chaotictoon · 2 years
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thatweriddoodles · 2 years
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I was moving have cute outfits
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npcemi · 11 months
Woo finally got my KP fic updated.
The girls finally get out of hell. Ron is held at gunpoint by Jason Todd, and Kim gets to deal with the fact her therapist was the literal devil, The devil weaves an epic tale, and something crazy goes down at the Middleton space center woo! In short Dr. Director is having the worst day of her life so far.
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bringingdapperback · 2 years
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peterpan1234567 · 9 months
Dexter Charming Smut
A.N: Okay so I’m writing this cause I’ve had a thing for dexter charming ever since I watched Ever After High and I can only find shit on dating and I don’t like blonds so yeah. Hope you like it…
It was a normal day in the ever after high school cafeteria the royals sat and talked about there happy ever afters while the Rebel girls well they talked about dating and the guys well they talked about everything and nothing all at once.
Faith Quinn was sat by Raven Queen daughter of the Evil Queen, Maddie Hatter daughter of the mad hatter and Hunter Huntsmen while they were all talking about whatever Faith was starring at a certain royal that she refused to admit she liked. Dexter Charming.
Most girls they were head over heals for Daring but Faith never had a thing for the outgoing brother that only paid attention to himself she was drawn to the shy brother that didn’t talk much and kept to himself.
”Hello earth to Faith.” Raven was snapping her fingers in front of Faiths face trying to get her attention. It wasn’t really working till Hunter started throwing food at her knocking her out of her starring.
“Who’s the lucky rebel that has Faith Quinn starring at them I bet it’s Sparrow,” Hunter always thought that he liked you so of course he would say him. “Eww gross never in a million years would I day Sparrow I would rather jump into acid like my mom did.”
Raven and Maddie laughed they knew who you were starting at you were all roommates before Apple made Raven be hers it’s kind of hard to hide a drawing book full of Dexter Drawings from your roommates especially when they are always looking over your shoulder at what your doing. “Well if it’s not Sparrow then who is it come on tell me you can trust me.” It’s not the fact that you didn’t trust him it’s just the fact that you didn’t know if he would like the idea of a royal and a rebel together.
“It’s no one okay so just drop it Hunter you’re never finding out who I have a crush on.” “Okay we’ll see about that now won’t we I have my ways,” “Yeah sure using animals and axes won’t help you here.” He rolled his eyes at the comment and was about to say something but then the bell rang dismissing everyone to their next class. “Gotta go guys keep guessing Hunter I enjoy you being wrong.” “Haha I’ll get it one just you wait.” You laughed and rolled your eyes before walking off to your next class that just so happened to be the only one you had to sit by Dexter in positions with Rumpelstiltskin you hated him.
Faiths always the first person to class she uses the shortcut to avoid being late since being late means you get 50% off of your final grade. You liked potions just not the professor he was so uptight and mean and always called you out when you were looking at Dexter.
Today you weren’t the first one Dexter was he had his head resting in both his hands and was looking at the board his glasses falling just the slit test bit off the top of his nose before getting out the stuff he needed for the lesson. You sat down trying not to look at him and you to grabbed out everything you needed for the lesson but on accident you grabbed your drawing book the only had Dexter in it without noticing.
Faith had just gotten out her pen to write down the word son the board so she wouldn’t forget later when Dexter turned towards her. “Hey Faith do you have the notes from yesterday I forgot to write them down if you don’t mind letting me copy them.” This was the first time Dexter had talked to you without it being in your imagination “Um yeah sure let me get them.” You opened your notebook but it wasn’t your notebook it was your drawing book Faith quickly closed the book hoping Dexter didn’t see and went to look for her potions book.
“Sorry I had the wrong book here’s the notes.” “Thank you so much I owe you one know.” You were so happy he said it so happily you couldn’t help the best that went straight to your face but looked away before he could notice. Dexter soon gave back your notes and the lesson started right after the door slammed shut keeping anyone who’s late out of the room. “Good morning class today we will be going over everything in chapter 3.” At the front of the room there was Apple White and Raven Apple was always a show off and you just hated her but didn’t know why.
Rumpelstiltskin Started to pour a bunch of things into the beaker making most of the class lost or confused with what they were trying to do. You had read chapter three it was basically a recap of chapter two but it was a potion for making a butterfly and you found it interesting so you new what you were doing even without Rumpelstiltskin’s horrible demonstration.
You put a bunch of this into the beaker while Apple had of course already done it perfectly and Raven somehow managed to make it as well somehow and you only had one more ingredient you put in the leafs and put came a black and red butterfly it matched you like how Ravens was purple and Apples was bright colors. “Well done miss White, Queen, and Quinn you will all get a B- as for the rest of you, YOU FAIL!” He always shouted even when you didn’t want him to it’s like it brought him joy to put you kids in pain to be fair it was quite funny though.
Everyone started to put there things away as you looked over at Dexter you saw his glasses were crooked and his hair was all spiked from the beakers exploding from the failed potion. Even when he looked like this he still looked perfect and you couldn’t wait to draw this photo of him in your book once you got to yours and Maddie’s dorm.
You made sure you had everything before leaving the room and heading to the dorms that was your last class you and Maddie walked together and as always she talked in riddles it was funny but you never really knew what most of them meant just her living up to her name of the mad hatter I guess. You reached your dorm and immediately Maddie said.
“So how did it go with Dexter I saw you talking today?” “He just asked for my notes it wasn’t a big deal okay.” She set her stuff down on her side of the room while you got out your sketch book to draw yet another picture of Dexter while you sat in your window thing you had. Raven walked in a few minutes into you drawing Dexter and said she needed you and Maddie to help her with something about Throwncoming and having to get back the story book of legends while she told her story you were able to finish your drawing and where ready to go you put your shoes back on and where oht the door following Raven and Maddie.
Cedar Wood came with you to the place that only came there on throwncoming you halfway listened to Baba Yaga about this place when she spoke about it earlier you never really cared your mom didn’t leave anything just the annoyance of having to live up too her which you didn’t want to do. Cedar used her truth glasses to find the story book of legends in the story book of legends ironic right I know you found the boom but when you touched it, it pulled all of you in Briar Beauty. Apple White, Raven Queen , Maddie Hatter, Blondie Locks, Cupid, Ashlyn Ella, Cedar Wood , and Faith Quinn all sucked into the story book of legends.
You all fell in a circle of standing books that also looked like the story book of legends all of them did. There was nine books just like there was nine of you but which story was whose you all decided that you were just going to go with the boom closest to you. When you went into the book you had to have been in Briars story sleeping for 100 years didn’t sound fun to you how hard could it be right just keep your finger off of the spindle and bam your done right? Talking to yourself in your head made you throw your hands up and prick your finger and all you saw was back after that.
Almost everyone else had made it back Briar felt bad for Raven about how her story went the only people left were you and Apple Briar guessed that Apple had her story and went after her and Maddie and Raven went to get you. Seeing as you had Briars story that meant Apple had your but what was taking her so long?
One second you were asleep and the next you had everyone but Apple and Briar looking down at you. “Am I dead or something?” They all laughed and said no “Wait where’s Briar and Apple?” Raven answered first “We don’t know Apple had your story and Briar thought she had her and so she went to get Apple but neither of them have come back out yet.” You were horrified you knew how your destiny ended and that was you drowning in acid like your mom was supposed to but since she married the joker you can marry your brother and would have no one to save you from it so you bolted towards the book that held your story hoping to wasn't to late for Apple and Briar.
When you got there they were still breathing and not in the acid to your surprise but instead unconscious on the floor. Then you saw your mom Harley Quinn holding her signature bat and the scroll you need to get from her what was this your worst nightmare happening right know. You didn’t want to see your mom ever again not after she tried to kill you when your dad died and here she was again trying it the same way. “Ah there you are I was waiting for when you were going to show up I like them you won’t be unconscious by the time we’re done you’ll be dead drowning in acid.”
You didn’t say anything but instead grabbed a crowbar that was on the ground. If there’s one thing your father taught you it’s to fight the right was and win hit them in the back of the knee then the pressure point in the neck knock them right out.
But you knew your mother would think you do that so instead you went for a headlock with the bar getting her to slightly lose some of her air but hey she won’t need it right she not real anyway. You held the bar to her neck till she stopped kicking you and focused on trying to breath the. You grabbed the scroll and threw her into the acid so she could t stop you from leaving again.
Soon enough you Briar and Apple were out of your story and everyone looked at you all weird you were coughing and so were Apple and Briar but only front eh loss of air. Apple looked at you for a second then told you “I am so sorry Faith no one should have to have a story like that.” Briar nodded agreeing with Apples statement just because they saw how your story ends doesn’t mean you were going to be all friends with them now no thank you. It before anyone could say anything you were all being pulled out of the book again but you all still had the pages.
it was a silent walk back until you wanted to know who had who’s story. “So who had what story?” Maddie spoke first almost sad and happy at the same time. “I had cupids and let me tell you it is not just all shoot arrows and fall in love not as fun as I thought it would be.” Then Blondie spoke “I had Maddie’s never going to her house on a holiday.” Maddie laughed and hugged Blondie. Then Raven. “I had Apples not the best way to almost die.” Apple looked up and even though you knew already said “I had Faiths and nothing is going to beat hers.” You rolled your eyes she was feeling sorry just because of a story how pathetic.
Briar looked up as well. “I had Ravens I am so sorry by the way I had no Idea.” Even Ashlynn who you forgot was there. “I had Cedars story never thought I would hate lying so much.” Everyone laughed at that. “Well at least you didn’t have Blondie’s she’s got a lot of running ahead of her.” Cedar said it as if it was nothing. Cupid went next. “I had Ashlyn’s never knew it felt like that to have the shoe on the other foot.” Then it was only you left. “Well I had Briars never thought I wouldn’t want to sleep again till know.” Turns out the pages were for Jilles Grimm’s curse and not the real storybook oh well at least now less time of having to have your destiny planed out for you.
And you were back at the castle thank god it was time for the Throwncoming dance but you weren’t going to go since all you would do is stand around and watch as everyone else danced. You and Maddie were walking back to your dorm room since she was going to go to the dance and you were going to stay there she wanted help to pick out a mad enough dress for her and by the time the dance came she looked as mad as ever (in the good way though). You were about to go to sleep when you realized your drawing book was missing you forgot to put it up before you left and now it’s not in the window thing.
You looked for it everywhere and then decided since it wasn’t in your stuff that you would ask Maddie if she new where it was. Faith waked down to where the dance was and instead of seeing Maddie like she wanted she say her drawing book in the hands of Duchess Swan on stage showing the drawings to everyone including Dexter. Before you could stop yourself you ran back to your dorm and hoped that no one saw you to save you more embarrassment never been more happy that I hate dances now.
What were you going to do you had classes tomorrow WITH DEXTER what would he think you can’t go no you can’t and you won’t. Maddie walked in after about another ten minutes of Faith thinking about what she was going to do but she had her sketchbook in hand and gave it back to her without saying a word. “I thought you might want it back I found it .” You looked at her amazed she lied to you. “Don’t lie I went looking for it and saw Duchess showing everyone the drawings.” You opened to book to find everything still the you left it thank god.
“You know since you didn’t come she didn’t get the reaction she wanted I only got the book because I got it out of her hands before the pictures of him sleeping.” “THANK YOU SO MUCH I FORGOT I DREW THOSE.” You practically screamed it at her. “Are you going to classes tomorrow or not?” Maddie knew the answer was most likely no but still wanted to ask. “I don’t even know anymore if I don’t Duchess gets what she wants and if I do then I have to face Dexter and everyone and we both know Hunters going to make fun of me for finding out who I like finally.” “Oh if Hunters what you then don’t worry he already knew.” “WAIT WHAT HOW?” “You told me and Cedar heard you say Dexter and so when Hunter asked her she has no choice but to tell the truth.” “Oh my god so he was just messing with me this whole time.” “Yeah pretty much. I’m going to bed now have a wondertastic night!” Maddie said before she fell asleep instantly when she touched her bed something I wish I could do. What am I going to do tomorrow Dexter knows. That what I stayed up thinking about all night till I just passed out.
A.N: I decided to make this a series last minute so maybe part two tomorrow or today I don’t know it almost three is I go to bed it’s past my time but hope you liked the story and more parts to come with smut I promise and more Dexter too 😜🤪.
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anxious-ace-05 · 2 years
So I just watched a video about The Joker being queer coded, and after the video I realized why I don't like suicide squad Joker and find him creepy
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This right here folks, is a straight man.
He looks like the type of guy who harasses girls at bars, or just blatantly objectifies them
At best, he looks like a gay guy who hates women, but I personally think he looks more like a straight white man who thinks men are biologically superior to women
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cniar · 2 years
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atlbrafal · 1 year
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If you know, you know. #harlyquinn #mrecomics #mrecomicsmaricopa (at Mr. E Comics) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoI1-VhPfYh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#tattoo #tatuaje #tatau #tatuagem #eletricink #eletricinkuruguay #eletricinkbrasil #dynamic #dynamiccolor #harlyquinn #escuadronsuicida #ez #ezcartridge #eztattooing #nanopen #penpop #uruguaytattoo #uruguayink #uruguay🇺🇾 #uruguay #maldonado #puntadeleste #pde (en Punta del Este en Uruguay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmWz_Y8uYIj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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queenroadkillcandy · 2 years
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Quick #harlyquinncosplay because the weather is perfect 🥰 Going to try and #sketch today after I play some #retropc #games #gamergirlsofinstagram #harlyquinn (at Calgary, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chh_O5AJ4fk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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morguemaw · 2 years
yo guts whats your inspirations for cryreena? is it like one of those wind up harlyquinn dolls but turned for animatronic style? cause thats what they look like to me.
Their name is spelt Cryena! <3 And no It was just the smiling and frowning mask seen coupled with theater themes, coupled with Sundrops theater in SB. You can easily connect the dots of everything else with them
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I also took inspiration of Sister Locations suit pins, only Baby has them ( minus the cutscene two with the springlock suit as well i believe. )
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chaotictoon · 2 years
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Science class
Cartoon Girls + Science class
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thatweriddoodles · 2 years
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The colours were fun for this one
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youseefh15 · 2 months
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Harly Quinn character 😈
#cartoon #mandala #mandalaart #mandalalove #art #artistsoninstagram #artist #artoftheday #artwork #acrylic #acrylicpainting #acrylicpaint #painting #paint #drawing #drawings #creative #creativity #creative #sketch #trending #explore #marvelstudios #portraitphotography #artist #art #arts #pixel #pixelart #disney #art #acrylicpainting #canvas #harlyquinn #joker
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angel-in-shibari · 2 years
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By @rhabarberei
edit: sorry, I credited the wrong artist originally.
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thesleepypencil · 2 years
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redesigning Harlyquinn from this post like i did for my catwoman design.
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