#happy birthday my sweet and terrible gremlin daughter
crowtrobotx · 8 months
Today is Chrysalis's one year anniversary. It's also Lottie's canon birthday! (Yes, I did this on purpose - her birthday was chosen long before I got the balls to post the fic lol.) I am feeling some type of way about it. On the one hand I was hoping I'd be further along, and lately I've been honestly feeling a bit saddened watching commenters/readers drop off bit by bit. I am trying to remind myself it's more than likely just people losing interest in RE8 itself and not a reflection on me or my writing quality, but man it's weird sometimes. Especially given how popular Check Engine was, it's hard not to take it personally! I know it's got the double whammy of OC fic and child fic and for some people that's just intolerable but I don't think I'm wrong for feeling that way and I won't apologize for it! On the other, and more overwhelmingly, I am so proud of myself. I work full time. I volunteer. I am going to school. I have many non-fandom related hobbies I keep up with. Friends. Family. An insane dog. To have written as much as I have is really cool! And crazy! And something I was terrified to do for YEARS, well before the game gave me the inspiration to actually go through with it! I spent the first part of my life unapologetically being a weird little girl, and then when I grew up and went to college and got a big people job I tried to play a part, an acceptable "role" that I thought I had to fulfill in order to meet some nebulous definition of success. Slowly but surely over the last four years I've been reconnecting with the person I tried to smother, and it's been amazing, incredible and just.... I dunno. It's weird when things go so right for me.
Anyway. This story represents a whole lot more to me than just "teehee put the blorbo in situations." I mean, it's partly that lbr, but it's also a gift to myself. It's a way to soothe a lot of agonies I've carried, a way to laugh. I'm going to keep gifting it to myself until it's done, whether I'm the only one around still reading it or not.
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pietrotheavenger · 5 years
learn to love
chapter 5 - ‘til i forget about you
summary: steve and y/n don’t get along. now, they have to.
warnings: swearing & alcohol
pairings: au!steve rogers x fem!reader, wanda x vision
a/n: this chapter is 4k words long you’re very welcome
series masterlist
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steve didn’t wake y/n up. she looked so comfortable, tucked deep into his covers. her face was smashed against the pillow, her breaths leaving her parted lips in soft sighs. she hadn’t slept much the night before, anyways. it was better to leave her sleeping.
he freshened up before returning downstairs to his family. “where’s your girl?” sophia suggestively asked, wiggling her eyebrows. she was sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone.
“sleeping,” he replied. “don’t you have some homework to do or something?”
“oh, fuck off,” she scoffed.
he entered the kitchen, scratching his jaw. “hey, ma,” he greeted.
“steven, be a dear and set the table?” she set down a stack of plates on the island.
“sure,” he picked the plates up. “by the way, y/n fell asleep upstairs and i didn’t wake her up because i want her to get some rest. i don’t know if she’ll come down for lunch.”
“that’s fine. you’re so sweet for letting her sleep in. i’ve always said that you’re the sweetest rogers,” she beamed, pinching his cheek.
“thanks, ma,” he responded, sheepishly.
he headed to the breakfast nook where a bowl of salad awaited the family. “here?” he asked.
“well, if she’s not coming down, then yes.”
he began setting the table for the six of them. “so, what do you think of her?”
“she seems nice. i think she’s a good fit for you.”
“good fit?”
“yeah, i mean you can’t keep your hands off of her. and i feel like she keeps you on your toes.”
“she definitely keeps me on my toes,” he chuckled.
“and you need that. you would get bored if she didn’t.”
“you’re right.” steve continued setting the table in silence.
“does she make you happy?”
he pondered the question for a moment, pausing at his work. “yes,” he answered, genuinely. after a few minutes of silence, simon seemingly appeared out of thin air.
“what’s up, genitals and gentlemen?” he said, enthusiastically.
sophia cackled from the couch, but their mother gasped, “simon andrew rogers!”
“hey, i did not use any swear words,” he pointed out.
“that’s still vulgar.”
“it’s funny, though,” steve giggled.
“you kids drive me crazy,” she sighed as steve and simon high fived.
lunch was pleasant aside from steve being grilled on y/n. it was nice for the family to be back together like nothing had changed. “why don’t we talk about sawyer’s girlfriend?” he tried to steer them away from the topic of him and y/n.
“no!” sawyer yelled.
“we know enough about gina,” his mother waved them off. “however, y/n…” she trailed off.
“well, her favorite color is yellow, she likes sunflowers and strawberries, she can’t hold her liquor, and she’s really good at cooking but hates doing it,” he blurted out any information about her that he could think of. “okay? is that enough information for you guys? can i get back to my salad?” he looked at all of them carefully.
“y/n can’t hang,” sophia snickered.
“neither can you,” he retorted.
“no fair!”
“listen here, you gremlin-”
“enough!” joe yelled. “we’re having a nice family lunch, okay?”
“okay,” steve and sophia grumbled.
the rest of the lunch continued smoothly. once it was over, everyone retreated to their corners of the house. rosie followed steve up the stairs. he let her into the room before closing the door. y/n was splayed out on the bed. she slept on her stomach, with one leg drawn up and the other straight out. the sheets were tangled with her limbs. he slowly unwound it from her and properly covered her. rosie jumped up onto the bed and laid down at the end, her head in her paws. “sweet girl,” steve cooed, scratching behind her ears.
he had drawn the curtains over his windows, earlier, but the sheerness still brought in some soft light. he examined the books on his shelves before pulling out one well worn copy of his favorite book, anna karenina. he hadn’t taken it with him when he moved out because he didn’t want to lose it. he owned at least a dozen other copies of the book, anyways. he opened the book up to the inscription inside the cover.
happiest birthday ever to america’s golden boy! picked up this book because the pretty girl at the bookstore recommended it. she had a lip ring. she told me i lived many lifetimes of despair with you if this was the book that i settled on for you. i suppose i may have lived many terrible lifetimes, but as long as i lived them with you, it doesn’t matter.
with you ���til the end of the line,
he sighed, running his fingers over the fading ink. he leafed through the pages as he sat down with his back against the bookshelf. he had highlighted all the quotes in the book that he liked. he stopped at a random page and read the quote that he had highlighted on that page.
“he stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.”
y/n made a noise and he looked up. she was stillfast asleep. he continued reading along that page, and continued on with that chapter, and accidentally continued on with the book. he heard y/n stir. his eyes flickered to her and then to the clock. 5:57, it read. they were meant to go to dinner with the barnes’ and the maximoff’s at 7:30.
her eyes fluttered open and met his. “hi,” he whispered. she sleepily hummed back. he closed the book and set it back onto the shelf. he got up and sat down on the edge of the bed. he brushed her hair away from her face and let his hand stay on her face. “i’m sorry about earlier,” he mumbled, stroking his thumb along her cheekbone.
“s’all good,” she replied. she raised her arms above her head and stretched, emitting soft moan. “neither of us were at our best.”
“we’re going out to dinner in an hour. i’ll let you get ready.”
“dinner? what time is it?”
“almost 6.”
“oh, fuck,” she threw the covers off and jumped out of bed. she began rifling through her bag, pulling out clothes and toiletries. “where’s the bathroom?” she demanded.
“first door on the right.”
when she flew out of the room, he began getting ready, too. he took his time as he showered in another bathroom and returned to the room, a towel slung low on his hips. y/n was back and sitting on the bed, brushing makeup onto her cheeks. if she noticed him, she didn’t do anything to suggest that she did until he closed the door.
“stevie, could you-” she began turning to him but froze. “you’re naked!” she hissed.
“yes, i am,” he chuckled. she threw a pillow at him. “hey!” he cried.
“get your dick out of my face! and when you’re done with that, do you mind looking for my white heels in my suitcase?”
“anything for you, darling,” he rolled his eyes. he tugged on a pair of boxers under the towel before letting it fall to the ground. she tried not to drool at the rippling of his back muscles as he went through his suitcase to find a shirt. he settled on a silky burnt orange shirt. he buttoned it up and grabbed a pair of black slacks and pulled them right up. as he was doing up the belt, there was a knock at the door.
“it’s me!” simon called.
“you good?” steve mouthed to her. she nodded. “come in!”
simon opened the door. he was dressed in a forest green button up and dark brown dress pants. “mom said you guys have twenty minutes before we have to go. we’re taking two cars, by the way,” he told the pair.
“i’ll take y/n and sawyer,” steve offered.
“sounds good. maybe dad will let me drive his car,” simon grinned mischievously.
“in your dreams, buddy!” steve laughed.
“hey, it’s gonna happen, one day!” he began closing the door, but before he closed it all the way he said very quickly, “you look really pretty, y/n.”
“thank you,” she giggled. she finished swiping on her red lip color, and a moment later, she zipped up her makeup bag. “okay, i think i’m done with that,” she said to herself. she stood up and examined herself in the full length mirror. she wore a black maxi dress that had a plunging neckline and small yellow flowers printed all over. there was a slit up the left leg that ended near the top of her thigh. she layered the same three gold necklaces she always did.
“shoes?” she turned around where steve stood, holding her white heels out for her. “thank you,” she smiled. she slipped her feet into them, sprayed perfume, and picked up her brown purse. she pet rosie as she asked, “how do i look?”
“not bad, y/l/n,” he cheekily responded. “how do i look?” he spun around for her.
“your collars all fucked up.” she made grabby hands at him and he crossed the distance between them to stand in front of her as she smoothed out the collar. “better,” she said, quietly. “ready?”
“ready,” he nodded. he opened the door and offered her an arm. “shall we?”
“let’s just fucking get this over with.”
the drive to the barnes’ house was nice and calm in steve’s jeep. only god knew the havoc that simon was wrecking in the other car. sawyer was the shyest of the rogers but y/n managed to pull some light conversation from him. when they arrived to their destination, steve leaned in and whispered to her as they walked up the steps to the house, “he likes you.”
“of course he does,” she whispered back. he rolled his eyes.
they were the first ones to show up. mrs. barnes greeted them at the door. “steve! it’s been too long!” she exclaimed.
“hi, winnie,” he smiled as he hugged her tight. when he pulled away, he gestured to y/n. “this is my girlfriend.”
“oh, it’s lovely to meet you, sweetie,” winnie gushed as she pulled y/n in for a hug.
“it’s great meeting you, too, mrs. barnes,” she laughed.
“call me winnie!”
the trio was brought into the house where they met mr. barnes, better known as george, and their daughter, rebeccah. she had gorgeous chocolate brown hair and the greenest eyes.
“where’s bucky?” steve asked, looking around.
“right behind you, punk.”
the whole group turned around and y/n’s heart skipped a beat at the attractive man standing in front of them. he had the same glossy hair as his sister and piercing blue eyes. stubble dotted along his jaw, which looked like it could pierce through a sheet of metal.
steve crashed into bucky, hugging him as hard as he could. bucky was everything for steve. they had been best friends since they learned what friends were. “i missed you,” bucky’s voice was muffled by his shoulder. “you’ve bulked up, huh?” he commented. when they pulled away, he squeezed steve’s bicep.
“you know, i’ve been hitting the gym,” the blonde man flexed. he made eye contact with y/n and beckoned her over. he introduced her to bucky.
“it’s a pleasure meeting you. especially since steve has so selfishly kept you all to himself. but, i can see why,” bucky flirted.
steve put his arm around her waist and pulled her into his side. “alright, buck-” he began, but the man in question waved him off.
“i’m not gonna steal your girl off of you,” he laughed. “yet,” he added.
“y/n, how do you like your wine?” rebecca asked, interrupting steve who had just opened his mouth to reply to bucky’s pass.
“white,” y/n and steve both said at the same time.
“i can handle myself, rogers,” she poked him in the stomach.
he bit back a snarky remark and instead smiled warmly at her, “i know, darling.” she sensed the slight bitterness in his tone and made a face at him. he mocked her expression.
“you’re truly a match made in heaven,” bucky chuckled.
“he truly is something else,” she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
“oh, tell me about it,” bucky sighed. “he thinks he can fight his way into and out of anything.”
“oh my god, right?! he’s the biggest dumbass i’ve ever met in my life! one time we went out clubbing and i forgot to bring cash. he almost started fighting the bouncer so i could get in. for what reason? there was an atm around the corner.”
“alright, honey,” steve laughed nervously, “that’s enough of that.”
“sounds like the time that i forgot to bring money to a high school basketball game and i couldn’t get in. he almost started fighting the security. back then, he was a shrimp. he would’ve gotten pounded into dust if our other friend hadn’t had some extra cash.”
“maybe that says something about me choosing forgetful friends?” steve interjected. just then, the rest of his family arrived, causing some commotion.
“i have drinks!” rebecca exclaimed, balancing two wine glasses and two glasses of whiskey in her hands.
“thank you,” he said, under his breath.
“i like this bucky,” y/n quietly told him as rebecca passed out the drinks.
“a little too much, if you ask me.”
she didn’t have time to ask him what he meant by that because rebecca spoke up, “so, stevie, where have you been hiding y/n from us?”
“i didn’t want to tell anyone about her because, you know, we haven’t been together for that long. i didn’t want to speak too soon,” he looked down at her. she returned his gaze but looked away because his eyes were burning into hers. she rested her head on his chest and smiled. he kissed the top of her head.
“you’re so cute together,” rebecca gushed.
“steve, y/n! come here!” mrs. rogers called from the kitchen.
he moved his arm around her shoulders and took her hand, instead. he pulled her towards his mom and y/n waved to the siblings they were leaving behind. she drained her wine just as they stopped at the kitchen island. he stood behind her, his hands on either side of her on the counter. her back was pressed into him. she put her hand down onto the counter, unknowingly placing her hand over his.
“let me help you with that,” someone said, taking her glass and refilling it. she looked over and had to keep herself from drooling. what was it with everyone in boston being unnecessarily attractive? he had curly bleached blond hair, greenish blue eyes, and a devilish smile. his biceps rippled under the fabric of his blue shirt. he caught her staring and smirked at her. “i’m pietro,” he said.
“piet! how’re you doing?” steve embraced him.
“great. we’ve been missing you,” he replied. she wanted to shove him into the hall closet and rip his clothes off.
“well, duty calls,” steve laughed. “this is y/n, my girlfriend.”
pietro pulled her in for a hug. she got a whiff of his cologne, which was heavenly to say the least. she closed her eyes and savored the hug. “okay,” steve said, tugging on her arm.
“steady, rogers,” pietro teased. “it’s so great to meet you, y/n,” he smiled. he had a slight accent to his words. she couldn’t put her finger quite on it. “come, let me show you my family,” he grasped her elbow and guided her away. she looked over her shoulder to steve, who was looking dejected. sorry, she mouthed. pietro then continued to introduce his parents, erik and magda, his twin sister, wanda, and his little sister, anya. wanda came with her fiancé, vision. he was a weird, british man. somewhere along the way, she also met mr. barnes better known as george. they all mingled and she finished off her second glass of wine before dinner started. steve came to find her and whisk her to the dining room. she was starting to feel the alcohol so she was giggling at him and poking him.
“alright, babe, stop,” he batted her hands away.
“hi simon!” she beamed as she collapsed into the chair next to them. “ooh, champagne!” she squealed reaching for the flute on the table. she began sipping on it.
steve took the seat next to her, placing his hand on her thigh. “sweetheart, why don’t you drink some water?”
“i’m fine, peach!” she kissed the tip of his nose. he felt his cheeks redden.
dinner went by without any major hiccups. at one point, simon and y/n were whispering to each other and she almost fell out of her chair due to laughter. simon had also been drinking so steve had to babysit both of them. he tried to keep them from drinking but there was no point in beating a dead horse. pietro sat in front of her and watched everything unfold with a smug expression.
after dinner, he pulled away to a secluded corner. they could see everyone, but no one could hear them. “can you cool it with the drinking? do you want to blow this?” he hissed.
“alright i’m sorry. i’m good. i’m sober,” her face changed into one of adorable seriousness.
“i know you may find pietro and bucky attractive but for the rest of the trip you’re kinda my girlfriend-” he tried to explain but she interrupted him.
“god the things i would let pietro to do to me,” she swayed, grabbing onto his arm for balance.
“that doesn’t matter. you sound ridiculous.”
“steve, relax. it’s not that deep.”
“don’t fucking tell me to relax. you’re the one who’s gonna fuck it all up for us!”
“well it’s not my fault that you can’t get a girlfriend and you’re afraid of facing the truth!”
“oh shit, my mom saw us,” he grumbled, grabbing her wrist and pulling her into the bathroom.
“steve! what’re we doing in here?” she struggled for second, but once he had locked the door, he let go of her.
“it’ll look like we’re up to something. set everyone off our trail,” he murmured, pressing his ear to the door to listen.
“whatever,” she rolled her eyes. she opened up her purse and pulled out her lipstick.
“i need a vacation when we get back,” he grumbled. he opened up his phone and saw a text from natasha.
how’s everything going with my favorite couple?
he snapped a picture in the mirror. he stood in the background with his hand in his pocket while she leaned in close to the mirror, touching up her makeup. he had to admit, they looked good together. he typed out a text to accompany it and hit send.
“can you kiss me so it looked like we were making out?” he tapped his cheek and turned his head for easy access. she grabbed his face and planted a sloppy kiss on his lips. he stumbled backwards into the door when she let go. “what the fuck? y/n the contract!”
“fuck the contract!” she messed his hair up before throwing up the door open. he saw his reflection in the mirror before he was dragged out. he looked like a hot mess.
when they exited, anya caught sight of them, her big hazel eyes widening. she nudged bucky who looked to them then promptly choked on his whiskey. “steve,” he coughed then gestured to his mouth.
steve wiped his lips, knowingly leaving a corner. he carded his fingers through his hair as y/n dropped his hand and went to talk with mrs. barnes. mrs. rogers came rushing towards him like a train.
“have some shame, steven grant,” she scolded. she rubbed the lipstick off of his face while shaking his head.
“sorry,” he said, giving her a charming smile. he knew it was the smile that she could never stay mad at.
“you can’t help yourself, can you?” she shook her head.
“c’mon, ma. we’re just young and dumb.”
“and in love, clearly,” she grumbled.
he swallowed hard at her words. “alright, i think we’re gonna go home in a few. i told you she can’t hold her liquor,” he changed the subject.
“okay. don’t do anything stupid.”
“no promises,” he kissed her cheek. he mingled for a short while more before heading back to the house, a drunk y/n and simon in tow. he made both of them sit in the back.
“stevie, i’m cold. can you put the heat on?” she whined.
“yeah, stevie,” simon echoed.
“of course, honey,” he said through gritted teeth.
simon poked his head into the front and said, “pass me the-pass me the-pass me the-pass me the aux cord, man.”
the older brother did as he was told. simon fumbled with the cord for several moments before successfully connecting his phone. suddenly, at full volume, ‘til i forget about you by big time rush started blaring through the car speakers. steve flinched hard.
“fuuuuuuuck! i love this song!” she threw her hands up in the air.
“i get a call on random afternoon. i pick it up and i see that it’s you. like my heart, you were breaking the news. you say, ‘it’s over, it’s over, it’s over.’” the pair sang at the top of their lungs. steve knew that y/n had done choir all years of high school. he was surprised at how off-key she was singing.
“can i turn it down?” steve asked.
when they pulled up to the house, they both refused to get out of the car. he physically dragged them out. he threw y/n over his shoulder and pinched simon’s ear as he pulled them up the stairs to the front door. she giggled uncontrollably. she tried holding her head up but she physically couldn’t. simon yelped, trying and failing to slap his brother’s hand away. rosie greeted them at the door, enthusiastically wagging her tail.
“get to your room before i beat your ass,” steve threatened simon. he took her to the kitchen and set her down on the island. she kicked her feet back and forth as he got her a glass of water.
“i’m hungry,” she stated.
“you just ate,” he deadpanned.
“i want toast,” she said, laying on her back.
when the toast popped out of the toaster, he brought it to the island. he began buttering it but paused when she wrapped her arms around his neck. she hugged him tight and didn’t let go. so, he continued buttering the toast behind her back. he took a bite before saying, “here, babe,” and handing her the slice. he began buttering the other slice. he stood with his legs far apart, and her legs in the middle of his.
“i’m having a great time. i’m glad you invited me,” she told him.
he couldn’t hide his smile. “i’m glad you’re having a great time.”
“being your girlfriend isn’t half bad if i get to get drunk and eat bread,” she remarked.
“yeah?” he tilted his head to the side as he bit into the other slice of toast. his heart fluttered at her calling herself his girlfriend, even if it was fake. it was the first time he’d heard her say it. “let’s see if you think that in that morning, when you’re hungover.” be smoothed her hair out of her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “let’s go to sleep.”
“carry me, steve,” she demanded.
“oh no, it seems that i’ve spoiled you, already,” he groaned, picking her up bridal style. she snuggled into his chest.
“i must be carried everywhere from now on,” she yawned.
by the time he had made it up the stairs, she had fallen asleep. he slipped her into bed. “you need to change, darling,” he whispered. she sleepily raised my arms. “i’m not doing it,” he added.
she pulled the dress off of her, struggling to get it over her head. “help,” her voice was muffled by the fabric.
he tugged the dress the rest of the way over. “where’s your pajamas?” he questioned.
“let me sleep,” she mumbled, receding into the covers.
he grabbed one of his shirts from his drawer and forced her to sit up one last time as he slipped it over her head. “you’re not getting makeup on my bedding,” he tapped her shoulder.
“suck my dick,” she responded.
he sighed in defeat. he dug around and found makeup wipes at the top of her suitcase. he pulled one out and began lightly wiping her face. he was afraid of putting too much pressure and hurting her. finally, it was his turn to undress and slip under the covers and into a deep sleep.
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