t play just as foul as i do, bub, and wade stabs back in response with some quippy comment or another, and by then the fight’s back on, deadpool-typical quips and all.
like. when i say catboy wade, here, do you see my vision. do you see what i’m imagining. dO YOU SEE IT I SAY
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Aaah, I'd meant to send you birthday wishes from work but that obviously failed, so here's a late-evening pop of the champagne cork for you, Danni my dear! I hope you've had the happiest of birthdays, and that you're feeling relaxed and cherished and totally indulged. And I hope you know you're cherished here as well; that you're a gift unto yourself and a delight to know! Also a brilliant author with a narrative voice that hurts the gut and breaks and illuminates the heart, while salvaging splendor from the materials of loss and ugliness. May this year bring you happiness upon happiness and much joy in your own creativity and sense of self!
I wanted to write you a Snarry snippet, but I'm pants at dashing things off in the moment, so it doesn't quite come off to my satisfaction. It doesn't really end; it's just there. But I'm dropping it here anyway because I don't have any other gifts to give you (and I'm still reeling from your latest tour de force).
Have a marvelous vacation! 🍾🎂💝😘💖
"I don't get it," Ron said. "I don't get how you can go from my sister to that awful, ugly git."
"An ugly git with a fanciable arse," Harry joked, fending off irritation at the fact that even his oldest friend refused to understand.
Ron had outgrown the juvenile impulse to mime sticking his finger down his throat, but he still grimaced in disgust as he said, "You're barking. Let's be honest, you of all people could have anyone you – "
Harry cut him off with a glare, and Ron caught himself before straying too far into rubbishy Boy Who Lived territory.
A few seats over, Charlie slanted Harry a speculative glance, as if intrigued by the topic of Snape's arse. Harry hid a smile but was canny enough not to oblige him.
He wanted to tell them You haven't a clue. Because it wasn't only about a nice arse. Severus did have his moments of beauty. Severus had his moments of belonging so completely to Harry that it blotted out everything else.
But those moments weren't meant for just anyone. They weren't meant for Ron or Charlie Weasley, for Hermione or Luna or Ginny. For all that Severus liked to insinuate their sexual compatibility into public places, there was a privacy to having a relationship with him, a sacrosanct quality that made everything five times more intense than Harry was used to.
Yes, Harry had been profoundly disturbed at first to discover it was Severus Snape's hard-faced respect, Snape's coal-black pessimism and tendency to bristle and stand his ground – even when his ground was patently wrong – that sent his cock and his temper soaring.
And Severus, after his initial recoil and ice-cold certainty that he was being pranked, had exploited that knowledge to the hilt.
Unfortunately, Ron couldn't just leave it. "It's not so much that it's a bloke, Harry. But why limit your, erm – " His discomfort smeared the words together into a smirk-worthy yerm, and the rest of the sentence proved what Harry had suspected, that he and Hermione were discussing Harry's love life behind his back. " – your erotic possibilities? No one in their right mind would call Snape sexy."
Exasperated, Harry almost shot back that no one had ever been concerned about how he was limiting himself when he was fucking a girl. But since that girl had been Ginny, it would be beastly to talk about her like that.
Then he considered mentioning the fact that, far from feeling limited, he didn't think he could take much more possibility in his sex life, as Severus would do anything he wanted.
It was true. Having bluffed his way through his own insecurity, braced every bloody time for Harry to mock him – because Severus hadn't yet got beyond his conviction that Harry was immensely more experienced than he, and that his own deprivation in this area made him, as a forty-something man, ridiculous – Severus would submerge completely in the 'erotic possibility' and take Harry with him.
PI!!!! My dear sweet friend. I am lost for words. 🥹 You are much too kind to me (which I fully appreciate.) I had the most lovely of birthdays, with much joy and indulgence! Sunny days, magical sights, and heaps of delicious food! But best of all was all the love sent my way. I am truly blessed to have so many generous, darling people in my life. 🥰
Now...ahem. [TW: fangirl shrieking ahead]
Truly, the Universe has smiled on me for my birthday! After all, imagine had this little snippet not existed???? When it's so very much everything I want and need from Snarry!!!!
Things I love:
Ron (and co.) not really "getting" Snarry? Biggest checkmark. Not enough of that out there!
Outright accusations of "ugly" [insert dreamy sigh here]
Snape's fanciable arse??? I know you've written that before and truly if any bit of Snape has to be stunning, if not his cock, then his arse will do! (But truly, both would be just fine by me!)
Severus did have his moments of beauty. Severus had his moments of belonging so completely to Harry that it blotted out everything else. -- I'm not sobbing, you're sobbing. But really, it's moments like these that make me LOVE the "ugly" word. It's why I LOVE honing in on other people's opinions and issues, and beauty standards, it's kicking them square in the balls! Yes, he's ugly in a sense. But that doesn't mean he's not beautiful. And really, isn't that the most perfect example of beauty? When it's everything within shining without? (Okay let me tuck my feelings back in there, sorry about that.)
More of Severus using personal details as weapons, as in: their sexual compatibility. To shock and horrify those around them. It feels quite petty on the surface, but also an almost defense mechanism deep down (even if he doesn't quite see it.) The whole "If I say it first, it won't hurt me if you say it" idea. Because if he's using it to shock/horrify people, then it won't matter when they're shocked/horrified. Or, even as punishment for being shocked/horrified. Truly, I'm obsessed. What a perfect bastard he is. (With quite the fanciable arse, I've heard.)
and stand his ground – even when his ground was patently wrong – hi yes it's me I'm in love.
Also Severus initially thinking the whole thing is a prank???? YES YES EXACTLY.
no one had ever been concerned about how he was limiting himself when he was fucking a girl. - and Harry too gentlemanly to speak of her like that, haha! Though in fairness, the dude he's fucking is SEVERUS FLIPPIN' SNAPE.
Severus would submerge completely in the 'erotic possibility' and take Harry with him. -- all the possibilities with these 2? 100% my favorite part. All of the passion and obsession and how I'm pretty sure they'll never get enough of each other. And not even just the erotic possibility, mind you, but....well, that erotic possibility sure is something!
Anyway um this was perfect and everything I could have ever wanted and I'm obsessed with it and if you wanted to put it on AO3 I would be in full support of that 👀 But as is I am forever grateful and like sobbing. Because these are my BOYS. 😭 And you do them such justice. You always remind me of why I fell in love with them (on the off chance I'd ever forget haha!)
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starikune · 4 months
Fearghas gives Marshall a big hug and a kiss on the lips. "Happy birthday, Marshall! I love ya so much, you're a well sexy and canny (that's galarian/scottish slang for smart) lad. I baked ya your favorite cake!" @flock-keeper
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Marshall was surprised at first, but he gladly returned the hug and the kiss to his boyfriend. "Thank you, sweetheart. It's been a long day, but I'm glad I can spend time with you."
He sniffed the air, smiling when the sweet smell of cake wafted to his nostrils. "Mm, strawberry cake? You know me so well, Fearghas. I love you!"
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goldenfreddys · 8 months
may '04, norfolk county, massachusetts: "for better or for worse, you've always been your father's daughter"
William whistled as he finished pinning up the last of the decorations around the small room— streamers, balloons and the words HAPPY BIRTHDAY! strung across in glittery letters.
No birthday was complete without gifts, of course. He had plenty ready for her.
“... And dance to your daddy, sing to your mammy, dance to your daddy, to your mammy sing…” He sang, low and warm.
There was the creaking of rusted metal and a loud scraping noise. He smiled and turned to Baby, who looked as he expected her to after several months prowling storm drains. There was going to be a lot of WD-40 involved in the days to follow. Nevertheless, she was here. There was no doubt about it—Elizabeth had always been a canny child. She always came home, eventually.
He smiled, “There's my sweet girl.”
She shifted and didn’t meet his gaze, as though caught redhanded having broken her mother’s favourite Christmas ornament. After a long pause, she slowly scanned the room.
“Is it… My birthday?” Her voice crackled quietly through the damaged sound module.
William nodded, guiding her to the box on the table.
“It’s not quite up to par, I know. Would be better with more friends and family- your brothers are impossible to get a hold of, these days. But I hope it’ll do, for now.”
Baby leaned towards the box, touching the ribbon with as much delicacy as her current state could allow, “Oh… Thank you, daddy. It’s alright. I’m… Not sure Michael wants to talk to me, right now.”
“Oh, dear. He’ll come around, silly bug.”
“... You think?”
“I’ll make sure of it.”
William slotted a small black box equipped with two electrodes into the tangle of wires at the nape of her neck and her servos locked in place. He hummed, securing it with a few zip ties.
“Wh- what was that? What did you do?… Daddy?” Baby was nearly drowned out by the bursts of static coming from her voicebox- behind it, Elizabeth spoke in tandem. She was scared.
“Don’t be frightened. It’s just to make sure you don’t wander off, again.”
“It’s for your own good, okay? No more arguing.”
Elizabeth went quiet.
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i-lovethatforme · 9 months
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Sorry no smutty drawings this year, only smuts in our hearts 😔
Thank you baby angel mouse!!!! Smut in my heart forever and always 💞 your thg drawing has given me life and I'm be forever grateful canny wait for the resurgence of machi wips!!!! Canny believe i have to check tumblr now just to see if you posted and most of the time its NO. but today i win 😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
Happy Birthday Nebby!
@nebbychan, as per my favorite of the ideas that you presented, here is Dan and Tim trying to explain the chaos that happened during Dan’s promotion to Captain (as first seen in your story “One Wild Night”) to everyone at the Ball & Socket, with poor Kiya dying of laughter in the background. Hope you enjoy!
“Oh, come on, Dan! You gotta be making some of this up!”
“I swear this is all what really happened!” Dan said, crossing a skeletal finger over his breastplate. “Really and truly!”
“He’s telling the truth,” Canny Tim added loyally. “Not a single, er, embellished detail to be had! I was right there in the thick of it with him, and it was all that chaotic!”
“Yeah – in fact, Tim here saved Megwynne in one of his first major acts of heroism while I was up on the pirate ship!” Dan said, wrapping an arm around his friend. “Though he’ll have to tell you that part, I wasn’t around to see it.”
“Later, maybe,” Tim said through pink cheeks. “You were, ah, telling them about breaking the others out of their cell on the pirate ship?”
“Right, right – so I got my hands on Woden’s sword and set about busting the other heroes out!” Dan said, striking a dramatic pose. “I admit, I tried to use the sword to pick the lock first–”
“Why?” Kiya called behind him, the word almost lost in between snorts and giggles.
“Look, I’d already had probably more wine than was good for me, dealt with a drunken king, retrieved the main course of the meal from a hungry dog–” Woof! “–yes, we all know you enjoyed the boar, Lupo – had to stop an upset elephant dragon from burning down the castle, and figure out why a flying pirate ship was raiding the place on what was supposed to be my special day. I was not thinking clearly.”
“I don’t think any of us were,” Tim admitted, running his fingers through his hair. “It was really a most – exciting promotion ceremony.”
“The promotion was the least crazy part of it,” Bonejangles said, Lizzie giggling beside him. “Besides, you know, Dan coming within a couple of inches of ending up like Paul.”
“Yeah, good thing King Peregrine was willing to listen to me, drunk as he was. . .” Dan shook his skull. “Anyway, I figured out how to use the sword to burst apart the lock, then led all the other heroes up to the top deck–”
“You crawled up there!” Woden yelled from his table. “Wincin’ at every little squeak!”
“Hey, I was trying to get us up there unnoticed! Not my fault that the door burst open on the very last step! Nearly busted my nose!”
“And then when you did get above decks, after the rest of us had mopped up the guards, that one pirate scooped you up like it was nothing!”
“All right, but he quickly realized it wasn’t smart to swing around someone who was already feeling seasick,” Dan retorted, folding his arms.
Kiya laughed all the harder. “You throw up?”
“Aaaaall over him,” Dan confirmed, upper jaw flexing in a smirk somehow. “And then he threw me right in front of his captain!”
“Face-first,” Woden pointed out.
“Hey, I still got right back up and chopped his sword in half!”
“Only because you had my sword! Which was promptly stolen from you by that damn swinging pirate covered in sick.”
“A rare sentence, that,” Lizzie observed, causing Kiya to bonk her head against her table.
“You got it back! After I dumped the rest of the pirates off the ship!”
“Another accident!”
“It worked!”
“Everyone, please, let’s just tell the story and not argue about the details,” Tim said, holding up his hands.
“Yeah, before Kiya laughs herself unconscious,” Bonejangles observed, rolling his eye between sockets.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Kiya said, holding her stomach and gasping. “Just – oh dear, I thought our time in London was a mess!”
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it,” Dan said, chuckling. “In fact – we’re up to the ship crashing into the castle now, right Tim? Right after I’d finally freed the king and my poor dog. . .”
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hannahgrace20 · 4 months
Love and Loss
Walk faster the two of you
why don't you hold your mother's arm and be on her side if you want us to walk faster, dear?
Dear, this is a man carrying a bundle of big wood. I'll just help her and go follow me only.
Go dear, I'll hold Mama for a guide.
Excuse me, Mr.? Let me carry those woods for you, will you?
My pleasure, thank you for the offer.
That's nothing, well, by the way, I'm with my-
oh, wait, Mama! Jean!
Hey! Where are you?
Jean! Ma-
Roger, Roger, wake up
You are dreaming, Roger. Is everything okay? You are crying as I woke you up a while ago.
I just dream of you and Mama, and both of you suddenly disappear.
Do not worry, Mama is still in her room, our baby is also with you here.
How lovely yet tragic the day it was, holding my cute baby girl, our first and last with my beloved Jean. I promise, my dear, I'll take care of our daughter, please rest now.
When Jean died giving birth to Cannie, I was with my mama taking care of my daughter.
Her family was saying that I was the reason why Jean died for giving birth to our child.
How hard to think that the birthday of my daughter will also be the day when her mother died.
More years pass, and now that Cannie can already build a family, she meets someone and makes a family.
A girl, Cannie's first baby is a girl, this reminds me of the past.
After her first baby, she had a son and a daughter again, Cannie had three kids when Mama had also rested.
How many days, months, and years pass, I can feel and say that I am now become older, accepting that my days are also slowing down. Cannie had 5 children already. How happy am I because I had a chance to see my great grandchildren also, the 2 kids of my first grandchildren?
I can see the husbands of my daughter and my first grandchild, comparing them to me is very different. Their husbands have a chance to care for their wives but cannot see the blessing in it.
Just the last few years, Cannie's husband was stressed, so he made a way to stop his breathing, and one of Cannie's sons witnessed what happened then.
On the other hand, the husband of my first grandchild doesn't know his responsibility in his family, not even a husband to his wife and a father to his children.
He treats her first child, who is a girl again, and thinks she is already old but the real thing is she is only 5 years old.
I can feel now that he doesn't love his family, so, what my granddaughter can do is to put her family away from his husband.
If it is ok to be the father of my daughter and my granddaughter, maybe their family will be full of love.
This reminds me of the dream I had when my wife was still alive, it just made me realize that it was given me that dream to prepare for these things and that I will be the only one to fight for every battle since Mama and Cannie were not here anymore.
For Jean and Cannie, cannot carry all of this wide love of mine to you, I am grateful that I am your partner and your father, you both became strong even though you both had a man who did not go along with your life.  As long as I am with you, I will always take care of all of you and I will be your everything.
I know I am now weak, but I am becoming a man to our family if something goes wrong.
I hope you're also ready to be a woman without my love, I am thankful for the reason that your husbands put both of you to be a strong woman without a man.
This is a story my lolo is always saying to me, I don't know if he doesn't remember that he already said that to me.
Maybe because your Lolo always wants to tell that to you, it's because that was the time when his wife and his mother were all together.
Oh, yeah! That is right, I know the Idea why he always telling to me. I am blessed you are here just to listen to a part of my life about my lolo
I also really appreciate when someone is sharing the stories of their lives because, in that way, I feel that you are believing in me that I won't tell to everyone. Thank you for inviting me here at your house to have a coffee together, I am looking for more ahead. The love story of your Lolo is very pure, and up until now, I can see how he cares for his family.
Jenny, you know what, I am happy we met together even in these old days, I am gaining a lot of lessons in your life and all of your knowledge, I feel like you are my real older sister and I am your younger sister who you care a lot, knowing that we just met, how I wish I met you when we were still young.
Grace, I am also grateful that I became your older sister, every time we are together, feels like we are away from the problems in our lives. I hope to know you more and let us grow older together.
About that part, I cannot promise that we still grow together, because in a short time, we are going to move now to another place, but even though that is the situation, I am hoping that we still see each other.
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canonfatbisexualenby · 6 months
I love you Pam my main squeeze!!!!
I canny believe we’ve been together for almost a decade!!!!
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(art by f/ungish)
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November 6 Zodiac Characteristics
What Zodiac is November 6? Scorpio - is the zodiac sign for November sixth conceived locals.
As a Scorpio zodiac brought into the world on November sixth, you are reasonable and inventive locals. You individuals appear to come down on accomplishment in your life. These individuals need to demonstrate to those dear to you, regardless of whether they need strain toward any path.
Locals who are brought into the world on sixth November, will hoard a few extremely fascinating qualities and powers that will guide and help them further down the road.
November 6 Birthday Character Individuals brought into the world under Scorpio zodiacs are daring, legitimate, canny, incredible guides and faithful. Thus, as a pessimistic note of their characters and characters. These locals are to some degree dubious, somewhat jealous and possessive.
The Scorpio zodiac sign is related with Tuesday and Red as its tone. Scorpio zodiac is related with planet Mars and its connected component is Water.
November 6 Zodiac Characteristics November 6 Zodiac sign has a place with the second decan of SCORPIO ( November 3 - November 12 ). This decan is unequivocally controlled and impacted by the planet Neptune. This is delegate for individuals who are arousing and decided like Scorpio and fortunate and anxious students just Neptune.
This time span tempers the attributes of the Scorpio zodiac sign.
Being brought into the world on the sixth day November shows an enduring person who is likewise liberal, mindful and delicate. As per the numerology, the numerology for November 6 will be 6. This number 6 uncovers love, obligation and a homegrown way to deal with life.
Those Scorpio locals related with the number 6 and appreciate investing energy with families and building a protected climate.
November sixth Zodiac Love and Similarity Darlings who are brought into the world on November sixth are energetic, mysterious and arousing. These locals find it extremely difficult to focus on one individual. Be that as it may, when they do, they become exceptionally faithful and dependable. Anyway these locals remain quiet about numerous things as they are hesitant to seem reasonable and feeble.
These locals are drawn to somebody who has similar inclination and energizing way of life as them. You can vanquish the core of the Scorpio zodiac in the event that you know how to deal with.
Their adoration bond and undertakings develop further fellowships and connections. These locals need time to know the individual liable to remain close to these locals. Albeit these locals are not generally energetic darlings, their genuineness and faithfulness redress.
These individuals are extremely kind spirits and this will not stay unseen by the significant people around them in their day to day existence. These individuals will lead an incredible inward home satisfaction represented by homegrown obligation and judgment.
They are most zodiac viable with those brought into the world on the first, sixth, ninth, tenth, fifteenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, 24 and 27th.
November sixth Zodiac Scorpio individuals appear to be generally drawn to the next water signs Malignant growth and Pisces. In affection, Scorpio zodiac is in a long-lasting quest for a cherishing and cautious accomplice.
The most reasonable to offer them this is the local brought into the world under the Taurus zodiac sign. The sweetheart in Scorpio is least viable with the Libra zodiac sign.
Companions and Darlings Trustworthiness is the way in to the connections of November 6 conceived individuals. These locals might be near just extraordinary companions. Their satisfaction and happiness is much of not entirely set in stone by their heartfelt decisions.
These locals fall all through adoration incredibly. In any case, these locals keep on looking for their fantasy individual.
What Zodiac is November 6 and its Characters and Characters Is it true or not that you are searching for a solution for What zodiac is November 6? November sixth zodiac sign Scorpio birth horoscope and soothsaying expectations for your entire life viewpoints assist you with having your existence joyfully. Here, you will get to have a ton of experience with 6 November zodiac Scorpio sign expectations like love, work, cash, business, family, instruction, kids, wellbeing from there, the sky is the limit.
Those individuals brought into the world on November 6 are free, not set in stone. You are tenacious towards your fantasies. These locals will more often than not be clandestine.
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nobody7102 · 2 years
i hope you have a wonderful day filled with love, kisses and being throughly spoiled like you deserve!! ilysm!!!! 💞💞💗💞💐💐🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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wildcolours · 5 years
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Happy (belated) Birthday Lance!!! 💙💙💙
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steelycunt · 3 years
Canny believe you're birthday twins with @remuslupingf - actually you know what, I absolutely can.
Happy birthday darlin! Hope you've had a magical day! 💕✨
agh wolf thank u!! mwah!! mine's actually tomorrow (i was too late to be born on love day, boo, hiss, jeer) BUT lana is still my birthday-older-sibling...whatever our souls are made of, as they say...
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violet-knox · 4 years
The Family Secret
Chapter 1: Spinner’s End
Pairing: Young!Snape x Reader
Summary: Excited for your summer break, you make plans with Severus to visit him at Spinner’s End. Nervous about your visit, Severus does everything he can to make your stay delightful, but nothing goes as planned when his father comes home early from work. 
Word count: 6951
Warnings: Implied child abuse (not explicit) 
A/N: It’s been such a long journey finishing this story up. Things did not go as planned when I signed up and there were times I didn’t think I’d manage to finish it. But here we are, and I’m so happy I pushed through.
This story has 5 chapters and since I didn’t plan anything for Sev’s birthday, I thought I’d make it up by posting the first (and longest) chapter today. The next chapter will be posted on Wednesday the 13th and after that, I’ll be posting one chapter every Saturday in January, the final chapter posted on the 30th. It was a pleasure to participate in the @snapebang​ and I hope everyone enjoys it!
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He could still remember the first time he’d told you about his home on Spinner’s End. You’d only been dating two weeks and he had no obligation to tell you anything about his life, but he just couldn’t help himself. He’d been hoping for so many years to find someone like you, someone he could care for that would return the gesture. Someone he could love, trust and he did. He’d found you and there was no one else in this world he would ever trust more than you. Perhaps that was why he told you where he lived after you said you lived in Cokeworth as well, knowing the reputation Spinner’s End had built for itself. Lily had never cared for his family’s financial status, but her sister had, as did the majority of those he’d meet. He was afraid you’d react the same way, that once again his parents would ruin yet another good thing in his life, but you didn’t. You didn’t even hesitate to smile. But if you’d told him back then what you’d asked of him now, he would have questioned your knowledge on the reputation Spinner’s End carried and reconsidered telling you about his upbringing. 
Filthy, poor, loathsome, shameful, pathetic; those were the words he and many others would have used to describe his home, yet you seemed completely oblivious to those characteristics. You didn’t care about how small he claimed it to be. You brushed away his own distaste for the place and his offer to take you somewhere else. You simply asked again: Can I come over this summer? 
The answer was much simpler than he’d made it out to be in his mind: Yes, but you shouldn’t. Yet he could only imagine the hurt in your eyes if he’d responded that way. He knew you’d understand if he explained, but you’d already tolerate so much of his own burdens. Who was he to ask you to carry anymore? In all honesty, he was surprised you’d stuck around this long after everything you’d seen at school. The way he was treated by others; like a filthy raccoon who wouldn’t stop trespassing on their property. You should have run for the hills the second you got a glimpse of who he was, but you didn’t. You stayed by his side and yet, despite everything you’d been through, he still questioned your loyalty. It was as if the moment you understood where he came from, the moment you’d seen his home, who his father was, you’d abandon him like everyone else before you. 
It seemed however, that no matter what he’d say, no matter how hard he’d try, you’d always find your way back to him to put his heart back together. He loved your loyalty to him, your compassion for him. He loved everything about you and only a fool would shun the insurance you offered him of your expectations for Spinner’s End. 
“Severus, if you don’t want me here, I understand,” you said as you followed his lead down the street of Spinner’s End. Reservation still lingered in his chest and judging by your tone of voice, you were certainly aware of it. He was nervous more than anything. Yes, his father was away for the weekend and his mother never bothered to care for his presence anyways, but he still couldn’t help the dread in the back of his mind. Bringing you home was a risk, one that could end your relationship if you hadn’t been sincere about your views of his family. 
“N-no! I do, it’s just-” He paused and squeezed your hand as he looked away. “My house- where I live… It’s not what you imagine and my parents- they aren’t exactly the best of people.”
You’d seen him distressed before, the sorrow in his eyes when Lily cut ties with him, the anguish he went through when James and Sirius continued their harassments at school after the Whomping Willow incident. But you’d never seen such disappear written on his face before, as if he was preparing to lose something he held dear. You’d never meant to cause such emotions when you’d asked to come over for a few hours, but if you’d known the stress he felt now, you would have buried the thought deep in your mind, never to see the light of day and save him the hurt he felt bubbling inside him now. 
The way he tightened his hold on you made you feel all the more guilty. This was supposed to be a pleasant evening and Severus was acting as though you held a gun to his head. But you knew that once you’d entered his house and shown him you couldn’t care less about his living situation the mood would lighten. 
“You know I don’t care for that. Your home and your parents will never change how I feel about you,” you said, pulling his arm closer to your chest. Your words had the exact effect you’d intended as you felt the tension in his muscles release. His shoulders dropped slightly, but his hand tightened its hold on yours. 
Turning his head, Severus looked into your eyes and felt the assurance you offered seep into his recurring horrendous thoughts of abandonment. He always felt so safe with you, assured of the exclusion of the terrors the world offered when he was around you. As much as he hated to admit it, you were his rock, he couldn’t live without you and that was precisely why he feared your visit to his house. Why would he risk losing someone as important as you? And for what? A glimpse into his sad childhood on Spinner’s End? 
Nothing was worth losing you and if protecting his relationship with you meant you’d never meet his parents or step foot on Spinner’s End then so be it. He could live with hiding his past. He could learn to move on, he wanted nothing more than to move on, but he knew he’d never be able to find anyone as thoughtful or as loving as you.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” you offered, watching him hesitate to climb up the first step of stairs leading to the front door. “We can turn around and head to a park or something.”
You couldn’t stand how uncomfortable he looked. You didn’t want to see him like this, your heart aching as his hands shook, stuffing them into his pocket, clumsily searching for his keys. He was like a delicate, expanding bubble, ready to pop at any moment, exploding into a mess of emotions and you couldn’t bear seeing him in such a state.
“No,” he said softly, retrieving his keys from his pocket. “We can stay.”
Stretching out his hand, offering it to you, he took another step towards the door, watching you slide your fingers against his palm, gripping him tightly as you stepped forward as well. As much as he would have liked to take you up on your offer, he knew he couldn’t back out now because he knew exactly why you wanted to come over in the first place. Curiosity was a trait you’d never tried to hide and one that made itself more apparent the closer you got as a couple. You wanted to know everything about him because it made you feel closer. You wanted to trust him, to know him better than anyone else ever had. He could see your hurt when he told you about Lily, how much he’d wanted to share everything with her, how he thought she understood him, so he knew you’d want nothing more than to gain his trust enough to share everything with you.
Slowly, he put the key into its lock and turned it, opening the door to his childhood, his summer prison. Everything he hated about himself was all stored under one roof, all about to be exposed to you. There were no words to describe the hatred he felt for this place, Lily being the only reason he had to look forward to returning every summer but as she broke off their friendship, his willingness to withstand this house sizzled away, leaving him with nothing but animosity. And then he met you. You were his new light, a clean breath of air amongst the smoky darkness surrounding him. You were his new reason for withstanding Cokeworth and Spinner’s End. Withstanding another summer under this roof was only made bearable by the thought of you existing within the same vicinity. 
The smile you wore on your face as you followed him, stepping within the threshold of his less than desirable home eased him a little and he wondered if you’d intended to appear happy simply because you knew how much it soothed him. You were always canny like that, catching onto his likes and desires faster than he was willing to admit, but it didn’t bother him. He was grateful for it and only wished he could return the favour. 
“It’s nice,” you said to him as he closed the door behind you. Any expectations Severus had given you were shot the moment you stepped inside, the walls bare, a singular couch and armchair squeezed into the shoe box sized sitting room. The couch was old, probably as old as the house judging by the chipped drywall and the worn-out floors. It faced the ashy fireplace which seemed to endure the same negligence Severus had said he’d felt over the years. The armchair’s cushion dipped in the middle as if an invisible being was sitting on it, the arms themselves scuffed from the ends. The only decor you could find was a singular picture frame of a couple you could only assume were his parents that looked as though it had been gathering dust for a while. 
“You’re not being truthful,” he replied bluntly as he let go of your hand. He took a look around the room and sighed. No matter how much he tried, there was no way he could have made the place presentable for you, but at least he’d managed to clean the floors of any broken shards of glass or stains left behind by whatever it was his father had decided to leave around the armchair. 
“The way you were describing it, Severus, I would have thought you lived in a dustcart.” You turned to face him instead of the room, placing your hands over his arms to get his attention. His hair was already over his face, his insecurities spilling out of him and you’d barely been here ten seconds. The house was quiet at least and you knew if you just sat down a while, he would get used to the idea of sharing his space with you. 
Severus’ gaze seemed to be fixed on the scenery behind you, so you slowly moved your hands up his arms and onto his shoulder, one reaching up to gently hook under his chin, encouraging him to break free of whatever horrible trance he was under. Your eyes finally met yet he still wouldn’t let go of the fear buried deep in his chest. 
“Sev, I love you,” you spoke softly, entwining your fingers in his hair, taking a step closer to him. Severus leaned into you, your touch a comfort he could find nowhere else. The tension in his shoulders started to ease until he realized he’d forgotten to thoroughly wash his hair today. His hand jerked up to remove yours from the shameful oily mess on his head, kicking himself for forgetting something so trivial. Already this day was going downhill, and he could only imagine the treachery that would follow. 
“Can we sit down?” You asked when you felt his hand on your wrist, pulling you away. You could tell he was still so uncomfortable and a part of you had begun to wonder if it was really his home he was ashamed of or if it was you. 
Severus, unaware of your own worries, slowly nodded his head, turning towards the couch, inviting you to sit beside him. His actions were almost robotic; one foot after the other, his legs bending enough to sit in his seat. He wasn’t sure what to do next, or rather, he wasn’t sure if you were disgusted by what you saw and were just too kind to say anything. He wouldn’t blame you if the next thing you did was ask to leave. In fact, he’d sort of expected it to happen at some point, he just had no idea when you’d ask. 
“Severus?” Your voice seemed so distant, like you weren’t actually here and for once, he hoped that was true. Your scent however, the glimpse of your face in the corner of his eyes told him otherwise. “Sev, if you’re worried about me don’t be. I’m fine with your home, I really am.”
Severus looked down to find your hand on his knee, your thumb slowly rubbing circles into his trousers as a way of comforting him. His lips gently twitched into the subtlest of smiles, his hand overlapping yours as he looked at you with softened eyes. He nodded his head in understanding and found himself silently thanking you and everything you were. Your presence, your joy, your mere existence was all a gift he was lucky to have received. 
“I-I can make tea,” he offered, hoping it would ease the tension around you both. You nodded your head and he got up from his spot, asking you to stay where you were, Merlin forbid you see another inch of this disgraceful prison. 
Severus creaked open the door that led to the rest of the house enough for him to slip through, quickly closing it after he stepped inside so you wouldn’t see your vision wouldn’t be tainted with any more of his embarassing life. He hastily made his way to the kitchen where he found his mother sitting near the window reading yesterday’s paper, likely stolen from the neighbour’s bin as she smoked what he guessed was her third cigarette today judging by the time. 
Opening the cupboards, he found the old rustic kettle and filled it up with water before digging for the matches and lighting the flame on the stove. He left the kettle there as he went back to find two clean cups. He’d opened all the cupboards in the kitchen before looking around countertops. He found two mugs, both dirty on the kitchen table, but one was chipped to the extent he was sure you’d noticed, so he cleaned the acceptable one and continued his search. Waving his wand, he watched the ditry mug levitate to the sink where it began cleaning itself. Looking back around the kitchen he found another mug on the countertop of the window, used as an ashtray. 
“Mum, can I use that mug?” He asked her, hoping she was in a well enough mood to simply wave him her approval. He watched with anticipation as she took another puff of her cigarette, acting as if he wasn’t even there. This was rather usual for her, but unfortunately for him, it meant she wasn’t in the mood to be disturbed.  
“Why?” She asked, keeping her eyes on her paper as she blindly tapped the end of her cigarette into her makeshift ashtray.
“I-I have a friend over and I wanted to make tea.” He paused and watched her eyes move from one side of the page to the other. “I’d asked you yesterday if it was alright for her to come over and you said it was.”
Sometimes he wondered if she cared more about her smoke breaks than she did him because it was moments like this where she’d pay more attention to those sticks of tobacco than she would her own son that had him questioning her priorities. The cigarette hung from her lips as she turned the page, staring at him like he’d said something damning. 
“A friend? Didn’t that Evans girl stop speaking with you last year? And why on earth would you want to bring her here of all places?” She suddenly seemed very interested in his evening plans when he’d explained to her multiple times over the last few days he was planning to have you over. But why would he ever expect her to listen when she’d done nothing of the sort the last 17 years. He in fact, could hardly remember a time where she’d managed to hold even half a conversation with him.
“Why do you care?” He snapped back at her. Frustration rose to his mind, his face turning red with anger. She had no right to question his personal life. She had no right to speak to him like he wasn’t worthy of speaking to other human beings. 
His expression hardened when he locked eyes with her, watching her take another drag of her cigarette as her lips stretched into an ugly frown. Tossing her newspaper in the direction of the bin, each page flying around, landing all over the floor, she put out her cigarette in the mug before pushing it with her index finger so it fell off the windowsill. 
“Clean that up,” she commanded lazily, easing off from where she sat and dragged her feet along the floor to the door. “And I suggest you see your friend out before your father gets home.”
He didn’t take his eyes off her until she was completely out of sight, heading up the stairs, the house whining in agony with every step she took. Storming to the door, he closed it roughly, immediately regretting it when he remembered you were in the sitting room waiting for him. It was then he’d realized the kettle had been whistling, steaming angrily before he removed it from the stove and turned it off. He looked to his side where the broken pieces of the mug mixed with the ashes of his mother's cigarette. With a sigh, he took out his wand and wove it over the area, trying to focus on the task at hand, putting aside his feelings towards his parents. 
He’d been so used to locking himself in his room or storming out of the house, returning when it was pitch black after interactions like that, but he couldn’t do that this time and it threw him off. He had to get back to you, get back to the safety of your bubble. At least with you, he could stand to be in this house, he could bear the backlash of his mother and the miserable life he led here. 
The mug put itself back together and he picked it up to examine it. He’d gotten rather good with this spell after he’d begun taking every broken dish, jar or whatever else his parents felt like breaking that day back to Hogwarts and fixing it the second he was allowed to do magic again. Turning seventeen was one of the best gifts he’d ever been given. No more restrictions, no more rules. He was able to do magic freely now and it had saved him more than once this summer, apparting away if they ever got too loud, cleaning his room faster than he’d ever previously managed. It kept him connected to his real home, even if he was miles away. 
Placing the mug in the sink, he washed and dried it, stopping the spell he’d previously cast and set aside the dishes for now. He walked over instead to the mess his mother had made and wove his wand over it to vanish the ash and newspaper. Finally, he made earl grey tea and even managed to find some biscuits to go along with it. His smile slowly began to return as he made his way back to you, opening the door with one hand as he carried the tray of treats in the other. Placing it on the coffee table in front of the couch, he took his seat next to you.
“Sorry, we don’t have any cream but there’s sugar if you like,” he said, gesturing to the small jar next to the cups. Your lips twitched into a smile as you watched him pick up the jar and unscrew its lid. He put two teaspoons of sugar into his tea before looking over his shoulder to see if you wanted any. 
“One is fine. Thank you Sev,” you motioned to him. He gave both cups a quick swirl before picking them up and handing yours to you. He sat back on the couch and looked down at the liquid swirling in circles, the awkwardness settling back into place before you spoke, thoughts of the consequences he feared to face for bringing you here returning to him.
“Is everything alright Sev? I heard something breaking while you were in there,” you said, nodding your head towards the door he’d just emerged from. You didn’t want to push or make assumptions, but Severus had told you his father was at work, which meant the footsteps you heard heading up the stairs not long before he returned to you were his mother’s. He’d barely ever spoken to you about her, but you knew he wasn’t too fond of either of his parents. You were never one to pry on someone else's personal life, but with Severus it was different. You cared so deeply for him, you wanted to know everything, the good and the bad. But common dignity stopped you from asking him before about his family, hoping if you were patient, he would eventually trust you enough to share everything without you having to ask. 
“It was nothing, I just dropped one of the mugs, but I managed to put it back together,” he lied, looking away to take a sip of his tea. He kept his eyes on his cup as he lowered it, his hair defensively falling into position over his face. You noticed his gaze dropping and knew there was more to what he was telling you. Your shoulders fell in disappointment as you realized today was not the day he’d open up to you. But you had to look on the bright side, he trusted you enough to bring you to his home and you’ve been here a full ten minutes without him trying to push you out.
“So, will I get a tour later?” You smirked as you took a sip of your own tea. “Will I get to see your room?”
“Why do you want to see my room?” He asked, confused at your odd request. Your smirk didn’t help matters either. He was now unsure of how serious your question was. 
Sliding closer to him, you bit your bottom lip, unable to suppress your growing smile. It was absolutely adorable when he wouldn’t understand some of your hints. The way his brows would furrow, his eyes shifting like a lost puppy unable to comprehend where he was. “Well, wouldn’t you want to see my room if you came over?”
You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle when you saw his eyes light up with understanding, a sly smirk of his own appearing on his lips, his cheeks tinting a light shade of pink. “I suppose. But my room isn’t really anything worth seeing. It’s small and cramped. I keep everything worth keeping in my trunk. Honestly, the dorms back at Hogwarts are more appealing.” 
“I don’t care how it looks,” you said, placing a hand on his knee in comfort. What you would give to see him just a little more proud of himself, just a bit more confident. Sometimes you wondered if all that affinity shared between you meant anything to him or if he even realized how much you’d been there for him, how you’d always be there for him. But in the end, your crazy thoughts of his negligence towards you was always just that; absolutely nonsense. “I only care that it’s yours.”
“Alright,” he reluctantly agreed. It was odd speaking to you about something he’d always been so insecure about, yet the feeling of worry over whether or not you would leave him after what you saw was beginning to dwindle away. Even with his mum unable to spare him a shred of decency, the evening had felt as though it was going fairly well thus far. At least you seemed to be enjoying the biscuits enough to eat a second even though they turned out to be stale. Still, you managed to find a way to turn the situation around, dipping them into your tea. You’d even finished your tea before him despite his vitality to speak as little as possible. He would much rather listen to you talk about how your summer had gone so far and all the plans you had for your last year at Hogwarts than speak of his home and life on Spinner’s End.
Life could never cut him a break and just when he thought he was finally grasping at happiness, Fate had to intervene, ruining any spark of joy ignited within him. Fate was cruel to him today just as she was cruel to him when he’d finally found a home in Hogwarts, introducing him to Potter while taking Lily away from him. Today, Fate had decided to shake up his plans with you and test him instead. The sound of the front door opening dropped his heart down to his stomach. He knew it was over the second his father took a step into the house, to be greeted by his son sitting with a stranger he’d been told nothing about. 
“What is this?” His tone showed resistance as he stared at you and Severus sitting on the couch. He was holding back like he always did when they were out in public. Your presence was taming him, but Severus knew it wouldn’t last long.
“H-hello,” you hesitantly tried to introduce yourself, feeling the tension in the air. You assumed the man who’d stepped inside the house was his father, but judging by the look on the man’s face, he had no idea who you were. Did Severus not tell either of his parents about your visit? Thoughts of disappointment and guilt filled your mind as you stood up, stretching your hand out to him. “I-umm, I’m (Y/N).”
The man squinted at your hand, staring at you in silence. You felt wary of the situation you’d suddenly found yourself in. Your introduction clearly doing you no favours. Awkwardly, you lowered your hand to your side along with your gaze in embarrassment as you sank back down on the couch beside Severus. 
“We were just drinking tea,” Severus finally spoke, trying to explain with as few words as possible why there was a stranger in the house. Looking at him, you questioned why his voice had suddenly lost all its power. It sounded as though he was speaking to a wall, you’d never heard his voice so monotone before and it frightened you. Perhaps he was right, and you shouldn’t have come over. 
Severus watched his father squint at the two empty mugs on the coffee table, evidence that you’d both finished your tea a while ago. Severus could already tell lies was all his father would see. The way his father’s black eyes pierced his, he knew nothing he said now would forgive inviting you over. 
“I see.” Severus felt a slight shiver run up his body from his father's simple words, but he still maintained eye contact with him all the same, hoping he could at least try and brace himself for what came next. He watched the man take a few steps around the couch, speaking one final word as he opened the door to the rest of the house. “Severus.”
His voice commanded obedience from Severus and immediately he knew he was being asked to follow him to the kitchen. Shrugging his shoulders, he let out a small sigh. His hair fell over his face as he closed his eyes, trying not to think about what was to come next. Reluctantly, he stood from his place and motioned to begin following his father through the door when he felt a hand tightly grasp at his, holding him back. 
“Sev, is everything okay?” you whisper to him, your brows furrowed, and your voice muffled with worry. Severus sat back down on the edge of the couch next to you, his gaze still lowered in shame of the interaction you’d just had with his father. He wasn’t supposed to be here. He wasn’t supposed to come home until the evening. 
“Severus!” His mother’s voice echoed through the room, a sign he was in deep trouble. His punishment was always worsened whenever both his parents were there to discipline him and he wasn’t ready to face those consequences tonight. Not tonight of all nights. He couldn’t handle it knowing you'd be in the next room. 
“It’s fine, just- umm, stay here,” he told you quickly before standing up, pulling away from you and marching straight into the kitchen like a soldier ready for battle. You sat there frozen for a moment, the silence around you deafening. Severus looked so upset when he’d left you, wearing the same look he’d have after an interaction with James and his friends. This summer was supposed to be about building your relationship with him, growing closer to each other and enjoying your time together. You never thought you’d see that look on his face in his own home with your company.
“SHUT UP EILEEN! THIS ISN’T ABOUT YOU!” The voice of his father roared throughout the house. Your heart stopped at the sudden burst in rage coming from the other side of the door. Your chest rose with panic and fell with worry. Against better judgment, you stood up and slowly walked over towards the commotion, fear of those doors bursting open as you got closer. Your palms pressed against the chipping paint as you listened in on the rest of their conversation.
“This is about your ungrateful son!” The man continued pouring his anger out on those in the other room. “How dare you bring some stranger into my house!”
Your heart ached for Severus. You weren’t a stranger to him and-
“I live here too!” You and Severus were a lot alike in more ways than one, but it seemed in this situation, your thoughts had aligned more than they ever had before. Unfortunately, it seemed his father didn’t care to allow Severus any sense of belonging.
“ON MY DIME!” The man screamed.
Your heart sank as the yelling continued, the more they spoke, the more you were certain Severus was living in a toxic environment, one you’d be forced to leave soon, forced to abandon the one person in this house that seemed to have a kind soul. You had to do something, you couldn’t just stand here. Intervening would be a horrible idea, you or Severus could wind up injured, or worse. No, you couldn’t let yourself be separated from Severus, you couldn’t leave him during a time like this. 
Every bone in your body resisted as you went to cautiously open the door enough to look through to the other side. You saw the light on in another room where all the yelling was emerging from, and quickly took this chance to slip through the door, closing it behind you and making your way up the stairs. You paused halfway up, crouching down in fear of being caught, hoping Severus could free himself of the entrapment his parents had suddenly put him in. 
“You should have quit that ruddy school a long time ago, gotten yourself a job and contributed to this household like I had when I was half your age!”
It seemed the man had no sense of pride, happy to have his son throw away his potential all for his own benefit. Helping him pay the bills instead of watching Severus build a future for himself was apparently the right priorities to him. Severus was a brilliant wizard, and you knew his skills would provide him with many opportunities in the future. You’d always told him that, even before you started dating, you’d never missed out on a chance to let him know how much he inspired you, how you had him to thank for so much of your own success at Hogwarts. It didn’t matter what his father thought so long as Severus knew he wasn’t wrong to focus on his studies, to strive for a better life than his parents, you were happy. 
You hurried up the rest of the stairs, optimistic they would finish their episode of abuse soon and began to look around on the second floor. You found two bedrooms and a bathroom. The first bedroom you would have assumed was the master bedroom as it contained a queen-sized bed, but the bundled up sheets and pillow in the corner had you second guess your assumption. It appeared as though someone had been sleeping on the floor, but when you entered the second bedroom, you knew that person couldn’t have been Severus. This second bedroom had to be his room. His trunk was in here, shoved into the closet, an old desk with one of its legs repaired with what appeared to be a chopped stick of a broom sat opposite of the twin sized bed that filled up most of the room. 
Sitting on his bed, you felt the springs in the mattress snap and you almost jumped up in surprise, but you kept yourself still, worried that any noise you made would bring you unwanted attention from downstairs. Poor Severus was already being scolded for your presence in this house, you didn’t want him blamed for the risky choice you made of sneaking into his room. Down below, you heard the sound of a door shoved open followed by footsteps before the shouting resumed.  
“She’s not there Tobias,” spoke his mother. Just as you’d suspected, they’d gone looking to kick you out of the house. What followed was a sentence you never thought you’d hear, something you felt so offended by, you would have given up your position just to prove them wrong. 
“Another friend abandoning you,” his father scoffed, a bit of spite in his tone as he talked down to Severus. “I could only be so lucky as to have the same privilege.”
Severus didn’t want to believe it. He didn’t want to believe you’d abandoned him, but he could however believe his parents scaring you away. He wondered how his summer would go now that you knew everything about his life. He tried to picture you receiving his countless letters begging to see you and throwing them in the trash without so much as glimpsing at his words. He tried to imagine how his final year would go without you by his side, celebrating his freedom alone, watching from afar as you went on to find someone else, all because of the horrible way his parents had treated you. 
You’d told him so many times, tried to reassure him so many times you weren’t going anywhere, but deep down he knew they were just words. They meant nothing and in the moment, you couldn’t handle the horrific truth. He didn’t want to believe it, but he didn’t blame you. He didn’t hold it against you for leaving. That luxury was only to be held by his parents. The luxury they’d held over him since the day he was born. Severus bowed his head in shame. He was embarrassed for opening up to you like that. For trusting you and thinking you’d be different. His shame slowly turned his disappointment into rage, tears pricking his eyes, daring to expose his emotions to his parents when he was already so vulnerable. 
Let them punish me. Let them relish in my embarrassment. I deserve it.
“I’m taking you to the mill tomorrow,” his father informed him. “You’re getting a job to pay back all the money I put into you the last 17 years.”
His life was over. He knew it and so did his parents. He was doomed to work for his father for the rest of his life, always in his debate. He wasn't to graduate Hogwarts, he wasn’t to send you any letters, he wasn’t to dream of the great wizard you said he could be. He said nothing in response, the pain he felt in his chest, his face, his ribs, his stomach, his heart all too great to allow him the energy to speak a single word. 
He watched his mother walk back to the kitchen and lift up the chair his father had thrown at him, tucking it into the small kitchen table. One of its legs was broken and he knew if anyone sat on it, it would break. But so long as it appeared put together, so long as it looked fine, he knew they wouldn’t care. His father went and sat down on the chair no one but him was to use and waited for his mother to serve dinner. 
Severus once again found himself completely invisible to them. They’d let out their emotions, lashed out at him and made sure he knew his place, then went back to their lives, pretending like he didn’t exist. He’d only wished they’d done that when you were here. If they didn't acknowledge your presence like they did his own right now, perhaps you’d still be together. Perhaps he wouldn't have to live the rest of his life alone, but such a mercy was too much to ask of course. He was made to be punished, he was born to suffer and that was to be his fate until the day he died. 
Slowly, he walked out of the kitchen, not to make a sound lest he be noticed again. He held his breath with each step he took, exhaling when he reached the second floor. He turned to make his way to his room, twisting the knob, ready to crawl into bed and drown in his tears, but the second he opened the door, about to throw himself onto his mattress, he was met instead with a sight he’d never dreamt of seeing. You were there, waiting for him, waiting to comfort him, your arms warm as you wrapped them around him. His lips trembled as he lost himself in you. He was falling in love with you all over again, the rush of emotions all too great to conceal. 
He’d barely managed to close the door, trapping you both in the cold darkness of his prison before everything he’d kept buried inside for 17 years spilled out silently. He trembled as he let his body lean on yours. His muscles giving out, too tired to continue standing, his mind too beat to stay strong. He couldn’t do it anymore. He was too exhausted.
“Severus,” you whispered into his ear, testing the waters, knowing you couldn’t let yourself be heard. His tears were silent, and you knew you had to oblige to the same rule, but you couldn’t hold back. You couldn’t let him think what you knew his mind would have concluded not moments ago. “I will never leave you.”
His grip tightened when you spoke, reminding him of why he’d opened up to you in the first place, why he’d trusted you. He hugged you with as much strength as he could muster, letting his tears leak from his eyes, soaking your shirt as you stood there frozen in time. He’d lost himself in his mind before feeling your hands move down to his waist, pushing him away just enough to guide him into his bed. The covers were pulled over his body as he nuzzled into yours, feeling its warm embrace comfort him as you held him once more. His tears began to dry as the safety of your presence soothed him, telling him it would be alright. He had nothing to fear, nothing to worry about because he had you and you weren’t going anywhere. 
Adjusting your position, you slid down the bed enough to lay on your side, facing him. His eyes were half open, his breath heavy as you rose your hand, gently cupping his jaw, your thumb slowly swiping his cheek. He relaxed under your touch, your eyes, your smile assuring him he was safe. The darkness welcomed him as he closed his eyes, focussing on your touch, the only sound in the room, his heavy breaths. 
“Sev?” You broke the silence, whispering his name. “I think you should come stay with me awhile.”
You’d been reluctant to offer an escape from this house, but the way he looked, the exhaustion on his face broke your heart. It angered you and you couldn’t let him stay here. You couldn’t let him endure one more second of the abuse in this house. 
His eyes opened and met yours, your chest aching as the light in his eyes faded away. He slowly nodded his head in agreement, fear of what his parents might do to him if he was caught trying to run away bubbling in his mind. He was afraid, yes, but staying here and living the miserable life they’d planned out for him was a much worse fate than anything else he imagined they would do if they caught him. He’d been wanting an out for so long, and here you were offering him just that. 
Next Chapter
@sleepysnapesnake​ @wanderingtrails @darkthought15​ @bush-viper-cutie​ @fluffymadamina​ @dracos-mudblood​ @mitchiesdungeon​ @severuslovebot​ @ravenhopeflyte54​
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Yuriko Tiger instagram 7/18/2022
キラキラ✨My dream is to bring a smile to the faces of all the people in my life! As long as I can help you on your journey, I'm happy~ ✨
Curiosity: Barbara and I, have the same birthday! 5th July♋️!! Did you knew it?
Internet said: Cancers have a profound need to live in the "now," and yet they desire to transcend time through their own actions and plans. Intelligent, shrewd, and canny, they put their own stamp upon events. They have a great love for the art of conversation.
My dream is to be like Barbara, a cutie loli idol 🥹 (in another world) hahaha I don’t think so!
Did you play #genshinimpact ? Give me your ID 👀 I’m looking for new friends!
˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົ⁎⁺˳✧༚˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົ⁎⁺˳✧༚˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົ≀ˍ̮ ❝᷀ົ ⁎⁺˳✧༚
【コスプレ】原神 |バーバラ コメント待ってます!中々ロリなキャラしないけどバーバラちゃんが大好きです〜!😳
⭐️サイン入りプリントFantiaに発売中です⭐️ 応援してくれたら感謝します!
#genshin #原神 #cosplay #genshincosplay #genshinimpactmihoyo #mihoyo #loli #ロリ #可愛い女の子 #コスプレイヤー #美少女 #外国人モデル #撮影会 #カメラマン募集 #tokyomodel #barbaragenshinimpact #cos #cosplaygirl #coser #ユリコタイガー #yurikotiger #animeexpo #原神コスプレ #原神勢と繋がりたい #genshinimpactworld #マツコの知らない世界 #youは何しに日本へ
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shawoluvs · 3 years
Another tag from the lovely @mykindofkpop​, thank you~~~
Name: Holly~
Pronouns: She/Her
Star sign: Taurus
Height: I’m not entirely sure, I’ve not measured my height or weight in literally years but last time I checked I was about 5′2/5′3 and I doubt I’ve grown much since then~
Time: 10:28
Birthday: 12th May
Nationality: British
Fave bands/groups: SHINee, Red Velvet, WJSN, LOONA, ONF, Golden Child, DKB, ASTRO, EXO, NCT etc. etc. and non-kpop wise it tends to vary but atm I’m listening a lot to Hurts, The Score, Les Friction, Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift (it’s such a weird mixed bag ejhrgbjere my music taste is all over the place)
Fave solo artist: Taemin, Jonghyun, Key, Onew (basically all of SHINee but poor Minho hasn’t got much solo stuff), Sunmi, Taeyeon, Eyedi
Song stuck in your head: Lana Del Rey - Without You (I’m doing writing stuff a lot lately and listening to dramatic, tragic songs ends up consuming all of my time)
Last movie you watched: I think the last movie I watched was Cast Away
Last show you binged: The last full show I binged was The Irregulars but I’m also watching lots of Gilmore Girls and anime atm~
When you created your blog: I have no idea! It’s hard to say exactly because I created this one after I lost access to my first blog and I can’t fully remember when that was?
Last thing you googled: Whether dandelions close at night (they do and when it rains!)
Other blogs: I have a fandom/literature/overall main blog at @lonesplendour and I have an anime blog at @kimitokara so if you ever see those random blogs in your notifications it’s me~
Why I chose my url: I’ve been through a lot of urls honestly, I finally decided I just wanted one that would stand the test of time (sort of ejhbhger) so I combined my two main kpop fandoms and here we are~
How many people are you following: 264 which is really not so many, I occasionally have like purges of inactive blogs/blogs where I’ve fallen out of those fandoms but atm I’m pretty happy with the amount I follow and the content on my dash~
How many followers do you have: On this blog I very recently hit 400 followers! It’s not something I check often but I do like a nice round number >.<
Average hours of sleep: Around 8 when I’m working, 9 when I’m off work~
Lucky numbers: I don’t think they’re lucky but I like even numbers, I like 5 & 7, and I like numbers with the same digits (33, 55, 66 etc.) y’know like a normal person...
Instrument: I canny play any, I would love to honestly, I recently had like a weird epiphany that if my sister and I started a duo band we could have some really clever pun names and I once had a keyboard but we got rid of it when we had no space for it... long story short I can’t play any instruments but in my head I totally can play the piano and the violin~
What I'm currently wearing: PJs~
Dream job: I’d love to be an author, I think if I could have published works, even if I made no money off it and worked anything else for the majority of the time, I’d be pretty thrilled with that~
Dream trip: I’d love to do like a European tour and an Asian tour! For me I’m not like a beach person so when I travel I want to see like museums and temples and arcitechture and stuff like that!
Fave food: I’m a full on carnivore but I also devour carbs and cheese like it’s no one’s business~
Fave song: Right now I’m really into Gold Rush by Taylor Swift, idk what exactly it is about it but it’s just in my head a lot and idk I think it’s the switch up from the opening/ending to the rest of the song, it just appeals to me and not to be emotional here on this random ask game but “what must it be like to grow up that beautiful?” really hit me right in the self confidence pfftt
Top 3 fictional universes you'd like to live in: Oooooh this is a good question! And a really difficult one. I will totally steal one from Athena and say Middle Earth would be awesome, specifically I would love to be an elf and probably live in Rivendell! I also wouldn’t mind living in the Naruto universe like the Leaf Village is very pretty and I could be down with that~ Finally... the Fairy Tail universe! It’s probably joint with Naruto honestly because both worlds are beautiful but very different, I think I’d probably rather live in Fiore because as much as I love Naruto I really don’t think I’d ever make a good ninja, I’d have to just be like a village person where I would 100% dedicate my life to learning magic in Fiore!
Please take part if you wish: @userseokkie, @lilbubtaemin, @babyange1face, @ohmuqueen, @kibumf, @eternallys, @blingblinging, @anyhao, @ncityzen, @shineesbag, @taemirene, @babyseulgii, @confundo-on-cormac
(also I know I totally tagged half you guys in the last one but this one has a lot of the same questions so ejbgrjherge I just thought if one or the other has more appealing questions you could do whichever appeals more if you wanted to do either??? 😭😭 it makes sense in my head)
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