thepersonalwords · 19 days
A person who values their goals actually values their achievements.
Onyi Anyado
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teach-or-trav · 1 month
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Studying at the classic New York Public Library Rose 🌹 Reading 📖 a Room
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cleopatrachampagne · 2 years
for entrepreneurship in the arts class i had to read a harvard business review article about how since at least the 70’s multiple studies have repeatedly shown that having a job that isn’t in a hostile environment and is meaningful to you is more important than salary to workers and i was interested for about two paragraphs before these clowns spent pages discussing how to turn people's desire for meaningful work into higher profits / improve retention rates and like the only (realistic/good) idea was saying that managers need to listen to feedback and suggestions from employees and the rest was just like:
😱 “employees want dignity? employees want to do work that inspires them?? oh!! oh!! loss of assets for poor innocent ceos of corporations!! loss of assets due to Our Own Actions!!”😫
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earnaibussines · 19 days
The Secret to Effective Leadership: Lessons from Harvard Business Review
Employee turnover can be extremely costly for organizations. When employees leave, companies incur substantial expenses related to hiring, onboarding, and training their replacements. Some estimates indicate that it costs anywhere from 50-250% of an employee's annual salary to find and train their successor. This article is about Harvard Business Review.
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pandemic-info · 23 days
Long Covid at Work: A Manager’s Guide
Summary. Nearly 18 million U.S. adults have long Covid, a multisystem illness that sometimes appears after a bout of Covid-19. Its wide range of symptoms vary from person to person, veer from mild to severe, and can wax and wane over time.
There are no official treatments for long Covid; while some people see their symptoms resolve, others remain chronically ill. For those employees, the right workplace support can be transformative.
Employers must not only help these individual employees but also build disability inclusion into their cultures and talent practices. A menu of accommodations along with individual job redesign efforts will help companies retain employees with long Covid and other chronic illnesses and enable them to contribute more than they could otherwise.
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raffaellopalandri · 1 year
Book of the Day - Deep Purpose
Today’s Book of the Day is Deep Purpose: The Heart and Soul of High-Performance Companies, written by Ranjay Gulati in 2022 and published by Harper Business. Ranjay Gulati is the Paul R. Lawrence MBA Class of 1942 Professor of Business Administration and the former Unit Head of the Organizational Behavior Unit at Harvard Business School. He is an author and an expert on leadership, strategy, and…
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davidaugust · 7 months
The CEOs need us and we need them, and they are not used to handling actual labor issues; they're a whole generation of executives that both have basically no experience (save this year) with organized labor and had no mentors that had such experience either. They truly need to learn they hurt _themselves_ by using a Victorian labor playbook in the 21st century.
The CEOs need to work with, and not against, labor. I’m not the only one thinking along these lines, Harvard Business Review has written about this:
#ActorsStrike #SAGAFTRAStrike #SAGAFTRAstrong #WritersStrike #WGAstrike #WGAstrong #IATSEstrong #TeamstersStrong #UnionStrong #u1
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writing-with-olive · 1 year
so it's kind of long but a really really fascinating read.
tldr: if we want to get people to actually act in a way that improves the climate situation, we gotta take in how psychology actually works, and use a diversity of tactics. Also it uses actual studies to back up how/why some things work with some demographics and are actually counterproductive in others.
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memoriae-lectoris · 1 year
Well, one thing is for sure: nice people tend to make less money and receive worse reviews than their meaner peers. Just take a study by the Harvard Business Review, which found that men who are low on the “agreeableness” scale make up to $10,000 more per year than those who are very affable.
Not just that, but nice guys who pull more than their weight often end up with worse performance reviews than their lazier colleagues, who make a good impression by flattering their bosses. Research has even found that flattery is so effective it works regardless of whether a boss knows it’s sincere.
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adguy · 2 years
How Paper Catalogs Remain Relevant in a Digital Age
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bluesyemre · 2 years
Empatiyle İletişim Kurmanın 4 Yolu
Empatiyle İletişim Kurmanın 4 Yolu
Birçok iş danışmanı ve çalışan, empatinin önemli bir liderlik becerisi olduğu konusunda hemfikirdir. CEO’yu “Empati Başkanı” olarak bile düşünebiliriz. Kendini başkasının yerine koymak ve başka bir kişinin durumunu ve zorluklarını anlamak güven ve bağlılık oluşturan güçlü bir özelliktir. Geçtiğimiz son birkaç yılda pandemi ve diğer stres yaratan olaylar empatik iletişimi daha istenilir ve…
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asg-stuff · 2 years
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(via Why Diversity Programs Fail And what works better | Harvard Business Review)
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gottabegoodlife · 2 years
Random 51: To My Purpose
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Hampir seminggu ini pikiran saya tertuju pada buku-buku Harvard Business Review. Mungkin saya sedang ingin rehat sejenak setelah hampir sebulan mengejar setoran tengah tahun untuk menyelesaikan courses dari MetEd Ucar bagi weather forecaster. Setelah gagal membeli di online store dan offline store dekat rumah (alasannya adalah mahal, menunggu lama, atau tidak tersedia). Walau ada akses memperoleh bukunya melalui platform ilegal, saya tolak opsi tersebut dan teringat bahwa saya bisa membaca sampelnya lewat e-reader.
Dari sejumlah topik menarik yang ada, saya pilih topik on managing yourself volume 1 (2010) sebagai bacaan pertama. Tidak salah. Artikel pembukanya sungguh relatable dengan kondisi saya saat ini, dulu, maupun nanti (cielah!), berjudul "How Will You Measure Your Life?" oleh Clayton M. Christensen. Inti dari artikel ini adalah tujuan hidup yang jelas akan menjadikan hidup kita lebih baik dan membantu kita mencurahkan energi pada hal-hal prioritas yang mampu membuat kita bahagia. Untuk sampai dapat pemahaman mengenai tujuan hidup (yang membuat kita bahagia), diperlukan komitmen dalam pencariannya, lalu demi mencapainya diperlukan integritas, kerendahan hati, dan investasi energi/sumberdaya yang tepat.
Sehubungan dengan buku ini terbitan Harvard Business School, tentu saja dikaitkan dengan urusan bisnis dan perusahaan. Pada setiap ide bahasan diberikan contoh kasus kehidupan sehari-sehari dalam lingkup organisasi, keluarga, dan individu. Ada beberapa pernyataan yang mengena hati karena sejalan dengan pemikiran saya dan juga sebagai pengingat. Berikut beberapa kutipannya:
"The choice and successful pursuit of a profession is but one tool for achieving your purpose. But without a purpose, life can become hollow."
"You've got to define for yourself what you stand for and draw the line in a safe place".
Pada akhirnya ukuran hidup kita adalah besar dampak baik yang kita berikan kepada lingkungan sekitar, bukan besar material. "Think about the metric by which your life will be judged, and make a resolution to live every day so that in the end, your life will be judged a success."
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raffaellopalandri · 1 year
Book of the Day - Primal Leadership
Today’s Book of the Day is Primal Leadership, Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence written by Daniel Goleman, Richard E. Boyatzis, and Annie McKee in 2016 and published by Harvard Business Review Press. Daniel Goleman is an author, psychologist, and science journalist, author of many publications and books about Emotional Intelligence, a term he immensely contributed to gain popularity…
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hamdun888 · 7 days
Don’t depend on financial carrots in healthcare
Grateful to the Cambridge Management Group for highlighting my piece on the downside of financial incentives in healthcare. READ on CMG site HERE Or below: Don’t depend on financial carrots in healthcare JANUARY 15, 2016 Thomas Dahlborg, writing in Hospital Impact, warns about what he sees as the problems in depending on financial incentives in healthcare. …{A}s we continue to move from…
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