#hawkins indiana oc
hawkingsbarkins · 5 months
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July 14th ‘84
“Going places, seeing things, in the Munson mobile.
Eddie hates it when I call it that hahah”
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bexleyfix · 1 year
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Honey, If You Love Me...(Part 1)
Part 1 reworks are complete!
This story is pure fiction and for entertainment purposes only. A lot of incredibly dumb decisions are made in this story and they are fictional situations, so make life choices wisely.
PART 1 WARNINGS AND TRIGGERS: 18+ ONLY (ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS) NSFW... Mature sexual content, suggestive situations and discussions, light smut [male masturbation], pining, angst, lots of super duper cutesy feel-good fluff, swearing, smoking, drinking, drug use.
RELATIONSHIPS: Eddie Munson x OFC ♡ Strangers to Lovers; Max, Steve, and Robin are frequent characters.
SUMMARY: In the aftermath of Vecna's recent destruction, 18-year-old Isabeau (Is-uh-bo) Mancini, a sweet and feisty, independent metalhead from Ohio, moves to Hawkins expecting to take on the role of legal guardian to her cousin Max, but she didn't expect the charming and eccentric metalhead next door to change her life in the best way possible.
(AU/ Vecna was destroyed, Eddie and Max survived)
Copying, translating, or posting my work as your own is expressly forbidden. I do not give my permission.
"W-what the hell's going on? Where am I? Where's Eddie?" My body felt heavy, and yet somehow like I was floating. I tried prying my eyes open as I drifted in and out of consciousness. I could hear a woman telling me to stay calm as she pushed on my shoulder, forcing me to lie back. The last thing I remember was a frantic Eddie carrying me into a building in a panic, bright lights all around. "W-where am I? Eddie... Eddie?! Max?!"
"Shhh, just keep still and stay calm. They're in the waiting room. Everything's gonna be fine."
Robin? Was that Robin? What waiting room? Was I in the hospital? What the hell is happening to me?! Why can't I see Eddie? My body felt like lead, and my mind scrambled, like in a nightmare. I was terrified, struggling to remember how I ended up here. I heard several people spouting instructions, as I desperately tried to form coherent thoughts, but I soon lost the fight to keep my eyes open.
I felt someone squeeze my hand. "Hang in there, girl. You're gonna be ok, and you'll all be able to go home soon. I promise." Home... home was in Hawkins, with Eddie and Max, and...
I suddenly felt still and drifted into a dream state, returning to when it all began.
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It's summer 1986. I finally graduated high school. But what should've been my yearly summer visit full of carefree celebration and downright shenanigans with my little cousin, Max, had turned into a life-changing upheaval.
Max and I are more like sisters than cousins. We trust each other implicitly, so two years ago, when she hit me with the story about Hawkins Lab, the Upside Down, and the slew of ridiculous shit that accompanied them, I was dumbfounded, but I believed her. I knew it wasn't an 'earthquake' that destroyed half of Hawkins and nearly killed Max, so when I received the news that she was in the hospital fighting for her life, I was scared shitless. And to make matters worse, my aunt Susan was among the many missing. My uncle Sam was still in California and not what you'd call a present parent, so I decided to move to Hawkins.
Max was unconscious for about two months after the attack. It was the longest two months of my life. When she came to, and we finally spoke, I told her my plans. She insisted I didn't come before I finished school, swearing she was alright. Begrudgingly, I agreed, but only because she was being cared for by Hop and Joyce. I had one more month of school, and Max was in good hands.
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The second my senior year ended, I said my tearful goodbyes, jumped into my '67 Impala, little U-haul trailer in tow, and sped off to Indiana like a bat outta Hell. My parents protested, of course. They weren't privy to the truth, but they certainly weren't thrilled about their baby girl taking on such a big responsibility in a bizarre little town hundreds of miles away, but I was 18 and legally allowed to make my own decisions. And nothing, not my already established life, not the destruction caused by Vecna, nothing mattered anymore except for Max and her well-being.
Around 11 p.m., after hours of reckless driving, I pulled my car into the driveway of the house Joyce and Hopper found for Max and me. It was a shitty cookie-cutter house, practically identical to the one smack dab next to it, but it was big, and because of the devastation to the town, it was cheap, so I used what savings I had to buy it outright. It just needs a little TLC, but if I'm anything, I'm handy.
I stepped out of my car, noticing a beat-up van in the other driveway and a single light in the neighbor's upstairs window. The window was open, so I could hear heavy music and the unmistakable sounds of a man and woman having pretty hardcore sex. It sounded so intense I blushed. When I shut my car door, the commotion stopped, and someone peered at me through the makeshift curtains. (Great, my neighbor's a creep) I ducked out of view, grabbed my suitcase, quickly retrieved the key Joyce left hidden, and hurried to let myself in, locking and bolting the door behind me. I'd grab the rest of my things in the morning.
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I woke early the next day to clean, unpack, and get situated before I went to collect Max. But first... coffee.
While I waited for the percolator to brew, I threw on a pair of cut-off Daisy Duke jean shorts, my favorite Megadeth t-shirt, and a pair of Chucks and tied my dirty blonde hair into a ponytail. I poured myself a cup of black coffee and went to sit on the porch steps for my morning cigarette. From that point on, my life would never be the same.
I sat down on a step bathed in sunlight, set my mug next to me, lit my cigarette, and turned on my boom box to listen to some Megadeth. I fucking love Dave Mustaine. The things I would give for a sexy metalhead... a faithful one. My track record wasn't exactly great in that department.
The van from last night was no longer in the drive. I was enjoying my coffee, reveling in my thoughts of the red-headed, thrash metal guitar god, when the van came barreling up the street. (Jesus, this guy drives like a fucking maniac! What kind of crazy person do I live next to?) I watched it pull into the double driveway, Maiden blaring from inside. (That's a plus) The driver's side door flew open, and what I saw exit sent my thoughts straight to the gutter.
I was mesmerized by the sight of a cut-off denim vest covered in patches over a leather jacket, black ripped jeans, rings on almost every finger, and the most fantastic head of long, dark, curly hair. All of which collectively embodied the most delicious metalhead I'd ever laid eyes on. The way he put his cigarette to his lips and took a drag looked positively sinful. (I WANT TO HAVE THAT MAN'S BABIES!!!) I was so enamored that my grip on my mug went slack, and I spilled burning hot coffee down my leg.
"OW, SHIT, SHIT... HOT!" I was in a momentary state of panic, searching for something I could use to wipe up my morning beverage.
Eddie heard your outburst, threw down his cigarette, and sprinted toward you, reaching for his back pocket. "I know I'm sexy, Sugar, but you don't have to get so excited."
As much as I wanted to laugh at his quip, the searing pain would only allow me to wince.
Eddie pressed his raggedy black handkerchief firmly against the side of your leg. "Here, Sug. Use this."
(Sug? Was this guy serious?) "Thanks." I accepted his offering and proceeded to dab at my burning leg.
"You alright?"
"Uh, yeah, yeah... I'm good." I was so flustered. When the pain subsided, I finally looked up, and our eyes instantly locked. I froze in place. (Good God, his huge brown eyes were GORGEOUS, and so was his smile) I averted my gaze and stood up. I looked at the handkerchief and handed it over with a quick jerk. "Uh, here."
Eddie's jaw dropped. He was mesmerized by your natural beauty, petite, curvy frame, fair features, long, dirty blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes, which only stood out more under those long, dark lashes. He reached for his handkerchief hesitantly. "Um... I, uh, I take it you're my new neighbor?" He asked, restoring the handkerchief to his pocket. "I'm Eddie. My uncle Wayne and I live next door."
(Figures. My neighbor's a hot metalhead, and he's unavailable) Eddie held out a ringed hand, and I shook it, feeling somewhat disappointed. "Eddie. Are uh, are you the creeper who was watching me from the window last night?" I only half-joked, crossing my arms.
"Uh, yeah... yeah, that was me." He scratched the back of his head. "I'm, I'm sorry if I scared you. I heard that sexy engine (he motioned to your car), and when I heard the door shut, I was a little surprised. I thought the place was empty, so..."
"Mm-hm. Well, I doubt you were as surprised as I was. I hope I didn't spoil your fun." I smirked.
"Uh, wow, uh, you... you heard that?" He asked, embarrassed.
I nodded. "Yeah. I think the whole neighborhood heard that. May wanna close the window next time."
"Noted," he said with a bashful smile.
It took me a second to remember where I'd heard the names Eddie and Wayne. Then it hit me. "Wait, are you... Munson?"
Eddie looked confused. "Uh, yeah. Do we know each other? 'Cause I'm positive I'd remember a face as beautiful as yours."
(Are you fuckin' kidding me, dude?) "Ah, a creeper and a charmer. Does uh... does your girlfriend know you flirt with other chicks?"
"Huh? Oh, no! That, that wasn't... she's just a friend... with benefits. I, uh, I don't have a girlfriend."
"Oh... well, that's good." (Shit! Why did I say that?) Suddenly I was no longer disappointed but highly embarrassed. "I mean... n-not like, good that you don't have a girlfriend, but good 'cause, you know, that... that would've been a dick move if you did." I trailed off, internally cursing myself. I quickly changed the subject. "Uh, to answer your question, no... we don't know each other, but uh... Max mentioned you. I'm her cousin, Isabeau... Mancini. But everyone calls me Isy."
Eddie eyed you questioningly. You're kind of a spaz, but it's incredibly cute. "Isabeau? Like from Ladyhawke?"
"Uh, yeah. Exactly like that, but it's a family name, obviously."
Eddie chuckled. "Well... it's beautiful too. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
"Um... thanks." I looked away, trying to hide my bashful appearance.
Eddie took a moment to check you out before you returned his attention. (He was definitely adding this image to tonight's spank bank) "So, uh... what did Red say about me? All good things, I hope?"
"Oh! Max. I uh... I call her Red. The hair, ya know?"
I nodded. "Makes sense. And yes, all good things. Said you helped with all the crazy shit that went down this past spring."
Eddie eyeballed you curiously. "She told you about that?"
"Yeah... yeah, she did."
"Like... everything?"
"Uh, yeah. All the Vecna-y goodness."
"And you believed her?"
"Well, yeah, why the hell wouldn't I?" I stared at him quizzically, unsure what he meant by that. I may have come off a bit defensive.
"No offense, Sug. I'm just a bit surprised. Not many people know the truth, let alone believe it. They'd uh... they'd most likely burn us all at the stake." He chuckled.
"Ah, well, you wanna know a secret?" I smiled slyly, motioning him toward me with one finger. I stood on my tiptoes and whispered in his ear, "I'm not most people."
"Obviously," Eddie was astonished. (God, she's so fuckin' CUTE!) "Now that I think about it, Red said you'd be coming to town. From... Ohio, right?"
I confirmed with a nod. "Well, uh, it's good to finally put a face (and a gorgeous one) to the name. Nice to meet you, Eddie." This time I offered him my hand, and he graciously accepted.
"The pleasure is all mine," he replied, kissing your hand.
His eyes locked with mine, an enormous smile plastered across his handsome face. My cheeks were on fire. I just stood there. Reluctantly, I took my hand from his and shoved both hands in my back pockets, releasing a flustered breath.
"You sure you're alright?"
(No, no, I'm not alright, you fucking gorgeous bastard!) My brain was screaming. Even with the strange scar on his neck, he was a vision. "Uh, yeah. I'm good. I was just... hey!" Something on his vest caught my attention. "Is that a Megadeth patch?!" Without hesitation or regard for his personal space, I greedily grabbed the bottom of his vest and admired the patch. A huge smile spread across my face.
"A little A.D.D., are we?"
"I'm sorry, what?" I glanced at him, then back to his vest, my smile fading to a look of embarrassment. I immediately let go. "Oh, man. I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."
Eddie laughed. "It's ok, Sug. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you're a fan, too," he joked.
"Uh, yeah. Obsessed is more like it. What gave it away?" I asked sarcastically, returning my hands to my pockets and smiling at the ground.
"Oh, you know, (Man, he couldn't keep his eyes off you) it could be the shirt or the tunes," he motioned to each one, "or the fact that I just got manhandled because of a patch."
His laughter was infectious. I could hardly keep my composure. "Again, I'm... I'm sorry." I chewed nervously on the inside of my cheek.
Eddie couldn't hold back his laughter. "No... no worries. I'm not complaining."
We stood in silence for a moment, gushing at each other.
"So, uh, what were you about to say before I was so viciously accosted?"
"Uh, hmm, I uh... I was just thinking about Max and all the shit I need to do before I can get her. I can't wait to see her. I moved here for her."
"She mentioned. I love Red. She's a good kid. Feisty and has no filter," he chuckled. "I met her dad in the hospital. I, uh, was kinda shocked he didn't stick around, so... I'm glad someone's stepping up for her."
"Yeah, well, he loves Max, but he's not exactly father of the year. And my aunt's no picnic either, but um, I'm trying to be hopeful..." I trailed off, tears starting to well in my eyes.
Eddie carefully placed a ringed finger under your chin, drawing your attention to him. (Your eyes... he could get lost in them) "Uh... don't lose hope, Sug. Chief Hopper hasn't given up on her."
I nodded and wiped my eyes. "Oh shit... Hopper! It's unbelievable, isn't it?"
"You know Hopper?" He asked, completely surprised.
I nodded excitedly. "Of course, Joyce, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan... the whole lot. I visit Max every summer. When I found out she was moving to Hawkins, I about pissed myself. It's only, like, 350 miles from where I lived in Ohio, so I took an extra trip last year and visited in spring and summer. Max was so pissed when she found out I was still coming. I was all packed and ready to go when the whole Starcourt thing happened. I told her I could help, but she said she'd never forgive me if I got involved, so I waited, but I'm glad I came when I did. Albeit a giant douche, Max took Billy's death pretty hard. Not to mention, Joyce and El were a total mess, so I was the emotional support." Eddie was standing there smiling, watching me as I talked. "I'm, I'm sorry. I'm rambling."
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"No, it's ok, Sug. Please, continue."
"Ok, um, wait... if you know all of them, how come I haven't met you before?"
"That's because I didn't officially meet anyone until the end of last year."
"Oh. Ok, cool. Well, it was Hopper who gave me the news about Max. When I heard his voice, I thought I was going crazy. I attended his funeral, for fuck sake."
"Yeah, I gotta say, I was happy as hell to see the big lug alive," Eddie confessed. "Super good dude. It's about time he and Joyce are getting hitched," he chuckled.
"I know, right?! Everyone saw it coming but them. It was like, for real, guys, just fuck already," I giggled. We paused momentarily, staring at each other, a new rush of embarrassment washing over me, or was it excitement? I cleared my throat. "Well, I uh... I better get started. It was nice meeting you finally. I'll, uh, I'll see you around." I went to turn and felt the gentle brush of Eddie's fingers on my arm.
"W-wait, uh..." I looked at his hand, then back at him. "Do... do you need any help? I mean, you'll finish in half the time, and you'll get to see Red sooner. So... if you want, I'm yours to command."
His tone was chivalrous. He spread his arms wide, gave me a low bow, and flashed that radiant smile. I didn't want to admit it, but I was hoping he would ask, not for the help but because I was enjoying his company and didn't want him to go. "Uh, yeah, I'd uh... I'd like that. But only if you're not busy. As much as I wanna see Max, I don't wanna impose." I smiled shyly.
"For you, Sugar, I've got all the time in the world."
(Oh my God! My insides were melting!) "Uh, well... how can I resist such a charming offer? I'd be forever grateful, good Sir." I gave him a little curtsy. "Well, uh... follow me."
"Lead the way, Sug."
Eddie and I spent hours talking as we unpacked all my shit. We discussed my life in Ohio, my previous excursions to California (which made him incredibly jealous), when Max told me about the Upside Down, and, thanks to Robin and Steve, my job at Family Video. Eddie seemed hesitant to talk about spring's events, which was understandable, but what I found strange was how he'd turn the conversation back to me whenever I inquired about his life. If Max didn't like him, I'd see it as a red flag, but he's delightful, a fucking riot, a goddamn wet dream. He was willing to divulge that he's 20 years old, class of '86 (finally), and when he became friends with the others. I kept the conversation going as I watched him assemble my stereo system.
"So... why a three-year senior? Did you enjoy high school that much?" I joked.
Eddie chuckled. "Uh, no. I just wasn't very motivated, I guess. And besides, if I did graduate on time, I never would've met anyone, and I probably wouldn't be here with you right now."
I smiled bashfully. "True." Eddie flashed me a sweet smile. "And you made it a point to take all the school's outcasts under your wing so none of them would feel alone?"
"Mm-hm," he mumbled, fidgeting with a stubborn cord. "I call them my little sheep."
"That's so sweet. I wish I had someone like you when I was in school." I immediately wanted to smack myself. "I-I mean... well, I wasn't so much an outcast, but I wasn't popular either. I uh, I got a lotta shit for my appearance." Eddie stopped fidgeting and focused on me, and his brow furrowed in confusion. "Um, the whole... tomboy, metal vibe and all." He nodded. "I mean, I had my core group of friends but hardly any classes with them. It would've been nice to have more people to hang with. I'll never understand how people can be such dicks to others because of their outward appearance." Eddie nodded in agreement. I watched as he reached for a pair of pliers, and used them to tweak something, then stuck them between his teeth so he could finish the hook-up. (Fuck! Why is that so hot?!) He caught me staring and winked. I tried to hide my embarrassment by searching for my smokes.
"Hey, would you mind lighting me one? Mine are in my vest pocket."
"Sure." Happy for something else to focus on, I did what he asked and set it in the ashtray, then I sat on the couch for a quick break. "So, um... thank you for doing this. I suck with elecrtonics, but you seem to have a good handle on them."
Eddie took the pliers out of his mouth, made one last adjustment, and looked at you. "I know a bit. I also have a similar setup in my room. It should be good to go. Let's give it a try." He grabbed the cigarette from the ashtray and placed it between his lips.
(My God, this man's mouth) "Um, my tapes are right there if you wanna pick something."
Eddie grabbed your box full of music, set it on the coffee table, and knelt across from you. "Alright, Sugar. Let's see what you're all about, shall we?" He smiled and started rooting through the tapes. "Damn, you got a decent collection. A little disturbed by the amount of glam and goth rock I see here, but uh, from the wear and tear on some of these other tapes, I can tell you're not a total poser," he joked. You gave him the finger, and he chuckled. "Well, uh... you've obviously got a hard-on for Megadeth, but you have a stellar amount of metal, and you appreciate the classics." He continued to dig. "So uh, is it the music that captures you... or the dreamy front men?" He joked.
I guffawed. "Um... both. And the voices. I dig range, but the deep gravelly voices are my favorite." Eddie's smile was wicked. I wish I knew what was going through his mind.
"I see a pattern. You like the esoteric, long-haired, wild ones, huh?"
The way he was staring at me, I felt like I would burst into flames. "Uh, yeah... I guess you could say that."
"This-this is just... endless." Eddie stopped rooting. "So, not only are you gorgeous, but you're a metal lover who drives that sexy thing?"
"Uh, yeah. I guess so." I looked away bashfully.
Eddie put his hands on his heart in mock pain. "You are a fucking goddess... marry me?!" He started scooting around the coffee table toward you, arms outstretched. "OUCH!"
I gave him a playful punch on the arm. "I don't know, Munson. You don't like glam or goth rock." I eyed him playfully. "But buy me dinner, and maybe I'll think about it," I joked. "And where's my ring?" I grabbed one of his hands to examine his. One, in particular, stood out. "Is that Eddie the Head? I'll take that one, but I prefer Vic Rattlehead."
"Oooo... why you gotta do me like that, Sug." Eddie collapsed playfully onto the floor, sending us into a fit of laughter.
"Throw something on, fool."
"You got it." Eddie got up and started rummaging again. "You got a preference?"
"Uh, yeah. Esoteric, long-haired, wild men." I joked, grabbing his vest from the coffee table to examine it further.
Eddie looked up and snickered, smiling to himself when he caught sight of you examining his vest. Your eyes lit up as you ran your fingers across the different pins and patches. "See anything you like?" He asked.
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"Hmm?" I looked up, and he winked again. "Uh..." he was slick. I tried hiding my flushed cheeks by returning my attention to his vest. "Yeah, um... all of it." I let out a flustered breath and tapped some buttons. "I love Mercyful Fate, and don't get me started on W.A.S.P. Blackie was, like, my first love." I noticed Eddie staring at me. "What?"
Eddie couldn't believe what he was hearing. His heart was pounding. "Uh, nothing." (It's only one of the sexiest fucking things I've ever heard!) He let out a breathy laugh. "It's just, you're like, this sweet little angel, uh... I wouldn't peg you for someone who listens to 'Devil' music," he emphasized the word Devil in air quotes. "It's uh... it's kinda hard to wrap my head around." Eddie started rooting again, trying desperately to keep his thoughts out of the gutter.
"Well, I am religious, but I'm no bigot. I appreciate good music. Just because King's a Satanist doesn't make his voice any less amazing. And besides, Satanists don't even worship the Devil. They're just Atheists who don't conform to traditional religious beliefs. They're all about self-indulgence, living life to the fullest, and their own divinity, ya know? Not all that sacrificial evil bullshit, like most people think. If you're good to them, they're good to you." I smiled, and Eddie roared with laughter.
"H-how do you know so much about all that?"
"Well, like I said. People are dicks. It got to the point where I just couldn't deal with stupid anymore, so I read. If I wanna put the Satanic Panic assholes in their place, I need to be able to back it up. It's pretty interesting stuff."
Eddie smiled and nodded. "Does that actually work?"
"No, not really. People usually get nervous when they find out what I know, but the looks on their faces are priceless. So are you a Satanist?"
"What?" Eddie's head shot up, and he immediately became tense. When he noticed you smiling, tapping his Leviathan cross patch, his tension eased, and he chuckled. "Um, no. I'm more of an individualist." He let out a flustered breath. "I'm eccentric for sure, but I have humility. I mainly can't stand forced conformity. I make my own choices. Now, I am insatiable when it comes to carnal desires, but that's the only time I consider myself godlike." Eddie noticed the way you squirmed, and he was pretty pleased with himself.
Eddie's grin was Cheshire. (Fuck! If words alone could make me cum I'd be a writhing mess) I shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, um, well, I see you're also a fellow nerd."
Eddie scoffed, "What makes you think I'm a nerd?"
"Um, social status aside, Munson, not many seniors would befriend a bunch of nerdy freshmen unless they had something in common." I reached over and motioned to the logo on his Hellfire shirt. "So, unless you're all into black magic and sex cults, and from what you just told me, that may very well be the case, but um... I'd say you and the boys bonded over D&D."
Eddie looked down and started laughing. "Uh... you are correct, Sugar. You've discovered my dirty secret."
"Ah! So you are into black magic and sex cults?" I joked. (Jesus, his fucking smile)
Eddie couldn't stop laughing. "Wouldn't you like to know? Uh, I... wait. Did you say, fellow nerd?"
I flashed him a cheeky smile, snuffed out my cigarette, and grabbed a box from the other side of the room. I plopped it down before him and motioned for him to open it. When he looked at the contents, he got so excited.
"These... these are all yours?!"
"Yep. Every map, manual, and module." Eddie looked like he was about to cry tears of joy.
"Uh, ok... that's hot! S-seriously, will you please be my wife?"
I gave him a shy laugh. "Um, I used to play all the time with my brother and his friends... and I played a few times with the boys during visits. I was hoping they still played 'cause it's my favorite game, and uh... I'd like to find a party to join." Eddie was gawking at me, smiling like an idiot.
"Um, ok. Sugar? Future wife? Love of my life?" I couldn't stop giggling at his cute little remarks. "I may have told a tiny fib because I am 'Eddie the Banished'. Legendary dungeon master and God of the Hellfire Club. And I would be elated if you would join our party."
My eyes lit up. "Really?!"
"Eeek!" I was so thrilled I hugged him.
"Oh, uh... wow, ok." You backed away, beaming. "You uh... you are somethin' else. Definitely not like most people. I, uh... I like that." Eddie smiled and turned back to your tapes, rejoicing internally. He spotted Mercyful Fate's 'Melissa' and popped it into your stereo. "For you, Sugar." He scanned you up and down and chuckled to himself. Your bashfulness was adorable.
"Yes! It works! Thank you, thank you, thank you! That sounds amazing!"
"You're welcome."
Eddie was so cute, playing air guitar as he wiped down walls. "That's some accurate air guitar, Munson. You play?" He turned my way with a sly smile.
"Maybe." Eddie pulled a chain from under his shirt collar, revealing a dangling guitar pick.
When he turned around, I bit my lip, trying incredibly hard to hold it together. "M-maybe you can play for me sometime?"
Eddie felt like he would explode! "Absolutely! As long as I can take that sexy car of yours for a spin." You gave him a shy nod and turned back toward the other wall. He kept stealing glances as you danced on a step stool and sang. The collar of your shirt had slipped down, revealing what looked to be a panther tattoo on your shoulder blade. (Holy FUCK, that's hot!) Drawn to the sight, he strolled toward you as if caught in a tractor beam and reached a hand to your shoulder, startling you as his fingers made contact with your skin.
"Jesus, you scared me. I was in the zone. You need something?" I stepped off the stool to face him.
(You... I need you... screaming my name as I pin you against the wall and fuck you to Mercyful Fate!) "Uh, no. I was just... admiring your tattoo. Is that a panther?"
"Oh, yeah. It's uh... it's my Peter Criss tattoo." I rolled my eyes.
"Whoa, whoa, wait... Peter Criss?"
"I know. I get it all the time. Why not Paul, Gene, or even Ace? I've just always liked Peter. He gets no love, ya know?"
(Better than anyone, Sugar) "Can I take a closer look?" Eddie asked politely.
"Of course! Here," I turned my back to him. When his fingers brushed my hair from my shoulder, I felt a surge of electricity shoot through my body. I barely managed to keep it together when I turned my head to explain. "Um. Well, Peter's the Catman, of course, hence the panther. Its eyes are green 'cause Peter's color is green, and the tail's in the shape of a three 'cause that's his lucky number."
Eddie couldn't peel his eyes off your skin. "That... is so fucking cool. Granted, it's symbolic of Peter Criss, but... hey!" You shoved him playfully, and he started giggling. "You got any more?"
I immediately blushed. "Um... I do. But after that comment, I'm not about to let you see it."
Eddie's eyes immediately lit up. "Ooo... I'm intrigued. So uh... where is it." He started looking you over. "I don't see anything visible. Now I really gotta know."
He smiled devilishly, but I shook my head." Not on your life, pal."
"Come on, Sugar. I'll show you mine if you show me yours," he joked.
I scoffed. "Nice try, jackass." I had to divert his attention. "So... do you actually have tattoos? Or are you just fucking with me?"
He chuckled. "No, I do." He pushed up his sleeve and held out his arm. "Check out these sweet tatties."
A huge smile crossed my face. (God, he plays guitar AND has tattoos?) "May I?" Eddie nodded with a smile as I reached for his arm. I held his wrist and traced my fingers lightly over his ink, wholly captivated. "I like the bats. And this one looks like Puppet Master Eddie from Number of the Beast?"
Eddie felt chills run down his spine. "Ok, you're killin' me, Sug. If you don't agree to marry me, like, right now... I might spontaneously combust."
I laughed nervously, hardly able to control my beating heart. "Do uh... do you have any more?" He immediately became hesitant, but somehow not in the same way I was. His hesitation seemed more like worry, not embarrassment.
"I do... but how is that fair?"
"Um, well... I guess it's not." Eddie observed me for a moment, straight-faced, but eventually reached for his shirt collar and pulled it down, exposing the tattoos on his chest. I leaned in for a closer peek, but what drew my eyes wasn't his tattoos. It was the enormous scar that now swallowed half of one. Without thinking, I reached to touch it. Eddie flinched and grabbed my wrist, startling me. "Whoa, hey, uh. I'm, I'm sorry. I should've... sorry."
When Eddie noticed the horrified look on your face, he felt a twinge in his heart and immediately released your wrist. He didn't mean to frighten you but was reluctant to let you touch him. "No, um... I'm sorry." Going against his better judgment, he tilted his head to the side and pulled his collar down. "Go ahead," he whispered.
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I studied him with uncertainty. "No, really... if it bothers you..."
He cut you off. "Please, it's ok."
"You sure?"
He wasn't but nodded anyway.
I carefully reached again and lightly ran the tips of my fingers down his neck. The scar was so jagged and rough.
Eddie closed his eyes, trying to control his breathing as your fingers explored his flesh. He concentrated on the sound of your voice as you sang along to 'Melissa'. He didn't know why he was letting this happen. He never let this happen, not with anyone, but there was something about you. Something in your beautiful blue eyes. Something... safe. He felt he could unravel under your touch, so he let it continue.
"Jesus, Eddie... is this from the Upside Down?" I glanced at his face. His eyes shut tight, and he was breathing heavily through his nose.
"Mmm... mm-hm," he swallowed hard.
"W-was it Demobats?" Eddie tensed as I pulled his collar down further.
"Yeah, h-how'd you know?"
"Well... when I got the call about Max, I freaked the fuck out and immediately called Steve and Robin. Steve told me about his attack."
"W-what else did he say?"
"Uh... not much. Noone seemed to wanna discuss it just yet. I didn't hear about your involvement until Max woke up... but even she didn't tell me much." I decided to be bold. I wanted to see how far he'd let me take this. I reached down to try and lift his shirt, and he trembled. "Hey, it's ok... just breathe." To try and calm him, I cupped his cheek and brushed it lightly with my thumb, but it only seemed to make things worse. "Eddie, if you want me to stop, I will. I'm not trying to stir up bad memories."
"Um, it's not that. It's just, the scars. They're uh... they're..." Eddie trailed off and cleared his throat. "Um... c-can you keep singing? It uh... it helps."
"Yeah... of course." I wasn't quite sure what was bothering him, but I started singing, reached down, and carefully lifted his shirt. "Jesus!" I grimaced, startled by what I saw. "Eddie... they're everywhere."
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"Mm-hm." Here it comes. This is when you tell him he's repulsive. "They're uh... they're fuckin' disgusting... I'm-I'm disgusting," he whispered.
I stared at him in confusion. "Eddie, is that why you're so tense? You were worried about how I thought you'd look?" He nodded, eyes still shut tight and his chest heaving. "Well, not that it should matter what I or anyone else thinks, but you're not disgusting. I mean, yes, the scars are horrifying, but they're just scars."
"Yeah, um... you don't need to spare my feelings, Sug. I know how I look." His breathing became more labored.
"Oh, shut your mouth, Munson, before I shut it for you. Any girl who doesn't find you attractive is an idiot, scars or no." Usually I'd be embarrassed to say that, but he needed the reassurance, which seemed to ease his tension.
"Um, thanks, Sug. I appreciate that."
"Well, it's true. Don't be so down on yourself. You're handsome as hell." I noticed his slight smirk, so I resumed my investigation. "Ok, Munson. I'm gonna touch you now, so just concentrate on my voice. You can do this." He nodded earnestly. I continued to sing, placed a tender hand on his stomach, and he trembled. I brushed my thumb over a particularly angry-looking spot. "My God, Eddie, how the hell did you even survive these?"
He exhaled heavily. "Um, that... that's a story for another time, Sug."
I nodded and ran my hand down his side, letting my fingers caress every mark. I trailed them from one side of his body to the other, completely enamored. I took the opportunity to accidentally, on purpose, tangle my fingers in the dark trail of hair protruding from his jeans. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help myself. Even in this state, he was so goddamn sexy.
Eddie's eyes popped open. He tilted his head to glimpse at you and smiled. You weren't sneaky. He knew damn well there were no scars right there, but he most certainly wasn't gonna complain. Without another thought, he grabbed his shirt, pulling it to his chin so you could explore further. The way you beamed at him, you seemed thankful. It was sweet. He was relishing this moment. It was invigorating, liberating, and so... intimate. He observed as you took both hands and caressed his stomach and chest. Your touch was so gentle and caring. And the expression on your beautiful face, it wasn't one of repulsion... but affection.
"I, um, I can't decide which is more metal, the tats or the scars." It was wonderful to hear him laughing. As much as I didn't want to, I took my hands away, put his shirt back down, and patted his stomach. "See? No worries." I gave him a sincere smile, and he immediately trapped me in a full-body hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders and started chuckling. "Um, I'm gonna guess that doesn't happen often?"
"Never, Sugar... you're uh, you're the first."
"I-I am?" I could feel him nodding. I was stunned. "But, how is that even possible? I mean, well, you've obviously been with girls." Eddie let me go and shook his head. His smile was enormous.
"Um, no... I um," he started laughing, "I-I keep my shirt on. I mean, all I need is below the belt, so..."
Jesus, I was about to lose it. I looked at him, completely bewildered. "Um, thank you for sharing this with me. I'm... I'm honored." I smiled happily and let out a breathy laugh. "Um, was that too much excitement for one day? You, uh, you still wanna stick around?"
There was no way he would leave you, especially after that. "No, I'm staying. But only if you sing some more."
"Oh? You like how I butcher King's vocals?" We both snickered. "Well, this tape's almost over. Go ahead and pick another one." Eddie nodded happily but didn't move. He took me completely by surprise when he quickly kissed my cheek. I was speechless. There was no way he didn't see how red my face turned. He beamed at me and returned to my box of tapes, rustled momentarily, and popped in Led Zeppelin II, then walked back to me, staring at another cassette.
"Hey, do you mind if I borrow this?" He held up King Diamond's debut album. "I haven't had a chance to get it yet."
"Hmmm... I don't know, Munson. That's asking a lot. I listen to that one constantly," I joked, but by the look of disappointment on his face, I could tell he didn't catch my jest, and his obliviousness was adorable. I was trying so hard not to laugh. "I guess you can borrow it... but I'm gonna need collateral."
Eddie looked toward his vest, then down at his hands. "Oh!" He proceeded to pull off a ring. "Here." He held it to you and smiled. You looked down at Eddie the Head and started laughing. "What?" He asked.
"I-I was just kidding. I don't need collateral, fool. You're more than welcome to borrow it."
Eddie chuckled. "Here... take it anyway." He reached for your hand, looked for a finger to fit it, and slipped it on your thumb. "There."
He kissed my hand before letting it go, and my laughter stopped. "Eddie, I... I can't take this."
"Why not? You're my future wife. But I will need your actual ring size, 'cause uh... this one's too big. And besides, it gives me an excuse to bother you again."
My cheeks were burning. I gawked at my hand, then at Eddie's goofy grin. "Ok, thanks. B-but you don't need an excuse. (Way to be subtle, Isy. Why not just throw yourself at him) I mean, you're borrowing King, so... you have to come back anyway." I veered away. I don't know why I bothered to hide my flushed cheeks anymore. "But um... i-if you insist, I'll take good care of it."
Your bashfulness was so fucking adorable. Eddie tilted your chin up so your eyes met his. (God, your eyes, so beautiful) He wanted so badly to kiss you. "I insist... and I know you will, Sugar."
Eddie smiled again and brushed my chin with his thumb. (Holy shit! If he only knew what that did to me) After everything that happened, I felt obligated to share a little more. "Um... Eddie? M-my tattoo, well... not only is it embarrassing, but um, it's in a really awkward spot, and uh, i-it comes with an even more embarrassing story, but... that's definitely one for another time."
He smiled sweetly and nodded. "I look forward to hearing it, Sugar."
After finishing, we went to the porch for a cigarette. We sat on the top step, shoulder to shoulder.
"Thanks for the help, Munson. You, uh, you made this fun."
"Don't sweat it, Sug. I enjoyed your company."
His smile was so adorable. I looked away bashfully. "Ok, I gotta know, what's with the pet name?"
"What? 'Sug'?" You nodded. "Isn't it obvious? It means I think you're sweet, like sugar. If you don't like it, I can stop."
"No, I... I didn't say that. It's just, well, you don't even know me, yet it was the first thing outta your mouth. For all you know, I could be some... crazed psychotic bitch. So, are you a serial charmer or just foolish?"
Eddie chuckled. "Straight to the point. I like that. Uh... a little of both, I guess. I'm a flirty guy, but my charm's usually lost on most, so... let's go with foolish." He smiled sweetly. You looked surprised when he took your hand and squeezed it. "I'd uh... I'd be willing to call your bluff, though." He inched closer, leaning his face toward yours. "I bet you're not a psychotic bitch. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that you're very sweet... in more ways than one." He stuck out the tip of his tongue and wiggled his eyebrows. "Care to prove me wrong?"
I scoffed, suddenly feeling incredibly hurt. That comment changed my whole demeanor. "Wow! Bold, Munson. Was that your endgame all along? Butter me up with all your sweet talk so I'll sleep with you?" His sweet smile morphed into a look of confusion. "You know... I bet that is your girlfriend. And she deserves better than you." I took my hand from his.
"W-what?" Eddie immediately felt the familiar sting of rejection.
"Oh, don't bullshit me, Munson. This shtick may work on the sluts in Hawkins, but I have self-respect." I got up and stalked toward my door. I wanted to cry. He seemed so honest, so sincere, but I was wrong once again.
"Whoa, whoa, hey... Sug!"
I spun around. "My name is Isy... and if all you're looking for is a piece of ass, go call one of your friends. They seem to fall for your shit." I turned away again.
"Isy, please... STOP!"
Startled by his tone, I immediately froze. He jumped up the steps and blocked my way. "Move, Munson."
"Seriously, what's with the hostility? I thought we had something going here."
"Oh, is that what you thought?"
"Well, yeah... didn't you?!"
I huffed. "I did. Then you made it perfectly clear that you're just trying to get in my pants."
"WHAT?!" You tried to pass him. "Look, I'm not gonna lie. I think you're gorgeous. And yes, I would love to get in your pants and do... unspeakable things to you, but I was just teasing." You scoffed again and crossed your arms. "JUST, just listen... please. I'm being honest here. Look, I'm sorry if I crossed a line. I just... I didn't realize my teasing would set you off, or I wouldn't have done it. I mean... I'm just being me. I've been teasing you all day, and you... you've been returning my affection the whole time, but... apparently, my charm's lost on you too, so... I guess I am just a fool." You stared at him, still not speaking. "Look, I'm not bullshitting you—the total opposite. You're... different, not like other girls. And I like that. I like you."
"Seriously, Munson? You expect me to believe that? For fuck sake, twelve hours ago, you were balls deep in some other chick!"
"That... that was nothing!"
"Oh, like I haven't heard that one before."
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He stared at you, utterly confused. "Did... did I miss something? Why are you attacking me all of a sudden? 'Cause last time I checked, what I do on my own time is none of your goddamn business!"
"Oh, go fuck yourself, Munson. Or better yet, go fuck your friend."
Eddie blocked you again, his expression now stern. "Are you mental? I mean, maybe I'm wrong, and you really are a psychotic bitch." You looked at him with such disdain.
"What'd you just say to me?" I was fuming.
"You heard me. You know... you are such a hypocrite. You're upset with me, but you're not innocent in all this!"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"
"Oh, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about! You wanna keep pretending like you didn't just feel me up in there? HUH?!" You flinched at his tone and looked away. "Yeah, didn't think I'd catch that, did you? I know my own body, Isy, and there're no scars on my abdomen, but did I flip out on you?!"
"Well... of course you didn't. It's what you wanted, right?"
"That's not the point! Whether I wanted it or not, you touched me in an intimate way. In a way, I can only construe as sensual... and you used a vulnerable moment to do it! You're sending me mixed signals, Isy! Now that's fucked up! So instead of biting my head off for making a lewd comment, how 'bout granting me a little courtesy and just... let me explain! Will you do that for me, please?! Can you find it in your heart to trust me? Jesus Christ! Do you know how hard that was for me in there?!?!" You shook your head. "No, no, you don't. You have no goddamn idea how difficult that was... but I let it happen, and all I got in return was cynicism!"
"If it's such a sore spot for you, and you didn't have an ulterior motive, why the hell did you let me put my hands all over you?!"
"I think the better question is, why the hell did you want to? To appease me, or was it for your own twisted gratification? 'Cause I'm not exactly down with flaunting that part of myself."
"Then why let it happen? I asked if you wanted me to stop and you said no!"
Eddie's frustration was building. "That... mmm... that's what I'm trying to explain."
"Go ahead... enlighten me."
"Ok... not that I should have to explain myself to you, but since you're so adamant about defaming my character, I'll grant you this. That," Eddie pointed in the direction of his window, "that's a special circumstance, ok? She and I... we have an arrangement."
"What kind of arrangement?"
"Honestly... and I'm not proud of this by any means... but I sell drugs. And despite what you seem to think, I don't have a little black book of friends. The truth is, I don't exactly get much physical attention, so... I supply her with drugs, and in exchange, she gives me what I need physically."
That was not the answer I was expecting.
"She's not my girlfriend, Isy. There's no emotion there whatsoever. It's just physical, alright? I mean, I'm starved for attention in more ways than one. And then you appear... like something outta my goddamn dreams, and, and you're beautiful and compassionate, and so... comfortable around me. Isy... I haven't let anyone see my scars, let alone touch them. Shit, I was worried you'd find me repulsive, but by some impossible miracle... you didn't. So yes, as hard as it was to let you touch me, I welcomed it... but it wasn't for the attention. It's because I see something in you. Something noone has ever shown me. You-you made me feel more emotion in a few hours... than I've felt my whole life. You treated me with respect and affection... until now."
I nodded, still not making eye contact. I didn't know what to say. I was trying so hard not to cry. When I mustered the courage to peek, he was staring at the porch with his hands in his pockets, kicking the wood with the toe of his shoe. I felt like such an ass. "I'm... I'm sorry, Eddie," I whispered.
"Yeah, well, you should be."
That stung. "I didn't mean... I just thought... well, look at you!" I was so flustered I started waving my hands around. "One minute, you're all sweet and flirty, charming me with your metalhead style, and your pet names... and your goddamn marriage proposals. Those... big doe eyes, and your... your long, curly hair, and that smile." I surveyed him up and down. When I averted my gaze, I glimpsed his ring on my thumb. "You-you offered to help me, even though you just met me, and... you were kind enough to share an intimate moment with me. And I'm truly grateful for that. Please, believe me, I am. I didn't mean to take advantage of that. Really, I didn't. I was genuinely curious. And it's just... well, body hair drives me completely insane! It's like my fucking kryptonite! That was for my gratification, which was highly inappropriate, I know, but I just... I couldn't control myself, and I'm sorry, ok! You're so fucking handsome, and it's been a while since I've experienced any intimacy. And I wanted so badly to believe you were being sincere. And I did. Then you made that comment, and I... well, I just... assumed that it was all a ruse." I trailed off and started playing with his ring.
Eddie immediately understood, wanting to kick himself for not seeing it sooner, wishing he could take back every harsh word he uttered. He shouldn't have gotten so heated, and he most certainly shouldn't have yelled. Seeing you cry was breaking his heart. "Oh, Sugar." He closed the gap between you and trapped you tightly in his arms. You grasped handfuls of his vest as you buried your face in his chest and balled. "It wasn't a ruse. That's just how I am. Yes, I'm a lonely nerd, and sex is on my mind constantly, especially when a beautiful woman is showing me some attention. But as much as I crave female company, I'm not like all those douchebags who just tell girls what they wanna hear so they'll sleep with me. Not many girls give me a chance, but even if they did, I'm respectful. I'm just a playful pervert, and I like to tease."
I was too embarrassed to look at him.
"I take it someone hurt you?" You nodded. "Did you love him?"
"Yeah," I whispered.
"Was it another girl?"
"Girls plural," I said in a muffled voice, fresh tears soaking his shirt as he cradled my head to his chest.
"I'm so sorry, Sugar. The guy sounds like a real shitbag." Eddie placed a soft kiss on your head. What he would give to have unconditional love, and that asshole had yours... and squandered it. If given the chance, he would cherish you. "Hey... look at me." You lifted your head and met his eyes. "I'm sorry. I never meant to upset you. But I would never do that. Not to any girl. I know what it's like to be rejected, to feel discarded, and it sucks. But that's a story for another time." Eddie took his thumb and wiped a tear from your cheek. "Please don't cry," he whispered, happy to see the smile return to your face.
"I'm... I'm sorry, Eddie. It was wrong of me to assume. I just... I promised myself I'd never fall for that shit again, so I got defensive. I shouldn't have unleashed my bullshit on you. Not the best first impression. I just... it's hard to escape that mindset."
"Don't apologize, please. I did the same thing to you. I didn't realize your situation. And honestly, I'm not used to girls seeing me the way you seem to, so I didn't connect the dots, and I'm sorry. I never should've raised my voice. This was all just a huge misunderstanding. And besides, my first impression was way worse." That got you laughing. "I really did enjoy your company today. And if it's not too much to ask, I'd love to get to know you better. For you to get to know me... and my quirks," he stroked your hair. "To show you... that your future husband isn't such a bad guy."
We smiled at each other. "I'd like that."
"So you will marry me?" You gave him the finger again, and he laughed jovially. "Come 'er." Eddie held you tight, rested his cheek on your head, and sighed in relief. "Truce?"
"Truce," I agreed. Eddie pulled back and flashed that fantastic smile.
"Can I still tease you? It's kinda my thing."
I smiled, shoved his face playfully, and said, "You do you."
"I'll take that as a yes." He started to walk down the stairs, stopped, and held out his hand. "Come with me. I'll take you to get Red. I know you've been here before, but the detours are killer, and I haven't finished acting foolish. And in all seriousness, I really don't wanna leave your side."
I smiled bashfully and accepted his hand. It reminded me of Terminator. (Come with me if you want to live, and boy, did I, especially if Eddie was a part of my life) "Ok... but only if you control that lead foot. I enjoy being alive." He laughed, nodded, and led me to his van.
"Your chariot, m'lady." He opened the door and waved me inside, then ran around the front of the van and shuffled into the driver's seat.
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Max and I held each other for what felt like an eternity, tears falling freely. It was surreal, especially seeing a living, breathing Hopper. I practically tackled him, Joyce, and El, expressing my undying gratitude for what they've done for Max and me. When we finished with pleasantries, Hopper and Eddie grabbed Max's bags and loaded them into the van engaging in further conversation. Max and I weren't far behind.
"Um, how the hell did you end up here with Munson?" She asked.
"Yeah, about that. Turns out that sweet hunk of metalhead goodness... is our next-door neighbor."
"Shit, I can't get a break," she whispered to herself.
"Mm-hm..." I started mocking her in my best 'Max' voice, "'This guy Eddie Munson, he helped us fight against Vecna. He's a good friend. He and his uncle Wayne lived in the trailer across from me and Mom. Poor guy got his ass kicked, but if it weren't for him and Dustin, we probably wouldn't have made it out alive. He's a good dude'. You neglected to mention that he's my fucking dream guy and the father of my future metalhead babies."
"Ew, gross." I smacked her upside the head. "Ow! shit, Isy. You don't need to be a bitch about it." I gave her an accusatory glance. "Ok, I'm sorry! I mean, it's not like I lied. I just... withheld information." My expression was unchanged. "I swear, I wasn't trying to keep him a secret. I like Munson. I was just... trying to delay the inevitable. But what difference does it make? You met him. You find him dreamy. If he's not totally into you already, it won't take long." She crossed her arms and kicked at the rocks.
My irritation melted away as I watched her. "Oh Max, I know you've been dealing with more important matters... and I'm so happy to be here with you... I just would've appreciated a little heads-up. I mean, I didn't expect a curveball like him. He has a multifaceted personality, and I almost ripped him a new one when he went all pervy on me." She looked at me wide-eyed.
"Oh, shit... poor Munson."
"Yeah, poor Munson. I felt like shit, but... he gave me a run for my money." She looked shocked. "He seems like a good one, and I'd like to see more of him, but only if it's alright with you." I threw my arm around her shoulder, and we started walking. "You're my number one priority, first and foremost, so if you don't want me to see him... I won't."
"Why wouldn't I want you to?" She searched my face. "Wait, do you... do you think I want you to spend all your time with me?" I shrugged. "Oh, no. Don't get me wrong, I love you like crazy, but I have a life. When I said I was trying to delay the inevitable, I meant you and Munson doing it 24/7. No, go, hang out. Just keep the nasty shit outta my vicinity."
I busted into laughter, grabbed her in a headlock, and dragged her to the van.
Eddie held the van door open, smiling as he watched you both. He trapped Max in a huge hug. "Where to ladies?"
"Um... would you mind swinging by Family Video. I wanna grab my uniform?"
"Sure thing, Sug." I patted his cheek and smiled.
We pulled into the parking lot, and Eddie jumped out of the van to open the door for us. He grabbed my hand to help me out, and we locked eyes. I flashed him a giddy smile and ran inside.
When Max jumped out, Eddie grabbed her by the jacket and immediately flicked her shoulder.
"Ow! What the hell, Munson?"
"I could ask you the same thing, Red! A little heads-up would've been nice. Why didn't you tell me your cousin's my future wife?"
"Jesus, are you two sharing a brain?" Max muttered to herself.
"What?" He asked, confused.
"Nothing. You two are already annoying the shit outta me." Max noticed his unamused expression and rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Munson, I knew the moment you saw each other, you'd both turn feral, and I didn't want to subject myself to the sound of you two going at it like bunnies. I've been through enough trauma."
"Oh? So she is into me?" His smile was smug.
"Ugg, gross."
He chuckled. "Well, I'm sorry, my small, red-headed friend... but that's just tough shit. That gorgeous creature has not left my thoughts since I laid eyes on her this morning, and after only a handful of hours with her, I can already tell she's something special. I wanna pursue this, Red. But it wouldn't feel right unless I had your blessing."
Max was unnerved by the wavelength you two were on.
"Come on, Red, please! She's perfect. I uh... I even let her touch the scars."
"WHAT?!" Max's eyes went wide. She knew how much of a sore spot that was for Eddie. If he was willing to let you do that... someone he just met? He was already in deep. "Whatever, yes, I don't care."
Eddie clapped his hands together excitedly. "Mmm, YES! Thank you, Red!"
"Just... keep the explicit shit out of earshot."
"Yeah, yeah, no problem." They shook on it.
Max had never seen Eddie so happy. He deserved happiness. You both did. "And, Munson... she told me she flipped out on you. I didn't think you'd meet so soon, or I would've warned you, but apparently I'm cursed to have you as a neighbor." Eddie chuckled. "Isy's got major trust issues. Her ex is a cheating douche, and it really screwed her up, so she's inclined to call bullshit. I'm sorry you had to find out the hard way."
Eddie gave her a sweet smile. "Don't worry about it, Red. It actually helped us gain a little insight about each other."
"Well, I'm still sorry. Don't get me wrong, Isy wasn't always like that. I mean, she's always had a temper. Seriously, she can make Demobats look like cute, cuddly puppies, and she's still wild and carefree, but now she's guarded. She really is an understanding person, though, and she'd do anything for the people she loves, so don't let the attitude deter you. Just be yourself. I can already tell she's kinda crazy about you."
He smiled brightly. "Thanks, Red. I like that she's feisty. I can see where you get it." He threw his arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm gonna treat her like gold. In fact, I'm gonna treat her so well, she's gonna feel like the treasure beneath the Lonely Mountain, and not even Smaug will keep us apart."
"O-kay? I have no idea what that means, but whatever."
"Seriously, Red? We fought in Mordor together, and you still don't understand Lord of the Rings?" She shook her head. He chuckled, and they headed for the store.
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"Look what the bat dragged in," Robin rounded the counter to greet Eddie and Max.
"Buckley, you look ravishing." She gave Eddie a twirl. "Where's my favorite Wonder Twin?"
Robin yelled for Steve. "Hey, Dingus! Get your ass out here and say hello!"
Steve appeared from the back office with a stack of papers. "What're you bitching about now, Rob--Hey! Max!" He ran over and wrapped her in a friendly embrace, then turned to Eddie. "Munson... what's happening, buddy?" They gave each other a bro hug.
"Not much, Harrington. Isy wanted to stop and get her uniform."
"Wait, you're here... together?" He motioned between Eddie and me. "What happened, Mancini? You lose a bet or something? Oh, I know. He lured you into his van with the promise of candy?" He shot me a wink, and I lost it.
"Well, Steve, you know I love me some candy, but uh, he was blasting Maiden, so... I practically did a Duke Boys jump through the window."
Eddie's eyes locked on you. He tried hiding a faint smile by chewing his hair, but nothing got past Robin.
"Seriously though, it turns out he's our next-door neighbor, so he helped with all my shit this morning and took me to get Max."
"Oh... right on. I guess it was inevitable. I knew once you got here, you wouldn't be able to escape Munson's clutches." I bit my lip and snuck a glance at Eddie's smiling face. "Well, here's the employee paperwork you need to fill out."
"Alright," I looked at Eddie. "You mind if I get a jump on this?"
"Not at all, Sug. I'm gonna grab some movies." He traveled a few rows over.
"Sug?" Steve quietly inquired.
"Yeah, short for Sugar. 'Cause I'm sweet." I gave him a smug look.
"Hmm... he obviously hasn't seen you angry."
I shoved him hard. "Oh, fuck you!"
"See, that's exactly what I'm talkin' about. Munson's got a nickname for everyone, and they're usually pretty fitting, except yours."
"Shut up, dick." Steve snickered. "Hey, I wanted to ask you. Is he always so... explicit?"
"Munson? Oh yeah. He's known to say what's on his mind. He's also a total cheeseball. You get used to it." Steve observed your nod of understanding as you turned back to your forms. "Lemme guess, he already laid on the 'Munson charm'?"
"Yeah, big time. We, uh... we had the best time this morning. Eddie was charming and playful. And you know how much I love me a metalhead." Steve lifted his brow and nodded. "I was instantly hooked. Then he switched to perv mode, and I, uh... kinda flipped out on him."
Steve lost it. "Oh shit! So he did get a taste of the evil bitch queen?" I pursed my lips and nodded. "Oh, man, I feel for Munson. I would not want to be on the receiving end of that. I gotta say, though, I'm a little surprised. You used to be into all that pervy shit."
I nodded. "I know. And I still am. I mean, I probably wouldn't have reacted the way I did, but," I bit my lip, leaned toward Steve, and whispered, "when I got to the house last night, I overheard him and some chick going at it, so... I assumed she was Eddie's girlfriend and he was trying to get a little on the side."
Steve started laughing harder. "No-no way! Are you serious?!" I nodded again. "Jesus... that was most likely the bartender chick from the Hideout."
"Oh do... do you know her?"
"Not personally, but I know of her. I think Munson had a thing for her a while back, but it's just casual."
"Oh," I said indifferently.
Steve noticed the wheels turning in your head. "Mancini... lemme tell you something about Munson. He uh, he has it hard. Harder than most. Everyone sees him as some... scary, satanic freak, especially girls. And as much as I hate to admit it, we all saw him that way, except for Henderson, Wheeler, and Sinclair. But in reality, he's a big softy and one of the most loyal people I've had the privilege to call a friend. Not to say he doesn't annoy the shit outta me."
I had to laugh.
"Believe me, he's not like your ex. If he's into you... and judging by the dumb smile that hasn't left his face since he walked in here, I think it's safe to say that he is, you should give him a chance. He's a good dude. And trust me, after meeting you, she's the last thing on his mind. He'll probably call it off the moment he gets home."
"Thanks, Steve. You're a good friend. But if you were so sure Eddie and I would take to each other how come you didn't tell me about him, or vice-versa?"
"Um... because Max threatened me on pain of death, and I value my life."
"Figures. That little brat." Steve smiled and gave me a friendly kiss on the head.
Eddie was staring at you from behind a shelf when he heard a whisper. "Pssst... Eddie!" Robin cocked her head, motioning for him to follow her.
"What's up, Buckley?"
"Dude... could you be more obvious?" She whispered.
"What?" He smiled mischievously.
"Ugh... seriously, Eddie. You keep eye fucking her like that, someone's bound to notice."
"Shit, was I that obvious?" His words dripped with sarcasm.
"Seriously, what's the story?"
"Calm down, Buckley. She already knows I think she's gorgeous."
"But if you must know," he paraded Robin around the store, grabbing movies as they walked, "Isy and Max are my neighbors. I met her this morning and thought I was staring at an angel. I mean... it was love at first sight, Buckley. This goddess drives a black '67 Chevy Impala. She's a fucking metal lover, for Christ's sake, a very knowledgeable one, I might add. She's a nerdy, bashful sweetheart. Feisty and so smart. She's caring, kind, and just... the most compassionate and open-minded person. I've never met anyone like her. And that's not even the best part. I think she's totally into me."
Robin noticed the blush on his cheeks. "Holy shit, Eddie! That's awesome!"
"Yeah. I've found the future, Mrs. Munson."
"Eeek! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! So what are you gonna do?!"
"Buckley, my lady-loving friend. I'm gonna marry that girl and never let her go."
"Ahhhhh! Oh my god, this is so exciting. And you're certain of this? After only a few hours?"
"I've never been more certain of anything."
Robin recognized the sincerity in Eddie's eyes. "Oh my God, so CUTE! And she's, like, super hot too!"
"Oh... smokin'! Her eyes, that thick little body, and those fucking shorts, Buckley? I helped her out this morning. You should've seen how her ass was trying to escape those things when she was cleaning. I just... I wanted to push her against the wall, and... well, I almost creamed my fucking pants!"
"Ew! Gross... but Ahhhh! Keep us informed, I'll fill in Dingus, and we'll help however we can." She hugged Eddie and ran back to the counter.
"Home sweet home, Ladies!" Eddie carried Max's bags into the house.
"Eddie, I can't thank you enough!" I graciously replied.
"I can think of a few ways you can thank me. OW! Dammit!" His shoulder met my fist.
"You're so gross, Munson," Max groaned.
"Why's she so mean to me, Red?"
"Maybe she likes you, Munson."
"Ahh, is that it, Sug? Are you mean to me because you liiike me?" He poked my side and immediately backed away, shielding himself if I threw another punch. He was having too much fun at my expense, but I found it incredibly adorable.
"Thanks, Munson, but I'm not subjecting myself to this."
"The loft is all yours, Max. It's clean so you can arrange it however you want. I'll be up in a minute." She waved me off, and I motioned for Eddie to follow me outside. He was standing with his hands behind his back, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.
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"Alright, you big dope." When I walked toward him, he flinched, but instead of a punch, I stood on my tiptoes and delivered a hug. When he realized he was in no immediate danger, he wrapped his arms around my waist and chuckled.
"You're so short, Sug. The perfect height for some, uh, hardcore kitchen counter, OW! Shit!"
I smacked the back of his head. "Shut up, perv. You're ruining the moment." Eddie's laughter was quickly becoming one of my favorite sounds in the world.
"Ok, ok, I yield." He lifted his head and smiled at you. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your embrace, sweet thing?"
"I'm showing my appreciation, you ass." I hugged him tighter and buried my face into his neck. (My GOD! He smelled so fucking good) "Really, thank you," I said and backed away.
"I'm forever your humble servant." He bowed again. "Oh... one more thing," he took his Mercyful Fate button from his vest and proceeded to pin it to the collar of your shirt. "Here, I uh... I want you to have this. To keep."
My jaw dropped. I looked down at the pin. "But why? At this rate, all your stuff's gonna be mine."
He chuckled. "It's a thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt. I can see my charm's no longer lost on you. I know it's not the right album, but it's a reminder of a special time. Think of my dopey face whenever you look at it."
I let out a breathy laugh. "But, I... I don't have anything for you."
"Sug. You've just given me the best day. That's something I haven't had in a long time." He took your hands in his and pressed them gently to his lips. "I couldn't ask for anything more, except maybe a lifetime of days like this... but I'm not greedy."
I couldn't hide my flushed cheeks this time. "Well, at least take this." I touched his shoulders, stood on my tiptoes, and gently kissed his cheek.
"And maybe that, uh... yeah... can, can I get another one of those?" He turned his head and tapped his cheek with his finger.
I leaned in and placed one more sweet kiss on his cheek, lingering longer than before. Eddie turned his head slowly, and our eyes met. I noticed his veer toward my lips briefly before he backed away.
"Um, don't be a stranger, Sugar. Remember, you still hold something that's mine." Eddie saw you look down at his ring, but that's not what he was referring to. You had his heart. He turned on his heels, jogged up his porch steps, and flashed one more bright smile before heading into his house.
Max and I spent the rest of the day organizing our rooms. I bombarded her with questions about Eddie, but she didn't feel right telling me certain things, so I eventually backed off. I was just so smitten. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I wanted to know everything. It was mentally exhausting. I was sitting on the couch, adding the Mercyful Fate button to my jean jacket, thinking about my time so far with Eddie, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up, and it was almost midnight.
"Shit! Max?!... MAX?!" I ran through the house in a panic, but there was no sign of her. I heard voices coming from outside, so I ran to the door and threw it open.
"Heeeeey! There's Sleeping Beauty! Come join us, Sugar," Eddie bellowed.
I breathed a sigh of relief. Max, Eddie, Robin, Steve, and two other guys I didn't recognize were sitting in the driveway around a small fire pit. I grabbed my cigarettes, jogged down the steps, and joined them.
"Here you go, Sug." Eddie grabbed a chair, set it next to his, and motioned for you to sit. "You want a beer?"
"Oooo, I love it when you beg," he joked, reaching into a little cooler. He handed it to you, and you thanked him with another punch. "OW! Shit! That's like the fifth time today. Why you gotta treat me so bad?" He stuck out his bottom lip and gave you puppy dog eyes.
(My GOD, those fucking eyes!) "Perv." I gave him a little shove and a cheeky smile and sipped my beer. "You know, most people would've learned to stop after the first punch."
"What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment," he leaned toward you and whispered, "especially yours."
He winked, sending my heart a flutter. I took another sip. "Mmm... you know, I'm not a huge drinker, but after the last 24 hours, this is just what I needed."
"Well, drink up. I have plenty." Eddie reached over to grab a black metal lunch box. He smiled and proceeded to roll a joint.
I stared at his hands as his skilled fingers meticulously worked their magic. His mischievous eyes met mine as he flicked his tongue across the end of the rolling paper, then licked one long stripe down the seam to secure the seal. (Oh, for the love of everything holy! I never wanted to be a joint so bad in my entire life) I chugged my beer, trying to focus on anything but him. When he finished, he lit the joint, took a hit, and held it out to me.
"You want a hit?" He offered.
"I don't know. What're you looking for as payment?" I smiled slyly.
He started chuckling and exhaled. "Whatever you're willing to give me, Sugar." He winked again.
I smiled bashfully. "Thanks, but no. These are my vice." I held up my smokes and smiled, lighting one. He passed the joint around to everyone else (except Max). Eddie introduced me to the two guys I didn't know. His friends, Jeff and Gareth. Both are incredibly nice and funny dudes.
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"Does anyone wanna play a game?" Robin blurted out.
"What kinda game?" Steve asked.
"Well, there's the usual ones... truth or dare... never have I ever." All the guys groaned in unison. "Ok then. Do you dinguses have any bright ideas?"
"Oh, I've got one. Has anyone ever played 'Honey, if you love me'?"
"Is that the dumb game you used to play at camp?" Max asked.
"It's not dumb... it's super fun. And depending on how involved people get, it can be hysterical."
"Alright, but let's make it a drinking game. Is that possible?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, we can make that work. Um... let me explain the rules. So, the idea is not to smile or laugh. You pick a person, look them in the eyes and say, 'Honey, if you love me, would you please, please smile?' Now the other person has to say, 'Honey, I love you, but I just can't smile,' and they have to say it with a straight face. If they smile or laugh, they lose." I looked at everyone's unenthusiastic expressions. "Oh come on. See, the kicker is, anything goes. You can say or do whatever you want to make the other person smile, but you both have to say those exact words. And we can add the rule that if you lose, you have to finish your beer. Sound good?"
"Ok, let's give it a go." Eddie chimed in.
"I'm calling it a night. Have fun, losers."
"Night, Brat!" Everyone waved Max goodnight. "Ok, I'll go first so yinz get the idea." I went over to Robin, got down on my knees, and grabbed her hands. The boys started to hoot and holler. I waved them off, smiled at Robin, and thought briefly about what to do. "Uh... ok... Honey, if you love me, would you please, PLEASE... smile?" I ran the tip of my finger down her nose, smashed her face to my chest, stroking her hair, and wiggled my boobs.
"Honey... I wuv you... but I jus c-aahahahahaha!"
"Ha! Gotcha! Drink up," I booped her nose and returned to my chair. "Ok... Robin lost, so now it's her turn." I looked at all the guys. They were sitting stalk still, mouths agape. "See, guys. I told you it was fun." I smiled slyly.
"That was so not fair... you made me motorboat you."
"Thems the rules. Pick your victim."
Robin chose Steve first, but no matter what she did, he refused to crack. She moved on to Gareth, who ended up losing his shit. Gareth also took a crack at Steve, who remained stone-faced, so he picked Eddie. Gareth tried to recite the words while giving Eddie a lap dance but fell on his ass. Eddie couldn't keep a straight face, so... he chose me. After he chugged his beer, he rushed over and parked in my lap. I was having difficulty holding it together, and Eddie hadn't even spoken yet. He gave his hair a seductive flip, then put his arms around my neck.
He rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh. He definitely had a flair for theatrics.
"If you love me... would you please, PLEEEAAASE!..." he grabbed your face in his hands and whispered, "smile?"
He stared at me like he was staring into my soul. I couldn't look away from his chocolate-brown eyes. "Honey... I love you, bmm--" At that moment, Eddie's lips crashed into mine. Everyone started cheering. His kiss was deep and lingering. His tongue requested entrance, and I immediately obliged. He was so passionate, so needy. We threw our arms around each other, practically suffocating as we swallowed each other's faces. But as quickly as the kiss began, Eddie pulled away. I opened my eyes at the loss of his lips and started giggling like a schoolgirl.
"Gotcha," he whispered, flashing that devilish grin as he climbed off your lap.
"Now that... was most definitely not fair." I shook my head trying to gain my composure. (What the FUCK just happened?!?)
The game went on for a while, but once the majority of us were shitfaced, we called it quits and proceeded to bullshit and listen to tunes. I went to make my way to the cooler, but Eddie quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his lap. I landed at an awkward angle, so he put his hands on my waist and helped me into a sitting position. I was hyperaware of his hand resting on my bare thigh, his other on my waist. I could feel his thumb under the hem of my t-shirt, faintly rubbing my side, and the gentle squeeze of his hand on my thigh, causing my heart to race. I cleared my throat and met Eddie's vast, lust-blown gaze, but Steve's voice broke the spell.
"Well... I'm gonna get this one home." Steve stood up and motioned to Robin, who was passed out in her chair.
"You alright to drive, man?" Eddie asked.
"Oh, yeah. I only had a couple of beers. Unlike you dorks, I can keep a straight face." Eddie and I chuckled as we watched Steve hoist Robin and walk her to his car.
Jeff and Gareth stumbled over. "Hey, we're gonna head out too."
"Oh no... you guys are smashed. Get your asses inside. You know where the spare rooms are."
"Alright, thanks, man." Jeff helped steady Gareth as they made their way into Eddie's house.
Eddie turned his attention back to you. "You should probably get some sleep, too, Sugar."
I shook my head. "Naw, I'm good. Unless you're ready to call it a night."
"No, I'm fine. If you wanna stick around, I can grab my guitar. I believe I owe you a serenade." You nodded excitedly. "Just let me clean this stuff up, and we can chill on the porch."
I helped Eddie put everything away and put out the fire. He ran to grab his guitar, and when he returned, I parked my ass on the porch next to him. I watched as he put the guitar strap over his head and got situated. I lit a cigarette for both of us and placed one between his lips.
"Mm, thanks, Sugar."
I smiled sweetly and exhaled. "That's a Warlock, right? Dave Mustaine and Blackie Lawless have one of those." Eddie started laughing. "What?! Why do you keep laughing?"
He handed you a fresh beer. "Sugar, I swear. You're sexier with every sentence, but if you keep dropping bombs like that, be prepared to say I do."
He was a master at making me blush. "Um, I don't know. I mean, it's pretty, but I'm partial to the Flying V."
He busted into uncontrollable laughter. "First off, not it, she. And she's my sweetheart. Isy didn't mean that, sweetheart." Eddie said to his guitar. "She may not be a V series, Sugar, but she's special. We put on the most metal interdimensional concert in the history of the world."
My eyes lit up. "You, you mean... in the Upside Down?" He nodded. "Oh, please, do tell!"
"Well, uh, that's..."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, a story for another time." Eddie nodded again, and I took another drink. "So... when do I get story time?"
Eddie's expression grew dismal. "Soon, Sugar, I promise. Just... let me enjoy this time with you before you run away screaming."
I looked at him, confused. "W-why would I run away?"
He looked down at his guitar and smiled. Your impression of him was heartwarming. "They uh... they always run away, Sugar."
Who were they? I didn't understand. Eddie's expression was so sad, but I could tell he didn't wanna talk about it. I finished my beer as he started strumming chords from 'The Candle', his attention now fully invested in playing. "Did you seriously learn this in an evening, just by listening?"
"Mm-hm." He didn't look up but continued to play.
"That's... incredible." Eddie went directly into playing 'Melissa', and I got goosebumps. He met my gaze and smiled sweetly.
"You want another beer?"
"Hmm... why do I feel like you're tryin' to get me drunk?" I joked.
He chuckled. "No, Sugar. Just having a good time. You don't have to."
"I really shouldn't. I'm already buzzed."
He laughed. "Seriously? You've only had like three."
"I know, but like I said. I don't do this often. I have no tolerance." I pondered for a moment. "Eh, what the hell. I don't need to be anywhere tomorrow. I can live a little, right? Just don't try anything," I warned in jest as he handed me a beer.
He scoffed jokingly. "I would never." He winked. "No, seriously, I won't touch... not unless you ask me to." He wiggled his eyebrows.
I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder. "Mm... hey, can you thrash?!" I asked excitedly.
Eddie suddenly perked up. "What do you think, Sugar?" He smirked and immediately started shredding Megadeth's 'Rattlehead'.
I was practically drooling, watching his fingers move effortlessly across the frets. (Jesus, the things this man can do with his hands) Without missing a beat, he switched to Dio's 'We Rock'. I was loving this, banging my head to the music. "This is my absolute favorite Dio song!" I yelled.
"For real?" You nodded, and he stopped playing. "Alright, let's go old school. You know this one?" He started playing 'Great White Buffalo' by Amboy Dukes.
"Ugghh, yes! Love sweaty Teddy!" Eddie was laughing so hard that he had to stop playing. "Munson, you're fucking amazing. I'm not kidding. You should be in a band."
Eddie smiled bashfully. "I appreciate that, Sugar." Eddie gazed at your beautiful face, ready to tell you about Corroded Coffin, when an idea struck him, making his heart skip a beat. He'd tell you but now wasn't the time. "If I did join a band, would, uh... would you be my groupie? Ouch! Dammit! Ok!"
"Knock it off, perv." Eddie never stopped smiling.
"So... lemme get this straight. You're panties get instantly wet for one of the biggest sex fiends in rock and roll, but I got my ass handed to me for a suggestive comment?"
I pursed my lips and nodded calmly. "Um... yep." He eyed me curiously and smirked. "What?! Why do you keep looking at me like that?!" I shoved him again. "Yes, I dig perverted rock stars. Sue me. I'm not a prude. Far from it, actually." I took another swig and smirked. "I flipped out on you 'cause I felt a connection... ya know? And, I thought... well, I thought you were using that connection to take advantage of me." I looked at him sheepishly. He nodded and took my hand, the alcohol making me more aware of his touch. "Uh, with rock stars, it's a fantasy. You can pretty much guarantee they just wanna fuck, no strings attached. I mean, shit. There's, like, a laundry list of mother fuckers I'd ride 'til I couldn't walk." (Jesus, what the hell was I saying?)
Eddie practically spit out his beer. "Yeah?" He asked, laughing.
I gave him a scrunched expression. "I don't know. I think that's the beer talking." He chuckled. "I mean, I'd want to, that's for damn sure, but I don't know if I'd be able to go through with it." I chugged the rest of my beer. My inhibitions were pretty much nonexistent by this point. "I, uh, I did try once." I glanced at him, totally embarrassed.
"WHAT?!" He was rolling.
"Yeah, um... well, I guess now's as good a time as any to share my embarrassing story."
"Uh, you sure about that, Sugar? You're drunk. I don't want you saying or doing anything you'll regret."
"Naw. It's cool. I was gonna tell you eventually. The alcohol just acts as liquid courage."
"Ok, if you say so."
I motioned for him to hand me another beer. I took a drink and continued. "Ok, you'll appreciate this. It was, uh... summer of '84. W.A.S.P.'s Winged Assassins tour at the Troubadour."
"Whoa, whoa, wait... you saw W.A.S.P.? In '84, you would've been, what... 16?"
I nodded. "Yeah. I was visiting Max. It was our last summer in California before she moved here, and I really wanted to go, so... I gussied myself up to make myself look older, and Billy helped me sneak in."
"Billy? Billy Hargrove?" Eddie looked shocked.
"Yeah. Billy went for the drunk chicks and ditched me when we got there, but I didn't care. I just needed to get in. It was fucking awesome! You would've had a blast. Anyway, I barreled through the crowd to get right in front of Blackie."
"Seriously? I know you're an aggressive little thing, but you're, like, a buck ten."
"Well, I was determined, and my adrenaline was off the charts. I dig a lot of rock stars, but when it comes to Dave Mustaine and Blackie Lawless, I don't fuck around. I wanted to go that January 'cause W.A.S.P. and Megadeth played together, but it was like a week after Christmas break, and there's no way my parents would've gone for that."
Eddie was staring at you, chuckling. "I'm, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to picture this."
I nodded and took another drink. "Mm... wait 'til you hear what I did. So, during 'Animal', Blackie leaned down and grazed my chin with his fingers. It was like... instant orgasm. I'm not kidding. When the show was over, I snuck backstage to find the band's dressing room, and uh... that's when I got stopped by security. I gave the guy some sob story about being from outta town and unable to find my cousin, so the dude took me inside to look for Billy, and that's when I gave him the slip." Eddie started laughing again. "Luckily, there were a ton of people in the room, so it was pretty easy to do. And the dude gave up looking pretty quickly. Once I was in the clear, I looked around 'til I spotted Blackie. He was sitting on a couch, toweling himself off. I was shocked he wasn't surrounded by a hoard of chicks, so I just... walked up to him. He recognized me, which I couldn't believe, and asked if I was lost. I don't think he bought my look." Eddie nodded and smiled, totally engrossed. "I was so starstruck all I could do was shake my head... then I heard Billy yelling my name. He and the security guard were looking for me."
"Well, that's kind of a non-douche move on his part."
"Oh, no, it wasn't. Billy didn't give two shits about me, but seeing as I was supposed to be back at the house sleeping, he was more worried about what his dad would do to him if he came home without me, which I did understand, but I couldn't leave without doing something. I mean... when the hell would I get another opportunity like this, so uh... I did what I could, and uh," I chuckled, "this is the embarrassing part, um... I turned back to Blackie, trying to think of what to do, so uh... I spotted a marker, grabbed it, and asked if I could get his autograph, and he started laughing at me."
"Why was that embarrassing?"
"Oh, I'm not done. So, Blackie took the marker, and when he noticed I didn't have any paper, he asked me where I wanted it. I heard Billy's yells getting closer, so I had to think fast, and since I was wearing next to nothing, I uh... I turned around, lifted my mini skirt, and uh... I flashed Blackie my ass."
Eddie was rolling. "No... no, you didn't?"
"I did." I grimaced, which only made Eddie laugh harder.
"Y-you let the one and only, Blackie Lawless, sign your ass?"
"Uh, yeah. Billy was fucking furious. I quickly put my skirt back down before he grabbed my arm and pulled me away, but uh... I managed to wrench myself free. I only had a split second, so I ran back to Blackie, grabbed his face, and planted one on him." Eddie was staring at me, mouth agape. "Yeah, that's pretty much how I figured Blackie would react, but uh, the son of a bitch actually shoved his fingers in my hair and kissed me right back. That's when Billy grabbed me again. When he dragged me away, I turned back to Blackie, smiling, yelled thank you, and blew him a kiss. He was laughing... kinda like you are right now."
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"Uh ha! So, let me get this straight. You went to see W.A.S.P., at 16 years old, with the help of... Billy Hargrove, so you could sneak backstage and try to fuck Blackie Lawless, ultimately ending the night with a huge, wet kiss and the man's signature on that... beautiful ass?"
(Oh my God! STOP!) My face was so red I had to bury it in my hands. "Uh, yeah. That pretty much sums it up."
"And I'm the pervert?"
"Touche', Munson." I looked up. "I don't know what I was thinking. I'd like to think I would've gone through with it, but I most likely would've chickened out. But now, every time I hear W.A.S.P. I get, like, instantly horny." The dopey expression on Eddie's face was hysterical.
"Blackie Lawless? Jesus, that guy's my new fucking hero." I hid my face again. "Ok, I get why you did it, but why Blackie?"
"Why not?! I mean, he's just... well, he's fucking hot. There's really no other way to put it. I have this picture of him from '85. It's one of my favorites. He just, I don't know, he looks so fucking adorable. I mean, he's not wearing all the makeup and tassels and shit, but his expression... it's almost sweet. I-I don't know where I'm going with this. The point is he's an adorable bad boy, and um... well, I guess you remind me of him." I immediately wanted to kick myself. "Shit!!! I don't know why the fuck I just said that. Ok, I'm cut off." Eddie laughed even harder and took my hand again. "Um, ok, so it's no secret I think you're handsome as fuck. I mean, come on, just look at you. You're like... the perfect combination of Dave Mustaine and Blackie."
Now it was Eddie's turn to blush. He let out a nervous laugh. "Um... ha! H-how so?"
"Well, there's the charisma, the long dark hair, the gravelly voice, you shred that guitar like Dave, and you're obviously a sexual pervert." He chuckled. "You're the epitome of an adorable bad boy. The only things you lack are chest hair and blue eyes. Ugghh! That fucking chest hair! I'm a sucker for it. But you... well, you've got that happy trail, and... and your eyes..." I trailed off, staring into those giant, brown orbs. "My God, they're gorgeous," I whispered the last words. We stared at each other mesmerized until I pulled my hand away and buried my face again. "Shit! Just shoot me now. This is so fucking embarrassing."
Eddie squeezed my hand, forcing me to look at him. "Um, don't be embarrassed, Sugar. I'm flattered. That's, uh, probably the nicest compliment anyone's ever given me."
I smiled and nodded. "You're welcome, Munson. And that's not the alcohol talking. I mean it. I um... I tend to open up... speak my mind when I drink, so..."
Fuck! He wanted to kiss you so bad. "Um... well, it's a shame you didn't get to keep the autograph." He joked.
I immediately averted my gaze.
"Wait. You, you didn't! Is-is that the other tattoo?!"
I closed my eyes and nodded. "I hit up a tattoo parlor the next day."
"Ok, um... I have to see this thing."
I shook my head fervently. "No, no way. I mean, I'm beyond appreciative that you shared the scars, but this... this is a whole other level of intimate." I started laughing nervously.
"Ok, fine. But if you think I'm gonna let this go, you're outta your goddamn mind."
"I was afraid of that." I looked away again and laughed.
"Come on, Sugar." You shook your head again. "Come oooon. You know you wanna show me."
I huffed and took a swig, contemplating what to do. "Alright, what the hell." I stood up and turned my back to him, unbuttoned my shorts, and pulled them down just enough to expose the tattoo. I looked over my shoulder and busted out laughing. "My God, your fucking face." He looked like he was about to start drooling. "Ok, that's long enough. You can close your mouth now." I buttoned my shorts and sat back down.
"Uh," he cleared his throat and shifted his crotch uncomfortably. "Mm-mm... I um... my God, your ass." He let out a breathy laugh, and stared at you. "So, um... if I do this," he reached over and grazed your chin with his fingers, "and then, this," he started playing 'Animal' and you froze. "You'll fall madly in love with me and, uh... wanna fuck my brains out."
Eddie's voice was so seductive. He leaned closer and stared at my lips. My God, my panties were fucking soaked. He was dangerously close to breaking my resolve.
"'Cause, uh, I've got a secret, Sugar. Blackie's not the only one who fucks like a beast."
Fuck! Was I horny! I felt like I was about to faint. All I could do was stare, his face inches from mine. "Uh, you... you don't have as much chest hair," I joked.
Eddie immediately turned away and started laughing, shaking his head. "You're uh... you're somethin' else, you know that? You're a freak. I like it. I'm kinda surprised you haven't tried to attack Harrington," he joked.
"Well, uh, I'm not gonna lie. Steve's a sexy guy. And after a pool party or two, the thought did cross my mind, but uh... no."
"What? Harrington's not wild enough for ya?"
There was that mischievous smile again. "Um... no. Chest hair aside, the whole preppy, jock thing... doesn't do it for me. Not to mention, he's one of my best friends, and so hung up on Nance it would've been pointless. And I'm not a huge fan of casual hookups. Nothing against people who are," I joked, giving Eddie's shoulder a playful shove. "I sometimes wish I was more adventurous. I mean, don't get me wrong. I enjoy sex, but I have difficulty seeing past the emotional bit. That whole Blackie thing... it was totally out of character for me, and it was definitely stupid."
He laughed bashfully. "Well... casual hookups are fun, and they definitely feel good, but uh... they make for a lonely existence. I wouldn't do it if I had someone, so... Well, I can only imagine how good it feels to give yourself to someone so completely..." he trailed off and returned his attention to playing.
"H-have you really... never been in love?"
"No, I have... but it was never reciprocated."
I nodded, looked down at my thumb, and started playing with his ring. My heart was beating a mile a minute. "Hey, um..." I stood up. Eddie furrowed his brow in confusion when I took his guitar and set it aside. I sat between his legs, leaned back against his chest, and closed my eyes. Eddie hastily wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pressed his other hand against my stomach. He rested his chin in the crook of my neck and started rocking me gently. I could feel his head turn slightly, his warm breath on my skin, and the light brush of his lips. Without warning, he latched them to my neck. I inhaled sharply, and a heat wave shot straight to my core. Eddie grabbed the side of my face, trailing greedy kisses across my chin to my waiting lips, and shoved his tongue down my throat. I turned my body and threw my arms around his neck as he kissed me hungrily. It was so fucking passionate. He grabbed my face with both hands, making the kiss more vigorous.
"Mmm... mhhhh," he broke away, let out a breathy laugh, and leaned his forehead on yours, both of you breathing heavily. "Uh, do... do you... m-maybe wanna... spend the night with me?"
I was in a lustful daze, staring at his mouth as he spoke every pleasurable word. "Eddie," he lifted his head and looked at me, his eyes filled with lust and want, "I-I don't know."
"Please, Sugar. I need you so fuckin' bad."
Jesus, this was so hard. "Eddie, I... I want to. I do, but..."
He slowly backed away and nodded, fidgeting with his rings. "No, I'm, I'm sorry... I know you're not in the best state right now, and I'm not trying to pressure you. I guess I'm just being selfish. I just... I want you to be mine... so fucking bad, Sug." He gave you a once-over and looked away.
I knelt before him, grabbed his hands, and looked deep into his eyes. "Eddie, I want that too. And don't get me wrong, this isn't a rejection by any means. I mean, shit! From the moment I laid eyes on you, I've been so goddamn horny I feel like I'm losing my mind." Eddie let out a breathy laugh and nodded. "And, well... it's taken every ounce of willpower I can muster not to pull your dick out at any given moment and ride you 'til the sun comes up, but uh... it's deeper than that, and we're still figuring each other out, ya know? And... well, I'm fucking scared. I'm scared because... you say your charm isn't a ruse, but if that's the case, how the hell are you still single, or at the very least, not swimming in pussy?"
"Sugar, I know you don't understand, but I'm not the kinda guy girls wanna bring home to meet mom and dad. I'm more just... a plaything to use."
I was utterly confused, unable to comprehend what he was saying. "But why? See, this is what I'm talking about, why I'm hesitant. I mean, what does that even mean? You take guarded to a whole new level, and I can't for the life of me figure out why? I get that most parents prefer the Harringtons of the world, but I can't be the only girl who sees how wonderful you are, so what is it? What are you hiding from me? What can be so bad that you feel the need to be so secretive? I mean, you tell me next to nothing about your life, but unless you're an abusive, unfaithful, pathological liar, who moonlights as a serial killer, nothing about you will make me turn heel and run. I've already seen the scars, and I still think you're a goddamn vision. For fuck sake, I want you, ok... and not just physically, but in every way imaginable. I mean, shit! Just... let down the walls so I can finally scream your fucking namemmff---"
Eddie grabbed your face and delivered a harsh kiss. He felt so much love for you at this moment. "Mmm... Sugar? Shut up before I don't give you a choice and take you right here."
Ugh! His demanding words should have been a red flag, but they completely hypnotized me.
"How 'bout this? Tomorrow, we go for a drive. I'll tell you anything your precious heart wants to hear. Full disclosure, yeah?"
I smiled brightly and nodded. "Yeah, yes! For the love of God, Yes!" My heart was racing. I jumped onto his lap, wrapped my arms around his neck, and buried my head into his chest.
Eddie chuckled. "I'm sorry, Sugar, but I have to ask again. And here's why." He took your face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. "It's not just your bangin' body. You really are unlike anyone I've ever met. It's kinda unbelievable. And I know you've had a few, but I'm asking you... no, I'm begging you. Please spend the night with me... please. We don't even have to do anything, just... let me hold you. 'Cause I'm scared too. Scared... that after we talk... you will wanna run. And if you do, well, I'll at least have the memory of one night with you. Please, Sugar."
I stared into his eyes, torn, but I saw no deception, only sadness. "Um... ok. Just... let me go freshen up." Eddie smiled excitedly and tapped his lips with his finger. I kissed him gently, our tongues lightly brushing.
"Mmmm, go do your thing, Sugar."
I climbed off his lap and started walking away. "Um, ok. I'll, uh, I'll be back shortly."
"I'll be waiting." Eddie's eyes followed you. "I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave," he said with a smile as you made your way to the door, giggling.
"Perv." I entered my house and shut the door.
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Eddie was so excited. He hoped this wouldn't be the only night he gets to spend with you. Lost in his thoughts, he picked up his things and carried everything inside, then sat back down on the porch and waited. He noticed a car pull up behind his van. A girl got out and started walking toward the house.
"Hey, Eddie." She yelled.
He waved. "Hey, Jan." Shit! He just realized he completely forgot to call and end things with her. "To what do I owe the pleasure? You can't be out already?"
"No, I'm not, but I'm having a party tomorrow. I figured I'd stop by and stock up. I just left work, so... you up for a little fun?" She smiled seductively.
Eddie couldn't believe this. He's so worked up right now, but he only wants you. "Uh... tempting... but we need to talk."
She looked at him quizzically. "Ok?" She walked up the steps and sat next to him. "What about?"
"Well, I uh... I need to end our arrangement."
"Oh, boo! How come?"
"Yeah, I, uh... I met someone."
"Oh!" She smiled. "That was quick. Anyone I know?"
Eddie smiled. "Well, um..." He pointed to the Impala.
"Wait... that girl from last night? Is she your neighbor?" He nodded. "Oh shit! Did... did she hear us?"
Eddie pursed his lips and nodded again. "Yeah... I hung out with her all morning, and we just... connected, but eventually, well... Eddie had a lotta 'splainin' to do, so I uh... I told her our deal."
She started laughing. "Eddie... shit. How'd that go?"
"Not... particularly well, but uh... it all worked out."
"Well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm gonna miss that dick of yours. You fuck like a champ. And I'm definitely not looking forward to paying cash for my shit, but uh... if you finally have a chance at something real, you go for it.
"Thanks, Jan... you've always been good to me. I appreciate your kindness." Eddie took her hand and gave it a quick kiss. "And, as you know... flattery works with me, so... what do you need for your party? It's on the house."
"Aw, Eddie, I can't do that. I mean, at least let me give you a handy or something," she joked.
He chuckled. "No, really... I insist. Come on." He grabbed her hand and led her inside.
"Ok, but just this once. I promise, cash from now on." He opened his lunchbox and let her grab what she needed, and then he escorted her back outside. "Thanks, Eddie. If you're up for it, you should come by tomorrow. Bring your girl. I'd love to meet her."
"I'll let you know." She kissed Eddie sweetly on the lips and walked away. Eddie sat back down, making sure Jan was safely in her car. He waited for about ten more minutes, his leg bobbing up and down nervously as he checked his watch, disappointment setting in, but he figured, in your state, you probably passed out, so he got up and went back inside.
After my shower, I changed into my pajamas, popped some Aspirin, brushed my teeth, and headed for the door. My anxiety was through the roof thinking about spending the night with Eddie. I took a deep breath, reached for the doorknob, and stopped. I heard voices... giggling. I peeked through the curtain, and my heart sank. Eddie walked out of his house with some girl. Her hand was in his, and I watched as she kissed him and smiled. When I saw him smile at her, her hand slipping from his as she walked to her car, I felt sick. I let go of the curtain and slid to the floor, tears streaming down my face. I could barely catch my breath. I felt like I was hyperventilating. I ran to my room, threw myself on the bed, and cried myself to sleep.
Eddie looked at the clock on his dresser. It was four in the morning. He was restless, reliving tonight's events over and over in his head. The sweet taste of your lips, lingering hints of cigarettes and coffee, all your lovely words, and your story? All of it was driving him mad. When you told him you wanted to fuck him... that you want him in every way. Eddie couldn't fathom what he'd done to deserve your affection. But why didn't you come back?
He felt a ping in his chest, but he was painfully hard, imagining what could've happened had you returned. What beauty hides underneath your insufferable clothing? He wanted to dominate you, rip off your shirt, take what he can only imagine being perfect tits into his mouth, and suckle as you whimper for more.
He reached down and gripped his aching cock. The abundance of precum allowed his hand to glide effortlessly up and down his shaft. He couldn't help but imagine your soft pouty lips around his girth. Kneeling in front of him as you take him into your warm mouth, your round ass spilling from the bottom of your daisy dukes, sucking him vigorously as he surrendered to your touch. Fuck! The thought of seeing that gorgeous, bare ass. He only got a taste when you flashed him your tattoo, and he couldn't wait to give it a hard squeeze. It was almost too much. He worked himself harder as his thoughts veered to an image of you shoving your hand in your shorts to play with yourself as you sucked him off, staring at him with those brilliant blue eyes, bringing him to the brink as he grabbed your head, pushing himself deeper.
"Ohhh, Fuck! Mmm, mhhhh. Yeah, Sugar. Suck my cock. Let me fuck that gorgeous throat. Take me deep. My God, it feels so fucking good." He was dangerously close to finishing. "Mggghhh! Fuck!" He growled, gripping the bottom of his dick, and squeezing, keeping himself on edge, enjoying the intense pleasure.
When his breathing started to even out, his thoughts returned to you, now lying spread eagle in front of him, screaming his name as he cupped your ass cheeks, lifting you to his face as his tongue navigated through the warm, slick juices of your dripping pussy. He can only imagine how sweet you taste. He needs to know, wants to make you cum, make you feel pleasure like you've never felt it before. To show you that, yes, he wants to fuck you senseless, but he also wants you to feel good, feel loved... and adored. He wants you to make good on your word, pull his cock out, and sink that tight little pussy around his shaft. Feel your walls squeezing around him as he plunges his cock deep inside you. Witness the look of pleasure on your doll face as you moan and whimper from the feel of him, begging for more.
"Ohhh, yes! Fuck me, Sugar. Mhhhh! Let me feel that tight pussy make a mess all over my cock. Mhhhhh... fuck yes, take my big cock, Sugar!" He wants to feel you, hold you firmly by the hips, pumping into you, to feel your tight walls clench around his swollen cock. He wants to give you something that no one else can and bust his nut deep inside you, claiming you as his own, filling you as you coat each other in your warm release.
"Ohhhhhh! FUCK! ME! Hmm, hmmm, yes, yes, yes, cum on my cock, Sugar. Mmmm... you're fucking MINE!" With teeth clenched, he exploded. "Ohhhhh, fucking, CHRIST!" Eddie was in pure bliss, his hand and dark trail now covered in ropes of his thick cream. Fuck! He wants you, but not just your body. He wanted every part of you, body and soul, to know that you're his, his girl, his love... until the end of time. Consumed by his euphoric haze, he was finally able to take some sleep.
Part 2 to follow with more intense smutty goodness! Thank you for your support!
😊 for nostalgia, and for the younger crowd looking to explore the awesomeness before 1987.
Dave Mustaine, the red-headed, thrash metal, guitar God 🎸 🤘
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Vic Rattlehead & Eddie the Head: Megadeth and Iron Maiden mascots
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Peter Criss of KISS
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Blackie Lawless 1985
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quiddling · 2 years
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hawkins heartthrob
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betteredbriston · 1 year
⚧ Boring Welcoming ⚧
Originally was @eduardobriston-rps but new acc, old one was lost. Main blog is @edmetalqueer image gallery
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Plot Of Character
Eduardo Briston was born in Lisburn Ireland to parents Sean Briston & Imogen Briston. At 12, he moved to Hawkins Indiana with his family. He has a younger brother named Liam Briston, who is currently aged 14. Eduardo is 19 years old, he works as a mechanic at his father's car store. In his teen years he got heavily into punk style and rock music, being seen as a rebel. He lives in the same neighborhood as Steve Harrington, making them neighbors. His hobbies are DND, Drumming, Witchcraft, History & Cooking. He also has 3 cats and 2 dogs. The cats are a black male cat named Monty, calico female cat named Kiki, and a orange tabby male cat named Leon. The two dogs is a great female dane named Ashie, and a australian female shephard named Vivian.
Continue reading and learn more about him regarding relations, etc.
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Eduardo is a bit larger than the common length of Irish men, he has a dick around 6-7 inches. He has a pretty normal girth. He also keeps himself shaven fairly enough down there. He also has a dick piercing.
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Normal Description Of Character
Hair color & style? He has a lighter brunette hair color and curly hair usually styled messily.
Eye color? He has a blue-brown mix, sometimes slightly different regarding lighting.
Height & Weight/Body type? He is around 6'4 in height. His body type is fairly built, he doesn't have massive muscles or abs, but he has enough muscles to be able to defend himself In fights. And he isn't extremely heavy, but just normal weight for people his age.
Hair growth? He has thick hair, and once he cuts it, it takes a short time to grow out again.
Tattoos, scars, etc on the body? He has a few tattoos, one tattoo of a leprechaun on his back by his shoulders that resemble his origin from Ireland. He has a tattoo on his thigh which is a dragon. He has scars on his back & legs from injuries as a kid. He also has piercings on him, he has earrings & nose piercings. He has freckles that usually bloom the most during the summer.
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Relations With Canon Characters From His View
Jason Carver - Rivals/Enemies, boyfriend
Eddie Munson - Friends
Chrissy Cunningham - Best Friend.
Billy Hargrove - Occasional Hookup.
Tommy Carver - Enemy, also finds him attractive.
Jonathan Byers - Romantic interest
Nancy Wheeler - Close friend.
Robin Buckley - Friend.
Steve Harrington - Past Bully & Friend, also romantic interest.
Argyle - Unkown.
Eden Bingham - Unkown.
Carol Perkins - Admirer
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Basketball Captain - Jason Carver.
Cali dude - Billy Hargrove.
Dungeon Master - Eddie Munson.
Cameraman - Jonathan Byers.
Wheeler - Nancy Wheeler.
Cheer girl - Chrissy Cunningham.
Friend of Byers - Argyle.
King Harrington - Steve Harrington.
Buckley gal - Robin Buckley.
Professional Asshole - Tommy Hagan.
Pretty Perkins - Carol Perkins.
Gareth Drummer - Gareth Emerson.
Self Inserts ppl - People Who Are Also Self Inserts.
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Ed RPS NSFW - I do nsfw stuff with some people!
OOC Ed - I talk out of character! Usually rants or important stuff!
Ed RPS SFW - I rp SFW stuff with people!
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I am super willing to roleplay with other self-insert people and include them in my character's life! So don't be afraid to interact! I don't bite! ^^
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strangerficsxx · 2 months
Prologue I
story: Midnight Rain wc: 1.2k the start of jennifer's life, and how she ended up in hawkins before the events of season one take place.
[a/n: all characters, plot, etc. are not mine. The only thing I own is my original character. credit to gif owner.]
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In Detroit, Michigan at 2:45 AM on May 1, 1966 --
-- in a hospital room, a woman — aged 16 lays atop a medical bed in immense amount of pain. Her hands hold the bars beside her as she heaves a large exhale. A doctor rushes in with a few nurses as they all surround her, telling her to push as she does. The female was scared, a little too scared, knowing that she'll be a mom to a little bundle of joy.
With all her might and a few extra pushes later, a baby girl arrives in the hands of a doctor as well as the world. Above, her mother can breathe fine again whilst beginning to cry tears of joy as the baby gets placed in her arms. 
“What’s her name?” The doctor asks. 
“Her name is Jennifer Marie Bennett.”
“Beautiful name,” the doctor complimented as jennifer began to open her big blue eyes.
Her mother was in awe at the sight of her daughter, admiring every little detail on Jennifer's face. The corners of her mouth twitch, forming into a big grin. She was tired, but it was worth it.
Jennifer Marie Bennett, born in Detroit, Michigan on May 1, 1966 was written on her birth certificate.
But that certificate will soon get lost somewhere in the world.
The details in her footprint was painted on the paper, given to her mother as well.
Throughout the beginning three years of Jennifer's life was easy to her. But to her mom, things were difficult. She was working two jobs plus taking on extra shifts, to pay for needed baby supplies as her mother watched over and cared for the young Jennifer. However, things go downhill in the next coming years...
Jennifer's mother struggled with providing for her daughter, leaving her in the care of her deadbeat dad or her grandparents. She got tossed around by various family members, because her mother worked days and nights, barely being able to see jennifer most of the time, or getting to spend her evenings with her baby daughter. She was a good mom for wanting something good for her daughter, however when Jennifer was developed a heart murmur, things took a turn. The money eventually went from buying diapers and baby powder to doctor visits. Luckily though, her heart murmur closed up by the time she turned three years, being able to get some money for food and other necessary items.
A couple years later, when Jennifer was just eight years old, her and her mother were evicted from their apartment for not paying the bills on time, so they resorted to a friend's house for another three years until they were forced to live in their 1970 Land Rover. Growing up, Jennifer learned things that most mother’s shouldn’t teach their young daughters. Other moms were teaching their daughters beauty and elegance, whilst her mom taught her how to use a gun, to hot wire a car, and other extreme things most girls her age don't learn unless it's an emergency.
Jennifer, who was nearing thirteen, was taken by CPS to a foster home and there. until she was around fifthteen -- eagerly waiting to get out, so she can enjoy and experience the life her mother wanted her to have. When she was in foster care, she was rarely abused... on some occasions she would be mentally mistreated which lead to her anxiety and depression -- she was diagnosed at fourteen years old.
Jennifer didn’t think anyone would adot her since she was a troublemaker, but that all changed when a married couple came in one evening and saw the young girl.
She later was adopted by Claudia and Mr. Henderson (at 14-years-old) was taken back to their home where a little boy awaits. Dustin Henderson was the name of the little boy, who became her younger brother. Of course Jennifer didn’t like the idea of having a sibling since she grew up as a single child, but she loved her younger brother with all her heart. As the years past by, he would get annoyed with her at times and would become easily embarrassed if she teases him at times...
In 1981, Jennifer started attending Hawkins High School, where she met various types of people... even some like her, who were almost outcasts. During her lunchtime, she noticed a girl ditching and smoking in the bathroom not far from the cafeteria. When she met the female, she was standoffish, but was polite. Wilhelmina Byers (commonly known as Billie), the daughter of Melvald's General Store employee, Joyce Byers and the sister of Jonathan Byers. Even though Phoebe was a bad girl, she was well-liked and very known by the popular kids despite her brother.
They later became friends, beginning to ditch class and smoke to leaving for the whole school day. However, Jonathan was not too fond of the friendship, but later came around and befriended the new girl as well.
Starting in 1982, Wilhelmina would take Jennifer to a nearby tree house -- well, one in someone else's backyard to hide when they ditched. But that later caught up to them before their sophomore year of high school. Later, Wilhelmina began experimenting as Jennifer was hesitant, unsure if she should do it too, considering the cons of sexuality. But Jennifer had her first kiss with Jonathan, almost embarrassed about it for a while, however, liking the idea of being with boys as they had a fling with each other.
When Billie found out, Jennifer was quick to get her feelings in check as she then called the whole fling off. It didn't hurt either one of them, and she knew that she did the right thing.
1983, her junior year in high school looked up. That was until met stuck-up priss, Nancy Wheeler. They weren't fond of each other, but dealt with each other for a while. Eventually though, Jennifer came around dressed different, looking hell of a lot better than she did before. She Switched her style from edgy to innocent. It earned the attention from Steve and his friends, and were later accepted into the group including Nancy and her nerdy friend Barbara.
There, she developed a crush on Steve Harrington. A huge mistake, unaware that Nancy was having a fling with him.  She was crushed and devastated, but held her head high even when she wanted to fight Nancy, not wanting to think ridiculous shenanigans. She made herself a promise not to reveal her past, and where she came from since she already told her little brother who later told his friends as that upset her in many ways. Though she did accept it.
She then revealed her past to Wilhelmina, unknowing that she'll be accepted no matter what and she was loved by so many people. Everyone liked her too, some didn't, but that wasn't the point in Jennifer's life. All she wants to do is live her life the way she wants to. She struggled with her romantic feelings toward steve, vowing to determinate them before ruining friendships and eventual relationships.
This time, though, Jennifer's life was just at its peak when her best friend's younger brother vanished, leaving with mysterious, unanswered questions... November 6, 1983.
0 notes
mrsvalbaker · 10 months
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This is going to be a multi chapter fanfiction and the first writing I've done in a while that I'm really proud of.
It's named after a Dio song and kinda referencing my main OC, Laurie Koszka's journey.
It takes place in a no upside down universe, in 1987 Hawkins.
It's about a very pretty boy, finding his father in Hawkins, maybe gaining a new sibling and definitely finding more...
It's an Eddie Munson x Male!OC story.
Warnings: Smut, blow jobs, slight dom!Eddie, definitely bottom!sub!oc, anal play, slightly rude Hawkins resident, adult language. Minors stay far away DNI!
Hawkins, Summer 1987
Indiana summers aren't forgiving.
They're blistering with thick, humid air, the kind of heat you shouldn't experience until four, especially dogs, kids, and old folk.
It's when your car becomes your enemy, seats that stick to your skin, broken AC, the metal of your seat belt branding you like you're a goddamn cow.
No one in their right mind would ever be out in Hawkins, Indiana at one in the afternoon during the last week of July…which is probably why it makes perfect sense for Eddie Munson to be the lone driver out and about, not another pair of wheels in sight, not even a bike.
The dirty windows of his black van were rolled down as Rebel in the F.D.G. blared through the empty back roads of Hawkins. A camel cigarette dangled from the metalhead's lips as he sang along to the heavy metal anthem. Gone was his usual jacket and Hellfire shirt the super senior wears like a uniform, he traded it in for a homemade cut off, faded black  muscle tee that showed his midriff in certain poses, and ripped faded blue jeans with a studded belt to hold them up.
The only thing that kept him cool was the cooler filled with ice and budweiser in the back, but Eddie found the Sahara heat freeing. Barely anyone was out, now being treated like the leper of town, that was pretty nice, and people like Jason Carver of the Hawkins' Carvers, and the other Lacoste wearing peacocks of Loch Nora were too busy vacationing in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Four hours away from Eddie, he could breathe for a good two and half months out of the year.
He sped up a bit for the hell of it, screaming along with Blackie Lawless when he came to an abrupt stop with a thoroughly real scream. He almost hit something, no…not something…someone.
There standing in the middle of the road before Eddie's big black van was a girl. 
Short in stature in a red, drop waist sundress with the tied strap falling off her shoulder that was broad for her dainty frame.
She was beautiful.
More beautiful than any girl on the centerfolds that were pasted to his walls at home. 
Huge, red lips parted in confusion as dark doe eyes squinted due to the sun beaming in her eyes. Oddly her eyebrows made him think of Madonna, boyish but pretty enough to enhance her lidded doe eyes. Her jaw was wide and strong, almost boyish masculine but her face still soft. Framing an almost heart shaped yet ovalish face and broad shoulders were wild, strawberry blonde curls, some loose and almost wavy, some ringlet-y, and cut in layers. 
God, Eddie didn't believe in him much but he actually prayed to him that he didn't hurt this angelic creature. No, angelic was too generic and that wasn't her, she is anything but generic and usual. She was like a small fay creature, like the beauty of an elf but height and hair from a halfling parent, nymph-like even. Someone out of his fantasy novels, someone out of his invented realms of Dungeons and Dragons.
Shit, she's got him rambling in his head now.
He quickly shut off the van and climbed out, scrambling over to his confused nymph, his Reebok aggressively hitting the crumbling road that needed some serious repair.
As he made his way closer to her, he was in awe at the sun giving her strawberry blonde hair flecks and streams of a sort of platinum strawberry and white gold as well as creamy orange, so very pretty but also natural.
As he got closer he also saw how ill fitted her red sundress was, so ill fitted that her nipple slipped out…her puffy, raspberry colored yet obviously very boy nipple…his eyes moved up to her throat where an Adam's apple bobbed.
His nymph was a he.
The girl Eddie felt such a strong attraction to, even more so than any playboy bunny and Chrissy Cunningham…was…is a boy.
Deep honey-brown eyes flickered around a little nervous but still confused before looking up at him again, like a startled fawn.
Eddie knew he looked intimidating and took no offense.
He took in the pretty, girlish boy, (still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he is in fact not a she.) With wonder. Headphones circled his swan-like neck, scraped knees and red cowboy boots, the dress was kind of short and with the hardly there breeze Eddie was hypnotized by the rose boy's thighs. They're nice enough for Eddie to know he hasn't been on the road for long, but the pretty boy does look hungry and so exhausted. The metalhead just wanted to get him a burger from Benny's and put him down for a nap in his bed.
The boy looked down and his honey-brown eyes widened adorably making Eddie melt, he made him melt more than this goddamn July heatwave. 
"You don't look like you know where you're going." 
The boy looked around before fixing his dress nervously clutching the strap of his backpack. "You gonna jump me?"
His voice was soft for a boy, pretty and musical. Like an ingenue. Eddie would give away his Sweetheart to hear it again.
"No, I mean, I guess I can see why you would think that." He then looked down at his sneakers that crushed the dirt before looking at the boy. "Why do you think that? Why would you I mean– like what is it about me?"
The boy looked perplexed that he was being asked that, especially that Eddie asked him so nervously. He brushed his honey blonde curls out of his face, Eddie noticed that cherry red nail polish was chipped on slightly manicured nails. Even his hands are pretty. 
"Well," the boy began but Eddie interrupted abruptly which caused the docile young man to jump. "What's your name?"
He answered immediately, obediently almost. "Laurie."
"Laurie? That's a girl's name right?" Eddie didn't ask in a demeaning way, just curious because he thought Laurie was a boy. But he read something in the magazine, where sometimes guys will dress like women and actually prefer to be seen as a woman. That was pretty cool to Eddie, Laurie could definitely be a woman.  
"Well, Laurie in Little Women is a boy." 
Eddie furrowed his eyebrows. "What's Little Women?''
"A book. It's about four sisters and they have a friend that's a boy named Laurie, it's a nickname because his last name is Laurence."
"Is your last name Laurence?"
"No, but my first name is Laurel, like the plant."
He nodded. "Laurel Poet Koszka."
Eddie felt lucky knowing this beautiful boy's name. "Laurel Poet? Parents are hippies?"
He smiled and it made the metalhead's knees go weak. "My mom is, I don't know a lot about my dad…yet." He looked ahead. 
"You need a place to crash, Laurel Poet?"
Laurie looked up at the curly-haired metalhead with wide eyes, his plush lips parted. "Are you offering? I didn't know Midwestern men were so gallant." He said with the tone of an actress and a teasing smile.  "And it's Laurie, just Laurie."
"Some of us are, we aren't all corn eating hicks." Eddie teased. 
Laurie giggled, the sound was like bells. "It's just a very conservative part of America, and I'm well…a conservative's worst nightmare obviously. "
Eddie went over and took Laurie's bag, leaning in and their chests almost pressed together, his dark chestnut curls brushing against Laurie's naked shoulder.
The two boys are looking into one another's eyes for a heated moment before Eddie pulls back with the backpack. "Yeah, well neither am I." He walked toward his beast of a van to toss the bag in. "Where are you from, California?" He then nodded for Laurie to follow, which he did.
Eddie went to the passenger side and opened the door for Laurie, as he climbed up he helped him. He's a delicate little thing and he didn't want him to lose his footing. Helping him up, Eddie saw up Laurie's soft, sun-kissed thighs, and a pair of baby pink panties with icing blue lace trimming. 
His mind went blank for a moment, totally short-circuited, and entered the dangerous town of bonerville, imagining his face buried between those thighs–
"New York, can't you tell by the accent?"
He snapped out of his dirty daydream, chastising himself, he didn't even know how old Laurie was. He felt like a creep. 
"Uh, no I mean it sounds Northeast but kinda Mid-Atlantic, like in the movies." He then moved to get in on the passenger side once Laurie was safely in. 
"That's my fault, I  watch those movies for hours, wanting to sound like Elizabeth Taylor or Audrey Hepburn."
"Oh, why?" 
"I wanted to sound beautiful. " Laurie said it in a faraway voice looking out the window. Eddie reached over to buckle him in. Laurie found himself liking to be in close vicinity of this stunning man, his savior, his knight in Dio and denim.  He smiled up at him getting lost in his big dark eyes. "What a gentleman. "
Eddie swallowed and he felt the tempting faunlet watch his Adam's apple bobbed up and down. "How old are you? Me being a gentleman depends on the answer."
"Nineteen, I have my I.D. if you don't believe me officer." He said seductively. Laurie fluttered his long curly lashes, his soft hand laid against the center of Eddie's chest. Eddie couldn't tear his eyes away from his gorgeous, pillowy lips. Laurie smiled a little toothy, he has a pretty gap between his two front teeth and a missing molar, it makes him look impossibly more beautiful. "I believe you."
"Well isn't that a relief." Laurie's laugh was breathy. He was pressed back against the comfortable and worn seat of the van that smelled of weed, cheap cigarettes, a forgotten car freshener, and the faint scent of old spice.  It was comforting.
Eddie cleared his throat and pulled back to start the van and turn on the radio. "Let's get you something to eat first."
Laurie smiled at Eddie And chewed on a lock of his hair and looked out the window. "What a gentleman." He said in wonderment.
But Eddie's thoughts were anything but.
Laurie felt like he was in one of those movies. 
Like Betty Blue, or something.
He sat across from Sir Eddie the Good Knight (what he calls him in his head) at the little diner table at Benny's. 
John Cougar Mellencamp played because naturally, it was 1987 in Indiana. What town was this again, Lafayetteville? He was staring up at his good knight, who stuck out like a beautiful sore thumb in this sleepy town, towering in ripped denim and metal t-shirts and long, gorgeous chocolate churlish waves. He looked like the boys on his walls that he would say his 'prayers' to every night…or used to. 
They hadn't ordered yet, no waitress came over yet and Eddie and Laurie were simply too busy staring at one another.
Eddie isn't straight.
That much is evident.
Thank God for that. 
Laurie doesn't know how he was able to get so far from New York dressing how he looks, how he does, as a boy. He is a boy, some of his moms friends are transsexuals, beautiful mermaidlike. People always assume he's not, especially with his name. But Laurie is a popular boy name with Scottish men. But Laurie isn't Scottish, his mother Elzbieta "Liz" Koszka, is a first generation Polish-American from Haddonfield, New Jersey. She got accepted into Columbia University majoring in Creative Writing, with dreams of becoming a Poet. And her poems were and are very beautiful. A typical hippie of her generation, dropped out after her first year and squatted in an apartment not too far from where Laure grew up. Liz went to every protest and was in a polygamous relationship with her roommate Paula Bloom and her boyfriend who was in a psychedelic band, Jack. But at a party she met a romantic African-American bohemian who loved poetry as much as she did and they bonded over Hendrix and nine months later when Laurie was born, Charles Sinclair got a great accountant job in Indiana and married a Sue Sinclair living happily ever after with a perfect family.
Laurie looked mostly like his mother, same colored golden strawberry blonde hair only instead of straight hair his were wild curls, instead of a porcelain complexion his was always sun-kissed, a true beige. But he has her freckles, his honey brown eyes are neither mother nor father, but the shape of wide and naturally sleepy looking belong to Liz while hers are blue. His nubian nose is Charles Sinclair's. His lips are too, Lush and full but red like his mother's. She always told him he's so pretty because of his father's side, never hiding who his father was.
Liz is still a very liberal woman, at nearly forty and still her petite figure, she still pays the same rent for her Greenwich Village two bedroom apartment that she did back in '68. A part time dance instructor for children and a hairdresser sometimes while a massage therapist on occasion. Usually in between dating, never liking to be settled down and owned by a man, now Liz is surprisingly in a serious relationship with Harry Rosenberg, a high school algebra teacher.
Laurie likes Harry a lot, he's very nice to his mom and because his brother bat's for the same team, he is a househusband while his husband owns a decorating business and they live happily in a luxury apartment on the upper west side, Harry has absolutely no issue with Laurie. He even took Laurie to see Lés Miserables for his birthday in February, and the Nutcracker ballet for Christmas. Harry is always there for him and his mom, he loves the man like a father, but he had to know his real one. His mother agreed, saying this is his visionquest. 
Now he's here sitting across the most gorgeous and dazzling man he has ever laid eyes on. Who rescued him off the side of the road.
Maybe, just maybe, Laurie might be in love.
"You never told me your name." Laurie said.
Eddie's eyes widened in realization, such big eyes he has. "Oh shit, I'm sorry that was-wow, I'm not always so rude I'm so sorry–" Eddie couldn't help himself but ramble. Laurie loves his rambling, he also loves that Eddie treats him like a lady. Like when he helped him into the van like it was his noble steed and when he opened the door of Benny's for him, and how he made sure he sat in the booth first even though he was sitting across from him. And now he was apologizing incessantly for not introducing himself. "It's Eddie, Eddie Munson."
Eddie, the most perfect name to Laurie now.
A middle aged woman with a sweet smile came over with a name badge that read Iona. "Your usual, Munson?"
"Yeah do your worst Iona, and uh the same for my lovely company here." He winked at Laurie who was surprised about how brazen Eddie was about having a boy as company in broad daylight in Cornville, Indiana. But judging by how Iona handled it, and how the few other patrons glared at Eddie when they walked in, Laurie was starting to think his knight was a social outcast and a proud one at that.
He smiled. "What's your usual?"
"The Benny burger which is two cheeseburgers, lettuce, tomato, onion, and their special sauce, a side of onion rings and my usual always comes with a peanut butter banana milkshake with chocolate drizzle."
Laurie's stomach growled in appreciation, he ran out of money and was starving.
"That meet your approval, princess?"
Laurie giggled and nodded.
Suddenly, as How Much I Feel played on the jukebox, Laurie's eyes slid over to the average looking straight couple in the corner booth. They're not extraordinary looking or anything, but Laurie heard them and he heard them order. The guy ordered a peppermint tea because his girl's got cramps. The girl looked over at him with a smug expression on her face before returning her attention to her cooing boyfriend. 
She was rubbing it in his face, like what he will have with another man will never be real because of the small details of being a woman like menstrual cycles and pregnancies, that women are biologically engineered to be taken care of its in men's DNA to protect them, what man has the urge to take care and protect another man like that? Like no matter how many dresses he wears or how much revlon he puts on his face, how small and delicate he is or acts, and no matter how many times he bends over, no man not even Eddie the Good Knight will never have the natural instinct to protect to take care of or breed Laurie.
It was a sad thought he constantly always had, and even in the small gay media and the boylove books he reads in the park, it never portrays queenie boy's like himself.  It's always two masculine men in love and taking turns taking one another. It would be ridiculous to have a top and a bottom where the bottom was girlish and only liked to be fucked and not to fuck, and wanted to be treated like a lady. No, feminine gay men are only sassy jokes used as women's purses. Because how dare a man have the audacity to be feminine and try and be like a woman? What would a man know what it's like? 
Life wasn't fair sometimes. Reality wasn't an option for Laurie, he preferred fantasy.
When he looked up back at Eddie, he found those doll-like dark eyes staring at him with a tilt of his lip. "Do I have something on my face?" Laurie asked.
Eddie nodded and Laurie felt embarrassed until he interrupted the feminine boy's racing thoughts. "Very kissable lips, and I can't stop wondering if they taste as cherry as they look." He grinned, the man has no shame.
Laurie giggled toothy and his curls fell in his face. Eddie never saw anything so beautiful.
He then got up a little to lean in, but Iona was back with their food so Eddie sat back down, smirking at his boy.
"Thank you Iona." Laurie said softly. 
The woman with the acrylics looked pleased at Laurie's politeness. He has a new york accent and folk around here assumed that meant no manners, she was happy to learn that wasn't true.
"Were you born and raised here?" Laurie asked before taking a bite into his burger, it had to be the best one he ever had, even better than the ones he had at the meat counter at Macy's butcher shop on Herald Square.
Eddie's cock twitched in his jeans as he watched Benny's sauce dripped down those succulent lips. He was jealous of that sauce, he wanted to be that sauce. "Unfortunately. " he answered, voice strain. "How's the burger?"
Laurie moaned, and Eddie sucked in a breath. His moans are naturally pornographic, soft and dainty sounding too, silkier and prettier than any girls which surprised him.
"It's the best I ever had."
Eddie whined. "Sweetheart, you can't go saying things like that!"
Laurie giggled again which made it worse. "Your accent is so cute."
"My accent?"
Laurie nodded. "Kinda has a country twang, especially when you whine." His eyelashes fluttered and he dipped a fry in mayo before eating it.
Eddie didn't even realize he had an accent, then again he has never left Indiana.  Hardly left Hawkins unless it was for Indianapolis for concerts. "Why do you dip your fries in mayo?"
"Oh, well it's so good, my mom does it. She went to Paris when she was pregnant with me and ate them like this all the time. She tells me that's why."
"That's so cute." Eddie teased.
Laurie laughed and hid his face behind his hair before chucking a fry at Eddie. "Is not!"
"It is and you are, and now you need to convince me that this concoction isn't gross. Feed me!"
Laurie giggled and took Eddie's plate and made a dip of mayo and dipped the fry in before getting up. "Open up." 
Laurie missed the look Eddie gave him when he said that, but the metalhead opened his mouth nonetheless and Laurie slid the mayo-dipped fry in his mouth. He watched Eddie as Eddie watched him. Laurie fantasized for a moment, a habit of his. He'd love to be doing this in their kitchen.
"No offense pretty boy, but that tasted awful."
Laurie laughed, the magic was broken. "Yeah, it's an acquired taste. Kind of like me."
"Mm no, you're like this burger."
"Fat?" Laurie lifted his dress a little to show his thighs, he hates them, too soft. 
Eddie frowned. "I was gonna say that it is universally delicious, don't insult yourself Sweetheart. I won't let you, you're soft and sexy. I love watching you walk…" he trailed off.
Laurie blushed.  "You just met me, how do you know if you like watching me walk?"
"It only takes one time to know."
Laurie's heart was racing.
Eddie stared him right in the eye before his eyes drifted down to his nipples that hardened beneath the thin, red sundress. "Ready for me to take you to my place?"
Laurie nodded, knowing what Eddie was asking.
Eddie paid the bill and tipped Iona, he yanked Laurie out the door as Laurie thanked her. He dragged him to his van and decided he couldn't wait until he got to his trailer, he helped Laurie up into the back of his van and closed the doors.
He pushed Laurie down on the blankets and his mouth seized his plump, gummy red lips. They tasted better than he fantasized, he sucked on them like they were Haribo. He felt dizzy and he was hard as rock and felt little Laurie's hardness too. 
With all his will and a snarl, Eddie ripped his lips off of Laurie's.  He was panting and so was Laurie, he pressed his forehead against his and opened his eyes to peer down into the pretty pair of doe, honey-brown. "You've got Bambi eyes."
Laurie smiled. "So do you."
"Well then I guess that makes you Faline."
"Bambi's girlfriend at the end of the movie."
Laurie burst into laughter. "You're the only person in the world, Eddie Munson, that would remember that detail." He pressed a kiss to Eddie's throat so gently causing a guttural moan to escape from Eddie's lips. "Why did you stop?" He whispered.
"I was gonna ask, before you distracted me with those Faline eyes-" Laurie laughed at that, and Eddie brushed a golden strawberry ringlet out of his face. "Are you okay with this?"
Laurie nodded and Eddie cupped his jaw. "I need words, pretty boy."
Laurie flushed. "Yes, Eddie." No guy has ever double checked with him, who was this guy? Laurie wondered.
Eddie claimed his mouth again and Laurie forgot every word in the English language except for Eddie. He cupped the back of his neck and slid his fingers into his curls. Eddie opened Laurie's sweet mouth with his pistoning tongue. Sweet moans were muffled with Eddie's vehement almost punishing kisses. His large hands roamed Laurie's small body, he's so much smaller than Eddie, he noticed and the thought made him squeeze the fat of Laurie's hips as he sucked on his sweet tongue.
Laurie was having another dizzy spell thanks to his knight with the Chevy van steed. A pathetic whimper was swallowed from the beautiful metalhead as Laurie felt his entire soul being sucked out through his tongue, and when neither of them could no longer breathe, Eddie's plush lips moved down Laurie's sweet smelling neck. It was musky a little from a day without bathing, but he also smelled some sweet rosy perfume and something earthy and sweet and very Laurie. He couldn't get enough of the taste and sucked him so hard you'd think he was an octopus. 
He pushed up his red dress above his sweetly soft thighs, above his French cut dainty panties. The air was deliciously thick in his van and Eddie let out a weak groan when Laurie, with his large doe eyes and pouty parted lips, spread his legs for him.
"Good boy." It came out hoarse and desperate, and he lowered himself to caress those tender thighs before pressing little kisses against his inner thigh, as he grasped and possessed his outer. Eddie's large, ring adorn fingers cupped Laurie's shapely backside as he aggressively nuzzled the little prince's hard excitement through the panties, up to the exposed, weepy, rosy tip. He let out an animalistic growl causing Laurie to gasp and it sounded like Chantilly and falling petals, his small fingers grasping Eddie's curls causing the larger man to groan in beastly rapture.
Eddie licked and sucked the feminine boy's hardness through the baby pink panties, Laurie was whimpering and crying for him, "Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, please!" He begged weakly.
Usually, he would play with his food, but he didn't know how long his gypsy was sticking around and had to indulge him. "Spoiled little baby, getting what you want right away." He growled as he ripped the panties in two causing his baby boy to gasp audibly.
Eddie didn't waste a moment more before spitting a wad into Laurie's aching little cock and then stroking it in his big hands as he took his little sacks into his mouth. Sucking like his life depended on it, and Goddamn with the saliva mixed with Laurie's sweet and salty pre-cum dripping down so messy, and the taste of his tender skin, Eddie loved the taste more than any pussy he has ever had.
This was his first time tasting a man, even ever being intimate with one. Sure he's always been curious but never enough to do anything, but Laurie is just so pretty and soft and delicate, you could see right through him, he'd make a terrible criminal. And he's so easy to break. He's like glass.
"Oh f-my- Eddie! I-I- so good, so good, so good, so good!" His voice got higher and higher and higher as he rolled his hips against his lover. Eddie released his balls with a loud, sticky, smack, before sucking onto Laurie's rosy, wet tip and easily taking his little cock all the way in. Sucking and bobbing his head up and down like he was born to do this. Rolling his sopping wet and sticky cinnamon bun balls like they were dice, but nice and slow as he took his cock down his throat.
Laurie's eyes rolled back and the straps of his sundress fell down his shoulders low enough to expose his hard, puffy, raspberry nipples. "Eddie please don't stop, please don't go, I'll be so good so good for you so good, oh my stars, oh, oh, oh, oh!"
Eddie knew by the sound of his boy's babbling that he was near. He gathered the spit and pre-cum mix, forcibly spread his baby boy's fat ass cheeks and rubbed his little rosebud with his wet soaked thumb. It caused Laurie to jump a bit and shiver so deliciously, begging with a breathy yes. "Yes, yes, yes, I'll do anything-just yes!" 
Eddie was humping the floor of his van aggressively as he suckern that cock so deep and slowly rubbed his soaked thumb inside of Laurie's tight ring of muscle.
He peaked up to see Laurie wince as he gasped, and saw the haze of pleasure that passed over his pretty face. His boy is a pain slut? God, he was right out of his dreams wasn't he? Turning up out of nowhere in the middle of the road. Who knew he'd be on his back with his legs spread all for Eddie's deep pleasures and desires he didn't even know he had.
He slowly worked his thumb in, thrusting nice and easy and fuck is this not the tightest hole Eddie ever has felt.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, oh fuck!" Finally, Laurie elicited a swear word so sweetly from his lips when Eddie's long, thick thumb managed to hit that special spot deep inside of his bum. Like a volcano, Laurie erupted inside of Eddie's mouth, and it tasted like the nectar of the Gods. He swallowed every drop, it's far too precious to allow it to spill.
Laurie collapsed back onto the floor of the van, feeling boneless and empty-headed and beautifully ruined.
Eddie moved up to lie down beside him with a big grin stretched on his face. "You still there, princess?"
Laurie giggled and he sounded high. He nodded weakly. "Kind of, maybe just physically, spiritually I'm elsewhere." He said dreamily.
God he's so cute. Eddie thought to himself.
The metalhead looked over at him, strawberry blonde ringlets fanned around him looking like Sleeping Beauty. He wrapped an arm around his little waist and pulled him close, his hand resting comfortably on his rump as Laurie tucked his angelic head unto Eddie's chest. Eddie heard a gasp from Laurie and saw his boy looked down. "You came in your pants?" He sounded very surprised.
"Hey, that's not a regular thing, sweetheart. Just never had dessert that sweet after a meal."
Laurie giggled, he felt pretty incredible for having that effect on such a man.
He felt him shuffle and the spell was broken as Eddie made to get up. "Should probably get the hell outta here before Hopper knocks on the windows." He started dressing Laurie again but put his ruined panties in his back pocket.
"What, is cock sucking in a diner parking lot in the middle of the day frowned upon in Lafayette?" 
Eddie thought his delicate voice sounded funny and sort of hot when saying naughty words, and was going to say so until he realized his boy got the town name wrong. He chuckled.  "Wrong city baby, you're in Hawkins."
Blush settled attractively on his cheeks. "Oh, sorry, I was thinking of where Axl Rose is from." He said before moving to the passenger seat.
And Eddie did a double take. "Wait, you're a metalhead?"
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powderblueblood · 10 months
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HELLFIRE & ICE masterlist
life in hawkins, indiana is bittersweet for an eighteen year old like you. up to this point you've enjoyed your reign as the resident rich bitch ice queen of hawkins high. you glide above the student body with an impenetrable grace— until the IRS comes knocking and your family loses everything that makes you you; the money, the super-trendy clothes, the people you called friends. you're forced to trade your plush suburban life for a double wide in forest hills trailer park— directly across the lot from resident hellfire king and noted freak, eddie munson. you've got plenty of reasons to hate him, but number one with a bullet? his daddy put your daddy in jail.
pairing: eddie munson x f!oc, mentions of unrequited steve harrington x f!oc and unrequited jonathan byers x f!oc, platonic!nancy wheeler x f!oc, platonic!ronnie ecker x f!oc
tags: NSFW / MINORS TURN BACK NOW! f!oc is written in the immersive second person; she does have a name and a background, but no physical description is mentioned in the text. enemies to star-crossed lovers on a slow burn setting, angst, misunderstanding, yearning, swearing, smoking, drinking, era-typical classism/sexism/homophobia/sexual harassment, smut including but not limited to voyeurism, masturbation, public sex, discussion of crime that i pull out of my ass kind of, really mean jokes, eventual fluff (i promise). extremely canon divergent with references to flight of icarus.
ready to light this place up?
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❦ - chapter four: HOT SKIN and a HALL PASS
❦ - chapter six: IN MY ORBIT
❦ - chapter seven: WELCOME to the REAL WORLD, JACKASS
❦ - chapter eight: SEWN UP
❦ - chapter nine: EDDIE the OBVIOUS and the LADY SPHINX
❦ - chapter ten: THE NEW FACE OF FAILURE
❦ - chapter eleven: ALL TOMORROW'S KEGGERS
❦ - chapter twelve:
❦ - chapter thirteen:
❦ - chapter fourteen:
❦ - chapter fifteen:
❦ - chapter sixteen:
❦ - epilogue
in-universe requests are open for business
soundtrack - VOLUME ONE
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melodymunson · 4 months
Pour some sugar on me- Eddie Munson x fem reader x fem OC feat. Steve Harrington
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Featuring Steve Harrington
summary- You and your friend Luna are back from vacation in Florida and going back to your now home upstate until your car breaks down in Hawkins Indiana. Thankfully mechanic Eddie is there to save the day. When you can't afford to pay him you can return the favor in other ways. (Reader knew Eddie in high school. Reader, friend, and Eddie are all in their 30s.) There is an appearance from Steve near the end and a sexy time with him.
warnings: NSFW lesbian sex, eating pussy, car sex, p in v vaginal sex, protected sex, threesome (all with Eddie). Double blowjob (with Steve).
ao3 link
5.8K words
The trip to Florida was amazing- the beach every day, sun tanning, nightclubs, drinking, getting high, and lots of time at the private pools. When you get to the Indiana state border, your car breaks down. Your good friend Luna, being there at least, made it so that you wouldn't have to deal with this alone. You had to stop by a mechanic shop and soon.
You never thought you would be back in Hawkins, Indiana, once again the town you hated. You were the popular girl at Hawkins High School, yet you hated it. Your best friend was also popular, but the first chance you had to go away to college in Chicago, you left and never looked back. The only thing you missed was Eddie.
Eddie was in town hopefully because you wanted to see him at least. In high school, you bought the best weed ever from him. Corroded Coffin always put on the best shows at the Hideout and you were so happy to have him as a friend. Unfortunately, you lost touch but something told you as you drove through town and saw flyers of Corroded Coffin and a show they had upcoming soon; you were more than ready to see him again.
Pulling into a nearby mechanic station at Hawkins city limits, you were glad it was open. It was 5 in the afternoon, and even though it was summer; it was a Sunday, and the shop was thankfully, open. When you pulled your SUV up to the station, you noticed Eddie instantly. He was wearing his denim Dio vest, ripped black jeans, and curly long brown locks of hair along with tattoos you recognized- it was Eddie Munson.
As soon as he pulled his head from the hood, you knew it was him. Eddie waved to you as you parked with a big smile on his face. Getting out of the Corvette, you walked up near the vehicle he was working on with your friend following you close behind. Seeing Eddie again after all these years, you felt like it was an act of fate.
Holding his fingers up to signal to wait a minute, he looked under the hood. The vacation you just had was a lot of fun. Now you were close to being back home and having Eddie here with you, and it was a great way to end a good vacation. Whispering to your friend, you said into her ear.
"I think he got even hotter than he was in high school."
To this, she responded by giggling. Eddie glowed up.
"I agree. He's very hot," she whispered back.
Eddie cleared his throat as he wiped his hand on a black skull bandanna.
"Well, you need a tune-up or something more serious? And I recognize you."
"It's y/n from Hawkins High and this is my friend from Hawkins Luna. We have engine troubles. Just got back from a girl's trip in Florida."
Eddie was checking you out but trying not to make it so obvious. All you had on, after all, was a bikini and short shorts. Luna did as well. It was a beach trip, after all.
"I'll do my best. Well, then I can begin working on it. After all, it's Sunday, and not much else to do around here. Only open mechanic in town on a Sunday."
His curly brown locks were exactly as you remembered them. He looked so sexy. Back in high school, you were casual friends with Eddie, and attended some of the same parties together where he sold weed, other drugs, and drug paraphernalia.
Even with his hair disheveled, calloused hands, and some sweat, he was looking good. You kind of wondered to yourself why you never hung out with him more back in the day. Now you had another chance and you wouldn't let it pass you by. Eddie was so special to you.
"Thank you. What a lifesaver you are. It's great we crossed paths again," you told him, sounding excited. This made Eddie smile and blush.
"Yeah, you helped us out already by just being open," Luna added with her hands on her hips.
"I'll get right on checking it. There's a mini fridge inside the station. Grab yourselves something cold to drink."
"Thanks. It will be great to get a drink after that long ride. We had a beach vacation," Luna remarked.
"Let's catch up soon then," he mentioned with a slight shrug, as he went to look inside the engine and opened your hood.
There was a little problem. You didn't have money to pay him and you had maxed out your credit cards. Hopefully, he would let you have an IOU or take some other form of payment. As you drank your sodas, you got an iced tea out to bring to Eddie.
"We don't have the money for this, but we also weren't anticipating the car breaking down," you admitted with dismay.
"Well, we can do other things like wash some cars and his motorcycle. Maybe put on a strip show," she teased.
"Luna, are you serious? I guess we could. Nothing like two hot girls in bathing suits washing vehicles, as Eddie gets the best view in town."
"Exactly, except we are hot girls."
You shook on it, deciding you'd do whatever it takes to get your car fixed and leave Eddie happy with some form of payment. Even though it had been a while since you last saw him, you knew this would all work out. It just had to. If it didn't, you might even resort to more drastic measures.
"Okay, Eddie, we have tea for you," you told him as you presented him with the can and made your way over to him again.
He was working up a sweat as he was looking under the hood. He had a lot of stamina and a hard work ethic. If only you could convince him to let you get your vehicle back with a different form of payment. Something told you this would be a tempting offer for him.
"Thanks. I'll drink some in a minute. Just put it down on the ground."
"Eddie, we have a problem. My credit card got maxed out, but the end of the month is coming soon and I'll get paid again. There's not a chance I could pay you back later?" You suggested hopefully.
"Well, how about we call this a favor between old friends? It's on the house. Don't worry about it."
"Thanks. We could pay you back in the meantime. Wash a few cars maybe."
"Got yourself a deal, princess."
Soon you were washing cars, getting them all foamy and soaped up as Eddie finished the engine. He went to wash his hands, getting the dirt and grime from them before going back outside to drink his tea. It was still pretty hot out and he felt slightly refreshed after cleaning up and drinking the cold beverage. You gave him a good view of your ass and chest as you washed, getting on the hood and scrubbing it clean.
Luna was also washing the vehicle but the back of it and giving Eddie a good view of her body. Soon you were done, and you washed another vehicle. You sprayed each other with the hose, giggling and all smiles. Your shirt and shorts were long gone and now discarded. Nothing but your very skimpy bikini tops and thong bottoms were now on display.
Eddie was nearby, catching occasional glances as he at least pretended to be doing some paperwork to keep himself busy near the entrance to the main office. He was only human, after all, and a man, so he couldn't quite help himself from looking at your public display. Truthfully, he was so glad he was the only person to see it. The best part for Eddie was seeing you bending down and washing his motorcycle.
When you finished washing cars, you dried off and changed into a dress. Washing the vehicles was fun and you would be lying if you said it wasn't sexy seeing Eddie checking it all out. He was in his office working on some paperwork when you finished changing and went to look for him. Luna got another drink and went outside for a smoke. Knocking softly on the office door, he looked up at you and smiled.
"What did you think of the show? I saw you looking Eddie," you admitted as you walked closer to him. He got up from his chair going up to you, putting his hands on your shoulders.
"Guess I wasn't good at hiding it. I think you knew what you were doing."
You boldly made your next move, getting up on your tiptoes and kissing him. Kissing you back, he pulled you in close to him. He put his hands around your waist now as you put your hands around his shoulders.
"What about your friend?" He loudly whispered in between kisses.
"She will be okay with it. She's out smoking."
He growled and pushed you down onto his chair, quickly removing his shirt. Pulling down your dress, he realized you weren't wearing a bra.
"Is this ok?"
Once you nodded your approval, he began sucking one of your nipples into his mouth, then the other. Moments later Luna showed up, hiding outside the door, watching what was going on and touching herself. Her soft moans caused Eddie to look back at her.
"Well, well, well, looks like the party got started without me," she chided half-jokingly as she walked into the office further.
"I guess so. Who said you couldn't join us, though?" Eddie asked curiously with a wicked grin.
"I know exactly what she likes. Let me show you."
Eddie moved aside, still on his knees, and Luna got down on her knees next to him. Her tongue contacted your breast, sucking on your nipple with a bit of force and enough to make a wet sucking sound and pop before she moved to your other breast, doing the same. As this was happening, Eddie watched with wide eyes, looking pleased with the sight he was seeing. Truthfully, he had never seen something like this before in real life.
His cock ached painfully, wanting some release. She met your lips in a tongue-tangling kiss, making Eddie's cock even harder.
"You okay, Eddie?" You asked with concern as his eyes met yours and you got up, taking Luna's hand in yours.
"Fine. I, um, would you ladies like to see my van?"
"Later. For now, we would like to see one of your nicer cars. Would love to fuck in one. Wouldn't you guys?" Luna asked, wanting to do something fun and different for once.
Eddie just nodded his approval, speechless at this point. Luna kissed Eddie wantonly, full of passion, and with the promise of even better things to come.
He took a key off the keychain in his office and led you both to a nice Corvette.
"Remember Jason Carver? This is his Corvette. Needed a tune-up. He was such a bastard," Eddie scoffed as he crossed his hands across his chest.
"Yeah, hated that guy. Chrissy Cunningham's boyfriend. Fucking prick!" You replied with clear distaste in your tone.
"Let's fuck on and in it. I'm game," Luna spoke with a shrug.
You took the keys from Eddie and turned off the alarm, then unlocked the back door, opening it. The interior was nice and smelled good. Making a mess of this douche bags vette would be a lot of fun. Eddie pulled a few condoms from his back pocket, knowing he would probably need them soon.
"Then let's have some fun," you suggested as you removed your bikini top and shorts. You weren't wearing anything underneath and neither was Luna under her dress. She followed suit, removing hers as Eddie removed his clothes and got down to just his boxers.
"How do you want us, Eddie?" You asked with eagerness before kissing him.
"I'd love to fuck both of you. One against the hood and the other on the leather seats."
"That can be arranged. How about you fuck me on the hood though, Eddie?" You offered already, knowing you were going to get what you wanted.
He thought to himself for a little before nodding in agreement. Luna kissed Eddie before kissing you again as Eddie got a great look at both of your naked figures. He was so hard already, achingly so, and you were more than ready to let him fuck you. He fished a condom from his pants pocket and opened it before he put it on, feeling so excited about what was about to happen.
Luna came over to you and whispered in your ear, "Eat me out as he fucks you." You kissed her back in response.
Moving over to the hood, she crawled on top of it and got onto her back, splaying herself out for you to devour. You got closer and helped her steady herself on the hood as Eddie came from behind you and lined up at your entrance with his cock.
You were so tight and Eddie pushed into you slowly as you held onto Luna's legs, which were now spread apart. Her pussy was on full display just waiting for you to lick it.
"You are so fuckin' tight I love it," Eddie praised you as he kissed your shoulder.
His dark brown curls hung in his face, so he pushed them to the side and put his hair into a ponytail with the hair band he had on his wrist. Sweat already beaded his brow. It was hot out, but you were so into each other and this moment felt right. None of you would let this opportunity pass you by, and you were all so horny.
Once Eddie bottomed out inside of you and you got used to his size, he pulled your hair back for you with a firm grip. He began pumping into you as you were now teasing Luna by kissing her inner thighs and licking them. You moved up to her pussy, spreading her folds and licking her outer entrance first. She threw her hair back and moaned for you as you were already groaning loudly for Eddie, who was now grunting himself as he held onto your hip and pulled your hair.
"Tell me how she tastes," Eddie curiously asked as he thrust his hips and pumped his cock into you.
As you licked her clit and moaned happily into her pussy, you left crescent-shaped marks with your fingernails on her inner thighs.
"So fucking good. She tastes like heaven."
Luna moaned and closed her eyes as she clutched onto the hood of Jason's car. Eddie's mouth contacted your neck sucking on it and you could feel his stubble. He smelled so good too and had on a nice cologne. It was breathtaking. Being able to eat out with your friend as Eddie fucked your tight pussy was like a dream come true.
Luna's groans as well as yours grew louder than Eddie's balls slapped against your ass and you devoured her pretty cunt. Her legs wrapped tightly around you as you held down her thighs and got a good grip on them to steady her on the hood of the Corvette.
"Oh fuck! You have the best and tightest pussy. Holy shit!" Eddie cried out as he moved quickly inside of you, your pussy gripping his cock tightly.
"She looks so hot eating my pussy, doesn't she, Eddie?" Luna asked him with seduction in her tone of voice.
Eddie could feel his cock twitch at Luna's remark and pistoned his hips even faster, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
"Yes, so sexy I love seeing it," Eddie groaned.
He licked his fingers and then finger fucked you, rubbing fast and harsh circles on your clit. As Luna splayed out on the hood of the car, Eddie fucked into you so deep and hard, causing you to moan around her clit, gripping her hips tighter now. As you pleased her pussy, she rubbed her clit.
"Fuck, that's so hot watching your pussy clench my cock so tightly as you eat out your friend. I think I died and went to heaven," he boasted between grunts, sweat beading on his brow.
"Love her mouth, Eddie! Make her cum!" Luna commanded as she lifted her hips riding your face.
"Yes, Eddie, make me cum," you squealed with delight as he hit that special spongy spot of your pussy.
Eddie was perfect at fucking you and making you scream his name. The way he fucked you was incredible and some of the best sex of your life. He fucked you deep and hard, his guitar pick necklace hitting his chest with every thrust inside. His hands left crescent-shaped marks on your hips as he got you even closer to your release. The rings he wore were cold on your skin, but you still felt euphoric on the edge of riding out your high. Luna's cries were even louder now as you fucked her pussy with your mouth, hitting her most sensitive spots with your tongue earning loud cries from her.
"Eddie, I'm going to cum!" You cried out as he felt close to his release his cock twitching inside of you.
"That's right, baby cum for me," Eddie urged you.
Rubbing harsh circles on your clit, he begged to see you cum for him. And you did just that moment later, cumming for him as he was about to cum.
"Where do you want it?" He asked breathlessly.
"Inside me, fill me up, please!" You begged as Luna rode your face faster, riding out her high.
"Fuck ya taste my cum Y/N!" she cried out.
She got off your face and kissed you as Eddie removed the condom and spilled inside of you, filling you up to the hilt with his cum pulling out and gasping.
"So you wanna make our girl here cum again, maybe Eddie?" Luna asked him.
"Fuck yeah! Are you down for that, sweetheart? Want us to take turns eating that pretty pussy?" He asked with raised brows.
"Of course, eat this pussy."
"Let's move this to the back of the car lay down for us, beautiful," Eddie urged as he picked you up with ease and carried you to the backseat, opening up the back door of the convertible.
You got down on your hands and knees on the leather interior seats as Eddie leaned down and ate you out, tasting his cum and fingering you with expert precision with two fingers. As a guitarist, he had the best and most skillful fingers. Luna watched and groaned as she touched herself and Eddie ate you out with reckless abandon, slapping your ass for good measure. As you caressed your breasts, Eddie ate you out from behind, making you moan and cry out for him as Luna kissed you from the other side of the car.
"Yeah, that's right, kiss. So fucking hot," Eddie urged as he licked your glistening wet cunt, spitting on your clit and rubbing it.
"Need to taste her, Eddie. Let me have a turn," she urged.
Eddie was hard again and obliged, letting Luna take his place in the backseat and she began to taste you.
"Want me to fuck you too?" He asked curiously, earning a nod of approval from Luna.
"Yeah fuck me."
Waving her ass in the air, Eddie put on another condom and positioned himself at her entrance, and entered her, filling her up inch by delicious inch. He had one foot on the leather interior of the backseat as he stood on his other leg.
"So good love having you eat this pussy Luna!" You whined as you let her have her way with you and finger you.
Eddie's cock pounded relentlessly into her with so much passion as he moaned. Luna fingered you and licked your ass, earning loud gasps from you.
"Cum for me," she coaxed you as she added another finger, hitting your g-spot.
"Fuck so close!" You moaned.
Eddie was so close to cumming too, and he couldn't wait to cum wherever Luna wanted him to. It was shaping up to be the best day of his life on the job. All 3 of your moans echoed off the walls of the mechanic shop. You were caught up in the moment as she ate you out and your eyes locked with Eddie's feeling like you would cum any moment.
"Tell me how her pussy tastes and how much you are enjoying it, Luna," Eddie growled ferally as he pulled her hair getting a good tug on it.
"So fuckin' good, Eddie. I'm having the best time she has such a pretty pussy. Fuck!" She boasted as she added another finger and sucked your clit flicking it with her tongue and moaning against your folds as Eddie spanked her ass.
The moment was so euphoric as Luna ate you out, Eddie gasping and groaning at the sight of it all. He was so pent up and close to his release as he fucked her faster wanting to come undone at the same time. He was such a pleaser and wanted to make sure you and Luna came only almost as much as he wanted to cum. Watching you getting eaten out as he fucked your friend just about drove him over the edge again.
"Eddie I'm cumming! Fuck!" Luna cried out as her walls clenched tightly around his cock.
Eddie pulled out of her and stroked his cock throwing aside the condom and cumming all over his ass. Right after seeing that you came and Luna kissed you letting you taste yourself. Eddie grabbed a nearby clean towel and wiped Luna clean. You and Luna insisted on licking his cock clean sharing his cum and then swallowing it all.
"Holy fuck that was the hottest thing I've ever seen. Fuck that was the best threesome of my life!" Eddie enthused before pulling Luna in for a kiss and tangling his tongue with yours.
"Yeah it was great we should exchange numbers and do it again sometime," you suggested.
"Of course fuck that would be so hot but next time at my place," Eddie suggested as he got dressed again.
"Oh, we will be wanting your cock again. You are the best mechanic, right Y/N?" Luna asked with a devilish grin.
"We will for sure," you told them with the biggest smirk.
Soon you were all dressed again and sharing a joint. It was the best afternoon the 3 of you had in a long time and you all promised to do it again sometime soon.
Eddie had some of your car to finish for you and he would finish the next afternoon. He dropped you and Luna off at your parent's place. The next day, you woke up late and Eddie told you Steve would pick you up. You hadn't seen him in years, but it would be great to catch up with him again.
After you ate breakfast, Steve arrived. He was also a mechanic now, like Eddie, and they worked side by side. You got into his red Volvo with Luna and put on your seatbelts.
"So your car is just about done. Eddie had some emergency, but it's not too serious with Uncle Wayne. Don't worry, though, your car is in good hands and I'll be finishing it for you," Steve informed you and Luna.
"Thank you, Steve. I'm glad you could help. We are broke. My parents gave me a little of the costs, but we paid Eddie off yesterday," you told him with a smirk.
"Yeah, Steve, you are a true lifesaver," Luna earnestly told him.
"I'm sure there's other ways you girls could pay me. Just let me take you out on a date," he half-joked, with a sly smile.
He began the drive back to the Hawkins mechanic's job in silence for most of the drive.
"So, what have you girls been up to? It's been a while since I've seen either of you in Hawkins."
"We are roommates in another state but just had spring break vacation in Florida," Luna informed him.
You were wearing a black dress, and Luna was wearing a red skirt and a matching red blouse. Steve couldn't help but stare at you both in the rearview mirror.
"Great sounds fun. So just a visit to your old home to see your family and such? Sounds nice."
The rest of the drive was mainly in silence. It was ever so occasionally that Steve would catch glances in the rearview mirror, but tried to be nonchalant. He would either be looking up your dress or Luna's skirt. You didn't mind it though, and neither did she.
When your eyes met his, you both smiled, and he just blushed slightly before looking away. Soon you arrived back at Hawkins's local mechanic shop. Getting out of the car, you and Luna walked to the car lot your memories of the day before with Eddie soon coming back to you.
Leaning in close to Luna, you whispered,
"Hey, what do you think we try to seduce Steve?"
Steve was already back in the mechanic's shop and couldn't hear, but you were so in the mood to tease him.
"Sure, why not? Let's just watch him finish up our car first, then discuss payment," she added loud-whispering back.
Walking into the car shop, you and Luna got close to your car as Steve was doing some work under the hood. Now noticing your presence, he smiled.
"It's almost done. If you don't have all the money, we can do an IOU or a check or something," he added.
Thankfully, Steve was the only other living soul in sight. Good, you thought this time with him needed to be alone and, hopefully, soon, intimate as well.
"Oh, I'm sure we can arrange something," Luna boldly declared as she touched his shoulder.
Steve was wearing a black tank top and black jeans with a leather-red belt and looked good enough to eat.
"Yeah, we can work something out," you added as you placed your hand against his lower back.
Steve was blushing again, which made you giggle softly to yourself.
"We never told you how we paid Eddie back yesterday," Luna confessed as she squeezed his shoulder.
Steve was busying himself under the hood doing some tinkering with the wires.
"Well, you could tell me I'm all yours. Just about done anyway."
"You are so fast. How could we ever repay you?" You asked, genuinely curious.
"No worries, and it's fine."
"If you must know, we paid Eddie back with a threesome. He just worked so hard for us yesterday and last minute too," you added as you leaned forward, letting him get a good view of your cleavage.
Steve gulped and smiled shyly.
"That's something else, isn't it? Well, I don't expect that."
You grabbed Steve's belt, running your fingers over the smooth leather. Luna touched Steve's protruding bulge in his pants.
"I'm not done here yet though," Steve added as he went back to fixing the car's engine.
"How about a small favor, then?" Luna questioned as she grabbed one of Steve's hands and put it on her breasts.
"How about a double blowjob? You can finish for us after we rock your world," you offered sincerely.
Already you were feeling wet and something told you Luna probably was too.
"Yes, please."
"Good, because we both have fantasized about sucking the King of Hawkins' cock before. Is it as big as the ladies say?" Luna asked curiously as she undid his belt.
Steve stood up, letting her do what she wanted before you pushed him down into a chair with wheels. You pulled down Steves's pants and Luna freed his cock from its inner boxer confines as you both licked your lips ravenously. You were cock-hungry for his well-hung dick and practically salivated at the sight of it. To say that he was well-endowed was an understatement.
His cock was thick, veiny, at least a good 8 inches. You stroked his shaft as Luna cradled his balls, earning deep grunts from Steve as you and Luna maintained eye contact with him.
"Oh, fuck, feels nice already. Such dirty girls. Perfect payment plan, I'd say," Steve grunted before licking his lips.
"Such a pretty cock, King," you praised him before licking his shaft from tip to base.
Luna licked the other side of his shaft, and your tongues met. Steve watched with pure lust in his eyes.
"Bet you never had two girls please your cock together, huh?" You asked with a cocky smile before going right back to licking him with Luna, your tongues meeting occasionally.
Steve felt like he had just died and gone to heaven.
"No never. Just one woman at a time," he hissed as you took him into your mouth, sucking him deeper and deeper.
Luna sucked on one of his balls as you both kept constant eye contact with Steve. This was truly the time of his life having two beautiful women suck him off as he got a good view of your cleavage and hers. Steve pulled your hair back as you sucked him off, almost completely gagging and spitting on his cock as Luna maneuvered herself so that she was sucking his other ball into her mouth. As you sucked and drooled all over his big cock, he bucked his hips, grunting and pulling on your loose ponytail.
"That's right, suck his cock good. Deep throat him," Luna encouraged you as she cupped your breasts and looked up at Steve.
"Good girl, so close to deep-throating this cock," Steve praised as he threw his head back and bit his lips.
As you deep-throated him, you let him use and enjoy your wet and warm mouth to his liking. His thrusts became faster, and you felt yourself grow wet, making a mess of your panties as you sucked him off like a pro. Popping off his cock, Luna eagerly kissed you to taste how he tasted.
"Good job. That was so sexy to watch. Now it's my turn."
You kissed her again as Steve watched his cock twitching, loving the sight of two girls kissing in front of him on their knees, no less.
"So good for me. I love this. The kissing, the stimulation, the sucking. Fuck!" Steve boasted, secretly wishing he had received a double blowjob sooner.
Not only could you deep-throat him, but you were good at keeping your teeth back. It was the way Steve loved it and preferred it.
"When we are done with you, we want you to cum in our mouths," Luna requested before kissing you again.
"As long as you share and kiss," he demanded.
You both nodded right before Luna removed her top and sucked him. Steve loved the sight of her boobs. You pulled your dress down and undid your bra's front clasp, letting him get a good view.
"Mmm, come here and let me play with them," he ordered as he made a come here motion with his finger.
Standing up, you wrapped your arms around Steve's shoulders, your breasts face level as Luna sucked him deep, making him groan loudly.
"Love your boobs, Y/N," he boasted as he teased your nipples, tweaking them and rubbing them, caressing and squeezing.
Luna replaced her mouth with her breasts, wrapping them around his cock and tit-fucking him, earning a low hiss from Steve as he sucked your nipple, causing you to groan in delight and tug his beautiful locks of brown hair.
"Like this Stevie?" She asked him before licking the tip and moving her breasts up and down on his shaft.
"Fuck yes. Hey, princess, why don't you get down there and join her?" Steve suggested.
You kissed Steve in response before getting down on your knees again, cradling his balls.
"Mm, so big Steve, you like my breasts?" Luna asked as she moved her breasts faster and licked the tip of his cock head.
"Mmm yes, so much!"
Steve thrust his hips faster as she pleased him and you massaged his balls and sucked on one. Luna pulled you in for a kiss, letting you get a good taste of Steve's cock.
"Now it's your turn," she told you before letting you switch places with her.
You gladly swapped places and wrapped your breasts around his cock before moving up and down, looking up at him with a mischievous smirk in your eyes and licking and sucking the tip of his cock. Luna watched with wide eyes as she grabbed your ass and slapped it.
"Such a naughty girl, isn't she, Steve?"
"She sure is. So good at that with her mouth of hers. Fuck!" He gasped as he threw his head back in pure ecstasy.
Taking Steve deeper into your mouth, Luna held back your hair and helped you to move your head up and down on his cock.
"That's right, deep throat, my cock, baby!" Steve urged as he bucked his hips erratically.
Luna stood up to kiss Steve before getting down on her knees and licking Steve's balls. Your lips met hers in yet another kiss as you stroked his cock and massaged the pearly tip already leaking with pre-cum.
"So close!" He cried out as he felt his cock twitch in your hand.
The sight of you kissing Luna, you stroking his cock, and Luna squeezing his balls almost made him cum on the spot.
"Cum in our mouths Steve," you urged before going back to licking his shaft, your tongue tangling with Lunas every so often.
"Oh yes fuck!" He bellowed as Steve reached the precipice of his release.
You took turns sucking him off with Luna before he pulled away slightly and jerked himself off, cumming deep inside your mouth first, then Lunas.
"Now share!" He demanded.
You kissed Luna deeply with your tongue, putting on a show for Steve. You spit into her mouth and she spit right back into yours before you shared his cock again for the last time, licking him clean and swallowing. Luna and you opened up your mouths wide to show him all his cum was gone.
"That's the hottest thing I've ever seen," Steve proudly tells you and Luna.
"I guess our service is paid off now, huh?" Luna inquired as she looks up at him.
"I guess so, but you ladies can call me anytime."
"Great, I guess we will," you replied with a slight shrug.
Steve kissed you and Luna, happy to have shared such an intimate moment with you both.
You had Steve and Eddie right where you wanted them. Every time you found yourself back in Hawkins, you visited them both at the mechanic shop for some quality fun together and got that every time you went.
tag list:
@corneliuswatkins @jadeylovesmarvelxo @ali-r3n @mrprettywhenhecries @ofhawkinsandvecna
@keeryatmosphere @daisy-is-a-writer @lovemesomeeddiemunson @lovelythoughtfulcupcake @munson-mjstan
@espressomunson @edsbug @eddiemunsonfuxks @solitarydemise @seatnights
@corrodedcorpses @hcwthewestwaswcn @bimbobaggins69 @thescoopstroopers @haceleyes
@onegirlmanytales @aleisashortcake @zestychili @veemoon @thepurplelovewitch
@ellharrington @stolen-in-moonlight @hellv1ra @kelseyaparker19 @keikoraven
@iliketoreadandcry @eddies-bunny @loritate7311 @somethingvicked @eddxemxnson
@harringtonfan4 @micheledawn1975 @steveslittlesunflower
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skyfallslayer · 7 months
Should We Stay or Should We Go? || Masterlist
-A ST Rewrite Feat. Steve Harrington x Henderson!OFC-
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Main Masterlist || OC Fan Art || Spotify Playlist
🎲Summary: On the night of November 6th, 1983, Stephanie Henderson decided to take her little brother’s friend, Will, back home. However… they never arrive. Now, Dustin, Mike and Lucas, and soon the exception of the girl’s ex-best friend, Steve, must band together to find out what happened. Meanwhile, Steph and Will must fight for their survival in this nightmarish version of Hawkins, Indiana.
🎲Pairings: Will x Platonic!OFC; Dustin x Sister!OC; Slow burn! Steve x Henderson!OFC (Ex-bestfriends to Lovers); Slow burn! Byler
🎲Rating: Teen-Mature
🎲Warnings: At the beginning of each chapter.
🎲Word Count: 73,122 (So far)
🎲Start Date: 3/6/24
🎲 End Date: N/A
🎲 A/N: No Idea what possessed me to write this, but i saw everyone else doing something similar and I said to myself... "Hey, why not?". This can be read as reader-insert if like since OC's hair/eye color will only be mention here and there.
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|| INDEX ||
Season One:
Prologue: The Pinky Promise
Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers & Stephanie Henderson
Chapter 2: The Weirdo On Maple Street
Chapter 3: Holly, Jolly Shotgun
Chapter 4: The Bodies
Chapter 5: The Flea & The Acrobat - Part 2
Chapter 6: The Monster
Chapter 7: The Bathtub & The Sacrifice
Chapter 8: The Upside Down
Epilogue 1: The End? The Beginning?
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-Taglist is Open-
@ladygrey03 @poppet05 @tooearlyforthis @lovesfics @lordzzz
@mirkwoodshewolf @sadbitchfangirl @olivewisp
@emsownuniverse @unspecifiedvisitor @smaryamsstuff @kitty49646 @jinxeee @bookkeeperlove @prozacgooble @goth-baby98 @aainr @luca-random-stuff @catradorapotter @bailees-post
262 notes · View notes
queenimmadolla · 1 year
hey i have a req for the penny verse!! if u want can u possibly do penny gets her period and like starts freaking out and only eddie’s home so he’s like “uh- i’ll go get some pads” if u want to ofc!!! i love ur writing <33
five months later and i was finally able to get to this one. sorry about the wait and i hope i did it just! this was also definitely influenced by me finally having seen Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
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rockstar!eddie manip by the talented @themunsonator5000!
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𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫
(dad!rockstar!eddie munson x mom!reader) *but like you're not even in this*
summary: Your daughter gets her first period while you’re away and only Eddie is home. Somehow, she ends up comforting him.
warnings: lots of sentiment, brief (and i mean brief) mention of an oc side character death, angst, fluff, some hurt and whole lot of comforting. and of course mentions of periods.
𝗮/𝗻: 𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲'𝘀 𝗮 𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁, 𝗴𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂! more dad!eddie here.
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Eddie let out a sigh as he collapsed back onto the couch, body nearly sinking into it.
  The house was finally quiet. He wasn’t sure if he liked that or not. Felt foreign to him, especially in the new house.
  He glanced around the living room, brown eyes lingering on a few empty boxes that had yet to be broken down from the move.
  It was a big change, moving from Hawkins to California and he was well aware there wasn’t a single member of his family that was feeling completely positive about the experience. He could tell you were trying to be, for his sake and for the kids, but leaving behind all your friends was difficult. Even Eddie was struggling, despite Jeff, Gareth and Anthony being close by.
  Corroded Coffin had picked up quite a bit of traction and a loyal fanbase that was stemming into a borderline crazed one. The demand for more performances and appearances was high. Eddie never thought they’d ever reach this level, had dreamed of it once but after he found out you were pregnant with Penny, he didn’t care for the dream anymore. He preferred his reality, his family.
  Then the kids got older and you always encouraged him to keep playing so they did, and it happened. It wasn’t instant, overnight, or even close in years but they’d finally reached the point where the members were rarely in Hawkins. It had been the source of a lot of tension in your relationship, the hardest thing the two of you had ever gone though. You hated that he wasn’t around much and so did Eddie, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. Contracts had been signed and the ink had already dried.
  The fighting had been exhausting, at one point it felt as though the two of you lost each other and that had been terrifying. 
  And his kids—his babies. He was missing out on his babies growing up and it broke his fucking heart. Wayne appeared indifferent, but Eddie knew he cared and Penny was like you, always trying to seem okay and put together but she was hiding stuff from him—no scary secrets or rebellion, she was hiding her feelings.
  When you found out you were pregnant again, in the midst of all the fighting and distance, it had been the final straw for Eddie. He wasn’t about to let his family slip between his fingers. 
  The moment a show ended, and he didn’t have another the following day, he was rushing off stage to shower, throwing some inconspicuous clothes on to keep the invasive cameras from recognizing him, before he was on the next flight to Indiana. It didn’t matter if he only got to be there sporadically, he was there every. single. chance. he got.
  And when Maple was born during one of their concerts, Gareth was subbing in for lead vocals while he was holding your hand in the delivery room.
  It took time, love and a lot of nurturing but things got better. Then, you’d brought up moving to California. Most of Corroded Coffin’s appearances were based in the area which meant you and the kids would be closer to him, able to see him nearly every day if he wasn’t doing press or touring.
  You were extending the olive branch. 
  In truth, he hadn’t wanted to agree immediately, knew he’d be leaving Wayne behind (the old man said he wasn’t meant for city life, that he’d stay and have a place for his grandkids to visit and he couldn’t leave behind the women he loved, both of them now resting in the same cemetery), as well as your shared friends and the friends Penny and Wayne had made. It was a lot to leave. 
  In the end, you were willing to leave everything if it meant you’d never have to leave Eddie, never have to break your family. So, the boxes had been packed and labeled, goodbyes had been exchanged (Penny had cried when little Winnie, Megan and Margot Harrington, hadn’t wanted to let her go and Wayne had exchanged a heartfelt hug with his namesake, who was his favorite person to be around) and all your friends and family had been left waving goodbye to you from the rearview mirror.
  Yeah. Everyone was adjusting.
  Which led to today. Wayne had a field trip to the zoo, which he didn’t want to go on because of how new he was and his lack of friends. You’d been planning on taking the baby and going with him (the only way he’d agree to go) until Penny came down with something last night, complaining about not feeling good which meant you’d have to stay home with her. 
  If Eddie’s family was making sacrifices for him, then he was more than willing to make a sacrifice on behalf of Ari, his publicist, and canceled an interview he hadn’t even wanted to do in the first place. The guys were also happy to stay home, so it was a win. You took Wayne on his field trip, because Eddie couldn’t go anywhere without some dick with a camera following him around, and Eddie stayed home with Penny and Maple.
  Only, Penny locked herself away in her room and either Eddie was really out of practice or Maple just had a difficult time bonding with him because she would not stop wailing and shrieking. She had more teeth breaching her gums, and Eddie had tried everything he could to sooth her, everything he’d used with Penny and Wayne; frozen teething toys, massaged over the area of her gums, baby orajel, cuddles, she just fought him every time. 
  The only reason she’d gone down was because of how hard she’d been crying, little body shaking and trembling as she shrieked as loud as her little lungs would allow her to, tears streaming down her face and continuously pooling in her eyes. She’d worn herself out.
  Big moment of defeat for him, he’d felt guilty ever since he put her in her crib, wiping the wet trails from her face. Even in sleep, she didn’t look at peace.
  He could play to sold out arenas, had played a five hour concert in Madison Square fucking Garden, but he couldn’t sooth his baby, couldn’t take his son to the zoo and his oldest barely talked to him. 
  The life of a Rockstar.
  With a heavy sigh, Eddie reached to his side for the remote to the television. When his palm met the fabric of the cushions, he let out a more aggressive sigh, rising so he could take the couch apart in his search for that damn remote even though he knew it would somehow pop up in the most conspicuous place, though he’d last left it on that fucking cushion.
  He’d just lifted one large cushion when he heard a high pitched shriek.
  Eddie dropped the cushion as he ran upstairs towards her room. When he burst through the door, head whipping around, he still couldn’t find her. Then he noticed the light coming from under her bathroom door and rushed forward.
  “Penny?!” He called out, aggressively twisting the knob but it didn’t budge. He got desperate and shouldered the door, ready to break it down in an instant if she didn’t answer, “Penny, are you okay?!”
  “I need mom!” She called through the door.
  “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” He kept trying the knob, eager to just yank it off and get to his little girl.
  Had she slipped and fallen? Thrown up? Should he call an ambulance–no, fuck that, they’d be too slow, he’d grab Penny and the baby and take her himself.
  “NO! I’m fine, I just–I need mom.” Penny sounded closer, and Eddie felt a little relieved to know she wasn’t injured. But why didn’t she want him?
  “I can help, sweet pea! Your tummy upset? I can make some soup! Or-or I can go get you what you need!”
  “The only thing I need is mom.” She was right on the other side of the door now. 
  Eddie sighed, forehead dropping against his side of the bathroom door in defeat. Of course she didn’t want to talk to him. “Well, mom isn’t here right now. So. I guess you're stuck with me.”
  Alright, maybe Eddie had been expecting her to take pity on him but she didn’t.
  The door remained closed and she stayed silent so with a heavy heart, Eddie settled against the wall opposite of the door. He’d be there for her when she decided to come out.
  It took about ten minutes before he heard the door unlock and it opened slowly, just her head poking out in his exact direction, as if she’d known he’d still be there. Her big brown eyes were vulnerable, eyebrows slightly furrowed–she was nervous.
  “I’m bleeding.” She said it so softly, it had Eddie scrambling up and towards her. She backed into the bathroom to allow him in, but when he looked her over, he didn’t see any injuries. She was just fidgeting, playing with her fingers. It was when she glanced up at him and then nervously to the toilet bowl that it clicked for him.
  Penny had her first period. 
  “Oh, shit.”
  “Sorry, sorry! I just–wow, uh, first…”
  “Period, dad. I got my period!” She rolled her eyes and Eddie just nodded, head moving like a bobble head.
  “I know! I know! Trust me, I know what a period is. I’m just–you caught me off guard, I mean your mom said–.” And then Eddie recalled exactly what you said, “Hold on, I’ll be right back.”
  Eddie ran from her bathroom, towards the master bedroom. Sure enough, a peak under one of your shared bathroom cabinets produced a box of pads, unopened. 
  “Yes.” He hissed, snatching it from its place before he ran back to her room. Penny hadn’t moved from her spot, eyes widening as he offered her the box and wiped the hair out of his face.
  “Here. Your mom got you these, she said–she uh, had a feeling you’d, you know, start soon.”
  Penny took the box from his hands, glancing down at them in wonder. 
  Eddie watched her, heart clenching for some reason he couldn’t quite explain. 
  “Pretty big moment, huh?” He broke the silence with a soft chuckle, clearing his rapidly tightening throat.
  It turned out to be the right thing to say, she angled her head up to beam at him. 
  “I can’t believe I got it, everyone else has it but I didn’t think I would!” 
  Penny was excited about it, you’d explained to him that she would be when she first got her period, because Eddie knew how much you hated yours (unless you thought you were pregnant–then it was suddenly your best friend who you missed dearly). It would be a big moment for her, a right of passage in girlhood or something. Or at least one that tampon and pad companies established. 
  “So it is a big moment,” Eddie reiterated, blinking hard.
  “Yeah, I–dad, are you crying?”
  Eddie kept blinking, shaking his head as his vision blurred and he sniffled, “No. Why would I be crying? I’m not crying, my little girl has a period. That’s it. Nothing to cry over.”
  “Dad…” She started before she placed the box on the tile and hugged his waist.
  That’s when Eddie actually started crying, bending over to wrap his arms around her shoulders. He held her like that for a few moments, pressing a few kisses to the top of her head.
  It seemed like she was trying to comfort him because she didn’t pull away, just let him hold her until eventually he realized she’d need to actually use one of those pads.
  “You know how to work those, right?” He asked, standing straight though his hands remained on her shoulders as her arms went back to her sides.
  “I know how to use them, dad, some of the girls at school showed me theirs.” She laughed out, “I still can’t believe I got it!”
  “Is that why you didn’t go to school?” He asked and she got quiet, shifting her weight and toeing the grout before she looked up at him, eyes clouded with guilt.
  “Shanti’s having a sleepover tonight and if I went to school, they’d know I’m not sick.” She admitted and Eddie frowned.
  “I was actually talking about cramps, but she didn't invite you?”
  Penny went back to avoiding his gaze and walked over to the bathroom wall, resting her back against it so she could slide to the floor and pull her knees to her chest. Eddie immediately joined her, one knee up and the other leg spread out. She was finally talking to him, he didn’t want it to end.
  “She invited me, but they’re just gonna talk about their periods and boys and stuff. And I didn’t have my period so I didn’t want to go.”
  “Oh, I see,” Eddie didn’t want to talk about the subject of boys and stuff, he’d put that off for years if he could. “You could go now, you’ve got your period.”
  “I don’t know,” she put her chin on the top of her knees, and Eddie stared at her, still so amazed at how much she looked like you. “I don’t know if they really like me. I’m trying really hard, but it doesn’t feel easy, doesn’t feel natural.”
  “I know how you feel,” he muttered and when she glared at him from the corner of his eyes for daring to try to relate to a girl in the sixth grade, he started rambling, “Sometimes, you know, you feel like you’ve got to try hard to get people to talk to you and sometimes you feel like they’re not happy with you so you try harder, and then you can’t tell if they like you or if they like how hard you’re trying or how desperate you are to be with them and wanting them to spend time with you or if you’re just annoying them. And they feel bad for you.”
  Eddie stared at the large mirror across from the pair, at his reflection and soaked in the truth of it all. He could relate to Penny a little too much.
  His head lulled to the side, catching her eyes as she watched him.
  “But she invited you, baby. If you ask me, I think they want to be your friends. Maybe it doesn’t feel natural because you’re scared to stop trying so hard.”
  She considered his statement, pursing her lips. 
  “Maybe you’re right. Can I even go? You’re not mad at me for lying?”
  Eddie huffed out a breathy laugh, hand reaching over to stroke over her curls, “About this? No. I’m just glad you told me. You can go if you want, okay?”
  She nodded, and Eddie withdrew his hands as she stretched her legs out, figuring the conversation was over. He felt a little better about their relationship–she hadn’t iced him out after all. 
  Penny moved onto her knees, ready to push herself up and Eddie was about to do the same thing when she got his attention. 
  “Uhm, daddy?”
  “Yeah, baby?”
  “I think the people you’re talking about moved from Hawkins over here because they want to be with you, too. All the time. You don’t have to try so hard, ‘cause we love you a lot. Maple’s just a big cry baby.”
  There was no way Eddie could deny the water at his lower lash line or the two large tears that trailed down his cheeks. “C’mere.”
  Penny wrapped her arms around his shoulders as Eddie hugged her to him tightly, eyes squeezing shut as the two ton weight that had been pressing on his heart was lifted by a little girl barely half his size.
  “I love you, daddy.” She whispered, squeezing him back. Ediie could feel something wet pressing against his neck and he realized she was crying, too. The last time he’d seen her cry was when they said goodbye to everyone in Hawkins. Eddie inhaled a shaky breath as he responded, a hand moving to cradle the back of her head.
  “I love you, too, baby. I love you all so much.” 
  They held each other until she pulled away, wiping at her face. 
  “I have to put on a pad, daddy.”
  “Oh, right. Yeah. I’ll give you some privacy.” Eddie pushed himself up, stretching his arms up and relishing in the sensation.
  “Can we watch The Wild Thornberrys after?”
  “Of course, baby.” That was the children’s show Flea always bragged about being on. Dude had so many movie roles, it was insane. 
  Eddie was about to leave the bathroom, doorknob in his hand to close it behind him when she stopped him again, “And daddy, if you want to spend time with me, you can always take me to the Spice Girls concert.”
  Eddie smirked, amused with the innocent act she was playing, eyelashes batting and making her eyes appear even wider.
  “I’ll think about it.”
  While Penny finished up, Eddie checked in on Maple–who was awake and waiting for him, pacifier in her mouth and little arms outstretched the moment he came into view.  His little mini-me (out of all of his kids, she looked the most like Eddie) cuddled up to him as soon as he picked her up, cheek resting on his shoulder.
  Then he went in search of the house phone so he could call Ari and get tickets for the next Spiceworld show.
(Penny ended up finding the remote for the TV on the arm of the loveseat where Eddie had not left it.)
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roanofarcc · 9 months
the complete masterlist
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stranger things season 1-5. a steve harrington x hawkins lab!oc
when another product of Hawkins National Laboratory finds herself fleeing from a long survived nightmare, she crashes into the life of one unsuspecting teenage boy. together, they are dragged into the dark mysteries that begin to consume the small town of Hawkins, Indiana.
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SEASON ONE. the lost children of Hawkins, Indiana
chapter one || chapter two || chapter three || chapter four || chapter five || chapter six || chapter seven || chapter eight || chapter nine || chapter ten || chapter eleven || chapter twelve || chapter thirteen || chapter fourteen || chapter fifteen || chapter sixteen || chapter seventeen
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SEASON TWO. the return
chapter eighteen || chapter nineteen || chapter twenty || chapter twenty one || chapter twenty two || chapter twenty three || chapter twenty four || chapter twenty five || chapter twenty six || chapter twenty seven || chapter twenty eight || chapter twenty nine || chapter thirty || chapter thirty one || chapter thirty two || chapter thirty three || chapter thirty four || chapter thirty five || chapter thirty six || chapter thirty seven
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SEASON THREE. the cruel summer
chapter thirty eight || chapter thirty nine || chapter forty || chapter forty one || chapter forty two || chapter forty three || chapter forty four || chapter forty five || chapter forty six || chapter forty seven || chapter forty eight || chapter forty nine || chapter fifty || chapter fifty one || chapter fifty two || chapter fifty three || chapter fifty four || chapter fifty five || chapter fifty six || chapter fifty seven || chapter fifty eight || chapter fifty nine
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SEASON FOUR. the deal with god
chapter sixty || chapter sixty one || chapter sixty two || chapter sixty three ||
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SEASON FIVE. the end
coming soon...
206 notes · View notes
thinkinonsense · 1 month
Eat or Be Eaten ✦ Steve Harrington x fem!oc: S1: The Vanishing of Will Byers.
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╰┈➤ Summary: In the dark corners of Hawkins, Indiana holds the gate to an alternate upside-down dimension. When a little boy goes missing in the town, Johanna Hopper and her friends gather to help find him before it's too late. Along the way, Johanna finds herself getting intertwined with the likings of a strange little girl and someone she claims to hate.
╰┈➤c/w: violence, cursing, angst, mentions of death
╰┈➤ word count: 2k+
╰┈➤a/n: I posted this completed fic on wattpad, but I thought I would post it here too. If you want to be added to the future tags list, comment on this, and I'll add you. Hope everyone enjoys :)
╰┈➤next chapter here
• November Seventh, Nineteen Eighty-Three
✦ Monday mornings were truly hellish. Classes felt longer yet, the rest of the day ran shorter. Your car takes forever to warm up, even after you kick the tires and curse at it. Some mornings the only thing getting you out of bed are your friends or the coffee sitting in the kitchen, waiting for you long after your father made it an hour ago.
This morning, it was the coffee.
"Johanna? Are you even listening?" The voice snaps me back into reality.
"Hm?" I blink at my shorter, curly-haired friend.
"Did you hear what I said?"
No, I did not.
"Yeah." I nod, removing the rim of my coffee lid from my lips. "You said, 'Something, Something, Steve this, Steve that, Something'."
The taller, red-headed girl beside me tried her hardest not to laugh at my comment but a small giggle escaped her. Meanwhile, my eyes flash around the hallway and past the parking lot doors, waiting for someone else this morning.
"I didn't say that."
"But I was close though? Right, Nance?"
She rolls her eyes playfully and shuts her locker. Just past her head, I spot Steve Harrington and his obnoxious friends approaching us.
"Morning ladies," Steve says, while only looking at Nancy.
Without much care, I lifted my cup over my mouth again when Barb looked at me, I put my finger in my mouth, pretending to gag at the scene. Nancy, Barbra, and I have been friends since fifth grade, so it's fair to say we know each other well.
"Someone looks jealous." Tommy H laughed, watching Barb and I.
"Not jealous per-say. Disgusted? Definitely." Barb shoves my rib softly, causing me to add. "No offense, Wheeler."
Apparently, that ruffled a few feathers but luckily, the bell for the first period rang and I could make a swift exit. As I walked into the classroom, I saw that most students were still waiting for Mrs. Young. Following in shortly behind me was Steve and Carol, Tommy's girlfriend, who is possibly the most annoying person I have ever met.
Steve sits in his seat right in front of me, blocking my entire view of the board with his immense hair. Ever since Nance developed this crush on him, I soon realized that he would be around regardless of whether or not I wanted him to be.
"Hey, did Nance tell you about tonight?" He asks, twisted in his chair to talk to me.
As I try to recall anything Nancy said this morning, I lick the bitter coffee residue off my lips.
"What's tonight?"
"I invited you guys over. It's a small get-together."
"Sounds like a party."
"Well, don't rat us out to your dad and maybe it can be." He smirks, trying to charm me.
"Actually I think he would enjoy a little party."
Steve rolls his eyes and then sighs, turning around in his chair when Mrs. Young walks into the room.
For as long as I have known Steve Harrington, he's been an entitled, silver-spoon-fed jerk. It wasn't until he learned that Nancy liked him that now he is trying to be a little less of a douchebag.
But still a douchebag, nonetheless.
After fifth period, on my way back to my locker, I saw Barb waiting for me. Just a few feet away stood Steve and Nance at Steve's locker, making heart eyes at each other and tripping over their words.
"What's with the long look, red?" I ask, nudging Barb's arm while I unlock my locker.
"Nothing it's..." She sighs, debating on if she should say what she's thinking. "It's just that Nance is so obsessed with Steve."
That might sound rash but lately, it seems like all Nancy ever wants to talk about is Steve.
"Yeah, like this past weekend when we were out shopping, all she only cared about finding a new sweater that Steve would like."
"Exactly! I mean, I get that but..."
Barb's voice started to fade into a void while we were heading to Nancy's locker because, in the teacher's lounge, I heard someone say my dad's name, making me stop dead in my tracks.
"Did you hear that Chief Hopper is looking for that Byers kid? Apparently, he didn't make it home last night."
Byers kid? Was it Jonathan or Will? Is that why Jonathan's not here? It has to be.
"Johanna, where are you-?"
"I gotta go! I'll see you later!"
I turned around and ran out the back doors to my car. Tapping my thumbs on my wheel, anxiously while I sped over to Jonathan's house.
There were so many questions but I was too afraid to know the answers. Jonathan's car was parked outside but Joyce's car was missing.
"Jonathan!" I shouted, knocking on the wooden door.
"Who is it-"
The door opened and I sprung myself onto him, hugging him tightly. He was stiff until he realized it was me, relaxing into the hug.
"Dude! You scared the shit out of me! I thought, thought that..." I mumbled into his neck.
"It's Will."
My heart plummeted; to my stomach as I pulled away to look at him. Wet tears still stained his cheeks.
"He's missing."
We went back to Jonathan's room. A song by The Smiths played when we walked in. He turned it down and we both slumped down on his bed.
I could not believe it. Will was the quietest and sweetest little boy, how could he have just disappeared?
"Last night, he was supposed to bike home from Mike's house-"
"Nancy's little brother?"
Mike, Will, and their two other friends were quite a few years younger than us. Seventh graders to be specific.
"Yeah. He and Mike play Dungeons and Dragons with two of their other friends, Lucas and Dustin."
"Okay, then what happened?"
"I'm not sure. For some reason, Will didn't come home last night and we haven't seen him this morning." He sighed. "My mom's downtown talking with your dad about it."
"Well, somehow people are starting to find out."
"Who told you?"
"No one. I overheard some teachers talking about it at lunch."
Jonathan nodded then rested his head on my shoulder. I know he would never ask me this but I am sure he's wondering if this is how I felt when my younger sister, Sarah passed away.
Our parents have known each other since high school but it wasn't until Sarah passed and my mom left that I grew close with Jonathan. Sure, we had met before or gone to the other's birthday parties but once we hit middle school, we started to hang out together.
We listened to The Smiths' whole album in silence; just sitting together. Neither of us said anything until we heard Joyce's car pull into the driveway.
"Oh, Johanna!" Joyce jumped when she saw me in the hallway with Jonathan. "I was just with your father... Did he... Did he tell you about..?"
"No, Jonathan did," I answered. We knew it was best not to tell Joyce that the news was being spread already. "Is there anything I can do to help out?"
"No, sweetie," Joyce says, lighting a cigarette; and taking a seat at their table. "If you hear anything from your dad, let us know."
I nod before saying goodbye to them.
The house was hollow when I returned. Most nights it was like this, Dad would work late at the station and I would be here alone. It was different when I was growing up. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad. We've had our fair share of bumpy roads behind us but now, we only have each other.
In the kitchen, the phone began to ring.
"Hello?" I answered, leaning against the fridge.
"Johanna..." Nance practically sings into the phone.
"Yes, Wheeler?"
"I need a favor."
"What favor?"
I already knew what she wanted. Nancy likely already called Barb and wants her to come with her to Steve's house.
"Will you come with Barb and me to Steve's house?"
"Harrington house? On a school night?" I say teasingly. "Wheeler, you rebel."
"C'mon, Johanna." She whined. "Please."
"I'm the daughter of the Chief, remember? They don't want me there."
"Steve does!"
I roll my eyes, popping a candy cane into my mouth.
"Yeah, so he can get into your pants."
She hesitates then says, "That's not true!"
"Sorry, Nance. Try and drown Carol for me."
And with that, she hung up.
The following morning, I waited by Barb's locker for fifteen minutes before the bell for first period rang and I realized, she wasn't there. It wasn't like her to miss school.
After fourth period, I finally ran into Nance in the girls' bathroom.
"Hey! Have you seen, Barb?" Nancy asked me.
"No, she wasn't in third," I answered her.
"She wasn't in homeroom either. I asked around and no one else has seen her today."
"Did you ask anyone from her band class?"
"No." She shakes her head. "I haven't seen her since We got to Steve's house last night then she just left."
"Without you?"
That was hard to believe, they are basically attached at the hip. Barb and I are close but they were on a whole other level.
"I went upstairs with Steve for a few minutes, then when I came back down she was gone."
I could understand why she would have left, especially if Nancy went upstairs with Harrington 'for a few minutes'.
"Try calling her house and I'll check the library."
Nancy nodded and we split up. The library was practically empty so even though I knew she wasn't in here, I still checked. On my way back to the courtyard, I ran into one of Barb's friends from band, Robin.
No, literally, I ran into her.
"Ouch! Where did you even come from?" She groaned, holding her shoulder.
"Sorry! Have you seen Barb today?" I asked her.
"Um, no but I'm heading to band practice so, I can let you..."
My brain tuned Robin's voice out because just right behind her head, across the parking lot, I saw Steve drop Jonathan's camera on the cement.
"I gotta go! Thanks!" I yelled before running away.
When I arrived, Steve and his friends were walking back inside with Nancy, leaving Jonathan to pick everything up.
"Nance!" I yelled, hoping she would stay.
"Sorry." She mouthed, following Steve back to the school.
Ripped photographs were lying there too. It didn't take a genius to figure out what these were of. One half-ripened photo of Nancy's naked back with Steve's bedroom walls in the background was under my foot.
"I swear I didn't mean to take those," Jonathan explained. "I was looking for Will last night and-"
"I believe you."
We picked up everything that we could of the camera pieces. That camera meant so much to him and it wasn't a cheap one either. Joyce worked many hours and saved up to get that for his birthday.
Jonathan left afterward, mumbling something about visiting his dad. Angrily, I went back to the school. Originally, I was looking for Nancy, but instead, I found Steve in the gymnasium.
"Harrington!" I yelled, causing all of the basketball players to stop their game and look over.
Reluctantly, he followed me out to the empty hallway.
"What?" He says, trying to come off as pissed.
"What the hell is your issue?" I hissed.
"Right now, it's you."
Is he joking right now? He has to be.
"I have no issue punching that so-called pretty face, Harrington. So, tread lightly." I glare, stepping forward.
The cocky look on his face made me even angrier. I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt since Nance likes him but I have had it with him.
"That's because Daddy and his buddies down at the station wouldn't dare put cuffs on you." He says, leaning down a little in an attempt to intimidate me.
"Whatever." I scoff, turning around to leave. A larger hand reaches for my wrists, stopping me.
"Tell that little perv to stay away from Nance."
Without hesitation, I lifted my foot and kicked him in the shin. He cussed me out as he hunched over to rub the skin. I bent down enough to be leveled with his ear.
"Don't touch me."
I didn't expect to see my dad tonight so I made myself a snack before work. Forgetting dinner altogether. My vest sat on the couch while I looked around for the name tag. That's when the phone rang.
"Hello?" I answered, pulling the cord all the way to my room.
"Johanna? Hey, it's Nance."
"Hey, I can't talk for long. I have to work tonight. What's up?"
"I called Barb's house but her mom said she doesn't know where she is."
Shit. I tuned out most of what Nancy was saying after that. My heart started pounding in my chest, Will and Barb? Both missing?
"...So, can you try and talk to your dad? Maybe he can find something out."
"Um, yeah. I'll talk to him the next time I see him."
I hung up and raced to the station, forgetting the name tag completely at this point. The police station was fifteen minutes away, and I made it there in under ten.
"Donna! I need to talk to my father!" I told her as soon as I walked in.
"He's not here, honey." She said, not even looking up at me from her desk.
"It's urgent."
"Then file a police report."
Half of me was tempted to jump the counter instead, I walked back to my dad's office to see if he was back there still. Donna was right, he was already gone.
"He's out looking for the Byers boy. I can leave a message." She sighs, following me in here.
"Never mind. I'll talk to him later at home." I huffed, storming out.
"You really are his daughter." She scoffed.
I know, I shouldn't have acted that way but I couldn't help it. Barb was missing and I needed to tell him as soon as possible.
The car was freezing the rest of the way to work. Stupid heat was going out again. When I arrived at work, I got out and hit my tires, mumbling curse words under my breath at it.
"Do you need some help?" The voice startled me.
"No, thanks," I said, turning around. "Robin?"
"Yeah." She laughed, throwing it in the bin.
"You're working here now?"
"Looks like it."
It would be nice to have another girl working here with me. Right now it's only me, Keith, and Nick.
"Did they seriously make you take the trash out in the snow?" I asked, joining her by the dumpster to help her lift the bags.
"Yeah." She laughs, tossing another in.
We laughed together and headed back into the theater.
"Theater Two, on the left. Enjoy your movie." My voice was flat like the Coca-Cola Robin dispensed into the cups.
"Did you see Barb at band practice today? After I talked to you?" I asked her after everyone else in the lobby left.
"No. Is everything okay?" Her back was still turned, filling up the popcorn machine again.
"Yeah, I just haven't heard from her."
Robin nodded her head but didn't say much after. Keith called her to his office, leaving me in the lobby for a few minutes. I didn't want to lie to her but, I wasn't sure if my hunch was right.
Nick comes up behind me, making me jump.
"Dude, you scared me," I said, noticing the seriousness in his face.
There's this dreaded look on Nick's face even though he's avoiding my eyes.
"The cops... um, they found the Byers boy... he didn't make it."
This had to be fake.
Yet, it felt so real.
The following few minutes were hazy. I grabbed my keys and ran out to the parking lot. Robin said something about covering my last few hours for me.
All those years that I mourned a sister I barely got to know, came hurling back at me but only worse because I knew Will. The summers I spent babysitting him, hanging out with him and Jonathan after school, all the memories we had. Moments I can't get back.
The station wasn't far from work and Dad's cop car was parked out front when I pulled in.
"Dad? Where's my dad?" I asked Donna again. I must look like a mess with the empathetic look she gave me before pointing to his office.
"Dad, I heard... I heard about, about Will." I barely choked out.
He let me sob in his arms until I was ready to let go but the truth is, I never want to let go.
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sourmaybank · 12 days
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Eddie Munson x OC!Reader || stranger things || seasons two - four
SUMMARY: Lyra Hargrove had to grow up quickly, constantly adjusting to unwanted changes. The hardest was moving to Hawkins, Indiana after her father remarried to keep up a facade of a happy family. Weeks into their new life, Lyra notices Max acting secretive and avoiding everyone. She soon discovers that Hawkins is linked to the Upside Down, a dangerous, demonic version of their town. Joining the monster hunting club brings more secrets, lies, and potential heartbreak.
WARNINGS: friends to lovers, second chance romance, cursing, angst, stranger things violence, some talks of blood and gore
A/N: I do not own any of the stranger things characters only Lyra and her storyline as well as any other OC's that I create. Please do not copy or translate my work; paraphrasing is still copying! As always, thank you for all the support in my writing, I appreciate every single one of you! 🥰
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stvolanis · 11 months
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Don’t Wanna Grow Up.
( one shot )
PAIRINGS: Rockstar! OC X Mean! Jim Hopper
WARNINGS: guys Hopper is really mean in this, small plot, OC is in a band (corroded coffin), she’s Eddie’s best friend/step-sister, age gap (OC is 19 and hops in his 40s), dubcon, drinking, usual rockstar things, OC is also kinda an asshole,nice jim at the end, hop being a cop (that rhymed lol)
NSFW INCLUDES: anal play, degradation (slut, brat, bitch), spitting, (hard) slapping, hair pulling, breeding kink, breath play, power play, size kink, manhandling, choking, oral (m receiving), praising (if you squint), heavy sir kink, humiliation, public sex (parking lot), p in v sex, overstimulation, cum eating, SORRY IF I MISSED ANYTHING<3
Istg I got horny while writing this so I hope y’all enjoy !!<3
please lmk if you guys are interested in a part 2!!
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the night was lively and booming in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana. It was a big contrast to the usual boring nights that the locals were used to, and it was surely a huge difference for on-duty chief of police, Jim Hopper.
Rowdy teens were one thing, but full grown adults plus teenagers being loud and obnoxious was not how hopper wanted to spend his night. Of course the big commotion would only mean one thing, lots of paperwork and phone calls.
It was a Tuesday night. A school night. A work night, even. What could have possibly caused all this up roar in the town? This much disruption and constant noise complaint phone calls from a small, quiet and local bar were unusual. But, nonetheless, the chief loaded up in his cruiser and made quick work of heading to the busy bar.
Jim could hear the faint blaring music from down the road, much to his dismay. As he pulled in and got out of his car, slamming the door shut, he quickly took notice of the locals stumbling out of the bar drunkenly, hollering only god knows what as he watched one fall into a bush. It was gonna be a long night.
Hopper walked into the noisy bar and was instantly met with the smell of strong alcohol and must coming from the sweaty bodies dancing around in the crowd. Unfortunately, he could also smell the lingering remanence of throw up, cause his face to crinkle up in disgust. Suddenly, the bright stage that was flashing every color under the sun caught his attention.
Of course she would be what was causing all of this nonsense.
Blood red hair sticking up in all kinds of directions bounced up and down while singing wildly. One of her dainty, fishnet covered hands in the air as her other held a microphone. The deep red lipstick she was wearing was slightly smeared, as was her eyeliner and mascara. Her honey brown eyes peering over the crowd with a wicked smile dancing on her lips at the mess she’s stirred. The lead singer of Corroded Coffin, Cherrie.
A Highschool drop-out who was on the upcoming charts with her band, soon to be leaving the small town to start touring across America for a hefty price. A delinquent since she became friends with the Munson boy, who she’d met in the 5th grade after she stabbed him in the thigh with her pink pencil.
Cherrie was a force to be reckoned with, and Hop can’t even count on his fingers anymore how many times she’d spent the night in the county jail either high out of her mind or drunk on gin. She’d spent her whole life in and out of the system, till Eddie Munsons uncle, Wayne, decided he’d take her in. Her love for music started when she’d stumbled across Eddie’s massive music collection. Once Eddie got his guitar and she had a microphone in her hand, the rest was history.
The band started off as something they did for fun with their friends, but then it turned into something they couldn’t even imagine. Once their producer released their first album, it went flying off the shelves after about a lingering week of nothing. Before they knew it, they were ushered to go on tour in 2 weeks times. Cherrie always felt she was destined for more than the small town had to offer, but she could never quite place it till now. She had wanted an escape for as long as she can remember, and now that she finally had one, she wouldn’t be coming back anytime soon.
The small town she lived in seen the worst in her, even the ones who were much worse than her. The difference between them was that she wasn’t afraid to show it. She didn’t need to put up a facade for people, because they’d always just see her as the burnt out Highschool drop out. But when she was on stage, it was like she was on top of the world. For once, the people who’d whisper terrible things about her and spread ugly rumors were looking up at her and cheering their hearts out. It was a nice change. It was a euphoric feeling.
Cherrie was no stranger when it came to the male gaze, as she’d dealt with it since she was only about 14. It’s always made her uncomfortable, for sure, but after a while she’d learned how to use it to her advantage. So it was no surprise when she’d tried attempt to seduce Jim Hopper a few months prior when he’d threaten to lock her up for good. She’d ended up spending the night in a jail cell. Ever since then, Jim’s felt uneasy around the ball of fire. Almost afraid she’d pounce at any moment on him.
But right now, it was almost as if he was in a trance as he watched her body move enchantingly. The lighting made her deep olive skin appear more vibrant, and hopper could see the sweat dripping down her chest and into her open cleavage. She wore a tight strapless corset that was laced and a small mini skirt that was so short, he was sure if she turned around he’d be able to see her ass. The fishnets that adorned her arms and legs had skulls embroidered onto them, but hopper could still see her colorful Paul Stanley star-man tattoo on the side of her thigh.
The choker she wore had protruding spikes on it and the chains she wore along with it complimented her slim neck. Hopper instinctively locked his dry lips as he stared at her for a moment longer before their eyes connected, and he felt the hairs on his arm stand up and his back straighten.
Cherrie watched Hopper walked to the side of the stage with furrowed eyebrows as he unplugged Eddie’s amp and the strobe lights, effectively making everyone let out noises of confusion and annoyance. Cherrie rolled her eyes and groaned as she dropped the mic onto the ground angrily before hopping off of the stage, pushing her way through the crowd to get to Jim. Eddie was hot on her tail, trying to calm down the fire he could’ve swore he saw in her eyes begin to spark, but he was soon lost in the crowd as he called out to her.
“What the fuck are you doing, shithead?!” Cherrie yelled out as she stood in front of Jim. “Doin’ my job, Cherrie. But you always gotta make it harder f’me, huh?” He huffed out with annoyance as he pushed past her towards the crowd of rowdy people.
“Everyone out! Right now, unless you’d like to spend the night with me at the station.” He yelled to the crowd, who quickly dispersed. Many sending Hopper ugly glances, but he was too over everything to care. “No, this is my scene, why’d you have to come fuck it up?!” She said with a groan as she stood chest to chest with him, though she was much smaller than him.
“Noise complaints, from multiple people.” He replied dryly. “Why can’t you just stay out of trouble for 2 fuckin’ minutes, is it that hard?” He added with a scoff. Cherrie didn’t process what happened as she felt her fist connect with his cheek, wincing as she rubbed her knuckles before slowly looking back up at an angry chief.
“Shit—Wait—” she muttered as she tried backing away from him, but Hop wasn’t having it. He harshly gripped her upper arm before slamming her front into the wall. “Cmon, yknow I didn’t mean to.” She said as she tried to wiggle free from his tight hold. “Shut up, brat.” He replied through clenched teeth as he snapped his cuffs onto her wrists.
“Ow!” She shouted as the cuffs tightened around her wrists painfully. Hop ignored her please as he dragged her out of the now almost empty bar. Eddie was by his van as he watched Cherrie get taken out in handcuffs with a shake of his head and a frown. “M’ sorry, Eds!” She shouted to him across the parking lot with a shrug of her shoulders. Eddie sighed as their band loaded up their belongings into his car.
Hopper pushed her forward towards the car. “We ain’t stoppin’ for chit-chat.” He grumbled under his breath. Cherrie merely rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Asshole.” She muttered under her breath. Hopper gripped her wrists in the cuffs tighter and he watched as she winced in pain. “What was that? Hm?” He muttered lowly in her ear.
She could feel his warm breath against the shell of her ear, and that’s all it took for her body to feel like it’s on fire. His grip on her wrists and the way she could feel his crotch area brush against her ass as they walked to the car from how close they are had her body on edge. She bit her lip as he opened the backseat door for her before roughly shoving her in and slamming the door shut.
Hopper got in his seat and fumbled with his keys with a huff before starting his cruiser. “Yknow you’re kinda hot when you’re mad to me, chief.” Cherrie giggled as she batted her lashes. Hopper eyed her through the rearview mirror, his eyes briefly trailing down to her open cleavage that was now free of sweat before rolling his eyes and adjusting the mirror to see better behind him, but really it’s just so his boner wouldn’t further harden from the sight of her in cuffs in his back seat.
Cherrie giggled lightly as she made herself comfortable in the backseat as Jim began driving to the police station. And then an idea hit her. “Yknow, I always thought you were a pretty shitty cop.” She said aloud as she looked out the window with a smirk. “Excuse me?” Hopper said, taken slightly aback.
“You heard me. I don’t even know you you became chief—I mean, aren’t you always drinking on the job? Yet you wanna make me seem like I’m the worst person ever.” She scoffed out with an eye roll. Hopper slammed on the breaks, making Cherrie hurl forward, hitting the head rest with a loud ‘thud’.
“Shit—what the fuck, Hop?!” She yelled out with furrowed brows. Jim’s breathing was erratic and hit fists were white from gripping the steering wheel so hard. “Yeah? You think I’m a shitty cop? Alright, y’little bitch.” He muttered with a dark chuckle as he drove into an empty parking lot that was some what hidden behind trees.
“What’re you doin? you aren’t gonna kill me are you?” Cherrie giggled, feigning fear. Hopper didn’t respond as he parked the car and swung his door open, quickly opening Cherries too. “Hey—” she started, but was cut off when hopper gripped her upper arm tightly, yanking her out of her seat and onto the ground. Cherrie sat on her knees in front of the cop, looking up at him through her thick lashes.
“Y’gonna hurt me, Hop?” She challenged with raised brows and a taunting smirk. Hoppers hand harshly made contact with the side of her cheek, roughly slapping her, making her head spin to the side as a stinging pain overtook her cheek. Cherrie whimpered lightly, making Hopper chuckle. “Thought this was what you wanted, brat.” He said tauntingly as he gripped her hair, making her look up at him.
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen—” he started . “Y’gonna suck my cock like a good girl n then I’m gonna fuck that tight little cunt until I’m through with you, n maybe your ass if I feel like it. You’ve been a little bitch all night so don’t expect to fucking cum, y’hear me?” He stated as he peered down at her. Cherrie felt her pussy begin to ache with need, but this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. She wasn’t supposed to actually want him the way she does now.
Cherrie nodded and Hopper slapped her once again, but on her other cheek. “Words, slut.” He spit out. Cherrie moaned at the slap, making hopper chuckle. “Yes, sir.” She muttered as she bit down on her lip. Jim groaned at the name. “Good girl.” He praised as he began to unzip his pants, letting them fall to his knees.
Cherrie could see his large bulge and a small wet patch where his tip is that’s seeping through. “M’gonna teach you how to suck cock properly, little girl.” He said as he let his hard cock spring free, long and so thick. A vein ran along the underside of it and Cherries mouth watered at the sight, but she wasn’t gonna let up so easily. “S’ not gonna fit in my mouth. Don’t want it to.” She said.
“I don’t give a fuck, you act like a brat n’ you get treated like one.” He said as he slapped his cock against the side of her cheek with a smirk. He soon forced Cherries mouth open with his thumb and shoved his throbbing member down her throat without warning, making her gag aloud. Cherrie could feel her eyes watering as his cock hit the back of her throat with no mercy. It was getting hard to breathe, and it didn’t help when the mean man above her pinched her nose shut as he held his cock in the back of her throat with a loud groan.
After a few seconds he let her nose go and she released his throbbing dick, gasping for air, hee chest heaving. “Please—” she begged through breaths of air. Jim quickly shoved his cock back down her throat that was now becoming unbearably sore, along with her jaw. She moaned around his cock as she began to grind her sopping cunt against the chiefs freshly polished boots.
Hopper felt his end coming near at the sight it. “Look at you— h-humping my boot l-l-like a bitch in heat.” He moaned at through clenched teeth as he watched her mascara and eyeliner run down her cheeks from her tears that he caused. The way she feverishly humped against his boot harder after his comment made him cum down her throat with a groan and a string of ‘fuckkk, just like that’ and ‘so fuckin good’.
Cherries senses were overwhelmed as she tasted him down her throat and on her tongue. Salty, but not bitter. Hopper slightly pulled out and released the rest of his cum on her tongue that was hanging outside of her mouth with a satisfied moan. Cherrie made quick work of swallowing his generous load. “Whaddya say, baby?” He mocked.
“Thank you for your cum, sir.” Cherrie said as she gripped at his leg, her panty covered pussy still dripping on his boot. “Needy little girl, aren’t you, Cherrie?” He asked as he clicked his tongue. She nodded and muttered a small ‘yes, sir’ as he surprisingly, gently pulled her up from the ground. Hopper gripped Cherries throat and pulled her face close to his, just enough to where their lips were brushing against each other.
“‘M gonna fuck you so good.” He muttered, and Cherrie groaned as he lips finally crashed with his. The kiss was messy and heated, and their teeth clashed together as did their tongues. They fought for dominance, but Jim over powered her as his tongue danced with hers. “Fuckkk, y’taste so good.” He groaned against her as his grip on her slim throat tighten just above her spiked choker that he adored so much on her.
He opened her mouth before spitting into it, his boner growing larger as he watched her swallow it obediently. It was just something about making her go from a bratty, loud, rude and arrogant little girl to a submissive, hot mess with not much to say now that made Jim Hopper go absolutely fucking feral. The need to be inside of her hurled into his senses as he dragged her to the front of his cruiser, bending her over the hood.
Jim got down onto his knees, now eye level with her wet, fishnet covered baby pink panties with lace on the trim of it. “So cute, baby.” He muttered as he kissed the flesh of her ass before gripping both cheeks in his large hands. He pressed his nose into her panties and inhaled her scent deeply, his dick throbbing at the smell of her arousal. Cherrie whimpered as his nose brushed against her aching clit as she tried to wiggle her pussy even closer to his face.
Hopper chuckled at his needy girl and licked a long stripe over her panties. Cherrie let out a pornographic moan as he sucked her panty covered clit into his mouth. “Please, sir, ‘m sorry for bein’ a bad girl, need you so bad. promise I’ll be good.” She whined out as her eyes began to water again.
“Since you asked so nicely f’me, whore.” He said as though he were pondering it. He stood up and easily towered over the small girl bent over the hood of his car as he ripped her fishnets big enough to wear he could push her panties to the side. He groaned as he watched her slick drip out of her pussy and down her thighs. “Hop, my fishnets..” she muttered breathlessly.
“I’ll buy you new fishnets, baby, whatever you want.” He muttered as leaned over and kissed her shoulder. He slapped her ass, once, twice, just to watch it jiggle against the impact before spreading her ass once again to get a better view of her pussy. “So wet..” he murmured to himself as he slapped her gently slapped her cunt, making her let out a soft groan.
Hopper aligned his massive cock to her entrance and pushed in forcefully before pausing for a moment to get the smaller girl used to his size. Her cunt squeezed around him in a vice grip, almost painfully as he hissed. Cherrie moaned as she felt him fill her small cunt to the brim, kissing her cervix. She could feel him throbbing inside of her, begging to move.
“Please, sir—” she started, and Jim wasted no time in pulling out just to slam back into her again, causing Cherrie to let out a gasp. Hopper began pounding into the red haired girl, one of his hands gripping her wrists that were still in handcuffs while the other harshly smacked her ass hard enough to leave a deep red hand print, making Cherries eyes water.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she moaned out loud ‘uhs’ each time he slammed back into her. As his pace began to gradually increase, the sweaty sound of skin slapping together could be heard throughout the parking lot and Jim felt like he was on cloud 9. Her cunt was so warm and tight. Almost as if she were a virgin.
Hop imagined her stomach swollen and her breasts enlarged and swollen with milk. How she’d become domesticated and obedient, much to his pleasure. He imagined her whimpers and moans as he’d fondle her nipples and squeezed the bundle of nerves just to watch the milk come out of them.
His hips slammed into hers harder and faster, taking Cherries breath away as her moans were uncontrollable and throat sore. Her mind was blank and all she could think about was the way he was filling her up. “Like the way I fuck you, hm? Stuffin’ this little pussy just the way you like.” The older man said as he threw his head back with a loud moan.
God, she loved how vocal he was. It made her pussy clench around him as she felt her orgasm approaching. “Sir—‘m gonna cum, gonna cum, oh my god—” she moaned out, her voice a higher pitch as she whined at the stimulation. Hopper sounded almost animalistic as he let out a what sounded close to a growl. “I told you you’re not gonna fuckin’ cum, you hear me?” He said through pants. Cherrie could tell he was being serious, but she just couldn’t hold it.
“please, ‘m sorry, sorry, I c—ca—can’t hold it.” She gasped out as her mouth formed into an ‘O’ shape as her orgasm slammed into her. Cherrie squirted all over Jim’s lower body, making him let out a groan. “Fuckkk..” he groaned out again. Cherrie thought Hopper would let up since she’d already came, but it seemed like the man had other plans.
Her pussy was so sensitive as he continued his brutal thrusts in and out with no remorse to her aching cunt. “please—stop, I can’t—“ she begged loudly as she tried to push her cuffed hands against his lower stomach, weakly trying to push him away from her but failing miserably. “No, you wanted to cum so you’re gonna fuckin cum for me as many times as I tell you to.” He said as he watched her ass jiggle each time his hips hit hers.
Hopper moved his hand that was around her wrist to her ass cheek, spreading it before spitting down into her puckered hole. He used his thumb to smear around his saliva before he slowly pushed it in, making Cherrie hiss out in pain. “This is what little girls who don’t listen get. They get their assholes used and violated.” He said with a chuckle as he began to fuck her tight ass with his thumb.
Broken moans left her throat as she felt herself go cross eyed, body shaking at the stimulation of her clit dragging against the hood of the car with each violent thrust delivered to her over-used cunt, paired with his thumb fucking into her ass made her orgasm quickly approach again.
“Sir, ‘m gonna cum, please let me cum, please, please, please!” She yelled out like it was a chant. Hopper bit down harshly on his lip, drawing blood before speaking. “Hold on, ‘m almost there, slut.” He huffed out as his thrusts became erratic and sloppy. “Y’want me to cum in this pussy? Make you nice n’ full? Make you all nice n swollen with my fuckin’ babies?” He moaned out.
“Yes, yes, yes, oh my god, need your cum, please cum in me. Need it so bad.” She moaned out, drunk on his cock that was drilling into her now more sloppy. “Yeah? Fuck , yes. Cum f’me right now, Cherrie. Cum f’me.” He repeated over and over till she squirted all over his cock for a second time, her body shaking and spasming with each dragging thrust he blew.
His hips stilled as his cock stuffed her full, and she could feel him getting soft inside of her before lazily pulling out. Hopper dropped down to his knees again and began licking up both of their release from her hole, savoring the taste of her juices that were now dripping down the starved man’s chin, making his beard sticky. “Oh my god.” Cherrie moaned as her legs shook violently at the harsh overstimulation of him fucking his cum back into her pussy with three of his large fingers.
Jim let up and slapped her cunt a few times for safe measures before he grabbed the keys to her handcuffs and took them off. Hopper put her panties back in place to make sure none of his valued cum can get out of her used cunt. He let her body fall limp against him as he picked her up bridal style as he opened the passenger door, gently putting her in.
“‘M takin’ you to my house, baby. Gon’ take good care of you, Cherrie.” He murmured gently as he kissed her temple. Cherrie nodded and blushed madly at his gentle, loving tone. A tone no one besides Wayne or Eddie used for her.
Maybe Jim Hopper wasn’t so bad after all.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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All works are 18+ minors and blank blogs will be blocked!!
The Pull - Steddie x Succubus!Reader masterlist (complete)
You’ve been alone for as long as you can remember, floating around for decades and moving from place to place, never letting anyone close. But that all changes when you decide to move to Hawkins Indiana. You were expecting a quiet life in a small town, but that all changed when you arrived and immediately sensed them.
All You Have To Do Is Ask - Steddie x Reader
Ever since your boyfriend Steve found out that you lost your virginity to your friend Eddie he can’t stop thinking about the two of you together, the fantasies of you and Eddie tangled together running through his mind on repeat. It starts off with just the two of you but when the fantasies start to evolve and Eddie is touching him too, he doesn’t know how much longer he can take it.
Steve Harrington:
American Idiot - King!Steve x GothFem!Reader
Steve Harrington had it all. Money, popularity, the perfect girlfriend. He had his whole life planned and laid out for him, and he accepted that. Working for his dad and marrying his collage sweetheart wouldn’t be so bad, right? That’s what he thought at least, until he got paired to do a project with you and you turned his world upside down.
Jones and Leia - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
You agree to match Steve’s Indiana Jones costume, but it’s definitely not what he was expecting.
Opposites Attract Masterlist - y2k!Steve Harrington x MallGoth!Reader (ongoing)
This is a series of one shots/blurbs about Steve and his goth girlfriend in the early 00s. This AU is a collaboration with @reidsbtch you can find the masterlist for her y2k!Eddie x Girli!Reader Here.
Spider Lilly (part 1) - Steve Harrington x Goth!Fem!Reader
You can’t stand Steve Harrington, you didn’t like him in highschool during his “King Steve” days and you don’t like him now. But even though you deny it, even to yourself, there’s always been something about him that made your heart beat speed up. When you’re stuck closing with him one night at Family Video… things finally boil over. (Soulmate AU)
Eddie Munson:
See You Again - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Fem!OC
Your girlfriend surprises you with tickets to see your favorite band, Corroded Coffin for your birthday. You and her spent one magical night with the lead singer over a year ago before they made it big. Will he remember you? (He definitely will.)
Beer and Bunny’s - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Eddie can’t seem to get himself to make a move on the new bartender at the hideout he has a crush on, but one night you decide to take matters into your own hands and he sees something that he just can’t resist.
Being Weird Is Cool Masterlist - SingleDad!Eddie x SingleMom!Reader (Ongoing)
When your late aunt leaves you her house in Hawkins you see it as a chance at fresh start and move there with your son. You didn’t expect to meet a caring metal head with kind eyes and his spitfire daughter. You didn’t expect to fall in love. You didn’t expect to find a family.
Cat and Mouse - Perv!Eddie x Perv!FemReader
Eddie thinks you are innocent and oblivious to all the pervy things he does behind your back, but what he doesn’t know is that you’re fully aware. Not only that, but you like it, and you just might be a bit of a perv yourself.
You’ll Never Be A Burden - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
When you can’t get out of bed, answer your phone, or shake the feeling of hopelessness your boyfriend is there to reassure you that he will always be there for you no matter what.
Best Mates - FuckBoy!Alpha!Eddie Munson x Bestfriend!Omega!Reader
You’ve always been in love with your bestfriend, you never thought anything would ever come of it until you present as an omega and he spends your heat with you.
Licking his boots (blurb)
Halloween moodboard masterlist
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powderblueblood · 5 months
HELLFIRE & ICE — eddie munson x f!oc as enemies to star-crossed lovers
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summary: after you visit an old stomping ground to pad out your college resume and eddie agonizes about the what of what are you, you both return to the place where all this mess began--a classic harrington rager. content warnings: written in the immersive second person (you/yours), oc has a name, background and she/her pronouns but no physical descriptions. era typical misogyny, homophobia, general bad bitch scheming. mentions of drug dealing, sexual situations and strong language. minors fuck off. word count: 8.7k
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Dear reader,
A while ago, I mentioned that thing that Joan Didion said about staying on nodding terms with the people we used to be. 
Lucky for me and my once-fervent need to be inviolable from all angles, I have a couple of versions of Lacy I can choose from. 
Depends on what I need from her.
The hot sprawl of the community hall drags your sense memory kicking and screaming back to age sixteen. 
Scarlet nails tugged a rough line through your scalp, elevating your hair so high it might as well apply for zoning permission. An acrid blast of Aquanet settled right in your bottom lashes. Your mother loomed over your shoulder in the mirror, her cigarette ashing into some poor bitch’s retainer case. 
“The way they run these things nowadays… it’s a disgrace,” she tutted, but not to you, “These girls are animals.”
That’s gotta be a fucking fire hazard, right? 
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“Well, if Lacy’s an animal,” a flame haired Ann Perkins guffawed, yanking a backcombed rat of your hair upwards—ow, “she’s a goddamn gazelle, Glory.”
“First kill?” You didn’t miss the smugness curling around her Elizabeth Arden lips, hunching your body glittered arms inward. 
“No—god, no, I just mean with how graceful she is. My Carol, bless her heart, she’s got the coordination of her father after a slab of Old Milwaukee. You remember I told you about trying to teach her baton?”
“She sent it flying through the neighbour’s windshield,” you giggled fondly, recalling Carol telling you how much of a stupid cooze her mom was for trying to teach her in the first place. ‘Throwing some stick around—who does she think I am, Lassie?’
“Don’t smile,” your mom slapped your shoulder sharply, “It’ll smudge your gloss.”
You scrubbed it off in the bathroom moments later, reapplying a layer of scarlet lacquer you knew she’d call whorish. Too late.
Knocking back a swig of Diet Coke and two rainbow pills, you took the stage to claim runner up in the Hawkins division of the American Teen Princess pageant, meeting Gloriana’s seething scowl from the audience with your own Vaselined failure of a smile. 
The lipstick had lost you the crown, of course. That was the winning theory. ‘If you’d have just done what I told you…’
The chemical sting of Aquanet still hurts your eyes, but you’re not the target this time. 
See, a portfolio of writing is one thing, but the other thing that college applications generally look for is community participation. Volunteer work. Charity grubbing. And gracing Eddie Munson’s lunch table with your occasional presence apparently doesn’t count. 
Just kidding. Kind of. 
Point is, you needed something quick and dirty, yet passably prestigious, with people who would bend to your will. And there’s no one more malleable than insecure high school girls competing in a beauty pageant in small town Indiana. 
“Now, Lacy, we are delighted to have you here helping out,” says Claudia Henderson, a one time multi-title holder (just short of Miss America apparently—‘But then they stopped giving homely girls a pass; poor Claudia never stood a chance,’ your mom had told you) and the kind of kindly woman that loves to clutch your arm while you walk. 
Ordinarily, you’d be repulsed by such a gesture but you’re desperate. 
Before you get a chance to gush falsely, tell her how grateful you are for the opportunity, Claudia cuts you off. 
“But I do hope that this isn’t some covert effort by your mother to get back in our good books—because, golly, well, that bridge is burned!”
Of course. Your mom had attempted to sabotage Tammy Thompson’s performance portion by mixing a laxative into her milkshake, because a shit show like that would make your little poetry reading look positively Carnegie worthy. But she hadn’t covered her tracks well enough and got sniffed out by the pageant committee. So had Tammy, poor thing. Horrible day to wear white chiffon.
Incredible that it was that they were still hung up on, and not the… everything else you and your family had going on. You do a decent impression of cringing, looking at Claudia with mournful eyes. 
“Claudia, I swear, this is all me,” you assure her, “The time I spent doing pageant prep was just so formative—I think I would’ve been a lot worse off facing, well, certain challenges without it. I’d really like the chance to give that back to the girls.”
Admittedly, your hours spent in front of the mirror training your face to look earnest for the interview portion hadn’t gone to waste on the stand during your father’s trial. 
“That is just incredible to hear, sweetie. And between you and I, you’re really saving our keisters because the girl we had helping our hopefuls out with speech prep dropped out last minute!”
That’d be the current debate team captain, Kate something-or-other. She was easy enough to take out—posing as a concerned member of the local Christian youth group, you’d placed a call to her ultra-conservative parents about her hanging out with Billy Hargrove. Which was total bullshit, of course. Billy wouldn’t approach an ex-or-current band geek with a hazmat suit on. A shame, really. The band kids were the only niche that could rival Billy’s baseless horniness. His dream girl could be hanging out behind a trombone someplace, squeezing her knees together. 
Anyway, did you feel great about selling Kate out like that? Honestly, you didn’t care about it too much one way or another. The maneuvre felt very classic Lacy, which was in part a little shameful and in part incredibly satisfying to know that, when it comes to manipulation, you’re still batting at a professional level. 
Claudia wheels you and your elbow around the room, the oxygen thick with sweat and body spray and pageant application forms. A couple of the would-be queens catch your eye–homely girls, as your mother would call them, who were duped into their well-meaning parentals or sisters or guidance counselors into thinking that doing the pageant was a great way to make friends. A boost to their self esteem. A chance to really show the town what they’re made of!
Someone should tell them to run, but it’s not gonna be you. 
“Oh, Lacy!” Claudia suddenly half-shrieks, halting you with a sharp tug, “Meet my special little guy! This is Dustin, he goes to Hawkins Middle. I like to bring him around to meet the girls so he learns how to treat a lady. It’s so important for boys, don’t you think?”
Yeah, start the little lotharios young. You tilt your chin in acknowledgment of the kid, who squints at you from under the rim of a ball cap. Claudia’s attention is diverted by some other poor bastard helping to organize this dog and pony show, but she keeps her hand firmly on your elbow. It’s starting to feel a little like you’re being led around the prison yard. You attempt a tight smile at her son, who’s still looking you up and down. 
“Hey, I know you!” he barks– seems like lack of volume control runs in the family, “You’re Nancy’s friend. You slept over at the weekend. I’m Mike’s friend? I ate the green peppers off your pizza slice…? Not ringin’ any bells? Really?”
“Oh, right,” you lie, having no recollection of ever meeting this child, “Pleasure, sure.” 
The way he’s surveying you is a little much. “So, what was up with that guy?” he asks you, tone dropping conspiratorially. You don’t know why, but you feel like middle schoolers shouldn’t be able to do that. 
“Excuse me?”
“Me and the guys saw some scary dude climbing out of Nancy’s window. Is he–” 
What’s up with kids and just having to say any old thing? What happened to being seen and not heard? What happened to being intimidated by your high school elders? If his mother wasn’t standing right next to you, you’d flip that little propeller cap off his head and tell him to go fetch. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
The kid cocks his head to the side. “Positive? Because it sure looked like–”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about. –Justin, wow, you’re such a card, ha ha ha,” you slip your arm out of Claudia’s as subtly as a woman breaking into a cold sweat can, “Claudia, I’ve got to dash unfortunately, but you’ve got my number! Let me know when I can come and meet with the girls, won’t you? I’m so excited.”
You’re so absolutely fucking not. 
Footsteps burn a hot trail through that creaking hall, not quite avoiding a couple of stares as you flit past. Of course, since Ray’s great return brought a whole new batch of grist for the Hawkins’ rumor mill, you’d been subject to more whispers than usual. Any move you made was in some way looped back to either groveling for the town’s forgiveness, assuming your father’s criminal crown, or generally being a case for pity or ridicule. Sometimes both, if people were really creative. Stood to reason that the only person you want to see is someone who’s lived with notoriety like that for most of their life. 
Ivana has parked across two spots in front of the community hall, her green Buick gleaming under an unseasonable glare of sunlight. It’s still far too cold to have the top down like she does but she does and she sits bundled in the front seat. A leopard print fur coat, a cigarette, a pair of sunglasses perched in her platinum beehive.
“Christ, girlie, I thought they’d tied you to the stake in there.”
“My escape was narrow, as always,” you smirk, sliding into the passenger seat and tugging your own coat around you a little tighter. “What’s up with the exposure?”
“Feeling the wind whip your face is good for you, especially when you spend most of the day craned over books like you do.”
“This coming from the owner of the biggest bookstore in town.” 
“Only,” Ivana corrects you, as she so often does, “Only bookstore in town. You saw what happened when B. Dalton tried to muscle in on my territory.”
“You admitting to knowing something about that mall’s fiery end, Ivana?” Horseshit bombs and the Russian mafia come to mind, but Ivana just cackles loudly and tears out of the parking lot at breakneck speed. 
The frigid sting of wind on your face does feel fantastic, you have to hand it to her. Resetting your base temperature from boiling, where it’s rocketed between school and home and Eddie and everything. Much as it’s thrilling, exploring this new aspect of your… dynamic with him, on top of everything else, it’s a lot. 
You’re not quite ready to classify your feelings about Eddie without your chest feeling like it’s going to cave in. Every other conversation winds up with your hands all over each other, clumsy in the communication of your unrepressed passion. And it is great, don’t let yourself be misunderstood, you crave it when it’s not happening, and boy do you beat yourself up when you stop it from going all the way but… 
The tape keeps getting tangled. Like you’re playing the right song at the wrong part of the movie. It keeps coming out warped and rushed, and you keep feeling like somebody is watching you two.
You two don’t belong shoved into clandestine corners, making out on the sly. You’d been hiding the things that you care about in places like that your whole life. Your books and records under your bed, your clothes in the back of your walk-in wardrobe. Your thoughts in your journal. Your real face from your fake friends.
Eddie’s like a great, flowering plant that has spread his curling vines into every facet of your life, taking root right at the center. 
He may not know it, he may be playing the part of being very understanding but he demands light and care. And dirt.
It scares you.
But that tearing breeze settles your nerves, and those are rarely settled around Ivana herself. She has a preternatural way about her. She knows just when to step out of the shadows and twist fate so your path gets a refresh. First, your job at the Bookstore. Now, letting you into her inner sanctum. 
Brambles clatter against the green paintwork of the car as you careen down a backroad off of Holland. Gravel sprays as Ivana hauls you up her drive and you catch a fresh smell– to your immediate right, you’re looking out on the still, chilled expanse of Lover’s Lake. You breathe in that post-winter thaw, curling your wistful hands over the passenger side door and she seems to notice. 
“Hell of a view, right?”
The slam of Ivana hip-checking her car door closed is the loudest sound out here. 
“Peaceful,” you remark, following her up the sagging wooden porch. Another look over your shoulder. You were used to seeing Lover’s Lake from another part of the embankment, usually crowded with cars and beer coolers, bodies in bathing suits baying for attention. You’d been one once, trying desperately to look comfortable in your sweltering skin only to sneak off and take shelter in Main Street Vinyl.  
The frigid water seemed more inviting right now. 
Another house, this total slouch of a place, stares right at you from across the lake. 
“Nice neighbors?” 
“In a manner of speaking,” Ivana says, shoving the ancient front door open. 
Following her inside, you have to suppress a gasp. 
Ivana’s house is no mansion, but the way she’s filled it makes it feel like one. Under vaulted ceilings, everything seems to be cast in a rich, aquatic shadow. Tendrils of greenery embrace each corner and even hang from the ceilings. Threadbare rugs of once-moneyed origin muffle you underfoot. Chairs of velvet sag and every single goddamned surface is covered in tchotchkes, magazines, scarves, photographs. Even the Steiner piano. You catch a glimpse of the pictures in gilded frames as you slowly follow Ivana toward the back of the house–Ivana with equally glamorous looking friends, dancing at what you’re sure is Studio 54. Ivana standing next to Andy Warhol, a disgruntled looking Norman Mailer lingering in the background of the shot. Ivana on her wedding day. And second wedding day. And third wedding day. 
Your chest throbs furiously. 
You hear Ivana creek up the stairs and you’re not quite sure what the proper procedure is here– do you follow her? Would she push you back down the stairs if you tried such a thing? She’s always seemed like the type. Fiercely private. Only sharing the tiniest tidbits of this rich meal of a life she lived before she came back to Hawkins. 
“Come on, girlie. I ain’t got all day.”
You take your opportunity and scarper up the stairs behind her. Eyes flit over even more photographs as you ascend, a smile of disbelief crossing your lips at the sawn-off shotgun mounted on her wall. Like she’s Annie Oakley or somebody. She could be. It’s evident to you now that Ivana has been just about everyone there is to be. It ought to intimidate you, really, bearing witness to someone who’s so successfully lived life before you’ve even begun to, but it doesn’t. The closeness, clutteredness, coziness of this house lulls you into a funny kind of serenity. 
“I just don’t get you, Ivana,” you say, not entirely wanting to catch her in earshot as you float into her bedroom. Dark and plush, like everything else. A light comes on in her overstuffed closet. 
“What’s that s’posed to mean?” Of course, she hears everything. 
You approach the heaving wardrobe, hands running along silk, chiffon, velvet. Broderie, brocade, lace. 
“How the hell do you go from having a full life like this,” you grip the sleeve of what could be one of Ivana’s three wedding dresses, “and end up back in East Jesus, Indiana? I mean you’ve–you’ve been everywhere. You’ve done everything. How can you stand it here?” 
Ivana tilts her head at you from where she sits on the ottoman at the end of her bed. Canopy, naturally. She looks at you as if really taking you in for the first time. You shift a little, from one foot to the other. It doesn’t feel probing and accusatory, not like how your mother looks at you. More like she’s reading your palm.
“I wanted to come home,” she says, simply. “Had my fill. Got tired. Wanted to remember what fresh air felt like, and realized I preferred it to car horns.” 
“But why not, like… upstate New York? Somewhere actually scenic and peaceful, why Hawkins, Indiana?”
“I wanted to come home, I said. Now,” she gestures to the masses of clothes, “You’ve got ten minutes. One outfit. Dig.” 
“This is, like, beat for beat my worst fucking nightmare, I want you to know that.” 
“You know what, shoot me down but I think you wanna go to this–I think you’re getting nervous because of how excited you are!”
Ronnie Ecker aims a finger gun right between Eddie’s eyes. “Name yourself, body snatcher. Who the fuck are you and what have you done with my best friend.”
She’s got him point blank on that one. He’s acting a little out of sorts–but, in his defense, he’s having, as Rick Lipton might call it, a total wig out. Eddie’s been invited to Steve Harrington’s kegger under absolutely no pretense (but he’s bringing a pocketful of drugs anyway, of course). Eddie’s going to see the (ex) most popular girl in school there, which’d be you. 
And Dio willing, you two are gonna disappear into some side room where he’s gonna trace his leaking cock against every inch of your silky, perfumed skin while you hiss his name into the air like it’s the only word you deem worthy enough to speak. 
It’s fine. It’s cool. It’s casual.
Eddie tries to shake that thought right out his head under the guise of turning to the mirror and fixing his hair. Fingertips raking into the waves, an attempt to make ‘em look less… or more… he’s got no idea. He’s got no earthly idea. So he huffs.
“What have I got to be excited about?!” Ronnie sighs dramatically, thunking herself into the nearby armchair in Eddie’s room that’s covered in clothes–outfits he’s tried on, like a different jeans-and-t-shirt combination will actually make a difference. “Don’t pretend like I’m not hauling ass to the first party of my high school career so I can be, like, a freak diversion while you two sneak off and–”
Amazing how Eddie’s managed to keep this secret from Ronnie for this long, but she’s got it pretty much sniffed out anyway.
“No clue what you’re talkin’ about.”
“You, Eddie Munson, you’re gonna stand there, preening yourself in the mirror like a fuckin’ peacock telling me the eye contact you two have been making with each other since you ‘made up’ has been completely Christian-minded? Smell test certified?” Ronnie spits. “I just got into New York University, you little bitch! I cannot be fooled! You boinked and it’s scrawled all over your face in her lipstick!”
“Dude, do not say boinked–”
“You’ve greeted her carnally!”
“--who are we, Sam and Diane?”
“If everybody knows your name, man!”
Look, here’s the thing. 
You and Eddie have been making out heavy, stolen moments in crooks like the newspaper room after hours, under the bleachers, the decommissioned bathroom, the driver’s seat of Eddie’s van, grinding it out harder than a couple of drumline dorkos from band which has led to Eddie wrecking a couple pairs of boxers a lot sooner than he’d like to. (Which you hadn’t laughed at him about–you’d liked it. It was so fucking hot that you liked it that just the thought of you liking it makes his breath snag if he thinks about it too hard.) 
But. Skin-to-skin contact has been… frustratingly minimal, since that night in your bedroom. 
See, it’s like, you get there. Eddie’s lips are edging south of your collarbone, his fingers digging into the flush of your tits through your bra and something snaps in you. You go from rolling those rapturous hips into him (god, fuck, don’t–) to tensing right up, looking over your shoulder, expecting to see a door creaking open. 
Fear freezing the edges of your features, even if your touch is still hot on him. 
“We should–” “... yeah. Yeah. Of course, Lace.” Eddie’s trying really hard not to be an asshole. But it’s hard when… you’re hard. And you, you get him fucking full mouth salivating, forged in the flames of Mount Doom hard. Those tight little skirts you wear are so much more enticing now that he knows what the heavenly enclave feels like underneath them.
Your paranoia is working overtime. 
Your paranoia is making his paranoia work overtime. 
Because, what if after all your dancing around each other, you don’t actually want him and you’ve got no idea how to let him down gently? 
Which, Eddie reassures himself, does not track for you. It’d be pretty damn easy to think that your edges have softened with the events of the past couple months, but he’s had a front row seat to how you’ve shed your old edges to reveal different, weirder, more jagged edges. Edges he’s had a pleasure acquainting himself with. You’d have no problem telling him to take a short walk off Sattler’s Quarry if you wanted to. 
Eddie adores that about you, the poor sucker. 
Anyway, Ronnie Ecker. Dead to rights. Like always. 
“If I tell you…” comes the measured grit through his teeth. “... you have to swear, Ronnie, I’m so goddamn serious–”
She hitches forward in her seat, eyes blazing. “Dude. Scouts. Whatever.”
Eddie’s shoulders drop and it all comes out in one big exhale as his rings drag down his cheeks, “GoodbecauseI’vebeenwantingtotellyousobadohmyGOD. Like, oh my god.”
“So full pen or–”
“Be a gentleman, Ecker, Jesus! But yeah, home fuckin’ run.”
His eyes careen back in his skull and he pitches his palms out like a Pentecostal preacher. “Words… evade. Infernal choirs sang. I left a part of my soul in her–”
“Nope, too much!” Ronnie blanches, waving her hands in the air. 
“Okay, okay, okay, but Ronnie– you can’t say shit to her. Promise me.” 
“Why? We’re friends too, unless you conveniently forgot again.”
“No, I know that, I just–” Eddie swallows, fingers steepled in front of his mouth. His voice comes out small. “I don’t wanna scare her off. She’s fragile. 
“She’s fragile? We’re talking about the same Lacy Doevski here, right?”
“Right, the one whose dad just got out of lockup. Fra-gee-lay,” Eddie emphasizes, notes of Old Man Parker, “It’s just… easier like this, right now.”
“Well… is easy what you want?” Trust Ronnie to come through with a gut punch out of left field. 
Eddie’s mouth bobs open to fish out some bullshit answer, but not until his bedroom door flies open. 
“Goddamn, kid, you gotta get the maid in here.” 
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
Al Munson props his hip against the doorframe, sucking all the air from the room. He looks better than the last time Eddie saw him, at least, not like he’s three days cokebent and clammy. More like he went someplace and got a shave. 
“If you really didn’t want me comin’ round, you’d tell your uncle to start lockin’ the door. Now, you got something belonging to me– that Stooges shirt, where’s it at?”
A hot line of panic flares up the back of Eddie’s neck. Stooges shirt, darkened on the shoulders from droplets from your wet hair. Stretched over–
“I’unno what you’re talkin’ about.”
“Yes, you do, Eddie,” his dad says, crossing the bedroom’s threshold. Al’s got springs under the balls of his feet, moving with that irritatingly happy-go-lucky effeteness. “It’s my lucky shirt! I need that thing–” 
“Hasn’t done you a whole lotta good so far, Allen,” Ronnie mumbles from where she’s bunched up on the armchair. 
“Ronnie,” Al’s eyes narrow; they’ve never liked each other because Ronnie’s too goddamn smart for her own good and therefore uncharmable, “How’zabout that for a breath of stale air. Get up a sec, would’ja?”
“C’mon, we’ve gotta go anyway.” Eddie jerks his head toward the door and Ronnie scuttles out ahead of him. He pauses for a breath, watching his dad rifle through the rejected shirts slung over the armchair. “There’s nothing in here worth stealing, by the way. Just in case things have gone so far south already that you’re diggin’ in people’s pockets for spare change.”
Those cut-and-paste Munson eyes survey Eddie and he feels his fist flex. Al’s been a loose cannon lately. 
“Big night?”
“Party.” He should know what that means. 
“Well, Ed,” Al closes a few steps between them, and Eddie resists the urge to back up. Or wind up. His voice drops so that Ronnie doesn’t catch it. “When you’re ready to graduate from sellin’ ten spots at parties, you let me know. We got something prestigious brewing. Could be the makin’ of you.” 
Eddie can’t help but laugh, mirthful from his back molars. “Graduation’s a little ways off for me, Dad.” 
He catches up with a tutting Ronnie, slamming the front door behind him and heading for the van. 
“Seriously, dude, you got a case for a restraining order the way that motherfucker’s conducting himself lately.”
“I got a crowbar and a map of the Indiana Dunes that’d do just about the same thing, I just need a free weekend.”
“Hey!” a voice calls from behind them, and Eddie and Ronnie swivel toward it. 
No stemming the smile that peels across his face, heart thud-thudding back into motion. A soothing cool comes over him at the sight of you, settling him right back into his body. You, dressed to the nines. You, coiffed up like you’re hellbent on making an impression. My little cold front.
“Shotgun!” you chirp, skipping toward the van in your spindly little shoes. Both Eddie and Ronnie are rendered speechless for a beat or two. 
Shit, you look good.
“There’s only one fucking passenger seat!” Ronnie protests. 
“Fine, Ronnie, I’ll sit in your lap– is that what you want?”
Eddie lets you two nonsensically bicker as he guns the van to life, sweeping out of the park in a thunderous roar. He’s trying to stay tuned into the conversation you’re having, he really is, but the way you’ve got your shoulders thrown back and cleavage thrust out, Ronnie squished beside you, is focus-stealing.
“Wait, you’re volunteering at the beauty pageant?” Eddie finally clues in, “Sorry, Lace, there’s no way that throwing glitter on bimbos in bathing suits counts as community service. Otherwise, I’d be ve-ry committed to my community.”
“Right?! Like, how did I get stuck with helping out Granny’s retirement home friends? I could be checking chicks for visible bra straps but I’m trapped with a bunch of senile losers that smell like clove suckers.”
“It’s not just an ogle-fest, you knuckle-draggers,” you roll your eyes, “There’s an entire interview portion, too. You know, where the judges have to pretend to care about what these girls have to say– and it’s my job to make sure they don’t sound entirely braindead.”
“You love an insurmountable challenge, huh, Lace?” 
“Never tell me what I can and can’t mount, Munson,” you purr–he’s almost sure he hears you purr. The way you look at him over the center console, eyes all a-felined, does the job for him. 
Ronnie keeps her mouth shut, and he silently thanks her for it. 
Festivities are fully in swing as you all pull onto Harrington’s street–plus the festivity-specific problem of there being almost no parking anywhere. Cars of your classmates clog the tree-lined streets, along with the vehicles of the wealthier Loch Nora contingent. 
Eddie slaps his hands against the wheel. “How the fuck does he get away with this shit?” 
“Senior year pass,” you remark, “Plus, Steve’s always-AWOL parentals. Somehow, his shitty home life gives way to an endless well of sympathy on Richie Rich Row here, so he kind of gets carte blanche.” 
“The world’s luckiest latchkey k–woah!”
Reeboked feet have to slam down hard on the brakes, as Eddie almost takes out Robin Buckley, hunching her shoulders and marching toward the Harrington’s porch. The screech of the tires almost sends her leaping out of her skin. 
“Watch it, asshole! Pedestrians still exist, you know!”
“Sorry, Buckley!” Eddie calls out down the window wound low, “For what it’s worth, you’re blending into the tarmac just great!”
Robin scoffs and continues stalking. Your head snaps to Ronnie. 
“Ron,” you simper, “Why don’t you go make sure Robin’s not suffering from post traumatic? I would be, if I almost got mowed down by this decommissioned tank.” 
Her brow screws up like she’s about to answer, but genius little you, this works on a couple of levels. For one, your insistence that something will happen between Buckley and Ronnie if you keep pressing their heads together like Barbies, and for two… Half a second alone. 
Half a second is all Eddie needs. 
“There’s no way I’m gonna remember where I parked if one of you isn’t here,” he tacks on, as if he needs the support, “And she–” by whom he means you, “--has priors in this house. Off ya go, Ecker.” 
Banished to the pavement, Ronnie snarls something about hurrying back, which you promise her that you will. Eddie doesn’t promise anything. If he had his way, he’d rare right out of Loch Nora and keep driving, you to his beautiful right and watch as moonlight started to pool in the window over your skin. Just keep turning the wheel, so he could keep looking at you. 
You point out a spot a street over and Eddie kills the engine. 
“Hi,” he rasps, angling his torso toward you. He doesn’t stem his smile.
“Hello,” you say in return. Your neck rolls against the headrest. You’re looking at him in a slow drip through your bottom lashes. 
Eddie has to remind himself to breathe, and his first intake is kinda ragged. It makes you laugh, this little gaspy sound that sounds like a prelude to something else. Your stare breaks, gliding to the dashboard. 
“Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”
“Let’s shall.”
Eddie snaps back to life, dashing out of the driver’s side to help you down from the passenger’s. Your fingers give his hand a little extra squeeze and he takes this very, very liminal opportunity to hold you at arms length, pirouetting you under his hand.
“Sorry. I’m sorry! I had to!” he faux-apologizes. “Gotta test the durability of these shoes, in case you need to make a run for it later.” 
Your laugh comes out uncorked and full-bodied and it makes Eddie feel like his head is levitating two feet above his neck. 
“Relieving yourself of your hero duties already, huh?”
Silk spills over your curves, skirt billowing around your thighs as you move. That makes him feel very much in his body. You look ravishing, your hair crashing into a wave as you come to a smiling stop in front of him. 
Eddie presses his mouth to your fingers, clasped around his hand, and hears the bubble of your breath hiccup. 
“Not by a long shot.”
A warm berry encases your lips that he wants to see smudged. He wants to wear it on his collarbone like a second chain. 
He wonders if he knows you look like you’re trying to get ravished. 
Of course you do. There’s not a single thing you’ve ever put on your body that wasn’t on purpose. 
Which, if Eddie considers it, now includes him.
You both barely remember to unweave your fingers as you approach Harrington’s house.
A meticulously curated outfit makes all the difference, especially if you’re reentering society. And you are, in a manner of speaking.
Returning to the scene of the crime, the inciting incident that saw you in the passenger seat of Eddie’s van the better part of a bottle of vodka deep and a bruise blooming. Bridges actively aflame between you and those you once considered your closest friends. 
They’d given you the matches though. Flicked them at you, expected you to do nothing. 
It occurs to you now, as a lingering touch stays between your and Eddie’s pinkie fingers and you cross the porch, that you hadn’t so much as looked in the rearview mirror to assess the damage. You looked through his windscreen as he drove you home. 
“Divide and conquer?”
“I’ll find you.”
Eddie used to exist to you as an eyesore on the peripheries of parties like this. Here, where you always felt you were sitting alone on the observation deck, watching everyone else have fun and learning how to mimic it for your own gain. Patching yourself together. You felt him leering over your shoulder sometimes, separate from it too.
Now, he’s the boy spinning you around on the pavement, looking at you like you’re a whole person. 
So this should be interesting. 
The two of you shove past a couple of clumping bodies on the doorstep, eyes already starting to dagger in your direction. Into the foyer, towards the kitchen, those looks become more and more and more focused. Feels like you’re wearing piano wire for a choker. 
‘What the fuck…’ ‘Remember the last time she was here?’ ‘Woah, smackdown rematch. Somebody get Carol.’
Eddie gets a little closer than he needs to, feigning a stumble into you, just to brush against your hardened shoulders and whisper, ‘Head up, queenie. It’s not like they’ve got a guillotine,’ before he disappears to make rent.
The smile you’re about to sneak to him dies on your lips as your name rings out from somewhere in the milieu, someplace near the kitchen. 
All that cruising for a parking space and you hadn’t locked eyes on a Ford Cortina, had you? 
The tardiest student enrolled at Amherst or wherever half-jogs toward you with a smile that makes your stomach lurch. Cold sweat starts to prick against your hairline. Excuse me?
“Oh! Hi!” you hit a higher octave than you were intending, for sure, you can tell by the look on his face. Eyebrows all shot up. “What the… fuck are you doing here?”
College guy shakes his head a little, confused. “You mentioned you were gonna be here.”
“...and you took that as an explicit invitation?” You’re still technically dating him, dumbass. Smile. “Just kidding! It is. Good. To see you.”
A cursory squeeze of his bicep. Christ, you’re bad at this when you’re not prepared. Extra bad at this when your first thought, when you’re doing bad, is where’s Eddie. When did that symbiosis develop exactly? 
“Listen, can we go somewhere?” Oh, Jesus. “Talk? I tried to call your place a little earlier and–” Oh, Jesus! This guy looks at you with earnest eyes that you couldn’t tell the color of if you had a gun to your head. Bodies jostling around you, you make the choice to drop in and act a little left of sober. 
“That sounds ah-mazing, but I do have to pee, so,” you shoot him a glimmering smile which ain’t takin’. “Grab me a drink and I’ll find you? Grab me a drink and I’ll find you.” 
Bolt! You’re stepping over knees as you weave your way up Harrington’s impossible staircase to the second floor bathroom, downing a shot from a tray on your way. Five minutes inside Mrs Harrington’s immaculately designed proto-modern lavatory should give you enough chutzpah to take on the rest of this night, right? Maybe a fully clothed lie down in the jacuzzi tub. 
The ten-girl deep line outside the locked door says different.
From the seventh spot, Carol Perkins cranes her perfectly coiffed strawberry head out and locks eyes with you. 
No guillotine, huh?
Eddie’s gotta wonder, what the hell the Harrington household looks like when it isn’t throbbing with mainstream radio rock and gyrating teenagers. The house is a showroom of suburban perfection, but whenever Steve throws a party, it goes full bacchanal. 
Tonight Eddie intends to take full and rapid advantage of the skewed consciousness of his classmates and copious amounts of jello shooters. 
Like, yeah, Harrington might have graciously invited him and not directly asked him to peddle his wares by the pool like a fucked up candy stand, but you gotta seize opportunity wherever you find it. People see him here, they know what to do. They know his purpose. 
It’s not as if Eddie’s here to mingle, okay?
Do what they expect of you until you don’t have to anymore.
The short term objective? Empty his stash, stuff his pockets and steal away with you into one of the billion bedrooms this mini-mansion holds. But, much to Eddie’s chagrin, that means fighting through the din of Cyndi Lauper and body odor first. 
Conjured by his very words, Andy Sweeney swings right into Eddie’s path and yoinks the beer that Eddie was reaching for. The kid doesn’t even look beyond the brim of his baseball cap to notice he’s standing there. He’s too busy jawing with some other basketball tool. 
“Lissen, man, say what you want,” Sweeney burbles, “but Princess Trailer Trash is still totally bangin’.”
Eddie’s ears immediately tune right into their garbled conversation. 
“Pssh, dude, I don’t care what anyone says, she was frigid then and she’s frigid now. No way some overgrown virgin like Munson is splittin’ those knees open.”
“Still… bet she misses the finer things in life, y’know?”
“Tchyuh, like you, y’mean?”
“Nah, rich bitches like that get a wettie over the dumbest shit. Hey, how many glasses of Cristal does it take for Lacy Doevski to spread her legs?”
“I’unno, man, how many?”
“Well, if the first one has her face down in the pillow, how’s she gonna be able to tell?”
Bile scorches the back of Eddie’s throat. He doesn’t even mean for it, he actually means for a lot worse, but his hand goes right out and grabs the scruff of Sweeney’s shirt. The despicable little dirtbag. He yelps, a sound pleasing to Eddie but not quite pained enough for what this motherfucker deserves. 
“What the fuck, freak?!” 
Breath forces itself hard through Eddie’s nostrils. That they think they even have the right to talk about you like that makes him want to leave an Andy Sweeney-shaped hole in the Harringtons’ marble countertop, with some blood and teeth and viscera to match. 
“Interesting observation, Andy. It’s incredible to witness how the minds of the shrivel-dicked work,” Eddie seethes, “I personally like to enact my violence face up. Seen Billy Hargrove lately?”
Sometimes, Eddie forgets that he’s actually scary looking. The hair shrouding his face, the big hulking rings, the unsuspecting strength he’s gained from hauling around kegs and amps and the weight of the world… Sometimes, it takes a stiffened flash and a sudden flash of fear in someone like Andy Sweeney’s irises for him to remember. 
Sweeney stammers something between a no, please! and get off me!, fighting his own piss-pantsery in order to keep up appearances for his bros. 
Eddie grabs the Miller High Life from his hand and shoves him back toward his friends. 
“Champagne of beers. You understand.”
Sweeney spits, like physically spits at him. “Fucking loser!”
“Says the guy threatening to roofie a chick!” Eddie barks. “God, I know that your line of work doesn’t exactly require neurons but I’m begging you to rub your remaining ones together and see if it sparks some self awareness, Sweeney– go on, try!” 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here.”
“Praying I don’t get a UTI, like everybody else in line.”
“You know what I mean, bitch.”
A category five sigh rolls your shoulders forward, hunching them further down the wallpaper you lean against. Carol has stepped fully out of the line, looking viperous but keeping her distance. Like you might have the good sense to strike back this time. 
“Oh my god, Caroline, it’s a kegger. I don’t think you need to RSVP.”
“There’s a strict no freaks policy,” Carol The Bouncer says.
A one noted bark-laugh comes from the fifth position in the line. “Yeah, I think we’re getting a little lenient with that one these days.”
From the mouth of Robin Buckley, who stands there like she did at the last party, against her will but as living proof that even the worst people you knew might not be as bad as you thought. 
I know Steve. He’s not exactly made for this crowd either.
“Stay out of this, Lesbo Baggins!”
“Hey!” You force your stiletto off the wall and lose your place in line, since Carol’s begging for it. Fuck that. No more shrapnel. “Leave her alone. This is between us, isn’t it? You and me?”
“And the rest of this town,” Carol’s upper lip curls. 
“Refresh my memory,” you say, and the choking vice of Carol’s overly familiar body spray is threatening your jugular. You used to come home from her place reeking of the stuff; the kind of smell that transfers, and carried with it characteristics that you were once proud to have rub off on you. The misery, the misanthropy for everyone but your pocketful of someones. And you and Carol didn’t even like them, most of the time. United in smarting bitterness, the way that girls who want more but can’t seem to get it always are. “What’s the problem, Care?”
“The problem,” Carol snarls, “is you, Lacy. Think just because your daddy’s out of prison that everyone forgot what he did? What you did? I’m watching you, trailer trash.”
You’re close enough that you can see the clumps in her mascara. Why hadn’t she separated them with a needle like you taught her to? The Audrey Hepburn method. It had always freaked her out, you sitting there with a pin that close to her retina, but she’d never looked better. 
Doomed to fail, without you by her side.
Spine straightening, you draw yourself over her. In your heels, borrowed from Ivana and gilded with her hardiness, you make Carol look small. 
“Yeah?” your voice drops to gravel. “You like what you see?”
Brainless Hawkinsite pieces of shit can’t so much as muster a response before they lurch for Eddie. Who the fuck knows what cursed or blessed him with rhythm, but he dodges around the bustling kitchen island with relative ease, before he nearly knocks Steve Harrington himself straight through his own plate glass patio door.
“No runnin’ indoors!” Steve slurs in his face, so close that a fleck of saliva goes straight up Eddie’s nostril. Gross. He’s found a home in the welcome bosom of the jello shot, that’s for fucking sure. 
“They started it!” 
“I don’t give a fuck! Finish it!” 
Gruffly, he casts an eye around the kitchen for those rogue ballsacks– they’d scarpered, probably spooked by the bellow of King Steve. Whatever. 
“My attackers seem to have dematerialized, you’ll be delighted to know!” 
“Why do you do that? Why do you talk like such a fucking weirdo, man?” Steve asks exasperatedly, clutching onto Eddie’s shoulder a little too roughly for his liking. Not that he’s keen on Harrington pawing him at all. “Like what d–... ughh, forget it! List-en! Where’s your weirdo girlfriend?”
“Ronnie’s not–”
“Who the fuck is–” Steve’s whole pretty boy face screws up and he lets out a genuine groan of anguish. “No, asshole, where is Lacy at?” 
“How should I know?!”
“Because your nose is permanently wedged up her ass!” Steve yells, but something draws him back. “Or it should be!”
Incredibly puzzling wording. Eddie shakes his head, wide eyes bewildered at exactly what the fuck Steve wants from him. With a scoff, the man of the house walks into the body-to-body wedge of his hallway and runs, from what Eddie can see, right into…
Your little college boyfriend.
Now… what the sweet and levelling fuck…
Eddie Munson’s activating Shadow Arts, he guesses, because he dips as close to the two of them as he can get without being accused of tailing Harrington this time. 
“...hey man, what the fuck are you doing in my house?”
“Haha. Good to see you too, Stevie. Quite the turnout–you the big man on campus now or what?”
“I don’t know, it’s a party. I’m personally having kind of an evolution moment of my own. So. Fuckin’. Whatever.”
“... right.”
“How’s… fuckin’... whatever needledick school it is you go to?”
“Tch, man. I made it about a heartbeat and a hangover through the first semester before I dropped out. Came home around Christmas, much to the disgrace of my parents… But I’m havin’ an alright time, if you catch my drift.”
“Y’know. High school girls. You can tell them anything, am I right?”
Know what, though? Eddie, as he sees it, would be well within his rights to yuk it up at this pernicious turn of events. He’s had a bet running (with himself) that this eyesore in beige you call a college beau, with his ugly fuckin’ car and his stupid collared shirts and his Waiting for Godot or whoever, wasn’t all he was cracked up to be. And not just ‘cause of jealousy, no! Not entirely. Well, okay. But, riddle him this– instead of snorting it up good, thrilled to be able to rub your nose in it, that rotten coil of anger started shifting in his belly again. Why do you think that is?
It’s simple. Eddie knows it’s simple. Because Mister Faux Ivy League has wasted so much of your time. 
Time that should have been yours and Eddie’s.
He’s gotta tell y–
“Hey, man. How’s it going.” 
“Agh!” Eddie yelps, as running right the fuck into people is apparently the flavor de nuit. Ronnie stands, stockstill and deadpan, behind him. Flanked by Tommy Hagan and Billy Hargrove. 
Eddie makes an exasperated noise of confusion, not even dignifying this apparition with a question. 
“They wanna play beer pong,” Ronnie monotones. With a glance down, Eddie can see that her front overalls pocket is filled with empty beer bottles. Apprehension swipes at him. See, his good friend Ronnie? She’s a competitive drunk. She, drunk off Jeff’s dad’s scotch, once trash talked Keith from Palace Arcade to such an eviscerating degree that she got a lifetime ban and he left to work at Family Video. Over a game of fuckin’ Tron. 
“We wanna play beer pong,” Hagan echoes. 
Hargrove sucks on a cigarette, having finally regained the ability to open his eye. Tragic. “Pong.”
“Why?!” Eddie asks, but more like begs. 
“Because they insinuated that I would lose.” 
“And we’d like to give the future valedictorian a chance to prove us right,” Hargrove drawls, looking as if he’s trying not to admit to himself that he has to look up to address Ronnie. She’s got a head and a half on him, at least. So many complexes in such a roidy, mulleted package. 
Eddie sees that his cheque is signed.
“... Fine. Your funeral.”
“All I see is some ex-relevant ex-cheerleader in somebody else’s moth eaten clothes.”
“This is Italian silk, you JC Penney clone-ette.”
“Oh, Italian like a meatball sub or Italian like the mob your dad is part of?”
That sets your teeth on edge. God, Ray Doevski wishes– at least there’d be some valor to it then, capos and all. The reality feels far less shrouded in intrigue. Grimier, somehow.
“Carol, you had the jump on me last time,” you grit, “but I’m stone cold tonight. Either see yourself down the stairs or I will.”
“Are you threatening me, freak fucker?”
“You’d love that, bottom feeder.”
“Lacy! Stop right there, y–” 
Earrings clinking as you snap your head around, you watch as a thoroughly ossified Steve Harrington almost brains himself on the top step. Neither you nor Carol nor anyone else reach out to help him, caught red handed in the prelude to a catfight. 
“Finally, Jesus!” Carol whinges, “Steve, she’s totally trespassing!”
Panic spikes across your shoulders, quills on a porcupine–are you actually about to get escorted off the premises? That’d be embarrassing, being double-shunned at an open-door Harrington kegger. Eddie hadn’t even managed that dire of a social faux pas and here you are, about to do it for the second time. 
“Ow! Shut up, Carol!” Steve decides to steady himself by closing the span of his big hand around your elbow; you both stagger under his wheedling. He’s got a bottle of vodka, cracked, wedged in his other palm. “You and I need to have a little chat.”
And before you can make any attempt to yank yourself away, make a run for it in these stilettos you certainly cannot confidently lift knees it, Steve is pulling you in the direction of his bedroom. A choir of middle school-aged angels that all look like you are singing somewhere as Carol and every other girl in that bathroom line save for Robin enviously glare after you, but you can’t hear it due to being plunged into one of the deeper circles of hell. 
“Steven, listen–” You’re not even entirely sure where the full-Christian-name-address comes from, but it’s the only thing that comes to mind when you yank your arm free. “I wasn’t trying to start anything. Not really. I was just…”
Click. Steve locks his bedroom door and turns, staring you down. Well, the best that a drunk teenager with drifting irises could stare one down. You wonder how many Lacys he sees right now. You should ask him to count them, finger on his nose. 
“You and I need to have a little chat.”
“You said that already,” but you can’t tell drunk people nothin’.
A remorseful edge around his attempt at a come-hither stare is making you feel a little icky, dawdling on the burning balls of your feet. He looks really bad, actually. The picture of someone trying to sift horniness out of grief or whatever. Steve thrusts one hand through his already scuzzed-up hair, the other jerking the bottle of liquor towards you. 
“Have a drink, Lacy, Jesus. Relax, for once.” 
You accept the bottle from him. Mostly because it looks as if he’s going to crack you over the head with it if you don’t. The vodka sears going down, same as last time, but there’s not the same urgency to meet everyone else on a level of functioning normal, party girl cool. If anything, the urgency lies in taking the edge off being here. 
Particularly in Steve Harrington’s bedroom. 
Once upon a time, you’d have mown down half this town in your sporty little Porsche to be sitting right where you’re sitting. But now, under the weight of your own self and Steve’s breakup with Nancy, you’d rather be anywhere else. Anywhere. 
“Sit down,” he tells you.
Your eyebrows draw in on instinct, very who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? 
Steve scoffs, like he forgot to put on his concerned pantomime. He makes a pretty good go of it, slurring. “Please, Lacy.”
Your knees acquiesce, sinking yourself down onto his checkered bedsheets. The combination of that and the checkered wallpaper is creating an incredible cresting wave of claustrophobia. 
“Listen, if this is about Nancy, if this is some harebrained attempt to marionette me into getting her back, I–”
“This is about you ‘n’ me, actually.” 
Nope. Opposite day. Fucking Twilight Zone.
“No, it’s not,” you outright refuse. The mattress sags as Steve takes a seat beside you. 
“Well, why can’t it be?” Steve’s eyes trail a sticky line up your bare arm as he lies back and props himself up, low on his elbows. However, it’s not eliciting the same amount of alarm that it would if someone like, say, Billy Hargrove were doing it. He’s pathetic, and not in a way you find enticing. “You ‘n’ me, it makes sense. Doesn’t it? Don’t you want it to?”
“No!” You balk with a little more fervor than a then-wounded looking Steve deserves.
“Why not?!” No one says no to the king, of course, especially when he’s this soused.
“Because…” You shake your head, legs crossing on Steve’s bed. A different draft of you, the idea of a girl you had long since scrapped screams at you from somewhere in the very back of your head. You’re ruining it, Lacy–everything we’ve worked for! “You don’t want me. You just feel sorry for yourself. And I’m…”
But luckily, he doesn’t catch the trail-off.
“I’m about to make you feel sorry for yourself,” Steve railroads you.
“How’s that?” Another slug of vodka…
“Well,” he struggles to keep himself propped up, “my girlfriend Eddie and your boyfriend Nancy? Recreationally copulating. How d’ya like that.”
… comes right out your nose.
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author's notes: so i once again scrapped the idea of a mega chapter because i wanted to give you guys something in case i have to disappear because i start my new job tomorrow! sweating and pissing and crying. but being able to afford to move out soon will be good. anyway, i love writing a good party scene so expect this to leak right into chapter 12 too. onto the fun stuff: - naming carol's mother ann perkins is a not-so-subtle nod to parks and recreation but the characterization couldn't be further off lol - attention all american teen princesses, i found drop dead gorgeous in full on youtube - the debate team captain in question, kate something-or-other, is in fact the very same kate that appears in rebel robin as robin's now-ex best friend - doctor, she's self-referencing again, this time about the time ivana threw an olive at norman mailer - i had to look up the origin of the term 'boinked', and it turns out it comes from cheers! congrats sam and diane - boners forged fire to table straight from mount doom - fra-gee-lay. it must be italian - that's two for one LOTR references if you count lesbo baggins - i am once again pretending to understand things about dnd - i can't mention *jeff bridges voice* TRON! without watching clips of jeff bridges doing things. it's so cliche to cast him as my reefer rick but bitch the heart wants that's all for now, folks! thanks again for reading and pls do reblog and comment and send me asks and things to keep the spirit of this silly little story alive. we're amping up. love u hellcats x
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