#havent set up a map or a time line yet but i will in a bit
jeridoesntdourls · 9 months
Love getting sideblogs because now i can rant about the whole of the worldbuilding (being a history nerd) that has been going on inside my head about this without feeling guilty about my mutuals who came there to see my DE art and not arcana- So a little while back I decided to start brewing up some ideas for an Arcana-based Brazilian continent/nation called Tua and of course, my own characters! I haven't uncovered the entirety of Vesuvia’s lore and so my own ideas might seem too expansive in comparison.
Firstly, we have Borea or Borao (Boh-reh-ah and Bor-um/Bor-ão respectively). Born to two foreign diplomats during the shift from the First Conquest to the Red Council (you can see a timeline here!), they lived during two of the shakiest moments in Tua's history. Through their parent's reasonable wealth and items gained from visits to other lands, they managed to hone their magic and become one of the nation's best sorcerers (silently cultivating their infatuation of astronomy and it's associated magic alongside that). As the years passed so did the dissolution of the Houses made during the Red Council, paving way to the influence and familiar exploration under the influence of the growing Insulind nation. After the first grueling years, Borea's parents began to organize a counterattack, relying on the local community to plan heists and revolts, creating the group Cravo Vermelho (Red Carnation). These reactions were not as effective as the people would have liked, Insulind growing more violent and capable of outlasting any revolutionary effort. As a last effort, the Diplomats striked a bargain with Vesuvia, one of the only nations not allied with Insulind, they would send their most experienced mages to help cure the Plague and in return they would be given the military aid of its ruler: Count Lucio.
Borea set sail to the country amongst friends and stormy seas, getting to Vesuvia amidst bloodshed and disease. Working under the merciless Courtiers, many of the mages died to intentional cruelty or in reckless pursuit of the cure, guided by the Count's demands and the frantic longing to return home. Borea would meet Asra during this time and work alongside him as an anxious but ambitious friend. That changed during the climax of the Insulind's hold on Tua, where Lucio failed to uphold the bargain(again), causing the deaths of Borea's parents and the beginning of the revolts that would one day free Tua. Borea changed from a chattering researcher to an apathetic shell, intent to watch Vesuvia die, believing the Plague to have been a warning and eventual retribution to the failures of the Count by the Saints. They roamed the sickly streets daily, forgetting the warm faces of bakers who would offer them food and scurrying children, a silent fury accumulating deep inside, paving the way to frustrated arrogance. They would eventually contract the plague themselves and succumb to it, continuing to follow the Asra route from there.
Borea's route must be the one to follow cannon the most and also the most history heavy! There's still a lot of things I haven't covered (their relationship with their siblings and more interpersonal things but this would be an entire essay if that were the case). Argo is a moth in case anyone was wondering and their card is The Hierophant Here's their profile typed out:
PRONOUNS: She/Her/They/Them
BIRTHDAY: August 28th
HEIGHT: 5'7'' (176cm)
MOST LIKELY TO: Believe in aliens
OTHER: Middle sibling of four
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mebemilena · 8 months
Every breath you take. Every move you make
A/N: I'm trying to organize it. I'm enjoying it so far and  I must practice my writing. I'm a comic book artist (writer and illustrator), and i'm slowly getting back on using Tumblr and writing fanfiction, english is not my first language. Feedback is welcome and THANK YOU so much for reading me <3
i think this would be between Bodyguard and We fight and breakup, We kiss and make up. it's a bit complicated to insert Reader on the episodes, sorry if it's a little messy. I prefer it much more whe we have more dialogues.
if you havent noticed, i love taking the titles from songs. This here is Every Breath you Take, by The Police.
pairing: maya lopez x reader AFAB reader
Arriving at Tamaha was the easy part. All you needed was a map and follow the track you put on Maya's prosthetic leg. You took the risk of her changing it, getting another. But you thought it'd be easy for her to steal another motorbike, or get a new phone than getting a prosthetic leg that fit her just right. Though you thought you could just put it on her favorite boots, you'd still pick the prosthetic leg. Something she couldn't just get rid of in a second.
As you drove an old Honda you'd keep yourself distant, the last thing you'd want now would be for Maya to find out you were following her. The only reason you knew about Tamaha at all was because she had told you before, when you were closer and she hadn't tried to kill Fisk yet. Before she broke your heart by running away without saying goodbye.
- - -
Watching Maya from afar was not difficult for you, as a Black Widow, you knew how to become invisible. But it hurt to see her so close yet so far from what you once had. You held yourself back as you watched stupid Vickie and those girls kidnap her, your blood boiling in your veins. But you knew better than to stop them at it,  curious at what the hell they were trying to do.
As you followed Maya's steps for the past few days, you took notes of your date ideas. "Her uncle owns a skating park!", you said
to yourself, way too excited for the possibility of skating with Maya, holding her hand at the sound of Love is in the Air by John Paul Young. Your fantasy came to an end when you saw Boonie being taken. You couldn't help a smile though. "Not like I wanted to meet you. But we have a girl's night some day, yeah?', you thought.
Temptation ate your insides. You wanted to help Maya, to give her some support and beat Vicky until he begged you to stop and apologized to your Maya. But you couldn't risk much more than you had already. If leaving New York wasn't an indication your relationship was on the line, taking her as a princess and fighting her dragons would set fire to it all.
You kept tracking Maya on your phone, watching her wander around the room through your phone screen. When Zane arrived with his gang you couldn't help but rolling your eyes at him. You hated him, he seemed to think too high of himself and you didn't like the way he chewed on toothpicks, stinking like testosterone. 
You took the time to enter the place and watch Maya from a tiny bit closer. You understood Vickies plan and it didn't take a genius to put two and two: he wouldn't get out of it alive. Stupid Vickie.
Zane's group filled the skating area, talking to Henry and Boonie. When Vickie got shot you rolled your eyes again. "Such a mess", you thought. "Where is Maya Lopez?", stupid Zane asked and Dragula by Rob Zombie screamed from the sound system all of a sudden. 
You had to hold yourself not to cheer aloud, trying to keep softly headbanging your head through the music. You loved that song, Maya knew.
You started wondering if she chose that one because she knew you liked it and it made her think of you. Were you being delusional? Also, wasn't it too loud?
Oh, right. It doesn't bother her. 
You got in the laser tag maze enjoying the music,  taking a few man down cautiously so that Maya wouldn't find out you were there. You wore a mask in case one of them recognized you decided to tell on you, if they survived. You caugth her kicking their asses by the corner of your eye and almost ran to her, to tell her how great she looked while fighting, how you missed her and how much of a wimp you were for her. But that'd ruin your plans and instead of a heart-eyes Maya, you'd get broken ribs or a broken heart. Again.
The fight was getting fun but they seemed like ants around a sugarcane, always coming for more. Maya threw herself and one of those man through the wall and you felt the urge to kiss her. She fought all of them, with guns first and the with her own wrists. It made you gawk at her, your heart beating faster. You were flustered. She used the pistol wires as a whip and you moaned in your mind. "That's kinda sexy.", you thought, taking a mental note of how much of Catwoman she resembled. You'd tell her later.
The jacket trick got you biting your lip, and you almost aplaused her flawless aim.
But then Zane brought Boonie and you grunted. "Asswhole.", you mumbled.
They gathered again, around Maya and Henry, guns on their heads. But you were ready too. With your gun in hand and your eyes on them, it'd take Zane down with a buttlet to the head in no time.
 But his phone rang and his plans changed. And so did yours.
You watched Boonie leave and had to stop yourself from offering some ice to put on her face. Poor girl, getting punched like that for free.  When Maya went back inside, you made up your mind about what to do next. After tonight's events, you had to talk to her.
Check out my redbubble shop:  https://www.redbubble.com/people/MilenaFernandes/shop?asc=u
toss a coin to your artist (me) at ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/mebemilena
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derpmallow · 2 years
tony stark would love puss in boots the last wish.
spoilers if u havent see the movie, which u should, its SO GOOD
He would be reluctant to watch it, and i feel like peter would drag him into it, but by the end I’m sure he’d have shed a few tears. He’s not heartless, after all.
As a movie that deals with puss, who faces death, and the legacy he leaves behind (one scene which deals with this that I think would rly hit home is the scene where puss is talking to his last lives and they talk about the Legend like it's everything, and the memory of puss racing past the setting sun is brought up not for the first time. Except, this time, puss only thinks about lonely nights in the rain with no one by his side and says, "was the Legend so big there wasn't room for anyone else?", Which I totally think Tony would draw to Iron Man, and how doing something so dangerous drove away Pepper, much like puss’s love for adventure and the Legend pushed kitty away) There's no way Tony doesn't see himself in puss, from his early years a lot like puss's life in the start of the movie, drunk and throwing parties, always in the limelight, and in a time of need, there's not really anyone he can turn to because he's pushed everyone away (with rhodey out a lot with the military, pepper not being able to handle the stress that comes with Iron Man, a feeling that no one else understands the whole superhero gig, and why he does it), he’d see pepper in kitty, badass and scary when she wants to be, but kind at heart. How she knows what she wants and how to get it. He’d see peter in perrito, overwhelming innocence, and unfathomable optimism, even though he knows how cruel the world can be, both peter and perrito still want to help people.
Tony knows what he does is dangerous. Every time he faces a new threat, defends new york against whatever the threat is, he knows he could die. Puss’s desperation to get his lives back so he can live up to the Legend and be who he feels he’s supposed to is something Tony would no doubt relate to, and don’t get me started on the panic attack puss has after seeing death. He’s not supposed to be afraid, it’s one of the first lines in the whole movie, and puss sings a whole song about it, yet he’s running from something only he seems to be able to see. That scene where Tony has a panic attack for the first time and he’s all like “me?” because he’s Tony Stark, who doesn’t get panic attacks, because why would he? The desperation puss has when kitty tosses him the map after seeing death in the caverns is a fear only he knows, like the fear that comes with knowing he wont always succeed, that he hasn’t always succeeded. Kitty and perrito haven’t seen death, haven’t had the whole “never been touched by a blade” comment tossed out the window within their first meet. The fight with death on the wishing star is something Tony knows he does every time he puts on the suit, that he, too, is on his last life and might not come home to pepper and peter like puss got the chance to with kitty and perrito.
The little talk perrito gives puss about how he’s only ever had one life, but spending it with puss and kitty made it as amazing as it is would totally remind Tony of something peter might’ve said to him in the past, and the acceptance puss has at the end of the movie, still leading a life of adventure, but perhaps with less risk, surrounded by those he cares for would for sure leave a lasting impression on Tony as the movie comes to a close.
idk if any of this made sense, but yea. I think Tony would rly like that movie :)
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sieglinde-freud · 11 months
36 for the ask game!
36. Share a funny FE-related story, either ingame or not!
allow me to regale you the tale of my most valuable unit ive ever had in any playthrough ever (okay. second most valuable. no one beats odin dark conquest), the most specialest boy youve ever seen!!!
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dancer ferdie.
so basically i really wanted the piss color home screen in three houses and for those who dont know, basically you get a “badge of honor” unique home screen in three houses (the same exact screen recolored yellow) on maddening without new game+. i believe you can do this on casual? but im a little tryhard loser, so i picked maddening classic, picked the black eagles (crimson flower doesnt have hunting by daybreak OR a map that forces you to deploy potentially benched in house characters, so that was my pick) and started the run. only to be met with one small problem:
i am a fucking idiot.
three houses maddening isnt that hard once you know what youre doing, but the funny thing about three houses maddening is that it dropped like. six (????) months after three houses dropped just like. out of nowhere. for no reason. and i cannot turn down a challenge so i jumped into it immediately and got my ass kicked. immediately.
my main problem is that i didnt have a reliable damage soaker/tank. edelgard is tanky, but she can only take so much and her stats havent had time to snowball yet. plus, early game has poison strike three range archers, so even if she had the stats, they’d wittle her down. maddening ai is not the same as normal/hard, and at the time i didnt know how to control it, so someone had to go eat all of those hits to bait them over! but adrestia, kingdom of mages, has the durability of a piece of straw. so, we need to avoid taking damage. but we also need to bait out the ai somehow. soooo… how?
i was looking through a couple of classes that might be able to help me out and i notice that ferdinand’s personal skill gives him a certain amount of avoid at full hp. and theres a certain skill line that gives another set number of avoid if you hold a certain weapon. the lighest physical weapon (barring gauntlets) are swords, which he has a natural affinity for. but how do you get sword avoid? literally the only way is through dancer. for some fucking reason. so, i did what had to be done, expecting this to blow up in my face, but as you can tell from the fact that i am making this post, the opposite happened. because actually, as it turns out, having a refresh unit in one of fire emblem’s most difficult game modes that cannot get hit is actually very, very useful.
for the entire game after he went into dancer i chucked him on the front lines right next to edelgard, and he was pretty much a one man army. not nearly as strong physically as edelgard, but much faster and with much more utility. and, hes still ferdinand, so on the off chance he got hit by like a stray 12%, he’d easily eat that hit with his hp stat, only to be physic’d up right back to full. unkillable dancer. baited enemies like it was no ones business AND buffed my entire team just by virtue of being there. i could send my frail ass little mages into a crowd nuke someone, have ferdie dance to let them retreat to safety. edelgard and giant galeforce axe could act TWICE without worrying about dancer positioning. it was just. god. carried my whole game. and he looked GOOD while doing it. he truly is ferdinand von aegir. also took out the final map in two turns no casualties. he did that for me by the way (edelgard galeforce axe)
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celebritytgcaptions · 3 years
Requests (5/23/2021)
Hi lovelies! I’ve been getting so many requests & I’m working hard to get all of them in the queue. Thanks for sending them my way! I’m writing to let you know that the queue is now full until the end of June. I was able to get every requests from my May 8th post in there except for a few. Requests from May 8th for captions featuring Katy Perry, Jenna Fischer, Marisol Nichols, Addison Rae, Ariana Grande, Erin Kellyman, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Jhene Aiko, & Kirstin Maldonado will be posted in early July.
But there have been an absolute ton of requests since then too, yay! So I’m listing all the requests that I haven’t gotten to below. If you made a request but don’t see it below that might be for a few reasons. 1) I’ve written it already and it will be posted in June. 2) It’s one of the requests I posted on May 8th so I won’t talk about it here. 3) I considered it a demand not a request (for example, I received two that said “Anything with,” that wasn’t really a request just telling me to do it. Sorry if this bothers some of you but it is an issue with me so make sure you word your requests AS requests). Either way, thanks for the love, lovelies! :D
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Anonymous said:
Could you do one with either Kelley O’hara or Alex Morgan from the USWNT about a guy soccer player watching the US win the world cup and then want to be them or something like that?
I actually know who both those are (shockingly enough, I don’t really follow sports) so sure thing!
Anonymous said:
Could you do lorengrey captions? She’s so hot
Sorry sweetie, don’t know who that is. :(
Anonymous said:
Hi I just had an idea for a game you could do. It could be where someone has to say as a boy what they’re like physically in stages. So first stage is hair color for example, second stage could be height, third stage could be body type, etc. An example would be if I was a black hair, short height, thick body type, I would match up with someone like Nicki Minaj. Just an idea which you could extend on. Hopefully it makes sense. I appreciate you!
I actually have a game like this mapped out called “Build a Sissy” where you choose age, hair color, and bra size, but it would take a LOT of work to make so I haven’t written it yet. Maybe some day though. :)
Anonymous said:
I would love to see a Tori Kelly caption. Her hair and body are not typical but beautiful for a white girl. I say that last sentence respectfully. I think having a caption with her would be great
Sure thing! Tori Kelly is a cutie. :)
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Anonymous said:
Ok I'm not sure if u'll know these 2 cuz even I had to look them up for the names but anne dudek and maitland ward theyre the 2 blonde sisters from white chicks not sure if uve seen it but if u can could u make a caption for them please?
I DO know who they are! I’ve been thinking about doing a White Chicks caps because there’s a lot of cute looks in that movie (especially for Busy Phillips who I just love) so sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Could u do Yvette nicole brown from community? Id like to see some big girl love
Sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
I already know that this request is probably gonna be a No but I still have to ask whats the ruling on GCI enhanced celebrities like Taylor swift from Cats?  Or is that too much like "Furry" stuff. Now I'm Feeling this will be a No for multiple reasons
So it is not an issue with CGI “enhanced” celebrities but for Cats it is because I do not have a Furry fetish and I get uncomfortable thinking about writing caps for it. But I write caps with “manips” all the time (photoshopped images of celebs) so I’m not ruling out CGI enhanced celebs all together.
Anonymous said:
Can you do one of Lindsey stirling? And for the story can it be a guy trying to learn Violin but he cant seem to focus he even tried hot female teachers but it didnt work then he gets a male teacher than he starts focusing and wanting to please the teacher he becomes a sissy sorry its a long request
Sounds fun, sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Hi big fan and I think you’ve been doing amazing work. Is there anyway you could do a story about a guy who loses a bet to sorority girl and is forced to get his nails painted and turned into a girl? I love the idea of having a boys nails painted against his will. I’d love one with Selena Gomez but if you think another celeb would be better I leave that cumpletely to you.
Totally! This sounds fun. :D
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Anonymous said:
Can you do thelma and Louise?
I’m assuming you mean Geena Davis & Susan Sarandon from Thelma & Louise so yes. Yes I can. :)
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Anonymous said:
Can you do a caption from the movie bridesmaids? Like when theyre all trying on dressess or something?
I haven’t seen Bridesmaids (I know I know) but I can try something. :)
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Anonymous said:
it would be super cool if you could do some more games! They’re my fav
Glad you like them! As long as I’m not on hiatus, games will be posted every second Saturday. I’ve already got two set for June. :)
Anonymous said:
Hey huge fan of your recent work and super excited about new caps!! Do you think you could do one about a college guy who drops out in pursuit of being a stand up comedian, but the comedy club needs a female comic so they turn him into a girl? I was thinking maybe Nikki Glaser, she so funny and sexy. Thanks can’t wait to see all your new stuff!!
Oooo, Nikki Glaser is great. Sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Can you make a caption about a guy who makes fun of curvy and thicc women, where the women get their revenge and turn the guy into Nia Jax?
You got it!
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Anonymous said:
Hi Me again on the topic of the assembly line worker caption sequel if you do it i just an idea for the story like before depicting the sissies "first time"  but you can have it be that the coworker doesnt know and is telling everyone about the chick he slept with last night and the sissy is just thinking "if only they knew"idk i thought it was good anyways thank u again
So this message is in reference to a sequel caption that was requested & that I did write and will be posted in June. I’m sharing it here to let the anon know that I wrote the cap BEFORE I got this second request so there will be a followup but the story will be different. I hope that’s ok.
Anonymous said:
Hi idk if u watch wrestling or not I see u have some captions of wwe womens wrestlers but im not sure have far ur knowledge of it is? Could u do a caption of Rhea Ripley if u know her?
I have never seen a single episode of WWE, I do not watch wrestling, and yet somehow every time someone requests a wrestler I know who she is. Don’t ask me how because I do not know. Anyways, yeah I can do a Rhea Ripley one. :)
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption about a janitor for sissy co. That finds out the strange goings on at work and tries to blow the whistle on the whole operation but is caught and turned into a sissy maid for the sissy co. Corporate office abit specific I know but ive been thinking on that awhile however u do it will be perfect thanks
You got it!
Anonymous said:
Could you do katheryn Hahn from wandavision specifically the 80s look with the Big hair and aerobics outfit
Oooo, sounds nice. I’ll type that up for sure. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi big fan of your caps!! Do you think you could do a cap where a football player wants to go to the NFL but gets hurt, so they turn him into a female commentator, maybe Lauren Rutledge? If you don’t know her, she’s been a college football reporter for awhile and was also a former Miss Florida. Anyways I just think any guy would be lucky to be turned into her and I love your caps keep up the great work!!
Me: *googles Lauren Rutledge to see if it’s who I’m thinking of* How do I know who this is? Anyways, yes I can write this. :)
...for some reason there are no GIFs of her though so I’m just gonna move on.
Anonymous said:
Hi I'm the one that requested the LONG list of celebs I'm still really sorry about that I didnt realize how many it actually was till I looked back so I wanna retract some for your sake tell ya what if you havent done any already just do the ones that are specifically marked (as in the ones detailed by movie or show theyre in) the ones that are just names you can leave out i knoe its still alot but hopefully that takes some weight off of ya sorry again
You don’t have to be sorry! Like I said, in the future I’d ask that folks limit requests to no more than 3 celebs at a time but you didn’t know that. I’d never said that before. I typed up every celebrity and they’re going to be sprinkled in during June. Hope you like them! :)
Anonymous said:
Hello ^^ I love your work. Can u make a caption with the name "jules" and Ariana Grande please? Thank you
Sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Hey, not really an ask, but something I needed to share
I'm the one that asked for the Stephanie Beatriz caption from a whole back, and I absolutely loved how it turned out. Each time you roll out a new caption is like a small thrill to me and I read them right as they're released.
Now this wouldn't be an ask if I wasn't asking something, right? Well, next month sees the release of the "In the Heights" movie, and there's an opportunity there to do a series of captions using stephanie Beatriz from that same movie.
In conclusion, I love your captions so much, you're amazing!
Awww, this is such a sweet message. Thank you! And YAAASSSSS! Ever since the first trailer for In the Heights dropped I was like, “I must write a caption with her in this!” So you can imagine how fun it’s been waiting this entire time. *eye twitches*. We’ll have to wait until the movie comes out for me to be sure I can find a good image but this IS a caption I want to write. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi I just recently came across your blog and fell in love with it!! The caption with the football player being turned into Bella Thorne is one of my favorites!! I’d love so much if you could do a sequel or something to that cap it was so amazing and I need to know what else happens to “her”. I’m not sure if this is possible or if you even do sequels but this cap was great and I look forward to all the others!!!
Glad you like it! I’m always looking for sequel captions to write on Throwback Thursday so you’ll get this for sure. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hey big fan! Do you think you could do a caption where a short guy gets made fun of by all his girl friends for how short he is? Ariana Grande is fairly short and I think a caption of her (of age of course) would be awesome
You got it!
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Anonymous said:
Can you do one with the bella twins as two guys who fought over the same girl then the girl turns them both into look alikes of her but then they start fighting over the same guy
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Anonymous said:
Do you know suzy berhow? Or angie Griffin? If so would love a caption of either of them please
Sorry sweetie, I don’t know who those are. :(
Anonymous said:
Would appreciate more Sia captions please when u get the chance
I will remember that. :)
Anonymous said:
Can make some Winnie Harlow caption please? I adore her style
Sorry lovely, I don’t know who that is. :(
Anonymous said:
How about instead of removing the captions with Demi in them ,the images of Demi were just replaced with another celeb and if Demi is mentioned by name in the caption then that could be edited  to mention a different celeb. I respect Demi's decision I do but lets not lose some well made captions. Also if you could please make a caption where Amy Adams feminises a fan and raises them as her daughter and Kristen Stewart makes you her submissive wife that would be appreciated. I'm a fan of them.
So about the Demi Lovato captions: I understand your feelings but I’m still going to delete the original captions. Because of how my captions are made I can’t just go back in & swap out an image or edit the text, I have to remake it from the ground up. I am hoping to do that with some (maybe all) of the Demi Lovato captions & re-publish them, but I’m still going to delete the originals.
I can do the Kristen Stewart one for sure and I’ll TRY to do the Amy Adams one I just am not 100% sure I can find a pic for that but we’ll see. :)
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Anonymous said:
If it’s possible before your summer hiatus could you do a caption with Amanda Crew (silicon valley, sex drive)?
I will do one with Amanda Crew but I can’t commit to doing it before the hiatus.
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About the hiatus: I don’t know when it’s going to be. I want to TRY to make it to at least July 18th because I have a specific game in mind I want to post for 5 years of Celebrity TG Captions games, but after that I have no idea. I’ve been writing caps for a longer stretch of time since normal since I’ve switched to a part-time blog so I might burn out at any second but for right now I’ve still got some juice.
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the-artist-rae · 3 years
Trolls 4 au idea
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Edit: i just realised theres already a thistle (who apparently s real name is Dennis??) so i gotta rename my character 😭
So basically im writing a mock script for a trolls 4. I want to write one for trolls 3 but .... I WANT BROBBY CHILDREN, so here we are. Basically in my au, poppy and branch have a set of twins. A girl named Aster who is bright blue with pinkish purple undertones and a boy named Thistle. But, theyre shocked and suprized to find out thistle comes out of his bright purple egg, grey!
A time skip happens and a argument between him and his father causes branch to loose some of his colors.
The argument is set up like:
Branch finds his son in his pod sitting in darkness.
Branch- so ya like it dark, huh?
Thistle- yeah, so what of it.
Branch-Nothing i just was wondering if u wanted to-
Thistle- I dont.
Branch- look i just want you to be happy and find your true colors...
Thistle- sounds like you just want me to be like Aster!
Branch- Now hey now, i didnt say that! Ive been in your place before and i know how you feel, and i dont want someone i care and love to feel that way!
Thistle- You dont know what i feel! All you want me to be is the same happy annoying and insane troll... Just like everyone else!
Branch- Hey, No-
Thistle- I HATE YOU!
Thistle stops for a moment and looks at his father to see his skin darken, widening his eyes. He gets angry at himself and runs away.
Thistle runs to his friend Fern in hope of him knowing a way to get his true colors in hope itll reverse the color loss on branch. Fern tells thistle of a guardian troll of purity who live in a mountain who can give him his colors. Thistle tells his parents that hes going to travel and see aunt Barb, and they go on their adventure!
On the first day they run into a rock/classical troll who lives in the Forrest by herself because her parents are deceased and she had no idea there was other people (basically a tarzan situation but she knows how to talk and has basic understanding of most things) ... The situation is, Thistle and Fern stop to make camp, roasting marshmallows. And out of nowhere a arrow zings right in front of Thistle's face! Him and Fern crowd together to see a dark figure come out of a bush and she says "Who are you?" In a somewhat demanding tone. And they shiver in fear " We're just travelers!! Please dont hurt us!!". She sighs and and chuckles," Oh, i thought you were here to hurt ME!".... This all comes to a conversation that Fern leads and that she'll join them cuz she knows her way around the Forrest.
In the background through out the story, villain trolls are introduced into the story who gave Fern the map and everything about the purity troll who can grant only one trolls wish. And throughout the movie they follow the gang and get caught into their hijinks.
Having Button (the female troll) in the mix has gotten Thistle to come out of his shell and he slowly starts getting happier and sings throughout the movie.
When they finally reach the mountain they come to a cave with paintings and rural architecture. At the end of the cave is a clearing with a waterfall. The waterfall spreads to find a troll pure of white and glowing in a deep sleep in a coven.
The villain characters seep out of the darkness with evil laughter. " Nice job Fern you got us where we need to"
The rest of the gang gasps and gets tied up.
"Well take it from here". Turns out, the purity trolls was sleeping on a gem. And the gem was the wish granting miracle not the troll. They grab the gem and head to troll village where they plan using the gem to destroy it.
Thistle and button get into an argument over whether they should try to save the village. He believes its too late to save anyone. Button unties herself with and arrow tip that was seeping out of her back pack. And says," Well , i do!". She unties Thistle and makes her way out of the cave.
Thistle sits there and sings a song thinking about his family and Button which gives him the courage to start running also.
He makes it to the village before the fern and his crew. And runs straight to his mom and warns her of whats happening. Before he can explain she starts off saying how he looks so different and brighter and why hes back early. After he explains, she tells branch of whats happening and puts everyone in the bunker. The villains make it to the village and one says, " well isnt this a nice beaut, its about to get a whole lot MESSIER!".
Fern is shocked to hear their plans of wrecking the village, he just wanted to be the new ruler in a world where trolls respected him. They tie him up. And the villain crowd together to think of the exact words on how to word out the wish. The leader gets up and points the gem outward "alright get ready for my wish to destroy the village" and at this second and arrow hits the gem and falls down the hill they were standing on and lands into the village. She and the villains start running to gem. Alas, branch grabs it. Poppy stands beside him. "Not today!". The villains look at him and scoff. "You think we were the only ones?". They gasp and turn around to find villainous trolls surrounding them. They fidget before the leader says " dont even think about saying no" and two trolls come out holding button. Thistle, who had been sitting on the side lines murmurs to himself," no this cant happen! No, no,no..!!" And starts running and startles the villains grabbing the gem. Suprizing everyone. Branch says," Son.... Dont..!".
Thistle looks at him with scrunched eyebrows,"i have to." The leader says with a slight panicked voice,"i wouldnt do that boy...!"
Thistle whispers to the gem ," i wish for this gem to be destroyed" . the gem floats into the air, shining brighter than anything they've ever seen and deteriorates into glitter falling to the ground. The light from the gem had flushed through the crowd causing them to have a slight amnesia and questioning "hey,why are we here?".
The trolls in the bunker come out celebrating. Buttons runs to Thistle and hugs him and he hugs back. Poppy and branch run to him. Saying things things like ,"what were u thinking you couldve got hurt?!". Thistle looks into his fathers eyes and replies," Because, i love you.". His parents both look back at him shocked. And slowly but surely from top to bottom his true colors fill in. A bright purple pink. His parents exclaim in happiness and branchs colors get brighter as well. They get excited,hugging and laughing and crying. Thistle points out Button who had wondered a little father to give him space with his parents and brings her into the hug. In which poppy winces," ughhh whats that smell???" And button moves to the side chuckling nervously. "Uhhh... Shes been homeless for awhile give her a break." And chuckles.
The purity troll comes out flowing from the sky to everyone saying how she thanks Thistle for awakening her from her slumber by destroying the gem and continues ,"Ive been asleep for sometime, now lets paRTY!!".
Then theirs the end song where everyone sings. The purity comes up to Thistle and aster and gives them crowns of flowers and robes. Everyone cheers. And we fade to black with a circle transition popping up of fern tide up, " Uhhh hey guys anyone here??? Can someone please tell me whats going on??!!!" And the screen goes black showing the rest of the credits.
These are just the main points. Of course Aster is more involved in the story. I just didnt wanna type all that down cuz i have a big phone and small hands haha.
But as for my trolls 3 au ... Its basically the generic set up of branch trying to propose to poppy throughout the film...and id like to add a backstory of his parents and them not actually being dead and survived escaping the bergins.
But anyways here are some of my character designs!!
Soundtrack ideas-
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Aster design i havent yet finalised so yeahhhh but i plan on her having two ponytails!
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chokefriends · 4 years
Anatomy model Eustass Kid
By @godims0tired ♡ for my fic Life Drawing
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Rating: E
Warnings: None
Characters & ships: Eustass Kid / Trafalgar Law
Word count: 2978
Summary: Law practices his anatomical drawing with Kidd as his subject. With his devil fruit abilities he can see right inside him.
Kidd finds this insanely romantic.
Read on Ao3 or below the cut. I know it's an older fic by now but I havent posted it here before so here!
Kidd jerked into full awareness as he lay sprawled in his bed. He checked around himself without moving and sensed a second heartbeat in the room, near enough that the dim echoes of its electrical impulses lapped at his skin like waves. Slow and calm. Just watching then; not yet poised to attack…
There were eyes on him.
It took him a moment to remember that the other heartbeat was supposed to be there. He wasn't used to having bedmates stay overnight.
Red eyes slid open and found keen grey ones fixed on him.
“The fuck you staring at.”
“You, idiot.”
The big redheaded sprawl snorted crassly at that and flopped over, returning the stare with sleepy menace.
Law smirked. He was wedged sideways in one of the heavy carved armchairs in Kidd's quarters, loosely wrapped in a sheet and busily scritch scritching in a large book. His gaze flicked from page to Kidd and back.
Kidd prodded him, “See something you want, Trafalgar? Come over here and take it.”
His limbs were still all loose and languid from when they'd fucked a couple hours before, but Kidd could stand to go another round. Especially with the sharp, evaluating looks Law was throwing him right now.
“Come on, c'mere.”
“Later. Go back to sleep, Eustass-ya.” The pen bobbed.
“Don’ wanna. What are you doing still up?”
“Just passing the time until my brain decides to let me fall asleep.” Law's insomniac woes again.
“A good fuck will do that for you. Lemme do the ligature thing and you'll be out like bam .” Kidd offered generously.
“Heheh. Thanks but oxygen deprivation is not the kind of sleep aid I need.”
“Your loss.”
Kidd burrowed into his cluster of satiny pillows with a sigh. For an infamously brutal pirate captain he sure liked his little extravagances. The whole room was draped with horribly clashing bits of luxurious fabrics and furs, and the odd shiny sharp thing. The manic magpie whims of past raids.
“Nah, that's no good,” Law recrossed long legs over the chair’s arm, well cushioned with some spotted pelt. “Go back to where you were a second ago.”
“Are you…? What, taking notes on me? Writing an ode to the sinful curve of my flawless ass?”
“Something like that. I'm adding my own anatomical diagrams to this medical text. It’s my favourite for reference material but the illustrations are scanty and kinda shit -- it's like they've never dissected anyone before.”
“Nice. Add a diagram of these.” Kidd kicked up a leg.
“Hah. I'm nowhere near the section on genital abnormalities, but I'll look you up when I get there. Turn on your side again, I was doing upper body musculature.”
“Ooo. I got lots of that, yeah.” Kidd complied.
The lamplight was flickering low behind Law. Kidd could see him and his book backlit dimly, the small hairs on his leanly muscled shoulders aglow like a nimbus. Tinged subtly blue.
Wait, blue?
“Do you have a Room up?”
“Yeah, so I can scan down and see the actual anatomical stuff.”
“Huh. That's handy. You don't even have to dissect anyone.”
“Yeah but it’s easier to see everything if you physically open someone up. You can isolate the individual structures that way.” Law peeked overtop of the book. “And it's more fun to do it the old-fashioned way, heh…”
Kidd gave a low laugh. Law wasn't even joking, he knew. He imagined waking up one night like this, to find some part of him delicately splayed open and the dark haired doctor sketching away with the same expression. If Law used his devil fruit power he could do it painlessly and bloodlessly, without even waking him. Kidd had seen him sever heads away from bodies completely within that blue sphere, both pieces still functioning as one. He’d never been the subject of that eerie power himself, though.
He didn’t think so, anyway.
Law untangled himself from chair and sheet, and finally came over to join him on the bed. Kidd was gifted briefly with a full view of the lithe figure. His recent handiwork was beginning to show in the mottling that ran up either thigh and the bites framing his chest tattoos.
The long limbs refolded next to him. “Stay there, I wanna do the neck muscles now.”
“Lemme see that first.”
“Don't be grabby,” Law complained, but gave up the book.
“Holy fuck.” Kidd flipped through studies of his back, shoulders, hands. “So that's how I look without skin, huh.”
He had been expecting more… yeah. Skin.
“I did say I was drawing the muscles.”
“And my bones and everything.”
“Yeah. Good skeletal structure too. Several odd calluses where breaks didn't quite set right, though.”
“You can see all of that?”
“Yeah, of course. Like I said, I can scan down to any level. Though it helps if I know already the shape of what I'm looking for.”
Something about the drawings was just so Law. The lines so precise, so sharp, somehow impatient. A little obsessive and overworked on certain details, like the hollow between his collar bones and the knobbly crook of his index finger, broken at least twice. Many practice studies on loose sheets of paper showed that Law had been trying to get these parts just right.
It occurred to Kidd that these weren't just anatomical studies using him as a model -- these were him.
Jotted notes crowded around the practice studies, but Law grabbed the book back before Kidd could read them properly.
“Trafalgar. Does that seriously say I have 8.2 litres of blood in me.”
“Nevermind that. Just an interesting fact. You have a lot of blood.”
Kidd stole another peek as Law held him off. “And that I have a grip strength of 68 kilograms in my right hand?”
“At least. That’s not something I can see; that's from uh, experience.”
Kidd leaned back with his hands laced behind his head to look at Law. “One might misinterpret this as a target profile of some kind.” Because that's exactly what it was -- a detailed map of Kidd’s strongest, and weakest points.
“Whoa, your blood pressure’s spiking.” Law grinned with more teeth than usual and leaned in to hover over him.
“Now you're just showing off,” Kidd complained.
“Does this disturb you?”
That wasn't exactly the feeling that was spreading through him, no. Or not entirely, anyway. Kidd just cracked his neck, stretching it out for Law's benefit, and raised an eyebrow.
“So you wanted some neck action? It's all yours.”
Law seemed to like the sound of that. He angled Kidd’s head away and up with a gentle press of fingers, so the ear and neck were exposed to him.
Kidd watched his shadow flicker on the opposite wall and listened to the pen scratch across paper. The undulating magnetic field of Law’s heart was so close now, washing over him. His own blood thudded in his ears, senses all on high alert from holding himself in this vulnerable position.
He could be fuckin patient. Sometimes. Well… when he had all of Law’s attention focused on him like this, he’d stay still forever. He could feel the sharp eyes on him like a touch. His own eyes started to wander back over…
He jumped a little when Law did touch him, nudging him back into place. And then trailing fingers over the mound behind his ear.
“Sternocleidomastoid,” Law mouthed to himself. “Levator scapulae…” The hand travelled down to his collarbone and rested there lightly, his thumb tracing little circles.
It was so calm. And strange. Rare for the reserved doctor to be so casually intimate. Even while they were fucking, touch was more like a struggle, hands straining against and into each other. Kidd was rough without even trying, but it was Law who seemed to flinch from any contact not resembling combat. Or medical care. Such structured things. He’d objected -- vehemently -- to being “pawed at” and “pet like a lap dog” often enough. As though anything less than bruising force would hurt more.
He was so guarded. It made Kidd greedy.
“You're hard, you know,” Law breathed onto his neck.
“Yeah I'm aware.”
Tattooed fingers ran along Kidd’s side, over the tight bands hugging the ribs (“Serratus anterior…”), and pinpricks rose in their wake. Kidd found himself arching up against the hand desperately.
“Ah, fuck, Trafalgar…”
“Mhm,” Law responded, distracted. Or pretending to be. He followed a particular cord of muscle down Kidd’s powerful thigh with his thumb. “Sartorius. Gracilis.”
“No that's not a muscle, Eustass-ya.”
“Oh for the love of GOD.”
Law made a sound that was probably a muffled laugh. “Hold still. I'm doing anatomical studies.”
“Oh is that what we're doing.”
“Where's the book.”
“It's…” Law looked around for a minute. “On the floor.”
Kidd covered his face with his hands and just laughed. Law sighed dramatically.
“Well. Guess I gotta start from the top again.”
Law could be a pushy bastard when he topped. But he kept up the slow, focused treatment this time and it was driving Kidd fucking insane.
“I'm gonna flip this the fuck around and pound you inside out if it takes any longer.” Kidd growled from under his arm, slung across his face.
This was as close as he could get to actually asking for it. Here he was laid out, so open and ready, core clenching and unclenching. Needing to be fucked, to have hands on him, in him, whatever. All of it.
“Nah you're not.” Law countered smugly.
“F-uck,” was all Kidd could come up with when a third finger twisted into his slicked up hole. His body tensed and spasmed before yielding itself open.
By the time Law was actually fucking him, Kidd had nearly popped a fucking vein.
Law pushed in slowly, slowly. Until they were pressed together as tight as they could go, breath hot on each other's faces.
“Shit, Tr--ahh…”
He was done with all the slow shit. Kidd was a shifting mass of need under him and honestly, he was even more worked up. He dragged almost all the way out only to grind back in hard, and the tight body jolted.
“Aw fuck, yeah…”
Law braced his weight on his arms, pressing Kidd’s hips into the bed. He watched the muscles bunch beneath him with each impact, Kidd straining to meet him. Watched through skin so pale it was translucent, glowing and rippling.
Kidd still wasn't entirely sure what to make of that gaze. All hunger and splitting seams, open lips and ragged breath.
He quirked up one corner of a mocking mouth.
“The fuck’re you-- ah --staring at?”
Law didn't answer for a moment. Under Kidd's skin it was like… layers of red ribbons, wrapping him up. The ribbons all pulling and straining against each other when Kidd moved (when Law moved in him), like something inside was trying to burst out. Under them, ribs curving -- jealous fingers. Wetly clinging membranes. Then under that…
“Your heart. It's…”
Their bodies collided, beaded with sweat. Harder. More. Law could see, hear Kidd's heart beating faster as he picked up his pace. God, he could feel it in his palms. In his dick. Beating so strong it echoed in his ears, drowning out his own.
“Fucking perfect. It's perfect.”
Kidd laughed breathlessly. His heart. What the hell. “...You wanna get your hands on that too?”
Law did.
He wanted to grip it, feel it flutter, make it burst …
… What if I could? he thought. He slowed, thinking, and spread a hand over Kidd’s breastbone. Not just to incapacitate through dismemberment, but to cut a piece from the whole, one vital piece…
Kidd watched the pensive eyes flicker and gave him a swift jab of encouragement with his heel.
“You'll just have to get hold of it the old fashioned way. Hahahaaa…”
“Hah.” Law shook himself from his distracted state. He picked up a pace that was slower than before, though not less jarring. “Like… I should court you or like I should cut you open?”
“Whichever ...ah ... But you should fuckin get me off first.” Kidd guided the tattooed hand down from his chest to his dripping cock, and Law obliged, finally.
They fucked with foreheads pressed together and grips slipping on sweat slick skin. Kidd thought of Law digging his hands right into his chest and came in jerking starts like it was being beaten out of him, legs clamped tight around him. Skin thrumming with the echoes of hands and heartbeat.
Kidd flipped through the last few drawings with some undefinable flutter in his gut.
“That's some shit you won't see in any other textbook.”
“Mhm.” Law allowed himself to press against Kidd just slightly as they lay sprawled out, sweat drying in the cool air. He was in a fuckin good mood, kinda dazed.
“I do look damn good without skin, I'll say that much.”
“Heh. And with. You can see the suprasternal notch really clearly even under the skin, it's nice. I fuckin love all of that. That area.”
Kidd choked a little but Law didn't seem to realize what he'd said. And that's not even what he meant anyway, Kidd told himself.
But the whole thing kinda was the same as a confession, at least as far as Law went. The drawings, as vaguely threatening as they were, betrayed an intimate preoccupation with Kidd's finer points. Maybe even admiration. Definitely possessiveness. Need.
“I wanna do you too.”
Law grinned, “Already?”
“Not that, idiot. Draw you.”
“I didn’t know you could draw.”
“Well, draft. I can draft things -- just basic. For engineering stuff on the ship, mostly.”
“Oh, nice!” Law bounced up to get fresh paper from the floor by the chair. “How does one usually draft stuff? Don’t you need a triangle thing? Compasses, etcetera?”
“Maybe. I’ll just make an outline for now.”
Law seemed right into this whole idea. “Draw me like one of your machines, Eustass-ya.” He draped himself dramatically across the bed and Kidd shoved him with a grin.
“How do you want me, though.”
Kidd appreciated that question for a moment.
“Doesn’t matter,” he shrugged. “I don’t know how to draw from life -- like perspective or anything. So it’s gonna be pretty diagrammatic. I just need a few details and some numbers.”
“Like specifications? How to build a Trafalgar?”
“Yeah, so I can make another if this one breaks.”
That made him laugh.
“Okay lie out flat and lemme measure you.”
“With what measuring tools?”
“I'll just eyeball it,” Kidd insisted.
This turned out to mean that he was going to get his hands all over him, which Law supposed was fair. He tensed and shied but stayed mostly still, letting Kidd explore his dimensions and proportions. Pages filled up with ratios and vectors of movement. Things got off track again around when Kidd was testing the rotation arc of his arms and quickly became vicious rutting. Light, skimming hands could become crushing ones so quickly.
Anyway, turned out that Law could get off while his arms were being hyperextended behind his back. Pretty effectively, in fact.
After, when they were laid out next to each other once again, and Law’s breaths were finally lengthening into sleep, Kidd dared to try another light touch. Without their thin pretense of functionality this time -- just want. He smoothed a hand over all the tattoos he'd taken such careful note of earlier. A large heart on his chest with a grinning skull similar to his Jolly Roger. Hearts on his shoulders. Kidd’s fingerprints blooming dark purple on his upper arms.
Sixty-eight kilograms of pressure and Law hadn't made a sound, but a feather touch over the marks and a quiet ah pushed past his lips.
“Whose emblem is that tattoo?”
Law mumbled with his eyes closed, “Someone who died. Long time ago.”
“Someone…” Kidd repeated to himself, but didn't probe. “You going to get any more?”
“Nah.” His breath stuttered slightly when Kidd trailed knuckles down his jaw. “I just like… your marks…”
He fell asleep with Kidd's lips against the shell of his ear.
A roll of broadsheet tied with string arrived by carrier gull when Law was back on his sub some days later. He stole away to his cluttered quarters and spread the roll out on the bed.
Inside the broadsheet was a large-format technical drawing.
There were three flat outlines of Law: front, back, side. All heavily marked out in blunt pencil, all surrounded by arcs and lines, dotted and solid, indicating measurements and angles of motion. The insides of the outlines were empty except for perfectly to scale renderings of his tattoos.
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wheres-my-pencil · 4 years
what if ranboo headcanon go brr (plus backstory since i got carried away)
- ranboo used to be an enderman forever (endermen are immortal in the timespan sense) - he longed to have friends his whole life when he was full enderman, but could never look at anyone without accidentally hurting them (developed a fear of hurting people), and other endermen didnt seem to talk much, or at all. he never had a friend growing up - he traveled the world looking for a cure from of enderman instincts (forced to kill by eye contact), but mostly he just felt less alone when he was always exploring (eventually discovered that as long as he had a helmet the rain wouldnt hurt him) - BACKSTORY STARTS HERE: ranboo went to a nether ruin once and almost died. he was actually supposed to die but a spirit told him that he would be brought back to life because ranboo was kind and didnt steal anythin from the ruin. ranboo begged to be brought back with the ability to see others without killing them out of his control. the spirit agreed, but under a few conditions. - they said something along the lines of "in this world of nature, the laws of equivalent exchange are everywhere. its the reason everything in nature happens to be balanced. it would be impossible for you to go your whole life without taking another life if you didn't have this power, and unfortunately the opposite of the ability to give mercy is to kill. if i give you this power and you kill no one for the rest of your life, it would set nature out of balance. i will give you a month to kill one creature out of your own will, without the curse of your eyes. after this month you will be granted your wish. if you fail you will not only gain a lifespan, but you will be forced to kill the one closest to you to make up for the future lives that you have the ability to spare." ranboo was nervous, but agreed since he hated the idea of being forced to kill for the rest of his life. - for the first week ranboo kept travelling, trying to build up the will to kill creatures he came across, but couldnt bring himself to do it. he eventually gave up, accepting the fate of being forced to kill. he thought that one more time of killing without free will would make up for the live he would save in the future, and he was used to accidentally taking lives even if it hurt him. - timeskip to a few days passing, he meets a blind fox in a spruce forest. it wasnt just blind though, it was hurt. it's eyes were scratched out and it was bleeding under the shadow of a tree. ranboo carried it to a temorary campsite he made in a small cave and tended to its wounds. the fox still didnt have eyes, but ranboo stopped the bleeding and eventually a scab grew overnight. in hopes that it would hurt less, ranboo ripped a peice of cloth from his leather shirt that a villager traded with him long ago, (warily though, endermen were known to be very hostile,) and wrapped it gently around the fox's head, just so the whiskers were still out but the scab was safe. he was happy he got to help a creature before the inevitability he had to face, so he felt a little better about the future. he packed his few things and set off to keep travelling, but something rubbed at his ankle. the foxes ears perked up at his footsteps and ran towards the sound, nuzzling ranboo's pant leg as if begging to come with him. - "bud, you gotta stay in the forest, its not safe where i'm going," ranboo explained in a pitiful yet sincere voice, trying to say it in a tone that the fox would hopefully understand. the fox persisted, facing the source of ranboo's voice and tilting its head. he had a hard time rejecting the fox, especially since this was the first creature who wasn't immediately scared of him. the first creature who... cared about him. ranboo folded, "alright, but if you're coming along you bet im keeping you safe. ill call you... bandanna! you cool with that?" the fox stood up abruptly wagging his tail after ranboo finished talking in his cheerful tone. -  for the next week or so, ranboo and bandanna traveled across mountains and valleys, oceans and plains, pretty much wherever the world led them. from time to time, ranboo made sure to wash the cloth and and wrap it back around bandanna's head to keep him safe. bandanna was stealthy and affectionate, and ranboo was resourceful and curious. as long as they had each other, they were safe. ranboo would always protect bandanna. - in the last week of the month he had before the curse, ranboo realized he was fully content living beside the first creature he could call a friend. they settled down for a while in the desert, with only the occasional rabbit passing by their newly built hut. bandanna often sat on ranboo's lap when he was making maps of their journey routes, and ranboo often watched bandanna chase rabbits for food. (well, almost, ranboo actually couldnt stand the sight, but was still happy he didnt have to kill anything when bandanna did it himself.) it was quiet, but a peaceful one. at this point he didn't care about the future, in fact he had completely forgotten that he was looking for a "cure" in the first place. that was his first mistake. - ranboo had promised to keep bandanna safe, and he always made sure of it. the last day of the month rolled around. ranboo woke up one evening at dawn outside the house, nearby the crops he planted earlier. it was strange, that ranboo could have sworn he washed the beet juice off of his hands, but there it was. - almost stained in the logs surrounding him in the crop area. almost stained. ranboo found this peculiar, as he fell asleep hours ago. one would think if he was working with beet juice, it would have dried by now. he stood up, no longer looking under him, he saw the trail of... beet juice that followed his spot... coming from the hut. the door was open. he never left the door open. - alarmed, he stood up quickly. well, he tried. a massive headache washed over him as he collapsed back to the floor. his left arm, why was it fading to pure white? not only was it his arm, but the color seemed to climb up his shoulder and neck. the realization hit him like a freezing arrow. "the curse," he whispered to himself. his breath grew shaky and cold. "no. no way. no, no, no, NO-" ranboo ran, tripping through the dim desert and back on the damp, crimson trail towards the hut. "it can't be." but it was. the red was much clearer on the hardwood. - he dropped to his knees. the tears mixed with the blood pooling from a battered friend. the blood was almost dry now. ranboo promised. he said he would always keep bandanna safe, yet there he was, life drained into the floors. unable to comprehend what had happened, ranboo cradled bandanna's fragile body in his arms. "...bud? i- i just planted some beets! i think you'd like them. please, stay with me. we havent even seen the rest of the world yet- i... havent finished the maps." bandanna didnt keep him warm. his tail didn't flinch in the slightest. - timeskip to sitting by bandanna's grave. it was raining, but it didnt hurt him. ranboo wished he could take it all back. he didn't even care about the curse anymore. he just wanted to see his friend again. he only ever wanted a friend that he didnt just scare away or hurt. he came to the conclusion that the curse just was him, and that no matter what he did, he ended up hurting everyone around him. - he may have been able to look into others eyes now, but the only thing that mattered about ranboo's eyes were that they got to see bandanna chasing animals, or playing with string. or asking to follow him across the world again. AAAAND RIGHT BACK TO HEADCANON NOTES: - ranboo ended up never killing anyone willingly in his life, but still caused the losses of lives when he was an enderman - introverted, scared of scaring others away, he was impressionable bc he never really got the chance to talk to anyone so he sort of bended to peer pressure and felt he had no choice but to listen to what others told him - rain doesnt actually hurt him anymore, he was just so used to wearing a helmet when it rained that it felt more comfortable to always wear one - also why he stays neutral is bc he doesnt want anyone to scare anyone away, he's kind to everyone because friendship is insanely valuable to him after being alone for so long - irl ranboo quote (along the lines of it at least idk); techno: "whats your favorite word, ranboo" ranboo: "friendship" - he also tries to help others to make up for all he's done, even though he's never willfully hurt anyone
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comicteaparty · 4 years
Art Resources
Check out this plethora of art-related resources archived from Comic Tea Party’s Art Resources Channel!
starting this channel off with @Kabocha 's site http://www.shooting-stars.org/ lots of fantastic brushes and materials to use for both photoshop and clip studio(edited)
https://inkarnate.com/ - a nifty site for creating maps. while there is a pro version, the free version still has a lot of features if you just need a map for personal use to reference for your stories.(edited)
https://bodykunposeoftheday.tumblr.com/ - lots of pose photos of the SH Figuarts Body-Kun figures. really great if you want to get some anatomy and pose practice in!(edited)
http://blog.studiominiboss.com/pixelart - if you're a fan of pixel art, this is a hugely great collection of tutorials by Pedro Medeiros. it's got everything from process explanations, animation tips, shading, and more.(edited)
http://terawell.net/terawell/ - Design Doll, a great 3d program solely focused on doll posing. learning to pose the dolls can be a bit of a learning curve, but it can be fantastic if you really need a specific pose reference.(edited)
http://www.yeoldemapmaker.com/ - another map making website. this one is a lot better for interiors, especially if what you want is to just understand the base layout of a room for reference.(edited)
https://www.textures.com/ - a good site for textures. you have to make an account to download them, unfortunately. however, theres tons upon tons of them. for comics they should be safe, but would recommend checking terms for other things.(edited)
Free Software: I have not personally tested all of these programs. Download at your own risk. indicates that I have used it. Pixia: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/mighty/knight/index.html Artweaver: https://www.artweaver.de/en (has paid version) Medibang Paint: https://medibangpaint.com/en/ Krita: https://krita.org/en/ MyPaint: http://mypaint.org/ (Pressure does not work properly on Surface devices newer than the Surface 3) SmoothDraw: http://www.smoothdraw.com/sd Paint.Net: https://www.getpaint.net/ GIMP: https://www.gimp.org/ Pinta: https://pinta-project.com/pintaproject/pinta/ Inkscape: https://inkscape.org/en/
https://nattosoup.blogspot.com/ - If you aren't familiar with Becca's blog yet, it's really great. while there is an emphasis on watercolor and traditional art supplies, theres honestly just great information all around. processes, supply reviews, and so on!
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
http://leifandthorn.com/2018/07/resources-for-making-webcomics/ - resources I've collected over the years. Mostly art stuff (fonts, color harmony, body types, etc), plus some help with website accessibility and some general webcomic podcasts.
This is not a free resource so I hope it's okay, but in just a couple of days poring over the first two pages of this book, I'm really feeling a difference in the elasticity of my character's poses. It doesn't get bogged down by medical terminology and sorts parts of the body by 'landmark' instead: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23580472-anatomy-for-sculptors-understanding-the-human-figure
this is speaking as someone who has multiple years of figure drawing practice from life...I wish this book had been out much earlier, it's just amazing
https://www.calligraphr.com/en/ Here’s a free to use website that turns your handwriting into a legit text font, and it works too!
speaking of fonts i've actually made a few that are free to use. there's a couple of webcomics i know of that use them. should can i post them?
they're free, no license or credit necessary
this is a pretty basic level "how I do comics" but i like to reference these how-to's from Mad Rupert sometimes as a refresh on comics: http://mynameismad.tumblr.com/post/163801383099/hello-in-case-you-havent-heard-the-sakana
for any fellow photoshop users who wanna get better at perspective, this video's been really helpful for me! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upxBGNcryRs
Really helpful Twitter thread about effective paneling! https://twitter.com/h0lysarthole/status/1117464886123089921
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Install old versions of Adobe products for free: https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs2-product-downloads.html?promoid=19SCDRQK There are terms & conditions, but the programs don't actually check if you fulfill them. It's up to you to know how much money you've given them, and what you're ethically clear to download in return.
If we're talking about Image Editors, a not-free alternative is Affinity Photo, which is reasonably priced. (I'd look for it to go on sale, but $50 for a perpetual license isn't bad at all!) https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/photo/ Their indesign competitor is in free Beta right now, too: https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/publisher/
Paint.net also still exists: https://www.getpaint.net/
https://www.patreon.com/posts/26834357 In the meantime, here's a post for alternatives to adobe.
https://blog.reimenayee.com/graphic-novel-outline-onion-method/ neat
Hey, I'm sure everyone already knows, but clip studio is on sale for $25 right now! It is (imo) one of the best programs out there for making comics! https://twitter.com/clipstudiopaint/status/1169159411304210432?s=19
MJ Massey
if you're looking for a new display tablet, I found this useful site with tons of tablet reviews! They're organized by size and look at several different brands http://brad.site/reviews/wacom-cintiq-alternatives.html
Attila Polyák
How to draw good looking lightning/electricity! https://www.facebook.com/leesartandmore/photos/a.1370091679712083/2411389295582311/?type=3&theater
Free to use comic font http://purastik.net/ames/e.html
MJ Massey
If you haven't watched Jake Parker's videos, I highly recommend them. They are very informative AND relaxing and encouraging https://www.youtube.com/user/jakeparker44
MJ Massey
GESTURE DRAWINGS! They're important for art practice, especially if you are looking to improve your forms! https://www.quickposes.com/en is my favorite. It has a feature where you can set it to show you different photos every 30-300 seconds to practice gesture drawing!
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Just saw this on Twitter. Haven't actually gotten a chance to look at it closely, but I thought other people might also want to take a look https://twitter.com/Worstwizard/status/1183475129084329984?s=09
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
Attila Polyák
Loads of useful facebbok stuff I meant to post a long time ago, but never got around doing it: https://www.facebook.com/AikaLockheart/photos/a.413147142066258/2235198713194416/?type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=472362883489284&set=a.130547804337462&type=3&theater https://www.facebook.com/geektower/photos/pcb.1089341477902964/1089341267902985/?type=3&theater
MJ Massey
picking pens! From Jake Parker himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNgYvTI09XE
MJ Massey
for anyone who likes podcasts, I enjoy 3 Point Perspective, particularly their most recent episode on building an online store and making sales https://open.spotify.com/episode/2twCBBjRWZlmzbvWkRoARG?si=N7PiY3UoTJCzq0zZovXsdg
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Here's a good reference generator: https://line-of-action.com/
Hope this counts as a resource, here's a list of Best Comic Covers in a given month by Paste magazine, it goes up to June 2019. It was really helping me get ideas for covers! https://www.pastemagazine.com/search?t=Best+Comic+Book+Covers&m=Galleries
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
This is great!
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Ooh, yeah, those are great.
I did a redraw where I added another 7, for shots that aren't in the original that I also get a ton of use out of: https://www.deviantart.com/erinptah/art/29-Panels-That-Always-Work-748887838
ooooh https://twitter.com/cathygjohn/status/1216093817734139904?s=20
This may have been shared before but i am a HUGE fan of SenshiStock. Their references are so good and ive used their stock photos for a ton of studies and practice too https://twitter.com/SenshiStock
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
@Feather J. Fern This is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEvMHRgPdyk
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
@Javi An oldie I still find useful for learning how to draw people: https://archive.org/details/andrew-loomis-drawing-the-head-hands/mode/2up
Nutty (Court of Roses)
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
video that looks into this current humble bundle pack
looks kind of interesting
I'm not sure if Borodante's Over-Paint series has been posted here (I didn't see it, but I don't have my glasses so I can't promise a thorough search), but his digital painting tips have been incredibly helpful and inspiring to me, so I hope it helps someone else here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDKgohjbwY8&list=PL26-CxnLWOfD_h42yjpO44dPAo3-pijgb&index=23
Feather J. Fern
Found something that explains Bleed for comics. https://makingcomics.spiltink.org/pgtemplates/
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
A soft-shading demo I made for@Feather J. Fern & @Artem Ficta (Ring Spell) Sorry this took so long to complete! https://youtu.be/Cyc9EVissw0
For people like me who mess up their bleeds and have to fix them in post, I had this lying in my bookmarks! https://twitter.com/TheDamnThinGuy/status/1190321427314032646?s=20
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
There are lots of guides to tangents, and here is one I like a lot! http://curiousoldlibrary.blogspot.com/2011/10/schweizer-guide-to-spotting-tangents.html
https://twitter.com/Sasquatchiix/status/1236987090874667008 This is a visual novel zine but section 2 on resources actually has a lot of cross-over in terms of usability for comic creators, check it out if you feel like testing out some new tools! Update - I read through the articles now and I actually really recommend checking them out too for advice when it comes to story-writing and how to lay it all out(edited)
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
Want to share this with you all! https://creatureartteacher.com/product/fundamentals-of-animation/?fbclid=IwAR0ahSOtdTBPmi0cHQlBpyMK7RveLZXptqcLrFX559KQMOkp-oLjGG9JA_0 Fundamentals of Animation Course Aron Blaise a big disney animator, has an animation Course that take you through the princibles of animation. This course is free for a limited time if you want to learn about animation!
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Really cool video I found about pricing your commissions: https://youtu.be/pN4P82Y_3k0
a handy tool for those who work in clip https://twitter.com/2TooToo2/status/1243101802435727360
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I'm not sure if this is the right channel, but I'm going around shouting about how Adobe users can get two months free because of the pandemic this morning. Here's an article about how to do it! https://www.creativebloq.com/news/adobe-payment-holiday?fbclid=IwAR108UH-2fQfvQzyc2STIHZh9H7LOzr1xvOoLPM_7pylHNoQ9isvMDT4wRw
I also made a tweet for easy sharing if you don't want to type your own. https://twitter.com/RainyDayMariah/status/1243573425697742848?s=20
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
https://twitter.com/metalsorcery/status/1247930202073829377?s=19 This is a survey to answer for webcomic creators to get their work featured in this newsletter! Open to every one!
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
@Miranda (Into the Swell) This one's pretty good: https://www.deviantart.com/theinkyway/art/Manga-Studio-5-Clip-Studio-Paint-Brush-Pack-619455926
@Miranda (Into the Swell) this is my ultimate fave http://fav.me/d7s799d
this is handy reference image account that only posts pictures of suits and mundane things https://twitter.com/madarameBK
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Follow Art of Webcomics (on Twitter) which help independent creators host a site and share your page updates: https://series.artofwebcomics.com/(edited)
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1725189 a handy sfx brush for clip studio paint that can help save some time with your process (it's got various effects built in the brush itself so you don't have to have several stroke layers to achieve the effect) it costs 2 dollars
I made an SFX (sound effect) booklet for comic artists who are having difficulty visualizing sounds for their comics. It's free to download on Gumroad! https://gumroad.com/SaltySalmonella#VOZQM
I'm not sure if this goes in writing or art resources because it's art based, but the focus is on using colors to aid the story, but I thought this was a pretty neat video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXgFcNUWqX0&feature=emb_logo
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I was looking up some moonlight tutorials for an illustration last night. Figured I'd share~ https://tips.clip-studio.com/en-us/articles/1684
https://youtu.be/LokpJy7KHpE Shilin talks about her thought processes when laying out her comic panels
some free flower assets for clip https://assets.clip-studio.com/ko-kr/search?user=miyage3&order=new
Reimena Yee did an interesting thread on the visual language used in comics https://twitter.com/reimenayee/status/1263755464853995521(edited)
sierrabravo (Hans Vogel is Dead)
yess I was hoping someone would put that up here!!! such a good resource
that reminded me of the 22 panels that always work, something I've been trying to utilize more when I get stuck working: https://cloudfour.com/thinks/22-panels-that-always-work-wally-woods-legendary-productivity-hack/
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
It's so reliable, last year I was able to recreate the whole thing using only pre-existing panels from Leif & Thorn. (Then added another row because there were a few other shots I keep coming back to...) https://leifandthorn.com/comic/erin-ptahs-29-panels-that-always-work/
(Note, there's a horizontal scrollbar under the image, since I uploaded the big version.)
found this tutorial/tips on drawing scars that I found useful https://jetfeather.tumblr.com/post/163383759536/i-have-a-hard-time-drawing-scars-how-do-you-do
For those who suffer from pain while drawing: https://twitter.com/lost_paw/status/1271540123688210433
Evil_Chippy (My Hero!)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
@Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§ Here's the brush pack. The one I used is called "Pensona": https://www.deviantart.com/theinkyway/art/Manga-Studio-5-Clip-Studio-Paint-Brush-Pack-619455926
How to draw a lot of books https://twitter.com/yoshida_seiji/status/1200432951671939073
Mentorship directory for this interested in that kind of thing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vfcr_F0utixw7D-rsbUoId1kwU2Ee_c_jXy2r5df-Jc/edit?usp=sharing
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
https://www.lackadaisy.com/exhibit.php?exhibitid=333 A fun tutorial on drawing expressions
A really comprehensive look into the panel border tool in clip https://professorfaf.tumblr.com/post/178927411355/comic-paneling-tools-in-clip-studio-paint Great for beginners but even if you're already acquainted with them it's helpful for finding out things you may not have even realized
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED289uthfNQ&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR1ka0j6gwtFcj5aXS8wIj-zpgwaYiI2ncP-g4Tn6hL0h4VFa-rKn6MM_1Q this is my old illustration instructor who did a tutorial on watercolour if anyone was interested in the medium! her stuff is so vibrant and solid, and i was so happy to have her as my old prof!
Light bounce! https://twitter.com/KikiDoodleTweet/status/1276565894051753984?s=19
https://twitter.com/Ghadaaax/status/1277158331761807360 helpful tips!
cAPSLOCK (Tailslide)
Colorist K Michael Russell has been streaming nightly as he colors pages from comics he's working on, while giving tips and insight into his thought process: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCps08eOJfFRm00TE5LStIIg
Advice on how to utilize speedlines https://youtu.be/Y_3Rbjn_0r0
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I just have to plug this amazing program here: https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/publisher/ It's basically a replacement program for Adobe inDesign, but waaay cheaper. If you're like me and have sworn off Adobe, I highly recommend it. I've been messing with it all day to begin setting up my first volume for print, and I love it so far, especially after trying other budget publishing softwares. Can't recommend it enough.
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
hii! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m8yv10gevqv2x5s/AACVoWTvK-B7qB1yRGUZadB5a?dl=0 Here is a little gallery of fat bodies!
world building tool thing https://www.worldanvil.com/artist i haven't tried it out yet but it looks interesting!
https://twitter.com/soteikat/status/1285036231592558592 takie made some free to use comic resources!
it is a website that shares dimensions for things. Helpful for referencing proportions https://www.dimensions.com/(edited)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I don't necessarily agreed with everything they said, but it's still a good video, and I definitely agree with many of the points they brought up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZQKeHnKK90
Especically the "stop drawing _" advice
I dealt with that a lot in school
5 notes · View notes
angrylizardjacket · 6 years
ask your destiny to dance [17] {Roger Taylor}
It takes Roger exactly two weeks to realise he doesn’t know Ash nearly as well as he thought he did. There’s a lot to glean about a person from their room, and what they say, but not everything, not even close to everything.
“So I guess you’re working tomorrow?” Roger asks, leaning against the bar as Ash polishes a glass. It comes as a surprise when she makes a face, shaking her head. “We’re going on a pub crawl, if you wanna come along then.” 
Ash takes her time before answering, hanging up the glass and pulling another from the rack before she finally speaks.
“I can’t, I’m busy, sorry.” And she sounds... uncomfortable about it. Roger’s never known her to be uncomfortable about anything that didn’t relate to her home life, and she can see the moment he jumps to that conclusion. “I’m going to Paris in the afternoon,” she says quickly, and Roger’s taken aback, “I don’t get home until late; train times, you know?” 
“A day trip to Paris?” He asks, and Maureen leans over to Ash with a small smile.
“Is that where you go on those Saturdays? That’s cute, Ash, little routine trips to France.” She flicks Ash with the end of her tea towel, to which Ash smiles despite herself, blushing and flicking Maureen back.
“Oi, I’m just going to Paris, nothing cute about it. I’m allowed to have hobbies, you know.” She argued back, and Maureen snickered, smiling fondly at the ginger before she tucked her tea towel into her back pocket and went back to cutting lime wedges. “I’m going to The Louvre.” Ash explained to Roger, cheeks still faintly pink.
“The Louvre?” There was a surprise in his voice that Ash had expected, and when she looks up at him, she still seems a bit defensive.
“There’s free entry once per month; first Saturday at six.” She pauses, and when his expression brightens, hers falls and she feels like she’s said too much.
“Do you go every month?” He sounds delighted at the prospect, and Ash wants to defend herself, but then he says, “you shouldn’t be catching the train so late, it’s dark even at six, love, you must get home at like midnight; just let me drive you.”
“Rog, you don’t need to do that,” but her grin is more relieved than anything else, the tension leaving her shoulders as she goes back to her work, “you guys are going out tomorrow, and besides, it’s not like I’ve never done it before.” 
“I can get on the piss with them any time; this only happens once a month.” And the way his words make Ash smile, quietly pleased, he’s already pretty sure it’s going to be worth it.
Things between them have been... weird. Good weird, sure, but that doesn’t make them less weird. They haven’t really had time for an actual date yet, they just sort of show up at each other’s homes and watch TV and make out whenever they don’t have work or rehearsals of a night. It’s been good, it’s felt safe. 
When Ash sits on the curb outside of her dorm, she feels nervous more than anything else. It’s not a feeling she’s used to; she’s never been nervous around Roger before; it takes her probably too long to realise how much she wants this to go well. When he shows up, just after midday, he’s beaming from the second hand station wagon that he’d gotten since recording the album. There’s a map in the passenger seat.
“I’ve driven there before, but not for a while, you’re going to have to direct me.” He advises as she buckles her seat belt, putting her sketchbook and thermos by her feet and unfolding the map.
It’s a long drive, just over five hours, and Ash is nervous for about three of them, which is only compounded by getting lost twice, and eventually Roger pulls over.
“You’ve been tense since I showed up; what’s wrong?” He asks, and Ash sighs heavily, picking up her thermos and pouring herself a small cup of tea.
“I don’t exactly go blabbing about the fact that I make semi-frequent trips to Paris, alright?” Ash admits, and she takes a sip of her drink, looking out through the windshield. Roger’s not sure what that means, how to respond, and after a minute, she adds, “Freddie doesn’t even really know.” And she finishes the tea, putting the thermos back, and Roger’s still quiet. When she finally looks at him, his expression is fondly amused.
“You’ve made me feel all special.” It’s far too genuine to be a joke, and Ash lets herself smile back, rolling her eyes at him.
“Don’t let it go to your head.” She warned, and Roger’s smile sharpened as he pulled back onto the road.
“Too late.” But he reaches over to rest his hand on her knee as she opens the map up again, and her heart grows warm, her anxiety easing. They turn up the radio for the rest of the trip; Ash hums along to the songs she only knows the tune of without too much hassle, yet somehow can’t seem to actually sing a note to save her life. She finishes butchering Elton’s Crocodile Rock at the top of her lungs, and Roger’s sides hurt from laughing, and she’s grinning in a way that means she knows exactly how terrible she is and how much it amuses Roger.
“I have other skills.” She says dismissively, grinning with her nose in the air as the radio host announces another song, and instead of answering, Roger sings along to the radio like he’d written the melody himself. “Showoff.” Ash laughed, and Roger’s eyes crease as he grins.
“I don’t have other skills, I gotta make use of this one.” He replied, lightly, and Ash’s expression softened.
“Oh shut it, you’ve got at least two other skills, probably.” She played along with his joke, watching him as he sings along to the rock song blaring from the radio, and it’s relaxed and easy, and she finds herself wondering why she’d been so worried just a few hours before. 
They hit Paris at a quarter to six, and grab some fast food before heading to the gallery. There’s people everywhere, and the line isn’t exactly short to get in, more than a few of them are uni students like them, looking to get in for free, and Ash says hi to a few; the fact that she goes here enough to know other people who do this regularly to is still something that baffles Roger a little. He’s worried she’s getting nervous again when she takes his hand - they’re not the sort of people who hold hands - but when he looks at her, her eyes are shinning and bright as she looks up at the building; she’s excited. 
Ash goes quiet in the gallery, looking around with wide-eyed reverence at the works around them. They move past the entrance slowly; Ash gazes at the works with their plaques memorised, while Roger reads them, fingers laced with hers. 
“Oh, hello.” Voice reverential, Ash greets a statue at the end of the hall like an old friend, and introduces Roger as such. “This is the Venus de Milo, she’s almost two thousand years old, god, look at that marble work, imagine how sharp it would have looked back then,” and then it’s like she’s opened a floodgate, and she’s tugging him along, rambling along the way about each piece they pass, little facts not on the plaques, things she can cite from the top of her head. Above everything, she’s passionate, pulling out of his grip to clutch her hands to her chest and looking up at headless sculpture of what Roger thinks is an angel, and what Ash clarifies to be The Winged Victory of Samothrace.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” Ash’s moon-eyed gaze was focused on the statue’s marble garments, but Roger’s only got eyes for her. When he doesn’t answer, she looks to him, catches the way he’s smiling at her, and she feels her cheeks heat up. “What?”
“You really love this stuff, don’t you?” It’s a sincere question, and it’s as if he can see her responses flit through her mind, sarcastic, dismissive, an eye roll, flippant, she passes them all, takes a moment to really look at him, taking her time to breathe in the whole situation before responding.
“More than anything.” It’s a sincere answer, and it catches him off-guard. Ash is many things, but unapologetically enthusiastic is not one Roger’s familiar with.
Turning on her heel, Ash leads further in to the gallery, but it’s finally hits him how much this means to her, this place, these works, bringing him here. They’d been together for barely a fortnight, but they both know it’s felt so much longer than that; she’d taken a gamble, bringing him, he has no doubt she’d have left him in London if she didn’t want him to come along, and something tightens in his chest. 
He doesn’t dwell on it, he takes it in stride well enough, peppering her with questions along the way that she seems thrilled to answer. Tucking her arm into his, they make their way through the building, the babbling turning to banter easily as Roger provides his own commentary on each piece as they pass, which serves to make Ash laugh.
They get to a small painting on the top floor with a border that looks bigger than the picture itself, and Ash has gotten quiet again. 
“Who’s this?” Roger asks, the two of them stepping close to get a closer look.
“The Lacemaker.” Ash sounds a little awed, and when he looks down at her, Roger sees how fondly she’s smiling at the little painting. “She’s my favourite.” 
“’course she is, she’s like you.” Roger answers easily, and Ash makes a face, laughing a little self consciously.
“No she’s not, shut up.” She doesn’t sound like she believes him, a bit of a laugh in her words, but she’s resting her head against Roger’s shoulder and he wraps an arm around her.
“Same focus.” Roger muses, and when Ash looks to him, surprise and confusion on her face, he just grins. “When you sew, you’ve got the same look on your face, same focus.” He explains, and there’s something in Ash’s awed expression that he can’t place, and she pulls away from him too fast for him to really identify it.
She’s pretty sure she loves him.
It’s fucking terrifying.
She can’t look at him, stepping out of his grip as she feels tears well in her eyes as her emotions overwhelm her, not that it’s an uncommon occurrence, Ash has never set foot in an art gallery and not cried, but Roger didn’t need to know that. She’d really been doing well today, too. Usually she gets lost in the scope and detail of The Wedding at Cana, or even comes to obsess over the little details of The Lacemaker, but she’s also usually alone and can get away with it. 
“That’s- Rog, that’s really sweet of you to say.” And he can hear in her voice that she’s trying not to believe him, that she can’t let herself believe him. And when she turns back, she’s wiping at her eyes, and he wants to try and comfort her, but she’s already walking past him briskly, leading to the next painting.
“There’s something I’ve... well, I’ve always wanted to try here.” He hears her say, voice firm as if she’s trying to move quickly past whatever the moment she’d just had was. She leads not to the painting, but to one of the weirdly low, backless sofas that are scattered around for people to view the paintings from. This one’s empty; Ash looks around for security, and seeing none, steps up onto it. 
“And what’s that?” He asks with a smirk, the sofa giving her only about two inches of height on him. He doesn’t ask why she’d almost started crying, and for that she’s thankful. Instead, his hands come to rest on her hips, and he’s smiling at her in that way that sets her heart aflutter.
“Don’t ruin this.” She warns very quietly, amused smile on her lips, and Roger quirks an eyebrow.
“Ruin what?” He asks, shooting for innocent, a million different things running through his mind that could make her smile, but would definitely ruin the moment; he bites his tongue. 
Ash cups his face in her hands, and she can’t help but laugh as she leans in to kiss him. It starts sweet and tender, her lips soft against his, but he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close and deepening the kiss. There’s people moving around them, most ignoring them, some stare, but neither of them seem to care. She tastes mostly like the tea she’d sculled in the car when they’d arrived, and she’s got a hand in his hair when he presses kisses from her jaw, trailing down her neck, and she laughs, a little giddy. He pulls back, if only to see her bright eyed and blushing. 
“Let’s go home.” She says softly, and Roger’s never agreed to something so quickly, his heart elated to see Ash giggling and mischievous as they backtrack through the gallery, knowing that he and the art were the things that made her smile like that. 
“I didn’t ruin it.” He sounds a little smug when he says it as they walk through the streets of Paris back to his car, and Ash glances at him out of the corner of her eye, snorting.
“I could see you holding yourself back from a one-liner about pinning masterpieces to walls or something like that; I appreciate your discretion.” She tells him, deadpan, and Roger gives her a self-satisfied grin.
“It certainly wasn’t easy.” He agrees, but she still reaches out and takes his hand. When they get to his car, he goes to head around to the driver’s side, but she pulls him back for a moment, pressing a kiss to his lips. After a moment, he’s got a hand on her hips, pressing her against the side of the car, and she sighs against his lips, her arms around his neck. Her legs slide open easily as she pulls him closer, letting him slide a knee between her thighs.
“Christ,” Roger breaks away from the kiss, murmuring the word against her neck as her nails graze his scalp.
“Thank you for today.” She whispers softly, and he can hear the smile in her words. He presses a kiss to her shoulder.
“Any time, love.” He steps back from her, enough to see her fond smile, and to give one in return, before he heads around to the driver’s side and they both get in the car.
It’s well past midnight by the time they get back, and Ash follows Roger up to his flat with a yawn, flinching as the door opens and Brian, Freddie, and John all greet them with a cheer, obviously taking a pit stop in the middle of their pub crawl.
“I was starting to sober up; the walk between the last pub and the next is directly smack bang in the middle of here.” Freddie claims with a surprising amount of confidence considering his words make no sense.
“No- this place is on the way to the next pub.” John corrects, and Ash has to giggle at the sight and sound of a drunk John Deacon. It never fails to amuse her, he’s surprisingly confident and well spoken.
“Yes! Deaky is right! You two can join us!” Freddie brandishes and subsequently spills on Brian, who’s sitting beside him.
“Go if you want, I’m knackered.” Ash yawns, giving Roger’s shoulder a nudge, moving past him to his room.
“Actually, I think I’m right, I’ve been driving for a while,” Roger says, making to follow Ash, only to hear Freddie boo loudly, and John call out after them.
“Where’d you guys go?” He asks, and Roger answers over his shoulder.
“Art gallery.” He answers, and he hears Ash snort from his bedroom.
“That’s... Rog, that’s surprisingly cute, didn’t know you had it in you.” Brian smiles at him, and Roger feels a little patronised by the pride in his flatmate’s voice. He flips Brian off, along with the rest of them, since John was grinning like the cat who got the cream and Freddie looked like he was three seconds away from actually ‘awe’ing. 
“Did you kids have fun?” Freddie calls, sounding nothing so much like his own mother, wearing a shiteating grin, which only got wider as Roger told him to piss off, slamming the door once he got into his room. 
Ash was standing by his bed, pulling off the shorts she’d been wearing all day, already wearing one of his shirts. Roger can hear the others on the other side of the door already laughing and talking about something else, all three of them trying to convince themselves to get up and move on to the next pub. She gives him an amused smile and Roger just rolls his eyes at his friends’ whole situation.
They don’t speak, though Ash’s yawn triggers one in Roger, and when he’s stripped down to his boxers, she’s waiting for him beneath the covers. When he kisses her, it’s a thank you for the day, and she hums a soft, contented noise against his lips. They’re too tired to even fool around, and Ash wraps her arm around him as he turns to lay on his side, pressing her chest to his back, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade before they fall asleep.
the ususal suspects: @deakydickfanpage @hollyissuchahoe @laueecakee @smittyjaws @crystalshines2909 @i-am-sarah @legendsaresooftenwarnings @2ptonpt @benhardy24-7 @maiilovely @mickey-yr-a-goner @butter-times @heyyouitskay @tired-eyes-fairy-lights @yepimthatperson @missieluvsmurder @ironqueen98 @ceruleanrainblues @banhbao329 @fantasticchaoticwho @ko-kitty @seven-seas-of-hi @mimisfangirlfantasy @aadjuric @rogmobile @cardybenhardy @snacfu @perriwiinkle @the-strange-fan-girl @finite-incantatem-7 @tapetayloe @florencewelchismybiggod
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skizmin · 6 years
you’re my favourite constellation.
stargazing!au, friends to lovers with han jisung
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request from @straybin: Can I request a stray kids jisung friends to lovers star gazing au! Your aus are super sweet I loved the seungmin one!
(thank you so much ily 💝💓💖💕💞💘💗)
alright lets get straight into it
so youre a highschool student with an affinity for astrology, like, you love it
for your birthdays you get astrology books and maps and even once a really cool telescope!!
its just what you love, okay?
anyway, recently youd moved in with your cousin who lived alone and needed a roommate, plus it was closer to your school than your own home.
you parents practically shoved you in there with short notice (at least they were paying rent and grocery expenses) and you were like well okay
you didnt mind your cousin at all, but she can be a bit excitable and overbearing sometimes but you have to deal with it really
“dUDE i gotta show you something follow me”
you were unpacking when your cousin said this, you set down your telescope and followed her out the front door. your cousin lived in an apartment block basically, she was on the third story out of five. there was a very cute young family across the hall from you guys n stuff
anyway she kept going up and up these stairs and you were like where the fUck are we going im so tired
she laughed and said you were almost there and proceeded to push open a big heavy door
you were in complete awe
in front of you was a massive open roof, the setting sun and the wide sky completely in view from all points, and when you looked up? oh my god it just seemed so clear
“you like stargazing dont you? youre allowed to come up here all you want as long as you dont make a ruckus yeah?”
you agreed, smiling W I D E and attacking your cousin in a hug
like,, two weeks later?
you still hadnt gone stargazing on the roof yet
on top of moving in and mid term school, it was a struggle to deal with so you just didnt have the time at the moment
untillll you had a falling out with a friend. it wasnt anything too serious but a few hurtful truths were said and the added stress of everything else going on, it was just overwhelming
so when you got home that afternoon, you packed a small box with your telescope, your notebook and pens, a couple of your astrology study books and two big blankets
then, after you made and ate dinner with your cousin, you made a big cup of hot chocolate (or coffee or tea or a moccha, whatever you prefer) and told your cousin you were going upstairs and youd probably be back late so youd take a key in case she was asleep
your cousin agreed and watched you balance the massive mug and your box in your hands and also the two big pillows you spontaneously grabbed as you walked out
arriving on the roof, you laid everything out, not bothering to set up your telescope just yet and you sat back sipping your hot drink
you didnt know when you started to cry but it happened, and soon enough you where silent sobbing on your own letting out a few sniffles here and there. life was just too busy and overwhelming at the moment
it was about half an hour later when you stopped sobbing, you were still crying, wiping your tears from your face every minute or so, this was when the door to the roof opened and shut
you thought it would just be your cousin so you stayed still and aited for her to find you and comfort you
the the felt a foot hit your thigh and heard a whisper shout of “hoLY FUCK”
you sat up, hastily wiping your tears as you tried to see the dark figure in front of you, they had turned on their torch and were now shining it directly into your eyes
“i am so sOrry i didnt even see you there, were you sleeping? oh god i cant believe i just almost stepped on you- wait? are you crying? oh my god”
it was some sort of god in front of you, you were sure. perfectly tanned skin, gorgeous doe like eyes, soft cheeks and pink lips. you were pretty much mesmerised, even as he crouched down in front of you
“hey, im sorry. i really didnt mean it its just dark out, are you okay? i didnt hurt you did i?”
he sounded so unbelievably guilty that you felt bad, snapping out of it you responded with a choked out “im sorry, im fine, its okay!”
the boy in front of you smiled out of relief, eyes lingering on you before looking at the set-up around you
“im jisung, i live on 2nd floor. i havent seen you around before, i didnt know we had new neighbours”
he looked at you and tilted his head in confusion, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips set in a slight pout. your heartbeat involuntarily picked up at the sight
“oh! im uh- im y/n, i just moved in with my cousin y/c/n, she lives on third floor...” you awkwardly and shyly looked down to the ground, hastily tidying up the mess of notebooks and your hot drink as he replied
“oh! y/c/n! i know her, shes really nice. how old are you? you look a bit younger than her honestly” his brows furrowed further and he smiled lightly when you looked up at him, he was still crouching in front of you
“oh, im 17, she lives closer to my school than my parents and she needed a housemate, so here i am!” you laughed really nervously and looked down at your fingers again
jisung smiled to himself, ah, theyre cute
“oh, im the same age then!” he laughed before looking away slightly, asking the difficult question, “are you sure youre okay? you look like youve been crying,”
dread crushed your chest, he’d seen you crying, this was really embarassing for you
“oh nothing! i was just- uh, i was just a bit stressed is all” you held your breath, hoping jisung wouldnt pry any further, you really didnt want to talk about it
he laughed good heartedly, “ah yeah, we all get a bit like that sometimes. what are you doing up here though? its freezing, are you studying or something? waiT IS THAT A TELESCOPE?!”
it was your turn to laugh, this kid was really positive and seemed to know how to take a hint
“im stargazing! my cousin said i could come up here but, if you need to roof then dont worry ill go down its no porblem”
you looked at his face this time as you spoke and oh my god stop smiling at me like that 
“stargazing? thats so cool! dont worry, i only came up here for some fresh air, my housemates are a bit loud. so what, do you just look at the stars and planets or?” he finally sat dwn next to you. “can you show me a constellation?”
you giggled and nodded, you whole body tingling because of the close proximity of your bodies and the idea of the stereo-typically romantic thing you were about to do. “we need to lay back okay?”
you laid back, he followed, his head was lost to to yours and his hands rested on his stomach, he turned his head to look at you
m i s t a k e
you didnt turn to him. you were bright red at the feel of his breath fanning across your face you kept your head straight on the sky
“now what?” he softly whispered it to you, your stomach violently dipped and your heart practically stopped
youre all “uhhhh uh- well, uh, you just um- see that sorta diamond of stars over there? and then it sorta uh, has a triangle on top?”
jisung follows your line of eyesight and tries to focs on specific stars that make out the shape, he sees it “oH! i see it!”
“yeah, thats lyra, its a harp basically.”
jisung squints and you lightly turn your head to him, not fully, just enough to see his face. “oh, it does look like a harp i guess, whys it there?”
“it represents the lyre of orpheus, who was a greek poet and musician, he was killed though...”
“wow, thats sad but also so cool...” jisungs phone buzzes, you see its a message from someone called minho, asking where he is
“crap, y/n, ive gotta go but um. i really liked talking to you and im really interested in the stars now, it seems like theyve all got stories. would you mind teaching me again sometime?”
he was scratching the back of his neck awkwardly
“oh! um- yeah of course i will, i mean, yeah definitely!”
you realised you didnt have his phone, so you couldnt really get your number for him
he saw you looking and spoke up “uh, maybe just next time, um, come and grab me? my apartment is number 6, im almost always there if im not at school really. just, whenever youre going up and you feel like some company, come knock on the door or something?”
you smiled, the thought made you nervous but you did want to see jisung again. “okay, of course.”
he smiled brightly at you, you cursed your heart again, “great! ill get going then, dont stay for too long okay? youll get a cold.” he stood up and waved to you
“bye jisung!” you call out softly as he walks away
you leave not long after he left, it felt boring on your own suddenly. you didnt even remember youd been crying at all, it felt like a massive weight was lifted off of your shoulders.
you slept so easily that night, dreaming of the stars and jisung.
a week and a half later? it was a friday night 
you were packing your box to go stargazing again when you remembered jisung, you wanted to bring him along with you. he might be busy, but you packed an extra couple of blankets and soem pillows and placed them just inside your door before you went downstairs to go and get him
you were so nervous as you knocked on the door, preparing for utter embarrassment. the door opened up tho
“oh, youre not the complex owner thank god.” you were greeted by someone possibly younger than you, he had reddish hair and a sweet smile. “how can i help you?’
you tried to block out the screeches coming from inside the apartment, you could hear about five voices screaming at once “im uh, im y/n, im from upstairs? i was wondering if jisung was here at all?”
he smirked, like he knew something you didnt. “sure one sec, im seungmin by the way.” he turned away from you and screamed into the apartment “jiSUNG, SOMEONES HERE FOR YOU, HURRY UP.” 
“coMING!!” was heard throughout the apartment followed by a “fELiX gEt ofF Of mE” and seungmin smiled awkwardly at you before a head popped past the wall into the entrance way
“oh! y/n! you came!” he tried to walk over to the door but you noticed a body dragging on his legs.
“jiSUNG PLEASE DO MY CHORES FOR ME.” the boy yelled at jisungs feet
seungmin laughed, looking at you saying “ill leave you to it” before jogging over to a tangled up jisung and who you presumed was felix and tearing felix from jisungs body, dragging him away
“uh, sorry about that, hes lazy and pathetic.” jisung laughed, so did you
“i was just wondering if you were free? i was about to go up to the roof..”
jisung smiled brightly, “of course, let me get my coat and phone.”
once he was ready you two went up to your apartment, you told him to come in and wait a bit while you made him a hot drink of hit choice, then you grabbed some pillows and your box and you both walked up the remaining flights of stairs to the roof
it was the beginning of a tradition really, youd go down and grab him, his housemates would call for him as soon as the saw you, before he left theyd whisper things into his ear that made him blush but you simply shrugged it off
after about two months of going up to the roof together, you admitted to yourself that you liked him
a lot
you liked his smile, his voice, how he was endlessly making you happy, you liked he warmth of when hed lie next to you and the way he’d rest a hand on your lower back, guiding you up the stairs. you liked his goodbye hugs and the way he’d hold your hands the one week you couldnt find your gloves. you liked how he was so interested in the stars like you, but you considered giving up looking at the sky to simply look into his eyes because they held galaxies within them. you liked the way he’d whisper your name to check if you were awake and the gentle touch of his fingertips when he brushed your hair out of your eyes
you liked him so much, you couldnt deny it. it crushed you in a way, you thought he would never like you back, and you increasingly got more nervous and drifted away bit by bit
one night, you were up on the roof and jisung sighed loudly, you asked him what was wrong
“can i rant a little bit? please?” jisung had puppy eyes as he sat up and looked at you, you sat up as well and nodded for him to go on
“ah, this is hard,” he started before looking at the pot plants next to your set up that were the centrepiece of the rooftop, 
“i um, basically i like this uh, this person right? i like them as more than a friend,” your heart clenched and dropped to your stomach. oh. this was heart break. “we’ve been friends for a while and i thought, well, yeah i thought id been quite obvious with my feelings. i hoped that their shyness was them maybe reciprocating my feelings but? maybe not. lately theyve just-”
jisung huffed and looked up at you again, your heart got caught in your throat, you could see he was nervous about telling someone about his crush and he looked sad talking about the unfortunate circumstances
“theyve been distancing themselves from me. they flinch away we i try to be more affectionate and- and they just dont seem like they like me anymore. not even in a romantic way, in a friend way. and im just upset i guess. ive never ever liked someone this much before, every night im filled with these feelings of just wanted to cuddle with them and take them on dates and hold their hands and- and kiss them. the whole package. it hurts, y/n. why dont they like me?”
the sad feeling you was feeling showed in your voice as you replied. “youre a great person jisung, theyd be an idiot not to like you, seriously. i cant think of someone more deserving of love than you.” you tried to nervously look into his eyes
“then why dont they like me y/n? no one ever likes me.” he was still looking down onto the ground
“i like you jisung.” 
oh no
oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no W O R D   V O M I T
you clenched your eyes shut, your heart was beating rapidly, you cant believe you just said that when hed just been speaking about liking someone else. you wanted to cry, to bury yourself alive, anything to get out of that situation.
“really? what?” he snapped his head up, staring at you wide eyed and shocked
“nevermind jisung, forget i said it, i didnt mean to make it awk-”
jisung cupped your cheeks, you felt his warm palms and cool fingertips before you felt his lips, slightly chapped yet soft
your mind was going crazy, you barely managed to move your lips along with jisungs before he parted away, still holding your cheeks and smiling widely
“out of all the stars in this world, youre the brightest y/n.”
you died inside before realising he liked you, all the things he said earlier were about you
jisungs eyes were hopeful, happy, loving, especially when you smiled at him so purely
“jisung, kiss me again.”
and he did, pulling you into his lap and letting you tangle your fingers into his hair
he even kissed you outside your apartment, giggling in happiness and tugging you into his body before saying goodbye
jisung couldnt remember a time he’d been this happy, and honestly, neither could you.
finish!! hope you liked it omg
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travellerfufi-blog · 5 years
Go Bushwalking in the Blue Mountains
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Just two hours west of the clamoring metropolitan city that is Sydney lies a desert spring of nature known as the Blue Mountains Tuning in to a kookaburra above you in a rambling old blue gum tree taking in perspectives from misleading bluffs and gorges that could put the Grand Canyon to disgrace this World Heritage recorded site makes for an extraordinary day trip from the city To truly encounter it be that as it may remain at any rate a couple of evenings and appreciate some climbing or bushwalking in the expressions of local people
The Blue Mountains are a bushwalkers heaven There is something to suit everybodys dimension of wellness and trails are well-checked going from short a couple of kilometer strolls up to the Six Foot Track a strenuous three-day climb from Katoomba to the Jenolan Caves
Theres numerous incredible assets online for discovering strolls so I wont attempt to imitate Rather view
• Bluemtscomau
• Visitnswcom
On the off chance that after some thought the possibility of trekking through the hedge in a precarious sloping condition doesnt interest you dread not the towns of Katoomba Leura or Blackheath are loaded with comfortable bistros for resting with a tea (or something more grounded)
The Blue Mountains envelop an immense zone of land yet most guests will make the town of Katoomba their first port of call From Sydneys inside Katoomba is best come to from Central Station along the Blue Mountains Line Your Opal card will get you there as the mountains are a piece of Sydneys train arrange and will set you back between $5-$10 contingent upon time of day and two hours of your time
In case youre driving Katoomba is anything but difficult to access from the Great Western Highway and stopping can normally be found
Bushwalking Safety Tips
While bushwalking is ok for grown-ups and kids alike it merits remembering a couple of security tips before setting off particularly on the off chance that you are not an accomplished explorer
• Always told somebody where you are going and when you hope to return To help with this check in with National Park Service and they will credit you at no cost a Personal Locator Beacon with GPS On the off chance that you dont return by a set time they can utilize this to discover you-while ideally it wont end up like that its consoling to have that genuine feelings of serenity
• The climate in the mountains can rapidly change from downpour to cold to sweltering warmth so verify a definite estimate before setting It can change uncontrollably from Sydneys climate so look at online here before heading
• Follow the checked trail signs and remain on the trail for your own security and dont think little of the trail appraisals Further developed trails may expect you to shake climb or cross uneven or troublesome landscape so stick inside your solace level The National Park Service and data focuses can give maps and suggest which strolls would best suit your dimension related article
• Take along essential emergency treatment supplies for example swathes for rankles or cuts headache medicine just as the rudiments a lot of water a wide-overflowed cap sunscreen camera and well-worn-in shoes
After you (and your throbbing legs) have had their fill of strolling there is bounty more to see and do to possess your time in the mountains In the event that you havent seen it yet set aside a few minutes to look at The Three Sisters a surprising rock development situated in Katoomba the principle township of the Blue Mountains Native legend advises that three sisters were gone to stone to shield them from undesirable male consideration from an adjacent clan and they stay there to date
While shocking on any crisp morning the Three Sisters are particularly stunning at late evening or early night light Then again this is an extraordinary time for photography by and large in Australia
While in Katoomba look at the vintage shops bistros and cafés and the workmanship deco design or fly into the Carrington Hotel for a mixed drink All things considered this lodging has a premonition likeness to the Overlook Hotel a la the Shining yet the inside has been carefully reestablished to the turn-of-the-century Victorian style of its prime
Picturesque World albeit touristy merits a visit The Scenic Railway brings you down (and up) from the guest focus to the woods underneath and the Scenic Skyway is a mind blowing approach to see the mountains from above (albeit presumably not for the timid or the individuals who have a dread of gondola links snapping) previous article
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vellihor · 6 years
選擇 ° chpt 3.
genre 》 skz mafia!au
word count 》 1380
warning 》 angst, violence, gore, etc.
all eyes were on hyunjin as he walked down the stairs with his eyes barely open. all of us were gathered on the couch after breakfast, watching variety shows on the television. and as usual, hyunjin was the last to wake up. so we paid no attention to him as he stumbled his way into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.
"yubin is in the kitchen," felix told hyunjin. hyunjin only replied with a disconcerned grunt.
"tune in into our daily morning show of hyunjin and yubin fighting over nothing early in the morning," jisung said to those seated in the living room.
a minute has passed and there hasnt been shouting or any sound coming from the kitchen. all of us exchanged glances with each other. and all of a sudden all of us were scrambling to get to the kitchen.
the sight infront of us was extraordinary. neither of us believed it. hyunjin was seated at the kitchen counter with yubin opposite of him, eating breakfast. all of us frowned in confusion.
"ok what the fuc-" jisung broke the silence, only to be silenced by changbin and dragged away.
"lets not disturb them. let them try to get along." changbin said, letting go of jisung.
"no you dont get it. we are not the ones disturbing them. THEIR behaviour is the one disturbing us." jisung whisper-shouted.
" we can hear you jisung," yubin said from the kitchen.
"its not a bad thing that theyre getting along." chan said while walking up the stairs.
"meeting at third floor 10am later. nobody is to be late."
"wait,, thats in one minute." seungmin pointed out.
"oh shi-"
and thats how we ended up in the conference room seated around the huge mahogany meeting table. hyunjin's mouth stuffed with toasted bread and me still holding my cup of coffee.
"gee thanks for the heads-up captain," i grumbled under my breath, while staring at chan.
chan carries on setting up his laptop, unbothered. when he turns around, an unfamilar map flashes on the projector screen. we all turn to minjung for the map analysis. i see minjung cock her eyebrow while scanning the map.
"h&h corps. hq? why?"
she points out after recognising the layout of the buildings. chan chuckles and the screen blacks out and shows an infrared video, probably from a cctv.
at first, there was nothing significant happening. just a few security guards on night guard duty, patrolling the compound. until we see several trucks entering the compound, only to leave the compound half an hour later.
"in these recent months, h&h corps. have been lying on the down low after their alleged money laundering lawsuit. but these trucks have been coming and going into the h&h hq in the middle of the night. plus their shares have been skyrocketing. yet the investigating team cant find any evidence of them doing shady business. dont you find anything about this fishy?" chan briefs us. silence falls over all of us as we ponder over the possiblities.
i sip my coffee and stare at the video replaying. until something in the video catches my eye. i walk to the front where the computer is and pause the video. intrigued, the members watched as i continue staring at the paused video, gears turning in my head.
"chan, i need a team of four to take with me. we set off tonight." i look at chan directly into his eyes.
chan seems to consider my outburst. he then nods ever so slightly and gestures to the members.
"take your pick."
"remember, dont attract unnecessary attention and watch out for the shadows." i emphasized as we crouched by the wall beside the guard house.
"you know yubin,, just in case you forgot,, you havent told us what on earth are those shadows." hyunjin turned to look at me.
"wait wheres jisung?"
i look around and i only see woojin, hyunjin with their backs plastered onto the walls. jisung's voice came through the earpiece.
"dont worry i will meet up with you guys after this."
i breathe out a sigh of relief. just then, i see movement in the dense forest infront of me. i squint and try to follow the moving figure. the figure was clad in black but i caught a flash of gold around the neck. the figure disappeared into the forest yet again.
"did you guys see that?" i asked the two guys beside me.
"see what?" woojin replied.
"nothing. nevermind." i shook my head.
just then, the gate opened and a line of eight trucks appeared around the corner. they all stopped before the gate and the security guards walk to each of the trucks with flashlights.
the three of us each get under different trucks. i grab the nooks and crannies of the engine on the underside of the truck, lifting myself off the the ground.
"ah fuck im getting tired already yubin. how is this a good idea." hyunjin whined through the earpiece.
before i could reply him, woojin snapped back at him, "suck it up hyunjin."
soon enough, the trucks started moving through the gates and into one of the buildings inside. the moment the trucks stopped, i released my hold and dropped onto the ground. footsteps were everywhere. i rolled away from the truck and ran towards the nearest crate.
there were easily a hundred men in the warehouse moving the crates into the eight trucks. the sides of the crates were stamped with some kind of symbol. it seemed way too familiar. i couldnt place my finger on it.
"yubin where are you? the trucks are moving off soon. we are outside the gates already." woojin's urgent voice snapped me out of my daze.
i shuffle my way along the huge crates, towards the gates. hearing some hushed voices speaking, i stop in my tracks and eavesdrop the conversation.
"tomorrow......6pm........kim.......gym" i scrunched my nose in confusion. i couldnt make out most of the words. the trucks were already fully loaded. i peeked around the corner of the crates, trying to take a look of how they look. i only saw a man in a suit back-facing me. as i tried to look for more distinct features. i see a tattoo on his neck. suddenly he turns around, i quickly fling myself back behind the crates. i sprint out of the warehouse and all the way to the fence at the side.
"guys, im outside, just over the fence. i need more information. i will find you later."
"wait where the fuck are you going?"
the time was about half past three midnight and it was pretty dark out. i scanned my surroundings and i was pretty sure i saw jisung in the bushes a few metres down the road.
my eyes wandered about in my dark surroundings and as my eyes landed on a big tree with huge overhanging branches. i smiled to myself and slowly made my way towards the tree as stealthily as i could. seungmin's voice came through the earpiece. the trucks were coming in my direction in five minutes. i quickly climbed the tree and positioned myself on a branch, hidden by the leaves.
just in time, the trucks appeared around the corner. i waited in anticipation and when the lights along the street went out, i thanked minjung secretly.
i let myself drop on top of the last truck. the intercom crackled.
"genius what were you thinking? you just alerted them to an ambush."
"shut up hwang. i dont need your bullshit now."
i gripped the side of the truck and swung my legs into the driver's seat, successfully kicking the driver in the face and knocking him out cold. gripping the steering wheel, i saw jisung on a motorcycle in the rearview mirror, being followed by two black vans. i cursed under my breath.
"jisung, you got a tail on your four and eight. im taking eight."
hyunjin appears behind the two vans and pulls out his pistol. jisung skillfully dodges the bullets that come flying past him.
before i could even look back to see what had happened, i was already back at the warehouse. i jumped out from the driver's seat and dragged the unconscious man out from the truck.
"what do we do with him?" i asked chan.
"white room," he replies.
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Making the Pit Area
On the 20th of September I began work on the pit section that would serve as the introduction to the gameplay within our game. I started by making the deferred decal textures that I would use to guide the player though the space. These were not difficult, and I quickly moved on to modelling the basic blocks I would be using to create the jumping puzzle. I knew I wanted to go for a simple geometric shape that was worn down and beaten about. This was inspired by the games Destiny and Destiny 2 where the Vex would have monolithic geometric structures constructed out of detailed, yet basic, primitive shapes. 
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I took a primitive cube, subdivided it, sculpted some dings and scrapes into it and added a single face bevel to the edges. This keeps with the theme of simplistic geometric shapes within the game but the damage, combined with a detailed material, gives the prop a clean, yet sophisticated look. They were often many times the size of the player in terms of scale and so added to the monolithic sense of hte game area.
 All the cubes were aligned with the world space axis in units of 90 degrees. This helped on a practical level so that the cubes would line up flush to one another and it gave the whole scene a sense of order in relation to each other. There are two cubes, one 2x1 rectangle and four quarters of and 2x2x1 with a negative cylindrical hole. This piece means I can make curved ramps, arches, tubes or half, cylinder shapes.
  I started by making a basic jumping route, tested it a bit and tweaked some distances and scales, added some more, and got team members to test it. The whole process was shorter than I expected, I got most of the structure done in a day or two and polished it in another day or two. This also meant that not only myself, but the team was happy with the layout. Level layout should not technically be my job anyway as an environment artist and not a gameplay designer, but I was happy to help.
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The tricky but was the lighting after. As the space is quite dark because of it being down a deep well, I wanted to play on the concept of having it so dark that the player can only see the essentials of the platforming experience, this would limit their need to explore and work well with the whole motif of the game where the player begins by falling into a pit of darkness and ends by being shot out of the top on into the blazing sunlight.
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Again, I looked to the Destiny games to see how they did some of thier dark levels, and I remembered a specific boss fight (the Sunless Cell Strike) where the three players have to fight in a completely dark cavern where the only light comes from the boss itself and players when they activate abilities.
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Our player character lights up when it uses abilities, but I knew that this would be ridiculous to require the player to move in order to see. I settled for framing key jumps with light (like how Wheatley does in portal 2)
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and guiding players with glowing particle clusters.
 The biggest problem with this was the iris settings on the game camera. The desert by nature is  a bright place and my bottom of the well scene is about as close to absolute dark black as I can get. I could balance the exposure of the post processing volume to look current at low light but as soon as the camera looks at the pool of fluid ability pick up thing, the images would darken to compensate for the bright material. It was a water material which in the past ive found to have used emisive channels however, in this particular material, there was not emisive. It was not technically emitting any light, yet it was the brightest thing in the room. It still is as I havent found a fix for it yet. I tried replacing the empty node with 0 and that doesnt work. I tried having and internal space ppv and an external space ppv with exposure looked on both but i couldn't get those to balance out smoothly ether. The last thing I have left to try is to increase the ambient light level in the space with a couple of point lights and balance it out the exposure in the ppv. This would bring the values closer to what the exterior conditions would be as well.
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It was about this time we had the GDM playtest. I was manning another game project I was also part of but was right beside this project was well low key listening to feedback that was being given regarding the work i had done. That afternoon I had added the most light that area had ever had since I started working on it to the point where it was almost too bright for the tension I had planned. This was after that morning some of my colleagues started to complain that it was too dark as I think they were expecting a light and breezy platforming adventure without realising this was the darkest, lowest point of the sentient tower and of the game itself. We also added a point light to the player character that was always on and cast some slightly creepy shadows on the player characters face. So I would stand beside the game while watching another and hear a few players mention how dark it is. Then I would have three colleagues come up to me and get my attention and and tell me its too dark. And this would happen again, and and again and again. I would go home and come back the next day to work on something else and I would have three or so more people tell me by the way the level is too dark, fix it. I would go home for the weekend and have my phone periodically light up with chat to do with the project and, did you know, we had lots of people say the level is  too dark. I get to Uni on a Monday to add more light to the level. Before I get my laptop out to even open the project I get told the levels too dark, you might want to fix the lights in the first area, learn to light a level.
I finally get to edit the lighting in the level and find that its simply the settings form the build we used to showcase hadn't carried over from what I had designed.
This kind of communication behavior is unacceptable and beyond irritating. It try to be patient with my team and receive criticism well but I cannot stand constantly being told information I already know, especially without being able to do anything about it. I know this kind of thing never happened when I was leading Project Kowhai.
At the moment I am working on fixing the lighting for the entire map as the directional lights and dynamic sky blueprint from the GDM demo build are glitching. Once thats fixed I can add and balance the first scene like I had intended to do.
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D. (2018, July 20). Destiny 2: How to Get Whisper of the Worm - Exotic Sniper Rifle Guide. Retrieved October 8, 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRewTTLRkYk&feature=youtu.be
I. (2015, September 15). Destiny: The Taken King - Sunless Cell Strike Mission. Retrieved October 8, 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWLP0JXcrpo
I. (2011, May 21). Portal 2 Walkthrough: Chapter 5 The Escape. Retrieved October 8, 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm2bu9HezEE
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justahalfling · 7 years
Vaishu finally watches... Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
Yes its liveblogging time again! Here goes...
I feel bad for that elephant (i know its CGI but like). bruh that elephant just wants out of the land of crazy humans
oh great Baahu never a moment of not looking good huh... he could do with some depth in his character, but its only the first few min of the movie so I’ll withhold judgment for now
wow Mommy’s boy™
ewwwww bijjaladeva is so gross in the head wtf killing your own wife dude go get therapy for chrissakes
lmao Kattapa fucking rekt yall!!! Someone call the ambulance woo eee woo eee woo eee (sound of an ambulance, if you couldnt tell)
i have to say... rana has a really nice butt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but seriously, need to get me a girl like that
oooh someones has a crush (its me. also baahu)
robust appearance.... lmao
okay the wild boar scene is funny and all but like... why cant the lady win for once why does the guy always have to one up her
i love how much of a loser kumara varma is, he is highly #relatable
boi did you literally get hit by a bull to keep your identity secret so that you can tease her properly. literally what.... straight people are so weird
how is devasena a literal goddess in every scene. how. ((pls be my wife))
i really like this song and i vibe HEAVILY with the aesthetic here. i love the clothes give the costume department an award already
look at bhalla’s content at the whole scheme why do you have to be like this dude. #beadecentdude2k17
look here Sivagami i love you and i would literally die for you but promising a girl’s hand in marriage without her consent is not cool bruh. dont be an accomplice in the crimes of patriarchy and sell out your fellow women like this.
she is literally the “I will not hesitate, bitch.” kinda gal
wow sudden hero kumara varma good for you mah dude
wow them cows though... (better watch out for the BJP lmao dont kill me for that joke)
my boi... he was wearing armor underneath... how XTRA ™ can you get
I love devasena so much my homegirl. MY BAE. even if she likes the guy she is not going to submit to the patriarchy. you go girl
wow they have such great chemistry. its better than avanthika and baahu jr’s chemistry 
i love how she kisses first. yes girl make the first move!!! go get yo man! 
wow that flag breaking is very... omimouse (not a typo thats just the word ominous in vaishu language)
but seriously is that supposed to mean something? im too dense to get it. is it that she has to break off her loyalty to kuntala now
Devasena is just like “you see this right here bitches? this is a no bullshit zone. no bullshit allowed yo”
“agangaram as alangaram” amazing line 10/10
but like that isnt even temerity. its literally standing up for her rights though
dont people write the names of the potential groom? why are you people like this
oh wow the coronation scene is amazing. all the military stuff is cool. and the symbolism of the cheers making stuff come crashing down. good job rajamouli you played this well
what do you mean you’re just a slave. bro if you had to act as wingman you best believe youre family now. stop with that hierarchy bullshit its so uncomfortable for me to see
MOM NO *cries forever*
wow when bhalla was like “a pregnant woman doesnt want riches or possessions... she only wants her husband’s embrace” my gutter brain almost thought he was going to give them a bed or some fertility thing like a creep. but that thing he said already made my creep radar go crazy
you’re literally the worst my dude the worst
deva is such a firecracker holy shit i LOVE HER 
ewww that is so gross. dude i will break your hand. i will break it and set it on fire. i am not joking. 
well you did my job deva so anyways.... ufos more like identified flying fingers amirite... heh heh
but didnt ancient india invent plastic surgery anyways i dont see whats the huge deal here
i cant believe im saying this but devasena would make a much better ruler than sivagami. in fact i personally think she would even be better than baahu. girl’s got her priorities right 
its interesting how baahu has a moon pottu and bhalla has a sun pottu. one would think the positions would have been reversed. maybe they wanted to show that baahu was more nurturing and stuff. but like. its sunlight that grows plants? anyways.
wow no you got it all wrong. “scorned the laws”? dont you know the highest form of patriotism and responsible citizenry is criticism!! what the literal fuck, why are you like this. i loved you so much why would you do this
wow baahu busting out some engineering skills right there. why is this the first time im seeing this. most of the times hes like a big fuck you to physics. but like engineering ex machina i suppose
man hes so tall he has to bend down so the lady can pat his head LMAO idk this is adorable. this reminds me of the time i was scrolling though the baahubali tag and someone called the beefcake that is prabhas a “smol bean”. wtf tumblr
omg bhalla let a guy live. so not cool mah dude
baahu has such a magnificent mane. he has better hair than me what the hell
bhalla is so fucking rude... how can you choke your actual dad... granted he’s the reason why youre like this
wow and treating a disable person like that... why are you literally so vile
why is he suddenly turning on his son... THIS IS HIGHLY SUSPECT
oh my god this is such a tire fire what the heck
man i would have said yes and just run far far away if i was kattapa
its so sad to watch this when you know its all going to end horribly
oh my god “as long as you’re by my side no man has been born yet to kill me” well this line killed me so
cant you follow your moral code instead! is your allegiance to the throne so important! an innocent man cant go through punishment like this its wrong
oh my god this is so sad
also uhm i just realised that baahu has wonder woman bracelets
that was the most dramatic death scene ive ever watched. it gave me the chills.
WOAH bhalla is SO messed up in the head good god
look this is all well and good but you should really wash and disinfect your hands before touching babies... as i always like to say, common sense is not so common
aw baby promise that is so cute
omg he called him grandpa that is so adorable
omg devasena i love you so much 
okay but dont forget your adopted parents too
they dont have weapons! they cant succeed by their will alone! what i would do is create like an elite task force and infiltrate the place. boi you need some strategy. a map of the citadel at least
holy shit devasena is not to be messed with my lady literally carrying a dude’s head
that is so fucked up man the people behind this movie went so hard. they didnt have to but they went so hard
wow that was smurt
okay where is avanthika though dont tell me she stayed home
that is so.... creative...
omg i love the grandpa and grandson duo SO CUTE when he calls him “thatha” man grandparents are wonderful my thatha is so excited for me to get a job and i havent even entered uni yet (okay side tracking here)
is his own classic tyrant statue gonna kill him cause i think it will. im calling it now everyone. poetic justice okay
aw her future daughter in law protecting her 
oh yea the statue didnt kill him sadly
shes stepping on his face omg the symbolism
ripping out his heart omg how grosser can you get
omg is that... a blood abhishekam.... i have no words..
YAASS GAUNTLETS (but seriously... wonder woman)
Avanthika looks gorgeous and aw its his Ma 
thats... baahu thats water pollution you cant do that
wow poetic justice huh
that was... amazing wow
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tumblunni · 7 years
Oh yeah I TOTALLY FORGOT to talk about environmental monsters lol
Okay well what I mean is.. in games with enemies roaming on the map, why don’t we ever see them doing anything? They only ever home in on you when they see you. Everyone in the entire world does nothing except run screaming at you to initiate a battle. No matter what the enemy is, no matter what the story is, no matter the genre. its even rare to see minimal differences like some enemies running and hiding, or whatever.
And like.. i can understand this in some genres, at least. In some genres ‘creating a vivid world’ isn’t really a priority, or there’s an actual reason for all the enemies to attack on sight, like if its a stealth game infiltrating a base. or it might just be hardware engine limitations of the time. i think the majority of this trope used to be because it wasnt possible to do anything else on those consoles, and its stuck around even on more powerful consoles just cos its “a tradition”... I think this idea could specifically be very useful in monster-catching games, where the goal is to find them and gain their power. Having ones that appear on the map and run away or hide would be a better form of challenge than some of the bullshit in pokemon where there’s a 0.5% of fishing up a certain fish only on five tiles out of 140. And like.. the weaker more basic ones could just stand around doing cute animations instead of chasing you down. Chasing you down is only a challenge instead of an annoyance when the chaser like.. actually poses a threat. For minor monsters where the aim is literally just “allow player to enter this encounter” then.. do that. They can stand still in a predictable spot so its easier, and they can have cute animations so it doesnt draw attention to the fact they’re just standing there. Plus there’s loads of other ways you could make it difficult to get them! like ones that camoflage with the scenery or have different movement patterns for their escape, or only appear under specific conditions!
but BASICALLY the concept i mean here is that... I want to run through a field and see monsters everywhere I want to be able to run past ones that don’t attack I want to see them interacting with their environment as if it’s real I want encounters that’re possibly completely optional I want to be able to find little secrets of monsters being cute that i can take a screenshot of i want a world that’s memorable as if its a travel trip i want all the fun of actual animal-watching!!! ^_^
* Peaceful grazing herbivores in a field. * Shake bushes or flip over rocks to find smaller bug monsters. * Flying monster that can only be caught during a brief window of time when it swoops down to eat smaller monsters. you have to find which small prey is marked as its next target, by seeing a shadow overhead. And then when you engage that prey in battle, instead you get the rare flyer! kinda like the shaking grass that gives you audino in pokemon BW? * Monsters hiding up in trees who only emerge when they cant see you, and jump back up when they can. So you have to avoid their line of sight and wait until they appear, or set traps for them. * Similar sort of thing with monsters in burrows? But you could perhaps get a shovel item to bypass this restriction, at the cost of permenantly destroying that monster spawn spot. You’d get a horde battle with all of the rabbits at once and they’d be angry and harder to catch.
* Possibly having to balance ecosystem stuff like that? you can only fight a certain amount of a certain monster during a single adventure, and have to wait various different times for them to respawn. Perhaps areas have sorts of levels for the ecosystem too, so stronger monsters with higher chances of rare abilities would start appearing if you favor a certain area a lot. And maybe a few choices at certain levels where you could kinda customize it? like go on a quest to improve one part of the ecosystem which will increase the amount of one monster and decrease another. Or there’s two rare species that have just been sighted but theyre competing for the same territory and only one of them will stay- you get the choice of which side to help out.
* Possibly monsters who have rivalries! If you happen to initiate a battle with one monster while its predator is within eyesight, it’ll join the battle and help you fight against it. or you might have certain monsters that’re rare because they spawn near their predator and you have like a time limit to catch it before the other monster does. or maybe lesser rivalries instead of eating each other- like two different patterned variants of peacock who do elaborate dance battles! Thei AI could switch from peaceful to aggressive whenever there’s more than one of them together.
* Possibly monsters could have schedules? like, a time-based system of changes for this ecosystem. More than just only finding certain ones at night, they’d all have their own set walk-routes of being available in different sections of the area depending on the time of day. Figure out the brief time window for a very rare creature, and enjoy that satisfying feeling of pulling off a successful ambush. And maybe different cute idle animations that make you feel like they have a life outside of when you’re there. See the wildebeast herd making their daily trip to the watering hole, see birds digging up worms, see baby lion cubs playing chasing games together while mama and papa watch~! This would work really well with having an integrated screenshot system, and maybe some achievements for getting certain rare photo ops? * Maybe this could also relate to the rivalries? like, have two monsters whose schedule runs on wildly different timescales, and only matches up once in a full moon to have them both competing over the same food source in the same area.
* A good hints system would probably be necessary if we’re gonna pull this off. Or at least a logbook that keeps track of details you’ve already found about each monster. Encounter it at a certain time of day and its written down now, etc. And have a general idea of how many different times and different behaviours you havent found yet. * Could have various npcs who reward you for different things instead of just for catching X monsters or defeating X monsters. Like ones who just want you to find out what time you can find that monster, or what its favourite food is so they can lure it. these could help give you the hints towards finding rarer secrets!
* Hoarder monsters. A rare archetype which can reward you for finding their nest during a time that theyre NOT there! Like squirrels burying their nuts or magpies stealing shiny and potentially valuable things. You have a chance of scoring a bunch of useful items, even if it makes you feel like a bit of a jerk. * Monsters who’re sleeping on the world map and you have to sneak past them to not wake them up (if theyre dangerous) or sneak up to them instead (if theyre ones that normally run away) * Possible ability to lure in monsters by throwing food, or chase them away with stuff like smelly salts or items theyre scared of. (Giant cat: *no like banana*)
* Pet button. not many monsters are tame enough to just accept it immediately, outside of the ones in the basic tutorial area. But it can be super rewarding to win a monster’s trust and be able to do this! It’d be like a small chance of capturing them without a battle, and be boosted by taking various actions that particular monster likes. * Maybe not all of them are as simple as just giving them food they like and being unthreatening? There might be monsters who respond positively to ‘bad’ actions, like ones who respect you for seeming tough and simply think you’re too boring to deal with if you seem unthreatening. Maybe even ones who want to see you prove yourself in battle? So if you fight enough other monsters in the area, suddenly all these ones start following you around cutely and practically forcing theirself into your team! Oh, and also maybe if you defeat the predator or rival of a certain monster?
* Similarly, other forms of affection and temporary allyship you can have with monsters even before you catch them. Like maybe monsters that’re teetering on the edge of trusting you might display certain behaviours to try and convince you to catch them, and then you can benefit from that for a little while before they get frustrated and leave. The ones who respect your toughness might join you in fights as a guest party member, or reward you with an item for every fight you finish within their time limit. * Probably the most common and useful temporary allyship would be mountable wild monsters! Cos I’m thinking maybe how many mons in your party would be determined by ‘party points’ or something, rather than each taking up one slot. mount monsters are bigger so you could take one of them or like six small monsters for the same amount of upkeep. Finding a good reliable mountable wild mon and bringing all the stuff you need to befriend it will help you cut costs on your adventure! Tho probably they have more limited abilities compared to a tamed mount, like worse obedience and stuff.
* The design of this monster is something I’m gonna enter into a kickstarter backer reward thing, so i probably won’t be able to still use it in other projects afterwards. But here’s the idea I had for that Sombul monster if it was in a game style like this! I was thinking it could be one of those sleeping on the map type monsters, but also it fights back with sleep magic when awakened. So it just puts you to sleep and then falls back asleep next to you XD There could probably be other monsters that evade you using other techniques instead of regular fighting. Various sorts of stunning or weakening your attacks, so they can run away while you’re distracted! But I think Somnul in particular would be super cute if it doesn’t even run away afterwards. Its just like the ultimate no-sell “NO FIGHTING” monster who you can only catch by befriending it. And even its no-sell just has it cuddle up to your sleepy self and take a nap too~ Probably its befriending technique would be to just sit down next to it and go to sleep on your own. I know i’d really wanna just lay around and watch the monsters frolicking in a game like this~ Weird ghostie friend admires your napping technique! It joined your party! Woo!
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