#happy republic day pics
ocibuloc · 11 days
Republic Day 2024 : 18 Must Know Facts । Important for students
Republic Day : Facts  and Various Q&A  Hey everyone! Excited to share with you an article filled with interesting Q&A about Republic Day in India. Whether you’re new to the topic or just want a quick refresher, this guide will unravel the significance of Republic Day and give you some cool insights into India’s history. Why will India’s Republic 2024 day be special? Special guest in 2024 to know…
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wickedwanchii · 7 months
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You already know I had to do something for these two dingbats (affectionate). Anyways, a friend of mine suggested a plane museum date and I couldn't not do it.
Nerd stuff below the cut --
So fun fact- the background was inspired by my personal favourite aviation museum, the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington, USA. In their WWII section, there are two planes facing each other: a Yakovlev-9U (Soviet) and a Republic P-47-D (American). Me, being the brain-rotted plane nerd I am, I wanted to draw something AmeRus related for Valentine's Day as an excuse to draw some planes.
The markings of the planes in the drawing aren't exact to the two planes you can see IRL, but the inspiration for the depicted versions are the restored Yak-9U Construction Number 0815346 and P-47 Serial Number 42-8205.
The Yak-9U is painted in the markings of Russian WWII ace, Gen Maesky, however this specific plane was restored in 1992 with no service history available prior to that. Restoration was completed in 1994, and the project used the original engine and propeller with the rest of the parts likely sourced from the Yak-9P or other miscellaneous manufacturing.
The P-47 has more documentation regarding its history since it was in active use up to the 70's and in the hands of a collector/restoration team after that. It was constructed in 1942 as a P-47D-2-RE and used by the USAAF under the SN 42-8205. Sometime around 1949, this plane was provided to the Bolivian Air Force under SN 007. It remained in service with the Fuerza Aerea Boliviana until 1976 when it was brought back to the US to be restored. In 1991, the "Big Stud 88" markings were applied, and it was finished in the marking style of Colonel Robert Baselers of the 325th Fighter Group, who were famous for their checkered tail paint scheme.
This is not the original Big Stud as flown by Col. Robert Baseler, it was just decorated with it's markings.
Anyways, here is a pic taken by yours truly of the IRL planes !!
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Might get spoiled so click at your own risk
Okay, this preview [X] makes everything clearer now
Just my takes if you will 😉 Spoiler ahead Spoiler ahead Spoiler ahead (just basing on all the previews I've seen)
This somehow put my heart at ease that atleast for our Gentlebeard/Blackbonnet will have a happy ending together as couple. Everything is in the episode description.
Episode 6 is pretty much that party on the boat. So my take too is wedding or pre-wedding party for Lucius and Black Pete. Then we have Ned Low crashing the party, torture involves. According to the preview - "they look to Blackbeard/Ed for the assist only to find Stede is more readily available", so it seems that Stede will be the one saving the day. I also think yes they will bang cause of those pics in bed ;) (and that's just right after the party crashing cause Stede's wound is already healed/healing)
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Episode 7, preview says:
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I think towards the end, Ed and Stede will somehow choose to separate for a while to clear their heads off and really think what they want (Ed wanting to retire while Stede continue the piracy). Hence the dress down of Ed. Maybe ep will end in a cliffhanger while the 2 are separated, British navy will attack the Republic of Pirates.
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Now for the final ep, what makes me kinda sure they will be together (which will happen in the beginning) is this scene where they were fighting the British navy and running towards each other. You can see the expression of Stede here, like he doesn't want to lose Ed again, never ever and vise versa. Also a lot of touching happening. I felt like they decided they don't ever wanna let go. Then just based on the preview again, everyone will team up and eventually win. As for Izzy, not quite sure if he got abducted or he's making a fuckery. And no I don't believe he will die.
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And I don't know but trust OFMD writers, I just know they are on our side, they won't give us everything we wanted and take it all in the end (fcking shame on me if they did tho 💔 Also if I'm not mistaken David said that he prepared an ending which is pretty much satisfying just in case they won't get a Season 3 renewal.
So that's it :) I've never really written a fanfic but everything is running in my mind.
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variousqueerthings · 5 months
Hiii! This question is kinda apropos of nothing but I’m curious: who is the person in your profile pic? Every time I scroll past it a little too fast I think it’s Alan Alda/Hawkeye haha
no worries (i think alan alda would be honoured, if i remember correctly, he mentioned meeting him once as a kid in his memoir). it's this fellow:
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his name was conrad veidt, a famous german actor of the weimar republic, later escaped to britain and then the us to get away from the nazis with his jewish wife, Ilona Prager. he also starred in two pro-jewish films shortly after the nazis came to power in 1933 (the wandering jew, and jew süss, but i confess i haven't watched these yet, so i cannot say how well they aged) -- generally did a few films that were about Social Issues that came down on the side of the oppressed, including the woman's crusade, and the merry-go-round, as well as... (see below)
famous for some very important movies: 1. played the lead in the first movie to openly portray gay men (anders als die andern), which was produced by magnus hirschfeld and the institute of sexology in a bid to get support for legalising homosexuality -- it's free on youtube! also 105 years old, can you believe... 2. played the somnambulist in the cabinet of dr caligari, and generally was every vamp-girls/boys dream back in the day, playing in a lot of the german expressionist films and proto-horror films, and generally not afraid to play offbeat, uncomfortable roles that weren't about being an attractive leading man (eerie tales, the hands of orlac, waxworks, the man who laughs) 3. after he moved to the us, he was very happy to portray nazis to give them realism, and he plays major heinrich strasser in casablanca in 1942 (his second-last film)
i believe he was in a total of 115 films, but quite a few of them between when he started in 1917 and 1930 are lost (der januskopf, i think of you often....murnau, bela lugosi, and conrad veidt, in an adaptation of jekyll and hyde??? arghhh)
other fun facts, did occasionally crossdress and in fact this may have contributed a little to his first divorce, as his wife found him and a bunch of his friends wearing dresses one night after she came back from work -- notably conrad was in her new dress. she told a friend that this was the breaking point, but it may have partially been a joke. they did divorce though
was also at one point called the prettiest girl in berlin in print, good for him
was probably bisexual, although having said that i've actually never read why people think this -- so for now, he was a mensch and a great ally to a lot of people, a little on the queerer side in all things
i do follow a fair few conrad veidt blogs on here, but i don't talk about him often, it's one of those "am a fan, but keeping it mostly to the chest" kind of things with him -- however, as you can tell, very happy to give the Info when asked!
that's the man, the girl, the pretty boy: mr conrad veidt!
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mmkin · 7 months
The lessons have been concluded...
I can't believe it happened, but the final chapter of my Tahnorra story, Lessons, has finally been updated! It's been a long time in the making, but I am pleased as punch to finish this story and give Tahno and Korra their sassy, happy ending. The final chapter can be found here on my AO3.
Content warning - definitely 18+/NSFW but all consensual, no trigger/content warnings.
Chapter mirrored under the pics and cut.
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Chapter 5 – Love Lessons
This chapter is set after Korra has had her full Bending ability restored.
Tahno trudged home after a long day of delivering messages. He had a better appreciation for the working man now, working all these shifts for minimum wage. It had felt weird moving back home, especially since his teenagehood had been tumultuous, and he fought with his parents quite when he was younger, but now he got along better with them. His parents had bought a small house a few years ago, and he sat in a wicker chair in the modest front yard, taking a breath of fresh air.
His mother came out, giving him some tea. He had to admit, it was nice having her fuss over him. He had been so used to being independent and supporting himself. He didn't want to be a mooch, but he had to admit, it was nice being 'mommied' again. He sipped his tea, thinking of Korra. It’d been months, but the memory of her had not faded. Nor did he think they would ever. He’d taken – and been taken by – the Avatar, and though he was older and more experienced than her, she’d taught him quite a few things in and out of the bedroom.
If Korra knew what Tahno was thinking about, she probably would have smiled. It was good to be back in Republic City. She was glad that she had finally started to understand how to access her past lives for help. If the spirit of Avatar Aang could restore her Bending and give her the knowledge to restore other people's Bending, she wondered how truly powerful the Avatar Spirit was. Anyway, she wanted to try to help restore the Bending to the people who lost theirs to Amon. It wasn't right for innocent people to have a part of them taken away. It would be a long time before the city was in balance again, but she wanted to try.
Korra remembered the promise that she told Tahno that if she ever figured out how to restore someone's Bending, she would let him know. "Naga, help me find Tahno," she instructed her polar beardog. Naga led Korra further inland, into an area that looked to be modest and middle-class, with houses lining much of the streets, dotted by an occasional grocer or other shop. A few Cabbage Cars and lower-end Satomobiles were parked on the sides of the road.
Tahno looked up as he heard someone's surprised yelp from a few doors down, and looked over the low wall that surrounded his parent's yard, eyes widening as he saw a familiar creature. "Korra!" he called out, waving. She smiled at him and waved back and led the beast over to him before she climbed off Naga.
"Naga, don't eat those." Korra scolded her dog as she sniffed some of the shrubs. He came through the gate and hugged her in a friendly way. "I'm really glad to see you again, Korra," he said warmly.
"It's good to see you too. I have good news. Would it be alright if I sit with you and talk?"
Tahno blinked. Did she mean… His heart started beating quite fast.
"Of course. Naga can come too, but there is not that much room in the yard, she will need to be careful." he cautioned as he led her within the walls. His mother, seeing he had a guest, brought some tea for Korra, He led her to the other wicker chair, sitting across from her. He looked different now, a little more worn but also with an appealing sense of maturity that replaced his cocky swagger. He was still in his delivery uniform.
“That time in the South Pole was what I needed. I finally connected with my past lives and Avatar Aang's spirit restored my Bending and gave me the knowledge to help restore other people's bending." she smiled. "Lin Bei Fong was the first person I tried this technique on and it worked! She can Barthbend again! You’re the first person that came to mind after I healed her."
He was silent for a moment, processing the fierce churn of emotions within him. He would get his Bending back! Yes! Finally! He tried to not seem too excited, and he took a deep breath, trying to be cool. "That is wonderful news, Korra. I'm really glad you got it back, and good for Lin, too."
"Well, would you like me to give you your Bending back?"
"I think you know the answer to that, don't you?"
She grinned and stood up. "Well, you're going to have to kneel for me," she smirked. "Oh, uh, don't be frightened when my eyes start to glow. I need my past lives to help me when I Energybend."
He nodded and got to his knees, it felt a bit weird since he had been in the same position when he was de-bended. He felt her thumb against his forehead, and her hand on his chest. He took a deep breath as she closed her eyes and summoned the help of her past lives to Energybend.
Somewhere deep within, he wasn't sure if it was his head or chest or elsewhere, but it felt like Korra had opened the block that Amon imposed on him, and he closed his eyes as he felt the tension release itself, like a dam that had been broken. The chi flowed through his body like water racing into dry channels, and he let out a short, shuddering moan, one that was almost of pleasure and relief.
His eyelids fluttered open, and he stared into bright blue eyes. Her thumb slid from his forehead so that she could cup the side of his face with that hand as she gave him a gentle smile. "Come on. Try to Waterbend."
Tahno looked around before he saw the teacups and flicked his wrist, The water in them rippled. He moved his fingers, and the water snaked out. Gods! It felt incredible! He flexed his fingers, causing the water to spin and writhe around them in a ribbon.
The water gently plopped back into the cups before he pulled her in for a bear hug. She buried her face against his shoulder, and they stood like this for several moments.
"It feels incredible to Waterbend again,” he sighed happily, knowing he was stating the obvious but it had to be said nonetheless.
“Oh, I know the feeling.” His body felt strong and warm, and she leaned into it.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” she admitted quietly before she looked back up at him. His hair was combed, hanging at the side of his face, a little longer than before. ”Hey, now that you have your Bending back, you can make your hair look fabulous again." she teased. “Pretty boy.”
"Ahh, I also missed you calling me that."
"And I missed hearing you call me, Uh-vatar."
"Uh-vatar." he said in a playful singsong tone.
"So what have you been up to these past months?" she asked as she took her seat again on the wicker chair.
"Well, I took a job as a deliveryman," he said, motioning to his uniform. "It doesn't pay as well as Pro-Bending, of course, but I've learned a thing or two about having a real job."
“Do you think you’ll return to Pro-Bending?”
He shrugged. "I'm not sure." Moving back in with his parents and taking a regular job was essentially starting a new life. Now that he had his Bending back… he knew one thing was for certain. He could not repeat the things he'd done in the past. Sure, he'd been young and stupid, but he'd still made conscious choices, and some of them had been pretty bad. It'd also been nice not dealing with the pressure of dealing with the public and paparazzi. In a way, coming here had been something of a detoxification process. Just because he had his Bending back didn't mean he needed to let toxic people back into his life.
Not that he hadn’t been a toxic person himself at times…
"I don't know. Maybe I could become a healer like my mother. It's a decent-paying job and I'll be able to help people. I’m not entirely sure I want to return to Pro-Bending," he admitted.
She nodded thoughtfully. “I guess that’s because of…” she trailed off, but both of them knew what she was talking about.
“If I do go back… and that’s a huge if, things are going to be different. I'm a little ashamed of the person I became."
“Just a little?” Korra asked dryly. He regarded her with a sheepish expression.
“I’m older and wiser, Korra.”
“Pfft. You’re not that old.”
"Gee, thanks." he grinned at her as he lightly touched her cheek.
"Hey, I'll still be around Republic City for a while. I got Avatar work to do, so maybe we can hang out more."
"I really would love that. I remember the day we spent at the beach.”
She smiled warmly at that. “Glad to see I’m not the only one who remembers that fondly.” They rose from their seats, and he gently kissed her forehead. She hugged him, and he wrapped his arms around her tightly, resting his chin on her head.
“I’ll see you around, then?” she asked as she pulled back.
"Of course. You know where I live, you can come bother me any time." he teased.
“See you later, pretty boy,” Korra said before she mounted Naga, and Tahno stood at the gate, watching them make their way down the road.
Tahno had been seeing Korra regularly, sometimes she came over to his parent's house, other times he took her out for dinner or walks, sometimes he took her out in his Satomobile, other times she would return the favor and take him around on Naga. Since he got his Bending back and wanted to make use of it, he was now shadowing an acquaintance of his mother's as an apprentice healer.
Korra rode on Naga to Tahno's place, wanting to spend the afternoon with him. She'd spent the morning at the Police Headquarters helping to restore the people's Bending. After a few, it was tiring. She knew it would take a while before she could undo all the damage the Amon had done to his victims. It was nice to get away from her Avatar duties and hang out with Tahno.
The man in question was meditating in the yard, and this time there were no shouts of alarm or surprise. So he did not become aware of his friend’s presence until Naga came along the wall that enclosed the yard, their shadow coming across his face and cutting off the sunlight that shone through his eyelids. He opened his eyes and grinned before he rose to his feet.
"What's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?" he asked with a grin before he rubbed Naga under her chin.
"Stopping by to spend time with you. How's your apprenticeship going?”
"Pretty good, actually," he said, talking a bit about his day and what he had learned. "I'm learning so much about Waterbending. It's opened my eyes," he admitted.
"I can imagine. I felt the same way when Master Katara started teaching me about using Waterbending to heal."
"So.,.. what did you want to do tonight?”
"How about we head to the beach? Maybe a moonlit swim?"
"Sounds like fun. Let me change into something more appropriate." And get something else, he thought as he went into the house. He came back out, looking a bit nicer, his hair was also in the waterfall that she knew and was fond of. he grinned up at her and let her help him onto Naga. Holding onto her, loving the feel of her body against his.
"You seem to be in a really good mood today," Korra commented as Naga ambled down the road.
"Oh, I am," he said as he rested his head against her shoulder. The beach greeted them with a pleasant vista, the afternoon sun hanging over the horizon as they slid off Naga and started taking off their boots and socks. He dug his toes into the sand as he listened to the waves crashing against the rocks and sand. Not only that but with his Bending restored, he could feel the water that surrounded him. It was much like a mother's embrace, encompassing and comforting.
The trio ambled down the beach, Naga occasionally darting forward to sniff at something or play in the water. He felt her hand seek out his own, and offered it, feeling her fingers intertwine with his. Pausing in his steps, he turned toward her.
"How do you feel about me?" he asked as he looked down at her. She blushed and blinked, regarding him with a smile.
"I enjoy spending time with you. I've seen you change as a person, and I'd say you're probably my closest friend."
"Really? I'm your friend?" he paused. "Is that all? I mean, I'm just curious, since we've been more than friends…"
She was thoughtful as she stared out at the waves for several moments. "I am fond of you," she finally said.
"What would you say if I said I cared for you? I mean, deeply?"
She turned back to him. “I care about you, too.” She squeezed his hand.
“Am I someone you would consider spending your life with?”
Her eyes widened as she absorbed the implications of what he was saying. Their relationship thus far had been made up of different things. In the beginning, there had been animosity, yes. Then there was the flirting and teasing, the playful challenges and snarking, and then… there had been genuine care and affection. And respect.
And now, they had moved beyond all that, though neither of them gave a name to that new level, at least not yet.
“Well… with you… that's something that is… worth considering," Korra finally said. He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a necklace.
"I made this for you," he said gently. "I would be honored if you allowed me to court you."
Korra was speechless as Tahno handed her the necklace. She looked at the image he had carved on it and saw that it was an abstract design of a seashell engraved on a blue stone, she was reminded of the necklace that she had seen Master Katara wear. She was silent for a moment before she stepped forward to hug Tahno and whisper, "Yes."
He nuzzled her and hugged her fiercely, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I’m glad you liked the design. I almost went crazy trying to figure out what to do for the design, I wanted it to have a special meaning for both of us."
The idea had come to him when he recalled that day they spent on the beach. There’d been no sex, yet it had been an incredible day with her, and it was what helped him realize that his attraction for her went beyond a carnal level.
“It fits,” she said as she felt the design under her fingertips. He let her study the pendant before placing the necklace around her shapely neck.
"You look beautiful." he breathed as he touched her cheek. "But then, you always do."
She pulled him in for a kiss, sucking on his lower lip. He stroked her hair, feeling like the happiest man in the world.
It had been about a week since Tahno’s proposal. They had decided to take an afternoon off to have a picnic at the beach and enjoy time together. Korra strolled up the street on Naga to Tahno’s house, eyes sparkling as Tahno’s mother greeted her before retreating inside to give the young couple some privacy.
"Well, there's my beautiful, gorgeous, sexy fiancee," Tahno said with a grin as he drew her into his arms.
"Aren't you looking handsome and fabulous today? Ready for a fantastic day at the beach?"
He flipped his waterfall. "Baby, I've been ready for it all week." He wiggled his eyebrows at her, giving her a playful leer. She chuckled at that before he went inside to get the basket he'd packed and a blanket. She secured them to Naga before the two of them climbed on her. It was almost funny to think that he was now riding Naga regularly after their unpleasant first meeting.
“How’s work going?”
"Pretty well. I'm older than most of the other apprentices, but since I was a Pro-Bender, that has helped me advance quickly in some ways." They chatted a bit more about their work before arriving at their beach.
“Well, here we are. At our spot,” he whispered warmly into her ear. She chuckled at that.
“Yes, our spot.” She looked up at him fondly before they slid off Naga, spreading out the blanket and sitting down for their picnic after taking off their shoes so they could curl their toes in the sand. He opened the basket and took out several goodies that he’d helped his mother make, including gyoza, rice balls, and vegetable wraps.
“I also brought along marshmallows we could roast. And chocolate to dip the fruit in. If you’re willing to Firebend, that is,” he said as he brought out a container of fruit and a bag of the puffy confectionery as well as a ceramic container filled with pieces of solid chocolate.
“Ooh! Yes, I can make us a fire in a bit.”
"You already make me hot in my pants." Tahno teased as he took a bite of his gyoza.
"I'd be disappointed if I didn't," she smirked before she munched on her wrap. He took out a rice ball, munching on it as he stared out at the vista. The sky was starting to take on colors at its fringes, indicating that afternoon was turning to evening.
“I’m just about ready for my treat,” Korra said before she lifted the clay pot, applying a judicious amount of Firebending to melt the chocolate. To ensure it was melted through and through, she stuck her pinky finger in it, stirring before lifting the digit to her lips. Her tongue darted out, and she eyed him as she slowly licked her finger. He felt a familiar surge of heat that had nothing to do with Firebending…
"Now I'm imagining drizzling that chocolate along your naked body and licking it off.…"
"Mmm, I bet your cock would taste wonderful with chocolate smeared onto it."
"I do believe it would." he grinned as he dipped a strawberry before eating it. Korra took a strawberry, making a show of licking the strawberry clean of the chocolate before taking a bite.
"Mmmm... perhaps you would like to remind me more of your licking skills later..." he said with a smirk, eating another strawberry.
“Maaaaaaybe…” came her drawl as she dipped another strawberry.
"Since we're teasing one another and talking about sex... why don't we do it here?"
Her eyebrows raised in interest. "Sex on the beach? That's rather bold."
"We're alone, Naga is keeping guard, and we're both skilled Waterbenders, and you're the Avatar. Don't tell me you're afraid of a bit of sex on the beach." he grinned.
"I'm not afraid," she pouted. "This place has a special meaning for us. Sure, I'm up for some hot sex on the beach with my hot fiance," she smirked. "So..., we gonna get naked?"
He pulled off his jacket and shirt before wiggling his way out of his pants, wearing nothing but black undershorts while she did similarly, sitting back down on the blanket in her panties.
“You look good shirtless,” she said as she ogled him, making no secret of it. He grinned and puffed out his chest, flexing his arms and posing for her. Unable to resist this stroking to his ego – other parts of him would get plenty of stroking soon enough – he swayed his hips, doing a bit of a dance for her. The sunlight shone on his pale skin, casting it a rich gold in the waning light. With the waves crashing behind him, it made for a stunning show.
He smirked at her as he slid off his underwear, now dancing naked, completely au naturel on the beach, looking like a god that had just emerged from the sea. Her eyes widened, and she welcomed the hot stab of arousal that passed through her core.
He approached her and crawled onto the blanket towards her with a seductive purr, tugging at her breastwrap with his teeth. She giggled and batted at him lightly a couple of times, but allowed him to divest her of the garment as he growled at her playfully. Her hands reached up to massage her breasts for him, and he closed in to suck the left nipple, nuzzling the warm mound of flesh.
She leaned back on the blanket, letting out a sigh of contentment as she watched him attend to her breasts with his hands and mouth before he moved down to her underwear. Lifting her hips, she watched as he divested her of the last of her clothing, tossing it aside to the side.
"You look good enough to eat," he said with a purr. "Almost as good as a strawberry..." he joked. She rolled her eyes, but she had to admit his teasing could be amusing sometimes… and he let her tease him back. When she felt his hands on her thighs, she whispered his name, pulling her knees apart. He wasted no time in pleasuring her, and she had to muffle her cries. The last thing she needed was someone walking in on them!
She lay there in a haze of pleasure as Tahno sat back on his knees, unsurprisingly erect as he looked down at her. She looked at his turgid flesh for several moments before an idea came to her, and she grabbed the chocolate. Dipping two fingers after reheating the chocolate, she dripped the warm treat along the top side of his cock.
“Fuck, Korra…” he breathed, watching her tongue slather up and down him, licking the chocolate off his stiff flesh, his cock twitching happily under the ministrations. "Does the good girl want a lolly?' he could not help but tease as he sat back. Fuck, it felt so good, and he watched as she savored her treat as he felt her hand massage his balls. She was rewarded with a new treat when he had his orgasm, but she continued licking him, ensuring that all traces of chocolate and semen were gone. Which did a pretty damn good job in ensuring that he remained hard.
She sat back, and he was certain she would ask if she could ride him. His cock ached for it, and he wiggled his hips, making the hard flesh bounce. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"Mmm, I'd love to take your sweet, sweet ass again," she smirked at him. He gave out a mild groan of dismay at that.
"You want my ass? Not my cock?" he chided lightly.
"I do want your cock, but you did enjoy that one night when I played with your ass."
"I admit nothing," he said with a mock huff, crossing his arms.
"Your ass is mine, pretty boy!”
"All of you is mine." he shot back, flipping his waterfall.
"Mmmm, I guess it is." She smiled, stroking the stone of her necklace.
"You look hot wearing nothing but that. Well, hotter than usual." he grinned. "Come here, baby." He held out his arms to her. She wiggled close and snuggled against him as he kissed her forehead. Her fingers trailed along his chest.
"So, you gonna let me claim your ass again?" she smirked.
"Why should I?" he mock challenged.
"Because I'm the Avatar and I said so." she teased.
"Oh, don't tell me you're going to be lording that over me through our relationship," he mock grumbled.
"You're just gonna have to deal with it." she grinned. To that, he could only blow a raspberry.
"Mmm, hey, we haven't tried bondage in any of our sex play. If you let me ride your ass, you can restrain me and tease me,” she offered. His lips spread into a lecherous smirk as he imagined the possibilities.
"Now, that's more like it," he said.
"So we have a deal then? See, I can compromise."
"Isn't that what marriage is about?" he replied in his usual smart-ass way. Yes, he stopped being a jerk, but he was not going to stop being Tahno. Korra lightly punched him in the arm before blowing a raspberry.
“Come on now, show me that gorgeous ass of yours,” she commanded as she Bended some water, manipulating it in the shape of a cock and anchoring it to herself via its other end, effectively making a double-ended dildo.
She preceded to attach the water strap-on to herself so that she was sporting her own cock. Looking over his shoulder with a sultry gaze, he assumed the position, rolling over onto his knees and swaying his hips, wiggling his butt at her. She came up behind him, giving his cheeks a firm squeeze and a light spank.
He gasped quietly and nibbled his lower lip, his cock aching. Noting his reaction, she spanked him several times, his skin taking on a pale rose hue as he writhed, wiggling at her. Korra tapped his puckered opening with the tip of her water-cock. She heard him take a deep breath, but he did not pull away. She reached down to rub his back as she pushed her hips forward.
“...Ohhh…" Tahno let out a moaning exhale as she slid in all the way, fingers digging into the blanket as he clenched around the intruder. And then, as he relaxed, there was only enjoyment. He lowered his shoulder, resting his head on his arms as he felt the head of Korra's 'cock' rub against his prostate as she pushed in and out, causing precum to drip from his cock.
“Yes,” Korra said in encouragement and approval before using her Bending to make the water vibrate within both of them. He jerked and gave out a small mewl of surprise before he arched his back in delight.
"Oh, spirits." he moaned, his penis aching even more than it was, straining against the air as it sought some relief for itself, twitching, some precum beaded at the tip. She increased her pace, panting as she worked herself to her climax, the vibrations and thrusting bringing him near his own, but he was unable to go over the edge, however close he hovered near the brink.
Finally, she pulled out, and Tahno looked over his shoulder with a shaky smile on his face. He couldn't believe how fucking hard he was. She discarded the water by Bending it to a distant spot before rubbing his ass. Her hands slid over the smooth curves of his rear end.
“Now, wasn’t that fun?” she cooed, pressing her breasts against his back as she leaned over.
"Yes," he admitted with a smirk. "And I know you enjoy being on top, in more ways than one."
"A deal is a deal though. Now it's your turn to be on top and tease me." she smiled sweetly.
"Then lie down like a good woman,” he said in a mock commanding tone. She rolled onto her back and propped herself on her elbows.
"Spread wide." he purred. As she did so, he summoned water to bind her hands and ankles, turning them to ice, and leaving her spread open. Before he touched her pussy though, he formed an ice-cube and touched it to her right nipple, seeing her gasp.
“Hey, that’s cold!” she whined.
"So it is," he said casually, teasing her with it for a bit before moving to her other nipple. She hissed at him as he continued to tease her nipples. She could very well Waterbend out of her bindings, or melt them if the cold became too much. But she was being a good girl, and remaining where he put her.
"Perhaps I should touch this to your clit..." he whispered.
“Oooooo! No!” Korra said with a horrified gasp.
"Don't worry, I'm not that cruel..." He traced the ice cube around her navel but did not go any further south. She watched him with hooded eyes, wondering what he would do next. He slid the melting ice along her body until it was almost gone before he climbed on top of her, gently tickling her armpits and sides, she was bound and in no position to resist. She let out a giggle at that, squirming against him.
"I love the sound of your laughter," he said as he poked her sides before placing a kiss on her cheek. He'd waited long enough, and his aching flesh was so red at the tip it was almost purple. With a wave of his hand, her binds were loosened, and he climbed on top of her, sliding the tip of his cock along her slit before pressing forward just a bit. She moaned and arched, and he pulled his hips back. He teased her some more, however, playfully nudging her quivering slit with his cock before pulling back a bit, and then poking her again, pulling back when it seemed like he would push in.
"Quit stalling and get inside of me already!" she pouted.
"What's the magic word?" he teased.
She growled at him. "Now." She paused for a bit before saying quietly, "Please."
He kissed her on the lips before burying himself within her in one single thrust. She let out a loud groan as she registered the feeling of his length buried in her throbbing cunt.
"This is what you've been waiting for, Korra?" he asked with a knowing smirk. She nodded eagerly, showing no hesitation.
"Ffff... yes.... that's it, you know what I love..." He continued to thrust slowly so he could enjoy the clenching. She grinned at him before she clenched around him firmly, not wanting to let him go. It was not long before he picked up the pace, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.
“You make me feel so good,” Korra purred as she stroked his face with one hand.
"That's my job. But it's a job I enjoy," he replied, leaning down to kiss her. She kissed him back, sucking on his lips and playing with his tongue while his hand traveled down to her clit, now playing with it as he continued thrusting inside of her.
"Keep doing that, I'm so close." she groaned. He nodded and did just as she asked, before giving out a pleased cry as he came. It took several more thrusts from his cock and fingers before Korra achieved her climax, and he moved in a languorous but steady pace, drawing out the pleasure for both of them. When he started to soften, he slid out and plopped down at her side.
Korra sighed in contentment and snuggled up to Tahno, wrapping her arm around his middle. After some time basking in their companionship, he spoke. "All that fucking has gotten me hungry."
"Yeah, I'm a little hungry too. Say, you wanna roast these marshmallows? That would be a great post-sex snack." she grinned.
"Some sugar after the sugar I got from you? Sounds good!" They collected their clothing, insulating themselves against the cooling of the evening. She pulled out some provisions for Naga and a large leather canteen of fresh water, Bending some sand and rock into a temporary bowl so Naga could eat.
The Avatar lit fire to several pieces of suitably dried driftwood while Tahno relaxed on the blanket, watching her.
"Such a hard worker, you'll be a good wife." he teased. She snorted at that and rolled her eyes.
"Being a Firebender has its perks. I can easily keep myself warm and keep a fire going."
"I'll be expecting you to keep me warm, of course, it will be part of your wifely duties."
She gave him a feigned glare, and he grinned. “Hey, if you can lord your Avatarhood over me, then I can lord my manhood over you,” he said before he flipped his waterfall and taking on a lordly expression. Nonetheless, he got up and found several more pieces of wood on the other side of the beach, and between the two of them, they had a steady fire going. He took two sticks and cleaned the tips before placing marshmallows on them.
They both liked theirs with a bit of a crisp on the outside and giggled as they carefully let the outer layer burn a little before pulling the treats away from the fire.
“Mmm, this is so good,” Korra moaned as she locked a bit of melted marshmallow from her finger.
"That's why I brought it along," he said with a grin. "Although you make a tasty snack, too…"
She gave him a playful growl before roasting a fresh marshmallow, and they talked and joked, sometimes feeding the other person their marshmallow. As the fire died down, they laid back, watching the sun go below the water. They knew they should be going soon, but he didn’t want to get up, not when he was high on sugar and sex, with the Avatar loosely spooned up to him.
"And to think none of this would have happened if I hadn't offered you these private lessons…"
"Ffff. I remember you wouldn't leave me alone, no matter how much I taunted you back."
"Admit it, you enjoyed our banter."
"I enjoyed watching you reel back and squeal in fear when I called for Naga to roar at you when we first met." she pointed out.
"Not as loudly as you squealed when I ate you out for the first time." he shot back.
"I hope we have many more relaxing and fun days like today has been in our future together." she yawned. He nodded and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he licked the last of a marshmallow from his thumb. He looked down at her with a fond smile.
"I love you."
She snuggled contentedly against his shoulder. "I love you too."
HaefacielSmilingTitan - Back when The Legend of Korra first aired, I was a Makorra fan. That changed with Tahno’s infamous “private lessons” double entendre. I wasn’t alone in thinking that Tahno and Korra would be a fun and sexy couple. The LoK community certainly delivered producing delightful fanart of Tahnorra. “Lessons” was started a long time ago and I’m so happy that this epic is finally completed and available for fans to enjoy.
StyrawberryCatBeans – So, me and Haefaciel worked out this story way back when Korra was still airing, and recently we got to talking about Avatar and One Piece (which is my current main fandom, lol) Due to various stresses in real life I had not gotten much writing done in the last few years, and the writer's block was terrible. However, late last year, I had an event that shook things up and some of that shakeup was good. I have gotten more writing done in the last few months than I have in the last couple of years, and it's amazing. I finished this story and also posted a story I also co-authored with Haefaciel, called 'Spoken Truth' which is about Ming-Hua and Ghazan. (oh yeah baby)
Even with Korrasami being canon, we both still ship Tahnorra, and we had chatted about how it’d be great if Korra was with Tahno and Asami. Who says she has to choose, Asami’s also smart and sexy and has a gorgeous waterfall in her hairstyle, so when Korra’s tired from sexing Asami and Tahno, she can watch them have gorgeous waterfall smex.
Yeah, we got a little corny and cheesy there, but what's the point of having a friend if you can't share these corny and cheesy moments? So if you enjoyed this story, please come and check out my other works. Have a great day and let's hope 2024 is better than the last few years! Lord knows we need a (looooooong) break from all this fuckery.
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lady-of-imladris · 9 months
end of year asks, 1 - 25 and everyone in between (you can skip the ones you have already done)
wow. Okay. Sure. But I am putting a cut lol
what did you learn about yourself this year? Already answered
best moment of the year? I'd say it's a tie between getting Eras Tour Tickets and getting my apartment :)
worst moment of the year? The one that first comes to mind is failing that one exam at the beginning of March? I've had a pretty great year! I'm sure there were worse things but this is the first I thought of.
what was the biggest change you experienced this year? Moving out from home for the second and third time (I spent March-June in student accommodation and got my own apartment shortly after that)
best song of the year? SO MANY!!! But my favourite this year, not counting any Taylor Re-Releases is Margaret by Lana del Rey
best album of the year? Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Boulevard? by Lana del Rey
what’s one thing that happened this year that you want to change? I'd like to have used my summer more productively! I did FUCK ALL for 3 entire months :( I mean... I really didn't feel like I could have done anything tbh, I was recovering from the horrors
best book/book series of the year? Definitely not the fourth From Blood and Ash book, that was a total flop imo (Em if you are reading this and wondering why the fuck I recommended the series to you: you should still read it it's good, just be prepared to be disappointed by book 4 lmao). Idk, I'm not usually reading books that just came out? idk?? I really enjoyed The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes :)
best television series? *thinks really hard about everything*... I REALLY enjoyed The Great!!
how was your love life this year? ahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa. Let's maybe not unpack the details but uhhmmmm. Unchanged? But like... shoutout to anon fiancé for brightening my days <3
what made you cry the most this year? Moving out from home!!!! The third time specifically, the first two were less emotional. But I still think that's a tie with the video of the raccoon trying to wash cotton candy. That ALWAYS makes me cry
biggest regret of the year? Not spending more time in the summer with my bestie! Not going out more often? (but then again, with whom?)... I'd just say all the things I didn't do!
best movie of the year? Already answered
favourite place you travelled this year? I only went one place this year and it was the Czech Republic!
did you make any new friends? Already answered :)
did you learn anything about your sexuality this year? Not sure, I am still questioning things on occasion but all in all I'm still a bisexual disaster!
what are some hobbies that you developed? WRITING!! I started writing again for the first time in YEARS
what surprised you the most this year? That I literally became a fanfic writer
do you look different from the beginning of the year? let me just grab my phone and look at some pics... I look exactly the same lol. Same glasses, same hair
how did this year treat you in general? Very kindly :) my new years resolution last year was to be happy and I think I did well.
what message would you give yourself at the beginning of the year? Already answered
has your fashion style changed this year? Already answered
one of the best meals you’ve had this year? Going (mostly) gluten free has been a challenge and tasting a croissant again, or a cinnamon roll when I was feeling like taking a risk was SO GOOD. And also the potatoes I made in the air fryer when I was drunk! (I literally had to take a cold shower first because I didn't trust myself with a knife but I was super super hungry and I love me my drunk potato dinners!)
who has made the biggest impact in your life this year? a lot of people! But... especially you? And I'm literally not saying this just because you sent this ask but you were kinda the first person to come to mind when I read this question because I'm doing so much wild stuff now? Like??? WE ARE GOING TO LONDON??? YOU ARE LITERALLY COMING OVER TO STAY AT MY PLACE NEXT YEAR????
what’s one thing that you hope will continue next year? I still want to be happy (obviously). I've had a really great year and I just want that to continue <3
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legilimensims · 1 year
happy republic day to my italian peeps of the tumblrverse - we all agree that fascists can burn in hell 🇮🇹
also, simblr beauties i have upped my queue posting to 4 posts per day because at the current rate of 2 the pics i took in yesterday’s session for example, were set to be published in the middle of august and that’s just..too far away.
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ttpllc · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Banana Republic Pin Striped Blazer.
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brianfog · 1 year
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lol random pic someone took last night at mount eerie show at the art gallery in the former banana republic. it was a very enjoyable day. earlier me and the girls went to the park and ate grocery store sushi on the beach. then abe and i walked the gallery slowly and talked about allll the art and had an aperol spritz in the basement installation lol. then saw a friend there who i haven’t seen in years who i still think about about here and there and it was really special. someone i am really glad to see happy. then walked to the bar / my new job im starting soon and saw isa working and another cornish guy was in town that i haven’t seen in forever which was also pretty special. sooooo pretty full and sweet day.
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zelly-raptor · 1 year
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14/06/2023: Battle ready Raymundo a.k.a Happy Fathers Day 2023.
It's Father's Day here in the UK and also in the republic of Ireland, USA, Canada and South Africa. So here's a pic of Tom-Man, and his Dad "Raymundo". Oh yeah and Eliza there's too But where's Mom? Maybe she's taking the photo 😂.
This pic was made Into a Card for my Dad who liked very much 😌
A Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there!
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amkblogs · 2 years
Hello, First of all, Happy Republic Day to all. So today was pretty exciting, I was supposed to meet my school friends after a pretty long time and the day to meet them aligned today. Didn't get quality sleep yesterday but today I hope the sleep would be on point. Woke up at around 7:05ish and then instantly started to freshen up. Dressed up and went to bus stop. Reached to the police ground where we all friends got regrouped/reunion. Felt pretty good looking at all of them considering the time we were apart (almost a year). Watched the parade on the ground which is leveling up in elegance and style every year as we watch it. Headed over to new police colony to click some pics and to see the interior of the colony. Then went to eat misal. Rohit got scammed but still he didn't ate anything still had to pay for his part and for others too (which as I'm writing these feel very bad for him). I had to drop him there, and I didn't knew the way back so I used maps and then went to the store. Sumit dropped me near bustop and then I bidded farewell to everyone. Came home to mother serving me another lunch which I didn't eat much and then went on to a power nap for almost 2 hour. Completed the book "THINK STRAIGHT" by darius foroux, a gem of a book and 100% recommended to learn something new about ourself and how to control our thoughts and channel them to heighten our career lengths. Then tried to learn our bike as I only know how to operate a single vehicle, a scooter. So yeah, today was the best day of 2023 as I'm writing this.
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harpianews · 3 years
Happy Republic Day 2022: Wishes Images, Quotes, Status, Photos, Messages, and Greetings
Happy Republic Day 2022: Wishes Images, Quotes, Status, Photos, Messages, and Greetings
Happy Republic Day 2022: Wishes Images, Quotes, Status, Photos, Messages, and Greetings: The Indian Constitution came into effect on 26 January in 1950, and ever since, this day is celebrated with great patriotism across the country. Citizens look forward to the Republic Day Parade at Rajpath in New Delhi, which is presided by the President of India. The President also hoists the National flag on…
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newsresults · 4 years
Happy Republic Day 2021: Wishes Images, Quotes, Whatsapp Messages, Status, and Photos
Happy Republic Day 2021: Wishes Images, Quotes, Whatsapp Messages, Status, and Photos
Happy Republic Day 2021 Wishes Images, Messages, Status, Quotes, Photos: Every year on January 26, India celebrates its Republic Day. The historic day commemorates the date in 1950 when the Constitution of India came into force after the country gained independence from over 200 years of British rule. Celebrated across the country with fervour and patriotic zeal, Rajpath in the national capital…
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/lifestyle/happy-republic-day-2019-wishes-images-quotes-status-wallpapers-sms-messages-photos-greetings-and-pictures/
Happy Republic Day 2019: Wishes, Images, Quotes, Status, Wallpapers, SMS, Messages, Photos, Greetings and Pictures
Happy Republic Day 2019 Wishes Images, Quotes, Status: This year, India celebrates 70 years of being a republic country.
Happy Republic Day 2019 Wishes Images, Quotes, Status, Wallpapers, SMS, Messages, Photos, Pictures, Pics: Celebrated on January 26, every year, Republic Day is observed as the day when India’s Constitution came into effect and India became an independent republic. The Constitution of India, adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949, which came into effect on January 26, 1950. This year, India celebrates 70 years of being a republic country.
To celebrate this day, we have curated a bunch of wishes which will evoke a sense of pride and patriotism for the country. So, share these messages and quotes with your friends and family and spread the joy.
* India is a country of diversity bonded by love and affection. On the auspicious occasion of Republic Day, let us come together to celebrate this day with respect and love for each other.
* Thousands laid down their lives for us to celebrate this day, On this 70th year of this significant day, let’s take a pledge that we will never forget their sacrifices. Happy Republic Day 2019!
Republic Day wishes.
* Patriotism is love of country, But you can’t love your country without loving your countrymen and countrywomen, We don’t always have to agree, but we must empower each other, we must find the common ground, we must build bridges across our differences to pursue the common good. Happy Republic Day!
Republic Day wishes.
* Nahi sirf jashn manana, Nahi sirf jhande lehrana, Yeh kaafi nahi hai watanparasti, Yadon ko nahi bhulana, Jo qurbaan hue, Unke lafzon ko aage badhana, Khuda ke liye nahi, Zindagi watan k liye lutana. Happy 70th Republic Day!!!
Republic Day wishes.
* 31 states, 1618 languages, 6400 castes, 6 religions, 6 ethnic groups, 29 major festivals & 1 country! Be proud to be an Indian! Happy Republic Day 2019!
Republic Day wishes.
* On this day, think of our past and, Try to build a better future for all of us. It is a duty of all of us!! I am proud to be an Indian. Happy Republic Day!
Republic Day wishes.
* Watan hamara aisa koi na chhod paaye, Rishta hamara aisa koi na tod paaye, Dil ek hai ek jaan hai hamari, Hindustan hamara hai hum iski shaan hain. Happy Republic Day 2019.
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moonlitalien · 7 years
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May the upcoming year be kinder to you.
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ttpllc · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Banana Republic Pin Striped Blazer.
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