#hawks ​fantasy au
oxygen537art · 6 months
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Dabihawks Fantasy AU
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blackberreh-art · 2 months
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Designs for fantasy AU so far! Little chibi mockups to make it easier on myself, maybe now i'll draw more characters beyond the afomight portion lol
All Might is an elf (maybe a half-elf the other half is not human thats for sure), he's Paladin General of the kingdom and Enji's second in command. AfO is an elder dragon, millenia old. Hawks is a gryphon, works in the shadows as Enji's second hand and bodyguard.
Aizawa is a dark elf and Toshi's shadow and body-guard as well (went through the same training as Hawks). Both get their hands dirty for their superiors. Enji is King, he's an elf with dragon blood (sign of power and nobility), and Touya is his son ofc & inherited more power.
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dayz-ina-daze · 1 month
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Lil somethin’ somethin’ for a fantasy DabiHawks rp I’m currently obsessing over…
Bit of an anatomy practice. Bit of shading practice. Bit of wing practice. Shameless excuse to draw Hawks again - my baby.
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tonyboneysblog · 5 months
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paring: thief!hawks x princess!reader
word count: 2k
warnings: profanity
Notes: part two! I really love this series sm😭 hawks his mean also
Summary: thief!hawks steals you away and takes you far from your home! On accident…
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You feel warm. you’re soundly sleeping after you dosed off, still not trusting the three men who took you away from your home.. (obviously)
your dreams have never been nice ones but for once they feel warm, you can vividly see all of your sisters crammed together trying to guess all the words in your fathers books.
you can hear them laughing while you walk into the room, they see you and their eyes brighten.
They practically beg you to read the book aloud to the three of them, you walk over and cuddle into their warmth. They whisper soft comments about the story while slowing falling under sleeps spell.
It’s so warm in this dream, you want to be here for- flick!
you open your eyes to see yellow ones staring right into your very soul.
“Morning!” He loudly chirps.
“…mph” your mouth is still gagged by the cloth, of course it is.
“Well I’m assuming that’s a good response instead of an insult…”
You look around the carriage, it’s not terrible but it’s not as good as yours back at home…obviously.
Dabi speaks up, “listen here and listen good, princess, we don’t need you causing a..ruckus while we’re in this god forsaken place.”
“Hey I quite like this trading post” the blonde responds.
“Shut the hell up hawks.” Dabi says curtly.
Hawks raises his hands in the air as a surrender motion, while Tokoyami hustles towards you. Guiding you out of the carriage .
“Just follow close to us.” Tokoyami says in a whisper.
You glance around the bigger town, many are staring, many scoff…for some reason.
Your used to the stares, mostly because your the princess, but still your surprised no one has recognized you yet? Don’t you people love you, shouldn’t they immediately recognize someone they worship?!
You wish you could just run away but, these three men are huddled around you like your some…Someone to be bought! And you are in fact priceless.
The four of you pass by many shops, some more worn down than others…god you miss your kingdom.
“There’s the bar…” Dabi says.
Hawks scoffs, “please Dabi, we’re with royalty at the moment, maybe don’t think about getting wasted?”
Dabi sighs, slouching down slightly in defeat…”her damn fault for hiding in a box.”
Tokoyami snickers softly, until you send him a glare that could envy your fathers.
He clears his throat, “don’t question the future queens decisions…”
Dabi laughs, “if she’s the future queen then we’re all doomed, thank the gods we took-“
“Could you two maybe not speak so loudly of us having the princess..?” Hawks angrily whispers towards the two.
They all finally shut their traps. You’d rather listen to your sister rant about how ‘gorgeous the gardener is!’.
you just want to be with your family honestly.
Your father always bossed you around anyways, you should be glad for this small bit of freedom! But, he only did it because he loved you…or maybe because you looked so much like your mother.
No, no, no thinking about the past…these men don’t even deserve to see your tears roll down your face! They’d probably collect them and sell it to the night market anyway…
You finally reached the shop you were supposed to be at, you watch as some of your most luxurious items go towards the shop keeper, as his eyes widen with glee.
“Sorry about your stuff…” Tokoyami whispers softly into your ear, “we do what we have to.”
The four of you leave after making a deals, the men stashing the shined golden coins into their pouches. How has no one recognized you still? Can’t they see your their next Queen?!
no matter how many eyes you stare dead into, no one even makes a move to help. Maybe they’re just scared to butt in!
or maybe…they don’t even know who you are.
you shake your head, I mean you weren’t as popular as your sisters, with all their beauty and charm…but! You were the oldest. Maybe that’s why no prince asked for your hand in marriage.
No, y/n stop that, you are just as great as all your sisters! Someone will have to recognize you, right?
“Should we rest here for the night sir?” Tokoyami says to hawks.
Hawks looks glances at you, then towards Tokoyami, “you tired ‘Yami?”
Tokoyami nods, “only slightly, I’m just worried for the…our friend here.”
Three kidnappers worried about your sleep schedule is absolutely perplexing to you.
“Yknow my favorite thing about SableStome has always been their amazing inns.” Dabi says with dullness.
Hawks laughs, “Can’t tell if you’re being serious or sarcastic.”
Dabi sighs, “Their beds are nice.”
Hawks then confidently starts to stride to the inn, “I suppose we have to stay then, right?”
confident men are always your least favorite, I mean no man has actually spoken more than 10 words to you but still.
Honesty you feel a twinge of excitement that you’ll be sleeping in a nice soft bed instead of a small, stuffy carriage…or box.
Hawks swings open the door to the inn and walks over towards the front desk, “two beds please~” he coos out.
The woman at the front desk smiles softly, “it’s nice to see you again hawks, new friend coming with you?” She ushers towards you.
no, your not their new “traveling buddy”, your the very popular and very kidnapped princess!
“Yep! She’s not the talker though…” says hawks.
Of course you’re not a talker, you’re being gagged by some nasty hanker cheif.
“Alrighty, here’s your key!” She slides the key over towards hawks.
“Thank you sweetie..” he says.
The sun has almost finished setting, you can tell from the window you’re looking out of, it’s gorgeous…reminds you of when your mother would take you to the shoreline and spill wise words from her mouth.
it’s truly terrible that you no longer remember a single thing she’s said.
“Hey, snap out of it” Hawks comes into your peripherals, “we got a nice room for ya, princess, cmon…”
He walks away. It’d be nice to get some rest..at least you couldn’t think about the past in your sleep, or atleast not too in depth.
You walk up the stairs, following behind hawks closely, opening the door then looking around the room.
It’s about the size of your closet, not terrible, the beds are kinda big at-least, only two…wait two?
Who in gods name is trying to cuddle up to you in the middle of the night? No princess should be…even sleeping near someone of their status!
Hawks looks towards your distressed expression, “What?”
“Mphpmph!” You muffle out.
“Do you want the gag off..?”
Well it would be nice, but that wasn’t what you were trying to say!
“I mean…promise you won’t yell?” He says softly.
Well there’s really no point in yelling, what’s the clerk gonna do against three men….
You nod eagerly, hawks shakes his head letting out a small chuckle, “fine, fine.”
He pulls down your hood, undoes your scarf, then unties your gag, pocketing it. Slightly gross but at least it’s off now.
“You must be out of your damned, trivial, insignificant mind if you think I’m even sharing a bed with you, you big boned avian.”
Hawks sighs, “I didn’t take it off so you could just be mean…”
“you heard me.” You say.
Hawks looks at you, “what do you want me to do, sleep on the floor?”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking! glad your meager brain could think the same as me.”
“Alright the gag is going back on-“ “w-wait hold on!”
Hawks stops, raising his eyebrow.
“I-I uhm…it is improper for someone of my status to sleep with...you.”
Hawks rolls his eyes, “look, you may think your reallll important but your sisters are way more admired than you are. We barely even recognized you as royalty.”
well ouch…
He continues, “Not to mention that not one single person has even tried to help you, so stop complaining about who you sleep next to.”
Tokoyami steps in, “no need to be so harsh to her, Hawks, I doubt you would want to sleep near people who accidentally kidnapped you..?”
“Well she wanted to be all sassy!” Hawks says agitated.
Dabi speaks from the bed, “I say she needed the wake-up call.”
“You’re not helping.” Tokoyami says.
You stomp over towards the vacant bed, slamming yourself down into it.
“Hm, guess she’s over it!” Hawks says cheerfully.
Tokoyami and Dabi sigh, hawks looks at both of them, “what?”
Their voices slowing fade as you push yourself farther and farther into your own head. You’re already having a terrible time, being kidnapped and all, but they just rub the salt deeper into the wound!
How would mother respond? never mind actually, she would have never fussed in the first place. Father most likely would have beat their head into a plup. Mother made him soft, made you soft, then she was gone.
Your sisters barely remember her, but you remember her smile, your father says she looks exactly like you.
You can feel the a second weight be put onto the bed, you don’t care who it is, hopefully it’s the nice bird headed one.
do your sisters miss you as much as you miss them? Who’ll read to them, who’ll will be there to check their dress or if they look presentable enough to see the man who wants their hand in marriage?
You open your eyes slightly, looking towards a window. It’s dark out, how long have you been stuck in your own head?
You rise from the bed quietly, you look at the door, it’s locked tight so you can run out. You make your way towards the windowsill, sitting down.
Your tired but not tired enough to fall asleep just yet, your heads to full of thoughts anyway, when have you ever been this sentimental?
The moon is beautiful tonight, bright and fully lit. You’re glad your father taught you how to read because then you’d never know how the moon changes.
You didn’t know which one you liked more, the sun or the moon? Then again the sun could shine by itself while the moon needed the sun to shine even half as bright.
“What’re you doing..?” Says a soft, sleepy voice.
You look over to where the voice could’ve been, locking eyes with yellow ones.
“Nothing.” You says curtly.
Hawks rubs his eyes, “your one weird princess, huh?”
“That’s rude.”
“You’re rude.”
There’s silence after hawks speaks.
He cuts you off, “Come back to bed.”
“Why do you care?”
“I don’t, I just don’t want a grumpy princess in the morning…”
You huff, “fine.” Then plop yourself onto the bed, “don’t suffocate me with your wings, I’m important.”
“Sure you are…” he says tiredly.
“I am.”
“I’m not disagreeing.”
You close your eyes, the warmth he emits isn’t…terrible. In fact, it’s quite comforting.
“Hey” hawks whispers.
“what.” Your reply quietly.
“Why were you in that box, no judgement it’s just…weird?”
You sigh, “I was…playing hide and seek.”
He starts laughing, covering his mouth so he wouldn’t wake the others, “stupid…”
He flips around, facing you. “sorry that we took you…”
“yes, you should be..”
“You are so hard to be nice to..”
“My father-“
“I don’t wanna hear about your father, I already see his face in every town we go to.”
Well isn’t that insulting, your father is wonderful!…wait, do the people see your face too?
“Do you see my face too?…in public?”
Hawks looks towards the ceiling, then back at you, “I see your sisters more.”
That’s why no one recognized you, your barely even publicized.
“Don’t know why though, I personally think you’re prettier than your sisters” he says faintly.
He starts giggles, his wings puffing up slightly.
“Such a way with words eh? I’ll leave you alone now”
“good, your terrible company.”
He snickers and turns to his side, facing away from you.
“Night, princess”
You only hum in agreement.
It’s not terrible here, but you oh so badly want out from this small freedom.
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elgarabelas · 2 months
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After such a long break from drawing anything i present u yet another wip :)
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hawksinacup · 7 months
Fantasy AU where Hawks is the Fey King, and in search of a new mate, a Queen to rule by his side. He spots you during one of his human realm visits and is absolutely enamoured by you. He tries, he tries to court you, tries to win you over. You knew he was Fey, so you kept your wit about him. He never asked for your name which was strange. But it clicked when you fell right into his trap, when you fell in love with him. You told him your name on your own accord, that's when he knew we won you over. You felt stupid for doing such, but when taken back to the Fey realm, you were spoiled rotten by him. His new mate, his new Queen.
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avocadosfromfigaro · 1 month
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two birds of a feather say that they're always gonna stay together but one's never going to let go of that wire
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livlivlivliv · 2 years
Imagine [ Knight!Keigo ; Princess!Reader ] Royalty!AU ¡Fluff!
Obviously this will have a sequel, a oneshot or a drabble perhaps. Damn in love with Knight!Keigo
¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. ☆
→ The embroidered shield on his cloak was an emblem that only the princess's Royal Knight was proud to wear, a pair of Red Wings. Acting like a guardian angel for her.
→ “I pledge my loyalty to you”
→ One of the most coveted knights in the kingdom, young, strong and handsome. Maidens called his name from the podium as he dueled. Too bad for them, the young man's heart was busy with someone else.
→ “My sword, my shield and my heart belong to you, princess”
→ "This handkerchief is for you, as a token of your bravery" With a curtsy he accepted the handkerchief from the maiden, fine silk with floral embroidery. He smiled.
→ On sleepless nights, when sleep was impossible to fall, she knew that behind the great oak door there was a young blond gentleman guarding her room. The desire to invite him in was always there, waiting for one day to happen. Perhaps his strong arms and thick-voiced whispers from him will help her sleep.
→ As much as she wanted it, she couldn't, it was wrong, for which it was replaced by simple talks, outside the comfort of her room.
→ “Another sleepless night?” "It's hard for me to do it knowing that you're alone out here" "He's too kind to me, her highness" "Stop calling me that" "I'm sorry, my queen"
→ Sitting in the Royal Garden, he told her about his battles, exploits and experiences, while she listened attentively, enraptured, seeking refuge in that opposite golden eyes.
→ “Princess, this is for you” he handed over a big red book “You can't have adventures outside the castle, but you can read them. I want you to tell me later."
→ On walks through the city, chivalrous, he offered her his arm with a smile. Halfway through the journey, between the white forests because of the snow, their hands slowly found each other and intertwined, making both hearts beat harder. The thirst for the forbidden grew with the passage of time.
→ When he was injured in a duel, knew that he would later be dragged into a corner of the palace.
"Princess, I'm fine" he sat waiting while the young women moistened a piece of cloth. He always said he was fine but he loved feeling the girl's hands working on his skin.
"Come here, let me clean up the blood."
→ Under Keigo's gloves were hidden strong hands, calloused from holding the sword and some scars that decorated his fingers.
"I have my hands like this for you, so that no scratch ruins yours"
→ Brand new dresses became her favorite activity, she felt the opposite eyes fixing on her like a hawk once she left her room. "You looks beautiful today, it fits you very well"
Three blows were heard from across the room, reverberating through the thick wood. She was silent, reflecting that her attempt at silence might have failed.
She abandoned the furs that covered the bed and smoothed her dress down a bit to make herself look presentable. "Go ahead please" she said with an idea of ​​who could be as she wiped away the tears that fell down her cheeks.
"Princess?" She saw a blonde haired peeking out of the doorway, they made eye contact for a few seconds and then he closed the door behind him.
He was worried to see the lady in such a state, as he approached where she lay, observed how her eyelids and her cheeks were red. Her tear-dampened lashes looked to the ground, a little embarrassed to be found by her knight.
Cautiously sat next to her and removed a canvas handkerchief from his pocket. "Here," he offered. The gesture was accepted.
"You've heard me, right?" She brushed the cloth over her cheekbones.
"You don't have to hide with me" He smiled "Do you want to talk about it?"
She licked her lips and looked at him, shook his head silently.
"Princess, I'm here to protect you, don't shed tears!" he exclaimed dramatic. He managed to make the girl smile slightly.
Keigo's shoulder will always be there for her, he would be willing to do anything, after all it's her job.
Although he no longer sees it as a duty but as a necessity.
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Congrats on 7k my love you deserve it!! Can you do 🪷 with prince! Keigo please 🥺
♡ Sleeping Beauty ♡
(A/N: Hi love, I know really sweet fluff isn’t usually your style but I couldn’t bring myself to write angst or smut today lol!! I always get so nervous when my moots request, like I love it but I get nervous ahhhh ok, I hope you like this 💝 And thank you 🥺🥺🥺🥺 You’re so nice 💞)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, prince!Keigo, royalty!reader, Keigo kisses reader while they’re asleep, murder to rivals, mentions of blood, really sweet fluff
Summary: Keigo breaks the curse on you through true loves kiss (Yan!Hawks x GN!reader)
Prompt List ➸ ♡
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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The sound of Keigo’s boots echo off of the walls of the empty castle. This was the day he had been waiting for. Everyone knew about the curse placed on you as a child.
A witch, who was jealous of your mother, had cursed you as a baby that as an adult you would fall into a death like slumber. The only thing that could possibly wake you from that sleep was true loves kiss.
You would eventually fall into that slumber by pricking your finger on a spinning wheel. Your life went on like normal, you grew up like normal. The curse wouldn’t affect you until you were older so your parents raised you as a normal royal child.
Keigo can still remember the first day he met you. You two were both children. You hid underneath the table of food during a ball, hiding from the crowd of people.
You were overwhelmed by the amount of people talking and dancing. Keigo, bored of the party, noticed your shoes from underneath the tablecloth. You two talked to each other for the rest of the night.
You two would look for each other at every royal ball, whether it was in your future kingdom or Keigos future kingdom. You two would hide away and talk, or you two would dance on the dance floor.
Keigo knew he loved you, even from that young age. Keigo can also remember the feeling when you became isolated from the world, afraid of the curse.
The news of you finally falling victim to the curse finally came to Keigo. He could only smile a bit at the news, getting suited up before grabbing a horse from the stables. He had to be the one to be true loves kiss.
It was the only option, in his mind. There wasn’t any other option for who to wake you other than him. If anyone else woke you from the spell, he doesn’t know what he would do.
Keigo walks through the empty castle, gently putting his sword back into his sheath. The word of a beautiful royal who was cursed to fall asleep spread quickly.
Multiple men trying to find the castle, in hopes to be the one to wake you. It took Keigo a while to make it here, he had encountered many men who wished to wake you. That’s why he needed to bring the sword. He could be the only one to wake you.
You would be so grateful for him for waking you, you would be so glad to see him that you wouldn’t notice the blood.
If you did notice Keigo would simply explain to you that he did it to protect you. And knowing you, you would believe him. Always his sweet, innocent Y/n. His Y/n.
Keigo creaks open the door to the tower. The rooms walls are covered in thorns and roses. The stained glass window on the wall casts light of red, pink, and blue into the room and directly onto you as you lay in the bed.
Your hair spread across the pillow as if after you pricked your finger you fell into the bed. Your hands resting on your stomach as you sleep peacefully.
Keigo smiles softly, sitting on on the bed next to you. He leans over you, gently kissing you. It’s a solid few seconds before he pulls away, waiting for you to open your eyes. There’s a thought that crosses his mind if you don’t wake up from him. However it does work.
You gently open your eyes, letting them adjust to the light. You turn your head, you face bursting into a smile. “Y/n-” Keigo starts, being cut off by you throwing yourself at him into a hug.
“I knew you were going to be the one to wake me” you mumble into his shoulder, Keigo wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I knew to”
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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doridraws · 1 year
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more fantasy au!! the most handsome prince!!!
online store | twitter | instagram | portfolio
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oxygen537art · 7 months
Dabihawks Fantasy AU
Exorcist Dabi and incubus Hawks
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A moment from the childhood of incubus Hawks, when he wasn't yet taken to Hell. Endeavor came to town because of rumors of a monster devouring innocent maidens, and little Keigo knows where to find it.
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hkartincolor · 11 months
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Chapter 376 - 8th popularity poll color spread
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plusultraetc · 7 days
I didn’t plan it this way, but I might end up going to a renaissance faire on Brave the Dark’s birthday and you know how people go disneybounding? well I’m about to be Brave the Dark-bounding
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pufferfishstories · 2 years
Knives and Feathers.
Y’all don’t mind me just living out my ballroom, enemies to lovers with the one and only bird boy.
Hawks x FemReader
SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI!!!!!!!!!
Warnings: knives, smut, or@l (reader receiving), d0m hawks,
Your corseted gown clung tightly to your skin accenting your curves perfectly. You had watched yourself in the mirror as maids fussed over your hair and make up. You sat quietly, making sure to keep an expression of Naive awe on your face.
You were playing the part of an innocent farm girl afterall. Poor helpless little orphan girl, a victim of ongoing war. Although the orphan part was definitely true, helpless was quite the opposite of who you were.
You’d been at the palace for 8 months now, playing the part of the helpless damsel King Touya had saved on one of his royal escapades.
Little did his majesty know you were here on strict business, business that definitely depended on his swift death. A death that would be delivered at the close of tonight’s ball.
“You’re all ready Miss Y/N” a soft voice came from the maid as she stepped back to observe you smiling. “You look very beautiful my lady, no one will be able to take their eyes off of you!” she spoke giving your shoulder a squeeze of reassurance.
You should have felt bad, this woman had cared for you since you had arrived, but you were too busy bubbling with excitement. Tonight was the night you finally killed the King. Giving your country the upper hand in the war.
You meekly smiled at the woman thanking her, before curtsying awkwardly and making your way towards the ballroom.
Your dress flowed behind you as you walked, deep crimson silk wrapping around your body, with a high slit riding up your left leg. The corset layered with undetectable blades, another dagger strapped to your right thigh, hidden in the folds of material.
You quickly pushed the poisoned hair pin into the folds of hair masterfully pulled together by the maid. And finally your look was completed with the necklace you had worn everyday since arriving, a necklace with a tiny vial of poison concealed within it, it’s purpose to kill instantly should the wearer be caught...
You pushed aside the thought. You were going to succeed. You practically had the King wrapped around your finger, over the time you had been here he had taken every opportunity to spend time with you.
And you had made sure to blush and giggle at all the right times. To gently brush your hand against his at all the right times.
And sure enough, as you shyly entered the ball room, there King Touya was standing next to his father and his eyes drinking the sight of you in.
You smiled softly at him.
Your plan tonight was simple. Wait for everyone to be drunk enough that you could draw the Prince away without anyone batting an eye.
For now your job was to keep the Prince’s attention on you. Carefully you began to make your way across the ballroom, flashing shy smiles towards the Prince the entire time.
Just as you were mere metres away from him a deep smooth voice came from behind you
“My my aren’t you an eager little thing”
You held back the need to groan in irritation, spinning around tentatively your eyes met a pair of intelligent golden ones staring down at you.
His large red wings were folded neatly behind his back, he wore a loose black shirt revealing too much of his muscled chest, tucked into his black dress pants.
Hawks pushed a hand through his hair as he looked at you expectantly.
The real you wanted to tell him to fuck right off and let you do your job, but you weren’t playing the real you, so instead you said
“I- what do you mean... Lord Hawks?”
You stumbled over your words, quickly putting on your perfected mask of innocence.
He seemed to be somewhat annoyed by your change in manner, as if he had noticed the brief flash of annoyance cross your features.
“I think you know exactly what I mean” he spoke the words as if they had a double meaning.
He concerned you, he was different to everyone else here. More alert, untrusting. He had never quite let you get any information from him in the time you have been here. It was as if he was simply waiting for you to show your true colours.
Everytime you had the opportunity to get close enough to the King he would appear just in time to save the day.
He wouldn’t break. But neither would you.
And tonight would be different.
Tonight everything would line up. Hawks was the official right hand to the King, which would be concerning except for the fact that it meant he was to be leaving early from the celebration in order to attend to a royal meeting in His Majesties stead.
It was perfect. Once the too well spoken bird man was gone, you were free to do what needed to be done.
“I- was just going to thank His Majesty for the invitation to attend tonight’s event, I- I’ve never been to something like this” you spoke gingerly, while simultaneously cursing his existence in your mind.
Hawks seemed to think about your answer for a moment, finally he spoke
“Well then you’ve got me to thank darling, it was I who invited you”
Taken aback for a second you stared at him suspiciously, your mind whirred thinking through possible reasons for his invitation
“You should know that when you think too hard you drop your little farm girl act” He spoke pointedly, the smirk returning to his roguish features.
Before you could respond your waist was pulled against his.
“Dance with me will you farm girl” which was hardly a question as he began to pull you more than guide you in a waltz.
“You see you’re very hard to read, Y/N if that’s even your name. So tell me, why are you here?” Hawks had leaned in close to your ear, to anyone else it would simply look like the pair of you were engaged in a relatively scandalous rendition of a dance.
But you were feeling a snake of dread unfurling in the pit of your stomach. You knew he was suspicious of you, but he said himself he couldn’t read you. Maybe you could still manipulate his suspicions.
“Maybe I am just after protection, and believe what you want, but I really am just an ordinary farm girl” you spoke quickly.
“Hm a rather pathetic lie, but I respect it” he responded coolly.
As the sultry music changed in tempo Hawks pushed his hand against your back, his fingers digging into where one of the blades were placed against the boning of your dress.
You almost whimpered at the uncomfortable pain now digging into your back. But you weren’t going to back down. You met his eyes, “accidentally” tugging on some of his feathers as he spun you gracefully away from him.
You heard his breath catch, and his confident collected front falter for a second. Happy with yourself for causing him a bit of pain, you continued dancing, pressing your body against his. To your surprise he seemed to have dropped the conversation.
Finally, at the close of the song he bowed low, but not before taking your hand and speaking in a low tone “If I find out you’re intent on anything other than getting in His Majesties pants for his money. I will make you wish you were dead”
“My lady” he smirked before turning sharply on his heel and walking away. Leaving you there to gawk at him.
Recollecting your thoughts, you decided that it didn’t matter what he did to you after you’d found the king, so long as the King died. You knew this mission was suicide. And being killed by the hot bird man might not be the worst way to go. Taking a quick breath you finally made your way towards the King.
You spent the rest of the night *pretending* to drink goblets of wine. Giggling loudly at the Touya’s jokes, drunkenly leaning your head on his shoulder.
Finally, the time of the night arrived where everyone seemed to be swaying. The music slightly out of tune, everyone danced and laughed spilling their drinks and kissing strangers.
It was time. The bird was nowhere to be seen, you had watched him leave hours ago.
You quickly started to stand up, consciously wobbling your legs and leaning on the King.
“Oh I better get to bed” you hiccuped
Laughing softly King Touya gently grabbed your hand
“I will have someone help you to your room” he said kindly
“Noooooo, I want youuuu” you protested, wrapping your arm around his
You knew he couldn’t afford to be seen leaving with a woman, especially not one of such a low status. But you also knew he wouldn’t refuse you. And so he did exactly what you wanted him to.
“Okay Y/N you know the drill. Go wait outside and I will meet up with you shortly to escort you to your room" he whispered to you
You did know this, the pair of you had done it many times.
Nodding happily you had wandered outside. Your heart pounding with how close you were to success.
Typically, the King would follow you after around 10 minutes or so. And so you melted back into the shadows on the corridor behind the ballroom.
You stood there for what felt like forever when you heard footsteps on the cobblestoned floor. Just as you were about to come out from the corner a strong hand covered your mouth and pushed you up against the wall.
Almost instinctively you reach up and pull out your poisoned hair blade. Only for your wrist to be caught and crushed up against the wall.
“Interesting, I knew I wasn’t wrong about you” the smooth voice evenly assessed.
Panicked you look up once again meeting the eyes of the winged Lord. It was Hawks. His eyes now trained on the miniature blade in your hand.
Cursing to yourself you tried to shrink back, and look scared, anything to scramble your character back together.
You felt his hand trail up your thigh, stopping at the blade secured there. Quickly pulling the blade from you he held it up to your neck.
“You know little bird, these are some pretty intense blades for a little farm girl”. He had now removed his hand from your mouth, keeping the cold silvered blade pressing against your neck, and his other arm still pinning your wrist above your head.
“Let me go.” You spoke dangerously. Barely breathing against the blade. Your wrist pulsing with pain.
“See I would if you were the little farm girl you pretend to be, but unfortunately my little sneaky bird. You’re not”
He smiled and tightened his grip on your wrist, causing you to gasp and drop the poisoned blade.
“Now you’re going to be a good girl, be quiet and do what I say”.
He pushed you into the nearest room closing the door quickly behind you. Your knife not wavering from your neck.
Finally you were returned to your position against a wall. Hawks’ body pressed right against yours.
“So, are you going to tell me who you really are little bird?” He spoke sharply into your ear.
You only glare at him in response.
“Hm well, that is unfortunate” he mused inspecting you
“You know I could kill you” He spoke finally,
Panicking you almost blindly reach out grabbing onto his wing. Suddenly his breathing shifts. His normal collected demeanour changes to a dark unpredictable aura circling around him.
His eyes darken as he releases a breath.
“You shouldn’t have done that” he spoke darkly
Suddenly the blade was discarded and his hand was around your neck.
Finally looking at his face you see he’s flushed, his chest rising up and down, breathing hard. You suddenly realise your hand is still entangled within his feathers, almost unintentionally you trail your fingers down his feathers, almost entranced by them. You’d always wanted to touch his wings. But never truly dared.
His breathing caught again, as he watched your hand.
“Are you trying to make me fuck you little bird?” He spat out pressing his body even closer to you now.
Taken aback it suddenly all makes sense. His reaction to you touching his wings. Now you can see a way out of this, and a way you’re certainly not complaining about.
Smiling you raise your other hand, entangling it within his feathers carefully massaging your fingers through his roots. His eyes fluttered for a second. Before smashing his lips against yours.
You moan, welcoming his tongue against your own, he lifts you up as you wrap your legs around his waist.
His lips move down your neck, planting kisses and bites along your neck. He keeps moving downwards kissing and biting along your exposed collarbone.
“Do tell me little bird of mine, why are you still wearing this” He spoke glaring at your corset
“A knife in the seam of my dress” you panted out breathlessly, your body pulsing
“Ah aren’t you just a clever little assassin” He breathed smirking, whilst feeling for your blade, after finding it he quickly sliced up the middle of your dress, exposing your now bare chest. “I hate you” you whispered breathily.
“Doubtful” he responded, then without giving you so much as a second to think his mouth was on you, sucking, kissing and biting causing you to let out small gasps and moans at his torture.
His hands slowly trail their way down your body, before his hand makes its way into your lace undergarments. He begins to run slow circles on your most sensitive spot, letting out a quiet growl of pleasure as you let out another moan.
“Shit” you think to yourself, “so much for getting myself out of this”.
Your thoughts are interrupted when Hawks abruptly pulls you away from the wall, lifting and almost throwing you on the bed, eyes widening you watch him stalk towards you, like some sort of crazed predator. You’ve half the mind to reach for one of your daggers only to remember it lay on the cold stone ground now meters away from you.
“You have no idea what seeing the real side of you does to me” he spoke breathily, his muscled chest rising and falling now almost completely exposed after your pulling at his lose shirt. As you watched him through your lashes you felt a pulse of heat radiating in the pit of your stomach and your sex.
Without warning he knelt in front of you, spreading your legs apart before getting your panties in his mouth and pulling them down leaving you completely exposed. You knew you were getting wetter by the second. Suddenly his mouth was on you, devouring and teasing you, his tongue worked it’s way around your clit, Hawks pushed a finger in you and then another, eliciting multiple unholy noises from your mouth. Finally when you felt an explosion building up inside of you from the torture he stopped.
Almost whimpering from the sudden loss of ecstasy your eyes snapped open to find him, embarrassingly your hips tried to follow his hands.
Chuckling darkly he spoke again.
“You know little farmer girl, I want the king dead too”
Now this was the last thing you’d expected to hear. Shocked you look up meeting his now lust filled eyes.
“He’s a villain to my country” Hawks continued matter of factly.
You stayed quiet waiting for him to elaborate.
“So you’re going to have to be a good girl and be patient, I’m afraid I can’t have you killing him before I’m ready”
Still breathing heavily from his treatment you tried to process what he was saying.
“So” he spoke, “in exchange for you holding off killing him, I promise to keep you” he knelt again, lazily rubbing circles into your clit again “very entertained” his voice dripped like honey, and your eyes were rolling back as the fire built up inside you again.
“So Y/N do we have a deal?” He spoke as you continued to moan.
“Yes” you finally said “oh god yes” as your orgasm finally reached you.
Chuckling darkly his wings unfurled stretching far beyond the length of the bed frame, he finally replied
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noroi1000 · 1 year
New Story!
Fantasy Au, Merman Gojo x Reader x Siren Hawks
This is Merman Gojo x reader x Siren Hawks. This is angst, dark romance. There are brutal scenes, manipulations, death, blood and fights here. If you don't want to read, you don't have to. There will also be NSFW later.
Gojo and Hawks will behave like the creatures they are here: guarding the area, marking the prey, marking the partner. This is my first Hawks story, and the first one with so much fantasy au. I'll try my best!
You live on Flowers Island. In a place where your city has been swallowed by monsters and nature. Wild animals. Your new home is... Dangerous. Just as if you lived in your old village. You have the sea, cliffs and forests nearby. Homes of creatures that are not human. You work in the city, you get up in the morning to come back at night. Your paths to the city are dangerous. And the new city is not protected from creatures that sing to human's minds. The area where the city is located is a "hunting" area belonging to unearthly beautiful creatures. The winged Siren and the blue-eyed Merman. Creatures that lure men and women for fun. To kill them. What if you catch their attention during your daily walk through the clearings?
Read story on: Archive of our own
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sparkles-and-trash · 4 months
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Little redraw for day 2 of @dabihawksweeks Mythology ~
Fae Keigo and Phoenix Touya 🧚🏻🐦‍🔥
Touya’s hair is red when he comes out of the ashes, and turns whiter the closer he is to burning up, which depends on his fire use, while Keigo is just ✨ pretty ✨
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