fravely · 1 year
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Im schönen Harz waren wir im letzten Jahr auch unterwegs. 😎 Mitten in Deutschland liegt dieser wundervolle Nationalpark und wir haben den Harz ein Wochenende von Schierke aus erkundet. Unser wirklich tolles Domizil war das @schierkeharzresort von dem wir am ersten Tag mit den Fahrrädern über den Brocken gefahren sind. Dann ging es noch eine ordentliche Runde mit dem Gravel-Bike durch die tolle Landschaft. Den zweiten Tag verbrachten wir mit einer tollen Wanderung zum Wurmberg. Einfach mal ein Wochenende den Kopf frei bekommen, dass kann man absolut super im Harz und im Schierke Harz Resort. Also nix wie raus in die Natur und den Harz genießen - mitten in Deutschland! #harz #harzreise #brocken #brockenimharz #wurmberg #familie #familienreise #reise #travel #travelfamily #familienabenteuer #schierke #schierkeharzresort #urlaub #fravely #reisen #reiseblogger #reiseblog #travel #travelblog #travelblogger #travelwithkids #travelwithfamily #reisenmitkind #travelfamily #family #reisefamilie #reisenmitkids (hier: Das Schierke - Harzresort am Brocken) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co64hrLMlgT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mercedes-lenz · 1 year
es wird mir wohl ein rätsel bleiben
wie man heine mögen kann
weder prosa noch gedichte
zogen mich in ihren bann
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schorschidk · 8 months
Wanderwege auf den Brocken: Zu Fuß zum Gipfel
Eine Brockentour ist für viele der Höhepunkt einer Harzreise. Mehrere Wege führen auf den höchsten Gipfel im Norden.
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literatur-zitate · 1 year
König ist der Hirtenknabe
König ist der Hirtenknabe,
Grüner Hügel ist sein Thron,
Über seinem Haupt die Sonne
Ist die schwere, goldne Kron.
Ihm zu Füßen liegen Schafe,
Weiche Schmeichler, rotbekreuzt;
Kavaliere sind die Kälber,
Und sie wandeln stolz gespreizt.
Hofschauspieler sind die Böcklein
Und die Vögel und die Küh,
Mit den Flöten, mit den Glöcklein,
Sind sie Kammermusizi.
Und das klingt und singt so lieblich,
Und so lieblich rauschen drein
Wasserfall und Tannenbäume,
Und der König schlummert ein.
Unterdessen muss regieren
Der Minister, jener Hund,
Dessen knurriges Gebelle
Widerhallet in der Rund.
Schläfrig lallt der junge König:
„Das Regieren ist so schwer,
Ach, ich wollt, dass ich zu Hause
Schon bei meiner Kön'gin wär!
In den Armen meiner Kön'gin
Ruht mein Königshaupt so weich,
Und in ihren lieben Augen
Liegt mein unermesslich Reich!“
Heinrich Heine
(aus: Die Harzreise)
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¡si hubiera en tu salterio, Padre del Amor, un canto que llegara a sus oídos, se consolaría su corazón! ¡aclara su turbia mirada hacia las mil fuentes cercanas al sediento en el desierto!
‘Harzreise im Winter’, Goethe
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stoertebeker · 2 years
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If nobody got me at least Hamburger Lesehefte got me.
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opera-ghosts · 4 years
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  Marie Brema (28 February 1856 – 22 March 1925) was a British dramatic mezzo-soprano singer in concert, operatic and oratorio work in the last decade of the 19th and the first decade of the 20th centuries. She created several important roles and was the first British singer to appear at the Bayreuth Festspielhaus.She made her opera debut in the first English production of Mascagni's Cavalleria rusticana, as Lola, at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London. A performance was given before Queen Victoria at Windsor Castle in November 1891. She achieved a success, and followed it with a greater one in Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice later in the same year.  She had won Shaw's admiration in a performance of Schubert's Erlkonig.  In February 1893, at a Royal Albert Hall performance of Gounod's Redemption . In April 1893, at a Philharmonic concert (also featuring Sapellnikoff in Chopin's E major concerto), "happening to be tremendously in the dramatic vein, she positively rampaged through a Schiller-Joachim scena and through Beethoven's Creation Hymn, scandalizing the Philharmonic, but carrying away the multitude."  Shaw, who did not admire Brahms, praised Marie Brema's introduction of the Harzreise im Winter in February 1894, for though he thought Goethe's words had been 'dehumanised' (by Brahms) and that she sang 'without twopenn'orth of feeling', she had 'a thousand pounds' worth of intelligence and dramatic resolution. She has of late made a remarkable conquest of the art of singing.' He had once thought her voice would not last five years, but admitted that now it might last for fifty. The signs of wear and tear had vanished, and 'the sustained note at the end was a model of vocal management. In any reasonably artistic country,' he added, 'Miss Brema would be pursuing a remarkable career on the lyric stage instead of wasting her qualities on the concert platform.'  His recommendation was not wasted, but the concert platform did not lose her. In 1894 Brema created the part of the Evil Spirit in Sir Hubert Parry's King Saul at the Birmingham Festival. During the operatic career which followed, she continued to sing frequently at concerts and oratorios at the music festivals in Great Britain. She was then brought to the notice of Cosima Wagner by Hermann Levi, and was invited to take part in the Richard Wagner Festival at Bayreuth, where she sang the roles of Ortrud in Lohengrin and Kundry in Parsifal. She was the first English singer to appear there.[8] Established as a Wagnerian, in 1894 she made her first tour of the United States of America with the Damrosch Company, and in addition to those two roles also appeared as Brangäne in Tristan und Isolde and Brünnhilde in Die Walküre. Her Brünnhilde was considered especially fine, not only for her splendid vocalisation but also for her stature and handsome appearance. Returning to Europe she performed these roles at Bayreuth, and added to them the second Brünnhilde (Götterdämmerung) and Fricka in Das Rheingold. In America Marie Brema sang Brangäne in a German Tristan in a cast with Lillian Nordica as Isolde, Jean de Reszke as Tristan and brother Edouard as King Mark, and also in The Ring, performances under the direction of Anton Seidl and Felix Mottl. During the 1898–99 season at the Met she sang Fides in Meyerbeer's Le prophète opposite both de Reszkes and Lilli Lehmann. In various parts of Europe, in Paris, Berlin and Brussels, for example, she appeared with great success as Dalila in Saint-Saëns's Samson et Dalila, a role which especially suited her, and as Amneris in Verdi's Aida. Orfeo remained a most important role throughout her career. In the London 1897 season David Bispham, (Wotan in Walküre), called her 'superb' alongside Ernest van Dyck, Susan Strong and Ernestine Schumann-Heink and Klein ranked her with the greats in the casts of Felix Mottl's revival of The Ring at Covent Garden. In 1897 Brema was among those invited to perform at the State Jubilee Concert at Buckingham Palace, where she sang 'Plus grand dans son Obscurité' from Gounod's La reine de Saba. Other performers included Bispham, Nevada, de Lucia and Mme Albani. Brema and Bispham sang again by royal invitation at Osborne House not long afterwards In 1897 Brema performed the Wesendonck Lieder of Wagner (Felix Mottl arrangement) at the Queen's Hall for Henry Wood on a Wagner birthday concert (22 May), and later in the same programme delivered Brünnhilde's Immolation scene. Wood enjoyed working with her, and called her 'a really great Wagnerian singer.' He remarked that she could dramatise the parts she portrayed without making gestures, and was 'certainly German in style. In 1898 she introduced Saint-Saëns's La fiancee du timbalier. In November and December 1900 she appeared for Wood in three special Wagnerian concerts at the Royal Albert Hall, with orchestras of 200 members. In October 1900, at the Birmingham Triennial Music Festival, Marie Brema recreated the role of the angel in the first performance of Sir Edward Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius, with Edward Lloyd and Harry Plunket Greene, under the baton of Hans Richter. The performance was not a great success, owing partly to the difficult and somewhat revolutionary nature of the composition, and the comparatively short time that had been available for the artists to prepare it. She performed it again, this time under Elgar's baton, at the 1902 Sheffield Festival, with John Coates and David Ffrangcon-Davies: in the same concert Ysaÿe played the Beethoven concerto. The same soloists gave the second London performance of the Dream at the Queen's Hall, with the newly formed London Choral Society, in February 1904. 
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The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson
Römische Elegien - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Das Fräulein von Scuderi - E.T.A. Hoffmann
Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag - Eduard Mörike
Die Harzreise - Heinrich Heine
The Two Popes (2019)
The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006)
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« Les parfums sont les sentiments des fleurs. » Heinrich Heine dans Die Harzreise (Le Voyage dans le Harz) D10xH10 cm / 1 mèches / 200g - 16.93oz de cire coco FABRICATIONS: Nos bougies sont à base de cire de coco et utilisent des mèches végétales en coton sans plomb. Toutes les bougies sont versées à la main dans le Beaujolais près de Lyon utilisant des parfums de Grasse et correctement dosé. Choisissez parmi nos 14 fragrances différentes : CASSIS n.8, TABAC DE HAVANE n.90, FORÊT HUMIDE n.91, TERRE MOUILLÉE n.92, TABAC VIN CASSIS n.49, VIN n.35, LAVANDE n.41, NEROLI n·14, CHOCOLAT GOURMAND n·11, FIGUE FRUIT COCO n·6, BOIS D'OLIVIER n·46 , BERGAMOTE n·22, YUZU n·39, CÈDRE n·33 . . . #mikazukidobougies #bougie #bougies #candle #candles #artisanat #rhonealpes #odeur #bougiesparfumées #leboisdoingt #conceptstore #parfum #parfums #bougiescirecoco #wabisabi #vintage #slowlife #cadeau #decoration #fabriquéenfrance #tattoos #fabricationfrancaise #hanami #n11 #parfumeur #bougiekintsugi #slowdesign #cocooning #sudbeaujolais #homesweethome (à Le Bois-D'Oingt, Rhone-Alpes, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNpy1whBV1e/?igshid=1hgzrrr5m4167
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minestland · 6 years
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Abschluss meiner kleinen Harzreise • Zur Schließung des Bergwerkes Rammelsberg in Goslar am 30. Juni 1988 kamen Jeanne-Claude und Christo, um den letzten Förderwagen mit Stoff zu umhüllen und zu verschnüren. Der verpackte "Hunt" enthält Rammelsberger Erz aus der letzten Förderung und erinnert als "Denk-Mal" an die lange Bergwerkstradition des Rammelsberges. • To close the Rammelsberg mine in Goslar on June 30, 1988, Jeanne-Claude and Christo came to pack the last mine car. The packaged "Hunt" contains Rammelsberger Erz from the last promotion and reminds as a "Denk-Mal" ("Think-Times") of the long mining tradition of the Rammelsberg.https://flic.kr/p/24oCXLG
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fravely · 2 years
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Im Frühjahr 2021 waren wir zuletzt im Harz unterwegs. Damals wanderten wir von Schierke aus hinauf zum Brocken. Es war schon etwas erschreckend zu sehen, wie der Borkenkäfer bei den riesigen Waldflächen zugeschlagen hat. Aber die Natur kam damals vor 1,5 Jahren langsam zurück. Und jetzt sieht man im Fernsehen die traurigen Bilder, dass der Wald im den Brocken brennt. Ja der Brocken sogar evakuiert werden musste. Das macht sehr traurig. Der Brocken und Schierke ist so ein tolles Ziel und wird auch schon sehr bald wieder von uns besucht. Wir freuen uns schon darauf und hoffen, dass bis dahin die Waldbrände gelöscht sind. Aber es soll Regen kommen und das braucht die Natur dringend. Überall in Europa. #harz #harzbrennt #harzreise #brocken #brockenimharz #familie #familienreise #reise #travel #travelfamily #familienabenteuer #summer #urlaub #fravely #reisen #reiseblogger #reiseblog #travel #travelblog #travelblogger #travelwithkids #travelwithfamily #reisenmitkind #travelfamily #family #reisefamilie #reisenmitkids (hier: Brocken) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiHfISCsgvS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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radiossc · 4 years
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DER ILSESTEIN IM HARZ Gestern am Ilsestein, mit einem lieben Freund, gewesen. Ich hätte es nicht gedacht, dass ich es noch einmal schaffe. Tolle Menschen kennengelernt. SuperPercy, @chihuahuapercy , war selbstverständlich auch dabei. Er war so mutig und tapfer beim Wandern. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und Heinrich Heine wanderten bereits diese Pfade. Hier ist die Natur fast so wie früher. Nur die Bäume sind gewachsen. #OliviasDelights #ilsestein #ilsesteinkreuz #harz #draussenunterwegs #draussenimharz #draußenzuhause #draussen #draußen #ilsenburg #wandern #natur #abend #abendstimmung #harzkind #hiking #nature #fridaysforfuture #kreuz #erholungpur #erholung #fotografie #urlaub #holiday ##chihuahuapercy #chihuahua #freunde #harzreise #goethe #heinrichheine (hier: Ilsenburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7dE1sNozc8/?igshid=1s04f31b8kpke
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suspected-spinozist · 7 years
Harzreise, 1-7
“Nothing is as constant as change, or as permanent as death. Every beat of our hearts would open a fresh wound and make our lives an eternal hemorrhage, if not for the art of poetry. She grants what nature has denied us: a golden age, which never rusts, a spring that never fades, unclouded happiness and eternal youth”  - Börne.
Black skirts and silken stockings, Frills arranged with care and art, Gentle talk and soft embraces – Oh, if only they had hearts!
Hearts within their breasts for loving, Love to set their hearts aglow – I could die from all their moaning and their fabricated woe.
I will go up to the mountains, Quiet, simple huts are there, Where my heart may freely open In the clear, unfettered air.
I will go up to the mountains, Where dark fir trees block the sky Singing birds and rushing fountains, As the haughty clouds race by.
Oh, farewell, you polished salons, Ladies, gentleman – adieu! I will go up to the mountains And laugh as I look down on you.
     The town of Göttingen, famous for its university and its sausages, belongs to the kings of Hannover, and contains 999 hearths, various churches, a maternity hospital, an observatory, a jail, a library, and a rathskeller, where the beer is excellent. The stream that flows through it is called the Leine, and summers it serves as a bathing-spot; the water is so cold and in some places so wide that Lüder must have taken quite a long run-up before jumping across. The city itself is lovely, and presents its most charming aspect when one is facing in the other direction. It must be very ancient indeed, for I matriculated there five years ago (shortly before I received notice to take my name off the books), and even then it had then the same gray, old-fashioned look, and just as many blunders, beadles, dissertations, tea dances, charwomen, compendia, roast pigeons, Guelphic ordinaries, doctoral coaches, pipe-bowls, privy councilors, judicial councilors, expulsion councilors, professors and other ‘fessors. Some even maintain that the city was founded at the time of the Great Migration, each German tribe having left behind a rough sample of their membership, and from these descended all the Vandals, Friesians, Schwabians, Teutons, Saxens, Thuringens, and so forth, who are found in Gottingen to this day, singly and in hordes, separated by the colors of their caps and their pipe-tassels, tearing along the Weenderstraβe and fighting an eternal battle with each other on the bloody battlefield of Rasemühle, Ritschenkrug, and Bovenden. Their customs and tradition still resemble those of their savage ancestors, for they are ruled partly by their “Duces” – as they call their chiefs – and partly by their ancient lawbook, which is called “Comment” and has earned its place in the legibus barborum. 
     The inhabitants of Göttingen are generally divided into students, professors, philistines, and cattle; the difference between them being by no means strictly defined.  The fourth class is inarguably the most important. To list the students and all the regular and irregular professors would take up far too much space; besides which the names of the former set seem to have slipped my mind, and among the latter a great many have made no name at all. The number of philistines in Göttingen is very great, like grains of sand (or, more accurately, like mud) by the seashore. Indeed, when I saw them of a morning, with their dirty faces and white bills, having planted themselves in front of the collegiate court, I could hardly bring myself to contemplate why God would bring into creation such an innumerable rabble. 
    More detailed information on the city of Göttingen may be very conveniently obtained from the “Topography” of K. F. H. Marx. Although I cherish a most sacred regard for the author, who was my physician and always held me in great esteem, I cannot unconditionally recommend his work, and must chide him for providing insufficient information to dispel the common yet erroneous opinion that the ladies of Göttingen have feet that are not over-large. I have occupied myself year and a day in preparing a serious refutation of this point, and for this purpose have taken up comparative anatomy, made extracts from the rarest works in the library, and not neglected to spend hours in the Weenderstraße, studying the ladies’ feet as they pass by. In the very learned treatise in which the result of these studies is contained, I speak firstly, of the feet in general; secondly, of the feet of the ancients; thirdly, of the feet of elephants; fourthly, of the feet of the women of Göttingen; fifthly, I gather together everything that has ever been said in Ulrich’s Garden which touches on the subject of feet; sixthly, I look at these feet in context, and expand the scope of the inquiry to the calves, knees, and so on, and finally, in the seventh place, if I am only able to find some sufficiently large sheets of paper, I will put up a copper plaque with a facsimile of the foot of a lady of Göttingen.
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albannikolaiherbst · 4 years
Kackerechner Dem analen Volkscharakter gewidmet ODER Des deutschen Arsches Corona-App
Die Berliner Morgenpost macht uns des folgend Erlösenden kundig:
Die Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB) haben einen → Klopapier-Rechner erstellt, aus dem hervorgeht, wie lange der eigene Toilettenpapier-Vorrat ausreicht. (…)Über vier Schieberegler kann man festlegen, wie viele Lagen das eigene Klopapier hat, wie groß der Vorrat ist, wie oft man durchschnittlich am Tag aufs Klo geht und wie viele…
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Voraussichtliche Lesezeit: 6 Minuten.
Die Harzreise von Heinrich Heine gehört ebenso zu den Klassikern wie auch ein Reisebericht. Es erzählt die Reise des jungen Heinrich Heine im Jahre 1824. Heine war zu diesem Zeitpunkt Student an der Universität Göttingen. Als solcher begibt sich Heine während eines Verweises in Folge eines Duells auf eine Wanderung, die einen Monat dauern sollte. Seine Eindrücke und Erlebnisse erzählt er im Rahmen dieser Reisebeschreibung. Sein Weg führt ihn von Göttingen über den Brocken bis nach Ilsenburg.
“Die Harzreise” von Heinrich Heine lesen auf vielleserin.de!
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Nice Men Jogging photos
Nice Men Jogging photos
Some cool men jogging images:
Image from page 182 of “Die Harzreise und Buch Le Grand” (1912) Image by Internet Archive Book Images Identifier: dieharzreiseundb00hein Title: Die Harzreise und Buch Le Grand Year: 1912 (1910s) Authors: Heine, Heinrich, 1797-1856 Fife, Robert Herndon, 1871-1958, ed Subjects: Publisher: New York, H. Holt and Company Contributing Library: The Library of Congress Digitizing…
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