#hatake Kakashi x reader
actuallysaiyan · 14 hours
“It’s so hot when you talk like that” kakashi pls, bonus points of guy is judging 🤣🤣 all your prompt fills are making me so happy, I love the tiny plot you sneak in ❤️❤️❤️
You and Kakashi were enjoying an afternoon off, just sitting under a tree. It's been a while since either of you could enjoy time like this together. Kakashi rests his head in your lap and you begin to play with his hair. The gentle breeze is soothing both of you.
Kakashi begins to talk about his team. He's so proud of how far they've come. You talk about your own team, talking about how they've progressed as well. It's almost too quiet right now. You wonder when someone is going to come interrupt this sweet moment.
But it never comes...
Or at least, not for some time. You and Kakashi bask in the delight of the quiet afternoon. You even watch the clouds go by. He reads from the latest issue of Icha Icha. It's all too idyllic. He wonders if maybe you two have been blessed for the day. It's just almost too good to be true. He's enjoying every single moment of it.
Soon he finds himself feeling a little frisky. He leans in and pulls his mask down just a little bit. He nips at your neck, nuzzling his face there. You smell like flowers and vanilla, making his head a little dizzy with want and lust. Kakashi has never loved someone as much as he loves you.
"I think tonight..." He breathes in your ear. "I'm going to fu–"
You two are interrupted by the loud cheering of Kakashi's eternal rival and his ever so cheerful student. Kakashi groans as he looks up to see Guy and Lee making their way over here, both on their hands as they try to break their record of how many laps around the village they can do on their hands. Guy greets you both and Lee begins doing push-ups.
"My my...what a quiet afternoon, hm?" Guy comments before he joins Lee in the push-up contest.
Kakashi laughs softly before he looks at you. Then he whispers in your ear, leaving you a little breathless.
"I'm going to fuck you so good tonight. It's been a few days, yeah?"
Your cheeks burn and you try to come up with someone to say that'll complement that. But all you can manage to say is: "It's so hot when you talk like that.
Kakashi's eyes light up mischievously, and he hopes that his eternal rival didn't catch any of that. But when he looks over, both him and Lee are blushing. Guy flashes his smile and a thumbs up.
"Ah! What passion from my rival, but I would never doubt it. He fights as he makes love! With all his passion and all his might!"
Rock Lee looks at both of you, stars in his eyes. You feel so mortified. You can't believe this is happening.
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pupkashi · 6 months
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do u guys think kakashi would flirt with you when he’s drunk, cheeks flushed and words slurred as he tries terrible pick up lines on you
“you believe in love at first sight?” he asks, “or should i walk by again?” the incessant giggles that leave his lips having you smiling and shaking your head.
“kashi we’ve been dating for two years,” you smile, watching as he pouts at your statement.
“cant you go along just once!” he whines, strong arms wrapping around your waist as his head nuzzles into your neck, sighing a bit before his eyes flutter shut.
“okay okay,” you sigh, a smile still on your face as you continue, “I’ll go along with it this time, promise.”
his silver bangs cover his eyes slightly, hair messy from whatever competition he had been doing with guy earlier in the night. his eyes light up at your words, walking away from you, only to turn on his heel and walk right back up to you.
“do you have a band-aid? ‘cause i think i just fell for you,” he smiles, giddy as you flush slightly, a grin tugging at your lips as he stares back at you, eyes lingering on your lips a bit longer than usual.
“we’ll i wouldn’t want that scrape to get infected, maybe i should clean it up for you,” you purr, your hand finding it’s way to his t shirt collar as you tug him closer to you, “what do you say we go take care of that, hm?”
kakashi sputters out a half ‘yes’ and a half ‘please,’ cheeks burning and heart jumping out his chest as he watches you get on your tippy toes and place a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“how was that for playing along,” you tease, laughing as he stumbles back and clears his throat a bit.
“we should get home it’s late and i need to get home,” he stutters out, “home with you,” he mumbles, walking backwards and saying a chaste goodbye to his friends, before rushing back over to you and tugging you out of the bar.
“we’ll aren’t you in a rush to get home” you laugh, his arm is slung over your shoulders under the guise of ‘keeping you warm and close to him,’ but you know better.
you can tell from the stumble in his steps and the way he’s swaying with cold wind he’s much drunker than he was letting on in the bar. giggling at your every word, you’re not sure if the flush of his cheeks is the alcohol, the chilly breeze hitting them, or your shower of compliments.
kakashi doesn’t care how silly he looks, admiring how utterly beautiful you look as you help him up the stairs, how funny you are when you’re re-teaching him how to brush his teeth and helping him into bed after untangling him from his clothes.
the world is spinning when his head finally hits his pillow, sighing happily when he feels the bed dip under your weight, already scooting closer to you.
“can we cuddle?” he whispers, eyes closed as he whispers. he doesn’t see the softest smile on your lips or the shining look of love in your eyes as you stare at the silver haired jonin.
“‘course we can kashi,” you whisper back, pulling him close to you and holding him tightly, kissing his forehead before closing your eyes.
kakashi woke up extremely hungover the next day, head throbbing and sunshine way too bright for his liking.
“good morning lover boy,” you giggle, aspirin in hand alongside a cup of water, “made us some breakfast, hopefully it’ll help with the headache I’m sure you’ve got.”
kakashi doesn’t say much of anything, eyes still half closed as he takes the medicine from you, mumbling what you can only assume is a ‘thank you,’ before he’s laying back down, blanket over his head.
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a/n: GODDDD I HAVENT WRITTEN FOR MY LOVER IN SO LONG I MISSED HIM !!! I YEARNED FOR HIM !!!!! he’s so my everything i love him i love him i love him <333
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rookieloveskashi · 2 months
How Could You? —Chapter 1—
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Part of the For Your Own Good Series Prev Work → Next Chapter
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Relationship: Hatake Kakashi x fem!Reader
Rating: General
Warnings: mostly just fluff so far, a little canon angst, POV Kakashi. canon rewrite. self-ship coded; please see author's note on series page if you are unfamiliar with plot-significant characteristics of reader.
Word Count: 2.6k
Work Summary: After waking from Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan attack, Kakashi finds there is still a lot of work to do; in rebuilding the village, restoring trust within his team, and in being honest with you. But will his efforts strengthen those bonds, or will everything only get worse?
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“Let's see…what else did you miss?”
You sat beside Kakashi on his bed, your head resting on his shoulder and your hand tracing gentle patterns along his palm. It had only been a few hours since Lady Tsunade had returned to the village and fixed him up, and she had barely left before word somehow got to you that he was awake and healthy.
When Tsunade had explained to Kakashi how long he’d been unconscious since Itachi’s attack, he felt ashamed. All that time, wasted. He should have avoided getting caught in that jutsu. But he was thankful his comrades and students were safe, despite feeling like he’d done nothing to help.
And when he saw you, every feeling was replaced with guilt for how worried you’d been.
But everything had been forgiven in a flutter of kisses, his hands and mouth both more eager than his recovering muscles could keep up with. Eventually, kisses morphed into conversation; you excitedly filling him in on everything that had happened throughout the village while he’d been asleep. Truthfully, it was probably more information than he was concerned with. But Kakashi was more than happy to spend time with you in any way. Even if it involved listening to stories of people he wasn’t even sure he’d ever met, he’d still take it.
His muscles ached from the lack of use. He was just about to ask if you wanted to continue this conversation on a walk when you were suddenly distracted. A tiny sparrow tapped on the window, drawing your attention. “Awww,” you cooed, “look at that little bird.”
“Hmmm,” Kakashi sighed, recognizing the signal. “Another mission already.”
“Wait, so soon? But you’ve barely recovered!”
“Well, we lost so many shinobi to Orochimaru’s attack. Those of us left just have to work harder to make up for it.”
“That explains why Iruka has been so hard to get a hold of lately. I guess he’ll be busy with missions for a while, at least until we get the Academy rebuilt.”
“We?” he asked, working on securing the wraps around his ankles. “I thought you said you were working on getting Ichiraku up and running.”
“I am. But the volunteers fixing up the Academy needed help, so if I split my time and work one shift in the morning and one—”
He leaned in to kiss your temple. “Don’t overwork yourself.”
“I could say the same to you, you know.”
“I’ll be fine,” he promised with a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth. “I hate to cut this short, but I’d better head out.”
“Right.” You kissed his mouth, delaying him for as long as you dared before pulling away. “I love you. Please be careful.”
“I will.”
And I love you too.
The words were on the tip of his tongue. He wanted to say them. He was ready to say them. He realized he had loved you this entire time, and he wanted to tell you. He just needed to move his jaw, vibrate his vocal cords, and say the words.
But then you stood up, and made your way to the bedroom door. And his chance was gone.
“Walk me out?”
“Of course.”
He stayed by your side as you walked to the front door of his apartment, wishing he had more time to spend with you before being sent out again. But this was the life he’d chosen, and people were counting on him.
“See you when you’re back.”
And with that, you gave him one last sweet smile before walking out. His heart tugged in his chest as he watched you leave. But he just needed to focus on this mission, and then he could come home and spend some time with you.
First, though, he needed to check on his students. Tsunade had told him all about what happened between Naruto and Kabuto in Tanzaku Town, and Sakura was sure to be worried about Sasuke’s health. Kakashi knew that Tsunade had healed Sasuke before making the house call to his apartment for both treatment and a lecture. But Sasuke would probably still be recovering in the hospital. At least Naruto wasn’t hurt.
When Kakashi arrived at the hospital, the medic-nins directed him to Sasuke’s room. He could tell that something was wrong before he even made it to the doorway. The room was empty, and when he went in to investigate, all he found was an abandoned bed and a few apple slices browning on the floor. Judging by the color, they couldn’t have been there long.
Kakashi closed his eye and focused on the smells and sounds surrounding him. He picked up Naruto’s scent, along with Sakura and Sasuke’s. He knew the room was in disarray, and he couldn’t imagine Sakura doing that, so it must have been Naruto and Sasuke fighting, yet again.
But where did they go? Had they been kicked out? Sasuke hadn’t been discharged yet, and the staff seemed to think he was still here. The roof.
He was up there in the blink of an eye, finding Naruto and Sasuke charging at each other with dangerous amounts of chakra, Sakura shouting for them to stop and running right for them. Sasuke was aiming a huge amount of Chidori, and Naruto—
Is that…
He grabbed each boy by the wrist and spun around, flinging them into the water reservoirs on the roof. It may not have been the most gentle choice he could have made, but if the two of them had made contact, who knows what could have happened. And Sakura would have been right in the middle of it. Gentle wouldn't have cut it, today.
“What are you two doing up here?!”
Sakura ran up to her sensei while her two male teammates groaned and pulled themselves away from the large tanks. Seeing the fear in her eyes nearly made Kakashi’s patience snap. This was the furthest thing from teamwork he’d ever seen.
But that jutsu…no doubt about it. The Rasengan. How is Naruto using that jutsu?
Sasuke stood, offering only a glance and a smirk in Naruto’s direction. While his student was distracted, Kakashi used the body flicker jutsu to jump on top the reservoir looming over Sasuke’s head.
“What do you think you’re doing, Sasuke?”
The boy startled and looked up at him, his expression quickly darkening from surprise to annoyance and anger.
“That Chidori wasn’t the size you’d aim at a comrade from the Leaf Village,” Kakashi continued. “Were you actually trying to kill Naruto?”
Sakura and Naruto both waited tensely for Sasuke’s explanation, but the boy’s answering silence was all the jōnin needed in order to understand. He must have taken that reunion with Itachi harder than anyone realized.
Instead of offering his teammates a word, Sasuke gruffly leapt off the roof, avoiding the situation all together, leaving Naruto looking betrayed and Sakura sobbing into her fists. Kakashi hung his head and tried to make sense of how Team 7 reached this low point, and how he could turn them back to the right path.
Suddenly, Kakashi felt a different yet familiar chakra signature. Jiraiya. I should have known.
“So, it was you who taught Naruto that jutsu?” he asked. “Don’t you think he’s a little young?”
“Look who’s talking,” Jiraiya responded. “That Chidori was pretty powerful too.”
Yeah. Got me there.
“Although,” Jiraiya continued, sounding a bit more serious, “I didn’t think he would throw it at a friend. Did I miss something between those two?”
“It’s complicated…” Kakashi began. “You of all people know how rivalries can be.”
Jiraiya hummed in understanding. “Jealousy is not a good sign. Maybe I should talk to him.”
“Then I’ll trust Naruto to you. I have to get on with a mission, but I’d better deal with Sasuke too.”
“Ka—” Sakura sniffled. “Kakashi-sensei…”
Kakashi jumped down from the tank and approached his female student with a smile on his face and confidence in this voice, hoping she couldn’t see how fragile both really were.
“Don’t worry. We’ll have the old Sasuke back in no time.”
Kakashi found Sasuke sitting on a high branch in one of the oldest trees in the village. At least he found some interesting places to brood every once in a while. But despite the time he’d had to cool off, the genin looked ready to lash out at the first person he saw.
It was obvious enough; Sasuke had recognized how much Naruto had grown, and it had been a tough pill for the Uchiha to swallow. Their rivalry had reached a dangerous tipping point.
Seems I’ll have to fit in some mentoring today, after all.
He silently unspooled a generous length of wire and attached a shuriken to the end. Then, when he threw the shuriken to loop around the tree, the wire held Sasuke to the trunk. Kakashi quickly jumped onto the branch, showing his student that he wasn’t truly in any danger. Despite that, Sasuke had an enraged look in his eyes as he looked up.
“What’s this all about?” Sasuke snarled.
“If I didn’t do it, you’d run.” The jōnin sensei kept his tone level. “You must admit, you're not the type to take a lecture willingly.” Not unlike I used to be.
Kakashi sighed. After what he’d just watched Sasuke do, he needed to get through to him. He didn’t want to reopen his own old wounds, but if he didn’t connect with his student, Sasuke would only see what Orochimaru told him to see.
Better get right to the point. “Sasuke, forget about getting revenge.”
The boy was only angrier upon hearing this advice, and Kakashi wished he’d been more surprised at the reaction. “Although,” he continued, “in my line of work, I've seen a lot of kids like you.” He had been tempted himself; looking for someone or something to blame throughout the toughest times of his life. More often than not, he found the blame belonged to himself.
But how do you seek out vengeance from yourself?
“The fate of those who seek revenge is never good. It’s quite tragic, actually. You’ll only end up hurting and suffering more than you are now. Even if your revenge is a success, all that will come of it is emptiness.”
His lonely years in the ANBU. The desperate fights he wished to lose. Having no one, for fear of losing them too.
“What do you know?!” Sasuke spat. “You think you’re a genius?”
Kakashi pulled on the wire. “Calm down.”
Sasuke chuckled, looking up at his Sensei with a worrisome look in his eye. “I could kill all the people most precious to you,” he growled. “Then you’d know just how wrong you are about me.”
Obito. Rin. Sensei.
As vivid as in his nightmares, images of his old team’s deaths flashed before his eyes. He couldn’t protect any of them. Those failures were his greatest shame as a shinobi. Kakashi had avoided talking about his past with his students so they wouldn’t know just how worthless their sensei really was. But it was something Sasuke needed to know, so he swallowed his pride and steeled himself.
“Well, I suppose you could…” His aching heart provided the answer that had been his undeniable truth for so long. “But unfortunately, I don’t have anyone special left. The ones most precious to me have already been killed.”
Sasuke’s face morphed into a mix of confusion and anger.
“I’ve lived longer than you. Times were tough back in my day. I know the pain of losing somebody more than I’d like to.”
“Neither you nor I can be called lucky, that’s for sure. But we’re not the most unfortunate, either. You and I have both found precious friends, haven’t we?”
Sasuke was quiet for a minute, and Kakashi hoped he was thinking of his classmates. His teammates. Sakura and Naruto. Kakashi knew firsthand how much someone who was originally considered an annoyance could become a dear friend; one of the most important people in a person’s life. “You realize it after you lose them.”
Kakashi flicked his wrist to loosen the wire, seeing that a lot of the fight had drained from Sasuke’s eyes. “Chidori was a power I gave you because you found something important. That power is not to be aimed at a friend or used for revenge. You ought to know what that power should be used for.”
Protecting a person who is precious to you. Someone you love.
Instantly, he wasn’t thinking of Gai anymore. Or Sensei, or Obito or Rin. He could only think of you. The person most precious to him. The person he loved, yet for some reason—some irrelevant, nonsensical reason—he hadn’t told you.
And now he couldn’t wait another second.
“Think about whether what I said hit the mark or not.”
He rushed to your apartment, hoping you hadn’t needed to go anywhere else after you’d left his place.
People could be taken away at any time—Kakashi knew that better than anyone. Yet he’d been stubborn and closed off, refusing to let himself admit to you everything you meant to him, based on fears that he didn’t even remember.
He peeked in the window and saw you lounging on the sofa, reading a book. The girl I love.
You jumped, whipping toward the window with your hand over your chest. As soon as you registered him, your eyes softened and you let out a breath. “Kakashi?” You pushed the window open and allowed him in. “What are you doing back so soon? Is something wrong?”
He lowered his mask and crashed his lips into yours the second the obstacle was removed. You stayed still; shocked and surprised. But then you wrapped your arms around him and answered his kiss. When he broke away, he kept his lips over yours, so they would brush against you as he finally said what he should have said weeks ago.
“I love you.”
You gasped, inhaling the words into your lungs. Kakashi thought he could hear the rhythm of your heart go a little haywire as you leaned back with a giddy smile. Then you let out a chuckle, something between elation and apprehension. He understood how this probably seemed to be coming out of nowhere.
“I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to tell you,” he said. “I just had to…get out of my head.”
“Kashi, I…are you sure?” you whispered. “You don’t have t—"
“I’m sure, Y/N,” he promised. “I've been sure for a while, but I was just afraid of…well, a lot, honestly. But, I love you.”
That gorgeous smile stretched across your face. “I love you too.”
His smile matched yours before he kissed you again. “Okay. I’d better get out of here before my tardiness gets me in trouble.”
You giggled. “Mmmm, bye Kashi.”
He stole one last peck before covering his face again and climbing onto your windowsill. “I should only be a couple of days,” he said, crouching to be ready to spring up on the roof for quicker travel. But then he looked at you, and he couldn’t resist telling you one more time. “I love you, Y/N.”
A fresh coat of pink ripened your cheeks. “I love you, Kakashi.”
He could stay here all day repeating it back to you, but he forced himself to go. The last thing he wanted right now was to start a cycle of back-to-back missions, but it was for the good of the village. To protect you. To protect the woman he loved, and who loved him.
It was the happiest he’d been in a long time, and he couldn’t wait to come back.
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► masterlist
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kakashisenppai · 2 months
thinking about a secret relashionship with kakashi
secret late night walks around the village
sometimes you both ignore each other in public even tho you're both dying to hold hands
you hiding your jealously when some other girl hits on him while you're both out with friends
he hiding his jelously when some other guy or even male friend gets too comfortable around you
you both holding hands under the table
secret looks shared in public
you both taking care of each others plants when one of you is out on a mission
you having to hide in his room whenever gai shows up at his apartment unexpectedly
quiet nights in his room, just you both enjoying each other presence
your friends pestering you about how weirdly happy you look everyday
he almost letting out his pet names for you in public
secret kisses when no one is looking
you having to lie to your friends when they ask you why you have two toothbrushes
you both creating a routine so no one knows you're both togather
you both feeling frustrated because you cant show you're together even tho you both want it but is better this way
every other night hes coming in your house throught the window so you can sleep together, even tho he has the key, he still uses to window just to make it more fun
you both sleeping in each others arms after not being able to hold each other for the whole day.
his whispers in the middle of the night telling you how much you mean to him
secrets“i love you”’s mouthed to each other along the day
“ i love you”’s in full sentences and loudly enough for you to hear shared inside your home.
yes i disappeared completely yes im sorry yes i intend to post more yes i didn’t read what i wrote so theres many mistakes no i dont have any more ideas so you can always give me some
yes if you liked it you can comment and share! feedbacks are always appreciated
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lexsssu · 1 year
Beastly (Hatake Kakashi)
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TAGS: Kakashi/F!Reader, fatherhood, smut, breeding, pregnancy
Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Iɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴜsʙᴀɴᴅ ғɪɴᴅs ᴛʜᴇ ɢʟᴏᴡ ᴏғ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀʜᴏᴏᴅ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜᴛᴛᴇʀʟʏ ɪʀʀᴇsɪsᴛɪʙʟᴇ.
If someone told Kakashi 20 years ago that he’d end up happily married with a child on the way, he’d have called them completely delusional.
It’s not that he didn’t want such a thing, but he, of all people, didn’t deserve something so precious in his life. People like Obito, Rin, and Minato-sensei certainly deserved to live long lives with their spouses and children running amok in their homes.
But him?
Kakashi was far too jaded, far too broken already.
He’s the last person who deserves to grow old and have a family of his own.
And yet here he is, draped over his much younger and very pregnant wife (who didn’t give a damn about the age gap), left hand carefully clutching your baby bump, while its twin covered your right hand, fingers intertwined as he rutted into you.
As a scion of the Hatake clan, which had close ties with canines, much like the Inuzuka clan, Kakashi had adopted certain…animalistic behaviors from his canine companions.
One of which was the urge to mate with his sweet little wife, who unknowingly gave off so many pheromones that you were ripe with child.
HIS child.
“If only you knew just how appetizing you smell. It’s like your body itself is calling out to me to keep filling you up, even if it already knows I’ve already bred you so well…” Kakashi inhaled deeply, letting the scent of your slick and pheromones fuel his beastly urges.
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4izawas · 7 months
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╰─▸ ❝ 𝐒𝐎𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐃~! ❞ ──── 𝐟𝐭. 𝐤. 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: “Y’gotta shut that pretty mouth before you get us caught,” Kakashi moans, his callused hands grasping at your hips as the water sloshes around you. “F-Fuck, that feels good…”
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: naruto | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: kakashi hatake/reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 3.06k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: age gap, jonin reader, spoilers for season 2 of naruto, teen death mentions, kakashi & reader are friends, exhibitionism, public sex, bath sex, spit swallowing, biting, creampies, minor cockwarming ( briefly ), y’all nasty af idk what else to tell u homie, previously established relationship.
𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐜𝐚𝐬: the fifth and final day of kinktober <3 enjoy u weirdos
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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Sitting back, eyes closed, you soak in the heat of the water of the natural hot spring, relishing the way it soothed the ache in your sore muscles. Your last mission, one of utmost secrecy at the bidding of a the now deceased Lord Third Hokage ( and wasn’t that a startling fucking thought, knowing the old man was good and dead when he’d been around to see three hokages including himself come and go and then even came out of retirement in Minato’s place ), had run long and difficult; only two of the six that had set out had come back, with one of the pair being yourself. 
Two of those who would never return had been your own students, still so green at the gills and small in stature in your eyes that wearing their blood home still made you ache all over in ways unrelated to your strained body. 
Water suddenly sloshes up over the sides of the public baths you recline in, but you don’t react. You recognize those footsteps, recognize the breathing patterns behind you to your right and recognize the familiar aura of that intense chakra that you used to be so jealous of — but that was a long time ago, and you no longer had any care or need to be jealous of a superior turned equal. 
“What ways have you rid yourself of your students now, Kakashi?” you ask lazily, not bothering to open your eyes. “I hope they aren’t trailing behind you like a litter of lost kittens.” No matter how fond you were of Kakashi, his children were no obligation of yours, and despite how good it felt to bask in the relentless warmth of the public bath, you would abandon it in favor of peace and quiet. You were in no mood for children — not now. Not after what had happened on this last mission. A silence follows, though comfortable, before the unseen man replies. 
“I told them to take the day off,” he admits quietly, settling down nearby. “After what happened, it’s the least they deserved.”
You hum thoughtfully to yourself. “Mmm, I agree,” you murmur, then sigh and cross your arms over your bare breasts, eyes still closed. “They’re too young for this. I still think we should bump up the genin applicant age requirements to sixteen.”
You can practically sense the man nearby nod. “Yes. All the trauma… It isn’t healthy. Not for children — it’s why I never take students.” His voice is soft and conflicted; he loves this trio, you already can tell. Nothing wrong with it, of course, those sorts of feelings from teacher and student  just typically backfire eventually — your own set being the perfect worst-case example. 
“And yet now you lead three,” you muse wryly, a half-amused smirk on your lips. A scoffed sigh at your right shows his own ill-concealed amusement, and the two of you fall back into silence, wordlessly enjoying the heat of the water as well as one another’s company. 
After a moment, a soft utterance of your name — hesitant and cautious — has your ears metaphorically pricking up. “Where…” Kakashi pauses, thinking the question over; ultimately he decides to pursue its answer. “Where are yours? Your students.”
Your kids. 
A stiff, cold silence settles over you both, the frigid sensation cruelly eating into Kakashi’s bones despite the heat of the baths, and you say nothing — but he can see the way your muscles have tensed in a way that looks painful, and he’d seen the way only you and a single lost-looking chunin had returned bloodied and bruised from a mission that had started out with six in number, and he knows. Kakashi knows what happened, he just doesn’t want to believe it. You’d had this pair of students at your back for years now, they were about to graduate entirely and leave your tutelage. Kakashi himself knew them both by name, had greeted them whenever he visited you for whatever reason; they’d both made homes for themselves in you and your house, and for you to be without them after striking out on a job with them was the only real evidence he needed of the truth. 
But again, he didn’t want to believe it. 
“Gone,” you finally mutter, voice cold and empty of emotion. “Information was bad. One of ours sold us out on top of it. We couldn’t catch a break.” Another long silence separates the two of you, and the small area of water between you both feels like an endless ocean. Kakashi silently mourns with you, knowing nothing could soothe the hurt of what’s already happened; you’d lost students before, twice before actually, but these had been the first you’d taken on in so long, and they’d been with you for years at this point. Adding onto the agony,  you’d only ever lost one at a time in those two instances before — and never your entire set. 
Kakashi wonders when and what he’ll have to tell his own students; they’d joined you and yours for exercises and more than a handful of missions in the past, and Kakashi knew how fond Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were of the pair of seventeen year olds that followed your lead — but later. They’d hurt enough this week. “I — ” he starts to apologize, wanting you to know he understands, but you don’t let him. 
“It is what it is,” you almost growl, and Kakashi knows that you don’t want to speak about this anymore. He won’t make you. You never forced him to discuss his own losses, so what kind of person would he be to press yours?
The two of you sit in silence again, the tension slowly easing into a more comfortable aura, and you both finally relax, basking for an hour in the simple, easy quiet that had fallen between the two of you. You can hear each other’s breathing, can sense the soothing pulse of one another’s chakra, and it’s an easy existence. The two of you had always managed to rest together once your burning jealousy faded and Kakashi’s self-deprecation eased enough for him to accept the hesitant companionship you offered — not friends right away, but you’d started off by sharing a few drinks every now and then, and then meetings every other fortnight or so became weekly, then biweekly, and they finally evolved into happening whenever one of you felt the need to see the other. 
Like now. 
“God, my calves ache,” you grumble, finally breaking the silence again, and he doesn’t bother fighting off the fond smile that creeps up at the sound of your grumpy voice. He’d been nervous that the most recent mission would change everything, but that was foolish; neither of you were strangers to loss. You’d manage, as always. 
“If it makes you feel better, my shoulders feel like shit,” he offers, his soft smile widening upon hearing you snort. 
“You trying to one-up me, Hatake?” you ask lazily, sitting up and stretching. He turns to answer, and after seeing them so often it’s easy to practically ignore the way your breasts lift above the water and reveal half-hard nipples as you raise your arms. 
“I could make this a competition if you really wanted one,” he retorts easily, and your amused huff turns his smile to a slight grin. 
“Fuck you,” you reply. A warm, excited buzz starts to fill him, a feeling he frequently had when in your presence; god, he loved spending time with you, however it may be. 
“Right now? Normally we drink first,” he teases, and another silence falls between the two of you. Kakashi squeezes his eyes shut and kicks himself a little, wondering where the urge to say something that hinted at being vulgar to you had come from; this wasn’t one of his dirty romance novels, this was you, and Kakashi liked you. He didn’t want to fuck this up. 
He jumps a little at the feeling of someone straddling his lap, and when his eyes instinctively flick open they widen at the sight of you gazing down at him with a dirty grin twisting your lips. 
“Don’t tell me the old man can’t get it up after making the joke,” you tease in turn, and he starts grinning again. Why was he worried, again? This was you he was speaking to. You’d said much filthier things, things that would get you kicked out of most public places should you be overheard. 
“Big talk for someone with such a small dick,” he replies, tilting his head to the side while looking up at you, and you scoff. 
“I think my cock’s plenty large, Hatake,” you rumble, reaching between your bodies and taking his cock in one hand. A soft gasp leaps from his lips unintentionally, and you laugh breathily. “See? Large and still growing,” you murmur playfully through your messy grin, and Kakashi laughs in a way that devolves into a shaky whimper when you run your thumb across the sensitive underside of the tip of his cock. 
“I’m n-not sure that belongs to you,” he manages to choke out as you start pumping his shaft one-handed beneath the water, and you hum slightly. 
“Isn’t it?” you ask slyly, leaning down and beginning to lave hot, open-mouthed kisses along his neck. You stop for a moment with your tongue pressed flat against his racing pulsepoint before biting slightly at it and sucking at the hot flesh before moving up to his jawline. Soft pleased noises are your reward from the man you’re straddling, and you smile softly against his heated skin in between kisses and bites before continuing. 
Your free hand begins to wander, gently beginning to massage the shoulders he’d complained of aching, all while covering him in love bites and kisses. “God, I’m so glad you’re home,” Kakashi whispers, his big hands coming to rest on your hips as you caress him with both your hands and your mouth. “Y’were gone so long-“ he’s interrupted when your mouth covers his so your tongues can lave over each other before you move on, and he keeps speaking. “-I kept getting so fucking hard and couldn’t do a damn thing about it without you, and I… Fuck, I missed you, I wanted you home, wanted you home so bad!” His deep voice comes out in a slight whine as his hips buck up into your loosely fisted hand, but you don’t fault him for it. Kakashi had always been especially sensitive to your touch, and this time was no different. 
He continues to nonsensically ramble as you play with his cock and drown him with your lips, your hips slowly starting a smooth rhythm of grinding against him to soothe the taut heat in your belly. 
“You talk too much,” you growl into his mouth, nipping at his lips in between kisses all while getting rougher and rougher with each roll of your hips and jerk of your hand. “Shut up and fuck me until you have to carry me out of the fucking hot springs.” It all comes out louder than you’d intended, something that makes Kakashi a little nervous; this wasn’t a private bathing area, anyone could come in at any time, and if you got caught the two of you would be blacklisted by the staff. You had to be careful. 
“Y’gotta shut that pretty mouth before you get us caught,” Kakashi moans, his callused hands grasping at your hips as the water sloshes around you. “F-Fuck, that feels good…!”
“I gotta shut my mouth?” you reply, voice filled with exasperated sarcasm. “Hatake, you’re whining like a virgin touching his first pair of tits, don’t even try me.”
“God, you’re such a fucking brat,” Kakashi groans, and you chuckle right before he captures his mouth with your own at the same time as you lift your hips. He does the same, freeing his cock from beneath the water, and you sink down on it before it really has a chance to start getting cold. The two of you moan into the other’s mouth at the simultaneous feeling of being filled and filling someone. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me, Hatake,” you whine breathily into him, and he moans deeply and rolls his hips up into yours in response. The only noises falling from those sinful lips of his are stuttered whines and groans, noises you mirror and respond to in kind as he fucks up into you at the same time you thrust down, the head of his cock slamming against your sensitive cervix as the cock your insides are practically moulded to carved out it’s usual place inside you. 
“F-Fuck yes — please, more!”  Kakashi whimpers, and you let your head fall back at the tone of his words, slamming down just a little bit harder. Water sloshes violently around the two of you, splashing up over the lip of the bath as the two of you roll your bodies together in that perfect way that the two of you were well practiced in. 
Throwing your arms around his shoulders, you hold on tight and he brutally fucks his hips up into yours, water splashing and his heavy balls slapping audibly against you as he fills you to the brim with his cock. “O-Oooh-!” you moan suddenly, the noise swift and punched out of you. At the sound of it, Kakashi’s voice cracks. 
“Oh, God yes — harder, ride me fucking hard, just like that-!” 
His eyes are rolling up now, and the grip he has on your hips is bruisingly tight. One of his big hands runs up the length of your spine, his forearm crossing your shoulder blades while his hand grips desperately at your shoulder, tugging you closer to him and mashing your chests together. One of your own hands moves to cup the back of his head, your fingers disappearing into his white hair, and your own head lolls forward so your forehead rests against one of your arms around his shoulders. 
“Fuck, Kakashi,” you whisper out in a whine, moaning softly as he cants his hips up in the way he knows you like without even thinking. “A-aah-! Mmmhh… Oh, fuck…”
“S-So good,” he grunts, “Fuckfuckfuck — Y-Yes, c’mon, s’close-!” His rhythm is getting lost in the pleasured haze you’re both collapsing into. You can feel yourself on the brink, and you relinquish your grip around his shoulders with one hand to push the other between your grinding bodies to rub furious circles around your clit, your hips stuttering messily up into your own touch. 
“Y’gonna cum for me, Kakashi?” You ask breathlessly through a moan. “Gonna cum in me, gonn fill me up? Gonna breed my whore fuckin’ cunt?”
“Only a whore for me,” Kakashi growls plaintively against you, and you whine. 
“Y-Yeah, baby, only for you. ‘M all yours…” The promise has him moaning again, your own voice joining him as the two of you both ease closer and closer to the edge, a long drawn out series of filthy noises and sounds falling from both of your lips at the same time. 
The stone at least two feet outside of the baths is darkened by water that’s splashed over from the violent movements going on in the heated pools, and both you and Kakashi are sopping wet and soaked; anyone with a brain in their head would know what’s happened, people who frequent the public baths here aren’t typically idiots — but you don’t care. You’re too fucking close to cumming to give a fuck about the disgust, about the reports that would be made, about the notice that would be put up warning patrons of the consequences of being caught fucking on the property. 
“M’gonna cum,”Kakashi whimpers breathily, “God, I’m gonna cum, gonna cum so hard!”
“Yeah?” you ask weakly, letting out a gasped cry when he hits inside perfectly. “A-Aah! Y-Yes, yes — cum for me, Kakashi, fill me up!” You watch through a haze as his eyes roll back and his jaw drops, his mouth open and ready for the moment you spit in his mouth. A garbled cry echoes in his throat moments before he swallows what you’d given him, and two quick ruts up into you end with him keeping his hips up and grinding his cock inside as a familiar warmth spreads inside your cunt. You circle your clit faster and faster until your own orgasm washes over you, your own eyes rolling back and one twitching slightly as you clamp down on and begin milking his cock of all the cum it has to offer, pressing down into where he’s pushing up into you. 
Your grip on him tightens as you cling to him like some love-stricken beast, and he reacts in kind, squeezing you back and clutching your naked body close as his cock twitches inside of you with each new spurt of cum he releases inside. 
“Fuckin’ — F-Fuckin’ love you,” he mumbles into your skin as his heart races against yours, and you hold him close while he does the same with you. 
You press a gentle kiss to the crown of his head. “Love you too,” you whisper, allowing yourself the simple pleasure. ‘I love you’s were only said in moments like this, with him balls deep inside where he belonged and filling you up like you deserved. 
The two of you rest with his cock still in you, basking in the afterglow before Kakashi finally breaks it. 
“Come home with me,” he says quietly. “Sleep in my bed with me tonight, wanna hold you to sleep.” You’re quiet for a moment, unsure, but eventually nod.
 “Okay,” you whisper. You’ll allow yourself the luxury of comfort, even if just for tonight. If anyone but Kakashi had offered it, though, you know you would have denied them. Kakashi just had a way about him that you couldn’t deny. “Let’s get out of this water and — and go home.” You hear his breath hitch when you refer to his home as your own, but don’t comment on it. Why would you, when not a word you’d uttered was a lie?
And hell, if the two of you fucked a handful more times around his house before falling asleep for over eleven hours, no one had to know but the two of you. 
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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kakashish0e · 7 months
Overstimulation || Kakashi x reader
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♛ Masterlist
Note: Hey y'all I'm back! 🤗 I just wanted to apologize for not being so active lately. Still feeling guilty for not posting and not keeping y'all updated. Still can't believe my last post was actually over a year ago!, I promise that I'll upload part 3 of 'first chance; gaara x reader" ASAP! I'm still very much grateful that the series is getting lots of attention lately, Again. I hope i didn't upset anyone for the long wait.
Content warning: NSFW!! Make up sex, Unprotected sex, overstimulation, Use of pet names, Praise kink, Angst, mentions of breakup.
Pairing: Kakashi x fem! Reader
Word count: 2.1k
(Ignore any word errors if you find any or let me know so I can find them and fix it, Thank you and enjoy!!)
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"Please Kakashi" You panted out as your grip on the bed sheets tightened. Making your knuckles turn white from the painful pleasure you were receiving from him. Your legs currently shaking from the last orgasm you had not too long ago, the heels of your feet pressing against his lower back. The pleasure was too much, your body felt like it was on fire, you could feel your heart pounding in your chest.
You arched your back when you felt his tip rubbing against your overstimulated sweet spot you loved so much. The last orgasm you had left your body really sensitive, it still somehow left you wondering how much stamina this man had. "Kakashi Stop" Your pleading falling upon deaf ears, he didn't stop, in fact he was do the exact opposite, already picking up the pace when he was told to stop. No words came out of him, the only thing that was leaving his lips were panting and moaning.
He was close to his release and you knew it, his body was giving you all the signals. His grip on your thigh tightened as his thumb went down to your sensitive clit. Rubbing the swollen bud in small fast circles causing your cunt to tense up around him. His body leaned closer to you as his hips lost the rhythm, his body shaked when you felt his dick slightly pulsing inside you, spilling his cum deep inside you for the second time tonight.
A satisfied sigh left his mouth as he was beginning to pull out of you. Cold air blowing against his half-hard dick that was completely covered in your slick. Already missing the warmth of your wet pussy. Kakashi mustering the last of his strength to keep himself from collapsing on top of you. His face moved closer to yours until his lips brushed against yours, the kiss was slow and sensual, the ones you love the most and the ones you've missed. Your hands letting go of the bedsheets and wrapping your arms around his neck and playfully running your fingers through his sweaty silver hair.
His hands curiously moving around different parts of your body, mostly going for the sensitive areas. His fingers gently pinching one of your nipples, already aware of how swollen they've become since he knew he played with them a bit too rough earlier.
His kisses soon moved down to your jawline and began nibbling of the soft flesh of your neck. A soft moan escaped your lips when he licked and sucked on that particular spot on your neck that always sends your nerves tingling. Causing your hips to grind against him to give your needy cunt more friction it craved.
Detaching his lips from your skin with a low pant leaving his mouth when he felt your pussy grinding up against his cock.
He felt his dick grow hard from the sudden movement from your body. He slowly backed up to get a better view of your face, seeing that you looked back with your half lidded eyes. You were exhausted, he knew your limit but he still went ahead and fucked you until it had you begging for him to stop. He knew you had enough but a part of him wondered if you could take another orgasm.
He slowly began to reposition himself closer to your body until his lips met your ear. "Just one more time princess, I'm sure you can take it" He coos as he guides his pink rosey tip over your folds and positions it to your abused hole. Barely pushing past your tight entrance and it already had you whimpering.
"Kashi, I don't think i can" you whined as you felt him pushing himself inside you with ease. Your tight walls stretching out to adjust to his intrusion. Hearing him moan against your ear as his cock entered you completely. His length once again surrounded by your warm pussy. Your eyes fluttering shut as his hips began to rock against your own. Settling a slow and gentle pace, aware of the current state you were in.
You bit your bottom lip trying to suppress a moan when you felt his tip give slow kisses at your cervix.
"Am I hurting you?" Kakashi asked as his pace slowly increased a little. You didn't know what response to give, your walls ached from the overstimulation but nonetheless it did feel good. Still biting back your moan, only a soft whine was all you could manage as you shook your head, signaling him that he wasn't inflicting any pain on you.
He continued his rhythm, only speeding up when he seen you drop your head back down on the pillows and hearing his name leave your lips, his mind was so full of lust and need. He misses you everyday but could never bring himself to tell you, knowing that all this will soon come to an end. He knew he'd be lying to himself if he said that he wasn't feeling guilty about doing this with you. But he just couldn't bring himself to stop all of it, he still loves you and would never want to lose you more than he already did.
Two weeks ago you two had a very nasty fight which lead to the breakup, there's going to be a ninja war coming sooner than he imagined. He lost mostly everyone he ever cared about and he didn't want you to be another grave to visit everyday. Then there was a day when he brought up the topic, explaining how dangerous it would be out there and he wanted you to stay in the village where it was safe, when you refused you soon realized that it wasn't a request, it was an order.
You stood your ground which also lead to an argument, one Kakashi knew he could never take back. He's said some words that hurt you really bad, he called you weak and defenseless, saying that you won't survive a day out there. It struck a nerve, it was your first time hearing him underestimate your abilities as a shinobi. You knew he was scared of losing you but what he said was out of line.
When you initiated that it would be best if you two gave each other some space to let things cool down, you still somehow found yourself tangled in the sheets with the silver haired man every night.
You missed him too, and wanted him to come back to you but not like this. You also knew that this was wrong to do, that this wasn't the way to work things out. Every time he invites himself to your home, you try to stop it before it gets out of hand but yet you still welcome it with a wet cunt.
When you two finished the last round of the night. You both just sat there in silence, you had a blanket covering your naked form and Kakashi just sat at the edge of your bed, fully clothed and ready to leave. You wanted to tell him what has been bothering you for the last couple of days, hoping that he'd hear you out before disappearing and leaving you to clean yourself up. You've gone through the motions more than you can count, you know what comes next after this.
"I know what you're going through is a lot right now but I just need to know something.." Your nerves acting up as you hesitated for a moment when he turned to look at you. You squeezed the blanket to ease your anxiety before you built the courage to speak again. "Every time you come here, you never at least try to fix our problems. You hardly ever speak a word to me, it hurts me to see that all you come here for is just sex, you never even apologized for what you said to me.."
Tears started to roll down your cheeks, it was becoming a little too overwhelming for you. "Every night you just come here for a quick fuck and then you leave, is that all what I'm worth to you?" Your voice cracked slightly, a sob leaving your lips. Your vision becoming blurry as more tears formed and dripped down on the bedsheets.
He said nothing, just staring at you with a blank expression. He wanted to say something but he feared that he'd say something he'll definitely regret, he didn't want to hurt you more than he already did, especially when your assumption made it clear to him that you think that way about him. He had so much to say but had no way of forming his feelings into words, He wanted to work things out as much as you did but never had the courage to stop this nightly routine you both had started.
"When we argued that night, I was just filled with so much anger and fear. I was scared I'd lose you but then i realized that I already did, this may be a shitty apology but I'm sorry for what i said to you. I never meant to call you any of that, and believe me when I say that there isn't a minute where I haven't thought about apologizing to you." He spoke quietly, his voice still loud enough for you to hear.
"Every night when i go out through that window, I stand there and listen to you cry yourself to sleep, I hate for what I did to you, and just to think that I made things worse by making you assume that all I come here for is just sex, makes me feel like a terrible person." His words echoed in your mind, giving you a little hope that at least something could be salvaged between you two.
He reached out and cupped your cheek, wiping away your dried up tears. "I love you Y/N, I love you so much that it hurts me to see you like this."
"I love you too, Kashi." You said back to him, earning a masked smile. Seeing him smile in general was something you missed, also hearing him say that he loves you was something that you'll never get used to.
"You should get some sleep, I really pushed you past your limits tonight. I would love it if we speak more about this tomorrow afternoon, as to right now I don't have any missions this week. I want to use this time to fix what I've ruined" He said as he got up from the edge of the bed and leaned in closer to you, a clothed kiss pressed on your forehead.
Once he was about to leave, you quickly got up and grabbed his sleeve. Causing him to turn around to look at you, "It's really late, I'd like it a lot if you stayed with me tonight." You spoke softly to him, hoping he'd agree to spend the night with you. Why would he ever refuse such an offer?
He willingly accepted, pulling down his mask for a kiss, his arms wrapped around your waist. Attempting to keep you as close as possible now that he knows he has a chance to work things out with you. Something he should have done from the beginning instead of insulting you and guilt tripping you into staying in the village.
He just felt like he didn't deserve the second chance he was given, not after what he had done to you. He just loves and hates how forgiving you are, one of the many reasons he fell in love with you. He's so selfish trying to keep you to himself, even when you two 'broke up' he wanted to remind you that you still belonged to him and him only.
A smile formed on your face, inviting him back into your bed. Pulling him into the covers where his body laid on top of yours, his head resting on your chest, his arms hugging your back. His eyes scanning your facial features, seeing nothing but that beautiful smile he always loves. Sometimes he wonders how he ended up with a kind and beautiful woman like you, to him it felt like he did nothing to deserve it.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, trying to keep him as close as possible, until you felt your eyelids grow heavy. Exhaustion fully taken over, your heart still pounded in your chest to the full realization that you gotten Kakashi back, you smiled to yourself as your fingers raked through his messy silver locks.
You whispered a goodnight to him but never heard a response, just hearing silence in your room but soon was filled by light snoring coming from Kakashi. You slightly chuckled to the fact that he fell asleep first when he's usually the one to always stay up, soon your eyes closed, falling asleep too. Yet thoughts of Kakashi still pulsed through your mind, how lucky you are to have him in your life.
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♛ Another reminder that I'm currently working on part three for gaara x reader, again. Sorry for the long wait 🥺.
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issybee06 · 2 months
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(adj.) emotionally confused or uncertain
The mission wasn't supposed to go this way. It was a B-ranked mission that took the two teams four days in the middle of the Earth country to complete, and they were just on their way home.
Kakashi should have foreseen this somehow, despite being just a Chunin with no Dōjutsu to see into the future. He still should have been prepared.
They all should have.
The enemy had strung on them when they were at their lowest, chakra exhausted from a previous battle.
Kakashi hadn't seen the man grab you, nor had he seen the blade covered in poison being stabbed into you, all he saw was the expression of pure terror Rin had on her face as she witnessed the scene.
He heard though, the screams of Kushina as she raced to you. The cried of Gai as Genma held him back from running after his sensei. Minatos calls to head to the cottage a mile back.
Now here he was, standing in the doorway of the Cottage as Rin and Kushina frantically tried to save you.
Obito, Genma, and Gai sat on the porch, eyes trained forward in horror. If you died… you'd be the first friend any of them had lost.
Kakashi, he didn't turn away. He watched as Rin, with tears streaming down her face, dug through all her medical bags searching for her antidotes.
He watched as Kushina grabbed a kunai to cut open your shirt and sports bra, and he watched as Minato held your hair back as you leaned over the shitty old kitchen table to throw up your own blood.
Your face, sweaty and flushed from the fever that was beginning to rise. Your pretty eyes that he had caught himself looking at were blinking tiredly. Your hair was wet, stuck to your face and knotted around your head.
Kakashi couldnt look away.
You were still pretty, he thought. Even if you looked like death.
Minato had to force him, pulling him away from the scene as Kushina pulled the fabric from your front, exposing the wound.
“You don't want to see this.”
Good Minato, who despite dealing with three kids in the middle of the war, still tried to keep them somewhat pure from the horrors of this world.
Kakashi, as soon as he turned away, knew you were going to die.
You had been insignificant to him for most of your lives, just another face in the classroom you two had shares.
You were nice, he knew that, but being nice got people killed and he was certain you'd die if you ever got into a battle. Back in the academy, you were quiet, nice, and friendly but insignificant to him.
You had changed since he had graduated before you, and left you to grow.
You turned into a fighter, not as good as Gai but you were above average. You fought with everything, all you had and it impressed Kakashi how much you grew.
Being Kushinas student must have done you some good, because you also held a fire similar to hers.
Maybe that’s why you had rushed to Genma, fighting the enemy that had knocked him out.
Maybe that’s why you had cut the man’s face, scarring him.
Maybe that’s why you were grab by your throat, held down and stabbed with the poison covered blade.
Maybe it was because now you were dying on a rotting table inside of an abandoned cottage in enemy woods.
Maybe it was because you were stupid, rushing to save your friend with no consideration for your life.
Maybe that's why he had grown to love you more than a teammate.
You used to be so insignificant in his life, but now you were everywhere.
*first post, might make this a series!*
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bysaber · 6 months
Meeting a pretty stranger ft. Kakashi Hatake
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Day 06 of 31 Days of Ficmas!
summary — you’re feeling down after all your christmas plans got canceled when a dog wearing elf clothes jumps on you.
word count — 1.1k
content — fluff, reader is a bit depressed, mentions of alcohol, fastburn i guess, modern au (kakashi still wears a mask)
notes — pretty happy with this one even though i almost didn’t finish it on time (so it’s not revised sorry)
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THE FIRST time you and Kakashi Hatake crossed paths was rather an unusual experience.
You walked home wearing a disappointed expression, your hopes of having a nice Christmas had disappeared after all your plans got canceled; all of your friends were going out of town with their partners and families, and your short-term relationship had ended a few weeks prior.
Living far from home, you couldn’t celebrate it with your family either – you simply didn’t have enough money to afford that kind of trip.
So what awaited you was a lonely Christmas, with a liquor bottle and maybe a few treats, if you felt sympathetic enough about your own situation. You had 14 days left to plan for your “big night”, after all.
You stood in front of a liquor store, wondering if you should step in or not. Maybe I should start warming up, you thought, forget a little about my increasing melancholy.
“Pakkun, wait!”
A shout brought you back to the real world, but not fast enough to avoid the– what was that?– that jumped on you. You yelped, surprised, as you processed the small dog in green elf clothes that clawed at your sweater.
When you finally understood it was just a small dog, you chuckled and held him to keep him secure and away from your sweater, “Hi, doggy! Why so angry?”
In a heartbeat, a white-haired man with a mask covering his face was by your side, breathing heavily, “Gosh… I’m so sorry! Did he hurt you?”
You couldn’t hold back a laugh. He looked so desperate, “No, don’t worry. Did he outsmart you or something?”, you asked as you handed him his dog back.
The man grabbed the elf-dog and glared at him as if he was about to scold him for several minutes, but then his attention was back on you, “Yeah, something like that. I bought this cute little costume for him but he is an ungrateful dog…”
The dog growled and you threw your head back, laughing out loud, “I don’t think he wants to be an elf. What’s his name?”
“It’s Pakkun.”
“Well, Pakkun, you should know you look adorable,” you said, petting his head. Pakkun seemed to soften and you smiled, all the while the man watched the interaction. “I should get going now, but it was nice meeting you two.”
“You too,” the masked man said and, as you walked away, you could hear him whispering to the dog, “To her you listen, huh?”
You realized you ended up not buying any liquor and, fuck, you should’ve asked for his name as well.
THE SECOND time you encountered him was something else.
10 days left for Christmas and your sadness kept building up.
Grocery shopping and having to go through all those Christmas decorations, meals, and even gifts was a different kind of torture for you.
You gloomily roamed around the islands, picking only the essentials for your house and to keep yourself alive when you spotted that white hair you couldn’t quite forget.
“It’s Pakkun’s owner!”, you greeted, a bit of light taking over that sorrow inside you.
He turned to face you, confused at first, but his eyes lightened when recognition hit them, “It’s Pakkun’s victim!”
You both laughed like old friends. He seemed like a really good person, even with that mask covering half of his face, maybe it was the fact that he dressed his dog as an elf or his soothing voice or the way he closed his eyes when he laughed.
You couldn’t tell, but you liked his company already.
“What is your name?”, he asked you the question that was burning in your tongue. You told him and he repeated it as if testing how it sounded in his voice.
“What’s yours?”
“It’s Kakashi. Kakashi Hatake,” he smiled again, his eyes closing and you felt like you could melt right there and then.
“Kakashi… such a beautiful name,” you complimented and, if he wasn’t wearing that mask, you would see him blushing.
You both got lost for a moment, in your own thoughts and in each other, until he called your name again and you hummed, “I gotta get going… feed my dogs,” he explained.
“Oh, sure. See you around, Kakashi,” you say, stepping away so he could pass.
But you still stood in that place for a while, watching as he walked away.
Catching him when he looked back.
THE THIRD time Kakashi met you was intentional.
You stepped out of the liquor store, a pout on your lips and a bag with two bottles in your hand when you saw the man standing outside the door, apparently waiting for something.
He looked at you, his eyes closing in that way that told you he was smiling, “Oh, hey.”
“What are you doing here?”
You tried to hide the alcohol you just bought; you had 4 days left until Christmas and still hadn’t pushed away all the melancholy you felt towards the date, but you didn’t want him to think you were some sort of an alcoholic or something like that.
“I was waiting for you, actually,” he said mindlessly. Noticing your confused expression, he added, “This is the place we first met, around this hour. I was trying my luck, since we didn’t exchange numbers.”
You could feel your cheeks warming up, your heart tightening in such a good way, and felt like a fool for wanting to drink your sadness away.
“I know we didn’t talk much, but… I’d like to know you better. Can I walk you home?”
THE FOURTH time you saw Kakashi was on Christmas Eve.
You didn’t expect it.
You had such a good time when he offered to walk you home; he ended up on your couch, talking with you for hours about everything you could think about. You hadn’t laughed so hard in years, but eventually, he had to leave.
So you didn’t expect it when, on Christmas Eve, you open your door to see Kakashi with Pakkun and two big bags of food, with a close-eyed smile.
“I hope you don’t mind, but that day you said you would spend Christmas alone and, well… it was my case as well,” he chuckles. “So I thought it would be nice if we spent it together.”
Pakkun barked as if to prove his owner’s point.
You felt your eyes stinging, tears forming, and immediately let them in, “Please, come in.”
Never, in a hundred years, would you imagine this turn of events.
“Are you okay?”, Kakashi asked when he noticed your red eyes, approaching you carefully after putting the food bags on the table.
“I’m…” you looked at him, at Pakkun, at the food. You looked at the alcohol you were about to open, also on the table. Your lips tremble, but you smile, “I’m happy.”
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depressedhatakekakashi · 10 months
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Words: 1,165
Pairing: Hatake Kakashi X Reader
For: @skykashi @lemony-snickers @wind-becomes-lightning and whoever else would enjoy Kakashi/Reader (and everyone who voted on the poll of course)
   You’re not sure why you decide to do it. There’s no logic or reason behind the action, only a simple wish. A desire that cannot be contained. As soon as he steps into your line of sight you’re overwhelmed with the urge to storm up to him and-
               Kakashi blinks, his eyes flickering between the finger you’ve just pressed against his nose and your face. There’s a mixture of emotions on display for someone who knows where to look for them. Confusion, annoyance, panic. It all swirls together into one giant emotion that you can’t quite read, but it’s there clear as day in the lone visible eye that he’s staring at you with.
               “I don’t know,” you admit with a shrug of your shoulders, unsure of how you’ll explain the intense desire that had swept over you causing this whole scenario. “I just…Thought it would be fun?”
               “Fun?” his eyes narrow into a sharp, dangerous look. An expression you’ve seen on his face before, though it was usually directed towards enemy shinobi rather than his friends. “You thought it would be fun to sneak up on a Jonin and assault him?”
               His accusation strikes like a kunai straight through the heart.
               “Assault?” you gasp, retracting the hand you’d used to strike and placing it over your chest. “You would call that assault? I show you love and you choose to view it as an attack?”
               “You poked me.”
               “I booped you,” you clarify, determined to make him understand that there was a difference between the two words. “Sort of like what you do to the hounds. You know when you-“Reaching out once more you gently bop your finger against the tip of his nose and barely contain a laugh when he responds by swatting your hand away from him. “You do it to Shiba and Bull all the time. They love it!”
               “They are dogs,” he reminds you as if that were enough to explain why he could get away with the action you were now getting into trouble for. “My dogs. If I ‘Boop’ them then that is fine.”
               Annoyance flares up in your mind and before you know it you’re straightening yourself up and facing down Konoha’s top shinobi with a steely glare. “and what am I?” you ask, a little afraid of what answer he might give you. “Am I not your friend? You’re confident? Do I not have Booping rights’?”
               It sounded more ridiculous out loud, but the words had already left your mouth so there was no turning back now. All you could do was stand there staring at Kakashi patiently waiting for his answer. The explanation he would provide for why exactly you weren’t allowed to partake in such a sacred Hatake ritual.
               “Well…” cupping a hand under his chin he tilted his head back so that he was staring down at you from the bottom of his eyes, as if he was a giant compared to you rather than a man who happened to have exactly one inch of height on you. “You’re one of my precious people.”
               One of my Precious People.
               Annoyance quickly melted away, a warmth blossoming in your chest as he repeat the words in your mind once, twice, and a third time for good measure. You almost get lost in the feeling of being cherished when a realization hits you.
               Stamping down on those warm feelings that had begun to overwhelm you, you glare back at him. “If I’m one of your precious people surely that means I have booping rights?” It doesn’t sound any better the second time you say it.
               “Nope,” seeing him reaching out toward you, you brace for impact. A tap of his finger, gentle but firm, right against the tip of your nose. Your nerves tingle at the sensation and you can’t help but scrunch up your nose, just as he had done when you first appeared in front of him and did the same thing to you. “It means that I have booping rights.”
               The words sounded terrible coming from your mouth but hearing him saying them is one of the worst experiences in your life. That cool attitude of his does nothing to dull even a fraction of the dorkyness of that word.
               “That’s not-“ another strike, this time a bit firmer and placed a little higher on your nose. You take a step back with this assault, your bottom lip jutting out as you glare at him.
               “Adorable,” he chuckles, wounding your pride beyond repair with one simple word and laughing when your shoulders drop, all of the energy and pride leaving your body in an instant. “Anyways. I have places to be, and people to see. You know the deal,” that you unfortunately did. Kakashi was always working even when it would have been better for him to take a step back and breath. You’d thought maybe today you’d get a few precious minutes with him before he ran off to do something else again, but it turns out you were wrong.
               “Right,” waving a hand in front of your face you try to ignore the disappointment that always seems to follow his dismissal of you. “Go, save the village. Be a hero. I’ll just be here waiting for something interesting to happen.”
               He doesn’t leave, though. Not right away.
               Instead, he takes a step closer to you. Close enough that his face is mere inches away from yours. If he wasn’t wearing the mask you’re certain that you’d feel his breath on your face.
               “When I get back,” he began, raising a hand and gently tapping his finger against your nose just as he had done twice before. This time you don’t recoil, but instead you lean into it. Savor the small touch of his skin against yours. “Then we can go out for lunch, hmmm?”
               “Lunch,” you agree without pause, mentally rolling your eyes at your own eagerness to accept such a small offer. “Sounds perfect,” with that said, Kakashi takes a step back and begins to wave. Before he can disappear, though, you reach out and grab a fist full of that bulky Jonin uniform of his and pull him in close.
               The mask feels rough against your lips but you don’t care. All that matters is the way Kakashi seems to melt into the kiss. How his hands come up to rest on your hips, holding you in place as he deepens the kiss.
               When you pull apart you can’t help but look into his eyes, and that’s where you see it.
               Love. A deep, profound emotion that you know he tries to protect himself from. An emotion directed at you and only you in this instant.
               “Be safe,” you whisper, taking this moment to lift your right hand and gently tap your finger against his nose. His eyes narrow into a glare, but he doesn’t pull away. “We’re getting Ichiraku when you get back.”
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pupkashi · 1 year
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kakashi <3
a/n: hi friends !! enjoy this little thought i had <3 I’ll have something better up hopefully after finals :] not proofread sry </3
kakashi holds you close whenever he can, letting his silver hair tickle your cheeks when he’s bending down to place kisses on your cheeks. he’s intertwining his fingers in yours, pulling you even closer than you thought possible, his heat radiating off his body and warming you up
kakashi’s reading you his book to bed, stuttering and cheeks flushing when he gets to a smut scene, hes glancing over at you and trying his best to skip the part without being too obvious.
you’re giggling at his antics, taking the book from his hands and reading the much too detailed sex scenes out loud, running around the house with the hokage hot on your heels.
“‘faster!’ she mewled, his pants and whimpers filling the room as he thrusted in and out of her-” you were cut off as your lover tackled you to the ground, giggling as he ripped the book from your hands, throwing it across the room.
“I’m never reading to you again” he sighs, resting his head in the crook of your neck. you only smiled, “you’re the one reading sex, loser.”
he pouts at the insult, placing a kiss to your jaw, then your cheek, then your lips, “your loser right?” he’s smiling widely, his eyes sparkling with love as he looks at you.
“I can’t believe you’re the same copy ninja in people’s bingo books” you smile, hes pouting again. “I’ll have you know I’m very intimidating when i wanna be” his brows are furrowed and the apples of his cheeks are still flushed pink, his hair floppy and soft, you can’t stop yourself from running your fingers through it.
“okay, I’ll believe you i guess” you smile, kakashi wastes no time in picking you up, carrying you to bed before slipping under the covers with you, taking you in his arms and holding you tightly.
the smell of his cologne hits your nose as you rest your head on his firm chest. you’re smiling as you pepper kisses on him, adoring the small giggles leaving his lips.
“i love you kashi” you whisper, your eyes fluttering closed as he kisses the top of your head.
“i love you more darling” his reply is soft, the words land gently on your ears, your cheeks still heat up at the words.
as the two of you drift to sleep kakashi feels whole, he’s happy to come home to you and have routine with you, he’s happy to hold you every night and know you’ll tease him but end up kissing him to bed every night anyway.
kakashi’s so helplessly in love with you and he doesn’t mind one bit.
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rookieloveskashi · 10 months
Is That Understood?
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Part of the ANBU Series Prev → Next
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Relationship: Hatake Kakashi x fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit - Minors DNI
Warnings: smut, dubcon, power imbalance, power abuse, degradation, rough sex, rough oral sex, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, creampie, praise kink, cum eating, multiple orgasms, POV reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Summary: After your first mission with Team Ro, you think you did well. Your captain has another opinion.
AO3 Link
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Even by ANBU standards, this mission was a lot.
Your team had already been out here more than twice the expected two-week timeframe, trapped in a game of cat-and-mouse with your target and his protection detail. A few wrong turns and misunderstood tracks had set the team back over a day. The elements themselves seemed to be against you; the harsh winds and stinging rain of the miserable region ruining a good portion of the team’s supplies and morale.
When you finally caught up to your target, the enemy outnumbered you nearly three to one. But like so many before them, they made the mistake of underestimating your captain.
Kakashi Hatake had been a member of the ANBU for nearly a decade—a feat that was practically unheard of. You heard that he’d joined at a young age at the request of the Fourth Hokage, and had been named Captain in practically no time. It was easy to see why. Kakashi was an excellent captain and expert strategist, and he had a reputation far and wide for his ruthlessness toward his enemies. Just a few hours ago, when your team found the target, the enemy had recognized your captain and referred to him as Cold-blooded Kakashi.
You considered that moniker as you smoothed out your bedroll for another night on the rough forest floor, wondering how accurate it really was. It was true that Kakashi wasn't a big talker, but that was the case with most of the shinobi in the ANBU. Still, he was a strange combination of protective and standoffish, known to take on the burden of a fight and insist his subordinates keep their distance. Whether it was for your own safety or just so you would stay out of his way, you supposed you should be grateful regardless.
Honestly, it was thanks to Kakashi’s quick thinking that the whole team emerged from this fight not only victorious but with minor injuries. You had just enough medical supplies to treat the wounds of your two teammates while your captain scoured the perimeter of the crude camp where you would spend the last night outside the village. It would be a long trek back tomorrow, but within less than 24 hours, you would be home for the first time in over a month. 
You were just lying down when Kakashi returned. “Status?”
“They’ll still need to be checked out at the hospital when we get home,” you answered, “but they’ll be fine for the rest of the trip.”
“Good. I'll have them take first watch. You rest and recover your chakra. I'll wake you when it’s your shift.”
“Yes Captain.”
He disappeared as quickly as he'd shown up. As you laid down, you felt a sense of unease rise in your stomach at your captain’s tone. You were hoping he would offer you some kind of encouragement or praise after the long mission and your ability to heal your teammates with only the tools at hand. But maybe he was still angry with you for the vulnerable position you'd been in earlier.
In a foolish attempt to prove yourself, you’d rushed in despite Kakashi’s warning to stay back. An enemy's katana had nearly cut right through your neck, and you’d have been toast if not for Kakashi blocking the weapon and suffering a deep wound on the shoulder. A wound he hadn't even let you examine, never mind heal. His hard stare when you thanked him for saving you kept you from saying much more.
You had been so excited to serve on team Ro, hoping that working with Kakashi would earn you more recognition within the ANBU. At this point, it seemed more likely that you’d be demoted.
Oh well, you sighed and closed your eyes, feeling your waning adrenaline rush finally give way to exhaustion. We still have the journey home tomorrow. I'll make sure I make a good impression.
Your eyes shot open, heart racing as you tried to prepare for danger. When your vision adjusted to the minimal light, you saw Kakashi crouched beside you; his porcelain mask discarded, his arms crossed and his face stern.
“Right, my shift…” you muttered, lifting yourself up on one elbow.
Kakashi stopped you with his hand on your shoulder, his grip as strong as iron. “No. Not yet.”
“Then what—”
“There’s something I need you to do.”
Your palms started to sweat under his sharp gaze. He clearly expected you to understand, but you were lost. If it wasn't time for you to go on guard, what did he want?
The blood on his shoulder caught your eye, flooding you with both relief and embarrassment. You should have taken care of his injury before going to sleep, regardless of your low chakra, and regardless of his insistence that you left it alone. It was your job as the team’s medic to heal your teammates, and leaving your captain with a gash like that was unforgivable.
Channeling your healing chakra to gather in your hands, you started to sit upright, thinking he wanted you to get right to work. But to your mounting confusion, he only held you back with more force.
“No, Y/N,” he barked, his eyebrow angled sharply over his dark eye. “Did I tell you to do that?”
“Uh, no, but—”
“You do know that I wouldn't even have that wound if you were better at following directions, right?” he chastised you. “Your insubordination is a detriment to the entire team. Next time it could be fatal.”
Much as you’d been expecting a lecture, your face reddened with embarrassment at his admonition. Silence was easier to handle than this.
“I can't let your behavior continue,” he announced. “We’re going to work on your obedience.”
“Obedience?” you echoed.
“In the field, a squad captain has absolute authority, and squad members are expected to follow without question. Is that understood?”
“Yes sir.”
“Show me.” Abruptly, he put his hands on his thighs and pushed himself to stand at his full height, looming over you. “Sit up on your knees.”
“Don't you know an order when you hear one?” he snapped. “On. Your. Knees.”
You quickly got into position, keeping your eyes on his face to be ready for his next instruction. But this position was beyond distracting. You’d been harboring a crush on the genius captain for a while, and this suggestive placement was making your heart race.
Get a grip, you shouted in your mind, fighting the urge to rub your thighs together. But your mind went blank as his hands went to the fastening of his pants.
His gloved hands moved quickly; one hand flicking open the button as the other reached inside. You felt your brain stutter as he pulled out his cock; pale and thick with veins running from the blunt tip down to the base. The tip was shiny with a small drop of precum beading at the slit. You knew your eyes were as wide as saucers, but you couldn't look away, watching as his hand wrapped around the length and he started stroking himself.
“Now open your mouth. And stick out your tongue.”
You were so mesmerized, you barely registered his low voice. “H-huh?”
“How stupid can you be?” he snarled. “You're supposed to be showing me that you can follow directions. Don't tell me this is the best you can do?”
His harsh tone finally got through to you. You looked up at his face, your clit throbbing at how closely his onyx eye watched you. With that image, the order wasn't even necessary. Your jaw dropped open of its own accord, mouth watering as your tongue pushed out beyond your lower lip.
If it weren't for that mask on the lower half of his face, you were sure you’d be staring at a wide grin.
“That’s better.”
Kakashi took a small step forward, bringing his body close enough that he could rest his cockhead on your pink tongue. He let out a quiet, gravelly moan and pumped himself faster, rubbing the smooth skin of his tip over your tongue.
“Fuck,” he exhaled, the expletive making your core clench around nothing. The taste of his salty skin and precum caused you to drool. You stuck out your tongue a little more and bobbed your head forward, ready to wrap your lips around his shaft, but he buried his free hand in your hair and held you back by your roots.
“Don't act without instruction from your commander,” he barked, twisting your hair around his fingers to maneuver you and force eye contact. “Greedy slut, you want my cock that badly?”
You nodded as best you could, the tip of your tongue gliding back and forth over the ridge of his cockhead.
“I want you to show me that you can be a good girl and follow directions,” he said. “Then I’ll let you suck it.”
Kakashi loosened his grip on your hair and released himself, letting the stiff appendage bob freely in front of your face. “First, kiss the tip.”
It took every ounce of your willpower to resist taking as much of him in your mouth as you could handle. But as badly as you wanted him, you wanted his approval more.
You puckered your lips and kissed him, letting your lips roll over his skin to engulf half of his head. You held still for a few seconds before releasing him with an audible smooch, then looked up at him with wide eyes for your next instruction.
He had you repeat the kiss twice before changing gears, directing you to kiss down the underside of his cock, then lick him from balls from tip.
“Fuck, that tongue,” he groaned, letting his eye roll and his head fall back. “Hmmm, I think I finally found what you’re good for.”
You blushed, embarrassed by how wet his comments were making you. Lust clouded your brain and everything else melted away. He sounded so beautiful, you wanted to listen to him and look at him forever. You didn’t even notice how distracted you’d gotten from your task until Kakashi spoke.
“Don't stop,” he ordered, his hand on the back of your skull pulling your face into his crotch. “Not now, when you’re finally doing something right.”
You went back to work with twice the enthusiasm, worshiping Kakashi’s dick with your lips and tongue—kissing, tasting, and licking every inch and working him up until he was twitching against your cheek at the lightest kitten lick. Suddenly, he held you back with a quiet whimper, his body rigid. You looked up at him, seeing his eyes screwed shut and his jaw set tight. His cock was red and shiny, precum leaking from the engorged head.
He peeled his eye open and pinched the base of his dick, abruptly slapping it down on your right cheek. When he pulled away, a thick glob of precum stuck to your skin and trailed back to his cock.
“Dirty whore,” he exhaled. “You’re just desperate for me, aren't you?”
Kakashi pressed his thumb into the puddle on your face, smearing his fluids down across your skin until his thumb rested on your lower lip. “Eat it.”
You eagerly took his thumb into your mouth and sucked, your cheeks hollowing as you ran your tongue all over his rough skin.
“You’re such a filthy cumslut. I bet you want me to cum right in your mouth.”
“Mhmm,” you hummed around him, nodding and blinking up at him.
With another curse uttered under his breath, Kakashi tugged you back and moved his free hand to grip his cock. He tilted your head to look up at him, then slapped his dick back into your face.
“If you suck it well enough, maybe I will.”
Your body shivered, so eager for him that you couldn't even think straight. Your lust had you paralyzed. It was almost like you needed to take the time to really memorize this moment; unable to process that your most shameful fantasies were actually coming true.
“Aww, are you waiting for an order?” he condescendingly asked, tilting his head to the side. “Looks like you can be taught after all.”
He dragged your head back, putting just enough room between you for his cock to point at you like a predator, locked on its prey. “Alright,” he sneered. “Suck my cock, you little whore.”
You opened your mouth wide and guided him in with your tongue. Kakashi hissed and used his grip on your hair to pull you in closer, forcing more and more of his length into your mouth. You whined around him as his tip already prodded at the back of your throat, teasing your gag reflex while you still had inches to go.
“Fucking shit—” he hissed, pinching his eye closed. “That feels so fucking good.”
His other hand joined the first in your hair, giving him complete control as he started thrusting against your mouth. You swallowed around him, tightening the muscles of your throat as he tugged you back and forth like a doll. Saliva bubbled in the corners of your mouth, drooling down your chin.
“Messy little cocksleeve.”
Kakashi grabbed your face with both hands, manipulating you back and forth as he roughly fucked your mouth. Curses flew from his covered mouth, muffled by his mask but still reaching your ears. He slowed his pace and looked down at you, still with that patronizing gleam in his eye.
“Show me your tits.”
You pulled the hem of your shirt up, bundling it and your lightweight bra under your chin. Without the support of your clothes, your breasts swung freely, enthralling your typically-aloof captain.
“Look at you. You’re such a slut for me.”
He moved one of his hands from your head down to your breast, bending his back to reach lower and experimentally pinch your hardened nipple. The movement forced his cock further down your throat, making you choke. But it felt so good, you couldn’t help but arch your back to give him easier access, earning you a haughty chuckle. His callused fingers toyed with your nipple until you were nearly shaking. Then he moved to the other, sharply smacking your breast before pinching your nipple tightly.
You wanted him to touch every part of you; to use those fingers over every inch of your skin. As your tongue lapped at the underside of his cock, you couldn't help but rock your hips in search of just a little relief, praying you would find out what those fingers would feel like inside of you.
Kakashi stopped playing with your breasts, opting instead to regain his complete control over your head. With both hands molded to the back of your skull, he pulled you further forward, not even letting you take a breath to prepare. 
“Come on, Y/N. Take the whole thing.”
Tears stung the corners of your eyes as he forced you just that last centimeter closer, suffocating you with his cock down your throat and your nose in his hair.
“Stay right there,” he exhaled, sounding like the personified version of lust. “Learn your place.”
Looking directly into his eye, you hummed your assent—a muffled song to the tune of Yes, Captain. You could see his chest rise and fall as he steadied his breathing. His eye roamed all over you, taking in the lewd scene with a smirk.
“Do you like being my fuck toy?”
Another hum. Yes, Captain.
“You like serving me? Warming my cock in your throat?”
Yes, Captain.
“Wanna give me that slutty cunt?”
He abruptly pulled himself out of your mouth, leaving you gasping for breath; choking on your built-up saliva and his gooey precum. The tears were fresh in your eyes as you did your best to recover, only thinking of how to be ready for his next instruction.
With a nod his head, he gestured to your bedroll. “Take off your pants and get on all fours.”
Your fingers were clumsy as they worked at your clothes, wanting to follow his order as quickly and efficiently as possible. His pants dropped to the ground and he kicked them off, impatience nearly visible under his skin. As you positioned yourself on the bedroll, you regretted that you wouldn’t be able to look at him anymore. But when he knelt behind you—the heat of him pressed against your inner thigh—regret was the last thing on your mind.
With one of his hands gripping your thigh to hold you still, Kakashi ran the index finger of his other hand along your dripping folds.
The compliment was barely a whisper, probably not meant for your ears at all. But that one single word made you preen like a schoolgirl. You arched your back to present for him further, and you were sure you heard him chuckle.
“Get ready,” he exhaled, removing his finger and replacing it with the head of his cock. “Gonna fuck you like the whore you are.”
Kakashi snapped his hips forward, burying himself inside you and stretching you wider and fuller with that one thrust than you’d ever felt before.
His free hand flew up to cover your mouth, cutting off the sound. You whimpered as his body weight pushed down on you, his mouth right by your ear. “Quiet, Y/N,” he whispered, “or the others will hear you.”
You nodded, biting your tongue as Kakashi pulled his hips back just to pound into you again. He kept his hand over your mouth and you could smell your wetness that was still sticky on his fingers. 
“Or maybe you want that,” Kakashi challenged you in a hushed tone, beginning to fuck you in earnest. “You want them to know your captain is balls deep in your wet little cunt?”
The idea made you shiver as you pictured what you must look like right now; messy hair, tear-stained cheeks, mouth covered by Kakashi’s gloved hand. Eyes rolling back in your head, lids fluttering with every one of his deep thrusts.
“No, no you'll be quiet for me,” he smirked. “You understand how important it is to follow your captain’s orders now, don't you?”
Your fingers dug into the ground below you, threatening to tear through the material of your bedroll. Horrifically lewd sounds continued to try and work their way past his hand. You weren’t trying to test him, but you couldn’t fight it; not when his formidable dick was dragging so perfectly along all your most sensitive spots.
You tried your best to be silent, but you hardly saw the point between the sounds of your pussy squelching with his thrusts, his hips smacking into your ass, his breathing short and broken in your ear. 
“Mmmm you’ll do whatever your captain tells you, won't you? So eager to please me; it’s pathetic.”
You threw your hips back into him, meeting his thrusts with messy, slippery contact. Your hot arousal was coating your inner thighs, your body prepared with a seemingly endless supply to allow your captain to fuck you for as long as he wanted.
“Fuck you feel so good,” he panted, his hips stuttering. “That's right, you're doing so well now, taking my whole cock every single time. That's my good girl. I knew you could follow orders.”
Those praises uttered in his low, thunderous voice had you trembling. You couldn’t believe how quickly he’d gotten you so close to finishing, but the pressure below your navel was so high that you were whimpering into his hand.
“If you cum on my cock, you’re mine,” he grunted. “Only mine. Is that understood?”
“Nmhmm!” You shook your head as your walls fluttered around him, suddenly clutching down and holding him in place as your body convulsed. If not for his hand over your mouth, you were sure you would have screamed out his name paired with every curse you knew, and maybe a few new ones because there simply weren’t enough to carry you through this incredible pleasure.
“Fuck!” Kakashi whined. “Fuck that feels so good.” He released your mouth just as you were coming down from your orgasm, only to reach between your legs and fiercely rub your clit. “Do it again,” he growled. “Cum again. Right now.”
Your body complied automatically. Euphoria again sparked through your body and a guttural sob tore its way out of your mouth. You hadn’t completely recovered, yet here you were: inner muscles squeezing down on his cock which continued to bully past your defenses, despite your sensitivity.
“Ohhh you’re gonna help your captain cum now, aren't you Y/N?” His fingers gripped your hips and yanked you back and forth desperately, “G-good—fuuucking girl.”
Kakashi slammed your ass into his hips, the tip of his cock bruising your insides in a frenzy before flooding you with hot, sticky cum. He kept your ass flush against him, his cock reaching further into your body than you thought possible. You tightened around him as he dumped every bit of his pent-up seed in your submissive cunt, unwilling to lose even a drop.
You felt him twitch with his last efforts to empty himself. A mixture of sweat and cum covered the backs of your legs, sticking the two of you together. You heard his heavy breathing in your ear, the weight of his chest on your back nearly causing you to crumble.
In one motion, he leaned away and pulled out of you, leaving you a shaking, trembling mess. You couldn’t even catch yourself when your arm gave out and sent you dropping to the ground, legs sprawled out flat behind you.
You heard Kakashi moving around behind you: the swishing of his clothes as he got dressed and the sound of his footsteps.
“So, um…clean yourself up,” he stammered. “Then, uh, take the northern perimeter. For the…for patrol.”
You were sure he had left long before you had the strength to smile and sigh, “Yes…Captain.”
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck…
You hurried down the hall to the Hokage’s office, heart pounding with every step. When your fellow ANBU shinobi gave you the message that Lord Third was summoning you right away, you felt your stomach drop. Did one of your teammates know what happened in the woods? Kakashi hadn't said a word to you the entire trip back. How much trouble were you in?
What’s the punishment for getting fucked by your captain, anyways?
Another ANBU met you at the door and announced your arrival to the Sandaime, who called for you to enter. You forced your legs not to shake as you stepped into the office.
Lord Hiruzen sat behind his desk, with Kakashi standing beside him. Kakashi wore his porcelain mask over his face, and he stood as still as a statue while the Hokage spoke.
“I’ve reviewed the team’s report on your last mission,” he began. “It turned out to be quite the challenge, wouldn’t you say?”
Which part, the assassination, or the fucking?
“Our team faced a number of challenges,” you agreed, “but we were able to eliminate the target and complete the mission.”
“Yes, a job well done.” The Hokage nodded with a smile. “According to your captain's evaluation, I would like to formally assign you to team Ro, permanently.”
Against your better judgment, you looked at Kakashi. He remained stoic as ever, and you would have given anything to see his face.
“According to this report, you did a wonderful job tending to your team,” Lord Third continued. “Team Ro has been short a member for a while now, and I think you will be the perfect fit.”
“T-thank you, Lord Hokage.”
“Now, both of you go home and get some well-deserved rest. I’m sure I’ll have another assignment for the team soon enough.”
“Yes sir.”
Sufficiently dismissed, you turned and walked out of the office, Kakashi’s nearly silent footsteps behind you.
“Congratulations,” Kakashi stoically offered as you neared the end of the hall.
You waited until you were sure you were out of earshot before you stopped dead in your tracks, turning and blocking Kakashi’s path with your body. You reached out and lifted the hound mask from his face, then leaned closer, enjoying the surprise behind his eye and the flush of his cheeks.
“All thanks to you, Captain.”
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kakashisenppai · 1 year
dunno if you're still looking for kakashi ideas buttt...
can i request a proposal or wedding oneshot with hokage kakashi pls? ty <3
sure! i saw you said hcs were fine too but i tried to do an oneshot tho =) anyways, heres kakashi proposing, kinda long lol, hope you like it! <3
hokage!kakashi x f!reader
word count: 3.1k
tag, you're it.
'it's today' kakashi thought, breathing deeply probably for the thousandth time that day. he had it planned for about a month but he couldn't help to feel anxious as the time got closer. touching the little velvet box in his pocket, kakashi watched the clock on his wall, wondering if time got slower since he step his foot there. he was waiting, not so patiently, for his lunch hour just to see you. everyday you stopped by to hand him his lunch or even eat together, but today it was going to be different, early that morning kakashi asked you if you two could go to Ichiraku get some ramen at his lunch time, and you agreed without a doubt, but actually he planned to take you on a walk by the river, where close by there was a picnic ready and waiting for you and then, lately he would finally ask you those four words he's been dying to say to you.
"are you waiting for someone?" he heard shikamaru's voice next to him, bringing him back to reality.
"I said are you waiting for someone? you're staring at the clock for some time now" the younger male affirmed, placing a pile of papers on his desk.
"just waiting for lunch, I'm kind of hungry" he tried to change the subject "and these are...?" he pointed to the papers in front of him.
"work. and you better be fast kakashi-sensei, there's more coming by the afternoon" he said turning away.
"thanks, shikamaru..." he said low while the boy closed the door behind him. kakashi shoulders got tense as he looked at it, taking a deep breath he didn't waist time to start, he had two hours until you came. by the time you walked through the door, kakashi placed the last paper sheet on the pile beside him, he rushed to get it all done and fortunately he had managed it just in time.
"hi, love" he said getting up to greet you with a kiss on your cheek.
"hey, babe, are you ready?" you smiled at him, placing your hand on his arm.
"for you? always" he joked, trying to act normal. you just laughed lightly, giving him a pat on the chest.
"should we get going then?" just as he was about to answer, you two got interrupted by shizune and shikamaru walking in with huge piles of paper, being followed by two other people holding just as much paper.
"hate to be a killjoy, but you have to get these ready till tomorrow" shikamaru explained while kakashi looked at him with wide eyes "and there's more coming". kakashi took a deep breath placing his hand on his face, frustrated about this inconvenience. he looked at you in the eyes and you could see the distress in them, smiling slightly you tried to reassure him.
"it's okay 'kashi, I'll go buy us some ramen and then we can eat here together, okay?" you caressed his covered cheek while he looked down at you, disappointed.
"I will make it up to you"
"there's no need, now go sit and get it started because I want you home tonight, I will be right back." you gave him a quick peck and turned away leaving the room, kakashi only stood there, hand in pocket touching the little box.
"hogake-sama?" shizune called him. now, taking a deep breath for the thousand and third time that day, kakashi sat by his desk and started once again those endless piles, upset his plan was ruined.
afterward when you came back with lunch, you two ate side by side, and after that you insisted to stay there with him, switching between helping him with paperwork and massaging his shoulders through the hours. when the sun was already down, he insisted you you go home, promising you he wouldn't stay all night there.
the two hands of the clock were up, indicating it was midnight when kakashi got home. taking his sandals and his hogake cloak off, he saw you on the couch, wrapped in a blanket watching whatever was on the tv. you glanced at the tired man in front of you, opening your arms you invited him over to your embrace and kakashi didn't even flinch when he moved to sit between your legs, hiding his face in your chest and holding you as close as possible to him.
"long day, huh?" you asked, stroking his soft silver hair.
"the longest. thanks for staying with me through the afternoon, I really appreciate it" he uttered.
"it's okay love, I just want to be by your side".
"forever?" he closed his eyes.
kakashi then relaxed, drifting into sleep thinking tomorrow was going to be the day, he was going to ask you tomorrow. tomorrow.
kakashi was hopeful as his lunch time was getting closer, he again asked you to go to Ichiraku together and for the second time his clone got the picnic prepared. today everything was going to be fine, no paperwork to get done and no shinuze or shikamaru to trap him there all night. kakashi patted the box in his pocket, waiting for the time to come. he was going to ask you today. as the time passed, kakashi was getting impatient, usually you're never late and that was enough reason to get him anxious. the silver haired man then decided to summon his ninken to help him.
"congratulation, boss" pakkun said right away, trying to look nonchalant.
"I didn't asked her yet, pakkun" he started, looking at the dog frustrated "but I need a favour".
kakashi then proceeded to explain everything to pakkun and what he needed to do so his plan could work, the dog only agreed and told kakashi to relax, put this matter on his paws meant job done. kakashi only sighed, wishing pakkun a good luck when he saw the dog leave his office.
after hours of waiting, pakkun walked in the room, carrying a box on his back. kakashi stopped everything he was doing and looked at the dog, waiting for him to talk and actually explain why he took so long. when he noticed pakkun was waiting for him to say something, he arched an eyebrow in question.
"she's taking care of Mirai, boss, she said Kurenai had an emergency and she forgot to contact you. she also made me bring you food," kakashi exhaled, resting his head on the back of the chair " there's biscuits for me too, so pay attention to not take them." pakkun jumped on his lap, patting kakashi on the leg to get his attention.
"I should eat your biscuits just because you made me wait for so long" kakashi provoked the dog, who groaned at him in response. he tried not to get disappointed again by the fail, so he just reheated the food his girlfriend made and ate, enjoying his dog presence.
tomorrow, he was going to ask you tomorrow. tomorrow.
on the third day, everything was more than prepared, no paperwork, no unforeseen, no problem ahead. when you got there, kakashi quickly took you outside the hogake tower, not letting anyone interrupt you two. you walked beside him watching your way while kakashi watched you closely, distracted by your lovely figure next to him, he only noticed his surroundings when you started to get closer to Ichiraku. surprising you, kakashi took your hand and started to guide you in the opposite direction from the restaurant, you looked at him confused and he only gave you a warm smile. you decided not to ask, you trusted him with your life after all. taking his hand in yours, you intertwined your fingers, walking along with him.
you were already outside the populated part of Konoha, getting closer and closer to the river. kakashi was sweating as the anxiety dropped his stomach on his feet, the hot weather didn't help him at all with the shivers down his spine. watching him from your side eye, you finally spoke.
"what are you planning, kakashi?"
"nothing, love" he looked at you "I just thought we could enjoy the weather together". you looked at him suspicious, but decided to believe him anyway.
the walk was calm, the spring wind was blowing the flowers around you, helping the romantic vibe. kakashi was happy about how well this was turning out, you looked comfortable and joyful by his side, making he believe he couldn't be more in love. you stopped on your feet, turning your face to look at him surprised, he took a moment to realize you two were already by where his clone prepared the picnic.
"what is that, kakashi?" you squeezed his hand. kakashi looked over the blanket where the basket, the champagne and flowers were sat.
"for me looks like a surprise for a lovely person" he said playfully. you patted him on the shoulder and ran over the blanket, kakashi chose the right location under a big tree, making the river look ever more bright and clear from there, he was happy that place didn't not change at all along the years.
we walked slowly to you and places both of his arms around your waist, holding you tight from behind.
"I hope you like it" he placed a kiss on the top of your head.
"oh 'kashi, i loved it" you turned around, placing your arms around his neck "it's beautiful", you slowly took his mask down and placed a tender kiss on his lips.
"not as beautiful as you though" he answered when you broke the kiss, giving you a quick peck on the lips again "are you hungry?". kakashi watched as you happily agreed with him.
you two sat down next to each other and kakashi started to take things off the basket, he bought all of your favourites, and you watched it admired, it was almost like a mini feast for the two of you. kakashi could see not only in your eyes, but in your face as well how delighted you were and he couldn't be more satisfied by that. you two ate calmly, enjoying each other presence, the whole evening was full of food, conversation, laughter and caresses.
when you two were leaning on the tree, champagne glasses empty and your head on his shoulder, kakashi felt like it was the right time, so he turned at you taking a deep breath, taking your hand in his he turned your attention to him.
"y/n, my love, I don't know if your remember, but this was the place we met, right under this three" you shook in head in agreement, "since that day you became the most important person in my life, we were both fourteen years old and we were both going through tough times..., when I met you I felt a connection, and as the years went by I fell in love with you" he took his hand inside his pocked, holding your left hand only "and now, after so many things together, after a war, and after becoming hogake, after so many years..." he switch hands, holding your left hand with his right one, looking for the box in his other pocket "after so many years... I just know I couldn't be more in love with you..." he patted his back pockets lightly "I love you more than you could ever know... y/n..." he patted the pocket on his leg, looking in your tearfully eyes.
kakashi stopped for a moment, not believing this was happening. shit, shit shit. he held his head in his hand, taking a deep breath. this couldn't be happening.
"baby, what's wrong?" you asked seeing he changed his behaviour.
"I think I lost my keys" he came with an excuse, deadpan expression on his face. he stared at you, and for a moment you just stayed there looking at each other, until you break in laughter. kakashi didn't know how to react, but seeing you laugh that much, holding your belly in your hands, calmed him down, not believing his forgetfulness in such moment, he only could laugh at himself. you laid on your back, still laughing and he laid by your side, watching the tears fall from the corner of your eyes.
"oh my god" you said, trying to calm down "I love you so much, kakashi" you looked at him, smiling brighter than the sun "I love you so fucking much" you gave him a peck on his covered lips "thanks for today, love, I will never forget it" you shifted positions, laying your head on his chest, for a moment he became nervous about his heartbeat, but didn't mind as you cuddled him.
"me neither, darling" he placed his arm around your waist, and he didn't lie, he could he ever forget how he forgot the ring to propose you on that day.
the dark clouds became closer and closer to the village as the hours went by, kakashi and you were walking peacefully through the village, he early decided shizuke, shikamaru and naruto could handle things today, so he decided to take the day off to spend it with you. he was holding three bags in one of his hands, the other one was holding yours tenderly, after you went home yesterday, you two couldn't get off each other, you were still inebriated in kakashi's words and kakashi was still trying to pretend like he wasn't going to propose you yesterday, but he still had a plan. you two stopped at Ichiraku to get some lunch before going home.
"y/n, I was thinking if we could take a walk with the dogs today" he said when you two got home.
"I'm totally up, but we should go before it starts to rain" you mentioned.
the eight dogs walked around you two, you were close to the same river as yesterday, but near the training grounds this time, still no one around, you two were quiet, but not uncomfortable.
"how did you manage to get out that office today?" you looked at him.
"I said naruto could practice being hogake for a day and shikamaru being his right hand without me to train him, shizune is supervising them though" he explained to her.
"ugh, I hope naruto can become the hogake soon so I can have you all for me" you said playfully.
"you already have me all for you, darling, duh" kakashi pulled you close by your waist, placing a small kiss on your forehead.
"but not as much as I would like" you placed a peck on his lips, kakashi took his mask off and pulled your lips together again, tasting the sweet ice cream flavour you had before on your tongue. you wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling the hair on his nape slightly. you two broke the kiss when the first drop of rain fell on your heads, looking to the sky, you two smiled at each other before sharing another kiss. the ninken who were close to you decided to run, happy about the earth becoming mud under their paws.
"oh, it's going to be a mess" you said, watching them play with each other.
"yeah, but a really cute one" he added.
"can't disagree"
you two watched as they played happily, mud now all over them. distracting you for a while, kakashi placed his vest on your shoulders, you gave him a smile and accepted it, wearing it fully and closing it around your torso. you two were now soaked from head to toe but you didn't even mind, you were happy with each other presence and nothing could change that. for a seconds you didn't even comprehend the words who came out of shiba's mouth as he got closer to you, a second later before a 'tag, you're it' you slipped on your feet as the dog jumped on you, making you fall butt on the ground.
"sorry!" the grey dog said before running away from you.
"thanks, shiba!" you voiced while kakashi only laughed at you "help me, 'kashi" you insisted, when he gave you his hand, you held it and pulled him to the ground as well "tag, you're it" you said, now laughing as well.
"what a dirty game" he declared, smiling playfully "I suggest you to run now" he said taunting you "I'm gonna count till five"
when kakashi started to count, you quickly got up on your feet, staying closer to the dogs. once he started to run, it was pure chaos, the dogs rushed around, trying to scape from him and you ran trying to stay on your foot, slippering most of the time. you ten played for a long time, slippering, falling and laughing, over and over again. it was kakashi's turn again when he made you his target, you tried your best to dodge from his touch, but when you got out of breath and placed your hands on your knees, you heard kakashi stop close to you letting out a giggle, you closed your eyes, trying to steady yourself, saying 'just a sec' to him. when you got up, you almost fell again as you saw kakashi on his knees, holding a little black velvet box in his hand.
"tag, you're it" he said opening it, revealing the prettiest ring you have ever seen. you watched him mouth-open, not knowing what to say, you felt tears forming in your eyes as he cleaned his throat, opening his mouth to say something "y/n, I love you, will-", you didn't let him finish as you jumped on him, making him fall back on the ground with you on top of him, saying 'yes' multiple times "I didn't even get to finish" he laughed looking at you, you sat on the ground and pulled him to sat in front of you, murmuring a little 'sorry'. taking a deep breath, he looked at you "y/n, will you marry me?" you took his mask down to look right on his face, the smile he gave you melted your heart and you never felt so vulnerable with him looking at you like that.
"yes, kakashi, I will marry you" you answered him, tears now rolling down your checks. kakashi took the ring and putted it in your dirty finger, but you didn't even care, it looked beautiful like that. you held his face with your both hands and kissed him deeply, and as kakashi pulled you closer, the only thing you could hear was the loud voices of the dogs behind you.
it didn't happen as planned, but kakashi didn't wish it to be any different, you were finally his.
ignore any mistakes lol
any feedback will be appreciated, hope you guys like it!!!!
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mortyvongola2-0 · 1 year
Day 3: Touchless Orgasm
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Can't Help it
Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Genre: Oneshot, smut, kinktober prompt
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: afab!reader, touchless orgasm, a lot of dirty talk, like a lot a lot of it, semipublic, oral sex (male receiving), dom Kakashi, very dom Kakashi I can't emphasize this enough, use of the word 'slut' but you know in the fun way, throat abuse, possessive behavior, dominance/submission, face fucking, voice kink, office blowjobs
A/N: Kinktober is a year round event right? Not just one month out of the year, right? Also, lemme know if you want to be apart of tagged list.
Read it on AO3
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It was unfair, really. He knew what he did to you, how his voice could affect you. How he could get you to do almost anything with the promise of him. You whined, your thighs pressed together to try and get some friction against your weeping sex.
So unfair.
His chuckle, low and heavy with pleasure, made you whine around his cock again. Your jaw was stretched wide, drool escaped from the corners of your lips as you continued to take him as far into your mouth as your body allowed. Just having him in your mouth alone was enough to make you wet enough to soak through your clothes.
“Mm, you look so pretty like this,” his voice was breathy but firm, husky but more addictive to you than any drug or cigarette could be. “Slobbering all over my cock, under my desk, whining like you’re on edge from this alone.”
You closed your eyes, you would have shaken your head if you could have, but instead you swallowed more of him. The fat head hit the back of your throat and you fought against the gag that threatened to overtake you. You could feel your clit throb.
“Do you want to touch yourself?”
Gods, yes.
“To cum with my cock in your throat?” His hips thrust forward for emphasis, and you felt saliva slide further down your chin. You pulled back, taking him out of your throat before pushing him back in, trying to take him in even further. “What a cute little cock slut you are.”
His hands tugged at your hair, the minute amount of pain turning into a pleasant buzz in your pleasure-addled brain. You moaned against him, your hips moving on instinct. Your sex clenched around nothing. The delicious chuckle that left him was cut off by a sharp gasp as you attempted to swallow around him. You opened your eyes again, even as you felt them begin to tear up, to try to take in the sight of him with his head tossed back. Your hand began to reach down to slip beneath the waistband of your pants.
“Don’t,” he panted.
You blinked at him in confusion, vision blurred with unshed tears. He groaned, the hand that was in your hair tugged harder, forcing you to take him in up to the root, your nose pressed firmly against the silver locks at his base. You sputtered, the tears finally falling.
“Fuck,” he groaned again, hips moving minimally. “Don’t touch yourself,” he commanded.
A keen left your throat and vibrated around his shaft. You wanted to ask why, to demand he allow you that small relief, but instead you dragged your teeth against him as he pulled out until only the leaking tip remained on the back of your tongue.
“I know you don’t need it to cum.”
He began to thrust eagerly, fucking your face with abandon. “All you need is this,” both of his hands came down to hold your cheeks and caress your jaw. The noises that left your throat were lewd and wet, you could feel your pussy throb with desperation, and you spread your bent legs. “My cock, my- ah,” you closed your eyes again so you could focus on the sounds. His sounds. “My voice. You’re so easy, so depraved.”
His thumbs rubbed against the stretched corners of your lips. “I don’t even have to see your pretty little hole to know that it’s drooling more than your mouth. Hn,” his grip tightened on your face, and you humped the floor, feeling no relief from the increasing ache. “I’ll cum down your throat and tell you to cum and you will, because its my voice telling you to. Because you can’t resist me.”
You could feel your slick as it leaked against your thighs, could feel yourself suck him harder as your need grew. If only he was inside of you, ruining your insides like he was your throat. You needed Kakashi to pull you out from under his desk and bend you over and take you so thoroughly you wouldn’t be able to walk straight. The throbbing in your core grew as his groans increased and the abuse on your throat worsened. You were so turned on, it felt like you were being edged.
“You’ll swallow it all, every last drop, and leave my office with drool down your chin, your slick down your legs, and a belly full of my cum.”
A shiver crawled up your spine and your grip on his pant legs turned white knuckled. You felt close but torturously so. He was right, you were depraved. Your clit begged for any kind of stimulation, a single touch and you were sure you’d be gone. “Fuck, you like that, don’t you? You’re close, aren’t you?” You whined and he let out a humorless laugh. “Mmm, look at your hips moving on their own. So naughty, getting so worked up over having a cock in your mouth that you’re about to cum.”
A desperate whine left your throat.
“Go on,” he grunted, his own hips stuttering. “Cum, cum while I paint your throat.”
Kakashi let out a stuttering gasp and you felt the tension in your core release at the same instance his seed shot down your esophagus. It was hot and thick, some of it leaking out onto your tongue as you struggled to swallow while still cumming yourself. Your walls clenched around nothing, your clit ached with over sensitivity, and you could feel your fluids slide further down your skin and soak your clothes completely. It was an unsatisfactory orgasm that had left you twitching and achingly overstimulated.
“Mm, good girl.”
His fingers rubbed your stiff jaw gently as he pulled out, it made an ungodly wet schlop as he left your throat before leaving a wet trail against your lips. You closed your mouth when he was out, the tang of spend along your tongue as you struggled to get it all down. He’d cum so much.
“That’s it,” he muttered and rubbed his thumbs over your lips. “Swallow your reward.”
“P-please,” your voice was hoarse, tongue heavy, and throat thick with him. You needed him then more than ever before. “Kashi, please, fuck me.” “Hm, how can I deny a request like that from such pretty swollen lips?”
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tagged list: @therantingfangirl @justmyownreality @hashira-mal
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anxious-bae · 7 months
I need help to find a fanfic.
It’s a Kakashi x reader fic where you are the daughter of Tsunade and Kakashi is currently the Hokage but in this read, Kakashi is your ex. You two broke up to later found out you are pregnant and you keep it a secret from everyone.
In your next mission you take the opportunity to disappears from Konoha and start a new life.
When you do that Konoha (specially Tsunade) is worried about you, Kakashi is worried (even tho he was the one who broke up with you) and there are teams looking for you. You are low profile in some villages and meet a man who’s being a friend in this time of need
I really loved it since there where some chapters where with flashback we learn how Kakashi and reader got together (100/10) and also from days of them together at the academia.
The user was named something like Hokage-Sama. It was being publish back in 2020 I believe, not finished but the author disappeared from here.
Srlsy, I NEED HELP TO FIND IT, in here or maybe in another site 😭 I appreciate if you can help, thank you in advance 💖💖
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historicfailure · 5 days
You're trying - trying to survive, keeping your head up, moving forward. And Kakashi seems to do the same. Somehow. Still, how the fuck does he manage to annoy you this much?
~ X ~
Sorry for the long wait! I'm really, really trying. Somehow like the character in this fic lol
TLDR: I know how to write the story, having the energy and time to write it is on a whooooole different page. I have some chapters pre-written now, I will throw them out sporadically etc but no promises.
Anyway, thanks for maybe staying with this fic for so long and hope you guys have fun with this chapter!
~ X ~
“Fuuuuck…” Your eyes were burning. More and more letters blurred together into ugly blobs on your screen the longer you looked at them, but you couldn’t just stop now. Just a few more questions, then you could wrap up the questionnaire and be done for today. Nevermind that it was already way past your usual hours. The evening sun didn’t make things easier: The orange light filtering through the blinds easily and directly onto the screen. With a low sigh, you leaned back into your chair, let your head tip backwards and stretched your back. Bones cracked loudly, making you sigh again, though this time in relief at the tension fading away in your entire body. More bones popped loudly as you stretched, yawning and moving like a lazy cat, your back arched and balancing yourself in your chair. 
A few steps away from your desk were in order. Definitely. As you stood up, you could look around and groaned loudly. 
“Seriously?” There was no one else on the floor left. All the desks were empty, PCs shut off and lights shut down. One look at a nearby clock made you wince. Fuck. It was closing in on 8PM, nearly three hours after you usually left for the day. 
Your eyes wandered to the doors leading towards freedom, fresh air and a good night full of sleep. Potentially a quick meal as well. Right on cue, your stomach rumbled, loudly demanding anything to fill it, preferably something fatty and hearty. 
“Well, that was clear.”
“Holy-!” You flinched around, one hand flying to your chest. “Fuck, you can’t just-!”
“Sneak up on people?” Kakashi sounded annoyingly unapologetically. The creases around his eyes deepend by a notch. “Yeah, so I have been told a few times.”
“Then why don’t you listen?”
He shrugged. “It’s too much fun seeing the reactions.”
“Oh, you-!” Just barely, you bit your tongue. Nothing you could say would affect him or change his behavior in any way possible. Better to save your energy for the task you still had to complete. “Fine. At least I’m awake now.”
“To do what?” Kakashi nodded at your PC. “Work more? While I can hear your stomach grumble from here?”
“Not much of a choice. The questionnaire is nearly done. I just want to get this over with, then it’s at least,” you rolled your eyes at the screen, glaring as you did so, “done for today.”
“True that, true that.” He nodded slowly. “Then maybe, this will help.”
Only now, you noticed the small white plastic bag in his hand. He placed the bag on your table, eyes fixed on your face and with the small creases around them still in place. “Tadaa.”
“What is that”, you asked as you were already stepping closer, “some kind of bribe attempt?”
“Possibly. Is it working?”
“Depends on the bribe.” Cautiously, you pulled the plastic away to reveal white paper, made to hold together food. “Say, what did you get me?”
“Maybe, if you would stop treating some food like I hid a bomb in there, you could find out yourself.”
“Or you could just tell me.” Despite your words, you picked the mystery food out of the bag and started to unfold the waxy paper. The instant you saw some luscious green and the bright red of a tomato peek through the white, you knew what Kakashi had purchased. “You went back to the café?”
Kakashi hummed lowly. “Yup. Saw you sitting here still when I wanted to go out myself, and thought you could use some food. I even asked you, but you were so out of it you didn’t even react.”
You winced. “Oh god, I’m so sorry. It has been… a long day and I wanted to get this done.”
“Hey, I get it.” His hands rose before they dropped back to his sides, hands sneaking in the pockets of his pants. “Sometimes, work is just swallowing you whole. Hard to tear yourself away.”
“Yeah.” Carefully, you freed the BLT-sandwich from the paper, until you could take a first cautious bite. It was just as delicious as you remembered from yesterday. “Fuck, this is great. Thank you.”
“No problem.” Kakashi still smiled as you took bite after bite from the sandwich. “Just wanted to make sure you’re not devouring the table or something.”
“Because Kushina would have to replace it?”
“Something like that.” He paused for a moment, before pulling out Kurenai’s chair and sitting down. It looked like he wanted to get comfy and stay for a bit longer, and now as you had a bit of food, you were more than willing to allow him that. “How are you doing?”
Between bites, you thought for a moment. “It’s going good,” you paused slightly, trying to find the most fitting words, “I think. Just taking a bit longer today than I expected. I want to get this questionnaire done, just so we can continue with the next step of the campaign.”
“No, no.” Kakashi chuckled. Like it was an instinct for him, he leaned further back in the chair, silver hair falling into his face. “I mean, how are you doing? Not work.”
“Oh.” That you didn’t expect. Not at all. You paused for a few seconds, taking another bite as you did so. “I guess… It’s good. It’s okay, right now.”
“Not too stressed?”
“No. It’s… it’s really alright.”
“Okay.” Kakashi nodded slowly. His dark eyes bore into yours, and you found yourself caught in a snare. Like a rabbit sitting right across a snake, enraptured and hypnotized right in the face of danger. Because Kakashi was danger, in every sense of the word — for you as a member of the marketing firm, and for you as a human being. Because, as you were again painfully reminded, Kakashi was, well, beautiful. 
Even now, in your exhausted, tired and yet wired state of too much energy due to work and freshly refueled with delicious food, you were more than ready to admit that he was. There was a reason why he could easily flirt with the secretary downstairs, or get phone numbers pushed onto him like crazy. Even though he didn’t try hard, his silver hair, slouched posture speaking of his overall nonchalance and the casual yet somehow chic way of dressing himself, really worked out for him. Subconsciously, you tried to straighten yourself out as well as brush off some bread crumbs off your chest and mouth. And wait, wasn’t there also some sauce stuck to the corner of your mouth? 
Kakashi chuckled. “Something the matter?”
“Well then…” Again, he nodded, only to get up and put his hands back into the pockets of his loose pants. “I’m going to go, but don’t stay for too long.”
“Sure. It’s just a few more questions, anyway.” You shrugged weakly, like it was no big deal. 
He hummed. “That’s what we all think, but before we know it, we’re working until midnight on the smallest of details to get it just right. Take care.” And with that, he just… up and left. Didn’t wait for you to answer, just walked away, like he just hadn’t handed you a sandwich, asked about your wellbeing or gave you some friendly advice. Carefully, you looked down at the rest of the sandwich in your hands, only to take another bite. This time though, you were cautious, tasted the entirety of the sandwich and tried to treasure it. 
Fuck. He is nice to me now. This feels… really, really weird. Somehow. 
~ X ~
Long evening yesterday? Good job in getting the work done, but remember to rest well today. You deserve it. 
~ X ~
The questionnaire was doing well so far. You wanted to say the questions were good and well received because they were all created during a long yet productive all-nighter, the reality though was that after you finished the sandwich Kakashi gave you a few days back, you simply went back home. Next morning, with fresh eyes and mind, you were able to look at the questionnaire once more and find several typing errors and clarity issues, which would have impacted the research severely if you didn’t fix it. 
Looking at the results, lots of people noticed the change of the brand Akatsuki from being cozy, well-fitted home clothes to a more expensive lifestyle-brand, not aimed anymore at the masses. Honestly, you hadn’t needed the questionnaire to tell you that, but it was nice to have something on paper to prove to the managers of Akatsuki that this was how their brand was seen. 
After a day of compiling all the results into a single document, you were happy, noticing that you only stayed for a bit longer than your usual working time. You would still be able to go to a nearby store and get one of the ready-to-go meals, so you could have a lazy evening tonight! 
Quickly, you packed up all of your things. In the process, your eyes wandered around the room. There were quite a few people still there, but none of them looked like they would stay for more than two hours, max. Anko definitely was staying for a bit longer, she had already said so during your shared lunch break. For a second, you thought about saying your goodbye’s to her directly, but when she grumbled loudly, only to curse and smash her flat hand onto the desk in front of her so hard that several pens and pencils scattered around the table flew into all directions, you decided it was better for your own safety to keep your distance. 
But as you took the first steps towards freedom, your wandering eyes also flew to the corner of the wide open office, where Kakashi’s table sat in his little, secluded alcove. And there he was still, just barely visible over his two wide screens, some wisps of silver hair peeking over, illuminated by the blue hue of the screen-lighting. 
I should probably check up on him.
Ah, he is fine. He doesn’t need me asking if he’s alright.
Kakashi suddenly groaned; so loudly that your thought process came to a screeching halt. You watched how he got out of his seat, but not to pack up his things and leave as well, but to grab his coffee cup and march right past you towards the kitchen. Without a doubt to grab some coffee, potentially staying late to work on something.
I probably should do something for him.
Why the fuck should I?
Because he got me something to eat yesterday.
I don’t have to.
He didn’t have to, either. And what did he do?
… Got me a sandwich.
Just barely, you kept an eye roll in. Right. As far as you were concerned, you owed Kakashi something in return. And even after a long day of work, you could at least do that for him. After another moment of hesitant annoyance, you adjusted the strap of your bag again and walked towards the break room. Even from a few meters away, you could hear the barely concealed slamming of cabinet doors as well as Kakashi’s irritated grumbling. 
Do I really want to annoy him in this state? 
Before you could rethink your decision, you looked around the corner. And winced at the sight: Kakashi obviously wasn’t in the best of moods. The man was standing beside the coffee machine, cursing under his breath all the while watching how the coffee slowly pooled into his cup. As you watched on, he unfolded his crossed arms to angrily comb through his hair — or, to be more precise, to pull some of it out with the force of his motions. 
Gently and already regretting the motion as you were reaching out, you rapped your knuckles against the doorframe.
“Hey…” When Kakashi turned slightly to look at you, you nearly shrank back behind the corner of the door. Why again did you have to say anything to him now? “Just wanted to ask if you want anything?”
With his eyebrows furrowed and forehead wrinkled up, Kakashi stared at you for a few seconds. Then, he closed his eyes and a big sigh dropped from his mouth, dropping his shoulders and attitude with it. “Ah, fuck. I thought I was alone.”
“Well, in a few minutes, you will be.” That wasn’t what you expected. At all. Slowly, you stepped into the bright, cold light of the kitchen spilling through the open door, while gripping the strap of your bag tightly. “I was just asking. Because of…” 
He nodded. “The sandwich from last time. Don’t worry about it. I’m not hungry.”
“Oh. Uhm, okay. Well…”
For a few more seconds, you waited. Kakashi only looked at you, unflinching and unyielding. The silence stretched into eternity, and instead of thinning and out and ending the talk naturally, the air seemed to thicken with every passing second. 
“If you don’t mind,” Kakashi suddenly spoke up, just when you tried to turn to leave, “would you take a look at some ideas I have? I’m… fucking stuck right now.”
“You’re stuck?”
“Yes.” Again, one of his hands flew up to comb furiously through his hair. “And I hate it.”
He didn’t elaborate, didn’t explain more than that, didn’t even attempt to. His dark eyes just focused again on the cup of coffee, staring and brooding and… being a bit more like the anti-social bastard he had been to you all this time. 
Just this once, then we’re even, and I can let this go, you told yourself. Just this once, and I don’t have to talk to him ever again. 
And it would be beneficial to take a look at his first plans for a campaign, anyway. High time for some in-team communication and all that. 
“Okay.” You shrugged weakly, while internally praying that it wouldn’t take that long. Turning around, you sighed internally, but just dropped your stuff by your desk as you passed by, eyes set on the dimly lit corner of the open office. A few lights around the office were on, but in Kakashi’s corner, only his computer screens were illuminating the looming darkness, painting shadows across the nearby walls of his little alcove. A cave for this man-troll. How fitting. 
Suddenly, the man brushed past you. His scent filled your nose, lingered uncomfortably, only to dissipate after a few deep breaths in.
“Hiding your porn?” you asked, tone only slightly mocking. “Must be really disgusting if you’re running.”
Kakashi was bent over his keyboard. His hand moved; moved the mouse quickly. One, two quick clicks, in which you closed the distance and managed to take a first peek at the screens. To your disappointment, there was nothing incriminating there, just lots and lots of pages of Akatsuki-clothing as well as the opened Photoshop program. 
There wasn’t much to see. A half-finished moodboard, you guessed, with lots of quite meaningless objects slapped onto one side. The other half of the layer was empty. Your eyes dropped to the desk, which was overflowing with mess, notes in Kakashi’s chicken scratches, and a few scattered pens and pencils, one of them a particularly fancy pen in a dark, glossy black with silvery lines running around the body. 
“It’s nothing. I know.”
“Uhm…” You shrugged weakly. “How am I supposed to help with that?”
“Some fresh eyes on my notes would be great, actually.” With a sigh, Kakashi handed you a few sheets of paper, filled with scribbles and notes which also could have been hieroglyphs as far as you were concerned. Some words actually could have been hieroglyphs. 
For a few moments, you tried to decipher the words, but nothing made sense to your tired eyes. Hell, you already spent the entire day leaning way too close to a computer screen, and now this? Fuck this. 
When you looked up, Kakashi was intently watching your every move. Almost eagerly, akin to a dog waiting for a reaction when dropping a ball in front of a pair of human legs. “And?”
“Honestly Kakashi… I can’t read this.”
“Ah, it cannot be that bad…”
“No, I literally can’t read this.” You waved the papers into his face. “To be frank, your handwriting is horrible. And here’s not much lighting, so my eyes are starting to hurt just by looking at this.” 
A hint of a smile flashed over his face. Though, that impression only lasted for a second, as he mumbled something incoherent and turned to click on the lamp. Light blinded you, and you had to blink rapidly to restore some of your vision. 
“Thank you.” You put down the stack of notes, trying to focus and make some sense of his handwriting. “I mean, there’s… nostalgia?” 
“Yeah.” Kakashi shrugged weakly. “The new direction Akatsuki is driving at the moment gives me nothing. I’m honestly grasping at straws here.”
“So much so that you’re reaching out to me. I see.”
Thankfully, Kakashi decided not to answer. Honestly, any answer he could have given would have annoyed you even more than you already were. The good mood you harbored over being able to leave earlier than yesterday already evaporated, wiped away by now knowing without a doubt in your mind that Kakashi was one of the sporadically creative people: incredibly valuable if they were inspired, but hindering the process when they didn’t have an inkling of inspiration.
“Okay, this…” You sighed lowly. “This is a big problem. The first meeting with the representatives of Akatsuki is in what, two weeks?”
“Roughly. A little bit less than two weeks.”
Another sigh left your mouth, and you started to massage your temple. You could feel a headache forming right behind your forehead. “Alright. Sure. Let’s just… what do you think of when you think of the new design line?”
“Something positive.”
“Mhm. Maybe…?” The man cocked his head to the side, one hand thoughtfully touching his chin. “Nostalgia.”
“That’s already on here.” You pointed at the stack of papers. “Something else.”
“Even though I agree, we can’t successfully market that idea and expect a profit. Now, something we can market…”
Kakashi thought for a moment. “Higher quality?”
“Great. Work from there, I guess.” 
“Sounds good to me.” Kakashi smiled at you, but you didn’t smile back. Just nodded at him before turning your back and finally getting ready to leave the office for good today. 
You thought you heard a faint “Hey” coming out of his direction, but you just walked a tiny bit faster. It would be easier to pretend to not have heard him. Just… overall easier. For your sanity and the future of your work together; the work obligations you still had to fulfill. Thankfully, you didn’t hear anything else and could leave the office with the tiniest of delays.
~ X ~
A well deserved rest for a valuable team member. I hope you enjoyed your free night. I would like to think that one day, I might be brave enough to invite you out on such a night, but for now, I just enjoy the thought that you had some time to yourself. 
Good luck today, as well.
~ X ~
“Can I steal you away for a moment?” 
Anko, Shizune and Kurenai fell completely silent as you turned to fake-smile at Kakashi. “Thanks, but no thanks. I don’t particularly like to be stolen away from my lunch.” You motioned to the lunchbox on the table in front of you. “Can we talk later?”
Your mood turned sour when he shook his head, albeit apologetically. “I have to run an errand for Minato in a bit, so no. Just five minutes?”
“Fine.” With a low sigh, you stood up from the seat which was grouped alongside the others around Shizune’s desk, and followed the man. Not without visually rolling your eyes towards the other women, then shrugging dramatically. 
To your mild surprise, Kakashi didn’t lead you towards his desk, but instead opted to exit the open office entirely. When he opened the door leading out into the hallway, he held the door open for you. His eyes found yours, only to quickly drop to the ground. 
“Where are we going?” you asked as Kakashi didn’t make any attempts to stop outside in the hallway. Instead, he walked up to the elevators, only to pass by the doors.
Where the fuck was he going?
“Hey,” you spoke up again, trailing after the man like an unwilling donkey dragged up a jagged mountain path as he climbed a set of stairs you had never paid close attention to, “seriously, where are we going?”
“There’s a calm corner upstairs.” Kakashi smiled down at you through the bars of the railing. “Sorry, it just takes a moment.”
“Alright…” Another roll of your eyes, and you started to climb the stairs. At this point, you were just humoring him. First that absolutely ridiculous talk a few days back, showing that he made nearly zero progress with the campaign since the start, and now this? Was he trying to push you off the roof or something? Or something else absolutely ridiculous and over the top, fitting for a Disney channel villain?
Maybe he sings me his little theme song before he steals my soul or something. 
Just a few more steps, and Kakashi pushed a heavy door open. You nearly expected him to let it hit you in the face, but he caught it easily and held the door open for you.
“Thanks.” Both of your eyebrows rose. Quickly, you slipped past him, catching a whiff of his scent and a breeze of fresh air from the outside. 
The door indeed led onto a small part of the roof which was overshadowed by the building beside you. The rooftop was obviously meant to be visited, though the various signs of non-usage — a bit of dirt here and there, vines overgrowing the walls beside the door, and a few pigeons instantly flying away as you set a few more steps onto the rooftop — indicated that not many people visited. 
“Okay. Should be calm enough.” Even though you tried to sound strong and self-assured, you couldn’t help wrapping your arms around yourself. Maybe to protect you from the stronger winds up here, maybe from Kakashi’s intense eyes which seemed to scrutinize you. “What do you want?”
“To thank you.”
“And you couldn’t do that in the office?”
A small chuckle erupted from the man. Casually, he leaned against the wall beside the door, now closed. With him almost guarding your way to escape, it almost seemed like he wanted to pose as Cerberus or something. 
Good boy. Now speak. 
“Hey, I have some reputation left to protect here.”
“As an antisocial asshole?” You snorted weakly out. “Yeah, a really nice image to maintain. Shouldn’t be changed at all costs. Who knows, people might actually genuinely like you. The horror.”
Again, Kakashi chuckled. He didn’t seem too concerned at the insult you threw at him, no. Lazily, he pushed himself away from the wall, strolled past you to lean against the railing close to the edge. Not a care in the world at the height or the strong winds. “Slowly I get the feeling that you don’t like me.”
“Yeah. I’m surprised too.”
There was no way he was that self-conceited. Absolutely no way. You could only stare at his back, and only seconds after his crazy statement, you noticed that your mouth had fallen open. The sheer audacity of this overgrown manchild!
“Who do you think you are?”
Kakashi’s entire body tensed up. He turned his head, eyes finding yours, but you just shook your head and continued. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Some kind of always beloved god who can descend to us mortals and grace us with his fucking presence?”
“I never-!”
“Yeah, you never. You never apologized, properly, for once. You also never stopped and thought about why your actions were such a problem for me. Fuck, you never really took time to reflect on your actions, like any responsible adult would!” 
The words just came bubbling to the surface, like you had prepared them for this very moment. Sure, you wanted to act like an adult, but Kakashi had made it hard. So fucking hard, when all you had really gotten was a fine explanation and empty words over a great piece of lasagna. Being civil had been your goal, but this? Him throwing almost in your face how little he truly learned?
Anger bubbled up in your stomach, sourness rising in your throat and your blood rushing in your ears like a storm. Before you knew it, you marched up to him and jammed your index finger into his chest, spitting more of your righteous, built-up fury at his feet. “Did you expect that everything will be alright now? That everything is forgiven and forgotten? Well, excuse me, this is fucking reality, and it doesn’t work like that. It never worked like that.” 
Every punctuation you underlined with another push of your finger into his chest. Up close, you could smell Kakashi again, his stench filling your nose like nothing else. Again, you breathed deeply in, and pushed onward. “I tried to be civil. I tried to be nice to you. And you’re trying, I can see that much. My personal problem is, Hatake, that no matter how many sandwiches you buy when I’m doing overtime, or no matter how many times you try to seek me out with friendly banter, it will never be enough to make up for the fact that you humiliated me in front of the entire office.”
Fuck, it felt so good to watch the man deflate. Watching him being dressed down already had been a treat, but doing it yourself with sharp words and an even sharper tone was a fucking feast, five courses and counting. 
“You didn’t even apologize”, you breathed out. To your horror, you heard the tremble in your voice, which had been steely and sharp all this time. But not anymore. You swallowed, fought against the burning in your eyes, all the while staring Kakashi down. “The least thing you could do, and you couldn’t even do that. And I, as the idiot I am, even buttered you up! Complimented you because I thought, that…”
“Don’t fucking talk to me right now.” You stepped backwards, you had to. Anything to hide that you were so close to breaking into angry tears. “Just… leave me the fuck alone from now on. I’m talking with Minato first thing in the morning to remove me from the project, so I don’t have to put up with you anymore.”
Thankfully, Kakashi didn’t call out to you again, and before you left the rooftop through the same door, you didn’t look back. Didn’t want to look back, couldn’t stand to see his stupid, dumb, still attractive face for one more second and pretend like everything was alright. 
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