#happy halbrand-days
Halbrannatar: [singing] I just want you for my own!
Galadriel: [singing from further away] Please leave me the fuck alone!
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tairona-is-taken · 2 years
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Source: eye_of_a_cat on Twitter
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saurongorthaur9 · 1 month
The new trailer is making me Feel All The Things.
But most of all, I have waited twenty years for this. I have waited twenty years to see the Sauron of the Silmarillion. A Sauron with a face and a voice, in all his manipulative, charming, diabolical glory. I've dreamed twenty years that one day I'd get an adaptation that showed me the Sauron I've seen in my mind since I read the Silmarillion as a child. And I'm finally getting it. My dream is finally coming true.
For twenty years, I've watched and re-watched and re-watched the LOTR movies, and every time, I hang on the few seconds that we see Sauron as the armored figure at the beginning of FOTR, drinking in those few seconds because it was all that I had.
Then ten years later, the Hobbit movies came out and I lost my mind over having a few more seconds of Sauron as an armored figure and his showdown with Galadriel and him being voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch. I re-watched those movies the same way, hanging on those few new seconds like it was my desert oasis.
And then I got Season 1 of ROP, and I loved it, but it still wasn't pure unadulterated Sauron that I was watching. I love Charlie's performance as Halbrand, but we only got a few fleeting minutes of a glimpse of the true Sauron underneath.
But now...watching this trailer...it's HIM. It's the Sauron I've always dreamed of seeing on my screen. It's HIS voice. It's HIS eyes. He doesn't look completely the way I have always pictured Sauron, but the vibe - the PRESENCE - is all HIM. I've gotten more just from the trailers than I've had from all six movies, and we're not even to the actual season yet. He's mesmerizing. He's terrifying. He's otherworldly. He's sexy. He's laced with cruelty and arrogance that absolutely radiates off of him.
He's the Sauron who has lived in my brain as my favorite fictional character of all time for twenty years come to life.
I'm crying.
I'm going to get to see Sauron. I'm going to get to see SAURON!
I don't even know entirely what I'm feeling. It's excitement. It's happiness. But it's also this nameless feeling of intense, all-consuming hunger finally being sated after it has burned at me for so, so, so long.
I'm finally getting my dream.
I'm finally getting my Sauron.
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findelyfantasy · 4 months
How Different RoP Characters Would React to You Putting a Flower in Their Hair/Behind Their Ear
I actually wrote this a long time ago and forgot about it, but with the RoP Season 2 trailer coming out I thought that this was the perfect time to post this!
Also, keep in mind, that because I made these a super long time ago before I knew about the Sauron reveal, Sauron is addressed as Halbrand here. Just thought I'd clarify.
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The action of you putting a flower in her hair would make Galadriel smile. She thinks that it’s such a sweet gesture, especially since you put the flower there as a declaration of the love you two share. Galadriel returns the favor by handing you a flower, perhaps even placing it behind your ear!
When you put a flower behind Elrond’s ear, he blushes. Being a person who takes care of his appearance greatly due to his position, it is not often that such wild decorations are used to adorn himself. The flower isn’t a bad thing though. In fact, he appreciates the free-spiritedness of your placing it. He lightly touches the flower after it has been put in his hair, and goes on to tell you about its name and properties the best he can.
Elendil raised a daughter, so he is familiar with the art of flowers and their placement in one’s hair. It makes him laugh slightly and amusedly when you do it, whether as a friendly gesture or a romantic one. Later, when the brief moment passes and he has to take the flower off, he keeps it, twirling around between his pointer finger and thumb when he gets a break between work. 
When you put a flower in his hair or behind his ear, Isildur is slightly embarrassed at first (mostly because, if his friends are around, they tease him) but he enjoys the gift. He’s mostly flustered because he wasn’t expecting it lol. Much like his father, he carries the flower with him, and puts it in his bedside table when he returns home for the night.
Once you put the flower in Mìriel’s hair it’s not coming out. She already wears much jewelry on her head that she almost if not completely forgets the flower is there. When she’s getting ready for bed and her handmaidens are helping her with the more intricate pieces of her outfit, the flower falls out from her hair. Mìrielpicks it up and brings it to her nose to take in the still sweet smell of the flower, thinking of you with a smile.
Arondir loves the gift of a flower tucked behind his ear. You’re very intuitive to his favorite species of flowers, which he really appreciates. He would definitely be the type to press whatever flower you place behind his ear to preserve it because he loves them so much.
Bronwyn works with flowers and herbs often, so she finds such gestures familiar and loves them. Her son Theo used to do this a lot to her when he was younger, so your doing so brings back good memories. She recalls the medicinal elements of the flower in her hair and offers to fashion you a crown of the same flower when she finishes work for the day.
Celebrimbor thinks that this act is really sweet. Something about it just makes him happy in a way he can’t describe. Because his job allows him to be creative, he often turns the flowers you gift him into something that will preserve them, like casting them in resin or something similar.
The first question Gil-Galad would ask you when you put the flower in his hair is “How do I look?”, which makes you laugh. If he doesn’t have a meeting to go to or a speech to talk at, he keeps the flower adornment on for as long as possible.
Halbrand would give you a look of “what did you do that for?” when you tuck the flower behind his ear, but there is no ill intent in his voice. He doesn’t keep the flower on for very long, but he enjoys the time wearing it when he has it (and so do you!)
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valar-did-me-wrong · 1 month
With only 7 days left for ROP S2..
I'm nostalgically remembering 2022 when we as a fandom spent WEEKS playing the 'Where's Sauron' game with Halbrand, Adar, Stranger & even Valandil, Ontamo & Poppy at one point!
How after that we were forced on a rollercoaster ride of 'Halbrand is good' no 'Halbrand is bad' no 'Halbrand is good' no 'Halb-
And then nearing the finale after MORE THAN A MONTH of E1 premiere, Everyone was on the edge of their seats! Human Halbrand belivers, those who had started to doubt and those few with unimaginable wits & trust issues who were sure of Halbrannatar's reveal; all of us spiralling as the Haladriel tag kept growing and growing!
Not to mention all the other twists (hi Mount Doom!), turns (bye Sadoc :c ) & varied depictions of Love & everything Tolkien!
I had never experienced that before; being new to following along a show through weeks on socials instead of binging in one night & I'm So Happy I got to experience it with this show & this fandom!
For all the poison surrounding us since 2022, I continue to believe we are one very positive fandom & I can't wait to go insane again with all of you old & new ROP fans soon! (and then every 2 years!)
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thequeensjester · 18 days
Thoughts on Galadriel's Hair
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I'm back with more conjecture disguised as meta and this time, I'm exploring Galadriel's hair design. Hair is an integral part of Galadriel's character and story in the lore. When the early s2 promo shots of Galadriel wearing her crown braid came out, fans were excited because of its direct reference to Tolkien.
For me, I'm more interested in what her hair design expresses in the current story beyond 'it's just hair' or 'it looks pretty.' I was surprised to see how short-lived the crown braid was until I realized that it tells us so much about where Galadriel is in her story.
Galadriel's bound hair shows a controlled but darker self. Galadriel's loose hair shows her freer, if not wilder, self. I think this could even go back to s1 so let's have a look.
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(I know there are practical reasons to have tied hair. I've heard that some action productions will put actresses with loose hair because it's easier to swap between stunt doubles but I'm also having fun here.)
When we're first introduced to Galadriel in the present day, she's wearing her hair loose. She's deep in her pursuit and is already at odds with her squad.
Again, in Numenor, she roams with confidence and arrogance, clashing with anyone that challenges her. "There is a tempest in me." As much as people snark about this line, this line perfectly reflects how fast and unrelenting she approaches her self-appointed task.
This is the wildness we see. As much as she's weighed down by her trauma, this is Galadriel's truer state at this point in the story.
Note when I say true self, I mean Galadriel being the best version of herself; freer, in the light and upholding the values of her kind.
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The braid in the battle for the Southlands is an interesting choice because she boards the Numenorean schooner with loose hair. When this happens, it's framed as a glorious moment for Galadriel, in what appears to be her most powerful moment but it's just an illusion.
Because Sauron was here the whole time. She holds her hand out to Halbrand, thinking that it's an alliance between the two when it was an elaborate ruse. In her time with him, Galadriel showed all her cards to Sauron and he used it to lay breadcrumbs.
So why the braid?
I think the braid here represents Galadriel trying to stay in control of herself. She admitted to Sauron how her pursuit has worried her friends and what it's doing to her. Her confrontation with Adar nearly pushes her over the edge of losing control.
Then with the Mt. Doom eruption, Galadriel is confronted with darkness in an unexpected way. The way that even a young child, Theo, who is should be free and happy but instead, is affected by the darkness. Galadriel trying to guide Theo with hope is also a call to return to her true self.
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Speaking of her true self, we have this from the raft sequence which was all about temptation. Galadriel could let go everything but she resists. Her neat, loose hair is from a begone time that she longs for but the truth is that it's gone so she has to fight back.
Her bedraggled hair on the raft, in a storm no less, again is that wildness which Sauron completely underestimates. He can't turn her no matter how dark things get because Galadriel isn't someone to be controlled. She will find her way back.
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This brings us to s2 where Galadriel's hair design is mostly partially bound. On the left, it's a simple but formal pulled-back style. Galadriel is now back with the elves and in Lindon, no less. Galadriel cannot act however she wishes but she also has the backing of Gil-Galad so she's not completely restrained.
On the right, we have some braiding again. This entire episode, we see Galadriel troubled—by her visions, her conflict with Elrond and even with how much Sauron affected her. So while she has Gil-Galad's support, she's constrained and struggling with her sense of self.
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This finally brings us to the mission with Elrond, where the two are at odds. Galadriel's ego is hurt that Gil-Galad doesn't trust her to lead. She's hurt from Elrond's mistrust. Elrond sees Galadriel as completely compromised, even though her visions from Nenya later proved to be correct.
To me, Galadriel's crown braid symbolizes how cut off and restrained from the others' mistrust. She cannot be herself because she's not allowed to and so she plays the part as expected.
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Only when she's proven right that Galadriel sheds the crown. Her hair is still loosely braided, for what I think is practicality with the night orc sequence stunts but notice how the front is loose and only the back is tied back.
This tells us that Galadriel is ready to break from Elrond's command because she's unfortunately vindicated with the dangers of the south path. Here, Galadriel places trust back in herself.
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Now it doesn't mean that she's entirely correct because Galadriel still makes mistakes.
"I stand alone," she said before her stand against the orcs.
In this sequence, Galadriel could have fought with the group to make a clear escape together. However, Galadriel seizes the chance to do things her way, alone. She fights like an amazon with an explosive rage that we haven't seen in a while but it falls apart.
I do think she intended to keep the ring safe just in case by giving it to Elrond because I also don't think she intended to get captured by Adar, which is the consequence of running without thinking clearly.
Given the trailer, this is likely going to be Galadriel's hair style for the rest of the season. I'm interested in how her character evolves while wearing this style.
As a closing note, hair and costume in pop culture generally gets treated as -aesthetic- but there is a reason it's considered design and not just a wardrobe. It's another way of visual storytelling for the character. In media set in the modern day, there is still styling choices in hair and costume to show you who the characters are; eg A Most Violent Year, Barbie, Ready or Not.
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earthshine-moon · 1 month
Some thoughts from my rewatch of RoP 1x05
- I love Nori teaching the Stranger words he doesn’t understand. That whole scene is just perfect
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- This Wandering Day is such a beautiful song. I’m sobbing 😭
- Halbrand looks so gorgeous in that smithing montage
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- the Harfoots don’t deserve anything they go through. Let them be happy (please. For my sanity)
- Galadriel teaching the new soldiers to fight is so iconic. I could watch that scene on repeat until the end of time
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- Valandil cockblocking will never not be funny
- “I hope one day you find something you would be willing to sacrifice anything for.” My poor baby Isil, doomed by the narrative
- Isildur and Kemen on the ship also will never not be funny
- that sweeping brush is terrible. It’s literally just drawing lines in the dirt? ashes? metal particles? idk what it is
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- Does anyone else feel like Halbrand/Sauron meant it when he said he was sorry for everything that happened to Galadriel because of him? Or is that just my delusional Haladriel-shipping mind?
- Durin in this episode is just the best
“it usually takes you people weeks just to decide whether to take a sh-”
lying about the stone the table’s made from
“The fate of the entire elven race is in my hands.” etc…
and my personal favourite:
“Give me the meat and give it to me raw.”
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Episode 6 tomorrow!! Time for Mount Doom!!
Happy 4 days until season 2 💗
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animatorweirdo · 23 days
The Fall of the Sun (Part 2)
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Part 1
While recovering from the injuries that had left you bedridden, you remember the past and think of the moments that led you into this.
(Author note: Just a fair warning, I might not continue this fic after this part.)
Warnings: broken bones, drugs to numb the pain, pirates, murder, your family dying in a fire, mentions of becoming a slave, jumping into a sea, getting attacked by a sea snake, storms, dehydration and nearly dying by the sun, Halbrand being a bit annoying, bar fights, mentions if him being in prison, violence, volcanic eruptions, things getting destroyed by fire, threats of being burned alive, angst, injuries, betrayal and reader being self-deprecative.
As you lay on the bed, trying to let your broken body recover. You think of the past, the happier times before all this. It was all you could do besides be wrapped in bandages and consumed by the medicines to numb the pain. 
You were born in a town beside a northern shore. It was a happy little town. You were a young girl, dreaming of adventure and finding true love. Your family considered you silly for them, but you were certain that one day— you would embark on a journey to fulfill those dreams. 
One special thing about your town was your unique neighbor, a dragon. Your people and her had lived in peace for many years thus there was never a fear of her attacking your town. She was a patient and kind being. You had visited her cave many times with your friends. Nearly everyone had a great friendship with her and you all were eager when she shared the news that she had laid a clutch of eggs.  Life was good back then. 
However, everything changed when the pirates came. 
You and the town first allowed them to stay out of politeness. They were arrogant and rude, but since they didn’t cause trouble worth kicking them out, you could only wait and hope they would leave as soon as possible. But then they heard about your friend and decided to commit one of the most horrible acts you had ever seen. 
They sneaked into her lair and murdered her. They crushed their eggs and stole all the gifts you and the townspeople had given her throughout the years. 
When they bragged their victory to you, you all were horrified and tried to chase them out, but then they attacked your home, burned the houses, and killed people. Your family perished when your house caught on fire. You had no idea what happened to your siblings and cousins. You were the only one to survive. 
Unfortunately, you were also taken captive by the pirates with those who survived. They intended to sell you for slavery. Despite your hatred for them, you were scared to act and played nice until you found out they had taken one of the eggs. They planned to sell it to some lord who would take pleasure in enslaving a legendary beast such as a dragon. Remembering your old friend, you decided not to allow it to happen. 
During a storm, you stole the egg. However, seeing nowhere else to escape when your escape boat was lost. You jumped into the freezing sea, allowing the current to take you despite struggling to remain above the surface. 
Miraculously, you survived the storm. But then you were forced to swim in the sea without clear direction, hoping you might find land.  You doubted if you made the right decision, but considering your fate would have been slavery, death by the sea was perhaps better than a lifetime of torment. 
That was then when you encountered the raft and met him, Halbrand. 
The surviving people took pity enough on you to help you climb on the raft, and then he spoke to you for the first time. 
“What is a lone maiden like yourself doing swimming so far in the sea?” The brown-haired man questioned after one of the raft people helped you on the raft and you lay on the wooden flooring, exhausted. 
“I jumped out of a pirate ship. It was either stay and be sold as a slave, or jump and possibly die in the sea. The latter was more pleasing to me,” You answered then looked toward him. 
“What about you? What does a lonely wet rat like yourself doing so far out of here?” You asked, which earned a chuckle from him. 
He first appeared a bit cold but did not seem to mind talking with you. Apparently, the ship he was traveling on was destroyed by a sea snake, and now they were hopelessly sailing on whatever was left, hoping a land would come their way sooner or later. Strangely, he kept looking toward the bag you clutched close to your hips like he knew something. It made you feel uneasy but tolerated it as you were stuck with him. 
He seemed to liven up a bit when you talked more, and he seemed to have taken a liking to calling you ‘tough girl’ just to annoy you. You hated it, but you couldn’t help but admit that talking to him helped you keep your sanity. 
Unfortunately, the sea proved more dangerous than you imagined. You were attacked by the same sea monster that destroyed Halbrand’s ship. It devoured the rest of the poor travelers and destroyed the raft, leaving only you and Halbrand. You did not know how you survived, except you two lay quietly against the raft as the sea snake swam past you.  Scared out of your wits, you might have held his hand tightly which he did not seem to mind until the danger was over. Strangely, you remember him uttering some strange words right before the sea snake left. 
Then the storm came, which caused many troubles and nearly destroyed the raft if you had not cut the rope that kept you down. Then came the sun and you were dying from heat and dehydration. 
Heating under the scorching sun, exhausted and choking on your dry throat. You looked toward Halbrand one last time. 
“You know, Halbrand. Even though you were kinda annoying since we are most likely going to die, it was nice knowing you. “ You said, struggling to maintain consciousness under the heat. 
He chuckled, sweating and glancing toward you. “I knew you were gonna warm up to me eventually,” He teased, his eyes full of exhaustion. “But… it was nice knowing you as well, tough girl,” he said, using the nickname you hated. 
He offered his hand and you did not mind holding it as the sun finally got to you, causing your consciousness to flicker under the heat. 
But luck seemed to be on your side as you two were found by a numenorian ship. 
They gave you water and food to eat then brought you to one of the port cities of Numenor. The ship’s captain was kind enough to share some gold so you two would have a place to stay for a couple of nights while you sorted out your predicament. 
You allowed Halbrand to stay with you, even though you had enough only for one room in the inn. He liked testing your patience and tried to convince you to show the secrets of your bag, but luckily he didn’t push it. Perhaps your ordeal together managed to help you become friends and you two decided to find some work so you could keep the room for now. 
Your mother taught you everything you needed to know about embroidery and the workings of stitching. You had a passion for clothing and fashion. You asked around if anyone knew any clothes vendors or shops who could use an extra hand and you ended up meeting a nice elderly woman named Núriël, who was amazed by your skills and eagerly took you in to work for her. 
While doing a small errand, you noticed Halbrand seemed to have found his place in a forge, so you catch up with him for a moment. Apparently, to work in a forge, he needed to be part of a guild and he managed to become a member. You felt slightly proud and wished him congrats before continuing your day.
Your day went smoothly and quicker than you anticipated. Núriël gifted you extra clothing for you and Halbrand after you told her of your ordeal in the sea.  You were grateful and eagerly made your way back to the inn, only for some numenorian guard to tell you that Halbrand was in prison for theft and causing a tavern fight. 
You were slightly livid as you helped him out of there and forced him to explain. Apparently, he had trouble finding work in the forge, so he stole the guild badge and tried to get into the good graces of the men by buying them drinks at the tavern. However, they were easily offended by something he said and a tavern fight was born. 
You scolded him as it was common knowledge that the numenorians were known as a proud people. Such tricks as buying drinks will only work on those from Middle Earth. 
He then admitted he had not interacted with people much, so he was not the most experienced. You found it weird that he did not know how to interact before returning to your room, making dinner, and then showing him new clothes so he would not look like a rat. 
The next day, you decided to aid him in finding work at the guild. The people there were much calmer when you apologized for your friend’s rude behavior and then questioned about the qualifications to join the guild. Halbrand was slightly offended when you excused his behavior as being a fever from the sea, but since it allowed the men of the guild to give him a chance, he did not complain. 
You instructed him very clearly not to run his mouth. He is to listen and learn when necessary. You were not going to help him if he got himself in prison for the second time. 
He showed gratitude and promised he would not disappoint you. 
He kept his promise as he managed to win over the guild with his forge skills and become an official member, which meant no more stealing or tavern fights.
The whole thing helped you become closer and you got into a routine that helped you adapt to your new life. Halbrand learned to be better at socializing with people, though you had taken on yourselves to dress him on proper occasions. He always teased and joked about how you were his personal dresser. Those jokes always earned a smack or eyes rolling. 
However, you did grow fond of him and finally trusted him enough to reveal the golden egg to him. 
You told him about your friend and the life before pirated. You told him how you could not allow her only child to be taken and sold off to slavery. Halbrand looked at you with rare sensibility. 
“I’m sorry… for your loss,” He said. 
“Will you promise me not to tell anyone? We are better off now, but there is no knowing what the Numenorians will do if they find such a creature here. “ You asked. 
“I would not be able to forgive myself if anything came to happen to my friend’s only child,” You said, looking at the golden egg in your hands. 
“I’m sure everything will be fine by how you protect the egg,” Halbrand tried to play it off as a joke. 
“I’m serious, Halbrand. Please… Give me your word you will allow no harm to the egg,” You said with a tone of seriousness. 
Halbrand was quiet for a moment before taking your hand into his. “I give you my word that no harm will come to the egg or the life inside it,” He said sincerely. 
That promise helped you be easy on yourself, and surprisingly, Halbrand seemed to have become more honest with you. He still teased you like no tomorrow, but he kept his word and did not mention anything about the egg to the outside world. You could not help but admit that you considered him one of your most trusted friends. 
You and Halbrand decided that life on Numenor was not so bad and had enough money to rent a bigger place. You became comfortable leaving the egg near the fireplace to incubate and after three months living in Numenor, the day finally arrived.
You pulled Halbrand out of his forge that day, excited to have him there. You two then watched as a small dragon hatched from the egg. Its scales were golden and big pearly black eyes looked back at you. A small adorable chirp escaped its mouth and your heart was stolen. You placed your hand on the table and watched the little creature curiously climb on your palm. You then snuggled close to it with love in your heart. 
Halbrand figured the dragon must be male. You found it a little strange that he had such knowledge of dragons, but you didn't care enough and already came up with a name. You named the little dragon, Anorion, which Halbrand thought was slightly cheesy yet fitting. 
Your routine changed with Anorion as he needed food and a lot of attention. It became a bit of a challenge as he would sometimes cry out for you, nearly giving himself away to your landowners and other people nearby. Anorion would behave well in Halbrand’s care, but he was especially clingy with you. It gave Halbrand a reason to tease you as Anorion obviously saw you as his mother. 
You considered getting a new place that was away from people, but then you heard some rumors about the Southlands and remembered that you had relatives who lived there and hadn’t seen them in years. 
You proposed the idea of the journey to Halbrand as Anorion had become rowdy as he grew and that you had enough to pay a ship to take you to Middle Earth. Halbrand surprisingly agreed to the idea without much thought and you began the preparations. 
You bid goodbye to the friends you made. They bid you farewell and gave you some parting gifts. You delivered Anorion in a box, playing him off as your sicky pet to explain the sounds that echoed from his box. You then finally set off to Middle Earth.
As you sailed out of the port city, you became curious about Halbrand’s decision to come with you and questioned him about it as he could have easily stayed in Numenor. 
“I did not mind our life in Numenor, but I think it would become lonely and less interesting without you there,” Halbrand said. “And I would be a pretty bad father to Anorion if I abandoned his mother on a possible dangerous journey,” He finished with a grin. 
His remark caused you to roll your eyes at him, but in your heart, you felt warm and a change. That was perhaps the moment you began to feel more for your annoyingly charming friend. 
When you finally arrived on Middle Earth, you bought a wagon and a couple of horses before setting off to the Southlands. The journey was long but peaceful. As Anorion had grown big enough to learn how to fly, you two had fun helping him learn and Anorion eagerly flew most of the distances and began hunting for himself. 
You two would sometimes stop to fish and camp beneath the stars. You once instigated a water fight in a river and Halbrand gave no mercy. It was fun, but when Halbrand picked you up by your waist and you both fell into the river, you noticed how the close contact made you feel nervous even though you had no such issue before. 
When you finally reached the Southlands, you were suddenly stopped by your old elven friend, Rhiwlas. You had met when she first came to your town and you two became good friends so you were fairly excited to see her again.
She had warned orcs had been seen around Southland and insisted she would escort you to the village. 
You did not mind and took the chance to catch up with her, telling her everything that had happened as she escorted you to the village where your relatives lived. 
Your relatives were shocked but glad to see you. They were sorrowful when you told them what had happened to your home and were more than willing to provide a place for you and Halbrand to stay. 
After settling in, you and Halbrand took the chance to sit on the grass and enjoy the scenery while Anorion looked around your new home. 
“Not a bad place. It’s very peaceful,” You stated. 
Halbrand nodded with a hum. “I agree. Thought I am happy that the forge of this village is looking for new smiths and do not require me to join some guild,” he stated, making you giggle. 
“Say… since we are in Middle Earth. There is nothing that would stop you from traveling and doing what you want,” You started, and Halbrand looked at you strangely. “I do not mean you are not welcome to stay. You are more than welcome. I just mean… If you wanted to leave and travel, that would not bother me,” You explained. 
He stared at you for a moment before grinning. “I am in no rush to travel. I think I can come to enjoy this place,” He assured and you could not help but smile. Relief and joy encased you within the thought of him staying. 
But then Rhiwlas came and to your surprise, she seemed suspicious of Halbrand. She questioned you about his past, and then you figured she was just being protective of you. You assured her that Halbrand could be trusted, but for some reason, she was adamant in her suspicion. 
Then by accident, she saw Anorion. You quickly had to introduce her to him and assure her that he was not dangerous. Luckily, you managed to get her comfortable, and promise not to tell on you. You promised her that you would introduce Anorion to your relatives soon enough. 
Unfortunately, your new peace did not last long as the orcs attacked. It was completely out of surprise and you would have lost your life if Halbrand was not there to save your life. Rhiwlas and her people did their best to fend them off, but they overwhelmed them by numbers. You were scared that soon they would either kill or enslave you all, but then Anorion took flight and released his fire upon them. 
You and Halbrand had tried to help him learn to breathe fire and this was the first time you had seen him use it effectively. You felt pride and Anorion’s sudden appearance scared the orcs away, allowing Rhiwlas and her people to finish them. 
The orcs left, ordered to retreat by an orc that looked like an elf. You were glad it was over then introduced Anorion to your relatives and the village people. Luckily, they were more welcoming than you thought and did not mind giving treats and pets to the small dragon.
While recovering from the attack, you noticed the sudden change in Halbrand’s mood. He was quiet and stared at the way where the orcs and their leader left with hatred in his eyes. That way you knew he knew the orc leader from somewhere and questioned him about it. He hesitated first then revealed the orc leader had done great wrong to him, thus the hatred.
You were sympathetic and comforted him, which helped the anger in him to calm down. 
Rhiwlas went after the orc leader with her company and the peace was restored. But then, Anorion became frightened by something. 
He started crying, biting your arm and clothing, seemingly trying to lead you away from the village. It was hard to calm him down until Halbrand revealed that, like animals, dragons could sense when a great danger or catastrophe was going to happen soon.
You began to feel eerie when you noticed birds escaping toward the west and other animals becoming frightened by something as well. You decided to trust Anorion’s instinct and convinced your relatives and other village people to leave as soon as possible. 
You traveled away from the village, carrying Anorion in your arms as you tried to comfort him, all the while attempting to figure out what had frightened him so deeply.
You got your answer when the Southland’s slumbering volcano erupted. The great cloud rose before your very eyes and balls of fire fell upon the earth. All of you ran for your lives, despite having some distance from the volcano, the great balls of fire were able to reach you and cause havoc around you. 
Halbrand covered you while you two ran with scared Anorion in your arms. However, then the great cloud of fire came toward you with awful speed. You were not able to run away as it caught up to you, ready to burn all of you alive. 
“(Name)!” Halbrand yelled. He embraced you as the fiery cloud consumed you and everything around you. You cried out in fear, expecting to be burned alive. 
But instead of being burned alive, you felt something cold wrap around you and then you dropped against a forest ground. 
In shock, you stared at the unfamiliar forest around you. Anorion whimpered as you got up and looked around in confusion as there was no fire around you. 
You then saw the fires and the smoke and walked up the hill, seeing the volcano far away and everything that had been burned to ash. You were in disbelief of what had happened, but your worry for Halbrand and your relatives overshadowed your need for answers and you began making your way out of the forest, toward the destroyed land. 
By coincidence, you encountered Rhiwlas who came back to investigate after seeing the volcano erupt. You then told her what had happened. 
The fiery cloud had most likely dissipated by now, so you pleaded with her to see if any of your relatives or Halbrand were still alive. She doubted anyone could have survived such destruction, but you continued pleading and she finally agreed. 
You stayed in the camp with Anorion and some of her people. They questioned how you survived and you gave an unsure description of how during the fire, Halbrand embraced you and suddenly you were in another forest like magic. They found it strange, but your confusion was settled when Rhiwlas returned and declared she had found one survivor. 
You were relieved to find it was Halbrand who had survived the fire. However, your face went pale when you saw a large sharp piece of wood stuck through his side. 
Rhiwlas explained he was going to need immediate treatment if he was to survive. She then sorrowfully explained that your relatives and the rest of the village people had died in the fire. Your heart sank for your relatives, but you held strong as Halbrand’s survival was at stake and you brought him to Lindon. 
You prayed Eru or whatever Valar for him to survive. You were there as the elven healers worked swiftly to remove the wood piece and block the blood loss. They were able to stable him but he was going to rest for a while. 
You were by his side the days he spent with his eyes closed, praying he would not leave you alone till the day arrived when he opened his eyes and teased you for your tears. You were joyful, but could no longer hold back revealing your feelings. 
“Is everything a joke to you?” You scolded him softly after he woke up and made that ridiculous remark. 
“I like to keep up the smiles rather than despair. Thought having lovely maiden yourself and our sweet child mourn my passing does not sound like an awful end,” He grinned. 
“I thought I really lost you,” You revealed.  
“Well, as you can see. I am way too charming to pass away so easily,” Halbrand said, petting Anorion’s head. 
“I’m serious. Halbrand you are more important to me than you realize. I do not know I would be able to live without you by my side,” You confessed, hoping he would understand what you meant and he did. 
Halbrand stared at you, before gently placing his hand behind your head and bringing your lips down to meet with his. 
It was sweet and short before you broke it off, and he promised he was not going to leave your side anytime soon. 
You were there as he recovered. He recovered surprisingly fast. After two days, he was able to walk by himself.
You told the happy news to Rhiwlas. However, she had begun to suspect Halbrand from something. She revealed how she found it way too strange how he was able to survive the volcano and that he was most likely the reason you were able to escape the volcano into another forest. Thinking about it made you realize how strange it was and that there was a possibility that Halbrand was not an ordinary human man. However, when Rhiwlas revealed that she suspected him of being a malicious being, you became defensive. You tried to reason with her that Halbrand could not be something evil since he did save your and Anorion’s life. Why would he save you if he was evil? 
Rhiwlas was not convinced, especially when Halbrand had begun taking an interest in talking with the elves and suggesting something that could help them defeat the orcs now they had found themselves a new homeland in the former Southlands. 
Then something happened between them and you could no longer find Halbrand anywhere. Rhiwlas revealed that he was Sauron, causing you to fall into shock and denial. You thought she was throwing accusations at him because she was being overly protective. You could not believe the man you have befriended, lived, traveled with, and held feelings for could be some ancient evil from the past. 
Unfortunately, it was the truth. 
You became the unfortunate fool deceived by the deceiver, with no family or place to go. Alone among the elves. And now, a poor fool with a broken body. Anorion was possibly dead, if not, enslaved by the orcs. You could do nothing but stare into the nothing, hoping you won’t end up as crippled for the rest of your life. 
Oh, what an unfortunate fool you truly are…
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fatcatlittlebox · 12 days
Happy Friday before Galadriel finds out from Adar that Halbrand was tortured for days trying to liberate the Southlanders for all those who celebrate!! 🎉 🎊🎉🎊🎉
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peachesofteal · 11 months
Can I request a quick little 41 please ??
— 👾
I hope this is referencing the fic writer asks. In which case, I'm taking this opportunity to rec some fics and writers. There are multiple fandoms/ships in here in no particular order, COD, Sandman, Reylo or just Kylo/reader, TLOU, Din Djarin, Steve Rogers, Bucky, Galadriel/Halbrand, Dramione, etc.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
Neon Medusa Mine & Yours MildLimerence Charnelhouse All the Precious and Fragile Things Cuckoo-on-a-string Landwriter The terrible nature of ghosts Designer dress Fix your attitude Today I bury you in me Short days, long nights Lady Morpheus Divortium Wait and Hope halcyone-of-the-sea Familiar Branded Happiness Perle Astronomical Odds Don't leave me locked in your heart Nothing to despair The willow maid Baby blue Tender thing (stay the night) Tied Everything and more Rough day
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wordbunch · 2 years
Elrond getting jealous
a/n: whoever requested something among the lines of “Elrond getting jealous over reader who spends time with Halbrand”... i’m sending you a thousand kisses. 💋 I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, and do let me know! 🥰 also please consider reblogging if you liked it, it means a lot 💖💖💖
(+ warning: if you squint, it gets the tiniest bit steamy at the very end!)
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you were in Eregion with Elrond and very happy about the fact that you get to spend that extra time with your lover
sure, you were both busy, but just being able to see each other, fall asleep and wake up together daily was something you cherished amid the daily chaos
you settled into a nice routine, which got interrupted in a very surprising way: Galadriel came back, after having gone to the Undying Lands (or, well, not actually going), and she brought a strange man with her
he seemed to be badly injured, and it made you wonder how come a man had managed to endure a few days long journey with an injury like that, but you let it go 
however he did intrigue you a little bit, since you very rarely came in contact with humans, and there was a strange energy about him
Galadriel herself actually asked you to check up on him every now and then because she trusts you, so you fulfilled her request and gradually started talking a bit to Halbrand
purely out of curiosity, you wouldn’t dream of going behind Elrond’s back in any way
however, the elf misunderstood your interest for affection
one evening you just walked by the room that Halbrand was in and cast a quick glance to check whether he was alive (seemed like he was), and you were planning to join Elrond for a relaxing evening in bed, but you ran into an old friend of yours and ended up talking for a little longer than intended
all the while, Elrond was in your shared bedroom and his mind was swarming with concerns about why you still hadn’t joined him
he trusts you with all his heart, don’t ever doubt that, but he was certainly feeling iffy about the human newcomer and he wasn’t sure he particularly liked him, he just wasn’t able to pinpoint why
when you finally walked in, feeling extremely bad at losing track of time, your heart cracked a bit when you saw your beloved lying down, curled up  with his back turned towards you; he was debating whether to confront you about it because he HATED any type of conflict with you
you almost gasped when you heard a quiet, yet unmistakably bitter “your new human friend seems to be occupying an awful lot of your time lately”
you all but threw yourself on the bed next to Elrond and grabbed both his hands in yours, but you noticed instantaneously that he didn’t intertwine your fingers together, which he almost always did
“He is not my friend” you replied with determination, but Elrond remained silent
“and I am terribly sorry for making you wait tonight, my love. I ran into Nimel on my way to you and they got so carried away talking about how they journeyed to Lórien recently and I had not the heart to interrupt…”
you thought you saw a tiny smile curving on your lover’s lips: he knew you were too kind to rudely interrupt somebody who was just being sociable
“now wait just a moment… my evening star, are you jealous?” you held back a smile of your own
Elrond was rarely jealous, so you weren’t used to seeing that side of him
“I do not have the faintest idea why you might think so, darling”
okay, he tried to play it off but he absolutely failed
“you know i can see it in your eyes when you are being dishonest”
he sighed deeply, and eventually entwined his fingers with yours, pressed a kiss to your knuckles and finally held your gaze
“perhaps I was jealous… just very, very little” the elf admitted sheepishly, feeling the tips of his ears get warmer
now you were hovering over him, finding amusement in the situation, rather than getting upset
“whatever for?” you purred, leaning closer into his face and brushing your nose against his, his greyish-blue eyes almost fluttering closed at the sensation
“you are the most perfect partner and lover in all of Middle-earth, my beloved,” your voice dropped low as you brought your lips closer to his, almost to brush against them. almost.
“not even in my wildest dreams would I think of choosing another over you. especially not some odd little man,” you chuckled, the noise resonating within your chest which was now pressed flush against Elrond’s
his hands had found their way to your hips, holding onto you as if you were about to vanish (you most definitely were not) and he expertly maneuvered the two of you so that now he was the one hovering above you and your cheeks were heating up at an alarming rate as you looked up at him with sparkling eyes
and there was a glint of mischief in his
he kissed you hungrily and you instinctively entangled your fingers in his soft hair, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest; he had your arms pinned on the bed with one hand, and his other hand was trailing down your torso
when you, sadly, had to pull back for air, his lips traveled down to your neck, and between open-mouthed kisses he muttered “then let us make sure that i am the most perfect lover you could ask for, dearest
✨ everything/TROP taglist:  @lotrnonsense​ @starlady66​ @lazymeriadoc​ @entishramblings​ @thesolarangel​ @averys-place​ @valkyriepirate​ @noldorinpainter​ @asianbutnotjapanese​
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On the first day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me An Elrond in a fun meme
On the second day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me Two Morfydd gifs And an Elrond in a fun meme
On the third day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me Three Adar arts Two Morfydd gifs And an Elrond in a good meme
On the fourth day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me Four cosplay pics Three Adar arts Two Morfydd gifs And an Elrond in a fun meme
On the fifth day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me Five meta posts! Four cosplay pics Three Adar arts Two Morfydd gifs And an Elrond in a fun meme
On the sixth day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me Six fanvids playing Five meta posts! Four cosplay pics Three Adar arts Two Morfydd gifs And an Elrond in a fun meme
On the seventh day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me Seven Saurons smirking Six fanvids playing Five meta posts! Four cosplay pics Three Adar arts Two Morfydd gifs And an Elrond in a fun meme
On the eighth day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me Eight Gals a-stabbing Seven Saurons smirking Six fanvids playing Five meta posts! Four cosplay pics Three Adar arts Two Morfydd gifs And an Elrond in a fun meme
On the ninth day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me Nine Bereks prancing Eight Gals a-stabbing Seven Saurons smirking Six fanvids playing Five meta posts! Four cosplay pics Three Adar arts Two Morfydd gifs And an Elrond in a fun meme
On the tenth day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me Ten elves a-leaping Nine Bereks prancing Eight Gals a-stabbing Seven Saurons smirking Six fanvids playing Five meta posts! Four cosplay pics Three Adar arts Two Morfydd gifs And an Elrond in a fun meme
On the eleventh day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me Eleven series theories Ten elves a-leaping Nine Bereks prancing Eight Gals a-stabbing Seven Saurons smirking Six fanvids playing Five meta posts! Four cosplay pics Three Adar arts Two Morfydd gifs And an Elrond in a fun meme
On the twelfth day of Christmas, ROP fandom gave to me Twelve ships a-sailing Eleven series theories Ten elves a-leaping Nine Bereks prancing Eight Gals a-stabbing Seven Saurons smirking Six fanvids playing Five meta posts! Four cosplay pics Three Adar arts Two Morfydd gifs And an Elrond in a fun meme!
(Merry Christmas and remember to thirst responsibly!)
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Light In The Shadows
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gif made by me
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pairing: halbrand/sauron x fem!reader  
summary: you needed to do something before the darkness fully consumed you too, you only wished things could have turned out differently
warnings: heavy angst, slight allusions to sex, canon-typical violence, mentions of blood, major character death, toxic relationship, heartache, no happy endings here
word count: 706
this can be read as a stand-alone but i highly recommend reading part 1 first
a/n: i might make an alternate ending to this fic because this is really dark lmao so keep an eye out for that
read on ao3
friendly reminder that comments and reblogs are just as (if not more than) important as likes!
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You were becoming what you swore you would not.
Years by his side in his dark realm had proven one thing and one thing only, there was no saving him. His delusions about saving Middle Earth were too strong, stronger than even his feelings for you.
Every second you spent beside him you felt the darkness trying to take a hold of you. Your heart was darkening, your lust for power growing as each day passed by.
But you still loved him. Despite it all.
The Dark Lord — your Dark Lord — had become a part of your very soul.
You weren’t sure when you stopped calling him by his false name but at some point, Halbrand and Sauron had truly become one in your mind. Or, perhaps, you had found yourself falling for even the darkest parts of him.
Instead of pulling him into the light, he had drawn you to the shadows.
You had become his queen and he treated you as such. He claimed everything he was doing was for you, to bring order to Middle Earth and rule alongside you.
Power was still his one true love but regardless you knew he truly did care for you, in his own twisted way.
Even as you began your descent into darkness, he was kind to you. Always so gentle unless you desired otherwise.
As you lay next to him, watching Sauron sleep so soundlessly beside you, it was almost difficult to picture him as the evil tyrant he was to become.
He looked so peaceful with his hair splayed out on the soft pillow beneath him. His arm was wrapped loosely around you, keeping you close to his side.
He did love you, or he was at least good at fooling you into thinking so, and you wished for nothing more than to live out the rest of your days with him. But, even as darkness grasped at you, you knew what you had to do.
You had never been enough and you never would be. The day you joined him you swore to yourself that you would put an end to his madness if there truly was no getting through to him.
That time had finally come.
So you lay beside him with a dagger firm in your hand. Your heart was racing, the pain of what was to come already too much to bear.
It was more painful than the day he told you of his deception. You couldn’t breathe and, for a moment, you considered dropping the dagger to save yourself the torment of going through with it but this was bigger than you — bigger than the love you had for him.
You rolled over, moving his arm as you carefully straddled his lap. He was still asleep, completely unsuspecting of your betrayal, and tears began to stain your cheeks as you finally raised the dagger over your head.
The dagger came plummeting down and, just as it began to pierce through the skin above his heart, his eyes opened. He grabbed ahold of you, preventing your hands from pushing it any further.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed, still using all the strength you could muster to push against him.
His cold eyes softened and he leaned up, pushing his lips to yours for a brief moment before letting go of your hands, letting the dagger slowly sink into him.
You cried more now, knowing that at that moment he had chosen you.
“I’m so sorry,” you continued to cry as his hand brushed against your cheek as if he was telling you it was okay.
As his eyes began to close for the last time, you pulled the dagger from him only to turn it on yourself.
This had always been the plan, you knew you could not live without him. When you first walked into Mordor you had already decided that you would not leave without him.
You kissed him again, leaning down onto the dagger you held between you and, as it finally broke through your flesh, a part of you was relieved that it was finally over.
In your dying moments, however, you still wished it could have ended another way — that he could have chosen you sooner.
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feel free to let me know if you want to be added to or removed from my taglist!
tags: @idwtet​ @maries-crabby-cake​
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ailendolin · 28 days
Live Reaction to TRoP 2x02
Spoilers for 2x02 under the cut
oh we're off to a good start with evil spreading through the lands of Middle-Earth straight to Khazad-Dûm
I'm still so in love with the mirrors. Using them to light up the realm always reminds me of The Mummy
my favourite power couple is back and I love them so much
Disa sensing the rockfall is so cool
fuck the light is gone. Moria is darkening. Fuck no
oh shit, is this the scene from the trailer where Celebrimbor gets impaled against a tree by roots?
damn he's becoming one of the tree memorials and the symbolism of that, I can't. This is not good
oh more handsome elves. Commander of the East and West my beloveds. And Commander of the South, you look fierce and I love you already
"Celebrimbor and the secrets of his craft are safe." The fuck they are, Gil-galad. Those words will come to bite you in the arse and Celebrimbor will suffer for it
also Galadriel being cryptic again and not speaking plainly, I swear she does not learn
where is Elrond for I much desire to see him
"... waters running dry." That's the rivers you just mentioned shielding Eregion, Gil-galad. Wake up and get Celebrimbor out of there for fuck's sake
also gentle reminder, Halbrand has also gained Celebrimbor's trust in case we've all forgotten that. He's even more susceptible because no one bothers to tell him anything and he has no idea what's going on. Let's stop worrying about Galadriel and start worrying about our favourite smith, okay?
lol the way Galadriel still calls him Halbrand and Gil-galad will have none of it. Glad he's got some common sense left
"Supposing I was not alone." Don't you dare drag Elrond into this, babygirl, don't you fucking dare
Celebrimbor denying Sauron entry - yesssss!
but it's not because of the message of warning, but because he promised Galadriel. This is not good. This is very not good
"Messengers from Lindon shall arrive with news any day." No they won't. Dammit
epic riding scene is epic
I see Ciaran Hinds has exchanged the terrors of the Arctic for the deserts of Rhun (seriously though, I have loved him since HBO's Rome and am always happy to see him - now I also need Tobias Menzies to be cast)
loving the moth magic
I'm taking it back. It's that crazy magic lady from s1 (though I do love that her cloak looks like moth wings from behind)
what was that growling noise?
no no no, we're not slaughtering any halflings here, I forbid it
"No one can give you a name." That's a very powerful message
I love the harfoots' ability to hide in a matter of second and I'm glad we're seeing more of it
oh no, I've just realised Moria darkening means the tree in Durin and Disa's home will probably be dying. Nooooo
yes, Disa, you tell them not to trash talk your husband and adopted son
oh no the stone singing is no longer working wtf
this is what's going to make them susceptible to Sauron, right? Their desperation to save their realm. Fuck
Disa being the voice of reason. I love her. I met Sophia last year (and Owain as well) and she shines just as beautifully as her character does
oh I feel those blisters, Durin. I got one on my thumb on a dig in Poland once and made the mistake of washing my hands after it had opened. I think I jumped three feet into the air in pain (and then proceeded to shower with my hand held above my head for a week afterwards because fuck those things hurt)
"Climb off your high peak" - I love that! Very fitting for the dwarves
and yep, here's Galadriel dragging Elrond into her mess. I knew it
not Elrond thinking he's no better than a dog - worse yet because he has his own mind and doesn't follow orders blindly. My boy has been disappointed by everyone around him and is seeking solace in shipcraft and I am not okay
"And why would he think that?" Oooooh I love salty Elrond
"And now he's done the same to Gil-galad and every elf in Lindon." I feel like this is poignant and deliberate because Elrond is not an elf. He's a half-elf and this line clearly shows how apart he feels from his people
Elrond holding onto his beliefs even though everyone is against him - someone hug him, please
no Galadriel, don't you guilt-trip him into this. Thank Eru Elrond sees it for what it is.
oh Elrond is not okay. Look at the pain on his face when Galadriel has left. My heart
okay, I see where Cirdan is coming from but why can't even one person tell Elrond that he is right to worry? He does not just fear the power of the rings. He fears Sauron's influence on them, and on Galadriel who bears one of them. What the fuck is he supposed to do if Galadriel goes full on dark queen like Sauron wants her to? He does not have a ring to counter her power, and we have already seen that his words mean nothing to any of the ring bearers.
have I mentioned that I love Poppy? Because I do. She's the best and not happy at all about dragging her tall friend through the desert
oh shit that bell ringing is not good
yep that did not take long
lol not me waiting for Imhotep's face to appear in the sandstorm
that new staff did not last long, did it?
no no no, Nori and Poppy can't be blown away wtf
ooooooh Ithildin?
YES ITHILDIN! Are we going to see the creation of the Doors of Moria?
the way Celebrimbor can't stop thinking about Halbrand. Just like Galadriel. Ugh this is so painful to watch
and of course Sauron exploits every weakness of Celebrimbor's because he knows him and knows exactly what chains to yank
Charles Edwards the actor you are. Celebrimbor's emotional reaction is everything
lol Celebrimbor going straight to the (First Age) bottle to celebrate
there will be fics about this, won't there?
no, Celebrimbor, you are not his friend, do you hear me? You are not
aaaaah and here the idea of the Nine gets planted
oh fuck, the silence in the dark tower is scary
I know everyone was making fun of him having the same face as Halbrand but given how he reveals himself to Celebrimbor it makes so much sense and i love it
"I am your partner." Annatar beginning to seduce his next future ex
but oh how it pains me to hear the "sharer of gift" line
oh Elrond's new tunic is gorgeous
Elrond leading the company? Fuck yes. And of course Galadriel is not happy about it because it always has to be her way or no way
no no no not the dwarves going to Eregion
but also yes because that means Elrond und Durin (and hopefully Disa as well) will reunite and I need that to happen
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fannyspammy · 1 year
all the girlies talking about Barbie & the Eras Tour healing their inner child meanwhile 10 yr old me would have SCREAMED witnessing the making of Mordor & the forging of the 3 rings
not to mention seeing Aragorn’s ancestors & like the actual Man™️ who will one day cut the ring from Sauron’s hand like WHAT??
seeing Halbrand save Elendil??? like bb u just ensured ur own doom 😭
I know it’s not canon but Gandalf’s first encounter with hobbits??? which explains his undying love for them???? Insane
And the galadriel backstory???? which adds so much more to her temptation with the ring?? wow
elrond being friends with durin & seeing khazad-dûm in its prime???? WOW
My inner child is SO happy rn
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meohme-thedorklord · 1 year
Happy Share A Hug Day, I guess? 🤷‍♀️
...And it had to be pink!
Having Sauron (to some known as babygirl Halbrand) believe that he was going to the cinema to see Barbie the Movie  was crucial if commander Galadriel was to lure the Dork Lord out of Mordor
(the op's codename remains a mystery though 👀)
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