ahoymunsonn · 5 months
this is canon, your honor.
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“Can I?” Eddie asked, finally raising his gaze. Steve could get lost in those eyes.
Steve nodded and then Eddie’s hands were on him, warm against his skin, thumbs brushing over the chest hair he was still getting used to. Steve watched Eddie watch his own hands as he ran them up and over Steve’s shoulders, down his biceps and forearms. Steve abdominals jumped when the calloused tips of Eddie’s probing fingers skimmed across the skin of his stomach and down the jut of his hip bones. Eddie didn’t try to remove his towel, instead he ran his hands up Steve’s back, palms broad and rings warm. It made Steve want.
“Kiss me,” Steve breathed, voice slightly higher than normal, a pitch he only used for times like this, for times when he was alone with someone he wanted to bring pleasure.
Eddie looked at him for a beat before his eyes were fluttering closed and he was leaning in, full lips pouting slightly. Steve liked Eddie’s lips, liked how it felt to kiss them and be kissed by them, liked how they stretched when he smiled. He wanted to see what they looked like stretched around his dick, if they’d look as pretty as he imagined they would.
They moved, walking slowly towards the bed, kissing all the while. Steve’s towel slipped free, and Eddie gasped as he slipped his hand down Steve’s lower back, coming to a stop on the curve of his ass, palming the cheeks gently, a teasing touch that likely wasn’t purposefully so before confidently squeezing. Steve didn’t feel self conscious about being fully naked while Eddie was fully clothed, he knew his body was attractive, and there was something in the dynamic of the disparity between their state of dress that Steve enjoyed. He let Eddie continue to explore, enjoying the maddening barely there sensation of his fingertips ghosting over his upper thighs, his sides, the notches at the base of his spine.
An extract from Chapter 4 of the fic I’m currently working on. There will be more to come 😊💖
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@angstflayer-council 24 hour writing challenge!
prompt: forest | word count: 1,233 | rated: G
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The town of Hawkins is laid out weird.
The richest neighborhoods built with maybe a couple hundred yards of forest between them and the Forest Hills trailer park.
“I don’t want to see that rubbish out my window.” Steve’s mother would say as she closed all the blinds at the back of the house come winter. Something beyond the bare trees that Steve could never see, and she didn't want to.
“You be careful in those woods now, Eddie. Don’t wanna see ya gettin’ hurt.” Wayne would warn. Never telling him to stay out, just a “Be careful.” since he knew Eddie would go no matter what.
That couple hundred yards of forest was Steve’s favorite place to go; it was Eddie’s favorite place to go.
At the halfway point between their homes, they made a place all their own. The place they met.
Whenever Steve felt alone, he would go to their spot.
Whenever Eddie felt like a burden, he would go to their spot.
Steve wouldn’t be alone, and Eddie could never be a burden to his friend.
They would play there together in the spring when Eddie would visit for Easter, all summer long when Steve was on break from school (Eddie too, visiting his Uncle for the season). During the short extra hours of Thanksgiving before they would have to go back for dinner. Every bright, freezing day of winter break.
Every day was some sort of adventure, either one that Eddie’s uncle had read to him about from those Ring Lord books he loved, or an adventure all his own! Eddie was always telling some sort of story.
The short hills and valleys became foxholes, sticks and branches were swords and bows, giant spoons to stir a potion of mud and bugs, the walls of a fort just for them.
“Hear ye, Hear ye! Beloved denizens of Harringson county, Fort Steddie is now complete!” Eddie declared loudly, putting the last leafy branch onto the lopsided roof. It was the summer after Eddie officially moved to Hawkins. They were 11.
Eddie jumps down from the tree he’d latched onto to get up to the roof and pushes the short curls he’s managed to grow back since last year off his forehead. “Yeah, like Steve and Eddie mushed together. Duh.”
“Not..Eddeve? Why not just call it Fort Harringson?”
“All options were considered, Stevie,” Eddie assures, holding one palm up, his other hand resting behind him on his lower back. “Steddie had a better ring to it.”
“You have a better ring to it.” Steve teases, running off immediately, Eddie not far behind with his favorite branch-turned-sword.
A scant two years later, Steve and Eddie share their first kiss under the roof of Fort Steddie, in the heart of Harringson County.
Two more finds them nearly coming to blows. 
Eddie embarrassed Steve. On the very first day of High School. Steve doesn’t even fucking remember what it was that Eddie did now, the actual offence lost to time.
The last time he and Eddie were together in those woods?…Wasn’t.
“It’s high school Eddie, I wanted to–to be cool!”
“Well, I think you’re cool. Doesn’t that count for something?”
Eddie’s hair is longer now, it curls under his ears and Steve still remembers how it had felt between his fingers.
“No! ‘Cause you’re not cool! You’re a nerd!” Steve remembers he regretted those words immediately after they left his mouth. No. He regretted them as they were coming out.
Eddie’s jaw had clenched.
He turned on his heel and marched back towards his trailer.
“Fine! Walk away! Just like everyone else in my life!” What was he talking about? His parents weren’t around enough to walk away.
Eddie doesn’t look back. He only pauses to grab his backpack where he’d dropped it against a tree.
After that day, Steve feels alone whenever he enters the woods behind his house.
Every day since then, he’s wanted so badly to tear apart that lopsided little fort in the middle of the forest.
But he couldn’t.
He couldn’t bear to tear down the only place he’d ever had where he didn’t feel alone.
He couldn’t bear to tear down the place of his first kiss with the man he still loves.
For years, Fort Steddie sits empty. 
Steve and Eddie will both deny ever going back, but of course they had. Always missing each other, in heart and in reality.
It was the first place Steve thought of when Dustin barreled into Family Video looking for Eddie in March of ‘86, but he couldn’t get the words out. His mouth denying his brain’s demands to tell them about their spot in the forest.
So he kept quiet, letting the others figure out where else Eddie might be, promising to check there himself as soon as he had a chance.
Luckily though, they had found Eddie. In Reefer Rick’s boathouse of all places. Steve’s first thought when getting threatened with a broken bottle to the throat (after “Oh thank fuck you’re safe.”) was that it was good Eddie hadn’t hidden at their fort, it was too obvious of a spot.
Much later, while walking through the freezing cold upside-down Hawkins, Robin questions the little shelter they come across when almost to Eddie’s trailer.
“Is this Castle Byers?” She asks, sticking her head into the little door.
“No,” Steve and Eddie say at once.
Robin and Nancy both give them a weird look, but Eddie barrels forward, “We shouldn’t be that far now; I built this in the woods outside my trailer when I first moved in with Wayne.”
Eddie jogs forward to reach them, he and Nancy heading up the group now, Robin trailing behind.
Steve gives the fort a wistful look as he passes, then jogs forward as well, further into the fray.
They push on; they plan, they build weapons, Eddie builds a shield. Dustin copies him.
When Steve, Robin, and Nancy head back towards those same woods, the forest’s sure safety replaced in his gut by pure dread, Eddie stops Steve with an unsure “Hey Steve? Make him pay.”.
Steve loses it.
He stomps back the three steps he’d taken, grabs Eddie by the open flaps of his jacket and vest, and kisses him.
It only takes half a second for Eddie to kiss him back; their lips falling into rhythm as if no time had passed at all.
“What did I just tell you, Eddie?” Steve questions the dumbfounded metalhead under his hands, ignoring Robin and Dustin’s wolf-whistles while zipping up the protective layers his dumb of ass, beloved Eddie was about to leave open to the unforgiving world around him.
He can see how red Eddie’s face is, even in this dark hellscape. “What’d yo– You sa–”
“I said.” Steve emphasizes, pulling up the thick plastic zipper of Eddie’s new vest. “Don’t try to be cute, don’t be heroes.” he hooks his fingers into the armholes of the armored clothing, holding Eddie close. “You can’t help the ‘cute’ part, but you can help the second part.”
Eddie continues to stare at him, dumbfounded.
“Keep him safe, Eddie. Keep yourself safe too.” He looks him over once again. “I’ve been alone in those woods for too damn long. I’d like to keep you around once this is over.” he whispers, smirking at the other man.
"I-I will.."
Steve steps back, walking backward toward the woods, toward the Creel house, “It’s not quite Fort Steddie without the ‘Eddie’, you know.” Eddie’s own smirk climbs onto his face despite his attempts to frown it away.
Steve finally turns, walking away with Robin hanging off his side, no doubt berating him about the…all of that that just happened.
Speaking of: “Holy shit Eddie, what the fuck was all that??”
“Language, Henderson.”
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i originally posted this as the shorter angsty-er version but i liked the rest of what i wrote too much not to post the whole thing 😅 so if you saw the first version, i hope you like the additions lmao
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since nobody else is going to do it, here are some names for PLATONIC friendships in st that don’t have a tag yet (i think?) let me know if they do
steve & dustin: henderhair, harringson (harring-son)
steve & max: harringfield, mayton
we can add platonic at the beginning just in case like we do for platonic stobin
some more platonic dynamics in st that probably need a tag are the parents and kids. maybe.
for jonathan and will, we can just stick with byers brothers
here’s some NON-PLATONIC ships that i name need names for:
chrissy + eden, eden + argyle, chrissy + vickie, robin + vickie + nancy (they might have one, i’m not sure)
if any already have tags, please tell me
reblog with more names for other st friendships, ships, or dynamics
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anitalianfrie · 2 years
Everyone fighting Vecna while Steve is fighting his own personal demon (bisexuality)
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ratinsuspenders · 2 years
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i'm just Absolutely Sure steve blushes a lot and eddie finds it too amuzing i was too lazy to actually finish it so i just ✨ sprinkled ✨ it a little bit love them so much & will draw them again
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stllts · 2 years
Hello, I would like to say first that I'm sorry for posting this art without consent from the artist, but the reason why I'm posting is exactly because I need to find out who this artist is and where can I find them?!?!!
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Somebody pinned this on pinterest without a link and I'm going crazy trying to find who they are. So if anyone knows them, knkws if they have a social media of any sort please tell me!!!!! I'm desperate at this point!!!
Edit: Just so you guys know that I've found them!! I did a repost talking about it, but I don't know if many people saw it, so I'm making this edit to share their Instagram: @/teefbabyy, and ask everyone to go give them some love ❤.
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razorflame45 · 2 years
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My art for sure is in a little rut right now and so using them to get back to the swing of it again, I think that came out cute 🥺
Maybe I’ll line and color them eventually
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sharedtrauma · 2 years
Steve and Eddie’s ship name should be harringson, actually.
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justldk · 2 years
Want a fanfic or something about the Hellfire members being all confused about Steve and Eddie's sudden relationship.
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issa-wasteland · 2 years
Idk Eddie admitting his jealousy to Steve and blown away that Steve didn't live up to that expectation of his Munson doctrine is....something.
Like Dustin is the smart yet awkward kid who just so happens to make friends with everyone and anyone he comes across. You can't really say bad things about him cause he's done no wrong. May be spoiled and have his way but not wrong. Steve is the parent that stepped up taken in this kid and very cautious because he knows that Dustin happens to be put into harmful situations. He thinks he's just a "babysitter" but little does he know that he's more than that to Dustin. Eddie is the rocker who happened to be apart of Dustin's life who is not even a jerk, tells it like it is while not living up to society norms, and just cool most of all. He might have some personal bias and bit of a coward, but he's blunt.
It's actually funny yet refreshing (?) to see two people who care about one person they know and actually form their own bond. It goes to the point where one is in awe and shocked to know what's been said from another perspective. While the other admits their own jealousy and shocked to see how things aren't what appeared to be.
Long story short, more eddie and steve + their son please.
Since the running gag is how Steve is the mother of the kids, more specifically towards Dustin. I see it as Steve the preppy, pretty mom. Eddie is the new Rockstar dad, and their beloved son, Dustin
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wild-at-heart-5021 · 2 years
It’s absolutely bonkers to me that Charli XCX is canon in the Stranger Things Cinematic Universe
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@steddie-week Day 3 - mutual pining
i'm challenging myself to keep each of these at 660 words; see day one for more of an explanation!
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Eddie's campaign notes:
Broad-chested paladin named steve stephano stevas with immaculate golden skin and chestnut hair, oath of the crown watchers, who decides to come along when he finds out the party is heading to
young rogue meets the party and wants to tag along but their overprotective older brother stolas (stop with the st names!!) insists on coming along in order for the rogue to join
jeeves carrington, eventual big bad who butles for the party while they're at the
Asshole King prince stefan havisham (great job getting away from an st name, idiot) who wants to join the party on their quest and get out of the palace for a while
He’s part of the kingdom of the sun so he takes his family’s heirloom, the Sun Blade along with him (he's trained as a knight and is already proficient in long swords) ((1d8 +2 bonus to attack and damage, radiant not slashing undead = + extra 1d8 rad. damage.))
He butts heads with all of them at first but learned a lot from the party and becomes actually a good dude)
The prince ends up falling for a tiefling bard they meet in passing on the road
Prince would’ve been an asshole to the tiefling at first, but when the bard saves him from a very obvious trap, he starts to back off “Watch where you’re stepping, sunshine.”, “Why do you call me that?”, Edmund (needs to be something different or they'll catch on!!!), who’s fallen head over tail for the prince already: “Because i’m a creature of the night and hate the sun, obviously”
him and Stefan butt heads the whole time he's along for the journey but when the bard is gravely injured it’s revealed how much he cares for the prince. The prince too has fallen for the bard and rides off with him to the nearest village to a healer
The prince and bard get married and live happily ever after
ugh, gross. too much, eddie
Steve's (L to R, top to bottom):
May 25th
It’s been a couple months since spring break and Eddie and Max are finally out of the hospital. We got lucky, I think, our plan working out and all, but seeing them both there really sucked.
Max’ll get her cast off eventually, and Eddie's “heroics” cost him a pound of flesh but they’re alive and so is Hopper.
Now we just gotta get Eddie's name cleared.
July 18th
I think there’s something wrong with me.
The assholes were over again today and that meant Eddie was too. Shirtless... In the pool.. Wet.. tattooed…
You’d think that seeing his scars would make me sick, make me think of the blood, the crying, that goddamn place.. But there was a whole different kind of swirling in my gut about it
Ew! Gross!
Robin, stay out of my journal
Oct 11th
Ok. yep. I definitely want to kiss him.
I want to kiss Eddie Munson on that stupid pretty face of his.
Robs and I went to indy and found this bookstore heading back to the car from that cafe we like and it was a gay store. it had books and pamflit pampflet brosures booklet things about gay stuff and the cashier was super nice.. we spent hours there. 
I’m bisexual.
Nov 5th
Ok, this isn’t fair.
Every single thought in my brain recently is about him. How would he kiss me? Would I make the first move or would he? What would it feel like if it was his hand instead of mine? Would his rings hurt? Nope. they’d feel amazing.
I want to hug him, i want to hold his hand, i want to fuckin marry him..
Steve Munson Theodore Harrington? ❤ (<- can you believe that’s actually his first name?? I couldn't believe it when Wayne told me).
Wait. You can combine names when you get married (no, I haven’t been researching anything, shut up) So Harringson? Munington?
We’ll have a fall wedding.
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it was still 660 words on wordcounter.net too 😌
on AO3 here!
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dexterlovescoffee · 2 years
Steddie Teenage Dirtbag animatic sung by Eddie about Steve BUT Steve's "boyfriend" that the song talks about ("her boyfriend's a dick, and he brings a gun to school") is Nancy and her guns, plural.
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sevenanova · 2 years
ib : @parrotfishi (on tiktok)
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blue-screens · 2 years
Does anyone have any marrington fics recs?
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