#harvest moon frantic farming
emeraldhazeart · 2 months
for your farm sim ask game! 🍅🍍 (for the festival question, pick from any of the games! or if that's too broad, animal parade?)
Thank you so much for the ask 💚
From my Farming Sim Ask Game
Below the cut, because I can't give short answers to these questions 😅
🍅 (Tomato) - Favourite and least favourite festival?
I always enjoy the Animal Festivals in these games. It's just so rewarding to see all your hard work paying off. I really miss them in games that don't have them (like AWL and Stardew Valley).
The Animal Parade Animal Festival is particularly great because you've got the Livestock Contest, the Pet Contest and the Horse Race all in one, plus sales venders and a silly photo stand. I love it when they give us more than just the main festival activity to do!
For least favourite, I'm actually going to choose a non AP festival - the Pumpkin Festival in FoMT/SI etc annoys me, because the child characters (and others) come to you that day. Which isn't that bad, but it means I have to hang around, not just the farm, but close to my farmhouse all day to see them.
The reason the Pumpkin Festival is more annoying to me than, say, White Day, is because it falls on the last day of Autumn! So I'm frantically trying to harvest my crops and get my animals indoors for Winter, and I have to keep stopping every 10 minutes or so to talk to a kid that just demands candy from me! Grrr.
🍍(Pineapple) - What is your favourite art style of all the games?
This is a tough one, since there's so many different styles across the games.
I would probably have to say the original Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life.
There's definitely an element of nostalgia in my choice, but I also adore how realistic the game felt at the time.
I'm still blown away by some of the scenery even 20 years later (that river is gorgeous!!)
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I also love the more realistic animal designs as well. Bubble cows are iconic, don't get me wrong, but I'll always pick the AWL cows as my favourites.
As much as I adore the remake, I'm a little sad that it lost something with the slightly more cartoony, saturated aesthetic. That's just my opinion, though.
Thank you so much for asking 💚
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HM:AWL critical analysis. a looooong post
harvest moon a wonderful life gamecube edition has a LOT of rough edges.
everything is incredibly, painfully slow. that's not so bad on its own, you know, to take things at a less frantic pace... but it's the menuing. menuing is fucking glacial. buying something takes ages, with long animations and having to restart the whole dialogue for every purchase. the font size is huge which means it takes FOREVER to get through a block of text (this is understandable, a small CRT of the game's era would need a huge font). but every time i talk to takakura there's at least a 50% chance he's going to try explain to me the basics of cows, which is like 9 dialog boxes long. also every time you select soil it takes 3 A presses to get out of it even though you only get 2 lines of dialogue.
the game feels wildly uneven. the cow system is fantastic, it feels genuinely educational while also being engaging and profitable in the game.
the crops are dogshit, full stop. you can not make a reasonable profit. there are no multiple-harvest crops. instead, there's some insane hybridization system that i can not for the life of me understand the POINT of (and that you need to befriend takakura- the 9 dialogue boxes guy- to use). planting and taking care of crops feels genuinely punishing with very touchy controls and long animations. all for a profit of 5g. oh and here's the final nail that REALLY shows you were never meant to do it: YOU CAN NOT SHIP THEM. EVER. YOU CAN'T SHIP CROPS. or anything else for that matter, except eggs and dairy. everything else has to be sold at your own market stall as you wait for an npc to walk by and MAYBE ask to buy SOMETHING in your inventory. god help you if they ask to buy the watering can instead.
going to bed has you wake up a set number of hours later (around 6 hours), rather than a specific time of morning the next day. you may have to sleep twice in a row to get to the next morning. which is... neither bad nor good. it's just interesting. you get a pet dog that does absolutely nothing, and that you can feed for no reason. it doesn't need food. you can disable the background music on the farm by interacting with the record player, and thank god because there is no variety by season and it gets grating quickly.
it feels like the very first generation of a brand new split-off series, that died on the vine. and i guess it kind of was. no other harvest moon game has done things like that, for better and worse. there's a lot of mysteries about the game to this day, and it's much less documented than the others in the series.
the game released in 2004. there was a rerelease for ps2, that fixed some of these things in 2005. there's been a PC rerelease in 2023, and i have no idea anything about it.
the only reason i've been playing the oldest version is to use the gay patch... nami will be mine eventually lol
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chainslobber · 1 year
I've been playing Harvest Moon for so long on stream and im so grateful to relive my childhood nostalgia with a handful of friends and regaling them with stories from my youth.
But on the other hand, I made the mistake of naming all my animals after MHA characters and I CANNOT get the thought of my OC--a farming demon--getting some physical help and advice from a handsome man named Shouta.
Who happens to be a centaur.
Cut to Ignight frantically growing carrots and apples.
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reikaniichan · 5 months
ds games i’ve been playing the hell out of recently:
puyo 7 (daihenshin, which i usually just call dekachibi, is just as broken as ever lmao)
harvest moon frantic farming (playing this emulated is a bad time hiw did i ever beat it before. well, physical copy = stylus is a legit play option)
started over my main save for sunshine islands cuz its been a while. kinda related to frantic farming since it uses the characters from islands of happiness/sunshine islands.
changed the character hitomi, will probably still be marrying pierre (mini gourmet) °7°;;
it occurred to me this the only random hito (oc) ship that could involve them being a chef in doodles.. hito is a chef… i don’t think this has really come up outside of character notes (not shared)
puyo fever 2 did not work.. but puyo 7 and frantic farming both work so record for random games from ebay is still mostly positive for me (lmao)
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chateau7afra · 11 months
I missed the gentle caw caw noises crows make. The air smelled like wood-smoke and I could hear traditional music coming from my neighbours garden. Um-Ta-Ta music, they call it lovingly. I don't call it that lovingly. I could do without it, but it reminds me of my childhood, so I guess that's a good enough excuse to smile at it while walking by. The mixture between the low setting sun and the warm temperatures is unsetteling in a very subtle kind of way. It's not a crazy juxtaposition, but weird enough to be noticeable.
A small swarm of gnats were frantically flying zig-zag lines through the middle distance. I wondered, if they shouldn't be dead or frozen. By the time we put up halloween decorations, the forest is usually heavily painted in colours other than green, but this year it is still mostly yellow, or lush green.
This was the longest summer of my life. Yet.
It's 9 days until halloween and I still feel like it's late summer. A couple of weeks ago, people were still swimming in the danube. Normal people, not the crazy ice bathing ones.
I always wanted to move somewhere south, which is the central-european way of saying "somewhere warmer", but I never thought, that "south" would so freely move to central europe. Which is again, unsetteling, to say the least.
When I walked to the small creek that is near my family's house, I heard frogs croaking and noticed even more gnats hovering above the water.
Again, they should get ready to be frozen too, in my books.
I watched the crows again, flying circles over the fields, behind them the halfmoon, which has already risen. Beautiful.
Dad came back from the forest and told us, the wild boars ventured out into the fields again. I don't blame them.
They dig up big holes in the fields and the farmers and hunters have to close them again. I'm not exactly sure, what they are looking for. But probably bugs and roots.
I didn't go through the forest yet, to check for mushrooms. I don't look for edible ones, because I am very sure that I would kill myself and others, if I cooked anything I found in the woods. I know what chanterelles and toadstools look like, but that is it. I like to take pictures of them though. Last year I found a couple of fairy rings. That is the thing when mushroom grow in perfect circles. It has something to do with mycellium, but I'd rather think of it as something magical, which is more fun.
Mum harvested some apples and a huge zucchini. We made a ragout and applesauce. It always grounded me, to cook with foods that grow on the farm.
Our farm is situated in a small valley. I am sometimes jealous of the farms and houses, which are on the hills, because they get more sunshine and a better view. We are basically surrounded by forest. Which I don't hate.
Sometimes, we get deer grazing with their little ones, right in front of my window, under the apple trees. The scene feels very peaceful, especially when there is some fog lingering on the field, which happens a lot because of the little stream, that bubbles it's way through the houses.
It feels a little less peaceful during the night. Deer make a sound that seems to not be from this world. You can hear a lot of different sounds in the forest. I've never really see badgers, wild boars and foxes, but they are around. They just don't want me to see them.
Sometimes we find our chicken's eggs in weird places. I love it when that happens. I wish I could pretend it's magic. But it's just ferrets. I still wonder how they transport them so professionally.
I don't blame people from the olden days, for being supersticious and believe in ghosts and all of that. Without the full moon it's pitch black in the forest. For human eyes at least.
I want to be a fox, just for one full moon night and stroll through the forest. Just to see what's going on in there. A night were all the hunters are asleep though.
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alissaming · 1 year
Top 15 Favorite Harvest Moon Games
So, before I get into the actual top 15 favorites, I'll go over my personal rules to keep this list as short as possible. First, this is specifically Harvest Moon games. So no Story of Seasons, despite them being made by the same company. Second, obviously only games I've actually played. So even though I know there is a Harvest Moon 64, it's not on this list because I've never actually played it. Third, it has to be in the Harvest Moon style. Run a farm, with cows, make friends, potentially get married (there is a Harvest Moon game where your character is too young to get married.) Fourth, some games are the exact same, except the story is slightly different, the game may be slightly harder, and you play as a girl rather than the boy. In these cases, I've decided to treat them like the same game and put them at the same level as each other. Fifth and finally, it has to be a game I would replay over and over as well as have consistent access to and is playable with no real game breaking bugs. As an example, I don't enjoy games like Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley because I find the time limit to save things stressful. Then there's Harvest Moon Frantic Farming, which is more of a puzzle game with the Island of Happiness/Sunshine Islands characters and skin slapped on it, along with the Harvest Moon name. My Little Shop (a personal favorite) has more of a focus on running a shop than a farm. But it's one I'll do an actuall review on eventually. Then there's Harvest Moon 1, 2, and 3. All fun, but 1 has a game breaking glitch (one of your tools gets taken by the Harvest Sprites to be upgraded, but sometimes, despite waiting the appropriate amount of time, it won't be returned). 2 is probably the one of the original three I had the most fun with and 3, while fun, is just dumb in that it will end immediately if you play the female character and marry the male farmer (the one you're supposed to marry.) So with those rules in place, let's begin.
15. Harvest Moon: Lost Valley. The game I had the hardest time getting through and the hardest time playing again because it's so dumb. First, it's permanently winter until you manage to recover the other seasons. Second, once the seasons start changing, your plants, all of them, will die and have to be replanted every season change. Period. I like the ability to edit my farm, but Skytree Village did it better.
14. Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns. So while I really like this game and enjoy replaying it from time to time, and I really like being able to move between the two towns and upgrade both farms there, while you may not know it yet, your eventual permanent town has already been decided. Especially if you want the max number of animals possible. This means once both farms are fully upgraded, you have to live in Bluebell town. You can still use everything in the Konihana farm without living there, so other than for upgrading, there's little to no point living here. Finally, the story is...actually dumber than Lost Valley. In Tale of Two Towns, the Harvest Goddess blocked the tunnel because the mayors of the two towns (that used to get along, btw) started fighitng over who's cooking is better. In order to open the tunnel again, you have to get the current mayors on better terms. You do this by participating in the weekly cooking contest. And by the way, no, you don't actually have to enter a dish, just being there is enough, though it doesn't raise their affection meter as much as if you enter the contest. And their affection meters actually go up more if you manage to win.
13. Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memory. This is a phone app. It's not that expensive, but I've been having trouble playing it (saving it) for some reason. Actually, this is so high for two reasons. First, if you exit the game, there's a chance it'll restart when you enter again, leading to you losing pretty much all unsaved progress. Second, the solution to the problem is super simple. Get married. Yup, that's all you need to do to restore the tree of memory.
12. Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility. I honestly think this game would be higher if not for the voice acting. The music is OK. Nothing great but tolerable. And the story is interesting. But the voice acting is terrible and the music's not worth dealing with the voice acting. If you can, turn the voice acting off without turning off the music. Much more tolerable.
11. Harvest Moon: Skytree Village. This is not a bad game at all. It's got a lot of the ideas of Lost Valley, but done SO much better. But there's other games I like much more.
10. Harvest Moon: DS/DS Cute. So DS Cute is effectively just DS, but with the female character (you can end up with either the Another Wonderful Life female character or the More Friends of Mineral Town female character, depending on how you answer the Harvest Goddess), an extra eligible bachelor, and the Japanese version had a "best friend" system with the special eligible women (like the mermaid, Harvest Goddess, and Witch Princess). The other main difference is the story. In the guy version the Witch Princess and Harvest Goddess fight, and Witch Princess accidentally turns the Harvest Goddess to stone, then sends her to another dimension. She sends the Sprites after her, and recruits you to bring her back because life would be boring without her. In the female game, the Harvest Goddess just kinda shrugs off your laziness (game hasn't even started yet, lady) gets into a fight with the Harvest God because of it, teases him, and gets turned to stone when he gets mad, then sent to the other dimension. He does the same to the Harvest Sprites when they also start calling him names. He decides that this is a great way to motivate your character, and tells her it's all her fault, and that because it is, she needs to work hard to bring the Harvest Goddess back. What even?
9. Harvest Moon: Light of Hope. Game's super simple and VERY fun. Just restore the lighthouse to restore nature, then discover who caused the chaos. Once it's fixed, you can farm as normal.
8. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life/Another Wonderful Life. This is the first Harvest Moon game I ever played, which, honestly, is one of the main reasons it's so high. And I'm super pumped for the Story of Seasons version of it. Again the games are very similar. The girl version doesn't even have much in the way of a different story. You're taking over the family farm. That's it. Only real difference is that in the boy version, the grass you can harvest for fodder is already growing, while in the girl version, you have to fertilize the fodder grass in order for it to start growing, which is a massive pain.
7. Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness. So as far as I can tell, this isn't a super popular option, but I found it really fun to restore an island and build bridges and stuff. It's super calming and my only real issue with it is you have to hold and throw stuff into the shipping bin, meaning there's a chance it will miss and you'll waste it.
6. Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands. I suppose you could argue that this and Island of Happiness are the same game. Except they aren't. They are similar in characters and stuff, but it's done much better than Island of Happiness. You can use the shipping bin normally (like in most Harvest Moon games) and raising the different islands is super fun. Though the ones you wanna focus on are probably the church island and whichever island the person you chose to marry is on (if they aren't on the starting islands)
5. Harvest Moon: Friends of MIneral Town/More Friends of Mineral Town. Another set of games that basically the male version and the female version. Main difference is that in the male version, you take over the farm for the kindly old man you were exchanging letters with when he passed. You visited his farm and you and your family stayed with him during your visit when you were a kid, and you two were good friends. In the female version, you are a city girl bored with your life, and you see an add about buying a farm. So you sell everything you own except your dog and bag, and move from your apartment to find the entire thing is a hoax. When the mayor realizes what this hoax cost you, he offers to actually let you take care of the farm.
4. Harvest Moon: One World. Honestly, part of me feels this game shouldn't be this high because having to search for your seeds is a massive pain in the neck. To be fair, if you sell enough, you can start buying them in the stores, and I recommend you try for this, though only certain stores sell certain seeds. That said, I loved exploring this world, being able to take my home with me, and that final area near the Goddess Spring. So while I wish there was a way to make more farm land, this is a game I enjoy playing over and over. And now you get three seeds per area, it's much easier to get enough seeds to grow into plants to sell and get their seeds in store.
3. Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar. So despite the fact that I don't play this game that much, it's one of my favorite games of all time. For the simple reason you can jump. Oh, and the Bazaar is super fun. So fun to sell stuff there (it's really the only way to sell anything, sadly) and this is where you get your upgrades for your home and stuff. It was such a good idea, though granted it was done better in the original Story of Seasons game.
2. Harvest Moon: A New Beginning. This is a game I think so highly of, as I really enjoyed helping restore and build the town I moved too back up. I loved building the buildings and placing them where I thought they fit best, both on my farm and in the town. I also love having specific planting spots, and having to plan where they go meticulously. Seriously, this game is so fun that it would have been number one if not for my all time favorites.
But before I do that, I'll do a quick call out to other Harvest Moon games I really liked but, either due to the rules I put into place, or my own personal preferences, didn't make the list. I've talked about them a bit in the rules section, so I won't go on about them here (except one because I almost forgot about it entirely). Here are my honorable mentions.
Harvest Moon: My Little Shop, Harvest Moon 1, Harvest Moon 2, Harvest Moon 3, and Harvest Moon Magical Melody. Magical Melody is one I actually wish I'd put on this list somewhere. I'm not sure where I'd put it though, as though I like the game, it has a lot of the things I don't like. A character you marry ends the game (Jamie) a really dumb story line, with the Harvest Goddess turns to stone because people stopped being grateful for what they had and started being mean to each other (Jamie is literally the only mean ungrateful character in the game). And the music, while alright, isn't as spectacular as it is in other games. Plus the characters never really stop moving. Like they're always bouncing up and down. Always. I do like this game and the ideas. Restore the Harvest Goddess by getting enough music notes. You get them for normal things like getting married and having a kid, but also really strange things like not touching the controler for like 5 minutes or spending all your money and not making any or much the next day. Yes, I would recommend this game, though not the Wii version, as for whatever reason the Wii version only lets you play as the boy character while the Gamecube version lets you choose between being a boy or a girl.
Now for my number one pick
Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. Yup, this is my altime favorite Harvest Moon game. The character models are amazing, the music is gorgeous, especially anytime you ring a bell to restore the land, and the world is a large one, but easy to explore in a timely manor. It also has my favorite eligible bachelor ever, Wizard. I cannot emphazise enough how much I love this game. It's so pretty and I would recommend it to any Harvest Moon fan.
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bluegamercatlady · 4 years
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This is a complete version of the dramatic poses draw your squad template with Harvest moon characters. Here's the original meme: https://mangopoptarts.tumblr.com/post/138462484099/i-thought-i-would-leave-this-for-the-world-not
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candyqueenblog · 4 years
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Okay, story time! A few days ago I made a meme poking fun at the Natsume-Marvelous split and the resulting drop in quality that came from Natsume trying to DEVELOP their own games, rather than stick to English localizations/publishing. 
Well YESTERDAY my meme was reposted (not by me) to the subreddit r/Harvestmoon on Reddit.com and it resulted in CHAOS! A comment war started, exposing the fact that so many of the subreddits users still didn’t quite understand the difference between “development” and “publication”. People were being downvoted left and right and it spurred the subreddits moderators to pin a SPECIAL post explaining the difference between the “good” Harvest Moon games (now known as Story of Seasons) and the “bad” Harvest Moon games (the ones published by Natsume, who still own the legal rights to the Harvest Moon title)
As of this Tumblr post, my meme has 92 comments and 397 upvotes (highly unusual for that subreddit, whose comments rarely go above 50). Here’s hoping that my inadvertent “Reformation” of the Harvest Moon subreddit sheds a little light on the differences between Natsume-published Harvest Moon and Natsume-DEVELOPED Harvest Moon.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
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Destructoid has posted a preview of Natsume’s recently announced Harvest Moon: Mad Dash, which is playable at E3 2019 from June 11 to 13, providing the first information and screenshots of the game.
Harvest Moon: Mad Dash is a multiplayer-supported color matching puzzle game spin-off. At the start of a level, the puzzle field is littered with two or more different types of crops, which are either standalone or linked to more crops. Combining these crops into squares makes them grow to become bigger crops. Combining those crops makes them grow into bigger, fully ripened crops ready for harvesting.
The game is divided into stages with the goal of each being to get a high enough score to earn three stars. Players can choose a stage from the map. A story plays out as you make your way through the map.
Tending to crops is not the only thing players will be doing in each stage. Other elements include handling fish, feeding cows to produce and harvest milk, avoiding falling coconuts, and so on. There is also a special gauge that activates a “Fever Mode” that allows you to harvest every crop immediately.
Harvest Moon: Mad Dash will be priced at $29.99 when it launches for PlayStation 4 and Switch this fall.
View the first screenshots at the gallery.
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love and revolution
Magnus was intently working on a bookshelf. It was made of a beautiful, dark mahogany and, upon the request of the customer, was going to have dozens of birds carved into the sides and edges. He began sanding the shelves with a fine grit sandpaper. For a while, the only sound in the Hammer and Tongs was the soft, repetitive noise of wood being worn down.
The calm monotony was broken when the front door creaked open. Magnus looked up and grinned at the entrant; Julia Waxman, loaded down with bags from various merchants in town, had returned, the last dregs of the late afternoon sun trailing in after her. The sharp bite in the air let everyone know winter was just around the corner.
Magnus quickly stood up to relieve Julia of her burden She smiled and handed him half the bags in her arms. As the pair got to work unloading the bags, Magnus frowned. Everything Julia had brought home was either small, poor quality, or about to turn.
“This is what everyone had. Season’s been tough for farming and everyone’s raising prices to keep up with Kalen’s tariffs,” Julia said before Magnus could comment. She inspected the hard loaf of bread she’d been able to grab.
Magnus shook his head. For nearly a year, Governor Kalen and his cronies had been enacting increasingly harsh laws, oppressive curfews, and predatory taxes; the citizens of Raven’s Roost all felt the firm pressure of Kalen’s fine leather boots on the neck of their economy and of their freedom.
“How is everyone doing?”
Julia shrugged. “They’re all doing as well as they can. The Silverstrings are worried because their wheat harvest was half as fruitful this year as it was last year and a good portion of what grew was seized by Kalen.”
“His wool has largely been commandeered by Kalen. He hopes to be able to shear another large batch before winter hits in earnest but he’s uncertain.”
“And Therala?”
“Her herd’s dwindling. Most of the calves from this past spring either died or –“
“Were taken by Kalen and his pals. Right. Jules, how does he keep getting away with this?”
Julia laughed sharply and started putting some of the dry goods in the storage closet in the back of the shop. “Magnus, that’s just how things have always been here. For a while, anyway.”
“But how’d he even get into power in the first place?” There was nothing but pure astonishment in his voice. In the five years he’d lived in Raven’s Roost, he’d never quite been able to comprehend how someone so ruthless could have gotten the trust of the town; his friends and neighbors were good, honest folks and good judges of character. It made no sense to Magnus.
She puffed out her cheeks and thought for a moment. “He helped form Raven’s Roost into a proper town. We used to be vulnerable to bandits and those who sought to cause pain. He was stern but that kept us in shape. He used to be better. Genuinely. Not good, not at all, but not like this. His policies were never quite this harsh. I suppose he’s gotten greedy.”
“It’s senseless for him to dig this deep this quickly. If it continues like this, I don’t know that the town is going to last much longer.”
Julia said nothing. She knew Magnus was right but what was to be done about it? The two continued to unpack and put away items in silence.
“Papa won’t talk to me about how business is going here. Said he doesn’t want me to worry about things. How are we doing?” Julia looked at Magnus seriously.
He hesitated. Steven had specifically asked him to not discuss the business with Julia but when he saw her in front of him, firm hands anxiously picking at a sliver on the table, he found it hard to deny her.
“We’ve done better. I’m sure you’re aware the craftsmen corridor has been hit pretty hard by all the tariffs. Not only can we hardly afford to replace the tools and materials we need but the rest of the town can’t exactly afford our wares. We get the occasional customers,” he gestured to the bookshelf he’d been working on. “But we’re not doing great.”
Julia nodded and looked down. “That’s not exactly reassuring. But thanks for telling me.”
“Of course. Just don’t tell your dad I said anything,” he said sheepishly.
“Deal,” she said, glancing back at him with a smile.
Magnus sat on a bench outside the Hammer and Tongs and stared up at the moons. His teeth were chattering quietly but he wasn’t quite ready to turn in for the night. Isaiah Erksine, Kalen’s right-hand man, had distributed yet another list of tariffs and regulations to all the shops in Raven’s Roost earlier in the day. They were unconscionable; taxes and levies on every single scrap of material you could think of. Harsher curfews that made it nearly impossible for those in the craftsmen corridor to do much else besides make goods that nobody could afford. It was like the very essence of life was slowly being choked out of the town. Or, at the very least, the spirit of its inhabitants.
Magnus’s ruminative spiral was broken when he felt a thick, scratchy blanket draped over his shoulders. He glanced up and smiled; Julia, dressed far more sensibly than Magnus, darted a hand back through the doorway. In a moment, Magnus’s hands were wrapped around a piping hot mug of mint tea. Admittedly, the drink was more water than tea, but he drank it appreciatively.
“You seem troubled,” Julia mused, sipping from her own chipped mug.
“I am, Julia.” He confirmed, scooting over to make room on the bench. Julia mulled it over for a minute before sitting down. Heat was radiating off her like a fire and it took everything in Magnus to not immediately wrap his arms around her and hold her close. Though he did scoot a little closer. You know, to keep warm.
“I’d like to think that we could go a single week without tax hikes but it’s seeming more and more like a pipe dream,” she said flatly. “I hate this. I’ve lived among these people for as long as I can remember. Raven’s Roost is my home. When I was a little girl, I always used to think dream about the day that I’d get to raise my own family here. It felt like such a safe and warm place. And now…” She glanced at Magnus before she looked to the sky. “Now most days I feel like things might be easier if I just go somewhere else. And I don’t want that. I want to stay. I want to want to stay. I just don’t know that there’s going to be anything to stay for if this keeps up.”
“I want there to be something here for you,” Magnus murmured quietly, looking at Julia’s profile in the moonlight.
“Magnus, believe me, I don’t want to leave my home. I don’t want to leave –“ She looked at Magnus from the corner of her eye. “I don’t want to leave the people here. I just don’t think I can keep living under Kalen.”
“What if we don’t have to?” The words escaped Magnus’s mouth before he could even make sense of them himself.
Julia lurched and turned to look at Magnus, bewildered. “I’m sorry?”
Magnus had a choice. He could have easily retracted his statement. He could have laughed it off. But instead of thinking it over for any amount of time, he doubled down. “What if we don’t have to keep living under Kalen? What if we could still live here, in Raven’s Roost, but without that tyrant?”
Julia looked around before scooting closer to Magnus, their wind-chapped noses nearly touching. “Are you suggesting…” she took a breath, as though to steel herself. “Are you suggesting a revolt?”
Magnus could barely focus on the question with Julia this close to him. “I-I think I am,” his voice was near silent.
Julia nodded. “Okay. How’re we going to do this?”
Watery winter light did its best to penetrate the frost coated windows of the Hammer and Tongs. Magnus was idly whittling a piece of scrap wood. There weren’t any orders to work on and Candlenights was right around the corner; he figured he could fashion something homemade for both Julia and Steven.
His pocketknife nearly went flying out of his hand when the door of the shop burst open, startling him out of his focus. Standing in the doorway was a young earth genasi he recognized from town. He looked frantic and near tears. Magnus set his project down.
“Hey, Allura, what’s the matter?” Magnus asked, inviting the young man inside and shutting the door behind him.
“Magnus, it’s my dad,” Allura choked out. He looked gaunt and miserable; Magnus thought back to a few months ago when the entire Mountaindeep family came into the Hammer and Tongs, jovially talking about commissioning a crib, as a new baby was on the way. Allura, a kid all of fifteen, had chattered to him for ten minutes about how excited he was to become a big brother. He looked decidedly less excited in that moment.
“What happened?”
“W-we couldn’t pay the tariffs. My dad has been charging everyone half price. H-he said he couldn’t hike the prices up, it wasn’t right. And we couldn’t… Kalen took him away!” he cried, bordering on hysterical.
“Allura, buddy, you gotta breathe, okay? What do you mean Kalen took him?” Magnus led him to a chair.
“H-he hauled him off to the prison and I don’t know what’s gonna happen to him and my m-mom’s giving birth soon and I can’t help with that, I don’t know how,” He managed to get out, hiccupping between every few words, too distraught to calm down.
“Julia!” Magnus called up the staircase in the back of the shop. He had to get this kid to stop crying so he could get the full story and Julia tended to have a calming presence on, well, everyone.
In a moment, she appeared at the bottom of the stairs and sent Magnus a confused look. He nodded towards the crying teenager as explanation.
Julia rushed over, knelt down, and took Allura’s face in her thick hands. “Hey, hon, can you breathe with me?” she cooed gently. And for a few minutes, the shop was silent, save for Julia counting breaths for Allura.
“Can we hear the story again, bud?” Magnus asked quietly after a few moments.
Allura nodded and sniffled. “You guys know that Kalen raised the tariffs. Again. Um. My dad decided to slash his prices, not raise them to keep up. Said he couldn’t. He’s a big follower of Helm and he said it wasn’t right to keep medicines behind a steep price. He just wanted to help people. But Kalen came collecting today and he took my dad. And it’s not just him. He took Mr. Anvilrock and Sevara Mountainwillow and a few other people. And I don’t know what’s going to happen to them,” he said, his voice small and scared.
Magnus and Julia exchanged a look. She sent him a nod and turned back to Allura. “Okay. Thank you for telling us. Do you think that you can do us a favor?”
Allura furrowed his brow but nodded cautiously.
“Go around to the others in the craftsmen corridor and tell them to meet at the Hammer and Tongs tomorrow night? Just tell them it’s really important that everyone come. And if Kalen or his buddies ask you about it, be as vague as you can.” Magnus said seriously.
“If you’re asked about it, say that I’m teaching everyone how to patch their own clothes since Masden had to close down shop. ” Julia offered.
“But what about the curfew?” Allura asked, voice meek and eyes rimmed with red.
Magnus thought for a moment. “Tell everyone that we might have a way to keep us from having to worry about curfew ever again. I just need everyone to trust me.”
“I think I can do that.” Allura said, rising from the chair.
Julia patted him on the shoulder and slipped a gold piece into his hand. Before he could protest, she held her hand up and shooed him out the door.
Magnus rubbed his face for a moment. “Something’s gotta give, Jules.”
Julia reached a tentative hand out to squeeze Magnus’s hand quickly. “After tomorrow, I think something will. I hope.”
“Can either of you tell me why three separate people assured me that they’d do their best to make it to the shop tonight when I stopped in town a little bit ago?” Steven asked from the kitchen table.
Julia avoided her father’s gaze, busying herself with prepping tea instead.
Magnus focused intently on cracking eggs without getting any bits of shell in the bowl. He quickly whisked them together and held off on adding any salt or pepper to the mixture before setting them in the skillet. That was a little tip he picked up from—he thought for a moment—well, from his moms, he supposed. Apparently kept the egg from getting tough or something. He wasn’t really sure what that meant but followed the rule without fail. Made for good eggs, anyway.
“Am I just meant to be okay with the two of you encouraging our friends and neighbors to break the law to come over for a late-night chat?” A stern edge crept into Steven’s voice.
“Steven, we just wanted to have a meeting with the other craftsmen.”
“About what? What’s so important that it requires possibly getting some good people thrown in jail?”
“People are already getting thrown in jail!” Magnus protested. “Allura Mountaindeep came crying in here yesterday. His dad’s in prison, along with a handful of others who couldn’t pay. I just…Steven, you don’t have to agree with what we’re doing but you have to understand. I can’t keep sitting by and watch the town and people I love be beaten down by some big bully.”
Magnus returned his gaze to the eggs. The silence in the kitchen was broken by the teakettle’s shrill whistle.
“We have a plan. And hell, after tonight, it might not even be anything. But Papa, aren’t you tired of struggling? You can be as stoic as you like but I know the truth. This isn’t the life we should all be living. We should be able to have some shred of hope for a future that could matter. A future that isn’t just toiling until we die.” Julia stared at her father as she moved the kettle from the flame.
Steven stared back for a moment before glancing back at Magnus. He let out a sigh. “We can have the meeting but everyone is out before moonrise.”
Magnus and Julia smiled wide.
“Deal.” Magnus said, dividing the eggs between the three plates.
A hush fell over the group of craftmakers who all crammed into the Hammer and Tongs. It was a tight fit but it appeared that most of the corridor had managed to make the meeting. The sun had long since set, leaving only the meekest dregs of light hanging in the sky; moonrise was due in less than an hour. Magnus knew he had to make the meeting quick.
“I’m sure you’ve all heard of the few imprisonments that have come about as a result of Kalen’s new tariffs.” Magnus began, bouncing his gaze across those gathered in the shop.
A grumble of acknowledgement reverberated through the dense crowd.
“And I’m sure you all know that any of us could be subject to the same treatment just for being at this meeting.”
More noises of agreement bubbled up in the crowd.
“Then I’ll make it quick and worth your risk. I hate seeing Raven’s Roost like this. I know in my bones it could be better if things were different. I hate seeing everyone beaten down by these laws. I hate seeing Kalen’s friends allowed to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and never see any kind of repercussions for it. I’m sick of seeing people starving in the streets. Sick of seeing families torn apart because one of them had the audacity to be a kind person. I want Raven’s Roost to be a flourishing place.” He glanced over to Julia and pink stained his cheeks. “I want to be able to raise a family here. I want to want that. But as it stands, I don’t know that I can imagine a future for Raven’s Roost. I don’t know how many of us can last like this for much longer.”
“And what exactly are you proposing we do about it?” Hector Anvilrock, another metalworker in town, demanded.
“We’re proposing a revolution.” Magnus said simply.
The shop erupted in conversation. It began civil enough but quickly devolved into name calling and accusations of espionage and snitching. Magnus’s stomach dropped. He knew it wasn’t going to be an easy sell but if this was any indication, he feared for the future of any kind of revolution.
“Enough!” Julia said, climbing onto a chair. She was already taller than Magnus and nearly as broad so the added height made her the single most imposing figure in the room, though her warm brown eyes added an air of compassion. “I understand it’s a scary thought. But do we really think it’s a better idea to just roll over and get kicked? Sure, Kalen has numbers and power and resources. But we actually have something worth fighting for. We have the most skilled craftspeople on the continent. We have conviction. And we have a goal.” She sighed and rubbed her hand down her face. “I understand if any of you are scared or apprehensive. I won’t make demands. I won’t beg. I want you all to join us but I won’t look down on you for not getting involved. I just want to know that we can trust you.”
She glanced over at Magnus who was watching her, stars in his eyes. She raised her eyebrows at him and sent him a tiny nod.
“Well?” He asked, seeming to snap out of his daze. “Can we trust all of you?”
It felt like the entire show was holding its breath until Hector nodded. And then Allura. And then Therala. One by one, each person in attendance gave a silent pledge.
Magnus grinned, relief flooding his veins. This was only the first step, but they’d already hurdled over it with grace. He was certain they’d be able to make Raven’s Roost a safe place for all someday.
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mrslittletall · 3 years
Let's rate all Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons summer themes! Why? Because it's summer at my half of the globe! SNES - I never really liked this theme. Too busy, too energetic, too repetiteve. It is fine enough to listen too though, but it was never one of my favs. GB/GBC - It's the same melody as SNES, but with the Game Boy sound font. For some reason, it actually sounds BETTER like that. Yeah, I prefer the GBC one to the SNES one. 64 - Hmm... I am torn on that theme. Similar to the SNES theme, it feels too busy for me and the first few notes are a bit grating, but the melody is pretty catchy and entraps you to hum along. Also, the quieter part of the theme sounds pretty good. Yeah, it's pretty solid ^^ If only the loud entry wouldn't be. GBC2 - YIKES! That was my reaction when it started, but it gets gradually better and turns into a pretty enjoyable little melody, sounds very much like summer. BTN - Aaah, now we are talking! This song is just FUN! It lets you think about a fun summer day on the beach. The melody starts a bit frantic and then gets calmer for the second verse, and you just want to wave your body along the melody and eat ice cream. It's a bit short though... GBC3 - Like pretty much every entry for this game, the music is pretty yikes. It just... isn't very good. It isn't an ear grater, but also not very enjoyable to listen to. AWL - While AWL lacks a summer theme on its own, because you can only play disks in your house and on your farm, it uses a song from Save the Homeland and that one is remixed pretty well. FoMT - It's the same melody as BTN but in the GBA sound font. It sounds well enough, but it can't beat the PSX version of it! Yes, I am biased, I prefer BTN over FoMT, end me if you please. BTN was the better game and I wished SoS FoMT would have been more BTN and less FoMT. MM - My husband goes around and hums this theme when I play Magic Melody ^^ And I get why, it's an earworm! It has this absolute summer feel, similar to BtN, from a summer day at the beach you want to spend with ice cream. It has such a tropical feel and once the main melody sets in, you can't help but hum along the music. I especially love the key change at around 1.17 ^^
StH Farm Theme - Ah, it's the theme got used in AWL, but this version is SO MUCH BETTER. I love the charming little melody, the guitar melody in the background, how the melody slowly splashes along and then turns into a flute to just tell you that you are on the countryside and sit leaned against the fence on your farm while there are 30 C and you are completely fine with it. StH Town Theme - Ah, this theme is a lot more energetic and quick. While it kinda remixes the farm theme (every StH theme does that), it doesn't carry quite the same nostalgia as the farm theme. The part that starts at 0.43 is super rad though and I love this bit. DS - I never have been a fan of this summer theme. It just feels like it starts and never ends. It just goes on and on and on and ugh... it annoys me kind of. At least you can switch the music in HM DS. IoH - This game kinda manages to nail all its themes, it is such a charming little song that makes me think of a summer breeze, but it's sadly, like every IoH song far too short. HoLV - Aw, what a charming little song ^^ The bassline melody and the main melody really contemplate each other and unite into a song that sounds like you want to let your feet doused by the river on a hot summer day.
ToT Day Theme - ToT goes a very different route with it's summer theme. It's a downright relaxing song. It is a joy to listen to, for it gives you the feeling that you are allowed to slow down and do your chores in your own pace. I really like the key change in this one. Sadly, the song falls short. ToT Night Theme - It's the same melody as the day theme, but... it sounds a bit haunted in my opinion ^^' ToT's night themes all have this problem. The key change though is really good here, make it sound like a warm summer night under the stars. SI - Hmmm... it's ok to listen to, I guess, but I don't actually feel a lot when I listen to this theme. It doesn't have a very summery feel for me and actually feels a bit chaotic. AP Day Theme - I LOVE THIS THEME! Ok, I say it, that is downright my favourite summer theme in the whole series! It starts with such joyful piano notes and then the piano takes a back seat with the same three notes that goes up and down while the main melody kicks in and just tells you that this is a summer day and you will enjoy it and you will have fun doing your chores and then sit at the beach that is right in front of your farm or share a cold drink with your sweet heart. My husband also can't stop humming this theme whenever I play AP, that shows how much of an earworm it is ^^ AP Night Theme - The melody is the same one as the day theme, but played more slowly and more relaxing. While I prefer the day theme, this one is super solid as well and a joy to listen too, especially the bassline of this song. GB - Ah, a fun little theme ^^ It is very fitting for the world of the game which seems to be set in the netherlands. I like listening to it, it is a song that you want to sway to.
ToTT - I hear the first few notes of this and instantly know that is summer, that is how much this summer theme got ingrained into my mind. It is one of the more relaxing themes though and there isn't much indication that it is a summer theme actually, so while it works very well as song, it isn't the greatest summer theme. ANB - Is it the 3DS game with the best music in the series?! It is! And ANB doesn't disappoint, the summer theme SLAPS! It is a joyful little song which runs at a quick pace and lets you feel like it is summer and you want to go to the mountains and sweat while you climb out and then go for a swim in the river on your way back up. The key change at 0.53 is just GREAT and it gets me every little time I play the game. TLV Day Theme - Aw, I always liked this little theme, it is a very relaxing theme and it fits the valley that is your playground in this theme. I just liked to terraform while this relaxing music played. TLV Night Theme - Um, are we at a jazz bar? Because that legit sounds like a theme that would play at night in a jazz bar, where you sit with your drink and just chill while you look at the jazz band performing. SoS Day Theme - SoS is special, because in that game you actually CAN SWIM IN THE RIVER, so I really like that the summer theme is so enjoyable to listen to, because you can actually cool off in this game ^^ Go swim and dive while this little theme plays, mostly played with plucking instruments. SoS Night Theme - Oh, this one starts a bit slow, but gets really nice to listen to once it hits the first 30 seconds. A very relaxing song, another one that makes me want to douse my feet in water and look at the starts while I stay on the countryside. SV Day Theme - I kinda always liked this tune. It is a fun little tune that feels like summer and has a nice melody to it, but that is pretty much all I have to say about it. SV Night Theme - Ah, we are back at the jazz bar ^^ The quiet piano melody is very jazzy and yeah, that is all I can say about it. SoS 3oT - It's a nice melody and enjoyable listening to it, but I don't really feel summer with this theme, so I am a bit torn on it. I think I prefer the fall and winter themes in this game. It's really nice to listen to though like I said, so I don't mind that it plays for 31 ingame days straight. LoH Day Theme - A nice song that totally sounds like summer to me, but like the rest of LoH's music, it just kinda... splashes along and nothing really happens. LoH Night Theme - Hmmm... it really isn't anything happening in this theme. It is more a melody so that it isn't quiet. SoS FoMT Weekday Theme - It's the tune of BtN but remixed.. and... in a good way actually! This song SLAPS! I really like what they do to my summer time beach fun song. SoS FoMT Weekend Theme - God, I LOVE this song! For some reason, SoS FoMT added a remix of the seasonal songs for the weekends and festival days and this one is such a banger, I can't help but bop to it, it's so good! It just sounds so much like summer and you just want to run around and dance to it while you enjoy your day off at the beach. Doraemon SoS Day Theme - What a cute little song ^^ It is on the more relaxing side, but it clearly has a summery feel to me. The video shows Nobita napping on the beach and well, isn't that a mood for this song ^^ Doraemon SoS Night Theme - Nobita still naps in the video and well, the music turned into his lullaby I guess ^^ It is mainly a guitar solo that is played slowly and very quietly, very very relaxing. I think I am falling asleep as well... OW - Sadly no one uploaded this music... which is a shame, because it is really good and the song gets remixed depending in which country you are. I really dislike how much hate this game got, because it is actually a solid entry and has some of the best music in the franchise. PoOT Weekday theme - I HATE THIS THEME! It isn't because the melody is bad, it's that DAMN TRUMPET! Why is the trumpet player playing it so... crazy? Why are so many notes sounding off key? The song would slap if the
trumpet wouldn't be there! I love every part of it, but then the trumpet ruins my day. Ugh! UGH! I legit had to switch the music off at first while playing until I got used to this horrible horrible trumpet. PoOT Weekend theme - Oh thank GOD! This theme is without the horrible trumpet. I prefer the holidays in PoOT summer a LOT because the song is actually enjoyable to listen to and it sounds very much like summer as well.
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kens-puku · 3 years
I don't have that many thoughts on the episode.
I really love going to the farm, it's something I've wanted to do ever since it was confirmed Lysander took it over. I always had head canons that Puku would help Lysander out with the farm from time to time, more like a good friend than a lover, though.
The backgrounds were beautiful, the crops are beautiful, the animals are cute, Lysander is very pretty too. Just according to keikaku. (Keikaku means plan). Yay for ponytail! My personal weakness.
As a very slight negative for me specifically, it felt a little slow at some points, but that's very much more than likely because Lysander is not my bae character. Honestly, I know it's impossible, but I would so have loved to see a friend version of these episodes.
Also, I would loooove if there was a mini game/thing farm section where you can collect crops and help take care of the animals. It could be time based like Farm Ville was. Like, sell crops after so many hours, milk cows every so many hours or per day? Twice a day? And it could be a way to earn some ap and $, just please... don't just give like.. 5 ap and 5 $. We are starving all the time for AP and $, most people can't even usually do much for replays. Or at least if you are giving tiny bits of ap and $, allow us to do it every so many hours. Selling crops and animal produce could be earned for $, while petting animals and picnic with Lysander could award AP. It could have a little chibi Lysander to move around or have Lysander doing stuff in the back ground while you play a generic candy collecting crops and doing the animal things. Nothing too advanced, just a little thing to look forward to over time, and keeps people coming back to visit the site. I give full permission for this idea to be used and modified. Otherwise, I'd say it's a generic enough idea... ahhhshit *frantically releases the peace pigeon from sleeve unexpectedly*
I just want Harvest Moon meets MCL. Is that so bad? ; v;
Ohh... I just had an idea... You start off with a cow and a... Tomato plant that regrows and produces every so many hours. But then! You can use $ to get more animals and crop types that will multiply earnings a bit. Like an investment type thing. heeheehee, Oh no, I'm evil. But I do think it would be a fun add on. I have so many ideas... Buy extra animals and crop types for real money? Like a dollar per thing? 3$? Oh god, please, not the stones! Maybe eventually add on decorating? -but that for $ in game. At this point, I'm just going ham...
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abountifulharvest · 7 years
THarvest Moon 1996 (NSES):
Harvest Moon 64 (N64):
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful  Life (GC):
Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life (GC):
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody (GC):
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (Wii):
Harvest Moon: Animal Parade (Wii):
Harvest Moon 2 (GBC):
Harvest Moon 3 (GBC):
Harvest Moon: Friends in Mineral Town (GBA):
Harvest Moon: More Friends in Mineral Town (GBA):
Harvest Moon DS (DS):
Havrest Moon DS Cute (DS):
Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness (DS):
Harvest Moon: Sunshine Island (DS):
Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar (DS) EUROPEAN RELEASE:
Puzzle De Harvest Moon (DS):
Harvest Moon; Frantic Farming (DS): https://www.emuparadise.me/Nintendo_DS_ROMs/Harvest_Moon_-_Frantic_Farming_(US)(Venom)/50221
Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns (DS):
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (PS):
Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland (PS2):
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful LIfe SE (PS2):
Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl (PSP):
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley (PSP):
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon (PSP):
Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories, Harvest Moon: My Little Shop, Harvest Moon: A New Beginning, Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns on 3DS, Story of Seasons, Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns, Harvest Moon: Skytree Valley.
Nintendo 64:
Nintendo Gamecube/Wii:
Game Boy Color:
Game Boy Advance:
Nintendo DS:
PlayStation: https://www.emuparadise.me/Sony_Playstation_Emulators/Windows/ePSXe/20
PlayStation 2:
Playstation Portable:
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emeraldhazeart · 3 years
🍃 Harvest Moon 30 Day Challenge 🍂
Day 5: So, what’s your favorite in game season?
I always look forward to each season change when it comes along, but my favourite in most games is probably Winter.
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Here in England we don't tend to get much snowfall, so it's always magical and exciting to me when it does snow. Give me a whole 30 in game days of snow, without the inconveniences and dangers of winter irl, and I'm happy.
One of my favourite irl things to do is go for a walk while the snow is falling. The grey winter landscape turns white and beautiful again, the untouched snow looks so perfect and pure, and the falling snowflakes seem to block out the noise of the rest of the world - it's just bliss.
As far as gameplay goes, Winter tends to be a more relaxed season for me after spending the rest of the year frantically farming and caring for livestock. The animals mostly stay indoors, so they're easier to tend to, there are fewer, if any, crops to worry about, and I can focus my time on gathering lumber, mining or building relationships with townsfolk.
Plus, the Winter themes are often my favourite of the seasonal music.
Hearing the snow crunch underfoot, running through falling snow, having a cosy fire on in the fireplace that makes me feel warm just looking at it - I love it all.
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jungcity · 4 years
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GENRE: crime, romance, slice of life
PAIRINGS: bandit!hendery, sacristan!female reader
WORD COUNT: 27,632
SONG PROMPTS: Godless - BANKS, 505 - Arctic Monkeys, Some Unholy War - Amy Winehouse, Robbers - The 1975 | [full playlist here.]
WARNINGS: Please observe proper discretion for this story deals with themes of adultery, orphanhood, child abuse, child neglect, deaths, violence, manipulation and suggestive stuff.
NOTE: This is a part of the crime!au collaboration held by @neovisioned. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Please be aware that this story would have references that revolves around Catholicism. I am by no means wish to be exclusive to those who has the same religion as I. Upon pondering the plot of this story, religion would be a mandatory part, hence I chose mine since it is what I know best.
TAGLIST: @legendnct @cloudysuh @eyypeach @mjlkau @cherub-vivi
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i. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth…
Trails of white smoke circled the candle as you snuffed out the fire from the matchsticks. The heavy rain raged on, with the branches slapping the gothic windows of Father Ben’s chamber. The priest sat on a rocking chair near the aperture, watching the thunder and lightning as they continue to battle for dominion over the heavens.
“Father,” you called out softly. He hummed but did not turn to face you. Over the months that you have worked and helped Father Ben tend to the church, you noticed how particularly silent he could be whenever the clouds are pouring. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” you asked.
For the past few days, Father Ben would tell you about shadows prowling around the church. Two boys, he claims. Sometimes they are three. Bandits, no doubt.
“Be careful on your way home, hija. Bring my umbrella so you won’t get soaked.” And that has been the last words he spoke.
You pressed your lips into a thin line. There would be no point forcing the priest. Perhaps he does not want your mother to worry about you.
You closed the door of the priest’s chamber and made your way down the creaky staircase. The church hadn’t been renovated since the middle of the pandemic that had swept across the whole world. This structure hadn’t tasted new paints and new rivets yet for ten years.
Father Ben resides where the choral sings everyday. Since Father lost all his relatives to the pandemic, he made it built for him. Perhaps that was the reason why he was too quiet. You haven’t lost anyone to it, but you knew a lot of people who died because of it and have friends who had lost their fathers and mothers, even siblings, to it.
You fastened the latch of every door inside the church before you walked towards the main door. Laying the lamp on the floor, you unlatched the wooden door. The blustery and frigid wind flows through the opening, misting your feet and right arm as you leaned to grab the lamp and struggle to open the umbrella.
By good fortune, the rain softened as you departed the church. Bougainvilleas wrapping the façade of the structure made eerie shadows as the moon casted down its light to it. You made your way to the small village you live in.
“Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy…” echoes the praying mothers and daughters in front of their altars.
You cannot not help but be fascinated by the orange lamp lights in their homesteads, as you saw the women of every family kneel and make their prayers. Ever since the end of the pandemic five years ago, your village has been humming novenas every six p.m. or eight p.m. at night. You heard it was the same for the neighboring village, too.
“Hail our life, our sweetness and our hope…” You heard the little voices of innocent children as they tried to copy the words. It made your heart flutter. “To Thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.”
Until you reached your street, prayers echoed. Your house loomed as you turn left. Gathering your skirt, you hopped over a puddle of mud and continued walking.
“Mom, I’m home,” you declared upon stepping your feet inside.
Mom was on her usual place near the fireplace, knitting new pillowcases with the dim light from the fire. She turned her head to see you, then pulls down her reading glasses to examine your slightly soaked skirts.
“I thought you’re sleeping in the church?” she asked as she twiddled the needle with her fingers.
“Father Ben won’t allow me,” you simply answered as you trodded towards the kitchenette.
There was only one light inside the house. It was located between the kitchenette and living room. During the pandemic, all energy had been used to fuel hospitals as well as quarantine facilities for the affected citizens. Energy had been lacking ever since.
You went back to the living room with a plate in hand. Food has been scarce in this part of town. But your mother has a little vegetable farm in the backyard. So it’s vegetable salad every night.
“Tomorrow is the first Sunday of the month,” she began, “Did you prepare anything?”
You munched while watching the needle pierce through the fabric. “Mayor Rosales failed to give us sponsorship. But we have gathered some money from the houses nearby the highway.” Those people who live near the highway were what you could call the richer ones. They have convenience stores lining up, and they pretty much sell anything a villager might need. “Father wants to feed the children this time.”
“Would that be enough? The money?”
“We’ll make do,” you sighed.
Mother hummed. “Bring the vegetables tomorrow, then. I’ve harvested enough for ingredients.”
You smiled. “Thank you, Mother.”
ii. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord…
He came into your life like a fog in the dawn; mysterious, hazy, and cold. The boy with the secret of the universe in his eyes, and danger playing along his boyish smile rang your door in the year 2040. When hope has only started to rebuild itself after the terrors of a sickness nobody had been able to see.
Easy smile, childlike laughters and soft hair— that has been him.
Your first encounter had been outside the church. Where he leaned in a big motorcycle while puffing smokes from his cigarette.
“Kids, please line up according to your height,” you told the children softly. Big innocent eyes stared back at you with excitement.
When suddenly, Lucy, the other sacristan, gestured to you to come over the front line where the food is located. “No pushing,” you warned the kids before leaving them with Rei, another sacristan.
“What is it?” you asked.
Lucy motioned her puckered lips towards the exit. “Could you tell him to smoke somewhere else?”
You followed her gesture. And your gaze landed straight to him as he blew out smoke from his lips. He playfully inhales from the cigarette bud and puffed it carelessly in the air. He was looking straight at the spot where you were currently glued at. Both of you held each other’s eyes, and you felt lost in those mysterious orbs for a good second until Lucy cleared her throat to gather your attention.
Spontaneously, your brows immediately shot up in vexation. It was forbidden to smoke inside and around the church’s vicinity. You gathered your skirts and sauntered up to him. As you near closer to him, you have caught a sight of a black patch plastered on the side of his neck.
The boy cocked a brow as he saw you nearing. You ignored his reaction and cleared your throat. But your breath seemed to be sweeped out of your lungs yet again when you realized that the black patch was a tattoo. It reads the word pervivo. “Mister, it is not allowed to smoke around the church. Could you please take that somewhere else?”
Instead of tossing his cigarette, he took a long sip from the bud and blew the smoke to your face. Shocked and absolutely disgusted, you fanned away the smoke frantically while coughing out the chemical that has succeeded to reach your nostrils and throat.
“What the—”
“Fuck?” he finished. The smoke slowly dissipates, revealing his dead set of eyes staring at you. He, then, threw the bud to the ground before crushing the ashes with the tip of his boot. “Can’t really cuss in here, can you?”
Such audacity! Your nose flared while trying to collect the little patience left in your system. Boys like him never failed to irate you.
Smoothing out your skirt, you straightened your spine with as much dignity as you can muster. “Blowing smoke—”
For the second time, the boy interrupted you by waving his hand high up in the air. “Father!” he shouted. The boy jogged the distance towards the line of children in front of the church to clap Father Ben’s back. Frozen on your feet, you stared at him in horror.
“Do you know him, Father?” you motioned your head to the boy who was casually smiling from ear to ear beside the priest. As if he didn’t deadpan at you earlier.
Father Ben stretched his lips into what you could call a small smile. “Hendery’s from the city. He’s to be our new sacristan.”
There was literal ringing in your ears by what you have heard. Hendery? A new sacristan? “Wait…” You let out an incredulous noise. “What?”
“I’m Hendery Wong. I came here to be the new sacristan.” The boy stretched out his hand to you. You look at it with reluctance evidently etched through your face.
“I don’t understand,” you managed to say while shaking Hendery’s hand. He has been surprisingly calloused, juxtaposing his soft and pretty face.
“I know you will soon, hija,” Father Ben said, “And I trust you to help Hendery adjust to the work here. Can you do that?”
Hendery’s smile never left his face. It was as if he was relishing to the predicament that you were in instead of being friendly. However, you couldn’t really turn down Father Ben. And it was not right to jump on your prejudices. Cigarettes and tattoos doesn’t mirror someone else’s personality. Hendery deserved the benefit of the doubt.
So you sighed. “I can, Father. Rest assured that I’ll show Hendery around.”
Father Ben tapped your shoulder lightly before joining Lucy to prepare the food for the children, leaving you with the new boy.
“So,” he began, garnering your attention. When you turn to look at him, Hendery’s demeanor has already changed. Or perhaps it was only your judgment getting the best of you. But there was a spark of something dangerous in the way that he looked at you. As if his eyes were the tip of the cigarette he inhaled mere minutes ago. Flickering— with a promise of charring if you ever come close. “Shall we begin?”
For what seemed like the hundredth time that day, you sighed deeply. “Could you wash and sanitize first? You know, you actually held a cigarette and we don’t wanna contaminate the food, right?”
His smile grew wider, erasing the enigma he exuded seconds ago. “Do you have a mask? You know, I’ve sipped a cigarette and we don’t want my spit to fly towards the food, right?”
You looked at him sharply. “Yes, we do have a mask. It’s become pretty mandatory since twenty years ago.”
Hendery stretcheso out his hand to let you walk first. From the long table on which the food has been placed, you grabbed a surgical mask to give to Hendery. When you turned to face him, he held up his hands suddenly.
“I haven’t yet washed my hands. I’ll appreciate it if you’ll put those here,” he said  while pointing at his ear.
He really was something. And you have found it oddly… endearing. You haven’t known ice and fire could co-exist in a single person. Until you have met him. You gulped— and you have no idea why— as you draped the strings of the mask around his ears. His mouth and nose disappeared, but that failed to decrease his beauty.
What is happening to you? In your whole existence, you have met boys with stars in their eyes but this has been your first time to see the whole universe in someone else’s irises.
You shook your head as Hendery departed in front of you to wash his hands.
Pretty boys are only boys until you try to make a verselet out of them. That was the line you have never wanted to cross.
Hendery would only be a word. Not poetry. Or would he?
iii. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary…
When you were amongst the poor during the pandemic, your survival rate would be extremely challenged. Luckily for you, your father had run a small business that successfully provided for your family during those trying times.
Five years ago, the world made its reset when it came to economy and livelihood. Almost all businesses shut down. The luxuries and opulence of the year 2020 had been vanquished completely.
Billionaires finally witnessed that they weren’t the gods they once thought they were as the claws of the sickness reached their thrones and destroyed their castles.
Regardless of the Internet’s power, trade fell. With it the Internet celebrities in YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter— you name it.
Notwithstanding, the 2020’s pandemic hadn’t been the only one to devastate the Earth.
There had been multiple environmental issues, like the raging of wildfires in sundry forests across the globe. World War III also threatened to break out of its cage as countries fought for dominance over lands they clearly had no business to claim.
Police brutality rages on. Their authority had been used for mayhem other than peace. It has breached the lives of people, especially to that of the black community. Everything went clusterfuck because the authorities think some people are inferior to them. They harmed rather than serve.
Chaos. Death. Fear. Those three things have managed to leave a blotch of bleakness that now blanketed the Earth.
The death toll exceeded that of the Black Plague that had swept across Europe hundreds of years ago. Hospitals transformed to that of a colony— the patients as the ants. Total panic enveloped everyone. Especially the poor, whose only shield against it had been a little bottle of alcohol.
Great Depression two-point-o, some would call the economy right now. Minimal jobs were offered, but the salary won’t be enough to feed a family of four.
Poverty’s poison didn’t fail to contaminate the globe. It strengthened its hold to the third world country, and flowed slowly to those in the upper level of society. Despite it all, everyone collapsed on its feet: adults with dreams for the younger generations. Teenager with dreams for the future. And children who were only starting to build their aspirations.
With it, the hopes of the seven-year-old boy who has the constellations in his eyes and a promise of tomorrow in his innocent face. It had all been obliterated because of heartache and neglect.
Hendery witnessed it every night; the shoutings of his mother, and the hopelessness in his father’s face as yet another job had turned him down. His bedroom walls didn’t muffle the sound— the silence only intensified it.
“You are a useless piece of shit!” her mother would scream.
Despite that, Hendery’s father would only cover his face with his hands. He would absorb every nag and every hurtful words his wife would throw at him. Because tomorrow would be another day to fight and he couldn’t afford losing the battle now. At least, that was what Hendery believed.
Never once did he hear his mother ask about his sake. Never once did he hear the words, “What about Hendery? He would starve!”
Starve he did.
A lanky seven-year-old, his neighbors would call him. Salt and rice every night. You only have to close your eyes and eat. Wash down the taste with water and sleep.
The home that was meant to give him comfort had turned his own hell. Its unfavorable walls would suffocate him every day. Its dull and dirty carpet would be his only friend for the days that would come.
And as if the world wasn’t done throwing knives and rocks at his back, Hendery found something that had completely deteriorated the little boy in him.
One day, when he was returning from their neighbor’s house— full and a little bit energetic— he found his mother’s clothes littered over the floor, with it were pants and shirts that didn’t belong to his father.
With his boy heart and still developing mind, Hendery sat in the kitchen. The noise of his mother’s adultery echoed across the whole house. Hendery patiently waited for it to stop, sitting there with his feet dangling from the chair.
Then the door clicked open, revealing his mother and the man he didn’t recognize. From his position to the kitchen, his mother failed to notice him. But Hendery could see everything unfolding before his very eyes. The unknown man picked up his clothes. When he was completely dressed, he fished for his wallet and handed Hendery’s mother money.
That night, there were sausages and eggs in the table. His mother was enthusiastic, but there was a dull spark in her eyes. His father, too, despite the smile on his lips, was a flash of apology in his orbs.
Hendery slept soundly. A tear escaping his eye.
“Why are you crying?” You crouched in front of a boy named Kristan. Snot and tear has already mixed up in his face to create dirty splotches. You held his hands softly to put beside his body.
Kristan sniffed. But did not answer.
“Kristan, tell me what happened,” you gently asked. His head bowed down deeper, as if he was embarrassed and scared to tell you anything. Kristan, he was one of your favorites despite his silent comportment and shy eyes.
Ever since Father Ben decided to teach the children from the village basic education at the church, you have been curious about Kristan. There was something about the boy. Sadness. Melancholy. Loneliness.
“I am here—” You were interrupted by Hendery, who also crouched beside Kristan. “What are you doing?” you deadpan.
Hendery ignored you, as he focused on Kristan. He puts his hand on his shoulder and pulls down his mask. “Tell me who among these kids beat you up,” he whispered, “Was it him?” Then he pointed towards the other boy who was curiously watching the three of you.
The slightest shock adorned Kristan’s face. He looked at you warily, obviously perturbed by Hendery’s presence.
You smiled at him to tell him it’s alright. And that he doesn’t need to be cautious around Hendery. Although you didn’t know about that yourself. Hendery was still a mystery.
“They… didn’t hurt me,” Kristan said through his snuffles. “Thank… you, Miss Y/N,” he added, then he looked at Hendery, “And to you… Mister…?”
“Hendery. Call me Hendery.”
“Mister Hendery,” Kristan said, practicing the new syllables of Hendery’s name. Kristan bowed before walking towards the line of boys again.
Concerned about the well-being of the boy, you sighed. When you turned to go back to packing the foods, Hendery walked up towards Kristan again.
“What is this?” he asked while slightly pulling up the little boy’s sleeves. There was a purple mark right on his arm. Something that definitely resembled a contusion.
When Kristan realized what was happening, he flinched away from Hendery.
You hurried beside him once more, brows furrowed. “Kristan, what is that?”
His eyes were fervent, lips quivering while wriggling free of your hold from his arm. Because of the fear that you might hurt him, you let Kristan go. He ran away.
Father Ben rushed towards you, robes billowing like waves against the pavement. “What is happening?” he asked.
You shared a look with Hendery before answering, “Hendery and I saw something in his arm— something like a bruise,” you explained. “Father, I think there’s something going on with Kristan, and I am deeply concerned about his well-being.”
The priest listened and nodded his head. “Follow me, the both of you,” he commanded before pivoted on his heel.
Without offering Hendery a glance, you followed Father Ben inside the church and to his chamber. When all three of you were secured inside, Father Ben locked the door.
You couldn’t help but observe Hendery as he roamed his eyes around the room. As if he was searching for something. Something valuable. But when he looked at you, he smiled and all your doubts vanished in a blink. How could happiness and sadness co-exist at the same time in someone else’s body?
The sound of papers shuffling woke you from your reverie. Father Ben raised up a paper, and studied it with his reading glasses.
“Here is Kristan’s birth certificate,” he announced. “His mother died giving birth to him. Kristan is being taken care of his father, his alcoholic father, at their house in the southeast part of the village.”
You listened carefully to each word. You already know that Kristan’s only living parent was his father. But never once did Father Ben shared the reality of him being alcoholic. Goosebumps crawled onto your back as realization slowly weaved its way through your mind.
“His father’s hurting him,” Hendery pronounced beside you.
Father Ben hummed. “That, we do not yet know. So it’d be really helpful if the both of you would venture to their house and check for your own eyes. I would’ve gone myself but I won’t be able to fight his father if it ever comes to that,” Father Ben continued, “He’s quite well-known as an aggressive man.”
“And… I suppose Hendery could fight him off?” You raised a brow. Hendery’s built wasn’t like that of a body-builder. He definitely belonged to the species of boys with sad eyes and skinny bodies. Dangerous. Utterly dangerous.
He chuckled— a quite rumbling sound that could stir butterflies inside a woman’s stomach. “I’m quite a fighter, Y/N,” he said.
You sighed. “Let’s just hope that it won’t come to aggression.” Then you focused your attention back to the priest. “What of me? What can I contribute, Father?”
Father Ben placed the paper back to his drawers. “You have your wits in you, hija. Convince his father to give us Kristan for a while until he gets his life on the right path.”
After Father Ben’s instruction, the both of you made your way down the stairs. You still couldn’t understand why Father Ben asked Hendery to come. He was from town after all. Townspeople weren’t so used to life in the countryside. In their towering factories and buildings, they still pretend that they have the glory of the past.
“Are you really from the city?” you asked, turning your body to face him. He descended the last step while you stood on the second.
His steps halted at the question, then he tilted his head quite a bit too see you. “What of it?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Having someone journey here from the city’s pretty unusual.” You descended the stairs and walked ahead of him.
“Having villagers in the city’s never been heard before,” he snorted.
Your brows furrowed. Was that an insult? Or was he simply baiting you? Whatever that meant, you halted. “What are you implying? That we don’t have the means to go to the city?” When Hendery shrugged, you puffed out your chest and held your chin up high. “Well, must I say to you that it’s pretty decent living in here than pretend to have riches in the city.”
He only chuckled, driving you irate even more. “We don’t pretend, Y/N.”
You have decided not to answer for your own well-being. He was truly a city boy. Arrogant. Condescending. Too full of himself. And you mustn’t bother yourself with him. Hendery was on the other side of your own spectrum. There was no point understanding a boy you have just met.
“Oh, wait.” You halted when you finally reached the exit door of the church. “I’ll ask Lucy if you could borrow her bicycle.” When you turned to leave, Hendery caught your wrist. Everything about you stopped functioning by the touch. It wasn’t as if you weren’t used to boys holding you— but yes, you could say that.
“We can ride my motorbike,” he suggested, “Much more convenient, don’t you think?”
Oh, no. No, no, no. If the year 2020 had learned its way towards openness and liberty, well, 2040 failed to adapt to that. “No,” you simply answered.
“No? What do you mean no? You’ll only ride behind me, then we’ll take off.”
You groaned. “City boys.” If anyone would see you riding a big motorbike, they would curse you as if you were the demon. You despised the notion yourself. And it was really tempting to try new things once in a while. Perhaps you were only being stupid— or naive. There was no harm riding a big black and shiny motorbike, right? You heaved out a deep sigh. “Alright, let’s go.”
Hendery’s confused visage turned to that of a bright one when he, once again, flashed you his pearlescent teeth. He jogged the distance towards his motorbike. Without any word, he hopped and snapped the pedal with his right foot.
“Hop in,” he said.
You raised a brow. “Helmet?”
“Church girls,” he groaned. You opened your mouth to speak, but Hendery once again cut you off, “Where is the fun in riding a motorbike if you’d wear a helmet?”
“Hendery, it’s a safety protocol if you aren’t—”
Once again, he groaned, “Where’s the fun in ‘safe’? Hop in.” He tilted his head to the side, encouraging you to finally hop in his motorbike.
“I think I’m gonna ride—”
“Y/N,” he firmly called, “Sometimes, you also have to taste the danger.” Then he reached for your hand. You would have flinched away, but the warmness of his palm hindered you from doing so. “Don’t you trust me?”
Trust? Mother says don’t talk to strangers. It has been a mantra of every little girl as they grow up. But you aren’t a little girl no more.
Other than his melancholic eyes, his name is all you know about him. And how could you trust the swirl of danger in his irises? However, humans are vexatious. They don’t always follow the rules.
When you are fed with deprivation of something extraordinary, you grow hankering after it.
You took Hendery’s hand. With your heart thudding inside your chest, you grasped your skirt and pulled your body upwards to sit on his motorbike. Hendery revved the engine, twisting his hand around the accelator.
“Please, slow down—!” Your chests collided against his back by the impact. Hendery chuckled, but he did not heed your cries. He rode through the road ahead, shoulders still rumbling of his laughters.
Skirt ballooning out, you prayed to God that you won’t meet your doom today. This has been a bad idea. A very bad one at that. What would people say if they witness a sacristan— a sacristan woman— riding this black motorcycle? With her skirts billowing out in the open? Oh, no. Your mother would whip you to shreds.
“Where are we going?” Hendery shouted.
You clutched on his front shirt tightly, afraid that the wind would surely swoosh you away if you do so much as to slacken your hold. “Where are we now?” you shouted back. Because you refused to sit up straight, you shielded yourself with Hendery’s body. And now your position shielded you away from seeing anything other than the road beneath the wheels.
“Y/N, please sit up straight.” He laughed. Oh, this boy relishes to your suffering. He really was. “We are currently entering a village…?”
You willed yourself to sit. Surely, it won’t kill you. You have seen actresses ride behind their own James Deans in big motorcycles such as this one.
“Alright, alright, I’ll slow down.” But Hendery’s words were muffled by the air. However, you felt the wheels roll slowly as it enters your village. Your village. Oh, no.
“No, please don’t! Faster, Hendery!” When he refused to rev the accelerator, you pinched his sides.
“Aw! Alright, alright!” Without another word, Hendery drove through the houses.
You obscured our face as much as you could. You couldn’t afford having someone recognize you. It won’t happen.
“Y/N, where are we going?” he asked for the second time. “We’re away from the houses. No one can see you here but the grasses,” he taunted.
You opened your eyes and saw the ground below, as well as the grasses. It only means you were well away from your village. You exhaled and sat up. “Turn left.”
“Left? Is there life at the end of this road?”
You deadpanned, “City boys.”
“No, seriously?”
“Yes, there is Hendery. It’s the most isolated part of the village— please look at the road,” you reminded him when he attempted to face you sideways.
“Kristan’s from here?”
He nodded his head. “He walks this distance every day?”
It was somehow weird to talk about life in the countryside with a city boy. If Hendery was, indeed, from the city. You have no idea about the city ever since the pandemic. This has always been your home; the trees, the grasses, the kind neighbors, and a pious village. The liveliness of the wen— if claims were to be trusted— has been no more than a thing left in the back of your mind. It was almost a name you have no idea how to pronounce.
“You, too?” Hendery asked. A question you didn’t expect to hear.
“Uh-huh.” Then a chuckled. “We’re left with no choice since we have no resources when it comes to vehicles.”
“How do you go to the city, then?”
“We don’t go to the city. Unless it is needed.”
Hendery hummed. “And how do you go?”
“We ask the chieftain to lend us the ambulance.”
“The ambulance?” he asked.
The road becomes bumpy because of rocks, so you hold on him tightly once again. Hendery chuckled at your action, but did not bait you.
“Yes,” you answered. “Oh, we’re here,” you announced as Kristan’s village looms ahead. It was shielded away from your eyes because of the trees circling the whole vicinity.
“Do they sleep with snakes here?” There wasn’t any jeer to his voice, only curiosity.
You snorted. “Why don’t you stay for the night to try?” You gathered your skirt then planted your heel to the ground. With a swing of your leg, you hopped off his motorbike.
“I’d like to.” Hendery fished out a packet of cigarettes from the pocket of his jacket. He pressed one between his fingers and lit the tip with a lighter.
“Is that necessary?” you asked.
People in this part of town weren’t welcoming. That was why it didn’t come off as a shock to know that Kristan’s father was alcoholic. It simply was the way of living here: alcohol, cigarettes, cards. That being said, having an outsider such as Hendery venture here could provoke the most hard-headed fathers and boys alike.
Hendery sipped then  blew smoke out in the air. “What are you scared of?”
For a minute, you caught a spark in his irises. It was as if he didn’t ask about your fears— but your insecurities. And of the things you wanted to try but couldn’t. Or perhaps it was only you, digging deeper into the simple question.
“God,” you simply answered.
“There is no god,” he retorted.
That caught you off-balance. An aspiring sacristan wouldn’t say that. “Father says you want to be a sacristan. How could you? When you don’t have any faith?”
Hendery stopped for a second before blinking. “There is no god but God the Father Almighty in heaven.” Then he flashed you a smile. You furrowed your brows. “Shall we?” he asked, throwing out his cigarette to the ground.
You shrugged.
Different sets of eyes pierced your bodies as you and Hendery trodded the dusty road. Mothers with their youngest born straddling their waists peered through wooden gates. Fathers with their cigarettes and beer bottles scrutinized you from head to toe. You were covered from your neck down your heel, but they look at you as if you were naked.
Hendery beside you exudes indifference. Shoulders straight and chin up high, Hendery stared every man down. You didn’t know if that’s a good idea or not. The last thing you need was a brawl between him and the juveniles surrounding you.
Finally, you have reached Kristan’s home. It ws made of cement and sawali, just like most of the houses you have just passed by.
You smoothed out your skirt before knocking. One, two, three knocks before his Father greeted you with a grunt.
“What d’ya want?” he asked  in a rumpled voice.
Hendery stepped beside you. “We’re here to talk.”
Kristan’s father wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I don’t have anytime for you—”
“It’s about Kristan,” Hendery stated, jaw clenching.
To be honest, you didn’t expect him to make the talking. You could do it yourself. But you were still thankful that he was with you right now.
Kristan’s father rests his body against the doorframe. “What about my son?” Yes, he did ask about his son. However, there wasn’t any trace of concern in his voice.
You cleared your throat. “Father Ben wants to take care of Kristan for a while, until we’re sure that he’s safe living here.”
You heard the crashing of his beer bottle first, before you felt the tightening of your throat by the way he grabbed your collar.
“No one tells me what to do—”
Your first instinct had been to lash out on him, but your anger got the best of you. Before you could act out on your own, Hendery wrapped his hand around the man’s wrist. With force, he pushes him away and twisted the bone.
You stared in horror as Kristan’s father screamed in pain while holding his broken wrist. “Hendery!” you shouted as he sauntered towards the man. Hendery grabbed his head and slammed his knees against his nose, once again cracking the bones.
Thunderstruck beyond comprehension, you flew towards Hendery. “Hendery! Stop!”
Kristan’s father was on the ground, clutching his bleeding nose. Hendery towered over him with clenched fist, ready to pounce at any given time. Before he could swing yet another blow, you already lay hold of his arm.
“What are you doing?!” you asked, out of breath.
“Beating the shit out of him,” he said in nonchalance.
“That— isn’t what Father Ben asked as to do,” you reminded him, despite the fact that Father Ben indeed expected a brawl.
Hendery’s muscles relaxed nonetheless. He pointed a finger towards Kristan’s father who’s still on the ground, glaring at the both of you.
You grapple for words— anything. “Did you hurt your son?” you ask.
“What of it? You don’t have a child so you won’t understand how it is to discipline one,” he answered.
Hendery crouched. You grabbed hold of his back collar. “You fucking hurt your son again,” he spits, “I will kill you.”
“Father, I’m home— Miss Y/N?”
The three of you turned your attention towards the little boy who entered the house. Kristan. He was holding a plastic of what you could tell was a bag of vegetables.
Kristan’s eyes turns to Hendery, and to his bloodied father. “Mister Hendery? What are you doing here?”
“You’ll come with us for a while,” Hendery said.
“What is happening?”
You crouched in front of the boy and lay hold of his shoulders. “Father Ben asked us to take you back to the church. Where you’ll stay for a while until your Father learns how to be a good one.”
“Really?” Kristan asked in relief.
Has this house been his hell that it’s a relief to be away from his father? You frowned at the thought.
“But… Father— he’s going to be alone.”
“Ask your Father. We still need his approval after all,” you explained.
Kristan walked towards his father, who was standing and padding his pants. Hendery crossed his arms over his chest, watching the man warily.
“Father, is it okay if I’ll leave for a while? Will you be fine?” the little boy asked.
“Go! Do what you want! Don’t come back!” he shouted.
However, Kristan didn’t flinch. It was as if he had been to used to this kind of treatment. “Alright, I’ll come back. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you.” Then he hugged his Father’s hips.
You looked away, unable to watch the scene unfolding before your eyes. It would seem as if Hendery couldn’t take it in himself, for your eyes crossed as he looks away, too.
“Take care and be good. I love you, Father.” Kristan turned his back against his Father. He smileed at you and took your hand. You held his hand tightly and spared his Father one last look.
He turned his back the same time his tear slid down his face. You swallowed the lump in your throat before bowing slightly as a goodbye.
iv. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried…
Pandemic and poverty, it truly was a wonder how Hendery survived such dreadful times. Perhaps there was really a god, lurking somewhere, ready to grant the wishes of the people during those awful times.
Yet as far as Hendery was concerned, nobody prayed for him when the pandemic striked him. Right, this lanky seven-year-old’s suffering didn’t end after he found out about his mother’s adultery.
At first, Hendery brushed off the heaviness of his eyelids together with his parched throat as a common sickness. He never told his mother or father about it, for the fear that it might fruit into something their financial stability won’t be able to answer for.
But then hours had gone by, with Hendery’s air passage slowly closing in on him. As if a boulder was placed right in on his lungs, demanding his life by choking him. Cough dry and head aching, Hendery twisted and turned on his bed, unable to think clearly. He felt as if he was dying— dying in the most horrible way possible.
Thereafter, he believed that he had gone in and out of consciousness, or perhaps it was only his vision going blurry from the ache his body was trying to fight off.
Hendery failed to recognize his father as he leaned to check his son. And he failed to recognize the feeling of being scooped up from the bed, with his father shouting for help as if his life depended on it.
Blotches of darkness swam in his line of sight. The cries of his mother as well as the panicked shouts of his father were muffled by his coughing.
Would this be the end? Was this the life the gods had planned out for him? To die young? To die without a fight? How do you accept this fate?
For once, he wanted to see the end of this pandemic. He wanted to witness the rainbow after this storm. For once, he yearned to see something beautiful. Just once.
Hendery fully succumbed to oblivion.
When he woke up, it was the white light that filled his vision. Was it heaven? Hendery tried to make sense of his surroundings, but no noise could be heard other than the beeping of machines around him.
His eyelids fluttered open completely. The ceiling to where his hospital bed was located flashed above him like a canvas of nothing but white. There was a tightness in his nose, and he realized that he was breathing through an apparatus.
Hendery tried to move his fingers. They were mobile, albeit frail. It’s the same with his feet. Perhaps it was the incessant ravaging of the cough against his lungs that made him sick to the bones. He would’ve thanked whoever there was to be thankful for, if not for the uncertainty that was still stretching out in front of him. The pandemic wasn’t a one-night killer. It would render you infirm for weeks— it’s only up to the doctors and your own antibodies if they won’t collapse and give up on you.
And Hendery’s feeble state, as well as his age, failed to give him much hope.
He would die, right there— alone. God has shunned him away. He refused to cry, since no amount of tears could appease the loneliness inside him.
Hendery closed his eyes again.
The second time he woke, the doctors were smiling in front of him. The nurses guided him out of his bed. They even helped him get dressed in new clothes. Baffled was an understatement for what he felt that day. Was he out of danger? Could he truly live now? With his mother and father once again?
For the first time since his life went downhill, Hendery smiled. There wasn’t a reason not to. If he could, he would jump from happiness. He did it. He survived.
Hendery excitedly roamed his eyes around him from the wheelchair, hoping to finally meet his parents after weeks of being separated from them. Yet no familiar faces greeted him when he reached the exit of the hospital.
A clawing feeling rested in his stomach, but he couldn’t afford to cave in his fear. Hendery remained smiling until a middle-aged woman stood before him.
“Are you Hendery?” she asked.
“Yes. I am,” Hendery answered without looking at the woman. He was busy searching for his parents.
“Thank you so much for taking care of my niece. I’ll  forever be grateful for your service. I’ll take him from here,” the woman announced.
“Wait—” Hendery turned around to see the woman taking the wheelchair from the nurses. “Where’s my Mom? My Dad?”
“Hendery, I’ll explain once we reach the house,” his apparent aunt said.
Hendery pursed his lips together. “Is Mom and Dad—”
“Be quiet,” the woman said softly.
Hendery had been quiet thereafter.
Hendery looked up to see the stars in the skies. How pretty they truly were. He won’t blame those who wishes upon these twinkling white lights. But he would feel utterly stupid himself to whisper his dreams to these scintillating lights that would die later on.
Supernova, scientists call it. It is the dying of a star. It is its return to atoms, particles, or whatever shit there is in the universe even before matter and time took its place.
Hendery let the liquor grate his throat as he took yet another swig from his bottle. Liquor and unwanted memories? Sign him up. Deep conversations with himself? He might be heartless in the eyes of many, but Hendery knew how to contemplate things. Too bad that he didn’t have anyone to share his thoughts with.
“What on earth are you doing?”
Oh, perhaps there was.
Aghast by the fact that there were empty bottles littered all around him, you gazed at Hendery.
It had been a week since he arrived at the church, telling everyone that he wanted to be a sacristan. So far, so good. He was a fast-learner albeit not showing any interests when it came to talking about the Bible. You still had your doubts in the pockets of your skirts. And seeing him drinking himself right behind the structures of the Church only intensified your wariness.
But the boy faced you with a smile. “Drinking,” he answered with a shrug.
“I know you are drinking,” you seethed. “But why are you drinking?”
It was past six p.m. already. You had completed your duties to the Church, and had also tucked in Kristan to the sacristan’s quarters just below Father Ben’s own chamber.
“To let off some steam.”
You stomped towards him with your chest puffing out of irritation. “First, you smoke on your first day. Then you drink on your first week. What on earth is wrong with you, Hendery?”
“Why don’t you sit with me for a while?”
You flew your arms to the air. “You are unbelievable.”
Hendery leaned back. “Aren’t you curious about me?”
“I am—” You closed your mouth. The words slipped out before you knew it.
His smile only widened . “Father Ben’s secured in his chamber. There is no need to fret.” He motioned his head down the space beside him. “Sit.”
They said drunk men speak the most truth. If you could squeeze anything out of him by joining him tonight, you would. With a heavy heart, you sat beside Hendery. The acrid smell of the alcohol whiffed your nose like a whiplash instantly.
“Now,” he began. “Ask me anything you want.”
“Where are y—”
Hendery pressed a finger to your lips. “In one condition: drink.”
You swatted his hand away with a frown. “I’m going.” But before you could stand up, Hendery held your wrist.
“I’m kidding,” the boy said  with a chuckle.
There. That smile. That chuckle.
“Seriously.” You sat comfortably again. “Where are you from?”
“The city,” he answered. “I was born in the city. It’s all I’ve ever known ever since.”
“The pandemic hit the city hardest,” you commented. It was true, though. Because of their lifestyle and opulence, the pandemic moved way faster in the city compared to the villages.
“Yes, it did,” he whispered before downing the last gulp from his bottle. Hendery burped softly before tossing the empty bottle to the grass.
“One, two, three, four—” You scrunched your nose. “Five bottles. Now tell me, where did you get these?” you asked, pertaining to the liquor.
Hendery looked at you as if you beguile him to the fullest. “Convenience store. You have it here.”
You shot up a brow. “And you decided it best to consume them here? In the Church?”
“If it wasn’t obvious, yes.”
“I don’t have anything against you, smoking and drinking, but we shall set a good example to the children.”
Hendery quirked a brow. “Do you think smoking and drinking are bad examples?”
“Personally? No.” It was true. You didn’t think they were bad examples. It was always the person. But the church-goers were mostly children. They still don’t have the capacity to balance the right and the wrong for their age. Eventually, they would know. However, it was your duty to protect their innocent minds as best you could. “But there are children here. We must guide them.”
“They’ll learn to smoke later on.” He shrugged.
You hummed. “That, we aren’t sure of. Until then, let’s guide them first.”
“You’re truly devoted to being a sacristan, aren’t you?” Hendery asked, his head looking up to the skies.
You watched him in silence. His side profile was undeniably beautiful. You have never seen such soft features, to be honest. “Yes, I am.”
“Is that your dream?”
You tilted your head up to see the skies yourself. The stars were sprinkled like white sands against the darkness of the heavens. You smiled. “I have a lot of dreams, though. Like the stars above, they are somewhat implausible.”
It was his turn to look at you. If he was to be honest, Hendery found your face marvelous. He had never seen your likeness in the city. “Why do you say that?”
Perhaps someone would find it funny that you were opening yourself up to this boy. A boy you just met one week ago. However, there was a space in your heart that tells you it’s alright to tell Hendery all your dreams and worries, your aspirations and your doubts. Strangers couldn’t judge you.
You sigh. “I am… stuck here. I’ve never been anywhere else but here.”
“Not even in the city?”
You shake your head.
Hendery hums. “Well, it’s not really different. If not, it’s worse.” He chuckles. “Everyone lives as if it’s the end of the world tomorrow.”
“Isn’t that wonderful?” You hugged your knees closer to your chests. “I’ve always wanted to experience a night like that.”
Hendery snorted. “It gets tiring. And it’s not really convenient when you don’t have the money.”
“For what? Can’t you enjoy without it?”
He strayed his eyes towards you. There was a spark of amusement dancing in his orbs. As if he found your question fascinating. “You can’t. What about drugs? Alcohol? Cigarettes? You can’t buy those without money.”
Oh. Of course. Hendery’s talking about parties. He looked like that kind of boy at first glance. Yet upon hearing his snorts and the dissent on his face, you have realized that perhaps both of you were yearning for something you weren’t been born to reach. You, the city. Him, the peace of the countryside.
“I wasn’t talking about those,” you said. Hendery fixed you with a curious look. “I’m talking about the city lights above the rooftops. The blare of the cars. The life outside this town.”
Hendery threw his head back, contorting the tattoo on the side of his neck, and laughed softly. “Of course.” His laughters ceased, like smoke slowly dissipating into the air. “But there is more to that.”
You stood up and smoothed out your skirt. “Perhaps.”
“Don’t you want more?”
With that, you looked down at him to flash him a small smile. “I’ve always wanted more. Perhaps there is more to the world than this little town. Perhaps I deserve to see it one day.”
Hendery didn’t break eye contact when he said the words, “There are millions of possibilities if you’d only dare.”
In which you didn’t have any answer for.
v. He descended to the dead. On the third day, He rose again…
Hendery waited. For hours, days, months, but he’d never seen his parents again.
The roof above him and the floors underneath his feet were a place he had never seen before. Wherever he looked, the unfamiliarity of everything would hit him like a tidal wave. From the couches to the television, to the doorframe and the windowsills, no one could deny that this house had seen better days.
Hendery sleeps in a cot of hard wood that leaves his back aching every morning. He eats in a kitchen with mice crawling in the corners and cockroaches flying in different directions. Nevertheless, there was food and somehow it was all that matters.
What happened to his Mom and Dad? Hendery was left with puzzles of an answer himself. After he survived the pandemic, he was met with yet another obstacle: orphanhood.
His aunt, Lilia, said that his father died. He died because of the pandemic, too. Hendery wept for days on end, refusing to believe what had befell his loving father. But as Lilia showed him the death certificate, Hendery’s world collapsed to shreds. That had been the time when he felt utterly alone, with no one to guide him and no one to tuck him in his sleep but the coldness of the world and the loneliness of the night.
His mother— no one knows what happened to her. They say she was in an asylum. They say what had betided her husband and son shattered her mind. Hendery tried to gather information. He tried to ask his aunt about his mother’s whereabouts. But whenever he does, he’s met with a slap on the cheek.
Aunt Lilia was a kind woman— she really was. But there had been times when she would talk to no one in the windows, or would cry with unknown reasons on the kitchen floors. Sometimes, she would sing lullabies to help Hendery sleep. Sometimes, she would whip him until he was crying and begging for help.
No one saved him.
One day, when Aunt Lilia was fast asleep and snoring on her couch, Hendery tiptoed to the door. It’s time for him to leave this godforsaken place. It’s time that he finds his mother. He was twelve years old.
According to the doctors themselves, you become immune to the pandemic once it has already hit you. Hendery braved the pandemic with a single mask and a little bottle of alcohol. And for months, he would live in the streets.
You sang your favorite song while walking. It was eight p.m., the road was almost empty, save for a few workers going home to your village. Fortunately, it didn’t rain tonight so there were no need for umbrellas and tiptoeing through the mud.
Hendery remained in the Church, to do what, you hadn’t bothered to ask. He offered to take you home, but you politely declined. After a series of convincing Hendery that you were going to be fine on your own, his shoulders finally slumped in approval. Your mother would collapse on the ground if she ever sees you riding Hendery’s motorbike.
You didn’t take him for a gentleman. However, there were still a lot of things you didn’t know about the boy. After your conversation with him on the grasses, perhaps he’s allowed you to slip through his visions, even just for a little bit.
As you neared towards your house, elders and children alike scattering around your street drew you in a halt. What is happening? A bad feeling rested in your stomach, but you sent a silent prayer that it wasn’t what you were thinking about.
Your mother was also one of the villagers out, so you sauntered straight towards her with your forehead drawn in a crease. “What’s happening, Mom?”
Her lips were pulled in a tight frown. “Bandits!” she seethed, as if the word had been the cruelest of all curses. “They took Loira’s money that she hid under the dresser.”
“How? Are bandits that skilled?”
As far as you could tell, Aunt Loira’s home was barred from ceiling to floor. She doesn’t go out of the house without locking all the possible holes that bandits might slip through.
“Evil knows no bounds,” your mother once again spat. “Yes, they are that skilled and heartless nowadays.”
The village chieftain as well as the other tanods circle Aunt Loira’s home with their lamps and flashlights. But you’d doubted that they would acquire evidence. Bandits had been pillaging your village as well as the neighboring ones for years. No one could ell what they look like. However, some elders think that the men from Kristan’s village were the ones responsible for the robbery.
“But Aunt Loira literally bars her whole house whenever she leaves for the market, right?”
Your mother made a strange noise through her nose. “She forgot to lock her back door when she left earlier.” Then she wrapped a hand around your wrist. “Come, the food’s getting colder.”
With one last look at Aunt Loira’s house, you let your mother lead you away from the mayhem.
You have been a victim of the bandits yourselves. Once, when you were ten years old. And it had been of your own fault. Father and Mother went to the market that day, and being the only daughter that you were, you had no one to play with whenever they were away. So you hopped out of bed, with your morning glory still stuck in your eyes and hair like the nest of birds, you hadn’t bothered to lock your house and flew straight to your childhood friends.
When you came back home, Mother was frowning at you. She would’ve had you whipped if not for your father, who kindly stood between you and your mother’s diabolical punishments. The money from the old refrigerator was stolen. It was the money for the renovation of your own room. Because of its looting, you still stare at the blotches of rainwater on your canopy every night until now, praying that it won’t collapse on you.
As you lay on your bed, silent contemplations ravaged your mind: the conversation with Hendery, the bandits, your unattainable dreams— are they though?
You have always dreamed of traveling the world. See the wonders of it for yourself. But how could you do that if you have been stuck here ever since? You have no idea what the city looks like. Mother said you were born in the city, but before the lockdown had taken place over the whole country, Mother went back to this village. Apparently, the isolated places were safer during the pandemic.
The pandemic has been over for five years now. Surely, there was more to life than this quiet town, right? You love this village with all your heart. However, you feel as if there were a lot more waiting for you out there. As Hendery said, there were millions of possibilities if you’d only dare.
Dare. What an audacious word. It made you feel dauntless just saying it.
You sat up and stared at the view outside your windows. What could truly happen if you dares the world? What could happen if you step your foot out of this town and dare?
vi. He ascended into Heaven, sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty…
“He’s not from here,” the other boys whispered.
Hendery continued ransacking the trash cans under the bridge. It had been exactly two weeks since he escaped Aunt Lilia’s hell house. And he wasn’t fairing well. The coins he stole from Aunt Lilia’s dresser were beginning to sound nothing in his pockets despite the fact that water was all his body consumed ever since escaping.
They say you could survive without food, but you wouldn’t survive without water. So he drank and drank until his stomach became bloated. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Hendery would buy at least one bottle of water with the stolen money and would consume it for two days. Sounds impossible for other people, but Hendery made it to two weeks of not fainting on the ground by that.
“He looks like he’s from here, though,” the other boy commented.
Hendery paid them no heed, for he found a bag of chips in the trash. It tasted like ashes in his mouth, but he couldn’t complain. He’d never complain.
Hendery fished for yet another chip when the boys snatched the bag away from him. They sneered. At long last, Hendery looked at them. And they were exactly like a mirror of him. Greasy hair, acrid smell, tattered clothes— and that something in their eyes: despair.
“Where are you from, boy?” One of them asked.
Boy? He didn’t look older than Hendery. However similar their situations might be, he had no time to linger around them. He needed to find his mother. So he turned his back and walked away. Not even a few steps ahead, someone grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. The boy smirked before landing a blow at his nose.
Hendery staggered backwards, aghast and angry at the same time. He touched his nose, and found it bleeding. Fueled by hunger and lost and a shit ton of problems, Hendery let his backpack fall to the ground and charged towards the boy.
They rolled off the ground. Hendery had him by the collar, and all the boy did was to choke. If no one would intrude, Hendery could surely kill him. But when they rolled once more and Hendery got on the boy’s stomach, he raised a fist only for someone to wrap a viselike grip around his wrist.
Hendery shot him a glare, but he answered him with a kind smile. That was when he noticed there were at least five of them there. Six, if Hendery was to count himself.
“There is no need for us to kill each other,” the boy said. “Stand up.”
Hesitant, Hendery wriggled free before standing on his feet. Once again, he turned on his heel to walk away.
“Why are you leaving?” the boy asked. “We have food here. And a shelter for the night.”
That sounded like a dream. Hendery had never heard of that for two weeks. Not even experienced any of that. Still, he didn’t turn.
“I promise we won’t harm you.”
He continued to walk away. If Hendery had come to a realization, it was that he could survive on his own. He’d experienced a lot of shit already being with people.
“We can help you!” the boy shouted.
With that, Hendery gripped the straps of his backpack tightly. He didn’t know if it was out of luck, or the boy really hit something that made his consciousness stir. If Hendery wanted to find his mother, it’d be better to have companions he could rely on.
He turned to face the boys again. “Really?” he shouted back.
They looked at one another before trodding the distance towards Hendery. The taller man stretched out his hand, with a smile he said, “I’m Kun.”
Hendery stared at the hand before taking it. “Hendery.”
“We can help you,” Kun said. “In one condition.”
You stared at your reflection on the mirror. The glass had a lot of brown blotches because of its age. But your reflection could still be seen.
Another day, another walk, another face to greet.
It’s Sunday already. The third Sunday of the month. You once believed that if people would pray day and night in the churches and in their houses, the bad things crawling in the world would somehow lessen. You were mistaken.
Bandits, bandits, bandits. They were everywhere these days. Mother even refused to go to the market in fear of being robbed. That left you with no choice but to go on your own. How? You exactly have no idea.
It was always best to visit the market at dawn, for the vegetables and meats were still fresh. You could still buy something after noon, but it won’t be as worth the money as they were in the gloaming. And the bandits had left yet another fiendish mess at Uncle Gino’s house. Your mother had been a cursing mess for hours since they stole a precious heirloom from Uncle’s treasure chest.
You sighed. Why is your village always prone to bandits? It wasn’t as if your chieftain never does anything for it, if not, he’s hands-on searching for the robbers. With no luck at all. Bandits disappeara like a bubble everytime they come close to capturing them.
At the church, everyone else was busy when you arrived. Save for one person; Hendery. He was leaning on the door frame of the sacristan’s quarter, watching everyone pass by him.
“Why aren’t you doing anything?” you asked when you reached him.
“Ah, my dearest Y/N,” he sighed. “How I’ve missed you dearly.”
You deadpanned. “We met yesterday, Hendery.”
“Then? Am I not allowed to miss you?” He raised a brow.
You compressed your lips in a tight line. Three weeks since the boy arrived and in some way you have found a common ground together: talking about your dreams. Well, it’s you who’s always doing the talking. While he listened and snorted whenever he disagrees with you. It had been somewhat challenging, having someone disagree with you.
“Let’s go,” you sighed. “The mass is about to start.”
Thankfully, he was already donned in his white robes. No matter how holy the color might be, it failed to make him one. If not, it had only intensified the danger lurking within him.
Hendery yawned all throughout the mass, resulting in you nudging his ribs with your elbow. You couldn’t still comprehend his goal for joining the church. He seemed disinterested about everything. You have to find out his true intentions or else you will lose your mind thinking.
And it was not right to think about anything but the Lord while the mass is going on.
“Our Father, Who art in Heaven…” The churchgoers starts to sing. They clasped their hands as if in prayer while singing. Father Ben already practiced the right way in singing the litany. No one holds hand any longer.
You clasped your own hand. “Holy be Thy Name— what are you doing?” In bafflement and shock, you hissed louder than what you intended to.
Hendery took your right hand to clasped with his left. He didn’t answer you, though. He kept on looking straight at the altar. “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done…” he started to sing along.
Flustered on where you stand, you roamed your eyes around you. Lucy and Rei were busy singing their hymns, oblivious to the way Hendery was breaking Father Ben’s rule.
You tried to wriggle free, but his grip was viselike. It’s disrupting the mass for you. With a heavy intake of breath, you let it go. “On Earth as it is in Heaven…” you sang along.
When he heard you, Hendery slackened his hold. You looked at him the same time he looked at you. And there he was, smiling like an idiot. “Give us this day, our daily bread…” he sang as he focused on the altar again.
You blinked, heart doing somersaults inside your chest. “And forgive us our trespasses…” you sang.
Everything had come at once. The echoes of the singing churchgoers, as well as Hendery’s.
“As we forgive those who trespass against us…”
The beating of your heart was wild. For what reasons? You have no idea. It was just there, beating stubbornly inside your ribcage.
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…”
After the mass, and when all the churchgoers finished asking for Father Ben’s blessings and advice, he gathered all the sacristan inside the church.
You sat between Rei and Lucy, while Hendery sat behind you. He still has that infuriating smile on his face. Truth be told, and no matter how hard you tried, you also smiled a little yourself.
“I’ve heard the concerns of the people,” Father Ben announced. “For years, we have faced the bandits.”
You straightened up. In his own ways, Father Ben had been a huge help for the people. You won’t call him rich, but he’s always ready to lend money to those who fell to the bandits’ wrongdoings. You have seen his treasure chest once, and you believe you had been the only one allowed to see it.
“As much as I would like to financially aid everyone, my coffers couldn’t hold everything,” he added.
Lucy intruded, “It is alright Father. You’ve been helping us since you came here in the village. And for that we are thankful. But you need not bother yourself for our problems.”
Father Ben smiled. “I am the priest of this town. I need to preserve peace just like the chieftain. It’s been a pleasure to help with my own ways.”
You cleared your throat. “How can we help, Father?”
“Ah, yes.” Father Ben placed his hands behind him. “I need you to be vigilant. Not only for your own sakes, but for the well-being of others, too. Help in your own little ways. Be it helping the townspeople pick the strongest barriers there is in the market, they’d appreciate that. I trust you all. And don’t forget to pray for your village and the neighboring ones, too.” Father Ben makes a cross in the air. “May God bless us all.”
“Amen,” you said in unison.
Father Ben returned behind the altar to check up on Kristan, more likely. As for the little boy, he was comfortable, he said. His father also tried to visit him, but found it hard to face his son. Kristan said  it’s fine, and that his father deserved time to think.
You stood up together with the other sacristan with a sigh. Bandits are such headaches. It gets tiring having to deal with them. It feels as if dealing with the wind. Invisible. And there was yet another headache you have to face: going to the market.
If you were lucky, you could reach the market at one p.m.. But vehicles during this time of the day were rare. Not to mention the village was isolated.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Hendery asked as he stood in front of you.
You sighed a pensive one. He’s your third headache of the day. “Please, Hendery. I’m thinking.” You started to walk away, but he followed beside you.
“Perhaps I can help.”
You drew in a halt. Mayhaps it was a blessing in disguise— him. Hendery has a motorbike. You’d get there and come back on time if you would ride with him. But courage was a luxury you couldn’t afford, so you shun the thoughts.
“No, I’m fine. Thank you.”
“Are you sure?”
Your tongue ached to say the words. And your body yearned to feel the wind on your face, too. It was not everyday that a chance opens up like this in front of you. Dare.
You straightened your shoulders. “Can you take me to the market?” The market isn’t as far as the city. But going in there is a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity you couldn’t afford to miss. It was a step, no matter how small.
Hendery raised a brow. “What business do you have in the market?”
You played with your lower lip with your teeth. A fleet of a moment, and a moment you had surely missed: the way Hendery looked at your lips when you rolled it between your teeth. “Well,” you said, “I need to buy some food. And mother wouldn’t leave the house in fear of bandits robbing us.”
“Understandable,” he said. “But I have a condition to make.”
“Forget it—”
“Kidding.” Then he laughed. “You are one hell of a heartless woman, do you know that?”
A ghost of a smile painted your lips. “It is not right to say ‘hell’ inside the church. And why do you say that?”
“What about my wage?”
You blinked. “Oh, I— I didn’t bring any extra cash—”
Hendery placed his hand on the top of your head. “I’m just kidding.” Then he pivoted on his heel, his keys dangling between his fingers.
You followed.
“I thought you didn’t have a helmet.” You shot up a brow to your forehead upon seeing one helmet resting on his accelerator.
Hendery shrugged. “It’s for you.”
And there it wasagain, the wild beating of your heart. As if it was an animal begging to be unleashed to the world. “That’s… kind of you.” That had been the only thing you were able to say. “But how did you know to bring one?”
He disentangled the helmet from the accelerator. “Because I am always waiting for you.”
“For me? What do you mean?”
“I’m always waiting for you to ask me to take you to the city.”
Without giving you any time to comprehend his words and form coherent answers, Hendery fixed the helmet to your head. But before he could fully lock it under your chin, you stopped his hands.
“I think I’ll prefer to feel the wind.”
Hendery smiled, but continued to lock the helmet nevertheless. “Not today. I drive relatively fast, and the road to the market’s pretty bumpy. You won’t enjoy it.”
“I appreciate you, bringing this, but—”
He tapped the head of the helmet. “No buts.”
Hendery climbed his motorbike, then nudged his head to invite you to hop in. Just like the last time, you pulled up your skits and climb behind him. He revved the engine and you rode together.
The feel of riding behind him had become a reflex inside your body. A peaceful one, despite the blare of his engine and the harsh slap of the wind on your face.
“Hold on,” he reminded you before he accelerated the engine yet again.
You wrapped your arms around his torso. This was the second time you rode a motorbike, but the feeling compared to last time has drastically changed. There was no fear now. Only fascination and curiosity of what lies behind everything you have ever known.
If you’d only dare.
An hour before the clock strikes two, you have finally reached the buzz of the market.
When the pandemic ended, the livelihood didn’t go back automatically to normal. There were millions of protocols and reminders from the government. Because the pandemic didn’t really disappear like a bubble in the air. It was there, still. But after the years of its ravaging, the human body slowly adapted to its hazards.
It became just like the flu. More dangerous, yes. But less hazardous now.
“Wait for me here,” you said to Hendery.
“I’ll come with you.”
You stopped. “Are you sure? It’s quite chaotic inside. And… city boys are city boys.”
A playful laugh resonated from him. “I’ve been here before, sacristan. I’ll be fine.”
When he said that he’d be fine, it was true. Hendery jumped from vendor to vendor to help you buy all your needs. Be it meat, poultry, vegetables, or fruits. Father’s coming home in two days after weeks of being away, so Mother wants to cook something special for him. And you, too.
“Is this all?” he asked when you finished. Hendery insisted on carrying everything, which you politely declined. But he didn’t stop bugging you about it until you gave up and handed him everything.
“I need to buy onions over there, across the street. Could you hold this for me? I’ll be quick.”
Hendery nodded. You fished for your wallet inside your pocket. Halfway across the street, someone bumped into you.
“I… I’m sorry,” you said. But the man ignored you as he continued to walk away.
Five steps ahead, you noticed something. Your wallet was stolen. Before you could shout, Hendery was running for the boy already. Shocked and confused, you did the first thing that occured to your mind; run for them.
The wallet didn’t have much money, but it was given by your mother on your birthday. And you have been utterly sentimental when it comes to gifts. The boy can take the money, but he needs to give back your wallet.
Hendery ran pretty fast that you almost lost him in the maze of people and stalls alike. He turned left. You pulled up your heavy skirts and follow him. When you finally reached the alleyway he’s run off to, you have found out that it was a dead end.
Hendery was sitting on the boy’s stomach, and he had him by the throat. Few steps away from them, your wallet lays on the ground. You gulped and sauntered up to the two boys.
“What the fuck are you doing, Hendery?”
He knew Hendery? How come?
“Dude, you need to let me g—”
Hendery punched him straight. You gasped. The boy’s eyes rolled before his head collapsed to the ground. And he was unconscious.
Hendery stood up and picked your wallet. He didn’t look at you when he handed it back. “Let’s go home,” he says.
You stared at the boy with your brows narrowing. Is he a bandit? How did he know Hendery? Gripping the wallet tightly, you pivoted on your heels and walked away.
Something wasn’t right.
vii. From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead...
“I say I beat the shit out of him right now,” Xiaojun seethed upon seeing Hendery enter the room.
Kun, while sitting on the table, raised a hand to stop the other boy from attacking Hendery. He had always been like that; the middle man. Yet Hendery could sense the disappointment as well as the inquisition in the air. This is going to be one hell of a night.
“Sit,” Kun announced as he stretched out his hand to the empty chair on his left side.
Xiaojun, Hendery’s comrade, had his fist clenched while sitting on the window sill. The punch he landed on his face has left a contusion to the bone right below his eyes. Hendery didn’t feel sorry. Not even a little bit.
Kun’s ‘office’ had been stripped off any furniture saved for a table and two chairs. There was only one light hanging from the ceiling. It casted off an orange hue to everything it touches.
If Hendery spends so much as an hour here, he would lose his mind. However, Kun has managed to make this empty place his abode whenever he plans out another robbery or crime. It was comparatively fitting, if he was to be honest.
When Hendery had made himself comfortable on his seat, Kun stood up. “I’ve heard entertaining news today.” He smiled. It would come off as a kind one if you were looking in the surface, but Hendery knew the depths of the edges of that smile.
Nevertheless, Hendery hasn’t been the one to be scared of anything. “Is it about me…” Hendery strays his eyes towards Xiaojun. “Punching someone?” The smile he casted after had completely set his comrade’s blood on fire.
Xiaojun jumped, attempting to attack Hendery once more. Kun gripped his arm in a firm hold. Xiaojun slouched back on the other chair, panting heavily.
“You’re fucking dead to me, Wong,” he spat.
Hendery leaned closer. “Bring it on.”
“Shut the fuck up, you both,” Kun sighed while massaging his temples. “Or just go ahead and get your guns, shoot each other in the head and be done with it.”
Tempting was the offer, but Hendery took it as a warning. However, it had been pretty effective. Hendery leaned back to his chair, hands dangling on his sides. “What’s the matter?”
Kun chuckleed. “You.” He licked his lips while pointing his finger at Hendery. “You’re really something else, aren’t you?”
“Well—” Hendery stumbleed and fell from the chair. That, he hadn’t seen coming. Kun had always been strong when it comes to boxing someone’s ears. Before Hendery could stand up, he spat blood on the cold floor.
Hendery wipeed his mouth with the back of his hand. It was his turn to chuckle. “I really am.”
Kun wrapped his hand around Hendery’s collar, then he slammed his back against the wall. Sight obscured because of of the hair falling down his eyelids, Hendery felt the blood flowing from the side of his mouth to his chin.
“Why did you do it?” Kun asked.
“What did I—” Hendery fell to the ground as his face met Kun’s fist. His vision blurs, causing him to blink languidly. Perhaps he heard Xiaojun’s laughters, or his sniggers, he wasn’t sure.
Hendery felt like a sack of cotton as Kun hurled him up with his back collar. His back was against the wall again. Now, he feels two warm liquid flowing from the sides of his mouth.
“Why did you do it?”
His mouth twisted in a leer. “None of your business.”
Hendery’s stomach caved in as Kun landed a punch to his guts. Air left his lungs for a moment, and he found it extremely hard to breathe. Hendery had always hated being punched in the stomach.
As he tried to catch his breath, he watched as Kun’s feet started to pace the space in front of him. Hendery continues to blink. Then Kun crouched.
“Who is she?”
She. Hendery stared at Kun. The years of them together flashed in his eyes like a projector in a wide white screen: the day he met his gang of bandits, his first time holding a gun, robbing a store, and shooting someone plays right in his eyes like a movie on repeat.
“None of you fuckers are going anywhere near her,” he stated in a voice so cold even the demon stared back at him in horror.
Kun was silent for a moment. Eyes hard staring at Hendery. Then he asked, “What the fuck is happening to you?”
Hendery realized that he had no answer to the question. But the thought of you, falling in danger feels like rotten food in his stomach. It made him want to retch.
Nobody had seen it coming, that was for sure. This feeling inside him— this wriggling feeling whenever he was with you. Whenever you smile at him. Whenever you tell him your dreams.
Hendery stood up and looked straight at Kun and then at Xiaojun. “Don’t fucking dare,” he warned before he pivoted on his heel.
Two steps away, Kun stated, “I’ll let you swim in your foolishness but don’t fuck this up, Hen. Remember why I sent you to the church.”
Hendery waved  his hand. “I remember.”
He’d gone straight to his own room and tended for his own wound. Hendery sat on his bed, meditating over his actions earlier.
For years he had been one of Kun’s best bandit. Ever since he met him under the bridge. Xiaojun landed his fist straight to his nose that day, too. And that had been all Hendery had known. To fight, to survive. Even if it means licking the edge of the knife.
The time Kun handed him a gun, Hendery knew his hands trembled. For that he missed his first aim. But as the days went by that all he’d ever held was a bullet, a magazine, and a gun, Hendery became as sharp as a pointed knife when it came to mowing down.
He stared at his calloused hand. The rough palms stares back at him, as if in insult. He’s lost count of the stores he’s robbed. Of the houses he’d stolen from. Of the individuals he pointed the barrel of the gun at. Is this what he has been born to do?
All he ever wanted was to meet his mother again. To hold that hateful woman in his arms. To tell her that her son survived and there has been an aching hole inside him ever since she disappeared without a trace.
Years of searching for nothing, Hendery thought he’s already turned every stone in this country upside down searching for his lost mother. And it all went in vain.
Hendery doesn’t know who to blame: the pandemic, his mother, or his own self?
You chewed on your bottom lip while walking the long road towards your home. The scene from the market, and the robbery that had taken place refused to leave your mind. You sigh, since those weren’t the only things trying to penetrate your brain. Hendery refused to leave, too.
Perhaps you should be thankful that he somewhat saved your money earlier. Bandits are heartless. The boy could’ve been carrying a pocket knife and Hendery would’ve been in grave danger. Yet he braved the possible risks and ran for the boy nonetheless. Worries aside, you cannot help but feel perturbed of the way the bandit called Hendery’s name.
Are they related? If yes, how?
Before entering your house, you straightened your back. Mother senses even a slip of your composure, and she’d never let you go unless you tell her what’s wrong.
You raised your fist to knock, then a familiar face greeted you when the door swung open suddenly. The bags you have been holding fell as you squealed and jumped to hug your father. “Father!” you exclaim.
He laughed as he wraps his arms around you. “My baby girl,” he chuckled.
“Dad!” you retorted, but laughed nonetheless. There is time for that endearment. “When did you arrive?” you asked as both of you pulled away.
“Earlier,” he saied as he muffled your hair. “I didn’t tell your mom, either.” As he said that, Mother occured from the kitchen with a spatula in hand.
“Time for dinner,” she announced with a smile.
Ah, that rare smile from her lips. Father was the only living thing who could pull up the edges of her mouth like that. It was refreshing to behold.
Father picked up the bags from the ground. “You carried all these by yourself?” he asked.
You automatically flustered. The image of Hendery carrying all you have bought earlier flashing back in your head without permission. “Y… yeah.”
It wasn’t as if they are illiberal when it comes to boys. But it was a topic you haven’t discussed with any of them yet.
“Hm, we really ought to buy a motorcycle, don’t you think?”
You turned to face him. “It would be convenie—”
“Who would drive? Me?” Mother interrupted. “Our daughter?”
Father placed the bags onto the kitchen counter. “Yes. Y/N is a fast-learner. She could defini—”
“I’m sorry but it is a no.” Mother smiled again, but there was an edge to it. “It is inappropriate for a lady to drive—”
“Who says?” you groaned. “It’s 2040, Mother.”
Mother crossed her arms over her chests. “And where would you go once you learn how to drive?”
You pursed your lips. Saying the word would only extend the argument. But it needs to be heard. “Perhaps then I could go to the city—”
“What?!” she exclaimed.
“... and study,” you finished.
Father cleared his throat. “That’s a good idea, actually.” He turned his head towards Mother. “Don’t you think?”
Mother made out an incredulous noise from her nose. “No, I don’t think so. The city is still contaminated with the virus and hedonism. There is no way I’m letting you—”
“Develop on my own?” you asked.
It had always been an argument: your dreams. And Mother always says no to every step you’d attempt to achieve them. You loved her dearly. But sometimes, you couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed of her decisions when it comes to your life. You were an adult— a capable adult. And yet you felt as if someone had clipped your wings before you could fly. It hurts to know that that someone was your own mother.
“Y/N!” she hissed, her eyebrows knitted together.
Father held up his hands. “There is no need for us to raise our voices. We can discuss this in peace,” he said.
But Mother wouldn’t back down. “There would be no discussion. I won’t allow it.” Then she turned on her back to finish preparing the food.
You looked down at the floor, eyes suddenly breaming with tears. This conversation had never failed to put you to misery.
“Cheer up,” Father whispered. “We’ll find a way.”
No. You will.
The next day, you couldn’t help but frown upon your reflection in the mirror. Same robes, same skirts, same hairstyle. There was nothing new.
You loved being a sacristan. You have devoted yourself in serving God and His Son, Jesus Christ. You have never missed a mass. It was a part of your life that won’t ever disappear. But duty and dream aren’t the same thing.
You have your duty to God, that you diligently and wholeheartedly accomplished for the last few years. But there was your dream, hanging like a blank canvas on the wall of your bedroom.
The village was your serenity. But the city holds everything that you have ever wanted.
You harshly brushed your hair and fix your robe. The bones under your skin are unstoppable. You only have to dare. So with a deep intake of breath, you departed your bedroom, kissed both your parents’ cheek, and ran towards the Church. Where everything was going to happen.
Seeing Hendery casually sipping on his cigarette while leaning on the tree has put your rushing feet in a halt.
This boy. Always so alluring, always so mysterious, always so stubborn.
Hendery remained staring at the ground when you sauntered up to him. It would feel as if you were back on the day you first met him. When he exuded such obscurity that you found him irritatingly blurry yet interesting.
What happened yesterday still lingers in the back of your mind. Perhaps you should talk to him about it to quench  your interest. “Hey,” you greeted.
When he looked up, you covered your mouth with your hands in utter stupefaction. “What happened to you?!” you blurted out.
There were purple patches on the bone underneath his right eye and another on the side of his lips. Did the bandit get back to him yesterday? The thought made your stomach lurched.
“You look devastated,” Hendery commented.
You blinked. It was him who looked like an absolute wreck right now. How could he tell you that? “No. You are.”
“You are.” Hendery toucheed your chin to lift up your face. You let him. “See? It’s missing,” he said while staring at you.
His stare made you nervous. But you couldn’t look away. “What is?”
Hendery let his hand fall before he answers, “The fire in your eyes.”
The fire in your eyes. For the second time, you blink at him. You were a lover of poetry. Hearing this boy talk as if he had the verses of the universe in his tongue perhaps set your heart in a panic.
Sad eyes, bad guys, and a mouthful of verselet. You once thought someone like him won’t sweep you on your feet. Knowing that you were mistaken has left a bittersweet taste in your tongue. It was, indeed, beautiful to feel this way. This feeling you have for Hendery was a flower beginning to turn into a fruit. So fragile, yet so heavenly.
Would it be ready for the plucking?
You gulped. “Did the bandit get back to you yesterday?”
“This is nothing,” he said. “I found myself in a brawl yesternight. Nothing for you to worry about.”
You raised a brow. “I am not worried.”
That was his cue to laugh before puffing his cigarette again. “One hell of a heartless woman.”
“I am not heartless.”
Hendery looked affronted. “Really? Prove it, then.”
“Prove it?” You let out an incredulous sound. Then you crossed your arms over your chests. “How?”
“Admire me back.” He tossed his cigarette bud away. “Simple as that.”
Admire me back. You gaped at him, unable to form lucid words. What was that? Did he really ask you to admire him… back? “Is that…” you paused, “Is that a confession?”
Hendery placed the tip of his pointer finger against your forehead. Then he pushed lightly. However, he didn’t answer, he only walked past you. “You’re pretty unique,” he added. “I like your fire.”
You ran for him. You have no idea what it was, but talking to Hendery has stirred the emotion you once felt earlier before leaving the house. The extreme drive to do something you haven’t done before and prove your mother that you are worthy of being left alone with your decisions.
Hendery turned to you. “What? Have you reciprocated my feelings alr—”
“Take me to the city,” you panted.
His smile grew wider. And the stars in his eyes shone, rivaling the blare of the sunlight above. “That’s better.”
viii. And His Kingdom would have no end…
A month ago, you would never have imagined yourself going out of the village. But here you wee, riding with a boy you only met four weeks ago, in his black and shiny motorcycle that was like a much safer version of a Harley. However, it didn’t lessen the agitation in your heart.
After years since you were born, this would be your first time to see the world beyond your village. You didn’t expect it to be beautiful. Since a global pandemic has swept through the continents twenty years ago. But you could say it was something you didn’t expect to behold either.
Copse of trees became a blur of brown and green as Hendery picks up the pace. There was nothing to see but the unending stretch of tall grasses and trees and the isolated road ahead. There weren’t even streetlights to guide you back later.
The wind slapped your face, with it the grimy feeling of running at 60 kilometers per/hour, and sniffing Hendery’s virile scent.
Hendery sure drives like the road was his and he’s alone in the world.
For this adventure, you refused to wear any helmet at all. It took minutes of disagreement, but Hendery had come in peace with it. If this was the first time you were riding towards the city— a place as strange to you as anything in the world— you wanted to caress it with your whole body. After all, this was an event more special than your own birthday.
As Hendery revved the engine faster, your grip on his torso tightened. Nonetheless, you bite your tongue to stop the squeal that was threatening to come out of your mouth. You will brave this ride. And there was nothing that would stop you from relishing this feeling.
All your trust and all your hopes of a safe travel were in Hendery’s hands today. And if you were to be honest, a sliver of doubt still flows in your veins. It has to be normal for a village girl to feel this way. Hendery could be infuriating at times, and he sure has this mysterious secret in his eyes, but he’s never done you anything hideous. Or perhaps you were only a naive girl, too blinded by ambitions and the overflowing courage in your heart, that you walked right into the devil’s trap.
You sent a silent prayer to God to guide you safely despite breaking the rules of your parents.
Slowly, the copse of trees became an expanse of water. Then you were traveling on a bridge, with a river below you. Busses, cars, and motorcycles alike run along the bridge, adding much to your adrenaline. You couldn’t remember the last time you have seen a bus. Perhaps it was when the students from the city took a trip to your village.
You turned your head to see the water. Few birds were flying as well as diving into the water to catch some fish. The wind coming from it was briny and sticky. But you loved it nonetheless.
Then the tall buildings loomed ahead, at the edge of the bridge. You cannot help but gape at it. How isolated have you become to marvel at tall buildings? Embarrassed as you were, you didn’t let it douse out your excitement.
Hendery slowed down as you meet the highway. On the pavements there walked the passersby. Some were hurrying, some were jogging with their dogs. Inside the coffee shops were lovers laughing while sipping on their drinks.
Despite the pandemic, the city felt alive. It thrummed with an energy you haven’t experienced before. It made you feel dizzy with excitement.
“It’s two p.m.,” Hendery stated before parking his motorcycle in a dead alley.
You hopped off. “Won’t you get in trouble parking here?” you asked, roaming your eyes around the two buildings covering the alleyway. In the village, there would be no problem parking your car wherever. But as far as you were concerned, city policies were different.
Hendery snickered. “Nobody would dare.”
By that, you raised a brow. “What do you mean?”
He sighed. “Nevermind.” Then he faced you with a smile. “Where do you wanna go?”
You deadpanned. “I’m not from here. You’re supposed to show me around.”
He feigned laughters. “Oh yes, I almost forgot. But—” Hendery raised his pointer finger as if in warning. “May I warn you that I’m not a ferris wheel type of guy.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m adrenaline embodiment.” Then he grabbed your shoulder softly and guided you towards the buzz of people.
As you walked with Hendery on the side streets, you looked up to the sky. It was gray but bright nonetheless. The type of weather wherein you wouldn’t know if it would rain or the clouds were only keeping the sun away.
Different honk of cars resonated everywhere, with the giggles of students as they walk home. There were teenagers sitting on the narrow alleyway, their clothes black and their pants ripped. You regarded them with narrowed brows. Then the two teenagers kissed.
“Oh,” you gasped as you cover your eyes. It felt private, albeit the fact that they were kissing in a public place.
Hendery chuckled. “That’s like, level 0.1 of the things that happens there.”
Before you could ask him what did he mean for the nth time that day, Hendery held your hand and tugged you. “See that sign up there?”
He stood extremely close to yours. Strands of his hair flew towards the sides of your face. You gulped before following his pointer finger with your eyes. He was pointing at the sign across the street. It was surrounded by different types of people, but students dominated the whole entrance. Above their heads was a huge sign board that says ‘Wonderland’.
“Yeah.” You nodded your head. “What is it about?”
“It’s a circus,” Hendery said as he turned to look at your face, “Last to arrive pays for the tickets. Deal?”
“Wha— wait! That’s not fair!” you shouted when he bolts away.
Hendery took a look at you while laughing. His hair obscuring his eyes. “Run!”
You exhaled sharply before gathering your skirts and running towards him. As your shoulders slammed to different bodies, you shout apologies on your wake. If this was a normal day, you would have to stopped and say your apologies with a bow. But this wasn’t a normal day. And Hendery didn’t even bother to stop even if he had to push students out of his way.
However, he drew in a halt as a little girl suddenly appears from a boutique. Hendery was still ahead of you by five steps, but because of the circumstances, you tapped his shoulder and run past him.
At last, it was time for you to cross the streets. The streetlight says red. You muttered, “Green, green, gree—”
“Didn’t take you for a… runner,” Hendery breathed with his hands on the sides of his waists as he stood beside you.
You ignored him. Then the lights went green. You stormed away from him, dodging the elders crossing the street. Hendery laughed behind you. And he was extremely close.
With one last force of a leg, you jumped the one meter distance from the pavement to the entrance line of the circus. “I won!” you shouted in triumph.
Hendery shook his head, disbelief visible in his face. “This is unbelievable,” he muttered.
“A ticket for two,” you taunted, displaying two fingers in front of him. “The deal is the deal.”
Hendery sighed and fished for his pocket. Perspiration trickled down your back as you follow Hendery towards the ticket booth. After he received the tickets, he handed you his kerchief. “For your sweat.”
You immediately raised your hands. “Oh, no! It’s okay!”
Hendery tilted his head to the side. “You are sweltering like a waterfall. Here, let me,” he said before pulling you and patting the kerchief to your forehead.
You looked away blinking, unable to form words as you felt the fabric pressing softly on your skin. As if you were a thin, breakable glass he feared that might break if he wasn’t careful. “Thanks,” you whispered when Hendery finally folded back the kerchief to his back pockets.
Both of you turned and faced the entrance of the circus.
The door opened, revealing two little person wearing brightly colored jumpers. Their faces were made up to copy the image of a clown. Both of their heads look up, then they scrunched their noses, clearly irritated of a customer.
“Come in,” they blabbered in unison.
You looked at Hendery. He had that same smile on his face when he walked through the turnstile.
The hallway that displayed itself in front of you were made of corrugated roof ceiling and walls. You felt as if you were in a box.
Different posters of performers adorned the corrugated roof walls. There is the two little person, on their jumpsuits, balancing themselves on a large ball. At your right side, there is the image of a mermaid. Of course, circus such as this one would have a fake mermaid. Then there is an image of a man playing with fire.
You cannot help but stare in awe. You have a knowledge of circuses since you have read books and watched movies to have a distinct image of it in your mind. However, you haven’t really experienced one.
Hendery walked beside you, not bothering to see the posters plastered on the wall. That gave you a hint that maybe he has been in Wonderland already. He was born here in the city after all.
“How many times have you been here?” you decided to ask, voice echoing through the hallway.
“Too many times to count.”
The two little person opened another door. You gaped in astonishment as you take in the picture of the whole circus. Lambent lights hung in different trees, giving the whole area a soft glow.
There wre families resting under the trees and students hopping to different food carts to another. It was a whole new world in the middle of the city. And it was so lively that you feel the energy thrumming in your veins.
Hendery stared. Not at the circus, but at you. Pure amazement adorned your face. And perhaps your eyes twinkled brighter than the lights, too. Hendery couldn’t help but smile. It was somewhat fulfilling taking in your expression. He took you for a woman difficult to impress. Yet he was mistaken. There was that glow in you that he hasn’t seen before in anyone else’s eyes.
And for the first time in twenty years, Hendery has seen the rainbow he was waiting for. It wasn’t in the end of the pandemic. It’s in you.
When you craned your neck to look at him, Hendery blinked and looked away, his heart thudding madly inside his chest.
He couldn’t believe it. This feeling. For someone as sinful as him, Hendery had never expected to feel this type of… fondness.
“I thought you weren’t a ‘ferris wheel’ guy?” You lifted a brow while quoting the air.
The ferris wheel was located at the very corner of the circus’ vicinity. As if on cue, Hendery’s childhood memories weaved their way back to his mind. The laughters of his father and his own giggles whenever they would ride the said ferris wheel.
After seconds of being taciturn, Hendery answered, “I’m not.”
“Really?” you teased. “You needn’t deny it!”
Hendery placed a hand above your head and ruffled your hair. “Come, I’ll show you around.” Then he stretched his hand to you.
Clearly flustered, you stared at his outstretched hand for a minute. You wrapped your hand with his. Taking his hand felt as if a manifold of experiences in itself, but it was thrilling nonetheless.
Both of you entered the tent where the mermaid perfoms. Of course, she was fake. But the craftmanship of her tail almost made you doubt your own eyes. It was simply marvelous.
Next that you visited was the fire-breathing man. The thing was, he was extremely talented and… cute. However, when you mentioned it to Hendery, his amazement deterred and he pulled you out of the tent.
Now you stood in front of a food cart, trying to pick between corndog or fries. You chose fries with lemon iced-tea. Hendery preferred the former.
“We need to go home,” you said while looking up at the sky. There wasn’t any brightness in the heavens any more, only darkness. The stars were hidden in the clouds, which give an ominous sign that it might rain.
And you couldn’t afford to rain. Your mother would go nuts. But then you thought how you have already defied her. Might as well enjoy the night, right? You heaved a sigh. No. You have to go home.
“Yes,” Hendery sighed. He was looking at the heavens, too.
Contemplative of the adventure you have experienced today, you looked at Hendery. Four weeks ago, you have resented his presence in the church because of your own preconceptions. But if this boy beside you didn’t arrive, you wouldn’t have the courage to defy your mother and finally go to the city.
In spite of everything, the saying proves true— that someone could go rebellious if ensnared for a long time. Yes, it was not pleasant to flout parents, but this freedom… you almost felt like a bird with its wings spread wider.
Hendery shifted, then he turned to face you. “Just one last destination.” He spoke the word with a certain anticipation. How could you deny him the chance?
Then you departed the circus.
“Is this safe?” you asked Hendery while you climbed the stairs of an unknown building near the alleyway where he parked his motorcycle.
“Yeah,” Hendery hummed. “This seems empty but trust me, this could be a party place.”
When he said that, you noticed the littered cigarettes in the corners. There were candy wrappers… and some rubber that you had no name for.
“This place is creepy,” you announce when you reach the last set of stairs.
Hendery’s laugh echoed through the empty place. “It’s not,” he said before pushing open a door that leads somewhere.
“A rooftop,” you stated as a-matter-of-factly. Your boots made a clocking noise against the pavement as you walk towards the railings. You stared in awe as different lights from the stores below twinkled like fireflies.
The darkness intensified the colors of everything. The city wasn’t perfect, but was beautiful at this time of the day. With the wind softly nuzzling your face, you breathed a sigh of relief at everything.
“This is beautiful,” you said in utter adoration.
Hendery leaned and grabbed the railings. His floppy hair dancing with the wind, once again falling down his eyelids. “It is,” he breathed.
At the horizon, some far away land stared at you, probably wondering of your unfamiliar face, too. There were mountains and there were also lights flickering from it. The sky was a darker shade of magenta turning black. It’s a pity that there were no stars to grace the heavens.
“Thank you, Hendery,” you whispered.
Hendery looked at you, a smile adorning his lips. “For you.”
Your shoulders brushed against each other, sending your heart into a marathon again. Then you sighed a heartful one. “I want to live here.”
“Really? This was only a façade, though. Bad things crawls out in this city.”
Bad things. There were bad things all around the world, though. “In the village, too,” you muttered, “Bandits. Everywhere.”
“Yeah. Bandits,” he repeated with the same contemptuous voice.
“What do you like most about this city?” you decided to ask. He’s from here. And he won’t stay if he doesn’t find anything beautiful here, right?
Hendery’s eyes were looking at the horizon while he answered, “My…” Then you notice the curvature of his throat as he gulped. “The memories of my family.”
Something inside you insisted to ask him further. So you opened your mouth to speak. “Where are they?”
Hendery displayed a painful smile before a chuckle resonated through him. “My dad died because of the pandemic, and my mom… she’s missing.”
You tasted something bitter in your mouth by the revelation. You shouldn’t have asked. Then you placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay.” The boy tried to smile when he looked at you. But an old pain still sparked in his eyes.
People tend to say it’s okay even when it’s not. You supposed it’s one of the ways for them to cope. Instead of forcing Hendery, you tried to smile for him, too.
“And your mother.” You cleared your throat. “Just ask me if you need any help.”
“Thank yo—” Hendery’s words were interrupted by the large pitter patters of the rain.
You gasped and shielded your head. Hendery does the same. Then the both of you run towards the building. The ravaging of the rainfall could be heard against the ceilings. It was the sound that pierces the ears. And you were afraid that it’s not going to stop any sooner.
“We have to go home,” you said while biting your nail.
“We can’t,” Hendery pronounced with a shrug.
You sighed deeply, forcing your knees to stand still. “My mother would kill me.”
Even though there was absolute dread to the words, you couldn’t feel any regret. You would’ve done it all over again if given the chance.
“You can call her,” Hendery suggested. “There’s a payphone down the next block.”
She would go absolutely unhinged once she knew about your whereabouts. But you have to at least tell her. Or lie about it. There was no other choice.
You mentally memorized your mother’s cellphone number. She has one, to contact father whenever he’s away. But she barely uses it.
“Let’s go,” you said.
While descending the stairs of the abandoned building, you thought about ways on how to dodge your mother’s possible questions. Lying has left a burning sensation in your chests. But it was the only way. And if it would somehow save you from the doom of being whip to shreds, you’d gladly do it.
Hendery offers you his leather jacket to use as an umbrella. You would have refused, but the rain was falling heavily. You cover your head before running.
When you reached the payphone, Hendery was drenched from head to toe. Due to some miracle that you couldn’t describe yourself, your corsage remained dry.
You delved for a coin inside your pockets and slid it with shaky fingers. Trying to squeeze himself inside the payphone, Hendery stoof mere inches away from you. Your chests too close to each other. Flustered, you focused on the phone still ringing against your ear instead of your bodies’ proximity.
You heard the click of the phone from the other line then the sound of your mother’s voice. “Hello?” she answered.
Running a damp hand through your hair, you gulped and said, “Mom, it’s Y/N.”
“Y/N?” You could see her eyebrow raising in your mind. And that made you even more agitated. Mother wasn’t easily convinced. You would need to slid through a needle’s hole if you ever wish to successfully lie to her.
“Yes, Mom. I’m here— at—” You bit your thumbnail as you realize that you cannot truly deceive her.
“Where are you?” she asked, “Why is it so loud in there?”
Shoot. The harsh sound of the rain was, of course, loud. And it probably wasn’t raining that hard to the village or not at all. You needed to think.
“Mom— I— I have an errand to run for Father Ben,” you lied. “And… well… I am in the market. And—” You take a deep breath. “I don’t think I would be able to come home tonight—”
“What?” she said with a voice louder than the rain. “What errand? And why aren’t you coming home?”
“Mother, it’s strictly confidential!” You added just enough panic to your voice to make your deceit more convincing. “And Father Ben told me not to tell anyone—”
“Well, I am your mother so I deserve—”
“Hello? Mother? Mom? I can’t hear you!”
“Alright, Mother. I’ll take care! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
You dropped the phone immediately, not letting your mother say a word any more. Drawing ragged breaths, you let your back rest on the cold glass encasing the payphone. Then a laughter seized your attention. It was Hendery.
Baffled, you raised a brow. “What’s funny?” you asked, but you had a feeling that you know the answer to your own question. He found it amusing, your panicked conversation with your mother.
Hendery tried to shrug despite his laughter. “I just find it amusing,” he says as his glee receded. You glared at him, but the boy only pointed his finger right in front of your nose. “Now, quit being so strung up.”
“I am not,” your affronted reply. But he was right, your stomach was still tied in knots after the conversation. It was as if your mother would appear in front of you out of nowhere.
You looked at your surroundings. The buildings still towers over you. The road was drenched with rainwater and it didn’t seem to stop any time soon.
“Where do we sleep?” you asked Hendery, embarassed of the realization that you have no idea about the city and where you were supposed to sleep now that you were stuck in an unfamiliar place.
“‘We’?” he teased, “That sounds nice—”
“Hendery!” You hit his arm lightly, eliciting yet another fits of laughter from him.
“I know some place,” he said, “Don’t worry.”
You shrugged. “Well, aside from the fact that I wasn’t from here... and it’s my first time venturing to the city— yeah,” you sighed, “I really shouldn’t worry.”
He seemed not to sense the sarcasm lying within your words for he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “You’ve got me. I won’t let anyone harm you, alright?”
Ah, the vulnerability in a rather cold façade. It’s marvelous to behold. You couldn’t help but smile. Romance books were true, after all. Once an aloof boy shows some affection, it really feels like lying in a field of cotton.
“You have to promise,” you said. Hendery opened his mouth to speak his oath, but you offered him your pinky finger instead. “Lock it.”
Hendery stared at your hand for a good minute before exhaling a ruminative sigh. Then he placed his pinky finger against yours. The both of you entwined your finger in a lock.
“Ah,” he sighsd at the sight of your coiled fingers, “You really are something else.”
If he was talking about the pinkies, you weren’t so sure how did he consider it something else. It was probably childish, yes, but on other spectrum of things, children rarely lies. That somehow strengthened his promise; the childishness yet purity of it all.
“Yes,” you said, a bit proud of the compliment, “I really am.”
You were in an unknown place, hugging the torso of a boy as you rode with him on his motorcycle. The lights of the cars the only lambency there is in an isolated road.
It should bother you— this unfamiliarity clinging in your bones. But all you could feel was the burning sensation of thrill as it flows in your veins; this strange freedom.
The night was a cacophony of rainwater splashing to everything it touches. With your body pressed against Hendery’s back, both of you braved the unforgiving rain. It was surely the night that would go down to your own history.
“Where are we going?” you asked, giving way too little acknowledgement to your soaked clothes and clattering teeth.
A new empty alleyway greeted you as Hendery turned left with his engine the only noise in the dead of the night. White street lights flicker as he slows down, then you come to a halt in front of an empty gasoline station.
Irradiant glow of pink and orange LED lights adorned the signage plastered above the store. At the sides of the vicinity, rows of motel rooms could be seen. Hendery killed the engine, then both of you hop off his motorcycle.
“Wait! I... I don’t have the money—” you tried to argue, but the boy only flashes you his most beautiful smile.
Still smiling, Hendery held your hand and you both ran to the columns of motel rooms. He roamed his eyes everywhere. When he saw no one, Hendery tugged you softly towards the stairs up to the second floor.
Now, there was no light adorning the second floor of the motel. But the glow of the moonlight casted its illumination towards the place, making a slanted shadow on the walls.
“How do we—”
Hendery turned to you and quickly placed a finger to your lips. “Shh,” he shushed.
There was something about the glint in his eyes that made you agitated and even excited. If both were possible to feel at the same time. Mischief oozes its way out of his body as Hendery pulls a piece of a metallic wire from his pockets. He, then, curled the wire with his fingers. Once done, Hendery inserted the wire to the doorknob.
For the third time, he cut you off. “Trust me.”
In his eyes, something stirred. You caught a glint of it because of the moon. Hendery knows what he was doing, and it looks as if he’s done this a million times already.
You pressed your mouth in a thin line. Rubbing your hands against the skin of your arms, you look around while Hendery works his wonders to the door.
505, that was the number plastered above the doorframe. The room number.
Within a few minutes, there was a click. Then the door opened in front of you to reveal a typical motel room.
There was a bed near the blinds, then a bedside table. A 1960’s model of RCA television sat at the edge of the mattress, with a single ottoman beside it. The room had also been illuminated by a single deep yellow bulb.
It was 2040. Whatever remnants of 2020 remains, it doesn’t look like this. Motel rooms were a thing eighty years ago. However, you couldn’t complain. You have been wanting to sleep in a room such as this one. People can call you hopeless romantic, but that was the truth. There was a certain vintage love surrounding motel rooms which you yearned to experience yourself.
You looked at Hendery, who was currently standing beside you with a rascal grin on his lips. He was definitely proud of what he did. Notwithstanding of the circumstances, and of the fact that you have just sneaked into a private property, you couldn’t help but grin yourself.
This was way out of the rules of being a sacristan. And you would get a whole mass worth of scolding if Father Ben knew about your adventures today. Despite all of that, you couldn’t help but feel a swell of happiness and pride in doing what you did today.
“I assume this isn’t paid?” You raised a brow.
Hendery shook his head with a small chuckle. “Obviously.”
“Aren’t we gonna get in trouble doing all... this?” you asked him, voice laced with skepticism. Bold as you were, the thought of going behind bars in an unknown place still gives your heart a little bit of a jolt.
“We’re already in trouble,” Hendery said  nonchalantly, “Might as well enjoy it.” He placed his hand on your shoulders as he searched for your eyes. “Besides, this doesn’t happen all the time.”
You stared at the depths of his orbs. There seemed to be a permanent mark of roguishness dancing in his eyes that you only notice now.
What devilment in an angelic face. Bemusing as it was, you loved it. This Hendery.
“To me,” you said, “But you’re from here. And from
the looks of it, you’ve done this a million times before.”
Hendery’s shoulder shook from his laughter. He laughed so much for someone with sad eyes. “Yes. I won’t deny it. But this isn’t for me, though. This adventure is for you.”
It’s funny how a stranger could give you all you have ever wanted in a single day. By that alone, you knew that you would forever be grateful of this boy in front of you.
“Thank you,” you whispered, “So much, Hendery.”
You didn’t know what it was, but Hendery lost his composure as his mouth gaped open a little bit. The sincerity of your voice moved him and made his knees weak.
This has been the first time he heard the words from someone. All he had known were the frightened prayers every time he would point a gun to someone, the muffled cries, the tear stained cheeks. It’s his first time to see sincerity to someone else’s eyes that was meant for him.
Perhaps you have seen it, too— the perplexity in his expression, the slight glitch of his demeanor. And it made your heart happy to see that you have affected him as much as he has affected you.
Hendery leaned closer, his face utterly close that you could make up your reflection in his eyes by the dim light of the light bulb.
He gulped, you did too.
It would deem as if no one amongst you had the experience of this... intimacy. No one had come close to your defenses but him. It rattled your bones underneath. And perhaps the world stilled when your lips met his.
It’s exactly like those in a romantic movie. It wasn’f rash, it wasn’t blistery. It’s soft... it’s heavenly. The kiss would compare to cotton touching another cotton. Both of your eyes were still open as you tried to savor the kiss. You were still thunderstruck beyond comprehension, but your lips were glued to his and there seemed no turning back. Not that you’d like too, anyways.
Hendery cupped your cheeks with his hands and pressed his lips against yours. You closed your eyes. In the blink of a moment, the kiss went wild. Now you would compare it to a sea under a storm. Raging and unforgivable.
You hadn’t noticed how your back had come into contact with the bed. But the surprisingly soft mattress hugged your back as Hendery lays you down slowly.
Your heart had its own business thudding harmoniously wild inside your chest with the kiss.
Hendery pulled away. You felt your plump lips and his had been red, too. With a second of eye contact, Hendery leaned and kissed you again. With the same fervor, with the same hunger.
Your hand shot up to his hair. The sound of someone kissing and your attempts to catch your breaths against the kiss, the only thing that could be heard inside 505.
His hands started to roam your body. His touches were like that of devotees; careful, with little prayers in every friction.
Lips a mere inch from each other, Hendery whispered with a raspy tone. “May I?”
You were here, and you were ready to do whatever this kissing ends up to. So you nodded.
He smiled while the moonlight caressed half of his face.
Then he brought his fingers to the laces of your corsages. With deft motion of a hand, Hendery pulled, the laces had come free, opening your collar bones and upper chests for him to see. The reveal of the skin made your breath hitch.
Hendery brought his fingers to the open skin, then he trailed— slowly, oh so slowly— downwards. As if your skin was Braille.
He kissed you. He whispered his confession in your ears. He touched you like he longed for you. He cried your name in a euphoric bliss.
That night, you weren’t a sacristan. You were a saint. Worshipped by a boy with the devil in his eyes.
But nobody— not even the moonlight slipping through the windows — told you about the doom that awaits your blooming love.
It was past four in the morning when you wake up. The room was dark, with the heavy light from the skies illuminating the floors through the blinds.
Hendery lied on the bed beside you. The light casted parallel lines on his bare chests and stomach. While you laid on your side, your hands between your thighs and a smile on your lips.
Hendery leaned to trace your shoulder up to your cheek, sending goosebumps down your back. Then he whispered the words, “You’re so beautiful.”
You would’ve hit him with a jest, but your breath seems to clogged in your throat. Pure words for someone with jagged edges. Then you suddenly noticed his tattoo. You still didn’t know what that meant. So you reached out your hand and traced his skin.
“What does your tattoo means?” You asked him.
Hendery held your hand that was tracing his tattoo when he answered. “Survive. To live.”
ix. I believe in the Holy Spirit...
“You really don’t have to, Hendery,” you timidly stated.
Hendery sighed, but his smile never disappeared. “You know I won’t let you go, right?”
It’s six a.m., the both of you have already finished donning your clothes. Some parts of the fabrics were still sodden, but nevertheless wearable. You picked up a lone thread from your skirt before standing up and facing the window. The dream was finished, and you needed to wake up now.
A sigh went past your lips as you stared at the horizon displayed before your eyes. You weren’t sure when you would experience this kind of freedom again, so it was better to seize the remaining moments of not being trapped into a cage that was your own house by taking in the view of a small part of the city.
Hendery stood beside you, his eyes far away. “How do you feel?” he asked.
A sudden heat crept up in your cheeks by the question. The unbidden imagery of last night threaded its way back in your mind. Did you regret doing it with Hendery? Not one bit. Some might call you stupid for falling in a love supported by unspoken promises and confessions, but the union with Hendery have made you feel whole somehow. Like you were in the skies, and the stars were about your reach.
He made you feel powerful. He made you feel worthy of devotion. He made you feel utterly you. No inhibitions, no pretense.
The honesty slid smoothly from your lips. “I feel incredible,” you answered. You turned sideways to face him. Hendery’s face was ethereal in the night, especially when his lips were parted, sweats trickling down his face. But as the early light of the morning hit his features, you couldn’t believe that he could even be this more beautiful.
“How about you?” you managed to ask.
A chuckle. Your heart made the familiar jump at the sound. “I’ve never felt this happy for years.” And it was the truth. Hendery thought that the money and power a banditry offers would give completion in his life somehow, that it would serve as stitches for his tattered life. But as he recalled everything that has happened since he met you, he might be stupid, but he knew real happiness when it’s staring back at him in the wee hours of the morning.
He would’ve bottled the sound of your pleas and your cries if he would, he would’ve kept your laughters in a treasure chest buried someplace else he only knew, he would’ve given you everything and anything— and perhaps he did— if he could. As he stared at your face, so goddamned innocent and peaceful, Hendery knew one thing: you would break him into pieces, and he would let you.
A smile painted your lips, erasing the agitation of what this new day would bring. “I wouldn’t have experienced all of this if not for you,” you told him.
Hendery laughed. “You wouldn’t have experienced all of this if you didn’t dare.”
That was him: the beam that was supporting your life. He’s never failed to make you feel as if you could do everything despite the odds.
Your smile widened. “But now we have to go back.”
“Yeah, unfortunately—” Hendery’s words were cut off by the sound of the bedroom door clicking.
Your eyes widened, but he kept a cool façade. Then it swung open, revealing a middle-aged man carrying a broomstick and a dustpan. His forehead creased as he saw you standing near the window, then realization hit him. “Who are you?!” he shouted.
Hendery gripped your hand, then he dashed for the door, pulling you behind him. The helper was too dumbstruck to even say a thing again, let alone stop you from sprinting away. Hendery was laughing all the way down the stairs, while your forehead was coated with little beads of sweat.
When you reached his motorcycle, Hendery let go of your clammy hand. “That was... incredible!” he gleefully stated.
You tried to catch your breath by gulping large bouts of air. “That was scary!” you told him after steadying your breath.
Hendery fished for his keys from the back pocket of his jeans while still laughing. “Sacristan girls,”
he muttered teasingly.
Rolling your eyes heavenwards, you crossed your arms over your chests. “You don’t have to be a sacristan to know what’s scary or not.”
Once again, the roar of the innkeeper echoed across the gasoline station, bringing you on a hurry to climb Hendery’s motorcycle. With a chuckle, he ignited the engine and revved through the day.
The city was deserted early in the morning. And it was undeniably dull. The paint from different buildings were chipped, and they could really use a renovation. You were baffled at how you didn’t notice the dullness yesterday. Perhaps it was your excitement getting the best of you. Humdrum as it was, this city would forever hold a special place in your heart, along with the man you have traveled here with.
The ride back home was enveloped in utter silence, not that you could hear each other over the loud blare of the motorcycle’s engine. And as you neared to the village, your heart couldn’t help but thud abnormally inside your chests. You felt as if your throat was constricting, air passage clogging. It would deem as if there was an apocalypse waiting for you back home.
No. You have to trust your intuitions, no matter how indistinguishable it was. Your mother knew you were safe, there wasn’t anything to fret about.
But you knew better than to calm down. Your father was a lot easier to convince than your mother, you let your heart loosen up by that fact, even just a little bit.
With the empty and bumpy road ahead of you, the familiar stillness of the village welcomed you back home. A sense of familiarity splashed on you at the sight of tall trees and green meadows. This has been what you have known all your life, you were coming back to it after a night of pretermitting.
“Stop right there,” you said in a voice so low even you had a hard time hearing the words.
Hendery knew that you would never allow him to be seen in the village, much worse with you. But after last night, a slight stab in his heart bloomed at the thought of you, not being able to introduce him to your parents just because he rides a shiny-black motorcycle.
And as if you heard his thoughts, you cleared your throat before Hendery could kill the engine on the side road. “Or... you could take me home.”
It was stupid. Imbecilic. A voice inside your head whispered that it was a bad idea, but upon seeing how Hendery’s lips turned to a smile by looking at the side mirror, all your fear had been vanquished. Suddenly, you were ready to face the world again.
Your grip on his shirt tightened as you entered the village. It was mid-morning. There were a few elders fanning themselves in their verandas under the blistering weather. They squinted at the sight of you, a sudden contempt in their lips which they conveyed as a frown.
“Turn left,” you mumbled, praying that he heard you just right.
By the silence that was unusual of Hendery to exude, you have contemplated that maybe he was nervous, too. The thought made you slightly giddy and anxious at the same time. You have never brought a man home. Not even introduce a boy friend to your parents. Just when you thought that last night would be a history of your own, this morning has proved you wrong.
Your stomach was empty, but you felt like retching in the bushes as Hendery stopped the engine in front of your house. Mother was tending to her flowers when you hopped off the motorcycle. Father was nowhere to be found.
You looked at Hendery before sauntering towards your mother. The rustle of your feet against the grasses garnered her attention. She looked up to see you, then to the boy beside you.
You walked up towards her to kiss her cheek. Mother stood still as your lips made a friction against her skin. She was looking straight at Hendery, who had a polite smile on his face.
You cleared your throat. “Mother, this is Hendery.”
Hendery stretched out his hand to your mother. “Hendery Wong, pleased to meet you.”
Mother stared at his outstretched hand for seconds. Your knees started to wobble. Then Mother took Hendery’s hand. “I’ll prepare the food,” she said, the tone unfathomable.
When she attempted to leave, Hendery quickly raised his arms as if to stop your mother. “It’s fine, Mrs. I just dropped Y/N off.” He looked at you and nodded his head. “See you at the Church, Y/N,” he said.
Your lips coiled in a frown. The atmosphere was thick, and there was no doubt Hendery felt it. Your mother could’ve been warmer in greeting him, but you knew better than anyone else than to force the time when it obviously wasn’t ready.
With a tone of both reluctance and slight disappointment, you mumbled, “See you.”
He nodded one last time before turning his back and getting on his motorcycle.
The same time Hendery revved the engine once more, your father went out of the house with a glass of cold water in hand. “What’s that about?” he asked.
The garden shovel your mother was holding was dropped as she focused her attention towards you. You braced yourself for the imminent storm that was coming. And there it was, in a voice so loud even the houses nearby grew hairs and got goosebumps, your mother cried out, “What on earth are you thinking?!”
Father sipped on his water, his brows arching above the rim. There was no accusation in his eyes, only interest and confusion.
“What do you mean, Mother?” You tried to make your voice sound strong, but it came out as a breathy question.
“What do I mean?!” she roared. “Where were you last night? Tell me the truth.”
Truth be spoken, you were utterly rebellious to neglect your mother last night. But the wanting to experience something greater for once has overcome all your senses. Was it really abhorrent to experience such freedom?
You could feel your veins popping up your temple. Your breath was becoming ragged. And the stubbornness that was trying to envelope you didn’t help. It felt like a bomb ready to explode at any given moment.
“Where have you been—”
“The city!” you screamed back. “I went to the city with Hendery!”
Mother looked at you with a tormented face. From the way her mouth hung open with her eyes almost bulging out of their sockets, you could tell that she’s beyond horrified by the revelation.
“How dare you?” she whispered, “How dare you lie to me?”
Father was on her side instantly, laying a gentle hand on her back. “We all need to calm down—”
“Calm down?!” Mother turned to face him. “You’d expect me to calm down when my own daughter defied me?”
You bit your lower lip. What was the big deal? What the fuss was all about? It wasn’t as if you didn’t come home. Here you were, safe and sound.
“I’m sure Y/N could explain herself, right?” Father raised an encouraging brow at you. His lack of judgement pierced your heart with a throb.
“Yeah,” Mother said with enough scorn to make you recoil. “Let her narrate everything!”
You tried to catch your breath before forcing your face to look up to your parents. “What’s so wrong about going to the city?”
“Oh, you are one naive girl,” Mother stated as she made noises in her nose. “You could’ve been infected! You could’ve  brought danger into this home!”
“Mother!” you hissed. “The pandemic has already disappeared! I want to live a normal life now!”
Mother looked at you as if you weren’t her daughter but a mere stranger she’s picked a fight with. “Why are you so foolish and stubborn?”
“Why can’t you let me live my life?” you retorted.
“That’s enough,” Father warned with a commanding tone. His jaw was pulled taut. One more push and the three of you would burn right where you stood because of vexation.
Mother heed no warning for she continued to look at you as if she was contemplating to push you back to her womb. “I’m keeping you safe.”
“Safe?” You could almost laugh. “I don’t want safe.” I want freedom. I want danger. I want the sin. I want the rush.
“That’s enough talking back, Y/N. Return to your room and change,” Father commanded.
Mother’s lips were compressed in a tight line. You’ve expected her to say something, but no words were heard from her as Father guided her back to the house.
You were left alone in the garden, with your neighbors peeking at their fences to catch gossips.
You wish this world had been a little bit forgiving, a little bit welcoming for boys like him. He wasn’t cruel. He was kind... he was protective. And he was a tether to the dreams that you tried so hard to achieve. Without Hendery— the only person who believed that you were meant for greater things— you wouldn’t know what to make of your life anymore. Sure, you would get back on your feet. But you would never want to feel alone in the battle again. You didn’t want to start empty again. And you would never wish to be parted from Hendery. Ever.
x. The Holy Catholic Church…
“Oh, look who’s finally arrived,” Kun uttered with a shit-eating grin as Hendery appeared in the abandoned building Kun made a rendezvous in the outskirts of the town.
For weeks, they stayed and made their camp here. With Kun occupying the last and only good-conditioned room in the building. There, he’s beaten by Hendery for apparently mowing down Xiaojun’s jaw.
The grin Kun had on his face intrigued Hendery, but he wouldn’t let it show on his face. With inquisition was an annoyance Hendery didn’t know where he came from. It was just there, crawling on his skin. Perhaps it was his encounter with your mother, and the lack of warmth in her welcome.
But could he blame her? Not one bit. Hendery didn’t even think of meeting someone else’s parents and being introduced as a lover, but after getting chummy with you, his aspirations in life went a little higher than what he deserved. Hendery knew that it was a bad thing to be zealous, but that was what he had known after joining Kun’s banditry.
“What’s going on?” he asked, albeit not having the heart to inquire in the first place.
After a day and night with you, Hendery yearned for one thing: sleep. He just couldn’t close his eyes when you were lying on his side, with your peaceful face and soft snores. Hendery wanted to capture every moment, to memorize each line of your face, to be drowned in the serenity of the night.
His other comrades were nowhere to be found which was new. At this time of the day, all of them needed to report their sleuthing of a certain area assigned to them. Kun wanted to know everything.
Kun’s grin only widened. “How’s your job, Hen?”
Hendery ran a hand through his hair. “I’m still trying to make my way onto the priest’s chamber.”
Kun sat up on the swivel chair and placed his feet on the table laid before him. “If I’m not mistaken,” he started, “It’s been months since I sent you to the Church. And until now, you still don’t have anything useful to tell me.”
Hendery’s jaw twitched. He hated how he’s inclined to answer every Kun’s calls. And he had never felt this way before towards his work, that was if you could call banditry a job. He was always the best. That made him Kun’s favorite. But that was before he met you.
Meeting you really had changed most of his beliefs about life. He’s almost convinced to let go of his wretched ways and have a normal way of living— a life he could be proud of. And a life with you.
“Father Ben’s strict,” Hendery lied. The priest was as kind as a deer. If Hendery wished to enter his chamber, he’d gladly let him out of his trusting nature. And that would be the end as well as the start of everything. Hendery still wasn’t prepared to drop the new life he has, because that would mean he has to let you go, too. The mere thought made his stomach recoil.
“Strict?” Kun asked as he raised a playful brow. “But you’re my best asset, Hen. There is no ‘strict’ when it comes to you.”
If these were normal times, Hendery would’ve smirked by the compliment. But he knew what Kun meant. And he’s heard the warning even if it was unspoken.
Months ago, Hendery and Sicheng started searching for places to rob in the isolated villages near the local market. Until they had come across the Church. Upon their nightly visit and hawkshawing, Hendery found out that Father Ben has a golden necklace. The thing has become their target ever since. However, you wouldn’t see Father Ben taking the necklace off. Hendery won’t be able to steal it without violence.
He would’ve finished the work sooner than intended. Besides, he knew brutality like the back of his hand. It had become his armor through the years. And Father Ben didn’t hold a special place in his life, no matter how nonjudgmental the priest was. He could easily wrench the necklace away from his neck without any remorse. But he feared you.
The thought of failing you, of disappointing you, and of showing Hendery’s true colors to you has left his courage dwindling.
What cowardice. He would’ve punched himself unconscious if he could. Hendery wasn’t familiar to this kind of weakness, and he didn’t know how to deal with it.
Hendery shifted on his seat, shaking off the tension from his body. “The priest was surprisingly guarded,” he lied once more. Father Ben was as permeable as the Church itself. It was Hendery’s own choices that the work has slowed down.
Kun hummed. He withdrew something from his drawers. Picture, Hendery noticed, but he was too tired to even think about its connection to the current discussion. “Perhaps you need some boosters to help you do the work.” Then Kun slowly placed the picture flat on his table. Hendery couldn’t see the image well for he was leaning back on his seat. Kun waved his hand. “Look.”
He knitted his brows together. Whatever it was, Hendery had a bad feeling that once he leaned, there would be no turning back. Nevertheless, he didn’t have much choice, did he? So he leaned, like a good boy that he was, and stared at the image.
Hendery bit back the sound which tried to echo from him at what the image displayed. It was his mother. On a hospital bed, looking withered and close to death. She was too frail. Too weak.
Hendery swallowed a sob. “How...” He gulped a few times before willing himself to continue. “How did you find her?”
Should he be rejoicing? He should be happy, right? But why did he feel miserable now more than ever?
“I told you. I’ll help you find her,” Kun said.
Hendery kept looking at the picture, afraid that it might disappear if he blinked. “Where is she?”
Kun chuckled then stood up. Hendery fought the urge to grab him and punch his face. “You act as if you don’t know how to play this game, Wong.” Kun’s fingers grabbed the edge of the picture. He tucked it inside his pocket, his grin never leaving his face.
Hendery bit the insides of his cheeks. Of course, he knew how this game works. “I’ll bring you the necklace tomorrow.”
That night, Hendery washed away the sleep by downing cups of coffee. The liquid takes its root inside his system, pumping blood in a pace that would keep him awake.
He sat on his made-up bed, with a lamplight beside him, providing little to no warmth against the cold. With a white silky towel in hand, Hendery wiped his handgun. It had been a while since he last pulled the trigger. And the weight was dead in his hand.
Perhaps there was no more redemption left for his torn soul. Perhaps he was only fooling himself in believing that his life could be better. Perhaps he was glued to violence and not even you could save him from it. No matter how hard he tries to believe that you could.
xi. The communion of Saints. The forgiveness of sins…
A knock on your door woke you from your trance. You realized you were looking at your reflection on the mirror mindlessly.
“Come in,” you said, clearly indifferent to the possibility that it might be your mother standing and knocking on the other side of the door. But you knew better. She would never raise the white flag for her daughter.
With one last sweep of your hands along your robes, you waited for your father to finally enter. When he did, he went straight to the bed and sat. He’s cornered you, there was no escaping from it now.
“Spill it, Father,” you mumbled, trying to sound as friendly as possible. It was enough that you have stretched your mother’s irascibility. You didn’t need another enemy in this house.
“You do know why mother’s angry with you, right?” he asked. Before you could answer, he continued, “It’s not just about the fact that you went home with a boy. And that you went to the city without telling us.”
A sighed. Then you whirled to face him. “I don’t understand her need to be angry. I am safe. And if she’s talking about the pandemic... I am alright, Father.”
It was Father’s turn to sigh. “I don’t have anything against you going to the city. I know your dreams, your aspirations. But you must understand that your mother’s protective of you because she loves you. And the pandemic isn’t gone. It’s there, we just don’t see it now since its effects have died down.”
You looked out the window, feeling as if your tears might betray you anytime. “I just want to experience life.”
Father walked up to you and placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “I know. Hell, I want you to live life to the fullest, too. Have fun, have mistakes. Kiss boys. Be crazy. But it isn’t the time. Your mother’s still not ready.”
With tears brimming, you looked up to your father. “And when would she be?”
Father smiled his kindest one. “Soon, darling.”
Your walking towards the church was occupied with birds chirping in the branches, and flowers blossoming in the meadows. Perhaps it will be a bright day despite the darkness of yesterday.
Hendery never left your mind, even though you have a lot to think about. He was etched in your brain, like some sort of a tattoo you wouldn’t be able to erase. That made you think whether he was thinking about you, too.
You shrugged the thoughts away as you arrived at the Church. It was unusually silent when you arrived. At this time of day, the other sacristan should be running around and helping clean the surroundings. It didn’t settle well with you.
“Kristan!” you called out when you saw him running towards Father Ben’s chamber. Is the priest sick?
Kristan halted to wait for you. You huffed a breath as you laid your hand on his shoulder. “Where is everyone?”
The little boy bit the insides of his cheek. He didn’t meet your eyes when he said, “At Father Ben’s chamber.”
“What are they doing there? And what’s that for?” you asked, regarding the white and clean towel he was holding. Instead of answering, Kristan held your hand and pulled you towards the priest’s chamber.
The little bedroom was jam packed with the sacristans occupying most of the spaces. Father Ben was sitting on his rocking chair, with what you could tell was an ice-cube inside a clean towel being pressed on his left cheek by Lucy.
Your heart dropped to your stomach. “What happened here?” you asked particularly no one.
Father Ben winced. “I am alright, hija,” he said. But he looked nothing like that.
Lucy glared your way. Her eyes were full of accusations. “Hendery did this to him,” she practically spat out the words with venom.
Now you couldn’t even feel your heart anymore. Hendery did this? How? Why? Despite feeling numb, you stepped closer to Father Ben. “Hendery... did this?”
How... Why... Gods, why? Father Ben looked at Lucy’s way, then the latter pursed her lips. She washed the cloth into the nearest basin, therefore allowing you to see the cut in Father’s cheekbone.
“He... punched me earlier,” Father Ben said in a low voice. He was undeniably pained by what happened. You couldn’t even bring yourself to speak, let alone react to something other than a thunderstruck expression. “And he stole my necklace.”
By that, you grabbed the nearest chair and sat. You placed your hand between your chest. This is all too much. Your bones felt like collapsing. “The... the necklace your mother gave you?” you asked this without looking at him. It was hard to do that when you feel responsible for everything that has happened.
No, it isn’t right to hurt yourself like this. But Hendery has been with you since day one. If he planned something as horrible as this, you would’ve known. You should’ve known. How could you be so stupid?
“Yes,” Father Ben breathed as he absentmindedly reached for his necklace. As far as you could tell, the necklace was given to him by his mother when he was little. It was an heirloom of sorts. A treasured legacy.
“How could he do this?” Lucy interrupted. “We welcomed him here. Believing that he was good.”
“It was another thing to steal. And another to hurt someone to rob them,” Rei added.
You really couldn’t blame them. You were in absolute shock to even argue and pretend that Hendery was better than this. They wouldn’t tell you he was the culprit if he wasn’t, right? God, you couldn’t breathe.
“I think he’s a bandit,” Lucy stated once more.
With that, you looked up at her. “That is a grave accusation to make, Lucy.” Now, you are even making excuses for Hendery. You could laugh from your own imbecility.
“Yes. I know,” she said. Then she stood tall. “But what would you have me call him? A grave man deserves a grave name.”
“Perhaps he has his reasons.” Your voice sounded uncertain. For you have no idea what could be the reason behind all this..
Lucy sniggered. “I used to think you were reasonable, Y/N. Don’t stoop so low. He’s hit Father Ben. He’s robbed him. Whatever reason he might have, it was wrong.”
You fell silent. Lucy speaks the truth. Hendery has done something hideous. He could be a bandit all along. He could be the one who’s been robbing the villagers off their small riches all this time. And yet… how? How could he smile at you like he could replace an angel in heaven? How could you be so naive and stupid?
Without your own realization, you have run away from the Church already. To where? You have no idea. But you needed to free the tightening rope inside your chest— you need to salvage your heart off a heartache. Seeing Father Ben dispirited, as well as your co-sacristans, have shot a bullet to your heart.
You felt ashamed and wounded. But before mending your own wounds, you have to search for Hendery first.
xii. The resurrection of the body...
Million thoughts ran in Hendery’s mind as he looked at the emaciated body of his mother lying in a hospital bed. A glass separates them both, but he felt far away to her now than before. She was looking so frail— as if her bones would snap if you did so much as to hold her hand in a featherweight touch.
Her situation pierced Hendery’s heart with a sword. It didn’t matter that he’d found her now. He doesn’t feel happiness for this accomplishment. Misery. Hate. And that hole of missing his mother for years were the only things he could coax himself to feel.
Perhaps he was too far gone because of his loathsome heart. Or perhaps it was because of the teenager standing beside his mother’s bed, sobbing his heart out, while a middle-aged man pats his back to soothe him. As much as Hendery didn’t want to admit it, he could see the same nose and lips that he’s got from his mother in the boy to even deny the truth. He’s his brother. Half-brother.
He balled his hand into fist. Sudden heat coated Hendery’s tear ducts. He swept the lone tear away with his jacket-sleeve. He’s accepted the truth before— he’s made peace of the fact that his mother abandoned him. But why does it hurt to look the truth in the face? She’s cared and loved another son while Hendery longed for her embrace. She’s fed another mouth while Hendery starved in the streets.
Why must the world be cruel?
Hendery stepped back and sat on the chair beside the glass window. He made himself as unimposing as possible until the father and son departed the room. Hendery gathered himself and walked towards the door, towards his mother.  
“A... Alec, is that—” Her mouth abruptly clamped shut as she realized who was standing before her. Without another word, her shoulder shook and there were tears in her eyes.
Hendery looked up, biting his lip. He won’t cry. He won’t cry. He won’t cry. “Come on, mom,” he stammered. “It’s not like you haven’t seen me for a long time, right?” Then he looked at her. She was coughing and sobbing now. Hendery had to help her sit up to give her some water.
“Is that really you?” she asked, thin fingers crawling at Hendery’s cheek. Her hand was cold. But it gave Hendery the warmth he was searching for. “Son,” she choked, “I’m sorry.”
Her voice was too weak. Hendery felt like he shouldn’t let her talk. So he shushed her instead. “I...” he stuttered, “I hate you, mom.” That’s it. He won’t hold back. He needs to say it. “I hate you so much. You left me. You left me to die.”
If her mother looked thunderstruck, her sunken eyes didn’t show it. “Hendery, son, I didn’t—”
“I became a bandit to survive. I kill now, mom. I kill so I can live. I kill so I can find you. I’ve asked myself a million times whether it was your fault I became like this.” Hendery snorted at the end. “But it was of my own choice so I couldn’t really blame you, could I? I chose this path to survive.
“I learned how to hold a gun because I need it. I’ve robbed people for money. For my own glory. For you. You left me in the dust. And all my life I’ve wondered why. Why did she leave me? Didn’t she love me? But I’ve thought about it and realized that I don’t need answers. I just need to see you.”
Her mother sobbed again. “I’m sorry, son, I’m sorry— I was scared.”
“Scared,” Hendery repeated. “We would’ve been fine together, mom. You and I.”
“I know,” she choked. “But when your father died— I was scared of the reality that we were alone. During a pandemic. The both of you were hanging on for your lives inside the ICU. And I’d nearly lost my mind.
“When he died, I didn’t have the chance to say good bye. They took him and burned his body. I was alone. Alone, thinking that you could be the next one they’d burn and I won’t have the chance to see your beautiful face for the last time. Instead of facing it all, I called your Aunt. When she came, I left.”
Hendery wanted to tell every abuse he’s gone through with his Aunt. But he didn’t want to remember those times, and he didn’t want to add into his mother’s guilt.
“I’m dying, son,” she whispered.
That, Hendery could tell. There’s a pang in his heart, yes, but he knew that there won’t be happy endings for bad people like him. All of us die in the end, however.
“I’m happy to see you,” she said, “It’s all I’ve ever wished to God every night.”
God. Is this what it feels like to know that someone has been praying for you? He felt... empty. Like everything is too late. The wound has been crawling with worms and there’s no more gauges to stop the pus.  
“Do they... know me?” Hendery asked, voice low.
Her mother pursed her lips together. “No. I haven’t told them about you.”
Of course, Hendery muttered in his mind. He stood up, smoothed his shirt with a forced smile and looked down at his mother. “I’ll better be going, then.”
“Where are you going? Hendery, son...”
Hendery placed his hand on his mother’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about me. I am fine.” Far from it, but you didn’t need to know that, he thought.
His mother’s eyes were red-rimmed, thus accentuating how sunken they’ve become. “Can you... give me a hug?”
Hendery blinked as he did not expect such favor. But he leaned forwards absentmindedly, and hug his mother tightly. He first heard his own sob before realizing that he was crying like a little boy in his mother’s arms. This wasn’t the reunion he had in mind. He thought they could still reunite and make a life together. Be away from people. Hendery thought he would take care of his mother until she’s grey and old.
But life has other cruel plans. The path has been twisted years ago. And whatever he could get from this hug, it is enough.
It would be enough.
With an empty mind, Hendery drove through the night. He didn’t know where to go. His mind has been blank since his visit to the hospital.
What does he feel? Fuck, what does he feel? He felt ashamed. For everything that’s happened today. From the way he cornered and punched Father Ben just to get his necklace. He wanted to blur and erase the shame. He wanted to disappear.
Hendery revved the engine. Faster and faster, he drove without destination. The wind got harsher, the night still dangerous. He couldn’t take his mind off Kun’s smile when he finally handed him the golden necklace. Kun tapped his back and congratulated him, his eyes twinkling like stars. Hendery never wanted to see the same sparkle in the man’s eyes anymore.
Then his mind drifted to you. Knuckle white around the accelator, Hendery bottled up the scream that has threatened to explode from him. You. With your kind smile and angelic face. You’re so good. And Hendery let you down. For once, he met someone who was willing to accept his flaws and every bad thing about him. But he answered you with claws.
So after all the disgrace, why did he stop in front of your house?
The village was quiet. No more lights could be seen inside the house. A further indication that you are already asleep. Despite that, Hendery found himself walking towards the small alleyway leading to your room. There’s a tree, beside your window. Hendery hesitated for a moment whether he would knock on your window to wake you up. Besides, he has been reckless with his decisions and he didn’t need you to think of him as a creep.
However, he stood a few meters away from the window. And there, all his muscles strained. He was locked up in his place as his eyes met yours. Donned in your nightgown, you stood there looking outside. Your own eyes turned wide as you realized that Hendery was standing if not in front of you.
He gulped, then quickly pivoted on his heels to walk away. No. He isn’t ready to talk to you tonight. The shame was too overwhelming for him to ignore.
“Hendery!” you screamed, and that would’ve been enough to wake the whole house.
Hendery’s steps faltered.
“Wait for me,” you uttered just enough for him to hear.
He sucked in a breath. No. He couldn’t do this. But before he could decide to run away, a hand tugged him. Hendery faced you. You had your hand in your chest as you tried to calm your breath.
“Y/N,” he whispered. Here you were, standing in front of him under the pale moonlight. Everything would’ve been romantic if not for the circumstances.
“Hendery.” You say his name like he’s good. Like he deserves forgiveness. Why?
“I…” he stammered, “I did something hideous.”
He expected you to accuse him. To shout at him. But all you did was to hold his hand. “Why?”
Hendery’s hand abruptly trembled. He bit his lower lip so hard, it bled. “My mother,” he choked. “Y/N… I saw her. Everything is for her.” He couldn’t stop his sniveling no matter how he try to stop it. In between sobs, Hendery told you what happened, his hand never letting go of yours. The shame that he’s felt has been obliterated clean. He didn’t even care about the tears rolling down his cheeks.
After he opened himself up to you, you reached for him and hugged his body tightly. Hendery fought the urge to cry again. So he hugged you back instead, drowning in your scent.
When you pulled back, there’s a lone tear sliding down your cheek. Hendery wiped it away with his thumb, cupping your cheek with his cold hand.
“Now. This is what we’ll do,” you began.
xiii. And life everlasting…
You paced in front of the altar, trying your hardest to contain your heart inside your chest. It’s been at least twenty-four hours since you last saw Hendery. Your mind would explode thinking of what could’ve happened to him now. He’s supposed to come back an hour later.
You started to think that maybe it was a stupid plan all along. But you couldn’t blame him. He wanted to redeem himself to Father Ben, albeit it’s hard doing so. And he really didn’t plan to do exactly that. Hendery only wanted to return the necklace.
After his visit last night, where in he told you all that has transpired between him and his mother, you told him how important the necklace was for Father Ben. It is an heirloom, given by his mother.
You tried to coax Hendery that he should go to church and ask for Father Ben’s forgiveness. And yet he insisted that he would return the necklace. No matter what happens.
No matter what happens. That didn’t sit well with you.
In the end, you couldn’t argue with him anymore. He was determined to prove himself: that he’s worthy of good things and of forgiveness. Such raw emotions. It made you cry.
You agreed to meet here in the Church. Hendery says it’s safer this way. It is still the house of God, according to him. No one would attempt to harm you here.
You faced the altar and knelt, but before you could chant the first prayer, the latch of the door sounded. Hurriedly, you stood up on your feet.
In the dark, the silhouette of Hendery was drawn. He limped towards you while clutching something in his hand. You ran towards him, relief flooding your system. Tears pricked your eyes by how at ease you’ve felt by seeing him.
“Hendery!” you squealed and hugged him tightly.
He chuckled weakly before pulling away. “Here,” he says. “For Father…” Then he coughed. He coughed. With blood spurting out of his mouth. Your heart dropped on your feet. No.
Before you could think, Hendery fell to the floor, kneeling. Bouts of cough attacked his throat.
“Hendery,” you sobbed, “What happened?” You knelt in front of him, holding his shoulders to support his frail body.
“This is nothing,” he tried to say, but the world were muffled.
Panicking won’t help. So you strived to remain calm although your heart was beating jarringly inside your ribcage. And in the end, you sobbed and cried. “Help!” you cried out with all your might. “Help us! Hendery!”
You locked Hendery’s arm around your shoulder and hurled yourself up. But his weight was dead and he doesn’t seem to be doing well. “Hendery, please!” You were a crying mess. Vision blurry, throat wrapped up in pins and thorns and needles. You placed your arm around his waist and tried to hurl him up for the second time, but Hendery screamed in pain as you made contact with his side.
He fell to the ground.
And there was too much blood.
Blood. You stared at your trembling hands.
“No!” you screamed. “Hendery!” You sat and scooped him up in your arms, tears streaming down your face to his. “Stay with me! God!”
Hendery’s eyes were drooping now. They look like crystals, frantic and wild. “I…” He coughed. Blood came out of his mouth again.
You shushed him, brushing away his hair sticking to his forehead. His skin was feverish. You choked again and again, trying to gulp down your cries. “Stay. With. Me.” You give emphasis to each word. “Hendery! No! No! Stay awake! Please!” You even started to slap his cheeks just to keep his eyes open.
Then his bloodied hand found your cheek. You sobbed as it made contact with your skin. “You…” he uttered under his breath, “you’re... so beautiful.” Hendery flashed you a smile. His teeth coated with blood.
“Please.” You bit your lower lip. “Stay with me.”
Hendery stared at your face, tears streaming down from his eyes. “So…” he whispered again, drawing circles on your cheek, “... beautiful.”
Then his hand fell.
Hendery spent his last breath with you. In front of the altar. With God your only witness that night.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Cowboy.”
Wanted to try something new.  Aliens meet different ways of living. Was trying to really capture the small town farming feel in this one. Granted I grew up in and near places like this but was from the burbs technically, so, lol, hopefully I did it justice. 
The sky over Jakar was a light violet purple.
Strings of long striated clouds cut across the sky at intervals looking like the ripples you see on the face of a sand dune. The Sun hadn’t yet risen hiding just below the distant horizon. The air around them was warm, but not tropical, rather moderate.
Standing on the loading ramp to the Harbinger and staring out over the strange moon, they could see for miles and miles onto the unbroken horizon. Under the purple sky, there were no trees or rocks, just acres and acres of evenly spaced crops gently rolling over minute hills and shallow divots in the earth. A gently wind blew up from their front rolling over the ground and bringing with it the cool moist scent of fertile dirt.
The sun inched upwards over the horizon, casting a honeyed yellow glow over an unbroken sea of green. With the engines of the ship off, and not a soul in sight, the scene before them was absolutely silent, almost surreal.
As they watched, a ripple of wind blew up from their right churning the green sea before them into a stormy sea. The plant stalks rolled in waves under the slow push of the wind, which, when it reached them, brought the subtle whisper of leaves brushing over each other.
All together, if they closed their eyes, they could almost imagine the sound of a distant sea.
Both Krill and sunny were riveted to that quiet morning in fascination. 
They had never known a thing to be so beautiful, so quiet.
And even though the land was touched by man, the quiet serenity almost had them forgetting that fact.
They stood like that for many minutes, enjoying the silence until a distant sound rose up from the horizon.
Krill craned his neck and Sunny shaded her eyes.
It can in beats of four, a rhythmic thudding of…. something .
They were alerted by the dust cloud, brown tinged purple rising up from the right.
Looking a little longer,they watched as a very strange creature galloped towards them. The animal had four legs, a long snout, a thick neck, and streams of long hair flying from it’s head and rump. THe joints of its front legs faced the wrong direction.
Krill shifted back up the ramp a little ways.
The beats of the animal’s feet grew louder as it got closer, and only then was Krill able to see that, to his shock and dismay, there was a human riding astride it’s back, just casually sitting atop the one ton beast as if it was nothing bouncing up and down with the animal’s jostling movements.
He stared dumbstruck alongside Sunny as the human pulled to a stop gently tugging at the contraption which had been fixed around the animal’s head.
A familiar tawny, and black dog came chasing after her tail wagging, her ears perked.
Waffles skidded to a slow trot and began frantically sniffing through the nearby plot of plants.
Sunny and Krill stepped forward as the human, turned to look at them, restings his hands against his upper thighs as the beast lowered it’s head to sniff at the ground.
“What the hell are you wearing?” Sunny asked the commander.
“A better question is what the hell are you riding.” Krill could already tell this day was going to make him angry, “Aren't you well aware that falling off that thing could kill you, not to mention if it decided to cave your head in with its feet.”
Commander Vir pulled the patterned cloth triangle down from around his face, eyes mostly shadowed by the brim of the very dorky hat he was wearing. The shirt he had on was long sleeve and mid range blue in color with a collar, and matching jeans with a very strange set of heeled boots.
“Forgot you've never seen a horse before.”
He kicked one of his feet up over the top the back of the creature and let himself gently down onto the dirt.
The large animal turned it’s massive head, nudging him in the chest with it’s soft pink snout.
He smiled and rubbed it’s nose.
“A horse?”
“Yes, one of man’s greatest achievements.”
The horse threw its head up and down as if in agreement.
“A knobby kneed dog creature?”
“No a knobby kneed beast of burden, from the back of which humanity conquered the world. He patted it’s neck, “These guys are the reason humanity got as far as it did, at least one fo the reasons.
Krill stared at the ‘horse’ nervously staring into its wide dark eyes, sensing a hint of cunning intelligence that he did not particularly appreciate. Sunny stepped forward a bit, and the horse lifted it’s head, wide nostrils flaring menacingly. 
It stepped back, and the commander held firm, “Woah, easy girl. It’s just sunny.”
The horse didn’t seem convinced, and Sunny stayed at a polite distance.
“Commander, I must insist, that beast could kick your head in if agitated.”
“Oh I know. Believe you me I know.”
The horse tossed it’s head.
“Can we get back to the important question of….. What the hell are you wearing?”
He looked down, “This, my fine friend is the historic gear of the Cowboy, and early symbol of the west, your rough and tumble man’s man who lived rough, worked hard, and is, arguably the symbol of human manifest destiny.”
“I have no idea what you just said.”
The commander sighed, “Look they were total badasses who rode horses, shot guns, and drank too much.”
“Badasses who wore heels?” Sunny wondered 
“Yes, yes they were.”
“And where did you get that outfit exactly?”
He tugged at the shirt rather proudly, “My mother made it for me, you know because that is what she does for a living.”
“Do you often commission really dumb clothing from your mother.” Sunny continued to tease.
“I have an outfit for every major time period from here to to the early Byzantine empire.” He bragged, not that it meant anything.
Her continued teasing was cut off as more noises rose up from the distance, the sound of hooves and the shrill chatter of, what Sunny could only assume was the horses. A larger dust cloud was riding up this time, and as she watched, another group of human came riding down the track. At least three of them riding horseback and wearing outfits much the same as the commander now wore. Though one of them was riding on the front of a strange wooden vehicle pulled by the creatures.
And krill had thought current human technology was primitive.
The two men, and one woman came to a halt just to their side, and looking them over, Krill couldn't help but notice the strange nature of these humans, tanned dark by the sun, their skin tough and calloused, especially about the hands. Though it was early morning they were already covered in dust. One of them touched the brim of his hat upon seeing them and dismounted from his horse walking over to shake the commander’s hand.
“I’m gonna assume your Commander Vir.” He looked around, “Seeing as you’re the only human here.”
“Yes sir.”
His voice was deep, and rather slow with a sort of relaxing quality to it, though there was an edge of steel behind his voice, “Didn’t think you fancy space captains knew how to ride horses.”
“My father worked on one of the farming conglomerates when I was a boy. He made sure we knew how to ride.”
“Smart man.” The old human turned his steely brown eyes on them looking sunny and Krill up and down though he didn’t seem all that surprised. He held out a hand to sunny, “Looks like you’ve got plenty of hands to shake.”
She chirped a laugh and took his hand surprised at how strong  he was, how rough his hands were.
Krill received a nod which was more than alright by him. He turned back and motioned to his companions, “Meet, Jack my son, and Liz y daughter. They volunteered to help out with our little problem.”
“Smugglers you were saying.” 
“Yes. We think they are some of those Tesraki types using our fields as stop points. Wouldn’t mind it so much if they didn’t keep destroying the product. They tend to land where we plant the pink orbs-” He looked at sunny, “Think they are from your planet. A bitch to get to grow here, we have to cut the soil with imported volcanic ash to get them to grow, and every time those bastards show up we lose a yield.” 
His daughter motioned at Sunny and Krill to climb up onto the strange wooden death machine with wheels. At first Krill refused, but sunny grabbed him and hauled him upwards, sitting on one of the  wooden benches. 
Krill reused to sit.
He could see splinters.
“They aren’t supposed to be in for another few days though.” The two men had mounted their horses and were riding side by side now as the ‘what krill learned to be a cart’ started up, rolling over the uneven ground and threatening to rattle his brains out of his head.
“Doesn’t this thing have shocks.” he moaned 
The humans laughed, and the head human turned back to look at him, “Don’t need socks on a wagon…..” He paused, “This one ain’t mch for country livin’”
The commander snorted, “He isn’t much for anything new. Guess you could say he’s a big city surgeon. I don’t think his  species has been without automated assistance for the past ten thousand years. But Sunny there probably gets it, her clan was mainly gatherer types.”
“Yeah, I heard about the Drev. Don’t live so differently from us all told.” beside them lines and lines of crops grew up in the distance, a never ending line broken up by nothing more than a distant building rising many stories above the fields. Massive silver constructions in cylinders with pointy tops.
“What are those?” Sunny asked, pointing.
The daughter looked “Those are silos. Once we harvest the produce, all the food goes in there for storage until we sell it.”
“So much food.” Sunny muttered 
Krill didn’t like the look of them, they appeared dangerous. Up ahead of them, the dog, waffles seemed to be enjoying herself romping about over the dirt road and through the first few lines of plants her tongue lolling her ears up.
“Your Shepherd seems happy.” The man commented, “Better then being cooped up in a flying tin can.”
“Yeah , she doesn’t get to go outside much these days.”
Looking up into the distance, Krill could just make out a slow break on the horizon. They were trees as far as he could tell, which surprised him since they seemed far to big to be here, as unnatural a species as they were.
“Are those oak trees?” The Captain asked, incredulous.
“That they are, got them imported in one of those massive fraighters. Putting them in the ground was complete bullshit, but they took surprisingly well. We wanted the two to be a bit more cozy. 
The closer they got to town the more people they could see. Children ran in and out of the crop lines chasing each other and laughing. 
Women carried baskets with them plucking bright red berries from tall growths of plants turning to wave at them as they passed.
Horses loitered, tied up on the sides of the road next to large, elegant houses in a style Krill had never seen before.
“Wow.” The commander muttered, “This is…. Wow.”
The man smiled, “Much as I love earth, you can’t live like this any more. No more small towns. When I heard how cheep they were selling land up here for, I couldn’t resist. Worked for one of those corporations like your father, and that’s when I heard about the deal going on. Come up here, farm the land and get the property for free.” He motioned to the houses and the barns, “Built most of it with our own two hands. Machinery is a bitch to get out here, so most everything we make by ourselves.”
Krill and sunny stared on in complete fascination. The wooden buildings held together by nothing more than sharp metal spikes, still multiple stories tall and with glass windows. What little technology there was was overshadowed by just how provincial everything was. People carrying buckets of water with their own two hands, polishing boots, and sawing off planks of wood with manual blades.
And despite that, how much more difficult everything probably was, they seemed happy. The people themselves were rough, but well put together, tanned skin, and bright eyes over calloused hands and straight backed postures full of confidence and pride. As they rode past they received nothing but friendly smiles and waved greetings.
Adam was practically a pampered, prim little pretty boy in comparison to the rest, and he was a one eyed, peg legged, space captain for intents and purposes.
A pleasantly plump dark skinned woman waved at them from her porch, where she sat in a very strange looking chair, which instead of legs, had skids? And rocked when she shifted her weight. Which seemed to be the intention.
Sunny and Krill raised their hands back, not sure of what else to do.
The man at the front sighed, “Man you can’t live like this anymore, not on earth anyway.”
Commander vir was looking around with an appreciative smile, “it’s like going back in time. Dam…. it’s nice here.”
“Almost makes you want to get your feet back on solid dirt?” The man wondered 
The commander laughed, “I don’t think so. Your town is great, but there is nothing like the majesty of waking up and seeing the rings of saturn outside our bedroom window, or a nebulae thousands of light years wide, or stepping out of the ship and just…. Floating weightless like nothing can hold you down ever again.”
The man shuttered, “Can’t imagine.”
“Can’t imagine but can’t forget.”
Adam’s horse tossed it’s head and he patted it on the neck.
The other human shook his head, “Cut from a different mold I guess. I’d like nothing more than an honest day’s work under the sun getting my hands dirty. None of that outer space politics.”
Adam laughed, “I suppose I forget about politics most of the time. Honestly consider myself more of an adventurer discovering new planets and new species bravely going where no man has gone before sort of thing.”
The two of them laughed together.
Krill wondered at the strangeness of humanity. Here were two men, one of them a ship captain venturing into the unknown on one of the most advanced pieces of human technology ever created  flying shuttles, talking with aliens and traversing the galaxy, while there was another human a lover of dirt beneath his hands, with no desire to leave his home, or likely even go outside it’s farm’s radius, content with living the same day for the rest of his life, with the same people, building everything with his hands, living without what seemed to be the most basic of human technologies.
And here they were sitting together speaking and laughing.
Getting along despite being so different.
Because humans can just do that.
Humans understand. 
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