starcrosscat · 7 months
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Bleach x Pop Team Epic
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highskycolor · 1 year
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Power couple
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praeteritusprinz · 1 year
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feyrfiend · 2 years
Jugram's "your majesty" moments 🥺🥺
His worry and love for yhwach is always so beautiful. And the visual contrast between this episode and the last... burning passion vs a world of ash
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kachikirby · 2 years
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I made two sequels to Terry Haschwald.
H the Hadouken
E the Electric Wind God Fist
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nekasu · 1 year
👀 for quincy Neka, who do you think is the most annoying quincy and who do you think is the coolest?
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"The most annoying? Oh, where to start? You might be expecting it to be Bambietta, but Candace is easily moreso just in her clique. Bazz-B also never shuts up."
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"Coolest? Maybe Haschwald? Though Masque is fun to watch."
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bleachtasy · 6 years
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Bleach 490. March of the StarCross 2
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sparklemagazine · 2 years
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Haschwald always keeps Bazz-B on distance like person unpleasant to him. But when he is with Juha, he stays close to his king. The difference in his attitude toward them is very clear. Juha is very precious person for Haschwald, that’s why the blonde bishie tries to keep closer to him.
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Changes to Pre-Series Events for KSH
So, I switched some stuff around with two of the trans men, filled in Chad's backstory and family, developed an interesting thing between Issin and Ryuken, and filled in some neighbours of Ichigo, as well as cleaned up some loose ends about reorganising the Siba/Isida/Kurosaki houses.
1. Jugo is actually pretty grunge and also doesn’t want kids. He actually doesn't even like having hair longer than Kurt Cobain. Cobain is also the most concise way to explain his preferred style of dress. This meshes better with his attitude in canon and what I added--that he escaped his transphobic abusive family to live with Buzz and his grandparents, who were fairly accepting, and was quite happy before Bach killed them to get to Buzz and especially Jugo. They lived in rural Venezuela instead of Germany (?) but Jugo did come from Germany.
2. Ichigo wants and has a few. This allows Kazui to exist, meshes better with him and his attitudes towards children and family in canon.
3. Ichigo now potentially has a 2 y.o. with Chad at the story’s outset. This also lets me talk about “don’t abandon your goddamn children even if they aren’t doing exactly what you want them to do.” It ends up providing an interesting contrast to Ryuken and Uryu’s relationship and Ryuken’s inflexibility/Uryu not wanting to call him dad and sneaking around to use his powers. For consistency’s sake, Rukia would recognise Captain Kurosaki (canon plothole), so it’s been long planned Issin comes clean off the bat.
4. It’s probably been mentioned before that Ryuken and Masaki are siblings in this. Souken had a grandfather Keita Isida, who had a descendant in Japan born in ‘39, Kaien, who helped them flee to Japan in the height of Apartheid in the '60s. Despite being ¼ Japanese, Souken was designated Black, and “Mrs Isida” (not that they could actually marry) was white from the start and pretty racist. It’s possible to marry someone you’re racist against. I’m part Asian. Trust me. I’ve had it done to me and was born of a relationship that didn’t end in marriage between a mixed guy and a racist.
5. Ichigo and Chad are still just non-romantic best friends and will always be.
6. I came up with this because of kids I knew who ended up in medical emergencies and abusive situations after they ended up pregnant PLUS California is a rare exception but most places demand sterility to recognise your gender. So this is both an issue with parenting and an issue that needs discussion for trans people lumped in to one. The latter, Ichigo has more as an adult and is addressed on its own onscreen separate from the issue of abandoning your children because we think “controlling your children,” controlling another human being, is a good thing for some reason. I feel like the point here is it won’t always end up optimal, but your child’s life is their own and not yours. And you committed the rest of yours to caring for them and loving them no matter what when you decided to keep/adopt them. And trying to “control them” isn’t gonna do either of you much good. Sure, Uryu is valedictorian and never gets in school fights and Ichigo is a teen dad who’s always in fights, but who trusts their dad that they can talk to them?
7. The “totally not an orphanage” (they have a name like “Orphan Welfare Facility,” but they’re totally orphanages) that Chad stayed at until the siblings that ran it (missionaries from Kenya, Sister Mary and Reverend Luke Gisemba, not white supremacist assholes) just gave him a apartment near them because the bullying was so bad are actually aware of Chad’s daughter’s lineage and are totally down with Ichigo’s transness. They also create a chain going back to a priest in Mexico City to ensure Yasuko can have children's books in both her parents' languages, since she was born in '98, before buying on the Web really took off. This meshes well with what I have them do to Kamakura First International High School later on.
8. Ichigo and Chad’s daughter is Yasuko Kurosaki.
9. Chad’s original last name was Soto. It was changed because some of the bullying involved other kids locking him out because “soto” is not a name, but the word “outside” in Japanese. His parents enlisted in the US military to gain US citizenship, hence Okinawa. They were shipped off to the front lines of the Gulf War, dying in February '91. Chad stayed with his granpa and he has an Aunt Laura who lives in Yuracuero.
10. Chizuru’s out about being a lesbian and gets close to Ichigo. She actually lives close to the clinic, and met Ichigo before Kamakura Int'l High. She has an aunt from Siberia (she’s a result of the Russo-Japanese war) and the aunts meet when Yasuko is born and get along very well despite the language barrier. They’re both hard-partying gals. They may end up like-liking Kenpachi a/o Retu.
11. Another neighbour is Mrs. Satou. No relationship to Tousirou’s grandma Satou Noriko. It’s an incredibly common name. An expy of a same name character from the TV Asahi dramedy Sinigami-kun, she’s a widow at age 90 at the outset of the series. But still spends time with her husband who is a spirit, her best friend, a Vietnamese immigrant, who is also a spirit, accepts Ichigo because “we all change! I wasn’t always a wrinkled anarchist!” Likes SMAP, Dragon Ash, and Usher, and is chill with all people and forms of (after)life, as long as they’re not bigots. Probably would just think Yoruichi’s turning into a cat is neat if she finds out.
12. About Kaien. He dies in '75, and is a normal soldier in Squad 13. Miyako is the VC. He still treats Rukia like a normal human being and Miyako is a graceful and efficient VC that deserves and commands respect, so nothing is really lost there.
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iffondrels-library · 6 years
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This lovely beast is my composite creature Haschwald (or Hashbrown). He’s a favorite of mine but I haven’t drawn him in a while. Anyway, he’s a beautiful anteater fox bear monster and I love him.
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starcrosscat · 7 months
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Hawie the mysterious creature
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highskycolor · 2 years
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Haschie is worried about his husbando Juha and protects him.
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wilwywaylan · 8 years
A C D F H J L N P R W Y !
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed. : beside those I already mentionned, there is… Enjolras and Feuilly (friendship), Shinji x Kisuke x Rose (threesome), Shinji and Momo as friends, Fact Core x Adventure Core because cute, Aziraphale and Crowley because are still close to my little heart…. OH GODS IT’S SO HARD ! 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will. : please, Cloud x Aeris, jump in this tank full of Mako. It’s good for… hm… skin.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t. I wish I was part of the hype surrounding Ichigo x Grimmjow, due to the sheer amount of them you can find in any fandom den, but.... meh. No.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? done already :)
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)? Same !
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)  : done, but for the sake of the ask, I’ll re-answer with.... Borderlands. Never played, but I even drew two of its nerds once !
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.) : Haschwald, you have the most wonderful hair in all the Bleachverse. Maybe even nicer than Rose’s or Shinji’s. Maybe.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice) : - MORE FANARTS OF OTHER PEOPLE THAN THE LAST GAMES !!!! This is vague, but I’m a bit meh at having only fanarts from the last Final Fantasy- Less sexy / nsfw pics of the female characters. I know, to each their own, live and let live, yadda yadda.... But there are so many, it’s kinda disgusting to see those characters painted as nothing more than fetish fodder. Seriously.- NO giving the children characters some magic potion to make them all grown up and pairing them with adult characters. Ick.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). : Bleach in space, where everyone is aliens and they fight with huge, gigantic ships, but their ships are their swords instead and insert phallic jokes (that was funnier in my head).No, but seriously, there are several sorts of Aliens, and they keep figthing each other because reasons. And Captain Aizen of the Fifth Division Exploration Ship betrays them to join with the Arrancars, a blood-thirsty alien race, to overthrow Captain Commander Yamamoto, chief of the Federation, because... I don’t know, he’s a dick and wants to be master of the world or something. Poor Ichigo, who just got enroled in the Federation / Company / Whatever, is the only one who can fight him because it’s written in the stars (literally. It’s written somewhere).
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? Probably Ragnar and Floki, since I’ve stopped before it was broken without hope. I love how Floki is ready to follow each idea from Ragnar, even if it means probable death on boat. Or Kira, Renji, Momo and Shuuhei. They are adorable and dorky too, and support each other through everything.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom : anything abusive. Gimme someone who acts like an asshole and be rewarded with a lover or a friend or anything, really, and I’ll show you a fic that has to go down the toilet.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom : slow dancing. That will melt my heart anytime, especially if there’s cute, hesitant touch, shy glances, resting head against the other’s, and a cute little kiss.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)? : Welcome to Night Vale is the one that comes to mind.
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feyrfiend · 2 years
Every time Jugram yells "your majesty" my lifespan increases by 5 years
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kakashiiswifey · 9 years
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Idk...Haschwald is a little TOO obedient, I’m getting a double agent Gin vibe from him 
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lightizuru-blog-blog · 10 years
I feel like Haschwaldt is gunna die but instead of feeling "ha you deserved that you bastard" Kubo is gunna make it so we all feel sad
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