#harold darrensworth
sprucedarkstache · 1 year
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franklyshipping · 2 years
Tickle While You Work ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @yancelee 
You wouldn’t think that cleaning a bathroom would bring someone joy, and yet here we have Yancy. He was smiling from ear to ear, humming as he listened to some music through his wireless earphones… and scrubbed at the grout between the floor tiles with a toothbrush. This is unorthodox, I grant you, but to Yancy this was just habit. When he was in prison this was always his chore, and this was the only method he’d had at his disposal. He’d hated it at first, finding it such hard and gross work, but over time it became part of his routine. Soon the chore became muscle memory, which meant he could occupy his mind with plans for musical or dance numbers, so he came to enjoy his chore-time.
So now he was free and living in the manor, he decided there was no reason why he shouldn’t carry on that part of his routine – his bathroom wasn’t especially dirty, but he’d hit a rut with his inspiration lately, so he figured some scrubbing along with some music would help kick his brain into gear. He was right too! Already he was thinking about some new compositions, however, he was about to find himself interrupted. Harold B. Darrensworth had headed into the bathroom to source some bleach, since their utility room was completely out of stock. However he froze in place when he saw Yancy and what he was doing. Needless to say… he was incredibly confused.
‘Yancy… what IS this?!’
Yancy jumped, so surprised that one of his earphones popped out, making him squeak. But when he saw who it was he sighed and laughed, taking his other earphone out and setting them to the side as he grinned. He didn’t get a chance to reply to Harold however, because true to form, Harold started on one of his frantic – yet quite endearing – rants.
‘I mean of COURSE I highly admire your dedication to cleanliness, the grouting looks SPOTLESS, but are you not highly uncomfortable?! Your knees and back must ache terribly, and why use a TOOTHBRUSH of all things as your utensil?!’
Harold finally took a breath, and Yancy took the opportunity to interrupt.
‘Harold, buddy, relax. I’m doin’ this for a good reason.’
A couple of good reasons, actually. Harold was struck silent as Yancy explained everything. The truth was, this little process was less about cleaning, and more about being a therapeutic distraction for the ex-prisoner’s body so that his mind could work better. Though this sort of thing had been a punishment when he was imprisoned, he’d discovered that it satisfied the itch he always seemed to have in the back of his mind – basically, it was the best form of stimming that Yancy had ever found! Needless to say, Harold was most intrigued.
‘How fascinating…’
Harold murmured, because that’s how cleaning in general made him feel. When his brain was too noisy and haphazard, cleaning and tidying was what allowed him to feel clearer and more focused on the inside. Yancy then smiled up at him.
‘Do youse wanna have a go?’
‘Yeah, I got tons of other brushes!’
Yancy opened a pencil case he had nearby, which revealed a number of toothbrushes spanning every single colour of the rainbow. Harold sat cross-legged next to Yancy as he perused them all, before he decided to pick up a hot pink one. Yancy grinned at him playfully.
‘Cute choice.’
Yancy winked, making Harold smile and bow his head a little bashfully. Then Yancy watched Harold settle on his knees and start experimentally scrubbing at some of the grouting with the brush, and it only took a few seconds for the satisfaction to hit him. The way the toothbrush perfectly fit into the grooves between the tiles, and the pleasant scratching sound that came from the toothbrush was just incredible! It was truly a sensory heaven for him.
‘This is AMAZING! I’m DEFINITELY going to do this in my bathroom!’
He beamed at Yancy, making him smile – he was so glad that it made Harold feel happy, just like it did for him.
‘Told ya. Hey, in time youse might even be as good as me.’
Yancy nudged Harold’s shoulder playfully, but then to his surprise Harold softly scoffed. He raised an eyebrow at him as he replied.
‘Oh PLEASE, I’m already the best cleaner in this mad household!’
Harold then returned his focus to his scrubbing, wearing a proud – though definitely smug – smile as Yancy raised an eyebrow at him. Now, Yancy knew that he himself could be pretty arrogant and smug sometimes… but seeing smugness on other people, especially his friends, always gave him an urge. An urge to wipe the smugness right off their faces. But, how to do that with Harold? He thought to himself as his eyes flicked over the focused man… before his gaze landed on something. Harold’s exposed feet. For some reason, he’d decided not to wear socks on this particular day. Yancy smirked. That was going to be his big mistake.
‘Oh you think?’
Yancy mused, and Harold replied brightly without even looking at him.
‘Of course!’
Yancy’s smile grew into a smirk, and he cocked his head at Harold as he purred.
‘Okay, prove it. See if you can clean all the grouting in here, without getting distracted.’
‘Pfft, EASY!’
Harold didn’t suspect a thing. He just kept on cleaning, enjoying the feeling of his mind clearing, and as ever feeling entirely sure of himself. Meanwhile, Yancy silently and deftly picked out two clean toothbrushes from his little collection, and shifted so he was sat cross-legged behind Harold. Harold still hadn’t noticed that anything was amiss… but he sure as hell noticed when he felt bristles being lightly dragged down one of his soles. He gasped audibly and straightened up, which made Yancy snicker.
‘Somethin’ wrong Harold?’
Harold felt his face go almost as pink as his toothbrush, his embarrassment and nerves bubbling as he realised what he’d just gotten himself into. He knew it would have been so easy to stop this. Tell Yancy that perhaps he didn’t mean to be so smug… but that wasn��t in Harold’s nature. He was determined, resolute, stubborn. So, despite knowing full well that he was probably going to be tortured and flustered beyond belief, he decided he would carry on.
‘No! N-Nothing at all!’
Harold cleared his throat and resumed his scrubbing, but this time he was nibbling his bottom lip, his feet twitching in anticipation. Yancy grinned. This was going to be a LOT of fun. With every scrub Harold made, Yancy ran his brushes over Harold’s soles, arches, heels, ankles, and up to the even more sensitive balls of his feet. Harold was a trembling mess of badly repressed giggles, whines and squeaks, doing his utmost to pretend the tickling wasn’t happening.
‘Youse seem super giggly today, did ya have somethin’ fun happen?’
Yancy asked casually. Oh yeah, and there was the teasing. Yancy insisted on constantly chatting and asking Harold little questions to keep him talking, which just made the entire thing even more embarrassing.
‘N-Nohot r-reheally…’
‘Huh, is there a joke that I’m missing out on?’
Yancy asked, and Harold whined under his breath as Yancy used both toothbrushes to scrub evil circles against the balls of his feet. It meant Harold couldn’t even focus on his own scrubbing, bowing his head as a torrent of giggles bubbled out of him. Yancy grinned, his eyes gleaming as he teased.
‘Must be some amazing joke, I don’t think I’ve ever seen youse giggle this much!’
Harold let out a snort of laughter, before the toothbrush fell from his hand, landing on the tiles with a clatter as he buried his face in his hands.
‘Ohoho gohohod Ihi cahan’t dohoho THIHIS!’
‘Can’t do what? Aww, is the cleaning a little too much for you?’
Yancy teased, before deciding to tease the pads of his toes with the toothbrushes. That was Harold’s breaking point. He let out a sudden shriek, immediately moving to scramble away from Yancy, looking at him with wide eyes as he babbled.
Yancy grinned a feral grin. Harold might have been finished cleaning, but Yancy certainly wasn’t finished tickling.
‘Well now I gotta!’
Harold squealed when Yancy hooked an arm around his ankles, trapping them in a headlock, before using one of his toothbrushes to brush furiously at the pads and stems of Harold’s vulnerable toes. The poor man was in instant hysterics!
‘Serves ya right for being a smug little shit!’
Harold’s blush was crimson, even reaching his ears, as he threw his head back with mirth. The tickling had his mind and voice frantic, not just because his toes were literally his worst spot, but the toothbrush was the most torturous tickle tool Harold had ever felt! It was rough and incessant, able to get in all the hidden places where his most sensitive nerves usually stayed safe. Yancy giggled, loving the sound of Harold’s laughter – such wild mirth from such a measured man.
Harold cried out, making Yancy hum playfully. They then teasingly focused his tickling on one of Harold’s pinky toes as he replied.
‘Do you promise?’
As soon as Harold felt the targeted tickling he screamed, fists pounding the tiled floor as he yelled without even taking a breath.
Yancy laughed, and after one more sneaky drag of the toothbrush down one of Harold’s soles, he had mercy. He released Harold’s feet gently, and watched as the man gulped in air, panting and gasping residually as he hurriedly brought his feet in close. Harold closed his eyes, resting his cheek on the edge of Yancy’s bath.
‘Oho dear, ohoho my gohoodness…’
Yancy snickered, and scooted over to sit next to him with a smile.
‘Yohou good?’
Harold pursed his lips at Yancy, his messy hair falling a little over his eyes as he mumbled.
‘I’m putting a ban on toothbrushes as… a-as tword tools.’
‘Pfft, good luck with that. I know quite a few people who like using them.’
‘WHAT?! Who?!’
Harold squeaked, his feet scrunching as Yancy snickered, wrapping and arm around his shoulders to give him a half hug as he replied.
‘Ohhh I’m sure you’ll find out soon, ticklish guy like you.’
Harold squeaked and hid his face in his hands, letting out a quiet whine as Yancy rubbed his back affectionately. Yancy gave Harold a few minutes to recover from his embarrassment, before he smiled and asked.
‘Youse wanna carry on cleaning with me?’
Harold peeked through his fingers at first, but then his hands came away from his face to reveal a happy smile as he nodded.
‘Yes please.’
So the two of them resumed their work, although of course you all now know that for Yancy and Harold this wasn’t really work at all. Different people find peace and comfort in different things. Some people unwind with massages, videogames, naps, food, or slime – for Harold and Yancy, their satisfaction came from cleaning with their unorthodox tools. One other thing they discovered however, was that their minds truly became the clearest – and the happiest – when they did it together.
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sybersepticeye · 2 years
He went from Eric derekson then Harold B Darrensworth
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regalrain · 1 year
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strawberryamanita · 2 years
My mood is absolutely horrendous right now, so here's some half-shitpost headcanons that I might not even subscribe to myself, I don't know right now, my head is an active volcano at the moment:
I don't see Dark as the type to want to sing all that much, but when they do their two-toned voice can harmonize with itself. Because it would be iconique and it's what the transes deserve
Dark can only tie neckties and Wilford can only tie bowties. They're often untying and re-tying ties the other cleaned and put back in the other's closet, and while it's tedious they appreciate the other's effort
Goopiplier leads crafting circles as part of "team exercises" for the MarkiplierTV channel studio. They go as well as you expect
Also Goopy and Harold 🅱️ Darrensworth are Odd Couple besties and I'm sorry but this is the hill I die on. Darrengoop or bust
Just actually gave "No Children" a listen for the first time last night ([which immediately inspired me lol]) and uh yeah. Dark and Actor. I know this is probably a song that unites many fandoms, especially right now, but come on dude
Addendum: yes, Dark has sung "No Children" for karaoke night(a regular Ego outing they don't usually participate in). They have also sung "This Woman's Work" by Kate Bush
Sidebar, but honestly go listen to "This Woman's Work" by Kate Bush. "Running Up That Hill" is a banger no matter how many covers I've seen of it pop up this year; "This Woman's Work" will make you fucking cry
I slept for 3 hours and I'm on the receiving end of everyone's bullshit since this morning, I don't know what to tell you
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The pictures aren't mine and gathered across the internet randomly.
To Who is the BEST EGO with Markiplier
We have 69 EGOS.
Fandom and otherwise.
They have to be played by Mark...or have his face.
I was inspired by the tumblr sexyman championship, So let's get stupid and see who will win!
Follow and DM your votes plz!
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somasean · 2 years
Youtuber Masterlist;
♡↝ donttrustme
♡↝ Mon Amour
♡↝ Medicine
♡↝ Vore Cult
Dan & Phil;
♡↝ Spark
♡↝ For Him
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touyubesposts · 1 year
Markiplier egos: The Canon and Uncanon
I have come to a horrible realization that you can tell which Sides/Egos are canon for the other series I like, but not for this one! So, of course, I’m gonna fix this. (Also I’m doing this based of characters that do and don’t appear in the ‘with Markiplier’ series canon)
(For the mark section, C - Canon, N - Not Canon, P - Possibly Canon)
The obviously canon
Darkiplier (Also Damien)
Wilford (Also William b. Barnum)
Mark (The actor)
The Jims (all of them, but I’m going to count the four iterations of Jim we see for simplicity's sake)
Captain Magnum
Stan Wheeler
Murdock (I considered putting him in the “that's just mark” category)
The door monster
Bingiplier (plus mini bing)
Googleplier (all four iterations)
Bim Trimmer
King of the squirrels
Dr. Iplier
Ed Edgar
Septiplier (I know)
Silver shepherd
The host (also the author)
That's just Mark
Heist Mark (c)
Head Engineer Mark(c)
Date Mark(c)
Drowned man Mark(n)
E-boy Mark(n)
Noir Mark (c)
The pornipliers (all six of them) (c)
Markbop (p)
Organization Head Mark (c)
Head soldier Mark (c)
Camp counselor Mark (c)
Bomb diffuser Mark (c)
Resident enis Mark (n)
FNAF the Musical Mark (n)
Cool patrol Mark (n)
Old man Mark (c)
Not canon
Harold B. Darrensworth
Eric Derekson
Derek Derekson
Randall Vorhees
Chef iplier
Dr. Plier (different from Dr. Iplier)
Dave Torres
The MerMer
Stan the water man (?)
The God of night
FNAF AR announcer
The necromancer
The centaur
Elder Jerimiah
If we add up all of these egos, we get 46 egos in canon, 72 egos in total... Tell me if I missed any (or if there are some that shouldn’t be counted) and I’ll add them to (or remove them from) the list!
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sybersepticeye · 2 years
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Harold B. Darrensworth.
idk if anyone remember that 'character' but those pics just look like him
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fdq666roadie-blog · 2 years
Prompt: Intercrural Sex Relationships: Harold/AFAB Reader Characters: Harold B. Darrensworth Tags: Intercrural Sex, Thigh Job
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jackaycola · 2 years
harold b. darrensworth tells you that you have rights. what an ally.
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franklyshipping · 4 years
Practice Makes Perfect ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @silvlee-shepherd 
Harold B. Darrensworth liked to think he was in the know about a great many things. Colour co-ordination, how to be punctual without fail, how to hoover and dust correctly, and especially when it came to the laws of the land. However, there were still so many things that he wanted to know and understand, especially now that he lived with this strange myriad of a community wherein half of the people had the same face that he did. They were a very social bunch, and slowly but surely Harold was trying to be social too, and there was one particular activity that bonded this community more than anything else. Tickling.
Now unfortunately, Harold didn’t have much experience when it came to social cues and experiences and the like, tickling included, and he desperately wanted to learn about these things! Mainly, he wanted to learn how to tickle someone properly so he could partake in making his fellow egos happy….as well as to maybe persuade them to do a few extra chores around the manor. So Harold had decided to seek out someone who he figured would be an expert, someone who had been on the receiving end of every single tickler in the household. The great hero himself, Silver Shepherd. Harold decided to head to the hero’s room first, and luckily the hero was in, lying on his bed and just relaxing his day away. Harold took a light breath, before knocking on the door.
‘A-Ahem, Silver? It’s Harold, might I come in?’
Silver sat up with a smile, and called out.
‘Yeah of course! What’s up bud?’
Harold smiled at how jovial Silver was as he entered and shut the door behind him, and he beamed gratefully when Silver patted the bed, inviting him to sit. Harold sat by him as he replied.
‘I am very well….but I am in need of some help with something, and I think that you may be the only person who can assist me.’
Silver’s eyes widened in curiosity, and he immediately perked up, giving Harold his full attention. Whenever anyone needed help, they always became Silver’s top priority.
‘Of course, what can I help with? Whatever it is I’ll do my very best to do whatever I can!’
Harold smiled, because Silver never ceased to be the most selfless person in the room. Harold took a breath, before replying.
‘I require help….with tickling.’
Silver’s face went a little bit pink from hearing that ah….word, but he tried to keep his cool as he cleared his throat.
‘Uh ti-….t-tickling?’
Harold nodded, and cleared his throat as he elaborated.
‘Yes, tickling. It has become incredibly clear to me that tickling is the most prominent social interaction that we, the egos, tend to be involved in with one another. Now, I know that I do enjoy it, but I have very little experience when it comes to actually administering tickling on somebody else. I want to learn how I can tickle properly so that I may interact with people more, since even though practically everyone is a disorganised, lawless mess, I do enjoy everybody very much.’
Silver’s expression softened a he listened, and he almost felt ready to cry at how Harold wanted to put so much effort into interacting with people properly and being more social, because he knows how daunting that can be for someone who hasn’t been used to people for a long time. Silver beamed at him encouragingly, because he so badly wanted to help.
‘That’s such a sweet goal, and I really want to help! What is it that you’d like me to do?’
Now, Silver was expecting Harold to ask him to perhaps tickle him and show him different tickling techniques….but Silver’s blush ended up darkening when Harold replied with his suggestion.
‘Well, logically if I am to be an adept tickler I must practise on somebody. This person must be incredibly ticklish, enjoy being tickled, and have had experience receiving tickling from every potential other tickler in the household. You, Silver, are by far the most tickled ego by my calculations, so I can think of no-one better to hone my skills upon! I believe you will be able to properly advise me on my techniques and warn me against doing anything that is accidentally inappropriate or not part of tickling etiquette. Will you help me by letting me tickle you?’
Harold was looking at Silver hopefully, fidgeting with his shirt sleeves as he watched Silver gape and descend into thought. Well, in truth Silver was trying to just process all his flustered feelings that had arisen from the unintentional teasy things that Harold had said to him. Of course though, Silver was certainly not going to say no to being tickled, especially since it was for such a good cause! So, after a few moments, Silver smiled bashfully and nodded, and tried (and failed) to keep his stammers at bay.
‘W-Wehell I-….I-I’d l-love to help…..o-of course you can t-….tickle me Harold.’
Harold gasped, and practically started wriggling with elation as he replied in a frantic, excited manner.
‘Oh-thank you! Thank you so much! You won’t regret this! Ah, how do we begin, can we begin now?!’
Silver giggled endearingly at Harold’s cute excitement, before replying with an excited smile of his own.
‘Yeheah yeah we can, o-okay so uhm….I-I’m going to lie down, a-and you should probably just sit on my legs so uhm….s-so you have a good vantage point….’
Harold eagerly replied, and waited for Silver to lie back down properly before he took off his shoes and then carefully perched himself on top of Silver’s thighs. Harold got himself settled, before looking down at Silver brightly.
‘Is this comfortable for you Silver?’
Silver smiled and nodded up at him.
‘Yeah, yeah it’s good. Also that’s really good of you, asking after my wellbeing, that’s a-always really important.’
Harold beamed at the fact that he’d already done something right, and made a mental note of the factor, before Silver continued.
‘But the uh, the most important thing is actually knowing when to stop, so that the whole thing stays fun and perfect. So, generally the person being uh….t-tickled will choose a special word. A short word that, i-if they say it, is the point blank sign to stop, no matter what. B-Because a lot of the time t-ticklees will say the word “stop” r-reflexively, without a-actually meaning it.’
Harold happily nodded along, taking in all the new information with great interest and care, since he was so eager to learn.
‘That makes excellent sense, prioritising safety in the situation, I like that very much! What is your special stop word?’
‘Mine is Red.’
Silver replied with a giddy smile as Harold nodded, before Harold started rolling up his sleeves.
‘Red, noted! So is there a certain place I should begin at, or may I start to tickle at any place I choose? Also, are there any places that you do not wish me to touch? Aside from obvious intimate areas of course.’
Silver replied with a bright giggle.
‘Yohou can start wherever y-you want uhm….there’s nowhere that makes me uncomfortable a-as such but ah, i-if you decide to g-go near my navel y-you need to be extra c-careful. If you’re t-too rough then i-it can be really unpleasant.’
Harold smiled in understanding, he understood very well that some tickle spots can be so hyper-sensitive that anything other than a feather touch can be horrible. He replied in a caring voice.
‘Since I am as of yet inexperienced I shall avoid your bellybutton, so there is no chance of me making you uncomfortable. Okay….hmm…..where to start where to start….’
Harold spoke reassuringly, before trailing off with a murmur, and Silver now started to squirm as Harold’s analytical eyes gently flicked over his body. Harold took a good few moments to think, just because there were so many potential tickle spots on the human body that it was very hard to pick where to start! Then though, Harold decided on a simple methodology, and smiled and clapped his hands.
‘Alright, I shall simply start from the top and work my way down!’
Silver let out a gasp when Harold then reached for him, and started stroking up and down the sides of his neck experimentally with his fingertips. Of course, with Silver being Silver, he started to giggle immediately.
‘O-Ohohoho my g-gohohosh….’
Harold beamed at Silver’s reaction, his eyes lighting up at the fact that he’d already made Silver giggle and they’d barely freaking begun the tickling!
‘My goodness, you’re already giggling! So you’re ticklish here?’
Silver nodded, nibbling his lip bashfully as he replied.
‘Y-Yehehes I-I ahaham….’
Harold kept up the gentle tickling at the sides of Silver’s neck, and cocked his head down at the hero as he commented happily.
‘Your giggles are very sweet Silver, I can see why the others tickle you so often!’
Silver squeaked with flustered embarrassment and spluttered cutely.
‘H-Hehehey d-dohon’t tehease mehe!’
Then, in a similarly cute fashion, Harold furrowed his eyebrows in confusion down at Silver.
‘Tease you? I didn’t mean to tease you, I only meant to compliment you.’
And for Silver, that made it even worse, knowing that Harold hadn’t even been trying to tease him. Silver scrunched his neck as he whined through his giggling.
‘C-Cohohomplimehents lihike that ahare teheheasy!’
Harold blinked in surprise at this revelation, but knew that teasing and tickling very much came hand in hand, and therefore that teasing was a good thing! He smiled and had mercy on Silver’s neck, before replying matter-of-factly.
‘In that case, I shall tell you some more! Did you know Silver, that you have incredibly endearing dimples when you smile?’
Silver yipped in surprise, and hurriedly hid his face in his hands, grinning as he stuttered.
‘H-Harold sh-shuhush!’
‘I most certainly will not! Did you also know that the way you blush so fast is incredibly cute and unique?’
Silver then started whining incoherently into his hands, which made Harold gently laugh. Harold found that he was enjoying teasing Silver just as much as he enjoyed tickling him, using his words to fluster him so much was incredibly enjoyable, which meant he continued to eagerly croon.
‘And I especially think it’s sweet how your tummy twitches when you laugh.’
Harold poked Silver’s tummy gently as a way of emphasising his point, which ended up making the hero yelp. Harold noticed of course, and grinned at his discovery of the new tickle spot….and decided that it would be the next perfect place to continue honing his skills.
‘In fact, I think I’ll tickle this tummy of yours!’
He stated brightly, making Silver hold his breath in giddy nervousness, before he let it out in a splutter as the hero descended into loud, airy laughter. Harold had started experimentally skittering over and poking Silver’s tummy, and by his mirth Harold surmised that the hero was incredibly ticklish there.
Harold chuckled gently at Silver’s exclamation, keeping up the tickling as he replied.
‘You seem much more ticklish here than you were at your neck, is my analysis correct?’
Harold giggled in amusement, especially when Silver’s hands started to flap about, and Harold commented on it playfully as he kept up the tummy tickling.
‘What are you doing Silver? Are you attempting to dance or to fly, I can’t quite tell.’
Silver snorted cutely, and spluttered with indignant embarrassment through his laughter.
Harold grinned at that, and now scratched specifically at the sides of Silver’s tummy as he replied in a half-nonchalant, half-teasy tone which Harold thought would fluster Silver immensely.
‘But being cheeky seems to make you blush more, and besides, I fail to see how you can stop me….you seem to be at my mercy Silver, would that be fair to say?’
Harold was right of course, his tone of voice and wording really got to Silver. Needless to say, Harold was one of the best amateur ticklers ever, and Silver had to admit that he was certainly at Harold’s mercy right now. Especially since the sides of his tummy were monolithically ticklish and had him squealing.
Harold beamed, feeling very proud that he’d managed to get Silver to admit it aloud, and he was feeling oh so happy and confident with his tickling abilities. Then, he raised an eyebrow down at Silver, still tickling him as he spoke.
‘Would you say that I am a good tickler then? Based on the fact that I have you at my mercy?’
Silver snorted again with embarrassment through his laughter, his dimples fully on show along with his sweet smile as he nodded and wriggled about, trying desperately to stay strong and not fight back instinctively.
Harold was thoroughly enjoying tickling Silver like this, and decided to move his scratching fingertips down to Silver’s waist. Harold let out a chuckle when Silver yelped and bucked, before throwing his head back with mirth.
‘Gohoodness Silver, is there anywhere you’re not ticklish? You must have the most unruly nervous system in humanity.’
Silver hit his bedcovers with his fists as he writhed, laughing hysterically now as he got happy tears in his eyes from all the tickling….Harold was just too freaking good!
‘Oh I beg to differ! I’m not even tickling you intensely and you’re so hysterical! It’s adorable!’
Silver tossed his head about as he laughed, his face and neck a furious red from his flusteredness from all the surprisingly effective teasing and tickling. As a result, Silver had now reached the end of his tether for the day, and called out giddily as his face scrunched up cutely.
Harold gaped and immediately stopped, looking down at Silver with a half-smiled. He was elated from tickling Silver, but also a little anxious to see if he was okay after saying his safe-word. Harold fiddled with his fingers as he cleared his throat.
‘Are ah…..are you a-alright Silver?’
Silver was panting and giggling residually, and of course didn’t hesitate to nod as he smiled up at Harold so damn happily.
‘Haharold Daharrensworth…..yohou are the b-best ahamateur t-tickler ehever!’
Harold gaped and went pink with happy bashfulness, letting out a laugh as he felt his heart swell at the compliment. He’d done good. On his first time, he’d done good, he’d done the right things and kept it all happy and fun…..he was a good tickler after all. Silver had loved it, and so had Harold. Harold slid off of Silver’s legs, and cleared his throat again as he smiled at Silver.
’So ah….what do we do now?’
Silver smiled, and made Harold yelp by pulling him down next to him and wrapping his arms around him.
‘Now, we cuddle, which fyi is completely mandatory.’
Harold giggled at that and happily snuggled Silver. Harold felt so happy. Because yes, the one on the receiving end of the tickling is the person being made to smile and laugh….but never underestimate how happy someone can become when they lovingly coax out that laughter. It is one of the most fulfilling things in the world.
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artist-in-space · 6 years
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Harold B. Darrensworth
“It is stated in the law!”
(Drawing this guy was nice and calming haha)
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berdsenberry · 5 years
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I drew a host and Harold Darrensworth fusion uwu-
|| if you wanna use the design please credit me ||
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annowol · 6 years
Ooh ooh ooh I got an idea! Listen to the song "Don't threaten me with a good time" by panic at the disco, and draw whatever comes to your mind!
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…( ಠ ಠ )
I mean, it makes kinda sense?
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sprucedarkstache · 1 year
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Ladies, gentlemen, and all other configurations of being, may I present: The Official Unofficial Markiplier Ego Tumblr Sexyman Competition Bracket!
On the top, we have:
Stan the Water Man vs Bill
Wilford Warfstache vs Resident Enis Mark
Annus vs Heist Mark
Google vs Illinois
Noir Mark vs Date Mark
The C0rnipliers vs 505 from Villainous
Eric Derekson vs The God of Night
Silver Shepherd vs Engineer Mark
On the bottom, we have:
Actor Mark vs Metro Man
Heehoo vs Darkiplier*
Yancy vs Murdock
Bim Trimmer vs Old Man Mark*
The Host of the Drowned Man vs Chris McClean
Dr Iplier vs The Host
Harold Darrensworth vs Ed Edgar
Captain Magnum vs The Jims
For every round, there will be a google form created to cast your votes. The poll will be open til 9:00 tomorrow and the final results will lock at that time. I will then tally the results and announce who moves on into the next round. This will be fair and no bias will be held from the creator.
**These two groups have switched places for drama. They are inaccurate in lineup in the screenshot, so if the screenshot next time looks inconsistent, that’s why.
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