#hate on your dial
Hate on Your Dial
Episode Recap #59: Hate on Your Dial Original Airdate: November 18, 1989
Starring: Louise Robey as Micki Foster Steve Monarque as Johnny Ventura (as Steven Monarque) Chris Wiggins as Jack Marshak
Guest cast: Michael Rhoades as Ray Pierce Vlasta Vrana as Sheriff Robert A. Silverman as Archie Pierce (as Robert Silverman) Melanie Miller as Margaret Pierce Martin Doyle as Steve Pierce Henry Czerny as Joe Nelson Richard Mills as Elliot Marc Gomes as Henry Emmett Gene Mack as Ben Wilten Jackie Richardson as Frances Jan Taylor Hendricks as Waitress / Edna (as Jan Waterhouse) Jamie Near as Young Archie
Written by Nancy Ann Miller Directed by Allan Eastman
It is night time and we are at a modest home. Mr. Sandman on the radio. Two men in a garage cleaning an old car. They are brothers, Ray and Archie. Ray appears to be older and have special needs. His brother teases him. Their old mother comes into the garage with coffee. She doesn't like them reminiscing and leaves. Archie reads the date (May 17, 1954) on the photo, and Ray says it was "Black Monday" when "white folks got in trouble" and their daddy had "no choice."
Just then a little boy named Elliot shows up, admiring the car. Archie is happy to see him, but racist Ray reacts badly, knocking the fundraising candy out of the boy's hands. He pulls a screwdriver on Elliot, then shoves him, causing his engine parts to scatter. Ray gets even madder and pulls a shotgun off the wall, to frighten Elliot, who runs off. Ray says he'll get him another time.
Cut to credits.
Curious Goods, and a woman has brought a box of old items to the store for an appraisal. Johnny doesn't know what to offer, but they settle on $25 for the box. She leaves as Archie enters. He is browsing for a gift for his brother. Johnny takes a car radio out of the box he just bought and Archie identifies it as from a '54 Chevy. He says him and Ray have their daddy's '54 Chevy and Ray is always working on it. He wants to buy the radio, but he doesn't think he can afford it. Johnny gives him a good deal on it.
Next we are back in the garage, and Ray is finishing installing the radio his brother gifted him, saying it will now be just like when their daddy had it. But Archie says their father never drove it much, he went away cause he killed a man. Ray says the man was a "colored sharecropper" and thinks a black lawyer who got some mystery witness was the reason their dad got executed. Archie tells Ray he doesn't like how racist he is, especially to his friend Elliot. Ray says Archie may be slow, but he doesn't have to be stupid. He pulls out a photo album of their father in full KKK gear, and crosses they had burned. Ray obviously idolizes this time in history and his father's role in it.
At the store, Johnny is cleaning when Micki comes in. She says Jack's flight has been delayed a couple of hours. Johnny tells her about the car radio he bought and then quickly sold. Micki, already anticipating the answer, asks if he checked the manifest first. As she checks she finds a '54 Chevy radio listed. Johnny can't believe it and Micki seems to cut him some slack, but then Jack arrives home. From the looks on their faces, he knows it's bad news. Johnny says what he did, and Jack is frustrated at him. But Johnny remembers the car wash logo on Archie's shirt. Johnny and Micki head out, but Johnny stops to apologize again to Jack, who is clearly ticked off.
Next, we see Elliot playing alone at a basketball court. Ray pulls up in the old Chevy, clearly drinking as well. He gets out with his bottle, taunting Elliot, who doesn't trust him. Ray pulls a gun and shoots the hoop, then at Elliot's feet. Ray continues his racist rant, scaring Elliot as he waves his gun, shooting. Elliot is panicked and falls as Ray shoots again, this time hitting the kid. Ray touches him, gets blood on his hand and at the sound of police sirens, takes off.
Driving away, he is nervous and goes to turn on the car radio, getting Elliot's blood on the dials. This activates the curse, and the radio glows, then it envelops the car in a blinding light. Suddenly, Ray and the Chevy are in black and white, having traveled back in time. The radio says it is night in Mississippi as Ray cruises the streets, surprised. He stops the car and checks a newspaper, happy to realize where and when he is.
He goes in to a diner. He asks about his parents, and as the waitress gives directions, the place falls silent as a black man enters. He just wants to buy a loaf of bread, but the racist waitress refuses, telling him to go. He makes the mistake of grabbing her arm, and a man stands up, calling him "boy". He confronts the man, continuing the racist bull, even slapping the man. Fed up, the black man picks up the other and slams him in to a table, but the other man present gang up on him. Ray, who is loving all of this, hits the man himself until the sheriff arrives and pulls him off. He tells the black man to go, and merely chastises the group, Ray included. Another man introduces himself to Ray and buy him a shake.
Jack is still researching the radio when Micki and Johnny come back. They found where Archie works, but he won't be back until Monday. They also learned his name and that he has a brother, which further irritates Jack. Johnny tells him to rip his head off, but Jack is still snippy. Micki is shocked, Johnny says he look for it himself, but Jack calls out. He says he isn't angry with Johnny, just their situation, and that they done the same thing he did. Johnny says it all just keeps on happening.
Back to the past and Ray and his new friend are walking. Ray loves how "pure" the place feels and warns the other man things will change, going into yet another racist rant. He takes Ray to a meeting of men at a house. These men are already mad about the Supreme Court decision and think "their" colored people aren't unhappy and know their place. Ray realizes the man is his father when his wife comes in and recognizes his mother, pregnant with himself. Archie is there too, a young boy. Ray is introduced to his father and told what happened in the diner. He's invited along on their mission that night.
In the present, Johnny and Micki arrive and see Archie with his mother. Johnny says he wants to buy back the radio, but Archie says it's already in the car, and their mom says he's out driving and sometimes isn't back for days. They leave their card with Archie and leave, but decide to wait outside for Ray to return.
In the past, the men are in full KKK robes and burning a cross and an effigy of a judge to protest the end of segregation. They head off to teach the black man a lesson. Ray realizes what is about to happen is what got his father executed and tries to warn the men. But they say they'll kill the lawyer, too. Ray says they have to make sure they kill the woman who was a witness, too. The men agree, too amped up to understand what Ray's saying.
Later, they are dragging the black man, Ben Wilten, to a barn, his hands tied up and hooked up so they can beat him and lash him with a whip, just for touching the waitress. His hands get loose and he is able to hit the mask off, revealing the face of one man, and he is beaten more for that. He collapses and is whipped again.
Jack arrives at Micki and Johnny's stakeout with some food. He says he found some clippings Lewis had from 1954, and is thinking time travel.
Back in '54, the men are all hyped up from their attack, Ray included. He thinks maybe he changed things in his father's favor. They all drive off. As Ray drives, he notices Elliot's blood still on the radio. He wipes it off and him and the car are transported back to the present. Micki and the guys see his happen. Ray is pissed, pulling into his garage. Jack thinks Ray just came from the past.
Inside, Ray tells Archie to be quiet and asks his mother where his father is, hoping he changed things. But she says Mississippi hung him. Jack eavesdrops while Micki and Johnny attempt to slip into the garage. Ray says there was no witness back then, but he can't understand why their daddy didn't survive. Ray looks in the old album to see what the lawyer from back then looked like, so he can try again to change the past. Archie tries to talk to his brother, but Ray heads outside.
Micki sees Ray coming and her and Johnny hide. Archie keeps trying to get his brother's attention, but Ray ignores him and heads into the garage, saying he needs to kill another of his little black friends, shoving Archie, who realizes his brother killed Elliot. He grabs a hammer, but Ray takes it. Johnny and Micki try to get in as Ray beats his brother with the hammer. Johnny and Jack try to stop Ray as Micki goes to Archie. Ray jumps in the Chevy and wipes his brother's blood on the radio. It begins to glow and is transported back to Mississippi in 1954, this time with Ray, Johnny and Jack. Ray speeds off, leaving them in the road.
Ray goes to his parent's house, trying to warn his father to get out of town. His mother and Archie are their, and she listens as Ray tells them about the judge and what's going to happen. As Ray continues to try and get through to his father, Archie starts repeating over and over "Daddy killed a Negro." Ray tells his father this all going to ruin him unless they get the clan together to kill the lawyer. The man agrees and Ray goes to find the lawyer. Archie continues ranting and his father hits him hard, his mother too late to help.
Jack and Johnny are shocked to be in 1954, but Jack thinks Ray wants to change his father's fate. They see a commotion at the courthouse, townsfolk angry about the lawyer here to get justice for the murder of the sharecropper, Ben Wilton. The sheriff arrives to break things up. The lawyer, Henry Emmet, and he wants the sheriff to arrest the clan. But the sheriff wants him to have some witness or there is no case, but then goes on to threaten this supposed witness. Things break up, Johnny is shocked by this, but Jack says the present isn't much better.
Jack goes to speak to the lawyer, but the man and his friends are understandably wary. Jack tries to warn them about the men in town, and that his life is in jeopardy. But Emmet thinks Jack's warnings are really veiled threats. Jack is speechless.
In the present, Micki is telling the cops as much as she is able about Ray's disappearance after killing Archie. She tries to comfort the mother, who says she knew something like this would happen.
In the past, we see the mother comforting a hurt Archie. Ray arrives looking for his father, but she says he's at work. He is happy to have found the lawyer, but she isn't happy. She doesn't seem to carry the racism like her husband, and Ray. He asks what's up with Archie and she says his daddy hits him, and one day it will be too much.
Jack finds Johnny, who says he'll need a screwdriver to get the radio out. Jack says no, it is their only way home. They need to stop Ray before heading back. Johnny has the album from the car, and Jack recognizes some of the men from town. He takes off.
Later, after having shown the sheriff the album and identifying the man who killed Ben, Jack is surprised the sheriff doesn't head right off to arrest him. Jack then sees the clan dragging the lawyer into a car and goes to help, but is tossed into the car, too. The clan speed off.
In a field, with another cross on fire, the men in robes arrive and drag Jack and Emmet out. The grand dragon tells the others they also have a spy in their midst, who has been lying to them about helping. Johnny slips out of the trunk of Ray's Chevy. The spy is identified as Ray, who the man thinks is their to turn them in to the FBI. Ray is tied up as he protests.
Johnny hotwires the Chevy, turns it on and drives toward the group, causing them to scatter. He jumps out and shoots off the shotgun, and Jack tells Emmet they need to get in the car. Johnny again shoots the gun, stopping one of the men so they can drive off. The clan decides to deal with things here first, and tie up Ray and his friend from the diner, thinking they are traitors. They light the men on fire as Ray begs his daddy for help. As Ray burns, his father realizes the witness must be his wife.
After dropping Emmet off, Johnny and Jack drive the Chevy to where they arrived in the past. Johnny wipes the blood off the radio. The car glows and they go back to the present, appearing in front of Micki and the mother of Archie and Ray, who realizes both her sons are gone.
My thoughts:
Heavy, to say the least. I wrote a huge summary because it felt wrong to leave off details here. But I hated writing so much of Ray's racist nonsense. Just felt so skeevy doing it. I can't fathom how a person could think that way about other people.
But Jack is right. Johnny calls the past bad, Jack says the present isn't much better, and here we are another 30 something years even from that and there are still monsters among us.
The time travel radio is cool, but the usage is so dark. Poor Elliot. Kid did literally nothing wrong, and Ray hated him. Sad, to say the least.
And Archie, too. I'm actually surprised his mother let Ray stay with them, when we find out she was the one who told about her husband in the past. I guess she ended up relying on Ray, but I'm surprised she didn't snap before then.
Weird how Ray's prophetic information was just laughed at by the clan. I would think the other men would have thought he was insane. And how shocked was the sheriff by the album when Jack brought it in. And who was taking the photos at those clan burnings?
I like how Micki was easy to cut Johnny some slack about the radio. Her and Ryan sold a ton of antiques when they first got to the store. But it made sense that Jack would be ticked off, at least at first. Johnny learned a lesson here, for sure.
Near the end, when the father had the thought of his wife being the witness, I thought we were going to see that the future had changed, but it apparently went no where. Odd to include that, then.
Dark episode. But kudos for the show in taking it on.
Next week: Night Prey
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Do I find Damian incredible annoying? Yes Will I fight every single motherfucker who resumes his entire character to violent and 'bad'? Also Yes.
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booksandothersecrets · 9 months
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The View Between Villages - Extended Version by Noah Kahan vs The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater
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hanahaki-ghost · 6 months
Hey hey, look character design
This is Land of Nightmares Dial(design subject to change)
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He starts working for Love(Hate of this au) until he runs into some issues and winds up wondering the sands of regret.
He’s skittish and serious about trying to get make believe better but doesn’t believe Love can fix it
He’s determined to stop his cousin from causing anymore problems
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gothprentiss · 9 months
tried to call my great aunt almost called my advisor….. stood in the living room with my hand on my forehead for a full minute. horror of fucking horrors
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jrueships · 6 months
I read your latest gunsmith fanfic and I really loved it!! 🥺💖 I recognized so many of your Tumblr posts in it (they were like little Easter eggs). And there were so many banger lines in it…it made me laugh so many times! 😂 Thanks for writing AND sharing it. 😌✨
P.S. I love the title…it describes them sooo well!
P.P.S. I’m shy too but uhhh if you ever wanted to talk about gunsmith/the Rockets then send me a message on Tumblr!!! Would enjoy hearing your thoughts on their pairing!! Okay bye!!! 🙈
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thelvadams · 7 months
when someone asks me how long the ff7 rebirth platinum took
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malewifehenrycooldown · 8 months
Properly played King of Fighters Anthology last night, and um…
Sometimes you face off against some bullshit characters, and after a while you admit defeat to them and have NO CHOICE but to put them in a quarantine folder, just to make your experience a little more bearable.
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artemisbarnowl · 11 months
Having a totally normal one* after waking from a dream where I just relive life with my ex. It was so normal and fine and we did things such as lay around in bed and make plans for the day, go to the Korean supermarket on the corner, go to a friend's house together.
#*if it were in the evening i would be drinking enough to finally drink dial and just fucking ASK all the questions i am making up answers to#what did you want? what do you want now?? honestly could you find it in your heart to hate me and never wanna see me again?#because me saying 'i don't think we should talk for a while' and you saying 'id really like to be friends' are obviously Not It#omg im going to spend my birthday alone for the first time....nearly ever and im just going to go to work and be miserable#i havent been able to stop chewing on the idea of me visiting when i head down to see the fam for christmases#i want him to want me back sooooo bad!!!!#i still think about that dream where i made him pasta#would i take him back? depends on what he said#as much as im pathetic im not an idiot and id need clear evidence to show that he 1. knows what he wants (involving me) and#2. is going to ask for it#because i don't think i ever heard him say a single thing about what he wanted for our future#never said 'hey i want to see you when are you free for me to come up?'#is probably fucking dating now anyway and doesnt WANT me to remember him on new years (our best guess anniversary)#or ask to call because i want to ask questions that will be hard to answer#when all ive ever wanted is the TRUTH#not the strategic answer just the gods honest truth#and i suspect that is 'i dont want to date you i havent for a while i didnt know how to stop or what i wanted instead'#and then i could go home break every object in ny house and move on#try a dating app ot something else to attempt to look forward instead of back#so as you can see -totally normal one
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saturdays--sun · 11 months
when as it is said "am i all that you never wanted? or has it been so long that you've forgotten? all we ever share are dial tones" and when gnash said "leave a message when no one else is near you, so no one else can hear you, tell me everything" and when waterparks said "you can call me on my phone, i'll run to you, you won't ever have to sleep alone" and when all time low said "i'll remember nights alone, waking up to dial tones, always found my greatest moments in the sound of your hello's" and when that kid said "call me when you're all alone, touch me through the dial tone" and when slayyyter said "every single night, he hits me up through the phone, i think that we're in love" and when waterparks also said "i said that you can call me, beep me if you want my skin" and when 100 gecs said "my boy's got his own ringtone, it's the only one i know, it's the only one i answer" and "i customize my ringtone, but it's always you, it's always you, it's always you, it's always you, it's always you, it was always you"
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kimtaegis · 2 years
👋 2022
#I won’t go into detail about real life except that it was. well. a Trip#learned some things went through things. the year of baby steps I guess#BUT I wanna write some thoughts about my 2022 tumblr experience down#it was… also quite a Trip#positive first: learned to stay off this site when necessary! very important mental-health wise#my most used tag this year was my track tag! shoutout to everyone who’s been using it#you bring me much joy by sharing your creations with me. I appreciate it 🤍#another shoutout to all the incredibly lovely people who’ve come to my inbox this year#I’ve been very lucky in that regard. 98% of my anons have been the kindest sweetest most eloquent people#and I’m happy to have been able to have super interesting thoughtful and respectful discussions from time to time#okay what else. oh HIGHLIGHT of my year here – my birthday ADFFGHJ#I felt so so so spoiled and couldn’t (still can’t) believe the amount of spectacular gif(t)s I got. made me feel stupidly happy oh my god#I learned a lot of new skills and techniques for gfx making. kept experimenting with different styles which has been fun!#gif making has turned more into a relaxing activity than something that makes me feel pressured and anxious#I dialed it down a bit compared to last year and I think that was a good decision as well#as for not so positive things. well.#of course there are the usual/ general ‘complaints’ like lack in interaction and the like#got my first proper anon hate in November. that was something#HUGE lesson I learned this year: just because someone states in their bio that they’re adults doesn’t mean they act like ones <3#people can be very childish ruthless and simply not worth one’s effort#and a last thing that fits quite well to that: 9 out of 10 people do not care about you. not about your time and effort you put in content#not about whether you’re online or not. not about how you might feel when they say and do certain things#I think I need to learn how to embrace this kind of insignificance. be more audacious. find validation within myself#okay I’ll stop now#I wanna say thank you to all the lovely people who made this year on tumblr more enjoyable and who truly brighten the place up for me#I love you lots and wish you all the best for 2023#it’s gonna be a hard year for me with lots of challenges and changes#and it’s nice to have this little space here where you can escape to from time to time#mwah. smooches to all of you. happy new year <3
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flockrest · 1 year
y'all don't know how grateful i am that tu.lin takes up so much of my brainrot honestly, because if it was kido who was at the helm of this. fooey!
#* roosting / ooc.#exploring themes of hating everything that's associated with someone and wanting to hate them too but you can't help but love them#because what you had with them is still the only time you were ever First in anything. and even then! they chose someone-something else#over you. and you are loved dearly by others but only because they have to (or so you feel)#if you were not already a part of them and none of what happened to you happened they would not have chosen you (or so you feel).#you are second-rate and second-loved and second-best (or so you feel).#and you have complicated feelings about your people's beloved hero that you can't truly express because nobody will GET it#you exalt him. you can't stand the thought of him. you still admire his ambition. you think he's the worst thing ever.#there's a part of your culture that you can't pursue because of how much it hurts and reminds you of what you've lost and how you lost it.#and you think you should grieve this. you think you should grieve him. and you did and you do but it feels like it isn't enough.#(with him it never feels like you're enough. you've just never let yourself feel it)#anyhoo. i will probably never write these. but know they are part of kido's foundation!#skdjklg no if he was actually at the forefront of my brainrot#it'd just be shenanigans and fluff dialed up the wazoo sldfkjl#i gotta go now because. work in a few hours [buzzer sound] but writing again soon!#goodnight and have a lovely rest of your day folks! be seeing you <3#long tags cw
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dystopiandramaqueen · 2 years
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paradoxarchive · 2 years
"your dreams are a glimpse into your life in a different timeline"
oh god i hope not, i hope the pain ive seen in my dreams is only mine--in this timeline right now--to bear
because if theres even a sliver of truth to that then how am i supposed to bear knowing that all my other lives are nothing but agony where i am murdered over and over again, assaulted, forced to watch people i love be split open with blunt weapons, and where i am brought to the brink of death just to be dragged back only to relive it again and again and again
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hanahaki-ghost · 11 months
I absolutely adore your soldiers of hate au! Have you ever considered doing a sort of swap au where our cast swaps roles and personalities with each other (Like Hate being the protagonist whilst Hero is the villain)?
I’m glad you like soldiers of hate! If things go as planned I’ve got some big plans for it actually.
And as for a swap au I’ve thought of a few different swap aus frankly, in a way nightmare au is a swap au seeing as RGB is kind of a bad guy and corrupted hero to be more of a villain and hates good though it’s got difference that I suppose would separate it from a swap au
My versions I had in mind were more so where negative and RGB swap so Negative is finding heros while RGBs more in the role of negative, where characters all around swap like Dial finding hero’s(which would be a character made by my friend), click and TOby possibly switching hate obviously wouldn’t be the big bad guy, or where hero is finding hero’s and finds a human RGB. But I haven’t really thought of a version where heros a bad guy and hates a good guy, maybe I’ll do some sketches after class ^^
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selfshippinglover · 20 days
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Cause he goes
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Sad hurt
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To this!!
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