#hate comment
avonne-writes · 2 years
Lol it’s not that you wrote big Luke it’s that you think that big = top, twink = bottom eye roll 🙄
You think you know my way of thinking from one drabble where the characters didn’t even express their actual top/bottom preferences? Where no sex happened? Please. 😂 You're the one who's making assumptions.
For your information, I've written big Luke as a bottom before. It had nothing to do with his size.
And by the way, what if someone only wants to write twink Luke as a bottom and big Luke as a top? This is a hobby, you narrow-minded, bitter individual. Not your wishlist or a production for monetary gain.
If someone wants to write Aemond as the toppiest top ever, do you also have a problem with that? I doubt so.
I suggest you look into yourself and think about whether a good person would send hate over something like this.
Who knows, maybe one of your hateful words will be the last straw for someone who just wanted to escape into the fantasy world to have fun. Think about that the next time you want to hurt a writer just because they didn’t cater to your preferences. Your online aggressivity could have serious real world consequences.
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swifteainthesummer · 1 year
Got my first hate comment!!! ☺️☺️☺️☺️ about a topic I'm very sensitive about 🫥🫤
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transvirtualangel · 2 months
radqueers deserve to fucking die you're all pedophiles and animal fuckers and groomers go kill yourself you don't deserve to be alive anyways
aw my first hate comment!:D ily<3
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
I should have specified that it wasn't just your writing that put me off on you, but if I ever said anything to your face in the server, everyone would be clamoring to defend the "Patron Saint."
Which by the way, whoever said that? Was it in the DMs for you to repeat with pride like a badge of honor to feel special? I'm all for people spending time talking, drawing, or writing about the things they love, but every other message that comes from your finger tips makes me feel exhausted. Like I don't even want to be apart of this fandom and accidentally support someone like you.
You've misrepresented disabled peeps, gone off on rants for them when hello - let us speak for ourselves maybe? With attention seeking behavior of bragging about your organization skills, only speaking to those that are popular, and by creating an entire archive as if us writers will disappear. If we do disappear, that's none of your business and not your job to preserve what we put out. Ao3 and Wattpadd exist anyway for us to use if we choose to.
You can pretend all you like that you're living rent-free in my head, that you're speshul to get hate, but truth is - I've seen what kind of person you are and I'm fucking tired of you. I'm tired of people like you, who have the loudest voices and refuse to let others speak for themselves. Who can't allow the conversation to drift off away from them in group settings, and I'm tired of everyone who would have a heart attack if I said one bad thing about you as though you are a literal saint. You aren't a nice person, you're just as bad as me - but at least I have the balls to be fucking honest with people and know when to shut up.
???? I am genuinely confused by a majority of what was said here, and please know that this is the last time I'll respond to you, anon.
Let's get the first thing straight. You don't like what I do? Block me. I don't care. The fact that you said server inclines me to think that we may have crossed paths on discord, and if so, please feel free to block me there, too.
Second, the whole "patron saint" thing is a joke because a while back, there was very little Ominis fanfic being written, so I started writing a bunch. Someone left a comment jokingly calling me 'the patron saint of ominis fics', which I thought was funny, and a couple other people also commented. So, as I joke I added it to my bio. End of story. It's not because I'm better than anyone or perfect or anything like that. It's a joke that I went along with.
While Ominis is disabled, I truly do my best to represent him the best I can. If I've ever said anything hurtful or wrong, then I am sorry about that. I would have greatly appreciated a kind critique letting me know what I've done incorrectly, to better that in the future. Besides Ominis, I have written ONE (1) other fic with a disabled character, which was specifically requested by a disabled person in which I did my best to follow their prompt exactly. I don't know what rants you're talking about. I have actually tried by best to stay away from most things regarding disability, because I myself am not disabled, and therefore have no experience in those conversations. I've made a conscious effort not to get involved in that, besides being a listening ear when others speak on it. However, it's inevitable that I'd touch on it briefly in the fics I write, as Ominis is fucking blind.
Again, any sort of pointers or comments on how to improve these interactions I've written would have been appreciated. How was I ever supposed to learn when no one has told me I'm doing something wrong?
As far as the archive goes, I just randomly suggested putting together lists of all the fics I could find---IT'S NOT THAT DEEP. I have no clue why this would annoy you, but once again, BLOCK IT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE IT. I've seen it done in other fandoms, thought it would be fun, others seemed to like the idea, and tada. Fun fact, if writers delete their writings, it the links won't work. They can still make it disappear if they want. I've said it on the sideblog, if people don't want their work on there, I will take it off, no questions asked. I just figured that since they're publicly posting to the internet, it's pretty much fair game.
I also do my best to interact with each and every person who does the same to me---I'm bad at initiating interactions because I have fucking awful anxiety and OCD, which also accounts for the "organizational skills" I brag about. I try to be as genuine and show my appreciation for all the people who are kind to me, because I am absolutely baffled anyone would take the time of day to say a nice thing to me. If you feel I talk about myself too much, then whatever. I use the internet to vent, whether on here or on discord.
And here I'm about to say the rudest thing I ever have on the internet, and it's this: I am not nearly as bad as you. Never in my life have I left anyone a nasty message full of personal attacks and accusations under the guise of "honesty." Nor will I ever do that, because there is enough hate and heartache in the world already. This behavior that you've displayed is the worst part of internet/fandom culture.
I'd like to bring this back full circle: Block me. If you check my blog again to see if I've responded, then obviously I'm at least somewhat living in your head. For the sake of both your mental health and my own, eliminate the tension by stopping here. You have no idea who I am so don't pretend for a second that you do.
For everyone else who had to read this, thanks for your support. I won't stop talking about myself or writing things I love, even if they're meaningless. I will never be replying to another hate comment on this blog.
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la2yn0va · 2 months
Ignoring queer rep for ugly ships like avenpaz is weird
O_O….does this count as a hate comment towards me?
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ithinkimightbeagoose · 6 months
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i think i handled that well
original hate comment under the cut in case y'all were curious!
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gupgonewild · 8 months
Why. Where is your father?
my father is at home rn getting my sister ready for school :3 where is yours? i havent seen him anywhere... hm. thank u so much for sending this i was anxious about school because i have a big day but i feel better now! someone thinks im fatherless! im cringey! ive done everything ive ever wanted to do *starts tearing up*
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starshinew · 1 year
guys there's an annoying ass troll posting deplorable shit under my bestie (@dafishi)'s ao3 account
for context here are the screenshots:
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they're being racist and very generally horrible and making jumps in assumptions about Fish, and I would appreciate if some of y'all would get their ass on anon (so that they don't immediately start flaming you too!)
here's the fic
be warned the fic is about rape and non-con - a request and a part of a series that aims to show how difficult it is to deal with
if anyone has any recommendations on how to deal with this other than just ignoring please lmk
thanks everyone
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dropunderscore · 2 years
I think I'm funny
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tariah23 · 4 months
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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bardofavon · 6 months
not to be controversial bc I know this is like…not in line with shifting opinions on fanfic comment culture but if there’s a glaring typo in my work I will NOT be offended by pointing it out. if ao3 fucks up the formatting…I will also not be offended by having this pointed out…
‘looking forward to the next update’ and ‘I hope you update soon!’ are different vibes than a demand, and should be read in good faith because a reader is finding their way to tell you how much they love it. I will not be mad at this.
‘I don’t usually like this ship but this fic made me feel something’ is also incredibly high praise. I’m not going to get mad at this.
even ‘I love this fic but I’m curious about why you made [x] choice’ is just another way a reader is engaging in and putting thought into your work.
I just feel like a lot of authors take any comment that’s not perfectly articulated glowing praise in the exact manner they’re hoping to receive it in bad faith.
fic engagement has been dropping across the board over the last several years, and yes it’s frustrating but it isn’t as though I can’t see how it happens. comment anxiety can be a real thing. the last thing anyone wants to do is offend an author they love, and that means sometimes people default to silence.
idk where I’m going with this I guess aside from saying unless a comment is outright attacking me I’m never going to get mad at it, and I think a lot of authors should feel the same way. ESPECIALLY TYPOS PLZ GOD POINT OUT MY TYPOS.
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avonne-writes · 2 years
Some people in the lucemond fandom really aspire to embody the worst of the Targaryens, who caused the downfall of their own house by attacking their kin.
I'm genuinely curious at this point why someone would follow what I post on both Tumblr and AO3 and then leave hate comments on some of the most innocuous things. It leaves me heartbroken.
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swifteainthesummer · 1 year
Reminder of the say: your self worth shouldn't be attained to your productivity or the opinion of someone else 💖 sending love to whoever reads this
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foolsocracy · 4 months
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this is actually so funny. imagining garth quipping and contributing to the conversation in his head cause he forgot the rest of the teen titans can't pick up on his telepathy
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cozylittleartblog · 5 months
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"content creator" is a corporate word.
we are artists.
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cilil · 5 months
So today I got a rather unkind comment on AO3 (one could call it hate), but I believe it to be a bot for several reasons:
Guest account, but username attached
Said username exists but person is unlikely to be reading Tolkien fic (according to their Tumblr and AO3, they are in other fandoms)
Two grammatically correct sentences
Super generic text that could apply to any fic:
"I've seen better fanfiction written by a toddler. Get it together!"
I'm curious, did anyone else get comments like this? Let me know.
And to those who have gotten rude comments and are now worried/upset: Maybe it was just a bot too. Either way: You're awesome for putting your writing out there for others to enjoy and you don't deserve to get rude comments for it. If you want feel free to message me to compare cases and discuss details :)
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