#happy junhyung day
xplzdontbesadx · 6 months
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Happy birthday to my dear ultimate bias, Yong Junhyung 😍❤
He has released a new digital single for his birthday and i absolutely love it! When i first listened to it i had goosebumps and tears in my eyes. It might just be my favorite release this year 😭😍❤
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Happy JunJi Day! 💜
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So proud of Kim JunHyung and all his hard work! Can’t to see what his 26th year brings to the world. Happy Birthday, honey, we love you.
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hanakotsugumi · 2 months
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We love you 🤩 Happy birthday!
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strayingtogether · 1 year
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230306 © Jessica
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silentstreet · 6 months
My season greetings arrived!!
Also got a Mill pob!!
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seouldreams14 · 5 months
Heyy! Saw your post about hyuna, what is the lore with that guy? Besides obviously that he’s a criminal
Idk if this is a genuine question but I'm gonna answer it as such but tldr: I initially said that because people were comparing him to Dawn when him and Hyuna have known each other their entire careers and newer kpop fans don't know who Junhyung is so they are confused wondering how they know each other/calling him a rebound
But 1st Junhyung isn't a criminal, not excusing anything but he was never charged with anything he was a witness and bystander in the Molka situation (which a lot of people are confusing for Burning Sun because they happened around the same time but different situations). Basically Junhyung was friends with Jung Joon Yung (which a lot of people think IS Junhyung but no different guys) who was found to have a group chat spreading around illegal videos taken of men sleeping with women without their consent. Junhyung being friends with him was accused of being in the group chat, he denied it, then when the police got a warrant for his phone history it came out that he WASN'T in the infamous group chat HOWEVER! He was in a solo chat with JJY and was sent an illegal video of him sleeping with a girl. In the end he was a witness and bystander who didn't come forward with that information, which is bad of course.
I have mixed feelings about it because I was a fan of his for over a decade and was extremely disappointed in him. He admitted what he did was wrong and he should've come forward with it when it happened but yeah.... Its just a hard topic I hate him for it but at the same time idk complex feelings
Long post because I ended up writing more than I intended to... but hey 15ish years of history am I right?
Now the LORE with Hyuna and Junhyung is that they debuted around the same time in 4minute and Beast under the same company, Cube. He was featured in her solo debut song: Change. They also were paired together A LOT in Cube family performances because they had similar positions in their group (rappers). They basically became really good friends:
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They were so close in a way you don't see kpop idols do now and days with the opposite sex and of course people began to ship them because it seemed like they were flirting.
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Then Junhyung began dating Goo Hara and Hyuna joined a sub-unit called Troublemaker with his bandmate at the time, Hyunseung. They kinda cooled on their friendship in the public, probably out of respect for his girlfriend and not wanting to be shipped with his friend. And Hyuna played up a stage relationship with Hyunseung to the point people thought THEY were dating but tbh It was probably an image thing. (funny story Junhyung came up with the name troublemakers lol)
So nothing was seen about them for YEARS even after him and Hara broke up, until like 2016? After 4minute disbanded Hyuna went solo and stayed with Cube, which is a whole long other tangent. But they appeared on a show together called "Happy together". Junhyung hated going on talk/variety shows because he's incredibly shy but he did it for once and it was with Hyuna so it was kind of a big deal. They still appeared close as friends and Hyuna tried to make him feel more comfortable on camera.
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Then Hyuna had a show called X19, which is kinda hard to find now and days, but it was a reality show to prepare for her new album. During it she had a meal with Junhyung where they talked openly and you got to see more of their friendship openly for the first time in ages. I mean if you watch that video of them eating I feel like you can tell he had feelings for her idk the way he looked at her... But in that chat they talked about the public pressure to be seen a certain way that is expected of them. For Hyuna it was being hyper sexual in her music and performances because that's what people expected of her. Junhyung says he wishes for her to stop doing what other people want and do what she wanted and that he hoped she could do something she enjoyed. Then she brings up the fact that he had promised to make a song for her (he is a writer, producer and composer) and he says "ah yeah it didn't turn out"
Anywayyys it was cute and if you were curious you could watch it here with subs
After this stretch of promo with them (they also attended a fashion show together) Junhyung and the remaining members of Beast would leave Cube ent and start their own company and change their name to Highlight. This would be the last we'd see of them together publicly until well... now
I'm sure I don't have to tell people about her and Dawn and their history but they started dating after Junhyung left Cube.
There's a lot more to the lore like other collabs they did, the songs they released that seemed to be about each other (mainly from his side) but that's probably just going into delulu land so I'll avoid that.
But yeah If you read this far thanks for listening to me ramble and try to explain 15ish years of lore as brief as possible.
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
[1.56] dad!hongjoong × reader
⇀ he needs to work on his work-life balance
It had been hours since he started working, but Hongjoong still hasn't made a peep. You weren't surprised. Hongjoong has this tendency to go into a space in his head when he's working. Specifically, when he's inspired. There were days when he was so into his work that he wouldn't leave his home office for days on end.
You finished your chores at around 11 pm, it had been roughly 2 hours since you started cleaning up. The tiredness appeared just as you put the mop away in the broom closet but still, the first thing you thought was to check on the children. Juri and Junhyung share a room. As they were still little, they were adamant about rooming together. Well, Juri demanded to room together with Junhyung and Junhyung aided his sister by pouting and stomping his foot to make a point. So of course you and Hongjoong obliged, you just want them to be happy.
Slowly opening the door to their room, you tried your best not to make any sounds to not wake either one. You peeked your head in to see your kids. On the right side of the room, the one with green walls is Junhyung's side. He was tucked in his bed, sleeping with his mouth gaping open as he let snores past his mouth. Your heart melts at how much he resembles Hongjoong even down to the way he snores.
After getting enough of your baby boy, you turned to look for your baby girl only to find her bed missing. Furrowing your eyebrows, you turn to look for Juri in your and Hongjoong's shared room. But alas, she wasn't there as well.
Despite not wanting to bother him, you need to make sure that Juri is safe, so you went carefully open Hongjoong's home studio.
Your husband had his back on you, his headphones on as his focus were 100% on the task before him. On the couch behind him, however, laid your daughter Juri. She had her head on one of the armrests, curled up with her bunny plushie in her arms and the afghan you got Hongjoong for his home studio wrapped around her body. Knowing that she wouldn't be much comfortable, you stepped into the room to take Juri back to her room.
Just as you managed to get Juri into your arms, you felt an arm wrapping gently around your waist. You look down to see Hongjoong grinning softly at you with his headphones now resting on his shoulders, "She wanted to accompany me composing," he paused his sentence to yawn a little and you couldn't help but run a hand through his hair, "You look tired Joong. You should really stop and go to sleep," you told him, worry evident in your voice. Hongjoong sleepily nodded and mumbled something along the line of "I'll finish this up and sleep soon," but you know that there's a possibility that he didn't even know what he was saying. So you decided to just leave him so he can really finish up early. Before leaving, you leaned down to peck his forehead and so that he could ruffle Juri's hair which caused her to stir a little in her sleep.
As you put Juri down on her bed, you heard a soft voice calling out to you from the other bed. When you turned around, you saw Junhyung reaching his hand out to you sleepily, eyes still closed, and the side of his face firmly pressed onto his pillow. After tucking Juri, you moved to sit by Junhyung's bed and gently stroked his hair, "Yes, baby?" In return, Junhyung reached around until he got to your cheek and began tapping softly, like how he saw his dad usually do, "Where's daddy?" "Daddy's working, baby. Go to sleep, you'll see him in the morning," you told him. Junhyung nodded slowly before drifting back to sleep quick.
Leaving their room, you saw from the clock on the wall that it was nearing 12 am. You could try to convince Hongjoong to sleep again, but that seemed futile. You argued to yourself that he'll come to bed when he's ready. It's not like he's a child that needed to be reminded of his bedtime. He's perfectly capable of deciding when to sleep for himself. And with that, you retreated into your shared room to sleep.
It wasn't until a little over 1 am when one of the doors in the house opened and closed softly. The soft pitter-patter of footsteps on the wooden floor rang through the silence of the night followed by another door opened and loosely closed.
Though sleepy, Hongjoong was still bopping his head to the beat made. Despite being able to hear everything as he had abandoned his headphones, it took him a solid 5 minutes to realize that there was someone standing next to his desk, staring at the seemingly gigantic computer screen. When he finally took notice of his boy standing, staring blankly up at the screen with his green frog plushie in his hand, Hongjoong jumped up from his seat in surprise, yelping.
Junhyung turned his head to his dad and blinked innocently, "Daddy work?" he asked. Hongjoong was still trying to calm his heart down, having received one of the biggest shocks in his life, he still don't know if the boy in front of him is real or not. Concluding that he must've been, Hongjoong reached forward to put his son on his lap. The boy immediately wrapped his arms around his dad and rested his head on his shoulder. "Yes, daddy is still working," Hongjoong answered. At the answer, Junhyung pouted and shook his head, an action that Hongjoong mistook as him nuzzling his face, "Daddy sleep," he demanded, "Daddy tired." Hongjoong only chuckled and nodded, "Okay okay, daddy will sleep in a bit. You want daddy to tuck you back in bed?" he offered. The boy let out a loud whine and clung to his dad tighter in retaliation. "Oh, okay, okay, okay, you can stay with daddy," Hongjoong chuckled, surprised.
The poor boy tried his best to stay awake as he wanted to accompany his dad working. Alas, the beats from the speaker and the sound of his dad's mouse and keyboard clicking only lulled him to sleep even more. He kept falling asleep and waking right back up abruptly multiple times. Junhyung was so determined but he was so comfortable. His dad was so comfortable.
When Hongjoong looked down, he saw that Junhyung was fighting not to sleep so hard. His eyes fluttered and his grip on his frog plushie loosen and tighten every so often. The sight made Hongjoong chuckle in amusement, "Looks like my work buddy is tired, huh?" he said, gaining Junhyung's attention, "I think we can take a break for the night, don't you think?" he said, quickly saving all his progress so far before switching to a lo-fi music video on youtube.
Carefully, Hongjoong lifted Junhyung up and carried him over to the couch. Hongjoong expertly pulled on the couch cushion with his foot to turn it into a semi-bed. He then managed to carefully lay both himself and his son down on the bed carefully. Even after being laid down, Junhyung crawled closer and draped an arm and a leg over Hongjoong, seemingly for comfort, but Junhyung wanted to make sure that his dad won't go back to his work chair. Maybe he didn't realize that he was too little to actually prevent his dad from moving away, but Hongjoong knew that because his son did that, he couldn't go anywhere. Not that he's complaining.
Pulling Junhyung tighter to him, Hongjoong draped the afghan over them both. The afghan wasn't big enough, but Junhyung felt very much comfortable being so close to his dad and soon sleep took over the both of him.
The next day, when you realized that Hongjoong never came to bed, you discovered both of your boys on the small couch-bed, a mess of tangled arms and legs, and the afghan on the floor, but you can't get over the fact that they were both holding onto each other through their slumber.
permanent taglist :
@rdiamond2727 @bobateastay @ikonic-loser @kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @skzatzloveismonsterous @memorymonster @forapollosol @dreamlesswonder86 @maddiebabyxoxo @imababywolf @do-you-actually-care @marievllr-abg @ilsedingsx @wasteitonserendipity @bbymatz @seonghwarizon @noonaishere @jo-hwaberry @honeyhwaaa @ateezourstars @yoonjunshi @yoongiigolden @camillelafaye @charreddonuts @jcngh0-hq @kpopnightingale @starryunho @atinct @cutie-wooyo @mirror-juliet @hyuckilstan @jayb17 @multihoe-net @kpoplover718
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jungwookjins · 2 years
underground idol #3, sin & lust, and that painting on junji's shirt
happy underground idol #3 first teaser day lyons!! so while we're all still reeling from the new hair, here's even more info
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at first, i thought the painting on junhyung's was one of the crucifixion of christ which is already a good sign bc ooo + religious imagery is already suchhh a combo, but!!
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(tag via @marginalias)
turns out, yes! it is indeed the temptation of saint anthony by félicien rops which is even better than just a regular crucifixion of christ imo
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saint anthony/anthony the great (251-356) was a christian ascetic who is regarded as the father of all monks. there are accounts of his travel through the desert in egypt that tell of him facing supernatural temptations. this has been the subject of a lot of art, rops' painting being one such example
the different works about the temptation of saint anthony cover a lot of different sources of temptation, but rops' is one clearly about lust and sexual temptation (as is a lot of rops' work)
in the painting, jesus has been removed from the cross by a devil and is now behind it in the painting. in his place is now a naked woman, with a look of triumph on her face, representing the devotion to faith/god being replaced by lust and sins of the flesh
the inscription at the top of the cross, which is supposed to read INRI (Iēsus nazarēnus, rēx Iūdaeōrum = jesus the nazarene, king of the jews), now reads EROS, greek god of passion and fertility embodying the concept of erotic love. the book in front of st anthony is de continentia josephi, about the abstinence of joseph (one of the 12 sons of jacob described in the book of genesis)
and while the themes of temptation, sin, and lust already have a very clear connection to past ooo concepts (sage, libido, tear of god, etc), there's a bit more too.
as much as we all hate freud, his work on sexuality obviously served as part of the inspiration behind the instinct saga
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and in his essay delusion and dream in jensen's gradiva, he mentions rops' specific rendition of the temptation of saint anthony
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with the main point highlighted in both libido and freud's essay being that lust and desire returns (and returns stronger) in response to repression
(also as a tiny non-sequitur, perhaps the most famous painting of the temptation of st anthony is the one by dali, which also has a pretty big focus on the temptation of lust specifically. dali is referenced in the lyrics of picasso, and around the time dora maar was released, jisung and jaden teased a potential song about dali that was probably going to be for if surface m. given everything that has happened since then, it's possible the song has been scrapped, but it's also possible that it hasn't and regardless, clearly ooo has such a consistent artistic and conceptual thread through all their work)
there's much more to be said about the symbolism in the painting, but i'll leave it here for now today <3 already much to think abt when it comes to what we can expect now for junhyung's solo!!
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junhyungupdates-blog · 6 months
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[EXCLUSIVE/INTERVIEW] 121223 The scene when Yong Junhyung came to Taiwan was shocking/suprising. Fans are the biggest motivation, "trying hard to get better."
Korean singer Yong Junhyung is coming to Taiwan again after a break of four months and will hold a concert at Taipei Xinyi Theater Legacy MAX this Saturday (16th). In an exclusive interview with this newspaper in Seoul recently, he said that he was very happy to be able to perform in Taiwan in a short time. Fulfilling his promise of "coming to Taiwan as soon as possible" last time, it is even more meaningful during his birthday week. He will also present the first song "Fall Into Blue", which will be released on his birthday on the 19th, to Taiwanese fans. "In addition to the distance, Christmas is just around the corner. “I feel very happy to be able to have a wonderful ending with everyone at the end of the year. I will also bring the last energy of this year to the performance. I hope everyone will come and spend a happy time with me. ”.
Yong Junhyung quit his group "HIGHLIGHT" (formerly: BEAST) in 2019. After a gap period of nearly three years, he announced the establishment of his new company BLACK MADE Entertainment. He held his first overseas performance in Taiwan in August this year. "The first reason I met overseas fans again was because of the existence of Taiwanese fans. This alone left a deep impression on me." He also admitted that before going on stage, he was more worried than excited, "Afraid of taking too long. It will be awkward for us not to meet each other, but the energy given by fans to me is much more than I imagined. It is a new album that was released not long ago, but the songs in it can still be sung loudly. I am very touched and have left a big impression in my heart. "Shocking", the scene at that time is still unforgettable.
Fans have always been his biggest motivation to move forward. Yong Junhyung said, "Everyone who had been waiting, supporting and giving me the strength to "get better." He also said that he is not good at expressing his feelings and often cannot respond immediately. Fans apologized for their love for him, but emphasized that they were trying hard to show it. Indeed, many people had shared that he would click on or even forward content that fans tagged him on IG. He said embarrassedly, "But occasionally I still see it. Fans said, "Why don't you read what I posted?" I will try my best to find more and read more, so I recently opened a chat software (fromm) that can communicate more with fans." At the same time, he revealed his desire to stand up His thoughts on the stage, "After meeting the fans, the emotions of regret and reluctance became stronger. Every time after the performance, I seemed to be eager to go to more places to meet the fans. I really wanted to have more." performance opportunities, so I want to continue to produce good music, which should be my most urgent thing at the moment."
When he was interviewed in Taiwan last time, he mentioned that he started to exercise in the gym for physical, mental and spiritual health. Yong Junhyung smiled and revealed: "But I am a little tired of heavy training these days. It does not mean that I have become lazy, but I am just in a transition period. , I want to find other interesting sports. If the weather is nice, I will occasionally go hiking, and I have also started bowling again." Then he shared that recently, rather than going to the studio, I often create at home with my guitar, "This time the new song adds the unique sensibility of the guitar, and also integrates winter elements into the song well. I hope everyone can feel it when listening to it." He also revealed that when encountering creative bottlenecks, in addition to letting himself take a rest first In addition, I occasionally look for inspiration through movies or TV series. Recently, I watched the movie "Believer 2" starring Zhao Zhenxiong, Cha Seung-won, and Han Hyo-joo on Netflix.
Yong Junhyung has composed hundreds of hits in the 14 years since his debut. In 2019, Yong Junhyung became a formal member of the Korean Music Copyright Association (KOMCA). He mentioned that he had previously said that instead of catering to the mass market before, he now wants to tell his inner story. Explaining, "When making music, if you are always concerned about the outside world's perspective, you will easily lose your direction. However, it does not mean that you are stubborn and completely ignore the audience's feelings. Of course, it still has to sound good and satisfy the audience. This is the basic Yes, this time I want to add what I want to say on this basis. I want to share some of my past feelings and emotions more comfortably. When listening, you will miss the past, but I have tried to make it not sound too old-school. "I have made some efforts", and I am indeed more relaxed when creating this time than before. "I don't have too many complicated ideas in my mind. I think if you write songs while worrying, the listeners can actually feel it, so I want to use made with a relaxed attitude, I hope everyone will like it."
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my-obsess-shin · 1 year
JunHyung: Your leader boyfriend has been exhausted from taking care of you, his workout routine, and leading Ghost9 to success. His eyelids flutter shut as he sits next to you on the train, sleep threatening to overtake him. You feel a thump as his head hits your shoulder and your heartbeat speeds. He would want you to wake him but you can’t bring yourself to do it and let him doze peacefully for a few minutes, trying to be as still as possible. When the train lurches to a stop, his head rockets off your shoulder.
“Did I fall asleep?” he asks, a blush creeping over his face. He isn’t embarrassed by the PDA, just that he may have inconvenienced you.
“Only for a bit. It’s okay, you were tired.” You reply with a giggle. He smiles at you, lighting up the train car.
“Well, I know who I can lean on now, I guess.” He says, with a nudge of his shoulder against yours.
Shin: Your boyfriend Shin looks worse for wear sitting beside you in the coffee shop. You’re worried of course, but he isn’t one to admit he needs help since he is so busy mothering everyone else. And as the main dancer, he has been working tirelessly to perfect their new choreography. His head bobs forward, then lurches back up as he takes a deep inhale, trying to will himself not to fall asleep.
“We didn’t have to come out today.” You assure him, but he shakes his head back.
“No, we haven’t been able to spend much time together lately. Coming out with you today was really important to me.” He assures you and you smile at him. He is always putting others before himself. You’re picking at the slice of cake in front of you when suddenly you feel him leaning against you, his head fallen forward as his breathing comes in the steady rhythm of sleep. You shake your head at him and gently nugde him awake. His ears turn red as he realizes he fell asleep.
“We can pack up these cakes to go and go rest a bit at my house?” You suggest, knowing he won’t do it if he thinks you don’t want to. He studies your face for a moment, looking for a hint of disappoint, but can’t find any because you’re just happy to spend time with him, no matter where it is. Finally, he nods back.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” He smiles at you.
KangSung: Your usually energetic boyfriend doesn’t seem like himself today. On a normal day, it’s hard for you to keep up with him, but today it feels like you’re pulling him along as you walk through the park. You halt in your tracks and he cocks his head at you, looking more like a puppy than the squirrel he is associated with.
“Are you feeling okay?” You ask, trying to look into his eyes so he can’t lie to you. He looks at the ground anyway.
“I’m fine! Nothing to worry about at all!” he tries to assure you, but an unexpected yawn betrays him. You cross your arms and raise an eyebrow at him.
“I’m just really sleepy. JunHyung has been putting us through the ringer with training lately.” He pouts a little as he massages the muscles in his arms. You pull him over to a nearby bench.
“Let’s rest here for a bit, love.” You tell him. At first, he seems disgruntled at himself, not liking that he can’t give you the attention he normally does. However it isn’t long before he lays his head down in your lap, the warm sun and touch of your fingers in his hair lulling him to sleep. He isn’t embarrassed at all as he lays there, the comfort of your presence finally allowing him to take the rest he desperately needed.
JunSeong: You’re so excited that your boyfriend Junseong finally has a day off of work to take you to the movies. He seems just as excited, grinning at you and asking you what you think will happen. After buying the popcorn and finding your seats, he turns to you, suddenly serious.
“I’m really sorry I haven’t had as much free time lately. I hope tonight makes up for it some.” He says, taking your hand lightly. You smile at him and give his hand a gentle squeeze back.
“I knew what I signed up for. Your work is hard. I’m just proud of you for giving it your all.” You reply. He beams at you, and as the trailers start, you both settle into the seats. The commercials are hardly over when you feel a gentle plop of your shoulder. At first you think he is just resting his head, but you notice his faint soft snores before long. You debate waking him up. He’s been so excited to see this film, but knowing he could barely keep his eyes open, you decide against it, letting him sleep. As the movie ends, you nudge him awake and he sits up with a start.
“Is the movie starting?” He asked, looking around. You laugh gently.
“It just ended. I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up.” You tell him. He looks at you sadly for a moment and you’re almost afraid he is going to cry.
“I’m sorry, if I’d known you wanted to see it that badly, I would have woken you up.” you tell him, brushing his hair off his forehead. He pouts.
“It’s not that, I was just excited to see it with you!” He exclaims, looking down at his hands. You can’t hold back laughter, looking at him like that.
“Then I guess we have an excuse to come back on another date.” You tell him with another squeeze of his hand.
WooJin: You went to meet your boyfriend WooJin at the soccer field. It was his favorite way to relax on his day off. You see him wave excitedly at you and your heart speeds up, seeing him flip his sweaty hair out of his face as he jogs over to you.
“How was the match?” you ask, handing him a recovery drink. He takes it gratefully and downs a big sip before replying.
“It was a tough match. We won in the end though.” He tells you proudly and you laugh.
“I expect nothing less from my soccer star. Do you want to relax here for a bit before heading home?” You ask, gesturing at the now clear grassy field, and he nods in approval. As you both sit in the soft grass, enjoying the sun, you see WooJin’s eyes start to lower like a sleepy cat in the sun. You start wondering to yourself how long he can fight against the sleep, but it isn’t long before he lays back on the grass, sleep overtaking him. You shake your head as you slide his head onto your lap, giving him some sort of pillow. After some time, his eyes flutter open and he stretches as he looks at you. Suddenly he realizes the position he is in and sits up quickly.
“Good morning.” You tease and he blushes furiously.
“I wasn’t asleep. I was just resting my eyes for a moment.” He tries to defend himself, but you know better.
“Whatever you say love, but remember, it’s ok to lean on me too.” You tell him, pushing his hair back one last time.
Prince: Your boyfriend Prince knew you loved stargazing, and with the meteor shower coming up, he had planned a whole evening of it, with a picnic midnight snack and everything. He led you through the field where other couples and families laid, waiting to catch a glimpse of the falling stars. You were ecstatic, your body near humming at the thought of not only experiencing this event, but doing it with him. He set up the blanket, poured you both a mug of cocoa and pulled you back into his arms. It would be a while before the shower started so you leaned into him for a moment, feeling his chin drop to the top of your head. You thought he was just getting comfortable, but before long, a gently snore echoes in your ear. You look at his body posture, knowing it can’t be comfortable, and sit up, waking him as you move.
“Let’s switch spots.” You offer. He shakes his head at you.
“I want you to be comfortable.” He protests, trying to pull you back into his arms, but you push against him.
“Love, I don’t plan on falling asleep, and I want you to be comfortable if you do.” You try to convince him. He thinks about it for a moment before sighing, realizing he can’t trust himself to stay awake. You pull him back into your chest, running your fingers through his hair, and it isn’t long before you hear his gentle snores begin again. You smile to yourself, grateful he feels so at ease with you.
JinWoo: You’ve had a crush on JinWoo since you were both in high school last year. You had both since graduated, and this was the first time you would be seeing each other since then. You were certain his life was exhausting with the work he was doing as an idol and your heart fluttered at the thought of him taking time to see you and go to karaoke tonight when he could be resting. You arrive at the karaoke room and he is waiting for you. He looks tired and suddenly your heart pulls, almost wishing he had chosen to rest instead. Your other friends from school are already inside, queing up songs. After a while, you notice his eyes drooping as he fights sleep and you scoot over to him.
“It’s a little loud in here. Do you want to go outside with me?” You offer. He looks at you gratefully and nods, rubbing his eyes. As you make your way to the bench outfront you turn to JinWoo and smile.
“I’ve been watching you work. I’m so proud of you.” You confess, stumbling over your words. He blushes.
“Really? You mean you’ve been looking after Ghost9?” He seems astonished and you blush.
“I have. You’re all really good. You especially.” You say quietly. It wasn’t long after sitting together, you feel the pressure of his arm leaning against yours and his breathing coming in long steady breaths. You decide to let him rest. It doesn’t matter to you how you spend time together, just so long as you do. After a while, your phone rings. One of your friends is letting you know they wrapped up karaoke. You softly jostle JinWoo to wake him up, and he rubs his eyes as he looks at you sleepily.
“Thank you for letting me rest on you.” He says quietly. You think that will be the end of it, but as you stand to return to your friends, he slides his hand into yours, giving it a gentle squeeze and making your heart flutter.
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xplzdontbesadx · 1 year
Yong Junhyung Studio NEON “Emojiview” 😍❤️
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
happy birthday worstie sunghotual cowboytual moaitual enemytual of enemytuals!!!! hope u have a great day and junhyung finally has his cowboy debut for iri month !! it's been a pleasure to discuss men boobs, moais, seungwoo, cats etc etc for the past idk how long but as much as u make me suffer i must admit u r fun :/ unfortunately for u i didn't have time to prepare anything cursed this year tho i rlly should've sorry for letting u down 😔😔 hope u still remember and hate my bday present from last year as much as i loved making it tho ❤️ happy birthday my fucked up abhorrent little meow meow!!!!!!! 🤠🗿
omg that's me im the cowboytual and . enemytual !!! literally how dare u call me sunghotual on my real actual day of birth tho feels so rude :// HDJD OMG I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE THAT JUNHYUNG WILL BE THE AUGUST MAN I SUPPOSE I REALLY AM THAT OUT OF IT DJRKFK PLS COWBOY DEBUT!!! so tru tragically as enemies we come as a package deal the pauliri braincell must live on into eternity who else is gonna have the only correct ooo theories 😔😔💔 i do still despise that "gift" BDJDKDK thank u so much mortal enemy 😔🤢💗
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venusdear · 9 months
dongwoon didnt announce the exact day, he only said it was in september. today is the 9th of 30 days, so that's a 30% chance he already got married XD
saaaame ugh reading and writing >>>>>
it's day 290 without to1 cb and getherland is dying. one member, chan, turned out to be racist/problematic so we all hate him now. he dropped a new song and i listened to it out of curiosity. it was HORRIBLE. at least junhyung (who was the rapper of highlight) doesnt SCREAM the lyrics to all his songs. stan yong junhyung for a happy life <3
also yes, suit gikwang is beautiful. ive got several more pics from then AS WELL AS THESE PICS FROM 6 YEARS AGO. BUT IDC HE LOOKED BEAUTIFULLLLL. heres one pic:
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just this one motherfucking picture and i was freaking out so much. im gonna cry so much. he could rob my (hypothetical) store and i wouldnt even notice and when i did id be like thank u so much now do u want to endorse my store in order to boost sales.
i have like one draft of the story, the characters, and BARELY ANY PLOT LMFAO. the main character debuts in a group but tf happens after that?
i'll either dm you the drafts along with some highlight pics and vids and song recs (songs from hl and other groups) or ill post them on my gikwangsleftnostril side blog. ill probably do a couple more gikwang photo dumps as well
i have like 10x more pics of gikwang on my phone than i do of the other 3 members and junhyung. i have a fkin pROBLEM OMG-
AWEEE DONGWOON #MARRIED i wonder if he'll be like those husbands who say #marriedlife #thankfultomywife #newlywed
READING AND WRITING IS SO FUN LIKE UHWEDWEI how do you NOT fall in love with reading 😭😭 and ppl are always like "it's soooooo boring" i still don't get that
omg i've missed talking to you emmie 😭😭 i have been coping with school 😻 school is so fun (i'm lying through my teeth and i have been sick for a whole week and had the worst two weeks of my life)
pov: emmie letting gikwang steal from her store (me watching it all happen)
WEHIUWHEUED me with my biases!!!
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enterenews · 1 year
Two Big Kim Ji-hwan, getting married today
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Jihwan Kim of the male duo 2BiC is getting married.
Kim Ji-hwan recently posted a picture taken with his bride-to-be on his Instagram and wrote, "I'm getting married. This Saturday. I'll be happy, so you guys should be happy too!"
On the morning of the 7th, after posting a photo of her proposal, she said to the bride-to-be, “I’m sorry I didn’t propose until the day before the wedding.
According to Star Today's report, Kim Ji-hwan is getting married to a non-celebrity lover somewhere in Seoul. The congratulatory speech will be given by composer Cho Young-soo, and the congratulatory song will be sung by Kim Ji-hwan himself.
Debuting in 2012 with the single album 'Another Woman Cry', 2BiC consists of two members, Jihwan and Junhyung. Produced by composer Cho Young-soo, the talented group drew attention and loved with songs such as 'I guess you're busy these days', 'I'm in love', 'Your eyes, your nose, your lips' (Feat. 79), and 'Love Again' (Feat. Ailee). received.
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timetraveler97 · 2 years
My First Kiss
This is really embarassing for me but I need to tell you.
I was in 15 years old in high school when I started to talk to this boy. Let's call him Brian.
Brian was in my friend's art class and he was already strong in the dating game. He played guitar, bass AND he was in a band. Your mother will tell you "Don't date this guy". Well she's right. DON'T DATE THIS GUY!
My friend Anna gave Brian my number and he started messaging me. Our first "date" was a lunchbreak together... Yes when you're 15 you call a lot of things a date. Then at one random afternoon, he said he wanted to come over for "studying" (god, was i stupid) But I didn't know any better so I agreed and he came over and he brought his guitar.
Well we never studied. We sat on my couch and talked and it was actually really nice. Then he said "I'm gonna do something that I wanted to do for a long time" (he definetly stole this line from some high school movie.. But I fell for it of course) So he leaned in and kissed me.
After a few dates he already started telling me that he has strong feelings for me and he even said he loves me (Red Flag Alert) Somehow I was smart at this point and I told him that I don't think this is a good idea. 
And then... He started dating my best friend. 
She also fell for it at first but quickly realised that he is full of it.
He dated a bunch of other girls inbetween until we met again. At prom (of course)
After prom he started messaging me again, saying that he enjoyed seeing how much fun I had and I fell for it again. We were making out at "dates" a couple of times until he behaved kind of differently. And then he posted a picture of another girl on his facebook. He said he lost a bet and they are not together I shouldn't worry (haha). But I was young and dumb, So I believed him. 
After a while he invited me to see his band perform at this local club. I made a sign for him like a good girlfriend would. He was happy and he had something to brag about infront of his bandmates. But I noticed some purple spots on his neck... I asked him about them and he said "I fell" alright... on your neck??? But I was too insecure to say something because I didn't want to lose him. But I did anyway because after the concert.. He ghosted me and a week later he posted THAT girl everywhere, making an official statement that they are in a relationship.
Fun Fact: I burned his picture about 2 weeks later
Song that helped me through this: A Bitter Day - Hyuna, Junhyung & G.NA
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moonstruckkrp · 2 years
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Welcome to Moonstruck, we're thrilled to see you! You have 3 days to accept the friend request from Luna Lunaticus. Remember to post your introduction within 3 days and if you have any question at all, don't hesitate to ask. Happy roleplaying, hope you enjoy your stay with us. ♡
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