#have now watered the plants
needle-noggins · 1 year
What if Noman's Land/Gunsmoke was a planet with water when the SEEDS ships started their expedition but it dried up while they were on the way
i mean, we know the planet once had water, right? that's the reason why the canyons exist.
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taketwoinink · 2 years
Tips For Living With ADHD
Reminders are your best friend. Get a reminder app. Use it obsessively.
Put things in line of sight. For example, leave your toothbrush out on the counter if you can. See the toothbrush, remember to brush teeth.
Sometimes you will just NOT be able to focus, despite your best efforts. Don't beat yourself up over it
Reminders are your best friend
Get some people who can hold you accountable and bully you into doing things. let them know what you're going to be working on and report back when you've finished
If you need to do something in two hours (or any amount of time), set a timer
Basically you will forget to do anything and everything so the goal is to make it as easy to remember as you can
Sometimes if your brain can't focus, go find something that you can focus on. That can trick it into focus mode. Just make sure to not get too distracted and use up all your brain power particles.
To stay better hydrated, take a water bottle with you everywhere. I mean everywhere. Have it in line of sight at all times so you'll remember it when you need liquid
You might need more stimulation in order to focus. For me, listening to music (especially with lyrics) really helps. That might not work for anyone, but if you find something that works for you, use it. Use it all the time.
Have a body double. Get someone to sit with you with you work. You don't need to talk or interact, just have them there. They can be doing whatever they want. It really works.
You're going to forget if you took your medication or not. Have a paper or something that you can mark off on immediately after you take it. Leave your medication somewhere where you can see it so you won't forget it exists.
Reward yourself when you meet your goals! Celebrate little victories! Make working as fun for yourself as you can
You got this!
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copepods · 21 days
i would love to have a pet snake someday i daydream about it often but i Need to keep a plant alive for more than 2 months before that happens
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the-lark-ascending69 · 5 months
android!Robin has several technical problems, the most important ones having to do with her memory card, battery and motor skills.
Androids are supposed to have perfect photographic memory, but Robin's memory is poor even by human standards. She tends to forget where she left her keys, what she was going to do when walking into a room, etc. She forgets her schedule all the time, as well as Nancy's, and can't remember a recipe to save her life. Dustin and Suzie say it's a problem with the connections needed to access her memory card, rather than with the memory card itself. It's fixeable, but extremely difficult and expensive. Robin wants to get this fixed and she's working hard to pay for it - she doesn't want to be an inconvenience. Nancy will support her decision, but she really isn't bothered by Robin's poor memory. She just hopes she's doing it for herself and not to make herself "easier to handle" for other people (she's been told that's what her worth was based on her entire life).
She's only had one memory card her entire life (as far as she knows). Nancy's greatest fear is Robin hitting her head and it breaking. One could potentially take out the memory card and delete it or install a new one - that is Robin's greatest fear.
At one point, her connections get so bad there will be days in which she can't remember Nancy at all, or what her own name is. She'll act almost like a normal android those days - following orders, not speaking unless necessary, not expressing emotion unless instructed to, etc, though her poor motor skills, battery problems and bad memory will make it difficult. It freaks Nancy out every time, and she always tries to get her to snap out of it as if she were human, before accepting that love can't solve this problem, and calling Dustin and Suzie to fix it. She'll pay any price if it means having her Robin back.
Robin lets herself be turned off without complaint, without even the terrified shudder Nancy used to feel when she forcibly did it during their first weeks together. Robin's docile obedience as she let Nancy do this to her, and the way her body went limp in Nancy's arms, never failed to bring Nancy to tears.
It would take days for Dustin and Suzie to fix some of Robin's problems. This one took between one and two weeks. Longest it ever got was 16 days. During that time, Robin would lay lifeless on their workshop's table, her battery sitting somewhere else to prevent her from turning on automatically. Dustin insisted that he and his lady (as he called Suzie) worked best when their kingdom (their workshop) was untouched by foreign hands, so Nancy wasn't always welcome to visit Robin in that state. Nancy was relentless, though, and she usually managed to convince him to let her in for a few minutes. He thinks it's pointless - it's not like Robin can feel her there. She can't even dream. It doesn't change anything. In fact, he worries Nancy will be more disturbed than comforted, because Robin's entire skull, neck and spine will be exposed - only it's not bones and flesh inside, but metal and plastic circuits, plates, chips, wires and pistons. He's careful to at least put her face back in place when Nancy visits. He expects her to be taken aback by the sight, but instead, Nancy's eyes are full of so much worry and care and adoration as she observes Robin's lifeless body. She doesn't dare touch her - she doesn't want to hurt her. But she misses her so deeply.
When it's all finished, Nancy takes her back home with the utmost care and tucks her into bed. She waits by her side until she turns back on, and softly talks to her, asks her how she's feeling, brings her some water and asks her questions, to see if she's back to normal. Because it's all recorded in her memory card, Robin can remember everything - can remember the time she spent not knowing who she is, thought she can't remember if she was self-aware during those episodes. Whenever she wakes up, she's just happy to see Nancy, and wants hugs and cuddles from her, but she begins to cry out of fear as she tries to remember the details of not being. Nancy holds her every time, asks her if she wants to watch cartoons or if she wants her to read a book for her, to keep her from spiraling. She hates seeing Robin look so small and scared, but she also knows she's not scared of anything Nancy can protect her from. The horrors haunting her come from her own mind and her own nature.
(Dustin and Suzie make a copy of Robin's memory card and give it to her, just in case).
Dustin and Suzie take care of any fixes Robin needs. They're much nicer than any other technician at the previous repair shops she's been to. The most usual fixes have to do with weakness and stiffness in her knees and hips, especially on her right leg (it got broken pretty badly during a beating by her last owner - Billy Hargrove. He wanted to make her unable to walk. The person his father sold her to next did a poor job fixing her). These fixes are usually quite simple and take very little time. She will refuse to see them, though, until she reaches her breaking point when she struggles to stand up, or when she suddenly falls to the ground. It always worries Nancy to death - she's terrified of Robin hitting herself and suffering even more damage. It always takes some convincing for Nancy to get her in her car and on their way to Dustin's workshop. Sometimes, the fix will be so simple they don't even need to turn her off. Nancy holds her hand during these.
The third big problem is her battery. Thankfully, her battery is detachable and easily replaceable. They only had a mayor issue with it once, and they had to order a new one. Robin's model is rare enough that it took over a week to get there. During that time, they installed solar pannels in the balcony and Robin had to be connected to them with long, thick cables that stretched all around the apartment. It was more amusing than anything else, having to step around the cables and make sure none of them got accidentally disconnected. Cloudy days made her pretty much useless and had her lying in bed watching cartoons all day. She was completely turned off after sunset and she was up by sunrise. Needless to say, she couldn't leave the apartment for the week and had to call in sick to work.
Good thing was, though, that the new battery worked much better than the previous one. It lasted much longer. Nancy had only seen her this excited a few other times. The way she kicked her bedroom door down with a wide smile on her face as she yelled at her to come to the kitchen just made Nancy smile with adoration. Robin showed her the box in her hands - she was shaking with excitement - and asked Nancy to help her install it. She turned herself off and Nancy did the rest - disconnected cables, take out old battery, install new one. When she turned Robin back on, she was more full of life and energy than she'd ever seen her be. Free from her cables, she immediately grabbed Nancy's hands and dragged her outside - the sun was shining and she wanted to run around in the park, to roll on the grass and count the cloud and photosynthesize with a good book in her hand. To Nancy, she looked like a puppy, or a happy little bird just released from its cage. She could never say no to her, they would spend the entire day outside if Robin wanted to.
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raiiny-bay · 4 months
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can’t keep my fucking plants alive
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prince-liest · 1 day
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Good morning from the patio garden :}
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mewiedragon · 7 months
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First appearance: Well MAF obviously, but I’m twomp in the episode Halloween with Mr Plant
Status: Alive, I don’t think Ashur would ever kill him in twomp
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jecki--lon · 1 month
You know the way grandparents who knew hardship are about wasting food? Anakin is like that with water.
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elminx · 4 months
Being a gardener makes you really appreciate the rain. (if you didn't already)
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kirstielol · 1 year
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i added some botanicals to the tank.. leaves, cork bark, and seed pods that the crabs can hide in 🦀 also i've had the water running all day without the water heater plugged in, and the temps are perfect! 26-27 degrees in the lower water section and 27-28 degrees at the top pooling area.
the LED light bar (arcadia jungle dawn) that i have on the tank seems to heat up the pooling area nicely, which is heating up all the water as it cycles. so we'll see if i'll ever need to plug in the heater 🤷‍♀️
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
Just had the biggest galaxy brain idea of all how about Sam Obisanya fights Jamie’s dad in a parking lot
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toytulini · 3 months
i have got to go to bed i have got to get stuff done
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Elijah: What's wrong with you?
Elijah: Why would you water fake plant?
Finn: Klaus assigned me to do so. And I was afraid that if I will not water it, nobody will and it would die. I did not know people keep false plants in their houses in this century!
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tonyglowheart · 4 months
"how many plants do you currently have"?
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.......oh, uhhhh just a,. couple.....,,,.. lmao
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*pushes the trays of leaves I have propagating in the bathroom out of view*
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tendebill · 1 year
SURE when i water my plant regularly and take care of her she is at rock bottom. call that bitch a sickly victorian child the way she brightens up the room for a day then shrivels up and dies. but the MOMENT i give up on her and leave her to perish OH, SUDDENLY she's an entrepreneur, she's starting her own company, she just birthed five new children and ended world hunger. whore.
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