#harvest moon spoilers
theforgottenvalley · 1 year
"Google suggestions" but it's just my phone sabotaging me and spoiling stuff I haven't finished yet because my phone listens to me (fr though this needs to stop)
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Good thing i knew this happened before I started playing, I guess?
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astearisms · 8 months
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moon wishes 🌕
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toucheholland23 · 6 months
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shortbreadly · 1 year
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moxxie looking at blitzo like that…millie comforting him…they know
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s-prince · 1 year
Sighs. I've begun to hyper fixate on something I don't think has a fandom at all anymore. Anyways, here's a Harvest Moon: Animal Parade
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asherashedwings · 6 months
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Yet another self indulgent DCA design. This time with JACK O MOON !!! (Or Harvest Moon. I personally prefer Harvest Moon, I think it was missed potential.)
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kinokoshoujoart · 8 months
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30 days of harvest moon day 12 - modern AU / childhood dream
i wanted to draw based on what we know of the bachelors’ childhoods… uh, mostly not very happy stuff it turns out
semi-explanations under the cut? (i want to leave some stuff unsaid)
rock’s … parents… outright say you’re the only person who’s ever been able to stand him if you progress his heart events, and even lou (who he seems to be the most fond of) thinks you’re a weirdo for spending time with him lmao
gustafa was bullied as a kid (in the original gamecube games) or didn’t have many friends as a kid (remake)
matt says you’re his first friend if you befriend him
gordy.. well…
as hard as i tried i couldn’t find literally anything about gordy’s childhood other than him getting into art as a teenager (and a throwaway line in the original game about his mom using wool clippers to cut his hair?) but i really really wanted to draw him again, so he’s kinda just chillin with these very sad boys. i got the feeling from his dialogue that he feels insecure about being quiet / shy, so i tried to incorporate that a little
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 9 months
If THAT RANK ASS DINKY LITTLE MOTHERFUCKER only brings back one twin or the other, the fucking SECOND I hear them ask ‘brother?’ trying to get a response from their twin, I will fucking break down crying.
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unnamed-proxy · 4 months
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Jack o’ Moon, the owner of my Halloween Lovin heart <3
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cursedwateringcan · 11 months
Ok folks, I've got a bit of a theory going, indulge me.
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So, I am playing the A Wonderful Life remake right now. Loving it. Have lots of screenshots and things to share later... Maybe this is spoilers for cutscenes? So, scroll past if you don't want any of that... When I was playing on the weekend, I triggered a cutscene with nature sprites, I vaguley remembered it from the original, was watching it and then the music started and I was like, hang on a sec, this track isn't from A Wonderful Life?! I found the original cutscene, and in that cutscene they play 'Town Spirit'
(listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9PAbqdO1js)
(original cutscene is here, music starts about 35 seconds in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=immrNNpsQZo)
But, in the remade version, they play Animals Parade's Goddess Spring music
(Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRK_GfiE1iQ) (Cutscene is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf0FwaSszNs)
Its specifically Animal Parades theme too, its not Tree of Tranquility's which has a different goddess spring theme. Now, the most logical conclusion here, (and probably the likely conclusion lmao) is that they maybe didn't think 'Town Spirit' was a very good fit for the vibe here, they have since created better tracks for the Harvest Goddess, so maybe they felt it was just a cute homage or something. But, what if its an easter egg? I just don't really understand why they would change it? Other titles have goddess themes too (Magical Melody, Tree of Tranquility) I haven't seen any other homages (yet) in the form of music from other Harvest Moon titles, and Animal Parade is always one the fans are screaming for a remake of?? Why that theme specifically?? What if, they are working on an Animal Parade remake next.
Chucking a Taylor Swift with the easter eggs. Story of Season: Animal Parade (Marvelous Version)?
If this is actually a known fact and I'm late to the party here then lmao, I am also extremely behind on game news.
Did they drop any easter eggs like this in the FoMT remake for AWL? I don't remember?
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cosmic--dandelion · 7 months
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"That rodeo clown told you he ain't comin'. Nobody is comin'!"
I don't think the narrative is nearly as oblivious to Stolas's faults as everyone thinks, nor do I think Stolas is being treated as an innocent victim. He very much brought all of this on himself: being such a condescending prick that Blitzø had to seriously think about letting Striker kill him, flaunting his affair with an imp in Stella's face. It's karma knocking at his door.
It's character development.
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littlegalerion · 10 months
Moon: *hasn't romanced anyone yet*
Gale: *falls in battle*
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geekgirles · 2 years
Can we please take a moment to think about how Loona, who's supposedly the most aggressive, lest approachable member of I.M.P, is the only one who has managed to get along and connect with people outside of the company that aren't Stolas?
During the two episodes she's been given more focus, Spring Broken and Seeing Stars, she is shown reaching out to others and befriending them easily—Vortex and Octavia, respectively—, while the rest of the team either fucks around or keeps on killing.
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At the beginning of the episode, she was accused of not being a "people person", yet it is hilariously ironic that the vicious hellhound who's most likely spent her life building up walls and keeping people away happens to be the one member of I.M.P others can actually interact with.
Each passing episode makes it clearer that Blitzo's spent the last few years of his life burning bridges with people, people who happen to be the opponents he has to face while he works. And between the deep scars he left on those people and his own, the chances of him burying the hatchet and fostering positive relationships is extremely slim.
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Moxxie is the Butt-Monkey of the team. That is a (sometimes frustrating) fact. Meaning he can't get people to like him because his personality either repels them and they ignore him, at best, or they wipe the floor with him, at worst. And his interactions with Striker and Loona show that if he has some sort of negative feeling about you, he will not try to be civil first either.
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And Millie...Well, she's the nicest member of I.M.P by far, but she's also either too caught up on Moxxie to interact with others, or too caught up on her job.
Now, the M&M's as a whole, on the other hand... Don't fare much better, actually. At least by demon or Lust Ring standards, their intense love for each other and public displays of affection tend to make others uncomfortable. And, as seen in Ozzie's, they can get so caught up on each other they can make trouble for everyone, including themselves. After all, Moxxie's complete disregard of the facilities' rules and Millie's knocking the owner's boyfriend right-hand man out basically turned them into personae non-gratae.
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But Loona?
The two times she was given the chance, she managed to bond with her dad's rival's bodyguard and his boyfriend's daughter no problem.
So when she said she was a people person early on in the episode, she was 100% correct.
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yazilla · 1 year
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Daryl has drew a little picture of Flora on his board!
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asherashedwings · 5 months
Does anyone have a hc personality for this fucker yet. Cuz I genuinely wanna hear it, throw ur headcanons at me please so I can steal them (/hj. I might take inspo tho). I have no idea how to characterize this blorbo.
I have general hcs, but no personality hcs PLEASE-
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kinokoshoujoart · 9 months
bachelor time, and then the town at large
part 1 (bachelorettes)
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Mr. Gustafa can make music out of any sound EVER! Isn't that awesome?! (ch. 3 naughty son)
Mr. Gustafa can take any sound, anything at all, and make music out of it! That's so awesome. (ch. 3 naughty daughter)
I heard Mr. Gustafa used to not have very many friends. (ch. 3 normal son)
I heard, well, Mr. Gustafa used to not have very many friends. (ch. 3 normal daughter)
Apparently when Mr. Gustafa sings, he pictures a certain woman. (ch. 4 naughty/normal son)
People say when Mr. Gustafa sings this one song...he pictures a certain woman. (ch. 4 naughty/normal daughter)
Apparently, Gustafa taught himself how to play music, so he gets kind of insecure around formally trained people. (ch. 5/6 naughty son)
Apparently, Gustafa taught himself how to play music, so he gets self-conscious when he hears people have taken formal music classes. (ch. 5/6 naughty daughter)
Is Gustafa not going to sing today..? (ch. 5/6 normal son/daughter)
Should I get an instrument...? (ch. 3 son/daughter)
Is the flower on Mr. Gustafa's head real? (ch. 3 normal son/daughter)
Mr. Gustafa's guitar is shaped different from Mr. Gavin's guitar. (ch. 3 shy son)
Mr. Gustafa's guitar is a different shape from Mr. Gavin's. (ch. 3 shy daughter)
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I heard Mr. Gordy has a tough time getting out of bed in the morning! (ch. 3 naughty son)
Know what I heard? Mr. Gordy doesn't like getting up in the morning. (ch. 3 naughty daughter)
I heard Mr. Gordy sometimes thinks about using normal art tools instead. Being an artist must be hard. (ch. 3 normal son)
I heard Mr. Gordy sometimes thinks about using tools. Being an artist must be hard. (ch. 3 normal daughter)
Mr. Gordy got into making art when he was about my age. (ch. 4 normal/naughty son/daughter)
The theme of Gordy's art is apparently "return to nature." But then why does he work with metal? Hmm... This is deep stuff. (ch. 5/6 naughty/normal son)
Gordy claims his art is themed. "A return to nature," he says. But then, why does he work with metal? Hmm... This is deep. (ch. 5/6 naughty/normal daughter)
Mr. Gordy's voice is so deep. It's really cool. (ch. 3 son)
Mr. Gordy's got a deep voice. It's really cool. (ch. 3 daughter)
Mr. Gordy has a really tiny house for how big he is. (ch. 3 normal son)
Mr. Gordy's house is really small. Doesn't he feel cramped? (ch. 3 normal daughter)
Mr. Gordy's house seems really hot inside. (ch. 3 shy son/daughter)
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I heard that Mr. Rock sweats a whole ton! (ch. 3 naughty son)
I heard that Mr. Rock sweats a whooole ton! (ch. 3 naughty daughter)
Mr. Rock is a popular guy back in the city! (ch. 3 normal daughter)
Mr. Rock is really popular in the city. (ch. 3 normal son)
It seems like Mr. Rock doesn't like his dad very much... (ch. 4 normal/naughty son)
Mr. Rock doesn't really look up to his dad very much. (ch. 4 naughty/normal daughter)
What? (ch. 5/6 naughty/normal son/daughter)
Mr. Rock was telling me all about the city. (ch. 3 son)
I got to hear stuff about the city from Mr. Rock. (ch. 3 daughter)
Mr. Rock knows lots about fashion. I gotta get him to teach me! (ch 3 normal son)
Mr. Rock knows lots about fashion. Maybe he'll teach me stuff about it! (ch. 3 normal daughter)
Talking with Mr. Rock is fun. (ch. 3 shy son/daughter)
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I heard Mr. Matthew used to be way more sick before he came here! (ch. 3 normal/naughty son)
I heard Mr. Matthew used to be so sick he couldn't get up! (ch. 3 naughty daughter)
Didja know about Mr. Matthew? He used to be so sick that he couldn't even walk around...(ch. 3 normal daughter)
I think Mr. Matthew's a pretty cool guy. How come he isn't dating anyone? (ch. 4 normal/naughty son)
Mr. Matthew's a pretty cool guy. How come he isn't dating anyone? (ch. 4 naughty daughter)
What? (ch. 5/6 naughty/normal son/daughter)
Mr. Matthew's kinda grumpy. (ch. 3 son)
Mr. Matthew's kinda glum. (ch. 3 daughter)
I think Mr. Matthew is kinda like Uncle Takakura. (ch. 3 normal son/daughter)
Ms. Vesta and Mr. Matthew aren't very much alike. (ch. 3 shy son)
Ms. Vesta and Mr. Matthew are really different, don't you think? (ch. 3 shy son/daughter)
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