#haven't seen this one yet but please lmk if I'm wrong
the-finch-address · 1 year
Please reblog for a wider range of answers! etc etc
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lotusarchon · 10 days
not gonna tag anyone here but there's ranting + topics related to sharing nsfw topics with minors so please be forewarned
I haven't seen LMK content outside of my own stuff on Tumblr for almost a year now (hallelujah for that) so imagine both my disgust and surprise when out of boredom I ran through a follower's blog only to see a popular creator WITHIN the fandom pulling the most disgusting stunt ever.
Jesus fucking Christ I just ran through that doc and had to take breather midway. Like. What the actual FUCK??
I'm not gonna bring up the whole game part and shit, that's personally none of my business and idgaf about that
I cannot even FANTHOM the idea of interacting with a minor after turning 18, much less sharing my own content with them, and YOU WERE OUT HERE CASUALLY SHARING THIS SHIT?? WITH CHILDREN!?
I genuinely feel like I want to puke. Full honesty, I've never liked DynamicSimp because of their Eyeshot AU because it was so uncomfortable, but deadass I did not anticipate whoever they were to pull a stunt like THIS.
Dude. Dude how fucking high do you have to be to think sharing fucking porn with a minor is okay???
There's not even a plausible excuse at this point because even if someone says they're fine with shit like that if they are a kid and you're an adult YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO USE YOUR FUCKING HEAD. DON'T SHARE SHIT LIKE THAT WITH KIDS. KIDS!!!
For fuck's sake, I make adult content in the LMK fandom. It's literally the only thing I post at this point, and if at any point I catch any kids in my followers I BLOCK them ASAP.
And you just casually fucking share porn with them?? Because, what, you're friends?? Is THAT the excuse you're gonna come up with for yourself?? Close friends does not equate breaking boundaries you creep.
Ew. Just, EW. Oh my god. My heart goes out to the ones that had to go through this, I sincerely can't imagine how they're feeling much less how scared they might've been to make that post with that risk.
I'm just. How hard was it for you to not share shit like this?? How possibly difficult could it have been for you to realize that these are kids you're talking too, MAYBE DON'T pull that shit??
How fucking disgusting did you have to be to not even think for a second that as an adult you should set an example and not share fucking porn with minors??
Just. To quote a bitch I had to deal with; dude, you need a serious soul cleansing, and I'm not even that isn't going to be enough. What the absolute fuck is wrong with you??
Actually, don't bother answering that. Reading that doc made me feel so nauseated, and I can imagine the actual victims in this scenario and how they must be feeling. The fact you were probably looked up too as well probably sucks more, because YOU were the adult here. YOU had to set the example, yet you decided to act immaturely and share inappropriate content in a space that held minors in them. And the irony is, you might not even care and no doubt want your dickriding fans to go after everyone to play the victim in this situation.
As an adult content creator WITHIN this fandom, this was highclass bullshit. If you were that desperate to share nsfw content, you could have made a place and meet with adults. Just as there are minors in your blogs there definitely had to be adults too with the shit you post. You cannot tell me you couldn't have simply decided to make a server or whatever and put up a note; ADULTS ONLY!!!
I genuinely don't care about the excuses about "they were friends!!" or whatever, because 1) they expressed heavy discomfort, 2) friendship does not equate broken boundaries. I have like two friends I met before I turned 18 who are minors, and not once has it ever crossed my mind to share adult content with them. I specifically ASK them as well not to view my content because I KNOW they are minors and I'd NEVER want children to view my shit FOR. A. REASON. Hence why I also made an ADULT ONLY DISCORD SERVER. So I can SHARE nsfw content WITHOUT MINORS VIEWING IT.
There's no plausible excuse here. You're a genuine creep, and I do hope the victims in this scenario get the justice they truly deserve.
This is for others that might see this post as well; if you're an adult with friends who are minors, USE. YOUR. BRAIN. It doesn't matter how close you are, don't fucking share porn with them.
I get that it's not anyone's responsibility on the internet to babysit people's kids, but it IS your responsibility on how YOU BEHAVE.
This was childish and immature fucking behavior, not to mention disgusting and creepy. Fucking EW.
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py-dreamer · 2 months
I can't believe this is the first goddamn video I post.
But times are funny like that aren't they?
Ok so as the thumbnail says, this is specifically for the first lmk fic I've written:
"When the sun sets forever."
Yes it's shadowpeach, how on earth did you guess. And if you've floated around my dreamscape for a while, you'll know my...
...very enthusiastic opinions of Macaque...
(I promise I do still like him, he's a great character, it's just I get pretty peeved by how the majority of the fandom portrays their relationship a lot of peeps bashing Wukong and saying Mac did nothing wrong-
I have a whole other post about this and the fic, I'm tired man, here're the links:
But regardless, if you enjoy some Macaca slander, hop on board!
If you don't , good for you! Please don't harass anyone who thinks otherwise.
But to sum up:
In this fic we explore a scenario where Macaque finds a time alterating artifact after a huge spat on the mountain (that resulted in the clip above), uses that artifact to make it so he killed Tripitaka during JTTW. Then we see his pov in this universe where things have certainly changed drastically
...and not necessarily for the better.
People change. Friends or foes found dead or alive. Cities fall and some thrive.
But one thing I can assure you?
Neither of our mystic monkeys are having any fun until the end.
But yeah! Formal announcement post for my fic!
Yes this is a big reason why I've been absent for like a month
No I won't stop posting art. I'm taking a short break rn to get into the rhythm of drawing again
No there isn't a formal posting schedule, but I do have it in mind
No this isn't the big BIG project I've been working on for a few weeks
(Forgive me if I missed anything from s5, this was planned and written before that and I haven't watched it yet)
But enough about me!
I want to thank anyone who's already seen the fic and/or left kudos or comments
And I want to give an especially huge shoutout to @furornocturna for beta reading this thing!
Their work is great! And is one of the most enjoyable reads I've read in a long while
And since I haven't seen an official post for it yet...
SHABAM!!! Another great fic! She recently updated it too! It's about amnesiac Wukong who thinks Macaque is still his mate and MK is their child!
Wham bam, pajama sam's christmas ham: hijinks ensue
Very entertaining, good ol Macaque bashing
(she and I like to stand around him in a circle and give him a good whack with the consequences stick sometimes. It builds character.)
And parental Shadowpeach is always appreciated here. 10/10
I have not linked it but also check out:
Fractured pieces make a mosaic
Also written by her! Another great fic that delves into more of the sins of Macaque against EVERYONE not just Wukong
But about the video, yea just heard the audio and thought it'd be funny
I feel like Chang'e would definitely comfort a friend after some harsh words like what happens in the 1st chapter
Or at least she'd hear what Macaque did from Wukong and give massive side eye
(Especially since I figured she'd have a damn well knowledge of bad men *cough* *cough8 the reason Zhu Bajie got kicked out of heaven in the first place *cough* *cough*
I know they've rarely interacted in canon but hey, they've at least met on screen and we know Wukong can build a rocket to visit. Plus both being lonely immortals with cute animal subjects being theri only companions for centuries...
I have a feeling they'd get along somehow
They remind me of friends who exchange pics of their cute pet, only it's more like children for Wukong since they're literally his Sun family
And anyway the fandom pairs Mac and Chang'e just because they have a moon motif so let me have this goddamit.
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elflikesfrogs · 1 month
🐢turtle owners - advice?🐢
I'm getting a turtle in abt 36 hours and feel unprepared so if anyone has experience with turtle care, please give some advice !! I've done a lot of research but just have some questions I can't find answers to. Details under the cut bcuz I'm anxious and have a lot of questions 😭
non turtle owners, if u could rb or boost for greater reach that would b appreciated 🥺🥺
I'm getting a turtle this weekend. She's a 2 year old red eared slider. She was given to me by her previous owner who was no longer able to care for her, and as it was an urgent situation I've had about 4 days to learn absolutely everything that there is to know about turtle/RES care.
I don't know much of her current situation, but she's in a 60 gallon tank right now. The owner is giving me the tank and filter (though I don't know what kind of filter) and potentially some setup stuff, but I'm not really sure what. So, I'm starting at a baseline of zero (plus tank, turtle, and filter) and working from there.
So far I've gotten a water heater from Walmart, although reading the reviews after I got back home, I discovered it was actually really bad quality and basically kills any aquarium that it touches. So... I looked for more higher rated water heaters, and I'm ordering a Cobalt Equatics Neo-Glass 200w heater, and a plastic heater protector to prevent glass shattering. Will the turtle be okay for a few days without heated water? It's arriving Tuesday 20th, and the temperature where I live is around high 60sF-low 80sF right now (during the day). If not, are there solutions to not having a water heater for a short while? (Granted, if the prev owner didn't have a water heater in the first place, I think it's probably okay until I get one, but still!)
I know ideally, I should fill the tank up to the full capacity (60 gal) and have an over-tank basking dock. However, from the photos I've received (shown below) it looks like she's only been in about half tank water with a floating basking dock. I want to ensure she's able to swim around and get to the surface without any strain; how should I go about slowly increasing the water levels?
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Substrate: Gravel is too small for her and I'm scared she'll eat them. River rocks, while cool and natural-looking, I've heard are difficult to clean and can be quite loud. So I've decided on either doing a bare bottom tank, or sand substrate. If it's bare bottom, I feel like she'd be bored — I don't quite have all the decorations yet, so it would be a pretty sparse and empty tank — though I know sand makes it more difficult to clean as well. Thoughts?
Decorations: RES's are known for breaking stuff and biting whatever they can get their mouth around. Knowing this, I haven't gotten any decorations yet. I would like to be able to give her decorations she can play with but not have the risk of her eating and swallowing fake plants or whatever. What decoration brands/types are recommended?
Feeding: since she's 2, and still a juvenile (I think), she's mainly been eating protein pellets and freeze dried bugs. I got some basic protein pellets and freeze dried mealworms at Walmart. I've seen conflicting ratios for pellets-veggies-fruit (some saying 50%/40%/10%, others saying 25/65/10, etc) What sort of a nutrition ratio should i be giving a 2 y/o female red eared slider? I do know that I should be giving her no more than the size of her head, and potentially putting her in a second tank for feeding if possible (and making sure to remove any excess food after 15 minutes). Also, for a 2 y/o, I think it's every-day feedings, but if I'm wrong please lmk
Finally here is just a list of all the other things I currently have for the tank, minus the tank and filter itself because I don't know what type they are:
2 lamps, with 13W Aqua Culture Compact Fluorescent bulb for reptiles (UVB), and Aqua Culture 60W incandescent basking bulb.
Digital water thermometer.
Aqua safe water conditioner (I have well water with no chemical filtration, so I think it's not necessary, but bought one anyway.)
Aquarium brush.
Shipping soon: Aquarium-safe sand, water heater & plastic cover.
What else do I need? Water aeration? pH strips? Something else I'm forgetting?
Apologies for the long post. I'm super anxious about getting a pet, and I want to make sure I'm providing her with the absolute best care possible. Obviously, as time goes on (and so do my paychecks) I will be able to upgrade her tank with more features. For now, I'm looking for the absolute basics - how to keep this turtle alive and happy while I learn more about turtle care and eventually help her to thrive.
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habitual-creatures · 9 days
Now I'm curious about something, what's both of your opinions on your more popular askers/people who interact with the blog?
(The "named" annons and others who have previously submitted asks)
💜 anon - I... don't really know how to feel about them... (since they're so aligned with HABIT...) but I enjoy their asks, she's nice. Usually... I haven't really liked the recent... well... mentions of Jeff... but she's pretty nice overall...
Toby 🥽 (you) - I don't really KNOW what my opinion is of you...? Uh... with all due respect you kind of remind me of a stray cat... you just sorta wander in every now and then... but you're nice, so... I'm not complaining.
🩵 anon - I haven't seen/gotten much from them... so, I'm not really sure if I have an opinion yet...
Fritz - I like Fritz's asks... they're considerate... I like when they send stuff...
Adal - They seem nice so far... I'm not really sure. They show a preference towards HABIT, but they're not as... I dunno... fanatical as 💜 anon seems to me...?
(( please lmk if I use wrong pronouns or if I forgot you!!! Mod has shit memory, so please don't be afraid to reach out!!! ))
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sketching-shark · 2 years
(Sorry in advance for this post/question/thing. Please feel free to ignore it if you want)
Regarding LMK Season 4: If I interpreted the last couple of episode correctly, it seems Qi Xiaotian and some of the other characters are finally starting to understand Sun Wukong's mentality instead of bashing him. At least I think/hope so? I haven't finished watching all the translated episodes yet so please let me know if I'm wrong.
From what I've seen so far and despite the changes made from the original story, I still like the new season and the show overall and I'm excited to see what happens next, though I also understand why knowledgeable fans of JTTW may not like it. But regardless of my personal enjoyment of the show, I have to ask: Can someone please be nice to Sun Wukong? Not just Xiaotian? I'm just tired of people being angry at Sun Wukong all the time.
WEH @king-paimon & others who might read this know that you should never feel like you have to apologize if you want to ask me something as long as you keep it decent! In my experience getting asks is fun & often informative :) But good to hear that the main monkey might soon get at least a slight break from everyone except Qi Xiaotian being mad at him 5 ever because YEA! Even if others played a hand in catastrophic events he's like literally the only guy who ever gets yelled at about it! And of course he should take the L when necessary but so should the other guys responsible! Like no wonder the Monkey King chose to exile himself from all human and yaoguai contact for 500 years since he's incapable of doing anything truly good I guess! But I am glad to hear that you're enjoying the new season of Monkie Kid. Even if there are elements of the newer seasons that I don't really like it's still generally a fun adventure. I just have a tendency to want there to be more faithfulness to the og classic, although I am very much aware that this makes me adjacent to that one Axis of Awesome song except with Journey to the West asdgaewfde:
(warning for swearing & general crudeness)
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rocknrolloccultist93 · 8 months
So I'm writing a Cowboy Bebop fanfic
ik this might not even be relevant to the few followers I have but I'M ACTUALLY DOING IT THIS TIME and I have a prologue that I'm really happy with. Title is a wip, but enjoy this teaser. Lmk if you'd rather see this published in full on AO3, or possibly Deviantart, I really don't like the formatting restrictions on Tumblr when it comes to fic writing so it probably won't be here, if you actually bothered to read this. Constructive criticism is appreciated ofc.
TW/CW: possible major character death? (I won't spoil it for you guys just yet), cigarettes, alcohol, weed (yes that kind of weed), depression, general trauma, spoilers for the end of Cowboy Bebop (PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF WHATEVER HIGHER POWER YOU BELIEVE IN WATCH THE SERIES (the anime, not the live action pile of garbage) IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY IT'S SO GOOD)
Prologue: Bebop Cowboy
“I’m dead, aren’t I?” Spike asked no one as he faintly made out the bleary outline of the familiar ceiling fan.
“If you were, you wouldn’t be here.” An exhale of cigarette smoke followed Jet’s words. A minute or two passed, and the stale air between them became too loud to bear.
“What am I then?”
“You know, you said it yourself,” Jet flicked his cigarette butt into a nearby ashtray, “you’re alive.” He didn’t notice the tears pooling in Spike’s eyes until they stained the bandage on his temple, his expression hardly changed. He’d never seen Spike cry, not even when the girls and the dog left and they thought they were all gone for good. “Listen, Spike.”
Jet’s thumb interrupted the tear track on Spike’s cheek, his warm bourbon breath was tinged with cigarette smoke. He’d been into his whiskey stash. -Hic-sniff- He couldn’t stop crying.
“I’m gonna call the girls tomorrow, so don’t die on me tonight, you hear me?” Jet’s words came out a little gentler than he was used to.
Spike couldn’t speak, as if his lips and his teeth held back all the blues and agony of his tired, ragged soul. He nodded, it was all he could do. Jet covered him with a blanket placed a box of tissues by his side, and left. He couldn’t bear to watch Spike cry himself to sleep.
“Ed, you there? It’s important-”
“Edward is here!”
“What’s wrong, Jet?” There must have been a look on his face as he tried to find the words to break the news to the ever-cheerful Edward.
“It’s Spike, he’s…”
“Is he in trouble again…?”
“Well- no but… he’s alive, but barely, I don’t know if he’s going to make it.”
An uncomfortable beat of silence passed before Jet spoke again, “so… if you want to see him, this might be your last chance.”
“Bebop is coming to Earth?”
“Yeah, is Faye still there?”
Ed nodded, and started typing on her computer, “She’s at Circus Circus in Old Vegas, been there for weeks!”
“That bad, huh? How about you?”
“Not far, mapping volcano fields in New Mexico with Dad-person!”
“Alright, I should be at the gate in about 12 hours, can you tell Faye to call? She won’t answer me. Tell her it’s important.”
“Mhm! And Jet… Give Spike a hug for me, pretty please?”
“Of course. Stay safe out there.”
Jet sighed, and went to check on Spike. He’d still been asleep by the time he got up, but as he limped back to the main room he found him hacking up the bloody mucus that collected in his throat overnight.
“Careful, you’ll burst your stitches.”
Spike coughed weakly, “got a smoke?”
For some reason, Jet hesitated at offering him a cigarette. It just didn’t feel right, “how about something better?”
Spike was a little surprised when Jet placed a joint in his mouth. He’d smoked weed before, though it wasn’t very conducive to a bounty hunting lifestyle. Jet smoked it to sleep, but that was about the only use for it on a normal day.
“Should help with the pain,” Jet explained, and lit it for him. There was tobacco mixed in, Spike discovered when he took his first drag, likely to silence his cravings. He also silently counted it as payback for the whiskey. “Oh, and uh-” Jet carefully eased him into a hug, his tear-stained cheek against Jet’s. To the surprise of the latter, Spike returned the gesture with his good arm. “That’s from Ed, in case you don’t make it until she can see you herself.” Jet helped him into a sitting position.
“Where’s Faye, did she leave?” Spike tried to ignore the mention of his own mortality.
“Off like a bullet, as usual. Drowning her sorrows in Old Vegas, I hear.”
“She could have at least stayed until you healed, what if something happen- wait, how the hell did you even get me back here then?”
“Very carefully.”
Spike wasn’t sure how much time had actually passed, but a few drags of his spliff gave him a rough estimate, “…why?”
Jet bit his tongue. He really didn’t want to yell at Spike, not now, but he could at least pretend to believe anyone cared about him. After a few more drags, he answered, “same reason you asked about Faye, same reason you let a dog, a kid, and a woman with attitude live with us in the first place.”
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fujikasa · 2 years
i actually haven't listened to the songs you mentioned o: until today! i think ichizu is my fave among them, although it's nice to see that they suit any kind of style of music! haha it almost looks very choreo-like when hweseung and seunghyub move in sync, i love it 😩 i do love a lot of their on-stage moments cause of how expressive they are. plus they just sound so good live 🥰 that v-live you mentioned sounds so wholesome too 😭 sometimes it's the simple things that keep you entertained! i've also yet to watch seunghyub's camps but now that you mention it, now i have something to watch while i'm on break at work! haha
and thank you!! it's been a while since i've seen the extended family so i hope everything goes smoothly 🥺 for my next q! i was actually drawn into n.flying at first because of seunghyub's writing. for the longest time, i didn't even realize that he was very involved with the writing process, tho that's pretty standard for most bands haha do you also look into the lyrics of n.flying's songs! and if so, are there any specific lyrics that caught your attention? or any lines/verses that you just really like in general~ i hope your week is going well, michel! 🎄
omg i’m so glad you liked ichizu! i was obsessed with it when i first listened to it and couldn’t stop replaying the song 🥹 i agree that they suit any style!
i loveeeee when they’re in-sync and you’re absolutely right that it looks choreo-like! like their movements in the ftisland medley mv 🥺 i mean, idk how much some of those were planned or just something they’ve done before but it’s still very satisfying to see! their onstage energy is just so amazing, i love seeing how expressive they are as well :) you can tell they’re really passionate about their music and that they’re having fun 🥺
hahah the vlive is so silly, i love rewatching clips from it ^^ and yes please let me know what parts of seunghyub’s camps you like!! i love watching them so much; it’s nice to see how much he loves the other members and that he plans activities based on their comfort level <3
ooh that’s an interesting question! which lyrics were you drawn to at first? for me i had never really looked up their lyrics until firefly came out and i loveeeee the lyrics of the pre-chorus! although i’m not really sure how to translate it (based on online translators they’re something like “lying on one side like an empty seesaw” and “when the waves are receding and everything’s disappearing / will you still hold me?”) i get the gist of it and the words seunghyub chose are so good. i’m honestly so impressed with how he can write so many songs and every one of them is so good?? also pls lmk if the lyric translation is wrong cuz i would love a proper translation for it 😖
i hope your week is going well too! thank you for taking the time to stop by and ask such good questions 🥺 i love getting your messages and i’m sorry it takes a while to respond every time 😭
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fairydxll · 3 years
𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐉𝐨𝐲
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
↳ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 | uh fighting? Lmk if anything.
↳ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 2124
𝐚/𝐧 ~ sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. But I'm back now!
masterlist | series masterlist | taglist
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<- previous chapter
After a couple of days, Rory kinda got used to her new "home." Since Tony didn't know how long it would be before they went back to California, and with Pepper gone, they decided it was best if Rory just took a break from school.
Rory did eventually grow to like her new room. She was not allowed to leave the current floor, so she basically just spent all of her time there. Tony was gone all day and didn't get home until very late at night, meaning Rory had to have food delivered. She didn't mind, though. She figured that if they end up staying, she'll be able to tell Tony what all the good restaurants are.
Tony never told her anything about why they were here with the exception of, "Daddy has business."
So in order to pass the time, Rory would read or watch movies. She even took up drawing which turned out to be something she isn't too bad at.
This morning, Tony was already gone by the time Rory got up, so she got dressed and migrated to the living area. She sat on one of the couches near the large window and began sketching the tall buildings surrounding her.
As she finished the shading on one of the skyscrapers, she peered back up to see a tall man with long, black hair dressed in what looked like a Halloween costume standing on the terrace. Rory put down her sketchbook and looked closer. He was very tall and had large, golden horns that decorated the top of his head. She had no clue as to why this man was standing outside of her window on her father's building.
Rory looked to her right and noticed her father, in the Iron Man suit, land on the landing pad. The man just stood there, watching as machines swiftly removed the armor from Tony's body.
The strange man made his way into the room from the balcony. The room she was in. Rory didn't know what to do. She was frozen, scared. Instead of running away as any sane person would, Rory remained in her chair.
The large man entered the room. He studied his surroundings, his eyes eventually landing on Rory. "Who might you be?" He asked with disdain.
Rory could do nothing but blink at him, too afraid to speak. He opened his mouth to say more, only to be interrupted by the presence of Tony. "Rory, come here," Tony said blankly.
Rory immediately dropped her things and ran to her father's side. Tony wrapped his arm around her protectively, hoping to shield her with his body.
The man watched this all happen before finally speaking, "Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity." He spoke as if she weren't there.
"Actually I'm planning to threaten you," Tony responded. Rory couldn't sense any different emotions other than his natural sarcastic tone.
"You should have left your armor on for that," the man bantered, walking closer to Tony and Rory.
"Yeah," Tony pushed Rory behind the bar. "It's seen a bit of mileage, and you've got the glow stick of destiny." Rory crouched down below the bar and pulled her knees into her chest. She couldn't help but let tears stain her cheeks, afraid of what was happening. "Would you like a drink?" Tony asked the man as he walked behind the bar, actively trying to ignore you in hopes you wouldn't become a target.
Rory heard the other man laugh. "Stalling me won't change anything," he said. If Rory knew what it meant, she would describe their conversation as passive-aggressive.
"No, no. threatening." Tony began making himself a drink. "No drink? You sure? I'm having one.
"The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that." His words sounded like gibberish to Rory. "What have I to fear?"
Rory watched her father casually make a drink as if nothing was wrong. "The Avengers. That's what we call ourselves. We're sort of like a team." Rory had no idea what he was going on about. ""Earth's mightiest heroes"-type thing."
"Yes, I've met them."
"Yea," Tony's smile helped calm Rory down. He had to have the situation under control, right? "It takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one. But let's do a headcount, here. Your brother, the demi-god," demi-god? "A super-soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend." He secretly slipped a metal-looking band on each wrist.
"A man with breathtaking anger-management issues, a couple of master assassins, and you, big fella," none of his words were making any sense. "You've managed to piss off every single one of them."
"That was the plan."
"Not a great plan," Tony walked past you and out from the bar. "When they come, and they will, they'll come for you."
"I have an army."
"We have a hulk."
Rory finally gathered enough courage and stood up carefully. She peeked her head over the bar to watch the men while also trying to stay out of the way. Tony was approaching the man as they spoke; the man keeping his ground.
"I thought the beast had wandered off," the man said.
"You're missing the point. There's no throne," Tony's voice rose slightly. "There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it."
Tony took a sip of his drink while the man took a few steps closer, a scowl spreading across his features. "How will your friends have time for me when they're so busy fighting you?"
For the first time since this scene began, Tony looked scared. The man brought his scepter-looking thing up and tapped it against Tony's chest with a clang noise. The man's face dropped for a second before he tried a second time, and then a third. "This usually works."
Tony didn't look scared anymore. "Well, performance issues, it's not uncommon. One out of five--" his sentence was cut short when the man forcefully grabbed Tony's throat and threw him onto the floor. Rory squealed and then immediately covered her mouth.
The man turned his head in Rory's direction with a puzzled look. He turned away from her as soon as Tony stood up and went for his neck again. "You will all fall before me," he said.
"Deploy!" Tony called before the man threw him out the window, shattering the glass. Rory screamed with all her might. Did she just watch her Dad be murdered? What was he going to do to her?
Rory hid behind the bar once more, watching and listening closely to her surroundings. A loud sound rippled through the room causing Rory to throw her hands over her ears to block out the noise. She peeked over the bar and saw nothing but more shards of glass and broken furniture.
The man stared Rory down. "Who are you?"
Rory gulped, "who are you?"
He chuckled. "I am Loki, of Asgard. I'm surprised you have not yet heard of me." His tone was a lot softer with her than it was with her father. "What is your name, little one?"
"Rory," she nervously answered his question. "My name is Rory."
"Let me guess; Stark's child?" She didn't say anything. Rory simply nodded. "Ah I see," he gave you an almost heartwarming smile. "Come here, Rory."
Fearing she had no other choice, Rory walked over to Loki and he crouched down to meet her gaze. He smiled at her. Rory watched her father fly up behind him. She was more than thrilled to see her father alive and more tears fell from her eyes.
"And one more thing," Loki's face dropped and he spun around to face Tony. "Get away from my daughter!" Tony shot at Loki, sending him flying backward. Rory jumped out of the way, too stunned to do anything else. With Loki knocked out, Tony looked towards his daughter, "Rory go hide, now!" He flew away into the sky, and Rory wasted no time in running to her bedroom.
She slammed the door shut and locked it. She looked around her room for anything that she could put in front of the door to make it harder to reach her. Rory tried to move the couch, but it was no use. It was too heavy for a ten-year-old to manage. She tugged on her roots as she spotted her desk chair. Once it was securely tucked under the knob, Rory ran over to her window to watch what was unfolding.
Rory couldn't help herself as she began to sob. She was afraid and she was alone. There was nothing she could do to help. Tons of thousands of aliens flooded the skies and streets of New York as Rory sat up in her bedroom, watching. She was sobbing uncontrollably as she pressed her face and hands into the large window.
More loud noises were flowing from the living area into Rory's bedroom and Rory could do nothing to stop them. She hoped that the man who called himself Loki was gone and that her Dad was alright.
At this moment, Rory really felt like a child. She felt small and helpless. Lonely and afraid. There was nothing else she could do except watch. She had no clue as to what she was watching either, which was not making her feel any better.
At long last, the aliens seemed to dissipate and things seemed to calm down. It looked to Rory like the fight was over. But who won?
Rory was drawn away from her thoughts by the sound of her father's voice calling her name. She nearly sprinted out. She ran up to Tony and engulfed him in the tightest bear hug she could manage. He was still in his suit and covered in dirt, but neither seemed to mind.
"I was afraid," Rory murmured into his neck.
"I know, bubs." They pulled away from the hug and Rory got the chance to really see the other people in the room.
There was a giant-sized man with green skin, a man with a shield, a man with a bow and arrow, a man with a red cape and long hair, and what looked like Natalie, only with shorter hair. They looked odd. As if they were straight out of a movie. She noticed Loki in handcuffs. He looked angry and sad at the same time. Rory didn't really know what he did, but she knew he lost and her dad won.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Tony held a silver case in one hand and Rory's in the other as he walked alongside the other Avengers waiting to send Loki away. Tony had made it very clear that from now on, Rory would not be leaving his side.
Rory let go of her Dad's hand to let him deal with the case. Thor, as he had told Rory to call him, led Loki a few feet away from everyone else. He waited for Loki to grab hold of the glass container for the Tesseract. Before she knew it, the pair had disappeared in a storm of blue.
Once everything else was settled, Tony reached for Rory's hand again and walked her over to the rest of the Avengers. "Rory there's some people I'd like you to meet," he motioned to the team. "That's Capsicle, Legolas, Jolly Green, and the Triple Imposter. This is Rory." The others shook their heads at Tony's nicknames.
"Steve," the tall, blonde man smiled and Rory shook his hand.
"Bruce," the shorter man with grey hair politely smiled and waved.
"Yea," Nat showed you a friendly smile to which you returned. "Nice to finally meet you, officially."
"And I'm Clint," the last man with spiky hair and sunglasses introduced himself.
"Hi," you said, shyly and waved at them all.
"Bubs, you go wait in the car I'll be there in a sec," said Tony.
"Okay. It was nice meeting you all!" You said as you walked to the car.
"You ready to go, kiddo?" Tony asked as he got in the car and fastened his seatbelt.
"Are we going home? Like, back to Malibu?" you asked as he started the car and pulled out.
"Yea," he smiled. "I think we deserve a break."
"What about the tower?"
"We're working on it. It'll be fixed in no time."
"Good," you sighed
"I don't mind it anymore. I don't think it would be so bad if we moved here."
"Really?" He raised his eyebrows.
Next chapter ->
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