#having christian ideals in your nation is great
Tfw you get recommended a particular pastor-teacher by a peer and you have gotten just wise enough at this point to go look the person up before just ingesting their teaching, and the top two things they have recently said are "Christian Nationalism is a good thing and a God-ordained pursuit" and "Israel should by no means pause or cease fire" and you're just like. Aha. Ok then. Glad I checked first. 😅
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robertreich · 9 months
Can We Still Find Common Ground? 
Many Americans today worry that our nation is losing its national identity. Some claim loudly that the core of that identity requires better policing of our borders and preventing other races or religions or ethnicities from supplanting white Christian America.
But that is not what defines our national identity. It’s the ideals we share, the good we hold in common.
That common good is a set of shared commitments. To the rule of law. To democracy. To tolerance of our differences. To equal rights and equal opportunities for everyone. To upholding the truth.
We cannot have a functioning society without these shared commitments. Without a shared sense of common good, there can be no “we” to begin with.
If we’re losing our national identity, it is because we are losing our sense of the common good. That is what must be restored.
Some of you may feel such a quest to be hopeless. Well, I disagree.
Almost every day, I witness or hear of the compassion and generosity of ordinary Americans. Their actions rarely make headlines, but they constitute much of our daily life together.
The moral fiber of our society has been weakened but it has not been destroyed.
We can recover the rule of law and preserve our democratic institutions by taking a more active role in our democracy.
We can fight against all forms of bigotry. We can strengthen the bonds that connect us to one another.
We can protect the truth by using facts and logic to combat lies.
Together, we can rebuild a public morality that strengthens our democracy, makes our economy work for everyone, and revives trust in the institutions of the nation.
America is not made great by whom we exclude but by the ideals we uphold together.
We’ve never been a perfect union. Our finest moments have been when we have sought to live up to those shared ideals.
I hope you’ll join me in carrying forward the fight for the common good.
You might start by sharing this video with your friends and loved ones.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 19 days
I love your blog! I think this will be a safe space to talk and i will start this discussion in english but i can’t stand international groups mainly english speakers who occupy the ancient greek space whether it is online or academically. We greeks are taunted and patronised about everything, i don’t see people acting the same way to germans or norwegians when they know barely of their pre christian religions or why they arent vikings like the old times, even countries like india who they aren’t anymore like their great past yet get a pass. And in the end of the day they don’t even know anything else aside from the big three as i call them aka Athens,Sparta and Macedon occasionally Thebes but then again ignore many other smaller city states,kingdoms and islands that existed at the same time and had their own unique cultures. I mean even our name “Hellas” came from a funky epirotan tribe that foreigners would deem as un-greek because greekness to them is antiquity period.
True, for the colonizing nations and the empires who wanted to claim ancient Greece as theirs, Greeks can never win. It's been like this for centuries at this point, because arguments like "Greeks are uneducated therefore they don't deserve this heritage" or "they don't look the same is their ancient super idealized statues, so they are not ACTUALLY Greeks by blood, therefore not having a right to Greek heritage although they're culturally Greek" have been already used since the 19th century at least. Another "argument" that servers the same purpose is "Greek culture belongs to everyone", meanwhile they never say this about Norwegian, Egyptian, Indian, Afghani, Chinese, and other cultures 🙄
I think the same argument of the locals lacking some knowledge has also been used used for India and Egypt at some point, when Western Europeans were doing excavations and research there and considered themselves better than the locals who "dared" not having a perfect knowledge of what those buried things in their country were.
Locals don't have an obligation to have perfect knowledge of their heritage in order to have a right to it.
Those who you can expect an almost perfect knowledge from are scholars, who are specifically getting paid to devote most of their time in the subject. And, of course there were always Greek scholars who studied their antiquity. Not to mention, even scholars can't know everything and have to devote their attention to certain periods.
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minnowtank · 7 months
so basically in my oc story it’s 2412 and everyone on earth lives on the planet exodus now due to a biological warfare accident which continues to affect people centuries later in the form of Fosse syndrome. the world has like a really weird version of communism where withering of the state doesn’t occur and religions and national differences and therefore the social constructs of race persist i’m sorry this is so bad you need context for this like it involves a hawaiian communist terrorist named kauhane becoming a saint in what later becomes neo-catholicism because a bunch of radicalized christian americans believed he could see into the future (he actually could) and he was like chosen by god and the communist terrorist also believed this and it made the politics all weird as a consequence. and then other stuff like the fosse gas affecting the state of politics. still working on the politics but that’s basically a theme of like oh everyone’s on a different planet are nations arbitrary ?? is anyone really anything anymore? and people like want to know where they “really” come from etc. and stuff and that’s a theme
so the plot is that a neo-catholic novice in the year 2412 named bianca must use her future-seeing abilities to stop a swedish ethnonationalist from creating a new hybrid species of super-swedes and the swedish guy in question is using these immortal worms that go in your brain and give you the ability to regrow limbs and stuff that are actually Adam, Eve, and Cain which would also take a while to explain lol but his name is stefan and he’s like wow sweden sucks now we used to be so great and he had a meltdown about ikea no longer existing once canonically and he becomes obsessed with Old World notions of racism and basically there are barely any ethnic swedes left due to a bunch of reasons involving eugenics in the past (they wanted to get rid of fosse syndrome in ethnic swedes) and so there are like barely any ethnic swedes and he wants to use the worms and yeah the worms can do stuff like “build themselves in the womb” and then it opens questions about like what the ideal human would actually look like if the fetus had the ability to create itself while in utero etc and things like that so whatever. he has a son with fosse syndrome that makes him have schizophrenic that cannot be medicated bc being fosse makes you resistant to a bunch of modern medicine. and the son has the adam worm while stefan has the cain worm and the son who is named alex btw is like i don’t wanna make a super race please let me kill myself instead but he’s being controlled by stefan and the worms. and then there’s that whole thing👍and there are other mutations regarding fosse syndrome and there’s like “epicentre nations” and other stuff and eugenics plot lines and things that will also take a while to explain. and the son and stefan are the remaining descendants of the long defunct swedish royal family.
also if the hybrid species super swede is born it will destroy the reality due to it breaking the law of evolution and i will explain that in the story also the virgin mary exists and like there’s that whole thing too and god exists but he left the universe and there’s the “purpose paradox” going on with god and stuff and yeah
and yeah there are a bunch of characters and there are 5 “main” protags: bianca, jacquie, enji (he has the eve worm and there’s backstory for that), sloane, and yousef and the plot is complicated and i’m not done but i want to keep going with it so idk. oh also settler colonial states don’t exist anymore there’s a country called the union of new world republics and it’s connected to the weird saint terrorist guy but like that guy was involved with their movement while also kind of being weird on the side but he was helpful to them despite being a massive catholic because his future vision constantly saved their asses from assassination and their views like clashed with his
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old-school-butch · 9 months
What factors do you think contribute to Islamists forming the majority of the world's extremists right now? Do you think there’s anything that can be done to stop or reverse this trend?
Thank you as always for sharing your knowledge and insights. I appreciate you taking the time to do so for us internet randos :)
Ya know... I'm not sure. I feel like ideals bring people together in ways we don't entirely understand. There's a theory that some universal rules are found in every culture:
help your family
help your group
return favors
be brave / willing to sacrifice the self for the greater good
defer to superiors/leaders
divide resources fairly
respect others’ property
There are many different interpretations about, for example, what a fair division of resources is, and who is the superior, but these rules form the basis of fundamental human society. Other ideals flesh these rules out to help create a story people can rally around. Us and them is pretty basic, how we define 'us' depends on the morals of society. For much of human history, that was tribal/extended family. But religion makes a great story and that quickly grew from being a reason things were the way they were (the divine right of kings for example) to a story that demanded loyalty and society in itself, part of how humans decided who was us and them. The oldest prohibitions about slavery, for example, was that Christians shouldn't enslave Christians and Muslims shouldn't enslave Muslims. (It sounds nice when I say it like that, but it was actually part of colonial conquest - convert to my religion or be killed/enslaved. Oh, and being part of my religion means you have to obey me.).
Anyway, in the last few hundred years the star of the West has been shining bright, often at the expense of other groups subjugated in conquest. Capitalism is its child that has catapulted whole societies into unimaginable amounts of wealth, and what is there for those left behind? Communism was the second child of the West, meant to restrain its elder beast, but it misunderstands human nature and can't work on its own. There are many former Empires around the world who sullenly remember their own glory days and want to recreate them - China, Russia, Persia, the Caliphates all come to mind. But new stories are needed to breathe life into these ideas. For a while it was nationalism, which was evident in the numerous declarations of independence after World War 2 and the 'third world, third way' movement. But nationalism alone can't answer the West, and joining in the West's prosperity has proven difficult to replicate. Many countries that experimented with a variety of economic theories ended up stuck in poverty. Meanwhile, capitalism is spinning out the wealth of king's to entire nations. What's that quote from Marx (that Jenny probably actually wrote)?. Something about a house in the countryside is a house, a house next to a castle is a hat. Income inequality is more absolute when it's the difference between starving and living and the dead can't complain, so it paradoxically breeds far more resentment when it's the difference between subsistence farming and going on space voyages.
Enter religion as a new, galvanizing force. The secular West, and young people living in our society, simply cannot fathom how profound, energetic and deeply personal a comprehensive religious society can be. It's everything. It's your life and afterlife too. It's your soul. You have wealth, spiritual wealth, that the decadent West can never understand. You can hold your head up high again. It is the only answer to the West that people can hold onto with any real hope. Christianity has moderated in the West but accepted its fall from secular power. Other religions have not, and perhaps don't need to. I look at some countries sitting on incredible wealth, that isn't developed because they are too corrupt, or simply don't care to improve the lives of their people. Becoming a suicide bomber is much less appealing when you have a happy, comfortable life. And I'm not going to just pick on Islam here, for centuries the Catholic church argued - with a straight face - that regular tithes to the Church helped keep people too poor to indulge in sinfulness. Anyway, for people who want something else beyond individualism or materialism, that they might not get anyway, religion gives them purpose and principle.
I'm open to hearing other theories, especially around what can be done to extend the principles of democracy, secular statehood and religious freedom around the globe.
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selkiesstories · 2 months
Nice post on the Anti-Semitism in HOTD and while I don't think it was their intention to do that, I can't deny that their progressive politics (both GRRM and Condal/Hess) makes them susceptible to adding those anti-sematic tropes because most sects of socialism (both Communisms and Fascism) are imbedded deeply with anti-Semitic and Anti-Christian doctrine. The Soviets, the Chi-Coms, and the Nazi - even the British as well - have both anti-Jewish and anti-Catholic ideologies baked into their cultural make up, some till this very day.
I could say that the portrayal of the Greens are just as filled with Anti-Catholic tropes as Anti-Sematic, but anyone who studies history knows that both go hand in hand in a lot places in Protestant dominated areas of both the past and present West.
To add to your post, I would say that Daemon exemplifies the Nazi trop of the Uber-Mensch - Super-man - who believes in the supremacy of himself due to his race and holds no religion but the idea that he is his own god and cannot be judged by the moral constraints of the "Normal People". GRRM and his rewriting deification of Daemon in later editions of Westrosi history has veered dangerously close to these Nazi tropes.
And while his aim was to write a character "in equal parts heroic and villainous" - his nihilistic writing and philosophies along with his progressive politics have set him on the path to the Fascistic fetishizations that we're starting to see from the left-wing in the West in the revival of Nazi authoritarianism and attitudes under a different more 'compassionate' guise. As wells as the moral good being relative and self-principled rather than the divine ideals of Jerusalem wed to the philosophy of Athens, and the civilized social orders of Rome.
With all the current day bullshit of "Anti-Zionism" - which we all know what they really mean, even if they can't admit it to themselves - it's hard not to see the anti-Semitism in a lot of things. But I do think that GRRM, Condal, and Hess's bullshit politics make them incredibly vulnerable to falling into Anti-Jewish storytelling based on progressivism being built entirely on anti-Semitism and Ant-Christian values.
They wouldn't even question it.
Oh I definitely don’t think it was intentional if only because I think the show runners have only the most shallow knowledge of history if that. Doubtless what little they know is of the-why should we learn about Henry VIII just because he’s a white man?- variety. I agree that they lean towards the ideological purity of the Communist rather than the racial purity of Nazis, and because most of academia never fell out of love with Stalin the way they did with Hitler this is seen as a good thing. (Obviously ideological vs racial purity is an oversimplification since the two got hopelessly muddled but it’s a good starting point) The rest of s2 certainly made it plain that Condal & Hess have never heard about Ravensbrück or really anything about women and Nazism besides the tired “the Nazis were misogynistic”.
I didn’t really get into Daemon but you’re right, maybe at some point I’ll do a post on the Aryan tropes I’ve noticed with them.
Personally I find it fascinating that Nazism is so often conflated with Christian nationalism since historically it was very much not the case. There were places that is was such as the Ustaše in Croatia, but Nazism very much downplayed Christianity to the point where Wilm Hosenfeld wrote in his diary in 1944 that the youngest German soldiers had no real concept of Christmas. There’s probably a great paper on Nazi anti Christianity as an expression of Nazi antisemitism especially if you can work in the overlap with antisemitism and anti Catholicism vis-à-vis Protestantism as Christianity to Catholicism’s Judaism.
Thanks for the ask!
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locustheologicus · 5 months
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En El Camino: Our Pilgrimage to Compostela (part 2)
We walked on average 22km a day to Compostela and on the last day we only had 15km left so we felt that our destination was just a hop, skip, and a jump away. That was not the case. The last segment of the journey felt long and painful. Wendi and I did not talk much on the journey as I recalled as we focused on our individual pain and the goal of getting to our destination. Here are some reflections and insights I will share as we reached the Cathedral, the sacred goal of our camino.
In the first two pictures I stopped at the chapel of St. Lucy, the patron of eyesight. I touched the statue as an act of simple veneration and left. I received the sello (seal) and continued on the path. As I walked on, I heard the passage from the Gospel of John chapter 9 verse 41 recited to me a couple of times. This is where Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for questioning his healing of a blind man. Jesus tells them, “If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you are saying, ‘We see,’ so your sin remains." I had to consider what this said to me and it made me think about how I intend to conclude my book on social ministry. It spoke to me of the temptation that social justice ministers have in presuming to know what is just and fair and how we can sometimes lose our faith and hope for a just world. Here I have been a person who claims to see, to be the arbiter of justice and equality. My concluding chapter is on having hope and this insight was a reminder from Jesus that we need to let go of our ideals and allways remember that the Kingdom of God is a vision and mission that transcends our own limited socio-political aspirations.
In the third picture we had reached the mountain of Gozo (joy). This is the place where pilgrims see for the first time the town of Compostela. We walked down to the town itself and the fourth and fifth picture shows parts of the town itself. It felt rather ordinary to be honest. It was a great sigh of relief to feel that we had reached our goal but the goal itself did not feel particularly special. I was in awe of the statue of King Alfonso II el Casto (the Chaste), he is considered the first pilgrim to the shrine which was a recently discovered Roman Mausoleum with three bodies believed to be St. James and two of his disciples Athanasius and Theodore in 812AD. The historical context begins to draw me to a greater significance that lies at the center of the town.
Pictures 7-13, and 17-20 all show the outside areas around the Cathedral and the town square. It is an awesome sight to behold. The Church of San Fructuoso (#11) and San Francisco (#9) surround the Cathedral and offer their own amazing architectural beauty and historical depth. The Church of San Francisco was founded by St. Francis himself who was a pilgrim in the early 13th century to the shrine of Santiago de Compostela. Pictures 13 and 19 are from the courtyard of the Cathedral which is where the Compostela museum is. Pictures 15, 27-29 are from the museums including both the Compostela and Pilgrims Museum. Picture 15 has an amazing wall of sacred relics and you can see ancient depictions and the history of Santiago in picture 29 where five main episodes of his life are depicted in a layered woodcut. Picture 27 has a famous carving of Santiago Matamoros, the legendary knight that turns the tide for the Christians in the legendary battle of Clavijo in 844AD. You can stand on this ground, amidst this great Cathedral and surrounding churches, and not help but get caught up with a certain euphoria that is shared by all who enter. I cannot say that all the people the come are religious and devotional, many are simply curious, but I will say that all people who come are deeply spiritual. This moves the community to break into joy and all people, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or even temperament, share in that euphoric feeling.
Picture 14 is inside the Cathedral itself. It is simply breathtaking and inspiring. The statue of St. James is there, in the middle, and pilgrims are allowed to go above the resting place where his bones are in ossuary box and pray to the great Saint. In picture 16 you can stay and meditate in the presence of his ossuary box. This is a liminal place where the secular and temporal touch the sacred and eternal. It is a place of deep peace and serenity. A place that where everything comes together as you share in the peace that Christ bestowed on his followers after the resurrection. Santiago witnessed this resurrected experience and here we were, spiritually and psychologically sharing in this experience through what remains of his physical presence. This is the goal of our journey. To share in the cosmic peace that brings a sense of fulfillment to our broken lives. Some pilgrims (like Wendi) entered into a quite emotional state as they experienced the sacred in that moment. Others (like me) just stayed fixed on the sacred and allowed ourselves to be lost in the moment until the Holy Spirit moved us to explore this further.
Pictures 21-26 are going to the end of the world, the place known as Fisterra and Muxia. Picture 26 shows the place where pilgrims leave behind a piece of their lives that they are ready to sacrifice and let go of. Picture 25 shows a meal that we all shared with new friends we made along the way from Spain and Michigan. The insights that we receive will develop further as we reintegrate ourselves back into our world, but for the moment, many of us sit with and celebrate our own experience of death and rebirth, sacrifice and reemergence. The Paschal mystery, the passion, death and resurrection that the world experienced through Christ, no longer remains a mere statement of faith but instead it becomes a part of our own nature. This experience is something that needs to be processed both on our own and with loved ones but your own context (and insights) develop further when you also do this in the context of fellow companions along the way.
Picture 30 shows the certificates and passports we received at the end of the journey. The passport highlights the places we stopped along the way while the two forms of the certificate officially recognize our pilgrimage.
This then are the insights that I carry with me as I re-enter the world and again take my place within the field of social ministry and family life. I expect that other insights will form and develop but for now, I am just reflecting on what I experienced through this amazing process.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I’m sorry, but I am seriously offended by this anon’s stereotyping. Assuming Christians are automatically antisemitic is gross. Do they realize the two religions start from the same core? Bigotry is not only a label that should be reserved for right leaning people, clearly. Not being able to see past your own bias to empathize and just repeating hateful opinions about others is gross no matter who is doing it. Weather I agree with another persons beliefs doesn’t matter to me as much as as them being a decent person because I believe people have free will for a reason, and they have the right to personal freedom of choice.
Thank you @hologramcowboy for your nuanced reply to this ask.
As for labelling Danneel and Jensen as Christians and supposing that’s why they’d have antisemitic actions take place in their show and that being the reason for Jensen supporting Russia and war is gross, and really unlikely. Besides, Christians don’t exactly have any issues with Ukrainians that I’m aware of that would prompt them to support such a war.
For one, J and D aren’t exactly poster children for a “good Christian couple” since they treat each other with contempt and don’t appear loving with each other at all, while only seeming to be able to stand each other when drinking.
For another, I doubt there is any thoughtful intention behind either the burning of a golem (which is very tone-deaf) or playing a KGB agent to promote a Russian video game while the country is waging war in Ukrainian. I doubt Jensen pays attention to anything in The Winchesters besides scenes that mention or lead to Dean appearing again. Which makes him lazy and careless but not necessarily antisemitic. As for the Russian game, I don’t imagine he supports the war, but he’s out of touch enough that he probably just didn’t consider it. But, I have to admit it’s almost like he’s trying to self-sabotage at this point. Anyway, my point with this is that Jensen is more likely to be careless than actively hateful. And his disregard for these issues is likely not because he’s Christian (if he is) but because he is an out of touch celebrity who has been constantly petted and having his ego stroked for the last 17+ years. More thoughtless than hateful in intention, though the end result is what we have here, so it’s not great either way.
Or maybe he does support those things and I’m wrong, but for crying out loud let’s stop automatically equating Christianity with supporting things like hate and war. Not every person of the same religion, nationality, political leaning, etc thinks exactly the same. We are all still just people.
I have Christian friends and they are some of the deepest, smartest, most loving people I've ever met. In the end it's not even about the religion someone has but about their core character. You define your religion by who you are and your choices and some do define their beliefs beautifully others tragically but we see this with every religion.
Just to be clear, Christian faith does not condone violence or abusing others in any way.
I do feel that what the anon was referring to was those fringe cult like religious groups that may have different nominations but all ultimately toxic as they endorse racism as well as other deeply negative views. So I do get where the anon was coming from because, especially in Texas, some groups are scary. It's completely natural to assume someone's religious views affects how they filter life. I think all anon was trying to do was shine as spotlight on the less than ideal ideologies some "christians" display. Not actual Christians but people who misrepresent the faith. If I understood correctly, that is.
As for not being aware of the social implications of his choice, sorry but I'm going to disagree on that or, rather, just add that being privileged should not be an excuse to be ignorant, on the contrary, people who are privileged should be a voice for those that do not have one. So i'm not letting Jensen off the hook on this one, he made a bad choice and is still failing to respond to the backlash.
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aressida · 2 days
my entry: "Secrets in the Bloodline: Unmasking the Craft." - Aressida. 22.9.24.
“Dear Great-Grandfather,
I recently uncovered something unexpected about our family history: you were a 33rd-degree Freemason, a master of the craft. This revelation has left me with questions only you could answer. What drove you to make such a significant decision, one that feels so distant from the light of Christ? Why did you turn your back on Him? What led you down the path of Freemasonry, and what did you hope to find within its rituals and mysteries? How did you discern which God you were seeking?
I wonder if the allure of the craft spoke to something deeper within you, something I may never fully grasp.
As I walk my own journey of faith, I find myself trying to reconcile our shared bloodline with the choices you made. You were the key to unearthing the truth about our family—the realization that curses, rooted in contracts and pledges, have followed our bloodline. But here’s where I stand now: I renounce it all. All. Of. It.
I want you, and everyone else, to know that I am breaking these generational curses through the power of Christ. As Galatians 3:13 says, “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us.” I believe with all my heart that He has given me the strength to set our bloodline free from these bondages.
Jesus Christ stated that He is the Light of the World.
With the light of His Word guiding me, I thank Christ for revealing this truth. Now, I know what must be done. I am choosing freedom for myself, for our family, and for future generations.
In His truth and grace, Your great-granddaughter.”
As I spent countless hours researching Freemasonry, driven by my discovery of my great-grandfather's involvement, I uncovered unsettling truths that surpassed my expectations.
Freemasonry is shrouded in secrecy for a reason; its members prefer to keep their organization hidden from prying eyes.
While many in society label Freemasons as "good men," my understanding reveals a more complex and troubling reality. There is a deeper truth behind their facade that most people remain unaware of, which is precisely why they guard it so closely.
I was shocked to learn that Australia has more Freemasons per capita than anywhere else on the planet.
The inconsistencies and contradictions within the organization have become glaringly obvious to me.
I can see they had systematically excluded all Christian content from their practices and teachings, transforming the guild into something distinctly different from its origins.
I find myself increasingly frustrated with the influence of Paganism within this context.
In my research, I began to see a pattern of Masonic influences behind pivotal historical revolutions, such as the French Revolution and the First Russian Revolution. Figures like George Washington, who led the rebellion against England and King George III, are part of this narrative.
It is essential to consider how these movements were shaped by Masonic ideals. From align with Masonic values, emphasizing individual rights and societal progress. These revolutions not only transformed nations but also sparked vital discussions about justice and self-governance, showcasing humanity's ability to rise above oppression.
I can no longer accept surface-level depictions of organizations or movements without delving deeper into their origins, their motivations, and the impacts they have on our collective consciousness. Every revelation I have encountered serves as a reminder of the importance of discernment.
My mission is not only to honor my family's legacy but also to contribute to a broader dialogue about freedom, individual rights, and the essence of what it means to live authentically in a society that often pressures conformity.
I also learned that many families experience certain health issues that seem to run in the blood—like heart disease or mental health struggles. These patterns can feel like a curse, with each family member confronting their unique challenges.
By recognizing these patterns, we can take proactive steps to break the cycle and forge healthier futures for ourselves and our loved ones. As I reflect on the patterns of illness and struggle that have woven through my family, I am reminded that awareness is the first step toward healing.
I am here to confront and dismantle the curses associated with Freemasonry, and I seek to empower others to break free from the cycles of manipulation and control that have persisted for too long.
“Heavenly Father,
I come before You seeking Your protection over myself, my family, and everyone else who are still standing. I ask that You surround us with Your love and shield us from any negative influences, including those associated with Freemasonry.
Please grant us the discernment to recognize any harmful paths and the strength to walk away from them. I also pray for the breaking of any generational curses that may linger in our bloodline, and I trust in Your power to set us free.
Guide us in our journey of faith, and let Your light shine upon us.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
I decide to send another prayer, one I have never voiced before.
“I come before You, Heavenly Father, in repentance, renouncing all toleration of Freemasonry and its influence over the people of God and our local communities. In the name of Jesus Christ, I break every curse.
I declare freedom from the curse that limits and conceals the revelation of Your Word. We break the hidden meanings that have obscured Your truth from Your people.
I renounce the curse of laboring in self-righteousness and expose the lies of Freemasonry as unacceptable compromises with death.
In the authority of Jesus, I break the division between Your true leaders and the congregation, dismantling the power of the heretical groups that seeks to control and separate. I reject the false altar, false priesthood, false prophets, and false teachers that mislead Your flock.
Heavenly Father, I humbly ask You to restore Your glory within us, bringing revelation and repentance for all iniquities and sins.
I renounce and break all vows of secrecy and silence that have bound Your people. I boldly declare the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His imminent return in glory, reminding us of the coming judgment for all humanity.
I proclaim freedom from legalism and every spirit of religion that has hindered our prayers.
I declare liberation from all forms of oppression and abuse, spiritual, emotional, and physical, especially any form of ritual abuse.
Lastly, I declare and proclaim restoration of our inheritance, a close relationship and intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. We give You praise, O Lord Most High, for the freedom and victory that is ours in You. Amen.”
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techtired · 2 months
Bubble Bratz: Age, Height, Weight, Bio, Boyfriend, Family And Net Worth
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Thanks to her magnetic personality and impressive talent, bubble Bratz is one of her generation's most beloved social media stars. Bubble Bratz, whose friends and family call her Maddie May, is an American girl who loves to have a good time. She is passionate about modeling and creating entertaining videos for the TikTok platform. You might have seen her before if you're into TikTok! Her ability to generate videos that make people laugh or happy is why she's famous. Her motivational path demonstrates that following one's passion and creativity can lead to great success. So be ready and start learning about her fantastic life by bucking back. Bubble Bratz Profile Details Full Name Maddie May Nickname Bubble Bratz Profession Model, TikTok Star Date of Birth February 2, 1999 Birthplace United States Hometown United States Religion Christian Nationality American Zodiac Sign Aquarius Bubble Bratz Biography Bubble Bratz has been motivated by her curiosity and will to change the world from their early years. She is not your typical young adult; she is driven by significant meaning and wants to motivate others.  Her faith has been her compass in life; it gives bubble bratz leaks strength and inspiration to go beyond challenges. It has helped her embrace any possibility that presents and changes her ideals. She is a lifetime student as well in terms of schooling. She has committed herself to widening her horizons as she thinks about the power of information. She develops personally and professionally with every fresh encounter and challenge. Regarding her profession, She has had remarkable success. She has made her passions a profitable career, enabling her to influence the lives of others significantly. Bubble Bratz's leak has changed things and left a legacy in her art. She is a unique person whose narrative will inspire and drive you. She shows that everything is possible with dedication, faith, and a voracious need for information. Watch this space to find out more about the fantastic life she leads. Education Of Bubble Bratz She built the groundwork for her academic path while attending American high school. Her life has been rich in educational activities since she is driven to change the world and thirsty for information. Although Bubble Bratz Emma Magnolia's attendance in college is unknown, her dedication to lifetime learning is indisputable. Bubble Bratz thinks education can open horizons, question presumptions, and change viewpoints. Bubble Bratz YouTube has also continuously sought opportunities to increase her knowledge and expand her comprehension through formal schooling or independent learning. She is a beautiful illustration of the value of education because of her curiosity and will to improve herself. She aims for both intellectual and personal growth, so she stays on top of her field and influences whatever she works on. Stay tuned to discover more about bubble bratz videos, amazing educational trips, and the insights she has acquired. Children of Bubble Bratz Many still don't know much about Bubble Bratz or her children, and her personal life is a mystery to her supporters. Bubble Bratz is a prominent figure on social media, but she doesn't let her followers in on her personal life. Instead, she shares updates about her faith, schooling, and professional experiences. Although Bubble Bratz's family status remains a mystery, she highly emphasizes her loved ones' unconditional love and support.  Fans of Bubble Bratz's enthralling content who long for a peek into her private life will be waiting with bated breath for news about her children. Her mysterious private life adds to the mystery and allure of this remarkable person. Height, weight, and physical appearance of Bubble Bratz Attribute Measurement Height 161 cm / 5 feet 3 inches Weight 50 kg / 110 lbs Hair Color Brown Eye Color Blue Figure Size Bust – 36 inches, Waist – 26 inches, Hips – 38 inches Though modest in height, Maddie is more than just ordinary at a petite five feet three inches. Her brilliant blue eyes and beautiful brown hair demand attention everywhere she goes. Keeping a good lifestyle, Maddie exudes confidence and energy and radiates beauty. Her 36–26–38 measures are evidence of her commitment to fitness and well-being. Reward and Accomplishment Bubble Bratz has celebrated her talent and services to the entertainment industry by accumulating a body of honors and awards over her career. From being crowned Tiktok Star of the Year to Model of the Year by esteemed fashion magazines, Maddie's successes exemplify her diligence and commitment. Every honor is evidence of her relentless dedication to quality, which drives her to soar in her work. Bubble Bratz Boyfriend Bubble Bratz keeps quiet about her romantic activities, even with her active social life and successful business. There is no news of a lover in Maddie's life now; hence, viewers are left wondering about the enigmatic man who might one day win her over. Maddie's love life stays a secret while she is focused on her job, which makes fans want to know more about her romantic path. Social Media Presence of Bubble Bratz Platform Link Instagram Bubble Bratz Instagram TikTok Bubble Bratz TikTok Bubble Bratz is a well-known person in the digital arena and shows up strongly on several social media channels. From Instagram to Tiktok, Maddie interacts personally with her followers by honestly and charmingly revealing peeks into her life and profession. Her contagious nature and relevant material have attracted a devoted following that helps to confirm her social media sensation reputation. Nets Worth of Bubble Bratz Bubble Bratz has accumulated a sizable wealth with her explosive ascent to popularity; her net worth is thought to be about $100,000. Maddie has guaranteed financial stability using her successful profession as a model and social media influencer, enabling her to follow her love of fashion and entertainment. Her net worth will likely surge even more in the following years as she keeps developing her brand and investigating new prospects. Facts about Bubble Bratz She loves sampling many cuisines around and is quite a foodie. Her favorite foods are ice cream, pizza, and sushi. She often works out to keep in shape as she enjoys fitness. She is dedicated to an active life since she thinks a sound mind follows from a good body. She is modest and grounded, even with her success and notoriety. She shows thanks to her supporters and always spends time interacting with her fans. She frequently uses art for leisure and self-expression and has a secret knack for painting. A strong supporter of mental health awareness, she frequently shares her hardships and experiences to assist those confronting similar circumstances. She finds comfort in the natural beauty and enjoys spending time in the surroundings. Bubble Bratz also appreciates the relationship with the surroundings, whether hiking, camping, or park walking. FAQs How did bubble bratz well-known? Her interesting Instagram material attracted many people and helped her become well-known. Her original approach and interesting postings attracted a devoted readership right away. Her diligence will have driven her to great heights, confirming her position as a developing star in the entertainment business. Bubble Bratz enjoys what activities? Her free time is spent enjoying a variety of interests. Her favourites are dance, reading, cooking, travel, and yoga practice. These pursuits make her happy and help her to develop herself creatively whether she is immersing herself in several cultures or expressing herself via dance. Some interesting information on bubble bratz? Her several intriguing facts enhance her fascinating nature. Three gorgeous canines called Coco, Max, and Luna belong to this animal enthusiast. She enjoys sampling several cuisines from throughout the globe; among her favourite meals are ice cream, pizza, and sushi. This also entails keeping fit and healthy using consistent exercise. Read the full article
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turkeyvisa01 · 4 months
Top 5 Places to Visit in Turkey During Summer Vacation for Cambodia Citizens
Turkey is a captivating destination that offers a perfect blend of rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. For Cambodia citizens planning a summer vacation, Turkey presents an array of exciting places to explore. To ensure a smooth travel experience, it’s essential to understand the Turkey visa for Cambodia citizens process. Here are the top five places in Turkey that should be on your summer itinerary.
1. Istanbul
Istanbul, the heart of Turkey, is a city that straddles two continents—Europe and Asia. This vibrant metropolis is renowned for its historic sites, bustling bazaars, and scenic Bosphorus views. Key attractions include:
Hagia Sophia: Originally a cathedral, then a mosque, and now a museum, Hagia Sophia is a marvel of Byzantine architecture.
Topkapi Palace: This sprawling palace served as the main residence of Ottoman sultans for centuries.
Grand Bazaar: One of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world, offering a plethora of goods from spices to jewelry.
Istanbul is easily accessible, and Cambodia citizens can apply for a Turkey visa online to streamline their travel plans.
2. Cappadocia
Cappadocia is famed for its unique landscapes, characterized by fairy-tale chimneys, cave dwellings, and hot air balloon rides. This region offers a surreal experience with its otherworldly terrain. Must-see spots include:
Göreme National Park: A UNESCO World Heritage site with stunning rock formations and ancient cave churches.
Hot Air Balloon Ride: Witness the breathtaking views of Cappadocia's landscape at sunrise.
Underground Cities: Explore the fascinating underground cities of Derinkuyu and Kaymakli, which were once refuge sites for early Christians.
Travelers from Cambodia can apply for their Turkey visa through the Turkish embassy or consulate, ensuring they have the required documentation for their visit.
3. Pamukkale
Pamukkale, meaning "Cotton Castle" in Turkish, is a natural wonder famous for its white terraces and thermal springs. This UNESCO World Heritage site offers a unique and relaxing experience. Highlights include:
Travertine Terraces: Formed by mineral-rich thermal waters, these terraces are perfect for a dip in warm waters.
Hierapolis: An ancient Roman city located above the terraces, featuring a well-preserved theater and a necropolis.
Pamukkale is a must-visit for those looking to relax in natural hot springs while enjoying historical ruins. Ensure your travel plans include obtaining a Turkey visa for Cambodia citizens to visit this extraordinary destination.
4. Antalya
Antalya, located on the Mediterranean coast, is renowned for its beautiful beaches, luxurious resorts, and ancient ruins. It’s the perfect summer destination for those who enjoy both relaxation and adventure. Key attractions include:
Konyaaltı and Lara Beaches: Stunning beaches ideal for sunbathing and water sports.
Old Town (Kaleiçi): A charming area with narrow streets, historic houses, and the iconic Hadrian’s Gate.
Düden Waterfalls: A series of picturesque waterfalls located within the city.
Travelers can apply for a Turkey visa from Cambodia to explore Antalya’s beautiful coastline and rich history.
5. Ephesus
Ephesus is one of Turkey’s most significant archaeological sites, offering a glimpse into the grandeur of ancient Roman civilization. This ancient city is well-preserved and showcases remarkable structures such as:
The Library of Celsus: An iconic symbol of Ephesus with its impressive façade.
The Great Theatre: A massive amphitheater that could accommodate 25,000 spectators.
The Temple of Artemis: One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, though only foundations remain today.
Visiting Ephesus requires proper travel documentation. Cambodia citizens should ensure they have their Turkey visa sorted before planning their trip.
Visa Information
To visit these incredible destinations, Cambodia citizens need to obtain a Turkey visa. The process can be done through the Turkish embassy or consulate in Cambodia, or online. If you are in the UK, you can apply for a Turkey visa UK or online Turkey visa from the UK. This makes the application process convenient, ensuring you have more time to enjoy planning your adventure.
In conclusion, Turkey offers a diverse range of experiences for summer vacationers from Cambodia. By securing your Turkey visa for Cambodia citizens, you can explore the historical, natural, and cultural wonders that this beautiful country has to offer.
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shawnjacksonsbs · 5 months
The 2nd one-
Shawn is:
Impatiently waiting for brotherhood in greater numbers than the world has ever known. 4-27-24
"Six months after Elizabeth had become pregnant, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a city in Galilee. The angel went to a virgin promised in marriage to a descendant of David named Joseph. The virgin’s name was Mary.
When the angel entered her home, he greeted her and said, “You are favored by the Lord! The Lord is with you.”
She was startled by what the angel said and tried to figure out what this greeting meant.
The angel told her,
“Don’t be afraid, Mary. You have found favor [a] with God.
You will become pregnant, give birth to a son,
and name him Jesus.
He will be a great man
and will be called the Son of the Most High.
The Lord God will give him
the throne of his ancestor David.
Your son will be king of Jacob’s people forever,
and his kingdom will never end.”
Mary asked the angel, “How can this be? I’m a virgin.”
The angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come to you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the holy child developing inside you will be called the Son of God.
“Elizabeth, your relative, is six months pregnant with a son in her old age. People said she couldn’t have a child. But nothing is impossible for God.”
Mary answered, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let everything you’ve said happen to me.”
Then the angel left her." - Luke 1:26-38 (the Bible)
There was internet when I was in college, as brief a spell as that was in my life, but it wasn't the giant, unrelenting research thing that it is now.
I took 2 courses before my relapse. One of which was a world religion class. I aced both classes, albeit the other one was an open book, open note music appreciation class. Lol
All of this is to say that I learned a new thing today that started in my Facebook feed in the comment section under a post of a guy I follow.
It seems that he recently converted from the Christian pastor I knew him to be, to a member of the Nation of Islam.
As I read the shit back n forth from everyone, I learned that Muslims believe that Jesus is the Messiah.
I already knew that they believed he was born of the virgin Mary, that he performed devine miracles during his life. I also knew that there were mostly differences surrounding his death and transcendence into heaven.
I learned today that they all are taught to be more Christ -like than anything else. To live as closely to the actual way Jesus did, as they humanly can.
They also believe he will come back to earth in the end of days to defeat the false messiah, or the "anti-christ".
They can't truly call themselves Muslim without that belief, and love and respect for Jesus and all his followers.
Jesus would still love the misguided. All followers of him should do the same.
Discrepancies in the different doctrines obviously leave it to fall on individual personal feelings for how they believe, but both Christianity and Islam call for more christ-like living in the followers of each.
Pretty big learn for me today.
Btw, they love you guys, more than they love me. Lol
Jus' sayin'
I do love being able to find, so easily . . .books, all books.
Obviously, some research is tainted or altogether fabricated, but not just going to a website or social media page filled with biases, opinions, or out-right lies is nice.
Read the words myself, some new, some as refreshers.
Read them myself.
How I long for the day when peace will overcome - amoung you all, amount US all.
Unpeacefulness, or even hate and fear, born out of an ignorance of others is the worst kind of hate.
I don't care if you believe like me, or like a Deist, or like a Christian, or like a Muslim or someone Jewish, or fully Atheist, we are all brothers in humanity. It would be nice if we all acted like it.
And to not be ashamed of how some of my brothers treat others, or think them less than, would be ideal.
I don't want to promote standing up to bullies and judgmental people nearly as much as I want to promote peace, and the unnecessarity of being judgmental at all.
Until we all arrive here though, it is the responsibility of the few to stand against the many of whom would divide us.
Please share your love and your laughter with the world around you. At large, and small, kindnesses accomplish more in one second than hate would for us in a lifetime.
Until next week; does this sound familiar to you? At all?
"[And mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah ].
He will speak to the people in the cradle and in maturity and will be of the righteous."
She said, "My Lord, how will I have a child when no man has touched me?" [The angel] said, "Such is Allah ; He creates what He wills. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, 'Be,' and it is.
And He will teach him writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel
And [make him] a messenger to the Children of Israel, [who will say], 'Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord in that I design for you from clay [that which is] like the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by permission of Allah . And I cure the blind and the leper, and I give life to the dead - by permission of Allah . And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers." - Imran 3:45-49 (Quran)
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bisluthq · 7 months
No offence but it’s not your right to say whether a country in the Middle East should be secular or not lmao. I too am not a fan of religious extremism but i at least recognise that my worldview is not an objective norm, and that it’s extremely paternalistic for westerners to decide what sort of governments they’d like to see in the Middle East. Or that they should be there at all. And it’s also not up to us to decide how much land Palestinians should have since all of it belongs to them. If you live in Israel you should be able to coexist with Palestinians, just like white South Africans were forced to have to interact with black South Africans after apartheid ended. You don’t get to call the fucking shots
idk I’m anti religious extremism - I gave a bunch of examples and specifically not only in the Middle East. I gave the example of certain American states following extremist Christian ideals, which I find morally repugnant and deeply problematic. Sure - everyone gets to decide what they want to do and who they want to elect and what represents them best but religious extremism harms people (often women and marginalized people in general). So yes I am anti religious extremism in any part of the world and of any kind 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t think it’s specific to one religion. Religious extremism generally leads, as I say, to measurable harm against women and queer people and often leads to genocides or violence against other religious groupings in that area. It’s not paternalistic to say that. It’s literally just a fact. Obviously though people get to make their own choices - if something works for them, okie dokes. Kinda sucks for the people it doesn’t work for but eh 🤷🏻‍♀️
regarding your point on land maaaan idk it’s really not as simple as you’re saying either. Firstly there is the issue of Palestinians versus Israelis in general. Israeli Arabs very much exist and occupy a number of senior positions in Israeli society. They are… Israelis… However, Palestinians in Gaza and in the West Bank (and here it gets even more complicated) are not Israelis. They are foreigners in Israel. So there’s yk that. Secondly, while it’s easy to call Israel a settler colony it’s not really that simple (West Bank is again a whole other issue and those are ILLEGAL settlements)? Israel is indeed a very racist place lol but it’s got a massive Mizrahi population (Jews who never left the Middle East) and who came to Israel as a result of forced expulsions from other Middle Eastern countries after the 1948 war. So like must a Jew of Iranian descent for instance “go back” to Iran? That’s not really gonna work lol I don’t think they’re gonna be very welcome there 😐 Like realistically it won’t work. So what exactly must happen?
I think it’s a VERY COMPLICATED ISSUE and no one is saying I - or anyone else for that matter - must “call the shots”. It’s also well and good to say everyone must coexist and sing kumbaya together but that takes us back to the religious extremism. If Islamic jihadists “win” they are, I can guarantee you, not going to want to sing kumbaya with the Jews there and where precisely do you want those people to go? Again, forget about like completely forget the Americans and let’s even forget the Holocaust survivors and the ex Soviet Jews who went there - where must the Mizrahi population go lol?
A two state solution would be ideal and fair or I suppose a one state secular nation where everyone coexists and sings kumbaya would be even better but while you have religious extremists ON BOTH SIDES - I’m not erasing the right wing Israeli parties - that doesn’t seem like it’d happen?
The comparison with South Africa is not the great one people think it is because those are 1) completely different histories 2) the ANC actually wanted to negotiate and when apartheid ended it was under a Government of National Unity and I’m not really seeing a situation where Bibi and Haniyeh and Abbas sit down and form something like that. Literally none of them are super reasonable people and none of them are especially interested in compromises 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ which is terrible because that just means civilians keep dying.
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truck-fump · 9 months
Can We Still Find Common Ground? Many Americans today worry that...
New Post has been published on https://robertreich.org/post/737428883379470336
Can We Still Find Common Ground? Many Americans today worry that...
Can We Still Find Common Ground? 
Many Americans today worry that our nation is losing its national identity. Some claim loudly that the core of that identity requires better policing of our borders and preventing other races or religions or ethnicities from supplanting white Christian America.
But that is not what defines our national identity. It’s the ideals we share, the good we hold in common.
That common good is a set of shared commitments. To the rule of law. To democracy. To tolerance of our differences. To equal rights and equal opportunities for everyone. To upholding the truth.
We cannot have a functioning society without these shared commitments. Without a shared sense of common good, there can be no “we” to begin with.
If we’re losing our national identity, it is because we are losing our sense of the common good. That is what must be restored.
Some of you may feel such a quest to be hopeless. Well, I disagree.
Almost every day, I witness or hear of the compassion and generosity of ordinary Americans. Their actions rarely make headlines, but they constitute much of our daily life together.
The moral fiber of our society has been weakened but it has not been destroyed.
We can recover the rule of law and preserve our democratic institutions by taking a more active role in our democracy.
We can fight against all forms of bigotry. We can strengthen the bonds that connect us to one another.
We can protect the truth by using facts and logic to combat lies.
Together, we can rebuild a public morality that strengthens our democracy, makes our economy work for everyone, and revives trust in the institutions of the nation.
America is not made great by whom we exclude but by the ideals we uphold together.
We’ve never been a perfect union. Our finest moments have been when we have sought to live up to those shared ideals.
I hope you’ll join me in carrying forward the fight for the common good.
You might start by sharing this video with your friends and loved ones.
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michel-tanguy · 2 years
New Post has been published on Michel Tanguy
New Post has been published on http://micheltanguy.com/internet-dating-sites-for-people-who-need-to-find-international-people/
Internet dating sites For People Who Need to Find International People
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In the past, discovering WorldBride somebody from a second country could be very expensive and time-consuming. However , now you can take action much more without difficulty and conveniently online with international online dating sites. These websites focus on connecting people from worldwide and can reveal an experience that may be unique, fascinating, and important. Some of these sites have time while others have paid membership programs that give you access to more complex features, including video discussion and instantaneous messaging.
Many people are open to going out with someone right from another nation and want to find a compatible match. These online dating sites can assist you in your search for a spouse who shares the same pursuits, values, and lifestyle just like you perform. They can as well help you conquer vocabulary barriers and cultural distinctions that might interfere with a successful marriage.
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One of the popular dating sites for people who want to date international people is certainly Match. This website uses a substantial search algorithm to pair users with potential partners who all share comparable interests and values. Match is available in twenty four countries around the globe and has more than 12-15 million members. In addition to its typical search the drill, Match offers specialized search options meant for specific ethnicities and areas. Another great overseas dating site is Christian Mingle, which will helps engender faith-based associations between both males and females from across the world.
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Typically, women live longer than men, which is reflected in the ratio of men to females on internet dating sites. For example , in some countries such as Russia, at 50 there are only 91 males for every 100 ladies, and this phenomena gets even worse with age. For that reason, women tend to have more accounts on online dating sites than men, and you can be prepared to see even more feminine profiles inside your searches.
If you are looking for your more serious relationship, consider subscribing International Cupid. This online dating website is aimed toward international internet dating and has a lot of members across the world, although the vast majority are through the United States and European countries. The web page is free to join, yet premium memberships provide more advanced features just like face-to-face gatherings and verified identity.
Another option is definitely Seeking Placements, which focuses on a very specific kind of romantic relationship. Most of the lovers on this site are in sweets daddy-sugar baby arrangements, although this type of relationship might not exactly appeal to everyone, it is enjoyable for those who choose to pursue this.
The good thing is that there are lots of unique international online dating sites to choose from. You can discover sites that are aimed at people of the same ethnicity, religion, or perhaps lifestyle, and also sites which can be completely based on research online algorithm. Upon having decided which usually site is suitable for your needs, satisfy create a account that will draw in your ideally suited match. Additionally, it is a good idea to utilize the search filtration systems on the site, to help you narrow down your alternatives and conserve time.
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American Politics Is So Full Of Shit
You can look at the national civic scene in the United States and shake your head in disbelief and disgust. American politics is so full of shit. It is easy to point the finger at the people and berate them for their childishness in believing so many lies. However, they have been lied to from the very beginning of their republic. The fear mongering by vested interests is legion. This whole anti-communist thing is such a load of garbage. I mean there has never been any iota of danger in America becoming a communist nation. It has been a complete beat up from its invention some hundred plus years ago. Photo by Sawyer Sutton on Pexels.com
The BS Inherent Within US Politics
Despite this, the main political parties have hung this threat over the American people like some sword of Damocles. Any sniff of wealth distribution for African Americans, women, and any other disenfranchised minority group is evidence of communism. How convenient for those white men in power who don’t want to share the wealth of the nation. The Republican party are the most recent and prolonged user of this fear mongering in their campaigning. They have created this mythical ideal American who hovers above the populace like an image from a drive-in movie. The tough white cowboy who takes no help from the government and walks tall at all times. This western frontiersman has shot savages and kept his womenfolk safe. He believes in God and takes no shit.
Cowboys, Reagan, & Americans Getting Shafted
Obviously, this hero doesn’t exist and never really did. Ronald Reagan resurrected the cowboy archetype for his campaign for the presidency back in the 1980s’. Reagan stripped back the New Deal economic policies, which had done so much over decades to make the US a much fairer place. The wealth index was more evenly shared among the population during FDR’s New Deal, and which Eisenhower continued on in the spirit of liberal consensus. Reagan began the great divergence between the wealthy and the poor via his regressive taxation policies and stripping spending on welfare programmes for the underprivileged. To effect these harsh economic policies upon the poor Reagan promoted the idealised American ‘cowboy’ narrative. The self-made man who shunned welfare and made it on his own terms. This Ayn Rand character BS ignored the fact that white men were already the privileged dominant cohort in America. Making it on your own terms is easier when you have already had a leg up thanks to your ethnicity and race. Poorly educated people are easily manipulated into believing that ‘anybody can make it in America’. White folk who did not finish secondary school do not learn about the things learned at college. Most of these folk don’t have the training to think outside of their own perspective on life. Therefore, they have no understanding of what life for many African Americans has been like. Generations of poverty, poor schools, apartheid living, and institutional racial discrimination are not features of a level playing field. It is easier to eat up white supremacist propaganda about undeserving blacks incapable of getting ahead. American politics is so full of shit. Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com Fascists & Hating ‘The Other’ in Politics Conservatives and right wing fascists always have an ‘other’ up their sleeve for the voters to hate. Communism was the new evil of the day. It was Godless, which condemned it in the eyes of the evangelical Christian right. Any sign by Democrats of helping African Americans, women, or Latin Americans was a clear indication of communist intent. It was weakness, as Americans should help themselves and pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Meanwhile, the rich became superrich, the birth of the billionaire class happened on the Republican watch. Whilst average Joes’ were busy conforming to an American ideal, corporate America was shovelling their untaxed profits into bank vaults. Anti-trust laws were repealed in the 1990’s which has seen further divergence between the super-rich and the growing poverty of the middle class. It is a return to the gilded age that so many American political leaders fought to dismantle at the beginning of the 20C. Woodrow Wilson would be turning in his grave. Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels.com Selling Your Soul For The White Man’s Pie Those who vote for GOP candidates in America are either incredibly stupid or truly believe that they will benefit from a slice of the white man’s pie. All this hogwash about communism is the biggest bunch of baloney served up to a nation of haves and many more have nots. America was a slave nation for its first centuries and fought a Civil War over it. This cost some 625, 000 lives between the north and the south. It freed the black Africans who had been chained up in police states and whipped to work harder on plantations. It did not deliver these African Americans to a level playing field, however. White men in the north actively voted against any policies mooted to distribute economic wealth to those now suffering from apartheid and black codes in the south. In the west, where real men were cowboys, Native Americans were enslaved and were exploited by white property owners there. All those stories about the frontiersmen of the wild west, like Davey Crocket at the Alamo, are in fact about the right to enslave Indians in places like Texas. The Mexicans had outlawed slavery in 1829 and the Spanish empire long before that. The lies spun via patriotic interpretations of American history are many and major. President Trump Postlaunch Remarks (NHQ202005300037) by NASA HQ PHOTO is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0 Today’s America Trumps National Disgrace We get to an America today that voted in a fraudulent celebrity billionaire as president in 2016. This resulted in a million people dying from Covid in the supposed economic superpower of our time. The US was shown as a country riven by ideology and unable to coordinate under Trump to save American lives. It was a national disgrace. The greed of the white supremacist GOP aligned America is shocking. That half of the country sees itself reflected in Donald Trump is cause for alarm around the world. GOP’s Zero Sum Game Americans have been fed feel good stories for lifetimes if you are white and male. The public buy into narratives which bear little relation to reality. Marvel studios have been churning out scores of super hero movies and they have been largely successful. This tells us a lot about the intelligence level where the country is at. The GOP sets up its zero sum game, where the price of fairness, according to them, costs the white majority. This is crap but all too many Americans are willing to believe it. They have been told this for decades - that providing a level playing field economically will detract from their own wealth. Too many Americans believe this lie. Photo by Aaron Kittredge on Pexels.com Prison Or The Presidency? Trump is a crook and has been so for decades. The fact that he has gotten away with it for so long is a testament to the state of America. Rich people are above the law in many instances. The powerful in the political sphere do not pay the price for their transgressions of the law. Nixon, Oliver North, Steve Bannon, and the hundreds of criminals who are pardoned by the president – make the judicial system in the US a bad joke. Trump is either going to jail or returning to the presidency in 2024. That Trump incited a coup on January 6th2021, where violent Trump supporters stormed the Capital and killed police defending it, is a wake -up call to America and the world. Stupid and violent are apt descriptions for the most virulent Trump supporters. American politics is so full of shit. “Everyone who makes the argument that January 6 was, you know, an unguided tour of the Capitol is lying to America. Everyone who says that the prisoners who are being prosecuted right now for their involvement in January 6, that they are somehow political prisoners or that they didn’t commit crimes, those folks are lying to America.” – Ken Buck, Republican Congressman. - (https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/26/ken-buck-election-stolen-lie-00128626) Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com Americans like the illusion of the confident cowboy taking on the world, as their archetypal leadership story. Many Americans are traditionalists in their attitudes to life and voting habits for presidents. They have never elected a female president in a couple of hundred years. Hillary got close and actually won the popular vote. That says something about the place. Biden is a good guy but he is no spring chicken. The electorate wants someone vigorous. There are way too many old white men in Congress. If it comes down to it I am concerned that the people will vote in a bad man with balls over a desiccated one with good intentions. Really, the Democrats are going to have to find a candidate from another generation, at least, and someone who has vigour and sparkling wit. The American population is not going to look in the mirror for much longer and put up with seeing old Joe staring back at them. “In the article, title “The World Again Needs American Leadership”, Truss cited Ronald Reagan and the end of the cold war. “The world would benefit from more of that kind of American leadership today,” Truss wrote. “I hope that a Republican will be returned to the White House in 2024. There must be conservative leadership in the US that is once again bold enough to call out hostile regimes as evil and a threat.” “ - (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/27/liz-truss-republican-president-election-2024) The Trump Allure For Americans What is the allure of Donald J Trump for Republican voters in 2024? Trump is no mythical cowboy. He is vigorous and seemingly passionate about his cause. Narcissism works that way. Trump promises retribution for those who feel let down and left behind by the times. He is a white supremacist and appeals to those many Americans in that camp. Trump’s celebrity status as a loud, brash, billionaire brought him to the attention of the American people in the first place. His orange skin and dyed hair mark him as equally tacky as those he professes to represent. Trump’s bombastic approach to campaigning, somehow, makes him their defender of white entitlement. These people may not be the finest examples of humankind but they reckon they’re better than blacks, Asians, queers, and Mexicans. This is the populist political fuel that propels the Trump juggernaut and aligned with this are those at the top who can benefit from the GOP policies economically. The billionaires and their ilk who lobby tirelessly for their interests via reducing taxes and removing pesky legislation designed to hamper their self-aggrandisement.   A lot of Americans vote for political leaders they know are crooks because they see this as putting the farm in the hands of someone who gets results by any means. Cheating and lying is no great sin for Americans as long as they are on the winning team. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.  ©MidasWord Shop now Read the full article
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