#hawkins ball
waltricia · 4 months
Regardless of whether anyone actually reads this, I need to show appreciation for the writing, blocking, and editing of the last scene of 3x03, “Forces of Nature.”
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Recently, I noticed that the LW line “this author is captivated” was very specifically placed over a shot of Colin and I knew it was intentionally done to convey the double meaning of the narration being about her and him.
Since then, I’ve realized that the same thing is happening throughout that entire LW narration. And it is fucking BRILLIANT.
So, first of all, this is the transcript of the narration:
“This author believes that all of man’s greatest inventions are nothing more than a distraction from what is most natural to us. Our instincts. The innate animal impulse that is inside even the most sophisticated of us. For when all is said and done, our nature will always win out. It seems Lord Debling’s instinct has led this man of nature to the most surprising pick of the season in Miss Penelope Featherington. Suffice it to say, this author is captivated. For in the battle between man and nature, it is quite clear that the battle is in fact between man and himself.”
Now I’m going to break it down with captioned stills so that you can see which words line up with which frames and I’ll explain what I believe it all means.
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“This author” - When it’s first said, it’s on Pen. The second time it’s on Colin. I think there are several meanings here. Firstly, she’s Whistledown and she’s published. He will be, assuming he publishes his travel journals or whatever. Secondly, I think it highlights how they will be united, in the Whistledown storyline along with everything else. There’s a third meaning, but I’m going to get back to it later, once we get to the second use of “this author.”
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This is the Innovations Ball, so on the surface, LW is speaking about man-made technology versus the natural world. But with the introduction of “man,” the shot immediately cuts to Colin, so the second layer of the narration is about him. All of Colin’s invented personality traits are a cover, hiding his true self- his sensitivity and his feelings for Pen. Obviously, this echoes what she wrote about him in 3x01, but it’s different. The context is the same, but this time, she’s not speaking directly about him, and really, she may very well not be thinking about him at all in writing it. After all, she still doesn’t know about his feelings for her. But we know. And the feeling of what she’s saying this time is less jarring; more, fittingly, natural. Because he’s starting to confront all of it as well.
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In this shot, Colin has been walking across the room to get to Pen. There were people on his right, obstructing his view of her, but as LW says “natural,” Colin passes those people and, though we cannot yet see Pen, we can tell from Colin’s face that he finally clearly can. She is what is most natural to him.
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He comes up to her and says that he has a question for her. The narration starts again. But on this shot, it’s only the one word, “our.” Aside from this just being romantic, I think it highlights that the narration is about both of them. But I also think that it’s not just about them. It feels to me as if, metaphorically, it’s written by both of them. Hence, my emphasis on the importance of “this author.”
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We cut to our first close-up of Colin in this particular intimate sequence of close-ups. And we’re really in his perspective now, as he’s struggling to manage his feelings.
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Again, he had been masking, trying to be like the other “sophisticated” gentlemen.
But a shift is occurring within him.
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And this where I really hope there is at least one other person out there paying attention because all of the elements are coming together to tell us something incredible here. We have our beloved Julie Andrews delivering the line with a profound heaviness. We have Kris Bowers’ “Call Me Simon” coming to a close, sounding like a clock striking midnight. And we have the decisive sentiment of the words themselves. I'm convinced that the words “done” and “win out” being said on Pen speak to the finality of Colin’s feelings. If there was uncertainty before, it is gone now and there is no turning back. He is in love with Pen.
But before Colin can say anything else, Debling steps in and takes Pen away to dance.
Side note: Amazingly, I can back up my theory with this shot and another one of my theories:
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I had said, when the trailer came out, that when true red shows up behind Colin, that indicates his love for Pen. This is the first time we see that happen.
But anyway, back to Whistledown…
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Debling is the literal “man of nature,” while Colin is the metaphoric “man of nature.” Both have picked Pen.
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We’ve finally come to the second “this author” and here’s the third thing I wanted to say about it: Possibly my favorite thing about this sequence, is that it acts as a vehicle for the representation of the Polin role reversal. From one end of the Whistledown narration to the other, Pen and Colin literally and metaphorically switch places, seamlessly. They exchange their physical places in the room. She’s the wallflower, then he’s the wallflower. She’s the author, then he’s the author. In a metaphorical sense, they’re both writing this Whistledown piece. This whole sequence serves to show us how Colin and Pen have really been equal this whole time. They’re just star-crossed. It’s like what Luke has been saying in interviews, Colin and Pen keep missing each other. They have brief moments where they eclipse each other and then they slip right past until the next time they orbit around to each other again.
Ok, here’s the final stretch, and it is a fucking fascinating maneuver:
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The battle isn’t between Colin and Debling. In fact, Debling doesn’t signify at all here. I’d say there are actually three other battles being referenced: Colin and himself, Pen and herself, and Colin and Pen. The first “man” of that sentence is said on Colin, while “nature” is said on Pen. So in the battle between Colin and Pen- for there is a battle, as Cressida will mention in 3x04 when she says “Eros and Psyche, battling it out”, and also there will be more blatant battling in part 2- the real battles Colin and Pen are facing are the ones within themselves.
Of course I’ve already written about Colin’s battle with himself.
The reference to Pen’s battle with herself is particularly interesting to me. At first, I didn’t see it and I didn’t understand why that bit of the narration was spoken over the Pen and Debling dance instead of over Colin. Then I realized that the second “man” of that sentence is said directly on top of this shot where, again, it’s not about Debling; it’s her face we’re seeing. Then, Debling spins her and the “himself” is on Pen too. And I know I’m right about this because the shot was in the trailer and I watched it so many times. And I noticed that Sam Phillips is very specifically looking away from the camera in this moment. I figured it was because we had to know that the moment was about her. And I was right.
Pen’s journey is her reconciliation with herself. Colin and Pen really have the same inner battles. They both need to drop their masks. That’s why the mirror scene is going to be so important- it’s about exposing and embracing the bare parts of both of them. They are already equal and united. They just need to see it.
Ok that’s it. I’m done. I got it out. And I literally can’t add any more images to this post. To anyone who will have read this fuckin novel I just wrote, thanks for sticking around. These ballroom sequences are particularly difficult for the cast and crew to do, and there is obviously so much complexity in this one, so I feel like it should all be acknowledged. Someone has to acknowledge it, and if that has to be me, I will gladly continue using up my Friday afternoons to do so.
To the cast and crew, to the captain of the season 3 ship, Jess Brownell, to the director, Andrew Ahn, and writer, Eli Wilson Pelton, to everyone’s favorite choreographer/movement director, Jack Murphy, to Luke, Nic, and Julie fuckin Andrews, I see you and I love you. Please keep doing what you’re doing. It’s all worth it. ♥️
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gwydpolls · 2 months
Time Travel Question 57: 19th Century
These Questions are the result of suggestions from the previous iteration.
This category may include suggestions made too late to fall into the correct grouping.
Please add new suggestions below if you have them for future consideration.
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miraitrunks · 1 month
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it means that i was fired from my job back in march and i just got a new one <3 however until i get my first paycheck, i am in need of some funds for bills and such so i would appreciate if you’d take a look at my commission pages 💖 all the information should be accessible in this post BUT if you have any questions, please feel free to message me either here in tumblr IMs, my askbox, or my DMs on instagram.
thank you i love you all and i’m so sorry for the absence i’ve had here 💔 i promise i’m alive i’m just bad at posting to social media… anyway happy birthday to me and my triple 24 year! (24 on the 24th of 2024 😆)
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heavencasteel420 · 4 months
I finally figured out how Jonathan and Chrissy are gonna start having weird sex.
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henrysglock · 2 years
Okay so. Back on my radiationgate bullshit re: Chernobyl and the Russian Shadow
So we remember from (this) post that the Hawkins disaster very much resembles HBO's portrayal of the Chernobyl disaster.
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We also know that the Hawkins splits open on March 27th, 1986. Chernobyl happens on April 26th, 1986, exactly one month later.
We also know that there's a part of the Shadow Monster currently trapped in the Russian Right Side Up (RSU).
And we know Henry's hurt. He's going to need all his allies in S5 if he wants a chance at winning.
So here's my thought:
The Duffers won't ignore Chernobyl, the timelines are too close to each other. Too coincidental.
However...Chernobyl's disaster released ungodly amounts of energy and split the ground open. You know what that sounds like?
The recipe for a gate.
The Mindflayer/Shadow is known for possessing people and getting them to act according to Henry's orders. Say someone gets possessed to facilitate the disaster. The Mindflayer creates its own gate at Henry's command using the nuclear reactor's energy. It has a way back to the UD to help Henry in Hawkins.
In conclusion:
Chernobyl won't be something emerging in Russia's RSU.
It's going to be something trying to go home to the Hawkins UD.
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legendarydragonperson · 2 months
I look around, but it's you I can't replace
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Summary: It's Christmas time for the people of Hawkins, and after some smart kids, weird teens, and some concerned parents beat up some demo dogs and burned the tunnels that led to an alternate dimension under their hometown, what's better than coming together to enjoy the Hawkins Middle School Snow Ball.
This is a three-parter and this first chapter will be Robin's POV as she becomes more than a babysitter and ties some loose thread with a girl she used to call a press.
Title from The Police "Every Breath You Take"
Status: 3/3 Chapters
Characters: Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson, Eleven Jane Hopper, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, All of The Party, Chrissy Cunningham
Main Paring: Platnoic Robin and Eddie Munson
Minor pairings and pre-relationships: Jonathan Byers/ Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Eleven Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler
Word Count: 10,782
Read the first part of the series if you want
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The doors are closed and El hesitates to let go of Robins's and Hopper’s hands.
“It’s gonna be fine, find the Party in the crowd. They’re waiting for you. Nance, Jonathan, and Eddie are somewhere there too okay?” Robin assures El who nods slowly glancing at the door's windows and the crowd of other kids who are in uncomfortable tuxes and itchy dresses. The disco ball hanging from the ceiling and the fake decor of winter snowflakes on the walls. It’s been almost 3 years since Robin's been here.
Only a year since El was here. Came out of the walls and came back to their universe.
“El,” Hopper grabs both of her hands gently and kneels on one of his knees to be at her eye level. “if anything happens and I mean anything, tell someone to tell me. If you want to leave I’ll be out in the parking lot. For whenever you want to leave and go straight home okay.” Hopper finishes and El answers with a hug.
“I promise,” El says and Hopper hugs her tight. Once out of her embrace, she leaves the hallway and goes to put away her coat in the makeshift 'Coat room' that's just an empty classroom
“Robin if anything-”
“I will run to you like a turkey competing in the annual Hawkins turkey trot.” Robin finishes and Hopper smirks.
“You were terrible at that.”
“Still got a medal.” Robin smiles. No, she didn’t compete in the annual Hawkins turkey trot. Eleven was still forbidden to leave the house, so they had one in the backyard of Robin’s house since they had a tall fence and a clean grassy lawn, far from nosey neighbors.
She was dragged to compete along with Eddie, Nancy, and Jonathan and she came in 2nd to Jonathan which was surprising. She was a weird runner.
“8 p.m.?” Hopper quips.
“8:30 p.m.”
“8 p.m.”
“8:30, Hop.”
He sighs.
“8:30 p.m.” He agrees and walks out to no doubt join Joyce who they waved to in the parking lot.
Robin smiles slightly at the win.
Keep Reading
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hawkinsmodeloff · 1 year
Who’s the Prettiest Ch. in Stranger Things? - 2.3
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Snow Ball Girl vs Jazzercize Guy
“She’s just really cute okay and if I was there I would dance with her.”
“I mean. Come on.”
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Roger can’t bring himself to take Taylor Hawkins out of his phone - clip from radio 2 interview he shared on his instagram
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tomatoluvr69 · 7 months
What’s up tumblr hope you had a super fun leap day. sparkle on. big news my first seed start sprouted while I was at work ✨
#might have to change the url bc I’m in my collard era lol#my day was alright#I ate some shrimp curry that I’d accidentally left out all night and was fine bc I’m a scavenger of a person#then bc I started to feel PMDD fatigue I laid in bed with great elan til my shift started#then I spilled coffee all over my work clothes bc I stuck it in a very sketchy travel mug someone left in our house at the last party#and I listened to Screamin Jay Hawkins on the ride to work which was fun#work was a bit chaotic but uneventful and got to spend a huge chunk of it outside#it seems I have way better ball control than I did when I was a kid. whyyy now. i was such a loser I could have used some athleticism#but I’m so glad it’s the weekend so I can go palliative care mode which is what I call my lizard brumation pmdd phase#and stopped by a friend’s house after work which was nice#really rejuvenating#then made a sort of weird frittata w/ beets peppers and potatoes bc I was too tired to actually cook#watched sense and sensibility 1995 and really liked it although I found myself wishing for a bit more anguish. sorry#and I think I might set out one of the frozen almond croissants to proof overnight so I can bake it for bfast tomorrow#will go for a very short swim but probably only about 30 min bc of aforementioned fatigue. then pick up yogurt and a silly little treat#and will have ****** and **** for dinner either tomorrow or Saturday which will be nice#but really hoping Saturday because **** **** ** **** lol#and then Sunday I’m trepidatious about because **** was like what are you doing Sunday and I’m like well I guess having a fraught and#difficult conversation about our dynamic! lol#I’m very lucky to have proactive friends who are good communicators. truly I do not deserve his kindness. but like. god. let me retreat and#lick my wounds!#i shan’t get into it. but just know I know how S&G felt#and then another work week but I’m starting to really get a feel for the routine and what works and what doesn’t#and I’m excited for my next few meal preps we got millet and kale gratin#and a Lebanese chickpea dish the name of which unfortunately escapes me atm#but my mouth is watering thinking about it. saw a vid and was instantly influenced and went to the pantry to see if I had the stuff and I#dooooooooooo#and I do feel like I’m beginning to get past the worst of [event] and its sadness
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artguy123456789 · 8 months
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I did the what X men are you quiz and of course I got the character that I’m currently obsessed with 
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semioticapocalypse · 2 years
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Doc Ball. Mary Anne Hawkins surfing the flooded streets of Long Beach, California, ca. 1938.
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waraxarcana · 5 months
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So few fellow dominants. A pity. He'd love to talk shop and trade secrets with other like-minded individuals. Perhaps he could learn a few new tricks, or aid others in taking control in the bedroom.
"It seems I'll have to be social and endeavor to form some kind of club. One for people with the fortitude to take control and keep it in the bedroom."
He's at least confident that it will be a more tolerable group than the alliance with Kid and Apoo.
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princehatterene · 5 months
me: i don’t wanna make hawkin’s story too similar to throné’s…
also: i mean throné’s story is already kinda similar to primrose’s…so like. fuck it we ball
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kimzplace · 10 months
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Hay & clouds, Hawkins County, TN
📷 Randall Ball Photography
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miraitrunks · 1 year
I have a question/what-if and probably a stupid one:
What-If in Dragon Ball GT during the Black Star Dragon Ball Saga, Goku, Trunks and Pan comes across a jungle world at first just to see if there's any black star dragon ball lying somewhere, and it turns out the entire planet itself is one big nexus to thousands of worlds, the only problem is that one of the black star dragon balls ends up at the center of the planet through unknown means. (Yes it's basically Treasure Planet i know) And the fact that they don't have anything else to activate it except for a certain crew arriving at the planet so they just wait until they arrive.
What will happen next? Do they wait or Goku does his own thing and tries to blast through the planet just to get to the core? (sorry i just like writing what-ifs and the fact i love both Treasure Planet and Dragon Ball Z/GT makes me excited like a kid again lol)
I think due to the hilarity that is the ineptitude of the whole GT crew, they would probably wind up being at Treasure Planet conveniently at the time the two story lines cross over. Funny enough, I did actually think of this concept once before for the GT crew specifically 😭
If they meet even earlier on, you can imagine Trunks, Pan, and Goku getting dragged onto another one of their side quests to find the treasure for Jim since he’s holding the dragon ball hostage. Similar to the situation with Laine, the trio COULD have just used physical force to take the dragon ball, but they instead chose to offer support to their situation because of their nature. Would they be overpowered as hell? Oh, absolutely. Does it make any sense at all? Not really. Would I still love it? 100%.
Aaaaaanyway, I made this for your ask because I had a silly moment. Enjoy!
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hawkinsmodeloff · 1 year
Who’s the Prettiest Ch. in Stranger Things? - 3.5
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Erica Sinclair vs Snow Ball Girl
“her style is so cute and her little girl swag is immeasurable.”
“She’s just really cute okay and if I was there I would dance with her.”
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