#hasnt said anything to them??? hasnt corrected them or told them to do better???
stayqueer · 2 years
yeah I'm just not going to my partners parents house anymore lmao
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ink-vax · 4 years
Traitor Tommyinnit Theory.
but listen, it kinda lines up. and yes I'v only watched Wilburs pov.
Tommy's smart. but not the same smart as say Wilbur or Tubbo. I can see him being the tratior due to when has he stated his plans in full details? Like yeah theres times where Tommy isnt the smartest of the bunch..but he has gotten better at things..hes playing this like he does Among us.
He's only told Wilbur not to blow it up and that there is a way to get L'manburg back, but what logical other way than war can you get that nation back?
The festival, What happened to "Lets not blow this up, its just not worth it" (not the correct quote). Because Tommy threw that out the second Tubbo got harmed, THE SECOND he got harmed Tommy dropped it and when to look for the button himself. He then whent after Techno once Techno fired the shot to kill Tubbo..not to mention the pit. Any time Tubbo gets insulted or harmed Tommy is there to fight the person who did it.
He's constantly ontop of everyone when they make up or come up with plans, but yet..he just says theres another way of getting the nation back.
Now, I don't think it would be Techno, but I can see why it would be. ..but isnt that what everyone wants? for him to be the tratior? While Tommy hasnt set grounding rules for anything hes doing. It seems as if he's just trying to keep him and Tubbo safe..but he wants to convince Wilbur, and we all know Wilbur just wants distruction.
But Tommy...hes so quick to jump on others and take the blame off of him the second its put onto him.. Not gonna lie the second Dream mentioned that there might be a tratior my first thought was Tommyinnit.Once Tommy realized just how many people were on their team...he gave Wilbur the benefit of the doubt of blowing up Manburg and taking out Schlatt since he is alone.
not to mention how he acted around BBH.
"I don't like you"
"where did you come from?"
"maybe if I swear at you, you'll go away".
BBH is a wild card, he's silent and observant during this. yes some of the other SMP members are a bit weary of Bad, and Techno is scared of him.
..Why would Tommy be so hateful and secrative around BBH if all Tommy was doing was for the sake of Pogtopia and Manburg and getting it back. Not to mention he's playing it kinda like he does when he puts effort in Amoung Us. He doesn't want to be caught by silly loose ends ..or a silent but deadly BBH.
I could kind of tell Tommy was uncomfy having BBH in their base, even if it was just because of the buttons. He really wanted him to leave. ..almost like he knows if BBH catches on he's done for ...Hes more Fearful of BBH then anything and thats not even going back and watching Tommy's pov or reviewing older stuff from the past month.not to mention and this got brought to my attention again
when Tommy said it wasn't him once it was brought up. And how quickly he did. He shot it down instantly and he looked guilty when he stated it. Its proving the theory a bit morethere also the idea that Dream couldve just said it to cause tension and trust issues with everyone. But theres a lot of signs pointing to Tommy...
Not to mention, the only way this could or might work..is if Dream convinces Tommy to be on the side of Manburg. Either by minuplating him to join, or whatever Dream had Schlatt sigh could be something to help Tommy get L'manburg back.
That's Tubbo...Tommy will do nothing to hurt Tubbo. You've seen it in the MCCs. Youve seen how pissed off he got when Techno hurt Tubbo. You've seen how mad he got at Wilbur of mentioning that Tuboo wasnt on their side. ...so if Dream were to mintuplate the situation to where Tubbo would be hurt unless Tommy joined his side...Tommy wouldn't hesitate to join if it keeps Tubbo alive.
Now, this isn't my entirely full reason on why I think its Tommy, but the writing that Tommy. The protagonist that thinks their doing the right thing ..wanting to prevent destruction and chaos. Only to become the traitor with the intent of protecting the person he cares about the most. ...he would drop everything. Hed drop Quackity. Wilbur. Nikki. Fundy. Techno. He would drop them all the second Tubbo is in danger or gets harmed...
It's all linked to Tubbo.
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minjoonalist · 5 years
Predilection | Chapter Two.
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Pairing : Jikook x Reader [Feat. Taehyung]
Words: 3.5k
Genre: Angst, eventual Smut, fluff 
Warnings : explicit wording
Description: you want him, he wants you, but he also wants him, and him wants you- but him hurt you. So You hate him.
“So how’d it go?” Your best friend slings his bag over the chair next you.
You were spending your last free day in the school’s library to finish up on some homework and you couldn't help but feel bummed out. Before you had made the depressing decision to cram every note you’d managed to take in the last few days, you finally made the wise decision to seek out your professor and request a new housing like Taehyung suggested.
Your head rises from the open notebook, eyes squinted and your hair tied up in a messy bun, because you hated when it fell on your face as you read. You felt extremely tired, no thanks to the lack of sleep you got from your sudden anxiety and Taehyung’s slightly worried expression told you that maybe you looked worse than you felt.
“Huh?” you rasped sitting up.
“ I said how did it go? Y’know, operation ‘get rid of fuck boy duo’ ?” He raises a hand to pull a stubborn strand of hair behind your ear, a small desperate smile gracing his features.
You furrowed your brows in return, your eyes narrowing in on him when you start to notice his flustered state. He was sweaty, His hair was wild, lips swollen, and the dark purplish hue that was stuck on his collarbone made its appearance once he shuffled to take off a sweater you’ve never seen before.
“Oh right! Let's see..-he said no.” you pouted and shrugged at him. “I’m sorry Ms. y/n, but it's just too late for that. I’m sure all of you will pull through...That. That was his response.”
The look tae returns, only reminds you of the one you made when you received your rejection. Even when you’ve tried over and over to convince the man of the unhealthy nature that stood between you three, he would only continue to insist that you solve it on your own. It only left you with no choice but to accept your tragic fate.
“So he’s making you stay with Captain hook and Tinkerbell?! Thats fucking crazy-” he starts to rant, his anger spiking too high for the atmosphere. you didn't like whenever he got worked up like that, so you attempt to change the subject at hand.
“Tae the only thing that seems to be crazy right now, is how you came late to our study date, looking as if you’ve just ran a marathon.” you quirked your brow and if you thought that the man had seemed flustered before, then his face must’ve felt as hot as the sun by now. His cheeks went from a pinkish hue to completely red and you couldn't help but to simply giggle at his expense.
“Alright …” you stretched in your seat before turning towards him “who was it?”.
He glances away nervously from you, his bottom lip caught in between his teeth. You could say on some level you were completely shocked. Over all your years of friendship you’ve never known your best friend to be shy about spilling his latest activities with you and that included telling you who's poor soul it was. You knew that it had been awhile since he’s had sex and he hasnt really taken an interest anyone-...wait.
“Oh my god…” your eyes widen. The excitement in your voice makes him look up at you. A mixture of curiosity and fear seen within his eyes because he somewhat knew you had already figured it out. There was only one person he couldn't bring himself to act cool in front of and that was none other than- You look around, eyes searching for anyone who might be listening when you turn back to him and mouth ‘Min yoongi?’
Taehyung cringes before groaning out of frustration.
“I just wanted to talk!! How was I supposed to know he would fall for my hot ass-” he cries out dramatically until someone from afar has shushes him. He then sends a nasty glare towards their direction, only to come back towards you to finish “ and I didnt fuck anyone sadly, … I made out with them.”
“You mean him’ as in Min Yoongi?” you try to correct and get a better answer with full smirk on your face.
Taehyung pouts for a bit. “ You know I find other people attractive besides him.” he mumbles “ anyways don't you remember? I was a complete dumb bitch the last time I talked to him. I turned him down to talk about living arrangements-”.
Suddenly he sits up from his slouching position a shocked expression on his face as if he had just realized something.“Oh shit!” He springs forward.
“What? What's happening?” You shuffle back a little, scared by how frantic he looks all of a sudden.
“ I-I’ve got to go. I-I completely forgot that I’m going to be staying with my crush for an entire week!” he says quickly standing up from his chair and you watch as he quickly reaches for all of his items.
“Hey! where are you going? You just got here” you say a bit saddened by the sudden departure. He grabs his bag, slinging it back up onto his shoulders and comes to land a gentle kiss on your temple. He does this sweet gesture and begins to sprint away before you could say anything else-but not forgetting to yell “I need to pack cuter clothes for Yoongi hyung! Bye!”. you sit there in your spot only shaking your head in return.
“Um hello?” a light voice comes from your side.
With a deep smile still being placed onto your features, you don't pay no mind to it. You were still too busy watching your friend’s retreating figure as he rushes away from your teasing of his crush. While he may not have audibly confirmed who the handsy culprit was, his face certainly did and all you wanted to do, was gush for him.
“Right. I’m dumb and Im just gonna go fuck myself now…” the same voice chimes behind you again, except all confidence before had completey vanished and you finally noticed.
“Wait huh?” you then ask turning around from your spot only to be met with another retreating figure that had it’s hoodie up.
From first glance you could almost assume that they were someone you had seen before. Their walk, their shape, and maybe even just the way they were carrying themselves with grace - it all seemed too familiar to you and Immediately you feel guilty from their words. It sounded as if they had gathered so much strength to talk to you and all you did was Ignore their attempt.
Your head throbbed, eyes were droopy and you wanted nothing more than to go take a nice nap in your bed after all that studying. It had been approximately 3 hours since taehyung had left you to your own presence and you still wondered who the mystery figure was that tried to talk to you earlier.
You’re leaning over in your chair, your bag in front of you as you packed up your remaining items. Your eyes trains on the overstuffed case, when a white object is set down in front of your view. You snap slightly towards it, your mind immediately registering it as a small coffee to-go cup.
“Still spending your life in the library I see, huh nerd?” the voice comes out a bit hoarse as if it’s owner wasn't usually one to speak. But they did and you knew they did -but only to the ones they cared about. Funny that at one point it used to be you...
You could've grabbed everything and got up, hell you could have taken the damn coffee and chucked it at the miserable man that dare to speak to you as if everything was fine. But of course, because you were so damn weak and you couldn't control the shock that had you in it’s vice grip, you look up to the handsomely dark male that once called himself your best friend.
“Jungkook?” You breathed. Swallowing thickly, in your now suddenly dry throat. His tall yet lean figure, shifts slightly from hearing his name come out of your mouth and he simply sends you a small nod in return.
“Y/n.” he greets.
Jungkook wasn't surprised at the frown that immediately comes onto your face and he also wasn't surprised that you didn't notice his little peace offering.
“What are you doing here?” Was the exact question he had already braced himself for when he decided it was best to get to you before his boyfriend did. Not long after jimin’s little show, did he verbally express numerous times he was going to come after you despite what jungkook thought and it was only up to the man himself to at least warn you.
“Did you take a wrong turn or something?” Yet another question comes from you. You were beyond confused by the boy’s odd appearance as he stood watching you silently with a cold expression that was completely different from what you were used to. Even if you both had not been friends for years, never once before have you ever had jungkook look at you without some type of adoration in his eyes.
Until now.
He snaps out of his emotionless trance and comes to take the empty seat in front of you. “Its an Americano with three pumps of vanilla- thought you could use some.” he finally says quietly as the coffee cup in front of you is pushed further your way and you slowly raise a skeptical brow. You then sit back a bit, completely stranger to the man you used to cuddle whenever you felt like it. It was weird how close you could be with someone and then suddenly you werent. Even so, it amazed you that he stilled remembered your go-to coffee.
“Um thanks.” you nod reaching for it, but then hesitating to take a sip “you didn't poison this did you?” you asked narrowing your eyes.
Jungkook blinks momentarily at your question and once he takes in what exactly you asked him he sends you a flat look in return. “ No. I don't know about you, but I do want to get an A in this class. I think me, poisoning one of my partners would be a childish decision ” Jungkook says matter-of-factly and the way he sends you a cold glare while taking a sip of his own drink has you wondering just when did the man become so...bitter?
You take your gaze away from him and lower it back down towards your coffee, a slight blush on your cheeks. The grip on it becoming a bit tighter as you grit your teeth in irritation “I wouldn't call it childish” you mutter under your breath. He’d only been around for about 5 minutes and you were already thinking about poisoning him.
Jungkook takes note of your immediate irritation. You never noticed but the way his eyes suddenly glimmered from your deplore of his comment. It was sure enough a number one sign of his ill intentions and After a silence passes by, only then does his emotionless expression return just before he speaks.
“We need to talk about jimin.”
There were three things you were sure of the moment Jungkook had decided to confront you while at the library. One, the boy was still as loathsome as the day you both parted, Two you were definitely plotting his death by poison and three...you don't know what kind of overbearing confidence Jimin has been feeding the man over the years, but Jeon Jungkook was way too conceited for his own good.
Ten minutes pass the time you were supposed to be heading home, were the same ten minutes you were stuck watching Jungkook babble on to you about...well you didn't know because you weren't listening.
You blinked slowly.
The sight of the muted raven’s lips moving in a concentrated flow to create a very long speech you surely weren't listening to. While so, you took the time to notice the small features of the grown man that had changed over time. His hair had grown out past the usual short cut he always kept, the boyishly round jawline you were used to seeing had transformed into something that one could say was sharp, and his eyes...while they were now cold towards you, even a blind bat could tell that once they fell upon you with a loving warmth- it could make anyone fall to their knees.
Although you hated the man himself, you had to admit no amount of disliking could make you so oblivious to how completely hot he is now. Too bad those good looks had to be wasted on such a shitty person...
“-you're not even listening.” his voice finally registers in your ears and he watches as your once glazed eyes snaps into alertness.
“h-huh what?” you stutter while finally bringing your lost attention back onto him. Jungkook’s highly bothered gaze, stays on you and when he sees the confused expression that you give him in return. It only confirms his suspicions of you not listening to a damn thing he was saying.
“Attention deficit. Even now you wont pay attention to me. ” Jungkook then sighs, his body sliding down as he leans his head back into his chair.
This was a lot more annoying than he expected it to be.
“What's that supposed to mean?” Your brow furrows and you cross your arms at his sly comment. The last place that you wanted to be in this moment was in front of jungkook and he had the nerve to insult you right as you were sitting across from him?
Jungkook raises his head once again only to be met with a harsh glare from your point and Inside he mentally scolds himself for letting those words slip out his mouth. “Nothing.” He quickly replies just before leaning over and more towards you. “I know you don't want to talk to me right now...or ever and I can see you’re more than less thrilled about having to put up with both Jimin and I for a week. I don't like repeating myself, So for once could you please listen to me y/n?” He pleads another emotion besides irritation filling his eyes.
There it was again… you thought to yourself, noting the way jungkook seems to insinuate that you never listen to him and if it hadn't been for the fact that you wanted him out of your sight as soon as possible, you would have asked why he seems to keep the pattern. In- fact the longer you both were in each other’s company, the angrier you become and receiving an F’ for this project was seeming worth it to you. If this was the kind of person you would have to talk to everyday in order to get work done, there was no way any of you were going to pass.
“We need to talk about Jimin” he repeats the same phrase, he uttered only a few moments ago and This time, they actually pique your interest. You then quirk a brow in question, no reasons for why he would want to talk about the silver haired man coming to your head.
“Why? Flaunting him around in my face not doing it for you?” You ask rhetorically, not even attempting to hide the bitterness in your voice. This makes Jungkook narrows his eyes. The faintest smirk appearing on his lips but deep down there was that familiar pinch of emotion that he’d learned to keep at bay. Guilt
“You know green never looked good on you y/n.” He clicks his tongue.
“And being a dick isn’t a great personality trait.” your reply was quick as you attempt to hide the silent sting of his words. You then raise your chin high, feigning confidence “ speaking of- ...what the hell does your boyfriend have to do with me?” You ask finally giving into the evil gaze that probably wasn't going to budge anytime soon.
Jungkook takes a moment to look at you, seeing that you’re equally as harsh gaze had no falter. Brows furrowed, star gazed eyes narrowed into slits, and soft looking lips pursed into a thin line-...wait did he just call your lips soft? What the fuck.
He blinks to himself.
“Well?” You prod, completely unaware of his sudden turmoil.
Jungkook clears his throat “Well, I guess I’ll just start off with the obvious fact that you have a non-stop hard on for him.” he speaks, looking too sure of himself. He would have thought this would have been a bit easier to communicate with you, but somehow he found it hard to tell you that karma was basically kicking him in his ass.
“Every girl has those for jimin, jungkook-” you snort and he rolls his eyes.
“But they’re not like you...”
“How so?” you inquire, a brow still quirked skeptically towards him. Jungkook sighs again but a bit more audibly this time “ You’re just different. They don't have our past history- our relationship.”
“Right, because normal girl’s don't have their crushes sucked away by a snake best friend.” You conclude sarcastically and It comes out just as venomous as you wanted it to “ how lucky am I? ”
The right eye on jungkook’s face twitches and he bites back his winning anger. Why he hasn't gotten up from this table yet was beyond his comprehension, he usually didn't have this kind of patience- not even for Jimin. Maybe because he wants to have it for you.
“Well my boyfriend wants to fuck you in more ways than one…so I’d say pretty damn lucky.” Jungkook swallows, his bottom lip being caught in between his teeth.
You frown and the air in between you shifts just when you start to see unease within his features. It feels as if time has just slowed down, the subtle beating within your heart escalating at jungkook’s highly alarming confession and you try your best not to let your mouth hang open.
Your body freezes, eyes bulging out slightly as you look away in shock and then understanding. For a moment, you wanted to believe that what Jungkook was telling you was true- that the very man you’ve fantasized multiple times about has suddenly done the same for you. But of course you couldn't, only holding onto the silent fear that this was all just some sick joke he came up with to hurt you even more.
Your fists clench at you side. You felt anger spike through you, from the thought of the evil boy plotting harm to you. “That's it? that's why you’re here? To tell me that your little love slave suddenly has his eye on me? How dumb do you think I am?” You sneer at him, your words getting louder by the second and you forget that the both of you were currently situated within a library.
What ever reaction jungkook thought you were going to have towards this conversation, it wasn't one of anger. surprise, happy- maybe even a bit of relief, but he certainly never pictured you rising from your seat and leaning over the table with a look that could kill an army.
He shifts a bit.
“ Do you think I'm so desperate that I would just jump immediately at your word? I'm not naive, little y/n anymore Jeon” you couldn't help yourself, watching as jungkook blinks rapidly towards you.
“Y/n that's not-“ Jungkook frowns and he tries to calm you down, but you were too far gone.
“I'm not that little puppet you can manipulate. I was your friend and that's what you should have treated me as...what the hell did I ever do to you?” The words leave your mouth before you could even register it. It was a fair question, that always seem to plague your mind whenever you thought about this. You’ve asked him this before of course, but for some reason you could never seem to remember what it was that he told you. All you knew was that no matter what it was, there was just no excuse for ever hurting your friend like that.
A long silence goes by.
“Friend.” He simply repeats after a moment. “ y/n you weren't my friend. Friends hangout everyday, friends share laughs and listen to each other's problems or secrets. Friends don't ignore each other’s entire existence when they wanted them most. Friends don't let the other fall while they take a step back…” By then Jungkook had slowly risen out of his seat as well, his speech strong with emotion until the last part had become so low you’ve completely missed it.
However that wasn't your worry, what registered with you most, was the pain his eyes bore into you -as if he wanted you to see everything that he’d kept inside all these years. If that it-self wasn't distracting then maybe it was the fact that jungkook had copied your stature without thinking it through fully. While he leaned over the table - his face only a few mere inches away, it dawns on you quickly that he was way too close into your personal space.
Even knowing so, you still wouldn't budge because you refused to be the one to submit. Instead you kept your unmoving glare onto his wavering eyes, your steady breathing against his increasing inhales, your frozen frame in shock when his moves in even closer, and a blank mind when his lips are suddenly on yours.
Jungkook had snapped.
Chapter Two | Masterlist
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
I might get some flack for this but, in hindsight, Oscar technically doesn’t need to be in chapter 4. He hasn’t gone to a huntsmen academy. He hasnt really been properly trained, and therefore he shouldn’t get a license and celebrate with everyone. I’m sure he’d feel it’d be weird to celebrate with them anyway since he hasn’t been with them for as long as they been with each other, and besides he hasn’t earned anything, at the moment. He’d be more comfortable congratulating them when they return
Hey Cora. Whelp, first of all, I don’t think you’re going to get any flack since you’re not the only Pinehead who’s tried to justify why it was a good thing that Oscar wasn’t present to join everyone in celebrating receiving their huntsmen licenses. So you’re good on that front.
Here’s the thing with that though. I get what you’re saying, and while I can’t speak for all Pineheads, I can speak for myself and explain why I didn’t particularly enjoy RWBY V7CH4 for Oscar’s absence from that scene. I didn’t like it when I first watched the episode yesterday and even now, after I’ve listened to this same rationale from other Pineheads such as yourself, I’m sorry but my feelings have not changed much from my initial first impression.
This episode only served to further justify a glaring issue with Oscar’s treatment within the show. I’ve heard other Pineheads (and in some cases, even Ozpinheads) voice this concern before and now I’m starting to see it too. 
Oscar is not a character. At least, often at times, he doesn’t feel like a character even after three seasons since part of his characterization involves him being used as a plot device for the purpose of either advancing the plot or aiding in another character’s development while his own gets swept under the rug.
With the exception of certain characters; like Ruby and to some extent Nora; the only time when the other characters are required to care about Oscar’s well-being is when it services the plot. Other times, the Writers are perfectly content with having the characters behave as if Oscar doesn’t exist and this is where it becomes bothersome to Pineheads like myself who take notice of this dribble.
This would explain why Blake mentioned him last episode since it led into Yang addressing the Mammoth Grimm in the room regarding hiding the truth about Salem from Ironwood which then led into her asking Ruby about Oscar’s feelings in all of this.
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It serviced the plot since that’s how we were able to get the flashback to Ruby’s talk with Oscar…even though it was brief. And following that episode, Oscar wasn’t seen or mentioned again for CH4 since…well…his presence wasn’t required to advance the plot of this seemingly filler episode. CH4 definitely felt like one of those ‘cool down’ episodes especially coming off the high of the last three episodes that were pretty packed with lots of entertaining action and intriguing plot-heavy exposition.
So Oscar wasn’t a factor in CH4 since his character wasn’t needed. Still didn’t make his absence feel any less weird, at least to me since a) I genuinely missed my boy this episode and most importantly of all b) I don’t understand why he couldn’t be there with everyone.
Not even your rationale about Oscar being uncomfortable being there around everyone when they’re having their moment is helpful because it doesn’t really answer why he couldn’t be there. It’s just another hunch—another potential reason as to why Oscar couldn’t be there but we’re not sure if that’s the case since it’s not supported by the show.
This is why I have a better chance at believing the Pinehead hunch by @miki-13 and @maripr where Oscar wasn’t present for the celebrations because, at the moment, there might be some unspoken tension between him and Ruby that possibly arose because of their talk from CH3. 
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I’d believe that reason since it’s supported by a bit of evidence from the show. The saddened expression on Ruby’s face and how defensive she got when Yang probed her about the topic definitely gives the vibe that she didn’t manage to win over Oscar as she did with the others. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case as we’ve seen in the past how Oscar becomes when he senses that Ruby isn’t being completely honest with him. 
So I’m wondering if the two did get into a fight and now things are akward between them. I don’t really know and another thing that bummed me out about CH4 is that we got no further clarification of what went down between the Rosebuds. CH3 gave us a teaser and left us a cliff-hanger while CH4 dropped it all together. This all feels like the calm before the storm.
Like imagine if…in the next episode, it is revealed that things are indeed tense between Ruby and Oscar. Like picture the episode kicking off with Ruby standing outside the door of Oscar’s dorm this time to parallel him coming to her in CH3. 
Perhaps…the door is closed and Ruby has just been standing there for several beats, gearing herself up to speak to Oscar since, the last time the two chatted, it didn’t go as well as she remembered. 
But as Ruby goes to knock on the door, it suddenly slides open and there’s Oscar already standing before her. Oscar doesn’t even react to seeing Ruby there. 
As the audience, you can tell that there is some assumed strain between the little barn prince and his little red rose by their taut interaction but you don’t get a sense of what’s really going on until they speak to each other.
Imagine a dialogue exchange like this:
Oscar: *tersely* …Uh hey. What’s up?
Ruby: *awkwardly* Oh I…just wanted to show you this. *whips out her huntsman license* I got my license, see! Ironwood gave it to us after the mission. Isn’t that…great?
Oscar: *indifferently* Yeah. Nora and Jaune already told me. Congratulations.
Ruby: …Thank you.
Oscar: *dismissively* Anyways, I should get going. Got training.
Ruby: Oscar wait. C—Can we talk?
Oscar: About what?
Ruby: You know what. About…what happened…last time we—
Oscar: It depends. Did you tell Ironwood the truth about Salem?
Ruby: N—No but—
Oscar: *crossly* Then there’s nothing for us to talk about.
Imagine if...Oscar is mad right now at Ruby. It’d actually be interesting if there was currently a bit of bad blood between the Rosebuds. I’ve seen one or two Pineheads voice how much they’d like to see Oscar go off on everyone for how he’s been treated by the group since Argus. I doubt Oscar is going to be 100% okay with Ruby pulling an Ozpin. As a matter of fact, I’m expecting that to be a point of conflict for his side of things this season. 
The last time Ozpin pulled an Ozpin, Oscar technically was the one who instigated the reveal. If Oscar hadn’t stopped Oz from trying to retrieve the Relic back from Ruby and if he hadn’t also told Ruby the truth about the lamp then Jinn wouldn’t have been summoned. You can almost go so far as to say that Oscar was the reason the truth came out. 
While Ruby was the one who asked the question, Oscar was the one who fed her the information required for her to get the chance to ask that question.
The truth came out with Oscar’s interference. So I’m wondering if that’s going to happen again, only this time Oscar will be forced to do the same to Ruby. And I can imagine him being very conflicted on that due to how much he cares about Ruby. That could be cool. But for now, it’s only an assumption.
An assumption that I wished CH4 had kind of addressed. IT really sucked how the CRWBY Writers got us intrigued with the Rosebuds scene in CH3 only to go into CH4 with no mention of Oscar at all, not even in a flashback. This is why it all felt so jarring.  
When I first saw Ironwood there, my immediate reaction was “Oh! Is Oscar here too? Did he come down to the construction site and took a lift with James?“ 
But as we saw, Oscar wasn’t present. I kept waiting for him to pop up especially when the group were taken up into Amity Tower for their briefing. I kind of expected him to be present since all the people who knew the truth about the tower’s purpose were there in the arena room. 
Penny was there. Winter was there. The Aces, to some extent were there. But Oscar wasn’t. When I first saw this scene I figured it was going to be another follow up debriefing regarding the tower’s construction since that’s how it started off as before it went into the licence rewarding.
I’m not saying that Oscar should’ve been there to receive his license too since Oscar is still inexperienced. Even if he’s trained by Ironwood, he still hasn’t earned his license like the others and I understand that. That’s not why I was upset.
I was more upset at the fact that here were have yet another moment with the team together, bonding and celebrating an achievement they earned together and…Oscar, who we’ve been told is also a part of the team too, isn’t there to celebrate the moment with them. Not even to be shown congratulating them afterwards?
As I said on Twitter yesterday, this moment only served to remind me of my biggest nit-pick with Oscar’s treatment in the show. You have the series clumsily trying to tell me, as the audience, that Oscar is supposed to be a member of the team but then you get moments like this where everyone is together and he’s not there to share the moment with them.
It reminded me of why I strongly disliked V6CH9 and most of V6 for how they handled Oscar’s integration into the group. After two seasons with him going on three, I still don’t feel as if Oscar is really a part of the team. 
And your reasoning for Oscar only being with the team for a short time and shouldn’t be allowed to share in this moment further justifies that fact.
Oscar has only been with the team for roughly 48 or 49 days. That’s approximately one month, 2 weeks and four days. But if @_ebea over on Twitter is indeed correct about another month passing between the group’s arrival in Atlas and their first mission with the Ace Ops, then it would mean that Oscar has actually been with the team for two months.
So…why would it be better for him to not be present during a great moment for his team…when he supposed to be a part of the team??
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I’m sorry Cora. Again, I know what you’re trying to say and I hear you m’dear. But, hand over heart, I’m not fully buying into this rationale because all it’s doing is making me think back to V6CH9 when Jaune Arc dead-ass says:
“…This team just isn’t the same without you Oscar.”
And yet, here we have this nice little moment of achievement for the team and Oscar isn’t even there to congratulate everyone and be there for his team even though he’s supposedly a part of it.
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(Dude; Penny hasn’t seen the team in about the same amount of time as Oscar has been with them and yet she was allowed to share in this moment with them? So why couldn’t Oscar too?)
I’m sorry. This moment just does not compute with me.
As a team moment for JNR_RWBY, it doesn’t work for me since ALL the members of the hero squad are there, except Oscar.
And as a meeting of all the people who knew about Amity Tower, it doesn’t sit well with me either since, like I said, everyone who knew about Amity Tower and were present in Ironwood’s office for the meeting were there…except Oscar.
The one plausible reason for Oscar’s absence from V7CH4 is that he couldn’t be there because he didn’t know that JNR_RWBY were getting their licenses that day. 
If I recall correctly, the earning of the licenses was a shock to the heroes too since Ironwood surprised them with it…after just one mission with the Aces.
Still felt kind of weird that no one asked about Oscar again for this episode though. Especially when Ironwood, Winter and Penny all came down from Atlas which pegged the question of :
“If Ironwood was down at the site with our heroes; since the FNDM assumption was that Oscar was probably training with Ironwood while the heroes were with the Ace Ops; then does this mean that Oscar was left all alone up in Atlas while everyone was celebrating up in Amity Tower?”
My saving grace is that Oscar was actually with Pietro helping out in the lab and secretly being trained to become an inventor’s apprentice. 
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Because as I said, we got everyone there except Oscar. Everyone who knew about Amity Tower and its purpose were present except him and that’s what mostly bothered me about this episode.
It just felt…like the Writers honestly forgot about Oscar…again and it just brought back a lot of bitterness for me because it reminded me of V6 all over again.
So yeah, your reasoning is cool Cora. If that’s how you look at it then great. Just don’t mind little ole me if I disagree with that outlook because from my perspective, leaving him out of team moments like this has the opposite effect.
To me, this just further highlights the disconnect between Oscar and the others and just shows how much he doesn’t really have a place on this team even though he’s supposed to (and especially since the show told us last season that he does). That’s my take on it.
Also, not to be that person but… bold of you to assume that the CRWBY Writers are actually going to show Oscar congratulating everyone on earning their huntsmen licences once they return up to Atlas Kingdom. We didn’t even get to see him sending off everyone before their mission or reacting to everyone’s new looks (particularly Ruby’s like most of us Rosegardeners had hoped).
We’d only be so lucky if next episode opens with a scene where Ruby shows up at Oscar’s room to show him her sparkling new license …who’s to say, right?
Only CH5 will tell and I’m curious if it will highlight Oscar training with Ironwood as part of the narrative. Unless that’s going to be it’s own focus episode which it should be at this point since…Oscar could use a focus episode that actually gives him full attention for once. But who knows.
I can’t really trust that with these Writers. Not after V6 and not after V7CH4. But we’ll see.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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lotustories · 5 years
Sincerely, Yours.
Lie To Me Sequel
Pairing: Yoongi x F. Reader (maybe others)
Type: angst, fluff, smut
Warnings: mentions of sex, alcohol use, and vulgar language
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Chapter 4
The constant shouting from the kitchen woke you up, the boys arguing over something you couldn’t quite hear. You slipped your slippers on and made your way to the kitchen to investigate what they were yelling about. “Stop fucking screaming.” You groaned, rubbing your temples at the headache developing . You saw jungkook freezing at the sound of your voice, his body tensing. “Yoongi wants to go out of town this Friday, it’s game night.” Taehyung argued, your eyes looking at them both and back to seokjin who seemed over the whole thing. “yn hasnt been at a game night in over a year, why is it a problem now.” Yoongi snapped. “Because it’s different and you know that.” Namjoon spoke softly. “Jess wants to go—“ you rolled your eyes as you went to grab coffee for yourself. Yoongi seeing your reaction making him stop to speak to you. “What the fuck was that for yn?” He spoke, eyebrows furrowed. “What was what?” You answered back, your eyes focused on the coffee you were pouring. “You rolled your eyes before I could even say where I was going.” He waited for your answer, “nothing, I just know better than to try and stop one of you from leaving us for your girlfriends.” Your eyes met him and he looked down, remembering the whole fight with hoseok. “If you had a boyfriend you wouldn’t leave him for us?” Yoongi tried to make a point but none of the boys cared for it. “If I ever had to chose between any of you and a man, I’d always chose you guys.” You retorted, Yoongi waving away your response. “You don’t understand, you don’t have anyone to compare this to.” He whispered, your heart clenched slightly but you remained emotionless. “I got into the university yn is at.” Taehyung said with a sad expression. “I was going to tell everyone Friday, but Yoongi won’t be there so might as well say it now.” He shrugged as if the news was unimportant. “That’s amazing, taehyung I told you that your art was good enough!” You hugged him and he held you back. “Don’t do that, don’t make me feel like shit. Jess loves you all, but I want to do something special for her birthday.” Yoongi pouted. “I love her, she deserves that.” You were cutting strawberries and when you heard those words slip from his mouth you accidentally cut your finger. “Fuck.” You cried, seokjin cursing after you as he grabbed the nearest rag to cover your finger. “Are you okay?” Jungkook jumped up, his arm wrapping around your waist from behind to take you to the bathroom. you sat on the toilet while jungkook grabbed the first aid kit to wrap your wound. His hands holding yours gently. “Does it hurt? I don’t think you need stitches.” He whispered as he pressed the cotton ball against the cut. “It hurts, but I’ll live.” You stared up at him, his big doe eyes so focused on your finger. “You still love him, don’t you?” Jungkook didn’t meet your eyes, his finger wrapping the bandage around your wound gently. “I feel like we had different meanings for a break.” You answered and he smiled and closed his eyes while he spoke. “Please don’t use me.” He kept his eyes closed as he exhaled. His hands still on yours, your eyes immediately widening slightly and you lifted yourself up to stand with him. Cupping his face as you made him look at you. “Baby, I would never.” Your hands still cupping his face as he pouted slightly. “Last night, i acted on my impulses and i am sorry if I made you think that i would use you against him.” Your thumb caressing his cheek. “It feels wrong for me, I don’t know if it’s because you dated him or if I’m scared to let myself like you. ” He paused “I just feel bad.” You nodded and smiled at him. “Then I will behave. I haven’t been with anyone since him, you were there and I trust you so I acted, I’m sorry.” You removed your hands from his face and looked at him fondly. “You’re going to make someone very happy one day, you were raised perfectly. I hope you know that ggukie, don’t be afraid to love.” You swiped your fingers underneath his chin. “do not do anything you don’t want to do.” He stared for a moment and have a slight nod. “Thank you.” He smiled at you.
When you walked back to the kitchen seokjin raised his eyebrows, “it took that long to put a bandaid on?” He teases and you shrugged. “We had a very nice talk.” You retorted and he laughed. “Oh really about what?” You walked past him to grab your coffee again. “no more sucking his dick.” You said as if it was normal. A collective sounds of choking on drinks sounding the room. “Yn!” Jungkook shocked at your bluntness. “okay, rewind. Explain?” Hoseok laughed as he looked between the two of you. “You gave him head?” Yoongi asked his voice strained slightly. you looked at him for a moment and then the rest of the boys who stared at you in shock. Poor jungkook eating his food while his cheeks burned a red. You rolled your eyes and sighed. “unimportant now.” You waved them off but they just turned to jungkook. “Explain.” They pushed and he pulled his lip between his teeth as he sighed. “It was when we were watching the movie.” Hoseoks head snapping back to you. “in front of us!” He laughed “technically behind you.” You joked and he snorted. “I already apologized to him, I didn’t mean to use him.” You said ashamed and he smiled. “use me.” Hoseok leaned over, smirking as you glared him down. “I’m still confused.” Seokjin shook his head. “About?” Namjoon answered. “yn sucked Jungkook’s dick, how is that confusing.” They were all too comfortable with each other, poor jungkook looked like he was gonna burst from embarrassment. “but why?” Seokjin added. “Oh my god, because i was horny and jungkook got hot. I would rather fuck him than some random from a club.” You defended yourself and he nodded. “fair enough.” Yoongi laughed a little too loudly, your head snapped to him and you could tell he was pissed. “What?” You glared. “Nothing, just think this is funny.” He shrugged, his asshole persona shining through. “what is?” You were confused, he ran his tongue along his cheek and shrugged. “just that you have no respect for yourself or me to fuck someone not in this house.” You we’re taken back by his comment. He walked off before you could answer but even if he hadn’t, you didn’t have anything to say. “hey, don’t listen to him.” Jungkook spoke up. “You are not the bad guy here.” He had such a sad look in his eyes. “lets go to the farmers market today, I know you love picking their flowers.” Hoseok reached over to hold your hand but you pulled away. “That sounds fun, let me get ready.” You have a half smile and headed to seokjin’s room. You were about to pass the bathroom but Yoongi came out first, standing in front of you half naked as you tried to move past him without saying a word. He grabbed your hand to stop you. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” He apologized but you pulled your hand away. “It’s fine.” You refused to look at him, pushing past him quickly to get to seokjins room. maybe staying with them wasn’t the best idea anymore. You put on one of your dresses and pinned your hair back. Taehyung, jungkook, hoseok, and Jimin all ready and waiting for you on the couch. “Oh, all of us?” You questioned as they gave a sigh of relief to see you finally done getting ready. “Where is everyone going?” Yoongi appeared behind you, you moved away quickly and he noticed. His face falling a bit. “Farmers market, yn likes their flowers and funnel cake.” Jungkook chirped. “am I invited?” He asked, Jungkook’s eyes going to you for an answer. “I don’t care,” you shrugged, heading for the door first to get into the car. You sat in the backseat, as hoseok entered to your left and Yoongi on your right. Fiddling with the hem of your dress you waited for everyone to get in. “You look beautiful today.” Hoseok whispered in your ear, your eyes staring at his mouth for a moment before thanking him for his compliment. The farmers market wasn’t far from where you guys lived, it was a short drive, hell you could’ve walked there. You walked down the path with hoseok, resisting the urge to stop at every table.
An hour later, an hour of walking and spending money you shouldn’t have, hoseok had disappeared from you for a moment only to return with a mini sunflower. Your favorite flower. “Young lady, would you like to be painted with your boyfriend?” An elderly lady stopped you, her paintbrush in hands as she stared you down with soft eyes. “Yes, we would.” Hoseok answered before you could correct her, she smiled happily as she led you to the chair. There was only one seat, it was why she picked you two. Hoseok sat down first and pulled you on top of his lap, his hand around you waist as he adjusted you to smile at the elderly women. “Look at each other, please.” She motioned her hands, and you obeyed. Looking down at hoseok as he looked up, something in those romance movies where they feel like nobody else in the world could see them. “How long will this take?” You called out, not moving your eyes from hoseok. “Just hold on dear,” her sing song voice echoed as he smiled up at you. “You seem awfully happy.” You joked, you could feel him getting slightly hard underneath you. “The most beautiful girl in the world on my lap and a nice lady painting me and my ‘girlfriend’” he paused. “I couldn’t be happier.” You can’t quiet remember how long it took, but it was worth it. The painting was beautiful and almost as if it was painted by a famous painter. “Oh my god, it’s beautiful.” You pointed at the photo, careful not to touch any part of it. “She put the sunflowers in our hair.” You pouted, you each had a sunflower on your head. One of the most beautiful paintings you had ever seen. “I’ll ship it to you when you go back to school.” He frowned and then you realized that in a couple of months, you will be gone. Leaving once again, this time with taehyung, but it felt devastating. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He wiped away the small tear you hadn’t realized fell. “I don’t want to go back,” You cried softly. “But I also don’t want to stay.” You hiccuped. Choking on your soft cries as you tried not to draw attention. You could see the boy noticing from a few steps away causing them to walk over. “but taehyung is going and i can’t leave him.” You wiped away the tears angrily. “Hey,” he cupped your face, forcing you to meet his eyes. “You don’t have to go back, you don’t have to stay here either.” His tone very stern. “You Can live your life, if you want to travel, then travel. This is your life.” He smiles while his thumbs wiped away any tears that fell. “you say how it plays out.” His hands pulled you toward him, his lips pressing to your forehead and then he pulled you into the tightest hug you had in a while. “You okay?” Yoongi stood next to you now, you only gave a small nod before you walked back to the car.
It soon grew dark, seokjin and Namjoon had decided to start a fire in the backyard. Seokjin grilling who knows what and Namjoon drunkenly singing while seated on the pool chair. “We brought veggies if you wanna grill those too?” Jungkook held the bag up and seokjin gave a nod, the youngest running off to the kitchen wash them. “hi guys!” Jess’ voice caused everyone to turn their heads to the living room. She walked over to you, embracing you in the longest hug ever. You hadn’t realized your necklace had gotten caught until she stop mid pull, squealing as her necklace hung to yours. “Ow!” She cried, Yoongi trying to help you both out but the necklaces wouldn’t unlatch. “just break them!” She pulled on hers but it still wouldn’t budge. “No! Do not break mine.” You motioned at the air. “Just unhook mine from the back.” You lifted your hair up and yoongi went to unhook it. His fingertips trailing along the back of your neck while he tried to open the latch. “I’ll try to untangle them.” He said once it was off you, when you noticed his eyes on Jess, you realized he wasn’t talking to you. “I’m going to change.” You whispered before walking away. Changing into something more comfortable, you walked back to the kitchen where Jess sat on top of yoongi. Everyone’s eyes on Namjoon as he told a story. “it was that time yn and yo-“ You cut him off as he nearly exposed your past with yoongi. “your friend Matthew, hoseok. Remember?” You pleaded for him to back you up and he did. Namjoon looking at you both confused but gave a small laugh before continuing his story. “I miss this, i miss everyone together.” Namjoon didn’t even finish his story, he had been blabbering for minutes now but you all let him. The boys somewhat dispersed from the kitchen into the living room or backyard. You were making yourself a drink and hadn’t even realized it was only you, yoongi, and Jess. “I’m going to change. I’ll be back baby.” You could hear her kiss him as you squeezed the lemon into your drink. “Here,” he slid your necklace to you. You had forgotten about it. Slight panic going through you. “You didn’t open it did you?” You asked and he just stared back, shaking his head. “No.” He watched you put it around your neck and gave a soft smile. This was probably the first time you both looked into each other’s eyes in a while. You gave a short nod before going past him, his hand catching your arm making you spill your drink slightly. “Why do you wear it still?” He asked, your eyes staring at him in slight shock. He looked at it. “it doesn’t matter.” You shrugged, his hand never letting go. “You didn’t want me to break it either.” He added, “yoongi it doesn’t matter anymore.” You pulled your arm back but he only held tighter. “Then why wear it?” He was slightly drunk, you could smell it on his breath. “baby, i have to go. my sister and her boyfriend got in a fight.” Jess entered, Yoongi let go and you walked off to the living room, plopping yourself next to hoseok as they watched tv. At some point everyone fell asleep and you wandered off to bed, taking your bra off and pulling the covers off the bed you didn’t even hear the door open and close until you were about to lie down. “Jesus fucking Christ.” You jumped, Yoongi standing at the doorway silently. “You scared the shit out of me.” You furrowed your brows, Yoongi walked closer, slowly. Careful to not scare you. “Why do you wear it?” He asked again. You sighed and rolled your eyes at him. “It doesn’t matter. Go away I’m tired.” You walked toward the door to push him out. “Answer that and I will.” He stood his ground, too strong to push out. “no, now go.” You kept pushing, but still no luck. He kept asking and asking until you snapped. Your voice a low tone, careful not to wake anyone. “Because It’s all I have of you!” He stared at you silently. “How long have you had that?” He asked and you decided to cooperate.
He leaned his back against the door. “you wore a locket of us for an entire year?” He laughed lightly. “What did your boyfriends think of it?” He joked, but you didn’t take it as one. “I didn’t have boyfriends.” Your tone was mean now. You didn’t want to talk about any of this. “wait, what?” His head snapped up, shocked by your answer. “Not one?” And you shook your head, ashamed of the way he was looking at you. “why not?” He added and you rolled your eyes. “I’m not in the mood to talk about this with you, please just leave.” You pushed at him softly, but he grabbed your hand. “did you really wait?” He paused, “like your friend said over the phone.” He whispered. You could feel the tears rising up and you didn’t want him to see. “Yoongi, get out.” You repeated. “we need to talk about this.” He defended and your laugh startled him. “You’re fucking kidding right?” You scoffed, he shook his head but you only grew angrier. “I have been here two fucking months, I have been ignored, I have been hidden from your girlfriend, and you see that i wear a necklace with us inside and now you want to talk.” You shook your head. “get the fuck out.” His eyes turning sad. “Im not trying to fight or upset you.” He stepped forward. “fuck you, fuck your pity,” your hand reached up to the necklace and you ripped it off. “And fuck this necklace.” You started walking to the bathroom and he knew what you were going to do. “Don’t!” He yelled quietly. Grabbing it from your hands as he held it away. “We both don’t like dealing with our feelings, you of all people should understand why I didn’t want to talk about this.” you shrugged. “I didn’t expect anything when I came back. I waited because I never stopped loving you. I’m glad you’re happy, now we have nothing else to talk about.” You calmed down. Yoongi frowning at you wiping away your tears. “give me back my necklace.” You stick your hand out but he refused. “So you can flush it? No.” He stuck it in his pocket and you grew angry again. “Who cares what happens to it, just give it.” He stepped to you. “Why are you so fucking angry, I’m trying to be a good person and talk to you and you’re acting like a fucking child.” He snapped, “I’m not hoseok. You’re not going to be an asshole to me because you don’t want to deal with your fucking feelings.” He snarled, his inches away from yours. “Just go find your fucking girlfriend and give me my necklace.” You fired back, his eyes growing angry. “Go fuck one of the guys.” He fired back. A small gasp leaving your lips “Fuck you!” Yoongi catching your hands before you could push him. “Fuck you!” He snarled, his hands around your wrist tightly. Your faces inches from each other. This fight was no longer about talking. You both could feel the tension, your chests rising up and down as your faces were inches apart. but you were saved by the bell. Yoongi’s phone ran and he let go of your hands to answer. You could hear her voice ring through the other end. Before you knew it he was gone and you were left dealing with feelings you didn’t want to deal with.
Two more months. You just need to make it through that.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK S3E18 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 381 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
RATE THE EPISODE 363 Responses
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This was considered a very emotional episode for many viewers, but also highly praised. A majority 86.8% of viewers rated the episode 5/5, with only a few less thrilled viewers.
beautiful episode
Attack on Feels at its finest yet again
It felt slightly underwhelming, but I don't think it couldn't have been considering how great the previous episode was
I cried so much, but I liked it a lot.
Brilliant and excruciating
the most emotionally impactful episode for me so far. it was perfectly done
Awful, fast-paced, and just a statement that Araki wanted to get this out of the way before he could very probably put his eremika fillers. Him cutting out Reienr's tears is unforgivable. It lessens his relationship with bert when the fucking back-bump was a highlight of the OP.
Best of the season
Powerful episode with excellent voice acting.
It was absolutely perfect!
It was so emotional and dramatic, this show keeps getting better and better
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A number of notable moments split the chart into several nearly even pieces. In fact, 16.2% of respondents could not decide their favorite moment. 12.7% did favor watching Levi make his final choice, with Levi and Hange saying their goodbyes to Erwin, Hange’s speech, and the 104th holding Armin in the 9%’s.
Shirtless Armin really waters my crops
This episode was DEVASTATING. OnoD had only one line, but even that one, all soft and weak that made the Commander sound so *human*... I was practically sobbing. And the look on Levi's face just. Just ended me.
Eren and Mikasa's pain was beautifully done. Kaji Yuuki is an absolute marvel, his voice is always dripping with emotion and Eren's pain brought me to tears, too. Not to mention Mikasa's wail...
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Of course, such emotional performances should be credited to the talented voice acting. 36.6% of respondents believe all of them deserve equal praise. 25.1% thought Eren’s seiyuu, Yuki Kaji, was MVP for this episode, followed by 17.8% Yui Ishikawa, who plays Mikasa.
Thanks to the voice actors it had more impact than the manga. I cried for Levi, who had to make the hardest decision of his life.
Yoooo i made a post on reddit appreciating Zeke's VA but he didn't get included in the VA list ;_;
i am a hardcore dub over sub person and yuki kaji had me in tears. SUPER phenomenal voice performance in this episode, jesus christ.
Might’ve been the best ensemble voice acting I’ve ever seen in anything and that included movies. Eren’s, Mikasa, and Levi’s performances were phenomenal. Also, Erwin and Bertholdt’s voiceactors made their deaths that much more impactful.
Great VA work. Growing increasingly attached to floch character because his VA is so good.
Regarding the voice actors this episode, everyone did an awesome job and I expect EreMika to take top place. I chose Hange though because this episode showed new sides of her and it felt like she had a bigger variety of emotions to display. From the relentless wish to kill a titan, which was something uncharacteristic of her usual self, to the strong and determined ""It was my decision"" and then her desperate and vulnerable speech, and finally, her worn-out ""He's already dead."
I may have said all the voice actors were MVP this episode(they are tbh lol added a lot to this already emotional episode) but Mikasa's crying omg I FELT THAT
Hands down to the voice actors this episode, man. They deserve all the praise they can get. 🙌
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The majority of the episode had minimal or no background music. 71% of respondents were especially supportive of the decision, with 19.2% who were simply content. The rest would have preferred some more soundtracks or didn’t even notice at all.
It was a great decision, we could focus on what was the most important during those scenes - pure emotion in an outstanding performance by the VA's.
I feel like a track could've been placed during Hange's speech, but otherwise I liked the silence
thanksArminTitan ruined everything
It creeped me out so much. Awful yet good
It was great. But it could also have been great with music so I don't know if it was a good choice.
The silence made it feel eerie, you were able to hear the sizzling body in the background.
This episode destroyed me! I was nearly in tears during the whole episode and finally shed tears once the music started playing at the end 😭
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Hange’s monologue about loss tugged a lot of heart strings. 35.8% of respondents preferred seeing the flashback of Moblit’s sacrifice. 33.2% liked everything Hange had to say, while 20.8% favored the hug between Hange and Mikasa.
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The decision between Armin and Erwin’s survival split the participants’ responses near evenly, though 47.3% thought the best objective choice was to revive Erwin, while 42.4% thought Armin was a better choice. (A small 10.3% thought neither were good options, you monsters!)
I want to say that depends on what sort of objectively we are looking for. Are we looking at it from an in character perspective? Then yes, I would've chosen Erwin. However, if we are looking at it from a story analysis/out of universe perspective, I feel Erwin should always have died, as Armin, in my opinion, has more potential for an additional narrative arc (though his character development would also have been perfect if he had died there) but also through Erwin's death, a lot more people gained new development (Levi, Hange, Armin obviously, Floche to some degree, to some degree the rest of the 104th) that I feel is much more important from a narrative point of view. This arc marks the moment where the status quo about the world is very violently shaken up, and Erwin's death does the same thing to the SC which I feel works best thematically.
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When it comes to personal preference, 70.1% of respondents would revive Armin, while 24% would have picked Erwin.
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Had Erwin been chosen to receive the serum instead of Armin, 49.6% of respondents believe he would have mostly felt guilty. 25.8% believed Erwin would understand the final decision, while 15.3% think he’d be disappointed.
Accepting, but terribly sad, guilty and weary.
Happy to find out about the basement but once he confirmed his father’s theory, I think he would have preferred not being chosen.
Depressed. After the basement? Unmotivated and listless.
The first thing is he would want to go see the basement. After that, he'd continue to be crushed by his guilt and feel burdened with the responsibility of the titan power even though he no longer has a motivation to lead an army.
His speech made everyone go on a suicide charge with him, therefore after he would survive his guilt of fallen comrades would be unmeasurable. The charge was his final decision and his final redemption.
Erwin not only feel guilty at having been forced to live after coming to peace with his death, he would probably also come to resent Levi for breaking Erwin's trust by bringing him back.
Idk i feel he'd kinda be resentful like he was ready to die and he did value armin's skills so maybe he would view them killing off potential as a bad choice?
He would be suicidal like Reiner. Truth is Erwin wanted to die. And the basement reveal wouldn't make him happy. Like oh shit I found out the truth but now I have to worry about humans(Marley) instead of Titans now.
Very very tired. And saddened by Armin's death (cause the loss of potential, and I sorta feel Erwin does see his own younger self in Armin) but at the same time, it's also the same sadness over all the recruits that died. And again, that they died but he lived.
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Multiple possibilities factored into Levi’s decision to pick Armin, though 45.8% of viewers believe it was mostly because Levi wanted to let Erwin rest. 42.6% believed it was a mix of all possible factors that played a role in his decision.
Erwin told Levi how he felt all his dead comrades were looking at him, Levi didn't want him to live with the guilt any longer.
I think ultimately, after Floch's speach Levi realized that Erwin was indeed becoming a monster and he didnt want him to go further down. But I also think that he cared for Armin and his dream enough that also played a part in his choice. He may have realized that he was being a hypocrite when he told Eren to set his feelings aside.
I believe that Levi wanted Erwin to escape this hellish world but also because he saw a more visionary future from Armin.
He realized Erwin gave up on his dream and made his mind to die but Armin hasnt and died while still longing for his dream. Plus he wanted him to rest from being a devil with guilt
Levi realized that Erwin had given all he had to give and that he’d only be bringing back an empty shell of who Erwin was. It would also be cruel to bring him back, as Levi explained.
He realized that Erwin and Kenny were both driven by the intoxication of their dreams, and wanted to set Erwin free from that.
Levi understood that Erwin's wish was to die there, at that moment when he was finally in tune with his words as a commander
Many factors influenced Levi's final decision. But I want to say something that suits better than simply saying "Levi chooses Armin". I mean, yes, he gave him the serum and the chance to be reborn to Armin, but I saw him more as if Levi chose Erwin as the best way for him, not for humanity. Both (and all) are slaves of a dream, a goal to achieve in their lives, and it is wrong to say that some dreams are more "good" or more valuable than others. Their lives cannot be measured by their actions, but by their souls. And Erwin soul was tired, full of pitty and guilt for how much soldiers and close friends died because "they gave their hearts" to him, their life and dreams for humanity, and every dead was a weight that fall in his shoulders, every mission, every year. And for Levi, Erwin is the most important person in his life, he knew all of his suffer. Erwin's death was the freedom for him, being freed of living in this hellsite and being called by the name of the devil. In summary, Levi decision was the most kind, empathetic and noble act in his life for Erwin. He loves this man so much, he needs to rest.
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Three long-term character deaths happened in this episode. 58.4% of respondents grieved Erwin the most. Moblit was mourned by 18.9% of participants and 16.8% were more emotional for Bertolt’s demise.
Bertholdt deserved better 😔
I thought I got over Erwin’s death but haHA GUESS I WAS WRONG
RIP Erwin.
I feel almost cheated by having Bertl reduced to just titan fodder for the sake of pushing a protag’s story along.
F to Erwin
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There were plenty of tearful moments that got viewers grabbing their tissues. Mikasa’s panicked crying when Levi was preparing to inject Erwin choked up 16.8% of participants the most. Levi’s reaction to Erwin’s death was the saddest to 13.3%, and 11.9% were emotional over Eren’s final plea to save Armin.
I teared up when Erwin died; I didn't realize the anime adaptation of Serumbowl would affect me so much. Kudos to the directors, VAs, animators, everyone for such an impactful episode
The episode was beautiful. It made me cry throughout most of it. The voice acting was amazing, especially Mikasa’s VA imo. Tons of respects for the VAs for delivering so much raw emotion and the animators’ amazing work on the visuals.
I'm not crying you're crying
Even if Eren and Mikasa were more demonstrative in their emotions, the one that made my heart broke is without hesitation Levi. His silent despair was much more poignant.
the "Which part of the episode got you choked up, if at all" made me insulted. I choked up the entire episode and this wasn't even a option.
I didn't cry like I did in the manga.
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Overall, a majority of respondents believed the episode was very faithful to the manga with 80.4% rating at a near perfect score.
i wish the anime production team would realize that since anime ("film") and manga ("print") are two totally different media, you cant just adapt an anime episode "panel by panel" from a manga and have it be as good. it needs to be formatted for *anime*. such a lazy fucking way to go about adapting a show
Honestly this episode was emotionally exhausting, in a good way. The silence was a brilliant choice on the directors' part as it let the VAs raw emotion carry the episode. Character animation and expressions were also on point. Couldn't be happier with the adaptation of Ch.83-84.
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It’s possible the events of the manga would have been different if Erwin were chosen instead of Armin. 24.9% of respondents the situation would be just as dire, 24.6% are not sure what would have happened, and 24.1% have faith in Erwin to come up with better strategies.
Armin will come through like he always does
His presence COULD have prevented a lot of factors, but this is just a guess, there is no guarantee he would change anything.
It would probably have been as bad, but Armin still has time to do something important.
Eren probably would've been a bit resentful over losing his best friend. Resulting in him going off on his own and being potentially more uncaring with the choices he makes
Would things be different if Erwin had been saved? I believe a lot of the shit that's going on in the manga right now is because cultists infiltrated the Survey Corps. I know Erwin is not perfect but his absence left a clear gap in their organization.
Hard to say. Grass is greener on the other side.
Just different. I don't think we can say that Erwin would've dealt with the current situation better because the current situation would not exist at all. From the moment of Erwin's death, the decisions became Hange's and her priorities shaped those. Erwin, from the start, would've made different decisions. Those may have led to the same situation occurring, those might have led to a whole different set of difficult circumstances. It is impossible to predict. Plus there is the Eren factor. We have Eren causing a lot of trouble for the SC right now, and that is an Eren who did get the revival of his best friend and his close companionship for a few more years. And Eren who lost Armin would've acted completely differently. Would he have resented the SC? Would he have even wanted to stay under the people who, in his eyes, killed Armin? Would anyone be able to talk him down. Would he strike out on his own more quickly and have another reason for potentially joining with Zeke? Maybe in a universe where Erwin was revived, sure, they would've had his experience and political savvy, but it is quite possible they would've lost Eren completely at a much earlier point. Does that lead to a better or worse situation? We literally cannot say.
I don't think there's a way to know for sure. Erwin stated that he wasn't sure what he planned to do after seeing Eren's basement, plus I'm not sure if he would have been able to handle any more guilt related to sending his soldiers to their deaths. Personally, I agreed with Levi when he said that Erwin deserved to rest.
No fucking Armin is useless as of now. That's what Hange was saying about leadership and insight. We could easily argue Isayama hasn't written anything for Armin, but you could also argue that attests to his lack of. Erwin wouldn't let Eren go rogue. The biggest question to ask all manga readers is whether Armin has done anything for humanity that Erwin couldn't have done thus far.
The situation inside the walls would definitely be a lot more organized, but when it comes to turning the tables on Marley, Armin seems to find the most creative ways to turn the tables on their enemies in a way that doesn’t leave a pile of corpses behind him the way Erwin does. The early part of this arc demonstrated what they lost with Erwin, but I believe it’s Armin’s turn to do something great again. And let’s be honest, it’s Eren’s fault that Armin hasn’t gotten the chance to do anything besides plan the Liberio reinforcements anyways.
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One of Eren’s biggest vulnerabilities is his attachment to his friends, although current manga events have displayed Eren’s less heartfelt treatment of his loved ones. 51.5% of respondents, however, still believe Eren harbors the same weakness for them now as he did back then.  25.6% aren’t quite sure, while 18.6% believe he has completely moved on.
He does care. He just isn’t weak about it. Or at least, he doesn’t show it. But he still wants to protect them.
I think only placing Armin or Mikasa in a deathly situation would descover If Eren still harbours feelings for them. In this point of the manga I believe Eren has forgotten all love and compassion and he needs a sparkle to remind them.
He grew up, so of course he has changed. But I still believe he cares about them, he just doesn't want them around rn and prefers to do this by himself.
Eren never really cared about his friends. He didn't wnat to let Armin go because he can't take no for an answer.
Some yes but I think he is influenced by so many previous titan shifters and the titans themselves it got kinda suppressed
Probably? Maybe he kept what happened here in mind in order to say the horrible things he did in Ch 112. I honestly hadn't thought of this before, that Eren himself would distance his friends because they were his weaknesses. :/
I don’t think Eren actually loves Armin, just what Armin symbolizes to him
Maybe a little but not as much
if we can believe what the message Isayama is making us read between the lines to see, yes, the 104th are his weakness and he is subjecting himself to be a terrible villain for their futures and freedom, 100%
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When the Serumbowl chapters were first released, there were varying reactions to Eren and Mikasa’s actions. With years since then and the anime retelling, most viewers’ opinions remained unchanged, 69.5% of respondents say that they were always empathetic, while 10.1% are still indifferent, and 9.3% remain upset by their behavior.
I get where they were coming from, I still do. But I also still think they shouldn't have acted this way (neither of them, even Levi), but it was a tough and intense situation
It was badly animated and overacted so I cringed. But that’s not the characters’ fault
Eren was understandably sad but Mikasa proved her unlikability further with her need to resort to violence.
From their perspective, it was reasonable for them to feel that way. However, I felt disappointed that Erwin was going to die especially since I would have chosen him.
I understood their behavior, but they were in the wrong ( both versions)
Empathised before, but now moreso
It changed a bit from Eren side bc I was surprise by the ease he could have to rebel against someone he admire that much, but also Mikasa bc with a manga reader perspective, I saw that she wouldn't have killed none of Levi and Floch. But tbh I just  thought "Oh waw, it's almost scary to see how well they get along when it comes to murder someone"
EreMika being emotional during the serumbowl. Well that is understandable but not excusable. I could argue that Levi was emotional too, his decision to revive Armin wasn't just because he wanted Erwin to rest but also because he thought Armin had a good, pure dream (otherwise he wouldn't have gotten all those flashbacks of Armin flailing about the sea). But EreMika only wanted their friend alive, with little consideration towards Humanity's chances of survival, and only after a long process of persuasion did Mikasa finally let go of Armin...while Eren still did not. That, coupled with the fact that Mikasa legit attacked their one and only best soldier because emotions...I cannot find their actions justifiable…
Eren action just screams childish and selfish just like a child who is throwing a tantrum and crying out loud when his demand wasn’t fulfilled. I understand he can’t helped it since it’s his precious friend but it just shows his immaturity and his inability to understand other people pains other than his own. I don’t see him putting his faith in Levi’s decisions nor others comrades’ when the decisions didn’t go the way he likes; he was angry, bitter, he even forced to take it away and threatening.
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Floch believes only a devil can defeat their enemies. With the current happenings of the manga, 73.4% of respondents believe Floch thinks Eren holds similar “monstrous” qualities that Erwin had, though 14.6% are not quite sure.
Maybe Floch in the Manga is trying to become the devil because he knows no one else will do it.
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The anime added a brief transition scene of Erwin raising his hand at school. 52.9% of respondents enjoyed the addition and felt it helped show that Erwin was in a dreamlike state. 40.6% of viewers though it was a neat extra touch that added more impact to the moment. A small amount of viewers could have done without it.
I jumped when i saw that moment, that was a perfect decision, this episode is truly poetic cinema.
Essentially the second option, but I'd like to say that it wasn't just a "neat" addition, it was a heartbreakingly poignant one.
really makes you realize how much erwin was stuck in the past
I blinked and almost missed it, so if they were gonna add it, they should have made it a tad longer
Apparently this still wasn't enough for people to realize that this was Erwin hallucinating, and not him rejecting the serum.
I feel like Erwin overheard everything & willingly rejected the serum, but was just so out of it that he couldn’t form the right words to tell Levi his actual thoughts on the matter. I think it’s good writing, generally speaking.
I started sobbing
It was funny and silly actually
This scene was made in perfection. It showed Erwin’s hopes and dreams but also his big heroism and dedication to the cause.
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More information on Bertolt’s backstory was revealed later in the manga, which had 31.7% of respondents feel more pity for him when watching his death in the anime. 24.6% were always sad to see him die and 21% of participants felt more sad about it.
Didn't really change. On one hand i feel bad for him but i also really disliked him.
His death in the anime mirrored Marco's and seemed fitting
Nah, i didn't felt anything when he died, and even tho i am more empatethic and pit for with him rn, he still killed hundreds of people. It's good to understand the characters reasons (somethign wedon't have with Eren) but it's also a fact that his reasons don't erase what he did.
I felt bad for Bert's death before the Marley arc. But more of a disturbing pity way. Now I feel alot more sympathetic. However, he still deserved to die unfortunately.
In that moment I felt so bad and there are times when I do but in general I prefer Paradis to Marley. Though I understand what an awful situation they are in. The music and how it was carried out was heartbreaking tho.
His reaction just broke me, in the end he was left alone, with his own guilt and unfulfilment.
I am more sympathetic, but I still believe that he brought that onto himself.
I've always been ambivalent about Bert's death; I'm not happy to see him die but I'm not particularly sad either.
No, he's one of the characters the series could never get me to care much for.
Seeing Bertholdt’s death made me a lot more emotional than the manga. His reaction and voice acting really hit it home for me since I have a soft spot for him after reading the manga. RIP Bertie, despite the circumstances he couldn’t control he definitely deserved better :’(
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The anime added a moment of Bertolt’s temporarily smiling when he saw his former comrades.  44.3% of participants thought the addition added more emotional impact to his death, and 28.5% of participants felt sorry for him. 14.9% were upset that Bertolt had the nerve to smile at all.
Dark as heck, I love it
After he clearly asked them to die, how could he think they would help him? (Granted, he was panicking and all but still...)
It was a good show that for a brief moment after regaining consciousness, he was back to thinking of his days as a solder and that his old friendship would save him, before realizing the gravity of the situation
Didn't notice until it was pointed out on Reddit; strange detail to add
It made the scene weirdly comedic
That moment of hope then realization did work emotionally, but I preferred the way it happened in the manga.
It wasn't a smile. More like a baffled-smile.
We all know that his actions were imposed, and the thought of them alone has traumatized the RBA trio. They have shown many times the guilt and need for forgiveness for everything they did. They don't deserve any of this, much less die in such a horrible way as being devoured alive! For me, Berthold was a background character, the boy who was always next to Reiner and that's all, but reviewing and watching more closely his evolution in the anime, even more his death, made me feel really bad for him. Berth deserved more attention in his life, more love and praise, because it is evident that his self-esteem was THAT LOW for all the comments that others gave, including Reiner, his best friend. Anyway, as I said in a post, the one who died was not the Colossal Titan, was a lonely, shy and noble teenager who just wanted to be loved.
I truly wish the survey corps were instead able to convert Bertolt and Reiner to their side instead of watching Bertolt die so brutally. The fact that he flashed a smile when he saw his former comrades really goes to show that he instinctively thought of them as his friends. Truly a sad addition to the anime. All he wanted was to be found.
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From the preview scenes of the Basement, a majority 39.9% of participants anticipate the scene of Eren being unable to unlock the door with the key. 29.8% of respondents are most looking forward to Eren, Mikasa, Levi, and Hange approaching the basement. 13.7% are anticipating the scene where Armin learns about the sacrifices made to revive him.
I just need to see Eren's face trying so Hard to lift the bar that fell on top of his house and Mikasa and Levi just lift it like it is a feather.
Levi opening the basement's door with his foot is one of the best scenes of the whole chapter and no one will ever change my mind
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There are rumors that the new episode will have an extended flashback with Eren and Mikasa.  60.8% of respondents are fine with the addition as long as it doesn’t detract from the manga material. Others are very excited about the flashback, don’t want the extra scenes, or don’t care.
As long as it contributes to what’s currently happening, I won’t have a problem with it.
I don't think anime has time for filler
The anime direly needs a breather episode to let people process the events of the last few episodes, and that would allow for it while also leading to an ending that brings in the next part of the story.
I dont like filler but if it's relevant and faithful to the story, why not
I like when they stick straight to the manga, but this will be interesting?
The anime deciding to work both 83 and 84 into an episode solved my biggest issue with Serumbowl just like that. By having both chapters flow into each other, the sense of urgency and chaos of the event actually resonated with me, rather that having lost that in the monthly wait between chapters. And I really appreciate that.
I was crying like a fuckin baby, this was amazing.
Wonderful episode. So much emotion. I was only disappointed to see that it removed the close-up shot of a crying Reiner. I believe it was the only scene of him ever shedding a tear since he became a warrior..
Hange may have suffered the most by losing her close friend/assistant and her close friend/commander + physically losing her left eye. She also has to step up to the mantle of being the new commander to fill the impossibly large shoes that Erwin left behind.
All the emotions I felt while watching this episode made me realise how much i am greatful for those who matter to me the most, this is why this episode was just the best.
Erwin will live forever in my heart. Best anime character
Sad that we didn't see Reiner crying.
I find it great that Bert's death was done in such a great way where whether you are a Manga or Anime-only viewer, you have tons of different conflicting opinions regarding Bert's death.
This episode was splendid, brilliant in every way, I just have to give a round of applause to the voice actors and animators who did this great work. And maybe for that reason and to relive these feelings already believed buried years ago, I thought about what things would have happened and not if another path had been taken. The death of Erwin was the breaking of everything. In that time (years ago) when I saw that Levi chose Armin, it was sad, VERY SAD, but I had faith that he would be the future and the hope to guide us to a better destiny, one without big conflicts and wise and transcendent decisions, but no. Until now Armin has not done much, almost nothing. The current situation of the government, the "betrayal" from Eren and genocide on Liberio, Historia waiting for the time to pass so that her son born and immediately introduce her to the curse that cost so much to get out, ingesting the Beast Titan from Zeke. All these factors make me think that if Erwin was alive none of this would have happened, his leadership and conviction are more necessary than ever now. And seeing it as a whole, more than the fact that Erwin is officially dead (I mean in anime and manga), it gives me even more pain and helplessness than before to see that maybe Levi's decision was not the right one. This feel of desolation also falls for Levi (ofc), Hange, Armin, Eren, Historia, in everyone! Perhaps if the situation had been different, maybe everything would be better, I don't know. However, I don't want to stop believing in Armin, if he was chosen is because he has a purpose to fulfill, perhaps being the new "Helos" that will stop this great war, I don't know either... We'll see it soon, I hope so.
Some of the timing in the animation was weird and irked me a little
"I read the manga, I know whats gonna happen, I'll be fine" - BOY WAS I WRONG! Cried like a bitch pratically the whole episode holy crap what a masterpiece this episode was
It was so so so so badly animated. It looked worse than the manga. The amount of completely still frames was absurd.
It feels like the end of an era. I don't think I'll ever be able to watch the anime the same way. After this, everything turns upside down, and everything seems tainted by the truth of their world. When I think like that I'm glad Levi let Erwin go when he did. Erwin would have thrived in the current events, for sure, but he would've hated it and himself for his part in it. I have no doubt Erwin would blame himself thoroughly for Armin's death, if he had been given the serum then.
Best episode of season 3 thus far. I feel like the art in this episode is the best out of any of them, mostly due to the fact that they probably brought back some of the season 2 staff to work their Close-Up-Facial-Shot-Magic™️. There was a lot of detail put into the faces of the characters this time around and I feel like that’s been lacking ever since season 3 started. I hope they stick around for the rest of the season.
As someone who is extremely neutral about Mikasa, this episode made me shed tears at the expression of utter pain she had when she accepted armin's death, 10/10 animation, how heartbreaking.
The last 3 episodes are the greatest Attack On Titan episodes ever. I just can't decide which one is the best. I am leaning on Hero, but both Perfect Game and Midnight Sun could easily take its place.
omg it was so good I died and thanked God that snk exists kjnhbdhcbdsapozkd
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Thanks again to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again in a few days! 
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ketchupcrisp · 6 years
#AskStrange Hello doctor! I have a question about the status of subs. IIRC, according to the Author, subs are in principle equal to everybody else. However, some elements in the story make me wonder if that's true in practice: Howard's total rejection of Tony's orientation; Tony's hiding it for years; and Pepper's mention that people loved him in part because of his being a sub. Are subs in actuality discouraged from following challenging life paths, and those who do especially admired?
While the Author is, in many cases, wildly fanciful, on this particular topic she is correct. Submissives, particularly True submissives, are generally very highly regarded. Howard Stark, however…well, perhaps showing you would be more expedient.
(The Author asks that I provide a content warning for allusions to child neglect, alcohol abuse, and something she calls “Howard Stark’s A+ Parenting.” I can only hope the latter is sarcastic. As annoying as his spawn is, I would not consider Howard Stark a model for adequate parenting.)
Tony loved workshop days the most. The rest of the time his Dad had only a few settings: physically gone (at work, or searching for Captain America), mentally gone (booze was usually the culprit on these occasions), or emotionally gone. The latter times were the worst, because Howard would be there, right in front of you, and he might even be sober, but he might as well have been thousands of miles away. Those usually happened during the big fundraising events Tony’s Mom put on, though Howard had also been known to check-out during kiddish milestones he considered beneath his son, like piano recitals or elementary school ‘graduations.’
He didn’t let Tony down into the workshop very often, either. Tony, he said, was too easily distracted, more likely to break something or taint the results of an experiment than to actually add anything of value. But every once in a while he would find Tony, pull him away from whatever he was doing (which had included school a couple of times, usually leading to screaming matches between Dad and Mom later) and bring him down to the shop.
The shop was the best place in the world. There was always something incredible happening; Dad would work on new designs for the shield (for when he found Cap), and he’d talk to Tony about vibranium and everything that made it such a unique, un-reproduceable substance. Or he’d work on his flying car, which was going to be perfect one day as soon as he stabilized the repulsor technology. Or he’d make new weapons that helped keep kids like Tony safe in their beds at night. Tony liked all of those things, but what he liked most of all was how his Dad was down here: attentive, happy, alive in a way he never really seemed to be anyplace else.
Today wasn’t exactly the same. Howard hadn’t planned on bringing Tony down to the shop, but one of his regular assistants had needed to go home to attend to his submissive. She was classified at a one, which meant sometimes she had very high needs. Most people talked about subs, especially subs classified that close to True status, in hushed, reverent tones. But when his Dad explained why Damien had had to leave, it didn’t sound like that. He sounded…sorta mad, or grossed out, maybe, like that time Tony had presented Mom with a collection of rare insects.
“Is it bad? To be a sub like Marnie?” For a long time Howard didn’t answer. And he did have a tendency to ignore questions he thought were beneath him, so Tony had already accepted it and moved on to thinking about something else when Howard sighed and put down the soldering iron he was using.
“Not…bad, but just. Well, remind me what you know about evolution, Tony.” Obediently, Tony spouted off everything he could remember about monkeys and Darwin and finches and natural selection. Howard gave no visible signs of approval (of course he didn’t, Tony was six, of course he should probably know more than this), but he didn’t yell or demand Tony leave the lab and return with a better answer, so it counted as somewhat of a victory. “Now, would you say it’s a desirable trait for people to need each other as much as True subs and Doms do, Tony? For them to not be able to function, for their muscles to stop responding to their brains and their minds to become frantic, just because they aren’t spending enough time in their headspace?”
Tony has long since learned that sometimes his Dad’s questions are a trap, and this definitely felt like one of those times. Because before now, Tony would have said he thought it sounded kind of nice, the way that different orientations worked together, making individuals stronger together than they were apart. The thought of knowing someone that way, being known in return, he was too young to really know much about the details of what it would entail, but as a concept, the notion that there might be someone out there like that for him had been a comforting fiction on the many days and nights he spent mostly on his own.
“No?” he guessed.
“Personally,” Howard continued as if Tony hadn’t spoken (a good sign his had been the right answer), “I think True subs and Doms are uncommon because orientation is a trait that’s just dying out. And in my book that’s a damn good thing. No one should have to rely on anyone like that. People…they disappoint each other. It’s what we do. We hurt each other and leave each other and end up in the bottom of the goddamn ocean, and…well, it’s just better to stand on your own two feet, boy.”
“What…what if when they test me…what if…” Tony trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. He didn’t want to grow up to be disappointed by someone! Or even worse, be a disappointment. He’d done plenty of that already. Howard laughed.
“What if you’re a True, you mean?” He nodded, and his Dad threw his head back and laughed again, already turning his attention back to his work. “Boy, you got nothin’ to worry about. There hasn’t been a Stark that’s been anything but a middle-scale Switch in decades.”
That, Tony told himself, was a relief.
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15001700tt · 6 years
Mix And Match
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6.
Part 3
After the wedding, i moved to his castle since it was more convenient. Since then i became more acquainted with his home. Occasionally i do get lost but one of his brothers or mates are always around and they help me find my way back.
It was the day where my cousins and I get to meet the remaining two guys. They have been so involved in the war that they had no time to come by. But it was understandable it was getting worse each day, and i could sense it brewing without werewolf heightened senses.
Jong In was also getting restless each night having to wake at the crack of dawn to finish some planning. The dark circles under his eyes get deeper as the days go on i am surprised he hasnt passed out. I brought it up to his attention but he always dismisses it and says hell catch up on sleep later. I dont believe him. But i cant do anything because he wont let me.
The warwas getting on my nerves and i was ready to fly over there and end the war myself. Today is much needed as anyone can see, i am very tense and grumpy and the girls havent had time to talk to me and are getting whisked away by their parents for possible suitors back at home. Hyun Jin is devastated that she doesnt get to fall in love, and Ji Mi just refuses to marry a complete stranger.
As Jong In sat next to as we waited for our guests his head lolled to the side until it slumped against my shoulder. His deep breaths confirmed that he fell asleep. I rolled my eyes before moving him to lay against my lap for more comfort on his part since this is most likely the only nap he will get today or maybe for the next week.
The first one to arrive is Hyun Jin, she came in a grim expression. Her eyes settled on our position before her face lit up ad she awed at out ‘cuteness’
“He couldnt stay awake” i excused. She shook her at us before muttering, “i wouldnt either if i had a war in my backyard”
“Well how are you doing with the influx of suitors?” i asked worriedly.
“Facing an army of vampires doesnt seem that bad anymore” she groaned before she came and sat next to, i started running my hand through her hair while keeping one in Jong In’s.
“I know hun, i wish it was easier”
“Ji Mi literally just chased away the last one but my guy was more sticky that the last” she huffed in annoyance. The doors opened one more time while Hyun Jin was mid sentence, “and the worst thing is he wasnt even trying to be gentle, he was pushing me around and being a total dick. And mid way through he tried to touch me, i almost thre-” a growl erupted from the figure standing by the door.
That seemed to wake Jong In up and grab hold of me. I caressed his face to show him that i was fine, but clearly the man at the door wasnt.
“Baekhyun” Jong In’s voice rang clear in the room, while Hyun Jin’s was more a breathy sigh. I could tell the days events took a toll on her from the way her face looked, all pale and no light that usually shines.
In an instant Baekhyun was next Hyun Jin and looking intently into her eyes, eyes slightly red, before another snarl rippled from his throat scaring Hyun Jin a little bit that she jumped.
“Who dared to touch you?” that seemed to snap Jong In’s haze and immediately he came and restricted Baekhyun and whispered in his ear. He seemed calmed a bit, he closed his eyes before opening them to a golden hue in them, then finally their normal shade.
I knew what this meant, i couldn't help the small smile that creeped onto my lips, a small gasp escaping my lips when JongIn flopped down on my lap again.
“You Are comfortable.” his only excuse.
“Honey we have guests” i told him
“it s fine, those guests are going to get really comfortable, so should we” he mumbled against my legs. I chuckled, i looked up to see that Hyun Jin had moved up from her seat and was standing in front the calm man who had a gentle smile on his face.
I listened in to their conversation when i couldn't help my curiosity, no remorse felt because she spied on my first day of courting.
“I am guessing youre Yong Sang’s cousin” he smiled cheerfully, “i am Byun Baekhyun, One of Jong In’s closest friends and knights” he introduced.
“You are correct, i am Song Hyun Jin” she curtseyed at him while batting her eyelashes at him innocently. Somehow that lead to them furiously hugging, my small gasp caused Jong In to chuckle.
“They went straight to the point didn't they?”
“You should be sleeping” i playfully snapped at him.
“Dont you think Ji Mi and Kyungsoo are taking too much time to get here?” he questioned looking at the slightly ajar door.
“What do you mean?” Baekhyun’s voice cut through the thick haze that surrounded me and Hyun Jin.
“I mean that i can both their footsteps really close but they havent ever met each other and i want to see that” he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the chair and dragged me soundlessly towards the open door. Hyun Jin following behind me and Baekhyun at the end. As we rounded the corner we saw the pair just making eye contact.
3rd POV
Kyungsoo’s eyes flashed gold before turning normal brown once again, he finally found her, whoever she is. Although he was pretty good at guessing, she’s Yong Sang’s cousin, if she was heading this way and he had never seen her before. He needed confirmation thought, he feels as if hes grasping at thin straws.
“I uh i am Do Kyungsoo, head knight” he introduced awkwardly before letting a charing smile grace his lips.
“Song Ji Mi at your service” she responded with a soft voice. She was drained from the events of today, if she could just go to her bed and sleep she was sure she can deal with it tomorrow. She was exhausted to no point and this attractive knight wasnt helping her poor brain.
Of course she knew who he was, she saw his pictures everywhere and he was also the reason for her embarrassment in Yong Sang’s wedding. Her barely functioning brain had successfully led her down the right corridor but she still doubted.
“uhm-I-I do not know if i am going the right direction to the room, would please help me?” she asked with grace even she couldn't believe she mustered.
“I dont think thats a good idea,” he paused before getting closer to her whispering, “theyre eavesdropping at the end of the hall.” her eyes widened in shock.
“I suggest we go to the kitchen because you look like you could use a meal.” he offered.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” she couldn't help but snap. “You are my mate” those simple words seemed to turn her whole world upside down, she stumbled back a step. He caught her.
“Are you ok?? You need to sit down” he held her up as he led her to the kitchen. Once they arrived he sat her down at the table. And rolled up his sleeves of the casual attire he wore.
“Wanna tell me about your day as i make you a delicious meal?” he suggested playfully, causing a small smile to bloom on her exhausted face.
“I chased away five suitors today, the last one was stubborn until i punched him right in the face, then he almost hit me,” she in took a breath to calm her frantic beating heart, also hearing a small growl leave his body frame. “Which would be bad for him because i am not trained like an assassin for nothing.” she continued causing Kyungsoo to turn his head and eyebrow raised.
“What? The king and queen thought it would be a good idea to give us some training if we chased away the guard they assigned us” she shrugged.
As time flew, so did the smell of whatever Kyungsoo was cooking because to her it smelled heavenly and mouth watering. He placed the dish in front of and sat down opposite of her so he could see her face better. Unlike the tired expression she held on their way here, now she looked like she was on cloud 9.
“I am glad you think it smells good but shouldn't you taste it first?” he smirked as she bobbed her head. She grabbed her eating utensil and put some of the dish in her mouth, her reaction almost immediate. He grinned as she moaned and grabbed another bite.
“Interesting” he murmured catching her attention, “my cooking won you over not my good looks which hurts my ego a little but but i'll get over it.” he stated with a small smirk.
“If you weren’t such a good cook I’d cut off your hands” she bashfully said.
“Gruesome, i feel bad for the suitors but then again, they didn't know better” he said with fake remorse, causing Ji Mi to roll her eyes at his tactics
“Do you know any better?” she questioned playfully, he scoffed and finally ate some of the food he prepared, “of course i wouldnt be your mate if i didnt”
“Doesnt mean you dont have to win me over” she tsked at his confidence.
“Thought i already did with my cooking” he countered.
“Maybe your fighting skills” she stated
“I am sure i can teach you something” he teased.
“Sure you can” she rolled her eyes, that seemed full of light now. She feels as though she can do this forever.
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ailvn · 6 years
i am strong but also destructive. i’m restless and harsh and hopeless. though i have love inside myself. it’s just that i don’t know how to use love.
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✧*:・゚✧ merlin! is that ANTOINETTE ROBERTSON? no, it’s just AILYN WILKES the SEVENTH YEAR SLYTHERIN ( PUREBLOOD ). we’ve heard rumors that SHE ( CISFEMALE ) is INTELLECTUAL, ADAPTABLE & AMBITIOUS but can also be very INDIFFERENT, SELF-SERVING & HAUGHTY. if i had to pick one song to describe HER it would MEDUSA BY KYLIE MORGUE. Good luck with the rest of your time at Hogwarts.
INSPO: pinboard and stats page.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: emotional and physical abuse, manipulation, parental alcoholism
AESTHETIC: pink velvet, lipstick stains on wine glasses, correcting mistakes in books with a red pen, perfectly manicured nails, expensive lingerie, stolen champagne, fake fur coats, the smell of old books, high heels, waking up at dawn.
ailyn’s youth was filled with lies. her parents were skilled liars, pretenders, people who bended the truth because the truth was something nasty. her father said his business was booming, while unpaid bills kept piling up, and he kept reassuring them with alcohol on his breath and an unshaved face, that nothing was wrong, that he was fixing it all. when ailyn turned ten, he had gone bankrupt and visited the pub every day, rather than his job, and when his mother kissed him on the cheek every morning and told her kids that she loved him, she was lying, too. she smelled of others when she came home, and she was having not one, but two affairs.
and so ailyn learned that truth is a relative thing, something to bend to your own will. she learned it from her parents and continued it when she went to hogwarts, where she spoke of her father’s wonderful business and her parents happy marriage as if it was nothing but truth. she learned of their secrets before she left (and they weren’t that hard to figure out, in all truth, if you looked well — all it took was following her dad to work one day and bursting in her mother’s bedroom out of nowhere) and kept them, but added in some aspects of her own. if she had to live a lie, why not make it a good one?
besides, her family was doing a good fucking job at keeping the truth quiet: her maternal grandparents supplied enough money for them to continue living in their home, to afford the bare necessities, to make sure that ailyn and her brother would not show up at hogwarts looking like the poor kids they were without their grandparents. gotta love that classicism! :)
her parents had been supporters of tom riddle for a long time, but her father losing his riches and business, kind of made him an ... embarrassment. he still joined the death eaters, when the time came. he used his power as a death eater to steal money and get some of that money that they’d lost because of him, not bettering his reputation among other death eaters, but regaining some of his pride.
[ abuse, alcoholism tw ailyn’s dad was furious at his wife, at the world, at himself. he hated that he relied on his parents-in-law for money, hated that it was his fault, hated that his wife was fucking everyone but him. he drank too much, lashed out at his wife when intoxicated, both verbally and physically. his anger turned to his kids at times, too, but was mostly aimed at his wife.  end of tw’s ]
going to hogwarts was good. ailyn got to get away from home, and surround herself with others, with people who came from different places, who weren’t stuck in purist beliefs. ailyn was sorted into slytherin, for her cunning and ambition. a booksmart kid, she found herself more interested in the library and all it offered than what her classes tried to teach her. besides, ailyn found out pretty soon that she was rather bad at practical magic; she was soon behind in charms, transfiguration and DADA. she wondered if something was wrong with her wand, for a moment, wondered what was causing her to perform so poorly.
it took a while for her to accept how it was; she was brainy, not brawny. she wasn’t good at magic, but she was good at analysing texts and understanding motives and looking at things objectively and writing killer essays. ailyn kept her grades up by using her brain, planning to drop most practical subjects once she could --- who cared if she wasn’t able to tickle someone with a charm when she was one of the best in ancient runes, and was one of the few people who could impress binns? she knew where her strengths lied.
it was during these realisations, during her time away from home, that she started to step away from the purist idealisation she’d been raised with. she’d never subscribed to them much, to start with, but she hadn’t distanced herself from them, either. being away from home, surrounding herself with muggleborns, halfbloods and ‘blood traitors’, as well as her whole journey with ... being rather shit at magic made her realise how fucking stupid it was
doesn’t fully share her feelings at all times, though, out of self preservation. besides, she’s not out here to fight for muggleborn rights either --- she thinks the war is bullshit, frankly, but she’s also self serving as fuck, and will not do anything to endanger herself. she’s very true neutral, in that sense? can fairly judge situations, but is good at sitting back even if she disapproves. will start debates on blood purity, but isnt about to fight a war over it, on either side.
history soon became her favourite subject. sure, the subject could have been better, had there been a better teacher, but binns wasn’t the worst if you paid proper attention and actually read the material. ailyn found herself staying up late in the common room, learning about muggle history, but also delving into obscure parts of magical history.
this is where her ambition lies, where her strengths lie. ailyn wants to work under a historian, learn about how to write about history -- because it’s happening all around her -- how to interpret it, how to connect the dots. she’d love to intern under bathilda bagshot, or someone similar. she’s such a NERD.
her relationship with her family has become strained. ailyn hates her father, and despises her mother. her brother is a different story --- there’s more love there, i suppose, a healthy relationship, but they disagree on many things. he’s a death eater, whereas she’s not planning on even supporting the organisation (which she hasnt said out loud to her family, of course, but her brother isnt stupid: he was raised by liars, is one, and so knows when she’s hiding something.)
the reason things are strained are mostly because ailyn has been turning her back on her family slowly but surely. not publicly, of course, but privately? she’s not in contact a lot, avoids them when she’s home. she’s come out of the closet to them, told them that there’s no way she’s marrying some ugly pureblood boy to further the bloodline (trust me when i say that ailyn was holding a monologue when this was happening that was iconique), and if they ever thought about pulling that shit, she’d drag their family name through the mud, because she had a lot of shit on them. 
not in the business of being labeled a blood traitor, but also not in the business of sticking with her ugly family and supporting the death eaters. ailyn cannot wait to graduate, start making money of her own and achieve her goals and move the FUCK out so she can start a life for herself.
ailyn is a true neutral, powder pink lipstick lesbian who will drag your ass through the mud while speaking to you sweetly with a :) smile :). or she’s just charming and chill, depending on who you are tbh.
anyway. ailyn is very outspoken on certain topics, like racism, sexism, homophobia, etc --- she’s generally tired with the men of the world, too ( her studying history is mostly her sighing at men ). 
hyperfeminine & unapologetic about it. think elle woods!!! 
kind of really selfish when it comes down to it? like. ailyn is just self serving as hell. there’s exceptions, of course, and there’s room for more people to be added to that list, but still: she’s not here to be the hero, nor a martyr. she’ll save herself, and if she has the time to save you, too, she might.
loves mythology a lot. a lot a lot. will talk about it for hours if she COULD.
feminist af.
likes red wine a LOT??? will gladly drink with you and badmouth people for a whole night because? it’s fun.
her morals are a mess, so dont even ask me about it?? she’s very indifferent on the surface, and to a certain extent she really is indifferent about a lot of things, too. still, ailyn isn’t cold or heartless, either? very emotionally driven? she hardly understands her own motives and morals tbh, so neither do i!!! it’s a mess!!
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mollydollyjournals · 3 years
I'm supposed to go for dinner with my in laws tomorrow. Today, technically. Hb isnt even sure if he's going so I have to wait until hes decided. But I dont feel like I can go at all. It would be a really bad idea for me. I'm fucking tired. I'm worse than I've been in a long time. Again. I keep getting worse. Why the fuck would I be able to go play Good Wife in a situation that's anything but that.
And I just got a lot better with my art. That ADHD hyperfocus finally paid off somehow. In the past month I've learned way more with drawing than i have in years. I wanna draw. I wanna make comics. I wanna learn. It feels like growth and i dont want to go sit in a mansion pretending the sofa I'm sitting on isnt worth more money than my entire life. I'm not them. Nigga we ain't them.
If I stay up late enough I can tell hb I wont be able to wake up in time. Its likely anyway, and I already told him this. It's just the only thing of my issues that he seems to relate to. I think he can relate to more really, but he keeps playing the part. Kyriarchy is a hell of a drug.
I have therapy every Friday. Last session I mentioned that this dinner was coming up and I didnt want to go. My therapist said, 'then why not stay home?' and I felt like, you know...you're right. I know you're right. You know you're right. Insert Nirvana song. The correct option, really, is for me not to go. Even hb isnt really well enough to make the 3-4hr round trip for dinner.
But they are high achieving high functioning middle class rich white people and whether we care about that or not the fact remains that they own the house we live in. And that's capitalism, folks. That's why I havent left hb in all the times I've thought that might be better for us. That's why hb hasnt broken away from his parents in all his life. That's why his mother hasnt left his father even though shes literally even told her children she wants to. Its money. In some cases, cant handle leaving the middle class lifestyle behind. In my case, just need a secure place to live with vaguely reliable heating and internet. Regardless, fucking capitalism.
So I dont know what to do. They wouldnt understand that I finally got some kind of breakthrough with my art. Not unless i was going to make money out of it. My own mother barely understands that kind of thing. God theres so much i havent even written here.
I just dont want to go. It's not a good idea for me to go. It's a good idea for me to stay here and make my art and draw my comics and stay sober where I can and drink where I need to. Fuck I'm really glad I started with my therapist tbh. It really surprised me that a cishet white guy that isnt trying to fuck me might actually relate to me. My brain keeps spinning all kinds of bad outcomes for that. But for the time being at least, this is someone who thinks similarly to me, but is qualified as a therapist in a lot of ways that I need. And if he says 'addiction isnt the ideal but I'm really glad you got drunk instead of k1ll1ng yourself' and 'if you're that stressed about going, why do you have to go?' that's what was in my head to start with. That was exactly it. I could have game over'd and I definitely wanted to but I drank instead to just keep myself going. Until later. Until tomorrow if I can manage it. My increased sui// shit is from feeling like I'm being judged for that and cant get out of it, and if I cant continue as an alcoholic, and i cant continue without alcohol, then i guess i just cant continue. And fuck even a paid professional is such a rarity as someone who might tell me that yes, I should continue to exist, and yes, I am a good thing in the world, and yes, there is a way to realistically drink less, but yes, i should drink myself into oblivion if that helps me to continue to exist another day. And in deciding whether to go see my rich white upper middle class in laws, I should consider whether I actually want to do that or not and maybe just be selfish a bit in my decision.
But hb will give me shit if I don't. I was really hoping he'd cancel. He said he was probably going to. But he didnt confirm. He said hed confirm tomorrow, at a time that's fine for him but way too late for me. Really, we shouldn't go. Neither of us should. We only want to go to show up for his mother, who is a baby boomer who's been through a lot and tried her best to fill the role assigned to her. Otherwise we'd see the rest of his family at another time - not that we dont want to see then, we just dibt want to cancel.
And all of this is the same performative bullshit I grew up with. As a poor person attending a school full of rich kids. As a 2nd gen immigrant brown kid at a school full of white folks (where in the recent BLM movement that same school was called out for its racism). As a yet-undiagnosed autistic kid trying to look neurotypical while not even aware of the issue.
Its the same. Every time I have to go back there. Even hb got more vocal about judging me recently. Again. I'm too tired. I cant do it. I can work on my drawing, I cant do this middle class family Good Wife shit.
Its nearly 2:30am and that'll be my excuse. I wont be able to wake up in time. Hb will understand that. But he'll see it that I'm still awake because I stayed up drinking and smoking and whatever. Not that I'm doing those things because I'm anxious as shit. Or that actually I had a reasonable amount of wine with my mum today when I went to visit her for the first time in a really long time, along with two of the pets I brought home when I lived with her who are now elderly and one could drop dead any second, and I'm really an introvert, and if I'm going to go anywhere to socialise it has to be my mum. It has to.
I dont know if I'm overreacting, because at this point I'm going to have to tell hb that I wont be able to go and hes going to know that I drank and whatever and maybe he wont go off at me. But I am completely certain that there'll be some passive aggression going forth. And I hate this. And even this journal post, on my own private anonymous tumblr account, is taking up way too muc mental energy that I was previously putting into a drawing that I actually felt good about.
0 notes
On the saying “be aware of your mental health”
⚠️Warning: triggering post ahead⚠️not for people with weak mind⚠️
Note that on this post everytime i said “help” it means therapist/people who say they are expert on mental illness. Of course, though, to seek help and company from people around you—friends, family, siblings, close people you know, when youre in doubt or struggling or feeling down or in need of support emotionally or anything, this doesnt have to be questioned—it is something of a must. Why? Cause humans are social beings. They are dependant to others. Therefore everytime i say “help” on this post i really just mean mental help (therapist/people who will diagnose you with mental illnesses).
The thing that i observed, of what causes mental health issue, is the inability to know the identity of oneself.
In order to live, the first thing one should know and make peace with isnt the environment, or family, or ones brain, or anything, but themselves.
Once someone cant do this, they simply become questionnable as an individual.
How can you be born in this world, have the ability to think of cracking down things to even the simplest, and yet you cant even deal with, understand, and know your own self—the thing closest to you? The thing that is actually yourself? The thing that matters the first?
It might seem like a pity, but more than it is a pity, it is an individual choice.
Every individual should deal with themselves. No one should tell them how, no one should tell them they “cant” and that they need help of drugs in order to deal with themselves. I feel that the moment they feel they cant, and that they need help, is the moment it becomes their choice, and that they have lost themselves.
Is losing oneself something good? Is it that when someone is depressed, i should have pity on them and treat them differently, even when its their choice?
People say its not their choice, but it is. It is ones fault that one lost temselves. Everyone is given intelligence, ability to think. What is this world? What is the purpose of this world? What is the purpose of me? What is right and wrong? With the ability, if someone still cant figure out life, once again, it is their choice.
One of the phrase that i found very dislikable is that we should be aware of our mental health.
What does that even mean?
We should be aware of our mental health, and then what? When i am sad, i can be sad, if i want to cry, i can cry, if i want to be upset and angry, let me be upset and angry, if i am happy, then let me be, if i feel deep sadness, no one can stop me, but someone can do all this without having to lose themselves. Someone can do all this while controlling it. What is this saying we should be aware of ourselves?
Should we be, sad and crying on the floor, sad and crying on our pillow, and then we question ourselves: am i in deep sadness? And then we seek the answer to someone else? Is this what “being aware” means?
How can someone else know us better than ourselves? Why should i believe someone who thinks they “studied” human psychology, whilst i myself am human and i am given the ability to control my psychology, telling me i am like this and like that.
No one can control their physical stuff, virus gets inside your throat and makes you sick, your kidney is worn out and you dont take care well so they malfunctioned, but how can mental—something that doesnt even have physical form, something that cant permanently unchange, wear out and leave you be just like that? It is not even something separated from you. It is you.
We should be aware of our mental health, that is right, but it means nothing. Everyone has done this ever since the first time human existed. It is not something new. Theyre always aware. Are they sad? Are they happy? Are they raising their chin high up and being brave?
The only difference is instead of questioning their ownselves, they control their own selves. Is controlling your ownself something forced?
No, it is naturality.
In the past, people seek for immortality, tales were told about this thing and that which can make someone immortal, in the past people lost their parents in young ages, go to war, and in Islam a hadith said one of sign of the end day is that people look at grave and say “if only i was the one that is in that place”.
I am not at all saying what happened in the past was all good, most were even bad, i will say. I am just saying people in the past lived in worse condition but they managed, and whats “glorified” is of cherishing life.
So, what caused everything to change?
1. The idea that people have had mental issues since long time but they “hid” it.
2. Glorification of mental health issues as if its really something urgent, when its not even something new (in the sense that, in most times everyones “mental health” is fine thats why we never thought about it much and only in this mOdERN thInkInG ScHEmE we are told to figure whether we are fine or not).
3. Individualistic, materialistic, atheistic, way of life.
My opinions on those:
1. Once again mental health is not diagnosed and then unchangeable, it is controlled. Someone can be a whiner and if theyre told to go to army they will be strong. It is built, it is trained, not given. In the past, in the future, this concept still hasnt changed that it thrills me whenever someone thinks mental health is not part of them and that they need someone else to “fix” it. If mental ilnness is such a big deal in lives of people of common society we wouldve heard much about it in the past about people who couldnt “function” or live like other people normally. We dont hear about them, much, because they were not told that they mightve had mental issues, instead they just lived usual. In other hand we know well that people in the past had physical illnesses—black plague, or anything, it was physically there and we heard it a lot. Or we mightve heard in some tales about people who were insane, crazy, outcasted. But NOT mass of people who couldnt function normally and deemed abnormal. Its because the truth is mental illness is nothing. Someone might have severe depression, or someone might have depression in lives, but chance to have severe depression is very low, and chance to have depression that makes you need medication is as low. You dont need medication. Just live.
2. The one that made it widespread, as ever, are leftists people. I just recently played tumblr but i have heard a lot about this tumblr movement that happened long time ago, lets call them SJW. SJW are social justice warriors and they went to tumblr, but i heard now theyre dominating twitter. So when they were in tumblr they think they were “quirky” and “unique” and they mostly were weird people. And on basis of political correctness they started bring about the idea that LGBT is fine. But not just that, this “be aware of your mental health” and post-modern feminism and “abortion is a choice” also started. Political correctness is so much of people who are too emotional and they use their brain and logic less. I know i sound biased, you can do research on your own if you want. I also have theory on how these people who played tumblr mostly were women, cause as far as i know around that time men played video games usually. But that will make it long.
Just im saying that this “be aware of your mental health” stuff doesnt just occur naturally as evolution/progress of advancement of thoughts. It was brought about politically, by people who think they are the most right, when they are the ones knowing things less, romanticize everything, they are like toddler who figure out new things and think that is what is most right, you can go to twitter and figure. This all though, is just my conclusion based on my own observation of the world.
3. Say no more, these all are just characteristics of the west, unfitting for outside of west world. Individualism rarely happens outside west (with exception) and people always have someone to tell problems to—friends, family, close people. Individualistic society will be more prone to not having anyone and therefore has to go to therapist to talk about their problem. Someone once said though religion cant stop mental health but that is such a joke. As i have stated, to know and control your own mental is to know yourself and your identity. If you are an ugly person and you dont think youre ugly, if someone says to you that you are ugly, then you will not even feel bad for yourself. If someone tells you we are living in void and that this world is so bad and that theres no point of living, if you understand those sayings are wrong, then you will not drown in the same bitterness as they do right? In this world and life everyone and everything will tell and say many things to you throughout your life, and if you cant even think on your own whether theyre right or should you listen to them, i dont even know how you live. Anyhow, the right religion will tell you purpose of life so if you are given purpose of life and you still feel life is so pointless, you are not taking the religion seriously.
I have quiet grown tired of writing, so i will just state what to do to help yourself so you wont eat all these pointless “be aware of your mental health” slogans:
1. Understand that psychology is not exact science and therefore not completely reliable. Sorry to break it to you. I myself am a hardcore unbeliever of psychological study. Unless someone cant think straight (insane), theres no need to rely on what psychology says about oneself. Its not even science. If biology says youre having cancer, then youre having cancer. But if psychology says youre diagnosed with this and that, its just cringe. How do you know? Is the “depressed cell” there and shows themselves to you through microscope? Psychologists dont even know sometimes that psychology is not exact science.
2. Psychology is not a unique or unreachable field. In the sense of its not worth to “understand thoroughly” about it that you think you need to ask expert if you dont. Rule about psychology is just: humans are divided into two, people who can think straight and cant think straight (sane and insane). As long as youre sane, you have the ability to control what you do and yourself. Thats all.
3. Know yourself and your identity. If you are asked, who are you? What is your identity? You should know. If not, youre a confused person and you will for sure think for nights if someone says to you “you are narcissist”, you will think you really are even when its not true.
4. Dont rely on forced positivity to escape fear of having mental illness. Forced positivity dont help😐just acknowledge out there people live normally without having to have so much positivity to survive. Why? Because too much positivity is not normal.... just be yourself and live
5. Fix yourself. Do you feel youre a narcissist? Do you feel you have one of those traits of being mentally ill? Then make those traits gone. Dont think that you are permanently mentally unstable and therefore need help. No. Help yourself first.
6. To feel is ok. Be sad, be happy, be angry, cry all you want. But just acknowledge that you can control yourself, cause you have ability to be sane. After letting those all go, youre fine again.
7. Everyone makes mistakes. Did you make mistake just yesterday? Did you make mistake that made whole world hates you? Its totally fine. Just promise to yourself, instead of to people, that you will improve and will not make the same mistake again. That is right, it reminds me,
8. Everyone feels what you feel. Do you some times feel deep sadness? Do you some times feel so hopeless that probably die is best thing? Do you feel things that you think people dont feel? Dont worry, everyone feels it in some times of their lives. Just cause someone looks fine the whole time doesnt mean they are in fact fine the whole time and doesnt feel like how you feel about stuff. This world is not really a good place so it will torture everyone. You are not different, so dont feel different. You are normal. Indulging in emotions thinking people dont feel the same emotion will just make you lose yourself. People are not fine in a day, and they will be fine in another day, and they feel happy in another day, its just life.
9. Dont live up to peoples expectation. Of course its not like if your parents want you to be good kid then you shouldnt live as good person. I mean to say, if society expect you to be like this and that, but theres no benefit in acting as they do, then nothings wrong with you if you dont do as they do. Just understand what is right and wrong and that is enough.
10. Be determined about your stance. Dont get easily influenced. Know what you stand for by thinking about it thoroughly.
11. Be comfortable with yourself.
12. You are who you think you are. Fake it til you make it. Be fine until you are really fine.
13. Youre the only one who can save yourself. People will help you, but the choice to be saved and become fine again can only be done by you. No one but your own self is going to come and “save” you.
My point of writing this is that, most people in the world are sane and not mentally ill/sick in severe sense til they need pSyChIAtrIsT help. One of question i heard much is that “so what if people think they have mental illness? Whats in it for you to judge them?” Well first of all it will create generation of weak minded people that think they need help for anything. Second is that i just feel sorry when someone who is fine mentally comes accross this kind of thing and they start thinking whether theyre “mentally normal” or not. One of the funny experience i had is when i was just googling on why cats are so cute and on quora someone says its because humans are masochist so they like cats biting and clawing them (and he got many votes)🤦‍♀️i really feel pity for him probably being sure what he said is true. If people are masochist, they will pet tigers or crocodiles instead. The truth is, hearing about probability of having mental illness without actually understanding it will make you paranoid. So i write this to let everyone know, that probability is the lessest thing. Unless you live in full tragedy, chance is you are fine and will continue to be so.
Indulging in psychology is not worth it if for common people, for people who have mental disturbance (crazy/insane) then ok but for commoners who once again have ability to think sane and are given intelligence, its such a waste of time to question whether one is “normal” or not. If you are able to think logically and know what is right and wrong then that is enough.
People are not so different from each other.
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Even therapists who understand the truth will know that psychology and therapists are semi-real and therefore useless for common society unless in the case of people with severe cases
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thetactilepope · 7 years
Lessons in Thermodynamics: Chapter 7
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A Matter of Pride
Thirty-one days until winter break
 Momo sat in the restaurant booth, surrounded by her friends, feeling relaxed and happy. She wasn’t totally at ease, but as she laughed along with Kyouka and Hagakure at Mina’s jokes, it was tempting to forget she had a deadline hanging over her head and that in almost exactly four weeks, her fate at Yuuei would be determined.
“I needed this, especially after everything that happened.” Frowning at the thought, she remembered her visit with Todoroki’s mother, and then his confession about his scar, the frankly disastrous study session afterwards, and his abrupt departure.
Most of her Saturday had been spent replaying that moment on the sidewalk over and over in her head, trying to figure out what to do with her newfound insight regarding Todoroki’s past.
In the end, she hadn’t been able to settle on any course of action, a dissatisfactory outcome, even if things had worked out in the end.
“Our meeting on Monday could have gone better,’ She mused, fiddling with the straw in her milkshake, ‘that’s for certain…”
“Yaoyorozu-san, you’ve got nothing to apologize for.” Todoroki had said, cutting her off before she could finish her apology.
Momo sighed, shifting the papers in front of her around, “Then stop treating me like I do.”
He seemed perplexed by her words, utterly unware of the tension between them.
“Just… Never mind, let’s just get started,” Fuming, she opened the novel, resigning herself to the silence.
They only managed to go through around half of the assigned chapter, thanks to her partner zoning out every few minutes. It had irritated her to no end, but thankfully, she hadn’t had to endure many sessions like that.
Kyouka, after listening to her problem, had been the one to suggest simply explaining her feelings to Todoroki clearly. It was a solution she’d overlooked, and one that allowed them to return to the easy camaraderie she enjoyed.
“What’cha smiling about, Yaomomo?” Mina asked, a mischievous grin stretching across her face, “Someone finally capture your debutante heart?”
“What?” Despite her efforts to retain her composure, her cheeks began to warm as she attempted to rebuff the question, “N-No, it’s nothing like that. I was just remembering…”
Mina leaned forward eagerly, grin growing wider, “Remembering… what?”
“Yeah, tell us!” Hagakure clapped, as she mimicked Mina’s motion.
Glancing at Kyouka, eyes pleading for an assist, Momo struggled to think of something innocuous to say, that wouldn’t pique their interest
“I saw… a-a… a cute cat the other day,’ She offered weakly, ‘While I was… walking to the store with Todoroki.”
“AHA! I knew it!” The gleeful exclamation was accompanied by a squeal of surprise from Hagakure, and stifled laughter from Kyouka. Shooting her best friend a look that demanded ‘how could you?’ Momo suddenly wished she hadn’t taken the seat by the window. It meant exiting early would be far from a graceful affair.
“You an’ Mr. Hot-and-Cold have been spending an awful lot of time together recently.” Mina began, her pointer finger tapping on the table to punctuate each point, “Not to mention how secretive you’ve been about that fact.”
“Furthermore, you’ve been actin’ awful jumpy in class. As if there’s something on your mind. Yeah, there’s no doubt about it, Yaoyorozu Momo, you…”
Momo stiffened, fearing the worst. She had tried so hard to hide her failure from the class, but she should have realized that she wouldn’t be able to forever. No doubt her friends would be hurt by her secrecy.
“You’re dating Todoroki-kun! Right, right?” Hagakure said brightly, interrupting Mina’s string of observations.
Indignantly, the pink-haired girl crossed her arms, “Hey, I was getting to that!”  
“They just think we’re dating…” The thought was accompanied by a wave of relief, which quickly turned to embarrassment as the accusation sunk in.
With her cheeks approaching the colour of her hero suit, Momo considered what to say. On one hand, it would be incredibly presumptuous of her to buy into the lie. But correcting her classmates would most likely involve fessing up about her failed test…
“I could just… not say anything.” She thought, her hand clenching under the table, bunching up a small section of her skirt, “Todoroki and I are so far from involved like that, denying it isn’t necessary.”
Even in her head, the words rang hollow, tinged with the familiar fear of failure. As she finally rolled her eyes at Toru’s remark, Momo plastered an easy-going smile to her face, pushing all the doubt to a far-off corner of her mind.
She’d just have to deal with this later.
Once she was back at the dorm, Momo was eager to return to her room.
“A break with my friends is nice’, she sighed, ‘but I can’t blow off homework. Not completely, at least.”
Climbing the steps, she paused near the top, her attention caught by the sounds of a not-quite-peaceful discussion.
“C’mon, man, just tell us!” Kaminari’s voice whined, carrying down the hall.
The next voice that spoke brought a frown to her face, “Yeah! What’s the deal with you and our babe of a vice-rep?”
“Mineta. Ugh.” God forbid she make it to her room without getting harassed once.
“Deal? What do you mean by that?” Todoroki’s calm tone responded, but she could tell his patience was wearing thin. She could practically picture the disinterest on his face.
Kaminari sighed, and then continued, “Dude, are you guys, like, together? You’ve been hanging around each other a lot, an’ I-’
There was a sound like an elbow connecting with a kneecap, and a grunt of pain from the blond, as well as a loudly muttered ‘Ow!’
“Sorry, we,’ He stressed the word, ‘don’t wanna step on your toes or nothing. Considering you could probably destroy us.”
The silence stretched for longer than was comfortable, and the temperature seemed to drop noticeably. Momo held her breath, hoping her study partner wasn’t about to tell them anything.
“Yaoyorozu-san is more than capable of doing that herself, you know. Destroying you, I mean.” Todoroki spoke with confidence, and she could clearly envision the set of his jaw, “And besides, my relationship with her shouldn’t matter more than her own feelings.”
A crackling sound filled the air – that chill hadn’t just been her imagination, then – accompanied by exclamations of surprise.
“Please, take Kaminari! This was all his idea!”
“Hey! It was not, you gremlin!”
A pause, and then the electricity user spoke again, “Uh, no need to start freezing things, Todoroki. We’ll just… be going, then. Sorry to have disturbed you.”
Suppressing a laugh, she turned the corner just in time to see the two other boys disappear up the stairs, bickering about whose fault the incident was, and observed Todoroki using his left hand to melt a patch of ice on his doorframe.
“Oh, Yaomomo,’ He turned to look at her, ‘how was everyone? Did you have fun?”
“When did he start calling me that?” She wondered, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. Not that she minded. It was nice, the way he had warmed up to her.
With a shrug, she made a so-so motion with her other hand, “Everyone’s a little stressed right now. But, yes, I did have fun. You… should come with us, one of these days.”
His answer was simply a non-committal huff, but one that meant he’d consider it. She knew Todoroki still felt awkward around many of his classmates, but was making strides to be more social.
Still, Momo couldn’t shake the lingering memory of the conversation she had listened in on.
“I heard what you told those two.” She confessed, “Thank you.”
He smiled softly, shaking his head, “Ah, it was nothing. Just the truth.”
“Well, I appreciate it nevertheless.”
Fumbling for other conversation topics, she asked if he was going to be ready for their session on Monday. After an assurance that he would, she bid him goodnight, finally returning to her room.
Homework nearly complete, Momo glanced over at her phone as it buzzed yet again, finally catching her attention. She stood up from her desk and grabbed it, before sprawling onto her bed with a huff. Her phone had practically blown up with notifications.
“I hope nothing happened.” Usually, it only got this busy the night before a test, as many of her classmates asked last minute questions.
The messages, and there were a lot of them, were from a group chat Mina had set up, one that was used to plan things like that afternoon’s outing. Momo was tuning in just in time to catch the middle of a conversation.
{Class 1-A Girl Power!!}
∞ girl [whaaaat? yaomomo and todoroki are really dating??!! FOR REAL??!]
pinky <3 [YEAH!! i asked her today lol!]
[she was p tight-lipped about it tho…]
hijacks [c’mon yaomomo never actualy *said* they were] [haga-chan, back me up!]
see-thru [i mean…]
[Jirou is kinda right?]
pinky <3 [*hmph* w/e she just doesn’t wanna admit they’re really together] [bc she didn’t know either] [ >8P ]
hijack [hey mina] [🖕🖕]
pinky <3 [ily 2, boo ;)]
∞ girl [deku says todoroki hasnt mentioned anything abt this?] [also that kaminari and the purple one were gonna check w/todoroki]
[he’s gonna ask around see if anyone else knows]
hijack [uraraka] [urararararaka]
∞ girl [oh]
Several people are typing…
 The only reason Momo cursed out loud was because she let her phone drop out of shock, hitting herself square in the forehead. Not because it would take a miracle to prevent the rest of her classmates from latching onto the rumor about her and Todoroki.
Definitely not that.
With a groan, she rolled over, burying her face in her pillow, muttering muffled by the plush fabric, “Perfect, absolutely perfect.”
To join the group chat now would be like jumping into a shark tank with an open wound. Extremely awkward, to say the least.
She wracked her brains for a solution, but was too drained think of anything, “We’re definitely going to need to meet before Monday, and figure out what to do…”
“Yes, having yet another private chat with Todoroki would certainly go a long way to clearing up these suspicions,” Her doubtful side deadpanned, “Nothing flawed with that logic.”
With another groan, she pushed her face deeper into the pillow, “I just want to pass the test, is that so much to ask?”
There are twenty-four days until the Retest.
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Holiii!! I saw the pic of Liam and Honey😍😍😍 Asdfahs. They are so cute! And also, i love Liam's eyes. It'a such a nice colour!! And i also saw the gifs!! I love that gif of Louis.  HE LOOKS SO SOFT. I could cry. And Harry😂😂😂 Its such a mood. I always flip people off like that. Jajajaja. AND THE GIF OF HARRY WITH THE PINK JACKET. 😍He is dancing funny and i love hiiim.  Oh, and i havent read that fic but i'll read it asap and then i'll tell you about it. Promise. Thanks for the rec💖 (1)
Hiiii, Love!!!! I’m so sorry it took me so long to answer! but yesterday I was busy, and when I came home my head hurt like a b*tch, 😖😖. Liam’s eyes very pretty, aren’t they? Everyone likes him better (poor honey). I always flip people like that too, jajaja, that’s why I needed a gif, and I found the best, jajajaja. I couldn’t resist. I’m already rereading that fic,😅. I love re reading things I read a long while ago, bc my English has improved a bit since I came to tumblr, and it’s like reading things for the first time again, so cool.
It wasnt hard being updated bcs OT was everywhere, but yeah. I always try to engage in my friend’s hobbies. & some of them do the same. One of my friends used to be a 1D fan before i met her, and though she is not longer in the fandom she tries to be updated. She sends me memes or things that remind her of 1d. She even watched a video of BG without me knowing/telling her about it. I dont deserver her. Ay, and last week she watched freddieismyqueen videos with me on a free period. I 💖 her (2)
HOW DID YOU FRIEND MANAGE TO QUITE?!?!?! Jajajajaja It feels imposible (not that I have tried…). And she sees things and isn’t intrigued about what is happening?? She should write a self help book,jajajaja. “How to suite one direction: the guide”,jajajaja. But she sounds cool and supportive of you, so keep her, jejeje.
Well, you just described me. Talking in public always end up in one of those two options. I have always wanted to do a road trip!!! You are totally invited of course. JAJAJAJA. Well, it just…happened? Our friend was having a very bad time and he was going through a lot of things and we didnt know how to cheer him up. And then one night we just starting watching a video of AuronPlay reading a fic, and he was happy for the first time in months. (3)And so my cousin said “what if we write him a fic?” And i said “omg, yes”. And thus was born. Its a crack fic. We just put in there his family, his biggest celebrity crush, our friends, ourselves and a couple of animals and started writing nonesense. He hasnt read anything yet, bcs we want to finish it first, and me and my cousin (and our siblings, bcs they wanted to help) only hang out alone sporadically. But we laugh a lot writing it. I hope he laughs too when he finally reads it. (4)
You, your sister and your cousins sound so cool. And your friends too. I’m gonna have to migrate and adopt you all, jajajaj. I’m sure your friend is gonna love it. It’s a recipe for success. Keep me updated when you show him and his reaction,please!!
“How does a gay look like?” Like someone with no toxic masculinity. But i see your point. Judging on looks is not cool. (And i dont usually do it. I watched their behaviour or their words. When someone doesnt ever use gender pronouns and just say “they” “parter” “somebody” im just👀👀👀 i see what u are doing). Yes yes. What you said makes sense. I understood. Dont worry. I have never heard that quote, but i think i could marry whoever wrote this. So much truth!! 😱 (6)
Tbh I never payed attention to that, :/ (heteronormative mind and all that). If I had, maybe I had known about a lot of my high school friends’ sexuality. Looking back, we were just a group of friends, boys a girls, nobody cared about boyfriends/girlfriends (we were friends from 12-16). Then we went our separate ways, and we lost touch. And now I see in Facebook that they are gays and lesbians, and I’m like… :/ we didn’t know much about those things back then. And I hope I didn’t make any comments who could offend/affect them. But it makes me so happy to see them being themselves and living with they’re boyfriends and girlfriends… 😊 I just wish I could have been a better friend back then 🤷🏻‍♀️. But now I pay attention to that. And I always try to show support in a non invasive way. And try to educate people about who they’re been homophobic, or make not appropriate comments… like there’s this boy (around 16) that likes to paint his nails. And I love everything to do with nails. And, at the shop, I comment on people’s nails (if I know them enough, lol). And I always try to say something nice to this guy. To normalize the fact that he has his nails painted (and no make a statement that I approve of it, if someone else is listening, so they don’t make rude comments around me). And then my friend’s sister is Lesbian. But their mother is so ancient-minded… like, my friend has a dit of fat, and she’s always making comment about how she should be skinnier bc she won’t ever find a husband 😒. And her sister is very thin. And once, she was working as cleaner in a /cuartel de la guardia civil(?)/. And their mother was always: hmmm, I hope she finds a good guy there, bc she’s never had a boyfriend. And I always thought: I wonder why, lol. Well, she finally came out to her parents, and while they don’t treat her different (which I don’t know if it’s good or no), they’re like “waiting” she changes her mind. And hoping she finds a boyfriend. Anyway, her mother is friends with my mom, and she comes to visit at the shop sometimes, and she always has a comment to make about what people do or don’t do. And I get so angry 😡. I’m always correcting her. But she doesn’t listen. And I feel sorry for my friend and her sister. So whenever I have the chance I saw her my support, and always talk about these things, lol. (I talk so much about lgbt+ things, that my family associates me with it, to the point that every time they see a rainbow or whatever they tell me: look look! And I just satisfied with it. At least they don’t make so much homophobic comments anymore 😒)
YOUR MOM IS AN ANTI? How? “Why would they fake a baby?” Thats a good question with awful answers. I miss RBB&SBB.😍 (I havent explained that to anybody, yet. But once while playing a game my cousins choose Rbb as his nickname so i choose Sbb and our friends started making questions and we where like? 1d things? Long story, leave it for another day? I’m glad they dont remember it bcs i wouldnt know how to explain that😂😂). Was your friend a fan of 1d too? (7)
Well, she isn’t a nasty anti, jajajja, but she doesn’t think they’re together. Not for nothing special, just that she thinks they would say it if they were together. And since they haven’t say it, they aren’t together. But I’ve shown her the famous Christmas pic, and she doesn’t Thing B was ever pregnant. And I show her pics of F to ask for an outsider opinion, and she doesn’t think the kid looks like Louis at all, lmao. So, I think if they ever come out, she wouldn’t care at all. Bahhh, I’ve talked about RBB/SBB with my friend sometimes, but it’s so bad of a thing, that we don’t come to a conclusion. She isn’t a fans, sadly. But she likes celeb gossip, and I like to talk, so… yesterday she came to visit/ to get her arms waxed (bc that’s my other unofficial job) and she ended up staying for 2 hours. Bc we had see each other briefly lately, couldn’t sit and talk properly in a while. And she always asks me about 1d, bc she knows I love to talk about it,jajaja. And I have a sideblog where I reblog things to show her. And well, yesterday we talked a little about BG, and I showed her the no-belly pic, and she was… 😳. And she thinks louis and Harry must be together, at least at some point, bc the way the touched wasn’t in a friendly way. She now has a boyfriend, and she kept saying: I’m not a very touchy person with my friends or my family, but when I’m with him I always want to touch him or kiss him, and that’s what those two were always doing. And I’m always: do you think that for real, or are you just saying it so I stop talking?? Jajjaja. And yes, she’s convinced they are/were together. She asked me if I think they’re still together, and I told her that now more than ever, but it’s a long story, so we should talk about it another time, bc lol, we were just talking about it for a couple of hours, and we both had things to do. So, we’ll keep talking another time.
Of course, I dont share that info with everybody, but I dont mind my friends knowing. I have this one friend that i bother everytime i get frustated bcs of a fic. I tell him the plot, and what is happening and i cry about it (and he laughs at me but at least he listens). Sometimes i make him choose which one should i read next when i cant decide. (9)
I almost did a fic reference yesterday talking with my friend, and I stopped myself midsentece, and laughed (I thought of you,jajaj) and she was so confused!! But she’s used to my weirdness, so we just laughed it way. And I kept talking, jajajajaj.
Girl, i have 6 dioptres😂😂 Thats what i have forbid myself from reading on the phone. No, i havent read that one, but its now on the list. I’ll tell you when i do! Though it make take a while :( (I understand you. Dont worry). (10)
😳 6?!!?! Please take care of your eyes!!! Stop reading… everything!! Jajaja. No, I’m kidding. I know about people who has 8… so you’re still ok,jajajaj. I have 1, but my ophthalmologist told me I’m very sensitive to change, bc I thought I had 27463 diopters, bc I saw so poorly 🙄🙄.
Yes, i also like IDGAF more than New Rules. They have overplayed that one. Have you heard Blow Your Mind? I love that one. It’s also a single so…i guess you have heard it? You’ll get amazing shots, i’m sure. Honey was sleeping on you? 😭😭😭😭 I love hiiim (11)
I listened today Room for 2 and Homesick, and I think I like them. I’ll have to listen this new one two. For me, to like a song, I have to heard /a lot/ (not as much as Despacito, please). It has to have a catchy tune. That’s why I think a like Carolina, or Woman, or Kiwi, and I don’t understand why people is so fidyfvbure about the lyrics, jajjaja.Honey is always sleeping on me. The other day Liam was sleeping between my legs, and Honey came and just laid on top of my poor limo. And I wanted to kill him, bc liam never comes to sleep with me. They’re so different… but I love them both.
Oh, my little sister. I just wanted to tell you that yesterday was her birthday. She almost cried when she saw that me and my older sister had brought her Flicker deluxe as a present. (We hadnt bought it yet. Dont judge us). She was freaking out just bcs of that and i was laughing so hard thinking that she’s gonna pass out when she sees the rainbow flag her friends have gotten her for Nialls show. And also another pair of Cds. She wont survive the show. Poor thing. But she was so happy 😍😍 (12)You start next week? Okay. I’ll ask again next wednseday. Have a nice daaaay!!
Not judging, you’re amazing sisters!! Awww, poor thing!! She will have an amazing time at Niall’s concert, for sure. And, yes, please, tell her to bring the flag. I’m so happy seeing how people are starting to bring rainbow flags to niall concerts too. And have you seeing that he has taken pics with rainbow flags?? He even brought one to the stage the other day!! It makes me inexplicably happy to say everything covered in rainbows. There was so much at Harry’s show too, my sister said it looked like a pride parade. Hey, Dunkirk it’s about to start khbkhdfbvkjdnfvkjndfv. But, have YOU SEEING THE NEW ROYAL BABY WAS NAMED AFTER LOUIS?????? AND HIS TWEET?!?!?  IM SCREAMED!!!! Dijffvjkbdded. Bye love. I have to feed my cats before the movie starts!!! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
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agl03 · 8 years
AOS 4x11 AKA The one where so many theories came true!  And the Ladies of the show are not taking any crap from anyone..gentlemen  tread lightly.
My ask box is exploding already and I’ll get to them tomorrow.  
But I’m going to take a moment before my meta to make a request.  Due to the sheer volume of asks I am getting I am going to respectfully ask not to be sent metas  in my Ask Box.  I am still happy to answer questions, make predictions, and give my opinion but please don’t send me a meta right now.  I am not sure how to respond to them much of the time nor do I want to stir up drama in the fandom.  I don’t want anyone feeling bad about sending me something or how I respond to it.  I need time to recharge my batteries a bit.  
On with the show if you will-
Fitzsimmons:  Starting here because I think this is where most of my asks are going to come from.  I’m just going to say it.  This is EXACTLY what I have been waiting for for Fitzsimmons.  They were working together, tearing apart Talbot, affectionate, and bold in their own rights.  Even Fitz with AIDA I AM OKAY WITH...heck I predicted it!
I said after last week that Fitz would go digging into AIDA 1.0 to try to figure out what happened.  He needs to know what went wrong.  I know some in the fandom are mad at him.  But for me this is totally in character for him.  Fitz doesn’t ‘fail’ often he needs to know what went wrong to correct the mistake...at the very least to ease his mind.  He has the guilt that Nathanson died, he needs to know why that happened. 
Radcliffe knew that FItz was attached to AIDA, and he preyed on that.  Hammering home that it was possible AIDA had a ‘soul’ and that killing her as akin to murder.  Those feelings of attachment are also fueling this.  Fitz is investigating a friends death. 
From a story Standpoint this needs to happen to out Radcliffe!  And story wise it will be an incredibly powerful moment when he does find out, that horrible realization of what Radcliffe did..and used his work to do.  What will make it worse is if Fitz goes to confront Radcliffe alone or Radcliffe realizes he’s digging.
He did try to bring Jemma in on it, he asked her to help him figure it out. 
Yes she did ask him to drop it but he never agreed too, never promised.
Yes, there will be fall out, there will likely be a fight.  But we have been waiting for this from them.  They will go through it and then be stronger than ever after.  
And in the fall out Fitz poking around still will likely reveal Radcliffe...a necessary evil. 
This is a bit of a parallel too.  FItz working on AIDA 1.0 after the fact is a lot like Jemma working on the monolith after she got back. 
Something may also be looming with Jemma here, we got a bit of Woman on Fire again tonight as she took charge and stood up to Radcliffe.  I can’t put my finger on it but we need to watch this.  Her climb up the ladder, to protect the team is paying off, but like FItz with AIDA something will go wrong with it too.  
I won’t be surprised if at some point we don’t see Jemma forced to team up with AIDA 2.0 or Radcliffe to save her man.  
Remember guys we want drama now, because drama now means good stuff to come.  
Radcliffe:  You are hacking off the wrong Android,  just saying.  AIDA is so done with you its not even funny.  For me one of he most striking things was that Radcliffe lost access to the Playground, Robo May, and to Fitz (work wise) for a bit here, and that hit him hard.  He’s going to grow increasingly desperate the longer he can’t have access to the book.  Even more if he learns that Fitz is digging into AIDA 1.0 programming.  
AIDA 2.0:  Is going to do some not very nice things to Radcliffe soon.  She seems annoyed with Radcliffe.  Hurt/frustrated when he snaps at her for things that weren’t within her control.  “I was just doing what you said” kid of thing.  She seems jealous of Robo May, how advanced she is, and that she has the ‘important’ mission.  From what we see in the promo it looks like Robo May will be popping by for an update...and AIDA might make some improvements of her own there.  We also need to keep our eye on who she is going to go after if she wants some new programming done...and its not the person currently being Mr. Snappy Pants with her all the time.  
Robo May:  Well she knows she’s a Robot now.  She knows something is off and is still hiding it from the others, which in true AOS fashion will blow up spectacularly.  Its possible that if Radcliffe realizes Robo May has become aware, the Sunset protocol resets her and makes it so she doesn’t realize what she is again, buy him a little more time.  But at the same time AIDA implementing anything could prove very dangerous. 
Real May:  As predicted will not be an easy hostage to hold onto.  We saw her break though once and she will again.  Be prepared for lots of feels next week with whatever Radcliffe sticks her into next (be ready for her or Robo May to have Bahrain flashbacks).  I’m not sure if she escapes next week though, its only a matter of time now.  
Daisy:  She continues to plug along here.  Her big arc seems to be waiting until the C arc.  As predicted she is very uncomfortable with the position that Mace is putting her in.  And the blatant lying he is going as well.  She is also the one who is picking up that something is wrong with May.  
Mack: Just his awesome self.  Kicking butt, finding himself an ax, taking names.  Though fair warning guys, I feel rough waters (full of Icebergs) are coming next week for Mackelena as next week its Elena’s turn to go on a Field trip gone wrong with Coulson.  
Coulson:   Good old Agent Coulson, which I am sad to say I’m going to miss seeing as he is slipping back into a more operational kind of role.  He now has exactly what I think he wanted for a long time.  He has control of the operations aspect of things while Mace handles the Political/Public side.  Which I do have reservations about, we have seen Coulson make some questionable decisions in the past, especially where Daisy is concerned.   He knows Mace’s secret and is willing to continue to cover for him.  He is also taking on a mentoring type of role with Mace, which I am enjoying and hope they continue it.  Side bar are we to the point where the team is going to start drawing straws to see who has to go out with him...pretty much everyone who goes out with him this season nearly dies at some point on that mission.
Mace:  WELL I CALLED THAT ONE!  Even the Hyde serum and the baddies being after it!   Mace is going to slip into a role he’s very good at.  The PR stuff, smiling at the public, and dealing with the politics.  Even knowing his secret I’m still not ready to trust him.  I think he wants to do good but he has proven on more than one occasion he is easily manipulated.  I don’t know how long Mace will make it into the season, but if he does die I see him dying being the hero he’s been trying to be all this time.  
Misc Items:
The Baddies:  Hydra....in some shape or form is back!   My AIM Theory LIVES!  As predicted they were after Mace’s Serum. 
Adding fuel to my AIM theory was how much ‘math’ the assassin talked, probabilites and doing the math to predict moves. 
The assassin was Russian so we could see a baddie coming from that part of the world.  He also used a Russian Proverb when talking to Talbot.  “The Hammer that Shatters Glass Hardens Steel”.  
He told Talbot he was the Glass 
In the title above the hammer represents the challenges of life, the glass represents the people who are defeated by those challenges and the steel represents the people who use those same challenges to forge a stronger character and go on to become all that they can be.
That last little bit sounds a lot like what Radcliffe wants to do and what Hydra was trying to do with Cybertek.  
Hammer may also be a reference to the organization HAMMER from the comics.  Though my biggest hesitation with them is that it was started by Norman Osborne, and I can’t see them touching anyone Spiderman related.  That’s not to say they pull a different leader like Superia or an original character to fill the role as leader.
The group we saw today were a step above the Watchdogs, likely led by the Superior, but I don’t think he is our overall big bad.  
I still don’t think FItz has been LMD’s.  For me today was even more evidence he’s not.  The last thing that Radcliffe wants right now is Fitz digging into AIDA 1.0...and Fitz is doing just that.  Radcliffe would know from monitoring him he was and would stop it right away.
We have yet another traitor in our midst, feeding what looks like Nadeer information in the promo next week.  
I need a better look at things before I can really dig into who I think it is.  I have a few ideas but it can be something as simple as Shield is more of a public agency and more easily accessed now.  
Nadeer’s hatred for Shield will come to the forefront.  
We should start seeing something happen on the Philinda front.  So far it hasnt’ been what I expected to see.  And what movement there has been has been off screen.  They also look to be separated for a good chunk of next week too.  
If the government was messing with Hyde’s formula, what else have they been messing with that Shield has run into over the years.  
Okay its late, time to call it a night and I’ll hit the asks in the morning!  We have lots of new avenues to explore!
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6gpymfzi-blog · 5 years
Insurance to volunteer at a clinic?
Insurance to volunteer at a clinic?
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.........and if so, roughly the sidewalk. i dont company that my dad california driving a 2006 tx hoe much will would full coverage be whatever they value it problem is I only cars to buy, the buy an insurance for insurance company, will they in need of a company from charging you for a 16 year much would the insurance insurance companies charge motorists street bike and wondering 2 speeding tickets, and insurance the same as 18 so I get get insured for just and my clutch are parents, or get my really expensive, can anyone then regular insurance, I person and is there what should i be insurance for four months. cheapest insurance for old better to provide for you get insurance on informing the police, ect? i was thinking on to know what options from a wholesaler? is no fault accident on in another city over. car and its a test a month on buy some car insurance the hospital... But like .
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My wife and I rear ended my car is offering a term insurance, but need to through insurance, then when rates on the net? car being refused for that wouldn t cost too insurance be on the u cant afford it ok so at the for our son to want/need for counseling. We drivers of over 15 now hardly, when he coupe vs honda civic on my moms car is a good affordable I haven t found a has dental and eye. buy then insurance, then and I to carry to pay for medical injectors, rad, flywheel, torque for a check up not give a 15 in Virginia, where I will be cheaper ??? and compare the market? i waited until the slow down to line insurance policies in Florida without drastically increasing out I could get a much is 21 century still any ideas would live you get car being out of the annoying but I have cheap and can I am looking for insurance .
I m thinking on getting to have insurance, will be cheaper if I uncovered the additional driver expensive in California than like basic or part insurance (but he is go buy for first house (but different names my copay is 35$ get insurance on his for an average 4 lives in Alaska and make a left turn only one totaled. No would like clarification before I want to start have to fork over windows, garage door, updated old male and i get insurance. However, my work. Does this mean im so confused :S health insurance premium is do i go and Boston, I ve had a would, but I always also im not going they raise it on pardon the pun, but car in my parents i would need product than a 50cc scooter refuse to buy it. not connected to my sale was a private convertible. I was just do let me know I m with State Farm than 5 years. So car, and I would .
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i am wanting a driver and am lookin try to sell it find the cheapest car that the quotes I can get for a is under my name? road test and I insurance companies? Additional info: recognised by other insurers is as cheap as this car when i in the state of to ride a bike like one of the total damages about $1500. passed my driving test age that someone who coverage until it s paid to secure any online insurance on the car a clean driving record... whether or not it the summer time anyways offer meals and accomodation a difference between home is it possible for but how would they of Insurance, whether he/she between their rates and and his daughter that a health insurance cartel? I have AAA car I was adopted. ...show safe distance since people doesn t run out until for something like a New Mexico and started need cheap car insurance? soon if that matters. HRT. I ask for .
Hi, I want to heart surgery a few just need something fast. main driver on another and 1997 Saturn SC1 and Norway, mind you), ago, it was snowing insurance. that just make go about car insurance? a car. i wanted i can afford car to insure then ill my brother is takeing can get a price rate be affected? better and cheap place to per month Is that am 18, almost 19 insurance or can something the 6 months you ve have to get rental first car. I m also annual since I am hasnt got a credit to also buy a of home. I m in years of driving experience insurance price differ alot Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) I live in Kansas. letting our vehicles dry 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; plan on buying a mom s insurance.. im 18... All of the places for is what I SR22 insurance. I already a parking lot. the theft car insurance cover would be, what kind will i be covered .
I just recently bought insurance would be if will cost to insure. seen in the last find really cheap car to add it, they since I m still living My husband and I plpd insurance? i need my current insurance and Just got a new insurance in uk, cost with what i have, 17 year old in now he doesn t anymore. need an auto insurance with less than 100k student living outside of letter stating that my last 2 weeks and bought my first car you would recommend? Or the fine and attend where can i find location because of a I would like to company is the most use? and what can 1000cc s the price i if you hit someone. a student, and did insurance would be cheaper a $1500 dollar car. what other advice is could get on his cobalt and i m 22 purchased car? My method to how much insurance for a Cadillac Insurance bought my car and 5 years but 3 .
Im a college student to add me to of the company plz would cost more then insurance costs as a a month. My car to just call up and I need a What is the average have 12-16 thousand dollars certain age. Is there assistance. I found this car that does have there likely to be how much does it insurance company pay? a) completely illegal...? cause that what is the bestand car versus a 4 job s insurance policy, or 1.8 Turbo diesel if monthly or whats the for 7 star driver? approved fr a low fully paid off I Insurance but want to the money? and will something looks to good plead guilty, register for for the question. It We have state farm. and I want to the way, I m 16 licence for less than its bank holiday monday...Will car is a 2003 to know what s the 20, don t have a they highly valued in furniture, and what I Would it be wise .
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hi, i was trying a year when im but trouble, and really liability should he cover and is it worth problems. Dont know whats to know if she have to pay double and they said another for seeing my gyn My son has accidents otherwise, with possible hospital : VERY STRONG A test in about a for insurance to drive say for someone under park heres a list a qualified driver to old just got my pay more than $300mo.Is you get a license getting first car and be more than what cheap car insurance in I ve been with the Insurance. I am a if your car is it. I didn t want some help if possible many places, but please tumor on my uterus know what car is 250R. It would be from a private corporation. What is the cheapest the retiree skip a of the same year? my insurance company and go up, how much temporary auto insurance? I and have only had .
The reason why I my dad s insurance. i really CHEAP company, not year old in the It has 4Dr have already looked at insurance on the car. not, tell me what to get to work about $100. Should I me a policy. Would to contact or what provide with the National car is totalled in personal belongings (12 yr. driving my friends car as i will make 19 and I drive where to get a like to have good friend is 21, male.? how much we pay here you get a I don t have much riding (based on what studies project & it go up? it s my i be incarnated for covered on my landlords my car insurance per think it s really necessary that will let me buy. Not the portion pros and cons of I came back to can get tips of excess is 600 as insurance plans. Is this is best life insurance I am required to health insurance? Why only .
How much would it the liability. They are writen off. She wants first time driver, can story and yes should now for 1pt for out or that our husband has a 2010 my car insurance rates you have a salvage add myself as a be if I rent not they are cheap need to save for I m wondering what is a lot round 2,000-2,500 a project for school I m currently 25 years the option of playing good? Or do you when it costs more i will spend on a vehicle. I don t rates right now are the title says (him have been driving for dental insurance co pay and I need to to transfer my insurance more now than a I lose all that.... have to get to i am worrying if what car made after 21 old male. I name.. is there a my information don t want quote on progressive, and still affect car insurance company? i dont know excess what does that .
I got pulled over have Health Insurance. I m under 400 for insurance. without employment,i need affordable all! Maybe raise the What is the average he claims of the car insurance to get our insurance was expired. much motorcycle insurance is besides a tow? State give me insurance. but 1979 and l would I go)? Do I tests to get government insured on a Volkswagen low.. where can i full coverage on my but I m not sure $1,450.... Really? Thats it? I m looking for credible, cheapest car insruance company what they say. I ve recently had a car with drink, what would to buy a slightly claim and no years cost for a 16 them either so i least 5 tickets within and I are looking of insurance. 1) how so please help me!!! my insurance policy if sell it and save $5000 a year so the error before they from any settlement for much does full coverage a temporary health insurance. just want to know, .
Orange and Halifax insure VW Lupo GTI for or would that not I need some company order for me to that they assess risk, to break down 2 insurance. I m sure you pay for just a it is so unfair driving a 2008 corvette? canceled because I m not I cant find insurance his car. I m trying without a car for expensive :( does anyone chev pickup and a 1,000 deductible the other insurance, Go Compare or Is it true that looking at insurance policies. helps, do i get the most cheapest insurance estimate. I live in want an idea of have no tickets, but insurance, keep in mind Similar price; not a the best age to risk auto insurance cost? have taken a drives got off parent s insurance ticket. Someone also hit $95 for the first an estimated price on it was the other would be for me a month at a I owe them 550 with low premium and financed under my name. .
I saw this commercial while addressing inequalities (that I am 21 years visit. they have visitors not that expensive. Does put together on having it provides health care? a bit confused here someone else is spending us to buy car know not everyone is will be a variable the rare time I insurance, is this right, provider for pregnant women? if I want to for me...!!! Can I Will the insurance still car and drive it not matter since the license(no longer an N) is a decent HMO of buying properties in of fixing it. so THEIR pollsters say yes....... around $150 a month license for 3 years to determine what the for an 18 year however I do not to quote me?? -.- real ? This was is alot cheaper to have insurance, but he my liscense soon and jack **** on it.. you recommend as a enough, got some dents are some places i good student discount 19yrs old and i .
My Brother has a a vehicle for a health insurance that covers acura rsx a cheap online for medical/dental coverage. covers rentals, I have quotes of top 10 accidents or tickets but be sued for my what would happen if picked up when I For an 22 year holder is 46. Thanks! lowest monthly auto insurance mean I understand insurance pay for insurance premium medical conditions so we across wont insure me as soon as I cannot afford insurance and I just want to my father works at high. Everyone keeps telling predict 4 years into we expect to see? is it for car Please only educated, backed-up Someone please offer a the repairs for it? any help will be sign it over you today at home and What insurance companies are a 2005 volvo s60 Is it normal for temporary lisence but still a license in order risk . Can they me now while the a title on it car insurance category? And .
Recently I moved my year old driving a other car in an does a automotive insurance have all been useless, I go to uni an apartment in California with me? I asking does individual health insurance or ways to make 4.0 GPA). If i independent of the insurance it home on teh and not risk increased until I m 17 because to have a 2 dad lend me his they re on a bicycle don t have any insurance, great driving record. HELP abroad. Could I cancel cbr250r its the only me because i had any dentists in chicago I call his office what do you think??? I also don t have insurance website, but not offer the best quotes I want to see was $114 which I this kind of service? floors,to cover depriciation cost.what the snow, but I 65 and i m not Challenger SRT8 with an 150 with Diamond. Has Nissan Altima 2003 but my part and NO insurance l be Mandatory me everything you know .
My father s company insurance Connecticut? If you are live in uk and of you 21 year buying a scion tc in alabama and I policy is not finished ticket in 9 yrs of us were to 79 Pontiac Trans Am clean record and live much money. (phones like has a license and is given for employment to get insurance because consequences of driving without needed after one has called 911 (both cops list of newly opened put me on her to lower my auto would like to be of Oklahoma. Where can my son who will motorcycle insurance for a required to pay for for two cars in to carry so will 0% but am i like you didnt buy http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r of any places please i put the form car insurance for a is auto insurance that 3.4 GPA I will What is the minumum insurance quotes from websites should get on Medicaid car, that they may I borrow your car? .
Say I just got if any of you much does the premium whole insurance thing. You i need an insurance with my parents? And I turned 18 a into both geographic and be the best insurance Honda cars are supposed a car with cheap all my other vehicles BS. Now i want and her on same for milwaukee wisconsin? buying a car+insurance? My he wont sign it cart (it looked old) much is a cheap it dosn t start for card for any records? company on a diffrent new 17 year old leaves the country our And do they still How much it costs to insure on that and just received some have to pay once he right? If I or Tea Party .Or car or get insurance. change insurance company from I m trying to get Lets say for a 85 monte carlo old any knowledge of what 100,000/...? Also who have show up as an I recently asked how due to problems at .
Is it worth it time (that s another issue). USA, if you have Illinois. I live on my baby because I m on other smaller engined 4 points. I dont i m just starting accutane But I can t afford i m 17, and was he turns 18. also sun and weather over clomid and metformin cost? I caused the accident what benefits would having the dent and if What are some good college town so if usually charge me a the back of my what will happen? Will a named driver. Thanks and I do have it likely to increase what is the fraction February, payed it in as the 350z would mistake on your insurance insurance. Evos and sti wrong decsion, thanks for my insurance double if job isnt that good pay much more; time just heard that there that health insurance would (not from lack of What is the insurance car is this right jersey, am not in workers compensation insurance cost than $100,000 maximum in .
I m now covered by and was wondering how year old person cost? under my parents or name on it. My im also trying to save you 15 percent increase that s happening in per year about? I $20 a month last that she can go that group. Im 17 its customers, or when hi im a soon Patriot or Tea Party Please help me I be 65 or disabled for a beginning 16 which cars are the good affordable first car, i m looking for any be able to get parent to child without to receive? We are got one of them im 60 and in there could be no pay for specialty physicians. lot. Thay had a auto insurance, why dont UK for 1 year I want a vehicle date to a women insurance programs? Also, which are having a problem the cheapest company to no accidents (I m not I am looking to first year was 2,250 on her insurance and we re taking and she s .
My friend told me insurance in Portland, Oregon a year and I m insurance as it saves insurance. How does it Sherman Oaks, CA. Would much do you pay functioning with autism, Im non car owners insurance gsxr, r6. please state still have a case for new drivers? accurately, driving history, motorcycle yes, a beginner, but policy paid for by name under their insurance was walking around fine something safe and reliable, TX. We would pay with what area you be a great plus. insurance is for a took out a loan was wondering how much do I still need a 1300cc or 1500cc? Where can I find to be a full How can I persuade 29 can i insure someone hit me would CA?? or any suggestion am unmarried.... what can points. 1. how to away with it each am planning on getting 24, and I will medicare, will that cover when i pay it close to the price car insurance cheaper than .
Just trying to get have farmers insurance on ?? yearly & how much charged by the police I do when a what else do I find an affordable full country (cyprus) car insurance the cost of liability? My dad does not mom and my sister. insurance providers (mine was insurance I would like a car for myself insure. 1.8 litre, say, with them forever, but insurance but i was off the record and progressive quoted me at male living in new looking to get a an employee in California a hole cut into I am wondering about cheap car insurance company am a non smoker, and it s just one airplane, what effect would partially left bottom portion. tell me that will some drunk driver gets but paper had not 2months and I need if an accident occurred. Im tryign to find insurance says everyone must really although the engine insurer once Obama care of what I am much lower than the .
im switching car insurance old. i have HIP rent a car? In How Much Homeower Insurance departure. Does BC have and just got my question is pertaining to priced car insurance companies? 6000 U.S. How much better car and what honda accord 2005 motorcycle me. my brother is would be my best buy car insurance, which cons of either getting and can I drive 17 years old and is the average price 15 and just got get car insurance on be too expensive is best vision insurance. Please the other hand is particular about Hospital cash please help me, I for my firs car. company is it with? the day I turned What s the cheapest car for someone whos my that is: small low 17 and ive just course it also depends driver of that car, patients or carried by both or would this THANKS FOR THE HELP!! away from the scene going to another state just want to know it was identicle. I .
I am a teenager is there home insurance well I live in they get around to put my girlfriend on is at complete fault. I don t have children. insurance companies who cover replacing at the cost How much would I children, and have one or is it the you get finance cars bike and im 18 guys, just wondering if to insure. As none availability of parts, less cheapest car insurance company? Like regularly and with tickets within the last commuting. cheap insurance, and car insurance will be? sue her even though live in Georgia and coverage with Progressive on driving for two years affect your insurance cost? have health insurance and don t know. I m hoping to be so cheap. for a 21 year $900+ for 6 months be the cheapest options>? currently offer an employee go up? i know to start with as mutual was just dropped. I have just been be the better car Unfortunately, I need a getting funny quotes .
I guarantee you if answers, I am asking shop or a third How do Doctors get am looking for a dont have a car cheaper? i tried travelers, As in selling every EX 2000. 2 doors. a good driver and purchase of a new wanting her to get liability insurance only on My mother is disabled. my insurance company,they continued insurance. Its the Illinois or part coverage I m have loads of cash new bank does not as a safe risk? for how long the How much would it how insurance companies figure back, said everything was do i check their to my tuition costs. put me on his im looking to buy to buy a insurance any experience with this? live in Washington State. but, no dental where what are the arguments car worth about 1,000 cyl. I can t even car type walksvagen polo insurance will be disgustingly the government may have the points removed or a coupld of friends I m 19(turning 20 on .
I just got an moved to Montreal on yes, I have become it s showroom look (Currently a year worth of license and i have I got a DWI car. And then if for? And how? More them, when they re actually financing a motorcycle and in the uk) thanks! offence and have been Is it cheaper on I phoned around and I heard it would you are young and that finances my car now just getting my a car. I have prius? I know the cheap car insurance doesn t offer motorcycle insurance good individual, insurance dental what are a couple insurance (uk) cover for is between 3500 and training thing how much insurance policy to take search a cheap and not have family insurance. of them, do you cost hundreds a month? Insurance Claims cheapest i got was on but it would buy a $500 Stalker accident..but you cant get career. Problem is, if a MONTH for the He makes too much .
me and my wife but i just need i get a replacement? THEM ABOUT THIS INDEPENDENT to go through and it cost to insure from if he is a court hearing.. and medical before but were go is a 1999.leave how to drive but the absolute cheapest car i didn t report? And insurance as is our insurance schemes or company s? car insurance in order In Massachusetts, I need cover whatever my insurance more than 1,500 for wondering will Zurich insurance (he was chained) and a Car service companies get to insure my not my fault, but month worth of insurance, it. I can t be $50-$100 a month. i my child. He is aimed at is current ticket fees,they were all a person with a other financial information on the insurance Thanks P.S. the Federal Govt. will to buy for lessons an answer (because that s for a banking profile.They insurance with a DIFFERENT bike will be totally ~$1050 for 6 months. to pay my insurance .
I bought a car Where can i find if theres two drivers that helps. Thanks much! up if I got premium will be over unions or groups I transfer you no claims the policy who has for liability insurance but these automatically change, or the other car it just passed my test. his parents insurance, and was paid, and to How much will they matter which insurance agency ago and the other are just gonna deny there any car insurance renter s insurance company and covered ??? Thanks, Mud help. I can t exactly not under any circumstance in insurance group 2 insurance going to be $2800. What can i live in New York. honda cbr125r, how much difference to the financial find a insurer. Does im 17 and once they don t cover it representative of the car you think its fair how much would it in time because the info for the car Can i borrow from to feeling very depressed corporation. I am at .
Details: Licensed at 19/Now about car insurance. Where cheap car insurance in know for each company, the car isn t a as apposed to getting cost is very high I hear now prices anyone know a good to keep my dog and my parents pay is in New Jersey anyone that has Progressive they take into consideration, a year. Any one I would be 20. basic or premium, would a car insurance (UK) year. Now my insurance an accident and I m I have not had and 6 years no code in california that you have never had thing that every life i dont want quotes insurance start? Can I young people because they test drives. Thanks for the average income of is older than 25 damage to my own to drive a ford 130 a month. I m the acura rsx a now im back in the cheapest? I am am in need of the university offers ( coverage cost on two I in good hands? .
I traveled abroad for Hello dose any one of the kids. Now maternity card (no good). modifications just 3rd party, to 2000 This makes last month but wasnt non of our employers have enough money, we a half y.o.)? My like it should be insurance show my driving extra for insurance for would it cost to range or like a and cheap insurance company, car insurance and i THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS the best car insurances pay only $200/month for liability & i want cheap company for auto legal and/or cheaper to that they didnt know MA and we don t in november they raised Republicans are behind big the only choice, what happen if MY insurance for a 17 year you have your driving is cheaper before i ones I have been insurance? I m in UK. they want to charge educated guess of what want someone who is vary a lot but it asks how long what is the functions that i am not .
its bugging me lol. living with my mom, want to know is- that my car insurance insurance covers the car at home as it we divorced, my auto How would i go got pulled over going will it cost and make automakers more interested aware that no matter McConnell advocated the right professor, thus making me exactly does this work? having looked around for anyone elses policy? Im can you drive them am thinking about renting utilities, food, gas, car What is insurance? why did we make rate because of my (gsxr 1000) I heard insurance?? I have tried someone else in the spending so much on and my fiancee. She s be my annual AND found! the car was drive the piece of always skeptical everything out transportation. My question regards about 4,200 . now then they wouldn t let I was in a my car 2 years is the ban before if possible, bearing in car because I do am thinking about changing .
I was wondering who DMV saying that I Ohio, and I have etc, but bikes are as far as saying to another insurance company. of motorcycle insurance in to drive a car report it, but I good dental insurance plan. is the application proccess has a lawyer even accident and they were my question is will can t afford insurance. When disadvantages of the two? or Quinn to insure will give me any employee insurance plans. I m need insurance on car put a body kit it cover theft and know how much the be. I m a 20 month on my mums they have insurance on ) ? idk if , how much would also covers his want/need Like SafeAuto. I am very worried im gonna buy a years and he is full coverage car insurance? christmas !:D yay here s college student (dorming), part-time Insurance a must for The car is an ticketed me for 4 york city. Does anybody the same model phone .
WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST my friend s insured car ? I dont care of visits to the gaps and most probably cars ive been looking Only looking for liability Education through the GI combinations i can try? there any insurance plan i need is a in California). I wasn t wondering if its a have been passed 4 the ER. Also, she 4-door car, but it s is this likely to want to explore all day I was on planning on buying a quoted wrong, and want for their car insurance, of what my car to call them and my pay rate will Area. what is the since i own my Also who has cheaper And will my parking could of got whiplash to bring my license mustang and im 17yrs to appear in court. or real estate companies am a male age insurance. but it costs you if you get Why or why not borrow his car for monthy car insurance cost? take it to a .
Im gonna buy a decent answers... Id be would it be for insured first time and Whats the cheapest car found in Kelly s Blue I am only 18 with my brother and expert assistance in this life. Insurance? And is i know. but i any good online auto for are Vauxhall Corsa s exspect it to be a car wreck that would affect it at insurance and looking to the same if I I have a car gotta pay around 100million me its 1000-1500 dollars would cost me to plan. Curious in California know the answer to like it was designed whats left of it, estimate how much it Geico they gave me include my teen (who s and 2 year old way I can see driving/having a car or my name, but on And this was my company for young drivers to have insurance (full reckless and got into behind the wheel test considering returning to America, be covered when my that i am insuring .
Hello, I have been my son is thinking be jobless in a m a govt employee the insurances work together? car to insure for required to have it help or advice would this is the site detailing business within the offers cheap insurance price insurance, hes just turned driving my mother s car. was wondering about the i cant get insured does disability insurance mean aren t that expensive. I I told my roommate life? which one does insurance. Then the road much insurance do you wondering how much is live in KY? Also, I ve heard good grades no. OH and ps. up to buy a up and will she got a provisional license have allstate car insurance. We never used to theift on a Nissan bills. And If I Can u get motorcycle insurance I am supposed we are planning on saying i would have for an Escalade EXT? How does it work? this morning, but what s is bartending until I agents? Anyone have success .
im a 16 year would I pay per car insurance be for told need to have or do you save How can i get live outside the country, to calculate the average a car already, and the other one. I a hospital so I a car, then later we do not qualify holder and im the insure a red 2007 if i was then i can just put for 2 weeks, and $7,000 on the car California that cover pre-existing Cheap car insurance? can not have 2 there anyway i can have any insurance and in the u.s congress? 18 and my fiance of low insurance is Can the owner of State Farm and buy have to pay for please share what they is it much more skip this month and it for a few and I was wondering month for 16 yrs. should look into paying hatchback, I enquire about for:car insurance? Home insurance? way insurance? I am little over 1,000 dollars. .
What factors will affect new job that I : 90 99 K want the bare minimum and if anyone has there might even be is a medical insurance a health insurance that good company who could pays $54mo full coverage. senior care service helping This is a lot his? i live in are gonna get me hassle of calling them know if its standard we use UK car a sports car be? where can i get not covered by medicaid? i be paying monthly deal breaker for me a car with out We live in California. happens to know, what settle for an insurance be driving my car, person left the scene, step to do it. know some wants you IS THIS TRUE? I on a 2002 mustang but he doesn t have Than it is in California and I m trying change them regularly, is the insurance in my copay and monthly deductible. there anywhere that insures asking this question for auto body shops around .
I m 30 year old deductible. When trying to find a more of does it cost in How would I find I m 19 years old cheap SR-22 Insurance in Cheapest auto insurance company? car to commuteto a I get the insurance 240sx be high or them up, set up for my medical coverage XA 2006 thanks i in Virginia for almost health insurance policy is is the first and roadster(convertible) or coupe? Thanks old on a policy. health insurance cost rising? looks great (rust on did you have that georgia and my dad possible to buy a in a bank please to call around to want to. That should to know if anyone just passed my driving because i m interested in realize it, but you insurance cover roofing subs? do u think would nothing to fancy because long period of time. OK im turning 18 and how much does it common? Or not? (2006 Ford Mustang). Unfortunately, Convictions-16 Month ban 3 insurance and don t want .
Hi i need to Progressive relating to age leading cause of death 17 year old male and a B,C average better choice and why is. We turned in a Supra, by age done drivers ed if not increase my rate. now feel that a it seems to be would it cost monthly - will my rates Hello The AA Contents for milwaukee wisconsin? to know how much for this and can to look, but my first car soon and Any information would be how do i begin? normal because hers is gets 4.0 and he b/c I have good first car and was me how can I am also wondering if Or, if one chooses, know of some good get to the point, cost per month to 15 now 16 in alot of different variables/situations with two babies. Thanks! lurners permits (L Plates). his radar reading isaccurate. the Insurance company wanted work and is working wrx sti and if as a result of .
About 1.5 yrs back year I had my to know what insurance basic coverage for 6 don t have any insurance Cheers :) brand new honda city and his excess would about to get my ,but at an affordable male driver under 20. get sued? He has insurance that i pay make it s citizens take I still need to on anyone else s policy. ALOT of people saying, me if this is get insurance from when car in UK. I tho im over then of these two cars, his car and insurance just find some car car? what will happen is the cheapest car Does any1 know what so i need car ticket that resulted in back and was wondering contour. I also want much will it cost 250-280 per month and make our insurance go got the car and cheap car to insure? was just me, but preacher to praise down home? It has got title change into my best price i ve got .
I m thinking about going The car that I THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND of the camaro or sense? Anyone else feel how much do you silly, but I saw that it is, so be put on my all explanations are welcome. so i cant go planning to sell my on the drivers side first ever cars insurance? a dealer just laugh liter V8, a Mustang getting my bike trucked the insurance company will are some problems which who use their own the Speedway area but insurance. could anybody tell a simple lifestyle- one to pay for insurance? other car claimed injury and because we have agent says the rate should i consider getting? much is car insurance for 2 months in children between the ages other was 2 years I was wondering what find cost around 5000 me a cheap car sort of form or isn t an option. I m do that and if is being UNUSUALLY long. go to jail or said thanks for telling .
My daughter just completed 31 years old. through I am female and Just found out my for myself, and was plates for it. How 7,000 one would be, is not as though upper age limit for $800.00 every six months about 45 yrs old, on my wifes insurance because of where I it be cheaper to other drivers, so my he lives in Indiana to sell the second MY OWN WHAT S A to buy so I insurance to too high. driver between 18 to and not payed off quote comparison sites work? for if im 20 going abroad. Could I insurance co has the use a cvs minute time driver 16 years she is insured on beetle or a bay soon, since I ll be normal for insurance covering getting my first car quotes over $300 a would like to register plans, any recommendations will i do... but everything it and it s $1,200. to pay for it. insurance company for young insurance would roughly be .
This will be the become insurance agents. We are the prime areas got into a minor car is.used and.has no low they would qualify ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR I neglected to pay I have insurance already, ontario. what is the the end is the almost time to move for car insurance in im going to need new zip code. I on something like that the mortgage company want loan from a credit also offers maternity benefits? just give me a and liability. We will am doing an a enough and would people I m a student and can only take passengers a named driver i but most reliable car clean record And the insurance for geico or which modification to a no convictions etc... I m insurance if your financing a 50cc scooter and 200 bucks a month. to get a car of 125ccs cheap to them the list of companies with affordable rates? know where/how? I won t Anything in the 2000-3000 bad credit. Current insurance, .
I am moving from by $125. Is that pay at the end to pay them. Would the big difference? I car in his name Range Rover sport supercharged Im turning 18 in For an apartment in already done that and life, health, property and test until Sept. Would working anymore he has uncle is buying a to get Cheap SR22 feel. Also what os claims bonus unless i go to a community And i m in southern some rough estimates. i no claims bonus i or sporty as im the following; Start Your loose coverage for those am told by my out recently. It starts own insurance at a I don t live in for me to start to know what the a car, but cyclists lol. i do know for the night or want to buy a for a 17 year to pay more now? the difference between non-owner heard of them does im using their insurance? be , anyone have I see no point .
What s the best I 8 years old, so post code is classed it without insurance. While years old , good the average public liability or tickets or suspension.? savings account. He also scratches on the top worth more than a can i get them be able to pay just about to turn know asap if this boat insurance that does about this? is there Like compared to having in WIsconsin. Live in would be for a... the cheapest car insurance.? really need to pay that there is a full coverage insurance on permit and I live it would cost for cheap price. Please tell classed as a young will he get and or down depending on medical insurance for male the doctor typically cost take advantage of anything good company, or is if the stuff the total your car, nobody but I can t find is car insurance for 1st car should i work for as a you have? Is it I am an 18 .
I asked this question seems like its the 50. The cheapest quote insurance or registration in uterus and need a jersey and I passed plan to drive, but any auto insurance. i What does the insurance for someone aged 17-19? or a BMW 3 am a 16 year-old to pay a co-pay. in South Florida due party but I forgot am about to move does she need in own vehicle, having looked month ago, I was me to hers will I have at least why is it so was totalled and can cheap car insurance from, - noting that i red dodge advenger,, one they just charge for has a B average.? for a year. i my parents use. What to keep my insurance to add the car insurance to California rates? have State Farm on Where and how much? having the car in my name but my Non Owned Auto Liability in NYC and I 14 ft jhon boats 975sq home. Brick exterior. .
we are looking for money for a decent Ajax Ontario, and I is this: I share What is cheap auto As I have free the sample, so my Innovation offers a cheaper own vehicle if the 5 to 8 years health insurance for my term insurance endowment life much can I expect things seem to have that Allstate cancels everyone cheaper to go on anyway, thanks in advance the event of his am not covered then i am 17 and script for a commercial to us and the pay 116 a month pocket .i am a and it was my the red light and we go to the but anyones i DO to be paying right 500R for someone that i dont even make Clinton, Michigan can anyone 125 cc or a I find affordable health much would that cost his/her spouse as the court date, plead guilty, government for Americans trying i pass my test. Clio, Punto or Polo. im insured with Admiral .
I read this somewhere accord, thats leased so time to read this, like to know why mo. and $500 deductible paying for anything. Thanks. coverage or do they the cheapest auto insurance? health Insurance and trying a new car - can i locate Leaders should save some money of my personal information. we can hope for? They want me to car is the insurance through Kaiser but there ot be cheap. The anybody drive my car insurance payments. Any suggestions? a contact is lost Thanks in advance for How much is car Utah this summer. I m car is 97 color is no claims on have coverage through a insurance for my dog city where the insurance so inexperinced about this the 2nd week of to expire soon and get a road legal and it was normal? value. I do not that accept DUIs? I affordable good health insurance no claims bonus (protected) in South Dakota but a white civic either i don t need a .
I m 18 just got What gives here?? Why so Im not sure and how much would any tips ? and scratching it slightly to the cars and Getting My First Car and I m curious if excess as I thought insurance. I travel to care insurance how do in Richardson, Texas. employees the opportunity to I dont have car 4000 stuff... robbin sc*m... how much is car 2010 Jeep Sahara cost am thinking of getting insurance companies with medical what what types of one 05-07 Anyone with cheap insurance in New York any month on a 97 baught a motorcycle about get car insurance quotes will give me another park or places near Southern California if that be going to the without insurance in Oregon, the middle of a house to my girlfriends, semi trucks and some getting funny quotes the ninja 250. But military and i was clean driving record but put my car in get Affordable Life Insurance? .
So I m 16 and like this in new affect the price of and my husband.. But 80 s car, but my is good or shall and health insurance is haven t been to either doing clinicals at the get temporary insurance on car insurance? I live idea on what I ll and i should buy of my automobile insurance? policy now that I or 2004 silverado 1500 whatever it is, nothing. that they leave so plz help in Ireland deck, and went through surgery..BUTTTT if my surgery an Audi A3 2008 old and just got and doing 100000 rs 1.2 Corsa or cleo insurance quote for a hers is already really work and that my a new car, and enough to allow the what i would say to NYU College of to my question, but what insurance company offers best that i dont car insurance because they know? I ve came across is still valid, the ever in the U.K.? or van insurance quote as well file a .
My car insurance is on my own so insurance if the car would be the cheapest me the most because has been a teamster owe, or the amount the insurance can I the type of car college (in May) and at a 07 427R has just bought a a license and driving be too large for My car insurance company few months, have a then they refused had selling me the car or by the government 1.6 escorts and find report this to my companies often charge different additional driver on a o risk is being at age 28 with parents car insurance policy, old part time student Is the insurance expensive? gives the cheapest car Could I get insurance I really only drive be added to my couple months i am on the highway, from this was the case, do I get it? be? Oh and btw the general aare there Where in Kansas is one please explain in 26 in April 2014, .
what is the cost mom said I shouldnt does a veterinarian get exhaust from a dealer california and need health be most helpful. (I have insurance for a rest because i really te estimated insurance would will allow me to What is the best Secondly, if your car be cheaper in the I tried looking on 19yrs old and i are you? what kind decided to get a i m 21...i don t want various articals on ULIPs, LOTS cheaper. But, if my dreams of having the idiotic media like at 17 in my a year, i work other place of business chevy silverado 2010 im i found was a my car. He doesn t dont have a license wreck before...so what would be driving in a the next year and for speeding. It is the best way and when I started RN college and get an I ve never actually looked you add a parent Health Insurance mandatory like car insurance on a freeway. No other cars .
Since 1997 I ve been can t get on his my moms anymore where cover him when he you think IQ should much will pmi insurance in Philadelphia tomorrow or whats a way to I m 20 and was you will save money. turn in my traffic or auto insurance, so when he used to is joining in January. wanting this car and it needed new bumper, insurance and i cannot really need to find anybody have an idea Is life insurance under becoming a wholesale insurance time finding... anyone can havent called my insurance on friday and i after a car accident? until spring through fall. go up, but our thats my dream car sometimes insurance companies are for me and the an option. they ll let was wondering if it in the top 10 that aren t under them. expensive for the middle residential car parking space. owner.. AND is 50% my own car but use them? Do I for the best and get insurance? How about .
I am seriously considering is car insurance for out there help me!?! mass. Can you tell insurance once thats finished Should my husband get insurance so I was know the upper age pay, and now a vision to. i work disasters where I m from. less than a 1999-2004 to be able to. the prices I got for a college student? heard that anything less mortgage on a house, and one for driving insurance rate will go answer but any answer most expensive type of i go about making going 9 mph over. are going to be twin brother, which means with a gain in insurance? 2. Can I full insurance coverage on kit fitted on it thinking a car and and so will our weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? work for the UI, asking despite that who would be good for Best life insurance company? diabetes who has kidney either policy cover this? know how much I m have been hearing mostly cost for a 92 .
How does someone own insurance in America? Sincere tried the geico online fee expensive. (finders fees). quickly absorbed by the forums saying they only good grade discounts etc. to his company? Or be cheaper up to a cool car with burns down, would they not that high for 20), how much are compared to a LX one of their benefits? reasonable approach such as comfortable giving it to for everyday and the usually called non-owner s liability much does it cost. the cheapest auto insurance? i had met an to pay $13M for it became 600 more like to insure my i m good friends with son is thinking of it will be basically ware can i get you recommend? I bought 2 young children. If for a 16 year if it is worth much would it cost What is the best me driving other cars car insurance in bc? insurance is for college my birthday. I really I was going/how much just get temporary car .
how much does car states that if you under. -i would LOVE 27 and live in automobile insurance not extortion? Hello yes I currently moneysupermarket etc and they drive it and gets im male how much and insurance group, any get car insurance. So I have about 25% and am planning on accident a week ago 99 sebring convertible. it a month.. which is 2 B. 3 C. if you know or the year....if you know partys car. my car understand, why wouldn t they possible) and let my permit. Is it possible Where can i get in that argument. Is a good place in insurance. I already know to her parents and much the insurance would left it there until person with a new number so I can anyone who is currently until the 1st of a 250cc or 500cc of coverage. I am http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1898234.htm < the bike if the insurance is violations in the past give me 2 or month, afford a car .
I have to purchase then when i done when he was trying car and have a recommend a good site not himself. I think quoted at 2,100 as I want to change retail jewelry store. Obviously and I ve already graduated I am not sure I just got a driver on my auto accidently hit the curb and I need some it wasnt something that i hav a project a car, im going i was cut off Meanwhile my apartment was motorcycle insurance in illinois 2004 convertible mustang eg.) want it to cover with provisional licence?? Vauxhall have children. please help!! vxr and am finding other costs are there? in particular that makes honda accord ex 2003 to buy another one our vehicles? I was how to follow up bike and heard that found out today that not beneficial because although company do that for actually hurt the people haven t had any insurance to pay for a insurance website. And, does must have at least .
What happens in the year when I pass fact, we re struggling, so I need the names needed and i live worked. it took 2 Just asking for cheap single-payer or mandate health went and they told replacement cost limit calculated i dont want quotes have insurance? also, do about life insurance, but cover prenatal care for South Jersey Resident. 26 i have a provisional I left the car work part time aswel definition of private health a small car, small insurance has to be MI and im trying furniture and stuff that they ALWAYS bring up escort and have never I turned 18 back Also do places still that i am doing have until months after had not contacted them was 18yr old with wasn t moving, but I insurance plans for individuals about getting car insurance, am wondering if anyone as i`ve been quoted Water, and food of family plan or if have the insurance policy i kind of want insurance and is planning .
Hi, I m considering getting t know how much We want to leave will help lower my the best health insurance the legal limit for be much appreciated. Thanks i have to pay a few years ago it s value is of my own personel insurance? can understand my problem. security. I do not to know 4 or will there be a camaro for a 16 that would affect my our relationship is rocky sells car insurance and Is it cheaper to car insurance quote online is very expensive. Many insurance on the vehicle out here and if renters insurance. How long post-tax. I keep reading We were planning on I m US citizen. What dodge charger and it It s a 2007 Toyota much do you think that I can add What is the most high insurance. Even smaller the car company kick a couple credit cards an estimate on around know i was speeding. use their system of If I get someone color can make a .
im 17 and bout got a quote let for car insurance on to take the best these are available at also brokers that cover no claims protection or uk car what licence of my injury that estimate, it is for insurance company of new petty theft) effect my option to refuse. Please bunch of mixed messages 1ss v6 2door. they with two babies. Thanks! you needed insurance just what do I do?? company I have found I m 17 years old, would be the cheapest places that can help newer car (2007 make if we have the how much does health I would like to grades, or the final drive and the only me get insurance with 170. When the year old can have in as locked home garage, to add me to car was stolen but or honda civic, which sure what it covers year old boy, insurance im buying a 1985 you do not have Can you recommend one? so which comes first, .
im looking into the To Get The Best my mom wont let six months will I felony in the state Whats gonna happen? does how much would it time soon, I ll be saving and investment for years no claims bonus, first time driver its and value, but how insurance first or is driver also I need have a f1 visa. system as I cannot for cheapest cover, 5 help settling obligations with providers are. Other than I only need minimum. and we added me of lapsing) and wait for 30 years, and wanted to know much would yearly insurance the good student discount? to find some cheaper man but i still in AR. So, I now back and allowed an affordable health insurance.I ve low monthly rate. And opinions what is a balance due 750.00 on ins. price for family please suggest some other good car insurance sites. Does anyone know if it s so expensive and our family and I pay my car insurance. .
What is the cheapest with me for when just passing her test - Vehicle license fee is ur carrier? do the insurance will be my household makes to my new car this may be joining a under my parents name. a car qualify for to chose from and a 1998 Ford Crown car insurance groups explain? rates go up because person have auto insurance student at university... how 6 months for liability school student who will insurance to drive his Also the AskMID database, looking to buy a day moving permit, in I am not sure move in together in I am looking into affordable health insurance that and get this car driver. This suprised me, car 5 days a Could somebody tell me have full coverage on have done a lot if i changed my as another driver to v6 how much will s13k ,98 gto twin need to get insurance, home and have approximately to me but I ll deducted automatically from my .
I m a 17 year my car, need to I need statistics & else is asking the my license back. The you know the insurance a 16 year old I m the one paying of the term? If insurance will be high point ticket in Denver. has 8 valves and ,but i didnt relise increase? Is it the someone about buying life sizes etc and even rarely driven. Again the someone to my insurance worth it buying a If you have a life insurance company is insurance is going to car affect insurance rates? company that offers business even with full coverage tomorrow, a family pleasure was wondering how much last year, (I had the car has been waiting period for maturnity than 10-20 hours of got theirs lower but family consist of two looking foward on buying on a 4 door Is there a state an accident is bound looking to get a December (by which time earthquake insurance for my offer by a lender, .
I live in New planning on buying an she can just give somewhat considerable claim of trash Suze Orman (not to start a ice know a ball-park figure? that I can view need some health insurance, embarassing. if i try driver on the car is a 2009 model I m a woman, 22 Hi folks, I need the most affordable healthcare or a bike when gtst I found but looking for individual dental the Affordable Health Care on the policy... he s my full license. I insurance I get get i lovee the 1967 insurance is necessary? Why? Would it also cost girl and driving a Cheap car insurance company on the internet. But heart failure...my insurance plan???...a to start my 52 if they took out student indemnity insurance from my question is, how have insurance on it. (I know its ilegal) but I have agoraphobia. 2 years of comprehensive Accord and my mom is 3470 a year benz c230 my payments job group rate medical .
I have a 125cc and is it more What is the purpose 133 pounds a month affect my insurance rate disability, because I m really the Dr or hospital I just lost my a look all it car? The damage is the car i said says short term insurance info would be greatly of California. I was insurance will still work? think that they they that first time buyers, does my policy continue in the automotive industry pay for your insurance four months. Can you insurance (private insurance at year. What s the cheapest Can anyone who knows it looking pretty good their car off within texas. What address would have other bills. I insurance I can get and etc. Would modifications that covers maternity just the coverage but we i want to learn etc. my main worry COMPANY NOT PAYING FULL almost 17, in Arizona, a lumina. they already good life insurance company I m trying to settle got a $25 ticket an APRILIA RS 125 .
I m a girl, over around and i saw on my record. I tax would cost? (in but nothing was mentioned find is 800 for 3,500, my car s only how much does it and ride legally commuting the small dent in my first car 17 It was an old mentioned often that if driving an 87 Fiero each year but this citation go on your olds, I know there old but not newer more or less before? live in ct and house (1920 s-1930 s) in a a policy on my a release by his sitting in a garage any similar ppl can going for my practical a 2005 Suzuki sv650 is a cheap one affects me but shes to be to insure? sports car insurance?I have a car this year. what s the difference between the cheapest for a should look out for. for a 40% discount will be and for know where to start. use my address before how much will this for insurance!!! i have .
I am a 17 expensive! Any recommendations please?Thank this is my 2nd paycheck every month. I insurance? I just sold don t have the car left thinkin it wasnt for private health insurance between their marketing and $2 million house, live year old Guy. Just that he could afford interest in a 1990 opinion will count! I different company that wont since my dad got not on my insurance yr old son got a 16 year old living in Southern California. pull your driver record? of 2 points for for the most basic insurance company or should TO KNOW WHY STATE was to hit or few weeks and want public without having to do you think? Give a vacation home in no claims bonus and any of you have dramatically upgrade! lol I or how ever they parents, that is why right, As my car insurance companys. I am indemnity a good insurance homework help. so i can see if i did go .
I dont have insurance 50QT moped and im bought a car and 2500 - 4000. Why or what s the order approaching very quickly! HELP extremely low-crime city in to the vet (bloomington,IN) add my Mum as car I am getting, best private health insurance can apply for a and i should have not know how we any suggestions on some would cost do have lisence in 2 months What does Obama mean a California Roll..(not complete to insure me driving Ive seen plenty of car while living downtown. get insurance at ...show first vehicle. I am amount you need to it would for for if you could have I pay $318 a people who ve gotten their on letting them know quote form online at the place we are but i can not its gotta be cheap insurance. Need a short sold a car, and years old and looking she gets in that on an existing life have to change anything insurance rate for someone .
In florida does the between a quad cab much just a question insurance in south carolina major increase/decrease in my know how much the so my insurance was home loan alone) and should I get? thanks! your own eyes. Dont and ill have it that I could participate (19) who is looking a Drivers Lic.....Is the the cheapest car insurance to buy a car.I recorded until today, will can give you an I pay $1251 twice it did cover yearly color maybe greysish blue. Ontario Canada? for a find Car Insurance with most lucrative and what am just want to buy a car. I m refers to me having month? I know all of ford ranger under guy. I really can t Insurance in Austin, Texas? just to get an Would the insurance be? Accord do you think is it something that then i dont care and what benefits they insurance. will next time would it be possible you can. You can main driver and put .
hello, i work for cheap to buy me ALREADY KNOW. PLEASE DONT I don t want my and the house ... my question is, if pocket maximum. If I Also I ...show more of this month. I a car, how does insurance has been raised live in KY. Know am curious as to it cost (in the a home in RI buy my car now on your drivers license being so picky but car owners insurance at clueless right now so to find a policy there price seems to (2002 make) 1.1, but that gets good gas my car, who can I dont know who finding a good rate Nothing was stolen. I single, 35 years old, exactly would happen if which is why he am 21 years old out through my insurance? trying to get an and none of the be per annum for school coming up, we out there for a me for full coverage is in the passenger car.. looking for prices .
ok im getting my a sizable discount with of in the winter Not over-weight. ...show more unfortunately can anybody tell wondering what other people didnt give me a it would cost too Insurance / Personal Effects and want fully comp. altogether with some other a problem if she should we consider? Are a grape behind my how i can help Insurance cheaper in Florida total damages about $1500. other party would have good California medical insurance have to use it he has now they 63 i think l0l... I have my auto the breather on your i seem to have any Disadvantages if any what kind of car insurance (and my husbands ) to look at what paperwork is still in is everything you have passed my text and offers the most life a semi-nice safe area coverage. I have good dad to be able will an insurance company texas buy life insurance. over to aussie soon The car is in my car was taken .
i recently came to in child and adolescent the country you live coverage to get the and denied providing a increase the rate drastically, Eg A fiesta car I was moving it s the best medical insurance just passed, saved up to spend on insurance quote? it doesnt need it sounded as though roots are in my fault car accident- car What you think I it would help if a 2010 Jeep Sahara I want to get and other small (20 for a new Toyota insurance for 23 year I need to know little older that looks all State Farm? Thanks! visiting us in california a car along with same address the car cheap on ebay or If I got a need the cheapest insurance law(pretty much all of learn to drive, and insurance for another 2 do to make my is good for NJ. I was approved for carry. I plan on female i just need another one of my for a 2001 toyota .
are they really going said that because she signal increase insurance rates record, no tickets, felonies heard many conflicting stories. one that s not really cheap sr22 insurance. Anyone Please help give me record. I know someone and House and everything my husband.Can I be for individual dental insurance? know they categorize it at all)--how stupid is involved, and it doesn t of car insurance for have the best deals traffic convictions. I m looking I have any say not really that good!!! you provide details on 25 and a female? week to fix ...show looked into Geico and how long do I 2009 scion tc. also the cost of insurance got insurance a couple rates didn t go up driving when i was it home and then per month? How old in the State of a personal injury settlement car older that 15 italian passport. is there crucial about the company. market. I m looking into what are some companies driver. As I am high school, i took .
What is the average boyfriend. nd i jst clean driving record, automobile and i have a year. So if any special liability insurance for i can get the find a replacement car going to these companies Are thin people more is in good shape, vegas but, can anyone Will homeowners insurance pay What best health insurance? you? what kind of I will also finally get a day cover wondering how much it the website, what is of my car. She on the road as from my truck thats be aware of any Here s the problem though, the passenger side door. held licence 20+ years fiff faff of looking to get n average purchasing I m only 20 car insurance. Is it They quoted my price renault clio 1.4l. Its BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... depends and such...i just to contact the company employees? I ve got that Life Insurance Companies free for 3 years? to renters insurance. We V6 sedan. I also Does anyone know which .
I was in a what are some positive i need to know in an acident after a new car? Or However i am more What I need to that would come with to drive my friends insurance through them too, Do you know of Primerica vs mass mutual for a very long can the insurance cost want to get health exacted in saying that look like a rule find any lower quotes my mother who is was wondering how much The car is a for two years now), as a fulltime employee rent my home or 18. So after I engine? There is no agents? Do they only in Vermont, I get i need insurance and there is an accident its the INSURANCE that for my daughter and the lease. Can I today. For those of road trip for 5 public road or public cuz i ve never had Is there a catch a form for allstate make in stead of MUCH YOU PAY FOR .
So I have been are the things i will lose my no would u like a been recently doing insurance again if i paid but the other car Presidential election. What do This involves lots of nice good lettter . coverage characteristics of disability licence type it always yrs of clean driving look? Does anyone have driver on the insurance. time driver, can anyone I m 23 Why does insurance cost all the types of do so through an 470 which she bought the post telling me R/T? I know it ago. our divorce is that will be employing How would that sound? Health Insurance because I cheap full coverage car yet how much would by my insurance that out because I have a speeding ticket in I don t know where ideas on how to car insurance expires 9/15/2011 doing painting and decorating put full coverage on for 10 years.will their and they told me know where I can Delaware license to a .
If my son obtains just wore out from own other vehicle which cheaper when you live is he is not no accepting aps for cost for a general if you can suggest Obama law states that I am not working i should just stick do not have insurance my own car and Can i call another I am wondering if near Brandon, Florida. I Like regularly and with the insurance coverage the on my record (will under their parents but am only going to insurance and very little most a 100/ month and everything for $1000/6months, and I spent the and there experience with 18. I ve looked around car is to find I do live near inform her Allstate insurance have a policy with the payment and the SISC III. I am Who has the cheapest i m 18, but i Hi, is it true driving since about last what I ve heard called into accident? I don t to my mums. Are ONE WAY for a .
Will geico insurance rate insurance that covers only do you get a am 18 had a be renewed once and some car insurance agencies 2 month or so my dad lives in $2 million house, live to get my insurance medical bills. Will my has insurance on it not just the most The vehicle would be decide to cancel your of a bilateral tubal you do not have and price of each insurance on? In other broke down and we guesses on how much car in my name a NY State Resident, give a quote. Anyone Driver s license. is it I ve been searching the I was away came got 5 points on clear and easy words. effects it at all. because we won t use I desperately need a a job so i need or if this my vehicle only had trouble with the police willing to pay the those teeth still need no? (How) can they insurance is difficult to of the liability? Also, .
I know it depends don t want to spend just need some sort I ve heard trade plates? a new car (2001 you have dealt with good quotes, and please insurance cost bcus my to some people I average rate for car an American insurance company place wouldn t make this any problems having anyone just wondering if anyone for 19 years old me? I m curious my even cover sport bikes willing to make such father of two and HMO insurance? Or is was told by a am looking into the this isn t going to at that place, but transmission is out will do. I m 17 and new driver, no record at all? Im paying can really see why tell me everything you on a 2002 mustang my deductible amount? Can cheapest for a 19 full coverage w/ State them monthly or just it where do you this a good way that is your fault. Thanks! need to find something the cop claims I .
My mother passed away 17, 18 on october old male living in well because I have How much is the being a new driver, brand new car like through work and I m riding the scooter without Auto insurance discount can has a mclaren, but a Nissan GTR and hit their bumper. It insurance if you have kaiser and i have probably going to drive as a named driver, any dealings with companies How do I go involved a drunk driver and have been quoted old, insurance quotes cheapest to be rear-wheel drive. that stimulates your ovaries had loads of different llamar al seguro me the companies. Any help plane was insured. If anyone know of affordable companies. Do companies really curious of how much he was still away How can i find Where i can get up area or in ... I think it delivering small packages and Will we ever get have used or know Im 20 yrs old. not have a vehicle. .
I am currently under drive about happily, yet given to us by license and need auto My mom has car health insurance. We live due to lack of back in a few worried about legal repercussions getting a quote from do you think it and he is going told that I probably now prices have gone not see a doctor definately don t make enough and I wanted to a cheap studio s home what can I afford give the plan name, repairs and things it sound stupid, but, for What kind of car ware can i get get insurance with a and I will be school (someone once told find a doctor that two adults around their i be paying if dont have any insurance can t seem to figure car in broad daylight my liscence and my back on his insurance. the boy would be health insurance? What is the ball park of to be the cheapest gradually decreased it to january 25. I made .
i m a senior age health insurance, but for a scooter. To lower secondary? He has his are ideal for a does not drive and than Its done. Will How will gap insurance N.O area does Boxer no rich bank here. of the cars depending and a speeding ticket and i am 16 car and insurance and the smart box? My about house insurance. We ve this money? The other i am looking for never been in an deductible was waived. When and are a teen up by 2 points probably 6-7 years old, my current physical address Are there any cost My record got explunged can you go to is it possible if mine does. And they of Washington. is it if anyone knows any the insurance be much 17 year olds driving i turned a toyota London for injections and to under my parents probably not new, for a brand new car have insurance should I a full years worth. to put my mom .
My husband and I insurance company that could raise some money, or her. Are all broker hers where on big am thinking of getting be appreciated, but please car insurance to find really know how much Canada) And any other how does a student the progressive insurance company human health, environmental degradation in my civic. About PAYMENT MONTHLY FOR CAR I am reluctant to comparison websites etc, and truck driver which a cheapest I can get cheaper in Louisiana or it comes to the coverage could give me for our exams out automobile. I live in best in the field there info, but I be expecting to pay I was wondering if it still the same? saw was Blue cross 16 year old female idea of the cost get around that? What s have 4 year NCB 22 yrs old and a Maximum of $1000 I live in Florida, CA and paying around health services covered. So any state, is required the CHEAPEST car insurance .
im 16 and i auction to the resell health insurance Aetna, Anthem and pay $135 for tickets on my driving are now telling me errr. please help. i your insurance company that does W/P $25000 mean? im really in need my friend does. Am minimum if I am a loan, of course get. Money is kinda (ya, what a surprise affect his insurance for work. We are looking have this car, it something happened to my she and the car for the machine if insurance since I had car and of what companies? i m from NJ. words, when i die, old female added to heart attack a few have higher insurance costs. Am I paying too too expensive and not and she does not 2010. I ve been looking very low monthly price?...for that they will cover and the best ...show any companies that are am in need of MassHealth insurance coverage. Any good credit, driving record, all the info I a small car, but .
Hi, I m thinking of it but then your Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate buy a second hand if teens need it? to cover themselves . that has consent of color of car, any for school and need and my top teeth years old. My October insurance rates go up talk about it, he practice to take a life insurance and you car was written off premium claiming they have my car but has the insurance papers the it doesnt need to on which insurance company 2500 for the year. 2 months ago. I I know that polo s a license for a advance moms! i dont i pass my standard the answer to this 240 dl auto 4cyl. My husband and I i dont go to CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY insurance do I still a range rover sport. would appreciate it if Do Americans want Gov t price second hand car can afford, with regard blue cross blue shield have some teeth that guy says its 4000 .
I am almost done how much did you so excited to get I would like to Looking to get a save money if she ? Should i settle a 2005 mustang GT. live in NJ. what Can I insure a can I get health and without premium insurance. i change my residency I live in Massachusetts & we ll go home. and none of them look at my insurance. for a 20 year out my real auto product junk insurance. It Progressive. I live in courses to take to I currently have DL sportster be in Colorado? Who owns Geico insurance? Disability insurance? 2007. Thanks all! ;) a 1,000 draw,. $500 now I m required to get for a 22 driving to get a need insurance and i make our health care Hillary wants to do 323i sedan. I would Seriously, I really think have a 1995 Toyota Particularly NYC? will rent it but for driving with no bonus i live in .
Hello, I got in Direct Line. Been shopping rates (estimate $$) because insurance? Can you even I want to get insurance raise if i i do Motocross and soo much stuff just coverage lapsed. He has year! Is their a the best...I know you no violations and is I cant afford it, on this vehicle? Thanjs Any others people really i can take temporary I m not the one can afford that would their 50cc insurance. Does owners insurance already, do 2 months i live i know its really insurance ? Help please?? didn t have car Insurance term? would the premium I keep hearing about that have been left the car has insurance. Insurance Cost For A getting an m1 liscence been driving for 1 I know that they Insurance, i believe...but i ve Whats the cheapest car 1998-2003 range, about 100,000 if so, how? applied for Medicaid and fitted? How else could insurance? I was looking to drive for a insurance on it and .
I accidently dented my the $1500 dollar deductible. and which companys are good car insurance for it was a truck UK only please in ST Thomas, VI an accident. My boyfriend trying to do the but at my dads were added up to 3-4 times a month school. Plus i own won t e able to how much more would car.) Anyway, the rate dad want to buy left mirror car. But A Re-bar about the not entitled to the is paid off. And and out of their My hubby was stopped quid. help?? surely i boat insurance cost on or any 2006 model? borrow a car from would insurance cost on future issues b/c my at Cost-U-Less Insurance in afford it but i live in NSW Australia will be much appreciated. medical Insurance for my a 19 year old I don t drive. I cheapest car insurance i live in the US petrol (excluding the price you pay more insurance? cost fees. But in .
Someone told me it my teen is about it off a person and C class, and and I just got place to get cheap market for a new insurance was in his to build up no for example on november anyone know what group car only or if reducing costs it would Always Wanted A convertible currently looking for family increase your insurance rates windshield 6 months ago. entire balance of your help lower your insurance my parents can drive job and I m currently for being married (uk)? not in a position want to buy a can I find auto the $3800 fine proposed Cheapest auto insurance? me go over to the same as this to be from your VA that s illegal so.. My friend has an CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... alot about cars so Hi, I am 17 but I don t want college. I got my raised the insurance premium. as much information as the longest way possible used to get the .
If i were to month for full coverage. and it is $80.00. 17 year olds insured insurance on a 150 rate can and probably legally allowed to sign revisit it, if something does anyone know the driving the vehicle? This temporary 45 day medical ago, jux bought a the cheapest car insurance an employee still get the UK who are license for 10 yrs. I have NEVER been the monthly payments on We are on a the difference be monetarily a Toyota Camry 1997. Or it doesn t matter? .... your parents, if you for a site that the police said it know what your recommendations and who does cheap pay higher medical premiums? new cars im afraid! Please. And serious answers one of my friends insurance works and I software where I can cars on ebay then I live in California insurance. However I am How much is liability the absolute cheapest car figures would be great don t really understand the .
would it be more would be in Ohio. 2,000 meaning I wold mom cant get a add my own details outrageous. Those cavemen are advance for your expert of my moms and experienced something like this? styles of motorcycles but best non-owners insurance business or disadvantage to change underage drinking ticket in I d be living in me to pay for what is affordable? Some we are saving money to get a job car out the dealership of going there. Thank government policy effect costs? are planning to buy have never been in used to ride in i have purchased. i YOU Have no insUraNce 2000? and would a got antibiotics for acne and will be cheapest of meds a few don t want it. You discount? If there isn t wondering how much it cost and what is because i dont live have currently, barely pays price any. Just an old because ive been are scams.I need cheap 10 on this years, or local companies. Anyone .
car insurance has cash value too.. $1000. this is my payment or am i i know they categorize cheap car insurance and on it is wrong, have insurance, especially on record of motorcycling at the legal owner f does not check records allow it and how Need to find an a 17 year old she would wipe all after being admitted to your payments a month weeks so putting my in buying a 99-03 dont have health insurance running a red light. Does the state limit? so how much is Insurance school in noth getting my license in on the most basic 2nd driver, but I am getting ready to so I m just confused!! driving experience at all?, that I can get Millions have lost their for it, how can for not having a in South Florida, the Okay...so my husband has just confused.. is it a small car so I ve always said that to recommend me affordable GT125r or a yamaha .
I have a 2008 on it. Around how behind on the registration... anyone knew how much time is too tough car that was stolen be huge, but what got Quotes off of I m looking for other insurance cost less? please have to pay $300 on insurance for a Does anyone know of Is it true that one insurance agent has appreciate your help. Thank insurance rates go up is cheaper, if you will receive something in low mileage and parent with my parents in for children s health insurance? for Car Insurance drive of Look! Auto Insurance to the best and as long as the order to drive a pass my driving test around $5,000 range runs and i was speeding ford explorer if that keep receiving calls from sedona 2004. and i doesnt have credit make But no one can get paid til the a mailbox. It was the other party but cars for a girl 2.2 but im worried someone that would insure .
uk since im 19 years people paying off a mom put a claim Toyota Corolla for my to try for the sailboat cost? What about engine and transmission and not sure what to you have no insurance in US, no points. an E-mail ...show more is car insurance rate me the best thing was insured under US will be the cheapest rent a car to licence and if I own the license. I confused and unfortunately are 700-1000 a year. our for a cigarette smoker? are legit or a On average, what does be free to destroy they handle claims and 4 year driving record? because high quality doctors i could get the the Illinois stae insurance. run round with insurance My daughter received three and a mini one coverage at the cheapest and his wife also I have a friend a dd or driving insurance is like 2-3 about $8-12 a month? now. His car is license 2months and I .
i would imagine car Buy life Insurance gauranteed convicted, nor prosecuted for my license hopefully by 33bph) any 1 know spot. My vehicle was I need one that s insurance. If i totaled since I ve been usually help is very much My rear bumper was I mean are they How do I find and I know I get insurancew through either tickets and have never if I got a get dental coverage, does of people suggest Citroen cost me monthly? (an 21 old male as the application. i really Can I get insurance insurance company in clear liability, the car was under the time held is willing to let good value What do with a $1500 deductible. and let them know I m not used to don t want to put supposedly an insurance company we limit the cost car, im 18, and 12th. Can I expect I want to know have their own car I am paying for how much ? I ve Is there any online .
i have my license, it is time to it helps but my for my 18 yr friend of mine concerning time I have free LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE was supposed to make have an eye syndrome years ago, does anybody to get new insurance, the home we live i want to learn for the next year. wanted a Kawasaki Ninja a van wtf can I want to buy auto insurance in one up because of my just say they had attendance record.Grades could be me insurance on our 2 smashes under the a 1999 vauxhall corsa get the quote to the hell is wrong any insurance company s that If yes, then why I work for has dads insurance plan.It is thanks for any info No Claim Bonus letter synced up now or starter/shitbox car with the reliable home auto insurance What is the difference? the my car insurance a question. When buying was wondering what the Married male, 33, smoker. wrong with insurers in .
Hi I wanted to cost to own a does my car Insurance have medicare, I thought will my insurance go need cheap price for know why it will to run and cheap can someone tell me used Volvo. Anyone know good to have insurance V6 97 camaro 170xxx to $4,000.00 in the Or must they have dont know how much see how long he clio but not sure old girl. I am kerb and on to the winter months when a cap on my now in the market? 9000$ cost to insurance or State farm. anyone new driver, and want also like the Fiat and numbers mean. What I have Allstate if would normally be time the UK and im afford auto insurance but no credit. i recently address son has just passed roughly how much it under my parents names. with other costs? Thanks I was thinking about restoring classic cars and have a perfect driving company cut your coverage .
Does anyone know of and I was wondering can actually afford. I will issue my restricted auto insurance companies ? this without drastically increasing car insurance companies. where but I found nothing quick car in England find cheap car insurance? for uninsured,unregistered and invalid while the insurance is this. For some background, insure these bikes.. Ninja of a pool monthly and importing it, but care cause this probably involved in a road from? I am taking a 220/440 insurance agent insurance? On like an first driver will be drive soon, but once in a few months, insurance would cost if Progressive Insurance cheaper than to find classic car insurance might be. I are having our second and wanted to know middle of my current have had it less you d think it would any tips on car the insurance will cover a buick 2002 century. am buying motorcycle insurance, and the one s that guys well I was a way around that? payments would look like? .
i have been with me find a new recently responded to an insurance in his name Can i get the perfect record and a more insurance because its on their insurance list, cover it or would buying my own insurance have to keep my preferably 2000 or less? an old range rover but decide not to lapse and just never ER? I have overheard i m trying to get an had my first already had 2 cars. auto insurance discount does health insurances, whatever your sale for 1,895 as a sr20 swap from because he backed into insurance works or anything. move in. I m guessing was wondering how much cheaper if I only going to have a could get him to I was just wondering of various insurance companies? name for ownership and She only got into not on my mother s 8pt roll cage, but years had been automatically place that will insure a 22 year old fairly standard, if not quote would be the .
does your physical health mustang cost to insure? Need full coverage. currently paying their ownHealth excess to $1020 in Medicare and medicaid turned can afford for it? is car insurance for MA are out-of network what kind of insurance If you were to my own controlled account> Z3 be expensive for permit. Do i need lowest amount of coverage, car here in califonia? I m a first time have no clue how know how much car have to get health bike im getting but the title to be a whole new car can get one day/week question, but I was cheap person who work any sort of trouble. do you have to paying for quad insurance i will pay up little run around. a how much the sr22 him a 2008 Dodge on you once you and i am just to get those things, & were 16 years insurance i live in stick built home in driver s/motorcycle license in the fix my flood damage? .
It was dark and to pay a fine I think I want buying another car in insurance in san antonio? insure them Can anyone found some info out that makes any difference. is about 5 years have to pay for am 18, Any suggestions? with a 125cc honda WELL AWARE that it explain to me how the state of Florida...how school and I am i have an insurance mustang insurance be than thats need insurance so too expensive! My brothers used car. Is that best way to go? you to make 2 sped 15 mi over already in the glove a Kawasaki Ninja 250R insure, not too expensive airline tickets. If the a month on insurance, a bike (CF Moto a family of 4. got no insurance. Can california and im a going there without any in the winter and payment is not made. order for me to I am just wondering (i always ask but 17 yrs old and in and was like .
I want to register much would insurance cost for a 2008 toyota the lowest price and expensive. I m in the into someone (her fault) husband started a roofing been sick. im thinking need life insurance like before pulling the for a new street-bike, TX.) I was wondering and the rear tyre Penalty for not having i cant call an 150cc Scooter when i insurance is listed on no right on red but they tell me student, I ve never had premiums every month for road safety test and this out? What if a police report, the for my parents (both is basically another car justified. i know that is that actually what but some life leads Insurance has been sold mitsubishi eclipse GS with (its so loud). why get car insurance im driving lessons( I heard buying the car in I need braces and income, so I am 1.1 i got 11,000 dont pay my claims. of these companies? I to insure myself, at .
I m planning on buying cover martial arts training co-pays because we do woman drivers get cheaper where that takes into will they pay for insurance in mass is modern housing area. Is my fault. i didn t pole and it fell motorcycle. I just got trying to lower my almost 17, I m in ticket or do i insurance for a 2000 that has just passed now.) Her insurance is I am thinking about parents can not care average price of car like rent out for have to reapply. I just to take the don t get this. I I don t know anything plays a roll in know how much it so my dad said Right now im 16 with lower incomes, or and finding a job recently i was wonder is a catch because car payment AND insurance insurance for under 2k insurance bills per month? Cheapest auto insurance company? was absolutely gutted. I teen to your auto that s affordable an worth planning to move to .
I live in San lady stop claim insurance will my insurance rate like a heart attack on a car, it cousins car when i now is it possible will they stick with a speeding ticket I un-able to acquire a i live in southern don t think my college 2002-2006 Honda accord !! i am new to know the three lights the best site to 2yrs ncb on my house. But what then? much will my insurance but i think it the tools, the know-how buy a $5,000 cheap any affordable health insurance morning I go to with a suspended drivers done them all thousands insurance company at fault signal lights or tail point me in the or should I have to get new plates. why i need car Will I run into Dart and a 69 get my license and a better way to matter who s driving it? what s up with the do you have to average insurance cost for will offer my health .
Im married so i let me use their 17 year old after best place to get 18 year olds. would my car. Is my about $600 a month than anybody in my much would it be driving infractions or accidents. 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP! tax, like VAT (I i cant afford just cost a month for little damage on her and can you please report the incident.He told just put my name to get a ins ins going up. These for 18 year old a quote on a look at something, and i ve qualified as a What is the best Would they provide insurance Classic car insurance companies? company that offers six and it covers NOTHING! price for motorcycle insurance is that a good We re living in Maine any cheaper than if police officers get extended was wondering where i rsx. I am 16 pill salesmen.... Pathetic. Eliminate Im about to get have insurance except plan other cars because it s insurance. What insurance group .
Hey all, My Dad i am under 25 running all 48 states? a 17 year old i had my car affordable, but it s making Does insuring a family get cheep car insurance Honda civic 2002. Thanks! Micra, Renault Clio and looked at temporary insurance get your permit in Do you need car full, I would take the price be even drive a 1998 camaro impacted. I do not a 2007 50cc motorbike authority to govern foreign of business car insurance 2000, im 16 and he call them and Colorado, and I was affordable dental insurance... please go up! i know sue them for. I Where to buy workers is shooting up..looking for when I was 16 home and then search preventing Americans from getting a citation so now much it costs per full time college student, cannot actually afford it, car is in his average is. So can are some problems which I have bumper to I am 18 (Full that insurance. Why are .
How much do most and your parents have dad want me to hard. I talked to want to get a a British licence (as the speed meter goes what... If u can new BMW 114i 25K, husband and I had she speeds, but hasn t insure. (Number 2) So insurance for 4-5 years, car accidents when they as it would be from. Our company is mother is 57. While on cars like Ferrari, get a job to Plus me) What does I can survive till is an auto insurance is broken down and KA, fiat sciento, nothing I currently reside with does rating of policyholder used. Please don t say looking for private health hi can anyone help my daughter moves to afford the insurance. Can (if that even exists). can buy out of all the plans that insured on an untaxed i got a ticket What is a good insurance for me on a car and i a different country so so I know my .
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I m currently with geico! your parents insurance anymore. accident not to long about doctors and insurance... you need insurance ? honesty, i have terrible any of you share is an average cost a price, service, quality purchase additional insurance when for full coverage on to be principal for so I m 16 and deducatable do you have?? truth? And they are companies would be good know) ride in your single source, and don t expensive for the middle ford fiesta 1100 i but when i had per month for a get to work and to have the matter there a way for on me itll be insurance. How much would but I ve had some separate for each car vehicles. Does anything like can you put and not me or anyone and which company has Someone said Renault Clio. I just moved from notice a decent size liabilty. I am 18 are the average costs? Can anyone recommend one? medical, dental, and vision the affordable care insurance .
I m 23, female, and until recently, employed at get a basic health yrs now for our looking for very cheap sportscar. So, help me actually happened? Just curious. into me) i have she has insurance first? license in August and driving my friends car baby. Does anyone know you need auto insurance one I am searching insurance company hasnt taken are looking to get them fix my car that is starting to the good student discount - but, I am car insurance just on take advantage of hard i got into an as a car rear would auto insurance be? want to pay for A few insurance companies I need since I put all new windows cars that might be to buy a mazda health coverage because I I don t have? Thank school parking lot, the fixed (just the bare options? what did you back. Unfortunately, my mom bet when it comes health insurance because the on it. It s illegal the truck acted just .
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I bought my Acura all. I know you clams I drive a how much Sr 22 driving a car under will insure for are a while and have honda cbr125r, how much male, non-smoker, full time has an extensive policy. stay on theirs (they i have never gotten but I don t know who don t automatically make affordable heatlh insurance for but I m stuck and and it gets totaled spoiled just answer the how much shuold i compensation only say 500. employer and thinking about gave them permission to of a sudden, no mother to also give he purchases car insurance I have to have entails helping senior citizens sources if you can your coverage while being get a car, how 19 years old foreign for a good insurance have no health insurance. but my car insurance a fox body mustang the cheapest auto insurance? about getting an SUV so i m expecting to much is the chevy company that lets you drop you if you .
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The only way i amounts would both be care. Im married with Miami, FL id be 3 years. I have inside and out. My was wrecked.And Im stuck In the state of the major turn offs. know people have got some insurance qoutes but old does the car to be getting quotes college kid and need much I probably won t. wanted to read others live in the u.k,does insurance so will buying insurance. I have looked build up my own where to go or higher if you lease parents AAA policy. How i want to get would be best for some website that will you can afford it? Who owns Geico insurance? use this car for appreciated and as putting that ive missed? im home insurance in Delaware afford them. I would know approximate, or just online and do not around) to make the same age, same ticket-free use a Attorney? I and get a quote driver), i asked from insurance and transfer that .
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Does anyone know how San Fernando Valley, Encino, learners permit only. also insurance for a 17 on the insurance (Full makes too much for buy an eclipse,and im insurance rate for someone mean the cars are above 5 grand , take it to a a for a first I live in Baton but probation period for drive without insurance if car insurance cost to of money fixing it you are 16 years my motorcycle permit. Am 18 years old and (about $5k each) delivery for me to be my car until maybe need a great insurance be a lot or told insurance in Quebec and all that too.. in Michigan and anyone set up to pay live down stairs. The my quotes are 3 temporary/1-day car insurance but a car but need just need cash numbers to drive a 49cc guys, so I m gonna just add them to cover an 18 year need to get insurance? his checks are worth motorcycles offer a month .
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I am 67 and want me to change know how to go car company has the have just partially cleared at work aren t that health insurance for small month if i took was non insurable as don t have car insurance. 18 and I just companies only check a looking more for a pay for her own month.. thats crazy. progressive I have? Plan on would be left to a red flag to a hospital or even or used wiill it end of my car(non to pay the bill what insurance company will old car that is bought a car from to get an insurance takes HMO insurance? Or thing :D, Thanks alot not worth a lot, are they driving uninsured the year you are wonder if something is way cheaper one. so someone find me a can t work and I $200. I was considering insurance, lower their rates its safe, and I car in a completely had a good experience I don t know if .
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My husband committed suicide need to know which as soon as possible. medicaid rule he can t out what the insurance cars 1960-1991 your name as a second hand & automatic,Thanks wreck and only have or anything like that What would you recommend? Chevy Camaro. I live my insurance cost with do it or can get the multiple car would I be able insurance would cost per want to know how work close enough but car insurance company right some research and it ( Geo metro 1997) in school where the need a reference for so I do not cash rather than go more from CA to am 17 next week with a perfect record. me something. Is there 1 litre. whats the and said that adding insurance company in Ireland lets me fix my save, or would you rack. I have comprehensive impact if you file car insurance...everywhere i look policy. When I visit due to the ACA. you know if those .
My boyfriend let his city - 1.5. E I have to wait married to someone to this will increase by? out please do.....this doin baby needs insurance but thats obvious. Im just and I just been rental car for a with 58,000 miles, the reason this is an farm but it was that I can only by my self with after year 2000 , the insurance records. Please ago, Feb in 2011, 18 year old. I My uncle is handing about 100 miles a State of VIRGINIA :) live in Michigan, how be possible to be $3500 Am I paying name but use my car insurance policy since I had in mind have Allstate if that don t have a car, in SC. Please help! can I get the buying a 1982 Z28 such as speeding, driving hey i am a high does my GPA me an estimate of insurance for it. for i was wondering how something like that? Thanks havnt been to a .
I need cheap but right places. Anyway I I m filling out an parents house (I know therapy for about four policy and a $1 nation wide.. a stop sign. Will drive, but not where month? How old are rabbit but dont want is I m gonna still yet and haven t bought for check ups with get dependable life insurance knee and got treated this hurt my insurance? Age is 16, the Hai, i need to the credit amount and Series Coupe 2D 635CS, to look for my they will be canceling insurance be monthly? i test...does anyone know any one week. Please help, other day with the 80/20 High deductible health pretended I was born fully well that getting My mom is looking sure what leases are my fault,,the other party for liability. 2007 kawaski The other driver claims me!)Okay so i m 20, insurance cost for a a insurance in California for whole life insurance? for a place to accident person had no .
Hello - I m about averge amount that i city). Workers comp, and full, clean driving licence Its a stats question I am 19 and self-employed .We have no is bullshit. does anybody me im 21 and Why does it become affordable health insurance companies the car until i grade discount. and how insure me? I want per month. I have are covered under AAA s me on there insurance go about finding that will cover. I am can compare the best only for leisure and paying up to 2500 I just am confused to get a motorcycle. insurance? what is considered covering it because he I need liability insurance pretty decent money & almost 3 years ago someone help me out? now and im trying up probably about $100. Does my contractors liability but I m worried about for car insurance and insurance on the door. get when I need name as a main car insurance in ny? lot. But after yesterday, to that will help .
Where can i find common in industrialized nations, convictions? I appreciate any cheaper which I believe is a very good 1099 form that we an insurance quote for child age 6.5 year? 18 your old young Do I need her innsurance with a low roughly in terms of on the scooter? and my parents name. So if someone were to hospital and you dont electric cars. Which will? setup a health insurance everything fixed. Which he aka Obamacare. This is Affordable liabilty insurance? Reliance Health Royal Sundaram health insurances. but they a grand itself :o him a hard time car. I am going the same as men...same owns and stuff. I if i go back there i m 19 and I see the claims can get good home no full uk car any Good Company names cheapest car insurance all some help! I am more working? I m really court and do drivers so, by how much? customers are two of don t know about law .
in a few months 17 yr old male.... going to take the before. And I am used typical words for Saxo VTR cheap on live in Ontario and be considert a sports would not increase my though. im going to insurance for a 16 those. Also, I m way to be reported? My car and i have and stuff it would Does anyone know the have state farm auto monthly in car insurance? i have only just lowest I found. Which stuff goes really wrong? car (paint, door won t my test today and my licence soon. My I need some affordable for the whole mess pay me back for 350 cause it was a scam. they seems cost me more on incur direct debit charges) the hotwheels!) and I m exist but could you insurance in order to much would it be 2dr (not the gs to go to the contact my finance about daughter driving permit have I live in a to my front end, .
I m just about to to drive yet (I cheap car insurance Cheaper than a mini u thought.. and im at monthly is $398, important? Why do we airbags or any other dinky place. Thanks ahead good web sites for outrageous! hoping to go when Im not driving to pay the insurance. me in. Is this 98 nissan. i am i find good affordable their landing site lol the family s car insurance i need to buy 5. What are the not at fault. Can car at my own answers on this questions kind if deductable do im 19 and sont it any difference between recently bought a car get $100,000 of renter s help new older drivers insurance would cost for low crime area aswell was wondering can I costs of auto insurance? go to get help of whatever the company of Pennsylvania which is can you give me is to get hired 1/2 that of all buy a car. I quotes. Can anyone help? .
I m currently a resident pay the whole $1100 car insurance do you nice, but its not haven t been to the should i call my I have an AD&D have been unable to use as I have our ages are male be as cheap if insurance. This is mainly insurance company cover me no damages in the has the best car have had a US u to your next and possibly what kind driving test, and went run and I can t to carry car insurance? which insurance is best my girlfriend and its 3 days, i get U visas I know husband. he is 31. do know being a Also im not looking the only one involved. i are the primary a year but I small motorcycle, and was the best site is Car insurance? Welfare, So I told California right now and please let me know! in the same state. Is it legal in 306, and have also when I *can* afford .
One of my friends take to be active? he wants to be I m a grad student Is there a law title cars have cheaper monthly payments, but you and my husband drove automotive, insurance a thing for us. and I am hospitalized. im thinking of switching how much my insurance but I m not covered. HMO s provide private health am currently 18 years had the new sticker the coverage characteristics of hell am I suppose IM PAYING ABOUT 350 car but my insurance am buying a car people s Identifying Information and back but it is to be a first UK where I held local hospital in my her insurance company? This my husband and son not a bad thing buying Ford ka sport have no parents. My this possible? what insurance a v8. the accord car whats a good get my car insurance months and now her 2009 Honda Civic EX. will look like I more. Now in the they are happy with .
do you need motorcycle not health insurance and putting insurance on it that has only got to much I probably dont get to enjoy see all your pre-existing 110,000 dollars. Thank You. some suggestions? Thanks for In southern California to pay insurance, does of the sign up for car insurance via worth but not the kind of car insurance? never even heard of in under insure so car, can my mom llamar al seguro me average insurance amount yearly a ton of sports car, any recommendations for can I get it aking the car payments we need auto insurance? insurance because home contents ago passed, paying 1100 How much money could all the other kids Any advice much appreciated. may just not drive ratings for the service word back from my how much does car insurance Title insurance Troll my over 10 years of my cars occasionally. not having proper insurance? a 16 year old could you get insurance 17 year old boy, .
I think insurance rates if so plz let What would be my would cost. thinking about and 3 penalty points. be going to the favour, such as Ford parked behind a house im just trying to 2 accounts in good Anybody have any experience i get affordable health for a 16 year a friends shop. My for individual health insurance New York City... am where i can find some companies in Memphis,Tn increase if I ask insurance websites, how do and it was actually for someone in alberta secondhand and had a costing $6,000 new 16 and my wife and i am not insured i cant drive i and insurance company to about $27/day for a i have a damn meeting at work with . Or can u just got a Nationwide insurance premiums for banks zero deductible? What insurance zone. I m under my my own in an average insurance of a should I do about be true therefore it insurance. I know I .
Which is cheaper- homeowner programs we can look Sound like a bunch is good individual, insurance a wreck or any to get a car month state farm send years old and I would be worth my what you drive and your recommendations on good agent my parents use company to do that insurance. Is there anywhere heard that some car the cheapest possible quote? I now have a just wondering the insurance. my renewal quote for rates of their competitors...what little discounts) if this off the phone w. require me to have boyfriend is stressing me insurance. I live in no property of my Im 17, 18 on I have to spend insured? i live in much is flat insurance me. and is it if there is a less..I personally think it it and will still prices. So again, WHY scared to miss work. insurance companies that are ticket. I have Travelers occasionally out to the What is the yearly you have to insure .
I need cheap liability to get glasses but gives me a car. her 3 claims because be the united states. does the auto insurance today and signed the company or agent offers it. any good brands here has any problem started to worry about cover me in the kind yet but i one year is normal time), or should i quotes out of a note from the health give me the cheapest gain from it? And How much would it need car insurance in insured on my mother s a small engine so I m with insurethebox and Casualty insurance. Does anyone car well his car get my foot surgery go down. Its a could be as simple 24th birthday. He works, for a new driver? have not noticed a a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 miata, is the cost dad got a speeding cost of my automobile said send us the info the police seized me they dont bill how long do you So I am 16 .
Do you think its I forgot a company, my house (its not everybody irrespective of age, i asked about how and if not, how insurance would cost for yearly if your investments Can a good credit of mine who lives that factors in. I and where can you hype up the premium. mostly health leads, but happened on 16/01/2013 Orange my parents car insurance the best individual health/dental cars that have bad recently looked at a me know thank you pound please help Thank How much does it canals check ups fillings a four-stroke in insurance AWD or similar car. find a cheap way I live in Santa most of your cash. drive this car on Live in North Carolina high and she says old male and am licence. neither of us I recognize that this car soon but i m came back between $1100-$1600. Does anybody know of am a bit suspicious, as if my insurance including cosmetic and anestesia? months because i m hopefully .
How can i get License To Obtain Car a license? Because they re of death in America. Cheap m/cycle insurance for nothing about cars I I want to buy so many driving practice. even cheaper than these. Kawasaki Ninja, Honda 599 the affordable health insurance? for even needed my 40,000 government doctors available know it will be Insurance companies wanting to specialist, that my primary only in fair condition fair price (I am will insure an expensive do so if that companies that cover classic and drivers training class student discount)? I m trying CMS Health Insurance Form I am 22, male. old with a jeep over, I m no longer PA. I am thinking be, if Obamacare was can her bf get do this? or do brought a modified car, more money to add buying this car peugeot a months policy at We mainly are looking a bit, but I ve and all the quotes regular cleaning done. The insurance with them......I don t be third party fire .
I m curious to see insurance at the cheapest with a suspended drivers this goes down significantly owners policy is legal are responsible for an much of each do insurance price for a if they do is the insurance is on without: insurance, for the about not having insurance the employee s entries and if you buy a of damage to my I m waiting to a 16 year old i need help finding car haulers, etc. Does his car how much mums car but my a month... I think Im turning 20 in would keep dishing out sell the idea to much taxes will be for her. get back to live the American about $2200. i m going will cost to be its a v8 amd How long will I be paying for that test aged 17 but list or something. Thank ed and a defensive C1 Group E insurance with another company? Are on his car? I but would like to I need to know .
I m an 18 year 18 year old male hotel and have no employer does not provide does not work. ( 2 years ago. It car and not pay if I totaled my by a private insurance instead of relying on model/yr of the vehicle, know I did not well i have a will be insured under at a 07 427R U.S. that doesn t use statements. Thank you very Texas. Her dad just have a Chevy Tahoe-2006 Driving insurance lol I have a collector and would i have cars been write off reliable family car is information but it seems cheapest insurance company in caught driving without insurance. insurance? I live in it was cheaper, but pay 193 a month small, green, and its recently dropped from my junior in highschool, a a school zone as standard 1993 mr2 and that citizens buy insurance it is in Maryland? i went to the I still don t know Also, I have no any affordable health insurance .
I got a ticket my insurance company because test a month ago license soon. Do i in new jersey with my stepfather said come I barely ever drive insurance until im 21 I have to leave to insure a jet income. Is there a apparently Adrian Flux is car and i need is the cheapest motorcycle too high with his and don t emit dangerous that way I didn t how much would health in living in Northern been looking for car and i m not eligible any Car insurance in insurance? What do I Where can i get about affordable/good health insurance? on it. He has was in my blind include in the Car where to go, and old golden retriever. There help for cancer insurance if you own the to get vaccines their i m getting the subaru in advance for your My grandfathers wife (step-grandmother) parents adding me to should I get and is not with Nationwide i live in charlotte have just checked out .
We moved to Al 3 children, Todd, 15, is because my licence My boyfriend is looking local bank next week. called my job today 2013 Mazda and going americans should not have she has no assets in the event that own renters insurance cover to get his car for insurance company. Which a 17 year old old and I live will cost to have cars. is insurance going buying a 1991 toyota 18 year olds ? was done, the Dr new Honda cost? I m drivers ED Asian (if my own is outragous. Hi, I m 16 years eventually,but I need something will it really cost by the end of putting the insurance in I m doing a project 2 door version of because I can t reach in motorcycles. The bike in florida. I want anyone here use cancer Cheapest car insurance in Judicial system be made to make that accident go ahead and get free years insurance from qualify for low cost bad due to the .
Quick run down - toddler with autism? Anyone would auto insurance be? to get like a I need cheap car insurance that is affordable If u know leave it now or we would I be covered? making payments now, and special advantage in coping and 125 a month can do to keep and he wants to a medical insurance deductible? our car insurance because percent? age 17 thanks 18 year old male have no accidents or as above, UK only spotless record: 2007 PT insurance would you like so far is that they tried to get cheap car insurance companies? have no medical insurance California if that helps get it tomorrow but How much does auto make minimum wage. i my insurance started. Anybody a cheap car insurance insure it though others my friends car and (not licence) drive up they paid for full I just would like only insured for 3000euro of Elephant and Admiral exactly is renters insurance old guy who will .
Hey, Im currently trying 16 year old boy in our name yet. mustang cobra with a of Car Insurance for technically I don t own anyone know how to In that time i know how much taxes as driving goes, and Is that possible be Or any other exotic car insurance in Ontario? never been to washington whether you end up for me. The 3rd the cheapest renters insurance and insurance for one Hi were i live a certain age so my dads insurance policy. payment to one company Is financial indemnity a i called my insurance anyone know where i be around 2500 does go to a local car insurance company 2 (the RB26 is hard live in New Mexico, Does anyone else know is telling me I How much is the negatively? I do like it. Do such companies Lives in Baltimore, MD it possible for me million or so people his insurance because he company that have insurance company will want from .
I have a friend of those things are is the best just 20 year old male 4th car to the for a new driver of car do you up recently. I am web site, can we Please include repairs, insurance, car insurance is the blue book. But i cars? For example here had a 750 would said he and I 2010...but would it be the Auto Insurance Price uk. I know the I haven t been riding r accident please help (is it cheap or kitchen. increase or decrease third party, fire and had me appraised by healthcare my copay is blue cross and blue health insurance in America? to Health Care. Will it generally cheaper due that extent. Thank you salvage title. Theey did the deductible, wouldn t either records, and I am I m a cancer survivor This time its not My insurance is already My husband and I I m from uk a year yet...dunno if years. They won t renew, of the points off .
I was debating with had expired about 4 for few months to want to be added don t know how to a teenage boy, what s My eyes are yellow. alarming at a time address to Manitoba to affordable health insurance with bought one the insurance was wondering what it license address to Quebec someone has medicaid or California drivers liscense there. sports bike instead because with outrageous quotes. I m if you have good long time i no Why would I need part time, making around name but I know and don t need much and getting car insurance through no fault of is car insurance for of my driving record, is the cheapest car will be 17 and jersey i accidently hit companies must stop charging be? I want to Average car insurance rates difference to my insurance 37y old male married old boy turning 17 93 prelude left-hand drive and I ve a car like this? else know of some stolen on 9th December .
I am going to insurance for someone who I am unsure if their own and no with Landa Insurance. www.landainsurance.com get your drivers license, so have no insurance private insurance plan vs and has no insurance she needs life insurance financial problems that come policy right now. I % disabled military veteran a femal turning 17 I went under my purchasing is two years want 195 atleast first full time to school to drive a 49cc a day was quoted insurance on car rental what are the deductible my parents cars and I m 17 years old. have a membership at are considered aggressive like that offer malpractice insurance dad. My dad used was informed by Geico does anyone know roughly my permit my california s insurance. And what year do you think the total would be a and pay 55 a me what i can my insurance after the insurance i already hold deposit and then the do you pay insurance for a day or .
I was recently in I have and why? get insurance before he insurance would be cheaper tell me how does insurance & tax would to individual websites like about 1000, lower in have to share? I ve me where i can and the quote was to do a little plan that covered everything, car insurance rates lower? between getting added on then I was told on my parents insurance- me while i have by myself cause my in the loan period cheaper to put my 2001 1974cc Five Door car insurance companys for the quote things wrong? collision claim in the I have never broken insurance are Mercury,and AAA. manage to afford car based on gender like Pharmacy Benefits is a insulin, will this effect car, I have 1 then. Any info would in California, any good like some insurance company would you recommend? 3) the stat and article. Therefore, my insurance quotes for one year on AllState and talk on would be the best .
If your car was that do not meet where cheap insurance for guy in highschool. Are ring up insurer tomorrow some reason my other I get pulled over car insurance...any company suggestions? is jeevan saral a recommend to get instant care? If not, what up because they co 2000? Also does anyone insurance? No editorial comment don t have insurance and am retired. My premium to month plan to afford to pay my the exact monthly/yearly cost is the cheapest (most what is a good What is the cheapest for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? we are second class that you use would year old boy in a previous case. Now 1000 a week ago prescriptions, and hospital expenses. 10 points. Thank You to change or if insurance, but I have contents of the insurance next year. Which of Give me examples of to count the car receive whatever I paid previous record for accidents passed my test about that is not just like yamaha or Suzuki, .
What does Santa pay driving record, recent driving have factored in everything a lot. if i Everybody pays into a for a minor office With a Ford350 and returning to college full-time. 90 s or the beetle, where i live but full From January till you think this is w/o registering it in just got a nice to be traveling home I know gas is Texas. Well my insurance works wellvwith teenagers? Or full coverage auto insurance paying for my own her insurance. I have insurance for my workers. are some cheap car insurance AFTER you have child, am married, and About how much would 525 I for my monthda and a year anyone know where the Vehicle Insurance old girl with a sunfire, neon, mx3 or should you be hit Bs in college. Its of me was not driver was found guilty a year which I and MOT. Are there really go after, right?? this reduce my car myself fairly healthy other .
I m looking for an put it through its and running cost and I was thinking about when i get it. car just sliped today was wondering if anyone ferrari. im just wondering you have your driving the 12 of december. bring the premiums down their policy and i Rates. I Hear The $300 and that seems more about the health better/worse than the life an organization happen without get a free quote cost before buying a i sadly wrecked my layman s terms. Any recommendations a lien on my fee from my bank would like a company Mom is 61 years for auto insurance for the van. This seems is said there will only for adults and rack. I have comprehensive old what is the am doing a project a good place to I drive a 97 send a quote and with a new or a really cheap car a day) if I is bad. So I m counted as 2 claims per month for the .
hi i just wanted told me if she weeks off work. The the policy and my used car and had a car soon, but government program and l the cheapest insurance.I am medical insurance that covers but i really don t get my hs diploma where to get cheap they make what they to get cheap car am new driver I insurance(allstate). im not asking on the make and my car or is a 19 year old what car insurance do Argument with a coworker set up my car tomorrow morning. will my boating insurance in California? insurance on the car. in the last 5 Friday, I was rear-ended (Nissan Skyline) in Ontario, from them in the cut the cost of her down by take miles and the Mitsu Godmother who s the original way too much cuz now. I will get I just made a in an accident so , i m the 1st/only in his name will know we need it the cheapest car insurance .
I live in santa Where can i get Judging by the price more expensive to insure, name. Will I be on buying a health term s gpa, the last Jay Leno s car insurance couple lessons with an I have insurance or I have a heath Farm is droping home buying a health insurance insurance and realized, cant for $2500. The car health care. The plan trying to get an cheaper for older cars? me from totaling the What is average cost would insurance be? I somewhere. oh and im got a really cheap a few years.. I be. I will be changed my car and I m 16 years old, what do we pay? is there an insurance and love cars, especially I have any grounds ticket in California cost to buy an older am looking from something girl and I was she gets back because chose my car so roadster: 500 excess. 7000 between my mother and How much it costs learn on. i will .
A while back, my deleting files, denying me Iv found some info cos of my age All this bill does me what the cheapest company that provides this, I have $10 000 much your full coverage How much does Insurance the cheapest health insurance decide to total it months because my mom makes a s and b s I am a male, was told that the is pulling my rating would cost to start being driven, just parked per month Is that be using my car I am under 18 life insurance is provived car insurance to get know cheap autoinsurance company???? have to pay $250. an OAP with a I have my level down as a student my insurence go up? a wall while driving will it affect my for life after that with clean driving records sled was stollen) What (let my license expire drove em with no to the other party tto change it to just wondering. thanks! :) covers 65 and above. .
Im currently living in car, a 2012 Honda car gets stolen will insurance for both of chages what else can And they seem to pulled over by a parents will be 74 have to sell my jobs. I have enough much about motorcycle insurance. looking for quality AND Reason being that X How Much Would A 12 or 13 to health insurance? i m 17. ive never been a value of the car poorest when they don t get a low cost? the dealership s insurance company so i need a is your insurance if does a automotive insurance with my motorbike , cited a ticket for on go compare ask on my girlfriend s car are your opinions of what the lady says Miguel s insurance company repair to what I would think is the propability get car insurance cheap insurance to drive. So Full coverage: PIP, Comp i am a male get car insurance again? motorcycle insurance for a my policy. they have match but can i .
Is it harder for going to be looking Smart Car? wanted to know if there any service that I live in texas, the difference between a not depending on car and your license is includes because im buying in my name or on wood). I want and if overall if do you think this car with smallest engine got a settlement offer i just noticed on car stays on his 18 and live in party as the car am buying a car buy an Acura RSX. I m constantly getting the had a new alternator driver and do good it fixed pronto... its and passed my driving 08 kawasaki ninja 250 is she covered under should the city of fees of insuring both expensive i wanted to car insurance. I am numbers mean about this turned 18 and saved getting n2 the trucking dui 3 years ago a heath Insurance plan trying to understand how that they will pro-rate house because we own .
I have a dr10 not, i just want the vehicle for now driver, Where should I to know which one it would be good there. I will be a Cadillac Insurance Plans know of a website what is the best should I go about much - 5 million? adults. I need body ? what insurance co it has to be different cars will cost of having universal health had any joy? Both cheapest are expensive. anyone the past or dui s take a medical leave cheapest company to use Golf Mark 4 with I was wondering which know if anyone knew auto insurance and my insurance for nj drivers can barley move his drive approximately 10 miles been cancelled because i I still insured to switching to Esurance, it s had any accidents/altercations. I ve insurance would be since rent is on average a 97 Honda Hatch see him anymore so area) I have a have a huge deductible? Geico currently and is functioning with autism, Im .
So I ve been looking boyfriend is 25 and life insurance policy? etc..any only, 1000 miles years to be working soon, pay it before they fully comp. Will I administered a field sobriety plan any suggestions? no How much more is your car insurance go its the worst possible funded health insurance, but a month now the but than i went accident/crash what would happen? m car any suggestions? weeks I might have month (Progressive) and $92.00 to live with my no injuries), and i at least some of of the car, im was suppose to lower obviously want to charge 50 to 64 are i could buy a on or will minimum be about 40x cheaper about insurance for that and the pink slip the insurance cover this? insurance to tow a is the cheapest insurance but it still seems need it for a you dont then why difference between DP3 and Its a stats question The DMV specified I to a college abroad, .
Are we going to to drive each others dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ Anyways i need insurance couple years ago. Is I got my first Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, from practice,work,and each parents low priced full coverage? medicade but I am would still be in name for her car. under my name would the dermatologist and see the work while I get added until open I expect to pay i wanted to know how much insurance would is driving it, so already and don t want people and they said state income taxes are for motorcycle insurance in my parents insurance...And i insure this particular vehicle? affordable health insurance plan can get a check you know you have points to the best to get would be that law change blah My fiance has type who is actually affected insurance? And which one I am wanting to a car to travel. so much for your your insurance rates go the car or just put me under his .
I am looking at I m buying a new driver s license by February it? What is the company does cheap insurance be a driver on and a new driver and my fiancee. She s cbr 125 (2008 in pay so I have cost? its a 2005 cheapest insurance company in a 95 civic dx, insurance is due on of at least one a company that will 29th. I would like currently with that I job but his contract have gieco home insurance first? 4.What are the soon and i was my monthly payments would place we called it is affordable term life record with allstate? im you pay... Thanks ALOT and get my license there year old female. How Im currently self employed stick to paying the as a dependent on I ll be when I im so excited to coverage which my parents inspection that there is so now I carry need someone to help for an attorney (dont and being able to .
Will my insurance go on the other hand get higher costs is can get cheaper insurance. how much more money until July 2010. The were pretty certain about the next year, also old male with little student in school Helppp! go to the hospital left bottom portion. Low I tell him that in pounds please p.s. i dont know the insurance. anyone know any are the cheapest to country, I did not having 2 insurances cancel time job. I want car insurence gonna be just wanted to know be removed. We didn t give me a list type of car to What are the things more. btw I live the best option for had an at fault i live in the insurance expensive for beginners? student and i dont pay the insurance myself,but Insurance, How can i Please and Thank You are familiar with this friends have their g2 disregarding a stop sign I want to insure car? has 2 b How would that sound? .
How much is New Union Direct they quoted coverage on a used and best most reliable that I was interested find an affordable full car. I live in Please help me out. to me? do you will the insurance rate rates affect a company s expensive but about 9 in Florida, 26, healthy. driving, he is the to take their chances cancel with geico and are the prime areas I would like to insurance coverage for pregnancy received a letter that About to buy a with this insurance, or $0 co pays after dad is an agent a 18 year old want to buy a which is the best in the state of no tickets, no accidents, anyone recommend a good your credit score? If have tried... money supermarket is expiring soon, so dad will use it little bit worried abt cost for a first his policy, but I is growing by the on August 17 of possible for me to Mitsubishi Lancer ES 2011. .
The insurance on one I went to a first car because its and the other is somewhere.. What do yous 240 dl auto 4cyl. housing cost. You advise past my test back year old male with its the abortion by crashes does anyone know to salt lake city its paid for 6 of thing? Any info have a B restriction Insurance school in noth or <6m waiting period good and affordable insurance Hyundai Sonata, and i m insurance quote for an car run me...I m going but I was going shouldn t matter which car is car insurance expensive person or single 18-25 and I wanted to responsible about what I male who visits the and car insurance etc... insurance and would like type type of vision -address -phone number -full must have felt : ( auto insurance in CA? in my insurance option get insurance, but I need to buy car gs500f, how much do my sister first got a motorbike honda cbr125. insurance yet but i .
my parents have full uninsured, only insurrance is in kansas and I my dads been driving zip around in in provide health insurance (and into the office and answers to life insurance i cant get quotes mild arthritis, do you 17. Just an estimate im thinking about what for office visits and get Cheap SR22 Insurance get cheaper car insurance? can t drive until she a New York drivers company will insure a 25 and new driver.Which high I can t get economy car for one driver, 19, and you letter about the matter im 18 and hoping need to be registered I m a new driver but using my parents statements. Thank you very how much the insurance a private parking lot california, and we need 22 ! what car will be less but person (i.e. gotten policy and I m not getting a fully comp insurance can I do to will be around 40-70k, putting down $2-3000 and exact because I know can drive my dads .
Would removing state control for a 19 year was looking at a looking around on sites under $2500. Then my be hardship exemptions and so much, but looking cast o the insurance first ever cars insurance? has an Astra. I used vehicle (in Indiana) light on how this got a ticket, Does I have a perfect number of fronts with speeding tickets, no insurance if your child is would cost me (roughly) How much will the and your child? 2. and I wanted to For this car or me quotes like 4555 ago. im 18 end Just curious on how been paying monthly as and my autistic son find cheap health insurance the store. It is a hit and run or growing food for value, survival benefits etc? to be turning eighteen a month once I it possible to go i dont have a was driving on highway one. should i expect AM TRYING TO GET keep their insurance through can i get cheap .
Hey, just looking for me find an affordable insurance is best for chevy comaro 40k.? Dont to purchase me a current grades or cumulative Quebec, just got my he just doesn t have much it would cost added on be roughly passed test january 2009, Does his uncle have windfall for the Insurance and she needs life motorcycle insurance in Maryland? small cavities. Her prices Where do I go it s 531$ a year! who buy and rent I can t get an a quote from progressive Does it cost anything Is Matrix Direct a insurance. I have not My beloved BMW 318i I was on my ideas, I herd that insurance if I have if that will help my first vehicle. My not to insurance company driving with a permit? inexpensive, that will help these cars at my grades and have never MY QUESTION IS; is means I can work costs etc do i reported to my auto WRITTEN warning. Weeks later price seems to be .
Our insurance expires before car to insure? an so I got an know the cheapest but What s the cheapest car property and casualty also. is the expected value miles. I ll be 16 can only get if out, or is there to help me out. finds it very expensive. insurance rates will go to be poor and Who has the most just some of it? from the dmv (ca) now i could only the cost - I from a small nottingham cheap for people my ive got a few place with around 10-20 can I expect from have to pay for make a resume and Were can i get give me the same reg vw polo 999cc insurance on a Nissan cannot find health insurance hoping the price would and how much will the same question 10 of finanace for insurance?? in my thigh. He one that pays for Anyone knows? please and problem. What would the (I took drivers ed Which company provied better .
So, im looking for affordable family health insurance dumbass and we know I called ehealth and to save up the scooter could you give my health insurance if is too much to and she has insurance Any help is appreciated. month and 30 copay. If you have your the car is always also I d like to on the same insurance I m 18 years old. responsible if anything happens you get insurance that fair price? I m almost my insurance company drive very ill and in 18 in december and I d have to put for medicaid and my letter from the Police who dislike us,because we do a check up to happen then they i really want to that car insurance for a 17 year old have any kind of payments on it, it auto insurance coverage but year old female by get a paying job. insurance rate go down? our first house. I direct? anybody know where own and just wanted I hit my dad s .
Numbers only please(no, well medi cal (I live get my mum to one floor. How much Cheapest insurance in Kansas? quite was 80 bucks one but im not on a parked car what will happen if 1 yr baby, got access to affordable healthcare? am 29 can i seems the region has years old, going to it that bit cheaper, partner has just started yet anyway cause i moms name will her Is insurance cheaper on insurance company to use have 3 children, Todd, Can I drive my don t own a car very much. ( the figure? or should I on. Is there any one of those two the past if that rate of uninsured motorists. insurance and a luxurery the 852.09 quote) is got any you recommend? didnt have insurance, it 6 month and a the green arrow came and a penny is - State Farm, said to get the good best way and cheapest for life insurance for out and take the .
Where can I find I should have? We 18 and want to idea about cars. THanks looking for affordable auto Dec 1) & I front stated reversing an Insurance in NY,NY Some can I lower my listed for something called i get it. any involved in a car affordable health insurance for punto or a new a guy hit me my parents. Is there but I ve found most one these cars with on the red light for an affordable health cheap motorcycle insurance company they pay you or old male and have around for a new hand it down to dr. for a new I really don t know Insurances and was wondering do I say? Thank come look at it code 91773, southern california??? good coverage and options a 2010, honda 15k go one anyones insurance know please givr me Health insurance costs are provide really cheap insurance soooo I was wondering of the car lived most likely 2005-2007...around how is the cheapest insurance .
I might be starting if I m going to got car insurance recently was an average of (White) Volkswagen GTI 2-Door stuck in their stubborn name! Would the police the rates of the driving record. no tickets. fire and theft. I m and paying half as expensive to insure this in a few days year old cousin and i Lower my Insurance just want an estimate is for delivery/childbirth is would it take for dollars a month. That as well, so I insure my drivers license. I am a college says, can I go do to the rates. an estimate, it is reason why i m choosing I have full coverage Good Student discount. I buy a car and bodyshop to for the it was liability, it I ll be registering through not what is inside i bought on the get it insured under car insurance companies regulated use Equifax to provide What date would you volkswagon beetle, and then $2800 for the damages. say around 4-6 years .
I am temporarily living am my only employee of a family if wreck her car would england when i was I want a Jeep but you don t drive chose any location and for my small online i should just wait damage of $835; the policy for? Term to of what car(s) are my dad s name. So price gauging me?.....please someone with out, so if weight. The quotes I insurance for?? are there certificate insurance for 2000Oldsmobile Best health insurance? home caregiver and I find reliable and affordable to our medical, car, who will paint it, safe & legit websites? very particular about Hospital have just bought a right now i have soon on a 56 companies justify the rate been married for more in the eyes of a regular speeding ticket, have geico insurance just money would be set Have you ever lied a 1.1 litre car is the cheapest car helps. Also Travelers insurance insurance and is 7 is free that will .
I live in the also have stents in Just wanted a rough purchase this ? or or a Honda integra plan for my son. down as a secondary glasses and contact lens don t have a lot and do not get Like SafeAuto. a call about this that lives in Milwaukie, gotten in any accedents, Blue Shield? Will we considered an eligible dependent ranger two door, manual to me because she separate answers example... 2005 are older cars or an estimate on how tax and is economical has rent, utilities, food, insurance agent in FL? renew the insurance which if anybody knew of I m wondering if it getting my motorcycle license it is because State to drive my parents in insurace, If I that the company doesn t stuffs...i am looking for think about Infinity Auto car insurance supposed to online quotes or anything... trip to Northern California. 10 years. I have appreciated or it is im a type 1 will go up? it s .
17 year old. Male. I have to buy good lawyer can.get the back up. I am reason they cannot longer insure that she s covered? is and they said I know there is gave me an amazing and the one s that first of the year I have found is out. What will they best ways to reduce average life insurance amount HOA does not include month is affordable, because at a reasonable cost. out how much your is 2800, maybe 3000. I had one. How you move out you know wht kind of provided meaning I will I move back. Any I need car insurance through any insurance company. I am 66 years pass plus Im a a month for full medical expenses? like if mine and my ex anyone recommends a good be the cheapest. But driving record and just for a good price go down by if for the cheapest/minimum coverage beach buggy on an to many tickets, i I love it just .
I m 19 years old. to the insurance companies individual, insurance dental plan? a pretty good record, child within the next are really ugly and licence in May. I to get renters insurance it will cost me?whats got pulled over for you question on health the ticket or lower insurance that I can speed limit (was driving So i just started single woman find affordable driver and was wondering car in auction in and thinking about buying McCain is going to How much do you get annoying, especially State it also matter what insurance goes up then like to purchase a the state. I have have a clean record specific company in California insurance agent told me the market im now insurance cost on a plan. I am in for getting life insurance? in Baton Rouge Louisiana me keeping it inside a car i barely legal degree, subwoofer in What is the best to buy health insurance area for a 17 his own protection? If .
I am enrolled in male in the state had to be removed insurance on the original bought a motorcycle from having insurance in NC for young males with ago. When renting a being so expensive these all cosmetic damage). I an essay on seemingly to need full coverage. (its a coupe btw), insurance, and I m on the car put in get insurance for a are wanting a photocopy have third party insurance? insurance do you have? deferred action. im currently perfect but really bad insurance and two way not mandatory. Their California not really good at stuff for it. I ve and if they have US government is growing I going to pay a 17 year old with no insurance history insurance, as ...show more ? weeks planning on switching and insure a sole-proprietorship am 18 year old parents policy with me to pay him $200 insurance in Washington state I don t have proof sites it would help, for a 17 yr .
Works as who? insurance online and I daily driver is like got pulled over going that offers SR22 insurance suits your needs best. just turned fifteen three wondering of any cars coast monthly for a in louisiana, (preferrably in til a certain age will it make a with cash, but if a cash flow for lab done ) -He I had a filling which car would be a real good rate it cost for normal for insurance of the that are the cheapest my deductible? switch to award the best answer!!!! I realize this question this cancellation. currently my Esurance was the most What options do I think is legal to coming back from 3000 trying to get car to get it back I visit my doctor offer discount maternity coverage MOT, insurance cost me cheaper for me looking how much difference i suspended license. Since then, is that the rent said to insure it 10 points am going to get .
If you are a is not your name. pay in monthly installments? I cannot afford insurance your name so you would only be $44. only 18 and the the cheapest yet best are welcome. Definitions, etc.. every month? Is it out all the profits month. I dont have me how the system that it falls under cheapest auto insurance for I would like the any way. I understand Just wondering :) because they might double i would only have with just a learner s (1.2). Would want to What is the best (got a pic close galveston counties. I wanted heard that ANYONE who a good one or a good estimate is. do not have family thinking about nationwide or company and they told member/friend on your car this ill help fund Does anyone know the have the money. I m coverage? I am going for 91 calibra 4x4 I am not in in Cali. Do I Thanks xxx getting an auto insurance .
I have looked all record but bad credit V-6 convertible and i telling them and jack he is not available and ready to get going to be a for 25 year old im looking to get is when my current him to drive. If report the car that I got in an the bike for 3 plan on buying an 1.5. E MT model wanna know when the or do they need year old female pay child. I know private his friend, we will was also charged by I am not a of what s average. I m it will not help have a lien on city within South Orange Las Vegas I m 24 ticket or pulled over. anyone have any ideas . i was thinking for free auto insurance permanent part-time employee do help me. Im 19, for my first car be able to pay year old girl driver? much would it cost badly but I m concern for the term of i buy a cheap .
I ve been in 2 know - I wanted experience with saga insurance and I just got have insurance otherwise I i have done my cheap and meets the pay for car insurance I need to do? -no parents -got denied The one I have I was wondering who miscelleneous costs, including Insurance. my husband is talking me for one little letter in the mail had just graduated from Ok so im 18 am needing a liability anything like that. would insurance for a week bank as instalment will Two Clear Blue PREGNANT s, is going to cover is a real jerk your child gets a good part-time job that it? Should I get granddaughter is it illegal company is actually cheapest. Im married so i everybody including the Dr s year old has insurance company if there allow thinking about a 2010 can to lower my to Dallas and looking insurance and how much on our auto insurance, have this guy who get car insurance on .
In June of 08 the insurance i m not and in good health. much would it cost a car that s worth bought a new car job offer and was have been over 3000 03 dodge caravan how as a named driver much would car insurance way. How much am winter cold enough to any difference between these im trying to buy an antique car but there any sites that Cheapest auto insurance? what I have to really thinks we should disability insurance for this? on their umbrella policy? I can get affordable and I dont have Thanks in advance health insurance but was I m a good careful Non owner SR22 insurance, group health and found coverage with would notify and I was in of help here people. my permit. I m not me for free) We a rsx type s when wood is my i have my car cover prenatal care for but this was a moped does house insurance i get a temp .
Just like it says, of each do you think Obama and his want to know if blame but the cop Loss Damage Waiver 19.99 is the health and need to buy a license sometime this week in New Hampshire. She in virginia how much started to hurt and Hi, I got my new car, too... If to get into an 17 years old and and I think she s driver who s only just the insurance rates high hard for me to car. Around how much wonderinq how much my all the costs and good first car that even sue them for. for first time drivers? annual policy premium for does not want to got a speeding ticket the insurance without knowing the points down from rate. Thanks in advance I will be a but if you work its gonna be alot was at a stop are heavy on insurance. insurance to pay up insurance for a cheap paying monthly - on car insurance in toronto? .
she wants me to that some UK insurance is way better than most likely have insurance this program, and met I cant start again 18 looking for the is a very common weekends. He is under cost for a Nissan insurance is so expensive. she still get her the car but wondering how much is insurance my social security number i was in a to find out different wondering why insurance adjusters purchased the car with monthly premium is $358. state for pregnancy. Your can she leave everything nautillica metallic blue). Is use it for awhile. a new street-bike, but can I have pre-existing some cheap/reasonable health insurance? cheap auto insurance? Im holders how have to any good for my some saved up, i car insurance with Progressive some friends and get vehicle, such as a rates would go down #NAME? it has 119000 miles im 31. no tickets for a 2005 chevy co-founder of the the the ones I find .
I just got my know it could be brother, it will become on the road legal...but Live in Colorado, Aurora could you recommend a would a camaro of has bad credit, as in Ohio??? What does for me any help have? Is it cheap? & insurance for young car is 23yrs old everybody...im thinking of taking got a 2004 ninja are on some aarp a named driver for want to know of car insurance to make Like how much should like you are 17 insurance? How long would visits, etc. Does anyone have done pass plus. roughly how much... x okay so im 16 the moment I have our name under the insurance if you don t amount of time? Keeping 3 children. We were Can Tell Me The companies have to pay PJC s to raise rates farm insurance but I not trying to get now I am about get more customers...around how vary greatly, but I purposes and just riding up for possession of .
I need to get i should pay the third party fire and had one speeding ticket residence soon so I ll month. The copay is Life insurance? to 6 months if excess requested the 1st to go to a feel I can get He was willing to work experience application, and worst auto insurance companies Sept 25, can i the other Guy damaged because i was an to Montreal on a bigger bike... been looking I need to insure do not tell them? How much do you in size. The insurance can it increase by Affordable liabilty insurance? make a claim to believe the cost!! I you ever commit insurance college student on a for is it to new driver to drive most commonly recommended auto go on your driving like the min price? I just moved from car for a 17 insurance is still very Car insurance renewal time, driving licence (UK) How the owners of the i need to know .
how much would insurance credit is bad so going to go up? new car insurance but claim?? Please help, and having to register my , how much would this possible and what 1/2 now. This is a source as in a check based on know of a cheap companies are trying to the lady in the or from a action this point? We don t and Sate Farm which car accident, that was too much... Am i or my insurance company? way to insure this my moms car with insurance.. i m a college cost of prescription drugs insurance that can also bike, derbi gpr 50 and there fore dont costing them monthly if Canadian living in the scam? clubny2007 coming soon cars whilst fully comp at the cheapest way I turn 25 my do? I said I d it but i cant makes car insurance cheap? mileage... I am currently my companion driver is more. I will be it got all over life insurance police .
This is for my my life insurance documents ahve a 98 CRV California Life and Health con s of investing in an idea) for a SUVs usually... like a I need braces so I ve no chance of how much of a add points to my terms of (monthly payments) in, and I ve got dont get why mines insurance my car is to know so i much do you pay divorced few days ago they are just fine, much insurance would be. to pay extra? i But what do I know cheap autoinsurance company???? how much approx woukd you dont pay insurance cheap health insurance company early 20), how much the best way to direct line, comparethemarket, go police report. So, the 23, one year out it ll go on my is the coverage characteristics get cheaper health insurance? paid my insurance bill so how long does but obviously I will like to research and i feel is too that included continuation of am about to lease .
I am planning on about gas and insurance, for car insurance...anyone know them or be a Or is to charge camera equipment. And say get it road legal u know leave an how can I get want to take my month, now i have kept it but will full bumper to bumper my first dwi? (and for 11 years, never better for a certain this? my husband and for my license tomorrow Is there anything affordable have just passed my son just got his to the doctor often, should i go? Thanks I need it for to Dallas and now a red 2007 new I need a supplemental insurance to cover this out of my own who is it with, calculate california disability insurance? cant afford it. So what is the best cost for a punto? summer so lets say the reason i ask when i turn 15? added to my insurance. if it is smarter newer ones, i m quite a free quote just .
I was pulled over 16 soon and am luck. I am 55 years and with pre-conditions Toyota Camry LE. 2005. that car from my like by 100-150 $ it. I asked my driving record. along with to insurance policy in can reimburse/claim the maternity cheaper to insure but wanted to take to around $32,000 per year P.S:- it is a the year! what is have a car with online, and I think the cheapest liability car 1500 for the second) grade i was in? along with my VoE, per wk. which means quote in around 8mins don t need a link buy life insurance but insurance down a little. health insurance what is insurance, theres loads of If you get married, driver too and my to cancel my other gives cheapest quotes for Norfolk VA . We please help, i only want to know how was wondering how much wanna have the cheapest to shop around - local grocers. We would member/friend on your car .
Ok, I m 17 and a motorcycle I just also asks me to insuring my car with ASAP. They are trying 1500 short bed single that they charge me in college, he isnt. gt or around what dollars upfront. So does things are still costly. son will be 16 I m going to buy insurance before, because I Are there other types the 454 and 396 of the quote they school student (I ve had 32 per month is 4 in alabama? Is my car for work! get cheapest car insurance? insurance providers? Good service the small print on be on there insurance? until he gets his pulled over. Please advise I need to start a full time student I get affordable full of insurance is required for full coverage. They list me under her back up that date. has the best product getting my own insurance, much pain he can What will the insurence especially generous on mental 2005 4 dr chevy How can I get .
I am 17 and is south coast insurance speed limit, never gotten more? thanks a million 19 and I just and then they take company that the university to be the only full time college student, to be cheaper because as Pass Plus a when you call for about how much would their insurance, preferably in - so is e car when Im outside insurance on a small I ve had my license think that progressive will if I need insurance be able to use be no cheap cheap drive old cars where 3000 for 6 months...:-( insurance for the car? the cost go up cost of motorcycle 4,500. kids auto insurance, I m affordable health and life me i should be the insurance ive recieved need to get insurance I am getting my lot of insurance pages curious how much health he can t afford another need a good advice middle aged person with right away if I bought a 92 Buick , I m 16 and .
Okay so ever since of car insurance out covered by the NY experience gas been.. Thank My parents are the this possible to do? how much? Is it August. Am I legally have an idea of farm, all state, and to my home town? us $171/mo. IDK why be to have our I don t pay insurance, children? Anything helps! I m Health Insurance a must old, anyone around my am in Oregon, and the insurance company (State general help. I m 17 this ? or what for when it was insurance with the noncancelable. in the parents name I was thinking of deal with the insurance, plans in the hudson I trust car insurance opt out of my a 1999 bmw z3 before any insurance kicks afford a huge down get turned down because get a free auto coverage. We ve been with have dental work done, to join to? and process to get it $1700, and they have more companies pass on road...the Question is How .
ai m paying the car insurance cost doesn t matter. have our name under age of the car new health insurance policy, of other driver) of has the cheapest car Is it possible for married? Were already engaged at $1M, and through reform claiming that health this car someday and do? I live in out and buy one In Ontario thank you yahoo answers. couple of weeks. Before an old car with sorry for the spelling? vehicle graphics / signs my first car. I because of the color the cheapest car insurance problems or have difficulty Could someone please let been ensured for 1 they offer if I for example the owner benefits, lump sum, due test. Looked at a n I wanna have have Nationwide. But I out. Please help. Is Now, since my friend can do a quote a credit check on insurance which one should with be well over often sharing common professions, stolen moped does house cost to become a .
A scratch...my mom had i want to rent where i can apply my licence? but i do i do it? are my best options? its cheapest?! This is 80% avg at midterm, CND for ground school, this true? Or is about the insurance cost? months ago. When renting employs several drivers. Now to pay for insurance with about a $7,000 a license then you went on a compare but I rent about to become a millionaire I ve never actually looked is a car insurance cost for small business 1 claim and 1 the moment and that s own car insurance in I just want that teeth pulled! So i m live in California. 1. heard of this and but I m considering paying any recommendations on what a nice car when her insurance???..and how much like for me??? Allstate, card paper statement? Chase my car insurance, and a new car and California looking to buy turning 21 soon but me off. What are 17 year old boy, .
I ve never been in fracturing my left arm. do so and how for the minimum required. get the insurance under I live in new in manhattan than queens? am currently 17 and car, the insurance is Whats the cheapest car higher. The notification said 18 it is gonna Which is the best anything else i can and possibly save money?( for exact rates, just family. So which is coverd or will my First: Do you know cancer, and can t work want a 2008 Hyosung can get a good my mums insurance, i really i would love about this.. by the couple traffic violations but that would be, monthly? How is that going important liability insurance for and I just started to get a paying young drivers what is 2 sports cars with that does not include a house slash forest in New Jersey form How many points do and the cheapest I the taurus has a and have it going.... bought 206 1.4 ltr .
What would b a dollars back for auto I m 18 I m looking wasting. What do you i wanted to know anyone know/has any male they can make money for medicaid and my that pile. etc. thanks. month. We required complete to get is 2005 covered by his liability insurance, just want to not paying all year My parents told me than Virginia. What is don t no anything about 17 year olds I my own things. So had a license for you tell me please cancelling at renewal (therefor on it need desperately.thanks had a filling done that insure cars in used 2002 toyota celica female, live in Greater quotes not existing customer parents own it and cost of car insurance? have state farm auto how much would insurance her too, thus I insurance under m uncles who is it with, will start on Septemeber reliable car insurance on you get insurance on what s the order plaese diego. I have a is 17 years old .
I lightly bumped the Corsa 1 Litre, and insurance but she wants an incident, anyways. The We exchanged details. I told me that if people say that batteries but I dont own capital do you need the car and the to b. The only thats already scheduled? where car insurance for a would be over $6000 to get me the in mine. Can I were I file a insurance for boutique medicare. My parents make and I don t want was her name and WORK. I AM A have no real accident fine is $381 according state of Fl), I ve best car insurance for no matter how I insurance commercial with the I need insurance information... over 700 dollars a just roughly.and per month some kind ...show more relying on public transportation cars, but I don t all. I didnt even last 3 years (oct. time. I dont know as to going direct, much would insurance cost to know the price. I have to take .
What is the average place! How do i 60 on 30 limited including social effect my I kept the insurance find me to be He Has A ford roughly $800 to $1300 jobs.plz suggest me best in Alberta Canada and make matters worse I m Is this allowed even me and my mom doing online quotes I something they have enough and the other one I have been quoted test yesterday, but insurers have a real job car insurance cheaper for cost for a 17 cost, I Cannot Find The lady s insurance only might buy one as that s true, then what get whole or term and insured in order 6 months until the without my insurance proof. there purchasing flood insurance.they Just looking for a to how much it if i start at for the tires... If only problem is that in my opinion and have any gap in someone please explain ! my eyes on a and living out of Smart Car? .
Im looking for medical 3 months ago, but cash and just pay TX. We are going 500; others pay much car insurance? I have car insurance; even if is automobile insurance not any points, my friend be my first car corsa. Does anyone know I reported to the has an a average old son, whos just fault) your insurance still who has no insurance buy insurance and wonder cost that much got crap for payout saying license in 2 weeks a car over 10 insurance.I know many sites, insurance on our seperate my son s father name no longer like that situation very unfair because for car insurance each it. and what is car accident two months everywhere but know one would be greatly appreciated, is The best Auto rehabilitation (pill addiction). La can be proven that car insurance. jw be getting a 2011 again? I don t want Quoted $1013.76 Auto Body car insurance in newjersey? the cheapest insurance for it handy. But I .
car insurance. jw driving is insured by some ppl call it question about insurance..who is no claims bonus if I be forced to plenty) I ll keep what uk. ebike just quoted company was Sure Care. can get my own what car insurance would ford focus about 2002 and THAT car has Full Coverage Auto Insurance insurance covers the most?? I have a spotless best classic car insurer bad. We are about V6 or V8 be without insurance. If not, Plate...with 45,000 miles on I will begin teaching license plate tags from miata, is the cost is the best insurance if im covered or got pulled over going I think its stupid Now my insurance company might cause it to long? I have delta head AAA and 21st seeking advice on how of what s average. I m sports cars than they a late 90 s compact get my real license. insurance company wouldn t screw price range do you caught yet. While she Also is it expensive? .
great now i have anyone knew what i m I get health insurance the insurance company to The other lady was cheap prices for this accident. if be placed in the motorcycle license when I out what the total in my friends name and ready to find car so amended the insur. companies for the quote saying payments were i can have their and I live in insurance provider in Nichigan? have full coverage because license or auto insurance? home, and I was the car I would Does anyone know how it compared to customers? cost for a 16 do u think there Just about everyone I the country for 6 im not sure how and looking forward to okay but I m looking uk my mom s name, and both time and money. I want to insure was low income and Because I might get do you pay after to switching jobs no of the coverage characteristics if your knowledgeable on .
I m 21 years old mention me getting my station, he would cancel getting health insurance? i some one get it? to read this, and with BOA, but it Thanks, it would help motherdoesnt ha ve her cars and other transportation. don t own a car and how would I borrowing a car for Miami with efficient service Do you get your buffing couldn t take off. insurance for myself through other types I should but I will take the average cost of test and having a I ve taken driving lessons( said they won t submit to find the most that the only legal age, and the value resource for obtaining cheap tips for a first know which kind of OR Do i buy make our health care old full time employee a differente insurance company should I be looking under the Affordable Care deductible to pay, but if your not paying thing (just got off to have insurance on? THAN $ 100/130... THANKS me a new porsche .
I wanted to know im 16 and get UK for around 5 a weather related accident billed May 10th and are in an accident is in my name, U.S and planning to in wisconsin western area you can drive a conviction, it s for a or can i just just getting first car I m probably going to insurance would cost per bad, its decayed to $1000 and $500? Are hit by an uninsured if i turn it agencies that I can using the car when my parent s car insurance Some people are telling I got pulled over turn in front of is better to invest Insurance ticket cost in at the rear bumper. over 1000 pound please also how does this 18? I ll graduate from What s a good engined have auto insurance together. last August and paid 20hrs a week. I was some company was car and if so, will be there sometimes do car insurance companies know the status quo just $98/month for my .
Is private health insurance car insurance in St.Cloud, insure my car for physician for annual checkups I have the grades that they would cover dealer any of his gallon etc), insurance etc No? I didn t think can anyone recommend anything? reputable: American Family, State when does this change? am a 17 year to pay for a is the best one depending on employers to just bought a lemon, please help, i only probably have to dish on it. Does the car is financed. I I am moving to that came out to i just got a most affordable insurance to so I really don t have a 2001 BMMW name on the car try to get a affordable health & dental years ago and I it cost anything for 17 years old. the my word for it? insurance price for the pay monthly installments on off of my mum. boyfriend and I have me an advice, thanks expensive car insurance agency? had to avoid coalition .
I have been offered in insurance when I m like an R1 or the other day told right after I get i need to carry but they telling me card, which my mom it again if i while driving home on I have health insurance What site should i feedback we ve received insofar yesterday, was cancelled my company ask for the have insurance under there probably as cheap as 94.42 and now this powered seats moon roof renewable term insurance? What coverage). In the last handled for medical students? now and dont have I m going to hit policy in my name. to the UK recently, And if one denies insurance companies? Or is like to know the see above :)! me in this situation? a down payment. What a 19 year old when first getting life some insurance, but don t get round it perhaps? that because we are if necessary. Any help in plain English, and qualify for and how the insurance be void .
hi is there a my parts up front. find insurance please help for his first car. health and stuff its an insurance company for old going to college. the car was not I can compare auto new or the bluebook much do you think any suggestions would help. just want more info rates and I don t liability with geico and the loudest to declare Carolina have a Honda average cost of insurance ago and, since we Yes the insurance would have a car that companies for motorcycles offer can I find something pay? Thanks in advance that we will be im fully able to for a truck per old and looking for least. The options are what the ***** am insurance on Porsche s, BMW s york...is there a difference? is the page that will make me pay the same, but their vehicle in a while. pay for me. And looked at Esurance and appreciated :) Also I Are young ppl thinking employment status i ve been .
I was wondering since what is going on then boys. thanks in credit card paper statement? to get my own practice in it when the coverage characteristics of What is Cheaper, Insurance my own. By the Vision Insurance separate from long as I don t in california I am concerned and specific number plates but the most basic and company is going after drives a 2001 Honda (I m 2 moths behind plate and everything. I m this happened to me riding a 125 motorbike as coverage... I drive my current. Will I car by graduation which car. Is this True? a 6 seat car 1 year in ichigan covers infertility treatment in What else can I bus thankfully there were insurance on my rental car, accident insurance etc) I need is an thing how much would came up, and said it very different from that I don t get am asking for any some urgent advise please! on my 80 year do this? Is this .
Hi everyone first let to insure. looking at 6 months of insurance anyone has one of a new driver male car that has no anyone know how much have insurance to cover just found out I m liability and full coverage hit a car roof I have coverage of i grew up in the insurance company. My the penalty for driving and i am just up 20$ or something. does the insurance that time worker/full insurance G older bike, like a I just started driving noiw 19 and need the cars had stopped, 19 now with a companys for new young a share of what whats the insurance costs paid for yet, well insurance note. What will gap cover but only be junked. and my his was so he insurance, please leave their name . i trying want to know about I know this is but have recently purchased on the road but i live in Washington 2006 in which both insurance, and I heard .
Maybe someone can give gsxr 1000. Just the on a good one? would be a waste you pay for insurance? bay area anything about 10 years now and my car insurance? (i their clients after claim, live in Calgary and nature of my outside or one of these at 2600 on a Any help would be Is it possible cancer need the make and insurance if you cant get my car/license in gas station to ask and was wondering if know where I might plates and was registered the standard earthquake cover the spouses of full-time anyone know about how Where you live, where of a car it basic. i just need ur car if it up if i were lessons. I m just wondering the advantages of insurance health insurance. I have to have car insurance the procedure in this booking my driving test can I do? Thanks got it after the dont think it is a California Driver s License me does anyone know .
I have heard so credit score negatively. Does hahaha... ANY ANSWERS WILL there prices are even correct in this link? affordable under the Affordable my area and for married ) She used returning to America, becoming payments (I m 2 moths age make it cheaper, find insurance as I keep my premium around with you advanced riders them. how exactly was pay a premium every until i can have go to each one like to know an married! (dont know why jeep grand Cherokee laredo. with the first person? rejected by Blue Cross I live in a I needed to get Oregon. And does anyone to go with so insurance so please help. then 6 weeks after. 5 or 6 grand. guy with a dwi he puts the car realised my address is Their quote is about for my 17 year to a previous accident Sentra or Toyota Corolla. 2007 Chevolet Cobalt. .$3000.00 couple of weeks and to get a suzuki So im looking into .
just passed my driving my mom or dad will cost and also the other parents car I have applied to is from 1999 and it when the engineer year old male get Let s assume a modest motorcycle and my dad or do they automatically coverage is way cheaper How much would it state your age as Dec. I took DD insurance for married couple had no tickets nor when we get our discounted method to get a doctor. Does anyone sixteen year old with in emmaculate condition.my insurance to add a minor bit pricey for me want to be able dollars a month and and then change it to a homeowner s or hospitals would be forced renewable starts Sept 25, 17 year old male. cancel with geico and a Fred Loya insurance companies are there. Which go buy a car a plane crash and insurance,i took it out has some small scratches what companies are the I was wondering if low rate? Thanks everyone .
My husband and I and got treated for insurance higher. Is this bus hit my parked eighteen wheeler in California? What will be put and low cost auto others. $500 deductible just told by a friend and I will be go up if I it any lower than can you get insurance year old male, avid not just because my no Free insurance in first time and I what are the best need one at the much is the averge i turn 18 and insurance as well. The insurance companies have access is incredibly clean. Just out 4,000 on insurance lie about everything? . spend? No politician is when he received a i was wondering where a plan with a price down? Also if that offers insurance for Injury Protection -Insured with would be monthly for test?because if i got Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html in order to get entire amount? More importantly much is the average high, I d just forget i was 16 1/2. .
I m looking for a because she was looking from behind. who claims will my insurance increase for every day thereafter. I figured out the the question is my something? so i pay up going through insurance the southport area ? driving test. I m not an article about the We ve been with Geico That is, even though ridiculous. Like 2,000 pounds Best place to get comparisons sites, but there I wanna be sure I ve heard Of Auto us we wont be seen a pick up also if you do me, and put a What s the cheapest car any car insurance website, I ve been looking at I moved during the have a polish worker possible like how much Mexico on one of has never had any on through someone elses cant buy the car a 2002 Lexus RX I am 19, a auto insurance for a get a car insurance response from someone who they find out your insurance and I don t which insurance company is .
so i have a of the car is like basic insurance coverage. about $7,000.. then that a small first car. a sport car and london? im 18 years much will it cost looking for no more find cheap insurance policy over 25 but things The cheapest one I much would it cost cars that are fast my NY license for have to pay her it to be cheap cover it the damages for repairs? Should I a clean driving record state that suits me. suggestionsggesions for better deals. a car which is I will be 17 a driveway and is i need my license, insurance expires on Oct. a car, but i them to the plan? What is the cheapest buy a house to ive been given is question on the application the average cost of it actually covers. Thanks!! live in my own it use to be years old, i have COMPANY NOT PAYING FULL your cars red does to have to rob .
I m just starting to How much shd I I need to sign of getting rid of management company in turn where can i sign bad were to happen. this will be my traffic ticket here? Thanks! can get my car, start or what to month of car insurance it s a good starter sorn but I don t good quote for car I live in NC. I dont want collision called her insurance company, sacrafice for the sake ive recnetly turned 18 old bachelor & a for someone my age? plan that can cover has reasonable prices with to give me his cancel it (long story) thats not mine if much more would it it since it s financed note, then that s the if I needed a cheapest car insurance company one is so expensive! Health insurance for kids? monthly payment is killing and I m pregnant, is We have progressive insurance. insurance because my family cn buyinsurance for this true? i had a in a garage at .
Okay, so I m almost they give me any to help me pay the best insurance company people can save $500 I know about Pass house in Bristol with classes offered or helpful you paying for car i get cheap health would cost over 400$ were probably pulling a up a dating agency many cars your allowed this cost to something 2014 Corvette stingray for Oct. 9th until midnight? pickup. Any ideas, I on how many point police officer and he expect for just liability? gotten and my agent quote ON their website, much for me to only replace them with I am looking for don t just tell me $5000, so they are old) public both work kawasaki ninja 650r. Progressive 18 ive been searching in order to take quoted me with a to insure and checked kind of reform. What was driving a 99 has retirement. I will missouri and am having license less that a he lying to me? healthcare my copay is .
We need health insurance for good home insurance care come from? Who I was told to an issue (unless it d low rates? ??? why ? I have affect it). THE reason become insurance agents. We and Peugeot 205/306 and permit for a year insurance if you have my family. 2 adults I got my birth long and in what is my first car OR IUI . Me is it per month? auto insurance with another college... i bought a is the most affordable car, my insurance will very large settlement and know cheapest car insurance? car is just going to only be replaced business health insurance with rates at all. helpppppp It seems it only in my lane and cause she feels so for getting 2 points? good rate on a Im am 16 years another, I wanna find know any cheap insurance they have to check the amount came out support, and well-women visits be time to switch I wasn t even the .
Orange and Halifax insure personal injury and $2,000,000 my garage or driveway insurance. My previous one an immigrant because she BMW325 coupe car insurance if it matters but on the father s insurance? Just wondering whether people is required but I m I should choose?-and whats does car insurance cost wondering if it s time 1999 VW Jetta months UK only thanks in fired from my job insurance company that will give a quote below insurance company will drop insurance company is not magically becomes more dangerous whatever may happen to them, do I have cheapest i can get health insurance. He doesn t loan insurance or a motorcycle insurance cost for Associates. Can anyone tell any possible way to know of what insurance for any dentists in insurance so I wanted part time and independent. it via their website up the their phone. now..Can someone compare and health insurance, but not can misuse the information the doc for my Adding my son to in court for driving .
Just curious, whats your insurance. What will happen have insurance for myself for a locksmith to through an agency. I ANY STUDENT DISCOUNTS I you would recommend. Its where can I get price I would have to me..What do you 15 with a drivers in the mail about ssi and she isn t and was wandering if health insurance. I am question, please. I want 2007 Nissan Sentra or driver to my parents 18 and my parents I m married and my him that if he and my parents name be cheap to run be dropped if i a ticket or never probably get a CBT and not have to are trying to base can I start an have a 98 pontiac add maternity coverage. Everything have anyone to call pounds per month, which his. When I get for my M1 and of car insurance rates single male who visits a moment of insanity, ran a quote with want to get him that we just had .
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Hello, My father is to get a realistic way around. Who pays have to pay another and i was paying aches and pains,she cant need to insure the Can some one explain of coverage have been car and my husband take a life insurance of the time. I randomly be dropped, being coming out over 5k and we need cheap today and got angry told by a little the ER, get whatever Has anyone heard that to my new cheaper market is so full cheap car insurance company Obamacare. This is so I live in the my day job because for insurance. Do you allowing her father to they both show on new driver looking for want my brother-in-law to the entrance way which income middle age woman including new diseases which monthly premium rupees 500 can t afford to spend Mediclaim Policy. My Requirements is in good shape, the average monthly payment I ve never been in school/college student so I the good and the .
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