#hardzzello week
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Hardzzello week is in full swing!
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thosequeenboys · 5 years
Oh, Baby (Ben Hardy and Joe Mazzello)
Summary:  On a visit to Ben’s film set, Joe witnesses Ben enjoying a baby for the first time, which gets each of them thinking...
A/N:  This was written for “First Time” prompt for Hardzzello Week.  During in my holiday shopping at a crafts fair, I saw items that inspired my descriptions of gifts, though the ‘piece de resistance’ was a real thing!! Other writings featuring Joe and Ben (together and individually) can be found in my Masterlist
Warnings:  A somewhat crass reference to baby making, but other than that, just fluff and love!
Joe woke up an hour before his alarm was set to go off.  As always, his first image upon waking was of Ben. Usually, he snuggled under the covers and flipped over, letting himself indulge in his mind’s reel showing highlights of their past times together and previews of their anticipated visits.  Today, was one of those visits; he was travelling to Montreal to see Ben as he finished taping The Voyeurs.  Joe set a record in getting ready, and 20 minutes later he was getting into his Uber, planning to catch an earlier flight.
The wheels touched down two hours before his expected arrival.  As the cab drove him through downtown Montreal, he saw an outdoor crafts fair, festively decorated, set up for the holiday season. He noted the cross streets in his phone and vowed to stop by for some Christmas shopping for his family.  His first priority though was seeing Ben.  He arrived at the set and checked in with the guard who found his name on visitor list.
He entered the cavernous sound stage where multiple scenes were being set up.  Cameras framed the perimeter.  Staff were moving props and equipment. He looked around for a wave of blond hair.  Walking around a corner to another set, off in the distance he saw the unmistakable handsome man in his life.  But, wait, what was he doing?  Joe did a double take.
Ben was standing next to a woman seated with a car seat and diaper bag beneath her.  He was holding a baby on his hip, one hand supporting the baby’s bottom, the other wrapped snuggly around its upper back, cradling its head against his shoulder. And what was particularly endearing was Ben masterfully and naturally doing The Baby Dance - shifting from leg to leg, swaying his hips loosely, giving the baby a little bounce and maintaining eye contact. He looked like a pro!   It was a new image of Ben.  At family events, Ben interacted with Joe’s older nieces and nephews warmly. He cracked jokes, played board games and kicked a soccer ball with them outside.  They loved his energy and humor.  But he had not interacted with the babies. Truth be told he seemed a little intimated at the prospect.
Staring at his love across the room holding a baby filled Joe with excitement and awe. His stomach tightened. He was thrilled to see Ben for the first time enjoying a baby. Occasionally, the topic of children came up, but they hadn’t seriously discussed it, though Ben knew that Joe was eager to have a family.   Joe wondered if maybe now Ben could envision them having a family too.  Joe breathed deeply and took in the sight a little longer before making his way over to Ben, who was now chatting with the seated woman, alternating between looking at her and cooing at the baby, who looked at him.
As Joe approached, Ben’s face lit up and he walked toward him.  “Ohmygod-you’re here early! What a nice surprise!  Hi, You!” Ben leaned over and kissed Joe’s cheek, proudly holding the baby and thrilled to see Joe.
“The early bird gets the worm.  Hopefully.” Joe couldn’t resist.  “Hmm. I see you found a substitute for my attention, though probably not as articulate and witty, I dare say.” Joe said in his charming, slightly haughty manner. He looked at the baby who appeared to be about four months old.  “And who is this charming fellow?” Joe asked, stroking the baby’s onesie-covered arm.
“This is Christopher. And this is his mom, Anna,” Ben said, turning toward Anna who gave a wave.  She’s a grip. Her nanny is only available in the afternoons for a few days, so Christopher has been our special guest on set.”
“Anna,” Ben said, shifting Christopher over to his other hip and resuming The Baby Dance, “This is my…Joe.  Joe Mazzello.”  
“Hi, My Joe,” Anna said with a laugh, and Joe and Ben joined in.  Joe and Ben locked eyes.  Though they were established as a couple in their social circle, they were still figuring out their positioning in the world.  Joe really hated the term ‘boyfriend,’ which tripped Ben up during introductions.  My Partner? My Man? Of course, it would be easier if it were just ‘ My Husband,’ Ben had thought lately.
Anna continued. “I’ve heard so much about you-and the great Uncle you are.  Ben’s been so helpful caring for Christopher between taping before my sitter arrives.  He’s such a natural, and Christopher has really taken to him.”
“My nieces and nephews always enjoy spending time with him.” Joe said beaming.  Ben was called for the final scene for the day. Once Ben finished work, the boys bid farewell to Anna and Christopher and headed out.  They settled into Ben’s rental car, Ben at the driver’s seat. Joe looked over at Ben. He couldn’t shake the image of Ben holding Christopher, and it filled him with a warm rush.  
“What?” Ben said, feeling Joe’s eyes on him, pausing before starting the car. “You’re worried about me driving?” he laughed.
“Well, there’s that, now that you mention it,” Joe said with a laugh.  Then he reached out and touched Ben’s hand, which was resting on his thigh, holding the car keys.
“No, actually, I keep picturing you holding Christopher.  It was just….so beautiful.  And you seemed to like it.  Did you?” Joe asked somewhat tentatively, concerned about the prospective answer.
“Yeah,” Ben responded. “I did.  I really did.  I mean, I was nervous at first.  Anna helped me feel more comfortable.  It was amazing having another person respond to you. Want you.  When he laughed at my antics, it made me melt. And, this sounds weird, but that feeling of holding him - It’s hard to describe. It was like no other physical connection.”
Joe smiled broadly, happiness overtaking him. “I totally get it.  I’ve felt the same way with my nieces and nephews. I think it would be stronger when…it’s yours. I mean, if…when you’re the father.”  
‘Yeah,’ Ben said, staring out the windshield.  “I’ve imagined it.”
“You, you have?” Joe asked, trying to contain his excitement, eagerly wanting to hear more.
‘Yes, at night, when I go back to my flat, you know, I picture this…story.  Where I have a baby.  WE have a baby,” He clarified, looking over to Joe.  “There are a few scenes.  First, I see us taking it home after it’s born and then staying up at night taking turns holding it, singing, reading, walking, trying to get it to sleep.”
“You were quite a rocker and a roller in your baby dance with Christopher,” Joe noted.
‘Yeah, it did seem to help keep him calm.” Ben said.
“What else did you imagine?” Joe asked, wanting to conjure the images too.
“Well, the baby was restless and nothing was working so finally, we put it between us in bed and we both held it.  We all fell asleep together.  Then, I fast forwarded to the baby being older and we went to the playground.  We pushed it in the swing. I was in the front of the swing, you were behind it.  Sometimes, I held its legs when the swing came forward, and you held the swing from the back so it was suspended, and the baby giggled. Then we sang Queen songs in time to the swinging, really getting into it, and the baby was clapping and laughing.   Like we were two cool, creative, fun dads.
“I bet we would be.” Joe said. “Wow, those are really nice images. It’s nice to hear you’ve thought about them.”  
Joe leaned over and kissed Ben softly on the lips.  Ben turned his body to Joe, and the keys slid off his lap as he moved his arms around Joe’s neck and deepened the kiss. They made out passionately until Joe pulled away, breathing heavily.  “It’s a good thing you can’t get pregnant, ‘cause I swear to God, I’d want to take you home right now and…”
“Really, Joseph,” Ben cut him off.  “Wouldn’t you want to make an honest man of me first?”  
“Yes, yes, absolutely, I would.” Joe said between pants.  “And I want to continue this make-out session, but…Seasonal topic change! I have to do some Christmas shopping, and I saw a cool crafts fair downtown.  I thought maybe we could stop there before heading home.”
“Sure,” Ben said, slightly out of breath. “I’m game.  May find a few things as well.”
After parking, Joe pulled up his Christmas shopping list on his phone. “Ok, let’s split up – I’ll be more efficient that way - and meet at the Hot Chocolate stand over there in 45 minutes,” Joe said, motioning to the little café area.
“Sounds good,” Ben said.
Joe made the rounds and found silver amethyst earrings for his sister, an intricate turquoise necklace for his mom, hair accessories and hand-decorated Girl Power journals for his nieces and a big stuffed dinosaur for his youngest nephew.   He walked by a stand with a hodgepodge of jewelry and eyed a rack of bracelets. His gaze gravitated to a thin, earthy brown leather bracelet with subtle streaks of gold.  He took it off the rack and put it on his wrist as he imagined giving it to Ben as an engagement ring of sorts.  Yes, he would make an honest man of him first.  Joe took off the bracelet and fingered it, playing out a scene of giving it to Ben on a sunset beach, though truthfully, he didn’t want to wait that long.  He made a mental note to Google most romantic places to propose in Montreal.  His reverie was interrupted by the saleswoman. “Oh, that’s a lovely choice, made by a local artist. Happy to give you his card.”
Joe checked his watch and made a bee line to the Hot Chocolate stand.  He was pleased that he got through most of his shopping list, but ecstatic by his last purchase.  He felt high thinking about them committing to each other in a formal way and….Suddenly, Ben ran up to him.  “I have to show you what I found!”  He pulled a garment out of one of his bags.  It was a white, long-sleeved baby onesie featuring a repeating montage of small beagle dogs engaged in different activities:  walking with a bone in its mouth, sitting wearing glasses reading a book, snuggling next to a dad dog with a tie, chasing a ball, sleeping with a teddy bear under its paw. Each image was drawn with fine black pen and featured a burst of a primary color-the bone was yellow, the book was blue, the tie was red,  the ball was orange and the bear was green.  Ben couldn’t contain is excitement, “Isn’t this the CUTEST thing? I got one for Christopher.  And another one.”  He looked at Joe. “In case, you know, we need another baby gift.”
“Very cute and good planning.” Joe said, touching the soft clothing.
“How did you do?”  Ben asked.
“Oh, I finished most of my shopping for the fam.  And an unexpected thing or two.   A successful expedition.” Joe said, feeling a wave of emotion thinking of the bracelet.
Joe reached for Ben’s hand, as they walked to the car, each of them looking forward to their visit -- and their newly-envisioned future.
 @warriorteam1924 @lapofthemusicgods @nightoftheland @heybuddy-drabbles @hey-holtzy @im-an-adult-ish @halfasleepoetry @roger-taylors-car
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warriorteam1924 · 5 years
Doing alright
Ben Hardy x Joe Mazzello (Smut)
Author’s note : Hello y’all !! Last but not least, this post is for Hardzzello Week 2019 - 2020, thanks to @lapofthemusicgods​ for this week this is fun !! This writing is supposed to fit the prompt ‘I know what I’m doing’. I hope you enjoy. As always, thank you for your feedback, I deeply appreciate. Also note English is not my mother tongue, please forgive my mistakes ^^
Warnings : this is a smutty thing. If you are not confortable with this kind of writings, just pass. (Ideally, only +18 please). Also note that during an intercourse, consent must be given and communication is also required.
Summary : A very Happy New Year with Joe and Ben
Words count : 3,018 words
Permanent Taglist  : @anotheronebitesthedick, @reavenedges-lies​ (as always love feel free to ignore ^^) 
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This time, they all had agreed the New Year’s celebrations would happen at Joe Mazzello’s. Well, now it was Joe Mazzello and Ben Hardy’s. Yes the two actors were now living together, as the blonde had moved in his lover’s New York apartment.
It had been quite a journey for the two of them. The two actors had met on the set of the movie about lead singer of Queen, Freddie Mercury. Rami Malek had eventually been picked to portray the singer himself. The tall Gwilym Lee had been chosen to play the role of guitarist and astrophysicist Brian May (his partner in life Anita had herself been puzzled by the resemblance between the two of them when the welsh was wearing his wig.) The talented Lucy Boynton was to play Mary Austin and Alleen Leech Paul Prenter.
As for the drummer Roger Taylor and the bass player John Deacon, the production had had a hard time. For the man seated behind his drums, they had eventually picked Ben Hardy. The latter had lied about being able to play drums, but this did not affect his performance. And eventually, Joe Mazzello, the kid from Jurassic Parc as he liked to recall everyone, had been chosen to portray the bassist of Queen.
Very quickly, the whole group they were forming had become real good friends. Gwil rapidly introduced his girlfriend and Allen his wife. Very soon as well, Lucy and Rami had become closer and closer, eventually confessing they loved each other, sharing a very sweet kiss. They were then three couple among their group of friends.
Joe and Ben, as a result, had also become closer. Never wanting to disturb the lovely couples, they had got used to stay together, merely playing video games, chatting in front of a cup of tea (as Ben was British, there was no way he would not have made Joe understand the importance of a very well balanced British tea), reading books or magasines together on the same couch. Just the two of them. Back then, they had been nothing but best friends.
It was Joe who began to ask himself questions about their relationship. During the production of the movie, the two of them were spending most of their free time together. Was it too much of their free time? There was no denying. He loved being with any of the cast, dancing on the fake Live Aid stage with Gwilym on Boss Ass Bitch, making Lucy judge their wig in a very official contest, singing off key on purpose while Rami was training or organizing crazy night parties with Allen. Yet, with Ben, it was not the same. With the blonde, it was as if it was natural. Soon, when they were in the same room, they did not even need to speak to each other to guess what the other was thinking. They just knew. And at first, Joe felt quite puzzled about that.
Ben on the other hand, was quite relaxed about this. Joe was not his very first buddy and even if it was the first time for him as well he got along so well with his partner on screen, he tried not to worry too much. He just wanted to enjoy his experience on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody and prove he was a good actor, not in the movie because he was gorgeous, but because he was talented.
After the movie had been wrapped, properly promoted and released in theaters, their path did not part though. Joe was staying in London with Ben. Or Ben would come to America, either Los Angeles or New York, just to be with Joe. Two best friends hanging together. Until.
Again, Joe was the first one to think about it. He was staring at Ben when they were together in New York, as the latter was smoking his cigarette on the balcony, shivering a little because of the fresh air. As he looked at him shiver, Joe suddenly found it particularly difficult to swallow. The man who was standing on his balcony, wearing a mere tracksuit, his blond hair swinging a little to the wind, his pink lips making circles with the smoke of his cigarette. Joe stood there, unable to proceed. What was happening to him? As a human being, he was conscious Ben was attractive. Who would not be physically attracted by this young man? But Joe knew now he was both beautiful on the inside and the outside. The American considered the British as his best friend. But. Was it possible to have more in the relationship?
“You okay, buddy?”, Ben asked as he closed the bay window behind him.
“What?”, Joe replied.
“You’ve been standing there motionless.... Are you okay?”, he repeated.
“Yeah, yeah....”, Joe shrugged, lying. Of course he was not fine. He was actually falling in love with his best friend. Well, if there were only these feelings, Joe thought he could eventually handle them. Hiding them deep down inside, keeping on pretending everything was very fine. But now, he had a physical desire for Ben. And it was making him blush in many a situation.
As they were spending most of their time together, Ben had obviously noticed. Yet, he still did not feel ill at ease with Joe. On the contrary, he loved this situation. Ben was younger than Joe and less experienced in many a field, but on this very point, he was very confident. The British did not really want to ask himself too many questions, even if they sometimes popped up in his head. Was he gay? He did not know. Did it bother him? He could not care less. What was he looking for? He did not really know, he just knew he wanted to be with Joe and it was all that mattered. Yet, he had a plan.
The two of them were lazily sited on the couch, as the TV was on and the screen was showing silly programs neither of them was really watching. They had ordered food and there were still slices of pizza on the coffee table, with sodas. Joe was playing a random match three game on his tablet and Ben was scrolling on his phone. As usual, they both enjoyed each other’s presence without having to be talking or doing the same activity.
“Hum....”, Ben frowned a little, still looking at his screen.
“What’s up?”, Joe asked, his tongue coming out a little as he was trying to make a really long chain to get bonus points.
“My agent sent me a script.”, Ben announced.
“This is great.”, Joe replied, really happy for his friend. He paused the game and turned towards him.
“This is not a big part really, but still, it seems interesting.”, Ben nodded.
“The thing is.... the dude I could play is.... gay.”
“And? You’ve got a problem with this?”, Joe asked, putting his head on the side.
“Of course I don’t, we were partners in a movie about Freddie Mercury.”
“What is it, then?”
“Well, there is a kissing scene.....”, Ben said, almost in a whisper.
Again, Joe felt his cheeks were burning. Suddenly, too many thoughts were rushing in his mind, full of what ifs. What if he gets the role? What if he has to be far from him? What if he ask Rami or Allen how it feel? What if he actually loves kissing the other dude in the movie?
“Joe?”, Ben brought him back to reality.
“Hum.”, Joe tried to pretend it was all fine in his brain.
“Mate, I need to try first. I.... I mean.... Could we?”, Ben quite awkwardly asked.
“Do you mean you want to kiss me?”, Joe was even more puzzled.
“I know with you it will be okay.”
Joe looked at him in the eyes. Gosh they were so beautiful. Two gems, two emeralds shining with the light of the TV screen. Joe was staring at his face and noticed a little bit of Ben’s tongue passing on his gorgeous lips. He swallowed a little and eventually nodded, without even realizing it.
Ben smiled and put his phone on the table. He slowly came closer to Joe and looked at him in the eyes. With anyone else, the latter would certainly have bursted out laughing, but not with Ben. He tried to control his breath, but it was as if his heart was ready to come out of his chest. Ben took his face in his hand and gently pulled him closer to him, as Joe closed his eyes, surrendering.
Joe had already kissed and had already been kissed before but nothing and certainly no words could describe what he was feeling at this very moment. In his brain, his cells were doing all at once, dancing as if there was a slow music, partying, jumping all around, laughing and crying at the same time. Never before had he felt such a sensation. This kiss was nothing but perfection. And he wished it could last forever. Ben’s lips were soft and hot and delicate and it felt so good, as if the world had stopped its rotation during this moment.
Ben was about to part, but Joe felt a sudden move of bravery in his muscles and pressed his lips on the blonde’s even harder. He was even audacious enough to slightly let his tongue out to get to Ben’s. Understanding what Joe was now wanting, Ben carried on kissing him, even more passionately. He slowly pushed him back, so that he could be now on top of him of the couch, their lips never parting. He caressed him a little as well and Joe could not help but let a moan escape from his mouth, making Ben stop. Joe was trying to catch his breath, still not daring to open his eyes.
“Are you okay mate?”, Ben asked.
“I am. I.... I mean I just.... Well, it was....”, Joe mumbled.
“Twas....?”, Ben raised his eyebrows.
Joe suddenly opened his eyes, looking at Ben still on top of him.
“This was the most perfect kiss I’d ever got. Ben.... you’re....”, he started to say.
He could not finish his sentence for Ben lips were back on his, and his hand everywhere on his body.
It was the very first day of the year and Rami and Lucy had spent the night at Ben and Joe’s. It was not that late in the day. The four friends had been really responsible : drinking one glass of champagne after they had kissed each other when they had all screamed ‘Happy New Year’ when it was midnight sharp.
In the morning, Ben had wanted to run a little, while the streets of Manhattan would still be quite quiet due to the date. Rami and Lucy had decided to go for a walk as well, holding each other’s hand in the parc. Joe was left on his own, tidying up the place a little, preparing the lunch for the four of them.
Ben came back and kissed his cheek, making him smile, even if he was all sweaty.
“I’m going to take a shower and then I’ll help you with the preparations.”, Ben said as Joe nodded, focused on his dishes.
Joe truly felt blessed at this moment. He was going to have a great day with his dear friends and his lover was by his sides. What more could he wish for? Still peeling the potatoes, his mind suddenly began to wonder a little, picturing Ben under the shower, steam all around his muscled body, drops of water in his hair, taking a towel to get dry.
“Towels....”, Joe suddenly realized he had cleaned towels for his guests but they were still unfolded in the laundry basket. He quickly washed his hands and headed to the bathroom with the towels.
He softly knocked on the door and sighed in relief as he saw Ben was still in the shower. The picture he had in mind was far from being wrong and he stood there a little, staring at this beauty. He came back to reality though, when Ben stopped the water and opened the door to get out.
“Towel.”, he said, feeling he was once again heavily blushing.
“Thanks, buddy.”, Ben said as he took one and began to get himself dry. Joe bent a little to put the towels in the drawers, making sure the next person to take a shower would have easily access.
Ben put his head on the side a little, staring at Joe’s butt and he bit his lips. Joe stood up, facing the mirror and noticed Ben was looking at him with ardent eyes as he put his towel around his hips. Without a word, he came closer to Joe, pressing his back against his still a little wet torso. Ben began to kiss his lover’s neck slowly, trying to find a very special spot he knew Joe loved so much.
“Ben, what the hell? Lucy and Rami will come back any minute now.”, Joe tried to protest.
“Don’t you worry. I know what I’m doing.”, he replied, between two kisses still in his neck.
His hands began to wander on Joe’s body, caressing him here and there, and Ben was now smiling as Joe was softly moaning under his touches. He very slowly started to unbutton Joe’s shirt, one button at the time, kissing his neck between each of them. Joe was looking at his reflection in the mirror and Ben looked at him and passed his tongue on his lips, making Joe almost faint. Ben pressed his body even closer to Joe’s, creating a little friction between the two of them. Both their breathes were getting heavier and Joe had stopped thinking about Rami and Lucy. All that mattered at this very moment were Ben’s hand on his body, teasing him to heaven. Still looking in the mirror to guide his hands, Ben reached out for Joe’s belt and loosened it, and he slowly found his way in his pants, yet making sure his fingers were still on top of Joe’s boxers. He began to play with his lover’s cock, which was already hard. Yes, Joe had already had some thoughts in the kitchen.
“Oh my god, Ben, don’t stop”, Joe almost begged him, as he was still slightly moving as well, trying to create even more motion between both their bodies.
Ben unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, as Joe was still moaning, creating the sweetest sounds the blonde had ever heard. He eventually freed his cock and carried on teasing it, very gently. Feeling Ben’s right hand working miracles on his dick, his felt fingers teasing his nipples, his lips still on his neck, his cock getting harder against his back, Joe knew he would not last long.
“Can you come for me, buddy?”, the blonde asked after he bit his lover’s lobe very softly.
“Yes....”, Joe was panting already, his eyes closed as he was almost blinded by the sensation Ben was giving him.
“Come for me, now, love. I want to see you come....”, he almost ordered, still keeping his pace, the two of them moving together.
“Gosh.”, Joe said and Ben felt his warm cum over his hands and spreading a little in the sink.
“Good. I’ve loved to see your face in the mirror when you reached climax.... You’re so beautiful Joe.”, Ben said as he was still placing soft kisses in his neck.
“I would like to see you too....”, Joe said, still trying to catch his breath, yet, putting the towel Ben had around his hips on the floor. 
“Oh, you would, would’t you?”
As an answer, Joe nodded. He bent a little, grabbing the furniture he had in front of him. At this very sight, Ben felt an nerve impulse in his cock. He finished to undress Joe, revealing a nice and firm butt. He found his entrance very easily and began to come in and out really slowly, making sure he would not hurt his partner. Joe was doing alright though, as he was biting his lips in pleasure. Joe put his left hand in his back and Ben understood and grabbed it as he accelerated his pace a little.
Not thinking about anything else, Joe was now loudly moaning. The only thought that came to his mind was that he was about to get another orgasm in a row, this time just because Ben was fucking him and he could see both their faces in the mirror. Even if Ben was a little shorter, his motion was perfect and the pleasure they were sharing was incredible. Feeling he was getting close, Ben’s cock entered even deeper and harder, making Joe grab the furniture even harder. The latter looked at his own dick, almost ready to come as well again.
“Fuck....”, Ben said and Joe felt his cum inside him as the blonde carried on fucking him a little, slowly reducing his speed. All those feelings combined made Joe climax again, this time whispering his lover’s name.
Ben gently got out and made Joe face him to kiss him again, on his lips this time. The two of them smiled at each other and tried to catch their breathes.
“Is there any other way to properly start a new decade?”, Ben asked, getting his clothes to get dressed.
“You often said I’m lacking exercice.”, Joe shrugged. “And this is definitely better than running.”, as he was buttoning his shirt properly.
Ben laughed at his remark. “Yeah, we should do this more often.”, he suggested with a smile on his lips.
Joe looked at him, still wondering what he had done in this life, or maybe another one, to be lucky enough to have Ben by his sides. His best friend back then and still now, his lover. And definitely the best fuck of his life, he wasn’t ashamed to think. Yes, this very new year had just begun but it was already full of great surprises.
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halfasleepoetry · 5 years
(You Are) The Best Part Of My Life
This is written for Hardzzello Week 2019, Day #4 prompt ‘Pets’.
If my life is a movie, you’re the best part
(Parallel Heart Universe, future)
It was, all things considered, an honest mistake.
Ben had been spending almost the entire morning in the backyard of their LA home, getting in and out of the pool with Sammy and sitting and lying around on the deck chair as well as the grass with the pup. Sammy is playing with his chew toy while Ben is looking through his phone. It’s his downtime, he had just finished filming an indie movie in Aberdeen where it was pretty much raining almost everyday and bloody freezing, so he is just happy to come home to sunny California to be with Joe and Sammy again.
Joe is away at work though, writing and co-producing a Netflix original that has just began shooting here. Soon, he will start travelling to overseas locations, and Ben would be busy with a new project again, this time in London, where at least he will have his friends around.
Speaking of friends, he has been looking through Instagram stories posted by them and people he follows on the platform. He responded to some, indicating that he’s on a break from work, and then decides on a whim to look through the filters on Instagram camera and play around with them. When Sammy comes up to him, nuzzling and licking the side of his face, he presses the record button.
“Sammy, say hi to daddy,” he gathers the puppy closer to his face. Sammy happily put both his paws on Ben’s face, and when he sees Ben intently looking at the phone screen and smiling, he too looks upward to the display. Perhaps intrigued by the image of himself and his dad, or perhaps thinking there’s another pup and another dad in there, he outstretches his paw gingerly so it touches the screen.
read more here.
Taglist: @heybuddy-drabbles @cardyandy @oniriquex @lapofthemusicgods @thosequeenboys @bohrapbois @captaincoffeegirl515 @doctorqueensanatomy @lovebirdy93 @igotsuckedintothevoid
Please let me know if you’d like to be added/excluded from the list, thank you! I’d pretty much post the fics from the Hardzello Week prompts anyway, soon! Or when I’m done with them! Haha.
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lapofthemusicgods · 5 years
Hey I’m interested in participating in Hardzzello Week but it might be hard is it okay if I only participate a couple of days? Also is there a minimum or limit on word count? Can people post fics late? just trying to figure out stuff since I’ll be busy/flying around during that time. Guessing Hardzzello week will be on Ao3? Also, can fics be any rating, like Gen to M rated stuff or is there a limit? Sorry to bother/bombard you with questions. Thank you. 😄
Hi! I'm so happy you wanna participate! And there's really no rules - post only once the whole week, ten per day, or anything in between! You'll post them to ao3 and add them to the collection (which I'll create soon). Drabbles, short fics, long fics, poems, lyrics, prose, chats... anything you want!
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born-to-lose · 5 years
New Year’s Kiss
Pairing: Hardzzello
Summary: Nearing the end of the year, Joe and Ben think about making their relationship public.
Tags: mostly fluff
Words: 1,114
A/N: It's already Tuesday here, but in other time zones I'm still in time for day one of the Hardzzello week by @lapofthemusicgods ! I hope I get to write something for day three or four too xx
Tip me if you want!
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"Hey Ben?" Joe asked softly as he made himself comfortable on the sofa next to his boyfriend.
The younger man bent forward to put the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and looked down at Joe's head in his lap, brushing some hair out of his face. "Yeah?"
"Don't you think we should make our relationship public?" This was a bold question. Especially since they'd been joking about dating on social media for over a year now and everyone thought they were just friends who were fooling around - well, maybe not everyone, seeing as the number of Hardzzello fanfictions on various platforms had increased since they'd started the saga.
Ben stopped clicking through the thriller section on Netflix and went silent. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't just agree to make it public without discussing potential risks.
Of course, he would be happy if they could just live in a relationship without having to hide anything, but coming out was connected to a lot of worries. Would it hurt their careers? Would their reputation suffer? It would definitely be interesting for paparazzi and the press. They could possibly not leave the house without being asked about it. Would it be some kind of scandal? But the thing he feared the most - and he was sure Joe did as well - was that it would probably have an impact on their relationship. Could it lead to an eventual breakup if everything got too much? He didn't even want to think of it! Now he really knew what the struggles of being famous were…
Joe nervously bit his lip. "Ben?"
"Do you think that's a good idea?" His heart was racing at all the thoughts he was having - both, negative and positive.
"It just…" He sat up straight, running a hand through his hair. "It kills me to know that everybody thinks we're pretending to be dating when we actually are dating. There are people who ship us and support the whole cause, but then there are people who accuse me of queerbaiting and I'm sick of this shit. They call me homophobic and well," he let out a breathy chuckle. "You know I'm really not."
Ben smiled a bit sadly. He knew the stories. Joe would regularly tell him about it and ask for cuddle sessions when he got particularly hurtful messages.
Joe continued, "We can't even go out and show actual affection in public! And that's what really I hate. I just want to be able to hold hands with you as we walk around town or have an arm around you when we sit on a park bench. Or kiss your cheek in a quiet corner on the subway. God, if you knew how many times I'd do that if I could…" He swallowed, trying to blink back the tears. The whole situation was eating him up inside. Maybe he couldn't handle it as well as Ben, but he didn't want to have to keep their relationship a secret forever.
Ben scooted over to him and wiped his tears away before pulling him closer. "I feel the same, but… I'm worried about things. I don't want our relationship to suffer if we make it official." In that moment, he didn't care about his career; he could certainly get another job, but he couldn't get another man like Joe.
The older man pulled away, shaking his head. "It won't suffer. We can work this out together."
"You won't break up with me when everything gets too much?" His voice was hopeful and his eyes were wide like a puppy's. He looked like he'd be falling apart if there was even the slightest hint of this scenario happening.
"No, never. I love you more than anything and I won't let some fucking haters ruin this for us," Joe assured him without hesitation.
Ben nodded in understanding, clearly relieved, and chewed on his bottom lip. "So… are we going to make it public?"
"Only if you're okay with it, of course! I don't want to pressure you into anything."
"Agreed." The blond smiled and pulled his boyfriend in for a gentle kiss. "But how are we gonna tell them?"
Joe grinned and pecked his lips before starting the movie. "Don't worry, I've got something in mind."
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On New Year's Eve, the time had finally come. The couple was celebrating in London together with Gwilym and his fiancée. Now they were all sitting in Potters Fields Park and drinking champagne as Joe and Ben picked an image to post on Instagram. They had explicitly requested the photo to be cheesy and Gwil didn't disappoint as he took a few pictures of them kissing in front of the fireworks right after midnight.
"This one?" Joe swiped right to the next picture, smiling at Ben.
"No, the angle in the one before is a bit better ."
They still couldn't believe they were doing this. Sure, they'd made some funny posts before that prompted their followers to make assumptions, but actually coming out to everybody online and telling them they were a real couple was on a whole other level. Hell, they were going to post a photo of them obviously kissing. This couldn't be taken as a joke anymore, honestly.
"What are you going to write under it?" Ben asked, resting his chin on his boyfriend's shoulder.
Joe didn't reply, he just started typing, a wide grin on his face. He didn't want to write a corny text because he knew Ben would already do that.
"Dumped Cardboard Ben for this guy. Happy New Year everyone!
Photo cred @mrgwilymlee"
He turned his head to ask him for permission to keep the caption and received a nod. The moment he posted it and it showed up right on the top of his feed, panic rushed through him for a split second, soon followed by relief. Ben immediately took his phone out and liked it before pressing a kiss to Joe's jaw. The older man pulled him closer as they waited for reactions - which didn't take too long.
It seemed like the post was going kind of viral. Almost everyone who clicked the like button commented as well. "Are you joking??" and "Congrats omg!!!" made up the majority of the comments section. And of course, there was the classic: "We been knew". A lot of girls also seemed to be heartbroken, but all in all, they were still happy for the two.
"See? It wasn't that bad, was it?" The ginger smiled, putting the phone away and wrapping an arm around Ben's shoulder.
He shook his head and interlaced his fingers with Joe's, watching the fireworks. "Not at all."
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nightoftheland · 5 years
it’s about the hardzello week which i believe you hosted(?) sorry if i’m wrong, but i just wanna ask that, can we only choose one of the listed prompts per day? (thanks. sorry for the bother)
Hey! Yeah, I’m co-hosting the Hardzzello week with @lapofthemusicgods ! And you can choose as many as you want from the list for the day, or none if you have an idea you wanna write and none of the prompts appeal to you! For an extra challenge, try to get all the prompts for one day in one fic! Haha and it’s not a bother at all! Happy writing!
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fallingprincess · 4 years
Temptation pt.4
Poly!Hardzzello x reader
part 1 // part 2 // part 3
Summary: After your sexual threeway adventure, your boyfriend Joe proposes an idea for you to also date his best friend Ben who you are definitely not crushing on.
Warnings: This is pure fluffy awkwardness
Words: 3.8k
A/N: I wanted to bring in some variety and make this really soft. However, part 5 is...well you will see^^
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Reaching for your phone on the microwave you narrowed your eyes when you spotted your boyfriend’s face as the caller ID. 
Using your clean pinky to hit ‘accept’ and turn the speaker on you went back to stirring the vegetables that were happily roasting in one of the pans on the stove. “Hey, are you alright? I thought we were up for skype later?”
You could hear Joe chuckle on the other side of the line. “Hello to you, too, light of my life.”
Checking on the fries in the oven - healthy balance right? - you rolled your eyes fondly. “Hi, love of my life. Are you alright, though?”
There was a rustling on his side and you heard some papers shuffling which you knew resulted from him reading the script he had been given to audition for a few days back. “Actually Ben called me a bit ago.” More distracted shuffling. “And he asked for my permission to ask you to hang out with him since he is in town next week.”
“Oh.” was all you managed to utter in surprise and almost missed the sauce overflowing in front of you. 
With a curse on your lips you pushed the pot aside last minute and turned down the heat. 
It had been a while since you had last seen Ben. Although you had all been up for repeating your adventure as you liked to call it, it had never actually happened. Either your work schedules got in the way, or maybe it was the three of you making up awkward excuses on why you couldn’t all be together at the same place on purpose. Summed up: It was just majorly awkward all the way through. Unfortunately. 
“Anyway.” Joe continued when he realised you were not going to continue on your initial reaction. “I told him it’s fine with me.”
You felt stupid for repeating your one-word answer but nonetheless breathed out a quiet “Oh.” Trying to collect yourself by aggressively stirring the zucchini and eggplant mix you exhaled deeply. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“Well.” How were you going to explain to your boyfriend that maybe deep down in your stomach you had this weird underlying crush on his best friend ever since he had watched you fuck him on his own bed. Kind of difficult that situation. 
“Love, I know you like him.” Joe finally sighed after another pause from your side and the rustling of papers stopped abruptly. “And don’t try to deny it. He told me you have been texting each other.”
“But not inappropriately or anything!” you jumped to your own defense rather quickly - too quickly? 
Joe chuckled again which eased your inner tension. God, you missed him. It had been three long weeks without him. 
“I know. He was very insistent on sending me some screenshots of your weird millennial meme exchange...as I was saying I know you like him. He told me that you sometimes call him when you get anxious and can’t reach me. And that he then reads to you until you feel better.”
“Oh.” Yea, you really had to come up with a better answer to basically anything. “I-...I always call you first.”
“I know. And I appreciate that. I love you.”
Turning off the oven after checking on the fries you spun to lean against the counter and reached for your phone. “I love you, too, Joe.”
“Great..” Another lauh from his side - why did he have to be so far away right now? “If you would just let me finish. I know you like him. And I know he likes you; so why shouldn't you meet?”
You sighed and then remembered the vegetables on the stove that you had been momentarily distracted from by the mental image of blonde curls and green eyes and a smile that could melt butter. “I’m scared something could happen between us again like it has before and I don’t want to risk it because as stated above I am in love with you.”
Happy you had actually made an honest although rambled confession you wiped your sweaty hands onto your sweatpants and then transferred your meal onto a plate already set up next to the stove. 
There was a silence and more shifting and rustling on the other side of the world before Joe spoke again, his voice firm but slightly more high-pitched than usual. “I would be okay with that, too”
Unsure if you had heard him right, you dropped the spatula you had used to get your fries on accident. “What?”
He groaned and you could practically see him ruffling through his messy auburn hair. “I said I would be okay with it if something were to happen between Ben and you.”
Topping off your food with the almost burned sauce you carried the plate into the living room, your phone firmly tugged into your sports bra for easier transport. “I don’t think I understand.”
You needed him closer. With the plate now on the coffee table steaming away you turned off the speaker and instead pressed the phone directly against your ear, Joe’s soothing voice instantly flooding your brain and mind. 
“Have you ever heard of a poly relationship?”
Biting into your bottom lip you began toying with a loose string on your sweatpants nervously. “Yes?”
Joe sighed again and just the sound alone made you want to rip off his shirt and cuddle against his warm and naked chest for comfort. God, you missed him. “Well. I have been thinking about this...situation. And I know you love me-”
“I love you so much, Joe.” you interrupted him and you could hear a smile in his next words. 
“As I was saying. I know you love me...so much.” Oh, how you adored his little giggles, you could basically see his nose crinkling in front of you. “And I think I would be okay if you and Ben started...like dating or whatever.”
Within the tension you had accidentally ripped out the loose thread and you inspected the hole now on your thigh with an annoyed glance for a second whilst trying to form a coherent sentence. Was he being serious about this? “Are you serious about this?”
“Yes, I am.” he replied quickly and firmly. “I love both of you and I think we can make that work somehow. Ben and I are always somewhere off working anyway so you would spend less time alone and I would feel less guilty about always leaving you for such long periods of time.”
“Joe, is this what this is about? You don’t have to feel guilty-”
“I know.” he cut you off before he sighed heavily again. “Just think about it...meet him and talk it out with him. It’s okay.” More rustling. “Listen I actually have a call with my agent I am already like ten minutes late for but I wanted to warn you before Ben called.”
You nodded to yourself while eyeing the plate on the table in front of you becoming colder and colder. “Yea, okay...are we still up for skyping tonight?”
His answer came fast and with a joyful laugh that began easing away your anxieties. “Absolutely. I can’t wait to see your stupid face.”
You grinned. “I miss your stupid face.”
After saying your goodbyes you eyed your food again, all of the sudden too anxious to eat. But you knew you still had to to make yourself feel better. 
You stared motionless at the Netflix show running on your tv as you shoveled fork after fork into your face without actually paying attention to the plot or the food at all. 
Were you really going through with this?
This was cheating, wasn’t it?
But normally your partner didn’t give you permission to cheat. 
That made it not cheating anymore, right?
Then why did it feel like you were plotting a felony?
This certainly was a lot. 
Did you even want this?
You didn’t get much more time to overthink this as with your last bite your phone rang for the second time this afternoon and your heart missed a beat when you saw Ben’s name on your screen just as your boyfriend had predicted. 
After a final last and very deep breath you picked up. “Hi, Ben.”
And just like that you had a date with your boyfriend’s best friend. 
You nervously checked your makeup in the elevator mirror again. 
Were you underdressed in your leggings and oversized band shirt? But then again you were only hanging out with Ben in his hotel room to avoid any weird compromising photographs being leaked on accident. Was the black velvet choker too much, though? Or maybe it was obvious you had spent way too long on curling your hair into a wavy mess an hour ago?
And why the hell were you so nervous about this?
Hell, you hadn’t been this nervous since - well, since your first date with Joe a few years back ironically enough. 
The doors opened with a ‘bing’ sound and you checked your mascara one last time before discarding your gum into a tissue and stuffing it at the bottom of your bag. 
You couldn’t believe you were actually doing this. 
Finding his hotel room was easy. Apparently the hard part was building up the courage to actually knock on it. 
After collecting whatever mental strength you could muster you managed to raise your fist and just a few seconds later Ben opened the door with a dopey smile on his face. 
You smiled at him, your cheeks flushed nervously as you took him in after you stepped into the room and closed the door. 
You weren’t sure how he managed to look this sinfully hot in his grey sweatpants and white low cut v-neck t-shirt, but he did. 
With a knowing smirk you eyed his perfectly styled hair and then the way he used his hand to rub the back of his neck in insecurity. 
His nervousness weirdly enough eased yours and you dropped your bag onto his nicely made white bedsheets. “I brought the snacks you requested.”
“Great!” He unfroze a second later and then walked up to be closer to you before taking a step backwards. Awkward. So awkward. And tension. So much tension. 
He cleared his throat before grabbing the remote off the nightstand. “I connected my phone to the TV and I know you like documentaries so I picked some out for us to choose from.”
“That’s nice.” you replied with an uneasy smile and then mentally slapped your own forehead. That’s nice. Really? Really?
He shuffled first towards you and then backwards again before his eyes landed on you in sparkling green. “Can I...is it alright if I hug you hello?...God, I don’t know what’s cool and what’s not.”
His confession made you giggle involuntarily and you quickly stepped in to wrap your arms around his middle. 
With your face now buried in his chest you breathed in his cologne and aftershave and were immediately taken back to the day the smell had been all over you and under you for the better part of an hour. And admittedly? You had missed it. 
His hands interlaced behind your back and he held you tighter against him as he chuckled softly. “Hi.”
Freeing yourself a little bit you wiggled away to glance up at him with a definitely beaming smile. “Hi.”
“Should we start our marathon then?” 
You nodded and then hopped onto the bed to crawl towards the other side of it, leaving Ben enough space to sprawl out next to you without your bodies in too close of a proximity. 
You knew Joe was okay with this. You had actually called him just to ask him for the hundredth time on your way to the hotel. And he had agreed again. And he had sounded honest. Then why did this feel so forbidden and weird and wrong?
“Are we feeling more history or nature?” Ben was scrolling through his netflix list on his phone and you were momentarily too distracted by the way a single strand of hair fell into his forehead to remember how to speak. God, he was beautiful. 
He chuckled when he caught you staring and you awkwardly ran your fingers through your hair to cover up the silence in some way. 
“Are you okay?”
You nodded and then shook your head and then nodded again, too confused about the feeling of longing and wrongfulness combining in your chest. 
Ben sighed and then locked his phone before putting it away and shifting to sit turned towards you against the headboard. “Joe told me about the poly thing...and this feels really awkward, doesn’t it?”
You exhaled in relief of him bringing it up first and then laughed lightly. “Very very awkward. What did he tell you?”
Ben smirked as a rose colored blush swept across his cheeks and ears. “He told me he knows about me having a major teenage crush on you and that he is okay with it.”
“Do you?” you questioned whilst biting into your bottom lip to stop yourself from breaking out into a full blown grin when your stomach erupted into butterflies. “Do you have a major teenage crush on me?”
His point of view fell towards the white sheet in between you as his face grew even redder. “I might…?”
Not being able to resist you reached out to tip up his chin with one of your fingers and met his eyes. “I might also have a stupid crush on you, Ben.”
He chuckled again, his face growing soft as he interlocked his hands on his lap seemingly unsure on what to do next. “So we are really doing this poly thing then, huh?”
Taking a deep breath you nodded and then crossed your legs under yourself. “It seems like it.”
Ben eyed you nervously, his thumb fidgeting with his bottom lip as he studied you closely. “This still feels wrong. You are Joe’s girlfriend.”
You nodded, your boyfriend’s face flashing through your mind quickly. 
Ben was right. 
And yes you were really into him and it wasn’t purely sexual. But you also loved Joe and could hardly wait to finally see him again in two weeks. 
You didn’t understand how that could be, but you just knew it was what you felt. 
Maybe you just had to run with it. 
“We just have to ease into it.” You held out your hand towards him, palm up as you raised an eyebrow at the blonde. “Start slow you know?”
He picked up on your cue and reached for your hand before interlacing his larger fingers with yours softly, his calloused knuckles brushing yours gently before he quickly squeezed them together once. 
You really shouldn't have felt this giddy about the fact that Ben was holding your hand. Especially not considering the fact that just two months ago he had been buried in you completely, his naked body pressed against yours as tightly as possible when he thrusted into you over and over again. 
Yet somehow this felt way more intimate. 
“So...history or nature?”
His casual voice made you laugh nervously and you cuddled against the pillow behind your back to look at the TV while being very careful not to break the bond of your intertwined hands in between your bodies. “Nature.”
You were only a few minutes into the deep sea creature documentary and not really invested in the hunting grounds of giant squid; because Ben’s thumb was running slow circles along the back of your hand and you could see him watching your every breath from the side. 
Just when you were about to acknowledge his staring he parted your fingers and instead scooted towards you to wrap his muscular arm around your shoulders. 
“Is this alright?”
You nodded, your heart suddenly beating at double the speed as you shifted to cuddle the side of your face against his chest, your legs intertwining with his almost instinctively. 
And you tried to watch whatever the voice tried to tell you about deep sea plankton; you really and honestly tried. But when you could hear and feel Ben’s heartbeat race underneath your ear, his chest rising and falling in synch with yours, his fingers running almost mindlessly over your upper arm, it was really hard not to combust from the tingling feeling in your stomach. 
Nevertheless, you stayed this way, cuddled against his side, until the end of the episode, both of you not daring to move or say a word as the netflix bar filled and then skipped to the next episode automatically. 
The awkwardness was long gone. What had remained, however, was the tension. The both of you clearly yearning for more than this yet not knowing what was right or wrong and good or bad. 
Was Ben your boyfriend now? Apparently. But what about Joe?
You noticed yourself spiralling mentally and were glad for Ben’s low voice whispering so quietly behind you that you almost missed it. 
“I want to kiss you so bad.”
You closed your eyes for a second, wallowing in the feeling of pure euphoria, in the ecstasy of knowing that the guy you had a crush on liked you back, and then turned slowly to straddle his hips wordlessly. 
He was still half-way leaned against the headboard, his arm coming free from your embrace and instead settling against the place where your hips and thighs met over your shirt. 
You studied him curiously and the way his eyes roamed all over you until they finally settled onto yours with another blush on his cheeks. 
“I don’t know why I am so nervous about this.” he confessed with an embarrassed smile that made you reach out to finally brush the strand of hair from his forehead. “I literally had my tongue as far as it could go in your vagina. Why am I so nervous about kissing you?”
Your eyes widened at his blunt words and you were speechless for a second before hitting his shoulder in a light boxing notion. “Ben...oh my god!”
“What?” he giggled, his bottom lip pulled between his plush lips sinfully and cockily. “It’s true. You were there.”
“I-...” you managed to stutter out, too overwhelmed by his sudden flirting out of nowhere. You wished you had that much courage. All you could do was melt away into his arms whenever you so much as glanced at him in all his prettiness. 
His hands slowly wandered up your sides and then extended to hold onto the sides of your neck and jaw to pull you closer to his face. “May I please kiss you? God, my heart is beating so fast.”
You reached out automatically to place your fingers against his chest and the steady beat of his heart racing underneath your fingertips made you smile fondly. One hand staying still in place you used the other to remove his fingers from your face and instead place them below your collarbone. “So is mine.”
The last thing you saw before closing your eyes was him leaning in, the beginning of a bright smile edging onto his lips. 
And then he kissed you. 
And it didn’t feel wrong at all. 
It felt gentle, but like you were exploding from the inside at the same time. 
It wasn’t hurried and filled with lust and temptation. It was soft and careful. It was like you had waited all your life for things to fall into place. And all these things fell right together in Ben. 
It was like you had all the time in the world but never enough to fulfill your overwhelming need for more of him. 
And you never wanted it to stop. 
And so it went on. 
At first you had expected it to be weird and awkward, practically dating two best friends; even just dating two people at once. Yet somehow the three of you had made it work. You spent time with Ben whenever he could work it into his schedule and time with Joe whenever he could make the time to fly to Europe or fly you out to New York to see him. And whenever you all managed to spend time together you acted like friends, like you weren’t dating both of them at the same time. 
And somehow that worked. 
You never talked to Joe about your relationship with Ben and vice versa; both of them happy with how things were going. And so were you. 
You were so fucking happy. 
It was almost four months into your poly arrangement when things ultimately started to crumble apart in a way you had not expected it to. You had always known things would get complicated at some point, but you had always assumed that lay in the future and was something you would deal with once it happened. 
Well - now it was happening. 
Your head fell back against the pillow, your forearm pressed over your rolled back eyes, the other hand tugging violently on Ben’s hair as he was teasingly sucking on your clit from in between your thighs. 
His tongue about to drive back into your entrance, a vibration on his nightstand snapped you out of your pleasure for a second and you glanced towards the lit up screen to look at a picture of your other boyfriend that was currently on the other side of the globe filming a scene for his newest movie. 
“It’s Joe.” you ushered out in between two heavy breaths, Ben relentlessly drawing circles against your clit over and over. 
His movement however stopped when he looked up at you, one eyebrow raised questioningly. “I thought he knew you were with me?”
You nodded, the vibration next to you not stopping. “He does.”
It was an unspoken rule for the other not to call whenever you spent time with one of them. Joe knew this. And yet he was still calling. Meaning something must have happened. 
Aware of this Ben crawled up over you and then dropped his naked chest onto yours with a sigh. “Answer.”
You nodded, trying to suppress your hard and fast breathing to a normal pattern and picked up Ben’s phone. It wasn’t like you didn’t want Joe to know you were having sex with Ben, he most definitely knew that. It was just something you didn’t talk about much. 
You turned on the speaker and then placed the phone against the crook of your collarbone above Ben’s head. “Hi, love. You’re on speaker.”
You never got a greeting from Joe and instead only two short and angry sentences that made your heart stop in your chest and Ben look up at you in shock. 
“The two of you fucked up. Instagram and Twitter are going crazy.”
Next chapter
As always my Masterlist ♥
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laurajw14 · 5 years
Soul brother Chapter 1
Just for fun, I wrote this. I actually wrote it about a week ago, but I was nervous about sharing it because I rarely write fanfic.
Warnings: bad writing, a little bit of jealousy, angst
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Parties had never been your favourite thing. The crowds, the noise, everything; you hated it. But Ben had a way of talking you into these things. Ever since you had worked together a year before he had been like a brother to you. The two of you loved each other, and you knew he'd be disappointed if you didn't go to his party. So you reluctantly agreed to show up. You told yourself you could leave after an hour if it gets too much. As you pulled up outside his house, you could hear the loud music before you even stepped out of your car. 
"He owes me for this" you muttered to yourself as you took a deep breath and knocked on his door. The door opened and there was Ben, with a huge contagious grin on his face. "Hey Benny, you going to let me in?"
"You came!" He hugged you and picked you up, making you giggle. "Come meet some of my friends" he said when he put you down, and grabbed your hand dragging you inside and across the room.
"Everyone, this is (yn). She's a bit quiet, but you'll like her I know it. Shes the best"
You smiled at his enthusiasm and compliment, and said hello to each of them. They all introduced themselves, even though you knew who they all were. Gwil, Rami, Lucy and Joe, his castmates from bohemian rhapsody. You'd been a fan of the movie before you met Ben, and he knew that. You were sure he just introduced you to them to see if he could embarrass you, but you went along with it anyway.
"How'd you two meet?" Gwil asked.
"We made a movie together." You answered
"So you fell for each other while filming? Same thing happened with them two" Gwil responded, gesturing to Rami and Lucy.
"What? No. We are just friends" you tell him.
"Oh. Sorry. The hug, the smiling, the handholding. I just assumed."
You laughed and let go of Ben. "We just haven't seen each other for a while." There was a slight pause. You didn't notice how disappointed Ben looked when you pulled away from him.
"Hey (yn), do you want to dance?" Joe asked, breaking the silence.
"I um... don't dance" you respond.
"That's okay, I'll teach you" he said with a smile, taking your hand and leading you away from the group.
The others tried talking to Ben, but he was a little too preoccupied to talk much. He didn't take his eyes off of you. You were dancing with Joe, and laughing at whatever he whispered to you. He felt anger rise within him.
"You okay Ben?" Lucy finally asked him. He didn't answer. "Ben?" 
He finally looked at her. "What?"
"Why don't you just tell her you like her?" Rami chimed in. 
"Because i dont. Not in that way." Ben insisted.
Nobody believed him. They knew he was lying more to himself that to them.
"She hates parties, maybe I should go over there" Ben mutters to himself.
"She's fine. She's happy. Leave her" Rami said. "Joe is with her"
He watched as you and Joe stopped dancing and went to get a drink together. He saw the way you looked at Joe, they were right. You were happy. But why did that make Ben feel like there was a pit in his stomach? Maybe because you'd never looked at him that way.
You enjoyed being around Joe. He made you laugh and feel more comfortable than you had in a long time. And he was cute too, you admitted to yourself. You liked him.
"So, about Ben" he said as you took a sip of your drink. "There's definitely nothing more than friendship between you?"
"No, there's not. There never has been." You insisted.
"What about for him?" He asked. "He hasn't ever thought of you that way?"
"Not that I know of, no. We've never had that conversation but as far as I know he hasnt" you answer.
"Good" he said with a smile. "That means it wouldn't be a problem for me to ask you out"
"No I suppose not" you said grinning.
"Do you want to go out tomorrow?" He asked.
"I'd like that"
The two of you made plans for him to pick you up the next evening. 
"Hey, you guys okay?" Gwil asked as he approached and you just nodded. "You're in your own little world over here and I hate to interrupt that, but Ben wants to talk to (yn)."
"Really? Alright" you say shrugging.
You walk up to Ben and as soon as you lay your eyes on him you know something is wrong. If he was gripping his glass any tighter it would smash in his hand.
"What's wrong?" You ask, your voice laced with concern.
"Nothing" he said dismissively.
"Liar. I know you, I know you're upset." He ignored you, so you pried the glass from his fist and grabbed his hand. "Look at me Ben." He finally did. "What's going on?"
He looked around the room before walking to the other side of the house where it was quieter and less crowded, and you followed behind. " Are you going to say something?" You asked, getting a little worried. He was never this quiet.
"What's going on with you and Joe?" He demanded
"What? Nothing. I mean, nothing much. We're going out tomorrow night." You admitted.
"A date?!" He questioned angrily.
"Yes, okay. I am allowed to date, I'm a grown woman." You snapped at him. If he didn't get to the point soon you'd loose it for real. "Why do you even care? You wanted me here, you introduced me to your friends, you wanted me to enjoy this party. And then as soon as i do start to have fun, you get mad at me!"
"I'm not mad at you" he said with a sigh. "I'm worried about you. I don't want to see you get hurt if it ends badly. I love you too much for that."
"Who says it'll end badly?" You questioned in a slightly calmer tone now after hearing the sincerity in his voice. You hugged him and he clung to you as if his life depended on it. "Silly Benny, you worry too much. And I love you too, even when you're being an idiot."
You didn't realise that when he said it to you, he didn't just mean as a friend. But he knew that's all you meant. As he held you, his heart broke a little but he managed to keep his composure and not let on how much he was hurting. You pulled away and kissed his cheek. "Come on, we should get back to your party. Oh, and I forgot to say, happy birthday Ben."
"Thanks, I'll be there in a sec" he muttered as you walked off. Once you'd gone, he poured himself a drink and downed it in one. "Happy birthday to me."
Will write a chapter 2 if people want one. Tagging @hardzzellos @polarcrystall & @audbal because they were nice enough to respond and say they'd read it. So here goes. Hope you at least don't hate it 🤞
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siempre-pedro · 5 years
My Kid Punched His Kid |6|
Single Dad!Teacher!Ben Hardy x Single Mom!Reader
Summary: A playground fight between two 8-year-olds bring together 2 lonely single parents.
In This Chapter: Family dinner!
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Here’s part 6 everybody!!! thank you all for your patience, this isn’t the best I’m a little rusty PLEASE COMMENT, I LOVE THE FEEDBACK!
It seemed the curbside drop off was getting longer and longer over the past two months. Y/N rested her elbow on the armrest, her hand balled into a fist. The long line of cars wasn’t moving at all, kids ever so slowly trickling out of them. Her heeled foot tapped the floorboard in annoyance.   Y/N bit her lip in frustration as her shoulders slumped “That’s it,” she growled through gritted teeth, angrily pulling out of the line and parking, violently stopping the car.
“Mom!” Abby gasped as she fell forward, hitting her forehead on the soft material of the read rest. She gasped again and looked up in the rearview mirror, sighing in relief to see her space buns still intact.
“Are you alright? This is why you wear your seat belt all the time,” Y/N lectures. Abby’s blue eyes lowered, huffing as she grabbed her backpack. Lesson learned.
Abby grumpily gets out of the car and pulls on her backpack, clenching on to her coat as they cross the street in between the roaring cars. Y/N held open the door and walked into the nearly empty lobby. “Goodmorning Alice,” Y/N greeted as she approaches the light brown wood desk. The older woman turned around and pushed up her large glasses.
“Good morning, Ms. Y/N. Abagail, you look, wonderful Darling,” she coos. Abby grins and raises her shoulders.
“Alice, what’s with curb? I know the weathers getting a little colder but damn,” Y/N laughs.
Alice’s red lips smirk “Oh Dear, it’s not the weather,” she chuckles. She grabbed a few books off her desk and pressed them against her chest “Ever since our Mr. Jones got a girlfriend all the moms don’t bother to come in,” she explains.
Y/N dips her head, she was the reason? She smiled and her cheeks turned a light pink “Good for him,” she says happily, almost in a whisper.
Alice puts the remainder of her book on the shelf next to her, she checks to make sure the coast was clear before leaning against the desk “You make him very happy, Y/N. Both of you deserve happiness,” she tells her sweetly. Y/N’s breath hitched, her eyes widening. Were they that obvious?
“H-how did you know?” she asks cautiously.
“Receptionists know everything,” Alice laughs with a roll of her eyes. “He’s on playground duty this week, you can find him there.”
Y/N takes Abby by the hand and nods “Thank you, Alice.”
After a long walk to the hallway, they opened the door and a rush of cold wind made them both shutter. Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes caught sight of the blond-haired teacher. He was smiling as a group of 5-year-old play ring around the rosy around him. Her heart started to flutter as she made her way to him, she began to feel nervous. That is until he looked up at her, his green eyes even greener with the overcast weather.
“Good morning, Ms. Y/L/N. Morning Tabby,” he smiles, shooing off the young ones around him.
“Morning Be- Mr. Jones,” Abby smiled shyly, correcting herself. Ben chuckled and place his hands on his lips, his lips formed a lopsided smile.
“Your fan club seems to be dwindling,” Y/N comments looking over to only see 5 moms in their tightest yoga pants staring at the young teacher.
“Well I only need one fan,” he responds, pushing back his blond curls.
“Abby!” James cheers as he runs up, the faux fur of his coat bouncing with every step. The boy crashed into his friend making her giggle.  While the two interacted, Y/N phone began to buzz violently in her pocket. She rejected the call over and over, trying to hold a conversation with Ben. It kept on buzzing, she grimaces and pulls her phone out.
“Sorry, hold on,” she apologizes and steps away to answer the phone. Ben watched her tense figure pace back and forth, her finger pressed against her forehead in annoyance. This wasn’t good, he observed. When she came back her face looked panicked.  “That was my publisher, they want me in for meetings today,” she sighs. Ben raised an eyebrow, how was it a problem? “I won’t be out till 6 and I have no one to watch Abby. I have to pull her out of school today.”
Ben reached forward and placed his hand on her bicep lovingly “I can watch her after school,” he offers kindly. His comments got the attention of their kids, who stopped everything and looked at the adults with hopeful eyes.
“I can’t ask you to do that.”
“I insist.”
“Y/N, it’s no problem,” Ben deadpanned.
Y/N looked at Ben and then back at the kids “Fine, fine. I don’t know how to repay you.”
Ben smirked “Come to dinner? I’ll make something. I think it’s time for us to do that with them,” he whispers the last part of his sentence. She looked down at her toes in thought, he was right it’d been a while since they got together.
“Ok, yeah,” she started to laugh, tucking her hair behind her ear. Ben removes his hand and puts it in his pocket.
“So 7?” he smirks.
“7,” she repeats. She bends down and looks at Abby “Please be good.”
Abby rolls her eyes and nods “I promise, Mom,” she groans.
Y/N thanks Ben again and races off towards the doors. She wanted to love the idea of their tiny families coming together but she was scared. Scared of falling for Ben even more, scared of Abby loving ben like a father. She couldn’t take that heartbreak if her and Ben didn’t work out. Of course what if they did? And those dinners became more frequent. She hated hope.
Y/N’s day was so painfully slow, checking the clock in the office many times for the minute hand to not move an inch. She was definitely distracted, her mind couldn’t grasp the idea of someone was actually waiting for her to get home. That person who wasn’t her daughter or her mother waiting for her pick Abby up.
Soon she stood at Ben’s front door, the last time she was her Ben wrapped her up in his arms connected by a drunken kiss. She nervously took her hand and knocked on the wooden door, she could hear the quick patters of feet run towards it. “Mom!” Abby cheers as she opens the door, James right behind her, grinning.
“Hello, Darling,” she greets as she rubs her back, reaching forward to scruff up  James’ head of curls. “Where’s your dad?”
“I think in the kitchen?” he responds, his nose scrunching. James took her by the hand and lead her to the kitchen. She knew this kitchen very well.
“Y/N!” Ben greets with a wide smile. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and a blue and white striped dishtowel draped over his shoulder “How was work?”
“Awfully boring,” she tells him, James not letting go of her hand, Abby soon joined and took her other hand.
Ben quickly walked around the counter and kissed her softly on the lips “You’re late,” he tells her, mockingly. It wasn’t mocking to her ‘you’re fucking late again Y/N. Where the fuck is my dinner.’ Grants words haunt her ears. Oh shit. Was Ben going to be the same way? No, no. He wasn’t Grant. Ben was sweet and kind, and annoying. “I’m glad you are though! I burnt the other sauce. I hope a jar sauce is ok?”
Y/N snapped out of her memory and smiled, laughing at his misfortune “That’s fine Ben thank you.” Ben wasn’t like him.
The kids helped Ben with the bowls of food, happily and carefully taking it to the table. The kids giggled and Ben laughed along with them as they set the table, Abby helping to organize the silverware for James. She sat at the end of the table, opposite Ben, the kids on the other side.
Ben looked up at her and smiled and with that smile, something snapped inside her. This vision of a blended family, a girl with no dad, a lonely boy who was longing to be happy, a man who had his heart shattered, and a woman was abused like no one should be. It was all unfolding right here. The feeling was pounding inside her chest, oh fuck, she knew what it was and she was scared of it. 
She was falling in love with Ben ‘you stupid bitch,’ she thought to herself.
Link to masterlist/playlist (totally recommend reading with the playlist on)
taglist: if you have been crossed out Tumblr will not let me tag you! Im so sorry
@florenceivy//@everybodyplaythegame//@jalcolmjeed//@itstonimydudes// @sunshine112// @virtualsheepeat//@ixchel-9275// @onceuponadetectivedemigod // @roger-the-killer-queen // @hemmofluke // @cosmicsskies // @itstonimydudes // @poteda // @valeriecarolinaw // @atzinxanath // @magicwithaknife // @sweetthangbaby // @yxseminx // @horror-w3irdo // @lelifesaver // @dreamer821 // @financialinstability // @angiiee25 //  @nopeko //  @monochromedeacon // @theflybi // @glitterdreamsz // @dtftheavengers // @discodeakyy // @roger-taylors-drumsticks // @mrsmazzello // @sweetjellytine // @miss2001babe // @bellas2silly // @spreadymercury // @ramibaby // @killahqueennn // @sherlocked-to-the-tardis // @letmelivetaylor // @rogertaylorscigarettes //  @maddistudiess // @aedeluca // @this-cute-shit-xo // @hardzzellos // @cyndagoaway // @agirlwithpointlessideas // @johnricharddeaconn
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Angel - Hardzzello week Day 6 (preview)
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Fanart by the amazing @vla2three​. Read the rest on AO3
Suburbia USA was doing wonders for feathered wing Ben Jones and his anonymity. He recently moved from London to a small town in America, full of picturesque characters, mostly old people that really didn’t pay much attention to the young mutant’s huge wings. It didn’t seem to bother any of them. So, Ben’s life is pretty uneventful and he prefers it that way. He prefers being bored out of his mind rather than get out and face the world and have people stare at him. He generally has a cool, maybe even cheeky exterior but it’s all a front so no one gets too close. Deep down and behind lock doors, he’s a ball of anxiety and loneliness that he doesn’t let anyone to see. He has no one in his life after all anyway. 
The only remotely interesting thing that has happened to him since he’s moved to this small town is Joe. 
Permanent taglist: @oniriquex​​ @igotsuckedintothevoid​​ @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels​​ @warriorteam1924​​ @captaincoffeegirl515​​ @thosequeenboys​​ @cardyandy​​ @satans-helper​​ @doctorqueensanatomy​​ @angels-fall2​​ @lovebirdy93​ @bohrapbois​ @halfasleepoetry​ (if you want to be added or removed from the list, let me know!)
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thosequeenboys · 5 years
Love Is Love Is Love - Chapter 1 (Ben Hardy x Joe Mazzello)
Summary: Chapter 1: Missed:  Ben returns from a last-minute trip to a joyful reunion on New Year’s Eve.
A/N:  This is for the Hardzzello Week “Missing” prompt.  I loved imagining this story unfold and writing it, so much that I have Chapter 2 almost completed and Chapter 3 in the works for this love story series! Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged. Bolded text is referenced at the end. Other writings featuring Joe and Ben (together and individually) - and those Queen boys, of course, can be found in my Masterlist
Warning:  Brief non-explicit description of sex, mild angst, lots of fluff
tagging: @warriorteam1924 @heybuddy-drabbles @hey-holtzy @lapofthemusicgods @nightoftheland @halfasleepoetry @roger-taylors-car @joemazzhello
Chapter 1: Missed
The warm house Ben entered buzzed with the New Year’s Eve version of Mazzello Fest.  It was just before noon when he arrived, having returned from a sudden trip to London for family business.  The trip went well, but had coincided with the lead up to Christmas and the holiday itself.  He was pleased to have joined in time for the New Year’s celebration at Joe’s mom’s house.
Hearing the car door slam, Joe met Ben eagerly at the front door and helped him out of his coat, moving his luggage to the side of the spacious foyer.  Some of Joe’s family members called to Ben from the kitchen in the back where they gathered at the large table: “Hey Ben, Welcome. Come in.  Get some snacks.”
Ben and Joe embraced. Ben’s arms settled around Joe’s neck, his fingers angling into his hair.   Joe pulled Ben in closely, his arms stretched around Ben’s slender waist moving to his lower back.  They took each other in and held each other tightly, their lips finding each other’s necks and cheeks.  Quiet, satisfied moans escaped their mouths.
“Can I get you anything?” Joe asked, peeling his upper half from Ben, as his hands made their way into the back pockets of the blonde’s jeans.  Joe pressed deeper into the pockets and kneaded him gently, maintaining eye contact with his gorgeous green eyes. 
At another time, they would have kissed passionately, Ben’s hands finding Joe’s back pockets too.  They would have danced each other somewhat clumsily amidst laughs to the bedroom, hastily removing shoes and socks, bringing themselves to the center of the bed.  From there, they would flip each other over and over on the bed, taking turns laying on top of one another and on knees in front and behind each other, covering every inch, all angles of the soft sheeted surface.  They’d remove articles of clothing from each other as the positions allowed, while stealing kisses, caresses and nips on newly exposed skin. They’d delight in each other’s bodies, eager to express their love.  For now, Joe felt grateful that his husband had returned, and he accepted the fact that their skillful bed acrobatics would have to wait, yet again.
“Thanks, Love.”  Ben replied, his arms now on Joe’s shoulders, returning the gaze. “I could use some joe truthfully. I’m so beat, gotta wake up.” Ben craned his neck to scope out the pockets of activity around the house as voices ricocheted off the walls.
“You got him,” Joe smirked, separating from Ben, flipping his hand up with a dramatic flair and dragging it alongside his torso down to his legs.
“Hmmm, very nice. I mean the caffeinated variety.” Ben responded with a smile. His eyes darted to the living room off the foyer from which a lot of activity emanated.
“Ah, Ok,”  Joe said with a wink, relaying the standard order:  “Cuppa Joe, one sugar, light with almond milk, in a big mug, coming right up.”
Joe’s face became very serious.  He grasped Ben’s hands tightly.  “I’ve missed you so much…,” he stared into Ben’s eyes and took a breath, before continuing.  Ben gazed back at him, but was distracted by the raised noise level in the living room that was now punctuated by high squeals and laughter.
“I..I need to ...” Ben said urgently to Joe.
“I know,” Joe interrupted him softly with a warm smile and nod, abandoning the rest of his comment.
Ben smiled back and winked at Joe, releasing him, and then walked through the partially open French doors to the living room.  
Games and toys were strewn over the carpet.  The young players were in various postures behind their chosen amusements, their concentration broken by jolts of laughter and banter.  Heads turned as Ben entered. 
Suddenly, a small slender boy in blue sweat pants and a plaid button-down shirt in multiple blue hues bolted to Ben with outstretched arms.
Ben swept him up in a hug, holding him tightly, burying his face in the small collarbone and turning around slowly to seal the moment. Joe stepped into the room, looking on, and finished the rest of his sentiment under his breath.  “He missed you too.”
“Hey Buddy, I missed you so much.” Ben choked out, his voice rising, emotion overtaking him.
“Daddy!!!” The boy said, burying his head in the crook of Ben’s neck, as his arms grasped around it.
Ben stood still and held him tightly, planting kisses along the soft forehead, cheeks and chin, swaying from leg to leg as he spoke. “Alexander. Francis. Jones-Mazzello.  All days are nights to see till I see thee. And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me.” (1)
Ben silently rejoiced and luxuriated in the familiar feeling, wanting time to stand still for just a little while.  A little over 24 months ago, he had no idea this feeling existed, and even now, he could not fully describe it. His love for Joe was infinite and deep, passionate and strong, but his love for this -his- child, Alex, was like none he had ever known. There was a wholeness to his life now he hadn’t known was missing. This relationship gave him fulfillment beyond any measure of professional achievement. And, damn, he was so fun to be around! And, Ben had to admit sheepishly, as Alex was often referred to as Ben’s Mini Me, so beautiful to behold.
Ben’s heart had never felt so full as when he was with this boy.  His angst was never as great as when he was unhappy or in any discomfort.   Ben still had not fully recovered from the night many months ago when the fever suddenly spiked to over 102.  Joe calmly said they needed to go to the hospital right away, hastily packing the bag, his eyes showing a concern that belied his calm voice and actions. At the hospital Joe spoke in depth with the doctor. Ben picked up snippets as he draped himself over the tiny body in the bassinet, touching him with cool hands and bargained with a greater power to have the fever enter him instead.  That ordeal was just one demonstration of Joe as a loving and responsive father and partner who grounded them all, and it was one of the scariest times of Ben’s life. The fever did break late the next evening, and life soon resumed its toddler-focused activities and routines.
Being separated from Alex, as Ben’s work necessitated, required tremendous compartmentalization. Sure, they FaceTimed, but it could not substitute for experiencing the world unfolding side-by-side.  The longing born from separations created a dent in Ben’s heart that never fully went away. Even when they reunited, it stayed as a reminder to cherish the times together and imprint them.  Another, longer trip loomed in the new year, but Ben didn’t let that thought enter this sacred moment.  
Their tender, poetic reunion was interrupted as Alex dissolved into a burst of giggles and squirms. Ben eased him down reluctantly. Holding Alex provided a type of calm and love he had never experienced, a special physicality.   “Daddy, sit here and watch me do the puzzle.” Alex said, running to bring the puzzle.
“Ok, Mate,” Ben said, sitting on the floor and locking eyes with Joe, who was misty-eyed.
“I’ll get your coffee,” Joe said, lingering a moment to see Alex plant him in the space between Ben’s crossed legs and Ben’s hands naturally settle on the toddler’s knees.
After quickly putting the five ocean animals in the wood board cut-outs, Alex tossed it and launched himself off of Ben, moving to a puzzle with 12 pieces.
“That’s too hard for you, Alex,” warned Jessie, Joe’s oldest niece (2). Undeterred, Alex separated the shapes by color and angle and then tried piecing them together in the frame.  
Ben reached for a shape sorter near him.  “Hey, Alex, want to try this?” he asked, concerned Alex would get frustrated. Alex ignored him, fully concentrating on the puzzle and having some success.
Joe entered and set the coffee on a table next to where Ben sat on the floor and stood beside him. Joe’s mother trailed behind.  Jessie’s dad, Joe’s brother-in-law, Pete, entered the room too and scouted the action. His eyes landed on Alex.  “Wow, he’s actually putting it together.  That’s amazing.  Seriously, guys, that’s advanced.”
“Then there was that…numbers incident on Christmas.” Joe’s mother commented as she watched her youngest grandson finger the puzzle pieces pensively and work to connect them.
“Numbers incident.” Ben repeated. “Sounds like something having to do with National security.   Did he break a code for the government? What did he do?” he asked jokingly intrigued, though he felt sadness having missed an important milestone, which seemed to happen more as time went by.  It had only been a little over a week, but much had transpired. In this new life, time was measured less in days and more in moments.
“He set out the building blocks with the numbers in order and counted to 10. Correctly.”  Joe’s mother said, impressed.
“Alright, alright,” Joe said. “I wouldn’t call Mensa yet.  He’s obviously just copying his older cousins.  Trying to keep up.  Though I might be bold and take credit for the counting,” Joe smirked, letting out a laugh.  “The Count was always my favorite Muppet on Sesame Street,” he declared, “and I have tried to pass on my passion for counting.”
Ben burst out laughing, and Alex joined in.  “I like The Count too!  I count with Papa,”  he said, looking at his dads laughing together.
“You certainly do,” Joe exclaimed, going over to give Alex’s hair a tussle.
“Hey, Uncle Ben,” Joe’s oldest nephew chimed in.  “Can we go out back and play soccer.”  
“Uh, Football?” Ben laughed. “Sure.  Ok, anyone wanting to join, get your trainers on.” Ben was always up for some football and enjoyed spending time with the nieces and nephews, though in this moment, all he wanted to do was curl up with Alex.  Alex, however, was always eager to join his older cousins. He abandoned the almost-finished puzzle and raced over to Joe for help with his sneakers.
The nieces and nephews proceeded to the backyard, and Ben set up goals with sticks.  As they passed the ball between each other, Alex ran alongside Ben, trying in vain to keep up.  The winter day was unseasonably warm and the sun bright. They quickly abandoned their jackets.  After a half hour, Joe’s mom called them in for lunch.  The timing was perfect.  Ben suddenly felt hungry and ready to crash, and Alex looked tired too.  “How about we take a nap after lunch?” Ben said, bending down to Alex, rubbing their noses together.  He stood up and held Alex’s hand as they walked into the house together. “Thanks, Uncle Ben,” the chorus of nephews and nieces said.
Following lunch, Ben helped Alex out of his booster seat, swinging him low on his hip.  “We’re heading up for a nap,” he said to Joe, who nodded, deep in conversation with his brother.  Ben brought his suitcase upstairs, as Alex climbed the steps slowly behind him.
In the bedroom, Ben took off his shirt which was damp with sweat and change into a fresh pair of sweatpants. He undressed Alex, changed his diaper and put him in a short-sleeved onesie with clean sweatpants.
“You tired, Babe?” he cooed. Alex nodded sleepily in response. The portable crib was set up at the foot of the bed, but Ben settled Alex in the double bed. Ben curled next to him, pulling him into his bare chest and brushing his blonde hair back.  Ben reveled in his warmth and his familiar scent, a mix of their sandalwood soap, Johnson’s baby shampoo and the faint smell of Desitin.  
Joe entered the room.  “My soon-to-be sleeping beauties.  Good you’re napping.  We have a long night ahead of us.  We pulled out all the stops for tonight: noise-makers, hats, light necklaces and other treats. It will be a wild party indeed!”
“Hmm, sounds fun,” Ben managed, snuggling Alex and planting light kisses on his bare arm.  
“Birthday party?” Alex asked.
“No, New Year’s Eve party…we say goodbye to this year and welcome the new one, which starts after midnight.” Ben said, giving Alex a hug, trying to prevent him from get riled up.
Joe eyed his two loves spooned together. If it were up to Ben, Alex would sleep in their bed every night. Co-sleeping was an area on which they didn’t always agree. A few months ago, they decided he could share their bed only for a special situation.  The criteria were not always clear, and Joe was known to give in, eager for the presence of their son and Ben’s contentment.  “Well, I guess this qualifies as a special situation. You’ve been away unplanned for over a week, and it’s New Year’s Eve.” Joe ribbed Ben with a big smile.   He loved seeing them together and expected that after being away, Ben would want Alex next to him as much as possible.
“Yeah, it is special. Missed this sweet boy…and his papa.” Ben said, his voice fading with impending sleep.  His arm settled lightly around Alex, and Alex put his small hand over Ben’s knuckles.  Their breathing steadied together and in a few minutes, they were asleep.  
Joe approached the bed and covered them with the sheet and comforter. He planted kisses on each of their cheeks and smoothed each of their blonde heads.  “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love is deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.” (3) Joe said softly, before he backed out of the room and shut the door softly behind him, pleased that his boys were resting, but eager for them to wake to continue their sweet reunion -- and start the new year together.
Sonnet 43, William Shakespeare
I’ve retained the names of Joe’s family members from my 36: Reset fic
Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Act II, scene ii
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acdeaky · 5 years
thank you, mr hardy | I
warning: angst, foul language
note: so, this is new and interesting for me. like i said on tuesday: ben hardy owns my ass. finally! the long awaited (probably lowly anticipated) first chapter of TYMH. enjoy...
word count: 1.5k
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“or do you prefer jones?” you asked, looking up from your pile of papers, ben hardy’s (ne jones’) file on the top. the blond was looking straight through you, his eyes boring into yours.
“mr hardy will be sufficient, thank you.” he deadpanned. you knew instantly that he wouldn’t be like your other bodyguards; he’d be one tough nut to crack. but you were determined.
“well, thank you, again, mr hardy. it was a pleasure to meet you.” you stood from your large desk chair, your hand reaching out for him to shake. he took it gently, shaking with just the right amount of force.
wow, his hands were soft.
“thank you, miss L/N. it was a pleasure to meet you, too.” his stoic expression not faulting.
“er, karen will show you out.” behind him waiting at the door was your assistant, karen. she was nice enough, good at her job, too. just, not enough. ben only nodded his head before turning straight around and leaving. karen’s facial expression as she looked at you as ben passed said it all.
ben was hot. you would admit that. you were a twenty-six year old woman with eyes. he was hot. with his piercing green eyes which perfectly matched his perfectly groomed blond hair. his hands were the perfect size and you couldn’t help but think off all the perfect things he could do with them. his shoulders were the perfect broadness, his body like it was sculptured by the geek gods themselves, and his perfect smile was dazzling.
well, you didn’t know that just yet. and by the way that introduction went, it looked like it would be a while before he brought out his smile.
but you would wait. you’d wait until the moment until he gave you a perfect smile, showing off his perfect teeth.
okay, so he isn’t perfect; who is? but you felt like he was damn near perfection if you ever saw it. sitting back down at your desk, you slumped down the the chair and sighed, rubbing a hand over your face and through your hair.
bodyguard choosing was hard work. the hard part being choosing them, the easy part being looking at them - to see if they were strong, of course. still, it tired you out to no end. ben was the last interview of the day, and by day you meant evening.
it was late. not too late, but later than you expected to be after only interviewing six possible candidates.
that was all pointless now. you’d chosen who you wanted and he would start tomorrow. you had until then to figure out how to crack the tough nut that is ben hardy.
it was around 6am when you woke up. ben would be here at 8 and, since you were in your own home, you had a good amount of time after getting ready to prepare yourself for the day. prepare yourself for ben.
today would be the first day of press for stone cold crazy. it had attracted a lot of attention to you from the media...and others. everyone wanted to know about Y/N L/N, lead of the hit new film stone cold crazy. and i mean everyone.
as a result, your management had decided that you needed a bodyguard. you had decided that a certain mr hardy would be perfect for the job.
after completing your morning routine, you relaxed upon the sofa, feet up and phone in hand. time slipped away as you scrolled through various social media’s. a loud knock interrupted you, almost making you drop your phone in shock.
knowing who it was got you excited. you shouldn’t be acting like this; he was your bodyguard, for crying out loud. but men like ben don’t pass everyday, they’re like a once in a life time opportunity. even if there would be nothing romantic between you two, you still wanted at least a friendship. was that too much to ask?
as you approached the door, the knock came again, this time louder.
“alright, alright. i’m coming.” you muttered, walking quicker to ensure that ben wouldn’t bash down your door from impatience. you unlocked the two locks and heaved open the heavy door.
there he stood in all his glory. his luscious blond hair slicked back, a few strands not following the rest and framing his face. he wore full black: black shoes, jeans, shirt and jacket. all black. probably even his socks and boxers, if you were to guess.
“morning, mr hardy. come in.” you stepped aside, pulling the door open a little wider so his shoulders could fit through. ben stood in the entrance to your apartment, just out of the way of the door getting closed.
“er, did you want a drink or anything?” you asked, shuffling to close the door.
“i’m okay, thanks. you need to get ready, the taxi’ll be here in ten.” still with the stoic expression; that was already annoying you. the press tour hadn’t even started and you already wanted it to be over. you left ben at the front door, practically storming up the hallway to your room to grab your suitcase and your carryon bag.
ben was still in the same spot, except this time, he had his phone in one hand and his other hand in his pocket. he stood with such nonchalance, like he had no care in the world. you genuinely thought that you could stare at this man for hours, finding new scars, marks and indents over the time.
“ready?” you couldn’t have been staring long, but by the tone of bens voice, you knew you had been longer than he wanted. a measly nod was all you could give. “right then, let’s go.”
this time, he opened and closed the door, taking your keys from your hands and locking it himself. wow. he did a thorough job, if anything. ben also took your suitcase, wheeling it down the corridor to the lift of the building. it was an awkward ride down the nine floors, both of you stood in silence, you rocking on your heels to your toes.
outside, a car was waiting for you two, the back windows completely blacked out. ben ensured that you were in first, before taking your suitcase and adding it to his in the boot. he slid in seconds after you had gotten comfy, situating himself next to you.
the ride to the airport was quiet, once again, apart from the light hum of the radio. you watched as the scenery flew passed, remembering little features on the drive you’ve experience countless times.
it didn’t take long to reach heathrow. you were guided through the airport with ben strapped to your side; yours and his suitcase were in one hand, his other on your lower back. soon, you were through check in and security, quickly boarding the plane before the other passengers as soon as it was ready.
first class was always fun. nice, comfy chairs which reclined all the way. decent tasting food with a drink more often than not. entertainment which lasted you the entire flight. the only difference was that this time, instead of being by yourself next to a window, you had ben to your left, the connecting window constantly down so he could keep an eye on you.
as usual, neither of you spoke to the other. it seemed to be some unspoken agreement; don’t speak unless spoken to, which, in itself, was a boring rule anyway. you wished to know more about him, even if he was giving off a closed appearance. there had to be a cuddly man beneath that all. surely?
the flight to new york was pleasant. minimal turbulence and eight hours in the air gave you time to sleep (even if your body clock was still on london time). as usual, you were one of the first ones off, getting though american customs as quickly as possible and grabbing your suitcases soon after.
unsurprisingly, the ride to the hotel was quiet. ben didn’t utter a single word to you and hadn’t done since he entered your apartment almost twelve hours ago.
you were starting to think that maybe he’s just an arsehole. a grade a arsehole who was definitely the wrong man for the job.
after arriving at the hotel, ben, once again, rolled both of your suitcases towards your adjoining rooms. he swiped your card first, letting you enter and he followed.
“i’ll be back in a minute.” he stated plainly, taking his suitcase and leaving.
“he speaks!” you whispered, only to yourself. the aggravation you had for that man was on a new level. you had never felt this way towards someone before, and it worried you. why was ben any different? why did he act like this? maybe it was ju-
knock, knock.
it wasn’t coming from the door you entered, but a door on the side of your room. ah, yes. adjoining rooms. what a great idea(!).
“this stays unlocked.”
“do i get no privacy?”
“we’re in different rooms, love. that is privacy.” no expression. literally. no emotion whatsoever.
“you better get to sleep; it’s been a long day and you need to be up tomorrow.” and with that he left.
a bigger sigh has never left your mouth. you slouched onto the bed, laying down and running your hands over your face.
this was going to be the longest five weeks of your life.
TAGLIST: @valeriecarolinaw @leatherjacketmazzello @laedymoon @rogermeddowsx @whitetrashdarling @freelyinwonderland @onceuponadetectivedemigod @hearts-to-the-sky @toreyyyyyy @holeintheatmosphere @scoobydoosbooty @soulexposed @unassumingviking @illfxckingdoitdarling @siobhandx @luvborhap @postercalum @anotheronebitestheskye @miamideacon @mamaskillerqueen @honkyegerton @autismdoesntspeak @laurentaylor-hardy @dancing-deacon @yes-elizabeth-chan-us @lainkaulait @hells-personal-bitch @freddieandrogerandbriananddeaky @belladonichaaze @haileylansley @annathesillyfriend @hardzzellos @harrypotter-life2 @fairestkillerqueenofall @saint-hardy @hulkinqs @radiob-l-a-hblah @alleexxhh
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megalony · 5 years
A big family- Part 8
This is the next part of my new dad! Ben Hardy series, I hope you all like it.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @luvborhap @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @rogahs-drowse @milanosaurus @httpfandxms
Series taglist: @writeroutoftime @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @hardzzellos
Summary: Ben and (Y/n) have three daughters together with their youngest not even being one year old yet. But their family is about to get bigger when they find out they’re pregnant again.
Series masterlist
"I don't think I should go." Ben commented as he pulled his lower lip between his teeth. It hadn't seemed like such a good idea when he had agreed to this and now it seemed like a very bad idea to go.
"You're going." (Y/n) responded as she lifted her eyes to lock with his own that were pooling with worry and anxiety. "Ben it's for your birthday, you have to go." (Y/n) felt herself pleading with him as she knew he simply had to go out today, she wasn't going to have him stay home because of her when this was for his birthday.
Joe and a few of Ben's friends were going to take him out today for the day like they always did either the day before or the day after his birthday. His birthday was tomorrow and Ben spent the day with his family so (Y/n) wanted him to go today so he could be with the boys. He'd been working a lot over the past few months and now he had time off he was at home most of the time. He deserved to go out for the day and have some fun and relax.
But Ben felt it was a bad idea because (Y/n) wasn't feeling well and neither was Taylor. It felt wrong for Ben to go out with the boys when two of his girls weren't well back home.
"I can go out with the guys another day, it's not even my birthday til tomorrow. I'd rather not leave you like this." Ben walked over to the bed and sat down beside (Y/n).
She had been reduced to tears this morning because the pain in her back had gotten worse overnight. Ben didn't want to go out and leave her when she was upset and in pain, it made him feel awful to think he was just leaving her to go out with the guys for a drink. He would much rather stay at home and make sure she and the rest of the girls were okay. He could go out with the boys any day, it didn't have to be today.
"Ben... I'm okay, and your mums here to help with the girls today. Go out." (Y/n) closed her eyes for a moment as she pulled the pillow further down so she could lean on it properly. She found that laying on her side with her legs pulled up near her stomach, managed to relieve some of the pain in her back so she had been laid like this for most of the night and the morning.
For the last three weeks (Y/n) had stuck to being on bed rest like Ben and the doctor had wanted and as much as it annoyed and irritated her, it did seem to help. There was no risk of her overdoing anything, it didn't take the pain from her back but it relieved the pressure and now that they were almost eight months gone she felt she was better staying on bed rest now. Her back was hurting but it wasn't anything worrying or new, there was no reason for Ben to stay home today when he should go out and celebrate.
Ben's mum had come over this morning so Ben could go out and she could help (Y/n) with the girls and anything that needed doing around the house. They all wanted Ben to go out and just have a day to himself and enjoy it, they were going to make sure he went out today.
Leaning over, Ben rested his hand on (Y/n)'s back as he kissed her forehead causing a tired smile to pull at her lips as she opened her eyes.
"Please, just promise you'll call if you need me to come home or you or Tay feel worse." Ben rested his forehead against her own as he moved his hand to rest on the back of her neck. He knew this wasn't a fight he would win so he would go but he wanted (Y/n) to call if Taylor felt worse or she was in any more pain so he could come home and not worry or feel bad.
"I promise."
(Y/n) couldn't help but smile when her eyes set on her eldest who was laid beside her in bed. Taylor liked to stay with (Y/n) and Ben when she was ill so when she had the energy to get up she had wandered down the hall and crawled into bed beside (Y/n). It hadn't taken her very long to fall asleep and (Y/n) was thankful she was finally sleeping.
Ben had been up quite a few times during the night switching between Goldie and Taylor who simply couldn't sleep after she threw up three times. He'd ended up staying in her room with her for the remainder of the night to try and get her to sleep.
The eldest girl looked very sweet, curled up with the covers pulled tightly around her shoulders. She had her back to (Y/n) and her face buried in Ben's pillow with one of his jumpers hugged tightly to her chest. Taylor usually stole some item of Ben's clothing when he was away for when she missed him as his scent on the clothing would calm her down.
(Y/n) shifted her eyes from looking at Taylor to looking at the door when it creaked open very slowly making a loud whining noise from the door handle and the hinges.
Her smile widened when Charlie poked her head around the door before grinning when she saw that (Y/n) was awake. With that, she pushed the door open all the way and bounded into the room, holding a plate out in front of her as she trotted over to (Y/n)'s side of the bed.
"Mummy, look!" Charlie squealed in delight as she held the plate out to (Y/n), urging her to take it and look at what was displayed on it.
"Ssh baby, Tay's asleep." (Y/n) whispered, ticking her head to the side to signal that her sister was still asleep. Even though Taylor had been asleep for a while now, (Y/n) didn't want her to wake up just yet, she wanted her to get all of the sleep she could in case she was ill later and couldn't sleep much tonight.
Charlie nodded, a small blush creeping onto her features but she started jittering, jumping from foot to foot as she waited impatiently for (Y/n) to see what she had given her. (Y/n) took the plate from her and scanned it over, seeing that Charlie had made cookies and cupcakes. She had made fairy cakes and chocolate chip cookies that were slightly misshapen but Charlie was very proud of them all the same. There was one of each on the plate for (Y/n) and she guessed the rest were in the kitchen.
"Oh, wow, you've been busy. These look great, did you make them for daddy?" (Y/n) took a bite of the cookie, licking her lips from the sugar sprinkled on top that coated her upper lip.
"For his birthday, nanny helped me. We put twenty-eight on the cupcakes for daddy." Charlie nodded her head as she spoke, looking very pleased when (Y/n) ate the cookie and nodded that it was nice. Whenever Charlie made something, whether it be food or colouring, she liked approval from either parent.
"I'm sure he'll love them." (Y/n) set the plate on the side table, deciding she would have the cupcake later.
(Y/n) kissed the top of Charlie's head when she reached up and wrapped her arms around (Y/n) before she quietly left the room, as not to wake Taylor.
Pressing her hands to the bed, (Y/n) attempted to push herself up so she was sitting up before she stopped when her back twinged. It felt like her spine was an elastic band and the more she moved or tried to straighten up, the tighter it went. And right now it felt like it was close to snapping. (Y/n) pushed a pillow behind her lower back as she leaned her head back against the headboard before turning the tv on, keeping the volume low.
There was no point in her trying to get to sleep any longer since she felt wide awake and she didn't fancy reading so the other option was just to watch tv for a while. For once, (Y/n) didn't feel like she had the energy to get up and walk around the house or try and play with the girls or tidy up. She just felt like laying here which she knew was a good thing since she was still on bed rest at the moment.
Tilting her head down, (Y/n) dropped her eyes to look at her stomach about an hour later. She leaned her head to the side as she slowly started to run her hands up and down her bump when she felt the baby moving.
"What time is it?" Taylor questioned groggily as she managed to weakly open her eyes, leaning back so she could look at (Y/n).
"Half five, sweetheart." (Y/n) moved one hand so she could brush Taylor's hair out of her eyes. She still looked very pale and like she could use some more sleep but she had been asleep for a fair bit of the day. Taylor pushed herself up so she was sitting up, her head lolling to the side for a brief moment as if she didn't hold the energy to keep her head level.
"I'm gonna get a bath." She mumbled quietly as she rubbed at her eyes with the base of her hand, (Y/n) hummed in agreement, leaning to kiss her head before Taylor slowly pushed herself out of bed. (Y/n) watched her with worried eyes as she seemed to wobble on her feet, taking a few bumbling steps before she managed to gain her balance.
(Y/n) moved her hand back to rub over her stomach, taking in a sharp breath when she felt a twinge of pain. Her eyes closed tightly as she held her breath, trying to push through the feeling that disappeared quickly enough. She couldn't be doing with any kind of twinges or pains at the moment with her back already feeling crippled.
Turning to the right, (Y/n) reached her hand out for the glass of juice she had left there earlier. But the moment her fingers curled around the glass, her arm jolted from another tightening twinge in her stomach. A sharp gasp left her lips as her hand hit the glass instead of picking it up, causing the glass to topple from the table and land on the carpet. The contents soaked straight into the carpet and a resounding thud from the floorboards beneath coursed through the room but luckily the glass didn't shatter.
Suppressing a cry, (Y/n) pressed her other hand to her stomach as she tried to breathe through the feeling that was lasting significantly longer than the latter.
(Y/n) sat stiff as if she had turned to stone, not daring to move a muscle in case another wave of pain suddenly bolted through her. She felt every muscle in her body tighten like they were on strings when the pain disappeared for a few seconds before coming back worse.
"Shit." The word passed through gritted teeth as she doubled over, leaning her head down as the pain in her back was almost non-existent now that her focus was on the more concerning pain in her stomach. There couldn't be anything wrong because nothing had happened. For the last month (Y/n) had done virtually nothing, she had taken it easy just like she was told and there had been no worries or sudden pains or even twinges to suggest there was a problem.
There couldn't be a problem now, not when they had only one more month to go before their due date. She and Ben had been hoping to get past Charlie's birthday with no problems and maybe even Goldie's birthday too because that would mean they were almost full term.
Tears sprung in (Y/n)'s eyes as she felt her body beginning to tremble as she didn't know what to do. There was a chance that the pains could be nothing and they could disappear at any moment, but she knew the chances were higher that this was some sort of complication or problem. They hadn't been that lucky with this pregnancy so far.
"(Y/n)... dear, are you alright?" Ben's mum, Lisa, knocked on the door before slowly coming inside. She'd heard something being knocked over and (Y/n) swearing so she presumed that something had broken. She scanned her eyes over the room before walking in and sitting on the edge of the bed next to (Y/n) when it became clear that she wasn't okay.
"It hurts." (Y/n) spoke quietly as she kept her eyes snapped closed, her hands pressing harshly to her stomach as she found herself biting on her lip so tightly that blood began to form between the broken skin.
"Alright, I'm going to call Ben." (Y/n) couldn't find it in herself to disagree because although he was out with friends, she needed him to come home.
Ben shook his head to rid himself of the dizziness the adrenaline was causing as there was too much of it rushing through his veins, trying to get rid of the alcohol also buzzing around his system. He couldn't have been more thankful that he wasn't drunk or legless right now.
His eyes fell onto his mother the moment he stepped inside the house, his eyes briefly looking at Goldie who was almost asleep in her arms.
"She's upstairs... she won't go to the hospital without you. Taylor's in bed and Charlie's down here out of the way."
Ben managed to nod in response before he pushed his feet to speed up the stairs without letting him fall. He had spoken to both (Y/n) and his mother on the phone when his mother called but all he gathered was (Y/n) was suddenly experiencing pains in her stomach. He didn't know if there was a reason for this, if she maybe fell or had been doing something which caused it to happen.
(Y/n) wouldn't go to the hospital without Ben, she wanted him with her if she had to go or she wouldn't be going. Lisa had brought Charlie downstairs to watch tv since she wasn't tired yet and Taylor was fast asleep in bed so she thought it best to leave the eldest girl where she was.
Ben felt his heart hammering against his chest to the point he felt as if his heart was everywhere at once from how his heartbeat seemed to pound under every inch of his skin. He didn't bother knocking, he simply pushed the door open out of his way so he could head over to (Y/n).
His eyes fell onto her frame, seeing that she was sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning over in a way that he had seen her do before when she was in pain. If the baby bump wasn't in the way he knew she would have rested her head on her knees by now to try and relieve the pain she was feeling. Heading over, Ben sat down on the bed next to (Y/n), seeing the relief in her watering eyes as he was finally back. (Y/n) didn't know how much longer she could have lasted sitting and waiting like this.
"Alright sweetheart, talk to me, what's happening?" Ben punctured his teeth through his lower lip to try and control his breathing and calm himself down but it didn't do very much to help.
"I don't know... i-it fucking hurts, Ben." (Y/n) felt the tears pouring down her features by this point as she looked at Ben who seemed like he was going to burst into tears as well.
"Do you think you're in labour?" Ben knew it was over a month early but it could be a possibility. They had been told that the placenta moving could cause them to go into premature labour later on but they thought it wouldn't happen since the abruption was very minor and (Y/n) had been on bed rest since then.
"No, it's n-not that kind of pain." (Y/n) didn't know how to explain it, but she simply knew now that it wasn't labour. She thought it was earlier, but as the pain seemed to continue and get worse, it wasn't the pain she had felt the last three times she'd been in labour. Her water hadn't broken either and she was experiencing no contractions, it was simply a sudden burst of pain that was no longer going away.
"The placenta might have moved again... I'm gonna have to take you to hospital."
"This hurts worse." (Y/n) cried, watching as Ben stood to his feet before moving his arms so he could help her up. He didn't care right now what the cause was, all he cared about was getting (Y/n) to the hospital because something was wrong and no matter what it was, she had to be checked out.
(Y/n) wasn't disputing going to hospital because she wanted to go now that Ben was here, but she was desperate for this not to be a problem with the placenta again. It hurt much worse than it did a few months ago, this was a burning pain that felt like she was being stabbed, it was almost as bad as labour but at the same time, it was different. Whatever it was, (Y/n) wanted it to stop because they couldn't have their baby yet.
All of their other pregnancies had reached full term, with both Taylor and Goldie they were almost spot on their due dates and with Charlie she was two weeks late. They would rather be late than early, they weren't used to dealing with having a baby early or with any complications during pregnancy.
"I think the placenta's moved." The sudden tone Ben used when he spoke caused (Y/n) to look up at him in confusion. This voice was lower than usual and there was clear hesitation and fear in his voice which (Y/n) wasn't used to hearing. Her eyes asked him what was wrong as he kept his arms tightly around her waist to keep her upright since he could feel her trying to bend over or crumple from the agony. "Y-you're bleeding."
(Y/n) turned her head without even thinking, feeling like everything was suddenly happening in slow motion but the moment her eyes set on the bed she felt like she was going to be sick. The bed sheets were soaked with blood that was such a dark shade of crimson that it was almost black.
"N-no... I, I didn't do a-anything wrong..." (Y/n) couldn't see properly due to the tears building up in front of her eyes as she tried to breathe but it was becoming harder and harder to do so.
"Shh, shh it's gonna be fine. Your both gonna be okay."
(Y/n) had gone on bed rest like they said and after talking with Ben, she made sure for this past month she had done next to nothing. She hadn't fallen or hurt herself, she hadn't pushed herself or done any heavy lifting, both Ben and his mother had mainly had to care for Goldie instead of (Y/n). She had done everything she was supposed to in order to make sure their baby would be okay.
So why was this happening now?
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hannafuckingsucks · 5 years
hey guess what uuuuuuh. today apparently was sompfd thoughts day™ on discord so I came up with a super cute n fluffy Hardzzello headcanon! this was all fueled by Joe's birthday post for Ben and the video of Ben gettin kissed on the cheek 😌 big help came from @walking-in-a-daze by making noises of encouragement at me while I spammed the chat with my brain barf lol, and for helping me to get the perfect final scene 🤭
(1,3k words oopsie)
ok without further ado, some very emotional thoughts™ about two headasses:
the thought of Ben and Joe just slowly getting more comfortable with physical contact!!!
like they are just friends first, of course. 
but both of them get very touchy-feely when drunk
it starts with just a hand on the shoulder or a pat on the back. 
or a hug with some extra room for the holy spirit in the crotch area at the end of the  night
but as months go on they get hella comfortable w each other
like public dancing
holding hands
touching their faces
kissing cheeks
idk I just get so soft thinking about them being so sweet and intimate and uuh BABIES
mmmmm the thought of them both being piss drunk one night and
idk Ben gets lost somewhere and Joe is so worried and runs around like "where is Benny?????"
and Ben just shows up after 15 minutes like "sowwy I was at the loo and aiming was hard lmao"
and Joe is so relieved that he's ok, he hugs him soo tightly
and when he finally let's go he cradles Ben's face in his hands and looks into his eyes and says how worried he was and how happy he is that he's fine
and Ben just giggles non stop because he's kinda embarrassed but also so happy 
AAAAAAAAA I'm gonna punch a wall
like I imagine the rest of the gang being there too, Gwil, Rami, Lucy etc.
they are not nearly as drunk as those two and they find it so cute but also constantly have to roll their eyes at those idiots
lovely thought: one of them *accidentally* takes home the other
like they talk about something while they are on their way home and they are really captured by the conversation 
and then it's just "oh we are at your flat Joe"
so Ben's like "I really should get going but-"
and then they talk another 20 minutes at the door step
and Joes just like "c'mon man. please come in. you can crash in my bed, I'll take the couch"
so they get in and they keep talking and Joe starts to get some bedding for the couch
but Ben feels kinda bad like "joe buddy, cmzon, I'll take the couch. I don't want your old man back to feel stiff tomorrow morning" with a wink
like the cheeky piece of shit he is lol
which ends in a lil fight because Joe is "old" but Ben is the guest!
but it's a king-size bed so it wouldn't even be that awkward
they just both look at it for a second, then at each other and 
they BoTH would REALLY love to sleep next to each other. to.. to feel each others warmth uhm
but they are both too pusseyy™ to admit that of course
the situation gets kinda tense
because who will say they want it first??
the answer is no one
but in the end one can talk the other into at least sharing the bed
so the bed is absolutely big enough for both of them, they got plenty of space, even jesus would approve.
but they unconsciously inch closer to each other in their sleep 
shocking, I know
and they wake up somehow spooning
plot twist of the century. revolutionary
I'm imagining Ben as the big spoon because he's bigger. y'know, wider. buff bapey boy
oh and Joe is awake already for like half an hour in the morning but he doesn't want to move because he feels so warm and save in Ben's ARMS. have you seen those guns? magnificent
it's a little awkward when they both wake up finally and Ben just keeps apologizing, feeling like he overstepped boundaries
so Joe has to stop his rambling
and they have a somehow uncomfortable but also intimate talk about how this is not a big deal and everything
about how they both are comfortable with being so physically close AAA 😩
it's very soft but also fueled by sexual tension y'know
Joe is able to talk about this in a very calm and collected manner 
but on the inside hes screaming to himself
about how in love he is 
it's one of those angel vs devil inside-dialogues like  "TELL HIM" "no I can't" "you COWARD" "HE'S MY FRIEND" "YOU LOVE HIM" "so WHAT if I do but he's my BRO" "BRO THAT YOU'D LIKE TO FU-" "shuT UP"
after they talked and made peace with the situation they get breakfast together uwu
or brunch. with mimosas like a true couple
but the are just friends!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;)
but they both still think a lot about their current situation
Ben might feels very conflicted and doesn't know how to handle this stuff and all those new emotions
he just never felt like that before
he just has this... fragile bro masculinity
the classic "I'm not gay but if I was.." dilemma oh poor baby
but now they BOTH constantly have the "I'm not gay I just love my friend" thought and honestly that makes me crack tf up
like. "I love him I would die for him oh my god! but I'M NOT G-" 
and one day Joe just has to talk about it with someone 
he just has to get it off his chest
and so he spills the beans to Gwil like "idk bro I just love him and he's my best friend and I just wanna spend all my free time with him. I mean I'm not gay but sometimes I imagine living in a cottage with Ben and 4 adopted dogs and two goats. we could grow our own vegetables in the garden too. I saw this YouTube video about this one lady that-"
and Gwil just goes "Joe that is so gay please stop lying to yourself"
a Joe's just like :O
so Gwil's like "listen. maybe you are not gay gay, as in homosexual BUT. you are very gay for Ben and that's honestly not a surprise to me anymore because I've been watching you two for some time now and wow. might as well just propose already you dumb bitch"
and Joe's just like
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so Ben also goes for advice from Gwil
poor Gwil has to deal with all this bullshit :/
Ben's like "Gwil I need to talk to you about Joe" and Gwil just sighs and looks into the camera like he's on the office
Ben's kinda mad at himself because why the fuck would he feel feelings like this???
he currently is very irritated by said feelings and how he's not able to handle them
Ben's like "never in my life have I been soft, I don't know what to do?!"
and Gwil says "Ben you literally cried last week when we watched Aristocats"
so Gwil is trying to calmly explain to Ben that it's ok for him to feel like this and that he gets it, that it can be scary and weird at first but Ben still should be true to himself etc etc
and Ben's just like "..... ok. But. WHAT IF I AM JUST STUPID and Joe only likes me as a bro"
this goes back and forth for a while and Gwil tries his best to stay neutral 
because he really doesn't want to intervene too much by telling Ben about his talk with Joe
but after the 6th time of Ben doubting everything he snaps
"BEN GET YOUR FUCKING HEAD OUTA YA ASS YOU BLIND IDIOT bloody hell! first him and now you! why can't you just both be blunt and TALK?!"
"first him.. what?"
and Gwil just goes "I shouldn't have said that. I should NOT have said that" like full-on Hagrid in the philosopher's stone
and Ben's takes his time realizing what Gwil just said and his brain slowly begins to connect the dots
so the situations just them staring at each other like
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anyway, this is the end. I would love to let them fuck but uuh. dumbasses don't deserve it yet. this would need a, as @cherries-n-rocknroll fittingly described it, good short 15k pining fic! I agree, but I can't do that 💞
if you got this far, thank you, I hope you got to laugh as much as we did! ✨♥️
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tomnhaz · 5 years
Fabric of Love: T.H. x Reader (Teaser)
Summary: The pattern of love’s intricacy is one that can only be matched by its delicacy, and it was for that reason which Y/n had never believed in love at first sight. All of that is about to change when Tom becomes a regular in her coffee shop. 
Word Count: it’s a teaser bros but 430
Warnings: nah
Notes: let me know what you think !!! pt 1 should be coming out sometimes next week unless this flops then idk 
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You had never believed in love at first sight. It was something that fools believed in, a simple fairy tale that only held true to princes and princesses following their ‘once upon a time’. 
Love, to you, was something deeper - something more complex. Love wasn’t something that could appear just after looking into someone’s eyes, no matter how pretty those eyes were. Because even eyes, despite how much they can show you, will still build up walls and keep you from seeing what you really needed to. 
So no, love at first sight wasn’t something you fell for. What you did fall for, however, was the brunette boy who frequented the coffee shop where you worked. His small smile as he told you his order erupted the butterflies in your stomach that you hadn’t felt in a long time, and his deep brown eyes, had built up no walls. 
Your heart stopped as you looked up at the sound of the door chime, and were met with the brown eyes which hid nothing. His lean frame slowly made its way to the counter where you were, his comforting eyes never once leaving the menu board and never once glancing at you, even though he had ordered the same drink every day for 3 months. 
“‘Ello, can I get a medium latte with almond milk please,” his gaze drifted down to the ground as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. 
Your heart pounded as you asked him for the name on the order, which you confessedly already knew, your cheeks flushing red as you repeated it back to him, “tom” you mumbled, your fingers fumbling with the pen, too scared to look up at him again, for fear that his eyes would tell you what you didn’t want to know. That to him you were just a barista who sold him coffee. 
He simply nodded and handed you a ten. 
“Keep the change,” he mumbled, and made his way to the end of the bar. Your gaze trailed after him longingly, his own glued to the phone in his hand. You didn’t think he’d even looked up at you. 
You had always believed love was an intricate web; one that you hadn’t thought could be woven in a matter of seconds. That being said, attraction and intrigue were a moment’s best friends and a lot can flower from a single moment. Especially if these small moments occur daily over the course of a year - as was the case with y/n and Tom. 
tagging ma mutuals: @thollandss @tomslovey @stormyholland @stuckonspidey @peachyosterfield @hazssouthernbelle @hollandsosterfield @hardzzello
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