#happy walpurgis
weirdlookindog · 2 months
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Happy Walpurgis Night!
Black Widow - Come to the Sabbat
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burnorgetburned · 9 months
So you know how the Dolls have their own distinctive clothes?
Guess who else has their own distinctive clothes!
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That’s right. The multiple Homuras are actually Clara Dolls.
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And that’s why ‘Homura’ is smiling.
Here they are! The one with the striped hat is Nekura (Gloominess or Pessimism) and the one with the flower is Mie (Vanity).
Here’s their descriptions from the art book.
[The second one to come was Gloominess. Walking out with a tapping sound, she sneered at Good-for-Nothing. “This is Good-for-Nothing! How very unbecoming.” These dolls are only disciples of Freedom, and are devoted to their lust for it.]
[The tenth to come running is Vanity. She exaggeratedly avoids Good-for-Nothing's head and says a few words. “I wouldn't be able to bear dirtying my cape with that sticky blood!” These dolls make fun of the witch's self-mutilation.]
Good-for-Nothing is Homura, by the way, but the Clara Dolls seem to consider Good-for-Nothing to be good for something after all after she splits Madoka. She turns into the Devil, and the Clara Dolls are stated to be “okay” with the Devil. If the young voices in the trailer belong to the Clara Dolls, then they also call her “Akuma-sama” now. Something like Mistress Devil, implying a sense of respect.
[… if they are not summoned, they will simmer. There are orders they will comply with, and also orders they will disobey. What they are and the witch herself's own magic are not well understood.]
At the end of Rebellion, Homura gave Madoka her ribbon back. She declared that they might become enemies in the end. Honestly, I thought that Homura would try her best to avoid Madoka entirely. The trailer suggested that Homura was meeting Madoka, though. Here’s the answer: it wasn’t Homura herself, but Gloominess, who wants freedom.
Now, I’m not sure how this situation works out. Do Clara Dolls have free will? Are they obeying Homura’s orders? Acting out Homura’s true emotions? Is Homura perhaps directly puppeteering them in order to fulfill her goals, or do they act on their own?
I find it likely that it’s a mix of both: some of them obey her, and some of them will try and fulfill her (probably very conflicting) desires, as familiars usually do. Gloominess is likely part of Homura who wants the freedom to talk to Madoka, for example, but Vanity seems to me like a Clara Doll who is obeying Homura. After all, she still needs magical girls to fight wraiths, at least until she finds a way to wipe them out.
[I'm Vanity (Mie). I'm pushing myself to the limit for someone.] And she is, of course. All of the theatrics, the calls, the organization of magical girls. These are things that Vanity is shown to engage in. All of this is for Madoka.
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We see with Gloominess, at least, that she seems to be fulfilling a specific desire: in the background are white spider lilies. Instead of the red spider lilies that mean death, final goodbyes, and lost love, white spider lilies mean a hope for the future and a fresh start. Maybe this really is the first meeting for these two in a while, and she wants to be friends again?
Or maybe, being Gloominess, she wants to warn her about something.
[I'm Gloominess (Nekura). Forcing smiles tires me out.]
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Then there’s this Homura.
Nothing about her clothes is very different. She is wearing ribbons as Homura in the wraith universe does, but look closely: the ribbons are different. They have some wavy stripes on them, while Madoka’s ribbons are plain. She does not correspond to any known Clara Doll.
However, there’s mentioned to be a fifteenth Clara Doll that is not yet born: Ai, representing love. This could be her. Is it love for others? Or love for herself? I’m hoping it’s the latter, but very likely it’s love for Madoka and her friends. This would explain why she’s trying to fight Homucifer in the poster, as Homura believes that she’s a danger to everyone else.
How can this be? Well, here’s a few options:
- The Clara Dolls are grown-up familiars. They ate souls, and they became a copy of their witch. This is a process that was explained to us in the original series, where some magical girls are stated to farm familiars by letting them eat people so that they would grow souls/grief seeds.
- The Clara Dolls are not familiars, or wraiths, but instead a secret third thing. “What they are and the witch’s own magic are not well understood”, as said in the Rebellion art book. They could be magical constructs of a different kind, but I do think that this would get into overcomplicated explanations quickly, so I favor the familiar explanation.
- The Clara Dolls could be familiars, but instead of eating souls they’re simply powerful enough to change their shape. Their strength is equal to the strength of a magical girl…. when Homura was a witch, before Homura became something more. It could also be energy from the contracts making them stronger. Maybe it’s me being sentimental, but I don’t like the idea of Homura letting anyone’s soul be nommed on.
Now, before there’s a panic about how they’ll juggle fifteen extra characters, here’s a few thoughts:
- Just because they seem different doesn’t mean they’re actually different. It might be that the Clara Dolls are a way for Homura to present herself. As Vanity, she might show off more, or have dramatic flourishes like her throne and her dress. As Gloominess, it might be that she doesn’t believe that her plans will work, so she tries to do what makes her happy. It’s likely that the Clara Dolls are just extra ways to explore Homura’s character. They’re parts of her soul, after all, and right now she is extremely powerful. She might simply want to keep her true self away from humans.
- They could work like projections. Homura wants more bodies to work with, but she has to filter herself through the Dolls’ personalities. This could result in a lot of juicy character interactions, as the things she tries to keep hidden are closer to the surface.
- Will ‘Ai/Mystery Homura’ fight against Devil Homura? Very likely! How can this be when they’re the same person? Well, who hates Homura more than Homura? That’s right. Nobody. Anyone can fight and argue with their self, it’s just usually not on the level that a reality-warper like Homura can manage.
If this is true, there’s plenty of interesting directions they can take it.
- Because the Clara Dolls have a degree of separation from Homura, they can show other characters things that Homura herself has ignored or locked away. Bad memories, affection for her friends, the resentment she must feel - everything from concern to a cry for help can be plausibly shown through them as the actors.
- Manuke (Stupidity) is specifically more naive/sincere than the others. Maybe interacting with this Doll would show the Quintet that there’s something more going on than a Devil who wants to hurt other people.
- If Ai represents a love for other people, Ai can have a strange character arc where she learns to value Homura/herself, and become self-love.
- On the other hand, Ai can represent self-love from the start, and because Homura looks very fucking unhealthy in the trailer, she only wants to stop her because she’s hurting herself. This option plays into the themes of self-sacrifice and happiness, which I believe to be some of the major themes that they’re going for.
- The poster could be misleading and Ai ends up fighting everyone but Homura. I find this the funniest option.
- Homura can hug herself. It’s possible. In fact, every character can hug Homura 15 different times.
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Smiles are a Clara Doll’s default expression. We have yet to see Homura smile for real.
Is this going to get very ambiguous and confusing? Probably. But rewatching for details was the fun part in Rebellion, so I’m looking forward to it!
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Witch of Walpurgis changing portrait- Haunted Mansion, Disneyland
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kyrakyrakitty · 9 months
okie okie i don't currently have the energy to elaborate on my thoughts, but a few things from the pmmm trailer i wanted to point out!!
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the symbol homura is seen with when summoning the phone is mirrored in the gleam of the arrow seen later
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the flower arch behind madoka has gears in it rather than flowers!!
also: could the mention of dreams in the trailer relate at all to the nightmares in rebellion?
oh, and i know ive seen people talk about walpurgisnacht making one half of an hourglass with gretchen, but i dont know if ive seen much about the gear that makes up walpurgisnacht's core and the relevance of gears to clocks & thereby their association with "setting back the clock" & homura. we see madoka crucified on a gear/clock in the original series when kyubey and homura are discussing the fate the latter has doomed madoka to
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i think that's another point to the "homura becomes walpurgisnacht" theory!
these are just a few things i haven't noticed as much discussion of yet (sorry if theyve been pointed out before!!) i definitely want to elaborate more on my thoughts, but i am chronically sleepy, so ill probably do it in lil bursts ♡ id love for anyone who has thought on these elements to share!!
i hope you find reason to smile today, and dont forget to hydrate!! ♡
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set-wingedwarrior · 9 months
My dash is getting filled with Madoka Magica posts again, nature is healing <3
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radioactivemelody · 10 months
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thewritehag · 1 year
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Happy Beltane and Walpurgisnacht!
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haecooba · 11 months
I'm alive guys yay!
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I hope everyone is having a great Walpurgi's eve!
Be on the lookout for witches flying in the dark, and don't burn down any forests 🔥
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motherednature · 2 years
In den Weiden werden unsere Träume klingen Und die Winde werden unsere Lieder singen Lasst uns mit den Funken übers Feuer springen In der Walpurgisnacht!
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industria-adastra · 2 years
Fragile, handle with care: And when the melon splits, a sweet dream will come
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"I always feel uneasy today. It's like my body is on high alert, but my brain doesn't know what the threat is exactly. It's always April 30th Walpurgis Night too. I wonder what my dad would say about this."
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infinity0nhigh · 2 years
I can be a pretty happy-go-lucky, jovial person (especially with how much I love to laugh and joke around), and I absolutely do see the beauty in hope and love and joy and cheer, but nothing ever resonates with me quite on the same level as despair, grief, loss, traumatic events, fighting a battle that you know you’re going to lose, and succumbing to an intensely profound sadness. and maybe that’s why Madoka Magica is my favorite work of fiction ever created.
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sayakube · 8 months
Happy 10th Anniversary Rebellion!
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So hard to believe its already been a decade since the movie came out.
My favorite moment from the movie (also the Kyousaya moment ofcourse😊)
here's to walpurgis no kaiten i hope its just as / even more exciting
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greycloudsinwinter · 1 month
Hello happy your doing well
If you don't mind can you make a yandere knights of walpurgis form harry potter
Sorry for bothering you 😫
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🐍they were known as knights of walpurgis befor they became death eaters.
🐍very pure blood mindset . That they are the chosen ones to rule the wizard world and muggles should bend to there will.
🐍when they meet you a pier blood they are very interested in you going there group.
🐍however when you turn away from them, not agreeing with there views of how the world should be . They are mad and furious even that you turn them down.
🐍they take turns tormenting you but after they begin to feel a warm feeling when you stand up to them. That’s when things get complicated.
🐍one by one they try and court you however they forget about the true meaning of courting you. And turn it into a competition between each other.
🐍but when they realise you have no interest in any of them they team up.
🐍rivals are quickly taken care of with the killing curse.
🐍try and escape and you won’t get far especially since they have connections with so many people.
🐍when you finally give up and become there perfect darling then you are treated like a queen/king.
🐍would make sure everyone and I mean EVERYONE respects you.
🐍they will marry you but they take turns marrying you wanted a chance of separate marriages.
🐍still compete for your attention and won’t let you leave the huge manor they brought just for you.
🐍possessive ,obsessive and unhinged yanderes
🐍some of the worst yanderes to have they will break you and remake you to what they think is the perfect spouse.
🐍any children you have are adored and spoiled and turn out platonic yanderes . If you can’t have children they may get mistresses but don’t love them just using them for children and once the baby/babies are born they kill the mistresses.
Thank you so much for the request ❤️❤️
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inezdeortiz · 2 months
Hello~ I saw your stories that time I was reincarnated into a slimee, How about rimuru and other characters with a vampire s/o? As if she had fangs and needed to suck blood I don't know how to explain it....I'm bad at this....
Anyway, I would really appreciate it!! :3
Although my requests were closed at the moment but I'll gladly do it! I randomly selected so that Rimuru isn't the only one here!
Characters: Rimuru Tempest, Luminous Valentine, Leon Cromwell.
OS / HCS / IMG: Head-Cannons
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He was surprised when he met you, I mean sure he met Luminous during Walpurgis who was also a vampire but a much higher rank vampire(High Blood).
He was worried that you attack humans to drink blood from them, luckily you can survive a few months without blood but Rimuru always tries to find a way to find a replacement for you to drink blood.
He ended up asking Luminous for some blood supply so you can never attack humans in the end.
He's a bit fascinated by your fangs spite him also having fangs because he's a monster.
You want to walk to the sun but can't? Don't worry! He'll tell Shuna and the dwarves to make you an umbrella that fit you!
He always make sure that your clothes are enough to cover you, long sleeves and long dresses paired with the umbrella that Shuna specificcally made for you!
Although when summer rolls in Jura Tempest, he asks Shuna to make dresses that aren't long sleeved since it's harder to maintain in the heat of the Forest, so reasonable sleeves while you still have your umbrella is fine.
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She loves you already although she doesn't show it, since you're a Vampire like her but a little weaker cause she's a High Blood Vampire and a Demon Lord.
She's happy because now she has someone to share some blood to drink with! I mean she did have the Vampire twins although she loves you more cause you're her S/O!
Since you can't walk in the sun and are born into a weaker race of vampires Luminous will tell you to drink some of her blood so you can walk in the sun as well.
Although you were very hesitant Luminous managed to secretly replace the blood in your cup with hers so you can finally walk in the sun.
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He isn't surprised when he first met you, he already met Luminous and other various races of Vampires so it doesn't surprise him at all.
You need blood but you're to kill someone just to quench your thirst? Don't worry, Leon is there to catch someone for you so you can drink blood.
He would always demand that the curtains of your bedroom is dark enough for the sun not to seep through since he knows you're of a weaker race of Vampires.
He wants you to evolve so he nonchalantly gives you a Demon Lord seed, although you didn't need to declare yourself a Demon Lord since the new name for the Demon Lords were already settled.
Pig blood, deer blood, human blood, he can give you any kinds of bloods just tell him your favorite or the ones you like and you will have a lifetime supply of them.
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