#life has been hectic recently
hedwig221b · 4 months
hi !! Are you working on a new fic ? (just curious because i love your writing <3) if yes, what's it gonna be about ?
Hi, love! I have two wips currently.
One is a fusion of these posts: one and two, so it's gonna be a bone witch Stiles with alpha wolf Derek who guards him and doesn't let anyone near but Stiles is fine with it. So much pining and UST!
Second one is abo... I'm so predictable lmao
But this is gonna be completely self-indulgent, because I've been craving abo 😳 so basically it's a combo of these posts: one and two, and also there's a snippet.
I hope you get the flavor, it's gonna be good and full of longing 💔
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raineandsky · 4 months
When the villains caught wind of a new hero on the team, they’d all taken interest. When someone came back claiming he’s blind, it’d sparked a whole new debate.
Straightforward, they’d all said. He won’t even see us coming. They’d laughed at how easy it’d seemed.
The villain feels like they’ve stumbled on a pile of gold when they come across the hero. He’s running his hand along something on the fence in front of him, something that the villain will later realise is a braille description of the view ahead of him. A white cape drifts around his ankles, an equally white suit flattering against his typical heroic body, the lightest of smiles on his face as his fingers trace the patterns of dots along the railing.
The villain can’t help but grin as they slowly make their way towards the poor hero, so oblivious, so stupid. They’re barely a hair breadth away, their dagger practically unsheathing itself, when the hero spins towards them with a swish of his cape and a flick of a blade.
The villain barely reels back in time. Staying quiet doesn’t occur to them when they’re startled. The hero looks like he’s staring right through them, an arrogant smirk on his face.
“Ah,” he says brightly, “you’re one of those criminals I’m meant to be looking out for?”
The villain sidesteps, careful to keep their footing quiet, but it doesn’t matter. The hero’s head cocks towards them as they try to step out of his blade’s path.
“You’re almost silent,” the hero continues. A smirk adorns his face, intrigued. “Incredible.”
The villain is close enough to strike, the hero looking slightly too far beyond them to be right in his assumptions. The villain shifts in fast, their dagger poised. The hero dodges back and retaliates with a swing of his own.
The villain stumbles out of reach and the hero follows. The villain’s unprepared; they were expecting a hero who’s unsure who they’re looking for, where the villain is. They were expecting an easy plaything that they could stab when they got bored.
But this—the hero is nothing but brazen confidence.
The villain shoves their dagger up to meet his blade, throwing his arm out. They move in for another strike but the hero’s already recovered. His blade easily tucks under their arm and slices into their side.
Something of a strangled gasp escapes the villain before they can stop it. They stagger back, a hand touched timidly to the wound, their eyes flitting back up to the hero. He simply waits, his blade crimson and his eyes blank. How? How?
“Would you do me the honour of telling me who I’ve met?” he asks, as if this is nothing more than a casual meeting between friends of friends. The villain wants to snap him in half for the audacity.
“That’s none of your fuckin’ business.”
“Aha,” the hero says, almost a laugh, “You’re [Villain].”
The villain can only stare at him in horror. The hero seems to feel the tension in the silence, because he continues. “You’ve a bad mouth, favour in the blade, light on your feet.” A teasing smile. “And you’ve a smooth, caramel voice I haven’t heard in many like you.”
“Wh— Excuse me— You—” 
The hero just smirks, the stupid smirk of someone who knows he’s untouchable in every sense of the word. “Flustered by compliments, too,” the hero finishes with a laugh. “Good to remember for next time.”
“I’m not flustered!” the villain finally manages, “and my voice isn’t caramel. That isn’t a thing. You sound stupid.”
“I’m happy to be stupid if it means I can recognise you as the villain who speaks in caramel.”
The villain’s side is beginning to really ache. They need to be somewhere that’s not here when it inevitably gets worse. “Do what you want. I’m going home.”
“May I escort you to a prison cell?”
The villain barks a laugh, their side practically splitting with the forced fakeness of it. “As if you know where the agency is from here.”
“I always know where I am, [Villain].” A smile again, softer this time. Knowing. “You underestimate me for a characteristic I think makes me as interesting to you as you are to me.”
The burn in the villain’s skin is an ode to that. “Sure.” The villain turns on their heel before a thought occurs to them. “I’m going to walk away, loudly. Do me a favour and don’t fucking shank me when I do.”
The hero’s face twists back into a smirk. “As long as I hear you moving away. Until next time, [Villain].”
A blind hero! everyone had cried. It’s almost too easy!
The villain scurries away with a gash to the side and a slam to their ego, and they know now to know better than that.
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beardoesdoodles · 2 years
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I’ve missed drawing my boy
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atherix · 2 months
Are you alive
I am, my real-world life is just super busy rn! Sorry for the radio silence :(
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I’ve had a few “whoops this thing I stopped doing is actually helping me” moments recently.
I’ve felt wretched and like I was coming down with the flu recently. It felt more than my normal PEM symptoms, and I was really concerned. And then I realise it’s spring, a bunch of stuff is blooming, and it’s been sooooo windy. And I stopped taking antihistamines and my nasonex sometime last year (antihistamines bc we thought it might have been causing some side effects, nasonex bc I hate the sensation of nasal sprays and need motivation to use it). Pesky hayfever. Needless to say I’m feeling much better having restarted my regimen. I felt a bit silly that I could have avoided feeing miserable though.
I went out for an appointment yesterday in my “knock about the house” shoes that are podiatrist loathed (nil ankle support, nil arch support, worn down), rather than my lace up shoes with my orthotics. After that appointment, I thought I’d check out a new store that’s opened at the shops nearby. I ended up doing a LOT of walking at the shops and today my ankles are sooooo painful and my hips been acting up. I guess it’s good to know that my shoes and orthotics are doing good things in terms of symptom prevention (as well as better longer-term outcomes) but damn do I feel ouchie.
I’m framing it as “yay negative data also tells us important things” because I gotta remember it’s not my fault when these things happen but it is good to try learn from them. And frankly, when there’s so many things going on with your health and condition management as a disabled person, it’s okay when things fall through the cracks. It’s gonna happen. Especially when there’s lots of non-disability stuff going on too. It’s okay.
#the ups and downs of chronic illness#disability#chronic illness#okay it’s been hectic recently#I had to travel for a funeral recently#and travel always fucks me up a bit#a close family pet also passed away 4 days after the human family member#that makes 4 deaths in my family in the last 12 months and it’s been a bit rough#get back home after the interstate funeral#next day is my ridiculously early class and then a long day#Friday also long with physio appt thrown in#weekend I catch up on life chores and attempt to rest#Monday I start an intensive course for uni#it’s 5hr day 5days per week and while it is an amazing class and I am having so much fun#and the teacher has been great about accomodations#I am also exhausted#I’m also making travel prep for in a few months#and this weekend especially after my shoe oopsie yesterday#I’m just feeling like death#first time in a while that I’ve needed to spend a significant chunk of time in bed#I’ve also had 2 migraines this week which is it’s own kind of warning system#but I think I’ll make it through#as I said I’m having so much fun with this class#which is learning how to do linguistic fieldwork#in a really hands on class where we work with a speaker of an underdescribed/underdocumented language#it’s so so fun and our speaker is fantastic#he’s picking up on linguistic stuff and it’s really cool how much we understand after only 5 days#and I’m getting to use some non-English lingua franca skills as well#first time I’ve used them in a non languge learning environment#unforchies I’m not gonna mention the languge we’re working on or the lingua Franca I mean bc that would lowkey doxx me
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gatogotica · 2 months
Ok well Ween concert sucked I’m not gonna lie. The people in attendance were some of the most selfish people I’ve experienced at a concert…….we were seated in the ADA section and NOBODY gave a FUCK. The venue was shit and not accommodating at all and the able-bodied concert goers were even worse to our section. Just tons of drunk morons. Not to mention they somehow played 99% songs we did not know, pretty much only played their metal/rock songs and went INSANE on the strobe lights which makes it impossible for me to look at the stage. I’m sorry this is WEEN not fucking Korn. Ween is my favorite band and I’m just so so sad and disappointed in this experience. :’(
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babygirlwolverine · 1 year
officially one more week of rotations before I am officially done with my clinical year of vet school (4 more shifts from next Monday-Thursday). 27 days until graduation. approximately 2 weeks until NAVLE scores are released and I find out if I passed and got my license or failed and have to retake the exam again in November.
so many ups and downs have happened over the last few weeks. so many high highs and low lows. some of the best days of my life and some of the most stressful moments. everything has just been so surreal and overwhelming
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strangefable · 2 years
Today I accomplished some important life things. Feeling exhausted but proud of myself. Recovery is a long road, but for today, at least, I feel like I'm finally making real progress.
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i-am-megalodonna · 1 year
executive dysfunction really eating my ass rn
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
it really do be one step forward and twelve steps back lol
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
the oil massage fic is gonna be a little late :) buttt to compensate it’s almost 4k words <3
it turned into a long fic even though i said the christmas event would be just drabbles and short fics cus it’s one of my biggest fantasies
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flustersluts · 2 years
i was able to get platinum back in the day used so i'm very thankful to my dad for that one at gamestop. and honestly, i feel you with the tutorial. the only way i got through that was buttonmashing and the general goofiness of the situation. oh, we just found a child out by sea? well if they can't provide for themself or this village, they will have to become a member of team galactic or else, we'll throw them out into the wild to survive with aggressive Pokémon (: legends arceus does have some mechanics that takes getting used to but the game doesn't have to hold my hand every step of the way there. i might go out on a limb and say that these newer pokemon games, even the nonmainline ones, feel really targeted towards kids and ushering in a new generation to liking pokemon hence the over excessive tutorials and easy gameplay in the past few generations. but that's just me. also to clarify, i don't play mariokart seriously- just played it with my siblings and friends in the past so take that to measure my skill level as you will. honestly, i bet it'd be a tossup between the either of us so there is a possibility either of us will win. but you not playing fairly as you put it might even the playing field out a little.... so let's just say 55/45 change? i'll let you choose who has the higher chance if you want (: (also lmk if my asks are too long, i am very chatty/wordy over text lol) -🦚
"ALSO before i forget and you have adequate time to respond, would you recommend Celeste or what do you like about it? I've looked into that game for a while now but always found myself a little intimidated by the platforming as it's supposed to be really hard and i've done okay with platformers in the past. tho honestly i just want to hear you ramble about it as well...hearing people ramble about things they enjoy is so wonderful. instead of spreading hate, spread love and goodwill, yknow? -🦚"
SDHJKFHKJSD yea the premise of arceus is very Very funny:')))
i would defo recommend celeste!!! i was just saying this to one of my friends on discord hehe like while i have many games that i ADORE that i think are not for everyone and would rarely recommend (e.g. getting over it) celeste is genuinely very very accessible, holds ur hand and introduces new tech and concepts to you in a way that's intuirive and easy to grasp, and idk it eases u in basically! like yes it gets hard but only after you've had a long time familiarising yourself with the movement etc.:))
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twinkallegations · 9 days
god give me the strength to fly tomorrow
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nullominous-q · 27 days
"Man I wish this bitch would update their fic."
*said while staring at self in mirror*
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bloodandfleshautism · 6 months
saw my own art post from a year ago worst thing ever
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echo-rambles · 10 months
oh yeah, I posted the fourth and final part of my changjin fic! check it out if you haven't
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