#hard to have faith in anyone at this point
rivendell-poet · 2 days
*・༓˚✧ ❝𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐑)❞‧͙⁺˚༓˚✧ « scenarios »
○ Aragorn ○ Legolas ○ Frodo ○ Sam ○ Merry ○ Pippin ○ Boromir ○ Faramir ○ Éowyn ○ Éomer ○ Bard ○ Thranduil ○ Tauriel ○ Lindir ○ Haldir ○ Elladan ○ Elrohir ○
GN!Reader | Wordcount : 2.9k (each individual around 170~ words) | Read on Ao3
TWS : References to a dead spouse/parent having a new partner after other parents death (Bard)
« 1, 10, 11, masterlist »
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✧ You two weren’t sure how to tell the Fellowship, especially when your main problems centred around saving Middle Earth. Surely a relationship was inconsequential?
✧ In the end, it was Merry and Pippin who discovered your relationship by walking in on you kissing.
✧ You didn’t even know they were there until you heard the excited gasps, before Merry eagerly asks if he can tell everyone.
✧ Aragorn and you have talked about this before, but he still checks with you again to make sure you’re absolutely comfortable with it.
✧ The two of you give your agreements to the hobbits (and you still don’t think you’ve ever seen them happier).
✧ One of your highlights comes from Merry running up behind you and saying you and Aragorn are together before he realises who you are.
✧ Sam and Frodo awkwardly come up to you at one point and ask if Merry and Pippin have permission - it’s very sweet to see them blushing and trying to keep eye contact with the two of you.
✧ The rest of the Fellowship briefly acknowledges it, although it’s generally with just a nod to the two of you or a few words.
✧ The only exception is when there's sparring training - in which the men sometimes tease Aragorn for focusing on your match slightly too much.
✧ You both ask each other who they’re ok with knowing, and both of you agree that with the lists you provide - but you don’t want to publicise it needlessly.
✧ Boromir is the first person you end up telling, after he not so subtly nudges you while you’re (also not subtly) staring at Legolas.
✧ He teases you a bit, but you know it’s in good faith, and when Legolas appears to ask if you’ll join him he instantly pushes you towards him, bidding you to have fun.
✧ On his part, Legolas actually forgets to tell anyone. It isn’t until he’s asking Aragorn about if his date idea is acceptable with mortal customs that Aragorn interrupts him to confirm the two of you are dating.
✧ Legolas stands there for a second, and then he realises he hasn’t told anyone.
✧ Proceeds to go into a long and slightly unnecessary infodump about you, and all of the things he loves about you, and why he’s honoured to be dating you, and-
✧ Aragorn actually doesn’t interrupt, and it’s only when Frodo and Sam come over that Legolas realises just how long he’s been talking.
✧ Word spreads from Frodo and Sam to the rest of the hobbits, and the hobbits make it everyone's business. And soon enough the whole Fellowship knows.
✧ When Frodo had first talked about you to his friends, everyone wanted to know who the big-folk in the Shire was, they had been able to tell Frodo was a little star-struck.
✧ They’d also been able to tell it hadn’t exactly gone away, even after you’d been meeting for a while.
✧ Eventually Frodo tells them he can’t come to one of their regular meetings, and that same day the Shire reports seeing you and another hobbit go in the direction of the flower fields.
✧ It only takes the next time they see Frodo for Merry to give him a grin, and Pippin to give him a ‘subtle’ jab to the ribs.
✧ Frodo laughs at them, “You were right. They said yes, and it was wonderful.”
✧ The two immediately start cheering, and Sam congratulates him more quietly - although with just as much sincerity.
✧ Bilbo greets it only with a nod, and mutters to Frodo that it certainly took him long enough.
✧ (Pippin attempts a whistle the next time he sees you and Frodo in public. It starts out well, and then he laughs too hard to finish it. Especially when you start laughing while Frodo turns red.)
✧ They’re the ones that finally convince Sam to ask you out, and they’re all hoping for you and him to work out - it’s just obvious to them that you belong together.
✧ They don’t see him for the entire day he asks you out, except very early in the morning to wish him all luck.
✧ And then they see him the next day.
✧ With the largest grin on his face, from ear to ear. As well as what might be a semi-permanent blush.
✧ The friends look around at each other before realising what that means.
✧ Pippin immediately rushes over to congratulate their good friend, with Merry right behind him.
✧ There’s some teasing but it’s all in good faith - they’re all relieved that you two are together.
✧ Although they tease Sam they’re a lot nicer to you, letting you know they know with smiles and a nod across the room.
✧ Frodo congratulates you on your courting.
✧ One of the first things he, seriously, asks you is if he can tell his friends.
✧ Your confused as to why he asks, and he explains he doesn’t want to put you in an uncomfortable position - and he’s more than happy for it to be just the two of you if that’s what you want/
✧ You reassure him that you’re fine with Pippin, Sam, and Frodo knowing.
✧ There’s obvious relief and joy on his face - and he grins before pulling you into a hug and thanking you. “Don’t worry, I won’t let Pip be mean.”
✧ The two of you actually see them the same day and Merry immediately runs over to Pippin.
✧ He almost tackles him into a massive hug, a huge grin on his face before glancing back at you with shining eyes.
✧ “They said yes!”
✧ (Although you find Merry’s excitement at telling others the sweetest, you have to admit hearing Pippin woop makes you smile as well.)
✧ Everyone in the Fellowship knew that he had a crush on you, because they all had eyes, although it was slightly less known you liked him back.
✧ Merry is the first to realise you’re probably going to end up together because Pippin asks him for a pep talk on the day.
✧ (Which Merry gives, of course.)
✧ The following breakfast he subtly goes up to Pippin and nudges him, to which Pippin gives a faux-wise nod before smiling and whispering ‘thank you’.
✧ Frodo and Sam both know him well enough to realise what’s happened, although they wait until you confirm it to say anything or make any comments.
✧ In the end you’re the one to ask if he wants it spread around, to which he answers of course - he just wasn’t sure if that was something you wanted.
✧ You reassure him that you’re fine with it, and you’d never be ashamed of this relationship.
✧ With your permission, he quickly gets around to telling everyone what’s going on.
✧ Even with every person he tells, the wonder that you’ve chosen him doesn’t diminish in the slightest.
✧ You can't help smiling about Boromir asking you if you'll be his partner.
✧ Of course, the next day this does creep out while you're running drills with the rangers.
✧ Even Anborn's frankly terrible warm-ups don't get rid of it, something that is quickly noticed by your comrades. And commented upon.
✧ Not telling them who it is, even when pleading with you to say who's making you smile that widely, just makes them more persistent.
✧ Faramir denies all knowledge when they ask him, although of course he knows about the two of you in.
✧ In the end they take to calling him mystery man.
✧ Two days later all soldiers are together again, and Boromir discreetly buys you a drink and you plan to real later.
✧ As you turn around you can see your troops grinning, one of them mouthing 'mystery man'.
✧ Being the fair second-in-command you are, it only results in one extra lap next meeting.
✧ He's, understandably, nervous about telling others about your relationship. ✧ Not because he isn't completely committed to you, he'd hang the moon and stars for you, but because he's worried about what people will say. ✧ And not about him - but about you. ✧ Faramir doesn't particularly want to introduce you to his father, so instead he introduces you to his brother. ✧ Boromir recognises you, and is immediately very cheerful and welcoming of you - putting the both of you at ease. ✧ Although he's very supportive, he understands it being kept a secret and promises that it is your relationship to tell. ✧ Faramir also offers to introduce you to his rangers, to which you eagerly agree.
✧ It's in a more casual setting - just a tavern, without the formalities of titles.
✧ The rangers are just as welcoming and supporting of you two, although they tease Faramir more than his brother did. 
✧ Aragorn had been the first person to notice when you two had started to like each other, before either of you had fully figured it out yourselves.
✧ And when you come back from your talk with Éowyn, he can see your blush and the small smile you have - the way you’re almost glowing.
✧ (Although most people with eyes would’ve noticed it too.)
✧ As such you don’t need to tell him, he merely comes up and congratulates you after the fighting is over - saying that you seem right for each other.
✧ Legolas and Gimli are also both with you when you come back from talking, and they realise as well.
✧ The both of them are a lot more vocal in their teasing about it - and you keep from hitting them by telling yourself it’s just Gimli’s way of not freaking out about the Dead.
✧ To be entirely honest your partner, and the teasing that comes with that, is the topic you’d much rather be thinking about.
✧ You don’t need to tell Éowyn, of course, as she’s the one who set you up in the first place.
✧ She’s also the one who, when you finally get back from your first date, whistles as Éomer kisses you hand in goodbye and looks entirely too pleased with herself when you both turn red.
✧ Théodred realises on the day Éomer first kisses you, as he too is part of the Rohirrim force that went out - following his cousin’s horse until he sees them jump off.
✧ As soon as he sees you two kiss he looks over to Éowyn for confirmation, who simply grins back.
✧ He congratulates Éomer in private, before asking when you two are going to inform Théoden about it.
✧ After asking his uncle for permission to date you, which Théoden gives freely, you are eventually formally introduced - although he recognises you as Éowyn’s friend.
✧ No-one else is personally informed, although word does get out about a prince of Rohan’s dating, and it becomes common knowledge that you two are courting rather quickly.
✧ For the most part there’s no bother, and the most comments you get are of people telling you how much they wish to be in your place.
✧ As much as Bard wants to parade you around the rooftops, walk with your hand in his and give you a small kiss when you’re close together, he does restrain himself.
✧ He wants to be with you, through all of this, but he also understands the importance of waiting and making sure something is real.
✧ The children love you, but he doesn’t yet want the children to know you two are dating.
✧ Bard knows he should probably wait longer than the three month mark, but he still loves you just as much as your first date and you feel the same.
✧ So over dinner he tells the kids that you’re courting, and feels a massive amount of relief when they all express enthusiasm.
✧ After that some friends and family are told, although most people become informed via the rumour mill.
✧ On a slow day, the news of you holding Bard’s hand or him kissing you goodbye becomes good gossip.
✧ It also takes Thranduil a while for him to be honest about your relationship.
✧ And again it certainly isn’t because of his lack of commitment. Because if you needed something done, he would do everything in his power to do it. To make sure you could smile.
✧ He does it because he wants you to be ready for the responsibilities and judgements that, unfortunately, are to come with you being with him.
✧ Judgements that mean nothing to him but that you don’t deserve, and therefore will help prepare you for.
✧ Thranduil will completely go at your pace for if things are moving too fast or too slow, constantly checking in and making sure you’re ok with what’s happening.
✧ Although, if things are going too fast he does generally slow them down. Making sure you’re not feeling pressured, and if there’s anything he can do to help you.
✧ It’s a small gesture in terms of what he could do, but when he sits next to you and looks into your eyes you know he’s sincere.
✧ When Tauriel is finally courting you, she just wants to show you off.
✧ To show the world how amazing her partner is - and that the two of you are together.
✧ If you'll let here, she'll happily he attached to you - holding hands, or giving you a quick kiss before you go out on patrol.
✧ Then when she's asked she's happy to confirm it, and try to give the person a list of the best things you've done in the past day.
✧ But if you ask her not too she also understands, and tries not to draw attention it it.
✧ Instead it's whispered in her friends ears with a sparkle in her eyes.
✧ Lindir is nervous about telling others, although handles it fairly well.
✧ He asks if you'll allow him to wait a week or so - both to figure out what to say and to make sure you want this relationship.
✧ You reassure him that you will, but that he can also take all the time he needs.
✧ All in all, Lindir is probably the one of the most mature when it comes to telling people.
✧ Simply asking for a moment of time from the people he wishes to know, and then informing them that you are courting.
✧ And trying to deflect all compliments onto you, while simultaneously trying to remember them all so he can tell you them later.
✧ For your part you tell the people that you know in Rivendell, and they congratulate you (and admit envy) that you've managed to court the elf.
✧ Everything goes fairly smoothly, although you can't fully contain your shock when the Lord of Rivendell comes to speak to you. Even if it's only to congratulate the two of you. Especially if it's that.
✧ Unsurprisingly, there aren’t that many people that Haldir knows in the lands of Rohan or of Gondor.
✧ Although a letter is sent that way, filled with surprisingly romantic prose that you wouldn’t expect from him, you know he won’t be able to tell anyone in his life until you go back to Lothlórien.
✧ But you do have Legolas to tell - and the remaining two of the hunters.
✧ You tell Legolas first, as his guard you’ve known him much longer, and because you want this to be something special.
✧ As elves, this will be (almost certainly) the only times you can say that you’ve fallen in love.
✧ Legolas is very congratulatory, instantly pulling you into a hug and saying he’s happy for you. Before pulling out of it and making you swear to tell him if Haldir doesn’t treat you well.
✧ It makes you laugh before you realise he’s being serious.
✧ To your amusement (and gratitude) Legolas then leaves to talk to your boyfriend - and you eventually find them standing outside and speaking in Elvish in quiet enough tones for you to not hear.
✧ Going over to them Legolas gives you a small nod, and Haldir offers you a smile before saying he’s glad that you have chosen him.
✧ Both of you are comfortable sharing what’s happening almost immediately, because both of you have lived in Rivendell for practically your entire lives and have a similar circle.
✧ In a way, telling others is awkward - but more because of the knowing smiles you receive, along with the congratulations.
✧ Of all the elves in Rivendell it seems that either Elrohir has told them, or that they’d always suspected it.
✧ Because of course the two of you somehow manage to be the most oblivious to your own relationship.
✧ Nearing the end of the day, Elladan takes your hand and gives it a kiss as you leave.
✧ “My apologies for managing to be this clueless for so long. I hope the rest of our lives can make up for it.”
✧ Finds it far two funny that both him and Arwen have fallen for Gondorian nobles, and as such cannot wait to officially tell her.
✧ (Of course it was very obvious for a while before, and even more so when his courting proposal was during a public event - even though he made sure to catch you mostly alone.)
✧ Proudly tells his sister that he’s got the much better partner to become mortal for, and that she should be jealous of the two of you.
✧ And then only jumping a little when he turns around to see Aragorn behind him. Does not apologise for his statement, but does reassure him that he’ll always love his little Estel and-
✧ Aragorn cuts him off with his congratulations, before politely asking Elrohir to stop trying to steal you away from quite so many official duties.
✧ At which point Elrohir feels it only right to give a vague answer, before trying to locate you and the trusty pile of paperwork beside you.
✧ Comes into your room happily announcing the king has given his blessings. For everything.
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perfctvelvet · 17 hours
Dominant Billie Eilish? 🙏 pretty please
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The Games We Play; Billie Eilish/Fem!Reader
Content: 2nd POV. Established relationship, semi-toxic relationship, brief mentions of gaslight, implied infidelity, D/s elements, name calling ('slut'), degradation, teasing, strap-on sex, mentions of ass play, use of sex toys (vibrator).
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"I've had enough of the games now, Y/n. You're starting to annoy me."
It was ironic to watch Billie sit at the table and sulk to herself as if she didn't get herself into this situation. These games that she claims to hate oh so much where the ones that she started and wanted to finish once she wasn't getting her way. You have just been with her for way too long not to be able to see her through and through. Billie hated the bitter taste of her own medicine, but she should've thought about that before she brushed you off when you asked about who that was on that instagram post.
You made her watch you flirt with a past fling all night. You could barely remember the lady's name when you two first bumped into her, but quickly she became valuable to you. All you had asked for was honesty about a post that was posted to tens of millions of people, but instead you were shut out. Billie brought this on herself, and it felt good to see her sitting there feeling sorry for you.
"Ooh, tell me more about your trip to Greece! I've been waiting to go, but sometimes it's hard when others won't cooperate with their schedules."
Billie was within earshot of the entire conversation and you didn't spare her one bit. You left her emotionally beaten and bruised every time you laid a hand on the body of someone you came close to being with years ago. Your attraction had faded greatly as you only had eyes for your girlfriend now, but Billie doesn't know that and at this moment anyone would think that the relationship was on its last legs. But just like you know Billie, she knows you too well for her own good. You were trying to make her feel the same way you did over an instagram post. Well, you had one the battle as your attempts to make Billie jealous was working, but Billie was well intentioned on winning the war.
Now as she confronts you about the only thing you can do is play dumb. You weren't going to give her the upper hand by outright admitting what you were doing. The way she dismissed you about posting photos of another girl damn near straddling her kept you up for days. Those 3 to 4 hours of sleep left you irritable and willing to do anything to get your point across. So in your eyes, you're not doing anything worse your girlfriend hasn't done.
"What are you talking about?" You asked her, cocking your head to the side and feigning innocence. 
Normally your pout was endearing but right now Billie wanted to fuck it off your face. Still surrounded by strangers who could possibly hear your conversation, Billie gives a deep sigh and she hangs her head down. It was a sign of utter defeat to you.
"Y/n," she sighs before leaning in and whispering, "You really want to do this right now?"
Those simple words were a warning shot. Billie didn't have to say much else. She didn't have to explain that she knows you after being together for two years. She didn't have to explain that they've done this song and dance before and that it's getting stale. Both are committed and faithful to this relationship, but sometimes things get hazy and the relationship is tested. Billie knows she's in the wrong, but getting those words to come out of her mouth is like pulling teeth. You two should be passed this stage, especially as you get older together, but clearly both of you are wrong. When one of you acts up, the other feels like they have no choice but to retaliate and somehow you're always the one always having to retaliate.
You don't want to hear it from her. You don't want to sit in the car on the way home and hear her give you some holier-than-thou speech as if she's the mature one in the relationship. It was easier to talk to you like that when you were side by side and she didn't have to look you in the eyes and act like she didn't do what she did. Did it feel good to flirt with someone you're no longer interested in? No, that part didn't feel good, but being able to glance over and see Billie sulking while surrounded by happy, partying people, it was better than any high or shot of alcohol here tonight.
"What am I doing? I'm at a party that you're ruining the vibe because you want to sit there and feel sorry for yourself. Get up, go talk to your friends." You didn't have much else to say to her and she kept her mouth shut too. Billie had nothing to say. Have you succeeded?
Billie was never afraid to drag out an argument, even in a setting like this. There was the great texting fiasco of Summer 2023 that ended with you staying at your friend's place for the weekend. So she was uncharacteristically quiet now. And in a surprising move, she just smiled at you. Your faces were so close together you thought she was going to kiss, but instead she leaned back. She grabbed her glass filled with whatever she had and brought it to her lips. Never did she pull her eyes away from you and you felt your grip on the situation loosening. You don't know what it means for you, for tonight and for the future, but you stepped away from her. You turned your back to her and joined a group of mutual friends. The former fling you were flirting with was nowhere to be found, but it didn't matter anymore. 
You felt Billie's eyes burning a hole right through you for the rest of the night. Despite the room being so loud, there was a ringing in your ears that dulled the sound of everything around you. You don't know how you were able to make it through the rest of the night acting like you usual self. The end of the night and car ride home were unbearable and equally silent. Billie's steady breathing was the only sound to fill your ears; so calm yet just as loud as the club's bass in your ears. The little battle you had earlier? It meant nothing now. Whatever victory you felt was replaced by the dread of worrying what was to come next. You expected a screaming match to take place as soon as the two of you crossed past that threshold into Billie's house. Instead Billie decided to do something she hasn't tried before. She was going to fuck the problem away.
Billie was pissed. The way she grabbed you, you don't think you've seen her so mad before. The two of you are no strangers to things getting a little rough, but there was so much more raw and animalistic about the way she touched you, the way she kissed you. Billie was gunning to win the war and she was going to disarm you in the best way she knew how. You don't understand how pissed she was seeing your flirt with an old fling like that, and what annoyed her the most is that you looked to actually be having a good time. She saw how you looked at this woman who has no name to her. You looked at her as if she meant something. Billie thought the photo she uploaded was to be expected from her and her friends. She thought you knew that sometimes one of them gets a little handsy but there was never any ill-intention behind it. Hell, you've seen it happen in front of your very eyes before and you didn't react. To her the difference between the post and what you did was that you intended to make the situation worse. You looked so into this woman, looking at her the same way you've looked at Billie before. Those eyes are only for her.
Billie wasn't nice or sweet tonight. She didn't tease you or suck on your tits for almost an hour like she usually loves to do. You were pushed onto the bed, face down ass up. You weren't able to see anything with your face in the covers. You had to guess what was happening based on the sounds around you. Billie was stealthy and quick, not giving you a second to adjust to what was going on. You felt something cool and wet hitting between your cheeks. You cursed yourself for not wearing underwear tonight, giving Billie easy access to both of your holes to do whatever she wanted with you. You felt something poke at your entrance and soon you were filled with 8 inches of thickness. The air was plucked right out of you as Billie pushed her strap all the way inside. She watched in awe how your arousal bursted through the seams. She pulled out and your juices had already completely covered her strap.
Billie pushes back into you after a few seconds. She started at a slow pace before gradually picking up speed, fucking you harder and faster. The residual anger from your little stunt tonight was fuleing her. When a girl acts up, sometimes she needs to be put in her place.
"You wanna tell me who that was tonight? Who was that girl, Y/n!"
You feel her grab a handful of your hair and she pulls your face out the bed. Her grip was tight enough to feel a prickly sensation on the edge of your scalp. You pulled your head back further to alleviate the pain. The question she asked you had completely slipped your mind as she filled your poor pussy with every inch of her strap. Billie didn't take so kindly to being ignored, so she asked you again. You could barely speak, but you tried your best.
"W-What girl?" You stutter through each thrust.
"Still playing dumb, huh?"
There was a tinge of playfulness in Billie's voice that could've you if you weren't getting fucked so hard. You were still trying to play the game she was built to beat you at. However, that girl doesn't matter to you and certainly she's irrelevant now. Your skin was flushed and sweaty. The sound of Billie's thighs meeting your ass reverberates in the room. How could you be thinking about some other woman when you're getting fucked within an inch of your life.
"If you wanted to be fucked like this baby all you had to do was laugh. You don't have to fight for my attention when you have it 24/7 sweetheart," Billie teased you with such a clear voice that amazed you she was able to concentrate on making you feel so small and fucking you skillfully. "You knew exactly what you were doing tonight, but you won't want to try that again after I'm done fucking this little pussy of yours."
Her words began to sound fuzzy as the tip of her strap kept agitating your sweet spot. You could barely keep yourself up, your arms giving away. The only thing keeping you up right now was Billie's tight grip on your hair. You were about to cum; dangerously close. All the tell-tale signs of your orgasm began firing off and that just happen to be the moment when Billie decided to pull out of you. You could whine and cry all you want, but Billie still pushed you off her strap. Your orgasm, the one you so desperately wanted, shuttered away as you sobbed into the sheets. You were surely a sight to take in. The strap rests against your ass, smearing your juices into your skin.
"Did you really think I was going to let you cum so fast? You really think you deserve that princess?"
Leave it to Billie to not give in so easily -- you should've seen this coming. You push yourself up on your palms until you're pushed back down onto the bed. Billie didn't have to use much force either which made her laugh at you. You were so weak and you hadn't even cum yet. 
"Pick a number, baby."
You thought you were hearing her wrong. Did she just ask you to pick a fucking number?
"Pick a number. 1-3."
It was stupid to indulge in whatever game she was playing, but you lifted your head and opened your mouth to utter, "2." You don't know why you even answered.
"Hmm," Billie hums. It's hard to read such a small reaction.
The sound of the drawer opening happens again. You don't have to see to know she's grabbing from the bottom "special" drawer, where she got the strap-on from. There were a few other toys in there and you suspect that's where the game comes in at.
"It's too bad you didn't pick 1, but I guess you spared your little ass tonight."
You were just spread out so perfectly for the buttplug she hasn't used on you yet. Billie would've been able to see her reflection in the shiny metal as it slipped into your tightest hole. Stretching your ass out while fucking you would've ruined you, you haven't tried that out yet. She imagines that you would've been begging her for forgiveness and permission to cum. Even seeing it in her active imagination makes her heart skip a beat. But, fate has decided for her and she's going to make the most of it.
The wand you unintentionally picked had only been used about two or three times. It's vibrations were so strong, something you felt like you had to get use to. Only on it's lowest setting were you able to handle it. Something powered only by batteries yet it was so powerful you were seeing stars the first time you used it.
"Get up."
Billie gave you the command but then she was moving your body herself. She laid on the bed and signaled for you to get on top of her. You go to straddle her before she stops you.
"Uh-uh. Turn the other way."
She made you turn away from and in the direction of a mirror. For the first time since going out tonight, you got a glimpse of yourself. Your hair looked a mess and your makeup had smudged a lot. Spit was drying in the corner of your mouth. You should've been ashamed about how you look and how Billie was slutting you out, but it made your pussy drip on Billie's skin. One, two, three she felt the drops of your arousal on her bare skin. She groaned, showing a moment of weakness for a second. Right then she knew she had to get you on her strap. She lowered you down with one hand. Somehow her strap felt so much bigger when you were sinking down on it this way. The way the girth stretched out just felt different when you were any other position. Billie doesn't fuck you in reverse cowgirl often so you were willing to underestimate her ability to fuck you as hard as you need like this, but quickly you were proven wrong.
Your skin slapped together harder and your tits bounce with every thrust up into your swollen twat. You thought it was a lot to handle until you felt the vibrations from the wand against your pussy. The slew of moans that fell from your lips were louder than before.
"Good girl! Keep moaning for me baby, show me just how much you love being fucked like this. Only I can fuck you like this."
Words like this were meant to only affect you, to drive home the point that you were a slut for Billie and Billie only, but somehow she fueled her own desire. She was fucking up into you with reckless abandon. You were so close to losing your mind from being fucked like that from below while the vibrator was placed firmly against your swollen clit. You had no choice but to endure it as your eyes rolled in the back of your head. 
"Whose pussy's this? Who does this pussy belong to, girl," the way she addressed you and the stinging grip on your hip made you spiral. Billie has flirted with degrading you more and more in bed, but tonight she spoke as if this came natural to her. She questioned as if something would happen if you didn't answer her. The worst thing she, or anyone else, could do to you at this moment is deny you of another sweet release. It's a miracle you're not squirting all over her strap that bullying its way into you. The head of her strap hits your cervix so deliciously. She questions you as if you're capable of speaking right now when the vibrator is sending you into orbit. You've officially been rendered stupid and unable to form words.
It takes a solid minute and everything inside of you to be able to muster up the energy to be able to answer you.
"Yours! Oh god it's yours!" You force out with a desperate cry. Your body is beginning to hunch over in weakness as she continues to pound you. You've never felt so pathetic in your life, unable to stand your ground, but never did failure feel so good. The stretch and the buzz was addicting and you were ready to let go of everything that's been pent up inside of your body.
The way you answer satisfies Billie, finally. The sobs of your pure devotion made relief wash over her. She's happy.
She doesn't stop her pounding until you're cumming and crying out loudly for her. Your toes curl as you come the hardest you have in a long, long time. Billie's grip on you was still harsh, painful even, causing the pain to mix with your everlasting pleasure. This is what might be the longest orgasm of your life and it comes after another stalemate in your relationship.
It was almost impossible to be able to come back to reality. You didn't even notice the vibrator had been turned off and discarded onto the bed until Billie stopped pumping into you completely. Satisfaction stirred deep in your hips as you sat there with her strap situated inside of you. Billie was holding you up with both hands now as if you would fall apart into a million pieces if she let go. And let go she never did.
Your heavy limbs find relief when you're laid against the bed. It feels like you're floating on a cloud compared to how it felt before. You were in a state of disbelief, asking yourself, 'did that shit really happen?' 
You weren't going to regain your composure after that, and you weren't going to even try. Billie is already up and moving around, disappearing for a few minutes before she comes back with a wet towel waiting to clean you up. She pushes your legs apart and gently rubs the warm towel against your sensitive skin.
"I think you left a present over there."
She nods her head in the direction of the wet spot on the bed. Did you squirt? You don't even have a fucking clue if you did or not but you hide your face in your hands anyway.
"Oh god," you groan.
"We can always sleep in the other room."
"I don't think I can move, Bil."
You had a million and one questions, but you were utterly worn out and Billie's face was flushed pink from all the work she put in. You two have more to answer for in the morning, and a need to explain why you both acted up so much. Seeing you so vulnerable made the words 'I'm sorry, I was wrong' want to bubble up in Billie's throat. Instead she kisses the two sweet thighs she loves so much. The nonverbal apology will always come before remorseful words out of Billie's lips. Holding you until you fall asleep will stand in just for the night.
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seilon · 1 year
in the past I’ve always been more or less eager to talk to a therapist after just getting one but this time for whatever reason I just feel a weird sense of dread
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daz4i · 8 months
how and why is there discourse about whether or not certain queer identities exist/if people should be allowed(???) to use them. why is "people know their own identity better than you ever could, and they're the only one who get a say on what they are" such a tough concept to grasp
i think if you find yourself offended by the label someone uses (especially if they're a stranger) or think it invalidates your own, it's a good idea to look inside yourself and question why that may be. more often than not, it's a result of insecurity or uncertainty of your own identity (or many other things, but i won't make a whole list here). whatever reason it is, until you resolve it, you shouldn't take it out on people for having an identity you don't understand
many have said it before but it's worth saying over and over. infighting only helps our oppressors. conservatives don't care if you're a cis gay or a xenogender aegosexual aplatonic lesbian, they hate all of us either way. trying to fit in by going for people who are easier targets for them isn't gonna help you, it'll just alienate you from your own community, and you're never gonna please them. the momentary rush you get from hearing you're not like "one of /those/ gay people" is not worth it and is gonna do more harm in the long run, i assure you
also, it is important to me to say this, but having some less than nice kneejerk reaction caused by confusion about an identity you don't understand doesn't mean you're a bad person or anything. as long as you aren't mean to that person, and you take a second to think smth along the lines of "wait a minute, this isn't any of my business" after having said reaction, you're good 👍 a lot of reflexive reactions we have to things are ingrained into us simply by. well. living in a society 🤡 and you're not terrible for having those thoughts. it's your actions that matter, and your second thought (the "wait, why did i just think that?") is more defining of your actual character and morals than your reflex. i know that having thoughts like this, even tho they're unwanted, can very easily make one spiral, so it's important to me that whoever needs to hear this knows this doesn't make you a bad person 🙏 you're good, keep taking actions to be good, accept other people even if you don't understand them, and you're on the right track :)
#i considered adding that last part in the tags but i figured it'll be too long for that 😭#i noticed i'm posting a lot of rants lately. sorry. but i do wanna make sure no one's actually feeling bad over them#if i complain about something that you do or call it mean and such. that doesn't make you a bad person#you can always work to change and grow 👍 it's not easy but it starts with smaller steps than you'd expect#and now i just switched to a whole other topic from my original point. oops#i do firmly believe that any discourse about someone's identity is dumb as fuck#seeing it in poll blogs always makes me 😐😬 like how is it any business for any of us. why is this up for debate#if a person says they're queer then they are. they don't need to pass some test or go through initiation to be accepted#if they feel comfortable with a certain word that's awesome. why does it matter to *you* which word they use#'they're only using this microlabel to feel special' so? is there anything wrong with that?#'this label contradicts [insert other identity that falls under the same umbrella]' ok. but does that hurt anyone in any way#a lot of identities can even be self contradictory. does it matter tho? does it affect anyone in any way?#'they might realize that label is wrong later' again. what's the harm in that.#i don't blame anyone for these thoughts bc like. this is how cishets view a lot of the even more common labels#so you're basically taught to think this way from day one. that doesn't mean you need to stick to that thought process#you might have these reflexes forever no matter how hard you try. but you'll get quicker about moving on from them#but you do have to try. you do have to realize that other people's identities aren't about you#anyway. this post feels like batting at a hornets nest. really hope i don't get some bad faith readers here lol#(i noticed a lot of places one could apply bad faith but like it's 3:30 am i'm too tired to add this many disclaimer.#so i'm gonna trust you to not jump to conclusions and to approach this in good faith okay? mwah 🖤)#also my whole ramble abt morality (in the tags too) is relevant to. any topic really#i may just make a separate post about it really. .....tomorrow tho.
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bunnihearted · 2 months
#smth that does trouble me is that i am extremely emotional and i have complained of that for a long time lol#it does make me feel ashamed and frustrated bc#when i was a child i had to suppress all my emotions bc i got punished for literally feeling anything#so i never learned how to process any emotions in a normal healthy way#and idk w most ppl in my life they get an intensely watered down version of me bc i just restrain myself#and dont let myself feel a lot or anything at all bc when i feel it's bad#but sometimes very rarely i like someone so so so much that like ...#if i let my love out that emotional instability will also be shown.... ://///#and idk. since i've never been in a space where i can *fully* with comfortability and security in that i can let it out (bc im scared and#careful and need time lolz) i need more of a learning curve#but i know im capable of such deep profound love and devotion and loyalty and faithfulness and like all of that#tbh 98% i have gotten to a point thanks to my avpd and fear of judgement im able to not let my instable emotions pour out#like actually i dont. no one knows me based on my vent blog lol 🖕 it's only when i get overstimulated (noise emotions impressions etc etc)#or have certain issues of mine triggered. that it pours out#i dont mean that to blame other ppl like i know that *i* have these issues and like they mainly affect and impact me#but yeah idk it's frustrating & idk how to navigate it bc 1st im emotionally locked bc im fearful of everything that includes deep feelings#then im too scared of rejection to even like try to say anything. then when i realize i didnt... realize everything i get too emotional bc#idk how to process emotions and like i just dont know??????#im just ashamed of it and i feel bad abt emotional outbursts but im also able to love so deeply and fully#and bc of my childish emotions and how fkn worthless i am i dream of a dad bf who is patient#and understanding and compassionate and takes me as i am and sees that im trying and am in pain#ppl judge that and me but thats just how i feel and what i want and need and im not hurting anyone else#i mean... except the one person who has never made me feel ashamed or bad for this and since i feel too much#he's the only one i've had emotional outbursts to and then i was too scared to show love to balance it out#(and this sounds bad but it's hard to explain and tbh i realize that it doesnt really concern anyone lol)#and yeah i regret it and yeah a lot of things i say is applicable on me as well and im self aware abt it and yeah idk :p
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medicinemane · 6 months
The problem with people who are "right" because they insist they're right, and the only way to be right is to simply perfectly follow their every dictation on the subject unquestioningly is this...
Ok, let's just take it as a given that you're right... the problem here is that if that's what's right I'm afraid I have to dig my heels into being wrong. If you are as righteous and just as you insist you are then I've got no choice but to be the villain because I can't stand what you're saying I'd have to do to be good
Shockingly I even think it's wrong, which is odd because we've already defined it that you're inherently and unassailably right... yet here we are
Worst part is there's a lot of these things where I'm not even full stop against it, I actually might be on their side if they could stop and address a couple of issues I consider kind of important... but they won't, because they're morally right and don't have time for addressing nonexistent issues I'm clearly just dreaming up
Undoubtedly right they are, the defect must surely be my own... and yet here we are. Vile and wicked as it might make me, I still can't just go along with you
#mm tag so i can find things later#and whatever you think this is about and however you've already decided it agrees with you#I'll say this is about like... minimum 2 topics at very different points in the political spectrum... and probably like 20 easy#so like... it may well be talking about your own behavior on certain subjects#I'm talking about not even being willing to entertain good faith questions#and especially about labeling anyone who doesn't tow your exact party line a horrible person#...the amount of shit where it's like 'you know I actually agree with you... except for this one major sticking point'#'just tell me how we deal with this one pretty big thing and I'm fully on board' and... well actually you're terrible for that#or the amount of places where it's like I agree with your goals; but not your methods but... I don't think arguing would do a damn thing#you've already dug your heels in so deep and maybe you're even right to do it.. but I'll never go along with it no matter what that makes m#and the number of overall good people I know who this post is honestly about#they may well be far better than I am; I've never claimed to be good; quite the opposite#and yet I'm afraid I have to say that... to me you're wrong; wrong in concrete ways#maybe you could even address my concerns and help me see with my stupid brain why these aren't issues... but you won't#because you're right; and you know you're right; and so you'll never be wrong#and this isn't just some idle whataboutism... or maybe it is; I'll never say I'm the moral arbiter; again I could be wickedly wrong#and there's a variety of reasons someone believes what they believe; but... there's often blind dogma at the end#I may be stupid; but I can usually draw a line from my stance to something in the world#maybe it's a stupid nonsense line and I don't see my mental gymnastics... very well could be#but I can draw a line... it's not just circular logic; it's not just bouncing between two points#and I often can actually point to places I'm not happy with how things are or will be... we live in the real world and that sucks#example that... man it's more politically charged than I like getting; but ok#I really want this Ukrainian aid to pass even though I don't like the Israeli aid attached... but I get that's the only way it's passing#I want the Ukraine aid because I see residential houses getting stuck by missiles; but I don't want the Israeli aid for the same reason#and it comes down to that I think that the aid amount is sufficiently higher to Ukraine to make it enough of a net positive#I could be wrong... but you can at least see my work; I'm coming at it from a perspective of bombing civilians is wrong#I could be stupid; I could point to two people I know on here who would tell me I'm stupid for at least one part of this... probably all#yet there it is... and... it'll be hard to convince me otherwise
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ohnoitstbskyen · 10 months
re: Somerton
Not for nothing, but I think we should remember that James Somerton's fans and subscribers are normal people, just like you. They are people who received his output in good faith, and extended to him a normal amount of grace and benefit of the doubt, which he took advantage of.
I don't think it's helpful to respond to the exposé on Somerton with sentiments along the lines of "wow, how could anyone ever think THIS GUY'S videos were any good, ha ha ha, how did he ever get subscribers?" because 1) you have the substantial benefit of hindsight and a disengaged outsider perspective, and 2) it's a rhetoric that creates a divide between you (refined, savvy, smart, sophisticated) and Somerton's audience (gullible, unrefined, easily taken advantage of, terrible taste), which is a false divide, with a false sense of security.
Somerton's success happened because he stole good writing. He found interesting, insightful, in-depth work done by other people, applied the one skill he actually has which is marketing, and re-packaged it as his own. He targeted a market which is starving for the exact kind of writing he was stealing, and pushed his audience to disengage from sources that conflicted with him.
Hbomberguy makes this point in his exposé video: good queer writing is hard to find and incredibly easy to lose. The writers Somerton stole from were often poor or precarious, writing freelance work for small circles under shitty conditions, without the means or the reach or the privileges necessary to find bigger markets. And, as Hbomb demonstrated, when people did discover Somerton's plagiarism, he used his substantial audience to hound them away and dissuade anyone else from trying to hold him accountable.
He stole queer writing by marginalized people, about experiences and perspectives that people are desperate to hear more about, and even if his delivery and aesthetics were naff, his words resonated with people because the original writers who actually wrote them poured their goddamn hearts and souls into it.
Somerton also maintained a consistent narrative of persecution and marginalization about himself. He took the plain truth, which is that queer people and perspectives are discriminated against, and worked that into a story about himself as a lone, brave truth-teller, daring to voice an authentic queer perspective, constantly beset by bigots and adversaries who sought to tear him down. As @aranock, who works with some of the people he targeted, writes in this post, Somerton weaponized whatever casual bias and bigotry he could find in his audience to reinforce his me vs them narrative (usually misogyny and various forms of transphobia), which is what grifters do. They find a vulnerable thread in a community and pull on it. And while you may not have the particular vulnerability that he exploited, you do have vulnerabilities, and they can be exploited too.
People felt compelled to support him, even if his work was sometimes shoddy, because he presented himself as a vulnerable, marginalized person in need of help, he pulled on that vulnerable thread.
Again, he has a degree in marketing, and just like propaganda, nobody is immune to marketing.
YouTube as a system is set up to push for more, constantly more. More content, more videos, more output, more more more more, and part of Somerton and Illuminaughty's success was their ability to push out large amounts of content to the hungry algorithm, even if it was of inferior quality. The algorithm rewarded their volume of output with more eyeballs and attention, and therefore more opportunities to find people who were vulnerable to their grift.
It is a system which quite literally rewards the exact kind of plagiarism that they do, because watch-time and engagement are easily measurable metrics for a corporation, and academic rigor is not. There is pressure to deliver, and a lot of rewards to gain from cutting corners to do it.
Somerton and Illuminaughty and Internet Historian are extreme and very obvious cases, so blatant that you can make a four hour video essay exposing what they've done, but the vast majority of this kind of plagiarism isn't going to be obvious - sometimes it might not even be obvious to the people who are doing it. Casual plagiarism is endemic to the modern internet, and most people don't get educated on what the exact boundaries are between proper sourcing and quoting vs plagiarizing. We had an entire course module at my university aimed at teaching students the exact differences and definitions, and people still made good faith mistakes in their essays and papers that they had to learn to correct during their education.
All of this to say: it is extremely easy in hindsight to call Somerton's work shitty and shoddy, his aesthetics flat and uninspired, and to imagine that as a sophisticated person with good taste and critical faculties, you would never be taken in by this kind of grifter. It is extremely easy to distance yourself from the people he preyed on, and imagine that you will never have to worry about your fave doing your dirty like that.
But part of the point of Hbomberguy's video is that plagiarism is extremely easy to get away with, and often difficult for the average person to spot and call out, and with the rise of AI tools blurring the lines even further, it is not going to get any easier.
So I think we should resist the temptation to think of Somerton's audience as people with bad taste and poor faculties. We should resist the temptation to distance ourselves from the perfectly normal people he preyed on. Many times in your life, a modestly clever man with a marketing degree has fooled you too.
On a personal note, by the same token, I am resisting the temptation to assume that I am too good to be vulnerable to the systemic pressures that produced Somerton and Illuminaughty. No, I've never made a video by word-for-word reciting someone else's work, but I know for a fact that I could do a better job of double-checking my work and citing my sources. I feel the exact same pressure to get a video out as fast as possible, I have the exact same rewards dangled in front of me by YouTube as a platform, and I can't pretend it doesn't affect my work. To me, Hbomb's video felt like a wake-up call to do better.
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gffa · 2 months
Okay, so. The senator's speech. Here's why I'm okay with it: It fundamentally misunderstands the worldbuilding of Star Wars and the Force, in a way that's reasonable for a senator to misunderstand. To say the senator is right, you would have to say that the entire foundations of the Force are wrong, as well as it's pretty laughable to say that you shouldn't control your emotions. "Check yourself before you wreck yourself." is pretty good advice and that's literally just "control your emotions, before they control you". Because that's how the Force works, it's based on the emotions you pour into it--if you don't control your emotions, then you will run wild and out of control. To say that the Jedi seek to control their emotions, which is an impossible thing to do, fundamentally misunderstands that it's entirely possible. This is a speech coming from a member of the Senate, which has historically not always had the purest motivations, that Padme and Bail and Mon are written specifically as a contrast to the vast majority of senators who don't actually care beyond their own desires. We don't know anything about this senator specifically, but that's the weight that comes with having a character like this introduced--especially one who is trying to drag the Jedi into being more politically bogged down. Because that's the solution he's suggesting here, to weigh the Jedi down with outside oversight that doesn't actually understand who they are or what they do, who fundamentally misunderstand who they are (they're not a religion? come on, my guy, they are very clearly a religion, they have specific beliefs, practices, rites, and attitudes, to say they're not a religion is either dumb as shit or malicious bad faith lmao) and is very clearly not interested in the Jedi beyond them being a political enemy of his. He says, "But it's only a matter of time before one of you snaps." as if the Jedi haven't existed for literally 20,000 years at this point in galactic history and been aligned with the Republic since it's inception, something like 900 years ago at this point. His speech acts like a Jedi has never gone bad before or that the Jedi pretend they're above it--they very much don't. The Jedi are constantly making a point about how no one is above the dark side within them (TCW has a whole scene where the High Council say not even Yoda is beyond the dark side, and Yoda straight up agrees immediately), to say that one of them will snap and "who will be powerful enough to stop them?" is deliberately ignoring the worldbuilding. It ignores what the Jedi actually practice (it's a lifelong challenge not to give in to anger, so they're constantly on the path to turn away from it), it ignores that emotions very much are controllable, it ignores that the Jedi Order has been keeping a handle on their shit for thousands of years at this point, and it ignores that there's dark siders out there that were never trained by the Jedi, so if the Jedi aren't around to stop them, the Sith would have been wrecking the Republic's shit for the last 500 years. To be fair, they don't know that (but we the audience do, so we should know a bullshit argument when we hear one), but "who will be strong enough to stop him"? Idk, maybe the rest of the level 100 psychic space wizard monks? Pretty sure there's enough of them to stop someone who "snaps", if that happens. The senator's speech just flat out doesn't work with the established worldbuilding, in a way that really works for me, because that's kind of a huge established point throughout just about every piece of canon with the Jedi in it--people just do not understand them and hate the idea that anyone might actually be truly good because they can't imagine it for themselves. Because, as is a theme in Star Wars: "As much as people loved the Jedi, they also hated them, on some level. It is hard to look at people who have become their best selves. It reminds you that you have not."
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The senator cannot fathom the idea that a group of people could become their best selves, he doesn't believe that it's possible, because he has not achieved it, and so seeing it in others unsettles him. And, yeah, that's a whole thing that happens with the Jedi in Star Wars, so this speech made a whole lot of sense to me, especially combined with, "So the answer is more bogging them down in political oversight that does not bother to or even want to understand them?" Like, yeah, I see where you're coming from, sir. And that's not even touching the idea of calling the Buddhist-inspired religion (which the Jedi explicitly are) a "cult", because anyone who unironically says that should not be trusted.
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neoraso · 9 months
riize when they're jealous
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is a little oblivious at first- for example: tries to make friends with the guy
then as the conversation drags on and taro realizes this guy is barely acknowledging him,, and is literally only talking to you he gets pretty uncomfortable
you are also getting uncomfortable and shotaro notices so he finds a way to quickly end the conversation (pretending you had somewhere else to be or smth)
he doesn't get too down about if afterwards and definitely doesn't blame you for anything he just tries to make jokes about how attractive you are "people just can't stay away from you! you're like the flower to a bee (⌒▽⌒)”
but honestly, it still irks him a bit. pls make sure to give him at least one kiss and remind him he's ur shining star
def not the type to be worried about you around his friends or your male friends.. but random guys actually hitting on you in real.
he would never admit to being jealous, he tries to tell himself he's just annoyed with the guy or like.. worried for your safety which- um ok wtv
that being said ,, when he does get this way he goes completely cold. hard frown, glaring eyes, clenched jaw etc. etc.
he's very confident in your relationship but something about the highly unrealistic possibility that you could be swayed to leave him ruffles his feathers to say the least
i hope no one would be bold enough to try to hit on you WHILE you're with him because he'd immediately get in front of you and confront the guy "who even are you? what do you need to talk to her for?"
oh dear lord.... it's not good. like he wont hurt anyone but sometimes wants to. like,,,
ok it depends if you were far away talking to a guy he would immediately come over and wrap his arm around you and goes "who's this." and ur like PLS don’t do anything embarrassing 😳
it’s to the point he does not want to hear about your past relationships (unless it was like a serious conversation) bc it makes his skin crawl thinking about another person touching his girl
he trusts his friends but it will take a bit of convincing to trust your friends. not bc he doesn’t have faith in you he would just get pissed at other people thinking they had a chance
i’m making him sound like a freak but he’s very open and vocal about how he feels and wants to work on it with you - but he’s always gonna be protective like a guard dog
he’s like ., quiet possessive (?) he's just like " ur only my baby right?" wants you all to himself, near him as much as possible
jokingly says you can’t watch other groups but is like ..half joking he lowkey doesn’t want you thinking other guys are cooler than him
it really just comes down to the fact that he doesn't want to lose you.
if there was a real situation where someone was like actually flirting with you, he would get soooo sulky. - like comes over to you and puts his hand on your back, smiling at you like everything is fine 🙂( 😐)
but when he hears you say "yes, this is my boyfriend i was telling you about." his chest puffs up and he’s like jumping for joy inside T_T needs extra kisses too afterwards
you are his baby and is very clear about it in public . always has his hands on you so it would be insane for someone to hit on you but if he walked away and someone approached u…
hhhhh lowkey gets an attitude … mostly with the other guy like tongue in cheek “is this guy serious…”
honestly kind of confrontational “can i help you? what do you need from my girlfriend?” can be intimidating when he wants to and makes sure people know he is NOT playing around
first makes sure you’re ok and then he’s like “wtf.. do i have to give you an ‘i ♡ my bf’ shirt or smth”
with his and your friends he doesn’t have a problem he trusts you all the way he just gets offended when people don’t get the hint that you’re taken
surprisingly, gets more jealous than you’d expect like sometimes ur like ???
he really just wants all your attention and if other guys try to take it he’s like . abt to start barking
that being said he trusts you 100% but when you notice his smile is like 10% less bright than usual and you ask what’s wrong he’s like “OHHH nothing -_- i just can’t believe i’m up against the whole city bc you’re so pretty. what am i to do ?”
ur just like 😭my sweet boy !! give him a kiss he’ll be cured and recovers pretty quickly
kind of is one that doesn’t really like you having male friends but he doesn’t want to control you so he’s doing deep breathing exercises if you’re really involved in a conversation with someone that isn’t him.
ohhh sweet sweet anton. honestly ! doesn’t get too jealous
like he gives u your space if you’re talking to another guy but if they start subtly hitting on you he’s like ?
will bring it up to you later when you’re sitting with him like stroking your arm and he’s like “sooooo that guy ..” and ur like oh ��that was so annoying. did it upset you? :( and he’s like “um . i mean… well not really it was just weird ..”
will appreciate your reassurance more than he shows you
might be one to be insecure with you around the members just because you would get so close to them he’s like ha…. what if they got even closer … but then he remembers none of you would ever do that then he just hugs you a little tighter
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k4vehrtz · 9 months
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. ✦ . starring — dom!top! t. fushiguro / m! reader
warnings — porn with some plot, sacrilege, a copious amount of religious themes, priest! reader, virgin reader ergo loss of virginity, allusion to homophobia / internalised homophobia, unprotected sex, blowjob (r receiving), deepthroating, fingering, riding, creampie, toji lowkey has a corruption kink, use of the nickname 'angel', toji refers to the reader as father once but that is entirely in a religious sense . ✦ . wc — 2.1k . ✦ . notes — we'll all pretend that didn't just happen!! anyway!! i'm so so normal about toji...and !! i don't know what exactly falls under dark content but seeing as this contains sacrilege you've been warned nevertheless. not proof read bc t**blr stressed me out
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“what does —” he stops himself mid-sentence to motion upwards, “the big man upstairs think about homosexuality?”
you swallow hard, your adam’s apple bobbing. you hadn’t expected the question, naturally. especially from the likes of toji fushiguro of all people. but you answer anyway. “well,” you murmur, averting your gaze so that you’d stare out the window as the first signs of winter begin to settle in for its extended stay instead of being forced to meet toji’s pointed gaze. “we all are subject to desires that may or may not reflect god’s light, but these desires aren’t sinful unless you act or encourage others to act on them.”
he nods almost absentmindedly in response before following up with: “…even you, i imagine, as a man of god, could fall victim to such desires?”
and you pause for a beat, your jaw tightening as an image escapes the dark recesses of your mind; the neat box you’ve forced what you deemed unpleasant thoughts into.
the man in your mind didn’t look quite like anyone you knew at first. he was just a man without a name or a face — similarly to the world before god’s divine intervention, he too was without form. but then, by chance, you met toji fushiguro and his teenage son. then the man who’d haunt your thoughts began to change.
he was older, weathered by life experiences and parenting, and taller, maybe 6’2, with messy black hair that fell over his brows. his hair reminded you of the cloudless, starless night sky. then there was that scar on the corner of his right lip. you’d imagined yourself on more than one occasion leaning toward him, pressing your lips against it before he’d open his mouth and let you explore the wet cavern.
though you shake your head as if that would dismiss your thoughts, fingers curling defensively around the window’s ledge. “everyone encounters temptation in their day-to-day, but, like god’s son, we must resist.” you counter eventually. “you’re not one for idle chatter.”
“i’m not,” he agrees, his voice smooth, something akin to the feeling of silk against your skin. it gives you goosebumps and makes the hairs stand up. he puts his hands up in mock surrender, his gaze intent. you can feel him burning holes into the back of your head. “you know, i think i’m long overdue for a confession.”
“as you wish.”
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“our heavenly father has declared the following in the book of james, chapter five, verse sixteen: ‘therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective’. now, in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit, amen.”
silence — and then toji sucks in a breath, his voice thick with an emotion you can’t quite grasp but has you shifting in your seat on the other side of the confessional booth anyway. you’re, on some level, disgusted by your behaviour. it’s unprofessional at best, or perhaps the beginning of your unravelling at worst. you fear it’s the latter.
“bless me, father, for i have sinned,” the words slide off his tongue with ease, “it has been two months since my last confession.” and your eyes flutter closed, or maybe you forced them closed because you feel no better than a pervert by the way you ache at every sound that comes out of his mouth.
either way, you don’t notice the way the door creaks as toji lets himself out of his side of the confessional booth and opens the door to yours until he’s kneeling in front of you, the pads of his fingers digging into your sides. the skin of his fingers is rough, worn out from the different tasks he takes on to keep himself and megumi afloat, you think. he’s become something of a handyman around town.
“to be honest, father,” he says, now directly addressing you. “i came here fer’ your guidance…you see, i’ve been havin’ thoughts lately that i don’t think align with what god wants.” and you find yourself at a loss, your eyes still closed, though your adam’s apple bobs again as you swallow your suppressed thoughts. “my guidance?” you repeat quietly, “confess your…thoughts…then, and seek forgiveness. it’s not a sin unless you act on those thoughts.”
he lets out a pleased hum at that, leaning forward so that his face is practically buried in your clothed crotch. “so,” he counters, “if my understanding is correct, would it be a sin if i told you to spread your legs f’me?”
you don’t trust yourself to speak right now — not when your thoughts are all muddled. so, you simply nod and toji clicks his tongue. “but sin or not, you’re going to anyway because you and i both know how we feel about each other, right? c’mon, use your big boy words and tell me.”
the smart thing—no, the right thing to do here would be to say no. adamantly deny the lingering touches and glances that the two of you had come to share. affection between two men could only go so far. but then again, you’ve gone so much farther in the safety of your bedroom long after the sun has set. how much longer could you shamelessly show your face to the other members of the church and listen to them confess their deepest secrets to you? you’re parading as a righteous man when you’re anything but.
if it turns out to be as bad of a sin as they say, god will strike you down.
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turns out it’s not as bad of a sin as they say — or maybe it is and you’ve yet to receive divine punishment.
“god works in mysterious ways,” you say under your breath but toji hears it anyway. how could he not when you’re in such proximity to each other? you hadn’t meant to say it out loud but it doesn’t matter. and toji (ever the charmer) takes it upon himself to respond, “maybe he brought us together for a reason…or maybe i’m one of lucifer’s lackeys sent to seduce you.”
you make the conscious decision to ignore that which seems to entertain toji even more. he’s ridiculous in ways you can’t fathom. like…the way he’s got your legs spread, back pressed firmly against the wood of the confessional, your thighs trembling as he clicks his tongue, “spread yer’ legs a little wider f’me angel, s’not enough f’me to suck that pretty cock.”
he… he knows what he’s doing. whereas you were clumsy and inexperienced. but, to be fair, you had taken a vow of celibacy when you were twelve.
now, though, you’re experiencing true pleasure for the first time — and with a man, no less. you tilt your head back in what little space the confessional affords you as toji gives your balls tentative touches, maybe light squeezes, as he aligns the head of your leaking cock with his mouth. you’re embarrassed, warmth flooding your cheeks, but you can’t look away. not when this is all you’ve ever wanted.
there’s pre-cum on his lips; your pre-cum. it’s there, as clear as day, and he’s entirely unbothered. all of his attention is on your cock. your cock that’s throbbing as he sucks on it. pre-cum and saliva mixing. it’s all so new to you.
as for him…well isn’t this cute? you’re trying your hardest to stifle those needy moans of yours, he can tell. but no matter how much you bite down on your lower lip or how you press your hands against your mouth those pretty sounds you make always find a way of escaping. part of him, somewhere deep down, feels guilty for corrupting you like this. but perhaps he doesn’t feel guilty enough.
he continues to work on your cock, sucking on it whilst simultaneously fondling with your balls. you’re quivering, rutting your hips forward now and then. occasionally you go too far and it scares you at first — you didn’t mean to push your cock all the way to the back of his throat! ever the unbothered, though, he welcomes it until you’re spurting your load down his throat. and he swallows, utterly content.
then he coos at you, bringing a thumb up to your face, and tracing the outline of your jaw. “don’t worry about me, angel, you’re not going to hurt me. what you’re going to do f’me is let me reposition us so i can see your pretty boy hole, m’kay? my boy can do that f’me, right?”
my boy. the idea of being his. after so long…it only feels right. so, you allow him to readjust your position so that you’re straddling his lap and somewhere in the process you both disregard your clothes.
“you’ve been thinking about my cock? that’s why yer’ hole is winking f’me? all ready to take my cock like a big boy?” he asks and you nod your head eagerly. every word that comes out of his mouth is dirty but your reactions are the icing on the cake. you’re not the quiet, unassuming priest he met by chance all those months back. and to think that he’s the reason why.
well, he doesn’t linger on the thought. you’re impatient, squirming on his thighs in search of friction. but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t get him going and he may be many things but he would not force himself into you without properly preparing you to take him.
so as much as you whine about it, he ultimately takes his time with you. the nearest lubricant happened to be some sort of oil, but he made sure that it was safe to use before coating his fingers in a generous amount. then he oh so carefully drags his finger across your hole. it makes you shudder, but after a few minutes of this, you find yourself unprepared for the stretch of fitting a singular digit in. it hurts and the moment you so much as whimper toji’s pressing his lips against yours. the same lips that were around your cock only moments ago. his lips are gentle, soothing, even.
and he keeps it like that — his lips against yours as he slowly introduces more fingers into your ass. it takes a while but your pained whimpers soon morph into more desperate, filthy little noises as he drags his fingers in and out of your hole before curling them, tips grazing your prostate.
you want it, you decide. his cock, that is. you want his cock in your ass beyond a reasonable doubt. it’s all you need. bouncing on his fingers feels good but you just know that his cock would feel so much better.
“this is a sin, we’re both sinning,” you announce, your words strong but your delivery coming in between laboured gasps as his fingers continue to graze your prostate. “so i expect you to fuck me like you mean it.”
and he doesn’t need to be told twice. with a scoff — one that sounds more amused than annoyed — he pulls his fingers out of you. shaking his head as you whimper at the loss. but it’s soon replaced by something bigger and much thicker. it’s his cock, covered in the same oil, and you almost can’t believe it when he’s aligning it with your entrance, pushing past the tight ring of muscle.
you have to take a few breaks before you fully sink on him with a low groan. he makes you feel so full and he hasn’t even moved yet. and when you take it upon yourself to ride him you revert to the softheaded boy he makes you out to be.
your movements are clumsy — mediocre, you’re sure of it. but toji doesn’t intervene. he simply leans back, big, warm hands on your hips, while you figure out your rhythm. and after a few failed attempts you find one that works for both of you. it feels good, it feels great even. his hard cock filling you to the brim while you all but mindlessly bounce on his cock, your walls clenching around his throbbing length.
you’re going to cum soon, you’re sure of it. and when you do eventually watch through teary eyes as your cock spurts ropes of cum onto his stomach you’re not surprised whatsoever. toji, however, takes a lot longer to cum. you’ve probably cum at least two more times by the time toji takes control, his grip on your hips tightening as he angles you just the right way to hit your prostate with each thrust of his hips upwards. your toes curl, eyes half-lidded, and you just barely acknowledge the warmth of his semen in your ass.
all you can think of, and just barely manage to stutter out is: “you’ve fucked me,” and he stares up at you with a smug smile, chest heaving as he copes with his orgasm that has been a long time coming, “yeah, i’ve fucked yer’ pretty boy hole.”
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ryo-maybe · 2 years
can u explain why AI art is bad without fearmongering, moralizing or bootlicking lol
I'm going to answer in good faith, even though the tone you're using sounds like you're harboring anything but. The issue with AI art isn't specifically inherent to the tools used to produce it, because, ultimately, a tool is merely that: something devoid of will which, in the hands of a human, can produce a specific outcome. It's the human element that taints what we could otherwise enjoy for the unquestioningly fascinating topic that is AI art and, by extension, AI software as a whole.
Now, the problem isn't people, period, but the kind of people that are responsible for giving AI the bad rep it's been getting, along with the intent that goes into both the development of AI tools and the things produced by dint of said tools. I'm talking about the tech bros happily rubbing their hands, waiting to provide business moguls with a brand new means to commodify and mass-produce what artists stake their entire livelihoods upon, because when you have enough zeroes lined up in your bank account, your eyes are utterly blinded to the soul and personality that human beings put into their handiwork, and which a machine won't ever be able to reproduce no matter how much stolen art you feed it. Oh yeah, by the way, that's how AI art tools have been making the rounds: by chewing on thousands upon thousands of stolen pictures made by actual people so that they may learn how to ape someone's style and spit out absolutely soulless derivatives, while the original authors don't see a lick of recognition or monetary retribution for any of it. Do I need to tell you why stealing and parading someone else's art as your own is a terrible, vile thing to do?
But sure, you did ask me to refrain from "fearmongering, moralizing or bootlicking", which I guess I've already done. So since you'd rather I skipped straight to the point in a concise manner, lemme offer some quick examples of why the culture surrounding AI art has already developed into one of the most abysmally disappointing displays of how greed and an utter lack of human decency can ruin something objectively brimming with possibilities:
Less than a week after the sudden death of Korean artist Kim Jung-gi, someone trained an AI model to mimic his artstyle, having the audacity of asking for credits if anyone wished to use it. I sincerely hope I don't have to explain to you why this is a ghoulish example of the kind of tone-deafness sported by tech bros who buy wholesale into the AI art craze.
A piece of AI art was submitted to an art contest and won. The "artist"'s work amounted to little more than picking a series of prompts and letting the machine do the work. It's as much art as googling a smattering of terms and making a collage of pictures taken from Pinterest (and even then, you would have put more work into it than this person did). That they won at all says a whole damn lot about how abysmal the respect given to artists - real artists - nowadays is.
There are a multitude of people out there already selling prints of AI-generated art. I could link some of them here, but honestly, type "ai art prints" on a search engine and you'll get inundated by them. I've seen and personally know artists who have had to undersell their works because commissions were the only thin, frayed string they could hang on in hopes of making it through the week without fucking starving themselves, but here we are: any random asshole can now yell "MASSIVE BREASTS, THIN WAIST, COCKTAIL DRESS, HUGE BADONGAS" at a computer, let it mash together a trillion of other people's hard work, and print it for easy bucks that the actual authors of the basic ingredients of their insipid soup will never, ever see a dime of.
It really bothers me that you mentioned "no bootlicking". Whose fucking boots is this side of the debate supposedly tasting? That of the artists who post every day about how angry, sad and terrified they are by the prospects of what the development of AI art will entail for their livelihood and passion? What kind of gall did your mother birth you with that you have the spiteful spunk to type that word, when you've got shit like an artist who had their sketch stolen while they were drawing it on stream, then fed to an AI and posted by someone passing it off as their own art? How does that not ignite your indignation? "Bootlicking". Like anyone's tongues have been tasting leather but those of the same tech bro chodes who kept trying oh so hard to convince us NFTs were the future while ruining the environment to make the absolute stupidest point ever made in the history of humanity.
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sanemisstalker · 1 year
NSFW // KNY characters who take their pussy rare.
CW / Period blood / blood play / degradation/ (DOUMA) reader is viewed as livestock/ BDSM dynamics (Dom+submissive)
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-Of course Douma eats it bloody. That's like, his whole character theme.
-I think Douma has a particular fondness, in fact, for bloody pussy.
-He can smell your hormones pulsing with each cramp. You're aching and pleading not to be touched too rough, and Douma is just shaking with excitement.
-he would never. Have you no faith?
-He's certain blood is actually better than your typical wetness. Says you're tighter when you're cramping. His dick slides better in your lining.
-Has an array of things set up to catch your blood for later. He has jars of it at this point. Keeps it on ice. You don't see him use them ever- You just know they're there, and notice when one dissapears.
-The worst part is that he assures you he doesn't drink them. Those would never be for him, absolutely not. He doesn't have leftovers, silly.
-You don't know where your blood is going, or who it's going into, but he keeps you too fucked out to care regardless.
-'Ah- Another one? Did you know, when you contract, You're pushing all the good stuff out of your womb?'
-He's saying this with you sat on his face. You don't quite hear him, and it takes a moment for you to grasp just what he's saying.
-If you knew him better, which you don't, you'd know he's talking about the actual lining of your wall. He views a womb as a particularly sacred delicacy. As if he's eating a holy relic of sorts.
-So of course he'll take whatever comes from it. It's like a cow with milk. When you stop bleeding, he'll eat the rest of you, but you've got quite a bit of life left to live cushy and pampered.
-He believes this bizarre little practice keeps him at upper two after all. Your bloody cunt is the closest he gets to religion, in a way. Women are so fascinating, with your ready to eat buffets for demons, and that dumb little button you have that makes you crave that?
-If he believed in God, he would be sure the menstrual cycle was a divine design, made especially with him in mind. Not only are you lethargic and aching, but he gets to bully you, and you're supplying him food?
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-One of them has to batter you back into submission when you're like this, and none of them seem anywhere near as capable as Sekido. Or as enthusiastic.
-You're a bit nippy during your period. The four understand this much. The other three seem content, in some capacity, to let you run your mouth. Sekido doesn't like being disrespected in any capacity.
-His clones encourage him to behave... not kindly, but mean in other, more helpful ways.
-It's really hard for him to not eat you whole, starting with the meat of your inner thighs. Your moans ground him, but also bring him dark thoughts.
-Would you moan if he started tearing through your flesh?
-He becomes the only one allowed to fuck you on the first day of your period. That's his bull to handle. His pussy to make a mess of. He plays it off as though he's handling an unwelcome task, but he's very quick to deny anyone else the right.
-Will degrade you if you enjoy it even a smidge.
-'Are you moaning? Disgusting! This isn't the time for hysterics!'
-Shocked and amazed when your cramps actually do lessen. Was entirely lying for the bit and doesn't believe you when you say you're feeling just slightly better.
-Is driven to a near frenzy when you cum and a drop of blood slips down to your taint. He's not wasteful.
-He's more upset at how much he enjoys it compared to how much you enjoy it. He shouldn't enjoy something so disgusting, and he assures you he's not, but his lips are covered in your blood, and it's really hard to take him seriously.
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-four wives, one for each blood type. He jokes he knows how each tastes and can tell the difference by smell alone.
-Very public about this. Not shy to admit to his tastes. He pleases his wives constantly, let it be known that something as small as blood would never prevent him from such an important task.
-If he sees even one of you cramping, he's got you on the ground or the flat of the nearest surface to fix it. He hates seeing you in pain and will do anything in his power to circumvent it. His tongue is definitely within his power.
-Tells you that his seed really is a cure all, he isn't wrong. The warm liquid splattering up against your sore cervix- It's almost comforting in a way. Cooling, even.
-Loves fingering you, too. Places the softest, warmest hand just barely on your stomach, because it hurts so bad, but you tug it to your uterus everytime. A nice heating pad while he works out all the awful things.
-'Ah, does that feel better? I know it hurts, let your lord take care of it.'
-Such a service top it's almost sickening. Living with the three others, and having you sync up? Tengen has had more than one busy day.
-Will cockwarm you if need be. The sex is gentle in comparison. It can get rough if so desired. After the really bad cramps, he's willing to push aside any mess to let you chase your high.
-His thighs look really pretty covered in blood.
-He's his wives personal fuck toy, and he takes pride in that. Especially if they go from aching and exhausted to cumming and overjoyed. Helps them get back on the job.
-Tengen actually enjoys the blood as well. Thinks it adds a certain- artistic flare to your pussy. And to his dick.
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-Eats pussy for his own enjoyment. At your service, hand and foot, 25/8- Does not care what state your vagina is in, he's just grateful to be here.
-A very calm lover. A very calming lover, as well. Doesn't care about taste, smell, visual- barely even cares how he got there. All that matters is that he's doing his job, and he's fulfilling your wishes.
-Such a service bottom it is UNDENIABLY sickening. Zero regard for his own pleasure, entirely subservient.
-See Guard dog and wounded master. Willing to lick the blood from any given wound if he believes it to help. Wishes his spit was healing because seeing you like this is gut wrenching to him. He isn't sure why, but he know it hurts.
-Kitten licks to your clit. He doesn't care if his tongue gets tired. His thumbs massage your lips, keeping your ass elevated at just the right height to make all of it fade away.
-Begs you to come even if he knows how hard that must be given the circumstances. Can't bare to see you in pain anymore than this.
-The head boarders on high. He's chocked you full of any and every pain killer from the time. As it works it's way through your veins, the soft pampering to your pussy becomes borderline overstimulating.
-He thinks you're squirming from pain, so he tries even harder to make it feel better. You can't stop cumming once you start.
-You're in tears under his tongue, and he's lapping up every drop of blood your pussy has to offer. It's euphoric for him, in a way. This was a large point of contention between the two of you. Never wanting to be eaten, and yet being satisfied in such a gluttonous way.
-When you push his head away, he looks up at you with a cakey, pink face. His eyes wide and wondering.
-'Was I too rough?' And when you shake your head no, and your voice sounds all too content, he can't help but smile. With his reddened, cum and blood covered lips, he looks a little too perfect.
-'That makes me happy.'
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artdcnaldson · 4 months
the ONLYYYY thing on my mind right now is what happened (or didn’t happen 😔) UNDER THAT BLANKET. can’t even imagine the energy in that room. i need a prequel horrendously badly cat 😭
Three’s Company || Art Donaldson x Reader x Patrick Zweig
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Rating: E (18+)
Notes: Patrick POV, exhibitionism, very tame descriptions of fingering, sexual fantasies, masturbation
Word Count: 841
Summary: In the Fall of 2006, Patrick just wants to watch a movie with his best friend. Art, unfortunately, gets distracted. Then Patrick gets very distracted.
A/N: Mic…. This was supposed to be short 😭😭😭 but I knew I had to feed you 🩵🩵
Requests are OPEN
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Patrick wasn’t paying attention to a single damn thing happening in the movie, and would’ve liked to, considering he was the one who paid the money to rent it from Blockbuster.
He was having a very hard time focusing on Channing Tatum playing soccer when you were panting beside him, hand fisted into the blanket that was covering you and Art.
Your thigh shifted, bumping against his, and you offered a sweet apology that was more of a squeak.
Art was grinning, looking like the cat who got the fucking cream while his hand moved beneath the blanket, finding a home between your thighs. Patrick couldn’t look at him, because making eye contact with Art meant acknowledging that he knew what was going on.
Art was probably doing it on purpose— the fucker. Maybe he was mad that Patrick got to have Tashi, and was making a point about having something the other person can’t. But Patrick wasn’t going around fingerfucking Tashi while Art tried to watch a movie, was he?
“I can’t fucking hear,�� Patrick snapped finally, hoping if he turned up the volume on the laptop, it might cover the feeble attempts you were making to stifle pretty gasps and sighs.
He mashed the buttons on the laptop, maybe a little too hard in his urgency, but the volume spiked, barely loud enough for him to force his brain to tune you and Art out.
You leaned into Art’s shoulder, muffling your noises in the junction of his neck.
“What? You don’t like the movie?” Art teased. He pressed his lips to the crown of your head, and it was then that Patrick finally met Art’s gaze.
That smug motherfucker.
He must’ve done something particularly nice with his fingers, because a low moan slipped from your lips that you tried to pass off as… fuck if Patrick knew. It had to have been your first attempts at exhibitionism, because both of you were awful at it.
Art grinned, tilting your face to eye level. “Should we turn it off and do something else?”
“No!” You piped up quickly, eyes wide and glossy.
Patrick tried his best to conceal his annoyance and focus on the movie as Art pulled you closer and closer to the brink. Which was hard, because all of those little noises and the feel of your warm body beside him was enough to make anyone go fucking crazy.
He’d been faithful, even if Art was dubious. He hadn’t stepped out on Tashi— he would probably have a moment of clarity in some foreign country or a shitty bumfuck country club that he loved Tashi.
But it was like Art wanted him to break.
Your body was trembling, breath coming in shaky pants from your pretty, open mouth.
If things were different, he would’ve kissed you. Licked right into your mouth, let his hands wander.
Finish her off, Donaldson.
Art would have the first set, but Patrick could rally. He could always make you fall apart with his mouth. Better yet, he’d fuck you and make Art sit there like a asshole watching the goddamn movie Patrick had rented.
Art wouldn’t like it. He doesn’t like feeling left out. Whatever, Patrick would let you swallow Art‘s cock down your throat as a reward for him being so fucking ballsy in the first place.
A muffled squeak snapped him back to reality. You were panting, giggling softly in the juncture of Art’s shoulder.
Art’s cheeks were pink and flushed, and he wore a smug grin on his lips before he slipped the fingers that had just been buried inside of your pussy between his full lips. And then, like it hadn’t even happened, he reached over and grabbed his Gatorade from the nightstand. Patrick watched as he took a long drink, throat bobbing, and felt like he was going insane.
“What’s happening?” You asked, leaning over to whisper in Patrick’s ear. “I totally zoned out.”
Patrick stood suddenly and went for the door, hyper aware of his cock straining against his jeans. “Start it over, I’m gonna go smoke.”
He made it halfway to the door before Art spoke up. “Patrick?”
His voice was strained. “Yeah?”
“You left your pack.” Art was smug as he handed Patrick his pack of cigarettes— his fingertips still spit-slick when they grazed his wrist.
There was a silent exchange then. An I-Know and an I-Know-You-Know-and-I-Know-You’re-Hard. Patrick almost scowled as he snatched the cigarettes out of Art’s hands and darted out of the room.
He probably should’ve smoked. It would’ve been smarter than… well, anything else running through his brain. He settled on the shared dorm bathroom, a thin curtain of privacy in a mildly molded shower, and a spit slick hand working himself to completion.
Then a smoke.
Ten minutes later, he walked back into Art’s dorm and you smiled sweetly over at him. He sat back down, stole the popcorn from your lap, and glared at Art for good measure.
Art’s laughter made him forgive him for the whole thing anyway.
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Thank you for reading!! Hope you enjoyed 🩵 let me know what you think + any other requests in the changeover universe 😚🩵
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rationaliity · 4 months
progression | aventurine blurb
loving aventurine was as easy as breathing to you, something incredibly hard for him to grasp. he didn't get it at all. when he first walked into your life, he had this arrogant mask up, another one of his well preserved fabrications to protect himself. he was snarky to you. not necessarily rude, but he wasn't afraid to bare his fangs and show you that he was capable of hurting you if he needed to. he wasn't afraid of hurting anyone. another gamble he was putting his faith in, that he wouldn't be put in a situation where he would have to hurt you.
you loved him during that stage. every sarcastic 'friend' he tacked on to every sentence like it was more of an insult than anything else, every boundary that he crossed of yours, every little lie he spun to keep you at arms length, trying to protect you from his teeth. words hurt less than his bite. and yet, you were there for him even when he was sure he would have pushed you away, and it unnerved him.
" aventurine ~ " you called out from behind him to get his attention, before lightly jogging up to him, standing by his side. not in front of him, but beside him. " i know you might be busy today with business as usual, but i was hoping that you were free this afternoon ? there's this new coffee shop that opened up, and i though- "
" coffee ? sorry to disappoint you, friend, but i am busy this afternoon, " he shook his head, as if dismissing the idea outright entirely.
" oh, that's okay ! i'm still able to say hi right now while we're walking, so that's enough, " you chirped, but he could hear the unmistakable sound of disappointment and sadness in your tone, making the guilt inside of him at being the one who caused your unhappiness eat him alive. but the look on his face didn't change, his walls too big to penetrate.
he did find you at that coffee shop, though. " oh, hello, friend- " he had called out, approaching your table, sitting next to you without even asking. he saw your eyes light up, and for a second he felt the warmth in his chest burst forward, his heart beating against his ribcage. " what good fortune that i was able to finish my tasks a little while ago. i didn't think you would actually come here alone. " there was a hint of confusion in his voice, but it was masked just as quickly as it came.
after this interaction, aventurine got a little awkward with you. what was he expected to say ? what did he do if he wasn't trying to push you away ? he was clumsy with his words, often just silently nodding along as you talked, and sometimes bringing up tiny points. he wasn't good at conversation when it wasn't to serve an agenda. being in survival mode his entire life, he had no idea how to be social, much less to someone as kind as you.
no matter how much he stumbled and fell over his own words, you treated him the same. he approached you cautiously, as if he was afraid that one day you would get sick of him and throw him out of your life permanently. was his personality too much for you to handle ? was he doing something wrong ? he wasn't sure, this was uncharted territory for him. all he could do was throw his dice and hope for the best outcome, something that was so comforting now unnerving. he could bet every single one of his chips, every possession he owned, including his own life, but you ? betting on you felt like one risk he wasn't willing to take.
" hey- i was at this shop a while ago, and i was hoping that you'd want to visit ? with me, of course, " aventurine asked, trying very hard not to look how pretty you looked right now, how your smile made his heart flutter every single time without fail. " i saw something i thought you might like. i wanted to get it for you but i don't know your size. "
" oh ? yeah, i'd love to go with you ! " you agreed immediately, as if everything that you were doing before this was suddenly unimportant. " but you really don't have to pay for me, honestly. i can take care of myself. "
this through him for a loop, and he hid it well, but aventurine had no idea what that meant. did you not want him to pay for you ? or were you just trying to be modest ? it wasn't like he was hungry for money, it was fine on his pockets, and he didn't mind spending if it meant spending on you, of course. besides, what did you want from accompanying him if it wasn't to buy things ? that's what friends were for, right ? it was a mutual beneficial agreement between two people to be friendly with each other to gain something from another, right ?
he was pretty sure that was how it was to be friends, but you challenged all of that. especially when you bought him a drink from a shop. he'd just mentioned it offhanded that he could go for some boba tea, and you had agreed, saying that it would be really good right now. and then you bought him his ? that's not how that was supposed to work, he was sure of it. why would you go out of your way to pay for something for him that you yourself wouldn't even get to enjoy ? he was willing to buy you things to keep you around him, but you didn't need to buy him anything to keep him around.
the possibility that you didn't want anything from him other than his time and himself was confusion, but refreshing.
eventually late night outs became late nights inside, and aventurine found himself in a precarious position, on your couch, your body on the other side, cuddling up against a pillow. the intimacy of the situation felt like it was choking him. and he finally got the courage to ask you the question that plagued him - why ? why did you care ? why did you try so hard ? what was in it for you ? putting your bets on him was a foolish decision that he couldn't rationalize. even he didn't bet on himself.
" because you're worth it, " you shrugged a little, the answer's simplicity wiping everything from him. all of his fears, his confusion, his doubts, just for this moment. right now, he understood. you never pushed him out of his comfort zone, and let your companionship evolve naturally. he didn't even realize he had let you inside of his shell before it was too late. " because you deserve it. "
he thought you were worth it, too. trusting you, putting his faith in you even though you had the ability to hurt him. it was worth it. you were worth it.
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satorusugurugurl · 5 months
My Wedding Date is an Escort!
Summary: When invited to your best friend's wedding, you panic. One of the groomsmen, Toji Fushiguro, is your ex-fiancè. Not wanting to deal with probing questions and the embarrassment of being single, your friend Haibara recommends using an Escort! Taking a leap of faith, you book one my, the hottest one. Gojo Satoru is hot, sweet, and funny! The package deal! Men and Women pay thousands to go on a date with him (even more, which he doesn't do often). So when your request comes in, the desperation and pleading tone of your voice. Gojo’s heartthrobs, even more so when you tell him you don't want to have sex.
Pairing: Escort!Gojo x FAB Reader
Word Count: 4,673
Warning: dirty talk, cursing, smutty things, oral sex, fingering
A/N: LEEEET’S GOOOOO!!! Here we go; things are getting spicy and interesting!! If you want to be included in the tag list, YOU MUST HAVE AGE LISTED! Thank you!!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight
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Satoru’s ab’s clenched under the graze of your fingers. His eyes followed those graceful fingers to the button of his jeans. His breath caught in his throat as you unbuttoned them.
“Toru, take me to our room.”
Satoru grabbed your wrist, dragging you out of the kitchen. The dessert you had promised him was long forgotten; the prospect of having you was a million times sweeter. The second you made it to the room, Satoru kicked the door close with his shoe. In a flash of white, Satoru had you pinned to the door, his lips slotting against yours in a hungry, desperate kiss.
One hand gripped your wrists, pinning them about your head, holding them firmly against the door. Satoru groaned against your mouth. His tongue flicked at your bottom lip, eagerly asking for your permission. You obliged, opening your mouth and allowing his tongue to slide against yours.
The faint sweetness of sugar. The traces of vanilla washed over your tongue as you kissed. It was an intoxicating taste; you felt yourself slowly becoming addicted to it. You wanted more. To taste Satoru, all of him.
You gasped as his knee slid between your legs, his thigh pressing up against your throbbing sex. The sensation of being touched like this again, after not being with anyone, had you dizzy and eager for more. Fighting against your hesitation, you rolled your hips over his thigh, pressing your aching sex firmly against him. Your soft whine flooded Satoru’s mouth, making him smirk against your lips as he pulled back.
”Does my thigh feel good, baby?” You nodded as he gripped your hip in his free hand, massaging the skin as he trailed kisses down your cheek. “I fuckin’ knew it. When I kissed you like this back at the bar, your hips twitched when I slid my knee between them. You wanted to grind yourself against my thigh, didn’t you? To use me as your toy, to make yourself cum.”His words hit you like blows to the stomach. Only they weren’t painful. They had your pussy fluttering, clenching around nothing. “Ah ha, there it is.”
”T-There what?”
Satoru took your earlobe between his teeth, gently nibbling on it before he trailed the tip of his tongue over the bite. “You clenched.” Feeling mortified was a bit of an understatement. If you could cover your face with your hands, you would have been. Instead, you made a groaning sound as your cheeks burned. “Hey now,” Satoru’s hot breath fanned over your sensitive ear, “there’s no need to be shy about it; knowing you’re feeling good makes my cock hard.” He rolled his hips, eagerly showing you the growing erection in his pants.
”F-Fuck, y-you’re hard.”
“Mhmm and it’s only half hard.” H-Half hard? He was only half hard, and he was already so big?! “So why don’t you keep rocking those hips for me? Let’s see if you can get me to the point my cock is so hard it hurts.”
Responding to his flirtatious dirty words was something you weren’t capable of doing, at least not yet. So, you instead rocked your hips against his thigh, pressing down a little harder this time. Your clit twitched happily, feeling some friction that wasn’t a toy or your hand for the first time in over a year. The pleasurable sensation had you crying out softly, sending our head rocking back to rest against the wall as you repeated the momentum.
Satoru growled, kissing and nipping at your neck, leaving hickeys in his wake. You let out the cutest little gasps and moans as your hips rocked against him. With each roll of your hips, the more confident you grow. Tentative gentle movements became more focused and centered around your pleasure. Watching how your chest rose and fell, how your skin flushed with the growing arousal, it was enough to have him nearly going feral.
You rocked your hips faster; the seam in your pants was in the perfect place, giving you additional friction over your throbbing clit. You were so wet you could feel your arousal soaking into your panties, and if you kept going at the pace you were, it would take no time at all for you to soak through your pants. Maybe you’d leave a wet spot on Satoru’s pants. Thinking about leaving a mark on him didn’t leave you embarrassed at the prospect, but it urged you to move faster instead.
”Oh, you’re feeling it now, aren’t you?” Satoru cooed and trailed the hand that had firmly been massaging your hips up your body. “You’re such a good girl, rocking against my thigh like this, using me to get off.”
The need to cum all over his thigh was burning at your core, fanning the kindling lust blooming at your core. However, you didn’t want just his thigh. You wanted more of him. To feel his hands on your bare skin, you longed to trail kisses over him like he had done to you. His thigh was just the beginning of you wanting to lose yourself in everything Gojo Satoru was willing to offer.
You were yanked out of your lustful fantasy as Satoru grabbed a handful of your breasts. His fingers gently kneaded the flesh, sending your head rocking forward, your half-lidded eyes drawn to his touch, watching as he groped you. Your nipples hardened under his touch, letting him know just how turned on you were. He hummed, feeling the hardening bud against the palm of his hand. At that moment, feeling you grinding against his leg, groping the soft flesh of your breast, something suddenly hit Satoru like a train.
“Hey, sweetheart,” your hazy eyes met him, “I think we’re wearing far too much clothing.” He released his iron grip on your wrists, and both his hands trailed down your body, toying with the hem of your shirt. “What do you say we make ourselves more comfortable?” his hot fingers dipped under the hem, teasingly rubbing over your bare skin.
No verbal response was given. You instead moved your hands towards his shirt. You slid them down, slowly unbuttoning each button with precise need. The slow, deliberate action had Satoru’s hips rocking forward, cock twitching in excitement. Your perfect fingers hadn’t even touched his skin, graced him with your touch, and he was already panting. Watching you move further and further down his chest, revealing his toned, beautiful ivory skin, was like foreplay.
The kind of foreplay that made him lose his mind.
Satoru growled, pushing your shirt up over your perfect breasts. Your skin was the most beautiful color he’d ever seen, so soft and delicate. His hands ran over your stomach, groaning at the way you jerked under the warmth of his hands. You were getting into it, slowly loosening your grip on your self-control. Witnessing you coming undone was something Satoru longed to see. It was also something he was determined to witness by the time he was through with you.
His long fingers grabbed the fabric of your bra, pushing it up over your breasts. Your breasts bounced, jiggling at the sudden loss of support. The sight had Satoru’s mouth watering. He couldn’t stop himself from leaning down, trailing the tip of his tongue over the curves of your breasts, tasting the sweet saltiness of your skin. You inhaled sharply, watching the white tufts of hair move as he placed open-mouthed kisses up your breasts before he took your erect nipple into his mouth.
”Ah fuck!” You cried out as his expert tongue lapped and swirled around the sensitive bud. “T-Toru~” Hearing that sweet nickname pass breathlessly through your lips had him growling. The vibrations of that had you crying out louder. “F-Feels good.”
Your fingers ran through his hair, gripping the soft strands, tugging him closer to your breasts, silently begging him for more. Picking up on what you wanted, Satour sealed his lips around the bud and sucked hard. You yelped, body hunching over him, your hips pathetically jerking against his leg. While his mouth continued its strategic attack on your nipples, his other hand groped and pinched the other.
”Satoru, oh my god.” The room felt like it was spinning from the amount of pleasure he was giving you. Your legs were beginning to tremble, knees buckling. “T-Toru, bed, l-let’s get on the bed.”
Satoru hummed happily at your request, popping off of your nipple. “I thought you’d never ask.” He walked backward, his hands never once leaving your body.
“God, your hands are so hot, so warm.” You both sank onto the futon before Satoru grabbed your shirt and bra, tugging it over your head. Leaving you bare-chested as he shrugged his shirt off, tossing it to the side
”If you think my hands feel good, wait until I show you what else my mouth can do.”
”Confident, are we?”
Satoru snickered, pushing you back against the bedding. “I promise you, I’m going to make you cum so hard, you’ll see your life flash before your eyes.” His promise had you swallowing dryly at your throat as he trailed his hands over the curves of your body. “You’re so goddamn beautiful, sweetheart.” He whispered as his fingers worked at the button of your jeans. “And your tits.” He learned back over your mounds, eyeing them closely as if he were trying to pick which one to give his undivided attention to.
”What about my tits?”
”They’re fucking perfect.” His tongue lolled out, running the flat over it over your nipple that was only pinched earlier. “They’re so soft, the perfect size for me, god I can’t get enough of them.”
His words struck a particular chord inside of you. He was drunk off your breasts, losing himself in the feel of them, while you felt like you were losing yourself to every part of him. The feel of his bare skin against yours, how the warmth of his mouth had you arching into him, craving more. You couldn’t get enough of Satoru.
Your desire had you trailing a hand down his stomach, sliding over his crotch where his throbbing cock strained. Gojo jerked, feeling you gently rubbing those sinful fingers over his erection. He growled, melting into you, his mouth continuing to work on you while he humped his hips against your hand.
“You’re so hard.” You whined out as you grabbed the shaft, rubbing it a bit harder.
”W-what can I say? I have the world's most gorgeous woman underneath me.” He pulled away from your breast with a grin. “Everything about him is making me high off pleasure; of course, my cock’s going to get hard.” Your thumb rubs over the growing wet spot forming on his boxers. “A-And while I love the face you’re so interested in my cock, I will admit it’s hard to focus on you when you touch me.”
The grave sound of need and lust in his voice gave you a boost of confidence. “Then maybe I should focus on you for a little bit.” Sitting up, you turned, pushing Satoru back against the sheets. He propped himself on his elbows, grinning as you pulled his jeans down.
You swallowed hard as you tossed them to join the other clothes before you tugged down his boxers. Satoru hissed as the cool air hit his hot, twitching cock that smacked against his stomach. It was thick, fat, and long, throbbing eagerly as you stared at it in awe. The head was swollen and red, dribbling pre-cum onto his stomach. Seeing it and seeing the smug smirk on his face had you pressing your thighs together, trying to ease some of the throbbing between them.
”Like what you see?” His cocky tone had you giggling with a shake of your head.
”Yes, it’s such a pretty cock.” He hummed snarky in response. “I wanna taste it.” Your hand wrapped around him, gently squeezing him before you leaned over him, kitten-licking the seeping tip.
“Oh fuck!” Gojo threw his head back with a groan. “I-I wasn’t expecting you to start li-h-haaah!” He gritted his teeth as you took the tip into your mouth, gently sucking him.
His hand gently grabbed the back of your head, fisting your hair as you started bobbing your head up and down, taking more of him—inch by inch into your warm, wet mouth. Hearing him growling and groaning as you began bobbing your head faster, fuck, you were dripping wet. The man was not only handsome and had the prettiest cock you’d ever seen, but he also made the most panty-soaking sounds you’d ever heard.
His deep breaths, the groans and gasps that left his mouth made you want to push yourself, to push him closer to the edge. Satoru panted and groaned, arching his back off the bed, bucking his hips into your mouth as broken groans filled the room, drowning out the gagging wet sound emanating from you. His tip leaked thin dribbles of pre-cum on your tongue. The salty sweetness had you eagerly sucking and jerking him off with your hand.
“Haah, of fuck, oooh, that’s it, sweetheart, that’s it, sweetie, my cock just like that.” Satoru lifted his head, groaning as he watched you bob up and down, those gorgeous lips wrapped around him while your hand moved up and down, slowly but surely working him up to an orgasm. “S-Sweetie, would you be okay with playing with my balls a little?”
You pulled off of him, and a mixture of drool and pre-cum ran down the corners of your mouth. “I-I’ll do you one better.” You gasped out in between pants as you leaned down, taking one of his balls into your mouth, gently licking and sucking on it.
Satoru growled through gritted teeth, his hands fisting into the sheets, head lolling back as you worked on him with your mouth. His grunts and groans had you more and more confident with every teasing lick, suck, and stroke. He was enjoying himself just as much as you were enjoying it.
“S-Sweetheart, god fuck! Fuck you’re doing such a good job, feels good, feels so fucking good.” And he wholeheartedly meant every single word. He’s been with his fair share of people. He left a few beds, but none of his partners in the past came even remotely close to making him feel as good as you did. “I-If you keep this up much longer, I’m going to be coming like I’m sixteen again.”
You perked up and grinned against him, “Yeah? You going to cum?” His words were the extra confidence boost you needed to keep going. “Then cum Toru~” You slowly trailed your tongue over the underside of his cock, moving up the vein.
He saw it before your tongue even touched him. “W-Wait, sweetie! Hold on, don’t I—“The second your tongue ran over the vein, Satoru lost it. “Fuucck! Hnngh!” Cum spurt out of the tip, hitting the side of your face, your hand, and his stomach. After a single lick up his cock. “Oooh fuck, shit.” His head fell back as he panted heavily.
You sat up on your knees, looking at the mess on his stomach and your hand. You giggled triumphantly, reaching for your discarded shirt and wiping your hand and his stomach off. “That was so fucking hot.” You scooped the cum off your cheek before sticking your fingers in your mouth, sucking them clean. Satoru groaned weakly in response. “Are you okay, Toru?” You were giddy over his breathless form.
”Y-Yeah, no, I’m fucking great; I just saw heaven for a second.” He was still panting, trying to regain his breath. “I didn’t think you’d lick there, or I would have warned you that’s my weak spot. I’m sorry- kind of not sorry for cumming on your cheek.” He whined out with a content smile.
”Don’t apologize; it was fuckin’ hot.” You leaned in, kissing the tip of his dick.
“Nngh!” He gasped at your kiss, his still-hard cock throbbing. “S-Sensitive sweetie,” he groaned as a bead of leftover cum prerolled down the head. “I’m really sensitive there.”
You crawled up, lying down next to him. “It was hot, plus it’s nice to know I don’t suck.” Satoru grinned, rolling over, pinning you under him.
“You did suck my cock so fucking good. Your skills are superb.” His head leaned down, kissed, and nipped at your neck. “What kind of gentleman am I? Cumming before my girl even gets a chance.” His crystalline eyes burned into yours. “I guess I’m just going to have to make you cum twice as hard.”
Your cunt pulses at the promise of that. “O-Okay.” You relax against the bed, a smooth sigh leaving your lips.
Satoru purred against your skin as he kissed down your chest. He licked and nipped longingly at your stomach, all the way to your pants. He yanked them down, throwing them behind him. His large hands slid up the calves of your legs before he pushed at your knees, spreading your legs open. A harsh growl sounded from deep down in his throat as he saw the state your panties were in.
The thin fabric was soaked; a dark, wet spot had soaked through those cute panties. The sight nearly had him losing the restraint he had on himself. But after letting out a guttural groan, he slowly began kissing up your inner thighs as he laid on his stomach between your legs.
“God, you look so good, and you smell fucking delicious.” His tongue slowly slid up the wet spot on your panties.
“N-Nggh!” A needy, sharp gasp sounded from you.
“Mmmhmm.” Satoru nodded in approval. “I was right.” He tugged your panties to the side with a starved groan. “You’re are fuckin’ delicious.”
His mouth latches onto your pussy, tongue dipping between your folds, lapping your wet, slick folds. You screamed, your hands digging into his soft locks, tugging and pulling as the tip moved up to your clit. It moved slowly in circles while his hands grabbed your hips, pulling you firmly against his mouth. You cried out, eyes rolling into the back of your head as your hips jerked against his face.
Your cries of pleasure, the way your pussy twitched and clenched, had Satoru swirling his tongue faster. His eyes were locked on your face, watching you, drinking in the expressions that you made, the sounds that filled the room. He drank all of you in, just like you had done to him.
Satoru’s used one of his hands, pushing at your folds, exposing your clit. He lapped at you, from your entrance to your clit. When he reached your sensitive bud, he flicked at it. Hearing the whimpers and sharp intakes of air, Satoru repeated the pattern over and over again. Savoring the way your pussy got wetter and wetter with each flick and lap of his tongue. Not only was it from his spit, but most of it was from you.
You were in heaven, back arching, toes curling. All while your thighs trembled, clamping against Satoru’s head. But as you looked down, meeting those beautiful cerulean eyes, you could tell Satoru was enjoying this as much as you. His eyes were glazed over and dark with lust and need as he ate you out like you were his favorite treat.
You truly were becoming just that to him, too.
Satoru already liked you; he wanted to get to know you more. He’s been texting Suguru about how much fun he had been having with you and how he wanted him to meet you! He could see the two of you hanging out, spending time together. Now that you were hooking up, Satoru knew in his soul he couldn’t let this be a one-time thing.
Things were going a bit out of order, but he’d be damned if he didn’t take you out on a proper date. A real one! He would take you to the nicest restaurant in town. Maybe you could see a show or movie. After that, he’d take you home and eat your sweet pussy for dessert. The thought of just being with you, in a mundane way, had him grinding his lips into the futon.
Satoru wanted you in every way a person could.
“Oooh, ooh, fuck Toru.” You trashed your head back and forth, pulling him out of his fantasy. “T-Toru, I-I think I’m gonna cum.”
He pulled back an inch, “Yeah? Want me to finger you?” You nodded fast, sighing as he sealed his lips around your clit, before pushing two of his fingers inside of you. They curled up, finding your g-spot instantly.
“T-Toru! Toru!” Your body thrashed, legs tighter around his head as his fingers moved in a come hither motion. “Oooh! Fuck! Fuckin’ fuck!!”
“Cum~ cum for me.” Satoru moaned against your clit, sucking on it, nearly sending you off the bedding. “Good girl, make a mess, cum all over my face.”
His words, combined with his skillful tongue and fingers, sent you over the edge. You screamed his name as your back arched, eyes rolling into the back of your head. You came so hard you squirted all over Satoru’s perfect face, just like he had asked you to do. He growled eyebrows furrowed as he licked and sucked everything you offered him, not wanting to waste a single drop.
You were a wheezing, trembling mess of noodle limbs as Satoru’s fingers and mouth slowed their pace. He was easing you down from the most intense orgasm you’d ever had in your life. If that’s what he was able to do with just his fingers and tongue, what could he do with that fat dick of his?
Soft kisses trail back up your stomach and over your breasts before Satoru kisses you lazily. You kissed him back, your hands cupping his face as you both tasted each other. It was strangely and magically intimate, making you desperate for more.
“Sweetheart,” he hummed, brushing his thumb over your cheek, “are you okay? I didn’t send you to the pearly gates, did I?”
“No, I was just thinking.” He tilted his head, fingers gently brushing over your cheek.
“Thinkin’ about what?”
Your hand rested on top of his, your eyes half-lidded. “About how much I want to have sex with you.” Satoru’s back straightened as he choked on his breath. For the first time since you returned to the inn, his face shifted from flirtatious teasing into something more serious.
“Are you sure? You’re positive you want to do this?”
“I’m positive.” You kissed the palm of his hand. “I want to sleep with you.”
He breathed out a heavy sigh, pressing his forehead against yours. “Sweetie, just because I like you and that we did all this other stuff doesn’t mean we have to have sex.” The gentleness of his tone and sincerity had you melting into his touch. “I want to, god, I fuckin’ want it. But please know we don’t need to do it if you don’t want to.” Satoru had listened to you about how you didn’t need or want to have sex. He was taking your words to heart, which made your heart flutter.
“Toru, you may not need it, but I want it.”
“Okay, okay,” he groaned, kissing you desperately, “I need a condom. I-I—“ he gave an embarrassed chuckle, “I didn’t pack any since I didn’t think I needed one.”
You sat up, putting on his shirt, “Luckily for us, I got a party favor bag at the bachelorette party. One filled with all different kinds of condoms, penis candy, the whole works.” You tried to stand, only to be yanked down.
“I’ll get it. Where is it?” He yanked his shirt off of you. “Stay naked.”
“In the kitchen, it’s in my purse.”
Satoru slipped his boxers on and bolted out of the room. He returned two minutes later with your bag and a bowl of strawberries and whipped cream. He handed you the bowl before tossing his boxers off.
“I just thought we could use a snack!” He grinned, offering you a berry. “Keep our strength up.”
“Mhmm!” You took it, chewing it. “You’re so smart.”
“The strongest and the smartest!”
You opened your bag as you swallowed, and you froze as you stared inside of it. Seeing your reaction, Satoru cocked a bow as he held a strawberry between his teeth. His eyes followed yours, and the berry fell from his mouth. Inside your purse was money, lots and lots of money. Money you knew for a fact hadn’t been there a couple of hours before.
Satoru took the bag, pulling the stacks of money out while you searched the rest of your bag, ensuring your wallet and cards were still there. The entire time, Satoru was silent, his eyes darkening as he thumbed through the bills, counting them. You sighed in relief once you made sure everything you needed was still there before pulling your party favor bag out.
“Hey,” Satoru turned to you. You were met with a dark, unreadable expression. A look that you’d never seen before. “Why do you have ¥240,000 in cash?”
“I-I’m sorry?”
“¥240,000, you know, the same amount I charge for sex.” His voice was dark and full of pain. “Is this why you ‘want’ to have sex?” Grief flickered in his eyes as his jaw clenched.
You dropped the party bag, reaching for his hand and holding it. “T-Toru no! I-I wouldn’t do that! I wasn’t—” He yanked his hand away from you, rubbing it furiously over his undercut.
“Did you just want to fuck, to get over your trauma with some random guy? An escort? Pay me off like nothing happened?” He laughed coldly, his heartbreaking, shattering. “Because that’s my fucking job, so it’s okay.” He turned to watch you, see what you had to say.
“Satoru! I would never do that!” Your nose burned, and your eyes filled with tears as Satoru grabbed the money.
“Then why the fuck is the exact amount for a sex session with me in your purse? Tell me, why do you have this money?”
He waved it in front of your face. All you were capable of doing was looking between him and the money. You didn’t know what to say or how to respond. Which made you look guilty. Your silence had Satoru clenching his jaw as he ground his teeth together. He pushed himself off the bed, knocking the red berries over onto the white sheets as he put his clothes back on.
“I can’t fucking believe this.” He grabbed his cell phone, suitcase, and wallet. “Un-fucking-believable.”
You followed him, crushing some of the berries under your feet as you put your shirt on. “Satoru, wait!” He flung open the door to the room, rushing out as you slid on some shorts. “Toru!” You screamed, stumbling as you ran after him. “Satoru! Please, I didn’t do it!” You grabbed his arm, trying to stop him.
“Didn’t do what?!” He snapped back, yanking his arm away from you.”Didn’t put that much fuckin’ cash in your purse?! As if I believe that shit! I don’t even fucking know you! Like really know you! How do you expect me to believe you?!”
“I-I don’t know how it got there, Satoru! Please! Please believe me!”
He barked a bitter laugh, shaking his head as he stormed out. “Good luck with your stupid fucking wedding! Oh, and consider your orgasm as payment for the cancellation of my services!” You stood in the inn's corridor, tears running down your cheeks as you watched the best thing that ever happened to you walk away.
Life truly fucking hated you to the core.
@arminloverlol @jamzywiththejam28 @gojoful @maskedpacific @ahseyy @kash77 @sadmonke @ari-maccha @sugurubabe @hyori2 @bluechocolatemint @itsinherited @dellappatca @therealestpussyeater @dead-at-tokyo @nvrgojover @drakenswifeyy @nealeart @yunho-leeknow @fire-child-kira kira @faeryminnyx @tqd4455 @harmonyflora @volkins181-blog @noukstmblr @lovley212 @stinkinstuffie @desihopelessromantic @witchbybirth @sonicsolos @lilbiguy @supsiii @rentheannihilator @bloopsstuff @pepepepepopopopo @pandoness @sw33cadav3r @rixo-19 19 @meguvmii @sxnkuna @mmeerraa @lemonintrovert01 @bunny-lily @kibananya
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 5 months
WILL YOU PRAY FOR ME? ( House of the Dragon x Reader )
AUTHOR NOTE! Trying out writing Aegon some more for my fic, 'THE CONQUEROR REBORN'. <3 pairing: DARK! Aegon ii Targaryen x Fem! Hightower! Reader prompt: Aegon finds you praying in the Sept before the Battle of Rook's Rest. This is not a friendly encounter. word count: 1, 298+ words
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You had been sent to King’s Landing as a means of assurance that House Hightower, Aegon’s Mother side of the family, was completely loyal to him and his cause. You dreaded it, wishing you had been born a man or married off to some Lord from far away. King’s Landing was in chaos, the common folk struggling to adapt to the changes due to the war. Whilst the Red Keep was a mix of chaotically trying to plan out the war and comforting a fragile minded Helaena. 
It did not help that the predatory eyes that were Aegon’s that followed you everywhere. From when you entered a room until you left, if the walls had eyes then they surely would have followed you there as well. In hopes of avoiding any conflict or attempts of any kind, the Sept became your safe haven. Aegon did not attend the daily mass, nor did he believe in the Faith of the Seven. 
So, those hours long masses were a good enough excuse to get out of the Red Keep and to keep your distance from Aegon. After the rumors of Aegon’s past in Silk Street floated towards your ear, no matter how hard Alicent tried to stop it, it gave you reason enough to keep far far far far away from him. Even if he was your distant cousin and King of the Seven Kingdoms. 
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Kneeling in front of the large statue of the Mother, you did not pray for anything a girl of your age and high standing usually would have, not for the blessing of fertility and easy labor. No, you prayed for mercy and peace on behalf of your sweet distant cousin and Queen consort Helaena. The poor girl did not deserve the fate given to her, to marry her older brother and to watch her innocent son be slaughtered in front of her. Helaena deserved peace and mercy. 
Grabbing a match from benches in front of the statue, you light an unlit candle, watching the flames crackle and pop for a second. Weakly smiling at the alluring glow of candlelight, you blow out the match, shifting on the velvet stool in front of the statue of the Mother. Letting out a gentle sigh, you clasps your hands together in a prayer motion, ready to begin your prayers for your sweet cousin. 
“So this is where you run off to.” Aegon states, his loud footsteps filling the once quiet Sept.
Shit. Shit. Shit. 
“I had hoped for something more interesting or scandalous.” Aegon comments amused, “But, considering how much of a prude Oldtown is, I am not surprised you're here.” 
“Your grace, I was not expecting you here.” You weakly get out, dreading turning around. 
“I can tell. You're tense.” 
Tensing up even more as he points it out, you turn around to look at him, your eyes looking him over. His hair was unruly as ever, only making it more obvious that he lacked the knowledge of a hairbrush of any kind. Though you were sure that he never combed it in his entire life as it was very fit for his character. 
Narrowing your eyes at what he was wearing, the steel chest plate clearly did not fit him, the leather straps holding the chest plate together looking seconds away from bursting. You’d never comment on it, but he would have better luck squeezing himself into a corset than trying to wear that armor.  
“I was taken by surprise by you. Do forgive me for it, your grace.” You mumble weakly, now praying that he would go away.
“I see you are admiring me. I do not blame you. I do look rather dashing, had nearly all of the whores in Silk Street throw themselves at me.” He jests, though it only makes your lips curled up into a disgusted look. 
A poet. No, a drunk. No, no, a whore. Anyone could have come up with a better conversation starter than that. 
“I am sure you enjoyed that, your grace.” You nod, “You look like the true epitome of a King.”
Shifting your eyes away from him, you tense up as he stands beside your stool, dangerously close to touching you. Aegon had always given you an odd feeling, not quite hatred but not quiet enjoyment, more like a neutral contentment. From the cordial conversations at dinner with the rest of the family, he was decent enough. Of course, before he gorged himself on Arbor red and food. 
“Will you pray for me?” He asks, his hand brushing against the side of your cleavage.
“What?” You blurt out, tensing up at the ‘accidental’ touch. 
“I said, will you pray for me, sweet cousin?” He asks, a dark glint in his eyes. “Pray for your King to return from battle unmarred?”
“I will, if you ask me to.” You mumble, feeling forced to comply. 
Cowering backwards as he leans in dangerously close, every part of your body told you that you were not safe this close to him. He was a Targaryen, the King, your distant cousin, and a married man nonetheless. An unmarried woman such as yourself should not be this close to him. Pushing down the fear that bubbled up inside of you, he tenderly touches your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze better. Your lips dangerously close to touching if either of you leaned in. 
Carefully looking over his features, you would never say it aloud, but in another life he would be considered ethereal. Those stunning amethyst eyes and white curls that all Targaryen’s had. Those sharp features that were framed with a soft pudginess from his recent gain of weight. The soft pink under his eyes and on the tip of his nose from restless nights. Remembering where you were, you instantly pull back from him, keeping a distance from him. 
“When I return from Rook’s Rest, victorious, like I know that I will. I will take you as my second wife, I need an heir and you are fit for that.” He states, an almost sinister glimmer in his eyes. 
“But, it is forbidden. In the eyes of the Seven and of the common law. No man should take two wives.” You argue, praying it would be enough to spook him off.  
“I am King, my word is law. Not to mention, twas’ my ancestor who took two wives. Who am I to deny tradition?” He counters, the tone of his voice leaving no room to argue.
No. No. No. Now he cares of tradition? Of duty?
Realizing that there truly was no way to sway his mind on the matter, you sink in the velvet stool, a twindle of defeat filling you. You would be his second wife, his bride. Just a broodmare, someone to warm his bed whenever he called for you like a dog. No one would be able to protest this, to argue on your behalf because he was right, he was King. His word held more power than anyone in the Seven Kingdoms. Your fate was sealed, it seemingly was when you were shipped to King’s Landing. 
"But-" You try, but he cuts you off.
“Now, I will expect you to await my return with eagerness, my little bride-to-be.” He whispers, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
You don’t speak, your tongue feeling as if it was made of lead.  Even if you could, you could not promise that you would not lash out on him. 
“Oh, and when I do come back, wait for me in my chambers dressed in that pretty little chemise of yours. I liked the one with the pink ribbon.” He whispers, the last part of his words sending a cold shiver down your spine. 
He had been watching you whilst you were in your chambers. For gods knows how long.
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