#happy birthday zel
librathefangirl · 8 months
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Another drawing in honor of Zeldris' birthday :)
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toryhis · 2 years
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I want to wish happy birthday to baby Zel!
We love you and want you to be happy! 😤
🌵Please enjoy and happy birthday again! 😉...🌵
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A little more embarrassing Zel!
P.S.: I'm on the left...😅
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zel-zo · 10 months
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(*cue the Stanley Parable 'Good Job you made it to the bottom of the mind control facility' song but its just the 'good job you did it' part over and over and over.*)
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adrift-in-thyme · 7 months
Happy belated birthday @luna-lovegreat !!! Here’s the Sky fluff I promised!
So sorry this took me awhile to finish!
“Just how strong is the bond between a loftwing and a Skyloftian?”
Sky has been asked that question quite often since plummeting to the surface. Even more so after he ventured from his timeline. He never truly knows how to reply. How can he explain their relationship? How can he put into words the utter exhilaration of soaring atop your loftwing?
From what he has observed, people usually place platonic love — and especially the platonic love between human and beast — somewhere beneath both romantic and familial, as though it is an inferior thing. As though it can never reach the same heights and depths as the others. The same precious worth. But Sky knows differently.
The love a loftwing and their rider share is like nothing else. As priceless and unbreakable as a diamond.
So, when, finally, a portal spits the heroes out in his era, Sky is overjoyed.
He can see Sun for the first time in forever, wrap her in his loving arms, hold her close and breathe her in, and whisper everything he’s wanted to tell her all these long months. He can see his friends, his family, the place that will always be his home, no matter how far he travels or what monsters he battles.
And —
He separates from Sun, runs to Lofty as the bird lands in a rush of wind and feathers. A grin splits his face and it feels good to smile after everything, so, so good…
— and he can reunite with his loftwing.
“Wow!” Wind gasps, mouth agape. “So, that’s a loftwing?”
“Close that mouth of yours before you swallow a bug,” Twilight teases, setting a hand on the sailor’s shoulder. His lips quirk up in a smile. “He’s beautiful, Sky.”
Lofty preens beneath the praise, ruffling his feathers and throwing back his head. Sun chuckles, and Sky sends her a grin.
“He is, isn’t he?” He sighs, leaning his forehead against Lofty’s beak. The next words leave his lips in a whisper meant only for the glorious animal before him…though if the beautiful woman standing close beside him hears he won’t mind. “I missed you so much, Lofty.”
A low trill emanates from the bird.
“He has missed you too,” Sun murmurs. “I’ve taken him out for a few flights to keep his wings limber. But you know he truly flies for no one except you.” She cocks her head, a grin on her lips. “You should take him out for a flight.”
He turns to her, a question in his eyes. It’s been so long, after all. He feels as though he hardly has enough time to catch up with them both. Much less Gaepora and Groose and everyone else….
“Are you sure, Zel?”
Sun nods and the breeze lifts her golden locks. “Go on, sleepyhead. We’ll have all the time in the world to spend together once you get back.”
Sky breathes in deep.
That’s right. They have time now. For the first time in a while, they have time.
He raises his eyes to Lofty’s, excitement alighting in his chest.
“You wanna go for a flight, Lofty?”
Feathers fly as the bird straightens, shaking himself out. His proud cry reverberates around the space.
Sky leans over, presses a kiss to Sun’s lips. And then, surrounded by the echoes of oohs and awws and ews that sound from his brothers, he climbs atop the loftwing’s back and is off.
The sky is a brilliant blue today. And while it’s always a brilliant blue in Skyloft – has been since he was born – Sky can still appreciate its splendor.
Even the brightest, most joyful heavenly display in another Hyrule cannot measure up to the plush clouds and soaring ceruleans of his home. And as Lofty climbs higher and higher, he feels a wide grin stretch his lips.
It is wonderful to be home.
He had known that he missed it – this little island full of vibrancy and life. The longing had eaten at him during the long nights and dogged at his steps through their arduous journey. But he supposes he had suppressed it to an extent — denied it even — if only to keep going. If only to keep from crumbling beneath the fear that always captures him when he sets foot on firm, grounded earth.
The fear that he will never again take to the skies.
But now as Lofty turns his grand body in a barrel roll and his sailcloth lifts and the wind sings in his ears and fills his nostrils with exhilarating freshness, those dark feelings are miles away.
Lofty pauses abruptly at the tail end of the trick. Then, he dives, plunging downward so suddenly that Sky’s stomach plummets along with him. His grin grows wider even as the brisk air steals any moisture from his mouth. He’ll be choking later, more than likely. But he is used to it by now.
A dry throat is a small price to pay.
Lofty shoots up, goes down again. Another pointed spin takes out a drifting octo. Sky’s echoing whoop turns to almost giddy laughter.
“Having fun, sleepyhead?” Someone calls from his right. Sky looks up just in time to catch sight of Sun streaking towards him. Her loftwing flips upside down as they soar over his head. Her delicate fingers reach for his and for a split second, the world seems to slow.
“Sorry,” she says as their fingers brush in the ghost of a caress, “I couldn’t resist joining you.”
Lofty lets out an eager call of welcome and Sky smiles.
“I’m glad you did, Zelda.”
She smiles and the world seems to grow a little brighter.
It always does when she’s around…
“How about a race, then?” She inclines her head toward the minuscule forms standing on the edge of Skyloft. “They’ve already cast bets.”
Sky chuckles. “All in favor of you, I’m sure.”
She doesn’t reply. But her smile grows just a touch larger, a hint of mischief in it.
Sky shakes his head.
He’ll admit it hurts a little to be betrayed by his brothers in such a way. They’re right though.
The only person who could ever beat him in a fair race was Sun.
“Alright.” His grin is more fierce now, teeth bared in playful determination. “You’re on!”
Yes, he thinks as they streak toward the designated finish line, the tips of their loftwings’ wings just touching, the bond between a loftwing and their partner is strong. As strong as the love he feels for Zelda. As strong as the love he feels for his brothers.
His family.
And maybe in it’s own way…even stronger.
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22plus15 · 8 months
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happy birthday zel! 🎉🎂🫂
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vgbellylover · 1 year
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Happy (late) Birthday to my friends @the-elusive-libbin. I promised her a picture and a short story. I realize somethings might be inaccurate but I tried.
"C'mon, Zel! Tell me what it is!"
"I will, be patient."
Lily's boyfriend Zelkov had told her he had prepared a surprise for her birthday and was now leading the blindfolded young woman through the Somniel.
She could tell by the sound of their footfalls that they had left the paved central area and were now on grass. Though it didn't take long for him to slow and then stop. There was a breeze, and the warmth she felt through her dress told her they had reached the lookout point.
As Zelkov stepped behind her to remove her blindfold, a gust of wind blew in from the south-east, carrying the warm, rich scents of a hot meal.
"Did you... cook?"
The thief paused briefly before pulling the cloth from her eyes. There was a table roughly double the size of one from the cafe with a dozen or so delicious-looking dishes, ranging from croissants and soda bread to veggie sticks and pizza to churros and jelly donuts. In other words, all of his favorites.
Lily looked back at her boyfriend who was wrapping his arms around her torso. "This isn't all for me, is it?"
"No. Most of it's for me. I hope you're hungry."
Before Lily could respond, Zelkov's stomach produced a growl so profound she could feel the vibrations through her spinal cord. "My. It certainly sounds like you are."
A wry smile crossed his lips. "I've... been preparing for today. I've not eaten anything in the last 24 hours."
"So you are hungry." She dropped her voice to a whisper. "I like that."
"I know," he whispered back. "Shall we?"
She smiled. "Let's."
It didn't take long for Lily to eat her fill. Zelkov watched her patiently as his belly continued to inform him that it was empty.
"Well, you've certainly gotten better. That was amazing."
"Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."
"There's something else I think I'll enjoy. What do you wanna start with?"
"It's your birthday, you choose what to feed me."
The pizza was the first to go. Then a couple croissants and a handful of steak fries and veggie sticks. Servings of meat pie and potted casserole were interspersed with potato rolls and soda bread.
She watched in adoration as his stomach rounded out, pressing against his shirt and vest, straining against his growing bulk. She continued to feed him, encouraging him with kisses and belly rubs.
She saved dessert for last. After removing the clothes constraining his belly, a pan of cinnamon rolls, a box of jelly doughnuts and a bag of churros finally landed in his gurgling guts. She even let him suck remnants off her fingers.
Lily couldn't resist a real kiss this time. "You did so well."
"Happy Birthday, love," he said, pressing his fingers into his groaning flesh. "There... is one more dish that I made."
Zelkov nodded. "Your favorite."
"Special delivery, love-birds."
The voice made Lily jump– "Kagetsu!" as the swordsman placed covered silver tray on the table in front of them.
"Enjoy!" He said, jogging back the way he came.
Uncovering the tray, Lily revealed a hot fudge brownie sundae. "Oh, gods. You remembered."
"Oh course I did."
"The only problem is, I'm still pretty full. I don't think I have any room left."
"You don't have to eat much. Even just one bite."
Lily humored him. "Mm... You can't go wrong with a good brownie sundae."
"I know."
"In that case–" she held up a spoonful of sundae– "Open up."
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sweetnnaivete · 15 days
hello gorgeous, wishing you a very happy birthday!! hope you have a great day, i love you so much you're the sweetest girl <3 here's a lil smthg for you -
WHATT THANK YOU SM OMG 😨💓😚 i lov you zel !!!!!!!
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demonprincezeldris · 7 months
𝐀 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠
Happy birthday Zeldris! This is also a gift for @north-sta, who has made the cutest OC, and I couldn't resist making an adorable, tooth-rotting fluffy oneshot of the family to celebrate.
The scent of flour and vanilla wafted through the air in the large kitchen. Standing precariously on a stepstool, a young child stood over the counter, their face scrunched in concentration as they smeared brightly-colored frosting over a cake. The counter was a mess, with various baking ingredients covering the surface, and even spilling onto the floor. 
The child muttered under their breath as they grabbed another hefty scoop of the frosting before plastering it on. They had been working on this surprise for a few hours now, and it had to be perfect. As they continued to coat the cake, the side of their arm bumped into a nearby bowl. 
With a startled cry, they watched as it crashed to the ground beside them, instantly shattering upon impact and sending shards of ceramic everywhere. With a small curse, they climbed down from the stepstool, starting to carefully pick up the pieces as footsteps rapidly approached from down the hallway. 
“Ignis? Is that you?” the soft voice of their mother broke the silence, the child glancing up. Sure enough, their mother was in the doorway, her eyes blown wide as she surveyed the chaos their child had created. “Uh, hi mama,” Ignis said sheepishly, their hands full of broken ceramic. Gelda stepped further into the room, raising a suspicious eyebrow. “What is all this?” 
Ignis quickly threw away the ceramic in a nearby bin before turning to face Gelda. They gestured towards the counter, where the cake was still resting. “It’s papa’s birthday. I wanted to make him a cake.” Gelda glanced over at the said confection. A smile soon made its way onto her face as Ignis clambered back on the stool, pointing at the little decorations on top. “That’s very sweet of you, Ignis. And you did such a good job. Zel’s taught you well,” Gelda praised, running her hand through their flour-coated hair. 
Said child smiled brightly in response, their vampiric teeth flashing in the candlelight. They grabbed a handful of chopped chocolate in a nearby bowl and spread it over the top of the cake. The words ‘Happy Birthday Papa’ were sloppily written across the top, with a crude stick-figure rendition of the demon king himself in the center. “I’m almost done with it, I just have a few more decorations,” Ignis said, spreading the chocolate on the side of the stick figure, arranging it in a way that somewhat resembled their father’s hair. 
“How about we take it to him after you’re done?” Gelda offered, “I’m sure he’ll love it.” Spurred on by the thought, Ignis began hurrying, their face scrunched in concentration as they finalized the finishing touches. Gelda chuckled softly at the immense concentration her child was immersed in, continuing to run her fingers through their unruly hair. 
It wasn’t but a few moments later that Ignis stepped back to admire their handiwork, seemingly finished. “It’s done!” they exclaimed. “Not quite, it’s missing one final thing,” Gelda said. Ignis turned to her in confusion. “What’s it missing, mama?” Gelda wandered over to another cabinet, rifling through the drawers as she searched for the final decoration to make it perfect.
With a small cry of victory, Gelda pulled out a candle. “No birthday cake is complete without a candle to top it off,” she said as she walked back over to the cake. She gently pressed the bottom of the candle in the lopsided cake, making sure not to destroy her child’s hard work. “Are you going to put two hundred candles on it?” Ignis inquired as they watched Gelda light it. 
With a small laugh, Gelda shook her head, slipping the cake into her hands as they started towards the hallway. “Of course not sweetie. One candle is enough. Now, let’s go surprise your father. I’m sure he’s still in bed.” With an excited noise, Ignis clambered off the stepstool, bouncing down the hallway to where their parents’ room resided. Gelda followed along, careful not to drop the cake as she fondly watched her child.
Ignis carefully pushed the door open, stepping inside as they peeked at the large bed situated in the center of the room. “Papa?” they asked, stepping further inside. They heard a light groan, before Zeldris finally sat up in bed, yawning loudly. His eyes softened as Ignis climbed onto the bed, crawling into his waiting arms. “Good morning, Ignis. How’s my favorite child doing?” 
Said child laughed lightly, wrapping their arms around their papa tightly as they snuggled close to him. “I’m your only child, papa. I made you a surprise,” they said, looking at the door. “Oh?” Zeldris quirked an inquisitive brow, following Ignis’ gaze as Gelda finally stepped into the room. Zeldris’ eyes widened, his jaw becoming slack as Gelda walked in with the cake. “Happy birthday, papa! I made it myself!” they squealed, bouncing excitedly as Gelda placed it on the bedside table. 
Zeldris sniffled, feeling tears come to his eyes at the sweet gesture. He held a hand to his chest, clutching his shirt as an immense sensation flooded through him. “You made this yourself? For me?” he whispered, looking down at them with a teary gaze. Ignis nodded, flashing a bright smile as she looked up at him. “Mhm. I did the frosting too. Do you like it?” Zeldris cupped his child’s face gently, bringing their faces together as he kissed their forehead softly. 
“It’s perfect, Ignis. You did such a wonderful job. Thank you.” Gelda slipped into bed beside the two of them, Zeldris’ arms going around Ignis as the cake was brought into their lap. Gelda and Zeldris shared a soft look, before glancing down at their child. “Make a wish papa!” Ignis said impatiently, bouncing in his lap.  Zeldris hummed thoughtfully, before blowing out the flame. “What’d you wish for?” they asked. The demon shook his head, running his hands through Ignis’ hair. “If I told you it wouldn’t come true, now would it?” 
“Nothing like celebrating your lover’s birthday by having cake for breakfast, right Zel?” Gelda laughed as she passed them all forks. Zeldris nodded in agreement, chuckling as he jabbed his fork in the lopsided confection. As all three started eating the cake, Zeldris couldn’t help but smile as he surveyed his family.
Out of all the two hundred birthdays he had in his long lifespan, this one was by far the most special. 
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The Crěpe Calamity
(Post TotK Zelink) (SFE)
Link's eyes fluttered open to the chattering of crickets in the quiet early morning hours; the sun had yet to rise over the quaint Hateno home. He blinked slowly as he registered the lack of a warm body next to him. His heart sank as he wondered if Zelda's return really was just a dream.
The fear quickly dissipated when he heard a loud clatter coming from downstairs, followed by an all too familiar voice muttering a string of curses.
Link smiled to himself as began to get up, mentally preparing himself to face the horrors of leaving his princess to her own devices in the kitchen.
Risen to his feet, Link stealthily crept past their nightstand and peered over the bannister to the room below, pots and pans scattered every which way, a smattering of cooking utensils slathered in batter, bowls upon bowls of wildberries covering every available surface, and, in the middle of it all, the crown princess of Hyrule coated in a fine layer of flour. The creaking of the floorboards caught Zelda's attention as she whirled around, emerald eyes meeting cornflower blue. In that moment, her scowl turned into a smile that made Link's heart skip a few beats.
"Oh Link! You're already up!"
Zelda dusted her hands on the apron she wore over her pajamas, which consisted of Link's old champions tunic and a pair of shorts, and attempted to wipe the flour off her flushed cheeks, smearing it even more.
"I hope I didn't wake you." she said sheepishly, "Those pans just toppled over without warning and.....well..." she gestured to the pile on the floor with an apologetic smile.
Link let out a little laugh and shook his head, "It's fine. Don't worry about it." He began to descend the stairs, "What the heck are you doing up at this hour anyways?"
"I'm making you breakfast! You mentioned craving wildberry crěpes."
Link's eyes widened "Breakfast? For me? Wildberry crěpes!?" he exaggeratedly furrowed his brow and he leaned forward with a mock whisper, "It's not my birthday again is it?"
Zelda giggled, "No silly! Your birthday's not for another two months."
"Right! Just checking." Link said with a grin.
"It's just that you're always letting me sleep in and making me breakfast every morning," suddenly bashful, she looked away, "and I....wanted...to...return the favor..."
Link's eyes softened, "Zelda, that's very sweet of you, but you don't have to do all this for me. You know I'm more than happy to cook for us."
Zelda's head snapped back towards him with an unexpected fire in her eyes, "I know that," she insisted, "but I want to!"
Link smirked, "Even though you had to get up well before the ass-crack of dawn to do so?" Zelda blinked in surprise before bursting out laughing. Link's smile widened, "Just how long have you been up for anyways?"
Quickly collecting herself, Zelda breezily replied, "Oh I've only been up for an hour."
Link raised an eyebrow, "Zelda."
Zelda cleared her throat, "Well maybe it's closer to two hours.."
".....two and a half?"
Link's eyes narrowed and she finally buckled, "Ok fine! I've been up since midnight."
"I know!" her eyes squeezed shut and her nose did that adorable little scrunch, "I was just so excited and I couldn't sleep so I thought I could make a few trial runs so I could get it perfect but the first batch turned out goddess awful and the second one burned and don't even get me started on the third...."
Trailing off, Zelda opened one eye back up to see that Link's stern look had dissolved into barely concealed amusement. She sighed and ran a hand through her short blonde hair, "I really didn't expect this recipe to be that hard..."
Link quickly closed the distance between them and gently caressed her cheek, his thumb brushing off the excess flour upon it. Her green eyes widened, completely transfixed on his. "Tell you what," he said, "I've made this dish a thousand times. Let me help you."
Zelda leaned into his touch and covered his hand with hers, smiling sweetly, "Are you sure you don't mind? You can still return to bed if you really want."
"Nah." he said with a grin. "Besides, you know I don't fall back asleep that easily."
An agreement reached, the two broke apart and immediately set to work. Any utensils and bowls that somehow managed to evade Zelda's "trial runs" were quickly utilized as the they spun around each other gathering whatever ingredients remained and mixing them together. Link took up the mantle of "Master Griddler" (his words) and doled out the batter on the scorching-hot surface of the stovetop. Once cooked to perfection, Zelda was tasked with filling the crěpes with fresh wildberries and jam, folding and arranging them neatly on two plates. After successful assembly, she garnished them with more wildberries, whipped cream, and, per Link's recommendation, a drizzle of courser bee honey.
"You've been up for hours. You're gonna need the energy!"
The dish now completed, Link and Zelda sat down to enjoy the fruits of their labor along with two cups of hastily brewed sundelion tea. The light and tender sweetness of the crěpes paired with the aromatic tartness of the wildberry jam were made all the more irresistible with the addition of fresh cream and honey; their plates were cleaned within minutes.
"Delicious!" Zelda exclaimed, "They turned out perfect!" Link nodded emphatically.
The first trickle of sunlight caught Link's eye as he peered over Zelda's shoulder to the little window above her head. "Ah, daybreak already?" he stretched his arms over his head yawned. "Wanna go watch the sun rise?"
"That sounds lovely, Link!" Zelda said with another one of her trademark smiles.
Bellies full and cups of tea refreshed, the two lovebirds shuffled out the door with the quilt from their bed to help ward off the morning chill. The sky was streaked with vibrant pinks, purples, and oranges as the sun began its ascent into the skies above the now-stirring village. They made themselves comfortable in their two-person rocking chair, a custom-made welcome home present from Bolson, and snuggled together; the comfortable silence would occasionally be permeated by sips of tea.
They vowed to clean up the mess they left behind............later.
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librathefangirl · 8 months
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toryhis · 2 years
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I just want to remind you that it's our baby Zel birthday tomorrow.
That's it! Now you won't forget... 😌
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onabatlle-2 · 2 years
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happy birthday zel 🎉, via ona’s ig story, 20/2/23
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
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happy birthday, zelda !
it's zel's bday and i remember that we estipulated that they grew up as sisters and though we haven't talked much and there's a seven-year gap i love them and i hope we can develop their relationship ❤ @cursebreakerfarrier
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September 04: Happy Birthday Segata Ryuuichirou / Zel / Zeke Valentine (Inazuma Eleven)!!!!
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xellychan040 · 2 years
Slayers Fic: you escape with a smile
Fandom: Slayers Characters: Main Slayers Crew, no pairs unless you squint Word Count: 2001 Warnings: Gen. Lots of Food (breaks). Little 'Actual Driving' for a road trip, silliness and slice of life vibes
Summary: Three stops, no destination. You and you and you and you and me.
Notes: Written during the 2022 Slayers Secret Santa with @slayersweek for @dazzelmethat for the prompt "or a modern human au of them all going on a road trip. This prompt would focus more on them all as friends". I haven't written much at all this year, so I'm sorry it's a little rusty! But I really had fun trying to imagine the group questing and traveling together with modern conveniences! As per usual, I'm also posting this in the middle of the night, right after my birthday haha, so marry belated Christmas and Happy bday to me! Hope I got everyone's voices more or less right! ***
"Are you all packed up?" Zel knocks on the door frame, an eyebrow arching under his fringe as he peers at the disarray in the room. 
Lina blows her hair out of her face, huffing as she wrangles and fights with her suitcase. A snarl twists her mouth, a triumphant war cry escaping her as she shoves in a shampoo bottle and manages to zip her bulging suitcase. "It's all the same crap, so why is it so much harder to put back the second time around?" Lina huffs, passing her arm over her forehead, wiping away the sweat not caught by the headband. "God, I wouldn't need to pack the value-sized conditioner if Gourry remembered his."
Zel rolls his eyes, pushing into the room, patting the top of her head in passing. "You say that like you don't have as much hair as he does." Grabbing the suitcase handle, Zelgadis ushers her out of the room, hand on her wiry shoulder. "C'mon, check out is soon-- I know you want to dive into the breakfast bar before we go. I'll toss this in the van while you save me some coffee."
Immediately perking up, Lina cheers and hops in place with a fist pump. Bad mood entirely evaporated, Lina bounces up to hug Zelgadis briefly, dropping the handle of her suitcase in his hand. Letting go, she skips down the hallway, waving as she sing-songs, "Don't take too long, Zel! Or else, I can promise you'll have any toast to go with that coffee!"
Zelgadis snorts as he watches Lina's mane trail behind her before she disappears down the other hallway. "Hnn, at least she won't be irritated until lunchtime today."
Making his way down the elevator and into the parking lot, Zel patted his pants for the keys to the van Gourry had fixed up over the summer. However, there was no need, the Van's back was already open and occupied. Zel made a face as he drew near enough to see who it was. 
His exasperation didn't go unnoticed by the occupant as Xelloss covered the speaker of his cell phone and smiled one of the smiles that best dug under Zel's skin. Any other time with any other person, he was made out of stone against many annoyances, big or small, but something about Xelloss that never failed to get a rise out of Zel. And Xelloss knew that. Pitching his voice low so the person on the other end of the phone call wouldn't hear, Xelloss trailed his eyes up and down Zel, then winked, "Ah, doing our Majesty's bidding again, I see." Before Zel could retort, the conversation must have begun again as Xelloss straightened up and uncovered the phone, "I'm right here, I'm listening," Xelloss says, sliding down off the van and moving to lean up against the tire well instead. "It's fine, there's some connection through most of the roads, so I can still keep an eye on things. No, that won't be a problem, Miss."
Glaring at Xelloss through the corner of his eye, Zelgadis kept quiet out of respect as he organized the back and played luggage Tetris to get all the bags fitting without taking up too much space.
"Uh-huh, yes. I already sent in my research. And I made sure to tell Mr. Phibrizzo to kindly, as you put it, 'eat it'. I sent the gift basket you specified, as well, Miss Zelas." Xelloss laughs, the sound of it instinctively making Zelgadis' hackles rise and his shoulders bunch up around his ears in preparation for a snide remark, but a moment later Zelgadis relaxes, letting his shoulders drop. For once that laugh wasn't at his expense. 
Xelloss' conversation seemed to wrap up just as Zelgadis finishes up with his self-appointed chore. The cell beeps softly as Xelloss hangs up, a faint, lopsided smile tugging at his mouth.  
Knowing he shouldn't, Zel still opens his mouth, eyebrow arching as he comments, "Sooo," Zelgadis begins, voice desert dry. "What were you saying about Majesties?" Dusting off his hands, he motions for Xellos to lock the van before leading the way back inside.  
"What can I say, I admire strong, driven women." Xelloss laughs easily, tossing Zel the spare key to give back to Gourry. "The difference between my mother being my actual boss and Lina is that Lina thinks she's everyone's boss." Xelloss' eyes crease at the corners as he hides away a smile. "Not that you seem to mind. Neither do I, for the record."
Zelgadis rolls his eyes, but nods in agreement, albeit reluctantly. "Well. We've got a long trip; maybe you'll get your chance to be bossed around next if you enjoy it so much."
Laughter was Xelloss' only response as they walked into the hotel's dining room.
.rest stop.
"Woooooow!" Amelia exclaims, sticking her head out of the window as Gourry guides the van slowly through a curved road to the rest stop. "I can see the ocean from here." She closes her eyes, tilting her face up towards the sun's rays. Taking a big gulp of sea salt air, Amelia launches herself out of the van the moment Gourry parks. "Ohh, goshhh, feel that breeze..."
Stretching like a cat on the grass, Amelia made small noises of contentment as she shook the numbness out of her legs from sitting still for so long. Going onto her tippy toes, her tank top rolling up to show a patch of smooth belly, Amelia loosened a knot hiding between her shoulders. 
Back in the van, Lina was groaning too, but not with relief. "Ughhhh, I'm not stepping one foot out there if there's nothing to eat." Flopping against her rolled-up window, Lina let out a theatrical sob. "Everyone hurry and pee so we can get some good seafood soon."
Fanning her like a devoted servant with a tourist brochure from the hotel, Xelloss pats her back and makes a sympathetic sound. Despite the obvious amusement towards Lina's dramatics painting his face, he almost sounds sympathetic. "Aww Miss Lina, it's only another forty-five minutes to the beach. Oh! But by then, I wonder if vendors will still be open..." Xelloss contemplates aloud, his finger tapping his bottom lip, a little too gleeful at the moan of misery leaving Lina.
"Oh you guys," Gourry laughs, slipping out of the driver's seat to stretch his own legs. Sliding open the side door to let in fresh air so the van doesn't heat up, Gourry tugs Lina outside with a little smile, patting her face to get her to perk up. "Xelloss is looking at the dashboard clock! It's a few hours ahead, so the restaurants should still be open."
Not fully convinced, Lina drags in a weepy sigh, leaning limply on Gourry like a man with no strength to continue on. "R-really? Will I still get fresh from the ocean seafood?"
Skipping over, putting her gymnastics skills to use, Amelia vaults herself onto the van's hood. Peering down with a wide smile as she kicks her sandaled feet, Amelia gives a thumbs up to Lina. "Most definitely! And even if we did get there late, Mr. Zelgadis and I double-checked when all the seafood places close, so we're good Miss Lina!"
"Sweet, hear that Lina?" Gourry high-fives Amelia, his other arm looped around a slowly reviving Lina. 
Cutting a look Xelloss' way, Zelgadis rolls his eyes when the older man seemingly pouts when he can no longer tease Lina with imminent starvation. "Oh...joy," Xelloss says, voice heavy with a sigh as he slides out of the van, already rummaging for his phone. Another call to mummy, probably. For all that Zelas hardly seems to have a motherly bone in her body. More likely a business call, for all that it was essentially the same thing for Xelloss. 
Hip-checking Xelloss out of the way, Zelgadis digs out a plastic bag of road snacks he hid under his seat. Rummaging around inside, Zelgadis pulled out everyone's preferred snack, tossing a few to the guys, then handing Lina and Amelia their own. "Stop acting like you're wasting away. C'mon, if we stop, we'll just take longer to get there, so eat this."
"Zel's right," Lina says, scrunching up her nose as she tears one package open with her teeth. Gobbling her granola with crumbs falling free, Lina claps her hands harshly, shoving Gourry with her shoulder. Tapping Amelia's thigh as she passes, Lina shouts back at her group, "Chop chop people, I wasn't kidding about everyone hurrying with the peeing! Let's goooooo!"
Laughing, Gourry lets his huge frame be bullied by a tiny slip of a redhead, sharing an amused, commiserating look with everyone. "That's Lina for you, nothing gets her going like food."
The sun was going down now, warm reds and oranges reflecting off the waters as the gloom of the evening chased the sunset. Gourry wipes sea water from his brow, feeling the sand on his forearm grit against his forehead. Trudging up the shoreline where Zelgadis and Xelloss kept watch over the towels and bags. "Getting chilly now, think now is a good time for that fire?"  
Zelgadis shrugs, meticulously using a bit of broken-off driftwood as a sculpting tool for his sand sculpture. It was his fourth one of the night. "I could use the light."
Husking a small chuckle, Xelloss nods back towards the water where Amelia hefted Lina up her shoulder and tossed her into an oncoming wave. "Miss Lina might appreciate drying off soon," He says, just as Lina's scream of rage gave way to burbling and the sound of water crashing into itself. 
A burst of water exploded as she rose again, spitting out a stream of saltwater, strand kelp in her hair as she roared at a cry-laughing Amelia, chasing her up the shore.
"Noooooooooooooooooo, mercy, mercy!" Amelia laughs, tears streaming down her face as Lina thunders after her, launching at the younger girl.
They both go down in a dust storm of sand, miraculously missing Zelgadis' sculptures and instead landing in a tangle of limbs beside a failed moat. 
"Never!" Lina cackles, wrangling Amelia down like a hog, a vindictive, fiery light gleaming in her eyes as she brandishes her hands in the shape of claws, readying herself for the tickle of a lifetime. "Prepare to suffer, little princess!" Sand kicked and flew as Amelia let out peels and peels of laughter, failing to escape as she fought to gulp air into her straining lungs. 
Gourry, knowing better than to get between Lina and prey, wisely crept around flailing legs as he gingerly stole the log bundle from beside the girls. "Lina," Gourry cheerfully admonishes, "stop picking on people weaker than you."
"Yeah, Lina, she's about to turn bluer than her blood," Zel snorts, pushing himself to stand, dusting off his legs as he gets the cooler full of corn and s'more supplies. 
Tickling Amelia one last time, Lina nodded decisively to herself before finally releasing her victim. Finally registering the chill breeze and lack of warm sun, Lina shivers and rubs her prickling shoulders, scampering towards Xelloss. Nudging his leg with her foot, she plops down beside him with an expectant look. "You've got a Hawaiian overshirt, give it to me." Her nose scrunches as she glares at him into surrendering his clothes."
Seeing no harm in it, since her tussle with Amelia left her mostly dry, except for her hair, Xelloss draped his overshirt around her shoulders, smiling bemusedly at how large it seemed on her. 
Before long, the fire lights and crackles merrily, eating away at the gloom of the evening. The cool air was replaced by the smell of roasting corn and the smell of melty butter. Lina sighs, happy and tired, leaning her head against Amelia's shoulder as the other girl passes around drinks. "Thanks, guys. This is just where I wanted to be."     
Clacking their soda cans together, the group cheered and murmured. "Same here, Lina."
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adamwarlock · 1 year
happy birthday Edith!!!
Thank you Zel!!! 🧡
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