#have the worst headache rn
angered-box · 1 year
love going to bed at 4 in the morning this will not have any repercussions :)
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steveshairychest · 1 year
While Eddie is on tour, Steve practically lives in the clothes Eddie left behind.
He goes to work in the old Metallica shirt, wears the sweatpants that are a little too tight around the house, and sleeps in Eddie's pyjamas that did technically used to be Steve's. It's his way of being close to his boyfriend while he's gone. Sure, they call every couple nights and once a month a post card from whatever city Eddie's been in shows up in the mailbox, but it's not quite enough to stop the ache in his chest. The ache that wishes his lover was home with him.
When Eddie gets home a day early and silently let's himself into the house at 1 in the morning, the sight he finds in the bedroom causes him to stop dead in his tracks and he decides right then and there that he's never leaving Steve again. In the middle of the bed, Steve is curled up in Eddie's old Black Sabbath hoodie, his hands clutching Eddie's pillow to his chest as he softly snores. His feet peek out from under the covers, Eddie's Garfield socks lit up in the soft glow of the lamp Steve forgot to turn off. His heart aches. He never wants to leave Steve alone again for so long.
Eddie slips into his (Steve's) pyjamas and gently climbs into bed behind his boyfriend. He's met with a startled elbow in the ribs and then a soft sigh as Steve's sleepy gaze falls on Eddie's face. "Missed you." Is all Steve says before turning around to snuggle against Eddie's chest, his legs tangling with Eddie's.
"I missed you too, Stevie."
The next time Eddie goes on tour, they're both a little older, their hair is a little greyer, and they don't spend a single day of the tour apart.
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pastellguts · 6 months
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haven't drawn lesbians lately. I hope you'll forgive me lesbians
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whumpshaped · 5 months
send fave comfort tropes again?
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ruthlesslistener · 6 months
FINALS ARE DONEEE now if you excuse me im going to go lie down in a hole and learn how to decay gracefully
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koukaaa-descent · 4 months
do I draw the nutcracker and bracken kissing (I am not clarifying how). yes or no
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remyfire · 11 days
I've already whined about this in the server so forgive me if you're reading it twice. Spent multiple days completely rearranging and updating my resume so I could finally start applying to other positions, then just as I was ready to ask a friend or two to look it over, I was trying to figure out why it didn't look right compared to the examples I'd been using the guiding principles of.
Guess who wrote the whole damn thing in first person with pronouns.
I need a brain break but it makes me so mad that I have to take one. Gonna have to probably spend an additional day rephrasing everything to keep it impactful and hard-hitting but FUCK I was wanting to have this completely done THREE DAYS AGO.
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pengillys · 28 days
i have not felt this unwell in ages 😭
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victory-cookies · 1 month
well I can’t say I was incorrect about how my night was gonna be
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kyyuuuy · 1 month
art block so bad i'll just die
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steveshairychest · 2 years
It's just two little words.
'I do.' Is what he's supposed to say to his beaming soon-to-be wife as they stand at the alter, but Steve can't get the words out. His throat feels dry and he knows she can feel how sweaty and shaky his hands are. He loves her, he really does, so why can't he say the fucking words?!
There's a murmur from the crowd as Steve stands without saying anything for a moment too long, the doubt on his face clear to everyone in the room. "Steve, are you okay?" She asks, her mouth pulled down into a frown as she gives his hands a reassuring squeeze. It doesn't help. It makes him feel worse.
He looks out at the gathering of people behind them, his eyes finding him in the crowd easily. He's sitting in the third row, his eyebrows furrowed as Steve just stares at him. Steve says quietly, "I can't do this." He's staring right at Eddie when he says it and he can see the moment Eddie registers what Steve said, he's climbing out of his seat in no time. He turns to his fiancé and says it louder. "I'm sorry. I can't do it. I really do love you, I really do, but I can't ignore the fact that you're not... him."
He watches as her gaze falls on someone behind him. He doesn't need to turn around to know Eddie is now standing there, waiting for him. "Y-you love him?" She whispers brokenly.
Eddie had told him at his bucks night, had admitted drunkenly that he's been in love with Steve since that cursed year they defeated Vecna but he'd been too scared to say anything back then. They'd kissed in the cab back to Eddie's motel and then spent the night together.
Steve cried a lot that night. He hated Eddie for waiting until he was getting married to tell him. He hated himself for not saying anything when he was younger, he could have been with Eddie for years but he'd found a pretty girl with curly hair instead.
"I hate you." Steve had sobbed against Eddie's bare chest, he had had way too much to drink. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Eddie had kissed away all of his questions and whispered, 'I'm sorry.'
They didn't speak about it afterwards. Steve had left before Eddie woke up.
She drops his hands and asks again. "Do you love him, Steve?"
He glances over his shoulder to where Eddie is standing in his three piece black suit, his eyes full of so much hope as he looks between Steve and his fiancè. "Yeah, I love him. I have for a long time." She sobs and turns away from him, her bridesmaids smothering her into a group hug while glaring at Steve over her shoulder. He takes that as his cue to leave.
"I shouldn't have said anything." Eddie says when Steve steps down from the alter and stands in front of him. "I'm sorry, Steve. I didn't mean to ruin your wedding, I-I'm such an asshole, I'm- "
"Shut up and take me home, Eddie. I need to get out of here, I think she might stab me if I stay here any longer." They walk out of the venue hand in hand, Robin and the rest of Steve's friends giggling and talking loudly right behind them as they leave. Steve knows none of them liked his fiancé, she was one of the options his parents had picked out for him. Robin had refused to be in a room with her for the entire 3 years they were together.
Dustin asks when Steve and Eddie are going to get married.
Eddie snorts. "Should I send your fiancé a 'sorry I stole your husband' gift basket?"
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madame-mongoose · 10 months
What happened are you okay????
I am in. A really bad mood. This whole week has been awful and bad things just keep happening!!! I feel so alone and isolated I feel unwanted and annoying and ugh. Idk. Not to mention little things going on in my life to form just a huge pile of feeling terrible
Not like anyone's gonna see this or care anyway so what fucking ever. That's how it always is
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jewishcissiekj · 9 months
Can't wrap my head around Aurra and Hondo being exes. Heteronormtivity at its fucking worst and TCW's obsession with giving everyone love interests
Also can't fucking wrap my head around shit in general. It hurts. I'm gonna cry
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poorlydrawneridan · 9 months
Yo eridan what are your thoughts on Fashion?
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oldyears · 11 months
went out last night for a close friend’s birthday and one of their friends from uni was there and we got along well like they even shared cigarettes with me and i Think i was flirted with cause they even asked to take a photo w me before they left lol idk anything about that but ANYWAY this morning i did my snooping on insta and found their acc and got the most random… ick… because their profile is public even tho i understand why cause they’re an artist but lmaoooo
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