#have a flower scam man <3
phosphorus-noodles · 7 months
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can he interest you in one (1) flower petal? ✨ NOT A SCAM !!!!
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lavandulawrites · 5 months
Fleeting Promises
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Yandere Aventurine x reader
This man is truly something else<3
Warnings: imprisonment, manipulation, Stockholm syndrome
Word count: 734
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Aventurine was sitting on the lush and expensive velvet couch in the extravagant living room. He was flipping through a fashion magazine filled with the latest trends that were all over the cosmos.
On his lap laid your head as he had ushered you to use his lap a pillow. He ran his hand through your soft hair as he held his magazine in the other. He hummed as he traced your right cheekbone.
“You are truly beautiful. Do you know that?” his voice a purr as admired you with a dreamy expression.
You closed your eyes. “You tell me that every day, you know.”
You could feel him chuckle at your comment.
His fingers returned to your hair as he twinned a lock around his finger. Though it appeared innocent, you knew very well what that gesture meant. You are mine was what he meant as he gently tugged on the strand.
“Oh did you hear about the rumour about the actress that played in that huge movie? Dreamers Ball? They all say she slept with some rich old man who owns a planet, only to scam big sums from him, without him seemingly knowing. Well I met her today o. a little mission I had if you can say that. And what a bitch! The rumours really are true, I am sure!” he trailed off as he saw your confusion.
“Oh… I forgot. You aren’t allowed outside. How utterly foolish of me” he chuckled.
You looked up at him and was met with eyes filled with obsession and madness. His mouth pulled back into a teasing grin.
This was all one of his sick games. He just wanted to rub it in that you couldn’t leave the house without him. He was in charge of you every waking moment and you knew that very well. He claimed he did it from his goodness of his heart and for some reason you believed him. He was as mad as they came, but his love was really. Almost too real. It felt like a cage and for some reason you felt home in that cage.
Before all this, you were a seemingly normal couple. As normal as it could be with a man who was absolutely obsessed and tapping your phone, but the love was real. And it still is. You did still love him, but you longed for freedom.
“Mmm…” you hummed. You sat up and moved away from him o the couch, so you were pressed against the opposite armrest. Even with your gaze toward your feet, which were firmly buried in the soft rug, you could feel his intensive gaze. He was looking through you. He was peering into your very being. Looking through your microscopic cells. His gaze hungry.
“What is it my love? Something bothering your pretty little head?” his honeyed voice sneaking itself intro every crook and cranny of you body. “Talk to me darling.”
You could feel the couch slightly dip as he moved to sit besides you. His arm snaking itself around your shoulder. He rested his head on top of yours and sighed. “You know you can trust me right? I would do anything for you. I have done everything and I will continue to do so. Over and over again” he pressed a kissed to your head and continued to talk with his mouth against your hair “But I need you to talk to me. Communicate. I want to know your innermost thoughts. I want to know all your troubles, feelings and dreams. I want it all. And I know you do too.”
As his smooth voice continued on, talking about his day, his love for you, shitty colleagues and whatnot, your eyes became heavy. It didn’t take long before you drifted off into a deep sleep. Safe and sound. Just like the golden haired man with the most stunning eyes promised.
You dreamt about flowers, endless meadows, the blue blue sea. You dreamt about magenta eyes that were a vibrant blue around the iris. You dreamt about soft kisses and whispered promises.
You were happy. You were safe.
Just as he promised.
He held you in his arms as he kissed your cheeks one by one. “You are safe here with me. You don’t need anyone but me. I will bring you happiness and no one can take you away from me. Ever.”
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victorianbatman · 6 months
ATLA/LOK incorrect quotes
F, M & GN reader | every scenario without the readers gender being specified is Gender Neutral.
Bolin, on the phone with Mako: Mako, I need you to come pick me up.
Mako: Why?
Bolin: Y/n is busy passive-aggressively doing the dishes they asked me to do 6 hours ago.
Bolin: This house is not safe anymore.
Mako: Hey, whats for dinner?
Bolin: I cant tell you, its a soup-rise.
Mako: Is it soup?
Y/n: We soup-ose is could be.
Mako: Enough with the soup puns you two.
Bolin: Aww, you never soup-port our jokes.
[Five minutes later]
Mako: It was fucking tacos.
Mako: The stars look really pretty tonight.
Y/n: Yeah, they do.
Mako: You know who else looks pretty tonight?
Y/n: Asami.
Mako, at the same time: Korra.
Y/n: What?
Mako: What?
Toph: Do you do anything other than whine like a little bitch?
Y/n: Sometimes I whine like a BIG bitch.
Mako, not looking up from his book: What did she(Kuvira) do now?
Mako: At you?
Y/n: No, at her dumb friends, but she looks like an angel.
Mako: Go away, Y/n.
Y/n: Shut up, I watched you pine after Korra while in a relationship with Asami.
Mako: Go on.
Korra: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute.
Lin: That’s not how you make cookies.
Bolin: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?
Y/n&Bolin: DO IT!
Lin: NO-
Korra: I’m small, but knowing.
Tall!Y/n: You dont be knowing what the top of a shelf looks like though.
Korra: …
Tall!Y/n: …
Korra: Bitch.
Bolin and Mako watching Y/n from a distance chase a squirrel.
Bolin: Thats the person I see myself married to in the future.
Bolin: Thoughts?
Mako: …
Bolin: …
Mako: ..and prayers, bro.
Y/n: My autistic friend(book 1 zuko) is my favourite person on the planet. I asked if he would still be friends with me if I got a mullet and without looking up he said “we are not friends” like ok bestie.
Korra: Theres only one thing worse than losing.
[Tips over paper saying ‘losing Y/n’]
Y/n: Me.
Korra: No-
Y/n: Are you sure you’re ok?
Zuko, crying: Yeah, it’s just these onions, man.
Y/n: …
Zuko: …
Y/n: Those are potatoes.
[Asami, puts on chapstick]
Y/n: What flavour is that?
Asami: oh its [chapstick flavour].
Y/n: Lemme taste.
Asami: Sure.
[hands chapstick]
Y/n, kisses Asami
Y/n: Shit it does actually taste like [Chapstick flavour].
[Asami blushing like crazy]
Y/n: Aang, why do good people die young?
Aang: When you are in a garden full of flowers, which one do you pick?
Y/n: The ugly ones.
Aang: Exactly- wait wait what, why?
Y/n: Because ugly bitches dont belong in my garden.
Toph: Hi, im your doctor today, I’ll be drawing your blood as soon as I’m done with my capri sun.
[Misses the hole four times before finally getting the straw in]
[Y/n, sweats profusely]
Sokka: I have the sharpest memory, name one time I forgot something.
Y/n: You forgot me and Suki back in the fire nation 3 weeks ago.
Sokka: I did that on purpose, try again.
Y/n: Listen to me, love is a scam.
Bolin: You’re making a valentines card for Mako right now.
Y/n, points glue gun at him: You’re on thin fuckin ice.
Zuko: Whats with the napkin on the glass door?
Y/n: Aang keeps walking into the glass door, so I thought this might help.
Aang: Oh cool, a floating napkin!
[Walks into glass door]
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shiny-jr · 1 year
Could you do a piece of the octotrio(individually) where they confess to the reader but they reject them because they don't like them,the whole chapter 3 situation, and the reader knows that they obviously do even more shady shit? Like Jade and Floyd are pretty much confirmed part of the fish mafia, Azul is a slimeball capitalist and by relation to the twins will do even more deplorable shit. Kinda like what you did for Malleus, Kalim and Leona,please?
Warning: Yandere. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Azul Ashengrotto.
Summary: You already had a handful with adjusting to life at Night Raven College, what you didn't need was the extra attention from a curious student of Octavinelle. Those of Octavinelle were bad news, and you did not need whatever bad news they decided to deliver to you with a bouquet of flowers.
Note: Anon, as soon as I read this request, I made a face. And not a bad face. It's hard to describe, but to assure you, I immediately muttered, "Now that's what I'm talking about." I'm so terribly picky with accepting requests, and I hate it, but this one managed to catch my eye immediately. Man, do I love rejection requests. Rejected sad and crazy boy hours are here.
Added: I drafted this up months ago and haven't touched it until now. I've been struggling on Floyd's part, so I just decided to finish Azul's part and put that out.
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When you suddenly awoke in a floating coffin and miraculously became a student at this magic school, you expected surprises but not like this. As if trying to go through the daily motions while wondering which student would snap next wasn't enough, now you had a particular fellow lurking about and watching you. It would only be a matter of time before they grew tired of waiting and would decide to strike.
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Oh, would you look at that. This greedy merman now has his sights set on acquiring your love. How did this happen? Why is this happening? It's difficult to tell, but for now you can only hope that he isn't concocting some terrible plot for you.
He's terribly intelligent and much too cunning, then he has his business facade to top it off. But so many times, so many times, his facade has nearly cracked around you. In fact, you wouldn't exactly call him "cool and collected." There's a little desperation in his tone when he asks for your time in a worthwhile exchange, he states. Or how his hand grips yours and lingers for much longer than is necessary whenever he has an excuse to shake your hand. And the freebies, oh god the freebies. You don't trust anything "free" from him, but he's always offering an abundance of goods, a token of goodwill, he says. Not that you trust that either.
Azul generally seems like a talented and clever guy destined for success. But, you prefer to have no affiliation with him. It's his methods to success that you can't exactly approve of. The scams, the tricks, the intimidation, every bad deed was done in such a meticulous way under certain circumstances he sets so that he faces no repercussions in the end should something go astray. Which is why when you caught on to his desire to be close to you and give you gifts, it placed you on edge as you anticipated the big moment he would act on those feelings.
"Why, hello, dearest. What a pleasant surprise seeing you here! You do know you are always welcome in my lounge." Azul exclaimed in greeting, as if the twins hadn't herded you here. The dorm leader stood in front of your table, serving you the food you begrudgingly ordered once you realized you wouldn't be allowed to go off the hook so easily. "I hope the meal is to your liking. Now that the opportunity has presented itself, I'd like to speak with you. I must admit, I've taken quite the liking to you, so please, I implore you, consider the rare proposition I'm about to offer." Azul flashed that award-winning business smile, as he held up a bouquet of flowers decorated with colorful pastel shells. He had practiced his speech for hours, and now he was awaiting your response. However, when he noticed your hesitance and obvious discomfort, his heart stopped.
His smile became more strained as he went off script, attempting to further convince them that he was a worthy suitor.
"I assure you, I will be a wonderful significant other. Not only am I the head of the Octavinelle dorm, but I am a top student as well. As you know, I also own the Mostro Lounge and have a great many connections to students across campus."
With every second that passed, he was growing more desperate. That much was obvious.
"If you desire gifts, I will deliver gifts. If you wish for affection, I will drown you in my affection. If you ask for praise, I will pen poetry that rivals literature venerating the most coveted figures in the land and sea's histories!"
Well, this was awkward. You did not anticipate him to have the brazenness to confess publicly. It felt more like a business proposition than a confession. Maybe this was a part of his plan to profess his affection in his lounge, a controlled environment, where there was a higher chance you would accept under the pressure of the many eyes of other customers taking notice. His smile faltered the more the unease festered in his gaze as each second passed.
The answer was no. You wouldn't date him even if the deal included a weekly allowance, because you had a lot more to lose. You weren't sure what category Azul fell into. Acquaintance? Yes. Friend? Possibly, but that was pushing it a bit.
The owner of the lounge was greedy, cunning, and conniving. No matter what he had, it never was enough. Even when he swiped the powers of countless fellow students, he still wanted more. If you gave him an inch, he would take a mile. And you weren't exactly quick to forgive him for his many past transgressions.
Even if he's claimed to have mended all his ways, repented, seen the light, and made a switch, Azul remains a business man above all. And honestly, you'd rather not be dragged into his affairs, especially since you're fairly certain that some of the things he's done may be unlawful or accomplished by going through loopholes in laws. All of his attention and time was consumed by his academics, his business, and creating other deals to earn a profit. These were the three that took up his time the most, and it kept him incredibly busy. That was one thing, the other was this: How long would things be sweet before he allowed his desire to sour the relationship? Sure, at first he may shower you in gifts, cash, and affection, but you're sure that eventually the relationship would become bitter by his possessiveness and bottomless greed.
So... you're declining... I see. Perhaps the incentives aren't enough. Allow me to offer you something more. He felt humiliated. The rejection gave him flashbacks to primary school and his constant refusals then, but this one hurt ten times harder. Back then those were just silly childhood crushes that were worth nothing, this was different. This was worth more than all the cash in his vault. Eventually, he improved himself in his youth with stubborn determination, and that's how he would win again. He would use charm, manipulation, underhanded tactics, wit, and stubborn determination to ensnare your heart.
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azu1as · 2 months
au where cm goes undercover in a brothel/tavern as a courtesan.
It initially started out as chung myung wanting to help setup an information network for mount hua. This way, they wouldn't have to rely on the beggar's sect alone, meaning they can never get double-crossed. Let's just see you try, Hongdaekwang 💢
surprisingly, chung myung ends up enjoying his trips to the tavern because of the way the sisters there supply him with endless sweets and the nice oils and scents they use on him.
The scent of one of the hair oils reminds him of Tang Bo. It's…nice.
Of course, this is all a plus to the crazy dirt and tea that the sisters and tavern-goers provide him.
Inside the tavern where the night turns hazy as warmth and alcohol loosens lips and tongues in more ways than one, chung myung finds that people there are more willing to divulge secrets and information that would normally cost a fortune (read: several threats) if he turned to the beggar's sect.
Chung Myung also finds out that people open their wallets more frequently with a simple swish of a robe and basic swordless dances.
He can already see Chung Mun's appalled and exasperated face heaven if he knew Chung Myung discovered another way to scam people.
A little plum blossom step here and he has clients throwing wads of cash and coins at him, begging for another show.
'Suckers.' Chung Myung hides his wildly gleeful smile. 'AHEM, I mean my generous clients.'
Not only was he getting blackmail material on several notable figures, but he was also learning about smaller movements from major families thanks to their visiting associates.
He was also earning a lot of money. Can't forget about that.
Unbeknownst to him, however, he becomes a very well-known courtesan for his dances (chung myung's just going through basic sword forms, but shhh nobody needs to know) and supposed beauty.
Rumors say that his moves are so graceful and elegant that flowers bloom with every step and that heaven, if it could, would stop to watch.
And as for the rumored beauty...
It's all because of the mystery and allure that his thick, gauzy mask brings. People say that the courtesan's beauty is simply too much for the mortal man. so much so that he had to hide his beauty lest people go crazy.
The rumors inflate—as they often do—as they're passed around to the point where a large majority would agree that this courtesan is the type of generational beauty that would start wars.
This ends up as a major concern for Mount Hua since the tavern falls under their sect's jurisdiction.
So the Sect Leader sends some of the Swords to check up on the tavern to ensure that their security is sound while Chung Myung was 'away'.
Maybe even offer additional protection, just in case, what with the increased number of visitors from different villages and even sects due to the ongoing festival and a rumored dance performance from the tavern with the blooming courtesan at the center.
And when the courtesan takes center stage that night, each swordless step brings a plum blossom petal fluttering into the evening air, bringing with it a sweet scent and coloring the dark blue sky with a warm pink.
It's a homage to Mount Hua. That much is clear.
The courtesan does one final pose, an empty swordhand outstretched towards the sky.
Baek Cheon knows he isn't the only one who falls a little in love.
I'm currently trying to breakthrough my writer's block so other on-going fics/asks in my inbox have been going, but very slowly HAHAHA
Here's the link to the twitter post that spurned this word vomit <3
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Stalker dream is making my brain go brrrr
His stalker is leaving Hob all kinds of nice presents but one day Hob is gushing and blushing about the flowers left at his door and the little poem that went with them and one of his coworkers saunters over and claims credit!?
Hob never paid much attention to Cori and he gives him the creeps (which is saying something considering Hob is literally smitten with his stalker) but he decides to give him a chance. Even if he is a little disappointed to figure out his stalker is Cori.
Cori thinks he has the perfect way to get Hob into bed. Of course he didn’t account for Hob’s actual stalker, Dream, getting wind that Cori has not only stolen credit for all his gifts but that he’s using it to take his darling on a date…
OHOHO an excellent twist in the stalker au.
Cori is so pleased with his plan because he's been trying to fuck Hob for aaaaages (Hob is a slut and a freak, lbr he's very much Cori’s type). He's planning to just take the guy out for a meal and then get him into bed and since the stalker has already done all the hard work for him, he won't even have to put too much effort in. Hell yeah.
Unfortunately. Dream is not impressed. He seethes as he watches Hob getting ready for his date, and he decides that he just can't let it go ahead. And so, he puts a series of emergency measures into motion.
First: a bouquet of flowers is express delivered to Hob, with a note outlining Cori’s scam and instructing Hob not to go with him.
Second: a car draws up outside Cori’s apartment, into which he is unceremoniously bundled and driven away.
Third: a beautifully prepared takeaway meal is delivered to Hob’s home at dinnertime (to make up for the lack of dinner date). It's very expensive and very much to Hob’s personal tastes.
Fourth: Cori is dumped, 3 hours later, by the side of a road in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. He has no idea who kidnapped him or why. Then he remembers Hob’s stalker.
At work the next day Cori avoids Hob like he's got the plague. Hob is relieved to know that his stalker is still a mystery man... and maybe he rewards Dream by undressing with the blinds up. Just to say thank you <3
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I decided to make dndads pokemon team headcanons
Each character will be limited to 3 max (exceptions pending)
Greedent - Looks just like him, Matt said so himself. Calls it Grant. It gets confusing.
Meowth (Galar) - Scruffy just like Daryll. Evolves into Perrserker, fitting Daryll's barbarian class. Named it Aragorn on a whim and wouldn't change it even when people told him it doesn't fit.
Kangaskhan - Loving, protective parent. Inherited from Frank as the baby of his own Kangaskhan now grown up. Named it after his grandmother, Sally.
Cradily - No brainer. Best of both interests (nature and geology). Named it Lily. Simple, sweet.
Carnivine - Thorn Whip/Entangle/Grasping Vine! Also representative of his more aggressive nature that he pushes down until he snaps. Named it simply Flower cause he wanted to associate it with nice and gentle imagery.
Trevenant - Had it since he was a boy and both lost their memories when they were transported to earth. Gifted to him by Beary to help attune him to the Doodler's eldritch nature within him by interacting with the ghost type. Made of the husk of an oak tree. Perhaps possessed by the lost soul of an Oakvale child. Can learn Will-O-Wisp, which is a good enough justification for Wall of Fire for me. He never named it.
Beeheeyem - Had it since it was an Elgyem, but doesn't remember catching it. He remembers getting high in the desert one night, then waking up with a new friend. He doesn't even know the species name, he just calls it Star Wars.
Rotom - Let's it chill in his amps or guitars when at home and in his vape pen when on the go. When it possesses his electric guitars it can play loud even without an amp. Calls it Lil' Dude/Lil' Man/Lil' Guy/Lil' Buddy. It responds to all.
Pikachu - of all the characters, he feels the most right to have a Pikachu. What's it's name? Nick Jr.
Glenn hasn't technically captured any of his pokemon.
Herdier - His first pokemon that he had to give up long ago. Named Rogue.
Greavard - It found him one day.
Tyrogue - It's the same size as him and he found it after joining the dads. He fought it himself. Calls it his Rival.
Walter the Immoral:
Honedge - The sword that gave him his name. He never wanted a pokemon, but when the sword he crafted broke and killed that hero, it became possessed and returned to him. Has no name, and he barely refers to it. Good friends with Paeden.
Scam Likely/Well Actually/Scam Actually:
He has no set team. Every time he crosses paths with the daddies he has a different pokemon accompanying him, even if they were only separated for an hour.
Some examples of pokemon he's been seen with -
Sneasel (both versions)
Each of the daddies' pokemon (at different occasions)
Meowth (Kanto)
Zorua (most commonly seen)
Arin O'Neal:
Trevenant - (Lots)
Torterra - (Lots)
Dusknoir - Uses it as a tool and nothing else. Doesn't refer to it at all, conditioned it to respond to orders only.
Darkrai - Keeps it contained and under wraps. Never tries to use it for battle or utility. He doesn't want to risk losing control, even in his dreams. He would have to be desperate to resort to using it.
Liligant (Hisui) - Uses it as a partner for light aerobics and yoga. Calls it Lily.
Golurk - Created it himself. He considers it something of a magnum opus. Refers to it by its species name.
Dragonite - His ace up his sleeve. He lets it guard the O-Dads compounds and bases. Calls it Raymond Dio Labot.
Slaking - His oldest pokemon. Extraordinarily powerful, but just as lazy as he is. Calls it Brother.
Exploud - He likes it loud. Taught it to beatbox and Willy fucking hates it. Calls it Rock and/or Roll.
Rotom - Glenn's Rotom. He bequeathed it to him some time before he "died". He's the one that started calling it any variation of "Lil'" that Glenn caught on to.
The Doodler:
Unown Unknown
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isaactheterrible · 1 year
Tf2 Mercs Ideal Dates
(Disclaimer: That's what I think the ideal date would be for the TF2 Mercs based on their personalities in the comics. These are just my personal opinions, don't take it too personally)
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-Hold up bucko you're in for a tough one
-Congratulations you're going on a mission!
-Are you stalking random strangers because Soldier convinced himself their spies?
-Did the two of you get roped into fighting an evil wizard or a crooked corporation?
-Either way you're trauma bonded to Soldier now and he had the time of his life
-He's gonna be bragging about this mission for decades but after countless retellings it's gonna sound nothing like what actually happened
-You love him anyway
-What do you think of necklaces and human ears?
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-What do you mean staying at home and binge-watching shows isn't a date?
-Oh well
-It's a picnic!
-He baked you both of your favorite deserts
-If the two of you don't die of heatstroke while out in the texan sun you'll have a wonderful time!
-The countless stuff he baked for you, quit being an ungrateful asshole
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-Bar date, duh
-The bartender treats you nicely cause demo's a good tipper (and a regular.)
-The two of you have the time of your lives chatting and drinking the night away
-Taste test different recipes for the bartender
-You barely manage to stumble your way back home
-One of those mix tapes they sell by the side of the street (y'all got scammed)
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-Library date!
-Heavy's the sweetest
-They two of you will talk for hours about your favorite books
-He's incredibly intelligent and a perfect gentleman❤️
-A copy of a book he thinks you'll love 💕
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-Amusment park date!
-It's wonderful and you're all having fun
-Their favorite game is bumper cars
-Security tried to kick you out (Key word: Tried.)
-The amusements park's on fire by the end of it
-Congratulations! You're a felon now!
-Plushies from one of those shooting games (They got frustrated and burned the booth down and stole all the plushies)
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-I hope you like sports
-You're going to the stadium to watch Scout's favorite team
-Shitty overpriced hotdogs
-Matching couples outfits! ...Of identical sports merch
-Both of you will scream yourselves hoarse cheering by the end of it
-Ice cream while he walks you home!💕
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-Movie date!
-If you can get this man off his work long enough to ago on a date with you, the two of you go to the cinema to watch a movie... Human centipede it's human centipede
-You try not to worry about him getting inspiration
-Thankfully once you leave the cinema he rants about how unrealistic and stupid the idea was
-You sigh a sigh of relief as you go to bed
-You think you're safe now
-You think you're safe
-When you wake up in the morning you find a letter, it's a cute love note!❤️ (Good ending)
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-Romantic diner
-Basic french bitch
-Pays for dinner + brings you flowers
-Spend the night wining and dining away!
-An expensive piece of your preferred jewelry, probably something with a gem on it
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-Time to meet your in-laws
-If you made it to this point congratulations! You're leaving here either engaged or broken up with (or dead)
-He doesn't trust anyone so to have him introduce you to his inner circle is a huge deal!
-Having his special one meet his parents is both an incredibly stressful and rewarding thing to do!
-If you get along with his parents he decides he'll marry you right then and there
-Still gonna background check you for the 743859th time to check if you're legit
-Just you wait and you're gonna get a ring around that finger
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icharchivist · 5 months
The game really be like "This is Johnny. It has to be seen to be believed. Witness him "
What did he even do
he was pure of heart, dumb of ass <3
Like you're introduced to him in the remake because he's a talkative dude who almost spilled secrets about Avalanche's whereabouts to the cops. Cloud almost killed him to be sure he wouldn't keep spilling them, and Tifa stopped him in time for Cloud to just threaten him into leaving Sector 7.
So you find him back when you go to Wall Market as he's trying desperately to enter the Honey Bee Inn, all while talking about how he's here to "release his impulses".
Upon meeting him there, Cloud will ask him if he knows where Tifa is. It will lead Johnny on a ramble about how obviously Tifa was heartbroken that he left town and is now doing something stupid to try to fill the void of his absence.
So next you see him, he catches you as you leave Corneo's house when you first go there, as he tells you that to save Tifa, they have to impress the Trio. Next you see him it's because each members of the Trio threw him out on the street when he came begging.
Then you have to go to the Arena to fight for Madam M, and you meet him, learning he tried to enter the Arena fight but was beaten up so badly he's never been more scared for his life (he says, to Cloud, who tried to kill him the previous day). He also tells Cloud to use some drugs if he's going into the Arena.
Once you leave Aerith with Madam M and gets to "discover about Wall Market's life", Johnny will branch in a series of sidequests depending on your choices in Wall Market. Personally it means i had to spend a whole quest with him to retrive the VIP pass to the Honey Bee Inn an old man lost, and to get it back i had to find The Juice for a man, eat some place that gave Johnny food poisoning, and then you have to do sidequests to get him some medication. All of that for at the end of it, Johnny stays with the old man to discuss fashion with him.
He will reappear as you try to register Aerith as a possible wife for Corneo, and will run to fetch Aerith for you, and depending on the dress Madam M put on Aerith, will go through various effort to show her off -- with her "most beautiful" dress, he runs around in town to unroll a red carpet in front of her to present her in front of Cloud while throwing petals around her when she walks.
This is the last you see of him in Wall Market, though i must mention you can talk to Johnny's parents multiple times too as they brag about how cool their cringefail son is and talking about bringing him back his comfort pillow. Oh and he is obsessed with calling Cloud "bro" despite Cloud threatening him multiple times so he stops.
the next time you see him is after the fall of the plate that destroyed Sector 7, as he's basically been pickpocketed at the train station trying to leave town, and you get to get his wallet back for him by doing some convoluted quests. you can also not give him his wallet back.
And that's when you get the trophy.
The kicker?
In the Original Game, Johnny just happens to be one of the only named NPC and his parents are also here to talk about him getting into trouble. But the only time you properly run into Johnny in the original game is when Aerith scams him in front of the Honey Bee Inn by asking him to buy a single flower from her at 100000gils, and he seriously considers it.
That's it. that's all you know of Johnny in the original.
Now, mind you, i think everything they wrote around him in the remake makes perfect sense for a man who was thirsting for the cabaret and willing to pay 100000gils he didn't have just so he could flirt with a pretty girl.
but so here was Johnny. The trainwreck of a man.
I'll miss him. (or not.)
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tua-braindump · 2 years
HC: TUA as your date on Valentine's Day
1. Luther:
This man is a romantic at heart. You know he'll go all out on vday. He puts on his nicest shirt, gets a bouquet of red roses, a box of chocolates and a dinner reservation at a nice restaurant. Probably also surprises you with a necklace at dinner. True over the top romantic fashion. He absolutely loves the cheese of vday.
2. Diego
Diego doesn't care much for Valentine's day, he does think it is very commercialized but he does care about you. He plans a nice date, starting with your favourite food truck in town, followed by a night of dancing and drinks. Then he takes you home to snuggle.
3. Allison
This girl pulls out all the stops. Uses her connections to get you both to an exclusive vday event for the rich and famous. You find yourself on a fancy cruise trip with dinner prepared by a celebrity chef and the plushest suite, with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries waiting for you when you arrive.
4. Klaus
Klaus is a disaster, and you love him for it. Valentine's day is no different. It starts out with you waking up to the fire alarm going off because the man was trying to make pancakes but just ruined a pan. He looks all sheepish but you laugh it off. The day ends up being a fun outing of walking around the city, stopping at any and all shops that catch your fancy and pointing out the stupidest, cheesiest be valentines gifts to each other. Of course you both secretly buy one for each other and surprise each other with them at home.
5. Five.
This old man is sweet and has plans way in advance. He cooks pasta a la lady and the tramp and tries to reenact the scene from the movie. He makes sure you have the best wine pairing, as well as some affogato for dessert. He has old music playing on a record player and slow dances with you after dinner. Then the two of you just lounge on the couch enjoying each other's company.
6. Ben
Ben is a sweetheart who goes all out. You wake up to a clue on your pillow that takes you on a fun treasure hunt through your favourite places in the city. At the end of the day, you find Ben in the park with a beautiful picnic and flowers and you have a romantic picnic dinner together, watching the sunset.
7. Viktor
Viktor can be quite absent minded. More often than not, he doesn't remember Valentine's day till the day before. Then he panics because he wants you to feel special but doesn't have time to make special plans. Eventually, he decides to order your favourite take out and set up his living room with twinkly lights, a pillow fort and a movie.
Bonus! Lila:
Lila thinks Valentine's day is a giant scam. She hates pandering to the idea but knows that she wants to make you feel special. She orders take out and queues up some silly romance reality tv show so the two of you can mock them endlessly. However, the one vday tradition she takes seriously is the candy shopping the day after. You can count on her to always do that with you, no matter what.
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dykesapphics · 1 year
Ep 21 of El Cazador! Truly I don't have much to say about it, so this one will be short.
L.A.'s heart is just broken, man. I'd feel a little bad for him if he wasn't such a creep, but at present he is so... no pity from me. He actually paid for the flowers, which was very suprising! Maybe he's getting better? Idk.
Quickly dipping into my home territory, Ellis and Nadie were cute as always <3 Loved their conversation and the fact they fell for a scam, we really did need that remind that they're both failgirls. Also, Nadie drinks her respect women juice!! Good for her!!
Our main focus this episode was Blue-eyes, who is a descendant of witches (called it!) but doesn't have powers. She's ordered to kill Nadie, but in the end doesn't go through with it and decides to leave the organization. That leads to her breaking up with her polycule for their safety, RIP Girl Posse ot3 </3 Jokes aside, I'm interested in seeing how they continue to develop her character now that she's acting independently! Only five episodes to go!
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
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“Dammit, I knew that would come back to bite me….” - Kimberly Worthington
Biographical information
Full Name: Kimberly Worthington
Gender: Genderflux
Sexuality: Demisexual
Status: Alive
Age: 26
Birth: 1990
Race: Human
Nationality: American
Origin: Saint Paul, Minnesota
Residence: Saint Paul, Minnesota
Profession(s): Social Worker
Averly Worthington (cousin)
Unnamed brother
Height: 5'10" Age: 26 (season 3) Weight: 152lbs Eyes: green Blood: A-
Kimberly is a few inches taller and has darker skin than her cousin Averly, but the two have almost identical eye colours. Her blonde hair is styled into a pixie cut with lavender streaks, and she has a dark purple beanie on her head with three flower pins on the brim. She wears tight, ripped silver jeans, a purple tank top, a cropped black leather jacket with more pins on the chest, and bulky black boots.
As per her suspect appearance in Blackout Dead, it is known that Kimberly is allergic to peanuts, uses Indian soap, and has watched Jon & Terry.
Kimberly was a suspect in the murder of Bodhi Green. She is cousins with Averly Worthington and followed her to India after learning of Averly's interest in a rising "Guru." Kimberly couldn't believe that her cousin had been blinded by some "light" and was giving her money to a crazy guy in robes. She was sure that the Guru was a scammer and was going to prove it to Averly.
Unfortunately, Kimberly couldn't find the Guru. But she did find one of his most devoted followers, yoga enthusiast Bodhi Green. So, she decided to try and prove her theory by following Bodhi to get proof of his and the Guru's scheme. She stalked him for almost a week, but besides learning about how startlingly flexible the man was, Kimberly found nothing to prove that he was scamming people.
With her hopes of taking Averly home crushed, Kimberly planned to leave India empty-handed. But her trip would be delayed by Bodhi's murder. While she was proven innocent, she was disappointed that neither she nor the Bureau could prove Bodhi and the Guru were guilty of fraud.
Kimberly hopes the Bureau will have more luck convincing their teammate to stop following the Guru than she did with her cousin. She refused to believe that a flashing light could magically cleanse people. Now, she would leave that mission in the Bureau's hands. Meanwhile, she'll keep trying to convince Averly to come home before she gives away every last cent she owns.
Story Information
First appeared: Blackout Dead
Her style is pastel-punk with flower accents
I thought her hair would be hard to do, but because of the hat, it was surprisingly easy!
She and Averly love going hiking and camping together
She once put glue in her brother's shampoo as revenge for him hogging the TV
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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asexualzoro · 2 years
what do you look for in character dynamics? i think you like desert duo a lot but i dont know what their deal is
don’t know what their deal is like you don’t know who they are? desert duo is grian and scar from the mc series third life. it’s a competitive series that turns into improv storytelling which i like to divorce from the game aspect and view entirely as a story, where all the players are actors cast as characters (the actual players do this as well, a lot of them referring to themselves or each other as ‘characters’ or leaning hard into a specific ‘character’ for the game (ren im looking at you))
what draws me to desert duo is the same thing that draws me to a lot of character dynamics i like—deep-seeded loyalty which has been purposely earned or gained, said loyalty based on a promise or formal roles, a leader & right-hand dynamic that is actually mostly equal, fun complementary characteristics, and a compelling test (and, sometimes, break) of that loyalty
anyway you’ve given me an opportunity to talk about desert duo so i’m taking it. gonan examine them against the points i look for in character dynamics. i’ll put it under a read more because i dunno how long it’ll be but i do know it will be long
first session of third life, grian accidentally kills scar with a creeper. everyone in the game only has three total lives (green, yellow, and red), and scar is pretty quick to die even on servers where their lives aren’t limited. losing his first life first before everyone else, in session one, in a game where you want to be the last one standing, puts him at a pretty strong disadvantage. so grian pulls him aside once he respawns and promises his first (green) life to scar. once he’s made things even and gone to yellow, scar’s on his own, but until then grian’s going to do whatever scar says and try his best to keep scar alive
which, check your boxes, ☑️ formalized promise and ☑️ a leader and right-hand!
grian then spends the rest of the next two sessions insisting he’s going to leave as soon as he can. any attempt by scar to talk abt lasting plans is shot down, and any scheme scar starts grian tries to undermine—he has to do what scar says, but that doesn’t mean he can’t warn the people they talk to scar’s trying to scam them (because scar is scamming everyone always in 3L. he spends all of sessions two and three scamming people. it works also. nat 20 charisma on near every role that man made for all of 3L)
all that said, grian’s actively building them a house in the meantime and, by the end of session 3, actively helping with some of the shit scar is pulling (such as encouraging taking a diamond chestplate). he insists when asked he’s going to leave, and often says he doesn’t care what scar is doing because “i have no stake in this,” but he already does
then scar dies. again. falls to his death, complete accident, putting him on red, his final life. red lives operate under different rules—while yellow and green names cannot attack other players or engage in pvp, red lives not only are allowed, but it’s their main goal. scar’s supposed to be attacking other players now. some people in chat float the idea grian should be allowed to leave now that there’s a red name at his base. if grian really wants to leave, he has an out
scar comes back on red and the first thing he does is throw grian flowers and ask “can we still be his friends?” now that he’s ‘scary.’ and grian assures him that yes, he will stay. he has to, right?
(this is a little loyalty test, and a step in building that deep loyalty, but hold off on checking those boxes quite yet) (this also makes me feel fucking insane)
now. grian’s favorite block in the game is tnt. so now that his partner is red, he starts immediately planning traps. grian can’t kill, but he can do it if scar ‘tells’ him to. you can now check off the ☑️ complementary characters box, because we have a fun parallel: a green name player who plays like a red life, and a red name player who plays like a green life. grian immediately gets the largest kill in the series, taking out three people with a bomb left outside the gate of ren, who scar antagonized/threatened when he was on yellow (and it didn’t really mean anything) ((3L ren also makes me insane))
scar talks a lot of game about murder, but he’s not really one for pvp—pretty sure he says outright to grian he’s all bark. grian talks a lot about having no stakes and following scar’s orders, but is the one calling the shots about who and when and how they’re going to get kills (check off the right hand and leader dynamic being ☑️ mostly equal, actually). grian digs his claws in deep with scar by killing a lot of the rest of the server—i think he gets like four kills incl the bomb and contributes to at least one other, from all three other major ‘factions’ on the server—which doesn’t exactly do him any favors when he’s ‘free’ of scar and needs somewhere to go. he still insists hes going to leave, but scar doesn’t acknowledge it. pretty sure the one time he brings it up, scar even says grian won’t actually leave, but i don’t think grian acknowledges that
session 7 rolls around, second to last. players are starting to be eliminated here—of the 14, three of them die permanently in this session. grian and scar get into a big fight against an opposing faction. grian dies. on yellow, he runs right back to scar. neither of them acknowledge it. he stays (you can check two points: ☑️ deep loyalty that is hard-earned. ☑️ compelling loyalty test). when grian finally addresses this alone, to the audience, he explains, “i just can’t let him die”
final session is session 8. it’s basically nonstop battle. the others are whittled down one by one—ren and martyn go on a fuckin killing spree and ren takes out three lives, eliminating two players (ren my beloved), then the survivors get into another large fight ending with four more dead (grian says to scar, right before this, entirely unprompted: “is this where we prove our true allegiance to each other and no one else?”). there’s five left, and this is where the betrayals start.
one person betrays someone who had helped him since day one, someone who had sworn his loyalty (the fun thing about improv stories is the thing that become foreshadowing by accident). now there’s four. scar breaks a promise to another person, having him killed. now there’s three. grian, scar, and a third, bdubs: another red name who just betrayed his day one and killed the fourth place winner for scar.
both bdubs and grian are following scer, so scar essentially just says “whoever gets this piece of paper i won’t kill” and drops it on the ground. bdubs get it. scar and bdubs turn on grian immediately, killing him and sending him to red
and that’s another check, there. ☑️ a compelling loyalty break. at the end of it all, grian follows scar to the end, and scar kills him.
but there’s still like ten godamn minutes left! grian hunts scar down, promising to kill him for being a traitor, and as soon as he gets there, scar kills bdubs. he turns around and tells grian “you can kill me, for everything you did to keep me alive this long” and encourages him to win. grian drops the anger immediately and insists he can’t do it
which is already insane enough as a scene. deeply fucking insane. but the people who have already lost insist there can be no double victory, and someone has to win. scar and grian go back to their mountain in the desert, drop all their gear, and fight bare-handed to the death.
something that interests me about the final fight is it’s impossible to tell if scar is throwing or if he just sucks at pvp. regardless, in the end grian wins. the entire fight is just them apologizing to each other. grian immediately turns around and jumps to his death, ending the series with no winners at all
…which is all the detail i’ll give abt the final fight bc i think about it SO much and this ask is long enough without me going into it. suffice to say the whole finale, from scar and bdubs killing grian to the end, is just… fascinating to look at through the lens of their loyalty. grian spends the whole series insisting he’s going to leave as soon as he can, but in the end, his whole life is dedicated to keeping scar alive. and it blows up on him! scar turns on him! grian fails to keep him alive! he kills scar in the end, and then takes his own life. its tragic and i’m obsessed with it
loyalty-based dynamics have always done it for me. Luffy and Zoro, for example, hit all of those points except the loyalty break: start with a promise, complementary characters, leader and right hand (but rather informal), Luffy earns Zoro’s loyalty over a number of important scenes, ending with Zoro’s sacrifice at 485. there’s even other third life dynamics that hit those points that i also really like (ren and martyn).
i find gradual growth and strengthening and tests of a bond/loyalty to be inherently interesting and i always have. watching two characters face adversity against their bond and choosing each other over and over is always compelling to me. the fact only one person can be left standing in third life adds an especially fun layer of flavor on their dynamic bc that loyalty is earned and developed and inherently doomed, it can’t be forever. it’s really fascinating. esp when it’s entirely unscripted improv, evolving like that on its own. the whole story is just so fuckin fun and i like it a lot
if anyone reads this far shoutout to you for being the bravest motherfucker alive. anon thank you so much for asking. if this wasn’t exactly what you were looking for and you want me to talk abt character dynamics more broadly feel free to send another ask, i’d be happy to keep going on this
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Chapter 2: Woozy Weirdo
Narrated by Momo.
~Content Warning: mild swearing~
Narrator: Past a few shrubs, there is an open clearing. A creek flows through it, surrounded by beautiful wildflowers of varying colors.
Little Raccoon Chief: This is our territory. A beautiful place that has always been peaceful and quiet.
Pointy-Eared Raccoon: That is, until the other day when a human intruded and started harassing us...
Momo: Oh no, that’s terrible! Did they hurt you?
Black-Nosed Raccoon: No, but he’s been causing us a lot of trouble!
Short-Tailed Raccoon: Ever since he got here, I’ve been having trouble eating and sleeping. The constant fear and anxiety’s been causing my fur to fall out!
Momo: You don’t like humans?
Pointy-Eared Raccoon: Of course not, humans are so dangerous! They’ll take us away from here!
Little Raccoon Chief: Ahem, since we can shapeshift... some humans want to use us to do bad stuff.
Pointy-Eared Raccoon: Like stealing and scamming!
Black-Nosed Raccoon: They’ve already taken some of us away...
Choose either “What did he do?” or “What does he want?”
If “do,” ...
You: What did they do to you?
If “want,” ...
You: What do they want?
Pointy-Eared Raccoon: They took pictures of us and stole our shed fur...
Short-Tailed Raccoon: The human watched us sleep and even ate our washed fruits.
Momo: Sounds like a freak to me, but not necessarily a bad person.
Little Raccoon Chief: We don’t know what he’s up to and we don’t care. We just want him to leave!
Little Raccoon Chief: We can’t talk to humans, so we thought we could use your help. So... could you ask him to leave us alone?
Momo: Where is this human?
Narrator: The raccoons part, revealing a man lying in the flowers with his limbs outstretched, his chest faintly rising up and down.
Momo: What happened to him?!
Black-Nosed Raccoon: It’s a long story. At first we hid from him so he couldn’t find us...
Pointy-Eared Raccoon: Then one night, we hid his luggage.
Short-Tailed Raccoon: But he still wouldn’t leave...
Little Raccoon Chief: As a last resort, we decided to use our shapeshifting ability to scare him.
Black-Nosed Raccoon: I hid in a tree, and jumped down as soon as he came close.
Black-Nosed Raccoon: But he screamed and fainted before I even touched him!
Short-Tailed Raccoon: Then we made him a nest.
Pointy-Eared Raccoon: Using our best flowers... Lucky bastard...
Little Raccoon Chief: He should wake up anytime now.
Momo: I see, glad everything is ok then. Let’s go check up on him.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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p1nkwitch · 2 years
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He compartido 20.599 publicaciones este 2022
122 publicaciones originales (1 %)
20.477 reblogueos (99 %)
Estos son los blogs que más he reblogueado:
He etiquetado 564 publicaciones en 2022
#lonelyeyes: 66 publicaciones
#peter lukas: 64 publicaciones
#tma: 60 publicaciones
#flurby gets an ask: 55 publicaciones
#the magnus archives: 51 publicaciones
#elias bouchard: 46 publicaciones
#myartf: 38 publicaciones
#flurby art: 37 publicaciones
#god au: 20 publicaciones
#yes: 18 publicaciones
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but its just fun plus the way to find the soulmate is always the most interesting part concept wise and i utterly love it as world building
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A fic list of mine because why not! Pretty much all lonelyeyes my dudes i only commit to one sort of content and its bastard old man.
Buzzfeed Unsolved the strange life of Gerard Keay you like buzzfeed unsolved and Tma? I got you covered.
They are only human A twist in canon in which most of the pupulation are descendants of supernatural creatures. Lonelyeyes of course, but we can see the archive crew pov occasionally too.
Back to black a TMAxSCP foundation crossover, post s3. Elias and Peter get stuck in the foundation as subjects. Mind the tags please.
You spin my head right round, right round Peter is stuck in a timeloop repeating the day he dies over and over again.
The haunting of Mooreland Manor Ghosts and Peter childhood being even more fucked up than regular canon by a long shot.
Welcome to Wonderland Tma characters as wonderland characters, with the fun appereance of canon Jon as this is his somewhere else.
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God damn you got me in love again Urban Fantasy lonelyeyes, with tatto shop/flower shop setting. Witch Peter and Eldritch monster Elias.
Oh Dear how do the seasons change when im with you A hades and persephone reimagination. It is a long work but a favourite of mine.
81 notas. Fecha de publicación: 3 de octubre de 2022
You know when an idea wont leave you alone till you do it? Well this is it. Poor Martin having to listen to these two.
I live for Peter dancing like a dad he is just adorable. Elias you little devil (affectionate)
87 notas. Fecha de publicación: 29 de abril de 2022
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92 notas. Fecha de publicación: 28 de mayo de 2022
Honestly I like to think that the divorce thing started out as Lonelyeyes running a scam on the Lukas family. The Lukases never would have let Peter give Elias funding if they had thought that they were actually happy together, so they started dramatically pretending to be bitter and miserable and breaking up all the time so that Peter's family wouldn't suspect they actually had a good and loving relationship.
GHFFDK ANON I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND, this is the funniest and crafitiest idea ever.
Just the mental image of Elias and Peter sitting down one afternoon and planing how to potantially get the Lukas out of their trail so they can be happy in private is hilarious.
I have my own idea that they have fake divorces on a list, so that they can complain about something and write it down as a motive to split up while not actually doing it cause its too much effort.
But this? This actually makes the serial divorcee thing much more fun cause its a scheme to get the Lukas to fuck off from their business. Elias and Peter must feel so clever whenever anyone mentions the break ups, internally they must be laughing their ass off and thinking of their last date.
shgkfd this is a gift i love it, thank you so much for sharing this with me. I would love to do a one shot about it eventually cause it sounds hilarious. Bless you anon.
105 notas. Fecha de publicación: 27 de abril de 2022
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The backgrounds for Elias and Peter's cellphones i used for @lonelyeyesweek
In case anyone wanted to use them
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draconicfool · 3 months
👫[[ go ahead and do it for all of em im curious to hear what ur feelings are about sampo, boothill, svarog, AND the future jing yuan >:3 ]]
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Eros likes to go find Sampo in the wild and try to not scare him, but catch him off guard. He thinks it's really cute seeing how he'll try and cover up and divert attention from the situation.
When Sampo comes to the clinic there is a lot more going on than just him being healed and half the time he'll come out with new bruises and scratches that weren't there beforehand and will not get healed because they're able to be hidden
He'll always pretend to fall for a scam if Sampo even tries because he thinks it's really funny to see how quickly he switches up when Eros gives in easily. Never once has he reported anything to anyone but the fact that his head goes there is the only kind of joke that he personally enjoys
They have absolutely gotten caught mid make out session on the cot and the vidyadhara has had to like fix himself up and try and go about looking over a patient as if there is not currently a very large man sitting there waiting for him.
There's a comfort that Eros finds in Boothill as somebody who's also lost his family and what he used to believe was his home. While neither has ever gone into detail, there's an understanding and that's enough
Just because he's metal does not mean that he's free from bite attempts. You'll have to pry the cyborg man from between his jaws he thinks it's very fun considering they have the same shark-like teeth. Though he's very prepared at all times to be bitten back
You ever just steal a man's earring while he's sleeping because he's gonna be leaving soon and it gives him a reason to come back to see you? Yeah, he does that all the time and wears it because it reminds him of Boothill thank you.
Unlike anyone else in this list I'm making for you, Bun, Boothill does not get any ounce of brat from the vidyadhara. Maybe it's the accent or the fact that a gun could be pulled at any time, but he's extremely willing to submit at the ranger's hands.
The very definition of would you smooch a robot because yes he would. He doesn't care that Svarog is metal he's getting so many kisses. His face if you can call it that, his way too big hands. His fingers tips that are much large than Eros? His shoulders? His chest? Everywhere. He loves him.
Eros can't cook for Svarog because of obvious reasons but he'll try and find little bits and bobs to bring him. Mostly things like flowers from his trips to other planets because he thinks it'd be nice considering those can't be found on Jarilo-VI.
I like thinking of Eros falling asleep against him after a particularly long day and the robot just kind of draping him in his coat because his readings indicate that a certain vidyadhara is susceptible to the cold, and despite him having a portable heater you can't be too careful.
He already saw Clara as his daughter before the two were even remotely close but now he feels like they have their own little family because they're two dads and their very smart, very cute little girl
Jing Yuan
Eros exists almost constantly under Jing Yuan's desk because he never learns that teasing the general and being a terrible brat comes with consequences and punishments from a man who is more than prepared to deal with his ass
That being said he's also got a sweeter streak and likes to pull the general away from duties for cuddles
Eros and very bitey and very possessive. This mixed with the other's status means that he tries very hard to leave marks all over him but always ends up healing them when pressed to because he can't really tell that man 'no'
He has absolutely purposefully gotten Mimi to get on the bed and the two have taken up the entirety of it while he lays there on top of her just looking at this man like the knife cat meme.
relationship headcanons || accepting
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