#happy solar new year in like a day. hey if you have a new year meal with some meat enjoy it yeah?
b4kuch1n · 2 years
review of every type of meat that’s ever been subjected to me
disclaimers: this will include offals when I have personal experiences with that. score is subjected to personal taste and accessibility price- and prep-wise. YMMV, etc., etc. "meat" here includes non-mammal non-avian animals, as long as it comes directly from the body (which means eggs and such are not included). I tried to find the closest english word for some of these that I only know as local ingredients, but the taxonomical orders at least should be correct.
pork: 9/10. classic. a bit finicky to prep and cook, which is why it doesn't get full mark, but re-heats nicely. very versatile, though on the heavy side as is the case with most bigger animals. the amount of fat and gelatin that comes with a belly cut makes it ideal for new year aspic, which very few other types of meat can be used for. pig offals are of acceptable textures most of the times, though they've overall softened as time goes on, which may lead to one point docked as I don't like that texture.
chicken: 8/10. also very versatile and takes on spices very well, but experiences may vary much more due to the large difference in texture and taste between dark and light meat on a chicken. the big reason why I mark chicken one point lower than pork is that I find reheated chicken much less pleasant than reheated pork. phantom extra point for show of skill with eating bone-in chicken with chopsticks. remove phantom extra point for overrepresentation in every offering meal. offals are inoffensive, but overly soft for my taste. blood however is more tolerable than pig blood.
beef: 8/10. I love beef. beef is great to eat and great to cook, especially viet beef, since you're either sautéing it on high or stewing it until it falls apart anyway. but not only is beef expensive, quality also varies greatly with different price points. beef fat is also very hard to deal with and it makes me mad to throw away a whole puck of fat. as a casual source of protein it falls firmly into the "more troubles than it's worth" category. the one thing keeping its score in the high range is phở and beef jerky.
duck: 9/10. far superior to chicken in my sincere opinion, but a chore to eat in the summer. in no way an every day meal, but this only secure its place as a treat, which gets it graded on the treat ladder, and it scores high there. the only thing keeping it from perfection is the heavier musk that limits its versatility compared to its land-bound counterpart.
muscovy duck: 7/10. taste-wise deeper than duck, but texture-wise much chewier, which makes eating it even more of a task. cooking options have been pretty much limited to roast and poach. it being bigger than a duck makes prepping and portioning it just slightly off as well, so most often you go out to eat it, which docks point for convenience.
squab: 6/10. the problem here is maybe lack of dedication to the craft. or maybe it's that it's very little, not very exciting meat for too much effort. putting a tentative question mark here for this score because I believe there is a squab experience out there that doesn't feel gimmicky but will blow the doors wide open to new horizons for me. I see potential in this, and I'm not yet sick of disappointment.
silk worm: 8/10. the reason why it's not getting a higher score is because there's one single dish I like with it as an ingredient, which is roasted dried silk worm with fish sauce, but the reason why the score's still an eight is because that dish slaps mad shit. it tentatively falls on the treat scale because it's not very easy to acquire, but once you get a bag of it you're pretty much set for several months, so I would still consider it casual-meal-worthy. may be an acquired taste, but I fully recommend acquiring that taste.
snail: 5/10. abhorrent texture, mild taste. better as ingredients for more complex dishes than as a standalone protein. my mom likes it though so it gets passing grade.
oyster: 3/10. worse texture than snail, even worse taste. doesn't get better when you season it, only makes the seasoning itself worse. not getting a zero only because it's good for blood and I'm open to a chance of redemption down the road.
shrimp/crab: 6/10. get the same mark because I eat them at the same frequency and the amount of paperwork required to eat them is equally excessive. take on spices fairly well, but it's not enough. if I could hold a crab like a hamburger and take a big bite this score would change. saved from the mid grade by their seasoning quality for delectable summer broths.
eel: 4/10. the only good way I've found to eat eel is to deep fry it until it denatures and turns into basically seaweed chips. this is good for sour soup rice noodle, but for that same palate a number of different fishes do the job better with more personality. it's okay with a heap of sauce japanese style, but the price discourages exploration.
tuna: 7/10, and mostly for canned tuna salad. eaten raw I find it mid and unexciting. a nice tuna salad sandwich is fun and childlike in its appreciation of the simple things though, so I wholely respect it.
salmon: 9/10. about as versatile as a seafood can get, and is fun to experience in any form. only one point docked for price and lack of excitement - I also, like with squab and oyster, await a life-changing salmon experience that makes this protein perfect once and for all.
clam worm: 8/10. like with silk worm, I only find it edible in one single form, which is minced clam worm patty fried up, but it excels at that one single thing. also stays in the high grade for fun factor of being a seasonal treat.
frog: 6/10. I really like frog legs. it has the tenderness of white fish with the ease of access of a chicken wing, and the taste is delicate in a delightful way. but I really dislike most of the rest of the frog to put in my mouth. this makes it kinda wasteful as a meat option. overall just kinda better enjoyed alive than cooked for like a third of its body.
dog/cat: 3/10. grouped up once again because they're equally unpleasant texture-wise and limited in prep options. I find meat from mammals of this size downward soft in a really off, is-it-going-bad-or-is-it-just-like-this way. the musk borders on off-putting, which is why prep options are limited to heavy seasoning and stew or roast. overall just way too little bangs for their bucks.
rabbit: 5/10. texturally worse than dog and cat, but the musk is much lighter and takes on seasoning much better. not really something you can find casually in the wet market, so exploration of the possibilities here isn't of convenience. this score may be subjected to change in the future.
deer: 6/10. interesting taste, but tough texture and a bit hard to figure out how to season. very hard to get one's hand on in the city, and honestly from my exposure to it I wouldn't go out of my way to acquire a cut. firmly in the "sure, if I come across it" category.
water buffalo: 6/10. beef but chewier. makes for good drinking food, but I barely drink, so mostly not my thing. also limited in ways to prep - most commonly sautéd with garlic or made into jerky. I feel like there's a depth to this protein I cannot access, which makes me mad, but also earns it respect.
field mouse: 4/10. texturally even worse than rabbit, taste-wise extremely inoffensive. verges on the low end because it just raises the question of why. why is this a local specialty. it's mouse, dude. you can not be gentrifying that. they failed to make it a big deal btw so I'm correct on this one.
lobster: 6/10. gets this score for lobster freaks who spent decades studying how to make this big shrimp taste better and furiously honed their craft with cheese and butter and garlic. 80% of lobster experiences happen at the hands of those people, so the median score averages out at pretty ok. I am, however, lactose intolerant, and thus unwelcomed by these lobster zealots. this, combined with lobster being a luxury food, lowers the score to slightly above passing grade.
snake: 5/10. literally the only impression it left me with was that it was snake meat ooh how rare and cool. texturally more pleasant than eel and more versatile, but that ends up landing it squarely in the “utterly unremarkable” zone. at least now I’m pretty confident I would bite a chunk off a snake if I’m ever lost in a jungle with no way out. passing grade for the worth of information.
horse: 7/10. has the taste depth of deer, but with the texture of beef when simmered for a long time. literally had this first time today so my experience with it is extremely limited, but I can't really imagine it being easy to chew if roasted. two outstanding features are that the fat is really nice to eat even in larger pieces, and the blood cooks into a texturally acceptable jelly, which is not the case with any other animal blood for me. score may be up to change in the future as well.
mantis shrimp: 8/10. lobster wishes it has the playful zeal and easy-going nature of mantis shrimp. the amount of paperwork required to enjoy mantis shrimp is half of shrimp's or crab's, and texture-wise it's just better. literally crack this one in half like a flip phone and put some salt and lime on it, that's a treat. so far the gold standard for shelled seafood. only gets an eight because I don't really think about eating it every day, but I have hope this can be turned around in a shocking and life-changing event as well.
anchovy: this one doesn't get a score due to its ritualistic importance. really is included here because I ritually cleaned and cooked way too many of these so a job I was gunning for could go through successfully. it worked btw. still don't know if I recommend it
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loveandmurders · 4 months
Hey I love your writing I know your busy at the moment but do you think you could do something like Missing piece but with Sinclair Daughter!reader where reader got taken by csp or something and they come back with their adopted family.
Hello love! Thank you so much for this request <3 I had so much fun writing for this that I did a little series in which you are Bo's daughter and you got taken away by your mother and then by social care.
I really hope that you'll enjoy it! <3
Warnings: ANGST and more ANGST, no proof reading, mute!reader, mentions of suicide, death and violence, quick mentions of domestic violence, difficult childhood, sadness, despair and anger
“Are you alright, hon? What are you thinking about?” your adoptive mother asked you.
You were sitting on the porch, looking into the distance. She sat next to you as you shrugged.
“Are you not cold?” she asked you again and you shook your head. She kissed the top of your head before getting up.
“Don’t stay here for too long, ok? You need to get some rest too” she hummed and you nodded. You waited for her to come back inside before laying down on the ground, looking at the sky. 
You were silent now, almost completely mute.
You hadn’t always been like that though. When you were a young child, you were chatting around all the time. You were babbling to Lester about the nicest insects you saw or about what art project you started with Vincent. You were also happily asking questions to your dad about absolutely anything because you were certain that Bo had to know everything. You were telling all your little secrets to Vincent because you trusted him with them and your feelings. You were laughing around with your mother as she was cracking jokes for you. You were happy, you were solar. You were “the sun of Ambrose” as your uncles and father would call you. 
The Sinclairs couldn’t imagine a day without you; your presence was making everything so much better. You were too young to realise what your family was doing with the tourists, but you knew it was bad because your parents didn't want you out of the house when people were coming in. And Vincent needed to authorise you into the basement before you could come down. Your father always told you he would explain everything to you when you were a big girl, and you accepted this answer because Bo never lied to you before. You were aware that everytime people were coming in, there were new sculptures in the House of Wax though. 
But you were happy and loved; and when you are a child, it really all that matters. You couldn’t wait to be a grown up so you could help your dad with his business, but other than that, everything was perfect for you.
Until it wasn’t anymore.
Things had changed so much. You didn’t live in Ambrose and you often wondered if the House of Wax was still doing good, if your family was still doing good. You wondered if they missed you like you missed them. A hole inside your chest was constantly making you feel sick, but you couldn't do anything about it. No one could do anything about it.
You missed the nickname of “the sun of Ambrose” quite a lot too. The little necklace around your neck, in the form of a sun, was there to give you some comfort.This jewel has been a gift from your parents when you were 7 years old. And you have never removed it since then. 
And you wouldn’t now because it was the only thing left from your previous life. You weren’t even called a Sinclair anymore. It was as if everything had been a dream and you woke up pretty roughly when you were 9.
You didn’t truly remember everything that happened. You just knew that everything was going alright, you were safe in your family’s arms, you were loved, you were happy. And the next morning, your mother was gently waking you up.
She told you she needed you to come with her, that she had planned a secret birthday gift for your father and you were part of it. Didn’t your father call you “the best thing life ever gifted him” after all?
However, you needed to stay quiet, so no one would notice you were both leaving the house, so early on this Sunday morning. You obeyed your mother, no matter how hard it was for you to stay fully quiet, but you didn’t want to ruin the surprise for Bo. You were softly giggling behind your hand, innocent of what was truly happening. You left the house with your mother. She settled you in her car and drove away. You were getting curious as you were going away from Ambrose. You used to leave Ambrose only to go to Lester’s place or to go look for road kills with your uncle, but you never went so far away. Your mother wasn’t answering your questions either. You started to get upset with her and you wanted to come back home. It wasn’t fun anymore. 
At some point, she stopped in front of a big building and asked you to stay there. You obeyed again because you used to trust the adults in your life, fidgeting with your fingers and the rime of your cute little dress. You saw your mother entering the building and you felt uneasy. You weren’t too sure what kind of gift it was, but you wanted to come home very quickly. You hoped your mother let at least know Vincent or Lester where you were. A little voice inside your head told you that they couldn’t know, otherwise you wouldn’t be there. But you left the house very easily, so they had to know, right? Or maybe Vincent and Bo were too exhausted from the hunt of the day before, and Lester wasn’t home, to notice you were gone with your mother.
You jumped when you heard a gunshot and screams coming from inside the building. You knew those sounds quite well, but it didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel like usual. You weren’t at home, you weren’t safe. You looked for your mother’s phone but you didn’t find it. You started to worry so you got out of the car and started to look around. You didn’t know what to do. Fear took possession of you when people you didn’t know ran to you. You were so terrified you didn’t fly away. You wouldn’t have been able to go far anyway, not under the burning sun, not with your cute little shoes and cute little dress. You silently prayed for your father to come get you soon.
You didn’t remember much of this moment, all happened in a quick blurr. You just remembered how terrifying it was that there were so many people checking on you and asking you questions. You told them you wanted your dad and your mom and you started to cry. No one listened to you and your dad never came to get you.
It was the last time you ever used your voice, after that, you grew mute. You cried even more when they took you away from the car and brought you inside the building. You were in an unfamiliar world, full of people who had no love for you. You were alone and powerless in the middle of adults who weren’t always nice to you. You were living your worst nightmare, without any hope to wake up anytime soon.
You spent days, weeks, months being asked questions about yourself, your family and where you came from. From those interrogations, you understood quite a few things:
No one knew anything about you, not even that you existed. You were like a ghost. Y/N Sinclair wasn’t registered anywhere. Actually, officially, there were no more Sinclair in the region. They disappeared like Ambrose disappeared from the maps. But why would the world need to know about you, when Ambrose was already your world?
Your mother went into the social care centre, told them she brought with her her child who was in danger, because your father was a killer. She told them the Sinclairs were abusive and violent people. Then she killed herself with a gun she stole from Bo. You didn’t know if it was true that the Sinclairs were abusive to her, because you never saw them hurting her. Maybe they hid this dark side of them from you because you were their heir. You didn’t believe your father was a killer though, how could he be when he loved you so much?
Your father always told you to keep Ambrose a secret, no matter what. He knew you would go to college or to university at some point - even if he wasn’t too happy with the idea - so he needed to make sure you wouldn’t say anything. It was the only promise you ever made to him, so when people started to ask you questions, you knew you had to stay silent or you would put your family in danger. And you didn’t want anything to happen to your father and uncles, otherwise how could they come get you and save you from this hell?
You had never cried so much in your life before, and now it was the only thing making people stop asking you questions. They did physical tests to make sure your mutism was psychological, which it was. They truly believed you were so shocked by what happened in your life, that you couldn’t talk anymore. However, the fact you already knew ASL - thanks to Vincent - made them wonder. The fact you refused to say anything about the Sinclairs too. You were a mystery no one seemed able to solve, a mystery that didn’t want to be solved actually.
You were relieved when you realised that even the police couldn’t find Ambrose, and hence your family. You didn’t understand when the police told you you had been sequestrated by your father. Yes, you used to be homeschooled, but you were happy. And no one ever hurt you before. And your father always told you that the rest of the world was a threat and dangerous for you. You believed him and now you could see how right he was.
You didn’t even cry for your mother’s death, because she betrayed you, your father and the family. And your father told you that family was everything and that you were everything to him. You were proud to be his daughter, his heir, his legacy. 
Now, you were nothing.
You didn’t know if the Sinclairs knew what happened. But after several months, you guessed they had no idea where you were or they would have already got you back home. You would never know how Bo reacted when he saw his daughter gone, how he broke everything in Ambrose out of pure pain, how Vincent grew even more merciless to tourists, how Lester never asked himself anymore if it was alright to kill people. Killers without their sun only grew even more destructive.
Bo never stopped bringing gifts for you in your bedroom; a bedroom he never touched since your departure. Everything was like you left it, because he was still hoping all of this was a nightmare. Or maybe he was dead and this was hell and his personal punishment. If only he was truly dead, he thought more than once.
At some point, people stopped asking you questions, but you stayed silent, as if something died inside of you, or at least stayed in Ambrose. Talking was betraying your family, and you couldn’t be a traitor like your mother.
Life has been happy and easy. Now things were different. 
You moved from place to place, from family to family. You were lucky enough to never be abused, but there was no joy and no laughter in your life anymore. Life was rough and children growing up around you, even rougher. The worst were the adults of course, because they thought they knew everything about you when they knew nothing. They thought you were a traumatised little girl, they thought you were a lost darling whose mother found social care before killing herself in front of everyone. They thought you were broken.
Two years later, you finally got adopted. 
Everyone said you were so lucky to get adopted away so quickly and that you should be grateful that a couple decided to take you with them. You weren’t sure you were happy about it or not. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about your real parents. 
You never stopped wondering why your mother did what she did. If she wanted to kill herself, she could have done it without bringing you down with her. She might have believed she was saving you from hell. But “hell” was your home, and the only place you wanted to be. Hell was soft to you.
You wondered if your father found a new wife and got a new baby. You knew how important it was for him and your uncle Vincent to have an “heir”. Now you were gone, so they needed to replace you. You couldn’t replace them.
What if they never looked for you and that was why you never saw them again? What if you weren’t that important to them? What if the police found them? What if they got killed because of some tourists?
Those questions were driving you crazy at night and there was nothing you could do about them.
Your adoptive family was good to you though. 
Not good like the Sinclairs used to be, of course, but they tried their best with you. They made sure you were doing good at school and that no one bullied you because of your past, or because you were mute. They learnt ASL for you. 
But they didn’t call you their sun and they didn’t talk about legacy. They didn’t praise you everyday, they didn’t have a limitless amount of patience with you, they didn’t allow you to be fully yourself.
They even forced you to stay calm. 
Sometimes, you could get angry, mad, or violent. Bo would have allowed you to get crazy so you would feel better. But in a normal world, you had to see a doctor and to take meds. But you didn’t want that, you didn’t want to believe you were simply so truly broken, you needed meds to be normal. You didn’t even want to be normal. And more than anything, you were tired of people talking about you in front of you without addressing you, you were tired of the other children whispering in your back, you were tired of people telling you what to do.
You were tired of being a prey when your father promised you you would be a huntress. You kept the anger for you and you let it burn you from the inside. You tried to play the role of the perfect and cute little angel so your parents would stop bringing you to the doctors and they would stop making sure you take your meds.
It worked. Of course, it worked, because you were a smart and dangerous girl. 
You were a Sinclair. And you would forever be one.
However, one day, the anger got too strong.
Taglist: @murder-hobo - @lacychick ; @magical-sass ; @limehaspassed ; @loveinglymessedup ; @bloodmoon-bites ; @iwantsleepplz ; @kawaistrawberry21
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stubz · 3 months
"Have a good summer Pollix! See you in September Zyz! Have fun in the Lakes of Nebula Ezshi!"
Today was the last day of the youngling centre and the first day of summer vacation. Although according to the Captain and his second in command it's the Galactic Solar Solstice. But Kim and Max preferred to call it summer.
Both humans walked around the centre saying goodbye and farewell to the younglings. Many of whom gave hugs or small gifts as a sign of thanks or respect in their respective culture and planet.
All but two children who stood away from the others. Looking not as happy as the others.
"Hey. Look." Max nudged his friend to the two kids.
"Ah...Sam and Dan." together the two walked towards them.
"Where's Kim and Max?"
"They're over there."
"What are they doing?"
"I think they're checking on Sam and Dan."
"I don't know."
"Look they're hugging. Maybe they're just sad that we won't see them for a long time."
"Probably. Lets play!"
"Yes Emira?"
"Why did you hug Sam and Danny longer than any of us?"
"Oh...because this is probably the last time I'll see them."
"Sam and Dan are leaving. They're going to a new school. One that's on Earth and we live in different parts of Earth so this is probably the last I'll see them."
"But your only supposed to have one teacher! They can't just leave!"
"Humans are different. We don't have one teacher all our school life. We have different teachers and can change schools."
"Even if you really like your teacher?"
"Even if you really like your teacher."
"Even if you really like your friends and classmates?"
"Even if you really like your friends and classmates. It's not always easy."
They stand in silence. Emira's feathers ruffling as she thinks.
"That must be sad." she finally says.
"It is. Sam and Dan tried to convince us to go work at the new school they'll be going to. They were pretty sad today too but we told them to remember the good memories we have-"
"No I mean for teachers."
"I know they were the first ones here. They love you a lot, Danny even called you both Mom and Dad before. And I know you both love them."
"...Your quite observant Emira. You know what that means?"
"I'm good at noticing things."
"Yeah. I don't have siblings like Kim and I'm actually not that much older than Sam. I'm the same age as their oldest brother...and to be honest they sometimes felt like my younger brothers."
"So you're going to miss them a lot?"
"Yes. Kim has done this before but this is my first time. Kinda sucks that its with kids I've known for over 3 years..."
"Do you want a hug?"
He nodded and the little avian hugged him.
"Hey Kim."
"I got something for you."
"Thanks...but my birthday isn't till next week?"
"Not from me, from Sam and Dan." she handed him the wrapped up gift.
He slowly opened it. It was light, like a feather, and was the size of a picture frame. It was a black screen.
"What is it?"
"Tap the screen."
He did and the screen lit up. Dozens of holographic pictures shot out from it. Most were from class field trips and events but were zoomed in on him and the two brothers. Some he doesn't remember Kim taking but he remembers the time the place.
"I got one too. It started out as a gift for the boys so they could remember us but then they and their parents wanted to return the favor so they made an extra two for us. Some of these are from the parents." she explained smiling at the biggest picture of the boys holding a sign saying 'Thank you for the memories, love Samuel and Daniel'
"I know I don't show it but I'm gonna miss them too. It does get easier with each time but you never stop missing the kid. Remember the kid I told you about, Penny?"
"The girl who gave you 3 stitches?"
"She was my first goodbye. She was at the preschool I first started at. Sweet, kind, a little ankle biter, but I really liked her. I had known her for 3 years when she left."
"...I'm really gonna miss them." he sighs, slumping towards his friend. She holds him in a side hug.
"I know buddy, me too...me too" they looked at the pictures in silence and if one of them let a tear fall then that was nobodies business but their own.
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the-dreadful-bard · 1 month
The Dreadful Bard Rejanis Fics Masterpost
Last Updated on Sept 25th.
Currently on a mental health break. Posts will be sporadic for the time being.
Hey! I've been writing a lot since the start of the year so I thought I'd make this post just for the sake of being well-organized. I'll update this as I write and post new things, both here and on AO3.
Adding a read more link because this is a long post. Here you're gonna find the links to all of my Rejanis works and the summary of each one.
Future works post (Please take a look at that if you haven't, I mention some stuff that's very important for you to know if you like ANY of my writing and want me to keep posting it)
TLDR: New installments of the series, new oneshots for the collection, multichapter fantasy/d&d au (summary for it on the future works post so check that out), 3 other multichapters that may or may not be written, plus a bunch of other shorter stuff as I get new ideas and inspiration.
Oneshot based on this:
Tumblr media
Under the blossom tree
Summary: Collection of Rejanis oneshots inspired by songs.
stuck on you
Summary: Regina gets home sleep-deprived and exhausted after a hard day at the office, but realizes she forgot her keys at work. Too tired to drive back to fetch the keys, she tries to get in through the window but gets stuck. Luckily for her, the fire department sends her aid in the form of one Janis ‘Imi'ike.
lyrics for a misunderstood mean girl
Summary: Regina hasn't seen Janis in two years because things keep getting in their way.
the one where Janis and Damian write Mean Girls the musical.
one thing I can't lose (kind of my favorite oneshot)
Summary: Janis somehow finds herself at Regina's door after the girl gets released from the hospital. Regina recruits Karen to decode her complicated gay feelings.
The one where Karen is a genius who can do no wrong, Regina is a feral chihuahua wearing a cone of shame, and Janis can't say no to her former nemesis.
feline disposition
Summary: Janis disappears and everyone is having a terrible time.
Completely unrelated to that, Regina rescues a cat from the rain in the middle of the night.
the one where Janis is a cat.
Attempt #19
Summary: Janis and Regina have been meeting in secret for six months and their communication is... not great.
Regina wants them to go public and get serious but Janis, convinced she wants to break up, never lets her say it.
the one where they actually talk after months of miscommunication.
Happy birthday?
Summary: Regina gets bad news on her birthday, which pushes her into acting like her old self with her friends. Janis won't have it. She has a plan to set Regina straight, but for that, she's going to need her to be willing to follow her lead.
lights and sirens
Summary: “Oh no…” Janis whispers, grimacing.
Regina glances at her with concern in her eyes. “What is it?”
“I think—I think I'm hallucinating. I'm looking at you, and I- and I see someone who can't- can't be real. Oh my god, I might be dying. Am I dying?” She confesses, still staring at Regina in shock, her heartbeat skyrocketing.
Maybe the pain is driving her mad. Or maybe death comes for you in the form of the person who you would most like to see one last time, to make the passing easier. She never thought Regina would be that person, but now that she thinks about it, it couldn't be more perfect.
Old stuff from 2019:
threads, oil paints, and textbooks - COMPLETE
Summary: Regina George starts a new year as one of Elizabeth T. Richmond Public School's teachers and finds out that one of the new faculty members is someone she'd been hoping to run into since leaving Illinois almost 16 years earlier. A lot has changed since then, but as everyone realizes, Regina and Janis still have a lot of unexplored feelings for each other.
The ballad of Moonlight & Solar Flare (pls give it a chance i promise its really good) - COMPLETE
Summary: Regina and Janis, as Moonlight & Solar Flare, used to fight crime together until something drove them to opposite sides, and their relationship didn't survive. Now, three years later, they realize it's not quite so easy to get rid of the love they once shared when a chain of events leads them back to each other.
you set my world on fire
Basically, it's a continuation of the canon universe, starting during Spring Fling.
Summary for part 1: After getting hit by the bus, Regina is forced to come to terms with something she'd been running away from since she was a kid.
you set my world on fire (Part 1)
there's an old song (i wrote for you) (Part 2)
timeless like you and me (Part 3)
can't help myself (when you get close to me) (Part 4)
say you'll always keep me (Part 5)
you're still the one (Part 6)
uninvited (Part 7)
one that makes me sing (Part 8)
nothing in the world belongs to me (but my love) (Part 9)
birds of a feather (Part 10)
PS: new installments in the future
Please, if you like any of these fics and want more of them, don't only leave kudos on my stuff, leave comments too! I don't care how small those comments are, just please leave some, it means a lot to me <3
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lordeemailarchive · 1 year
how I’ve been, revised
(20/09/2023) (Solar Institute Bulletin No. 22) (From London)
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Aftershow quiet in Helsinki
I just finished writing you a long letter, catching you up on how I’ve been. It ended neatly, tied with a little bow. I chose my words well, but I didn’t tell the truth. So I’m starting again, gonna type and not look back, and send what comes out.
I’m in London, have been since May. Things feel clear here. I haven’t seen many friends; mostly, I’m alone with my thoughts. I go swimming, I go to work, I walk home or take the train, I eat in my kitchen, I go to bed thinking about what I’m making. I’m starting to miss my friends and family, like a vitamin I’m deficient in. Soon I’ll be going back to New York, and then home.
I’m living with heartbreak again. It’s different but the same. I ache all the time, I forget why and then remember. I’m not trying to hide from the pain, I understand now that pain isn’t something to hide from, that there’s actually great beauty in moving with it. But sometimes I’m sick of being with myself. I eat chocolate to try and manipulate the endorphins, bring back the sweet happiness of Easter morning. I sit in the time machine and wait for it to move, but it hasn’t been invented yet.
My body is really inflamed, it’s trying to tell me something and I’m trying to support it but nothing seems to help and I get frustrated. My gut isn’t working properly, my skin is worse than ever, I’ve gotten sick half a dozen times. I realised earlier this year that listening to my body is hard for me, it’s something I never really learned how to do. I’ve been trying to teach myself that this year, but it’s been hard actually, pretty confronting, has made me fully aware of all the times I ignored it or didn’t give it what it needed, shamed it for a fight or flight response, took a handful of pills and pushed through. The little yellow pill I took every morning for thousands of mornings since I was 15, I stopped taking it 5 days ago. Gonna see how it goes.
I go online and look at everyone. Beautiful people sing to me. Everyone’s gotten really good at the same thing. I look at arched backs and wet flower mouths, the right bag, the right sunglasses. I wonder if it feels as good as it looks, it’s been so long since I chose the best picture from a hundred, lined it up like pulling an arrow taut in a bow, and let it go. Everyone looks very thin. Just thinking that makes me feel tired and far away. I’m not sure if it’s having an effect on anyone else. I keep spending money, wondering if what’s in the package will make me feel right, but I guess I buy the wrong things. I was gonna go to fashion week in Paris, had all these grand plans, but this week I txted my manager and pulled out. At the start of my career I promised myself I’d never be one of the people in the light smiling if it wasn’t real.
Earlier this year, I ate two handfuls of mushrooms, solid doses that tasted like green dirt. I got a lot of information about what my body had been through in our time so far, what it needed, where God was and where God wasn’t; I felt in my bones how destabilising it is to leave home and start a new life the way I did. I also saw that my body is completely magnificent, and that hating it is as futile as hating a tree; that I truly, truly love doing my job, and that my life is like a beautiful tapestry, and every inch of it is precious and has meaning.
It might seem funny or be easy to forget, but I make records because I need to. The songs are spells; a spell to let go of something, a spell to unlock a door. Every time I put something into words just as I see it, set it to the right music, a knot comes loose in me. But it hurts too, confronting the knots. I’ve made enough records to know that this feeling of my skin coming off is part of it. I know I’m gonna look back on this year with fondness and a bit of awe, knowing it was the year that locked everything into place, the year that transitioned me from my childhood working decade to the one that comes next — one that even through all this, I’m so excited for. It’s just hard when you’re in it.
So in this state, I went out on a short European festival tour. We built a cool new version of the show in a couple days. It was good to change gears and get out of my head. I put effort into the show, changing the setlist and arrangements, it was cool how you picked up on that, and it felt good dancing to the new versions with you, looking out at you, all sweaty with your friends, all on the same drugs. I felt the throb of history that’s under this music now, how each year makes these songs feel more like collectively written and sung pieces. I left my body and merged with yours and it was ecstasy. Then I went home to a business hotel and washed the glitter and smoke out of my hair.
Lauren took some beautiful pictures — sharing a few with you here.
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Backstage in Portugal.
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Cute Polaroid series of the 6pm, 8pm, and 10pm versions of me on a show day.
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I’ve read some great books recently, including Drive Your Plow over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk, Speedboat by Renata Adler, Motherhood by Sheila Heti, Rough Translations by Molly Giles (brought into my life by sweet angel bookworm Chris Chang), Birds of America by Lorrie Moore; am waiting on my copies of ĀRIA by Jessica Hinerangi and Te Ana Ata: Menstruation In The Pre-Colonial Maori World by Ngāhuia Murphy. Was given Wawata - Moon Dreaming by Dr. Hinemoa Elder which I’m loving looking to as the Maramataka evolves.
It was Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori last week, I loved listening to this from London. This vid from Hemi showing the similarities between te reo Māori and ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi is so sick.
Been meaning to tell you about The Kindness Institute too, a mental health resource for Māori rangatahi that has recently lost government funding. Go check out the beautiful, necessary mahi they’re doing — I know the cost of living is cooked for Kiwis right now and pop stars asking people to donate sux, but if you work at a good sized company maybe you can wrangle a donation from your employers?! I’m gonna email my record company about it.
Other bits that have inspired lately:
Dieter Rams’ principle of “as little design as possible”. This fantastic interview with Thom Yorke. Maddie’s unbelievably beautiful Melo inspired tattoo.
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Loving the beautiful new Troye songs and vids, Kelela’s Raven hitting right on the e-bike rides home, late to the magic of Frou Frou but glad I’m here, and the rest of my brain is M.T. Hadley, this great Te Whanganui-a-Tara based band Womb, and Talk Talk. And for those it concerns, have been pilled by parasocial big cousins Jason and Chris. My mum just sent me a Sylvia Plath poem that feels like it sums up the above, I’ll copy it here:
They thought death was worth it, but I Have a self to recover, a queen. Is she dead, is she sleeping? Where has she been, With her lion-red body, her wings of glass?
Now she is flying More terrible than she ever was, red Scar in the sky, red comet Over the engine that killed her— The mausoleum, the wax house.
Sylvia Plath, "Stings"
Hope you’re taking care of yourself. Don’t worry about me, I still laugh every day, it’s all moving, even when it goes slow. I’ve accepted the mission — I have a self to recover.
Speak soon, E X X X X X
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(source: received this email)
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podcastjam · 7 months
Project Spotlight #3: Eart(h) FM
The year is 2072, and we're talking about the solarpunk sci-fi pilot Eart FM with team member Ari!
Tell us a bit about yourself and your teammates!
Hi, I’m Clover! I’m a writer, voice actor, and audio engineer. I’m helping edit Eart FM, and potentially voice act in it. I’m working on a few podcasts, but none of them have released yet. My first and favorite podcast is Wolf 359. I technically have a tumblr account, but I don’t use it, so you can find me lurking on various podcast discords, mainly the official WOE.BEGONE discord.
@lotsadeer: My name is Izze Sykes, I'm an illustrator, writer, podcaster, game designer, voice actor, and wearer of many hats. I'll be doing the cover art for this podcast! The first podcast I ever listened to was Welcome to Night Vale, don't ask me my favourite podcast that's like asking me to choose children, and I'm involved in a few podcasts at the moment! Hope's Hearth, an actual play podcast; Abbey Archives, a Redwall reread podcast; SCP Research Archives, an SCP article podcast; Colchis, a sci-fi audio drama; and Cauterized, a horror audio drama. Plus a few podcasts that are in the works. I like podcasts.
@aclickbaittitle: Hello, I am Ari! I like to say I am a storyteller. I am the organizer (?) for Eart FM and I also plan to sound-design and write.  Like a lot of people I got into audio drama through Welcome to Nightvale and then it was history. My most recent project is a little short-fiction podcast called “Broken Hearted: The Friendship monologues”.
Hello, I'm Laurel. I'm a writer, digital artists, and self proclaimed voice actor. I will be voicing the role of "The Host" in Eart(h) FM! I have not participated in any projects publicly but I have be doing voice work for fun with friends and a bit on my joint youtube channel. My favorite podcast is definitely Penumbra Podcast, my younger brother showed it to me and I was hooked instantly. I don't use my tumblr anymore but you can find me on discord @ cyanosiis!
@timberfins/@elijahharpermusic: I'm Eli, or Timber, and I'm providing music! The first podcast I remember falling in love with was Welcome To Night Vale, but my current favourite is probably Within The Wires (unless we're also including non-fiction, where it's competing with Lingthusiasm). I sing with the Anguilliform Chorus in Eeler's Choice, and you'll also hear me in two Law of Names productions: Season 4 of Breathing Space and the upcoming Waterlogged.
Hey guys, my name is Johnny Fuent, I am a MBA student trying to survive in this trying world. I am a huge nerd, and love to travel. I have been to over 14 different countries and plan to expand that number. I also host my own podcast as well. My first podcast that I listened to was Campfire Radio Theater, and my favorite podcast is Midnight burger. Currently I am a writer for the podjam and happy to be here.
What's your podcast about?
Solar-punk sci-fi with anti space-colonialism sentiments. It is the year 2072, the poles have melted and humanity has taken for the stars, except for the HOST, . To cope with being the only human on earth, they’ve decided to create a Radio Show where they broadcast music from various times and places of the world. One day someone finally calls to the radio station an ECOLOGIST, living on the skirt of the iztaccihuatl bearing news that the earth is healing. Together they embark on a quest for other humans that still live on planet earth, finding various communities and people, and begin to help the earth one day heal.
What are you most excited about in this event?
To collaborate with other creators in order to tell a story that is very dear to my heart.
Any advice for other participants, or those on the fence about joining?
Consult it with the pillow, but if come morning you discover that is just the nerves and impostor syndrome keeping you from participating, take that leap. At the end of the day, we are all just a bunch of people trying to tell stories the same as you.
This team is still looking for new members, adding: "We are currently looking for the ecologist voice actor. We are specifically looking for a chicane / mexican-american voice actor since we are writing the ecologist with an experience specific to said identity (don’t worry, you don’t need to know spanish or anything, as long as you have a connection with the ethnicity or identity, you are welcome to join!)"
If you're interested in joining their project, you can find their casting call here, or you can reach out in the Podcast Book Club Discord server. If you want to know more about the jam first, be sure to check out this post as well!
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purplegirl20 · 6 months
Pairing: Damian Priest x Self-Insert (Me) with mention of the Judgement Day
synopsis: I decided to spend the afternoon in Philly, getting ready for the total solar eclipse.
Warning: None
Tagging: :@ghoulsister1 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @sparkleva95 @alicejoaquin1990 @vintage-pvssy @ashkrystal @theworldofotps @nyc-kyra-93 @ziasaph @priestparty @queenzay @sultryfandoms @windhamsrotunda@rheaanddamianfan@theclawdeen1442@tmt-77@blueberryomega@ironshamelessyouth@lisashield @sparklykryptonitequeen91 @claymoresofinfamy23 @keekee-23 @anessa27
Note: This is a very quick drabble to coincide with Today's Solar Eclipse. I hope you enjoy the story and happy viewing.
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April 8th 2024: Post-Wrestlemania Day.
It was a hectic 24 hours after WrestleMania. I was getting ready for the next event, he solar eclipse. I was in the hotel room me and Damian are staying, getting myself for the event.
Shaynell: Ok. Let see. Bookbag, check. Phone, Check. Wallet, check. Special solar eclipse sunglasses, check. Jacket, check Phone charger. Check. Ok. I'm going to be ready.
Damian: Hey princessa.
I saw Damian, coming out from the hotel's gym.
Shaynell: Hi Mr. Champion.
He smiles and kiss me on the lips.
Damian: What's you doing?
Shaynell: Getting ready for the solar eclipse.
Damian: Solar eclipse? What are you talking about?
Shaynell: Really? You haven't been checking on the news?
Damian: Mija. I'm too busy cashing in the money in the bank to be the new world heavyweight champ.
I playfully rolls my eyes, making him chuckle.
Damian: Where are you doing in Philly to watch the solar eclipse?
Shaynell: I'm going to Fairmount Park.
Damian: Really?
Shaynell: Yep. It been 7 years since the last solar eclipse occurs in the United States.
Damian: Wow.
Shaynell: Anything that involved space interested me.
Damian: Must be excited.
Shaynell: I have these special glasses to in order to see them.
Damian: Can I see them with my regular sunglasses?
Shaynell: No. Even with your regular sunglasses, you'll burn your eyes, causing permanent blindness.
Damian: Holy Shit! Really?
Shaynell: Yep. So that why I bought them.
I pulled out 5 extra glasses for him and his crew.
Shaynell: I know that you and the judgement day has to been in the arena earlier in a few hours, but just in case, you have to see it before RAW, i want you guys to experience this astronomical event like me.
Damian: Aw. Thank you.
He smiles and took the glasses. I quickly look at my phone and gasp.
Shaynell:(gasp) I gotta go. It going to start in less than a hour. I'll see you later.
Damian: Bye, princessa. Don't forget your ticket for tonight's show.
Shaynell: I will. I'll miss you.
Damian: I'll miss you more.
I smile and give him a kiss, making him chuckle. I smile as I left the hotel room to see the eclipse.
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internerdionality · 2 years
Lightly edited rant containing unpopular opinions. If you like Christmas, that's fine. Please just move on and don't read this. I'm not interested in helping anyone through a fragility meltdown today.
It annoys me when people say Happy Holidays. It feels like fake multiculturalism and only *slightly* better than people who just wish everyone Merry Christmas. Sometimes I actually *prefer* Merry Christmas because at least they're being honest? IDK I really just wish people wouldn't force me into their celebrations.
Liberal American Christians love to talk about how "well practically every religion has a holiday in December so it's just a spiritual time that we should all acknowledge, darkest time of the year, bring back the light blah blah blah" but that's actually pretty much just BS?
Like, most religions have lots of festivals and observances throughout the year. Plenty of other times of the year have groupings of holidays. The winter solstice isn't any *more* important on a global scale than the other major turnings of the year. So then why do we say happy holidays at midwinter and not at the other equinoxes and solstice?
It's because America is a Christian country, and Christian "values" and "culture" get forced on all of its inhabitants. And Christmas in particular is used as this *bludgeon* to inextricably bind Americanism to Christianity. And if you push back against it, you get seen as anti-American and antisocial. (Which, admittedly, for me is fair, but hey!) And that's not just from conservatives. I've had LOTS of discussions with liberals about Christmas and the "winter holidays" that can basically get summed up as "well, it's just basically secular and has universal themes of family and love and generosity so you should just be happy to celebrate it."
Except that Christmas *cannot* be separated from its Christian roots and tying it to American neocapitalism just makes it more toxic. I don't want to celebrate it and I'm *so tired* of living through two (if I'm lucky) straight months of forced observance of someone else's religion.
And yeah, happy holidays just reinforces that, it doesn't make it better. As a Jew, if you say happy holidays to me during Hanukkah and not during Passover or the Days of Awe, it's pretty obvious that it's about Christmas (and forced assimilation) and not about inclusiveness. If you say happy holidays for Bodhi day but not Vesak, that's not about multiculturalism. If you say happy holidays during Kwanzaa but not on Junetheenth, that's not about diversity. If you say happy holidays during Ramadan (on the rare occasions that Ramadan even falls in December) but not on Eid al-Adha (or vice versa), then it's pretty obvious that's not about anything other than making sure everyone else is forced to join in on YOUR celebration.
(And if anyone's going, "well, but everyone celebrates the New Year"—nope. While the US’ year end can be traced back to Rome, it was Christianity that spread it throughout the world and is responsible for us celebrating in midwinter. Other calendars vary wildly. Many aren't actually fixed to the solar year, but for those that are, beginning the year at the end of summer or the end of winter is actually more common than midwinter. But anyway, using happy holidays to refer to New Year's Day isn't much less Christian-centric than using it to refer to Christmas).
And like, no judgment to people who like happy holidays and want everyone to use it, I'm just tired.
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ceilingfan5 · 2 years
@taznovembercelebration new start
Barry taps his clipboard with his pen, seriously considering treason. It’s not the first time he’s considered it, but every single day he works this project, it’s on his mind. He stares through the one-way glass unblinkingly and seethes, insides writhing in a hideous battle between ethics and duty, right and wrong, career and prison, if he’s lucky. Honestly, he could get sentenced to death. He’s always been a coward, but maybe it would be worth it to go out a hero, in his own way.
Supers, mutants, people with exceptionalities, whatever you want to call them–they have a very different public image from the one behind the curtains. It’s very curated, delicately balanced, managed with a tighter grip than a multi-billion-dollar company’s social media accounts. The devil works hard, but the government and its pals work harder, because the world doesn’t know it can be like this.
The world doesn’t know how strong they can get.
Barry’s spent a lot of time at this facility. He’s seen kids and adults come and go that shook his definition of humanity, of exceptionality, of possibility–he’s lost count of the times he’s gone home and sat in the dark about his day, and had to force himself to come back in the morning. His contract is air tight and has been for a long, long time, and somehow, somehow he’s been able to push through and keep going. Cowardice. Greed, even. The money isn’t worth it, though, not anymore.
It shouldn’t have been worth it for that kid that could bend reality, or the ice one that destroyed their whole town in an avalanche, or the radioactive guy, or the one that exploded last year. It sickens him that he’s justified this much, this long. That all it took to change his mind properly was her.
It’s hard to count her as fully human anymore. The other scientists often refer to her like some kind of thing, and Barry wants to break their noses about it. Looking at her is like staring right into the sun, the fire of ancient furnace that shouldn’t be run anymore, the heart of a train, pushing, pushing, pushing. She can’t stop burning. She’s more spirit than body, if that means anything. Barry never was religious, isn’t much of a spiritualist. He’s a numbers and fists and proof kind of guy. But there she is.
They keep her locked in a bullet proof cell, take her out to run data, research, understand, and they use her powers to fire their machines, to deepen study and all sorts of bullshit Barry has been complicit in for far too long. The sound she makes is a crackling wail, a horrendous screech that shakes him up, body and soul. They always like to tease rehabilitation for the less extreme cases, but this one, they’re just happy to profit from for eternity?
She doesn’t deserve this. They know nothing about her. She was a person, once, even if she is somewhat less than corporeal now.
He watches her, alone in the observation deck, and she thrashes like a solar flare against the walls. Does she never get tired? He’s so tired. He considers the consequences. He considers freedom for the suffering, choice for the the choiceless. He unlocks the door with his key card and enters the room.
The thrashing stops immediately. She plasters her face against the bulletproof glass, yellow eyes fiery and wide. She’s beautiful, in the scariest way possible. They both know he’s not supposed to be down here right now. She’s curious.
He can’t help but talk to her, even if she’s not going to understand. Who knows how conscious she is, in this form. Surely it shouldn’t be possible, but stranger things happen every day.
“Hey,” he murmurs. He puts a hand on the glass, and watches her draw back, nervous. “S’me again. Sorry to bother you.”
She squints at him, and after a long moment, puts her hand on the glass, too. He can feel the warmth even though six inches of the strongest stuff they could find. It makes something flutter in his stomach.
“I’m tryin’a make a good choice here,” he whispers. “But I’ve been a coward my whole life, and this could get me killed. But that doesn’t matter, does it? Why should I get to be comfortable when you’re suffering?”
She tilts her head, and opens her mouth. A screeching wail comes out.
“Yeah,” Barry says, nodding. “Yeah. But–I gotta be honest here–I’m afraid, you know? I don’t think I’ll even be able to get out of the facility. I have a lotta, lotta skills, but speed isn’t among them, you get me?”
She smacks the glass with a fist. He jumps, but he can’t really blame her.
“You’re right,” he decides. “I should get on with it. You’ve been in here too long for me to fuck around.”
He looks at the control panel in front of them, and bits his lip–it clearly requires three different keycards, and he’s only got the one. He could swipe the others, figure something out, but…no, she needs out now, not in some indeterminate time. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and runs his hands over the panels.
He can hear her pound on the glass again, but he’s busy focusing. He doesn’t use his powers very often–he’s not even registered. But even unpracticed, they’re still strong. His consciousness rockets through the computer, unlocking everything in sight, and he pushes his will hard enough to feel a pop-
And every lock in the sector opens at once.
“Whew,” he says, opening his eyes. She looks at him, uncertain, and he nods at her, smiles. Winks, even. Cheeky. She pounds against the door, and it swings open, and she rockets out–a blur of light and crackling fire. She cackles and circles the room rapidly, a dizzying display that charms him completely.
“Go!” he tells her, urgent. “They’ll be here any minute, you’ve got to get out of here!”
She cocks her head and slows to a stop, hovering, sputtering and sizzling. She’s blindingly bright up close, but there’s so much expression on her face. He knows for certain he did the right thing.
“T̶̟̾̉ḧ̴̯̬͝á̷͓̉n̵̛͖̑k̵̪̊ṡ̷̟͋.̷̣̜̀̕” It’s the first time any of them have heard her communicate, and Barry is flabbergasted. It looks difficult to make words with pure fire.
“You’re welcome.” He smiles, still nervous. He can feel the heat radiating off of her. “Go, though. I want you to find somewhere safe.”
She squints at him. Barry hears the siren kick off, and he winces. He thought he’d gotten it.
“Fuck,” he says. “I hope- I hope you’ll be okay.”
She points at him.
“I know, I- I’ll be alright,” he lies.
She points at him more aggressively, and a spark of flame ignites his tie. Her eyes widen, and she tries to stop the flame, but he has to rip off the tie and stomp on it to cut it out. He’s flushed. Because of the fire, and for no other reason. Surely.
She bounces in the air, anxiously looking at the hallway, and Barry is just about to shoo her again when she grabs him by his jacket and FLIES down the hallway, the posters on the walls igniting behind her. Barry yelps, feeling the flame lick at his clothes, threatening to burn him, but she’s fast, and they zip out of the entire facility faster than a wildfire consuming a whole forest.
She drops him in the grass outside of the facility and he stops, drops, and rolls, his clothes coming off him in burnt tatters, and she laughs at him, her screechy, crackly laugh, and he blushes, surprised by how beautiful she is when she’s happy.
“We should go,” he says, dazed. “They’ll be after us.” Us! He’s never been an us before. Shame he had to become a fugitive to do it.
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astrobiscuits · 9 months
Your opinion on moon in 12th house conjunct jupiter and mars in 12th house with pluto in 8th house in SOLAR RETURN chart?
Seems like a drastic transformation in this year🤯 i have it in 2024
Hey, happy new year!!💞
With Moon and Jupiter in 12th house, 2024 will be a year full of vivid dreams and certain realisations regarding the process of manifestation (if you're into that). Things might just click for you this year, especially if you've been searching for answers regarding the meaning of life or mental health issues. You've got a big opportunity to better your mental health and/or overcome certain addictions.
Beware of lazyness with Mars in 12th house!!! (Trust me, i have this placement natally and it sucks big time). This year isn't a good year for starting something new, instead try to accomplish leftover resolutions made in 2023. You might sleep more than usual, but still feel fatigued during the day. Amp up your self care as much as possible.
Pluto feels comfortable sitting in the 8th house, so you might be better "equipped" to deal with huge transformations in your life. If you've been wanting to dwelve deep into a certain area of your life (a particular relationship, studying something complicated, uncovering family secrets), now is the time to do it.
It's going to be an intense year for sure, but you've got some of the best placements in your 8th and 12th house of your 2024 SR.
Best of luck! 🦭
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rainyyz · 2 years
Hello. How are you doing?
What does chiron (aries), nn (aries) jupiter (taurus) and moon (taurus) means in 11th house in sr chart means.
Thank you for your time and effort. Have a good day ✨
Hey! 😊
Chiron (Aries), North node (Aries), Jupiter (Taurus) and Moon (Taurus) in 11th house in Solar Return chart:
Important note: Solar Return chart is not your Birth chart. Solar Return start around your birthday date and ends on your next birthday. I used the word "around" because you may start feeling the new Solar Return one or maybe two weeks earlier. So, the Solar Return last one year.
11th house represents friendships, community. So having a stellium in 11th house in Solar Return chart means that you will be focused in this area.
Chiron in Aries to me is intense placement. Chiron in Solar Return chart represent where we would feel vulnerable, where we need to heal. I think this year you would have problem with self esteem. You may feel kind of misunderstood by friends or just people you communicate with. You have to try to find your passion again, basically what makes you happy. You have the ability to be an amazing friend, you may meet new people. Aries is action oriented sign, it's ambitious. But, you may feel restricted at first, like... you can't fully express yourself. You may be afraid of rejection. But, if you build your confidence then things will get better.
North node in a Solar Return chart represent growth. Your being in Aries is basically what I told you. You should try to find happiness, find what makes you passionate. And with the 11th house means that you should be focusing on communication with people.
Jupiter in Solar Return chart represent where we would find luck, where we would have prosperity. Yours being in Taurus means that you should have patience and calmness. That's a very good placement for attracting money. 11th house being here could mean meeting with people who will help you, maybe help you financially. 11th house represent technology too, social media. So, you may talk more with people on social media.
Moon represent our feelings and emotions. In a Solar Return chart it represents the same thing. Moon in Taurus means that you want stability in your life. You will want to feel comfortable around people (11th house). Taurus is connected to money (2nd house) so having Moon and Jupiter here could be a good indication of having financial stability.
Hope I helped you 💛
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mamabearwonders · 7 months
Dear Little Lion Cub🦁,
I'm going to just happy cry thinking about you. You're such a sweetheart. I love you so much. And your hugs are the most precious thing ever.
We met a long, long, LONG time ago. Far, far away in a magical lion kingdom. June 25th, 2023! YA I know right? I met Little Fox🦊 on June 17th. So, you were just another blessing I didn't know we had! The best kind! Surprise! The system kind of surprise! More lovable people to love! I got a fox AND a lion cub (dw, I did not forget the other lovelies, I'm making posts about them tooo)!🥳
I need a pack of tissues or a Little Lion Cub🦁 hug. Happy tears! We originally didn't know your name - WHOA! Ikr? Because we say it all the time now, huh, little cub? Cub!! Cub!! Hi, cub! We missed you! Then you do your little happy dance and happy flappy hands. We love happy hands.
But we didn't know your name. Not even you! But🦊thought you deserved a name because he loves you and we all deserve a name! And I probably cried (happy cry). Then I asked both of you if you were comfy fronting. And I'm so so glad you did.🦁
You were SO scared when we first met. But look at you go now! You are not afraid to send me a whole solar system galaxy of messages🌌 and ASK for things now! It's nice to see you really relax and be more confident in how you talk because I know🦈 helps you out and he and me are both 3,000 years old (love you🦈) so we're not too hip with the newfangled youth words. I love how I also think of how as my own kid but he's older than ME lol. (promise I love you, I'll take you to an aquarium or calligraphy shop,🦈).
I love how you went from shy to still shy, but confident because shy isn't a bad thing. I love the colors game with you. And I can't wait to see what else your brilliant mind (which you did not get from mom LOL) comes up with. You're so smart and always teach me things every day.
You have so much patience. When I stepped back for a little bit because this is new to me- you still loved me and were patient as a saint. 📿 I have never raised little ones before- just once, but it's a long story which I'll share with you someday. But you've helped me heal so much. All of us. You may be little, but little ones change the world! You have a BIG impact. And you're big important too.
You've helped 🦊out so much. Whenever he's really depressed, you're a light that gets him through those dark scary storms⛈️. I appreciate you so much, but I'm happy you know you do a good job looking for others, but you know you matter too! And you let us love you up and take care of you!
You're a tough cookie, little cub🦁. But you shouldn't have to be! We got you. You and 🦊 and🦈 can just relax now. Mom's got you. Hey maybe we can get🦈 to color some pictures sometime huh? 🎨
One of my favoritest things about you (if I can narrow it down) is when you get excited about things. You'll find something and just go "Mom! Mom! MOM!!!" and you'll be like: I found this cool sticker! And that sticker! And this one too!! And you just get so into it. Tbh I could hear you talk about the paint on the wall for hours and I'd just be sitting there smiling and listening.😊
I love how you've jumped onto calls too! I know it's a little new for you🦁and you've been hesitant a bit calling me. You do what you feel most comfy with, but I love when🦊 is on the call then you pop in and you feel so happy. I like how you join into story time too. I WISH there was a way- and hey!
Where there's a will, there's a way (that was a phrase me and🦈 used back in our day). I wanna get all of you together at once for Blues Clues🐶🍿(movie popcorn) and for storytime. I know Shark is always kind of AROUND. And doesn't say hi to little old me. 🙄💁🏽‍♀️Okay now I see the sass that🦊 says I have. And 🦈. But I'm not sassy in your eyes, rightttt? 😇
So I'm going to have to learn because you have the best meals ideas. And I bet the super duper cool meals you have will inspire🦊 too. But he says I have- a lack of seasoning- but hey, I cook with LOVE so same thing right? We'll learn how to cook together. I'm sure pizza dough will end up on the ceiling and the fun shaped pasta will end up out the window in a shrub somewhere where 🦈 is probably chilling out.
You're my whole heart, sweetheart. How lucky am I to have a lion cub, a fox cub, a shark cub- ALL CUBS! And we'll have to see what one of our other little friend's, Lil Rolly's🛹favorite animal is. But I know everyone is taking good care of him until he has the energy to front.
You're the best thing since sliced bread. I remember when sliced bread first came out. Back when you could get a whole loaf, peanut butter AND jelly and a plate for a nickel.🍞I'm so just kidding, bread wasn't invented when mom was young.
You're so caring and thoughtful and nice. I can say that and those things are true. But beyond that - you are truly a very, very intelligent kid. I think kids are smarter than most adults! I never wanted to tame your spirit as some parents do - I want you to embrace your big little cub lion heart. 🦁
What a privilege it is to see that continue to grow. 🪴Never dim your big light, little one for those who say it's too bright. For those who love you like mom, we know that light is a light of hope, a light of refuge, a light of healing for all of us and for you. 🕯️
Despite all the traumatic things we've seen and been there, all the pain that some of us feel, you've been so soothing. And you know you're your own person and that you deserve the same amount of care, but you are a treasure. And I want you to know how much amazing things you do and to never forget that little ones can do big things too.
I love you so so much! Forever and ever, little one.🦁
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
So I’m honor of me being that fun age of ✨27✨
Just spice posts all day.
Starting with the ending storyline for Club 27- Birthday Drabble I started last year.
🌟💀The New Queen of Solar Dead 💀🌟
Enjoy guys thanks for sticking it out with this page. And yeah final warning this is a
🌶️🔥spice🔥🌶️ post
Heavy panting filled the sweltering throne room. The flames that lit the room were burning low just enough light to where you could make out his outlines. His body was built like that of a gold medal olympian. He was currently working out your insides. The muscles that were getting the most defined concentration were his broad arms that held you in place while his hips ceased flogging you from the back.
You were happy that he stopped driving himself into you. Ever since he introduced himself he immediately jumped into raw dogging you. It felt like an eternity already….and Alfred was only just getting started. Your eyes swept over the cobblestone floor hoping and praying that this ruthless dungeon was a reality you wouldn’t have to stay in. You knew this couldn’t be real. It had to be a bad dream. It just has to be!
You jerk your arms like a feral cat trying to flee captivity. To no avail your plan failed as Alfred grip held you down tight. His fingernails dug into your forearms. It caused a few thread-like scratches that drew out some blood.
“AH! STOP!” You shout out.
It was the first time you’d spoken in a while. You quickly found out that no matter how fearsome your pleas were to beg him to stop, he wouldn’t. Why would he, he was the King of Hell. He was going to do with you as he pleased. He lets out an amused chuckle and then proceeds to thrust once more into your backside.
You let out a short squeak.
He rolls his head back and lets his hands grip you tighter. Being able to control you was ecstasy. He felt the thick sexually charged air and his body was doing its best to hold back his fervor. He inhaled deeply and allowed the oxygen to fill his lungs and his chiseled abs. It was all preparation for his final move. Every muscle in his body clenched as if trying to continue to hold onto a plank position for those last few moments before you reached goal. He swiftly pulled himself out from behind and spun you around so your eyes could meet his.
All you could make out from the dim firefly glow was the lining of his lips that showcased his hungry teeth and his brightly lit red eyes that were still famished. Both desired more. So seconds, thirds, and so on would be served until stuffed.
“Hey, babe.” He purrs out to you as if the two of you were nothing more than sweet lovers.
You simply glare at him. You hated him for killing you and bringing you here just for his own amusement. Your breaths were deep and concentrated in your core like scorching magma. You wanted to fight back. You try once more to wriggle free from his tight wedding ring like grasp he had on your forearms.
Aroused and amused that you think you had any chance of breaking free he tries to ease your sorrows by drawing you in with a love drunken kiss. It reeked of longing and pent-up sexual frustration… That seemed to have been spanning a lifetime. Your hands flew for his face and you managed to get his suction cup off but only for a moment.
This angered him.
He snapped his fingers and a heated iron contraption came from the floor. It spread your legs out wide and kept them open. Metal cuffs rubbed against your upper thighs and heated them up causing sweat to glaze over your legs like a freshly buttered bread. More appetizing to the King you now found yourself eternally bound to.
He intertwined his massive calloused hands and encased your smaller ones between his giant roots from a tree settling in. He looks down on you with lustful eyes and all you could do was let out a low whimper. He kissed you on the lips again gently this time. Then whispered to them.
“I’m your King now. And I’m going to have to show you your place, my Queen.”
He hoisted you up to the searing chains that ate away at your soft skin. You let out a loud scream in agony. His desire in his cock stands at attention once more. Desire that thrived off of schadenfreude. He roughly grabbed your waist so he could hold you in place. He rubbed the tip at your entrance to run all of your senses into hundreds of brick walls.
Pleasure and pain are quite a powerful and intoxicating mix.
He began to suck at the skin on your stomach and worked his way up to your soft and supple breasts that were quaking from all of the thrashing movements. He allowed one of his hands to roam up and grope one of your mounds. You tried to yank your leg up to deliver a swift kick but the chains kept you in place. He attached his lips to the other and ran his tongue over your nipple. He pauses for a brief moment and tries not to let his aching dick release just yet. Another deep breath fills his broad chest preparing itself for its next powerful battle tactic. His teeth sink mildly into your breast and you let out a thundering yell that could probably be heard all throughout hell.
Confusion and pain flooded all of your senses, your arms felt like they were melting off and you. Only hints of pleasure popped into your brain in only momentary bursts. The pain was so intense if you could die again just to avoid it you would.
“Please….” you plead in a quivering voice.
His red eyes flicker up to meet yours as he detached himself from your chest. A lightning bolt struck your stomach and made you nervous. A grin spread wide on his face that you didn’t need a lot of light to see because of the amount of mischief that radiated from his lips. The rest of his body was ablaze with lust.
His member jolted against your entrance with a little pre-release. You wanted to slam your legs closed but simply stiffened your muscles in a feeble attempt to stop the incoming blow. The hot rod forced its way in forcing itself into your wet cavern that was writing in pain and pleasure. A disastrous mix that left you breathless.
“Ah….please …. stop ….” You say when you manage to get just enough air into your tired lungs.
Your words fell on deaf ears. He plunged himself into you to your hilt and held you there making you teeter on his cock between opposing sensations that were anxious to consume you.
He kisses your cheek gently and he commands you to shout his name when he resumes his trusting.
“If you can do that my Queen I’ll un-schalke you.” You let out a nod as you finally realized that tears had been streaming down your face.
You whimper out a weak okay.
He brings a hand to your chin and brings you into a French kiss. His tongue wrapped tightly around yours. You feel your arms suddenly fall back down only to collapse on his brawny shoulders. They cling to him for support.
He parts from the kiss he revs himself up and begins to thrust.
“Sing my name y/n! Sing it so loudly the screams of pleasure make it all the way to the ears of heaven!”
A moan at first was all you could manage. But you think of how things could be worse if you didn’t sing for him like a morning bird hyped up on caffeine.
“Ahh…Ahh.. Alfred!” You blurt out in a huff.
“Louder my Queen, that was a little pathetic.”
“ALFRED! AH! AH! !” His pacing began to get faster while his cock got fatter from all the pent up tension building from the passion. Your struggle to say his name appeased Alfred just enough. He was reaching the end of his tread anyways.
“Oh Queen Y/N you’re going to be a great ruler and wife.” He continues to bounce you up and down on his throbbing member that finally burst its seal and milky white spilled everywhere. He threw his head back and moaned out your name he had reached his cloud nine pleasure. It took him a few minutes to ride out his orgasm while you were hardly keeping conscious in his strapping arms that were shimmering with sweat.
He sealed your lips with his as you still struggled with his member. He trails a few kisses on your neck and leading on down your breasts he lingers there for a while causing you to moan but also continue to shake in agony. The chains are still hot against your wrists. Your arms had been disfigured and recreated by the lava like embers. Your once clear skin now had ancient writing that looked like lace but had thick strokes like it was etched in barbarically.
Alfred’s claiming curse.
You suck in another sharp breath as you suddenly feel your arms drop onto a soft silk surface. The rest of your body followed suit. You felt a wave of relief wash over you. You were happy to not be sewn into the wall while your insides were being filled to the brim.
You allowed your eyes to close for you knew that nothing you’d say would convince a Demon King to let you go.
Alfred allows his body to hover over you hauntingly. He lowers his head and allows his lips to linger close to the nape of your neck and give you a hickey. He moves to the other side of your neck and bare his large fangs and digs them in deep into your soft and sweaty flesh.
Your eyes shoot open at the intense intrusion of enamel into your flesh. The flood that had begun to pour out as if holding back an ocean. You could feel hot blood rush down your back. Your face scrunched in pain while you began to notice you felt as light as a feather.
Alfred licked the bite area clean after sucking up as much blood from your neck as he could.
He looked at your half lidded eyes that were unconcentrated. He gives a small chuckle and an award winning smile appears on his face. He grabs right below his curse mark that is on your wrists and whispers softly to you. You could feel the intense heat that radiated off of his toned body.
“Welcome to your new reality Y/N where you’ll always be beneath me. Now, let's go get cleaned.” He picks you up and leads you to his grand bathing room where he’ll clean your wounds and pamper you for the rest of the night. He knows full well that you won’t recover from this encounter for a while.
As he ran the bath into his coal black tub no thoughts really passed through your subconscious. You were unsure of what to do. You simply looked down at your bare feet and concentrated on the Stygian marble floor that had elongated cracks of silver and gold that trailed through the wide room flowing up the walls. You let your mind wander as it couldn’t hear the rushing water fill the room with steam and intoxicating fragrances like fresh lavender, bergamot, and sea salt.
‘Perhaps I’m lucid dreaming right? I have to be. No way in hell any of this is real. Or I have lost my mind. I really have…but why did that feel so real. That sex really did feel real.’
The demon watches you glide your feet back and forth as you swing your legs on the elegant window seat that overlooks one of the volcanoes that America controlled. The scarlet, violet, navy, and dusky sky blended together to make up the sky of the Solar deadzone. The smog that consumed the sky that night and your mind wouldn’t be going away. It would linger in the corner of your mind like an impervious tar.
Alfred walks over to you and hoists you up into his strong arms. It was the first time that you actually got to look at his face. Black hair hung low in his eyes that were now a dark cobalt hue and it had a heavy contrast with his pale skin. He had an ever present from on his face that showed off his K9’s. So of your own blood still on the surface of his pearly whites.
He stepped into the 4 feet deep bathtub that looked like a chasm with a few lights that shined through the darkened water and bubbles that overflowed at the surface. You couldn’t help but be dazzled by the monochrome orbs of soap that distracted you from your grim fate you’d been assigned to.
You descended into the heated water that instantly calmed your overstressed muscles.
A sigh leaves you and a smile spreads on Alfred's face as he allows his long thin tail to wrap around your thighs he grabs a loofah and begins to scrub off the dry blood on your back.
Silence and the sloshing of water continued for the rest of the night in dim candlelight. Once done some servants brought libations and snacks for the King and Queen of the Solar Dead Zone. This is the first full night of Queen (Y/N).
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boysplanetrecaps · 6 months
Build Up Episode 8 Recap: Do Re Mi Fa, Gift
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Hello! It’s time for me, BPR Unnie, to continue recapping MNET’s Build Up, episode 8! In the previous one, we saw a team with no name cover Uptown Funk and make everyone dance. In this one, we’ll see a team of balladeers sing a ballad. Will that win the night? We’ll find out! Let’s go!
Hey look!
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It’s Glasses Baekho™!  He just looked so cute I had to take a screen shot. This show is so great. Isn’t this show great? 
Dahee calls the team up on stage.
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They introduce themselves by singing “do-re-mi-fa,” and in a moment of brilliance, Dahee says, “And you have Do-re-mi-fa-SOLAR over there!” (Get it? Do-re-me-fa-so-la.)
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Look how proud Dahee is. Hey Dahee, join my improv team! 
Solar jokes back and everyone is having a great time and I wish I were fluent in Korean! I learn two or three words a month so I’ll be fluent in a thousand years, so look forward to that! 
Glasses Baekho™ says this team is the only ballad team, and that they ranked first in the interim check. Ah, so that’s how they earned the right to choose the running order.
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Junhyeok has put on a fair bit of concealer and blush, I think. But it looks good. 
We cut back to the interim check. 
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OMG, new and different Glasses Baekho™? I want to collect them all! 
Baekho announces that Gwangseok’s team has ranked first place, but the team doesn’t look pleased at the news.
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Junhyeok says he’s “more startled than happy” because “they don’t think we’re their competition.” The team thinks that the other guys chose them as the top tier precisely because they are NOT top tier. And… they’re right. 
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Hey look, it’s Jeup and Donghun. Imagine seeing them? On this show? There they are! Hi! 
Bitsaeon explains, “Although they said to pick the top tier based on the performance, I think all teams were thinking quite strategically.” 
We see that Bitsaeon’s team was tempted to pick Jeup’s team as the best, but decided not to give them that boost. Soomin’s team would have picked Jay’s team as the best, but again, didn’t, and Sunyoul’s team thinks along the same lines.
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The song they’re doing is Gift by Park Hyo Shin, a song released in 2009 that “conveys the singer’s pain and hopes”. 
Sample lyrics:
Whatever others said, I told them I’m not weak, and tolerated such days with tears They didn’t know me, and didn’t even want to listen to what I had to say Left alone in the darkness of the night, one, two, three, I count the stars and in the moment that the morning sky appears… Today, the sky seems like a gift someone left behind for me Under its warmth, stronger than yesterday’s, if you are like me, Listen to this song now, close your eyes, and when you open them once more, It’s going to be alright!!
Ah, if only they had talked to me. I could have told them that songs with a “it’s going to be alright!” messages always (1) get the audience clapping and singing and long and (2) lose. Always. Find me a time that a “it’s going to be alright” song on any Produce/Planet type show has ever, ever won. They often come in last place! I don’t know why. Everyone enjoys them, and no one votes for them. 
Bitsaeon, Donghun, and Soomin voice over things like, “It was a predictable song” and “They did what they’re used to doing” and “It’s the same every round.” 
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Donghun’s team must not have picked Yeo One’s team as the top tier, because on the mic, he says “I think we can easily beat you this time.” 
Yeo One has a sassy comeback, but… it doesn’t quite land. 
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Junhyeok interviews, “I think we made a bad choice.”
They decide to have an emergency meeting at a… convenience store by the docks, I guess?
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I mean, they might as well meet outside since apparently buildings aren’t heated in Korea.
Junhyeok says: “Since we established vocalist image that only does ballad….” And Yeo One chimes in: The performances we've shown could have been quite limited.” They’ve done a lot of emotional songs -- maybe it’s time to freshen things up.
They want to show a bright and fun side and decide to add a bit of movement. 
Yeo One is their performance expert, and he comes up with some basic semi-choreo for them to do. 
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They have fun preparing. 
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And then… it’s time to perform!
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Full version without reactions 
My thoughts: 
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I don’t know what else to say about it. Everyone did fine -- well, Junhyeok was pitchy on that first big high note -- but it’s like I was forgetting about the performance even while I was watching it. There are a lot of distinctive voices here, but this was just so… aggressively pleasant. 
I think this would have been a great song for a group to perform at the end of a long concert. You know, when they’ve built up a lot of good will throughout the night and everyone’s kind of emotionally spent and wants to have a sort of “credits role” moment as the encore. The group comes out wearing their tour-merch t-shirts and everyone sways. Great. I’m on board. But it’s just the wrong choice for the only song that you can sing. 
It’s weird because Junhyeok said he knew they’d made a bad choice, and they thought they could dress it up with a little bit of extremely lite choreo? I don’t get it. I think they didn’t understand the assignment the way that Jeup did. 
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In the MNET edit, everyone likes the performance. 
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Wendy does her best to smile with her new lips. 
The judges comment on how nice Yeo One sounds, and what a great voice Gwangseok has. 
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Eunkwang has to exchange looks with Wendy and Jaehwan over Junhyeok’s sweet tone.
Everyone is a little surprised and pleased when things brighten up and they do that tiny bit of choreo (lining up and stepping away one at a time). Yeo One gets the audience to wave their arms in unison. 
We see Wendy a lot. She seems to be really enjoying it. 
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When one of them say “BASU!” (clap), the audience does clap, but they can’t find the beat, and neither can the judges. Looks like many of the judges have their in-ear monitors out. 
When they’re done, the judges applaud, but Solar looks like she wants to wish herself into space.
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Seohyung backstage says, “They tried to give the finale feel, like an encore,” and that’s true, they did, but it just sort of makes you nostalgic for the other performances from the night. 
Donghun, who had his filter shot off in the war, says, “They’re desperate. They’re all on the edge.”
The judges are voting…
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… and they don’t look thrilled. 
The high score comes in, and it’s a 94. 
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What in the fuckity fuck fuck.
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Meanwhile, Jay’s team is just like…. 
I wish the judges could go back and just admit they were wrong about Jay’s team. Don’t any of them even take a moment to think, “Hey, I gave Drowning a 90 or less, do I really want to give this team a fucking 94?” But someone gave a fucking 94. Whatever.
Solar, on the other hand, isn’t super complimentary. She says: “The song itself was well suited for the finale. It’s a hopeful song, and you sang it very hopefully, but there was no narrative to the performance, so the hopeful message wasn’t really conveyed.” 
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VCG says: “In terms of performances, some share the hope with the audience, while other asks them to witness the singers’ happiness. Your performance was the latter.” The on-screen caption says “It seemed like a performance for the four members, not for the audience to empathize.”  He isn’t thrilled with how they used Gwangseok (I think he thinks there wasn’t enough Gwangseok? There didn’t seem to be enough of anything or anyone!) and says “If you get another chance, show me something deep.”
Eunkwang, who gave the 94 -- and who I think might have been the only one who really liked the performance-- says, “I actually felt differently. That’s how diverse the audience’s ears are. During the entire performance, I felt cozy and overwhelmed. Like I was in the clouds.” He praises Gwangseok and the team as a whole. 
Well, that’s nice that they got some good feedback. I find Junhyeok a sort of touching figure somehow and wouldn’t want him to be completely bulldozed in this round. Life has bulldozed him enough! 
And that’s about it for this post. In the last one, I’ll cover the last 15 minutes of this episode, and do a general wrap up of this round of competition. 
It’s a gross stormy day where I live and I have a sad tummy, so what else am I going to do but surround myself with squishmallows and watch Korean tv shows? My Fella just made another pot of coffee for us, my afternoon appointments all canceled due to the storm, I’ve got my microwavable slippers on, so let’s do this. 
See you in the next one! And have a very Jeup day until then!
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nefariouslydinkle · 2 years
(Sun being petty & mean pt iv)
There is betrayal on your lips.
Today had already been a disaster. There were extra children, some entirely new and not appreciative of Sun's height nor his too-forced friendliness. It was entirely too obvious that the solar animatronic had been pushing himself to be happy and amicable. You could see it in the greyed eyes, bright pupils showing through, the crook of his upper lip when he spoke. All tells you had learned this last year and a half or so of being with them.
You watched, just as you had the last few days--nearly a week now--as Sun avoided you. Cold stares when your eyes met. Tense shoulders. Though today, he'd look at you now and then with sunken rays. He seemed a little less angered, and a bit more saddened somehow? Well, that made some sense, as you'd been taught anger was a secondary emotion to sadness, fear, or pain. There was no doubt in you that the two of them had a full array of emotions as well. You'd seen Sun and Moon both cry, though tearless. Sun certainly had anxiety, and Moon clearly had anger issues. Not to mention a plethora of other emotions you had witnessed. Hell, they'd even confessed to liking you. (Though Sun absolutely said 'love' and not 'like' that day.) So, yeah, maybe something had saddened Sundrop to the point of him being beligerently angry with you.
...but what?
You continued through your shift, helping kids when you could--When Sun would allow it--and otherwise keeping the Daycare as clean as possible so the end of day work was minimal. You didn't need to spend another night being reminded of how easy it is to lose Moon.
...Or reminders of those aforementioned anger issues.
The daycare closed, all children taken by their loved ones, and it was down to two once more. You and the animatronic. You and Sun. Your Sun. Let's try again.
As silence fell over the daycare (save for the ever present theme song that you tuned out), you approached Sun from behind. Today, you attempted to walk quietly, hoping to not spook him or upset him further. You took your uniform cap in your hands, fiddling with the rin as you barely mustered a mumble,
"H-Hey Sunshine... I know it's been ah... a tough week. I was thinking maybe we should--"
Your voice was cut off abruptly by Sun's faceplate spinning around backward to face you. It was never not unnearving to see that. His eyes were dark grey, and this time you could see faint red rings about his pupils. That's new. The Daycare attendant turned his body toward you after, hands balled at his sides, shoulders tense. You could see him shaking.
"Should what...?" He replied in a clipped tone. It sounded as though he were speaking through his teeth, despite the voice very obviously being from his voicebox.
"...Should, y'know. Talk?" You venture, offering a hand to him. He doesn't take it. In fact, he steps back from it, huffing and grimacing as though you'd offered him a handful of maggots.
And with that, the wire lifted him away, and the lights clicked off.
"You're going to lie to us again." He hissed, eyes narrowing. You hear the wire sliding across the ceiling, and hear it drop. Sun has been making good use of it the last few days, despite being bad at it still. Though tonight he grabbed it with confidence, stared you eye to eye, and whispered, "We don't want to be lied to anymore."
[Off anon now since the cat's been let out of the bag sjfjsjd part 4! One more!]
Oooh I absolutely loved this part—! This was so beautifully written dude :0 and I love once again the mystery of what we did left to the reader while Sun and Moon seems to have some vendetta against us. Honestly I love the use of emotions with the eyes as well that’s my favorite, and I honestly am curious to know the big reveal of what happened to make them so angry and sad. Especially since it’s been revealed that they’ve confessed before this and there was a mutual love.
Can’t wait for more whenever you write it! This is such a good series you have going on and it’s interesting with the dynamic going on.
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saiilorstars · 1 year
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Ch.10: The Solar Hybrid
Story Masterlist ◦ Anais’ Masterlist ◦
Also on: Fanfic • Ao3
Pairing: Winn Schott x OFC
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​ @arrthurpendragon​​ @anotherunreadblog​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​ @stareyedplanet​​ @foxesandmagic​​
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!
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It was late at night when Anais got word that their unconscious man was not so conscious anymore. The man had woken up and attacked Kara and about half a dozen other DEO agents before making his escape into the city. When Anais sped into the place, things had already been done.
"Are you guys okay?" She rushed up to Kara and Alex.
Kara seemed relatively unharmed. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just a little shaken. Where is he?"
"He disappeared into the city," Alex said, having watched it with her own eyes.
"Which is just what I don't need," J'onn stopped beside the three, "A rogue Kryptonian on the loose just as the President is due for a visit."
"We haven't proved that he's a Kryptonian," Anais reminded them. "And — wait," she paused, "Did you just say that the President is coming here? Like, here, here?"
Even Kara was surprised at the news.
"Yeah," J'onn nodded, "she wants to tour the DEO while she's in National City to sign the Alien Amnesty Act."
"The Alien Amnesty act?" Anais felt way behind on the news. To be fair, she had not watched the news in a while.
Kara was very much up to speed on the matter. Her entire face lit up. "It's amazing, an executive order allowing aliens on Earth to come out of the shadows and live as full citizens. She's making history!"
"Not in my book, I think she's making a big mistake," J'onn's words pulled Kara down from her happy state.
Anais looked at the Martian curiously. "You don't think it's a good idea?"
J'onn shook his head. "It's been my hard experience that humans and aliens don't mix."
"What about us?" Kara made a gesture at all three of them, apart from Alex.
"What about us? We can look like them, we blend in, a lot of aliens can't. And people in this world don't have much tolerance for others who look different. I say that as an alien and as someone who's worn the face of a black man for 15 years."
"He's making some good points," Anais mumbled, earning a dumbfounded look from Kara. It didn't help when Alex joined in as well.
"J'onn's right. I can count the number of good aliens I know on one hand, with two fingers to spare."
Kara couldn't believe her ears. "Well, I'm just glad the President doesn't see things the way you three do."
"Hey, I haven't made my opinion up yet," Anais pointed out. "I see both sides and their validity. I had to hide, Kara, and the humans did kill my mother…because of my own human father."
Kara was smart enough not to argue with that detail.
"Well, you two better be on your best behaviors when you meet her," J'onn said, drawing both their attention.
"What?" They simultaneously blinked.
"She expects National City's highest-profiling aliens to greet her on the tarmac."
"I'm meeting the President?" Kara pointed at herself.
"No fucking way," Anais mumbled under her breath.
"Unless you're too nervous to do so," Alex teased the pair.
"Nervous? No!" Kara laughed, absolutely nervously.
"Yes!" Anais wasn't afraid to admit it. "This is the woman who signed my freedom! I-I get to meet her!?"
"You two will be representing this entire organization," J'onn continued sternly, "I expect you'll be professional."
"Yes!" Kara and Anais exclaimed dutifully, but still both giggling nervously.
"And for the record, she's the one who's lucky to meet you two," J'onn said with a wink.
"Should I get a blow out?" Kara suddenly asked, picking up a strand of her hair for a better look.
J'onn's pride waned at that moment. "Oh, dear God."
"Maybe I should cut my hair," Anais started debating. It started a whole discussion between her and Kara about their appearance for that day.
To start the day off at CatCo., James called an editorial meeting with everyone about the President's arrival and Amnesty Act. He leaned back on his desk, facing the crowd of employees around him, including Kara and Anais.
"Welcome, guys, to an editorial meeting for the history books," he smiled, "I truly believe, one day we'll stand in front of our kids and tell them where we were when the President stood up for all individuals' rights. Regardless of birth planet. So, we need a banner headline. Thoughts?"
"We're going to stand here and pitch headlines?" Snapper cut in, looking unsurprisingly grim.
"Well, that's kind of how it goes around here, Snapper," James replied.
"You don't come up with a headline first, Olsen. You go on the street first, find the news peg. The headline comes second."
"Well, Cat Grant—"
"Puff princess did it this way. Put the cart before the horse. You said that already. Are you gonna be a pale carbon copy of your former boss or are you gonna be a hard news man? Make your own mark."
James had not expected to be called out, and neither did Kara or Anais for that matter. Both blondes looked between the men anxiously. James had a lot to say but he felt saying them in front of the entire company wasn't his best move.
"Okay, um...let's take a pause on the headline then," he ultimately said, ignoring the smug look on Snapper's face. "Our first priority is to get an exclusive with the President. Everything else today is icing."
"I say everything else is bread and butter," Snapper once again cut in and practically tool over the meeting as he started handing out assignments, "Scope, call the AFL for a response to the bill. Do the unions fear legal aliens are gonna flood the labor market, lower wages? How does the American worker feel about competing for jobs with aliens?"
James would let it be in favor of keeping the atmosphere light. "Fine, great. So next meeting—"
"Addison, on the CDC. What bacteria and diseases are these aliens bringing from other planets? What medical protocols are in place? Morris, you do the human-interest piece. "Inter-planetary marriage." Get quotes from priests, rabbis, Mormons, Unitarians. As for the POTUS interview—"
"Danvers is on that," James managed to cut in.
"Danvers is a rookie," Snapper remarked, "We need someone hard-hitting."
"Believe me, she's hard-hitting."
Kara nodded fervently. "Trust me, I can pack a punch like you would not believe. Plus I may or may not be running into the President later."
Snapper didn't seem to have heard Kara when he handed out her assignment to someone else. "Parker, you get POTUS. Danvers, you get Lena Luthor. Her brother is infamous for his anti-alien sentiments. The desk needs all your copy by noon, and if you want to keep your credentials, it better be clean."
Anais glared after the man as he declared the meeting over and led the others out. "I really hate that guy," she bluntly said afterwards. "James, I can't do your job. I would've fired him already. Literally. I'm saying like into the sun." She has heard things about him from Kara but seeing it up close was another thing.
James only smiled at her. "It's fine."
No, it was not fine. Not at all.
Supergirl and Solar arrived at the scene on the airport track just as the President was supposed to emerge from her plane. There was already a huge crowd waiting for her. The two aliens landed in front of the crowd, beside a young girl holding out a sign for the president.
"It's pretty awesome, right?" Supergirl asked the little girl. It was hard to tell who the girl was more awed by: the President or Supergirl?
"Do you know her?" The girl asked.
"No, no, not yet, but...I'm pretty sure we'll be cool. You know? Right?"
Solar snorted and chuckled. "Here she comes!"
The crowd started cheering when the President finally stepped out of the plane. She waved at the crowd as her security guided her down the steps.
Out of nowhere, a fireball slammed into one of the security, engulfing him in flames.
"Oh, my God!" Someone cried in the crowd and the poor security man rolled down the stairs, burning alive.
Another fireball came striking down and hit another of the security.
"Go! Go! Go!" Solar yelled at the crowd, ushering them away from the sight.
Supergirl flew into the sky to scope out the flaming enemy. Solar zipped around the area getting those lingering civilians out of the way. More flames came directly for the President. One almost hit her as her security tried getting her into her car.
Solar had taken the security to the proper medics and returned in time to see another fireball coming straight to the President. She waved her arms in front of her like a windmill, creating enough air to blow it out.
Supergirl landed next to the President, ensuring she was okay. She met Solar's eye once the latter turned around — neither one had seen who was behind the attack.
In the aftermath of the attack, the DEO showed up to clear the area of civilians and start examining their crime scene. Alex came to speak with Sueprgirl and Solar and to share what they had found so far.
"So, where's the President now?" Anais asked as the three walked a bit away from the scene.
"They're taking her back to the DEO," Alex said, eyeing her sister curiously. Despite the situation, Kara had not stopped grinning.
"She was...she was so nice!" Kara giggled girlishly. "And grateful, and she called me Supergirl. And Solar!"
Alex raised an eyebrow at Kara then looked at Anais. The latter just shrugged — Alex was grateful that at least one of their superheroes wasn't completely sidetracked.
"That is your name," Alex soon reminded Kara.
"Yeah, I know that but…" Kara crossed and uncrossed her arms, still giggling, "When she says it, it just sounds better. 'Supergirl'! How did anyone even vote for that other guy?"
Alex grew tired and cut through Kara's excitement. "When you're done fawning over your new best friend...the burn pattern is consistent with a heat-vision signature.
Kara immediately frowned. "Our escaped Kryptonian's been awake six hours and the first thing he does is try and kill the President?"
"Woah, now wait a minute," Anais raised her hands in front of her, "We need to stop assuming things. Kryptonians are not the only ones with heat-vision. I have heat vision, so does Arun. So do a dozen other aliens."
Kara heard Anais and made a gesture that she was acknowledging Anais' opinions, but Anais knew better. Kara had already placed the blame on their guy.
"Winn's working on tracking him," Alex said, "In the meantime, let's gather whatever evidence we can find."
"I think I'll go back to the DEO," Anais said, "Make sure that everyone is being vetted the way they should be." She flashed Kara a knowing smile and sped off.
~ 0 ~
Anais had called in Arun to discuss the matters of the attack. While she had no suspicions about Arun, she wanted to check out his connections. Arun almost laughed in her face when she revealed her intentions.
"I don't have any other alien friends, Anais," Arun said, taking a seat at an empty desk chair.
"Like, nothing?" Anais brought her hands down on her hips. "You expect me to believe there isn't one single alien friend you know of? Acquaintance?"
"When I said I 'lay low', I fully mean it," Arun said, "I keep to myself. It's how I survive."
Anais curiously looked at Arun for a while, and he completely let her. From a distance, she saw the President walking into the bullpen with J'onn and Supergirl. "What do you think about the Amnesty Act?"
Arun looked at her like he was about to laugh. "Seriously? That's what you want to talk about? Not 'hey, when are we finally going to start training?'"
"I'm serious," Anais shrugged, "I've heard plenty of different opinions but…what do you think? You've lived as a human and this new law will allow you to come out to the world as who you really are."
Arun sized Anais for a moment then turned the tables on her by asking what she thought about the Act. Anais didn't have an answer, at least that's what she kept claiming.
"You want my opinion?" Arun asked, bringing his hands together on his lap and crossing his legs.
"Yeah," nodded Anais.
"I think it's a useless law," Arun said bluntly. "The world is not sunshine and rainbows. There are plenty of humans who fear people like us. Hell, even your own friends will fear you."
"What?" Anais scoffed. "My friends do not fear me."
"They might not know it," Arun said, shrugging, "But deep down, they always have a little fear. I mean, take your computer friend over there," he made a nod towards Winn working hard at his desk tracking their missing alleged Kryptonian, "You don't think if you went full-on Solista on him, he wouldn't be afraid of you?"
"That's completely irrelevant," Anais said, crossing her arms. "I would never do that to Winn or anyone else for that matter."
"Never say never," Arun wagged a finger at her. "I'm just saying that this Act won't benefit anyone. Sure, there are some humans who will accept us but for the most part, I don't see the humans respecting the new law."
"So…you wouldn't reveal yourself?" Anais asked.
Arun shook his head. "Not in this lifetime, no."
Anais lowered her head pensively. It didn't take long for Arun to ask her about her opinion again. "I'm not sure," she confessed. "My own father had my mother killed because she was an alien. If the DEO hadn't rescued me, he might have done away with me too."
"So it's fair to say that you have some resentment towards humans," Arun said.
Anais' eyes widened. "No! I…I know that not everyone's the same. I guess I could say that…I'm wary of the Act. I don't know what's going to happen, and I definitely don't know if I'll be revealing myself."
"Fair enough," Arun smiled at her.
Anais let out a sigh and looked towards the President and J'onn.
~ 0 ~
Kara was fuming again when she returned home from her interview with Lena Luthor. Anais was on the couch eating some strawberry shortcake ice cream from a bucket.
"Woah, what's got you all…like that?" Anais waved her spoon at Kara.
"Lena Luthor is completely xenophobic!" Kara dropped her bag on the kitchen aisle. "I mean, so much for wanting to change the perspective on the Luthors!"
"Woah, woah, woah, let's back it up and put some context into this, shall we?" Anais fixed her position on the couch to sit cross-legged. "Can we start from the beginning?"
Kara nodded but as she explained her interview with Lena, she paced back and forth just a tad strong enough to create a draft in the living room. "She's created this-this alien identifier!" She went on to explain how the device would work once it hit the market. "Isn't this horrific!?"
Anais' eyebrows raised as she considered the future with such a product on the shelves. "I mean…I think the world is very troubled, Kara. Yeah, maybe this device might actually do some harm but…if you're telling me the details correctly, wouldn't it only work on people who choose to stick their finger into that thing?"
Kara stopped pacing and flashed an incredulous glare at the Solista. "You support this thing!?"
"I did not say that," Anais said, "But you didn't answer my question either."
Kara groaned. "Okay, yeah! I suppose people would have to choose whether or not they want to stick their finger in but—" she raised a finger at Anais— "who's to say that restaurants or-or bars wouldn't have these posted on the entrances as requirements for customers to be able to go inside?"
"That's a good point," Anais acknowledged the new point, "So, yeah, it would be bad."
Kara groaned again. "Anais, just make up your mind already! Are you for or against this!?"
"I honestly don't know," Anais continued to answer calmly and perhaps that's what irritated Kara even more. Why was she so calm in a situation like this? "I think about it from every angle that I hear, being completely unbiased but…it's hard to make up my mind when I'm so divided. I mean, I'm even biologically divided in this matter. Half alien, half human."
To Kara, she had not heard anything useful. She declared she would go write her article about Lena to turn it in the next morning to Snapper. Anais wouldn't deter her.
~ 0 ~
Anais wasn't remotely surprised when, late in the afternoon, Kara had come to the DEO angrier than ever because Snapper had rejected her article. Anais did, however, know to keep her mouth shut and not future agitate Kara.
Perhaps it was a good thing that Alex came with the news that she had an idea where their missing Kryptonian had gone to hide in.
"How'd you figure it out?" Kara asked while the three women watched Winn pinpoint the location on his computer.
"Never mind that right now," Alex said quickly, "Winn?"
"Check it!" He exclaimed. "Deep space signal. Loud and clear."
"Where is it broadcasting from?"
"The Mount Pride Observatory. And that's where we'll find our alien John Doe."
"He must be trying to contact Krypton," Kara said. "He doesn't know it was destroyed."
"Actually, no. He did not dial Krypton," Winn said the more he looked into the scan.
"Where is the signal going to then?"
"Well, according to these very cool DEO star charts, he beamed a signal directly at a planet called...uh, Dac... Daxam?"
Kara's expression immediately dropped and was quickly replaced with disdain. She took off without saying a word to anyone.
"Um, is that supposed to be significant?" Anais said, completely lost. "Alex, what's the info on Daxam?"
"I-I don't know!" Alex exclaimed, just as confused about Kara's behavior.
Anais sighed and fled the room to catch up with Kara. Even with her speed, she still joined Kara in the observatory a tad late as the Kryptonian and their missing alien fought hand-in-hand.
"Supergirl — stop!" Solar called, but Kara kept going with an unusual aggressiveness in her punch.
"Stay down, Daxamite!" Kara said with an equal disdain in her voice after slamming the man on a table.
"You know where I'm from?" The man looked up at her, groggy yet still lucid enough to be confused.
"Yup!" Supergirl nodded. "And you should have stayed there." She went to grab him again when Solar swept across the room, ramming Supergirl down.
"ENOUGH!" Solar yelled at her and then quickly got up, speeding back beside the man, shooting Supergirl a daring look for her to try fighting again. She grabbed the man's hand and pulled him up, surprising him in the process with her strength and speed. "You, you have a lot of explaining to do," she warned him.
~ 0 ~
The DEO had locked the Daximite in a holding cell and were watching him from the security feed. Kara was absolutely livid with the mere presence of the man, and she was no less angry with Anais as well.
"So…our mystery alien is from Daxam…" J'onn curiously glanced at Kara. He, like everyone else, were trying to decide whether or not this was her most angriest moment.
"I've never heard of Daxam," Winn said, expecting to now hear a lot about it.
"It's a sister world to Krypton," J'onn explained, "Both capable of sustaining life, both orbiting the same sun."
Alex looked over at Kara. "You've never mentioned it before."
"Do the Hatfield's mention the McCoy's?" Kara retorted.
"I take it your planets didn't get along," Alex nodded.
"You don't say?" Anais sarcastically mumbled and ignored Kara's look.
Kara was happy to explain the situation for their understanding. "Hundreds of years ago, Krypton and Daxam fought a bloody war to a stalemate. Thousands of lives were lost on both sides because of a pointless war Daxam started."
"What were they fighting about?" asked Alex.
"Krypton was a democracy. A world of explorers, philosophers, scientists, and Daxam, was a monarchy. With kings and queens who ruled a population of hoodlums. We had a saying on Krypton for Daxamites, "May tex kolar Daxam.""
"And that means…?" Winn asked.
"Nothing I can repeat in English."
Winn wouldn't ask again. "So, if Daxamites are as bad as you just apparently said they were, then it's no wonder this guy is trying to kill the President, right?"
"We don't know that," Anais said again, "Because we haven't really looked into it. Other aliens have heat vision, guys."
"She may have a point," J'onn said, "His reasons for trying to kill the President are unclear."
"I'll ask him why," Kara said, taking off towards the holding cell.
"Uh, are we sure we want to let her do this?" Anais turned to the others, crossing her arms. "She hates the guy and we don't even know him."
"We don't know that he didn't do it," Alex reminded.
"We don't know that he did," Anais countered. "It's biased which, coincidentally, has been Kara's problem these past days." She turned back to the screen and watched as Kara walked into the holding cell. "Let me go in there, J'onn," she said a moment later, "I don't know a single thing about Daxam which means I'll think clearly."
J'onn wouldn't argue with that statement because, had it been another situation, he would have gladly let Anais go instead of Kara. "Let's wait to see how this pans out."
Anais rolled her eyes. She knew exactly how it was going to pan out. And when Kara stormed out of the holding cell, she looked at J'onn again. "I know I'm technically the youngest around here, but I do know my stuff sometimes."
She sped down the hall to the holding cell and then walked right in. The man was lying down on the long bench and didn't bother looking at her when she approached his cell.
"What, are you coming to yell at me too?"
"I don't know, should I?" Anais crossed her arms.
The man gave a sour smile and glanced in her direction. "Thanks for helping out back there. I take it you're not a Kryptonian."
"Careful what you say," Anais warned him, bringing her hands behind her back. "No, I'm not a Kryptonian and while my friend is very upset with me right now, I won't tolerate any slander against her."
The man chuckled lightly and pulled himself up to a sitting position. "She's already blamed me for this attack on a pres-pres — whatever that thing was called. What are you in here for? Proper arrest or something?"
"I'll let you know in a bit," Anais said, "Why don't we start with the basics. What's your name?"
The man tilted his head at her, his dark eyes squinting at her.
"Okay," Anais nodded, "I'll go first then. My name is Solar. I am from Solaris, if you happen to know about it."
The man seemed to recognize the name and even stood up. He looked at her from head to toe at least twice before he spoke. "I've never been to Solaris but we had trade with them. It's supposed to be a beautiful planet with beautiful people to match. The golden hair is a trademark of exquisite beauty."
"Thanks…" Anais said slowly, "But I'm not here to talk about beauty. "What's your name?"
The man smiled lightly. "Mon-El."
"Getting somewhere now," Anais smiled back, "So, Mon-El, you want to tell me why you attacked one of the human's most powerful, if not the most powerful, figure of authority on this planet?"
"I didn't," Mon-El said, "I mean…no offence but that guy didn't exactly seem like an all powerful authority figure. He seemed like a kid."
"Wait, are you talking about the guy from the observatory?"
Mon-El shrugged. "It's the only human I've come across and made contact with."
Anais looked back at the security camera up in the corner of the room. Bingo. He's not our guy. "Um, Mon-El, what…what exactly is it that you want to do now?"
"Well, clearly, it's to get home," Mon-El said, "I don't belong here."
Kara didn't tell him about Daxamite. "Um…"
"You seem to be more kind and, not angry at me," Mon-El said, "Do you think maybe you could talk to whoever is in charge of this place and get them to help me? All I want is to go home, I swear."
Anais let out a heavy sigh. "Let me…see what I can do. Just stay put."
Mon-El opened his arms to remind her of his current place. "I don't think I have much of a choice there."
Anais smiled lightly. She zipped out of the room afterwards.
~ 0 ~
"You're here late," Winn remarked as Anais dropped into the empty chair at the desk next over.
"So are you," she countered.
"I work here. And I'm keeping an eye on our Daxamite."
Anais rolled her eyes. "Yeah, okay, I'm avoiding Kara right now. She's not very happy that I interviewed Mon-El after her."
"Yeah, you do seem at opposing odds these days."
"I can't help it. I see things differently," Anais shrugged. "Is that wrong?"
"No," Winn shook his head, "But I think we also need to take into account everything Kara's been through lately. It must have been hard seeing a Daxamite here knowing their relationship from the past."
"I hear you," Anais said, "But then what am I supposed to do over here? I see things from a different perspective because I'm neither Kryptonian nor a Daxamite. I'm telling you, Winn, I don't feel like this is our guy. He didn't even know what a President is. And given what we know about Daxam and their monarchy, I'm sure this guy has zero clue what a democracy looks like."
"I hear you too," Winn assured her, "So how about we do this: let's let Kara cool down for the night and you and I can stay here and look through some aliens in our database with heat vision powers?"
A smile spread across Anais' face. "You are such a good friend, Winn." She sped her chair next to his, startling him, and very excitedly pushed her hair back. "Let's get started!"
~ 0 ~
The next morning, Anais and Winn had compiled a decent list to bring up to J'onn and Kara. While J'onn was willing to go through it, Kara resisted.
'It's him, guys,' she had reiterated. She was kind about it at least, giving the impression she had cooled down somewhat but not enough to truly listen to them.
Since the President was going to be signing the Amnesty Act that afternoon, both Solar and Supergirl needed to be present and totally not arguing with one another. One took the sky to patrol and the other the ground to speed around. Alex also helped to scope out the crowd gathering together.
"Does it all look okay?" She asked the two superheroes while still keeping her eyes peeled.
"All clear," Supergirl was happy to report. "With our wayward Daxamite locked up, I don't think we'll have any problems."
Solar walked through the crowd, unable to stop herself from rolling her eyes. "Even though it's not him?"
"It is," Supergirl said sternly. Solar said nothing else about it.
Shortly after, the President made her appearance on stage. "My fellow Americans. Over a century ago, this nation erected a monument in New York Harbor. A Statue of Liberty. That Statue looked down upon Ellis Island, where thousands of immigrants came to seek refuge, from a home country that didn't want them, that wouldn't have them. But America took them is our story. The American people today, stand as one with history. No longer will our alien visitors be strangers, committed to the shadows, forced to the fringes of a hostile and unwelcoming world. They will be granted the full rights and privileges of American citizens. The Statue of Liberty will stand for aliens, too. And now, if uh... if someone would just hand me a pen…"
The crowd, along with the President herself, shared a laugh together. One of her colleagues handed her a pen so she could sign.
"Here we go. History." Just as the President was about to sign, a fireball struck the Amnesty Act itself and turned it into flames.
Supergirl immediately looked down from the sky to see the culprit. Solar dashed towards the President, getting her off the stage in a snap.
"Madam President, are you alright?" She asked the woman.
"Yes, thank you," the President nodded shakily.
Solar took the President straight into her car, leaving her in the hands of the Secret Service, and returned to the scene of the fight. A woman in a leather black jacket and bright red hair was throwing constant flames everywhere.
Supergirl landed in front of the woman, warning her to stand down. "Put 'em out or I'll put you out."
The woman didn't listen and continued throwing flames. Supergirl landed a lunch before the woman grabbed her in a chokehold and burned the farmer's hand.
Anais zipped by and threw the woman across. "My turn." Her eyes flashed a bright gold. "And fair warning, we're samesies." Her hands lit up with golden energy and she started to throw one after the other towards the woman.
The woman growled angrily and enveloped herself in flames. Solar smirked with Supergirl, both knowing exactly what to do. Supergitl flew over the woman and started going in circles. Solar ran around the woman in circles as well until they eventually sucked out the oxygen.
The woman fell to her knees, her red curls hanging over her face. Just as Solar and Supergirl approached her, she burst into flames and threw them both back. She made a run for it and crashed into Alex and another woman. She threw Alex into the water fountain with a firey hand and grabbed the second woman in a chokehold. Flames circled around them until they were both gone.
Supergirl hurried to the fountain to pick Alex up and brought her safely to the ground. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah," nodded Alex, her eyes sweeping over the leftover scene, "But where's Maggie?"
Kara couldn't be more miserable. She sunk down in a chair at the DEO, listening to J'onn confirm that Mon-El was not their culprit.
"We should probably let Mon-El go now," Anais said, hearing Kara's questioning 'hmm?' on the side. She looked at Kara with bemusement. "That's his name — Mon-El."
Kara's brows furrowed. "When did you learn his name?"
"When I asked him." At the answer, Kara grew even more confused so Anais explained. "I went in to interrogate him after you left. I found out his name and that he's just trying to get home."
Kara let out a frustrated noise and rubbed her face. "I'm awful. I am completely awful. If I hadn't been so blinded by how I felt about Daxam, we could have been out there searching for the real assassin. And then Detective Sawyer wouldn't be missing.
"Kara, everything will be fine," Anais said, "The important thing is that you saw the light and now we're getting back on track."
"I should have listened to you," Kara said, sinking further down in her chair. Her legs dangled out a great deal. "I'm supposed to be your mentor and you caught this before I did."
"Just because you're my mentor doesn't mean you have to get everything at all times," Anais said, "That would make you God."
"Thanks for not rubbing it in my face," Kara said, sighing.
"That's not what friends are for," Anais said, "So don't even worry about it. Let's just focus on catching this person."
"Alex said she may have a lead," Kara said, straightening up in her seat. "Let's give her a call."
Anais completely agreed.
Scorcher was their target's name and according to Alex, she had a preferred hideout — a hideous foundry. She had Maggie Sawyer chained up with her arms above her head when they arrived.
Solar decided to go first. She sped down the place, unhooking Maggie and returning her to safety. "Mind if we pick up where we left off?" She then asked Scorcher.
"If it's where I was winning then sure!" Scorcher threw a flame ball at her. Anais easily zipped to the other side, forcing Scorcher to spin around after her.
"From where I stood, it looked like you ran away," Solar remarked with a smirk. "Gonna do that again?"
Scorcher growled and drew her arms back to literally fore again when Supergirl flew down and slammed her foot on Scorcher's back.
"Well," Scorcher coughed and groaned from the ache on her back, "Why am I not surprised that the President's little pets came to her defense? You're both traitors to your people."
Supergirl landed a few feet beside Solar and looked at Scorcher. "It's not us against them."
Scorcher pulled herself up. "Not yet. But I've been to half a dozen planets just like this one. You want to know what they all have in common? The locals lock away anything that they think is different. Out of prejudice, out of fear. There's a reason that you two hide your identities. And it's because the humans can't be trusted."
"No," Supergirl scrunched her face, "It's because criminals like you can't be trusted."
"I mean, let's be honest, this right here—" Solar motioned to the current predicament— "doesn't exactly speak well of you."
Scorcher looked at them with a strange smile. "I think highly of myself."
No one was surprised about that.
Scorcher acted fast and threw a series of flames towards the other women. Solar brought caught each of the flames in her hands, skidding back on her feet, and threw them back at Scorcher. Supergirl flew towards Scorcher then, punching her to the ground.
Scorcher grabbed Supergirl's arm and flipped her over, landing the Kryptonian behind her. Just as Scorcher got up to her feet, two familiar flame balls hit her square in the back, sending her toppling over a table. When she lifted her head, someone hit her with a broken pipeline across the back of the head, finally knocking her unconscious.
Maggie Sawyer kept the pipe piece drop on the ground and looked over at them, completely grinning from side to side. "You guys are fun."
~ 0 ~
The next day, CatCo. was buzzing with news for their readers. So many things had happened in the span of a few days that James had to call for another, almost emergency, editorial meeting. He had most of the reporters in his office, including Kara and Anais, taking notes.
James stood behind his desk, addressing the reporters with the final details of their upcoming issues. "Our banner will read, 'Supergirl and Solar defeat extremist alien, saving the day'," he said proudly.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Snapper came stalking into the office, ignoring the looks of the other employees.
James more or less expected that kind of entrance and went along with it. "Dictating the headline after we went out and got the news peg. You got a problem with that?"
"Not that," Snapper slammed an article down on James' desk, "Did you tell someone to kill the first graph on my story?"
"No, I didn't tell someone to do that. I rewrote the piece myself."
Somehow, that seemed even worse to Snapper's ears. "What? You can't just rewrite my piece."
"Actually, Snapper, I can," James was happy to clarify the situation. "'Cause I'm your boss. Doesn't feel good to have somebody encroach on your job, does it?"
"This is outrageous," Snapper said, his voice deadly quiet, "I have complete control of editorial content."
"No. No, you don't. I do."
"Then I'll walk."
With what was one would describe a smug smile, James leaned forward on his desk, looking Snapper in the eyes. "Get to walking."
Anais and Kara exchanged glances with each other. Neither one knew how the other was keeping in their snickers.
Snapper stepped back from James' desk. "All right, Olsen. What do you want?"
"What I want, is a newsroom governed by respect. You stay out of my lane, I'll stay out of yours."
"Fair enough," Snapper muttered, turning away and walking out of the office altogether.
After that, James saw fit to end the meeting as well and sent the rest of the reporters out.
"Nicely done, boss!" Kara cheered for him.
"Yeah," Anais nodded, "That must have felt really good, huh?"
James wouldn't deny that it had.
"Um, okay, I gotta go," Kara started backtracking out of the office, "I have to go talk to the Daxamite — I mean—" she had winced at her own tone— "Mon-El."
Anais smiled at her. "Can't wait to hear how it goes."
"Anais, I'd like to show you something," James said before the Solista even thought about leaving too.
"Okay, yeah," Anais nodded and followed James out of the office. "Can I have a clue?"
James chuckled and led her through the bullpen down the hallway leading to the separate offices. "It's nothing new, really. I officially processed your promotion and so that means…" He stopped beside his old office and opened the door for them, "This is now your office."
Anais' eyes widened. "My office?"
"Like…my office?" Anais pointed a finger at herself.
James laughed again. "Yeah, come on in." He opened the door wider for them and motioned Anais to go inside first.
She stepped in and looked around. James had already taken down his personal things and left it bare and neutral for whoever would take it next. "I'm sorry, this just feels so surreal to me."
"Soak it in because the real work starts now," James said, "You can redecorate, of course."
"Ha…redecorate…" Anais felt her mind racing already.
"I'll let you get started…" James walked out of the office, closing the door behind him.
For a speedster, Anais sure felt like time was running slow around her because there were about a dozen things she thought of doing to the office but not enough time to actually do them by tonight.
It was only exactly one hour later when she got her first official visitor in her new office.
"Come in!" She giggled. That would take some getting used to. It helped when she saw just Winn coming in, carrying a laptop in his arms. "Hey! Can you believe it? I got my own office!"
Winn didn't look all that excited. In fact, he seemed kind of grim. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
Anais watched him lock the door curiously. "Uuh, yeah…"
Winn hurried over to her new desk and set down his laptop. "I need to show you something."
"DEO related?" Anais asked, presuming it had to be given the privacy of the room.
"Technically," Winn nodded. "I intercepted a message for you."
"For me? I get mail at the DEO?"
"...something like that." Winn reached over to his laptop and brought up an audio file.
'For the girl who is neither nor, the Solar hybrid, we will ensure that you are only from one side, the right one. Cadmus will free and gift humans strong enough with power from you. You, Solar, will fuel the army that will wipe out the intruders on this world. Joining is not an option.'
The audio finished then, leaving a moment of silence as the message settled.
"This is…ridiculous!" Anais exclaimed. "Of course they can't do that! They can't — what? — give people my speed? My powers?" She expected to hear Winn agree with her but when she looked at him, it seemed like he was considering the factors. "Winn!"
"They gave Corben Kryptonite powers," Winn said, to his credit very calmly, "I'm sure CADMUS is not short of advanced technology."
"So? They can't just steal my powers."
"Anna, you're still new at this whole superhero thing. I have seen Supergirl fall sometimes — we both have. I can't imagine what would happen if someone got ahold of your powers. Faster than the speed of light. We have to do something. We have to tell—"
"We don't tell anyone!" Anais snapped. "I'm thankful you only showed this to me. Now do me the solid of keeping it to yourself.
Winn recognized her puppy-eyed face and also knew that he was not strong enough to say no, however…
"Okay, I won't tell anyone," he said first, giving her a false hope.
"Oh, thanks—"
"But I will be modifying your suit and who knows how long that can take," he finished with a wide smirk.
Anais' eyes were wide in alarm. "What!? But you just finished modifying it!"
"It's my tinkering head," Winn said, grabbing his laptop off the desk. "It never stops working. Even when I'm asleep, it's still coming up with new ideas!" He side stepped Anais and headed to the door. "And these new ideas may take a while to add to the suit so you probably won't be going out for a while!"
"What — Winn!" Anais turned after him. "You can't bench me!"
"Bench?" Winn scoffed. "I'm not benching you. You're just waiting until I finish modifying the suit, that's all. And hey, if it keeps you safe, then it's a win-win. Ha, get it?" He laughed at his own joke and left the office, leaving behind a stunned Anais.
It took her several minutes for it to sink in and the implications it would mean for her future. "Winn!" She sped after him. This could not be.
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