#have this trash
anthrofreshtodeath · 2 years
hi chismosa. #8 for gestures paired with #12 for dialogue bc I’m ✨thirsty✨
It took me awhile to think of what I wanted to write and how, and I'm not sure if it's good enough 🤔 oh well. It's horny.
It is late when Jane walks along the narrow intersection of Prince and Salem Streets, watching Maura navigate a slice of Sicilian Pizza from Parziale's. It's summer, so they close at 11, and the two of them managed to get there just in time, right when Tina was wiping down the counter and stowing away the pastries.
Maura is four months pregnant and has insisted upon taking up semi-permanent residence in Jane's condo because of its proximity to all the Italian food nearby, food that can't be found in Beacon Hill. Before the reciprocal IVF, before the engagement, they lived in Maura's home. And they still sort of do. Sometimes.
But after the successful implantation? Maura wants pan pizza. She wants cannuli, she wants sfugghiadel', she wants biscotti. She wants ciabatta, she wants focaccia, she wants these lemon bars that Tina makes with the blessing of her father, not necessarily Italian but made with lemons imported from back home. Back home, says Maura every time she regales the dessert to their friends and family, when she means the Southern Italian coast and not, well, any of her homes.
Jane doesn't mind. Jane actually doesn't even bat an eye at it, because it feels like home when Maura claims hers. So, because Maura is eating, she watches for cross traffic for them, the distinct feeling of casa in her heart when people slam their car doors at their final stops of the day, when one of the few remaining elders in the neighborhood shouts at a wayward animal in the old language as he shuts his window three floors up.
With all this night time bustle and her own comfort as she strides in sweats and a hoodie back toward the condo, she misses the way Maura has started to look at her. She misses that Maura as finished her pizza. She misses that Maura has been tugging at her hand until their fingers lace together.
She is bamboozled when Maura tugs her into the little alleyway between the Old North Church and its gift shop, pleased when Maura kisses her with an infusion of lip gloss and Sicilian tomato. She forgets where they are, how late it is, how dangerous it can be for two women to walk Boston's streets in the dark. Instead, her body remembers what to do, how to grab the softest parts of Maura, how to tap her fingers along the waist of Maura's exercise leggings until...
Until they're slapped away.
"Let me," Maura whispers, a fog rolling against Jane's open mouth. "Focus on me."
Jane scoffs. She tries again, but then curses when Maura's hand slips into the waistband of her sweats, past her underwear, into a slick heat that took only moments to burgeon. "Fuck," she gulps, when Maura releases her lips and bites her chin, giving fast and powerful circles below, intent on finishing their rendezvous as quickly as possible. "I am trying to focus... on getting us back. But I can't say that it doesn't feel good. Keep going, please."
"I don't intend to stop," Maura assures her. Jane resumes their kiss, so that no passersby are immediately alerted to their public sex by the sounds coming out of her mouth.
"Why are you doin' this, hmm?" Jane finally moans when they break again.
Maura smiles against the bridge of Jane's nose when Jane dips her head to take deep breaths. "Because we're home. Because you're taking me home."
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summerskissed · 2 years
hearing an unsettling noise, the witch woman had a strange sense of Deja vu. goosebumps that came over her but failed to melt away. not as though it was dark, or that there weren’t people walking around her to get to their next destination. trapped in her mind a moment as if she was daydreaming or more like having a live nightmare,  but in daylight?  in her efforts to break free, peyton’s subconscious clung to the first sign of life, warm hands, almost close to feverish you could say, gripped their wrist. if it weren’t for the important object ‘round her own wrist, peyton recoiled to believe the burns she could inflict on them. the sound of honking pulls her back in to the safety of civilization, with the realization setting in, the brunette takes her hand away swiftly. “sorry, sorry. I don’t know where my mind is at. sorry.”  she said to the stranger apologetically, nursing a slight fever due to fighting the effects of the bracelet. 
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hiveswap · 11 months
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opikiquu · 1 month
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I truly, TRULY do not know how to say this, because the fact that I have to say it makes me feel like I am losing my grip on reality. But no, in the post-capitalistic anarchist utopia, I will not be relying on “autistic minecraft girlies” to be building inspectors because - and this may shock you - one of those occupations takes years of education in how to read and interpret hundreds of thousands of lines of regulations based on complicated math and physics that were the result of decades of tragedy and death, and the other one involves playing a children’s video game.
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this was supposed to come out on my bday (mar 29) but i got lazy whoopsie
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eyeballsoup7310 · 8 months
“We need more morally grey female characters” we absolutely do but some of y’all can’t even handle Vanessa afton
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jxitrash · 1 year
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Movie night !
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lavarad1o · 5 months
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minor obsession doodles
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meladi-artz · 7 months
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Happy birthday Cale!! Don't ask me how they convinced him to dance with them, all you need is that he'll need a long nap afterwards.
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wormspoodle · 2 years
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i think rise donnie would try to make the other donnies more like him if they met idk
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catragemiau · 1 year
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The true mystery was who needed therapy afterwards
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insignificantfailure · 3 months
im so fucking useless
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eriochromatic · 1 year
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guess what show I binge watched last weekend and now am unhealthily obsessed with
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jade-of-mourning · 3 months
thinking about how korra is the last avatar of wan's era and the first avatar of her era
and thinking about how the southern air temple sanctuary avatar statue spiral always would've been completed with korra in the center of it, the 183rd avatar
and thinking about how the temple signals as though it was always destined to be this way, that korra was always meant to be the inflection point of eras, and how she heralded the world down this path forged all by herself through her sheer power and spirit, bridging the worlds and forever changing its landscape. she did that! she both opened the old portals and created a new portal in the first 21 years of her life, in opposite of her predecessor 10,000 years ago, and she brought back the air nation despite her tumultuous heart, and she sacrificed so much of herself to ensure their survival. she is so full of love and compassion and care and she has given so much of herself to the world. and she is the starting point for the the new avatars after her and there is so much that she alone can give them
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nuumbie · 18 days
Trust Fall
Prompt: An elite member of the organization Fractsidius… Scar appears before you in order to explain his beliefs… so you may understand all you have to gain by joining forces and hands and to change the world with them all.
You’re weirdly open to the idea.
Author’s Note: Crack Territory. Surprisingly Wholesome? As wholesome as a Scar Fic can be. He’s a weirdo. This is the kindest fic I currently have. Technically, can be read platonic or romantic adjacent... ( He is flirting with you. You don’t exactly return it. ) Please send me Scar Fics. Otherwise I’ll need to make them all myself. Carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.
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The face of the legendary resonator, his fellow black sheep, his fellow revolutionary in the new world if they had merely opened their heart enough to let them all inside. Well, you could have worn a more dynamic expression. You eyebrows are knit together, their mouth is curved into a frown. In all honesty? A little underwhelming of a reaction especially considering he's sent their little friend. ( A girl. You’re surrounded by girls! It's scary how every time he blinks it's like another one surrounds you. You're too popular! ) Where was he?
Oh, right.
He sent them to The Shadow Realm. Not like he actually hurt her! Well, he could have! To be honest a part of him wished to. Already planting ideas into your head. Getting you on their side. But he chose not to. First Impressions matter a lot. He even wore his nice pair of pants instead of the easy access ones he usually wears just for this moment. The others all gave him all this time so he even had a moment alone! With you. So of course it had to be special! Even though he was sure you'd share many moments. Just like this. "Well, well, well... we finally meet."
"You're... Scar, right?" It's such a coincidence she bought up his name! You don't know a thing. But everything falls into place so you're exactly where you need to be-- you truly are lucky. While Scar? Well, the fact you already know of his name means you know of all the foul, horrible, nicknames she's called him. An already dirty image in your head with his name attached. "Where did you put her?"
You have your hand on your sword. Pointed directly at his neck. He goes to tap it to the side. Away from his face. He already has plenty of stories for how he got all of these scars. Well, maybe he can get another. One specially made by you. Permanent proof of you.
Not bad at all. He casually goes to play with the sword in your hands, putting it back where you planned on threatening him and he leans just close enough so that if you wished you could drive it into his skull. Like a trust-fall! A trust-exercise between you both to see if you'd behave or try to crack him open like an egg. Smiling through the gap between you and the steel edge of your blade. "She's irrelevant. If she were here. She'd add a lot of meaningless dialogue. Right now I wish for your full, undivided, attention."
"Allow me to share with you my side of the story."
He raises his neck for your eyes. It isn't like he covers it up. But it's rare for him to brandish this mark so callously for others. It’s for you! It’s special for you. "I've been watching over you... to think you've forgotten everything."
"They're all fighting for you." He looks through his fingers-- undeniably you're you. Your confused expression gazes back at him. He winks at it. You squint your eyes even harder. He takes it as a win. ( He’s gained lots and lots of personal multiple little wins while watching you. ) "Wishing to use you and drain you of all of your worth. Despite being a human person, they've used you the moment they found you had an inch of worth. While we are no different..."
"We wished to be honest with you." He smiles as he steps closer. He notices how your hold on the blade tightens. You hold it still. It does not stutter or tremble. He leans in close enough that the outline of his neck is at the knife of the blade. "To allow you to understand us. We've been granted precious alone time. I'm here to show you we are not the villains...—“
He expected that if you did fight back. You'd hit him with your blade. Then he'd know to go to the next phase of the plan -- i.e. beat you up. Show you why they’re stronger. So the human, more basal part of you, would understand why not to resist and prove their worth through overtaking you. Offer to join the winning side.
It seems that's not what you're going to do.
"Let me stop you there." You step back and sheathe your blade. You've been exceptionally quiet. Mouth closed in a thin line. Eyebrows furrowed. Handsome. Beautiful. An odd mix of both words.. As he watched over you-- the most you said had to do with what that red-headed girl ( Chia? Chilichuck? What was her name? God. He basically ignored every word of theirs besides your dialogues.. your friends really did talk a lot.. The red-headed one with the gun especially annoyed him. ) And food. This is by all means a pleasant surprise. "Does everyone in this god-forsaken world speak in riddles?"
"Oh, but we have so much time! To explain it all would be no fun. It'd ruin the game." He widens his arms and shrugs his shoulders, showcasing the sight of the destruction behind him. "Besides, you wouldn't believe it if I told you. Would you? You have to come to conclusions on your own for them to matter. It's just me and you. No need to rush. Just trust the process."
You laugh at that for some reason. Scar clocks it. But, the fact you stop glaring seems like a good sign. Your smile is nice. So it does have the ability to be his way. Though, it appears you're laughing at him. He cherishes his victories however small and frames it on his mind-wall. "A town on the brink of destruction... if it wasn't us... how did it fall? A story of false devotion, fleeting kindness, senseless killings and the worst humanity has to offer... of course... there is only one truth. But history can take many different meanings dependent on the person. This is a world filled with oppressors and victims and..."
"That's not what I mean." Hm? Hmm? Hmmm...? "You're playing around. You wish to show me how sick this world is. You wish to understand how I'm being manipulated... that was your point from earlier... right? Stick with that. Are you trying to get me on your side or what? I'm tired of being dragged around."
Scar... has to take a moment... to process your words. Not really expecting... that. "Oh...? So you are listening! I’m glad! Well... inevitably. Yes, that is the point I wished to make. You and I are the same you see... both of us are outcasts... a story of a shepherd, it’s flock, and a black sheep—“ he does have a point to make, he thought really hard about the symbolism before coming here so it was easy to digest and everything.
"I'll join you." You hold out your hand towards his. "Scar, that's your name right? I'll join you right now. I'm not in the mood to play any more mind-games. If I join you. You don’t have reason to not tell me, right? You promised.”
Scar's world lights up.
He stares at your hand. It’s the one with your resonator mark no less— offered out to him. A sign of trust. An offer of companionship. You wiggle your fingers and ahem rather loudly. He immediately takes your hand with both of his own. Maybe a bit too frantically. Maybe a touch too desperately. The closeness is surprising to even him.
He studies your hand. He doesn’t remember the last time anyone’s offered their to his. And you did so unprompted. He feels the weight of your hand in his own. And he almost forgets what he’s here for—
"..." "Seriously?"
"Why are you acting surprised? Why did you even bother to meet me here if you weren't even open to the possibility of me joining you? Was it to sow the seeds? Slow-burn me? I'm not nearly as patient as you all seem to think I am." You cross your arms and huff. "Are you suddenly questioning whether or not I'm the resonator you're looking for? You're right. I don't remember anything. I'm not the hero anyone expects me to be. I'm not what you want from me either." “I want you to prove yourselves to me. You said you’re the ones in the right… that the others are just trying to use me.” You linger on those words. “If that’s true… well… you’re clearly suspicious, mentally deranged, to be honest I was tempted to hit you really bad just now... but... I don't exactly doubt your words. Every single person I've met has been..."
"Reliant on me." You gaze at the mark on the back of your wrist. "This is an equation of my worth. I can't disagree. No matter how hard I try to. That in itself is proof you have a point. So… it’s an avenue worth exploring.”
"..." "....." "Aha... ahahahaa... ahaaa... seriously?!" Scar doesn’t remember to use his indoor voice. He remembers after you jump a little. Doing his best to whisper. "Wait, no, that's bad. Oh, I'm so sorry... I was right... they... did use you as a pawn... and they made it so obvious… That you immediately..."
"You chose me." Scar is giddy. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling even if he wanted to. Each word. He falls a little deeper. "You weren't even forced into a corner. I didn't even have to make you do it.”
“You’re already understanding of how alone we are in this world…!”
"You're not really different from them. You just admit to it." You sigh. "You're worse in a way. I'd doubt they'd force me to help them."
You're insulting him but he's still on cloud nine-- you're joining them aren’t you? Purposefully reaching in to touch the filth you apparently so despite! Ah, they're hardly ready! They'd thought this take much longer... it's true. He doubted you would believe him. Believe any of them. Maybe the villainous appearance and rumors of sociopathy, psychopathy, and all of that doesn't quite help.
Whoopsies. ( He isn't very sorry. You chose him regardless and you would have anyway because he knows at the end of the road you would’ve realized the hopelessness and that you had no choice and all. But you chose him over them and saw through their deceit. Him. Him. Him. He’s the one who got you to change your mind— ) He really can’t find it in himself to care about how menacing he seems. His smile’s just too hard to wipe off…
"I want to understand the world you're fighting for." You sigh. "You see yourself in me, right? You were projecting pretty hard on me earlier... So the world you're trying to make..."
"It's a world which is better for me. And... I can't help but to wonder if you're not wholly in the wrong." You rub your wrist. Like the mark of skin burns. "I want to see.. how worse it gets... I want to see what you've seen. I'm just opening myself for understanding. Isn't that what you wanted? An open, honest, discussion.”
"You do have purpose behind the evil, right? I'm not going to join and you make me blow up an orphanage or something… you're morally-grey bad at worst." You pause to consider. "I don't really have a point of reference for the terrible things you've done actually. Maybe we can put this on hold until I get one-"
"No, no, no! Noooo orphanages! We're not monsters." Scar pouts. "You'll see, okay? I’m going to show you all the horrors! Then you’ll get it. We’re ultimately in the right.”
“You knocked out Yangyang.” You sigh. Detached. But the sentiment behind the words is there.
"So they did get you to care." Scar hums. "Shed your worries. Such useless feelings do little good... she'll be fine... see? We are willing to reason! This whole talk was to prove we can communicate. She wouldn’t listen to me. She wouldn’t even look at me. She’d keep us apart and spread her little lies.”
Okay, maybe he’s a bit jealous. Why was she so exceptionally close to you? He doesn’t even mind the gossip. Everyone talks to him like that. Looks at him in that way without ever understanding.
He’s the one who should have been offering free dinners, doing small little romanticisms, giving you small yearning gestures with you, not her. And he will from this point onward! And he will be the one to do it. Even if he has to pry you from the others…
( Seriously, why are you so popular? It just isn’t fair! He’s going to be fighting for crumbs when he brings you back to the base. He just can’t win. )
“If I shed all my worries then won’t I just be the same as any other sheep? It’s the wool that makes them look different.” You sigh while rubbing your arm. “What even is that metaphor about…?”
“Oh. I did use that metaphor, didn’t I? Yes, with fur so black! It was obvious against the rest of the flock… for black sheep are the outsiders! Those who go against the grain—“ Scar responds dumbly. Rambling, because he really is so happy! He's got you right where he wants you! You're not struggling, nor running away, you've walked right into his arms! And he didn’t plan this far at all. So, his mind’s a bit fumbled. This is the best first date likely in the history of ever. Though, he notices your unimpressed look. Thus, he straightens his back and smiles as gentlemanly he can muster pounding his fist against his own chest considering you’ve made it a point that you hate long-talk. “— anyway, yes, shepherd evil, white sheep stupid, black sheep good.“
He looks at you to see how well you’ve taken his shortened explanation. You use your other hand to facepalm. ( He hasn’t let go of your arm. He realizes. You haven’t pulled your arm back. This sparks joy. This sparks incredible joy. He holds it even tighter. And you don’t even struggle. )
“I should have done the puzzle first. Lacking lots of subtext.” Is what you put together from his explanation. “Just explain on the way. Come on. I’ll lose brain cells if I’m here for any longer.”
He’s taking you home. You’re still not gone. You’re here with him.
You’re with him.
"Ahaha.” he rambles, graining traction as his grin grows more manic, he can feel his skin getting hotter, the urge to hold you tightly within his hands and explain growing stronger with each passing moment, every second, every millisecond. It’s a feeling you wish to feel forever. “You want to listen to me.”
And he will feel it forever. He’ll make it so. He doesn’t have to wait any longer.
"There’s so much to tell you. About this world.” he cackles, loudly, his voice crackling throughout the air with a reinvigorated passion as he leans close to your ear to whisper with as much love as his dried up little heart has. Putting it all for you. “And I’ll tell you about all of it.”
"Okay. I seriously don’t know how the hell you expected me to trust you." You whisper. Tired? Yes. Terribly so. You so hope Yangyang can't hear him. From wherever he's put her. Shadow Realm or whatever. "You’re making me regret this already—“
"NO!" he rushes forward and leap-hugs you. "Noooo take-backs. You already said it! So you can’t take it back. That’s how it works. When you say it. It’s forever.”
“That’s not how it works-“
"You're all mine, forever.”
"Agh-- hey!" You yelp... a touch high-pitched. He squeezes you tightly and you see the flash of smoke-- Yangyang's passed out body on the ground. You shut your eyes, awkwardly looking away. You’ll know she’ll be saved soon. “I’m coming. I’m coming, okay?”
Perhaps you're even better than his wildest dreams. Well, he'd love you as much regardless. Whether or not you came now or later. This is a drastic changes of plans. But a pleasant one.
His cards fly through the air and they capture you both-- you hold onto him. His laugher resonating loudly, a wicked sound which is proof of the choice you’ve made. A choice you’ve made which you certainly can’t entirely turn back from no matter how hard you try to reverse you’re being taken along.
More like dragged. He’s holding your hand like you’ll run if you don’t. ( He’s not exactly wrong. ) You just awkwardly hold back. Unaware you don’t even need to be touching him to get warp-jumped.
He doesn’t exactly tell you either or warn you or do anything to stop you. Instead encouraging it by opening his arms out so you can hold on properly.
As you’re flashed away through a red door… the person you’ve decided to trust manically laughing as you phase through that door. “There’s so much… to tell you! Well let’s start at the very beginning…!”
No matter where you are you’re susceptible to lore dumps. At least he’s excited about it. You wonder how long he’s been holding this in.
You close your eyes tight and just hold on tight as you embrace your new life.
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