#having beta readers/going for a more subdued style really helped
secretmellowblog · 1 year
Tomorrow I will be posting a Les Mis fanfiction largely inspired by this post!
Unlike everything I’ve written before, it’s beta read and also written in a style a bit closer to Victor Hugo’s. Mark your calendars, etc etc 😂
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lokimostly · 5 years
Polaris (Ch.2/?)
Loki x Reader, Pirate!AU Word count: 3,707 Warnings: mentions of blood, angst Summary: Your life has always been set in stone. Born to a wealthy merchant family in the Caribbean, you’ve spent your years as an heiress in the daytime, escaping at night to wander the streets of St. Thomas. Now, on the eve before your life settles into mundanity for good, you discover someone who could change everything– if you choose to trust him, that is.
A/N: Tag list is open! Sorry for any typos, I really need a beta reader, lol. Enjoy!
Previous Chapter ~ Chapter Three ~  Chapter Four ~ Chapter Five ~  Chapter Six ~ Chapter Seven ~ Chapter Eight ~ Chapter Ten ~ Chapter Eleven ~ Chapter Twelve ~ Chapter Thirteen ~ Chapter Fourteen
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“Daughter, if we don’t leave now, we’re going to be late!”
“It’s not like it starts without me!” You snapped. You heard your father let out an exasperated noise, quickly followed by his footsteps down the hallway, and then they disappeared entirely. He’d given up fighting with you for the meantime, it seemed.
One of the maids your father employed stuck her head cautiously through your open door like she was peeking into the lair of a waking dragon. “Miss, would you like any help–”
“– I’m fine,” you replied curtly. “You may go.”
She dismissed herself with a relieved expression.
You returned your gaze to the vanity mirror in front of you. You didn’t look anything like yourself. Your hair had been tousled with and brought to heel, stacked so high that you felt like you might topple over if you leaned your head the wrong way. Your face was painted with vermillion, cheeks unnaturally red. Your lips were pigmented, too– they tasted sour and metallic when you ran your tongue over them.
You stared at yourself. You looked miserable. Your eyes dropped to the ornate set of jewelry that had been laid out for you on the vanity. You sighed noisily and reached up to the mountain of hair, searching for the clips that held it so carefully in place. If you were going to be forced into a corset, an obnoxiously heavy dress and even heavier jewelry, you had to compromise somewhere. Besides, how was your future fianceé supposed to know what you looked like if he couldn’t see your real features?
You paused with a hair clip between your fingers. Huh. You’d never thought about your betrothed before. Not as a person, at least – he was always a concept, an abstract figure that you could argue about and passionately loathe for ruining your life’s plans. You didn’t even know what he looked like.
If you were lucky, he might be that handsome stranger.
You threw away the thought just as quickly as it came, and began undoing the mountain of curls on your head. What a foolish thing to think. You’ll never see him again. You don’t even know his name.
He didn’t know yours, either. It was an arrangement he suggested at the beginning of the night, and you had agreed. After all, the less he knew about you, the better, right?
But he was the first thing on your mind when you were roused by the maids, only a few hours after falling into bed. You blamed the dark circles under your eyes on a bad night of sleep, on account of nervousness – which was laughable. This marriage had been arranged since before your birth. What did you have to be nervous about?
After you pulled a final clip your hair came loose, tumbling down your back in loose curls. Much better. You sighed again – you seemed to be doing that a lot lately – and gave yourself one last look. No, as much as you could daydream about the handsome stranger who walked along the docks with you on your last night of freedom, you knew the truth. You would never see him again.
You tried to convince yourself that it was for the best.
“I’m coming down!” You called, pulling at the dress to try and ease your discomfort somehow. It was peach-colored – sweet, soft and innocent, as you were supposed to be. You reached up and rubbed the back of your hand against your lips, removing the blood-red stain from them at the last minute.
You could practically feel your father’s veins about to burst when he called you again, this time by your first name. You picked up the hem of your dress, stood, and smiled politely at your reflection: half-practice, half-goodbye. This was, after all, your farewell to your better self. The girl that would walk out of your room would be someone else entirely.
Your eyes pricked with tears and you inhaled quickly– no crying. Instead, you put your chin up, took as deep a breath as you could manage, and walked out the door.
The lone candle stood flickering on the windowsill.
It was mid-afternoon by the time you arrived.
“You changed your hair,” Your father observed as he stepped out, offering you his hand.
“It looks better this way,” you replied testily, taking it. You picked up the fabric of your dress with one hand and carefully descended the steps, until your soft-soled slippers touched cobblestone. You purposefully avoided your father’s expression of displeasure. Instead, you looked ahead.
The estate was enormous. You couldn’t have imagined a house so large, even though yours was the biggest in St. Thomas by far. There were more windows than you could count. The gardens went on forever. Ornate pillars of alabaster stone framed a wide, curving staircase up to the gilded double doors. They were wide open: music and light chatter flooded out like water, ringing out across the grounds and reaching you even as you stood in the drive.
“It seems that it does start without you,” Your father remarked as he offered you his arm– a jab at your comment from earlier.
Your eyes flitted over the estate with an unenthused expression. However skilled the musicians inside may have been, to you the distant music only sounded discordant.
You took his arm and travelled up the stone walkway. Your stomach felt like it was sinking to the depths of the ocean. By the time you reached the stairs, you were surprised there wasn’t a visible thundercloud looming over your head. The servants at the door greeted you – you didn’t hear a word.
When you came through the foyer and into the main ballroom, you had begun preparation for a swift exit.
There were too many people, far too many. The afternoon heat only amplified your feeling of claustrophobia. The room was obscenely large and still felt crowded: lords and ladies dressed to the nines, not a beauty mark or a wig hair out of place. You were immediately grateful for altering your appearance. You stood out now. To this crowd, you undoubtedly looked childish and plain. To your fianceé, at least you might look something like yourself.
A string quartet played subdued, slightly melancholic notes from one corner. You were reminded of the four-string fiddler in the tavern last night – and the sea-green eyes of the man who’d saved you. You felt a pang in your chest. Why hadn’t you run away for good? Smuggled yourself onto a ship and let it take you far away from this?
I’m a coward, you thought miserably, as you flashed a reassuring smile towards your father. No matter how hard I try, I’ll will always be afraid.
You were vaguely aware that the servants had announced your presence, because suddenly the music quieted, and everyone turned to look at you. Hundreds of eyes burned holes in your skin, tearing apart your clothes, makeup, expression– you felt more naked than if you’d stripped. And yet muscle memory prevailed: you smiled, just enough to look seemly, and told yourself it would all be over soon.
Your father tugged subtly on your arm, ushering you into the room. Your heart felt like a bird trying to escape through your chest as you continued to draw the gaze of the crowd. Why were they still staring? Surely your appearance wasn’t that shocking.
“My friend, how good to see you. You look well.”
You turned your gaze and found your father shaking hands with someone: an older man. Your soon-to-be father-in-law. You knew him only by the name of his company: Odin & Sons, the wealthiest shipping merchants in every corner of the Caribbean. Unlike most of the English guests, he wore no wig or lace-covered clothing. There were a few metal clasps in his greying hair, and nothing more. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you recognised it to be a more traditional Scandinavian style of dress.
Not that it matters, you reminded yourself. He’s the richest man in the South Pacific, he can wear what he likes.
“And you must be her,” he said, turning his attention to you and extending his hand. You snapped out of your thoughts and forced a smile, giving it to him. He pressed a kiss to your knuckles as you curtsied.
“It’s an honor, Sir,” you said robotically, faltering a little at his title- you weren’t sure if it was the right one.
He noticed, and chuckled. “Odin will suffice, my dear.”
You forced a titter through your lips and straightened up – a small laugh that meant silly me, what an easy mistake. There had to be some kind of award for a performance this convincing.
Odin gestured broadly behind him, directing your gaze as he spoke. “May I introduce my sons– Thor, my firstborn, and Loki.”
Your eyes fell on the two tall figures, and then your jaw dropped.
It was him.
The one who walked the town with you last night, who saved you in the tavern, standing there and smiling with all the congeniality his handsome face could offer, like nothing had happened.
And next to him was your fianceé.
“My dear, that’s hardly becoming,” your father teased nervously, and you quickly closed your gaping mouth. Your father chuckled, trying to make light of your inappropriate expression. “I hadn’t told her of your son’s good looks.”
Thor laughed, and you looked at him for the first time. He was good-looking. Like his father, his golden hair was pulled half-back and tied with metal clasps; there were a few braids hiding behind his ears as well. Broad shouldered, with a light beard and twinkling blue eyes … yes, he was handsome.
But then there was Loki.
Gone was the simple dress you’d seen him in the night prior. The wide-sleeved shirt he wore now was a deep sea-green, embroidered to shimmer like water when he moved. The only addition to his appearance was a loose braid that fell to his collarbone, but God if it didn’t do wonders. He looked marvelous: understated yet elegant, with a smirk that betrayed exactly nothing. Even here, he had that air of mystery, like he was somehow a touch out of place.
You let Thor take your hand automatically, but your eyes stayed fixed to his brother: staring at him with such intensity that you were surprised you didn’t leave burn marks in his forehead.
It’s me, your eyes said desperately. We’ve met before.
Loki’s eyes said nothing in return.
“May I have the first dance?” Thor asked politely. Right, there was dancing. You broke your gaze from Loki (with difficulty) and allowed Thor to take you from your father, capturing you with a hand around your waist. You stiffened at his touch, and then forced yourself to relax. This would be your husband soon— you couldn’t flinch every time he touched you.
The string quartet music swelled and in one choreographed movement, the guests paired themselves up. You knew how to dance, of course, but given the nature of your predetermined marriage you had never actually danced with anyone other than your instructor.
“You must forgive me,” Thor said, smiling apologetically. “I’m usually too busy for dancing. I haven’t made a habit of it.”
“You and I both,” You responded distractedly. Your hand barely touched his shoulder as the music steadied to a waltz. Simple enough. You avoided Thor’s gaze like the plague, looking around the room instead – searching for his brother. Did he really not recognise you, after last night’s excursion? Your appearance wasn’t that different.
Then again, if he was feigning ignorance, you wouldn’t be surprised. He had already proved that he was clever beyond your understanding.
“Your hair is lovely.”
You forced yourself to pay attention to your partner. “Thank you,” you murmured, still avoiding his gaze. “I like yours, too.”
On cue with the music, Thor spun you out and brought you back seamlessly, pulling you to him once more. You found yourself staring at the floor, watching the marble tiles move beneath you. He was obviously taking great care not to step on your feet.
“If we are going to be wed, we should learn to look each other in the eye,” he said gently.
Your gaze snapped up to him as your face flushed. Apparently Loki wasn’t the only one with a watchful gaze. “My apologies.”
“Not necessary,” He smiled, which only made you feel worse.
There was another beat of music-filled silence. You combed your brain for something witty to say, and came up empty. How were you supposed to talk to him? With respect? As a friend? The two of you barely knew each other– you hadn’t the faintest idea where to begin.
You heard Loki’s familiar, musical laugh and glanced across the dance floor– he had a woman caught up in his arms, spinning her like she weighed nothing and smiling as though he was having the time of his life. You felt an unfamiliar twinge of jealousy, and quickly shoved it back down, forcing yourself to look at Thor again.
By the time you had half a sentence constructed in your mind, the song was over.
Thor parted from you and bowed politely, offering you a genuine smile. “If you’ll excuse me – there is business to attend to that I must oversee.”
Your eyebrows raised and you managed to conjure a mildly disappointed expression. “Oh, it’s alright,” you said, and gave him a condoling smile. “I understand.”
“Don’t worry, brother,” came a familiar voice over your shoulder, as two large hands set themselves on your shoulders. You froze. “I’ll ensure that she won’t perish of boredom.”
Thor laughed. “I have no doubt of that.” He gave you a final nod, and strode through the crowds, disappearing from your sight.
As soon as he was gone, you whirled around with wide eyes, feeling like you were about to combust. “You–” you began accusingly.
He didn’t let you finish. Instead, he swept you up into his arms just as the music swelled again, grasping your hand and wrapping his arm around your waist. It sent shivers up your spine that you did your best to ignore.
“Darling, we must stop meeting like this,” he said, and began twirling you across the dance floor. You were forced to stare at his face so you wouldn’t get dizzy. He led effortlessly, weaving through other pairs and picking you up off the ground by a fraction of an inch when called for – unlike Thor, whose dancing required rigid focus, you felt free in Loki’s arms.
Loki. You savored the name in your mind, wondering how it would taste on your tongue. It certainly suited him.
“So you did recognize me,” you said, after you’d reigned your thoughts back in and remembered what you were talking about.
Loki merely smirked, tilting his head slightly in a nod. “You’re hard to forget.”
Your cheeks burned and you scowled. “Don’t try and flatter your way out of this,” you warned him. “Did you know I was your brother’s betrothed when we met? Is that why you wouldn’t tell me your name?”
“Surprisingly, I was unaware,” he admitted, lifting you up and forcing you to hold tightly to his shoulder before setting you back down again. So fluid and simple, but your heart was racing from the adrenaline of it. “It’s a shame. He’ll have a hard time reining you in.”
Your scowl deepened as you tried to discern the meaning behind his statement. “Is that an insult?” You asked, gazing up at his face. Goodness, that jaw of his could cut glass.
In contrast to your faithful stare, Loki’s eyes never seemed to meet yours. “A compliment,” he corrected. He spun you out without warning, pulling you in and holding your back against his chest. His elegant hands gripped your waist just enough to lead without ever making you feel like he was touching you indecently. The irony was that it left you wanting for more of his touch. You wanted to feel his fingers dig against your skin.
You felt a surge of guilt. You shouldn’t be thinking of him that way, not when you were going to marry his brother.
Why wouldn’t it have been him?
He brought you back to face him once more, catching your hand and bowing as the song ended. Unlike the first, this waltz seemed only too short. You had a hard time masking your regret when you curtsied.
Then he offered you his hand again.
“What say we catch our breath?”
The gardens were a maze. Tall, neat hedges lined the walkways and climbing vines wove around overhanging tree branches, hiding you from the sweltering heat of the evening sun. The grass underfoot was obviously well-tended: there wasn’t a blade out of place.
Loki looked different in sunlight.
The night before, you hadn’t been blessed by the opportunity to observe him in full. You had only seen the shadows and suggestions of his features, alluding to what he truly looked like. Now, you could see the curve of his cheekbones, the angle of his nose, the way his eyes spoke volumes before he ever said a word. He was mesmerizing, and you had a difficult time diverting your eyes.
So he’s not a pirate after all, you thought amiably. Just a wealthy merchant’s second son.
When you put it like that, he hardly sounded impressive – but he held your fascination nonetheless.
“Tell me, is there something on my face?” He asked suddenly without looking at you. His eyes were, in fact, drawn upward towards the low-hanging bows of the trees.
Your face flushed and you diverted your gaze. “No. I’m sorry, it was rude of me to stare.”
“You’ve been doing it all evening, don’t stop now,” he remarked sarcastically, dropping his eyes and gazing at you. In the light of day, they were more of a light green than the deep sea color you had previously thought. “And you sound terribly mechanical when you talk that way.”
You pressed your lips together to hide a smile, and dropped the formalities. “You don’t know me like you think you do.”
It was true, to an extent: you had told him almost nothing about yourself last night. Then again, you knew he saw more than he let on.
But to your surprise, he agreed. “No, I don’t.” He paused, slowing down to consider the roses that were blooming elegantly along the archway above you. They were the same color as your dress. “But I know you’re already tired of him.”
You frowned. “Thor?”
Loki rolled his eyes. “Stupidity isn’t becoming on you, either. Who else?”
You crossed your arms over your chest and watched him through narrowed eyes as he looked up at the roses. “I’ve only just met him, I couldn’t be tired of him.”
“I saw your face.” Loki reached up, and there was a small snap as he broke the stem of one flower between his fingers. “This world you’ve found yourself in, full of business meetings, garden parties, empty conversations– it bores you to tears. And Thor is all of that personified.”
His voice and face held no emotional weight– only cold calculation. He was stating a matter of fact.
You reached out to take the flower when he offered it. The wheels of your mind mulled over his words. He was probably right... they had grown up side by side, and if Loki said it, then it must be so.
Thor had left you for a business meeting right after your dance. You hadn’t cared at the time. But the duration of your interaction – and the fact that it felt like he was doing the bare minimum – did make his entrance into your life lackluster. And when you married him, what then? The least you could expect from your fianceé was his attention. And today, Thor hadn’t been able to give you that.
You had a feeling it wasn’t going to change.
Loki watched silently as you thought it over and your countenance fell, and he hummed through his nose.
You looked up sharply. “What?”
He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head, smirking. “So unhappy and yet you do so little to prevent it.”
You stiffened as a rush of heat rose to your face. “You don’t know me,” you repeated, more serious this time.
“No?” He asked, stepping towards you so suddenly that you took a few steps back, hitting the trunk of a willow tree. The bark dug into your back as you stared up at him with wide eyes.
His expression had changed. The deep sea-green color of his eyes was back, dark and dangerous like an impending storm.
“I know that it wasn’t just surprise that held your gaze on me and not your beloved,” He stated. His voice was low and sultry as he reached forward, holding your chin between his forefinger and thumb so you wouldn’t look away. “Tell me, little one, when you’ve finally wedded him and resigned yourself to a life full of everything you despise, how long will it take before I find you in my bed, whimpering in the dark, begging me for the comfort your husband cannot give?”
There was a sharp sound.
You stared, petrified, as you watched the pale skin of Loki’s cheek blush crimson from where your hand had struck him. He pulled away from you and reached up, slowly, ghosting his fingers over his skin.
You were speechless.
Loki stepped away, leaving you pressed against the willow. You were gripping the rose so tightly that the thorns had pricked your skin, little rivulets of blood trickling through your fingers. Your chest heaved with emotion, but still you made no sound.
He chuckled, dropping his hand and narrowing his eyes. His genuine smile sent a shiver down your spine - and not an unpleasant one, either.
“I think," he said slowly, offering you his arm with a smirk to walk back, "that you and I are going to get along.”
Next Chapter
~ ~ ~
Tag List: @neontiiger​, @un-consider-it​, @jessiejunebug​, @nerdypisces160​, @lokiisntdeadbitch​, @e-wolf-90​, @cursedmoonstone-blog​, @kikaninchen-2​, @bluebellhairpin​, @evy-lyn​, @midnight-queen-1​, @travelingmypassion​, @harrybpoetry​, @adefectivedetective​, @absolutecraziness13​, @kumikokagato, @randomfangirl7​, @timetraveler1978​, @tarynkauai, @arcanethamin​, @ornate-ribcage​, @julianettedoe, @kinghiddlestonanddixon​, @yespolkadotkitty​, @befearlesslyauthenticc​, @ladybugsfanfics​
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caps-lockdown · 5 years
Sweet On You Part 3
Surprise! I had this chapter written by this morning and figured no time like the present to post! I’m pretty sure the last two parts won’t be for a minute simply because the rest of this week will be pretty busy for me, but I hope to have this series finished by my actual birthday at the end of the month! 
Again no beta so I own all of my mistakes and not any of the characters, with the exception of the reader.
Major thank you to @kaytizzle for the help with this particular part as I was torn with writing it. Enjoy!
Words: 3,416 (Strap in kids)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Rating: PG 13 (Language)
Summary: Part 3 of my series continues as you get a shocking detour from your scheduled birthday alone.
Warnings: Language. Otherwise fluff and some tension.
Part Three: Premature Heart Attack
“Alright it’s five o’clock people go home!”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and stood up from your desk in your office, watching the people quickly file out from their cubicles. You didn’t have a huge workload to accomplish today, Pepper giving most of the tasks to other employee so you could have “An easy birthday”. She had tried to make you take the day off but you wouldn’t hear it. It wasn’t like you had a significant other to spend it with or family.
You didn’t even have a pet.
After the office had emptied out you closed out of the windows on your computer and shut it down, locking your new employee orientation documents in your desk drawer. Grabbing your keys you locked your office door and happily strode to the elevators. You smiled to yourself and the elevator descended, humming joyfully as you exited to the lobby.
You had decided a nice night in with Netflix, a bubble bath, and your weight in Chinese food would be the best birthday present to yourself. Everything so far had gone right today. You said goodbye to the lobby security officer at the checkpoint and headed for the door. Nothing was going to stop you from enjoying yourself.
You knew those two voices. You turned around from the large doors that lead to your freedom, your once happy smile dropping from your face.
Nat was running at you, a panicked expression gracing her beautiful features while Wanda wasn’t too far behind her. She looked just as worried. Shit.
“Y/N We. Need. Your. Help.” Wanda managed to get out in between breaths, Nat nodding vigorously in your direction.
“There is a dinner tonight with the new secretary of defense and Tony just took Pepper to the hospital because she’s having trouble breathing. She’s supposed to give a speech and we can’t find her notes.” Nat continued, looking at you with a hopeful smile.
“The team is helping with security tonight and we don’t know who else to ask. Please help us Y/N.” Wanda finished, looking at you and giving her best puppy dogs eyes. Shit. So much for your perfect night in.
“When was this scheduled? Why didn’t I know anything about it? When does it start?” You rambled off, suddenly feeling very self conscious. Usually working under Pepper meant you ran things behind the scenes. You had never been one for spotlight, and preferred working with the crew and ensuring things were perfect for meetings and galas alike. That was your zone and you thrived in it. You were actually hurt that Pepper had chosen not to include you in this event. You were supposed to be her assistant. As if reading your mind Nat piped up.
“Pepper wanted you to have a nice quiet birthday in. It’s only two hundred people Y/N. Nothing she couldn’t handle.” Your face paled as you swallowed hard.
“Yea and she told us to use Tony’s credit card for your dress. Think of it as a birthday present! We already bought ours and just have to change before we go.” Wanda beamed at you, holding up two large garment bags. You felt your heart melt a little at their encouraging faces. Wanda and Nat were really like family to you, and you know they would never ask you for anything you couldn’t handle.
“Alright.” You sighed, reaching into your pocket and pulling out a separate set of keys from your own. It had a letter “P” keychain and small thumb drive attached to it, which clinked together as you set it in Nat’s hand.
“This unlocks Pepper’s office. She never locks or shuts down her computer, look for the dinner speech notes and download them to this thumb drive for me. I’ll print them out at home while I get ready. Wanda you’re coming with me.” You started for the door, never taking the credit card.
“What about a dress?!” Nat called out, clearly concerned.
“I already have one.” You responded, tearing the lobby doors open and hurrying to the employee parking facility.
”Awwww yea let’s do this!” Wanda shouted as you sped walked to the car.
You had a dress in the closet you had actually bought a year ago for the company Christmas party, but you had chickened out last minute and had chosen to wear something a tad more simple. It had worked out anyway because again you were helping the crew with running everything, so you weren’t bitter about it. Tonight was the perfect night to take out the gown, even if the current idea of wearing it in public was terrifying.
You and Wanda essentially raced to take a seat in your car, it roaring to life as you swiftly turned the key and pulled out of your parking slot. You sped (only slightly) out of the massive parking garage and onto the busy streets of Manhattan, the congestion not as bad with it being nearly six pm now.
“How much time do we have Wanda?”
“You only have to make it in time for your speech, everything else is being taken care of by Mattie and Scott. You are slotted for eight but say the word and I can probably get you an extra half an hour, judging by the current circumstances.”
You nodded as you slowed to turn into your apartment parking. You killed the engine and dashed to get out, Wanda hurrying behind you. Less than an hour and a half. You could make this happen. You had to. Pepper needed you and she never asked you for anything like this. You couldn’t fail her when she had become like the sister you didn’
Jamming the key into your apartment door you took no time throwing it open, flipping the light switch to illuminate your small haven. You tore your work blazer off before chucking it onto a nearby armchair in your living room along with your keys, kicking your heels off by the door.
Running into the bathroom you quickly plugged in your curling iron and began the process of taking off your current daytime makeup. You would need the perfect glam look for tonight, so you were going to go big. It was also your birthday and you deserved a great night damn it.
“Where’s your dress Y/N?” You could hear Wanda entering your room as you brushed your teeth.
“Itmphs Inmmn thph closeph” You mumbled out as your electronic toothbrush hung out of your mouth, pointing as if she could see you.
“Closet. Got it.” You heard a lot of crashing noises as Wanda began to ransack your wardrobe, you shaking your head as you rinsed your mouth out, wiping your face on your towel before heading into your room.
Wanda stood there with the gown, her eyes wide as she looked from you to the daring garment.
“You’ve been holding this BEAUTIFUL dress hostage!? What the hell Y/N? This is stunning!”
You felt your face blush as she touched the gorgeous fabric of the green evening gown. You couldn’t help but feel a moment of pride as she gazed fondly at it before smiling wide at you.
“Steve is going to have a heart attack. Along with half of the male population there tonight. Maybe we should warn them. It’s going to become illegal in New York to look as good as you are going to at this gala, you know that right?”
You snorted, rolling your eyes before heading back into the bathroom where you peeled off the remainder of your outfit and changed into a black low back strapless bra and matching panties. Just because no one could see them didn’t mean you didn’t want to feel attractive under your dress too.
Turning your focus back into your mirror you began the lengthy journey of curling your hair for the gala, focusing on a more vintage look as you made tight pin curls onto your head, placing clips to hold them in place while they set. While they were cooling down you put on a fresh face of makeup, decided a sultry smoked out eye makeup and a more subdued nude lip would be best with your dress.
“I think you should tell Steve how you feel. Tonight.” Nat said as she opened the bathroom door, nearly giving you a heart attack as you squeaked out a half shriek. You made a poor attempt at covering yourself, only earning a cheerful giggle from Wanda. You hadn’t even heard her come into your apartment.
“Oh please Y/N, it isn’t anything I haven’t seen before.” You glared at her as you finished setting your makeup, happy with the overall outcome.
“Did you get that speech downloaded?”
“Did ya one better!” Nat exclaimed, holding up the printed sheets of paper as you let out a relieved breath, pushing past her and into your room.
Your eyes looked at Wanda expectantly as you noticed a pair of silver heels and matching necklace and earrings sitting on your bed with your gown, only earning a shrug from the brunette in response.
Both women had already changed, Wanda wearing a beautiful red halter gown that reached her ankles and was embellished with gold rhinestones over the sides. She had gone for comfortable gold sandals for footwear and you were already envying her.
Nat had gone with a simple but elegant black dress that was designed in a more Grecian style. The gathering of the fabric flowing beautifully off her shoulders and offering a mid thigh slit, and accompanying her red pumps made for a knockout combo. They both looked nothing short of stunning.
Wanda smiled as you went to put on the shoes, thanking her for picking them out.
“Hey I was bored and silver would compliment your dress so well.”
“Can’t fault you there, I actually love these shoes. You both look spectacular by the way.” You all laughed as you adjusted the straps, the dress being a bit too tight and you didn’t want to have to bother with them after you got it on your body.
“Are you going to tell Rogers? He wouldn’t be able to say no to you looking this gorgeous.” Wanda muttered as the two women helped you into the evening gown, the green fabric clinging to your body as they pulled it down. You wiggled it over your hips before letting the rest of it fall to the floor, Nat zipping you up.
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“Damn Y/N, if this gown was any tighter they would have to cut you out of it at the end of tonight. I see those training sessions with the boys are paying off!” Wanda whistled in appreciation while Nat circled around you, nodding enthusiastically.
“This will be the only time in the history of the universe where I actually agree with you. Usually I’m planning my funeral after those sessions.”
They laughed as you took out your pin curls, brushing out your hair to resemble vintage waves. Securing your hair with pins and hairspray, you hung the silver necklace around your neck and fastened in your earrings. You spun around in a circle and looked at Nat and Wanda, both women clapping and cheering for you.
You checked your reflection out in the mirror and actually felt pretty damn good about tonight for a change. Everyone was going to be shocked, and you wished that the girls were right about Steve being speechless. You didn’t want him to have a heart attack, but you weren’t opposed to his heart skipping a beat, or his jaw falling to the floor.
“The limo is here to pick us up!” Wanda called out from the large window in your apartment that overlooked the city.
Spraying a light mist of perfume on yourself and applying deodorant you found your silver clutch and quickly put your wallet and phone into it, grabbing your keys off your armchair. Doing a quick once over of your apartment you turned off the lights and headed out, the girls cheering as you made your way down the otherwise quiet hall.
Exiting your apartment building you gasped at the Limo. It was Tony’s Limo. No one ever got to ride in Tony Stark’s personal limo. Except Tony. The large plush black leather seats welcomed you in as you sat down, admiring the fully stocked bar on the side. It was absolutely huge, and you were starting to understand why the billionaire didn’t want to share.
“Tony wanted to surprise you by letting you ride to the gala in style. Also to apologize because he knows it’s a ton to ask of you on your birthday.” Nat chuckled as she lightly pushed your arm.
“I’ll make it work. Pepper ok?”
“She’s stable, but turns out it was just high blood pressure due to stress. They’re going to keep her for a couple more hours and run some extra tests to be sure.”
“Well look who she married, she’s permanently stressed.” You quipped, Wanda nodding as your driver started down the street.
“Where is this gala anyway?” You inquired, looking out the window and trying to figure out where you were. The streets weren’t looking familiar to you so you figured it wouldn’t be at The Tower or anywhere in Manhattan.
“The Museum of Natural History. President thought it best to honor our past and blah blah blah.” Nat answered making a gabbing hand motion, your eyes lighting up.
The American Museum of Natural History was one of your favorite places to visit. You loved the butterfly conservatory and planetarium, and they had just opened a new wing dedicated to the Avengers last month. The whole reveal had been amazing and you were really happy you would be going back so you could really take your time going through it. The initial opening you had been rushed, so tonight you were going to comb through it exhibit by exhibit.
“Oooh look out Y/N went into Museum mode.”
You swatted Wanda as you heard your driver announced your upcoming arrival to the massive building. You could barely hide your enthusiasm as you practically leapt out of the car, Wanda and Nat trying to catch up as you climbed the stairs outside.
“Wait up Y/N! You don’t know where you’re going!” You stopped after entering the doors, waiting for the two women and tapping an impatient foot. As soon as this speech was done you were going to roam this building until your feet hurt. Then you would take off your heels and keep walking until every inch of this museum had been covered.
“Well hurry up then! I’m not getting any younger and we have less than ten minutes!” You huffed as Nat took your arm and lead you past security and down the main hall of the museum. You stared longingly at the dinosaurs as you hurried past them, promising to return later.
You neared the new unseen Oceans exhibit and saw a very nervous Tony Stark pacing the floor, figuring out that was where the event would be taking place. It was right next to the new Avenger’s exhibit so again, you were more than happy.
“Oh Y/N thank god!” Tony went to embrace you as Natasha and Wanda went to take their security positions in the exhibit, promising to catch up with you later.
“Tony is Pepper ok?” Tony nodded and you relaxed a little, your boss always being top priority to the both of you.
“Yea she’s going to be ok, but she’s going to be super pissed when she sees how perfect you look on the tv. Damn giiirl.” You laughed as Tony clapped in your direction, taking in your attire and shaking his head.
“Shove it Stark.”
“You only need to ask nicely Y/N. And maybe buy me dinner first. Shall we?” You threw your head back to laugh before taking his offered arm. Security nodded you in and you felt a slight chill as you entered the darkened exhibit, the green and dark blue lights swirling along the floor to imitate the ocean’s waters.
“Nervous?” Tony asked, noticing how tense you had become on the short trek to the main part of the exhibit, you only being able to nod in response.
“Don’t be, everyone is here for you tonight.”
“What do you mea…” You were quickly silenced as you entered the room by thunderous applause and cheering.
Letting your eyes adjust to the now well lit room, you couldn’t help but beam at the sight before you. Hundreds of coworkers and your friends gathered around your entrance, the large “Happy Birthday” banner swinging from the ceiling and everything decorated with balloons and streamers to match the exhibit.
You noticed the large thirtieth birthday cake in the middle of the room surrounded by presents and felt yourself tearing up at the overwhelming amount of love.
“Oh you guys….this is…this is so wonderful. Thank you.” You managed to choke out as a very healthy looking Pepper stepped up to you and Tony.
“Sorry about the scare Y/N, it was the only way we could think of to get you to come out tonight. You look amazing.”
“Thanks Pepper. I hate you.” She laughed as you smiled at her before wrapping her in a hug of appreciation, managing to keep your emotions at bay.
You shifted your gaze towards the group of people, making your way to them and dispersing hugs and thanks.
“Damn Y/N you look so good!” Sam said before pulling you close, whispering into your ear.
“Who are you and what have you done with the timid and modest Y/N?”
“You asshole don’t be like that! She looks incredible!” Bucky interrupted, taking his turn to give you a hug before passing you along to Bruce who shook your hand.
“I see our training has proved fruitful. You look exquisite.” Thor offered, hugging you tightly before allowing you to break free. You hadn’t managed to see Steve yet, and you felt yourself scanning the crowd looking for the first Avenger as Nat and Wanda hugged you.
“We’re sorry we fooled you. But you should have seen your face!” Nat exclaimed while Wanda took out her phone.
“No need, we can show her!”
“You post that on any social media and I will murder you.” You glared at the women who only smiled cheekily in response while they showed you the short video, your face heating up as you watched your own shocked expression upon entering the room.
“Ease up ladies, our girl only turns thirty once.” You turned around to find the source of the deep voice and felt your pulse quicken and breath hitch.
Steve was smiling widely at you, his own crisp gray suit flattering his masculine frame. He had his hands in his pockets, his blue eyes carefully making their way down your body before slowly bringing them back to your face. His gaze was smoldering and electric as his eyes locked on yours for what seemed like minutes. You were starting to wonder if you would be having the heart attack this evening as he came to step in front of you.
“Steve! You look….wow!” You sputtered out, groaning and trying to hide your face as your blush came back. Wow? Seriously? Steve only laughed as he took your hands from your face and gently tilted your chin up to look at him.
“Hey you look pretty wow yourself.” He smiled and you felt as if your knees would buckle as he winked at you before giving engulfing you in a hug.
You couldn’t help but sigh as you felt his body heat melt into yours during the embrace. This could not be happening to you. It had to be a fever dream. Maybe you were in a coma. Maybe you’ve been in one for the last two years and only thought Steve up. There was no way Steve Rogers was this perfect and real.
“Hey Rogers! No keeping the birthday girl to yourself now! Especially with her looking this fine!” Sam interrupted and grabbed your arm, you laughing as Tony brought up his hands to shout.
“Let’s start this party already!”
You couldn’t help but look back over your shoulder at Steve while Sam dragged you to the dance floor, offering him a small smile as loud pop music began to flood the room.
Was it just you or did he look…torn?
Tag list: @kaytizzle @cuffski
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