#yes God is still doing things in Israel and they are still special
Tfw you get recommended a particular pastor-teacher by a peer and you have gotten just wise enough at this point to go look the person up before just ingesting their teaching, and the top two things they have recently said are "Christian Nationalism is a good thing and a God-ordained pursuit" and "Israel should by no means pause or cease fire" and you're just like. Aha. Ok then. Glad I checked first. 😅
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latent-thoughts · 10 months
The Jews weren't the first natives in that region. The Canaanites were there before the Jews showed up to violently erase them from existence for the terrible crime of not being of Yahweh's choosen people. All Jews know this. It is literally in the fucking book. You know this.
Don't lie in order to defend the idea that Israel is a thing that absolutely must exist. It's fine that you believe that idea, but what's getting irksome is this underlying insistence that "Israel must exist" is an obvious conclusion to the region's problems and anyone who has a modicum of moral fiber in their soul can clearly see that. Your religion isn't true to the people who aren't you. I do not recognize the Jews as a chosen, special sort of people and I shouldn't be expected to. And, yes, I can tell when it's expected because they'll get annoyed when I mention the Canaanites. Yeah, I've seen the eye-rolls, the "history's a complex mess so I'm justified in picking and choosing what events humanity should give a shit about based on how recent they are and how much the directly affect MY culture" bullshit, the accusations of antisemitism despite the fact that I would be completely fine with the existence of Israel if the people who made it didn't, well, slaughter the families of Canaanites in order to do so. Also, Israel isn't a person or a type of person, it's a state, it's completely fine to hate and isn't synonymous with hating Jews. If you think that it is, I'm going to remind you that people who aren't Jewish exist and they don't need to necessarily have the values Jews want them to in order to good people.
If the foundation of your state is built on moving into land that isn't yours and erasing the people that your god doesn't want there, it's completely reasonable to expect that other states might just return that favor in kind. After all, you set the precedent, right? And then constantly referred to it in your holy texts like it was the best, most necessary thing that ever needed to happen. That kind of zeal certainly won't spread.
Oh boy, I'm going to say it. I think that all of the states that have ever engaged in and justified (I'm going to say it) genocidal behavior aren't really... y'know worth defending? Worth giving a shit about? And yeah, saying "God needed us to do it! We are the chosen people! HOLY LAND!" is a shitty justification. Objectively shitty. Jewish people aren't the chosen people to anyone else besides other Jewish people. Nothing really wrong with that, but... nothing really that right with it either. It kinda cancels itself out.
Long ask, I know. Whatever. Stop lying. The Canaanites were there before the Jews. The Jews killed them all then called the land they stole from them "Israel". See? There are perfectly good reasons to hate Israel that have nothing to do with Palestine.
C'mon, the Americas had fucking slavery. England tried to take over the world. Hell, Germany tried to kill all of you! Israel is another shitty place. It isn't special.
I vow to ignore Israel from now on, achieving everlasting peace and making the entire Middle East envious of me.
Oh, and to be absolutely clear in the most awkward manner possible, I don't hate the Jews. I just find their bullshit to be really fucking annoying.
If the Jews killed them all, how is it that their DNA is still dominant in modern day Jews (plus Palestinians and other populations of Levant)?
The truth is that both Jews and Palestinians were part of the same people at some point in time, who also mixed with Canaanites and settled in the region that is modern day Israel+Levant. And Canaanites' ancestors had actually arrived in that region from further East.
So by your logic, then, even the Canaanites weren't the natives of that land.
(There may have been tribal wars, as was common in that era, but it's pretty clear that no one wiped out anyone.)
We can keep going back in time to disprove the indigeneity of people till we arrive in Africa. Which is kind of moronic, TBH.
Personally, I'm not denying the indigeneity of either Jews or Palestinians. Only you are trying to justify your hatred for Jews and denying that they have a right to live in their homeland. Just by saying that you don't hate Jews doesn't veil your anti-semitism.
Both Jews and Palestinians deserve to live there. A two state solution is one way for it. Terrorism by Hamas isn't.
Furthermore, if you know your history (which I'm having doubts about), you know that Jews were persecuted and driven out of almost all the countries and kingdoms they had moved to over the centuries. There were Jews in the Middle Eastern countries, African countries, Europe, etc.. Tell me what happened to them. If you can't, you don't understand why Jews wanted a country of their own, in their native homeland.
With the exception of India, they were either killed, forcefully converted, or driven out of these countries at some point in time. The Holocaust is just one such instance over the centuries, and it was a big deal. The present day rising anti-semitism only strengthens their belief that they're never fully accepted in other places. Hence their need for self determination and separate state of their own (which they already have, btw).
Also, I know you didn't bother to check before coming in my inbox to spew venom, but I'm not Jewish. I'm not even from that region. But I understand what it means to have a history that's full of massacres and genocide of my people.
Plus, I'm someone who likes to stay informed, someone who's against anti-semitism. I don't need to be a Jew to understand where they're coming from.
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katie-the-bug · 2 months
Glorious Appearing: The End of My Patience
Finally we reach the final book in the main Left Behind series, Glorious Appearing, in which the avatar of the cruel God threatening to destroy the world appears for the final reckoning. Will the forces of the Global Community be able to stand against him, or will humanity be condemned to a fate worse than death?
...That's not how the authors would put it, but I like my version better.
The Cast:
The Tribulation Force: Rayford Steele, pilot; Buck Williams, dead journalist; Tsion Ben-Judah, posthumous pastor; Mac McCullum, other pilot; Abdullah Smith, other other pilot; Leah, nurse; Chang Wong, IT guy; Naomi Tiberias, IT girl.
The Global Community: Nicolae Carpathia, Antichrist; Leon Fortunato, bumbling assistant to the Antichrist.
In Chapter 1, Mac needs a disguise to go find Buck, and the resident disguise guy decides that the best idea is to have him do blackface. Mac calls the idea "genius." What the fuck.
Buck's dead. Yay!
Rayford's alive. Damn.
The characters predicted that Jesus would come back seven years to the hour after the signing of the treaty with Israel in the second book, but he didn't. The characters are comforting themselves with the idea that God's ways are not their ways, but I personally think it would be hilarious if Jesus just didn't show up and they all had to deal with that.
Mac is in the same room as Nicolae and considers shooting him. "It fit no prophetic scenario, but how fulfilling it would be!" Once again, a characters refuses to take action because it's not in the Bible.
Apparently God intends to turn the destroyed city of New Babylon into "a desolate land of porcupines." There's nothing I can say to make this any more or less weird.
Leah reflects on God hardening people's hearts and making it impossible for them to convert to Christianity, effectively mind-controlling people into damning themselves. Her narration defends "the logic of it" - said logic being simply that God has finite patience despite being an infinite being, which frankly raises more questions than it answers.
Nicolae realizes that riding a horse into battle in the modern age is stupid, so he exchanges his horse for a car. Which he stands on top of as it drives haphazardly towards the enemy.
Jesus comes back in the middle of Chapter 11, and it's astounding how the authors have failed to make this - the climax of the series, the summit of everything they're trying to convey - feel special in any way. There's no chapter break, no change in perspectives, it just kinda happens. And the story moves on.
Jesus proceeds to kill millions by reciting Scripture about himself. I understand that this is meant to show the power of the "Word of God" but having a little Sunday-school recitation rip people open is a bit of a stretch.
Despite Jesus being right fucking there, Rayford and Mac are still interested in what Nicolae is doing. At least one thing's consistent throughout this series, and it's nobody ever having their priorities straight.
Everyone gets super-speed so they can follow Jesus long distances. I don't think that's in the Bible.
LaHaye and Jenkins' Jesus is absolutely reveling in the carnage, ripping people apart and dyeing his robe red in their blood. He follows every action with loud boasts about his greatness. Meanwhile his chorus of heavenly yes-men are singing about his love and kindness. No self-awareness to be found here.
Nicolae and Leon are driving away from the scene and bickering like a pair of harmless comic relief villains. Bit of a disappointing downgrade for the characters alleged to be the most evil men in existence.
An earthquake occurs that turns Earth into a featureless ball. This gets one paragraph of description, then it's business as usual.
Nicolae and Leon get unceremoniously and anticlimactically dumped into Hell. Can this book be done already?
Lucifer repeats his story about having evolved from primordial chaos, and Jesus tells the crowd that Lucifer was in fact created and should have been subordinate to God. We're supposed to trust Jesus because the authors like him, but there's no in-universe way to verify which of these two assholes, if either, is telling the truth.
Jesus reiterates that God is "not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" and I reiterate how the series itself has shown that this is bullshit. This is the God who hardens people's hearts, this is the God who rejects anyone who took the Mark of the Beast to survive, and this is the God who's perfectly happy with the majority of the human population suffering in Hell for all eternity.
Satan is ordered to "acknowledge Jesus as Lord" and refuses to. Good for him; at least someone's standing up to God.
Paradise on Earth comes for the people God cares about, but it's explicitly said that "all unbelievers would soon die" (emphasis theirs). Has Jesus not had his fill of violence yet?
It's specifically mentioned that "all Israel will be saved"...because everyone who isn't saved will be killed. Do the authors realize how sinister they sound?
Jesus sends the world's remaining unbelieving population to Hell all at once. Rayford is rightly horrified, and Jesus basically tells him not to think about it. Presumably that's the authors' directive as well to anyone who starts to realize that their God is evil.
If this book were consciously some kind of cosmic horror, it would be a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the atrocities depicted in this book are things the authors and target audience hope for and revel in, and as such, this book is horrifying in an uncomfortable real-world way.
That won't stop me from diving right into the follow-up book. Wish me luck.
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i-got-the-power1412 · 9 months
Alright motherfuckers, i have been feeling the urge to rant for quite a few days, so here it is, my weird, fucked up, rant/question ✨shizzazl.✨
Before we begin, I would like to inform ya'll that I'm a teenage (17-19) Indian girl. That is, I'm a brown, POC girl.
(so be ready cause this is gonna have a lot of sensitive, bordering controversial opinions, so DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ PLS)
First things first, what the fuck is wrong with our planet? Like, I'm not a nihilist or whatever, am I bit pessimistic? Well, yes. But other than that I'm not very dark minded, so like if I'm asking wtf is wrong with our world, you know something is definitely wrong. Like I can list like 10 things wrong in the world rn, off the top of my head.
1. Wars and disaster
2. Corrupt governments
3. Insufficient health care
4. Collapsing economy
5. Fucked up environment
6. Lack of gun control and mass shootings
7. Racism
8. Women's lack of safety/sexism
9. Homophobia and queer community hatred
10. Lack of food and and water.
This is all just off the top of my head. Like where the hell did we go wrong that this is what we have come down to. Let's dive deeper shall we?
We are currently in the middle of World War 3. Now hear me out, you're probably like-"Uh no,cause if we were we would know right?"
We don't know shit cause at the moment we are not directly affected by said war. Think about it like this, in World war 1 aka the first world war we had, there were 2 sides right? The allied powers and the central powers. And same in 2nd world war with allied and axis powers. Guess what? We have them now too. Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Palestine. If we divide it in the good and bad, like we humans have a habit of doing, it is Russia and Israel on one side, and Ukraine and Palestine on the other. All we need is 2 more countries to join one-one side, preferably England, USA, France or Canada, and we're done, we're in World war 3. Like what is up with that.
In my college history textbook, which I was studying recently cause I'm in the middle of my exams, I noticed in the Cold War chapter, that it was written that America became the foremost Superpower in the world, so much so that it had the power to acknowledge China as a State. And it made me wonder why? What the actual fuck is so special about that messed up country?
Ok imma make u question ur whole life now ok? U ready? Here we go.
We all know about USA, aka the LAND OF FREEDOM, right? The whole American Revolution, Fight for Freedom and all that?
What made it like that?
Like, from my perspective, all I see is white people, who went to an untouched, perfectly fine land, conquered it, killed and enslaved the real independent, original populace of that country, destroyed their absolutely beautiful and much advanced culture, declared that land as their own, and then got pissed off at their own king for excessive TAXES, and decided that they want independence?
Let me get this absolutely straight. These already INDEPENDENT, PRIVILEGED people came to another country, took the ACTUAL INDEPENDENCE of the people living there, and then fought a long war against their own king for this so called "Independence" and resulted in creating the World's Greatest Superpower, which honestly is today's one of the most fucked up countries which is honest to god falling apart at the seams?
Honestly, it makes me feel just strange. Like I don't even have words for this.
It's the same with England. These people came, conquered, enslaved, killed, tortured, and robbed, like blind looted, India and multiple other countries, ruled for over 200 years and then left after having squeezed a total of nearly $50 trillion from us? $50 TRILLION. Our country would be living on cloud 9 if we had even half this amount today. But we don't cause it was taken from us.
And sure the actions of our ancestors should not be blamed on the current generation. BUT the current generation is no better. These countries are still not making up for their crimes. America is currently attacking and warring with multiple Asian countries but of course, no one cares.
How bout the Panama Papers ? Such a huge scandal, the amount of money hidden and evaded, but the results? Comparatively, nothing.
The presidents of these countries are, quite frankly, useless.
In today's world, in almost 90 percentage of all countries' councils, governments, and senates, only old men above the age of 60, i.e. the age of senior citizens, work and function. Why is that?
If we all agree that the youngsters are the future, then why is the future in the hands of men who are ten seconds away from their damn graves?
USA- Biden is 81 years old.
Trump is 77 years old.
Britain- King Charles is 75 years old.
India- Narendra Modi is 73 years old.
Canada- Justin Trudeau is 52 years old.
South Korea- Yoon Suk Yeol is 63 years old.
China- Xi Jinping is 70 years old.
I think this is rather concerning.
More in part 2
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princeofgod-2021 · 9 months
Tumblr media
John 1:4
Exo 40:4 And THOU SHALT BRING IN THE TABLE, AND SET IN ORDER THE THINGS THAT ARE TO BE SET IN ORDER UPON IT; and thou shalt bring in the candlestick, and light the lamps thereof. KJV
We will have to resume use of our scripture of focus. There are yet many things to see.
1Sa 22:1-2 So David ESCAPED from that place and fled to the CAVE at Adullam. When his brothers and all the rest of his family heard about it, THEY WENT TO HIM. Then EVERYONE who was in trouble, in debt, or bitter about life joined him, and he became their commander. There were about four hundred men with him. GW
You are “born” a KING with Authority to exercise God’s purpose in this life.
Therefore anywhere you are is supposed to be your Palace.
It is all a matter of your mind. Don’t let anyone oppress you with “you are living in hell’s hole”.
Whether Joseph was a servant in Potiphar’s house or Prisoner in Pharaoh’s Cells, he was a Divinely made King in CONTROL.
Gen 39:2,6 And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian…AND HE LEFT ALL THAT HE HAD IN JOSEPH'S HAND; AND HE KNEW NOT OUGHT HE HAD, save the bread which he did eat. And Joseph was a goodly person, and well favoured. KJV
Potiphar & Pharaoh were smart. As soon as they SAW this Special GRACE in Joseph, they knew well enough to elevate him in status.
When you see a man whose life is established by Divine Ordering, you should know well to permit him all the Authority he needs to excel because the blessedness of his exploits will be yours too.
Gen 39:3-4 His master OBSERVED that the LORD was with him and that the LORD made everything he was doing successful. So Joseph found favor in his sight and became his personal attendant. POTIPHAR APPOINTED JOSEPH OVERSEER OF HIS HOUSEHOLD AND PUT HIM IN CHARGE OF EVERYTHING HE OWNED. NET
The Cave at Adullam became [undeniably] David’s first Palace and where his “subjects” met with him and started relating with him.
David’s family and everyone went to meet him there.
A King will always have the HEART of his subjects and they will gravitate towards him, no matter his looks or place.
Do you remember the case of John the Baptist?
Mat 11:7-9 And when they were going away, Jesus, talking of John, said to all the people, What went you out into the WASTE land to see? a tall stem moving in the wind? But what went you out to see? A MAN DELICATELY CLOTHED? Those who have fair robes are in kings' houses. But why did you go out? to see a prophet? Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet. BBE
The Baptist was dwelling in the desert wasteland and never looking elegant, but all went out to meet with him and he was giving orders and changing their lives for good.
Luk 3:14 The SOLDIERS asked him, "WHAT ABOUT US? WHAT SHOULD WE DO?" He said to them, "Don't use force or lies to make people give you money. Be happy with the pay you get." ERV
Imagine that the Army was asking a poorly dressed ugly looking wasteland dweller for Direction and a Command.
That is Divinely placed Authority and is not a matter of looks.
Luk 1:15-16 HE WILL BE ONE OF THE GREAT ONES IN THE SIGHT OF GOD. He will drink no wine or strong drink, but he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even while still in his mother’s womb. And HE WILL PERSUADE MANY IN ISRAEL TO CONVERT AND TURN BACK TO THE LORD THEIR GOD. TPT
Your looks or place is subject to your Position with God.
Once you have His approval, your destiny “assignment” will connect with and gravitate towards you.
Luk 4:14 Jesus returned to Galilee. The power of the Spirit was with him, and THE NEWS ABOUT HIM SPREAD THROUGHOUT THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY. GW
You may use your megaphone, flyer or PA system, but it is a Divine Order that connects you with your Destiny Elements.
They will definitely come for your ORDERS.
I pray that you will lose no connection with any of your Destiny Mandates, IN JESUS NAME.
Come back on Monday, as we proceed in digging into this inspiring Subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Friday, December 22, 2023
08055125517; 08023904307
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
Gingerbread man as golem
@yaronata asked:
I would like to write a character who is Jewish and uses a Golem. She's based on the D&D class of the artificer which looks magic but isn't, because they produce all their effects with inventions, like the "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" quote. Her story is that her very Jewish town was under attack from a terrible monster when she was little. Her Rabbis made a Golem to protect the town, and it succeeded but was torn to pieces in the process. She was fascinated by the Golem and as a kid didn't see a big difference between it's sentience and person's so was really thankful for its sacrifice like you would a person's sacrificing their life for you. They thought all the pieces had been devoured by the monster before it died, but she went looking and found the piece used to animate the Golem, which she, kinda misunderstanding called its "heart". She kept the piece and grew up to be an incredibly skilled cook, specialising as a baker in the town. I imagine she would make a lot of really good food for the Jewish holidays, or to break fasts on ones like Yom Kippur or Tish'abav. But she also made a town specific holiday to honour the Golem's sacrifice and the town still being alive, because I feel "we are not dead woo" is a big theme for Jewish holidays from my research, so it could fit, for which she invented ginger bread men to be the golem, and gave them little "hearts" of fruit or honey, and you're meant to eat them limb by limb like the beast did before eating the heart. This would be the inspiration for using the "heart" piece later to make her own giant gingerbread Golem to help her save the world.
These are my questions 1) would it be considered bad or disrespectful for someone who isn't a Rabbi to make a Golem, or is this method of taking an animating piece someone else made disrespectful? 2) Her journey will take her far from her town and her Jewish family and friends and she will likely travel with gentiles. Would it be disrespectful for a Golem to be used to protect a lot of gentiles and one Jew in the course of saving the world? I don't want to fall into the stereotype of someone putting all their effort into valuing and protecting very specifically the group that in real life is oppressive to them. 3) While she is not using magic and is actually mimicking its effects with technology she invents, is this drawing too close to the line of "magical Jew"? 4) I like to "play test" my characters in ttrpgs to really get a feel for them before I write. Would it be disrespectful to play a Jewish character when I am a gentile, and would it be disrespectful to play a Jewish character in a setting where there are demonstrably real gods other than the one of Judaism?
I really like this character idea and I think it's cute and fun and rooted in Jewish culture but I really want to make sure it's respectful and as good as I, a gentile researching on the internet, thinks it is. Thanks so much! Have a nice day!
My answer to this is very complicated because there are things I both like and do not like about this premise. First of all, I love the idea of a cookie golem, and I'm even imagining the magic word that brings him to life (EMET/truth) would be written in icing. And I'm okay with the part about how she found a piece of the old golem and used it to build a new golem, because that makes sense for a golem made from a baked good when you think about how people use sourdough starter to make a new batch of sourdough.
However, here are the thing that make me cock my head to the side like my little sister's German shepherd:
1. re: "magical Jew" - that's not a trope I've ever heard of. Remember, marginalized groups don't receive identical disrespect across the board. It is indeed a trope to use Black people or disabled people as supernatural plot devices who exist only to further the stories of white main characters or able-bodied main characters. But I can't say as I've ever seen anyone using Jewishness that way. Usually if we are someone's one-dimensional plot device it's as someone's lawyer, fixer, "money guy", etc, not a supernatural force. So this isn't something you have to worry about.
2. I have a certain level of discomfort with you playing as a Jewish character just because playacting as a marginalized culture you're not part of strikes me as off, but I understand that that's how you gain insight into a character you're about to write so it's more of a writing exercise than anything else. (I wonder if D&D regulars from marginalized groups have written about this -- I've only played a few times casually with family so if I did run into this type of discussion in my social justice reading I wouldn't have absorbed it. If anyone is curious I played first as Captain Werewolf, and then switched to playing as Cinnamon Blade because lawful good was too hard. :P )
3. I would prefer you omit the detail about eating the cookies piece by piece symbolically, for two reasons: a. it unintentionally evokes Communion by having appreciative people consume a baked good symbolic of an entity who sacrificed his life for theirs, and b. focusing on the details of flesh consumption reminds me too much of Blood Libel (yes, a gingerbread man is in the shape of a person but how many of us actually think about it literally, the way this act would cause?)
As to your first question: I'm fine with her making a golem even though she's just a rando. Second question: I see what you're saying and maybe it could be more okay if it's really clear how well these gentile folks are treating her? And questions three and four are answered above.
I really do love the idea of a giant gingerbread man golem. Cookie golem T_T <3
I would like to second Shira’s point about not ripping apart the gingerbread cookies. I honestly would prefer they were used as decoration, and other cookies eaten instead, since that part just feels so not-Jewish to me, but I don’t have golem-specific issues other than that. It seems like you have already been doing a lot of research, which is appreciated.
As far as the ttrpg/DnD aspect… I bounce back and forth on the topic of playing characters that are so very different from our experiences, other than in fantasy-related ways. However, I am aware that a lot of people will play with, and experiment with gender in game, and learn something about themselves in the process (the number of trans players of ttrpgs who tried out their gender in game before they were out is high). It’s different with Judaism, and even more significantly different when it comes to things you can’t convert into, like various actual, real-world races. But because people do sometimes experience growth from experiences like this, I’m hesitant to dissuade players completely. I do urge you to, at a minimum, bring the same care, research, and willingness to learn, that you brought to this question.
This sounds like a creative storyline that you could have lots of fun with 😊
At first I was confused by this part:
She also made a town specific holiday to honour the Golem's sacrifice
But then you really got me thinking about different types of Jewish holidays and how they come about, so thank you for that!
Because it’s often the little details that either make a story super powerful or kind of nonsensical, I think it would be a good idea to decide what type of holiday is being created here:
A full-blown chag with restrictions on labour and halachic obligations? These are commanded in Torah and new ones can’t be added.
A minor yom tov with halachic obligations but no restrictions? These were instituted by the rabbis prior to the destruction of the Temple, so again new ones can’t be added.
A public holiday or equivalent? This would usually be declared by the Knesset in Israel, and filter to the rest of the Jewish world from there.
A community-based yom tov with specific customs only for people in the know, such as certain Chasidic groups celebrating the birthdays of their deceased leaders? I asked around, but no one can really tell me how these holidays get started, which is probably a good indication that they arise quite organically from a group of people who all just feel that it should be celebrated. Probably not created by a single person, as such.
Something she runs from her bakery, not religion-based, but more like a day of doing special products and deals the way many small businesses do on their anniversary?
Now, if the people of a modern-day town were actually saved by a real live Golem, that would arguably be the most overt miracle for many generations, so there would be a decent chance of options 3 and/or 4 happening. It’s entirely plausible that there could be special foods for this day that become a tradition, including Golem cookies. People who directly benefited might also return to the site where the Golem fought the monster and recite the prayer, ‘Blessed is Hashem, Master of the Universe, Who performed a miracle for me in this place.’
Alternatively, if it’s important that your MC created the holiday, something like option 5 might be the best. Hopefully this will still fulfil what you need: you describe her as incredibly skilled, so I can imagine the day when she goes all out on the Golem cookies being one of the most exciting events of the year for the townspeople, just because her baking is that good. Plus, they already have a personal stake in the Golem’s sacrifice, so I definitely think it could be a thing without being an official holiday. Also, if she is outside of an all-Jewish environment, don’t forget that she would have to decide whether to commemorate the anniversary in the Hebrew calendar or the local one.
Coming back to the cookies, sorry if we’re getting a little repetitive on this point! But I don’t see the cookies being torn limb from limb as part of a celebration. First of all, this doesn’t sound like a very celebratory thing to do, to say the least. Can you imagine explaining that to a three-year-old on their first Yom HaGolem? They would be terrified! (I don’t read this suggestion as accidental anti-Semitism so much as getting carried away with a metaphor, which I’m sure as writers we have all done!)
But also, it’s worth pointing out that our commemorative foods aren’t usually that literal. If you think about hamantaschen, maror, or apple in honey, they’re all symbols. That’s not to say that having Golem-shaped cookies is a problem, as this sounds like just a bit of fun that the MC is having and not something that is directly at odds with Judaism or Jewish culture. But it’s worth bearing in mind that the more literal you go from there in terms of tying the cookies to the event they commemorate, the less culturally aligned your holiday food becomes.
Finally, about the Golem protecting non-Jewish people: I like this idea! There’s a stereotype that we only use whatever is at our disposal to help ourselves and other Jewish people, so a Golem being created by Jews but helping others as well is a big plus for me. Of course, as has already been pointed out, this would be an odd choice if her Saving The World team were anti-Semitic or otherwise disrespectful to her/her community, but I don’t think you were headed that way!
I have to come back in here just to squee over the phrase “Yom HaGolem.” Well done :D
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wtffundiefamilies · 3 years
This is from 2013, but holy hell I hope Anna finds it.  Entirety of the post beneath the cut; it’s both long and not something people should read with no warning.  But I wanted to copypaste in case the link goes down one day.  It’s insane to me that these “little details” and “clues” are obvious and screaming red flags to people raised in a normal world.  (And no, looking at legal porn is not a “red flag” that someone is a child molester.  But, like...again, given the circumstances I’m not sure what we’d expect; we all saw what Jessa said.)  It’s part one of a series, and it’s amazing just how much this dude sounds like Josh.  And how much their “courtship” sounds like Josh and Anna’s.
Part of my mission, my purpose in life, is to educate others about child predators.  I’m not here to stir up some kind of crazy hype, but to present the facts and to give you a bit of insight as to what happened in my own life.  How was I so blinded to the fact that for forty years I was living with a practicing pedophile?  How did I not see the signs?  How did I not pick up on something being very wrong with the man I married?  
The truth is that I sensed something was wrong even before we got married, but I didn’t listen to my inner being.  I didn’t pay attention to those nudgings that something was wrong.  Why?  Because as a Christian it had been taught to me from little up that people who went to church were good, honest, moral people.  I was taught to trust people who said they believed in God and followed His teachings.  And, I did just that.  I was, unfortunately, one of the most trusting women who ever walked the face of the earth!
Pay attention to this, please!  Just because a person tells you that they walk by the teachings of God does not mean it’s true.  In fact, the word of God warns us against “wolves in sheep’s clothing”, and I learned first-hand just what that meant.  But, it would be years before my eyes were totally opened to this fact. As a bit of background information, I came from a broken home.  My parents divorced when I was fourteen, a sister of mine died when she was thirteen, my mother was an alcoholic, and my father was by today’s terms a “dead beat dad.”  Needless to say, I longed for a different life, and I prayed constantly that God would send a good, righteous, faithful Christian into my life so that I could build a home on godly principles and a firm foundation.
I worked hard all through high school so that I could go to college.  But, I didn’t want to go to just any college.  It had to be a Christian college because I sincerely believed that was the only place I would ever meet a Christian man to marry.  Because I worked so hard all through high school, I earned a four-year scholarship to a four-year state school.  BUT, you guessed it!  The idea of finding and marrying a Christian man was so ingrained in my heart and mind by now that I passed up the scholarship and instead went to a very small, two-year Christian College.  Little did I know that this one decision would lead to so much heartache for me and for those who are most special in my life — my children.  While it’s true that we can’t see around every bend in the road, there are signs and signals along the way.  I didn’t pay attention to anyone who tried to talk to me.  One thing was on my mind — finding a Christian mate!
Every person wants to feel special, and longs to be told that they stand out among all of the rest.  During the summer between my first and second year of college I met a young man who was articulate, bright, funny, witty, and who also told me that I stood out.  He was spending the summer at college and so was I.  A friendship developed, and even though I was engaged to marry someone else, this young man worked very hard every day to convince me that I was with the wrong person.  He pointed out all of the flaws of the man whose ring I was wearing until he finally convinced me to break off the engagement.  That’s a story in and of itself — maybe I’ll share that with you another day.
What was a bit strange to me was that the man I would soon marry had a quiet control over me like nobody ever had before.  Even though I had low self-esteem I was used to making my own decisions and being very independent.  For the first time in my life I found I was reporting my every move to this quiet, shy young man. He told me I was special.  He said out of all the girls on campus I was the only one that he thought was pretty and was a true Christian.  He told me just what I wanted to hear.  It was the word “Christian” that nailed me!  I knew he was the one I had been praying about since my youth!
One of the greatest stories my now ex-husband loved to tell was how he spotted me from across campus and said to his roommate, “See that girl?  I’m going to marry her.”  This was totally absurd because at the time he said that we had not even met!  He later told me he would hide and watch me — study me — and he knew my schedule, when I was going to eat, when I’d walk back to campus, when I would go to work.  He said, “I knew everything about you.  I knew where you were from morning until night. I knew I would marry you.”
Instead of being freaked out and thinking this guy was some kind of stalker psycho, I was flattered.  “He chose me.”  Out of all of the girls around, he chose me and that again was more evidence of answered prayers.  Deep inside, though, was a gnawing feeling that something wasn’t right.  He didn’t talk much.  And, for a man who said he loved God, he made fun of people in a mean way.  He mocked people’s insecurities.  Yes, you guessed it!  He mocked me on several occasions and I felt like a piece of dirt he had stepped on.  He made fun of the size of my nose.  He made fun of my feet calling them “hammer head toes.”  He made fun of the space I have between my teeth.  I cried myself to sleep many, many nights, but still……..he was a Christian man, and he was so nice when we were together in public.  He opened the car door for me (it was my car, by the way).  He paid the bill when we went out to eat and left a nice tip.  (It was my money that he used.)  He talked me into giving him my car (which I had since I was 16) and I found myself asking him for permission to use my own car.  This was really weird!
Why did I put up with it?  Why does anybody put up with abuse?  Because they’ve been so used to being beaten down that they think this is the norm. Please, please — if you’re in a situation like this run for your life!!!  This is NOT the way a good relationship works!  And, it’s a red flag indicator of many other problems — in my case, it was a big red flag that I was being masterfully manipulated.  Groomed to be the wife of a pedophile who was already deeply involved in porn and child sexual molestation!  
Learn to listen for “clues” that a decision you’re making might not be right.  I had BIG clues that I passed off as “odd”, “not making much sense”, “silly”, or “not that big of a deal.”
Clue 1:  For the last four months we dated, my fiance was in Israel doing overseas study.  We corresponded by letter only.  We were to get married less than one week after he arrived back in the states.  In his letters he would write to tell me how he would hide behind the grasses on the beach and watch girls changing out of their clothes and swimming nude.  He said he’d skip class and stay there all day.  In other words, he was openly telling me he was a “peeping Tom.”  This was a test of how far he could manipulate me and I passed with flying colors! I never questioned him about it.  Oh, I cried lots, but I never questioned him!
Clue 2:  He told me while we were dating that he and one of his cousins spent the summers together and they would steal cartons of cigarettes from stores and sneak out of the house at night and smoke the cigarettes and look at “porn” all night long.  Another test!  I looked at him quietly but never questioned him.  If you want to know the truth — I didn’t even know what porn was!!!!!  I had to ask my college roommates.  Again, I was being tested.  Could he get away with doing things right under my nose?  Sure he could. I’d never question a man of God!
Clue 3:  He was almost 21 and his favorite job was to “babysit all the little kids at church for free because he loved to give them baths and powder their little butts.”  I’m totally sick now as I write these words.  Why in heaven’s name didn’t I run from this man? There were so many clues that something was wrong, and I passed them off as being a little odd.  Nothing more — just a little bit odd. In fact, I actually thought this was kind of nice.  I never saw my father get involved in parenting like that, and I thought, “Wow!  This man will make a wonderful father!”    
Porn.  Lying.  Peeping Tom.  A young man who loves bathing and powdering little kids.  Masterfully manipulating.  Gaining the trust of adults. (Church people loved him babysitting their kids!)
I was another one of his victims.  I was being set up. I was being groomed  I would be the perfect alibi for his continued evil behavior.  He was calculating.  He studied me.  He used me.  He used my faith as a means to get what he wanted.  He knew what he was doing! His actions were no mistake.  He worked very hard to plan every detail.  
Listen up everyone!  Please don’t do as I did!  If your gut is telling you something is wrong, it probably is!!! Pay attention to the little details and the little voice that is whispering something is wrong!!!
This is just the beginning of my story.  I will share more in the weeks to come in hopes that others will not be blinded to the facts as I was.   We must get educated about child sexual molesters so that we can protect life’s most precious blessings — our children!
Why am I sharing the ugly, sad parts of my life?  That’s simple.  Because children are beautiful.  Children are precious.  Children deserve to be protected.  Statistics (according to information found here ) tell us that 1 in every 3 girls and 1 in every 6 boys are molested by the age of 18.  Please help me to stop this!  Let’s get educated!  Let’s do all we can to make it incredibly difficult for the molester!  Let’s be vigilant on behalf of our children — at all times!!!
Every child should have the ability to grow up feeling safe and loved and whole and pure!
It isn’t easy or comfortable for me to write about this, but I must.  I must take this terribleness and do something positive with it.  I must work for the safety of our children. Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to read this.  Thanks even more for making yourself more aware of what is going on right under our noses — in our schools, our churches, our camps, our homes.  Let’s do all we can to work together to make this a safe place for our children!  
Love, Clara
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dharc16 · 4 years
How many of you have heard someone say “there is no such thing as a Christian witch?” Maybe I should say, how many times each week do you hear this phrase?
Many pagans just cannot understand people self-identifying as Christian Witches. But they don't have to understand something to be accepting of it. There are an amazing number of Witchcraft traditions that have Christianity quietly tucked into their DNA somewhere. Nothing emerges in a vacuum and for the last 1700 years Christianity has been the elephant in the room, and Christianity stemmed from Judaism, whose texts originate back well before a lot of paganism's.
Christianity has influenced Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam over the last 1500 years, and ancient paganism was influenced by the believers in the God of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel. This is how religions and belief systems work, and to think that modern paganism or “the witch community somehow stands outside of that paradigm is sheer hubris” (a quote from the pagan whose article influenced this lesson).
“One document consisted of notes originally taken by a man who was initiated into a group of four elderly women in the Oxfordshire village in which he lived in the years around 1940. They were a part of the teachings of this group, and consisted of the various magical uses to which twenty-six of the Biblical Psalms could be put sometimes consisting of the whole psalm and sometimes of a single verse. They are obviously classic Christian folk magic, of a sort recorded copiously from the early Middle Ages to the twentieth century, although the special importance of the psalms to Protestants would suggest that this use of them post-dates the Reformation” (Ronald Hutton writing on a witch book owned by Andrew Chumbley in “Triumph of the Moon,” in 1999 (p. 306-307).
You may not have heard of Andrew Chumbley, but his impact on Modern Witchcraft over the last 20 years has been extraordinary. Much of the current rise in “Traditional Witchcraft” can be traced in no small part to the work of Chumbley, who spent years documenting magical techniques and practices, most notably his own Sabbatic Tradition. Chumbley wasn't a Christian, but if he used the text written about above in his magical work, he was most certainly influenced by Christianity. And in the world of Traditional Witchcraft, such influences are common, not rare. Chumbley is also majorly responsible for the boom in high quality Witchcraft books from specialty publishers.
The first person most of us think of when it comes to Traditional Witchcraft is Robert Cochrane, whose witch group is still called The Clan of Tubal-Cain. Tubal-Cain was a descendant of Adam and Eve, and was a famous blacksmith that is mentioned in the Bible. He was not a figure from Greek mythology, as some believe. He was also not an Incan or a Mayan, as others believe. Traditional witchcraft also often references figures such as Lucifer or Satan or the Devil, and we all know where he came from.
If you have seen the book “The Red Goddess,” you will immediately notice the quotation from the Song of Solomon (that's a book in the Bible) on the back, not to mention all of the quotes from the book of Revelation which feature prominently in its text. And if you read a lot of Traditional Witchcraft books, you've no doubt run into figures such as the Nephalim, Watchers, and Enoch. Where do people think this stuff comes from?
In addition, there is a long history of Christians using magic. Many practices are influenced by charmers or cunning-folk. These are techniques practiced overwhelmingly by self-identifying Christians. Are you into Pennsylvania Dutch Pow-Wow? That's another thing developed by Christians.
Guess how many of the witches who were killed during the infamous witch hunts were pagans? None. None of them were pagan. They all identified as Christians.
Wiccan-witchcraft has also been heavily impacted by Christianity. The early modern grimoires which helped to shape a lot of Wiccan ritual practices were mostly written by Christians, and those that weren't were written by Muslims and Jews. All three of these religions worship the God of Abraham and their beliefs systems all stem from one religion. Abraham and his God are documented in ancient texts found in archaeological excavations. The names of many of those grimoires give away their Biblical roots: “The Key of Solomon,” “The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses,” and “The Grimoire of Pope Honorius” are just three examples of grimoires that were written by Biblical or Christian figures. And don't overlook just how impactful some of these books have been on Wicca especially. There are a lot of Wiccan teachings that read like they came straight from “The Key of Solomon.”
Wiccans have borrowed a whole lot of stuff from Freemasonry over the years, from vocabulary to ritual techniques, and the Masons were overwhelmingly Christian. Many of Masonry's most esoteric architects were Christian too, and many Wiccans have taken a little from them over the years too. Groups such as the Theosophical Society honored Jesus, and one of the world's all time favorite occultists, Dion Fortune, always found time for her Master Jesus.
So, yes, modern witchcraft owes Christians no small debt of gratitude for many of their practices. Today the world calls many of these things “witchcraft” so it makes sense that Christians looking to engage in these practices would call themselves Christian Witches.
Many witches who seem aghast at the idea of Christian Witches in their midst often quote the Bible to back up their outrage. And they have no idea what the verses they are quoting actually mean even! The word “witchcraft” can have a whole host of different meanings, and its use usually comes down to who is doing the translating.
The Bible condemns a lot of different things – such as lying and gossip and sexual immorality and fits of anger and arguments and envy and dishonoring your parents and drunkenness and breaking the Sabbath, among many others (for an example see Galatians 5:19-21) - and it says that those who do these things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But Christians seem to ignore most of these and focus on two communities – the LGBTQ community and the witchcraft communities – both of whose translations were mauled by the early Bible translators who were ALL under the influence of the man made doctrines of the churches of the Dark Ages.
If witchcraft is simply a magical practice, void of religion or spirituality, how can there not be Christian Witches? That is like saying that there can't be Jewish herbalists. Certainly the idea of witchcraft is not compatible with an overwhelming majority of Christians, because they believe the lies, but why should anyone else care if some of us DO believe in the power of magic that we KNOW we have been gifted with, while finding spiritual fulfillment in the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, the disciples, Paul, and a multitude of others throughout history? It doesn't hurt them unless we try to start speaking for all of them. But all we can do is present the truth in love, and then back off to let the seed of truth grow in their hearts, watered by the Holy Spirit.
Witchcraft is empowering. Shouldn't Christians and pagans alike be all in for anyone with an open mind using it to take charge of their life? Shouldn't they be all for more witches in the world, not less?
This was based on an article by a well published pagan, Jason Mankey, who also agrees that Christians should be able to identify as witches if they feel drawn to do so, and that the witchcraft community should support this. Thank you, Jason.
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Under The Blood
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a Prayer by Charles Spurgeon
JEHOVAH our God, we thank Thee for leaving on record the story of Thine ancient people. It is full of instruction to ourselves. Help us to take its warning to avoid the faults into which they fell! Thou art a covenant God and Thou keepest Thy promises and Thy Word never faileth. We have proved this so hitherto—
“Thus far we find that promise good, Which Jesus ratified with blood.”
But as for ourselves, we are like Israel of old, a fickle people and we confess it with great shame, there are days when we take the timbrel and we sing with Miriam, “Unto the Lord who triumphed gloriously,” and yet we grieve to say it, not many hours after, we are thirsty and we cry for water and we murmur in our tents. The brackish Marah turns our heart and we are grieved with our God. Sometimes we bow before Thee with reverence and awe when we behold Thy Sinai altogether on a smoke, but there have been times when we have set up the golden calf and we have said of some earthly things, “These be Thy gods, O Israel.” We believe with intensity of faith and then doubt with a horribleness of doubt.
Lord, Thou hast been very patient with us. Many have been our provocations, many have been Thy chastisements, but—
“Thy strokes are fewer than our crimes, And lighter than our guilt.”
“Thou hast not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.” Blessed be Thy name!
And now fulfil that part of the covenant wherein Thou hast said, “A new heart also will I give thee and a right spirit will I put within thee. I will put My fear in their hearts and they shall not depart from Me.” Hold us fast and then we shall hold fast to Thee. Turn us and we shall be turned. Keep us and we shall keep Thy statutes.
We cry to Thee that we may no more provoke Thee. We beg Thee rather to send the serpents among us than to let sin come among us. Oh! that we might have our eye always on the brazen serpent that healeth all the bites of evil, but may we not look to sin nor love it. Let not the devices of Balaam and of Balak prevail against us, to lead Thy people away from their purity. Let us not be defiled with false doctrine or with unholy living, but may we walk as the separated people of God and keep ourselves unspotted from the world. Lord, we would not grieve Thy Spirit. Oh! may we never vex Thee so as to lead Thee in Thy wrath to say, “They shall not enter into my rest.” Bear with us still for His dear sake whose blood is upon us. Bear with us still and send not the destroying angel as Thou didst to Egypt, but again fulfil that promise of Thine, “When I see the blood I will pass over you.”
Just now may we be consciously passed over by the Spirit of condemnation. May we know in our hearts that, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” May we feel the peace giving power of the divine absolution. May we come into Thy holy presence with our feet washed in the brazen laver, hearing our great High Priest say to us, “Ye are clean every whit.” Thus made clean, may we draw near to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Further, our heavenly Father, we come before Thee now washed in the blood, wearing the snow white robe of Christ’s righteousness, and we ask Thee to remember Thy people. Some are sore burdened—lighten the burden or strengthen the shoulder. Some are bowed down with fear, peradventure they mistrust—forgive the mistrust and give a great increase of faith that they may trust Thee where they cannot trace Thee. The Lord remember any who bear the burden of others. Some cry to Thee day and night about the sins of the times, about the wanderings of Thy Church. Lord, hear our prayers! We would bear this yoke for Thee, but help us to bear it without fearing so as to distrust Thee. May we know that Thou wilt take care of Thine own case and preserve Thine own truth and may we therefore be restful about it all.
Some are crying to Thee for the conversion of relatives and friends. This burden they have taken up to follow after Jesus in the cross bearing. Grant them to see the desire of their heart fulfilled. God, save our children and children’s children, and if we have unconverted relatives of any kind, the Lord have mercy upon them for Christ’s sake. Give us joy in them—as much joy in them as Christians, as we have had sorrow about them as unbelievers.
Further, be pleased to visit Thy Church with the Holy Spirit. Renew the day of Pentecost in our midst, and in the midst of all gatherings of Thy people may there come the downfall of the holy fire, the uprising of the heavenly wind. May matters that are now slow and dead become quick and full of life and may the Lord Jesus Christ be exalted in the midst of His Church which is His fulness, “the fulness of Him that filleth all in all.” May multitudes be converted. May they come flocking to Christ with holy eagerness to find in Him a refuge as the doves fly to their dovecotes.
Oh! for salvation work throughout these islands and across the sea and in every part of the world, specially in heathen lands. Bring many to Christ’s feet, we pray Thee, everywhere where men are ready to lay down their lives that they may impart the heavenly life of Christ. Work, Lord, work mightily! Thy Church cries to Thee. Oh, leave us not! We can do nothing without Thee! Our strength is wholly Thine! Come to us with great power and let Thy Word have free course and be glorified.
Remember every one that calls Thee Father. May a Father’s love look on all the children. May the special need of each one be supplied, the special sorrow of each one be assuaged. May we be growing Christians, may we be working Christians, may we be perfected Christians, may we come to the fulness of the stature of men in Christ Jesus. Lord Jesus, Thou art a great pillar. In Thee doth all fulness dwell. Thou didst begin Thy life with filling the water pots to the full. Thou didst fill Simon Peter’s boat until it began to sink. Thou didst fill the house where Thy people were met together with the presence of the Holy Ghost. Thou dost fill heaven. Thou wilt surely fill all things. Fill us, oh! fill us today with all the fulness of God and make Thy people thus joyful and strong, and gracious and heavenly!
But we cannot leave off our prayer when we have prayed for Thy people, though we have asked large things. We want Thee to look among the thousands and millions round about us who know Thee not. Lord, look on the masses who go nowhere to worship. Have pity upon them. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Give a desire to hear Thy Word. Send upon the people some desire after their God. O Lord, take sinners in hand thyself. Oh! Come and reach obstinate, obdurate minds. Let the careless and the frivolous begin to think upon eternal things. May there be an uneasiness of heart, a sticking of the arrows of God in their loins, and may they seek to the great physician and find healing this very day. Ah! Lord, thou sayest, “Today, if ye will hear His voice,” and we take up the echo. Save men today, even today. Bring them Thy Spirit in power that they may be willing to rest in Christ. Lord, hear, forgive, accept, and bless, for Jesu’s sake. Amen.
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Down To The Valley Of Grapevines
“After this he loved a woman in the Valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.” Judges 16:4ESV
A nameless woman and her husband Manoah were told by the angel she would give birth to a special child. Samson was to be a Nazarite from birth. — Nazarite instructions find in Numbers 6:1-12 Can’t be around wine, grapes, raisins Can’t touch a dead body Can’t cut his hair Nazarites were special people set apart to God. If they were defiled by any of the above, then they cut their hair and went to see a priest.
Knowing the vows? He knew. Judgmental eyes can’t understand why God used Samson at all. 1 He took honey out of the dead carcass of a lion, Judges 14:8. Broke the not touching anything dead rule. 2 He killed 1000 Philistines with the jaw bone of a dead donkey, broke the rule again. 3 Went to the Valley of grapevines, wine and raisins to find another woman. Out of the three rules, the only rule he didn’t break was cutting his hair.
Samson had a woman problem. He wouldn’t look around Israel to find a wife out of his own people. His lust was for heathen women. Judges 14:4 says this lust was from the Lord to destroy the heathen. I scratch my head about this. Was this God’s perfect will? Or permissive will? Sometimes God knows how dedicated to sinning we are, saying ‘go for it.’ Then God pulls off a Roman 8:28KJV moment— “…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”
What could have been accomplished with a man with Samson’s physique and the Nazarite blessing, who didn’t have a penchant for breaking the rules? No one will ever know the full answer to this question. The most important point is— God used flaw man to accomplish much. He’s still using flawed humanity to do His will. As one dear saint said: God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Many of us have set ourselves on the shelf. ‘God can’t use me, I’ve messed up too much. I’m excessively flawed.’
For years I gave God the reasons I couldn’t be used by Him— Kids not all living righteous lives; had occasional anger issues; very co-dependent issues; health issues, etc. You get my point. We see ourselves as too flawed for God to use. These are basically the same excuses people give for not becoming saved— too wicked, too unlovable, too mean, too hateful, blah-blah.
So we’ve been down to the Valley of Grapevines, oh boo-hoo. Romans 3:23KJV “…all have sinned and fallen short..” Adam knitted sin into us in the Garden. We all sin occasionally. Big deal. Get over it. Repent and get going. As if we’re really individually important enough to stop all of God’s plans by ourself. Really? He still wants us to have our bit-part in His grand production. Yes, we’re all still useable.
Romans 5:8ESV “but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Saying He can’t use us it right up there with saying God doesn’t know what He’s doing. The only person God cannot use is the person who will not do anything. Samson at least did part of his job. Are you willing? It’s your choice. You choose.
PRAYER: Papa God, we come before You guilty of being humans. Yet, if You can use anything, please use us, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2021 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional as author. Thank you.
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saltandstranger · 3 years
So, here we are at the close of the 1st half of the year. And it's with twice as much hope & anticipation than at the start of the year that I look forward to what's ahead for the remainder of 2021.
I want take you to this incredible story in the Bible about courage, never settling, and about the relentless pursuit of the dreams that God has placed in your heart.
And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was a valiant man of Kabzeel, a doer of great deeds. He struck down two lion-like men. He also went down and struck down a lion in a pit on a day when snow had fallen. And he struck down an Egyptian, a man of great stature, five cubits tall. The Egyptian had in his hand a spear like a weaver’s beam, but Benaiah went down to him with a staff and snatched the spear out of the Egyptian’s hand and killed him with his own spear. These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and won a name beside the three mighty men. He was renowned among the thirty, but he did not attain to the three. And David set him over his bodyguard. -1 Chronicles 11:22‭-‬25 ESV
I needed to pause when I first came across this passage in order to process it because clearly these are no small feats.
So this Mr. Benaiah, son of Jehoaida, from Kabzeel is not only a hero-conqueror, he's also a lion-slayer and a giant slaughterer. No wonder why he was captain of King David's bodyguard.
I wanna zero in on one of Beniah's three recorded mighty deeds: Benaiah slew a lion in a pit on a day when snow had fallen (1 Chron. 11:22)
Read it while imagining the scene unfold before your eyes. This is intense!!!
And this is such a special teaching moment because here we learn that while there are times when God delivers us from lions (like Daniel in the den with the lions), there are also times God gives us the strength and courage to slay them.
Now this happened during the most dire of circumstances when the ground was slippery and he could have easily lost his footing. Benaiah slew a lion in a pit. IN A PIT. In a pit. He was up against the worst possible beast, in the worst possible circumstance, and the worst possible place. And yet, he chased and slew that lion down the pit.
When's a good day to go kill a lion? There's none! I'd rather not face one thank you very much. But if a lion does come at you seemingly out of the blue, then let me ask you is there a better time other than TODAY to kill it?
You can't keep putting off the things that you know you need to do today. There are just times in your life when you've got to make up your mind and determine that it's NOW or NEVER.
I want to reference another story in Joshua 17 when the Israelites were being given their portion of land. The children of Manasseh complained that the land allotted to them had Canaanites living there.
And it happened, when the children of Israel grew strong, that they put the Canaanites to forced labor, but did not utterly drive them out.  -Joshua 17:13 NKJV
How many of us have grown strong through the trials and the fire, but still allow Canaanites to dwell in our land even when God's clear instruction is to drive them out completely? We can't keep sweeping things under the rug. We can't be partial with our obedience. We can't NOT slay that lion.
Eventually, you will have to run towards the very thing that you're afraid to confront, grab it by the throat, and face it head-on to finally and fully overcome it.
We can't keep waiting for the perfect circumstances before we move. If Benaiah waited for it to stop snowing, he would have been dinner. If he had been content to leave the lion in the pit, who knew if it would come after him? If there's one thing we should NEVER do this 2nd half of the year, or EVER- it's to settle for less.
Don't run away. Don't shy away from uncomfortable situations.
Brave confrontation even in the midst of inconvenience will often times set you up for great victories.
It's not new to us that the sequence of events the past year and a half have unfolded a certain way and so we found ourselves in this pit or cave. Yes we go through the coping or healing process. Yes we indeed had to pivot or adjust. But that doesn't mean we should settle. You've got to stop allowing the circumstances or past hurts, our shame, or our fears dictate our future or stop you from going after what God has for you! We need to make that choice to chase down the lions of impossibilities and fears into the pit and slay it right there.
What is it that you have your eyes on? What's your dream? What's the prayer of your heart that makes you go shikarababaseteyy? What has God been instructing you to do in this season?
I know "Today" looks different for each of us.  And so when I say don't put it off "today", what I mean os do not quench your spirit. If the instruction is to pray, don't put if off. If your dream is to buy a house, start looking for listings and saving up diligently. If you want to write a book, stop spending meaningless time on social media and just start writing. Don't be afraid to start small. Don't despise the days of small beginnings. It always starts with a seed anyway.
When I went through the entire ordeal last year with my heart and my health in the midst of the pandemic, I can't count how many times I wanted to quit being in the ministry because I felt so beat up. But what God did was make it all the more clearer to me where He wants to take me. And so to you who are reading this, I pray that your heart for God and His will for your life would be amplified all the more even in the midst of a day when snow is falling and you feel like you're up against a lion in a pit.
It takes supernatural courage I'll tell you that. But what's great is that courage and tenacity during times of relentless pursuit aren't personality-based. They are dependent on who God has called you to be. You see, the meaning of Benaiah's name is GOD BUILDS, and the meaning of his dad's name Jehoaida means GOD KNOWS. God loves you and KNOWS His plans for you and He KNOWS exactly where to take you. Trust that there is a purpose and a season for every activity under heaven.
God doesn't do things for nothing. He is always intentional with you. God is BUILDING you for something more than what you can ask, think, dream, or even imagine. So to you- hero conqueror, lion slayer, and giant slaughterer- be brave, never settle, and dare to believe.
-K 🌊
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(Photo courtesy: @bravoprince on Unsplash)
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sorenthestoryteller · 4 years
February 21, 2021 – In Which Soren Writes Another Pretentious Title Concerning an Article that Only Tangentially Relates to the Psalm of the Day
“O Lord, in your strength the king rejoices,     and in your salvation how greatly he exults!” -Psalm 21:1
              Recently I have become interested in the concept of how God utilizes our terrible choices and when we deliberately go against God’s commandments. This concept needs to be explored more in evangelical culture because all of us experience in some way through either our, or someone we know, terrible choices.
              You see, David was king of a kingdom that was not supposed to exist, a true story. In Deuteronomy 17:14-20, God does lay out instructions for a king. Instead of following these instructions, the leaders of all the tribes wanted a King that operated in the way they wanted.
              The scene where the leaders decide they want a king (1 Samuel 8) makes it clear they wanted a king so they could be like the other nations around them. They went off the rails because their desire was fueled by selfish motivation. In their haste to ignore God’s law they wanted Israel to be like all the other kingdoms around them by:
                1.Having a human king to act as their arbiter and judge.
              2.Having a human King to lead them into being.
              If you study Scripture, God had been doing both things for Israel. There are numerous examples of God acting on behalf of Israel, not to mention how terrifyingly final God’s judgment could be in certain circumstances.
              Instead of having God perform major things, they wanted a human king. Like any typical politician, their purpose was entirely self-serving. You can see their thoughts that with a king those with leadership experience were the likeliest candidates for political appointments.
              So, why does this matter?
              Despite God being disappointed in them, He granted their prayers a yes. This answered prayer would haunt the Jewish nation for many generations to come.
              The point I am trying to reach is that we are exactly like the Jewish leaders who want a king. There is nothing special about those in ancient history who have made stupid decisions. We are all capable of the same choices, even if they are not political.
              Let us be honest, practically all of us have areas of our life that we have declared sovereignty over and do not want God to touch.
              No matter the terrible decisions that either affected you or the choices you made that harmed you and those around you, God is still there offering a chance for healing through grace.
              This thought brings me comfort because God is bigger than we could ever hope for. He is not limited by our silly attempts to structure the concepts of time and space. He is not limited by our affection or lack of affection. He is not motivated by how good or bad we behave.
              Jesus loves us because we simply exist.
              We have a responsibility to not be an ass and to use our gifts for good. But if a person is drawing breath there is a way for God to take their situation and flip it. This does not mean an escape from consequences, but rather a way to regain the self.
              Those of us who are gifted at self-destruction know what it’s like to compromise. After a couple of steps, we stop trying to justify ourselves and try to kill our feelings. Life becomes a black hole that escapes from what seems impossible.
              Grace is being given a gift we could never earn.
              Grace means admitting how broken we are and owning the mess we made.
              And to quote Relient K, “The beauty of Grace is that it makes life unfair.”
              It took about a decade for me to reach the point where I did self-destruct. Ministry and being a professional theologian is a poor substitute for an active and vibrant relationship with God.
 “As we come to grips with our own selfishness and stupidity, we make friends with the impostor and accept that we are impoverished and broken and realize that, if we were not, we would be God. The art of gentleness toward ourselves leads to being gentle with others -- and is a natural prerequisite for our presence to God in prayer.”
― Brennan Manning, Abba's Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging
                 Normally It takes years and a series of bad choices to reach rock bottom. So it stands to reason that it will take an equivalent amount of time to repair the damage and have help in climbing out of the hole. It’s important to remember that life is one step at a time, we can only share the love and grace that we have cultivated in our lives.
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
04/14/2021 DAB Transcript
Joshua 9:3-10:43, Luke 16:19-17:10, Psalms 83:1-18, Proverbs 13:4
Today is the 14th day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we continue our journey forward into the beautiful springtime. Of course, I know we are all over the world. So, those of you in the southern…southern hemisphere are experiencing autumn coming on. How weird is that? But whether it is a springtime fire or a autumn…an autumn fire it's a Global Campfire that we are around and we can come around it no matter where we are. And, so, let's dive in and take the next step forward. We’re in the book of Joshua in the Old Testament. There have been two cities in the promised land that have been conquered. The rest of the land is not conquered. The people of Israel are in the land and everyone that is there is freaking out. And we left the story yesterday with the kings of the region trying to form an alliance and band together all of their armies to come against Israel and…yeah…push them back out of the land. So, we’re reading from the New English Translation this week. Joshua chapter 9 verse 3 through 10 verse 43.
Okay. So, as we pass through the middle of our work week, we could talk about our work habits. Straight out of the Proverbs today, “the appetite of the sluggard craves but gets nothing.” So, a sluggard is…is…is laziness, the kind of unmotivated, right? Kind of like I just can’t get myself going, I’m just gonna sit here and watch some more TV or whatever, can't really get it going. So, that person still craves accomplishment or achievement or whatever. A person that has a craving to see something achieved or that they would like to do. Like you can be a sluggard and still be a dreamer, but the dream won't be achieved. You can crave by the appetite of the sluggard craves but gets nothing. “The desire”, this is how the proverb ends, “the desire of the diligent will be abundantly satisfied.” In other words, the one who this craving, this desire to achieve or to accomplish or to do something, if they will be diligent step-by-step day by day, they will be abundantly satisfied. I could say what we’re doing here moving through the Scriptures is a is a good example of that. If we show up every day, day by day step-by-step and we are diligent we will achieve what we set out to do, which was move through a year of life together in the Scriptures as a community. If we’re diligent we will be abundantly satisfied in achieving that goal. Or we can be like many who have a craving, a desire to read the Bible, to see what actually is in the Bible, what it actually says, but don't really get past a couple of days in this area. Then the appetite of the sluggard craves but gets nothing. So, what can we say then? We can say that you can desire or crave all you like. If you're not willing to motivate yourself and be diligent it will never be anything but a craving or a desire. But if you are willing to be diligent you will be abundantly satisfied.
Father we take that to heart. It goes to our motives. It goes to our motivation and sometimes we have to take control over that. Sometimes we have to tell ourselves using self-discipline that You are getting up off the couch right now and You are going to be diligent in taking the next step forward toward what it is You desire. Help our desires to line up with Your will for our lives and help us Holy Spirit to be motivated, that we not be weary in well doing, but that we not be a sluggard when we need to be doing. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com, that's home base, that’s the websites, that’s where you find out what's going on around here and how to get connected and stay connected.
And resources that are available for the journey we are on. So, the resources can be found in the Daily Audio Bible Shop.
And getting connected and staying connected can be found in the Community section of the website where the Prayer Wall lives. So, certainly, check that out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if…if the mission that is the Global Campfire, the mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and released out into the world for anyone who will listen to it anywhere on this planet any time of day or night and to build community around that rhythm, the day by day step-by-step journey that we are on together so that we know we’re not alone, not…not…not on our journey through the Bible and not in life. We’re not alone. You have brothers and sisters all over the world going through all the same kinds of things that we go through. And that makes a big difference, to know that there are people out there that care and that are facing it just like we are. So, if that brings life and light and hope and good news into…into your world than thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi Brian, hi DAB family this is Emily in Seattle I haven't touched back in a while, but I have a prayer request. And I'm usually pretty shy about needing those but I've got one now. My dad is 94 God love him and he's not doing too good. So, if you could pray for him, I'd appreciate it. Then pray for my brother Mike, I've mentioned him before. He's pretty sad because he's not close to Jesus like we are. And he's pretty sad because he thinks when someone dies that they end up __. I think everyone in my family’s saved but it's just me and my husband who are close to Jesus. And, so, that's kind of a bummer but pray for everlasting life for my family, salvation for those who don't have salvation yet and that this will be a blessing and not a curse. And I guess that's it. I'm losing it here. So, __ my mom Roberta, my dad Charlie, my brother Mike, and me of course too. Praise God. Bye.
Hi __ this is __Selena I’ve been recently been all over the Prayer Wall and I'm going to continue to be all over the Prayer Wall. I'm praying for you guys and just lifting you all up to the Lord. In my case my boyfriend left me for another woman, and I've just been going through it. But in all of that the Lord has completely freed me of sin. It's just a really hard time. But I am sleeping at night. There's one positive and I’m learning about laying it down for the Lord, laying my sorrows down. So, if I could just please have prayer just for joy, for quick healing. I just want to be back to normal but in God's time. I thank you all and I love you all very much. I'm always praying every day. I put down my social media I put down my Xbox I put down…I’m throwing away the wolves and just taking God and you and I want to hear all of your prayers, requests. In…in your sorrow please know I am behind the scenes fighting for you in the name of God. I love you guys. Bye.
Yes…I know a boy…I don't really know him. His name is Titus, and he is dying and he’s 7 and I would like to pray for him. Dear Jesus, __ I pray that you will make it not so scary to Titus that he's dying and make his family not so sad. And in Your name. Amen.
James the Teacher in LA I was so glad to hear your voice after such a long time but I'm really sad that your wife is asking for a divorce. James, I'll be praying for you. I pray that the Lord turn her heart around and even as you’re going through this difficulty remember how years ago you prayed, you trusted God for a child and God provided that child. And you've even prayed for your students and you saw how God worked in the life of your students. James, I want you to just take a moment and think back of God's goodness to you in those past years. And as you go through this struggle be encouraged that He's able to do above all that you could ask and could desire. If you need to get counseling with your wife, I would suggest you get some counseling with her and the two of you together with God worked this out. I'm praying for you and I'm trusting God on your behalf. Just continue…continue to trust Him and see Him work mightily in this situation. Just praise God for you in Jesus’ name. Randolph from Toronto.
Hi DAB family my name is Ashley and I'm from California and I want to share a little of encouragement. So, first I just want to read you Psalm 13 verses 5 through 6. But I trust in Your unfailing love. I will rejoice because You have rescued me. I will sing to the Lord because He is good to me. I want to share that this is a special time in my life, this time of year, because I remember God's goodness. He changed my life in a matter of a week, and He led me down the path of a new career and revealed that I was pregnant with my son and He took away people that I thought were supposed to be in my life. But He saved me. He rescued me and I constantly thank Him for that, and I just want to encourage anybody out there who may be going through a hard time and it may be confusing. I even have to preach this to myself, but I just want you to know that in the midst of chaos, in the midst of suffering God is doing a work no matter how you're feeling…how you're feeling He is working. He is working. He loves us. He has a plan, and His ways are better than our ways. And He will always provide and always take care of you. So, if you're having a hard time right now, I just want to let you know. I love you DAB family and Brian and China and Jill and…and the whole family I’m so grateful for you. So, I have a blessed rest of your day. Today is April 9th 2021. Take care everybody.
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•Day 61 •Psalms 61 This an open invitation to anyone feeling led by the Spirit of God to join in reading of the Book of Psalms and special time of prayer daily for the next 150 Days. There is much power in prayer.... There is nothing impossible for God. This will be a 150 day commitment in adding 1 Psalms each day to your regular reading and time of prayer. This will require discipline & obedience. Starting today: Friday October 16, 2020 Purpose: Seeking The Lord for intimacy, guidance and direction. We can connect via what’s app, audio chat and or video to pray and read together everyday at the same time. If you are unable to connect still read and pray on your own time and we connect when we can as a group. Prayer for: •The Preaching of the Gospel. • Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. •The Entire Body of Christ. •Missions & Missionaries •Wisdom and Knowledge from the Lord. •Finding out what your calling Is. •How to be more fruitful. •Fore Boldness •Daily guidance and direction from the Most High God. •Developing more intimacy with God. Peace be unto you my brothers and sisters as we await the return of Our King, Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. The only begotten of the Father and the Sender of the Holy Ghost. As we go forth into all nation baptizing in The Holy Name of the Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ is Lord. Sincerely, Chris ❤️✝️🕊 “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:6-8‬ ‭KJV‬‬ #kjv #solascriptura #bible #bibleverse #wordofgod #jesus #christ #jesuschrist #god #father #son #holyspirit #holyghost #wisom #knowledge #religion #endtimes #lionofjudah #kingofkings #lordoflords #princeofpeace #crownofthorns #peace #hope #love #fathersonholyspirit #christian #christianity #faith #israel https://www.instagram.com/p/CI8ImU6hKyl/?igshid=2ikan3fcdbge
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Downfall Of Us All: Chapter 16
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Downfall Of Us All
Chapter 16 
AN: I hope all of you are staying safe, during this time and I’m sorry for the delay in updating DOUA. I’ve just been having a difficult time, these last few weeks not really been happy.
Special thanks to @jtargaryen18​ for cheering me up. 
He made a move to go to her, but she shook her head at him, to let him know that she needed a minute. She swallowed, and Erik turned to look at her. The scientist’s face was hard with anger, and his voice was raised. "Why didn't you tell them?! You could have stopped all of this, if you had just told the authorities!" Erik shouted outraged, and Grace didn't flinch, but Clint saw her eyes flash red. "I was taken when Sokovia was fighting for its independence, they were fighting with Serbia and Latveria. I was trying to help people, when I got taken away! I never wanted this, and I wish I could go back and fix things. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Grace cried distressed, looking distraught. Her blonde hair was lying limply around her face, and her cheeks looked hollow. "That's not going to bring them back, though is it?! I should never have let Jane and Darcy be involved with you lot! I hold you personally responsible," Erik said spitefully, causing everyone to stare. "Erik that's enough, she's just found out her son's dead! Back off, this isn't her fault," Clint said warningly, moving towards Grace and he saw she was trembling. Erik glared at Grace with contempt, she quickly left but not before Clint heard her speak numbly. "I wish I was dead too, I'd give up my life to save my son." She said numbly, and quickly left the room.
Grace ran to her bedroom, and slammed the door shut desperately. She ripped off her t-shirt, leggings and converse, before running into the bathroom. She turned on the shower head and sobbed heartbrokenly in the bathroom. Not caring that the hot water was a bit too hot, she buried her face into her knees. "Why didn't you tell them?! They could have been saved!" Erik's voice whispered angrily.
Grace curled into a ball on the floor as tears streamed down her face. She was responsible for this, she hadn't protected Zach or Jane, Darcy and Pepper. She'd kept what Rumlow and HYDRA had done to her, secret but her secret had gotten Zach killed. Those poor women......what they must be going through. It was her fault, completely her fault. Erik was right to blame her, she grabbed the Dr Organic shampoo and lathered her hair with it. Silent tears swam down her face, as she rinsed it off and washed her hair with the conditioner. Her hair was tangled, and she needed to make sure Zach's funeral was planned. It was being held on Friday at Congregation Baith Israel Anshei Emes, she bit back a sob. Her son shouldn't be dead, he should be alive and laughing. Her heart felt like it was shattered into pieces, and she felt like it would never be repaired. She rinsed the conditioner out, and washed her face, and then her body. She scrubbed at her skin until it was pink and stumbled out of the bathroom. She'd only put a dressing gown on, and sat curled up on the bed with Starling, Tom, Custard and Patch. The door opened, and Clint silently laid down next to her, Sophie on the other side with Bucky. She sniffled, and swallowed. "Dr Selvig's right you know, I should have said something. But, I was scared, and I wanted to keep my boy safe," Grace said numbly, broken and numb. "He had no right saying that, he doesn't know what those bastards did to you! You're not to blame, Gracie." Sophie said fiercely, hugging her.
"She's right," Clint said quietly. "Yeah, he was close to Jane and he's hurting because they have her. But there's a chance we'll get her back safely. All of them. None of this is your fault." Propping himself up on an elbow, he leaned over her to press a kiss into her hair. "The thing you have to do, Gracie, is to keep your head. I'm so sorry your baby boy is gone. But he's not suffering now. And.." She heard Clint swallow hard, glancing up she saw the tears filling his beautiful green eyes. "And I'm going to help you end those motherfuckers, Grace," he vowed in a voice dangerously close to breaking. "I promise you that." It was one thing any of them could have said that gave her a sense of calm. "Yes," she whispered.
All through the night, Clint didn't leave her. Sophie had been nodding off, she was exhausted. Bucky moved to sit in an armchair while the sisters slept fitfully, his own expression dark and troubled. "I'm going to need your help," Clint told him. Bucky's blue eyes met his. "Help me watch her. Them," Clint pleaded. "I know." Bucky's gaze moved over them. "The first thing Grace is going to do once her boy is buried is to go after them. Sophie will go with her if I don't watch." Clint nodded, feeling like his heart was shredding in his chest. "I understand why she wants to… God, if anyone understands why it's me. But they haven't been here long enough to take this on. Not yet. I can't lose her." Bucky nodded, his expression sympathetic. "We're screwed either way," Bucky finally said. "If any of us get hurt, they'll shoulder that blame too." "I can live with that. What I can't live with is the possibility of them getting their hands on her again. How the hell does a woman who was sexually assaulted for months, forcibly impregnated, go around blaming herself for the same thing happening to others? How can anyone accuse her of that and think it's okay? Explain that to me. I just don't get it." Bucky blew out an exhale. "Me either, pal." "Just hope I can stop her," Clint said, even as he knew it would come to that. He knew she'd take off. He could feel it. "Try not to worry," Bucky told him. "Getting around us? Probably no big trick. But can you see her getting away from Nat?" Clint snorted a laugh at that. "Honestly, no. Can't believe I hadn't thought of that." The quiet in the room stretched out. Bucky's voice jarred him awake. "I'll take first watch. Try to get some sleep." "You sure?" Clint asked quietly. Bucky nodded. "Not going to be able to sleep. Go ahead." The other man pulled out his phone, began scrolling through it. Clint settled himself behind Grace, trying to lend her his strength in sleep. He wasn't going to let her weather this alone. He'd held her find the justice that might quiet her heart one day. It wouldn't heal. The loss of a child was a fatal scar on the heart of their parent. It would never fade, just like their love for the child. But maybe, just maybe, together they could move forward somehow. Even if it were only to stop HYDRA, to keep some other innocent person from suffering as they were.
Clint held Grace close, not wanting to let her go as he tried to get some sleep. He felt Grace's grip on his t-shirt tighten, and he held her tightly to him. "You're not alone, Grace. You're not alone." He whispered quietly, and held her tightly to him.
The compound was silent for once, Rhodey had been told by Tony what had happened while he'd been away. Needless to say, the man was horrified. Tony had gotten Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson, civil rights lawyers to help them with the case against SHIELD in the kidnapping and murder of Zach Melnychenko Drăgoi. Matt and Foggy had warned them that the case would be drawn out by the government. "Christ Tony, and Pepper wanted to abort the baby?" He asked horrified, Tony nodded numbly. He was still trying to stay positive, but he felt like losing hope. "Yeah, and she didn't even tell me. Maybe she just wanted no reminders of me, and then HYDRA caught her. I don't know why Rhodey, but Ross is involved somehow," Tony said grimly, Rhodey nodded sadly. "When's the funeral?" He asked quietly, Tony grimaced and swallowed, thinking of the funeral that would occur tomorrow morning. "Tomorrow, everything's been arranged. The funeral service is being held at Congregation Baith Israel Anshei Emes Synagogue, and Zach's being placed next to his grandparents. Grace is trying to stay strong, but what Selvig said has hit her hard and Sophie's not doing great." Tony said worriedly and looked at his cup of coffee. When he'd signed up to the Sokovia Accords, he'd honestly believed and felt he was doing the right thing. But now, after reading the files and finding out children were being taken away from their parents, and people being interred in prisons...... He felt responsible, and he wished that he'd listened to Steve that night three years ago.
"Dr Selvig, I understand you are upset but you cannot blame Grace Melnychenko Drăgoi for what's happened. She's lost her son, and I will not allow you to upset her." Fury said sternly, he'd been notified by Steve on what had happened. Erik said nothing, but he genuinely looked remorseful for his harsh words, and swallowed. "How old was her son?" He asked finally, his voice quiet. "Zach was six years old and was experimented on by a rogue faction of SHIELD. We believe Home Secretary Thaddeus Ross was involved and are looking over the evidence we've found." Fury said grimly, seeing Erik pale. "Was she raped?"
"Yes," Fury said matter of factly, "by Brock Rumlow and two others until she conceived. The same thing happened to her is happening, we believe to Pepper Potts, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis. And I've got to be honest, Selvig. Ross has intentions that I don't think have been revealed yet. The only decent thing he's done is to bring those sisters on this team, so they have someone looking out for them. Either of them ends up harming themselves or dead from irrational emotional choices, and I'm gonna take it personal. Really personal. And I don't think I'll be alone in that." Erik seemed to consider what he'd been told. "I'm sorry," the doctor said finally. "I lost my wits when I learned they had Jane. She's like a daughter to me, her father was my best friend. My thought was that if this Grace had reported her son missing back when it happened, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Maybe my Jane wouldn't have been taken." Nick's good eye narrowed on him. "Jane was taken for a whole other reason, doctor. She was messing with Soviet intel that she had no business messing with. She's the one that dragged Darcy Lewis into this. I'm sorry about the baby, I am. Thor's taking it really hard. But just remember that no one here is to blame for this unfortunate turn of events. Pointing fingers isn't going to help either. In fact, it might open up a hornet's nest you don't want to deal with." Erik's brow furrowed in confusion. "If anything happens to Jane or the child," Nick continued, "you know there's gonna be hell to pay. Hawk, I know he's not your favourite, but he's mentor to Grace and he's not exactly stable after the loss of his own children." Erik nodded, the colour slowly draining from his face. "Tony Stark? They have the woman he loves and his child too, though Tony is mostly stable enough to deal with the shit life throws at him. That one could go in a lot of ways really. Grace's sister, Sophie? That one is in love with Barnes, formerly known as the Winter Soldier, and he loves her. Something happens to her, someone looks at her wrong, not even Steve's going to be able to call that off. Do you understand a little better now?" Erik looked downright nervous. "Ah, yes. I believe I do actually." "We can expect you at the funeral?" Nick asked meaningfully. Erik nodded. "I'll be there. And I'll make amends." Nick nodded, pleased with how the conversation had gone. "Just… if there's anything I can do to help, anything to help Jane," Erik begged him, "please let me know." "I can do that," Nick told him and watched as Erik nervously made his way out of his office.
Bucky rounded the corner, heading back for his apartment when he ran right into Sophie. He caught her before she could bounce off of him, smiling at the blush that darkened her cheeks to see him there. "I'm so sorry," she told him with a smile. Not once had she ever looked at him with mistrust or contempt, not even when she's snatched his rifle away that first time he saw her in her apartment. The way she stood, shyly glancing up at him through those long, long lashes made him happy. Reminded him of the way the girls had used to flirt with him back in Brooklyn before the war. "Hey, you," he said, sweeping a lock of honey-coloured hair behind her ear. Oh, if he'd known her back then, there wouldn't have been any other girls. He would have courted her, would have wooed her. He didn't think it would ever get old how she would look at him with such longing, desire… "How… ah, how is Grace doing?" He asked, taking her hand in his flesh one and pulling her into his apartment after he'd unlocked the door.
Sophie shrugged, blew out an exhale. "She's as well as could be expected. Nat's with her now. I thought I'd take a break." Bucky nodded his understanding. "You can relax here for a little while. I'm going to jump in the shower and clean up. Help yourself to whatever you like." Sophie looked to the kitchen and back. "Have you had lunch? I could make us something." "That'd be great, doll," he told her, smiling. He'd never turn down anything food wise she made for him, he knew that.
Sophie smiled at him and started cooking a favourite Romanian, recipe that her father would cook for them and their mother. It was called Tocană, and was a soup dish that the family would have when they stayed in Romania. She hummed softly, remembering how Zach would happily bake in the kitchen with them. Her heart broke for her little sister, she shouldn't have to go through this grief. Before long, she broke down sobbing quietly as she thought of her nephew, whose life had been robbed before it could begin. Her innocent, kind and loving nephew. She wiped her eyes, and began cooking the Tocană, still feeling tears slide down her face. She promised herself, Grace and to Zach that he would be avenged.
Bucky showered quickly, feeling thankful towards Shuri that his vibranium left arm was waterproof. He turned the shower off, and dried off, before putting on clean clothes. He smelt something delicious cooking, and saw Sophie had cooked Tocană, a Romanian soup that his mother would cook for him and his three sisters. He saw that her eyes were red, and she was crying as she looked at a photograph. He wordlessly pulled her into his arms, and held her as she wept. "It's alright doll, I got you. You can mourn for Zach, dragă.," Bucky said quietly, turning the stove off. Sophie sobbed, she dug her nails into his shirt. He hummed a lullaby in Romanian to her, one that his mother had sung to him and his sisters, when they had been upset. He rocked her, and simply held her. They held each other tightly, and neither let go until Sophie finished cooking the soup. They both sat together on the sofa, with Sophie curled up against his chest. After finishing the meal, Sophie fell asleep with Oscar and Bonnie sitting beside them. The two cats comforting them, and Bucky held them tightly.
Food was prepared for the guests that would be arriving at the compound, May and Lilia insisted on cooking the food which would contain boil eggs. Grace felt numb, but she was so grateful for Sophie, Peter, May, Ned and Michelle. Bucky, Clint, Steve, Natasha, Tony, Sharon, Sam, Coulson and Tony. She attached a ribbon to her simple black dress, it wasn't cold outside, and she was looking through the photos with everyone. Sophie squeezed her hand, as they saw a photo of a newborn Zach with them at Central Park. She smiled shakily, and stroked his face tenderly. He was dressed in a Captain America t-shirt, with blue denim jeans, and little black kickers. She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I don't know which one to pick, there's one of him at his sixth birthday party or at Peter's birthday party," she said torn, Sophie and Clint hugged her. "I'll photocopy it, so you can keep the original copy. Everything's done, and we're here for you." Tony said comfortingly, he felt like this was his fault. Grace simply hugged him, and he hugged her back as if he understood her action. Gradually, the team all joined the embrace, and Grace sniffled. "I'm trying, I won't run away but I have to get some sort of justice for Zach. I should have said something sooner." Grace said ashamed. "Sir, King T'Challa and his sister have arrived to pay their respects." Jarvis announced softly.
Tony met T'Challa and Shuri as they entered the compound, General Okoye and another three members of the Dora Milaje flanking them. Tony shook T'Challa's hand, thanked them for coming. All around them florists buzzed around carrying floral arrangements and trying to find strategic places to put them. T'Challa and his sister followed Tony over to pay their respects to Grace and Sophie. Shuri ran forward to hug Bucky, happy to see him doing so well. Ross came up behind them and T'Challa didn't like the shadow that fell over the face of the grieving young mother or her sister. "Ross," Tony said curtly. "Not sure what you're here to say but I sure hope it's something about condolences." The thinly-veiled warning in Tony's voice got T'Challa's attention. Ross smirked at him. "How long is all this going to take? We've got work to do." Fortunately, Steve came up just in time to keep Bucky from heading in that direction. His best friend had seen enough trouble in his life. Both soldiers watched as T'Challa stepped into Ross' personal space, his gaze locking with the other man's. "Where I am from, it is disrespectful to interfere with the passage of the dead," T'Challa admonished him, his chin lifted in challenge. Bucky immediately relaxed in Steve's grip, realizing his friend had this one. "You must not have much to do where you're from," Ross quipped. "But here you have plenty." "I am not yours to command and you'd do well to remember that," the king said before dismissively turning his back on Ross and turning his attention back to the two young women. "That means it is time for you to go now," Shuri told him, smirking. Ross's face coloured in anger but leave he did. Steve nodded his thanks to T'Challa as did Tony. Taking Grace's hand in her own, Sophie pulled her away from the doors. "Let's go find a place so you can rest until it’s time to go." "Good idea," Clint told her. They steered Grace into one of the lounges used for entertaining, Nat followed them in, reaching up to kiss Steve in greeting. She came to kneel in front of Grace and Sophie with Wanda behind her. "Everything is ready for the service," Wanda told them. "I had to remind them to cut his shirt." Grace didn't understand. "What?" Bucky, sitting on the other side of Sophie, leaned in. "It's believed the very young become angels when they pass. The shirt is cut before the service to help them fly." Nat, who'd been nearly as stoic as Steve the entire time, lost her composure on that note, crumbling into tears before them.
"Nat?" Clint said gently. "Hey, it's okay." "Come here, sweetheart," Steve bent down to pick her up. "I've got you." He carried her over to another sofa, talking to her quietly though they could still hear the quiet sounds of her crying. Tony met T'Challa and Shuri as they entered the compound, General Okoye and another three members of the Dora Milaje flanking them. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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princeofgod-2021 · 2 years
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John 1:4
We are rounding off with the 4th Point of Elijah’s Special Exit, which is the issue of incomplete Ministry, as we see from the scripture below: when the Divine Focus in approaching God is faulted, forgiveness of sins is forfeited and extreme punishment is thence irrevocable.
Please don’t join those who insist that that was Old Testament doctrine: Read Heb. 10:26-31 again.
Now let’s go to the Fifth and final reason why Elijah’s Exit is so important to us today in Christianity.
Mat 3:7-8 But seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said to them, O GENERATION OF VIPERS, WHO HAS WARNED YOU TO FLEE FROM THE WRATH TO COME? BRING FORTH THEREFORE FRUITS WORTHY OF REPENTANCE; MKJV
The Ministry of Decrying abominable Traditions encompasses both Testaments and is approved by God and fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
We cannot completely preach the gospel by overlooking such deeds.
Especially Leadership of the Church, being the “Apex” position of influence to both Church and Nation.
Jesus, even by Prophecy, started deriding the activities of Ministers, who under-valued the gospel.
Every leader or figure who perpetrates wicked, Demonic Traditions, will definitely hate the Truth voice.
1Ki 22:8 The king of Israel answered Jehoshaphat, “There is still one man through whom we can seek the LORD’s will. BUT I DESPISE HIM BECAUSE HE DOES NOT PROPHESY PROSPERITY FOR ME, BUT DISASTER. His name is MICAIAH SON OF IMLAH.” Jehoshaphat said, “The king should not say such things.” NET
If God so wills, all such as hate the truth must be “eliminated”, because God won’t allow them to keep corrupting the flock.
This is especially so because they stand in very influential positions in Church.
1Ki 22:27-28 and say, So says the king, Put this one in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and the water of affliction, until I come in peace. And Micaiah said, IF YOU RETURN AT ALL IN PEACE, JEHOVAH HAS NOT SPOKEN BY ME. AND HE SAID, LISTEN, O PEOPLE, ALL OF THEM! MKJV
We’ve said before, that not only did these miscreants impose demonic Traditions but they also Devalue the gospel of Jesus, turning the people’s attention to vanities and bondage, which act, is unforgiveable.
Zec 11:12-13 Then I said, "If you want to pay me, pay me. If not, don't!" So they paid me 30 pieces of silver. Then the LORD told me, "SO THAT'S HOW MUCH THEY THINK I'M WORTH. Throw that large amount of money into the Temple treasury." So I took the 30 pieces of silver and threw them into the treasury at the LORD'S Temple. ERV
Therefore, The Baptist, who now represents Elijah, must do the proper thing, and unlike the real Elijah, we don’t get carried away with the people’s penitence over seeing fire from heaven; we must demand their loyalty, commitment to God and dedication to a new life of productivity as God has purposed.
Mat 3:7-9 MANY PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES ALSO CAME to be baptized. But John said to them: You bunch of snakes! Who warned you to run from the coming judgment? DO SOMETHING TO SHOW THAT YOU HAVE REALLY GIVEN UP YOUR SINS. And don't start telling yourselves that you belong to Abraham's family. I tell you that God can turn these stones into children for Abraham. CEV
Many people come to Jesus because they are running from the judgment, danger or poverty.
You can see that the Baptist had no RAIN for them, which could “water down” the import of repentance.
Also you note that John had strong rebuke, both for Church Leadership and for the King of the Land.
Mar 6:17-18 Herod had sent men who had arrested John, tied him up, and put him in prison. HEROD DID THAT FOR HERODIAS, whom he had married. (She used to be his brother Philip's wife.) JOHN HAD BEEN TELLING HEROD, "IT'S NOT RIGHT FOR YOU TO BE MARRIED TO YOUR BROTHER'S WIFE." SO HERODIAS HELD A GRUDGE AGAINST JOHN AND WANTED TO KILL HIM. But she wasn't allowed to do it GW
See again the similarities in Elijah and John’s lives: Herodias, wife of Herod, was sworn enemy to John, just as Jezebel, wife of Ahab was to Elijah.
You can’t miss these if you look closely.
Now, Herod may have killed John for Herodias, unlike the real Elijah, but Herod still met his Divine Judgment in time.
Act 12:22-24 And the people, with loud cries, said, It is the voice of a god, not of a man. And straight away the angel of the Lord sent a disease on him, because he did not give the glory to God: and his flesh was wasted away by worms, and so he came to his end. But the word of the Lord went on increasing. BBE
These demonic Traditions may never end because as Herod dies, a new one is born.
If Jesus mentioned such in Revelations (Rev 2:20), then you know we have work to do till the end of the ages
This is it sweethearts. So now, what are you going to do with your calling?
Please review it now and “adjust” in line with divine directives, and you’d never be lost, in Jesus name.
Come back on Friday for more digging into this intriguing subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
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