#happy republic day 2022
Happy Independence Day 2023: The Beautiful Indian Flag.
India’s 77th Independence Day 2023 As the vibrant tapestry of India readies itself for the grand spectacle of the 77th Independence Day on August 15, 2023, we stand at a crossroads of reflection and revelry. This momentous occasion is not merely a date on the calendar; it’s a tribute to the resilience, courage, and unity that have woven together the rich fabric of our nation. Together, let’s…
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expensiveusa · 2 years
Lukashenko wishes the Dominican Republic a happy Independence Day
Lukashenko wishes the Dominican Republic a happy Independence Day As the nation celebrates Independence Day, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko sent greetings to Dominican Republic President Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona, BelTA learned from the Belarusian leader’s press office. “Your country has one of the fastest rates of development among the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean,…
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hapigreetings · 2 years
Happy Republic day!
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mock-arts · 2 years
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Happy approaching new year all! I just wanted to look at all the covers I’d made for Star Wars fics in 2022 all at once lol
links to each beneath the cut!
Crashing Down by @oakwyrm (art)
Marshal Commander Cody of the 7th Sky Corps is, despite his reputation, mortal. When a severe injury threatens his life and his continued ability to function should he recover, protocol states he should be sent back to Kamino. It does not explicitly state that he would likely be decommissioned, but his vode all know how to read between the lines.
General Kenobi’s response is equally predictable.
Careful What You Wish For by @shadowlight17 (art)
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
Cody was head over heels for his Jedi General, so when Order 66 was executed, he was in emotional turmoil. And then he died. Or so he thought. He said he would give anything to fix this...would it be worth it if fixing it meant leaving everything he knew behind? Thrown into the past, Cody is given that chance. To make things right.
In This Our Liberty — currently unposted, series here.
from ancient grudge (to soap opera television) by @eclipsemidnight (art)
The Jedi and the Sith, in fair Coruscant where we lay our scene...ancestral enemies, whose battles these days are more likely to be to first spend rather than to first blood. This does not amuse the clone security forces who have to break them up, or Chancellor Windu who has to deal with them afterwards.
Meanwhile, Maul and Ventress's marriage is arranged by Sidious and Dooku. Obi-Wan and his friends Ahsoka and Quinlan crash their engagement party. We all know how this is going to end--a wedding, of course! It just takes a few hands, the threat of the Coruscant Guard, and a porg-print towel to get there!
This I Vow by @wanderingjedihistorian (art)
To secure a planet's help for the Republic, Obi-Wan and Cody must get married. Having been quietly together for some time, it is an easy decision for the pair to make. They didn't expect what followed. Nor did anyone else.
Once Upon a Dream by @glimmerglanger (art)
The man was still warm; not warm enough but he obviously hadn’t been dead long. Cody thinned his mouth, looking at the man. He had a fall of copper hair and a beard, scars here and there on his body. He looked like he’d been a fighter, all muscle, trim and--
“Sith’s spit,” he added, cutting over the chatter in his bucket, as his assessment reached the man’s hand, curled, even in death, around a familiar metallic cylinder. “General Tachi, I think he was a Jedi.”
OR, the one where Marshal Commander Cody finds a mystery figure three years into the Clone Wars, and it changes the course of history.
Or Why Comes Thou to Caterhaugh? by Afiregender (art)
In the midst of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan very abruptly goes on leave to attend a "personal matter" on his homeworld Stewjon. Both Cody and the Jedi find this somewhat odd, and Cody goes on leave himself to investigate. He finds his General at a banquet meant to celebrate the new Fae King... which turns out to be Obi-Wan himself. Or: Tam Lin but Codywan.
Descent by @kutaisi (art) (we’re just getting started on this one!)
As they're fighting in the rain on Kamino, Jango Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi are thrown forward in time to a version of the galaxy that neither of them could have imagined.
Finding themselves fifteen years in the future, their struggle to get back to their own time is complicated by devasting discoveries and a nightmare of a reality that they have no idea how to navigate through.
...and also by each other.
I also illustrated a bunch of other fic this year, that didn’t necessarily get covers.
Soul Found by @darthtarvera (art)
It had been five years since he’d dreamed of his soulmate. 
Five years since the council broke the bond between them. 
Now, a last test as the council sends Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon to Mandalore to protect the Duke of Mandalore and his two daughters. Obi-Wan is determined to prove once and for all he has what it takes to be a good jedi. 
But can even the jedi truly break a bond between a jedi and their soulmate? As Obi-Wan discovers more of the culture and people his mark ties him to he realizes that maybe his path isn't so rigid as he thought.
i don’t wanna feel stuck by @ghostlandtoo (art)
Three years after the war, Obi-Wan has stuck to diplomatic missions from the Order, tired of fighting. When he's burned by the Republic on the tail-end of one such mission, Obi-Wan finds himself stuck on Myam-1, a beach planet in the Outer Rim. Work doesn't stop, even on a vacation planet. Reunited with an old flame and a few old friends, Obi-Wan can't help but help the several people on Myam-1 in need of help, even if he lost his lightsaber a few planets back.
This, too, was a gift by @lttrsfrmlnrrgby (art)
The Rako Hardeen mission was a success, but it left Obi-Wan Kenobi sick at heart after the empathic stresses of the mission, and questioning whether the mission was worth it. The troopers of the 212th welcome him back, wanting nothing more than to assure him he did the right thing, and Obi-Wan works to make their trust in him worth it.
The Force, however, shows Obi-Wan a detailed vision of the future to come. He eliminates the threats posed by the Sith, but feels he cannot return to the Order or to his men, and sets out alone, letting the Force direct him to the grimmest parts of the galaxy and the people who were always overlooked and underserved. 
Marshal Commander Cody takes his general's warning and evacuates Kamino and all of the clones from Republic space. As the Jedi work to recover from the Sith plot and the Republic stalls out on how to move on, the clones settle a new world, try to heal, and look for their missing general. Along the way, apart and together, Cody and Obi-Wan make discoveries that will change their and the galaxy’s future, and learn how to move forward even when things are broken and like nothing they'd planned.
I think that’s it as far as Star Wars fic I’ve illustrated/made covers for goes? (There’s a little bit of punisher/daredevil fic I’ve still been working on illustrating this year but that would be off theme lol)
if you’re a Star Wars fic author I’ve worked with this year and I’ve somehow missed you, let me know and I’ll add a link in! I’ve had an absolute blast collaborating with everyone this year, and I’m looking forward to digging in next year too! ❤️
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mseirtaku · 2 years
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Happy St. Patrick's Day - it's time to lay some love onto me boyo with a little historical Hetalia!
The order goes as follows:
Birth of a nation, year up to interpretation.
Pre-Christian Ireland, the 'Irish Dark Age', paganism, 100-300AD
The Golden Age of Ireland, Early Christian Period, St. Patrick's arrival, 6th century
Post-Viking era, medieval Ireland, 8th-9th century
Plantation era, the beginning of a Northern Ireland being established, 16th-17th century
The Great Famine, Black '47, mass emigration to America, UK and Australia, 19th century
1916 Rising, Irish fight for independence, early 20th century
The Troubles, conflict between Ireland and Northern Ireland, 1960-1990s, late 20th century
Modern day Ireland, canonised in Hetalia in 2022, 21st century
I would have loved to have done one for Northern Ireland alongside Republic of Ireland, but unfortunately I just do not have the time nor energy. Perhaps one day!
Anyways, Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit! I hope yis all have a grand time whether it'd be the Irish in their own country, the Irish abroad, or the many people living worldwide with Irish heritage~ 🤍
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lbibliophile-sw · 1 month
Codywan Masterpost - 2022-2024
@codywanweek - day 8: 5th Anniversary
This year marks the fifth aniversary of Codywan Week, and the third year I've participated (2022 was my second Star Wars event!), so I decided to celebrate by creating a masterlist of all my Codywan works to date.
Works are ordered approximately from least to most angsty. They are mostly drabbles, and the Codywan relationship is usually left ambigiously platonic/romatic. All SFW.
Fluff and Shenanigans (occasional background angst)
Distraction (affectionate) (AO3) | drabble | Cody tries to reason with his General, who is distracted by other priorities.
See No Evil (AO3) | drabble poem | Cody and Obi-wan stare into each other’s eyes. All in the name of plausible deniability.
Tea Party (AO3) | script and comic | Obi-wan likes taking his tea in the communal rec room, likes when his troopers come past to say hello. But this might be taking it a bit too far...
Post-battle Ritual (AO3) | drabble | As a Jedi, your lightsaber is your life; so keep hold of it. ...Yes, you too.
Face to the Sun (AO3) | drabble | Armour Markings have meaning. Cody's isn't a sunburst.
Shared Custody (AO3) | drabble | Obi-wan keeps losing his lightsaber. Cody takes a different approach to preventative measures.
The Force Provides (AO3) | drabble | One proposal is gracefully declined, and another gleefully accepted.
Multitasking Meditation (AO3) | drabble | A Jedi practices many exercises which increase in complexity over the course of their training. Obi-wan has mastered this one, and so lost the benefit of the lesson it teaches.
Hurt/Comfort (with eventual happy ending)
Harmonic Motion (AO3) | drabble | As a Jedi, maintaining a long-term romantic relationship is hard. But with Cody, with the war over, he finds the right balance.
Sueing for Emotional Damages (AO3) | drabble | Cody might have his General back, but he's still upset that he was tricked into thinking he'd been killed in the first palce. And he knows just who to blame.
Taboo (AO3) | poem | A clone trooper's helmet is as much their face as the one they were created with; something deeply personal to those who have so little. But when Obi-wan tentatively asks to try on Cody's, he doesn't refuse him. His own feelings are no less taboo.
Just Another One of Those Faces (AO3) | drabble | Most plans involving a clone going undercover are doomed to failure… unless it takes place in the heart of the Republic. Obi-wan still worries.
There Were Two in the Bed, and the Little One Said... (AO3) | drabble | Nightmares are never fun, but company makes the aftermath easier.
Silence is Golden | poem | Cody loves his General, but he'll never tell.
Angst (aka. Order 66)
The Nightmare (AO3) | drabble | The Nightmare is unsettling in a visceral way, but after years of the nightly visions they are used to the feeling. And they always wake up. He just needs to wait until he wakes up...
Degrees of Trust (AO3) | drabble | Cody doesn't understand why his General's ‘I trust you’ suddenly stopped being a promise and instead became a pain-filled thing of guilt and grief.
Bonus (not specifically Codywan, but they provide significant inspiration...)
31 Days of Jedi Lies (AO3) | poem | "No, you are NOT fine."
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calderacitylovers · 1 year
Wholesome Zutara Short Stories
Tell Me Where Your Heart Is by badlucksav | Published: 2021-04-12 | 2,363 words
Katara accidentally discovers a secret stash of love letters Zuko has written to an anonymous woman but never sent. Could he be talking about her? “And I can’t help but hope that maybe that’s a sign, that you feel for me as I feel for you. Maybe you’re afraid to put it to words, as I am. But I cannot ever speak these feelings to you unless I know...I won’t put you in that position.”
Tales of Tenderness by emicha | Published: 2021-04-06 | 3,068 words
Toph, Iroh, Sokka, Gran Gran, Aang, and Azula observe how the relationship between Zuko and Katara unfolds over the years. “This is the picture of two souls that have seen too much bad already, who’ve grieved and hurt more than one single lifetime should permit; the picture of two people who still have it in them to hold a person so different from oneself this close.”
MOONTIDES by  MarkedMage | Published: 2020-11-24 | 10K Words
He smells like fire and feels like home. She smells like rain and feels like love. A short story about Zuko and Katara’s first kiss inspired by this and this glorious animation by Hayley Foster Wong.
GOLD by ifyouwereamelody | Published: 2020-11-27 | 3,7K Words
Zuko and Katara’s first kiss in a fall garden.
A Love Story Told in Reverse by cablesscutie | Published: 2021-04-26 | 9,324 words
A collection of sweet outtakes from Zuko and Katara’s life: from their childhoods to becoming parents. “Her head tips to rest on his shoulder, and with his heart in his throat, he gives into the months-old urge to kiss her hair. She makes a happy little hum, and Zuko can’t breathe.”
just say when by hawktasha | Published: 2021-03-16 | 6,131 words
After Sokka and Suki’s wedding, Katara wakes up with the worst hangover of her life, with the best friend she has been harboring feelings in secret for the last few years laying next to her, no clothes at all on either of their bodies. Oh, and she had no idea how they ended up in that predicament.
Engagement Chicken: The Engagement Scheme by DontStopHerNow | Published: 2022-09-18 | 23K words
After a night of commiseration about marriage expectations, Katara and Zuko agree to fake an engagement to get the meddlers off their backs. They'll call Chicken on the arrangement when everyone else objects. This can't last a month! Featuring: meddling friends, heartfelt words cloaked in half-truths, chaperones, Fire Nation engagement traditions, Southern Water Tribe wedding traditions, background couples, and a squid-whale with a mistaken identity
The Dragon of the West’s Guide to Flirting by bluesunflower44 | Published: 2021-05-12 | 4,341 words
“Now. Take very good care of this, it’s a family heirloom. Although no one passed it down to me, since I wrote it, it will be a family heirloom one day. I just know it.” Uncle Iroh is good with the ladies. So taking his advice when it comes to romance should go just fine...right?
Strike a Match by Naladot | Published: 2022-09-03 | 22K
At Republic City's second annual HeiBai festival, Fire Lord Zuko has contracted a matchmaker to find him a permanent political ally—or, well, a wife. He asks Katara to chaperone his meetings. But this arrangement only threatens to reveal the truth: there are a lot of things neither of them have ever dared to talk about.
Seven Years Bad Luck by riathermopolis | Published: 2021-08-08 | 20.6K words
The gaang reunites every summer for a week on Ember Island, which in theory Katara supports whole-heartedly. The only problem is that apparently some higher power on the island is on a mission to humiliate her. At least, that's her best guess for why she suddenly can't act like a normal person around Zuko. Or: Katara repeatedly embarrasses herself in front of Zuko.
Maiden Mother Crone by MoonShoesReyes  | Published: 2021-02-12 | 10,8K Words
Post-canon. After the ravages of war, Katara learns to wear three faces: maiden, mother, and crone. A sweet story of Zuko supporting Katara in her journey of self-discovery and finding a purpose. A sprinkle of Blue Spirit and Painted Lady. "After years of being empty, Katara finally knew who she was - or at least, she knew who she was at the core. Though her cast of masks stayed ever-changing, the Painted Lady was always kind and just."
Bound to Burn by Selemetis | Published: 2020-10-02 | 10,3K Words
Post-canon. Zuko witnesses the kiss between Aang and Katara. Over the coming months Zuko and Katara work their way back together. "Zuko knew he had to let Katara go for her to see where she wanted to stand."
So Close and Still So Far by EKWolf2020| Published: 2022-09-18 | 6,4K Words
It is the ten-year celebration of the end of The Hundred-year-old war. Expectations and excitement are in the air for most of the world. But for Katara, she feels dread as some news has come to her that could change everything. Will she follow with expectations, or will she find that there is another path for her?
The Brave Man Only Once by ifyouwereamelody | Published: 2021-02-19 | 2,2K Words
Firelord Zuko and Ambassador Katara’s first kiss. “He flinches as a voice rips him abruptly out of his own thoughts and drops him back into the meeting; the table of council members is watching him, staring with raised brows that beg the answer to a question he doesn’t know, but Katara refuses to look his way.”
Til Kingdom Come by bluenebulae | Published: 2020-07-26 | Words: 6,2K
Four years after Sozin’s Comet, Katara finds her way home. A proposal story. Supportive Gaang. “I’ve spent four years exploring every corner of this world, Zuko. I’ve been a waterbending master and a shop girl, an assistant in an abbey and an advisor to the Earth King and a whole bunch of people in the Fire colonies still think I���m an actual spirit. I think, now, I just want to be Katara. And that means being here.”
Voyage by amoeve | Published: 2015-07-24 | Words: 4,2K When Zuko asks Katara to marry him, it is for love. But it’s also an alliance that shows the world that the war is truly over, and everyone wants to get in on the fun. For their wedding Zuko and Katara work their way through over-the-top combination of customs and traditions from the four nations. Hilarious and absurd, but wholesome. “She’s a waterbender. When they travel, the little ship skims across the surface of the sea, eating up the miles, and they have ice houses to sleep in every night. He’s a firebender. He lights their way when the fogs descend, keeps them warm when they sleep, and fries the fish she catches in his hands.”
But Who’s Counting? by halfhoursonearth | Published: 2023-12-28 Words: 7K
After the Last Agni Kai Zuko and Katara are waiting for the news from the GAang and get to explore their friendship and growing connection. A tender and beautiful story. “Tears are gathering in her eyes, and a new tightness pulls at Zuko’s chest. Though he still isn’t used to the casual way his new friends touch one another, this is not the first time he has felt the instinct to reach for Katara, in particular—to lay a comforting hand on her shoulder or arm. But wiping tears from her face is something new, and Katara watches him with wide eyes as his hand rises to her cheek.”
happiness (that's all rolled up in you) by soopsiedaisies | Published: 2024-01-17 | 3,8K words
A first kiss story. Zuko and Katara are cooking dinner for the Gaang on the Ember Island. Sweet, thrilling, and beautiful. "She reckons that she likes a lot of things about Zuko. She likes his face, for starters: his nose, his eyes, his mouth. She likes his scar and the way he dresses. She likes how he picks up the slack left by the others like those tasks were his anyway and she likes his smile. She likes the way he kisses and she really likes his hair."
For the Fire Nation | 2019-11-25 | 2,8K words
He falls in love with her for his country before he falls in love with her for himself. A short and beautiful AU story that explores how love and duty aren’t always mutually exclusive.
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leninisms · 1 day
I’m not very well versed in international diplomacy, can you explain why her policy is evil aside from her stance on Israel and Gaza? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I figured you’d be kind enough to actually answer.
hi! thank you for asking so nicely! this is not a dumb question at all, and i’m happy to answer:)
i want to start by quickly shouting out a couple of my favorite independent media outlets that i go to for news, because i believe these people and organizations are doing really crucial work:
geopolitical economy report
breakthrough news, the socialist program, liberation news, and liberation school
the real news network
venezuela analysis
i’m gonna break kamala’s foreign policy down section by section, but i do want to first point out that there is no mention of strengthening international partnerships, except through military power. there’s no talk about ending any sanctions or blockades. no talk of strengthening old, or establishing new trade agreements. it’s all military, war, threats, security, attacks, etc..
this is long so it’s all below the cut:)
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immediately “american interests” is bad. this does not mean the interests of the american working class (though it would still be bad if it did)— it means the interests of the american capitalist ruling class. the biggest “threat” china poses to the U.S. is the rise of china and the BRICS as global economic superpowers. from liberation news:
“…China’s economic rise poses a threat to this U.S.-dominated unipolar international arrangement, and this fear of the U.S. losing its status as the dominant global power forms the basis of Washington’s foreign policy vis-a-vis Beijing. Presenting this competition as an existential one of “democracy” versus “authoritarianism,” the U.S. applies a strategy of containment toward China to blunt its rise: by seeking to isolate it through military encirclement, foreclosing its access to key markets, and cutting it off economically from the rest of the world. This policy is intended to cripple China’s development, ensuring Western capitalism’s control over the entire globe.”
for more information on china, check out dongsheng news, friends of socialist china, and breakthrough news’ new segment “the china report.” here’s a cool podcast mini-series about china’s revolution. and, just for good measure, here’s all of liberation school’s china analyses. i also recommend this post debunking the “uyghur genocide.”
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north korea (the democratic people’s republic of korea/dprk) is not a fascistic military dictatorship or whatever they’re calling it these days. there’s a lot of fear-mongering in the U.S. about the “threat of nuclear war with north korea.” the primary reason dprk has been so adamant about having nuclear weapons is that the united states carpet bombed all of korea from 1950-1953, dropping 635,000 tons of bombs, destroying an estimated 85% of buildings, and killing hundreds of thousands of people. the desire for nuclear weapons comes from the security that mutually assured destruction (MAD) offers.
for more information on korea: this article is a condensed version of stephen gowen’s book (patriots, traitors, and empire: the story of korea’s struggle for freedom). i also recommend the dprk’s government website and the pyongyang times. if you’re a podcast enjoyer, blowback season three was all about korea (and they have a bibliography)!!! and this post has more sources as well:)
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i’ll start by saying NATO needs to be abolished. it’s not about peace— it’s about unipolar U.S. hegemony and it’s about aggression and endless war. i’m going to let these sources speak for themselves because they’re just that good.
this episode of the socialist program (2022) is a really good introduction to NATO, specifically in relation to the russia-ukraine conflict. this statement on russia’s intervention in ukraine from liberation news is a very solid analysis. geopolitical economy report shared this article (also available on youtube) just days ago which nicely analyzes some of the reasons the U.S. has been so unconditionally supportive of ukraine. this essay about the convergence of ukrainian liberals and fascists was recommended by one of my comrades, and for good reason. from the article:
… dwelling on Ukraine’s neo-nazis can be an optical illusion. Not that I am one to underplay their murderous actions or political power. But that ultimately, they are junior partners to Ukraine’s liberals. And Ukraine’s liberals at time may be even more militaristic than the nationalists, who more often have their lives under risk at the frontline. Even if liberal slogans may not seem quite so openly bloodthirsty as whatever rightwinger yelling about the Jewish conspiracy.
The political convergence between extreme ethno-nationalism and neo-liberalism... In Ukraine, it’s quite simple: the nationalists care more about cultural policy and the right to shoot those they dislike than economic policy. And the liberals need someone to shoot those they dislike.
i hope this was helpful, but please feel free to ask for clarification or further reading or whatever. i love talking about politics and i love getting to make posts like this because they allow me to expand my knowledge too!! again, thank you for asking!
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cabezadeperro · 9 months
cabezadeperro's year in review (fic version)
Hi, hello! It's the last day of the year, and what a year 2023 has been. I moved to a different continent in Fall 2022, but I somehow found the time to keep writing and posting Star Wars fanfiction for the fourth year in a row.
These are some of my favourite fics I posted this year. I didn't write as much or as often as I'd like, but I am pretty proud of some of my work, so. Here it is!
Also, I'm very bad at replying to comments but thanks so much to all of you who take the time and leave one. I know my stuff is very often niche and kind of weird, so if you clicked and read and enjoyed one of my fics this year: I appreciate it a lot. Thank you so much.
dead men walking | E | Commander Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi | 63k
It was supposed to be an easy job: prisoner transports are always quick money. Three years after waking up from cryo, Cody—formerly known as ICC-2224—finds himself working as a bounty hunter for one of the guilds. He has a body that doesn’t feel his, a memory full of holes, and little else. When the man he’s guarding escapes, Cody finds himself following one Obi-Wan Kenobi across a war-torn galaxy and into the most dangerous job of all: stealing a mysterious artifact from the heart of the New Republic.
This was my fic for the 2022 Codywan Big Bang. It was Very hard to write and the reason I decided to stop participating in events for the rest of 2023. I kind of hate it, but I'm also pretty proud of it (because I finished despite it all, and also I think it's pretty good).
You'll like it if: you enjoy good artwork (cowboy's illustration of Cody in bed is probably one of my favourite pieces of Cody fanart, and I love punk's cover an absurd amount), weird AUs, cyberpunk, and being depressed.
fortunate son | M | Commander Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Commander Cody/Commander Fox, Commander Cody & Captain Rex | 12k
On change.
This was one of those fics I started in 2022 and finished in 2023. It's my take of the No Order 66 trope that attempts to deal with ideas of change and growing and adapting to new places, new people, and new sides of people you've known for a while. (Gee, I wonder why I wrote this fic the year I moved across the world.)
I'm also really proud of the codyfox prequel I published the other day, secant, but I think this one is more--ambitious?
You'll like it if: you like studying Cody like the bug and complicated relationships, and would like to read a slightly different take on the Fix-It/No Order 66 trope.
sulphur and tea | M | Obi-Wan Kenobi/Jango Fett | 1.8K
They say Jango Fett fell in battle, that the thing that walks and fights and wears his beskar is something else. Obi-Wan knows better.
There are a few games I get very obsessed with every now and then, and one of them is Ghost of Tsushima. This fic is a very vague adaptation of the concept behind the main character of those games, applied to Jango. I had A Lot of fun writing it though it fought me quite a bit, and it allowed me to play with one of the most popular kenfetti tropes from a different perspective. It's one of those fics that I'd like to write a sequel/prequel/spin-off to sometime.
You'll like it if: you like whump (especifically Jango whump) and What Ifs about the Mandalorian Civil War and the first years of Anakin's padawanship.
choosing to be chosen | E | ARC Trooper Echo/ARC Trooper Fives | 6.6k
ARC troopers always work in pairs.
I wrote this as a gift for a friend who wrote what's probably my favourite Echo/Fives fic ever (which I just remembered was also a gift for me lmao). I don't write this ship as much or as often as I'd like, but I'm very happy about how this one turned out--I think I nailed why I find this relationship so compelling (the inevitable tragedy, the fact that they keep choosing each other, the fact that they cannot help but choose each other). I also had a lot of fun writing Fives! He's such a messed up, interesting little dude.
You'll like it if: you enjoy intense relationships, sexual and romantic tension, baby's first attempt at milwank, Fives being clever and in love and just that tiny bit manipulative.
the price of blood | T | Commander Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi | 13.8k
A year and a half after the beginning of Cody and Rex's rebellion, Palpatine reaches out to Kenobi: he wants to talk to him, and he doesn't want Cody to be there. It goes as well as expected.
This is one of those fics that get out of hand. I wrote it because someone left an ask saying they loved the first part of what is now a series (it's not actually a series on AO3; I was planning to make it one but I forgor. as I do.) I really love fantasy and all its subgenres and I don't write it as much as I'd like, so it was the perfect chance to go ham and do a bit of of worldbuilding for fun. I'm not super happy with the ending, but I really like everything else, so.
You'll like it if: you like low fantasy, the environmental storytelling approach to fantasy worldbuilding, complicated relationships and characters keeping secrets. Oh, and Cody whump.
five times cody and rex shared a bed and one time they wished they could | T | Commander Cody/Captain Rex | 4.7k
Cody and Rex throughout the war.
This fic is very much what it says on the tin: Cody and Rex from when they first meet each other, through the war and their slow loss of trust in each other, until they meet again after the war ends. This format of fic is very popular for a reason, what can I say. I really enjoyed writing it, and I think I did a pretty good job portraying their potential relationship as I see it through a bunch of scenes.
You'll like it if: you like bittersweet endings, canon-adjacent fic, and Cody and Rex being insane about each other.
And that's it! Thanks for reading (again), and I hope you have a great NYE and a great 2024--I think we all fucking deserve it.
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virtie333 · 9 months
Day 30 - Life Day Damerey Celebration
Prompt: Life Day
Summary: Poe's thoughts of Life Day after personal loss
Notes: I wrote this the day after Christmas last year, the first Christmas without my mom, and it kind of sums up what the holiday was like for me that year. 2022 was by far the worst year of my life.
On the day before I posted this, I received a negative... well, not a review, but a comment... on one of my Modern AU stories.
It made me wonder how, when so many people are just trying to live their lives the best they can through horrors and depression and thoughts of suicide, why someone would take the time to hate on someone they don't even know. My writing and sharing of fanfiction has literally kept me going through all the above, so I want to thank those of you who take the time to say good things, nice things, and who understand exactly what I have been going through, because they have been there.
Thank you.
Warnings: Talk of the death of a loved one
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Poe sat quietly by himself on the far side of the room, watching the many people that filled the space, but not seeing them.
He hadn’t wanted to come tonight, but Finn had begged him to, and he couldn’t deny the people he loved anything. Finn’s excuse was that it was the first Life Day since he and Rose had been married, and Poe supposed that was an okay thing to be happy about. Firsts were important. Your first Life Day married. Your first Life Day after a war. Your first Life Day after a child was born.
Your first Life Day since your father died.
Kes Dameron had passed away over ten standard months ago, and Poe had thought he was done grieving and mostly back to normal, but the holiday reminded him that normal would never be the same. He would never stop grieving. Not really. It would come and go, ebb and flow, but it would never end. As long as he loved his father, he would mourn his father.
Life Day had always been a big deal in the Dameron household. Even after his mother died, his father managed to keep the traditions they had all celebrated together the same. Only now did Poe realize how hard that must have been for his dad, and he knew the grieving man had only done it for Poe. Every year, Life Day was celebrated with traditional songs, foods, and gift giving. Even when Poe wasn’t home on Yavin IV, they still found time to connect and share with each other the events of the day. Only during the few years of the war had they not done this, if only because Poe didn’t dare contact his father; there was no way he was taking the chance that the First Order would find Kes and use him against Poe, who had been on their Most Wanted list for years.
But then the war had ended. Poe was able to go home, and he and his friends were able to celebrate Life Day together at the Dameron Homestead. Within two years, Poe was married, had become a prominent advisor for the New Republic’s Department of Defense, and had become a father. Life was perfect.
Until Kes informed Poe he had been diagnosed with lung cancer.
The doctors believed it was a result of Kes’ exposure to toxic gases used by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Though minimal, it had eventually caught up with him. Poe and his family took leave from their respective jobs and came to Yavin IV immediately. They were by Kes’ side when he died two weeks later.
Life had gone on. Slowly but surely, things became better. Poe had dealt with death many times. Two of his best friends, Muran and Snap, both died in their fighters right before his eyes. Commanders and those under his command, friends and former friends. The hardest death had been Leia’s, but the eminent attack from Palpatine’s fleet had prevented him from focusing too much on that loss until much later. He had loved them all in one way or another, but none had been his father.
Now it was Life Day, that special holiday that he and his father had always managed to share the same delight in. And now his father was gone.
He wasn’t mad at the people around him for celebrating. He wasn’t jealous of their joy. In reality, he simply felt nothing. No sorrow. No resentment. He was just… empty.
It was while the group in front of him started singing one of his favorite songs for Life Day, Gaudete, a familiar and beloved presence appeared next to him. He closed his eyes, letting the ancient High Galactic language play in his ears as the feeling of comfort and peace filled him. The Force. Sometimes he thought it was the only thing that had gotten him through the last few months.
He felt his wife, the bearer of that powerful Force energy, tuck her hand under his arm and lay her head on his shoulder. She he never strayed far from his side this past horrible year, despite the fact they both had obligations away from each other. Even when they were apart, if he started having a depressive episode, she would know, and come to him. She claimed she wasn’t using the Force to read his emotions, but that she could simply tell by his voice, his body language, the look in his eye even over a holocom. And when she was with him again, life became bearable once more.
Which told him that it wasn’t the Force that had kept him going.
It was Rey.
She never pushed him to talk, but she listened when he did. She never told him he should talk to a councilor, but she encouraged him when he chose to. She never pressured him to ‘just do it’ when he didn’t want to. She was his silent support, her strength and love palpable, even to a non-Jedi like him. He asked her once how she could still be there after so many months of his moodiness and disassociation. She reminded him that he had done the same for her during the months following Exegol. It was how she fell in love with him.
And as Poe felt her physical and mental warmth fill him, he realized with a strange certainty that he was falling in love with her, all over again.
He heard the familiar giggle of his daughter, and looked over to see Suralinda dancing to the music with the almost 2-year-old toddler in her arms. Little Leia had a huge smile on her face, her cheeks rosy red from the excitement of the evening. For the first time in days, Poe felt a real smile form on his lips, and a new determination in his heart.
He would grieve this first Life Day without his father, as was expected. But by next year, his little girl would start making memories of her own, and Poe was determined to make them as good as his own memories were.
He looked at his wife, letting is smile carry over to her. She smiled back, then picked up his hand and kissed the back of it. “Happy Life Day, Poe.”
“Happy Life Day, my love.”
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wackyharpy · 7 months
Hello, guys!
Today is an important day for me and my country, and I feel that I can't stay silent and don't share what I've already lived out.
On the 24th of February 2022, russia started the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
It's been going on for two years so far, and it's been ten years since russia waged the war in 2014 when it occupied Luhansk and Donetsk regions, and Crimean peninsula.
You may know that I'm Ukrainian, I have written the country of my origin in my bio, I don't hide this information. I'm proud to be a citizen of Ukraine, the country of brave people. And I'd like to share my story with you, because I feel that I need to do this, I must do this.
On this day, in 2022, I was woken up by my mum. She was crying and said that russians were on our territories, they'd already bombed some cities. I remember the feeling I had that time, it's so difficult to describe, but the feeling is still vivid. Something just exploded inside of me, and the sudden realization of death came to my mind. I understood that any day, any moment could have been the last for me, for my family, friends, beloved ones. And as I was an already grown-up human, I had to stay calm, not to panic. But you can't even know how difficult it is to explain to a small child what a war is, and what can happen (I have a small brother).
The most dreadful night in my life was the first night of the war. I couldn't sleep normally. And then... I don't even know how to explain. This feeling. It's like you want to vomit, to cry, to shout, to run, to hide, to do something, but you can't because of sudden fear, and terror. I felt sick, probably a hightened temperature, I felt hot, and cold at the same time. It happened when I heard the first air alert at night. You know, it's so difficult to grab, with trembling arms, things you need, documents, and then run to the shelter. The legs couldn't even move properly. I realized that I may have never seen my house the next morning, or my district where I lived.
And it was like that every single day, and night. I saw what was the panic attack for the first time. My mother had it. She couldn't move and speak, and eat, and drink. She was just lying, and staring at one place. And it was like that for several days. Now I feel so sorry, so ashamed of myself that I couldn't help her at those times. But I didn't know how. I was so scared, I had to look after my brother, to do something not to become mad.
You know, I had been thinking about death, not even once, not twice. Plenty of times. At times, I'm still thinking about it. And because of it, it's difficult to hope, to make plans for the future because there could be no future. And I'm so afraid of it. I believe in our victory, but still some doubts are eating me alive. And I can't stand this feeling.
I had been thinking about killing people in order to protect myself. About what I would do if I saw enemies on my street. I had been thinking about how it was to be tortured, to be raped. I remember making a decision to commit suicide if something like that would be about to happen to me.
In summer 2023, I had opportunity to visit Germany and Czech Republic. I'm so grateful to those who support Ukraine, who understand what is happening now. I'm so grateful to the world, to every person who didn't remain silent when this genocide started. We still need your support, your help. Please, don't be indifferent. We live on the same planet, let's be humans, let's not permit such atrocities to happen.
Now, I got used to war. But it sounds insane because it's not normal to get used to such shit. I'm still studying, writing my thesis currently, grateful to Ukrainian army forces for their protection. And I hope, every single day I hope that there will be the end of it. Hope, I will be alive, see the victory, and experience it along with other Ukrainians.
And for you I wish all the happiness in life, and most importantly peaceful sky above your heads. I'm here, on tumblr, I will post my fics, write for you as I love you all, adore when you comment, and reblog.
Here, I want to share several pics of what happened in my city on the 14th of July 2022. russians launched several missiles and they fell in the center of Vinnytsia. The day before I was right in this place, and now I realize that if I had been there on the 14th, I would have been dead now.
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kazoo-world · 6 months
I’ve been in this fandom since March 2022. If you’re like me, you’ve read a good chunk of the fanfic that’s been published, and you have a hard time finding new stuff that’s to your taste. In honour of this, here is my rec list of the fics you definitely want to read but may not have come across!
✨My Gentlebeard/Blackbonnet Fic Rec List✨
Smutty (E)
Short (<4k)
The Good Plan by TheMewsAtTen: Stede treats Ed to some devoted stress relief, including hair brushing. A good cozy read. (4k)
Only You by gayasstheythem: Stede plunders a fancy blindfold in a raid and the sex is kinky but also really wholesome. Lots of tears and laughter and healing. (3.9k)
Mid length (4-8k)
Are You Lonesome Tonight? by RoughWinds: Ed and Stede have some kinky married roleplay sex where Stede plays a neglected housewife and Ed plays the next door neighbor that stepped up. They are achingly in love. (6.5k)
Smoke Signals by Spicy_Soldiers: Ed seduces Stede with some sensual cigar smoking. The imagery is so sexy and vivid that it’s almost dreamlike. (4.7k)
Won’t Rush It Along by camerasparring: Ed and Stede have marathon sex to figure out just how many times Stede’s magic dick can go. Very hot and silly. (6.9k (nice))
Of Oils & Jealousy by @kipli: Stede starts a line of scented olive oils (as he would) and the two of them go to the Republic of Pirates in search of a seller. They meet a pirate that’s a little too happy to meet Stede; Stede is blissfully ignorant of the man’s advances. Insanity ensues—including wild possessive sex. (4.7k)
Friendly Competition (Blackbeard Always Wins) by @cufeilidh: Stede and Ed disagree on who’s turn it is to service top and make the decision with a sex game. This fic makes me laugh every time because it’s so on brand. (4.9k)
sunflowers in the kitchen by dardreamcrash: Ed and Stede pretend to bicker like a married couple in a home goods store and then they go home and fuck nasty about it. Totally absurd and extremely cute, classic over the top in character insanity. (7k)
Long (>8k)
It Was Yellow and Pink by Bazzle: Ed confides that he misses when things were easier and simpler between them, so Stede stages a roleplay to fulfill his desire. Sweetest most healing sex ever (warning tho: undernegotiated kink). (14.9k)
A Sunday Kind of Love by WellSussed: Stede keeps trying to propose but Ed’s busy work schedule gets in the way; when their time tables finally align, Stede spoils Ed with a New Year’s to remember. Another one that makes my heart explode. (8.8k)
Spicy and Swearful
The Kissing Game by veeagainst: Set after s2ep5, Ed comes up with a kissing game as a way to take things slow with Stede. It works until it doesn’t, complete with lots of pining. (8k, M)
Other Delicacies and Delights by reddiegays: Stede and Ed spice up their married life by flirting across the bar they co-own. (1.3k, T)
Continue to Continue to Pretend by skeletonsandroundabouts: reunion fic written pre s2, but in tune with s2 tone. Stede stumbles upon a sulking Ed in a bar and they pretend not to know each other. Stede is a bombastic menace who thinks the ruse is working, but Ed is also a dumbass. Makes me laugh out loud every time I read it, and the character voices are perfect. (4.8k, T)
Permanent Ink by insidethevoid: Ed is the cool distinctly tattooed step dad. Hijinks ensure when Alma wants to be cool like him. (5.2k, G)
Thy, Sweet, Love Remembered by @kazoo-world: Ed and Stede promise to always go to sleep together. It’s always the perfect remedy for the day’s frustrations. Look, yes, I wrote this and I’m biased, but every time I read it I can’t stop thinking about how mind blowingly cute it is. (1.1k, T)
Modern AU Meetcutes
Our Tesco Means Death by shipmates: Stede gets a job at Tesco after leaving his old life and notices and is noticed by his kind and smoking manager, Ed. Reading about Stede trying very hard to impress Ed by shoplifting makes me laugh rambunctiously. (21k, G)
the happiest place on earth is here (with you) by @medievill: Stede and Ed strike up a whirlwind romance at Disney World with Ed showing Stede around his usual haunts. Equal parts heart-wrenching and heartwarming. (33k, M)
Unlocked by @festiveferret: Newly divorced Stede accidentally breaks into rockstar Ed’s apartment thinking it’s his own. They fall in love as they hang out together. Ed has two beautiful and perfect guard cats and Stede is perfectly in character levels of insane. (15.5k, T)
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Iranian film director Mohammad Rasoulof said Monday he had left Iran after being sentenced to jail on national security charges, a day ahead of the opening of the Cannes Film Festival where his new film is in the main competition.
"I am grateful to my friends, acquaintances, and people who kindly, selflessly, and sometimes by risking their lives, helped me get out of the border and reach a safe place on the difficult and long path of this journey," Rasoulof, whose film "The Seed of the Sacred Fig" is to premiere at Cannes, wrote on his official Instagram page. 
Rasoulof was sentenced by an Iranian court to eight years in jail, of which five were due to be served, on charges of "collusion against national security", his lawyer Babak Paknia said last week.
"I can confirm that Mohammad Rasoulof has left Iran and will attend the Cannes festival," Paknia told AFP on Monday.
Rasoulof, 51, was not believed to have been in jail. It is common in Iran for defendants to be outside prison when sentences are handed out and later called to jail to serve their terms.
'Dangerous journey'
A statement from his French distributors was more circumspect on his attendance in Cannes, saying Rasoulof was "currently staying in an undisclosed location in Europe, raising the possibility that he might be present at the world premiere of his most recent film."
"We are very happy and much relieved that Mohammad has safely arrived in Europe after a dangerous journey. We hope he will be able to attend the Cannes premiere," Jean-Christophe Simon, CEO of Films Boutique and Parallel45, added in the statement.
It was not clear how Rasoulof had left Iran. Dissidents who feel in danger from authorities in the Islamic republic have been known to seek to cross to Europe via the mountainous land border with Turkey.
Rasoulof, who won the Golden Bear, the Berlin Film Festival's top prize, in 2020 with his anti-capital punishment film "There Is No Evil", had himself been detained in July 2022.
He was released in late 2023 after anti-government protests that began in September 2022 subsided.
Paknia had said earlier this month that some crew members had been "interrogated" this week and last week while actors on the film had also been questioned and barred from leaving the country.
The subject matter of the film and its cast remain under wraps, according to film industry media. It was not immediately clear how many people working on it were interrogated.
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hapigreetings · 2 years
0 notes
brookston · 1 month
Holidays 8.11
Alcatraz Day
Annual Medical Check-Up Day
Border Guard Day (Turkmenistan)
Brother's Day
Builder’s Day (Former USSR Nations)
Burry Man Parade Day (Scotland)
Cheech and Chong Day (San Antonio, Texas)
Chris Hemsworth Day
Constitution Day (Anguilla)
Day of the Latvian Freedom Fighters (Latvia)
Deimos and Phobos Discovery Day (Moons of Mars)
Dog Days of Summer end
811 Day
Fair Day (Puck Fair, Day 2; Ireland)
Festival of Happy Feet
Fiesta de Santa Clara (New Mexico)
Flag Day (Pakistan)
Freethinkers Day
Gay Uncles Day (a.k.a. Guncles Day)
Global Kinetic Sand Day
Green Bay Packers Day
Health Center Staff Appreciation Day
Heroes' Day (Zimbabwe)
Hip Hop Celebration Day
Hug a Tiny Day
Ingersoll Day
Inula Day (French Republic)
Koomu Alezer’i (Elder Scrolls)
Mountain Day (Japan)
National Align Your Teeth Day
National Canine Companion Graduation Day
National Day of Civic Hacking
National Face Mask Day
National Hip Hop Day
National Minority Day (Pakistan)
National Safe Digging Day
Navy Day (Bulgaria)
Nutritionist Day (Mexico)
Play in the Sand Day
Presidential Joke Day
Roller Rink Day
Son’s and Daughter’s Day
Veterinary Workers Day (Ukraine)
Watts Riots Anniversary Day (Los Angeles)
WIT Brag Day
World Krill Day
World Steelpan Day (Trinidad & Tobago)
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Fufu Day
National Bakewell Tart Day (UK)
National Instant Coffee Day
National Panini Day
National Raspberry Bombe Day
National Raspberry Tart Day
Independence & Related Days
Balochistan (from UK, 1947) [unrecognized]
Chad (from France, 1960)
Ebenthal (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Penang (Ceded to the British by Rajah of Kedah; 1786)
2nd Sunday in August
Bagel Day [2nd Sunday]
Children’s Day (Chile) [2nd Sunday]
Day of Cantabria (Spain) [2nd Sunday]
Father’s Day (Brazil, Samoa) [2nd Sunday]
Gay Uncles Day [2nd Sunday]
Melon Day (Turkmenistan) [2nd Sunday]
National Day [2nd Sunday]
Spirit of ’45 Day [2nd Sunday]
Victory Day (Rhode Island) [2nd Sunday]
V-J Day (a.k.a. Victory Day) [2nd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 11 (2nd Full Week of August)
Feeding Pets of the Homeless Week (thru 8.17) [2nd Week]
National Health Center Week (thru 8.17) [2nd Week]
National Resurrect Romance Week (thru 8.17) [2nd Full Week]
National Smile Week (thru 8.17) [2nd Full Week]
Festivals Beginning August 11, 2024
Beacon Sloop Club Corn Festival (Beacon, New York)
Bludfest (Milton Keynes, United Kingdom)
Carytown Watermelon Festival (Richmond, Virginia)
Comiket [Comic Market] (Tokyo, Japan) [thru 8.12]
Czech Heritage Festival (Bechyn, Minnesota)
Hugo Awards (Glasgow, Scotland)
Italian American Festival (Akron, Ohio) [thru 8.13]
Kadayawan Festival (Davao City, Philippines) [thru 8.18]
Montrose Blueberry Festival (Montrose, Michigan) [thru 8.18]
Oslo Jazzfestival (Oslo, Norway) [thru 8.17]
Feast Days
Alexander the Charcoal-Burner (Christian; Martyr)
Alex Haley (Writerism)
Ancestor Day III (Pagan)
Andre Dubus II (Writerism)
Athracht (a..k.a. Attracta or Araght; Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Blaan (a.k.a. Blane; Christian; Saint)
Byron (Positivist; Saint)
Clare of Assisi (Christian; Saint)
Clare Foley Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Claude Joseph Vernet (Artology)
Day Honoring Oddudua (a.k.a. Mother of All Gods; Santeria)
Don Freeman (Artology)
Enid Blyton (Writerism)
Equitius (Christian; Saint)
Fiacre (Christian; Saint)
Gaugericus (a.k.a. Gery; Christian; Saint)
Gerard of Gallinaro and His Companions (Christian)
Great Quackini (Muppetism)
Jim Lee (Artology)
John Henry Newman (Church of England)
Leila (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Mick Foley Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Morris Weiss (Artology)
Philomena (Christian; Saint)
Puck Fair (Irish Fertility Festival; Everyday Wicca)
Rakish Bandhan 2022 (Hindusim) [Last day of Śrāvaṇa]
Rum Quaffing Day (Pastafarian)
Sidhe (Place of Peace; Celtic Book of Days)
Susanna (Christian; Saint)
Taurinus of Évreux (Christian; Saint)
Tiburtius and Chromatius (Christian; Martyrs)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [32 of 53]
Prime Number Day: 223 [48 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
The Abyss (Film; 1989)
Advise and Consent, by Allen Drury (Novel; 1959)
After Dark, My Sweet, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1955)
Almost Human (TV Series; 2013)
American Graffiti (Film; 1973)
Atypical (TV Series; 2017)
C’est Chic, by Chic (Album; 1978)
Childhood's End, by Arthur C. Clarke (Novel; 1953)
Corduroy, by Don Freeman (Children’s Book; 1968)
Dangerous Minds (Film; 1995)
Danny Deckchair (Film; 2004)
Doug (Animated TV Series; 1991)
Down to Earth, by Jimmy Buffett (Album; 1970)
Food for Feeding’ (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Free Ride, by The Edgar Winter Group (Song; 1973)
A Hard Day’s Night (Beatles US Film; 1964)
The Harmony of the World, by Paul Hindemith (Opera; 1957)
Henpecked (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Hey, Soul Sister, by Train (Song; 2009)
His Better Elf (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1958)
His Hare Raising Tale (WB LT Cartoon; 1951)
Hypnotic Eyes (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Le Freak, by Chic (Song; 1978)
I Left My Heart in San Francisco, by Tony Bennett (Song; 1962)
In This Corner (and Other Corners) of the World (Anime Film; 2017)
The Life of Emile Zola (Film; 1938)
The Magicians, by Lev Grossman (Novel; 2009)
Need You Know, by Lady Antebellum (Song; 2009)
Orphan’s Benefit (Disney Cartoon; 1934)
Party in the U.S.A., by Miley Cyrus (Song; 2009)
Pete’s Dragon (Film; 2016)
Popeye Makes a Movie (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1950)
Puppet Love (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1944)
The Psychedelic Experience, by Timothy Leary (Science Book; 1964)
The Ren & Stimpy Show (Animated TV Series; 1991)
The Replacements (Film; 2000)
Rugrats (Animated TV Series; 1991)
Runaway Brain (Disney Cartoon; 1995)
The Screwdriver (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1941)
Step Up (Film; 2006)
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, by Pam Adams (Children’s Book; 1973)
3:47 EST, by Klaatu (Album; 1976)
Two-Headed Giant (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
The View (TV Talk Show; 1997)
A Walk in the Clouds (Film; 1995)
What If…? (Animated TV Series; 2021)
You Beat Me To the Punch, by Mary Wells (Song; 1962)
Today’s Name Days
Klara, Susanna (Austria)
Jasminka, Jasna, Klara, Suzana (Croatia)
Zuzana (Czech Republic)
Herman (Denmark)
Sanna, Sanne, Susanna, Suusi (Estonia)
Sanna, Sanni, Susanna, Susanne (Finland)
Claire, Gilberte, Suzanne (France)
Klara, Susanne (Germany)
Efpious (Greece)
Tiborc, Zsuzsanna (Hungary)
Chiara, Lelia, Susanna (Italy)
Liega, Olga, Zita (Latvia)
Klara, Ligija, Visalgas, Visvilė, Zuzana (Lithuania)
Tarald, Torvald (Norway)
Aleksander, Herman, Ligia, Lukrecja, Włodzimierz, Włodziwoj, Zula, Zuzanna (Poland)
Zuzana (Slovakia)
Clara, Susana (Spain)
Susanna (Sweden)
Susanna (Ukraine)
Laila, Layla, Leila, Leilani, Lela, Lelia, Nayeli (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 224 of 2024; 142 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of Week 32 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Ren-Shen), Day 8 (Ding-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 7 Av 5784
Islamic: 5 Safar 1446
J Cal: 14 Purple; Sevenday [14 of 30]
Julian: 29 July 2024
Moon: 41%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 27 Dante (8th Month) [Byron]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 53 of 94)
Week: 2nd Full Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 21 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 7.22
Ask An Archeologist Day
Attorney Day (Indonesia)
Beta Blucan Day
Blackfoot Daisy Day
Childbirth Education Awareness Day
Climate Emergency Day
Division 722 Day
Dornach Commemoration Day (Switzerland)
Family Tree Day
Festival of Boredom and Reveries
Fragile X Awareness Day
George Crum Day
Guelaguetza (Primer Lunes; Mexico)
Hammock Day
Health, Happiness with Hypnosis Day
International Childbirth Education Awareness Day
International Love & Gratitude Day
King Father’s Birthday (Eswatini, f.k.a. Swaziland)
Lendemain de l'Aïd el-Kebir (Mauritania)
Liberation Day (Guam)
Lion's Share Day
Majdanek Liberation Day
National Be A Good Teammate Day (UK)
National Flag Adoption Day (India)
National Intern Day
National Liberation Day (Poland)
National Pajama Day
National Press Day (Azerbaijan)
National Sing from the Book of Mormon Day
National Sophia Day
National Squirt A Pigeon Day
National Thomas Day
National Water Coaster Day
One Piece Day (Japan)
Pi Approximation Day (a.k.a. Casual Pi Day; 22/7)
Preparedness Day
Qurbon Hayit Holiday (Uzbekistan)
Ranggeln (Germany)
Ratcatcher's Day (a.k.a. Pied Piper Day; UK)
Remington 722 Day
Ryegrass Day (French Republic)
Spooner's Day (a.k.a. Spoonerism Day)
Stilt Dance Day (Spain)
SNN 722 Day
Summer Leisure Day
Thulsa Doom Appreciation Day
Trae Day (Houston, Texas)
Urania Asteroid Day
World Brain Day
World Day Against Open Pit Mining
World Fragile X Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Froot Loops Day
National BLT Sandwich Day
National Mango Day
Penuche Fudge Day
Independence & Related Days
Bohol Day (Philippines)
Claveria Day (Philippines)
Organic Act Day (Virgin Islands)
Revolution Day (July 22nd Anniversary; The Gambia)
Sarawak Self-Government Day (Malaysia)
Slovenian People’s Uprising Day (Yugoslavia)
4th Monday in July
Hurricane Supplication Day (Virgin Islands) [4th Monday]
Festivals Beginning July 22, 2024
The Borderland (Alversjö, Denmark) [thru 7.28]
Corn Capital Days (Olivia, Minnesota) [thru 7.28]
Farnborough International Airshow (Farnborough, United Kingdom) [thru 7.26]
Supertoon International Animation Festival (Šibenik, Croatia) [thru 7.26]
USA Beer & Wine Ratings (San Francisco, California)
Feast Days
Abd-al-Masih (Christian; Saint)
Alexander Calder (Artology)
Aphrodisia (Ancient Greek bathing festival of Aphrodite & Peitho)
Aristo (Positivist; Saint)
Beginning of Leo (Astrology; Pagan)
Contemplate the Cosmos Day (Pastafarian)
Dabius (a.k.a. Davies) of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Edward Hopper (Artology)
James Whale Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Joseph of Tiberias (or of Palestine; a.k.a. Count Joseph; Christian; Saint)
Karl Marx Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Leo zodiac sign begins
Loch Ness Monster 1st Sighting (Everyday Wicca)
Markella of Chios (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalene (Christian; Saint)
Meneve, Abbot of Menat (Christian; Saint)
Neil Welliver (Artology)
Nohra (Maronite Church)
Pete Dexter (Writerism)
Ruthie Tompson (Artology)
S.E. Hinton (Writerism)
Tom Robbins (Writerism)
Vandrille (a.k.a. Wandregisilus; Christian; Saint)
Vaughn Bodē (Artology)
The Venusian (Muppetism)
Wandregislus (a.k.a. Wandrille; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 14 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [14 of 24]
At Your Service (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Back to the Shack, by Weezer (Song; 2014)
A Balmy Swami (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1949)
Bikini Beach (Film; 1964)
The Bodyguard (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1944)
Captain America: The First Avenger (Film; 2011)
Crazy Drivers (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1955)
The Daily Show (Late Night TV Talk Show; 1996)
Friends with Benefits (Film; 2011)
Gallipoli, by Alan Moorehead (History Book; 1956)
Green Lantern: Beware My Power (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Ice Age: Collision Course (Animated Film; 2016)
The Inverted World, by Christopher Priest (Novel; 1974)
The Island (Film; 2005)
Hollywood Sweepstakes (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1939)
It’s Hummer Time (WB LT Cartoon 1950)
Jaws 3-D (Film; 1983)
Join Together, by The Who (Song; 1972)
Jungle Jingles (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Lolita (Film; 1998)
Marnie (Film; 1964)
Midnight Run (Film; 1988)
Mr. Mom (Film; 1983)
Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
My Aim Is True, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1977)
Nope (Film; 2022)
North (Film; 1994)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (Film; 1959)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (Film; 1954)
Star Trek Beyond (Film; 2016)
The Subtle Knife, by Philip Pullman (Novel; 1997) [His Dark Materials #2]
Weary Willies (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Today’s Name Days
Magdalena, Maria (Austria)
Lena, Magda, Magdalena, Miglena (Bulgaria)
Lenka, Magdalena, Manda, Marija (Croatia)
Magdaléna (Czech Republic)
Magdalene, Maria (Denmark)
Leen, Leena, Leeni, Made, Madli, Magda, Magdaleena, Mall, Malle (Estonia)
Leena, Leeni, Lenita, Matleena (Finland)
Madeleine, Wandrille (France)
Magdalena, Marlene, Verena (Germany)
Magdalena, Magdalene, Magdalini, Markella (Greece)
Magdolna (Hungary)
Lena, Lorenzo, Maddalena, Maria, Marylena, Menelaos (Italy)
Margita, Marija, Marika, Marina, Marisandra (Latvia)
Dalius, Magdalena, Mantilė, Marija (Lithuania)
Malene, Mali, Malin (Norway)
Albin, Bolesława, Bolisława, Laurencjusz, Maria Magdalena, Milenia, Pankracy, Wawrzyniec, Więcemiła (Poland)
Magdaléna (Slovakia)
Magdalena, María (Spain)
Madeleine, Magdalena (Sweden)
Mada, Madalina, Madalyn, Maddi, Maddie, Maddy, Madel, Madelaine, Madelein, Madeleine, Madelene, Madelina, Madeline, Madie, Madelyn, Mady (Universal)
Amaya, Magda, Magdalen, Magdalena, Magdalene (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 204 of 2024; 162 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 30 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 17 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 16 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 15 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 24 Red; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 9 July 2024
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 7 Dante (8th Month) [Aristo]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 33 of 94)
Week: 4th Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 1 of 31)
Calendar Changes
  Leo (The Lion) begins [Zodiac Sign 5; thru 8.21]
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